AU-39 qfirsr Udrdrd ?rf,t (Erd) I=d?dtffrmfi Efrsrrq' ts-dRrS{ {*q Frd (Assignment Work) wa-zors-r0 fl.q.{fiq{{(EftdR{l iqerq - rrrro or Eftgm tzao € tosz {. co qqq - oz:oo Ejt Xofo , eo ctHlfrtt tsE Ffitr q{ qr't ?i Ev+r fla Fr{ft 1. sfi c{.1 3rFrErd A I qFr FC - getll qrtmrffo, i ffisa i'' q) * "i "g*-to s{q (Eq 1 t a)qda - rdo d or o-o Mfta t (sffq)SqI z qr s qrasl "n { z do (sdr frqr zs srd vvl (Ea s € rs) u* u- ag-tr€-o ** *- di €d{iq cr;I (ed 17 i 20) - cdo { 4 q'6 ((dr Sqr rso {r<l- d) z. wffq 6rd d qgq ift{ sdi eTrg- q qFI 1 ori-d rnffi gal i oh rntt Who defeated in the fight ofAnglo-French wars? qzn 2 cms d g< i alc 6rl ei? Who defeated in the warof Buxer? gY:I 3 c< In q{q 4 grn oi Fffi f6q s{ A'd? which year Nand Kumar hanged ? s"rcffa Rie +1 { 6I qrq rql e{I? What was the name ofthe capital of Ranjeet Singh? q{{5 gt-<aru d Tqr ftsR et? rasz d qqq What were the thought of Surendra Nath Sen about 1857? glil 6 drd {fu6 gT{ 7 *errff dsldw f6-sd sre{ ls-q[ r|ql efi? Permanent settlementwas setled who belonged gFI 8 dl i o1 Xs q|d rql e{i? What was the main thing of Educational Reform of Lord Bentik? d l}rar *iqrft {qn qc a1 Fr6rS rqr B? What is drain of wealth? it ? ts erug- q{jl In gq{ d ciiftq rrq orrac d€ teqrsrE 9 10 E g3Tr? which way the Hyderabad Pfovince must be constructed? -qdd"tii 3 qrqrqmdd? Whatdo you know about Dupley? enq cqr qr+d B? What do you know about Chet Singh? g{{ 11 ?of*c d srt d g{jl 12 t.{dle.r Trc 4t Xs fta}qdl {qr ei? What was the main feature of RegulatingAct? ggq 13 g{n 14 c{{ 15 61 sfu efl ,i? What was the treaty of 'YANDABOO'? qsr{ rass d vfld of 1@ qrA rqr adi? What were the main things of theAct of 1835? tqrqdi cq What g{;I 16 is B? the Raiyatbari system? rrcl6qrgl a*an dqr d? Whai is the system of Mahalbari? ETE€_ g{q 17 q vr.tro d qff+ g€ rzot d Tqr 6r<"r q? What were the causes of Panipatwar of '1761? i i g5I 18 qdftrfr T-{r d sR src aq qr+d €? emq o1 d.rqi What do you know about the incedent of Queens ofAwadh? s{:T 1s {l-('d|{ dx or xaior olfuv t Evaluate the King TiPu. q*r 20 o1 Frft d rrqifto 6R'r rqr a)? What were the political causes of revolution of 1 857? 1857 - -^ ^ _l rrtHMl I4{qrdq[dq Enr MR-c ot|€q r, Ftdr - {ria dild q{}sfl q m1F16 il \'q+{d q{l {e dl fiqRl6c gw{ oi cfffl{ coqr 'fir lar odn I q't I fa{Efiqrdq aRr rErq A-< q -cror;'tdo c{rn ii d'ffi frft w cci qqw ffi ffi AU-40 qFrr gqrara rrrf (trn) fts{dtt{rm{ Edl{rrq' Fdrfi5t rr*q 6d fiqq {fitm ar tose S (Assignment Work) wa-zors-r0 fi.q. {frq {t{ (Etrdr$l tsso o**-Efro {. oo qrtrr X"tfo , +o c&,ilRtd tsS t€tt qqqr I'F-r fq{q q{ taFr {d r. q,lt qc.t erffi i r z qr*q ord d q:l dl-r cqei i f+ltr"ro *,s.g er- srt? dgsdftq v:< (ag r t a) { ol rfo Mfto t (rot frrr z qt .* n- *jooto vw (qa s € ra) - vcio d z eio (aot ffqI zs {rqi d) * ei so€ q qsc (1F rz d zo) - i + qd (sea Sqr rso s<l d) : smsi -* qrg- u{{ 1 lifusr qron i n vr+a gc qtlc rAo f6-€ 3I s{ cgffi d *? ln which year New Royal Infield gun introduced by British Govemment? q{q 2 qmftq q{rnfi o-dr * dd{ rrsrc d fu€ qd fifl ln which year Indian administration handed gE:I 3 tzo .i In g{:I 4 iv rrrc 6t qrrffql i qiq {r qrq rrqlz overcompanyto Emperor? fiqr arr? which name was given by Indian for the pressAct of 1876 ? .rrJ R.r-r -l ltftd qffis I -ronr ol srg ffi oa A cft? How many age limit wal fixed by Lord Ripon for civil service examination? s{;Is ,tlT q:T Oq E3lI lrll? When introduced partision of Bengal" q{:I srl,r.r o-fl{Fr ,) fin.r-l 6 s*q e)? How many members were secleted in Simon-Commission? g5I 7 l-.i..s i i'hiFl ft.rry{ 6l qrifi d tudrF g€ al s}sqr a1? England decleared was against Germany in september what is the fixed date ? gcn 8 q,a{ .l trr+ rro tss: .} +1i la? orjc ffi {d dd 'qn? <ffo, How many long Railway line in 1853 which one introduced as thane to Bombay? q-) to qus9{{9 1s57 {. d fdiiE ol silq rql qd'}? Whatdoyou thinkabout 1857A D. Rebelion? T5l rasa {. d vf,c ot 10 Xc+r ur<ri c+t E eft? Whatwere them main sections ofthe 1858A D.Act? g{q qftrqrardr qFr d qrt d e q cqr qr{d Ei? Whatdo you know about Jaliyabala Bag incedent? 