September 2, 2014 MINUTES BE IT remembered that on the 2nd day of September, 2014, at 9:00 A.M., the Board of Supervisors of Hinds County met in the Chancery Court Building, Board of Supervisors’ Room, Jackson, Mississippi; pursuant to the provisions of Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Section 19-3-13 and resolution heretofore adopted by the Board. This being a regular meeting of said Board, when the following were present: DARREL MCQUIRTER – PRESIDENT PEGGY HOBSON CALHOUN – VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT GRAHAM – MEMBER TONY GREER – MEMBER KENNETH I. STOKES – MEMBER Also present and attending upon said Supervisors’ Court were Chancery Clerk and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Eddie Jean Carr; Deputy Chancery Clerk Greta Lovell; Deputy Chancery Clerk Keelan Sanders; Deputy Sheriff Russell Ellis; Public Works Director Carl Frelix; Emergency Management Director Ricky Moore; County Administrator Carmen Davis and Board Attorney Pieter Teeuwissen when the following business was had and done, to-wit: AGENDA ATTACHED TO and incorporated herein is the agenda for today’s meeting. Since the meeting was held pursuant to statute, no special notice was given. INVOCATION PRESIDENT McQuirter called the meeting to order at 9:05 A.M. Dr. S. E. Alexander, Clinton, MS, offered the invocation. ELECTED OFFICIALS Election Commission – Contract with Town of Edwards for Special Mayoral Election UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Robert Graham absent not voting, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve entering into a contract for a Special Election for the Court Ordered Mayoral Election for the Town of Edwards. Election Commission – Contract with City of Jackson for Ward 1 Councilperson UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Robert Graham absent not voting, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was 1 September 2, 2014 RESOLVED to approve entering into a contract for a Special Election for the Ward 1 City Councilperson for the City of Jackson. ELECTED OFFICIALS Sheriff’s Department – Approve MDOT Litter Removal and Mowing MOU UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Mississippi Department of Transportation, (MDOT) for additional litter removal and mowing cycles to Rights-of-Way of Interstate 20 for interchanges at Edwards, Bolton and Ellis Avenue, pending Board Attorney approval. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Sheriff’s Department – Advertise Forfeiture Notices (6) UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Tony Greer, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve advertising six forfeiture notices in the Jackson Advocate. HINDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER Central Mississippi Medical Center (CMMC) Burn Center / Resolution Dr. Clyde Muse, Hinds Community College President, commended the Board for the action taken at the last meeting donating property to Hinds Community College. He introduced Central Mississippi Medical Center, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Charlotte Dupre and Mrs. Laura Ramsey, Chief of Nursing. He stated that CMMC had the only Burn Center in the state of Mississippi. He outlined for the Board to prospective expansion of the Nursing / Allied Health Center near the hospital and also the prospective expansion at Eagle Ridge. No action taken. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. RESOLUTION Resolution Honoring and Commending Dr. V. Clyde Muse, President HCC UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve a Resolution Honoring and Commending Dr. V. Clyde Muse, President of Hinds Community College, Raymond, Mississippi. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Dr. Charlotte Dupre, Chief Executive Officer, CMMC discussed upcoming and recent changes to the hospital. RESOLUTION Honoring the Talent and Lifetime Achievements of Mr. Harold Dorsey UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Kenneth I. Stokes, Robert Graham voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was 2 September 2, 2014 RESOLVED to approve a Resolution of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors that observes and records the exceptional talent and lifetime achievements of Mr. Harold Dorsey in the field of Visual Art. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. CLAIMS Interfund Advance UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve the following interfund advance as of September 2, 2014. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Advance to: CDBG Grant Fund $ 1,000.00 Advance from: General County Fund $ 1,000.00 Interfund Advance Repaid UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve the following interfund advance repaid as of September 2, 2014. