WÜRTH PERFECTION LINE passion needs care 1 Exterior treatment Pre-cleaning Clay series innovations Rim cleaning Vehicle washing Polishing and sealing, incl. varnish diagram Polishing pads, polishing discs, polishes Polishing machine EPM 160-E 2 Interior treatment Basic cleaning Cockpit and glass cleaning Mudabsorber Mass Fabric seat treatment Care and impregnation 3 Additional products Spray bottles Personal protection Manual cleaning and care Cleaners and cleaning accessories Cleaning and polishing cloths Lambskin pads Sealing and care Machines and vacuum cleaners Seat and cushion covers 2 4 – 27 6–7 8–9 10 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 25 26 – 27 28 – 39 30 – 31 32 – 33 34 – 35 36 – 37 38 – 39 40 – 53 42 – 43 44 45 46 – 47 48 – 49 49 50 – 51 52 – 53 53 Dear Sir / Madam, Dear Customer, One thing that we all share is a love of and a passion for cars. I’m therefore very pleased to be able to say that the family-run company Würth, with its reliable and high-quality products, has been an important partner of the automobile trade for decades. We can look back on this tradition with pride, and in all those years we have never lost sight of your needs. We have continuously further developed our products and services, so as to ultimately also turn this passion into added value. Passion needs care! And this is precisely the reason why we have worked to make our vehicle preparation range even more easy to use and more attractive. The result: The new Würth Perfection Line, a carefully harPRQL]HGSURGXFWSRUWIROLRWKDWR̄HUVRXWVWDQGLQJSHUIRUPDQFHLQWKHFXVWRPDU\:UWKTXDOLW\ <RXWRRFDQQRZSURÀWIURPDUHVXOWVGULYHQUDQJHDQGVHFXUHSHUIHFWDGGLWLRQDOEXVLQHVVIRU\RXUFRPSDQ\ thanks to professional vehicle preparation. 7KH:UWK3HUIHFWLRQ/LQHR̄HUV\RXQRWRQO\H[FHOOHQWSURGXFWVEXWDOVRWKDQNVWRLWVVHUYLFHVDQGWDUJHWHG market support, added value to create a perfect concept. We are convinced that with this step we will satisfy our – and much more importantly your – demand for perfect results. See for yourself our new vehicle preparation line, and rediscover your passion for vehicle preparation all over again. Kind regards, Yours, WÜRTH PERFECTION LINE Patric Sattler Head of the Auto International Division passion needs care 3 4 A perfect shine 3HUIHFWLRQLVDPDWWHURIGHWDLOV7KH:UWK3HUIHFWLRQ/LQHR̄HUV\RXWKH 1 I EXTERIOR TREATMENT perfect product for every stage in the cleaning and preparation of your vehicles – be inspired! 5 Intensive pre-treatment is the basis of perfect cleanliness Declare war on protein marks: 6SUD\LQVHFWUHPRYHUJHQHURXVO\RQWRWKHD̄HFWHG DUHDVDQGJLYHLWWLPHWRWDNHH̄HFW Check-up )RUDSHUIHFWFOHDQLQJUHVXOWLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRÀUVWDVVHVVWKHFXUUHQWVWDWHRIWKHVXUIDFHV :HUHFRPPHQGWKDW\RXÀUVWULQVHR̄WKHYHKLFOHZLWKZDWHULQRUGHUWRUHPRYHFRDUVHGLUW Only then can you concentrate on the actual work – assessing the problem areas. Document the state of the vehicle at this stage – as evidence for the client and as a checklist for your next cleaning steps. Pre-cleaning the problem areas Insect marks 7KHIURQWSDUWRIWKHYHKLFOHDQGWKHZLQGVKLHOGLQSDUWLFXODUDUHD̄HFWHGE\LQVHFWPDUNV The often stubborn protein stains that sunlight can burn into the surface foil even normal car ZDVKHV$QH̄HFWLYHVROXWLRQIRUSUHFOHDQLQJVXFKSUREOHPDUHDVLVSURYLGHGE\RXUInsect Remover*I Art. No. 0893 470. *Also available in other sizes: 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 470 5 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 470 20 6 Tip 7RJHWDQH̄HFWLYHUHVXOWHYHUPRUHTXLFNO\ we recommend mechanical support from our innovative Clay Series on Pages 8 and 9. This series combines the cleaning power of a solid clay with the application advantages of pads, sponges, gloves and cloths! The simple way to dissolve tar spots, rust Àlm and tree resin Tar spots Tar spots are among the ugliest types of dirt, particularly on side sills and rims – and especially on light-colored vehicles. For this use the Tar Remover*I Art. No. 0890 26 005ÀUVWJLYLQJ LWWLPHWRWDNHH̄HFWRQWKHD̄HFWHGORFDWLRQV *Also available in other sizes: 300ml I Art. No. 0890 26 Rust Àlm Würth Rust Film Remover I Art. No. 0890 