1'l gR"T 12 orsaqlq eri.ian o1 5w <rd' a{II :-ff? Whatwere the main things of Non-cooperation movement? q5{ 13 3ndd.r o'I nq stvq Eqr a)? "rrro Whatwerethe main aims of Qui!lndia-Movement? gFr 14 g5T 15 qRiftq qfrqr.r q- f6d,) dkfi 3rDdR ltq €? How manyfundamental rights are remaining in lndian constitution? g{:t 16 erd {qrq 6I qlTI q}.|<r-r efi? N aql orq'r ai? "rno fieqrm.r d Whatwere the causes ofthe partision of India? What were the contribution ofArya-Samaj? trvg { orqT .n e-"_dq o1fuql Give an account of the works of Lord Ripon? d g{:I 17 f,d qt:I 18 3nc @r q{sd El? ? What do you understand by dual administration which one discussed by theAct of 1919A D rsrs Rqc d g€ d sPf-.r dsr cns{ d c:n 19 t{trGq ea d 5w oeol aql e}? What were the main aims of Swarajist party s{{ zo vqq-r llcFl .i .tlif llnn qiifr a-< i 4qt ftqn e)? Whatwere the main thoughts of Ramkrishan misson about ldelworship? dRtffR-d frfuc{ flci * ffi qlg *tr]tscli,ro 6irr cfl$ ii,l I lalElinr,nq dRr q<!,r ajl 'rs gwo ol vfu|s "fut "ffi rHfi AU-41 qF-s-d g4ffird ?I{f ({ffil ffldtffrmq Effir$rq' frdtsgt s*q 6d (Assignment Work) sa-zors-lo fq{q _ qga rftrr- /^ fi.q- 4-fiqt{ ({rtr;nft{r[q) 3fl-{ rq'illr{tq €qq srq - oz'oo :i ErC s{JI ;{;lifll Ir; - qqq : : \fiITDIlir : ctcilFtt tE F€tr Fr{vrt .rr qrr ai: qS sgc qFrard t t s*s ord d cri ff{ st}' qv+r r. z. - fte { fr'{Itqd t:- cl< (ed 1d a) -rdo{ or irio Mfto € (vocSrrzqrgqrfli'd) .* "- agstrffs "n "g**lfo c{{ (€d s t ro) - rdo { z <ro (vot ffqr zs sl<l' l) srs q*'-s s- A; sotq cl+ (ea lz d zo) - rdo d a ei6 F6{ Sqr lso :r<l i) l{ugT{ir 1 3I d{ 3iilndF rrr*Ffi d ?,rqqc 6r vo da fdfug t Write the any one scope ofthe study of international politics. sfi 2 (ffitq {rsfift r *r qc oer{ 16{or €? -YrFft YrFft d ii{i {iq{ t "lnternational politics isthe powerand strugal for powef'. Who said this statement? cr{ g f6-6 v6 (ffitq frfuq €ran dr v6 crq ftfuc I Write the anyone name of the international financial institution qr{ 1 vr+ s 'lefnia uql' or c{{ o q|{d-*{ ga 6q €3 ddri{tq qrqffiq dd €? Where isthe International court? qear Rrsc {ddn dd Efi e{? Wherewas the first coufrence of the Non-Alignment nation's? elr? When was the warof India-Chaina? qqrr 7 ".i2" or ftqa sq ftfug t Write the full form of the "GATT" qsc s " {d i rsz+ { nar"1 vSru rd foqt er? ln 1974 where nucleartest is organised in India? 16 tlrsIIFI 3idan*q 9 {rsffft d qRqrw flfuc q t Defi ne International Politics g?q grmr uRv'< 10 d rerrfi qce d' S qrq fufus t Write the names of permanent membercountries of g5I nited Security Council acr{ rYq-{ d orq et qqrd €? 11 Whatdoyou understand q{;I U bY Defeute? fr.d.ff.d. cqr i? 12 What is the C.T.B.T'? qrra \'ti IIST 13 *c d qq ftq-aq tq sr crq qdr{q? Name the line of controlbetween India and China? 'qfuqr+ rql g:ajl t4 €? What is the 'ASEAN'? qFI ffi 15 <i dRo gret €lU or crq fufug t Write two names of millitary security Treaties. csrl qrtd c{ crfu-grq S qw sl 16 q{sr( {dr{i t Write two problems between India and Pakistan rlrg- g vrl rz vfra ga qnlr Eti d ort"ti o1 f+i-+fl qttfus t Discuss the causes ofthe origin ofthe cold war cs{ 18 €gF {qqq S €frIlots 1ti qrqrfuo cR{E d orqT +t ft}++t o1fus t Discuss the economic and socialwork ofthe U N O. qr{ rg qrfiq fdvt ffft d qu Rr<r<l 6t s{sr{d I Expain aboutthe main principles of Indian foreign policy. d trq *fr qnR-6I ot cXs ffiqmal' or fcivt Analyse the main features of foreign policy of the U S.A cv; 20 \{gff oliVc t ffiot qfrqrdffisrdq ENrFqtR-dfifuw.qci qqfi ffi +- ffiqq + "orono uf* "O* ii I f4Ffuqrdq dRr trErq d 'rff gwd ol qtuFff ct6r w d or rS{ t c< wrrff onr aftlc ri'n I AU-42 qEr gqrera {I{f ({fil) td?dtffraq Edn{{Ir{, tddrsgr F*q 6'rd (Assignment Work) wa-zors-l0 f{qq ift.q. qFftq cyrF.{ Rrdrd V{ dlif6r{ - +6 ilf ({rtr'nft rrH) sc{ qe - flifrq qm vffo , te qwFtt tE Fdn qwr fte ffti qc qrl ?-A r- s4 qsq:rM €t z. sffq ord d c5{ fir rde} d ffita-o d,u-e n- ofr agact+ q{r (Ed 1 € a) - rdo d or s'o Mfttr t (vtr{ ffqI z qr a slfqi {) qrs E- aIFflftq c5{ (qd e i ro) - rdq d 2 oo (vf,r Sqr zs sr'<l d) q-e q- A;d scftq cY{ (qa rz d zo) - { 4 3i6 (strr frqr lso srqi'i) tlu€syn 1 +€ otd EF-6I"I ffi grtr qftcrFd €[ foqrmr t? Who gave POSDCoB view? rry:r 2 srt 3 crq d sa {6rAsI {tF6 d ftgfu ffi Who elects mmptroter and accountant generalof India? qrro d q< ftri*o qicn or srlkr sfff t? npi cqr t? Whatdo you mean by"HierarchY"? qFr s!r{ 4 s qron d otq i By which part ofgovernment Budget repared? +qa d sCq ilrffi d nq ftfug? 