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Advance repaid to: General County Fund $ 50,000.00 Advance repaid from: CFDA 16.738 JAG/JET (Jxn/MBN)Gr. $ 50,000.00 Special Claim – Prince & Associates PLLC UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve a special claim from Prince & Associates, PLLC in the amount of $3,524.50 for legal services to the Board Attorney; presented by Greta Lovell. Special Claim – Simon & Teeuwissen, PLLC UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve a special claim from Simon & Teeuwissen, PLLC in the amount of $3,500.00 for Board Attorney Pieter Teeuwissen and $21,000.00 for legal services to the Board of Supervisors, for a total of $24,500.00; presented by Greta Lovell. Special Claim – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve a special claim from National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in the amount of $150.00 for full color page advertisement in the 32nd Annual Scholarship Awards Banquet; presented by Greta Lovell. 3 September 2, 2014 Special Claim – Heavenly Manna Ministries, Inc. UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve a special claim from Heavenly Manna Ministries, the amount of $150.00 for full page advertisement for the annual fundraiser banquet; presented by Greta Lovell. Special Claim – New Galilean M. B. Church UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve a special claim from New Galilean M. B. Church in the amount of $100.00 for full page color advertisement for Pastor’s Appreciation Souvenir Booklet; presented by Greta Lovell. * Supervisor McQuirter recused himself from the next claim and left the meeting at approximately 10:00 a.m. * Regular Claims # 5902 – Watkins Nakesha McQuirter UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter recused, Kenneth I. Stokes voting nay, it was RESOLVED to approve the claim numbered 5902, as appears in the Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell. * Supervisor McQuirter returned the meeting at approximately 10:03 a.m. * Regular Claims – over $100,000.00 UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting nay, it was RESOLVED to approve the claim numbered 6029, as appears in the Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell. Regular Claims – over $100,000.00 UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Robert Graham, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve the claim numbered 6050, as appears in the Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell. Regular Claims UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting nay, it was 4 September 2, 2014 RESOLVED to approve the claims numbered 5731 – 6059, less claims number 5902, 6029, and 6050, as appears in the Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell. CLAIMS APPROVAL ORDER UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting nay, it was RESOLVED to approve Order for the claims portion of the minutes of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors for September 2, 2014. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Reimbursement Request – Industrial Park Development Economic Development Director Blake Wallace introduced Ms. Jennifer Spann, EDA Communications Director. He stated Ms. Spann worked previously with the Mississippi Development Authority. UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting nay, it was RESOLVED to approve reimbursement request for I-20 West Industrial Site $145,124.88 for Option fees for land purchases, Clinton Public School District and Neal Schaffer, paid July and August 2014. Documents affixed hereto and incorporated herein. APPOINTMENT Jackson - Hinds Library System UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting aye, it was RESOLVED to appoint Mr. Wayne McDaniels to the Jackson-Hinds Library System Board of Trustees as an at-large member, effective September 1, 2014. APPOINTMENT Economic Development Authority UPON A motion of Darrel McQuirter and a second by Kenneth I. Stokes, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, it was RESOLVED to appoint Mr. Michael Walker to the Hinds County Economic Development Authority Board of Trustees as an at-large member, effective September 1, 2014. STATE OWNED PROPERTY Unkempt Property – Allow Hinds County to work on Property Supervisor McQuirter advised that the State will give the County a release allowing Hinds County to clean state owned property. However, he mentioned these properties are located in the City of Jackson and additional legal advice may be needed prior to proceeding. There was additional discussion on Interlocal Agreements and these properties. No action was taken. 5 September 2, 2014 ABANONDED/DILAPIDATED PROPERTIES Enter Interlocal Agreement with City of Jackson to Demolish Abandoned/Dilapidated Properties Mr. Gus McCoy, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Jackson, advised that the City would be willing to discuss working with Hinds County to clean up various properties. UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve entering into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Jackson for removal of abandoned/dilapidated properties. ADVERTISEMENT Hinds County Human Resource Agency – 20th Annual Awards & Recognition Gala UPON A motion of Darrel McQuirter and a second by Kenneth I. Stokes, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve an advertisement in the amount of $250.00 for the Hinds County Human Resource Agency 20th Annual Awards & Recognition Gala. *Supervisor McQuirter recused himself from the next item and left the meeting at approximately 10:33 a.m. * BYRAM – CLINTON CORRIDOR UTILITY DISTRICT Approve to Hire Attorney, Keith Turner Supervisor