130UHPRYHVUXVWÀOPIURPWKHERG\ZRUN 6LPSO\DSSO\LWRQWRWKHVXUIDFHEHLQJFOHDQHGDQGDOORZLWWRWDNHH̄HFWIRUWKUHHPLQXWHV PD[LPXPWKHQULQVHR̄WKHVXUIDFHWKRURXJKO\ZLWKZDWHU Tree resin 5HPRYHVWXEERUQUHVLGXHVDQGWUHHUHVLQGHSRVLWV7UHDWWKHD̄HFWHGORFDWLRQVRQWKHYHKLFOHZLWK a cloth soaked in Tree Resin Remover I Art. No. 0890 21 005, or spray it on directly DQGDOORZLWWRWDNHH̄HFW7KHQFOHDQZLWKDPLFURÀEHUFORWKRUDVSRQJH 7 NEW! Perfect innovations against stubborn dirt The new Clay series cloths, sponges, gloves and pads The new and highly-innovative Clay series replaces the commonly used practice of solid clay or insect sponges. This series combines the cleaning power of a solid clay with the application advantages of pads, sponges, gloves and cloths! These products will enable you to clean surfaces quickly and gently – the perfect preparation for the following stage of rinsing and polishing. Clay Pad I Art. No. 0585 300 150 Clay Glove I Art. No. 0585 300 210 Clay Cloth I Art. No. 0585 300 320 Clay Sponge I Art. No. 0585 300 110 Before, during and after use: 7KHPRVWH̄HFWLYHSUHFOHDQLQJUHVXOWVDUH achieved using products from the Clay Series, which combine the cleaning power of a solid clay with the advantages of pads, gloves, sponges and cloths. 8 Whether it’s a pad, glove, cleaning cloth or sponge: Cleaning with Clay products requires the surface to be damp so that they can glide better and optimally remove the dirt. We recommend water, or alternatively highly diluted R1 Cleaner*I Art. No. 0893 125 005 from the pump spray bottle in order to dampen the surface during the process. *Also available in other sizes: 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 125 020 60 liters I Art. No. 0893 125 060 9 Shines like new: )ROORZLQJWKHÀQDOYHKLFOHZDVKWKHULPVDUHIUHHRI all types of dirt. Premium Rim Cleaner removes stubborn brake dust from rims: Simply spray on and pay attention to the time UHTXLUHGIRULWWRWDNHH̄HFWE\ZDWFKLQJWKH color change to red. Very dirty rims should also be mechanically treated with the rim brush and later rinsed with clear water. 10 The perfect shine on rims Brake dust Stubborn brake dust is the most common problem on vehicle rims, but other types of dirt also tarnish the vehicle’s overall appearance and require special treatment. Since rim surfaces have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years, we recommend Premium Rim Cleaner*I Art. No. 0893 476 500. It is acid-free and therefore suitable for all rim surfaces. *Also available in other sizes: 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 476 505 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 476 520 7KHFRORULQGLFDWRUDOVRYLVXDOO\VKRZVWKHRSWLPXPWLPHIRUZKLFKLWVKRXOGEHOHIWWRWDNHH̄HFW To boost cleaning performance against heavy soiling, we also recommend mechanical support from our Rim Brush I Art. No. 0891 350 211. Tip Protects and shines: Tire Foam :DLWXQWLO\RXKDYHFRPSOHWHO\ÀQLVKHGZDVKLQJ and treating the car before applying – the Tire Foam I Art. No. 0890 121 and give it time to WDNHH̄HFW6HYHUDODSSOLFDWLRQVZLOOJLYH\RXUWLUHV DEULJKWQHZVKLQH7KHQZLSHLWR̄ZLWKDFORWK 11 The preparatory work is done – Time to wash the vehicle The classic vehicle wash following intensive pre-cleaning involves a car shampoo, a bucket, a Fringed Glove I Art. N. 0899 710 005 and a lot of water. For the shampoo, we recommend Autoshamtwo*I Art. No. 0893 010 0. It cleans and protects the paintwork all in one – the perfect solution for results-orientated preparators, and also as preparation for polishing. *Also available in the following sizes: 5 liters l Art. No. 0893 010 05. As an alternative to Autoshamtwo, our Car Shampoo: 1 liters l Art. No. 0893 012 0 5 liters l Art. No. 0893 012 05 Tip First wash the vehicle in small stages from top to bottom using the Fringed Glove and plenty of water. This prevents detached dirt particles from being spread out or even being able to scratch the vehicle’s paintwork. 