3i.T Ertt rqe d-qn ftqr qror t? Write the name of techniques of leadership? q:fl 6 riq d6 +{r orq}q d s{s ffi qd (6 oqi qE qt re soi €? What is theworking period of UPSC member? rrFr 7 or)eeg i< ol cFr I qrra d ffiq s{ 6E i dt 6q dr1 ft-qr rmr? sdcadq f6-s ivr d Inwhich countrywas adoptex Ombudsman firstand when follow of? 6q fld 6I dfir €? Write the term of financialYear? lqfg ql:I 9 di6c{rrg{ + erqq{ d il tfugrito qaft or s"f{ olfuc? Describe the historical method of public administration? qTiI to qcnffi d qFte"I 61 5e vtw aqt t? What is the main purpose of training in administration? q5I 11 qffi6 Tfl f6-€ F6d €? What isthe meaning of internal recruietment? IFFI 12 91FI 13 d ffi eti € q ftfuq? How many steps of Budget making process? eqe Frqf'r qffi'qr aq'r qsr or rwr<c"r d aql drqd i? Def ine the delegation of Authority? IIST 14 qr qfuo{sr o1 cgs ffiqtmi' ot s"f{ olfuc? What is the main feature of line? 9lFI 15 dA qdffoaq 3rFriq m f,dd €? What is the meaning "Thewritof Habes cerpus? c{i 16 cldrcrrff d c5s [6IrI' or qrq fafug? Write the name of different types of Bureaucracy? tlrg- { sla{ 17 alo vvnsc eil-q Frfr rcnwc d qr+ qd <rd r5u w+r+troi 6I s"[l dfuc? Describethe similarilies of public administration and prevaladminstration? cs{ ra =rff{ +n crrs{ o1} uge Hrarut ot s"f{ o1ftR I Describe the main features of"New public administration"? qgc re +6 rsqd fdqrq d sCs orqf or q"ti dfq{? Describethe main funcions ofthe Public Relation Department? yrc lM o1 ersondl qqsr5q t Writethe concept of legislative controlover public administration? zo di6 qcns{ d< n sqRrd €ir{ qOHr qq f+ia"r ti | ffisrdq sM r<rq d r* gwo at cW t{*tq1 h.ufdoraq 3s Mfi-o fdB qt lqci qq{|{ ctHr 6F f dr {di I rrq {rcrff q qffft €'" I AU-43 qFr gqrarc ?rqf ({fd) fd?dF{urdq Efr{{Irq' Rdrfig{ s*q 6d (Assignment Work) wa-zors-ro ftsq ft6m c{ qqf-+qsr fi.q. qftq d{ or :ref{rs g{q - snrfa: an (3r@rrrd) 02:00 cFI rtt - :r.Lqe qsTq .{'ld'l $fllqll<, ro ctrriFtt tsS Fdrr fte Fr{:r} {r qrq ?"- r. q{qlrqqM*t z. sffq ord $ cfi ffc tid n- ffi,,rd e,q-s sr lnft dgctrftq vr< (qa r d a) - rdo q ot 315 Bqffta t (strr fr{r z qr e qr+qi l) qw q- dSs-frfiq vl< (Ed s i to) - rdo if z vo (act ffqr zs :ra<i' q-) sw q- ff €d$q rs{ (ea rz i zo) - cdo d a i}io (sdr frqr rso {|"d i) qv+r s!'g- q st< 1 ag vffi' d faq rd'r i scon i {ft qHFro acrff Government made seperate industrial policy for smallscale industries. qr=T 2 FrqFako d i otq S ag sei'r ftt w{srE i Which is thefollowing problem of smallscale industry? i'€ sq dar d. *"r i t l' csrr 3 qrdl {6 aq'n aor d A Who said that "lndian farmer takes birth in credit lives in credit and dies in credit." '!rFT 4 qrrs d qf\ d Mqc 61 6R"I lWhatarethe reasons behind backwardness ofagriculture in India? q{rr s aR-a q:-r 6 Eftd "qrnftq f6-qn x"r rccr a;ria or sstfuo dFr fufl rysa ol rrq €sI? Which crop gets more benefit from green revolution? rifr d q.T<rdl dt{ €? Who is the father of green revolution? grFr 7 a<n erHan d q'q<rot t- Whoisthefatherof Bhudan revolution? crq I t wa rqw d olc qr ffi *dr t? Name the diseases caused by water polution? r{ 66{r ts- cIrg[{iI 3TrPf6 9 gft gi orFfo f+ors cqr €? q ffi i:r d snfltv f{6rq 6t cqrP{d f,li ara trei d f{ifirdfuql What is economicgroMh and economic development? Discuss the factors affecting economlc development ofa c,ountry I]FI qe:I qrcrrr dfuc qcii6-6tq {Fq"r fudrd 11 Discuss critically the theory of demographic transition dr< d 3TIPf6 Ek dfsdi oralacrffs qrqr otfuc Discuss critically Harrod and Domar model of economic groMh' INFI 13 14 I d *s *r qFI t2 vqw rw d? sE qrn d qrdifirqfi 'I O [{cq $ rgw on"r F{ f t iz"r + sqrql dr q"f{ qiftl What are polotion? Describe the main causes of its control measures ofair polution' qr+q €qrq{ f{6rq d rrrs{{fi Td {flri gc Et cqlFd 6{i srd qdrr- o1 qrsr dfuc I what are theelements ofhuman resource development? Discussthe influencing faclors ofhuman resource development. Eft{ Fifft € aqr oftcrq i? qrtfrq Efq w {s{r ?qr cqro qEr B? Whatdo you mean by green revolution? What impact has it made on agriculter in