Calhoun made a motion to hire Attorney Keith Turner, Watkins and Eager, to assist the county in creating a utility district. Supervisor Greer seconded the motion, with Supervisor Calhoun voting aye, Supervisor Graham voting nay, Supervisor Greer voting aye, Supervisor McQuirter recused and Supervisor Stokes voting nay, the motion failed. *Supervisor McQuirter returned to the meeting at approximately 10:34 a.m. * PUBLIC WORKS/ OAKLEY PALESTINE ROAD Brother Alan Balliet Mr. Alan Balliet appealed the Board regarding a section of Oakley Palestine road that has not been resurfaced. Public Works Director Carl Frelix stated that his department will search for funds to resurface Oakley Palestine between Midway Road and Dry Grove Road. RECREATION FUNDS / G N SMITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Naming of Walking Trail Supervisor Stokes advised that $5,000.00 was approved for G. N. Smith for playground equipment. However, the equipment had already been purchased. 6 He September 2, 2014 requested these funds be re-allocated to provide a walking trail and proposed that the trail be named in honor of former Principal Gaylia Porter. UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve using the prior $5000.00 allocation to G. N. Smith designated for the purpose of purchasing Play Ground Equipment be reallocated for a Walking Trail. UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve naming the G. N. Smith Walking Trail in honor of Gaylia Porter, pending Jackson Public School Board approval. PERSONNEL Increase Minimum County Wage to $10.10 per Hour Supervisor Stokes made a motion to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for all Hinds County Employees currently making less than $10.10 per hour. Supervisor Graham seconded the motion. There was discussion of the coming budget shortfall and recurring expenses. UPON the motion by Supervisor Stokes, Supervisor Calhoun voting nay, Supervisor Graham voting aye, Supervisor Greer voting nay, Supervisor McQuirter voting nay and Supervisor Stokes voting aye, the motion failed. PUBLIC WORKS Paving of County Dirt Roads Supervisor Stokes requested a list of county dirt road and the cost to pave each. Public Works Director Carl Frelix stated he would put this list together. APPOINTMENT Economic Development Authority UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to appoint Mr. Vincent Byrd to the Hinds County Economic Development Authority Board of Trustees for District 5, effective September 2, 2014. PUBLIC WORKS Neighborhood Clean-ups (St. Luther Missionary Baptist Church and South Drive) UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve the Public Works Department assisting with neighborhood cleanups for St. Luther Missionary Baptist Church and South Drive on September 20, 2014, and to approve the use of a dump truck, debris truck with mechanical arm and overtime for two employees for each location. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. 7 September 2, 2014 PERSONNEL Summer Youth Worker Program Update Personnel Director Mickie Parker stated that the Summer Youth Employment Program was a success. She advised that letters have been received from businesses, many of whom look were forward to working with the county next year. PERMIT AND ZONING Adoption of Various International Codes and National Electric Codes for Inspection Activities for Unincorporated Hinds County UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Tony Greer, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve an Ordinance Adopting Various International Codes and National Electric Codes relating to Inspection Activities of the Unincorporated Area of Hinds County, Mississippi and enforcement of building provisions as provided in the 2006 International Building Code, 2006 International Fire Code and adopting the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, effective September 15, 2014. Documents affixed hereto and incorporated herein. DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS Grant Program Records Pursuant to Section 39-5-9, MS Code over 5 years old UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve destroying grant files – program records pursuant to Section 39-5-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, as amended. This is to destroy records that are more than five (5) years old (records will be shredded). Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. ADVERTISEMENT Bids for Cleaning/Janitorial Services in the Jackson Advocate and Clarion Ledger UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve advertising for bids for Cleaning and Janitorial Services for county Courthouses in the Jackson Advocate and the Clarion Ledger. PURCHASING Ratify Use of Reverse Auction Bidding for Public Works Term Bids UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was 8 September 2, 2014 RESOLVED to ratify reverse auction bidding for the Public Works Term Bids. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. BUDGET & FINANCE Budget Amendments UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve Budget Amendments representing Departmental transfers between line items with explanations in compliance with GASB-34. There are no amendments that impact the General Fund unappropriated surplus. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. MINUTE INSERTIONS County Administrator Carmen Davis presented the following for minute insertions: A. Tentative Work Schedule for the Month of September, 2014 for Central Office, North, Southeast and Southwest Maintenance Crews BOARD ATTORNEY Retain Legal Services – Keith Parsons / Jones Walker (Legal Opinion 2007A Bonds) UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve retaining the services of Keith Parson / Jones Walker to provide expert legal opinion with respect to the 2007 Bonds and to approve an engagement letter not to exceed $15,000.00. National Institute of Correction Planning of New Jails Training Board Attorney Teeuwissen advised the Board that the recent trip to Colorado for training was helpful for Hinds County. Daniel Coker Horton & Bell Claim for B Hearn Lawsuit UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve the negotiated claim for the B. Hearn matter from Daniel Coker Horton & Bell in the amount of $13,000.00. Freeport Warehouse – United Steel Supply (1095 Mendell Davis Drive, Byram) UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Robert Graham voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve 10 year Freeport Warehouse for United Steel Supply, at the 1095 Mendell Davis Drive, Byram location. 9 September 2, 2014 Freeport Warehouse – United Steel Supply (951 Prisock Road, Byram) UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Darrel McQuirter, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve 10 year Freeport Warehouse for United Steel Supply, at the 951 Prisock Road, Byram location. Tax Matter – Armstrong World Industries, Inc. UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Tony Greer, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve upholding the current assessed value for 2014 and taking no action on the request for reduction of assessment or Freeport warehouse exemption. Tax Parcel #75-56 – Property Escaping Taxation (2009 through 2013) UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve assessment of former years, according to Section 2735-155 MS Code for years 2009 through 2013. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Contract – Independent Contractor – William Case (Henley Young Juvenile Special Legal Counsel Anthony R. Simon advised the Board that the contract for Mr. Case was legally sufficient. However, the Board would need to determine the funding source for this contract. The Board discussed the hiring, cost and other factors. Supervisor Greer made a motion to approve the contract with William Case. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Graham. After further discussion, legal advised the Board hold this item. The motion and second were withdrawn. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program Grant Approval – Round 7 UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Program application Part II for Round 7, Commercial Fire Pumper, West Hinds VFD, $70,000.00. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program Grant Approval – Round 8 UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Program application Part II for Round 8, Mobile Water Supply Apparatus, Brownsville VFD, $70,000.00. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. 10 September 2, 2014 Radio Equipment Inventory – Declare Surplus and Sell as needed A motion was made by Supervisor Stokes to approve the sale of excess radio equipment purchased from Forest County on an as needed basis. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Graham. The motion and second were withdrawn to discuss the inventory status of the equipment. Supervisor McQuirter suggested the items be inventoried as needed, then sell the remaining equipment and to approve this pending proper inventory procedures. UPON A motion of Darrel McQuirter and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes voting nay, it was RESOLVED to approve declaring surplus inventory, after property inventory procedures are completed, and authorizing the sale of excess radio equipment on an as needed basis. PUBLIC WORKS Approval to Sell Vehicles through and remove from Inventory UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Kenneth I. Stokes, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to deadline Public Work’s vehicles and equipment and to sell the following vehicles and equipment through County # Description VIN Number 25575 1986 Ford Ranger 1FTCR14TOHPA15579 21349 1994 Ford F150 1FTDF15Y3RNB00162 23343 1995 Ford F150 1FTEF15N1SLC06010 24429 1999 Dodge Truck 3B6MC3653XM551287 22912 1996 Ford F150 Crew Cab 1FTJW35H9TEA97709 4486 1996 Ford F150 1FTRF17213NB62357 34022 2008 JCB Backhoe KSD32040125U2598208 21340 1994 Ford F150 1FTEF15N2RNB34460 23336 1995 Ford F150 1FTEF15NXSLC06006 23331 1995 Ford F150 1FTEF15N9SLC06000 23280 1995 Waldon Sweeper 23931 24227 1993 Chevrolet Truck 1GGGC24KPE184854 22660 1995 Ford F350 2FDUF37H2SCA75614 21242 1994 Duraco Patcher 1271 22104 1994 Ford Tractor ZX250892 24226 1991 Ford Ranger 1FTCR10UXMUD5319 Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. Approval to Sell Vehicles through and remove from Inventory UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Kenneth I. Stokes, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to deadline Public Work’s vehicles and to sell the following vehicles as scrap metal: County # Description VIN Number 26247 1992 Ford F150 2FTEF15Y9NCA72100 23334 1995 Ford F150 1FTEF15N4SLC06003 23335 1995 Pickup Truck FLT 1FTEF15N0SLC06001 Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. 