India' ?'t <r Eti d Tqr 6RUr l? srrsr{q I Flefq t? What is ttte capiialformation? why is the rate of capitalformation slow in developing countries explain d'n {d ffiq fiff qvc 16 aIIcR rigd:I G t.rd|{ €gdn d d(tdfuclffi t{r d SrrdF{ {igr{ + fdFq rd-d qrqr flr crt rs {fr ffid dfrql Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of paymentexplain the items constituting the balance ofpayment ofa country Erug- r c{q r vsc ra sgc q Rcq "qrqR drrdr de{r qRif ' qq \ro dq t Write an essay on "World trade organisation" and India 3Trqrd cf {efiq{ € wr arsd €? qrd qgoR 6t 3nqrd cFfiefiq{ *Ffi or {@ioq atfuq I Whal do you mean by import substitriion? Evalute the import substitution policy of govemment of India. q'l of errai+-roo rssr q'l 3ltetfiro ffffi € snq a.qr lg-q-$-i t? rs ffiFrd' qfisrdfuct frft s{ qu ffivmoi policy of 1 991 What do you undersbnd by indusfial policy critically examine the main features of industial yrq zo qrrfrq ur"f"r+*"n t og aen Efft r# d qea d we olfug m-n wqon am ag aw sff- d ff6rs d fuc fds'rq e{Fl' 6r ridq i s"fq qttfuc t qfft State the significance of small scale and cottage industries in Indian economy and explain briefly thestepstakenbythegovernmenttosetupthesmaIlSca|eandcottageindustriesinIndia. +* + *mro Fr cflHFff M{srdq ERr MRd lifr q{ gKo oi q0{Fff caHr sq n dI sdn I s1 qrqrff qm d ffi @ "t* "Wt ti I Mfq|dq 6I{r rErq dl dl <flci fu sq{{ AU-44 qnrf,d ftsq gq{drf, rrff ({a-d) tcrafturaq E-dfirr{q, td-dn{U{ q*q 6rd (Assignment Work) w-zors-ro fi.q. fqM qRqrurtro grrq qurfo : lo qvur fte {frq{{ FdvrT $. 02:00 q{c qtr - :i qz t fi{ 6'd ffisd i'z. sfq 6rd d u-e o- oft agaoft+ I{{ (qd 1 * e) - vdo { or rfo Frqlfta i (strt frqI z qr : sr€i q-s q- dgsfrtq sgc (ed s d ro) - vdo { 2 d6 (sd{ frqI zs sr<t i) s-e q- ff sdtrr ql< (qa rz * zo) - rrdo { 4 3[6 (sd( frqr rso :r<i- t) qgc qFr 'r lsF g- 3I grrqd qfifrsr rqr e? What is the simultanious egvations. crcz dFr6 1qcolficlM fafust Write three characteristics of multiplication of matrices d q*r 3 qRqrcr Affrs I <fiiftFr cr<ffifl{ Define the partial differentialtion. cgq + qrerftfi rflide 6i qrgr{d s Explain to Primary data. qrur riwr oad t? rrFr I ffi What isthe mean number? rrFr 6 rFrFI firilcFl oqlorq or dS qrq €? How arethe measure ofvariability standard devistion? sgq z srd Mq 6r sEqq.q 'J"rrd fforci d ag tft or qr fufug t Write the short cut method in findout Karlpearson's coeffeicient ofcorrelation. cr{ a fustt d 3Tr<"f qgdr6 or qa ftfug t Write the formula of Fisher's idealindex number' qr€- il c5{ s c{r ro Wf q'qrol lffi ftfuc Write the characteristics of even number F({ atfus- y = 7 x'?+ 8 x3 Solve the following - Y=7x2+8x3 frffiq _--_-=""i--'r{-l(q s<tlull o (&ilnt{ tg F€cr qr{ ?? - r. qfr qr* oFnrd i (3rdrl[s] q) : rb g5I Fr<sh q€fil 1t d qis-dz .Jq ds si fttus r Write (5-5) fiveJive the merits and demerits of sompling. 9{{ 12 qYiI 13 ftq d"ff A qql<r{ qT€rI {rd dfuq I <[t6lt- 678910 11 12 ifirgfd- 36e138 s 4 6 7I910 ll 12 Size Frequency-36913 a s 4 tqrdr.F r Er d ryr a <iv oi ftfug t Writethe merits and elements of Harmonic mean. atfuc t ct-t t4 fddc"r o1 Fni6 rti qriq qrq ol Discuss the absolute and delative of dispersion qe dde T"rro or creJ apn qro qrgrqi t 9r-I 15 Explain the meaning and importance of coeffecient correlation se q{;l ora d"fi d fih;q sE-dI- 16 d qrqt dfrg t Discuss the differents components os time series. {Iug- q g{i ffo 'rffiq sqqnqrul ot 17 qrgrq-d t Explain the algebric concepts. q{:I Frqfufu-d 18 fifsJ € eqlc ftad{ vrd dtucl s.f qqfr o a - 10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 12 20 10 4 Find out standard deviation from the following data. Frequency Class 0 qRqrqr 12 20 10 flfuc r qqqqq M ct Ri' +i d ffi o{ coffi!ff figsifqrdq Er{r liqfRd fifu w qci !qq{r ti t fdrsfuqraq cl{r trErq d .rS gKo 6t cffi cfl6r tr i dI sdi | !r{ ]rrcdl d|{r sliid {i'n d ffi +-< + 8 d? s€rgn Define the regression. Why are two regression line? Explain q"-di-d fdetqdlot) w qgaio ftqfu d wrsml'ot ftfuc I Write the characteistics and problems in the construction of index numbet qr{ 1e {qrqr< fr qll 20 - 10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 "omro *o* I "mr AU-45 qtr-m F{sq {qrcra r[{f (5m) ffldfrqrf,q Efl{{IIE' t{drRg{ T*q 6rd (Assignment Work) wa-zors-r0 fi.q. q-ffqd{ {sqrd1lrr{) - qqfq gl[*q tiqf{l.. qvar Fr{n} .r{ qrn e?' oI 3 qr{ qsq qt - ceFI v&nRtd tg Fdtr - r. qffqwsrRqrd il z. sffq or{ d crt ffc €d d fuqlFrd €: q-e o- qfr agqcftq c5{ (qd I € e) rdo d ol 3['o Mftd 3 (Tffi frqr 2 qI 3 srcqi d) srs E- dgafrftq cs{ (qd s d ro) - rcio { 2 qo (str{ frqr zs tr"ci' {) q.e s- ff rcffq src (Ea rz C zo) - rdo { 4 ei6 (sRa Sfi rso sr"a} d) tluggrFr 1 gRletirrE .rT qqsrdl ffi 3I qnr qrdl e? Who isthe fatherof positivism? qg+ z qn{diqr * fuqrra or cftcgr i6-q srqrfino fr-qrro i f6-fl t? Which socialthinker has given the theory ofsuicide? c{{ s tffi +{{ dnr ftfud f6-€ <} sqrqsn$q qfaqt- d crq ftEg? Writethe names of any two sociological creation of Max Weber? qtr{ Ersffto d sgc l ard qrd d tftrerfuo dfcosr< sgq s 3Tftqrd d qRrq"r or fuqia ft;-s rrqrecnd 61 ?c Who has given thetheory of circulation of Elites? cvr s dqftflq {iq* sdc cqrFrd e)? Bywhich philosopherdid the philosophy ofhistoricalmaterialism of KarlMarks has been influenced.? qtt qsqnw 6l qq ti f6-fl srd qrqlfuo i? fftrrd 6r qrq {dr*l? Tellthe name of socialthinkerwho proposed the theory of sanskritization? sgc z *i qRrqff qq|q $ qqrla-c srd cFs-qr or crq a-dr5d? Give the name ofthe process of Indian society which has been influenced byu western society? qrcitq qqrs d o= r q.f-v-q{ or sisq wr i? What is the aim of class struggle? tTr€- q g5I I o1 fil+qdr {drg{ | Explain the characteristics of positivism. !-qssr{ IR r6TCI GTTAg Focus in the anomie suicide. 9rFI 10 TTEFTIFfiF 3{I'Tr{dTT lrFt 11 qft-iflrd s.t I d cRrqq d onq cars\ Explain the causes oftheoryof circulations of Elites. CP:I 12 +tr ifl d err{d qr6c 61 ffiqdr{ qff{q t Explain the characteristics of ldealtype. !la{ 13 fr.rd gq qrd $ dT{r< q 3id{ q {{ | Explain the diference between Dialectics of Higaland Marx. ffi aqr *? we dfust non logical action. Explain its. What is qFI 14 crarido q{q 15 r6rd 16 ssrra d ra edr{i ,II{il *r rr6rd i <dm cartd t Difference between function and defunction. I Give the elements of Satyagrah. t|rg- g 9rFI 17 riqfd-rrsr of se o-td gc {Fo1 felM rdrli t Give the characteristics of Sanskritzation and state it clearty. *t ffi fuanl- o} we otfuc State the history and culture thinking as proponented by ShriArvind qrc re fr lrtFe< drtr cfttqrF{d {Fddrs rsc rg 6Td qrd d q.f ff *t {e'ff mqrfuo c.Tft q?ff ffi qq t rorcl cTfuc t Focus the class struggle and socialprogress theory of KarlMarx qlc zo Fiffi Fift d 1rqift6 6|t"r qdr{c I Give the Doliticalcauses of French Revolution. d ffi fl cannff ffisrdq aNr Mftd fifr {r !flqi qqfi d<dsqfu[d*r{cosrii|ffiqrdqsnrq-alqd.rSgwro}cfuFflcfiqrffiidr{di|3rq{rqFidrrrslild€Tr| ffi AU-46 qtt-f,d g-qrdrd s-fq fdtrq - vrqrfuo sr{qqrc ?r{f ltffi) fd?dfdurmq Bffi{{rrq, fd-dR{g{ 6d (Assignment Work) wa-zors-ro fi.q. {fr{ d{ (sqrq ?rrfil q€h qcq grnl Xufo : no Fr{rn qt qrl ai' r- lrff cs{ ifiFnrd € r qv+r fte 02:OO q? qt {tatRtfi tg F€tr - dlrg- r qrflfu{ €[Edq|{ d vs slw qdr{g 3I I Objectives ofsocial research - any one point. cr{ z qrqrfuo s{Tiqrc d \'6 €d qdr{g I lmportance ofsocial research - any one point. crFT 3 srirdi-fi d 96 .J"I qdr{q Merits ofobeservation I - any one point. cI{ + [qt'rrffd iflg{ier{ a rdrt cdr* | Kind of experimental research. cgc s tm6 {ie q€fr 61 q-s€ q(rsg t lmportance of historical research - any one point. s:c o Frd{rn d \.{ qrrsr adr{T I Problems of sampling - any one point. crc z {Iqrfufi wdstr d T6 IrT Merits ofsocialsurvey qw a - TtTI{q I any one point. {rqrfuo s{sor d qo etq qdr{q t Demerits ofsocialsurvey - any one point. fmq q+arvffo: z. qfq od d c{r fr{ d'i- ffiqt €: srs <r- qfi ag-6d€q [T{ (Ed 1 * a) - rcio, d or rvo Mftt t (strt Sqr z qr : qrfl}' qrc q- agstrftq v{{ (qa e d ro) - rdo d z cro (wct Sm zs q-) q'-s rfl- ff rcrfts qgc (ga rr t zo) - s-do d a d6 (sf,t Sqr rso :r<l- d) cqc - q-) te ITUg c{rr I sr|fsfl cvl 10 srqrfuo qlq d cgq 16T{ fufuq t Main majortypes of social research. dftc o1 cRqrfl Define Hypothesis. c*+ 1r eryqff d cR+rw E I Aftql Define shedule. cgt rz qgqrff €ffiaioq flr f t What is participant observation. svc re Fgsfr q€Fi d qRqrcr Afq{ Define sampling method. qsq r+ nrsron d qi Tq qdrsc Merits of interview - | t anytwo point. cFr 15 fur{q nE{f{ d <i Trr riTr{q I Utility of diagrammatic presentation - any two point. y:c ro qrr"fifi at d BqdFrdr srrr5g I Utility oftabulation - any two point. tlrg- { cY{ rz qrqrfuo de ?qr t? What is social reseach. vgc ra crcr{d aqr €? What is Questionarire? qsc rs qrqrftro qdfiq Tqr t? What is socialsurvey? c*+ zo qrqrfuo r5uvn n qrffq+t $ {68 d Tql dfuq I Discuss the importance of statistics in social research. .urqgq6'Efo; **" *q tmt {{ zots-to fu sv<i< lw qa d iqrt o* sffEM ffislqq Ern ffslFd ftF w.qqi qqfi d< + scfu[d d6r ctHr ii I Mfqrdq dNr yflq d .rff gwtr oi corflFff c0qr @T I ar {di I qq rsrqrff dtir sliid ritn I AU-47 qEd $qrdrf, ?t{f ({ffi} fd?dfffrmq EfrIlrrq, frdrr{S{ sffq 6rd (Assignment fqqq - q+s{ aro fud f;e Fr{rn rr{ qr{ 'r. lrff qrc qFfErd t qv+r Work) wa-zors-to ff.q. C-ifiqilf (ffi fiIfEfll qTq qa - qetll {tmFtd tg Fdtr ti - t fi{ qd { ftqFro *,z. sfq 6rd d q.e q- srfr dgs€tq qlrc (qa r i a) -mio{ or qo FIqiRd i (uot ffn 2 qI 3 sFrsl qrs q- aqFrftq q{{ (qd s t to) - rtia d 2 do (strt frfl zs rr"d- d) q.e q- ff softq s*q (qa rz S zo) - rdo { + eio (vttn frw tso vr<l d) qgc qug- r cc{ 2 slq 3 vrq r s{:r s rv+ o qqir 7 qsc s cgc q) €[ l€-4 d ffq qqr{ Eq 6t{-ot{ € €? '[stqr {flo otc qr sr< €? 6r{ff trt{ q{ rrqqnr ft{q f6-q w1 { wrm .r+t? ffiq riffiT( or 3lqs s1q Eldr i? irqdr Yrq ot igd cfuflfuo Yr< fuEc wfve.rr 1au iFifl iF rdl os *t 6d Eqr? qrt<r { tffc CRdc or rlawc o< d gan? 6l{ g6 faM cBdr 6r =nq fAfuq t t r3rrg- 4 rr{ e ftd d faftq sq olc st{ € i? qrc ro qd crsc o1 $s-{@ lffi fufuq qgq 11 yrq dqrEFr m 6t;d i? qlc rz tM rrotftat wt €? scq rs 3Trq dqc RI t? sr61 lN*ftfuqt rr+ r+ fuz ftBqr dn gda.{TF{d ffkfi d @I .fdr t crc rs dM frrq"r eqt t? we +lftic qqld;rrloro t ftrd? t cr{ re {s+e io-€ d6A €? 14ug- -\q qrq 17 qqlvr{ {cr6 f€4'or qe.f we o€ Ec rsd fafqq 5qt {t cFI{r Grfuq I q:i-d wsq oi we o*d gq 5rd rfm dl 4 w€ 6t I qrl 18 q{.tTff Ye sffi cr+ rg rf,oTftdl efl i? srd woq we ord gg cdtn dan qrql d se { r'o €leq ds lird t c{{ zo elFft ffi 6dA t? ld qIfl + sgs rfrq {iln ilfuqr- * frftv sd S qa-troo qqfi dftR ffifritr,- {nq or{ qAHr w' roFro fu ovr}mw va d ffi 6r cftfl{t fdlsffqlf,q 6Rr fuIR-d iaE w 3lqi qqsi +q d gqfurd itfl cfifl ia I ffiqr.Iq Ern gqrq d 'ffi gw{' of cflqIFtr qtlif a'F { FIr sd,I I q.q srcrff dr{r siifid {t n I AU-48 qFd ltrq{drf, sffq fi6rq trq'q !d qq ?rf,f ({ffi} ffldt{Erdq EffiI{rrq, tddrsg{ 6'rd (Assignment Work) wa-zors-ro ift.q.4-firdr{(tHnrFfl) M qsc q"rfo , +o wqq oz,oo - ff,fr{r qrmaffo: ti? ro {taffitd tg ?r?cr ii - Evw fia Fr{al qt qrc r. wfr s{r qFrqrd t r - qr z. r*q or{ d cr{ ff{ *id t ftqrfud t,s-€ <n- qR agstrfiq c.{ (gd r € r) - c-*tr { or sio Mfid e (vtr{ frqr 2 qr 3 srfll d) srs q- dgstrfts [fi (gf, s € ro) - rdo { z rrq (soq Sqr zs vr<l i) s-e q- ff sdtq ql< (qa rz € zo) - qd{ il a ir'o (sdr Svt rso sr<i d) c{r r c{{ 2 cr{ 3 4 cw s qsc o lnFT qlFr qr.{ 7 8 Erus- 3[ fFd ft{q d ftors-qrar oi f6'-ri qrql' { sicr .rqr i? rfrrqd vrqr gwo { f+ie ynft-d fu'ql.rql t? rfrrsrd EqlO rrsrc fdifr {ri qrqrd T6rft qqn Bifr { otc qrd3 gR6 d rrrft-d srr{ q}sff d q-q ftqr or rft{o wr B? lsr fur d ifrd'fd fu's sR-sox isr r{Fr qt6,q gwo d fou 'ru 6Ryio( qr{d d fo-A a r+qrql d -rrq fufuc I qrqrd Trq{< yJad d fujq €T5 qr q ftfu{ qrq{ ifi ir6-i fo-fffr Frcnff t I ffi dq c€ e ft{'e +r { g. fr cFr 10 {5q of cr{ rl+ i[-T{ s} qE st E I ft-drn crqrd aer0 qqrq Ei6 i ao w a+ oat i? r r rrtgm rr+f 'dffgt' d {IRq-{I[{r qr qkq R:q"ft ftfuq t rz {6riff Eql sr frfi qR-{q fufuq I i3 'qfdg" q T6*ff Eqf i vtla gd fo-d ocl? nrq ftfd *t Eqf ddl? vgc r+ {r{{ ffi 6r qq os St 6di E€frI? src rs qqrfirrq fr i wT fu-fi? qsc re rfuqT ot{ sff ** wr orff o1 qftrsr sfi sf+1 ffi fufuc r r4ug- q ffiraton- or s'fc dfug ii gv wrol rge t qro orsnisr ftfugI s{{ i8 grif€ q{q|.