11 September 2, 2014 CHANCERY CLERK Orders Cancelling Tax Sale/Authorizing Refunds/Reassessment Changes to the Assessment Rolls UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve the following: Orders Cancelling Tax Sale, Authorizing Refund & Reassessment: Parcel #106-11-6, State of Mississippi; Parcel #211-315 (2011), Montgomery Shirley; Parcel #525-102 (2011), Kennedy Maurice; Parcel #630-155 (2011), Keyes Victoria; Parcel #853-172 (2011), Stronger Hope MB Church Inc; Parcel #308-43 (2011), Stronger Hope MB Church Inc; Parcel #723-6-19 (2011), Stronger Hope Baptist Church; Parcel #822-329, Capital Property Fund Documents affixed hereto and incorporated herein. MINUTE INSERTIONS Greta Lovell, Deputy Chancery Clerk, presented the following as Minute Insertions: A. Central Mississippi Planning and Development District Contract #1034-21, Rural Aging Grant Program B. Central Mississippi Planning and Development District Budget/Contract Amendment #1 for contract #1034-21, Rural Aging Grant Program C. Certificate of Liability Insurance, Historic Renovations of Yazoo, Inc. D. Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District notice of setting millage rate for district at 4.75 mills E. Lease Renewal, SWW Properties (Approved July 21, 2014) F. Westin Project Documents: 1. Interim Construction and Term Loan Agreement 2. Action by Unanimous Written Consent of the Managing Member and the Members of Capital Hotel Associates, LLC (Adoption of Resolutions) 3. Action by Written Consent of the Members of the Capital Hotel Associates, LLC (Adoption of Resolutions/Purchase of Property) 4. Loan Agreement ($20,000,000.00) Continuing Guaranty: Guarantor: Joseph A. Simpson; Borrower: Capital Hotel Associates, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company; Lender: Hinds County Mississippi 5. Loan Agreement ($20,000,000.00) Continuing Guaranty: Guarantor: Jesse W. Simpson, Jr.; Borrower: Capital Hotel Associates, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company; Lender: Hinds County Mississippi 6. Loan Agreement ($20,000,000.00) Continuing Guaranty: Guarantor: Ann Purcell; Borrower: Capital Hotel Associates, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company; Lender: Hinds County Mississippi 7. Loan Agreement ($20,000,000.00) Continuing Guaranty: Guarantor: John M. Luckett; Borrower: Capital Hotel Associates, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company; Lender: Hinds County Mississippi 8. Loan Agreement ($20,000,000.00) Continuing Guaranty: Guarantor: David I. Waddell; Borrower: Capital Hotel Associates, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company; Lender: Hinds County Mississippi 9. Loan Agreement ($20,000,000.00) Continuing Guaranty: Guarantor: Andrew Jenkins; Borrower: Capital Hotel Associates, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company; Lender: Hinds County Mississippi 12 September 2, 2014 10. Non-Revolving Line of Credit and Term Promissory Note ($20,000,000.00), effective April 1, 2014 from Capital Hotel Associates, LLC to Hinds County, Mississippi G. ID Group – Scope of Work, Hinds County Detention Facility IP Camera Installation H. July 2009 internet article, Financial advisor’s bio doesn’t quite add up (Submitted by Supervisor Graham for substantiation of August 4 nay vote, hiring of Financial Advisor) I. Office of State Aid Road Construction denial of request to add a portion of Old Highway 51 at Terry, MS to the State Aid system in Hinds County. J. Proofs of Publication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hinds County District 1, Tax Sale Parcels (Jackson Advocate) Hinds County District 1, Tax Sale Parcels (Mississippi Link) Hinds County District 2, Tax Sale Parcels (Mississippi Link) Notice of Land Sold for Taxes Maturing August 27, 2014 (Clarion Ledger) Hinds County Storm Water Management Program (Clarion Ledger) EXECUTIVE SESSION Consider Executive Session UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to close the Open session. UPON A motion of Kenneth I. Stokes and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Tony Greer voting aye, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, it was RESOLVED to approve entering Executive Session for the purpose of conducting business and discussions regarding litigation/potential litigation, the purchase, sale or leasing of land and the location/relocation or expansion of a business or industry. PIETER TEEUWISSEN, Board Attorney, announced to the public that the Board entered Executive Session at approximately 11:46 a.m. for the purpose of conducting business and discussions regarding: 1. 