|{ d acq or faorc d gsa 19 '{qqo'o1 aF+al sdtrq oFa-al or 1'o age tl 316I t dqo q:-{ 20 'itrtirTl' foie or sn sTqi sr<t ftfug t cg.t i? 1 ttug- rw e}? tz fiiie qfl i { ffi d oer+ o} w€ olfuc t 6t cffflS ffisFrq gRI MR-d fdft q{ rqqi dq{{ 2oio-ro ig vwltr vw re d d-{ d sqRqd €i6r qfisr ei | ffiqrdq dr{r rqlq dt .r{l qRq ol qfuFff cffEI 6tr q ar {6i I q{ qtqrff alrr sfrfu {t'n I rflq{{6fiftr:- {*q od cfur qt AU-49 qfs-d gqrdrd ?rEf (Urd) tflrtrurdq EifltFrg, Rdrfig{ s*q 6d frsq - qorfo : qrar (Assignment Work) wa-zors-ro ift.q. 4-tftqd{ {3immftsql Twentieth Century InFI qg wr< qrq siFfErd I i ii - rI-I q+msffo: - oz:oo dt ctaflitd tsg F€rr gqq +o fta Fr{rt r. {$ Literature I ro z. sfrq ord d cfi ffc risi i ffiqo i: v-s cr- rrft agrct+ slr{ (€a 1 € e) - u-otro { or eio ftqffid i (vffi Sqr z ct s srfll q) lqt-s q- dgsf,ffs rr{ (ed e € 16) - rd6 q 2 ir'o (strt frqI zs {rd q) q.s q- ff irtrfiq cs{ (qa rz d zo) - cdo il 1 3r'o (sdr Sq rso rreql d) Que Que Que '1 2 3 Que 4 Que 5 Que 6 Que 7 Que I tlrrs 3I Section - A what is lmagist school of poetry ? Who are called as 'new signature poets ? What do you mean by Surrealism ? What is the historical importance of by zantium? Comment on the shyme scheme of the poem "The Iake isle of innisfree" Who was Coriolonus ? What does toad symbolize in the poem ? What are the three. enemies, accfording to Belloc. against the preservation of english sus- q Section -'B' 9 What is yeats attitude to old age as revealed in the poem "Sailing to By zoutium.'. Que Que '10 Explain the expression 'moments ofgrad grace'in the poem'When you are old". Que 11 What does "The cooking egg" Symbolyze ? Que 12 What is poet's attitude to the old race horces in the poem "At grass"? Que Que Que Que 13 What would be the effect of universal silence on mankind ? '14 What is belloc's view about the two classed languages- Latin and greek.? 15 How does sergins'view ofwar ditfer from.Bluntschli? 16 What des 'Piggy' represent in the novellord ofthe flies'? qrsQue '17 Que '18 Que 19 Que 20 \g Section -'C' Write a note on the comman characteristics of modern english poetry. Give your estimate of yeats as modern poet. Discuss the centrand theme of the poem 'A cooking egg'. Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem 'Tad" by philp larken orsrqo f'tftr :- siq ord cflHr +< n sqfurd Etfi qfierr r lrt 2or5-ro ti ffiqlqq ie srtw crn qt d eRr Fqrq d 'rs sflo m or cfiHFff ffiqrdq 61sffqlrff ctur sH q dr ERr Fdi I ffn-d frft q{ qci qqfi <rq srqrff dnr sftld ti'n I AU-50 qFfr gdrf,rd ?rqf ({rd) ftcdftr[rmq Effisrrq, Rdrfig{ Ffrq 6d (Assignment Work) wa-zors-ro . ftqq - grfo , as Indian writings in ift.(.4-ftqdrf (3inrftmFdl English s{q qe qqq - 92:69 Eit - ll -Xrar vdr"rfo , ro {tilRtd tsg t€ar qwr fta f+{vn w qrr eE* r. qff cq{ qFrqrd i z. wffq sTd d cr{ fiq dd d ffio iu-e o- orft agvcft+ cr{ (ga 1 d e) - rdo { or sio Frqiftf, i (vffi fiqr z qr g qrfll {) qrs e- dgE{ftq c{{ (ed s d ro) - cdo q 2 3i6 (strr frfl zs vrel d) s.s s ff sdQ-q qr{ (Ea rz Q zo) ycio d l er'o (sdr Sqr rso vr<i i) ql'g- 3i Section -'A r Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Write the major themes of Sarojini Naidu's poems prescribed in your course. Write a brief introduction of Rabindranath Tagore's poem 'Gitanjali'. Write title of any two marks of Nissim Ezekiel. Write title of Bhatnagar's major poeticalworks. Write title of Nehru's book from which tho extract 'The relationships of languages' is taken. Describe Niral c. Chodhuri's Birthplace. Write the title of the valume from which R.k. Narayan's short story "A Hero" is taken. Wdte name of any two of mulk RajAnand's novels. rcu€- 4 Section-'B' Que 9 Que l0 Que 1 1 Que 12 Que 13 Que 14 Que '15 Que'16 Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem "The Ecstasy". Discuss the element of mysticism in the poetry of Tagore. Bring out the 'lndianness' of the poem 'Night of the scorpion'. Comment on the language ofthe poem'The patriot'. Discuss the signiticance of the title "Beggass can be choosers' Discuss Nehru's prose style on the basis of the essays prescribed in yoar course. Tusti by the title of the story "The host child'. Discuss narayan's out of story-telling. qu€Que 17 Que 18 Que 19 Que 20 qrq{{o d< { { Sections -'C' Attempt a critical appreciation of the poan the lotus" . Evaluate the character of swami in the story 'A Hero' Written day R. K. Narayan. Write a short note on the style of Nirad C. Choudhuri. Evaluate Girsh karnard as a dramatist . fifu .- rrfq or{ .rfim qa zors-ro fu srr}m rw sqfurd Et6t c0qr ii I G:gBqrqq dnr y<rq d va d .r4 sKdF ffi 6{ cffHFfr ffisrdq gRr FE R-d fdE w oqi 3Nq{r 6t q0qt{ ctur ffi d dr qdi I qq snrfi onr slild {i'n I AU-51 qtr-s-d gqrdrd ?r{f ({ffi} fccdfffirdr[ uffiHrrq, fd-drfiUr sffq 6rd (Assignment fisq ifi.q. iffiu - Tqe< {{q - Wtfo , +o qqfl ftq FdY'T qc qr.r A{- Work) wa-zors-ro ilf (rirq-dl gc{ rrd - o2:oo qe{q q+arwffo, da ro ctafttte-ge€{r - r. wfr s:c<frM *t z. s*q ord d rr+ fr €et d fuqrfud l:qrs sr- 3rft agsdftq c:{ (qa 1 d e) * vdo { ot 3r'6 ftqfftd t (wor fr+r z qr : srfl}' d) qrs E- aIFfrftq c{r (Ed e d ro) - rdo { z do (wer Scr zs {re} d) qw q- ff Btrr{iq cl+ (Aa tz d zo) - cdo d 4 d6 (s€{ frqr rso sr<}' {) tlu€ qrFr r qF-srr eqms ffid qreri d qrffiq dfrri 3l I 2 €rqr{rrd i ffi i qq uH $ qqq € i6-C risifud fuqr e? c5{ e ffi Sf+srs{er 6r dq 6E gd f6-q 1arrrr rR €€[r? cgq + 'fsfu Tq 6r{vq' r+fl l6-q 6fu d €? crc ss{ qsc s o is{ir.e: go,' of+m or gfi? qFsdr flqrcrE H rtrqcr< fu-s oh em foqrrqr dar rE f6-q d fttnfr ar crq fuM qrrd sdq ffd d cr{ 7 q. c{{ s q. q'rqrqr qrro ffi+a t ofudrqt iFr rrEdr fiDtFI '6rdfr' os colRrd Efi? csrq 6rq €'rE 6T nrq fufuq t t3lrg il c{{ e qd<{ qrqt olfuq :ar ftq aiM 3rq fqftq s{-qr. RI fqRTsJR=i qRffi, t g-{Rt sQrrfr c s{fu di vq?-oqrq: tt q-rsr Ir€dk H qfuor { corRrd F{{ 10 qsqd qrqr dfqV:<ri tcr*w f€ r, a+ a ei Bqm {r&qr.r{qr: tl 3rqftq sEf rer*i 1i r qrsr dffig :- qrq 11 lTs'q{ ffiiiffit-or .r)qc| grccr avc<Prgrcr(|l q{ ggrffierr q{ | | ovFa ofter TEld {{fiqefl | | qsc vrafft rz sqq{ qrqr olfuc :foft-e rq 6r{oi q<Fri: gr-rammna 1anaf1 cftftFfilsr{fu R*i fok rrf{ |3 qd rsw{s ol sr l r s*i<d qrqr ailfuc ' eqcr {q+fFg srR fiTe q FrrtFrqifi Xq-:rqia{6rR r ergcl q{il 14 q{{qr{fr Rl ss'q{ qrqr olfuc ,- s<r wsq raq: dqftl f+sqcr r rrft or q+An cr+qlsrqrl'ur fffifu: 6Er I lilirig q5I 15 glFI 16 qfsor eqms ffifudr'wrr<q ta-qr'ofurr or ol$ qo qs fufuq fFrsrs{ar ftrd-d 'gscrQfsfeil ofum d {aqrs w r6ryr slfi{q t 13lug- q cs{ 17 sqrs[d tlRr{}6t ot dquf vR{q ffftni t svq rs qFs trqnnftrfur'ffiaf'orq or qnisl ftfuc qrq t t is trRqrqr1' 6Ffdr { dh i qI €tcr ftqr i? vs{ 20 €fqT$rd rrRr{gdr ft{Fdd 'TgsulT{ d orvn w a*<*g s"f{ qt rorcl srfuc I qqq6fii{r:- sfiq ord coHr s{ 206-16 *d sw}6 cyn qa d ffi or qM M{qrdq ERr fflic fr& qr qci qq{r d-< t sqfurd Eifl cfifl ii I h{sffqrdq Er{r [<rq d .I4 {wo 6} qfrflf qffqr ofr { dr sd'I I rf,q qrqFi drrr slifu €qr I AU-52 qFs-il q?t frsq qntfo'm qvur U{rdrd ?t{f ({ffi) fd{dt{urmq Eilfi{q, fddrflg{ s*q 6'd (Assignment Work) st-20is-i6 in.q. c-fiqarf (rtr€dl rfl-wq qqq - fte Fr{d qs r. qff y{+ oFrsd qr* id {tailt*{ - g2:q6 ?-g cq{ T{ - Ii,kftq q+ar rffo : ro q? t€rr €t qsc ffr rdd n fq{rfufi B,z. wffq ord $ q-s €[- qfd dgstrftq cgq (€d 1 * a) - r*6 d or rro Frqffta i (sfl frqr z w qrs q- dgsf,ffq rq{ (qd e d ro) - rdo { 2 i['T (sftrt SqI zs cr<i'tJ q.e q- ff wcftq cr{ (qa rz i zo) - rdo { 1 i['6 (str{ Sq rso sr<l- d) ss{ I qgc z Fddq i i s sec + erFr s ftqrdr 6 rl-r 7 9ftfu{ qsc sr{ esq s tlu€- r[ qris{r q7 fo-ai i? cql arsd ar:avn d i? fug otq-n 6 (g) e€iqfu € @r drsd t? indrl {rn d d-c T"r i sdq otq-ot+ n olfuq dI q{ Mftd fdri €? sdq dfqg r r €? Xw+r 1c}at) ol vq d wran vr+i fu ad gar+r enr d fifr + frsq d T+{r i ffi irrqrd e eraq] scFqrd qr'ft i- Tsr+ f6-qr? d t-< ol we dfug t EITg_ E ulFr e "qi lrdq Xwai q{q ro qsc rr c{d Tr +{in:" sFft d drsd ol we ori ftff rarrn}' qr1 ffd 6TA gv v*o oi $ dftqFd 1rnf{q i(qrq......--....-...-...-...-...........-...-....................... qrfu6. rrqk6 3lr{ drqfu+ T't}'d asq} oi s{o {t-IkFI: otfuq t | Es | cftafua olfug t i) qs;I 12 glFT t3 ''aft qrFrorr€" 6I Edq ffi f6m e fr T*6 ot {'l dfqc srsifr ffft qen f{6rs.........----- q:FI -qr+6," d q{< 6r ot{ qr qFI |6 nr{d 6} 'ftftor< el rsq ogr qrdl qrq i7 e1q d oret t we dfuc qRTfi'd 6n"fi 6i we 6€ ra ft€ olfqq fu '1?mad{q1" sr'r 19 iflflt d rrrss{6 T€}- or nfi 20 qrcr d fd*sfirsl ffi +* eitv T4Ifr d{fi €? fu< otfuq Errg- qqc dfuq t \.6' ,B €fitr "om"o "r* oo*r ifrll t t { EC sffif, r6rrrdr d olfuC I a-ctd qr qn irfi{i srer {6rdra i t' sdq 6€ gv we diqq t rqfil or we sq € sdq dftg ti | ffisrdq Elir g-<rq d ffi t 6r ctfl{ ffisrsq enr Mtrd fifr w rqqi qqqq .rdl gwd' ai cfuFff coqlr on d ar rdii t <rq srqrs drlr sliif, Ti'lT I {r d + t sds c'rr<.trcr + Fffq qqrq d 5w 5q g l6's6' "rriq farot ftqrrqr i? g{-I t4 15 @l loqr