2. TUSA Consulting Report Capital Hotel Associates invoices These are purposes authorized for Executive Session by Section 25-41-7(4) (b), (g) and (j) of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, which permits executive sessions for strategy sessions or negotiations with respect to prospective litigation, litigation or issuance of an appealable order when an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body, transaction of business and discussion regarding the prospective purchase, sale or leasing of lands and transaction of business and discussion or negotiations regarding the location, relocation or expansion of a business or an industry. 13 September 2, 2014 Those entering the Executive Session were President Darrel McQuirter, Supervisor Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Supervisor Robert Graham, who exited at 12:36 p.m., Supervisor Tony Greer and Supervisor Kenneth I Stokes, who exited at 12:37 p.m. Also present were Chancery Clerk Eddie Jean Carr, County Administrator Carmen Davis, Board Attorney Pieter Teeuwissen, Special Legal Counsel Anthony R. Simon, Special Legal Counsel Scherrie Prince, Nick Tusa, who entered at 11:50 a.m. and exited at 12:25 p.m., Ricky Moore, who entered at 11:50 a.m. and exited at 12:28 p.m., Joey Perkins, who entered at 11:50 a.m. and exited at 12:28 p.m. E911 Emergency Communications System Discussion of this matter included a briefing by Consultant Tusa who reported the following: equipment was in deplorable shape, the elements/parts were pulled out; only 11 of 20 channels were operational (9 were dead); three antennae and pre-amplifier were not working; shelters themselves need work regarding the water leakage. In addition, three out of six microwave systems had issues, including alarm system issues. An eight-man team was required to correct the deficiencies. This was the status, further detailed in Tusa’s report, at the time the Hinds County terminated Airwaves as maintenance providers. Discussion only / no action taken. Capital Hotel Associates, LLC / Westin Invoices Supervisor Stokes and Graham exited before discussing this item. Discussion only / no action taken. UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Darrel McQuirter, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham absent not voting, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to return to Open Session. The Board returned to Open Session from Executive Session at approximately 12:41 p.m. No other action, vote or discussion of any kind took place in the Executive Session. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. BOARD ATTORNEY Westin Project/Capital Hotel Associates, LLC Reconsider the Action of June 2, 2014 UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Tony Greer, Robert Graham absent not voting, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to reconsider the action of June 2, 2014, approving Requisition #3 for the Westin Project/ Capital Hotel Associates, LLC 14 September 2, 2014 Westin Project/Capital Hotel Associates, LLC Void Requisition #3 (June 2, 2014) UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Tony Greer, Robert Graham absent not voting, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to void Requisition #3 for the Westin Project/ Capital Hotel Associates, LLC approved June 2, 2014. Westin Project/Capital Hotel Associates, LLC Requisition 5 ($20,000,000.00 MDA Loan) UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Tony Greer, Robert Graham absent not voting, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was RESOLVED to approve payment to Capital Hotel Associates, LLC for Requisition No. 5 in the amount of $330,455.62 to be paid from the Twenty Million dollar loan between the Mississippi Development Authority to Hinds County for this project. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein. ANNOUNCEMENTS President McQuirter announced the following meetings of the Board of Supervisors: September 11, 2014 Work session Board of Supervisors’ Room Chancery Court Building Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M. September 12, 2014 Special Meeting/Budget Adoption/Tax Levy Board of Supervisors’ Room Chancery Court Building Jackson, MS 2:30 P.M. September 15, 2014 Special Meeting Board of Supervisors’ Room Chancery Court Building Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M. September 29, 2014 Special Meeting Board of Supervisors’ Room Chancery Court Building Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M. October 6, 2014 Regular Meeting Board of Supervisors’ Room Chancery Court Building Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M. Any additional, special, recessed, or other meetings may be held by posting, minute entry or by other means as allowed by law. ADJOURNMENT UPON A motion of Tony Greer and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun, Robert Graham absent not voting, Darrel McQuirter voting aye, Kenneth I. Stokes absent not voting, it was 15 September 2, 2014 RESOLVED to adjourn until September 12, 2014, Board of Supervisors’ Room, Chancery Court Building, Jackson, MS. Whereupon the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:46 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the meeting to be held on September 12, 2014, is a Special Meeting of the Board. HINDS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS _________________________________________ Darrel McQuirter, Board President Attest: Eddie Jean Carr, Chancery Clerk By: _________________________D.C. 16