12 Washing and waxing combined: The Autoshamtwo from Würth combines two work steps in one! Windshield cleaning To give you a perfect view, we recommend Active Windshield Cleaner*I Art. No. 0890 25. Highly-concentrated, active-cleaning agents are activated when the foam bubbles burst. This guarantees H[FHOOHQWFOHDQLQJSRZHUWKDWLVQHYHUWKHOHVVJHQWOHRQWKHPDWHULDO *Also available in other sizes: 5 liters I Art. No. 0890 25 05 20 liters I Art. No. 0890 25 20 Drying You can dry large surfaces with the Rubber Squeegee I Art. No. 0891 350 205, and for contours we recommend the Window Leather I Art. No. 0899 700 630 and, particularly for glass, the MicroÀl Cloth I Art. No. 0899 900 150 that does not leave behind any streaks. 13 THE CROWNING GLORY OF THE PREPARATION – PERFECT VEHICLE PAINTWORK :HZLOOSURYLGH\RXZLWKPD[LPXPLQQRYDWLYHSRZHUWRPDNHYHKLFOHSUHSDUDWLRQDVHDV\ as possible for you when it comes to polishing and sealing: Now you can look forward to WKHQHZHYHQPRUHH̅FLHQWDQGSHUIHFWO\KDUPRQL]HGSURGXFWVLQWKH:UWK3HUIHFWLRQ/LQH Rediscover your passion for gleaming results! 14 P10 Severe scratches Green pad or lambskin Orange peel Green pad or lambskin P20 Severe scratches Blue pad or lambskin P30 Hologram Orange pad or lambskin P55 Minor scratches Blue pad Paint sealing Blue pad Moderate scratches Blue pad or lambskin Select the polish and pads appropriate for the severity of Paint sealing Pink the scratches and apply evenly in crossing movements. The advantages of our new pads can be seen whenever you polish! Trapped dust Green pad or lambskin Minor scratches Blue pad or lambskin Paint sealing Polishing Puck or Wave Polishing Pad 15 NEW! Our new generation of polishing pads – created for maximum performance 1 Calibrated surface (spidering) Calibration increases the surface of our polishing pads, which allows much greater take-up of our polishes. This results in greater dirt removal and a longer useful life of the abrasive polishing grit. <our advantage: maximi]ed ēective power with minimi]ed wear. 1 2 Centering Most of our polishing pads have a hole for quick, convenient and perfect centering. Your advantage: a harmonious polishing result all round. 2 3 3 Open-pore foam All our polishing pads are made from high-quality open-pore foam. The open pores and the calibrated surface eliminate heat perfectly during the polishing process. Your advantage: consistent dirt removal rate combined with a low heat build-up. 4 Rounded edges Our polishing pads adapt themselves to all vehicle contours thanks to their rounded HGJHV7KLVÁH[LEOHJHRPHWU\SUHYHQWVQHZSDLQWVFUDWFKHV Your advantage: Flexibility on any vehicle body shape. 4 16 Simplicity that you can feel – discover our new 3in1 polishing discs 3in1 Polishing Disc Polishing discs perfected for professional use: Use all three dimensions of our polishing pads with MXVWRQHGLVF+RZWRZRUNHVSHFLDOO\TXLFNO\DQGH̅FLHQWO\WRDFKLHYHWKHSHUIHFWUHVXOW²HYHQ ZLWKGL̄HUHQWSROLVKLQJSDGVL]HV<RXUDGYDQWDJHV6LPSOHKDQGOLQJTXLFNHUUHVXOWVEHWWHU value-added. Coming soon 3in1 17 NEW! Severe scratches 18 Orange peel Trapped dust THE PERFECT TEAM FOR SEVERE SCRATCHES New flange shape Polish P10 Highly abrasive, quick-action abrasive polish for the immediate removal of severe paint scratches. &RPELQHGZLWKRXUJUHHQSROLVKLQJSDGVWKH\ZLOOJLYH\RXPD[LPXPGLUWUHPRYDO²DQGD perfect result! Polish P10, 250 g I Art. No. 0893 150 012 Polish P10, 1 kg I Art. No. 0893 150 010 Green polishing pads series +DUGSROLVKLQJSDGVIRUPD[LPXPGLUWUHPRYDOFRPELQHGZLWKPLQLPDOKHDWEXLOGXS Your advantage: Gentle preparation even where there are heavy paint scratches. Green pad 90 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 025 090 Green pad 145 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 025 145 Green pad 170 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 025 170 Alternative White Lambskin 80 mm I Art. No. 0585 23 80 White Lambskin 15 mm I Art. No. 0585 235 White Lambskin mm I Art. No. 0585 195 Premium Black Lambskin 135 mm I Art. No. 0585 135 19 NEW! Severe scratches 20 Moderate scratches Minor scratches Perfect preparation on moderate and minor paint scratches New flange shape Polish P20 0RGHUDWHO\DEUDVLYHKLJKJORVVSROLVKIRUH̅FLHQWSDLQWSUHSDUDWLRQ0RGHUDWHDQGPLQRUSDLQW VFUDWFKHVFDQEHH̅FLHQWO\UHPRYHGLQFRPELQDWLRQZLWKRXUEOXHSROLVKLQJSDGV²WRGHOLYHUD perfect painted surface. Polish P20, 250 g I Art. No. 0893 150 022 Polish P20, 1 kg I Art. No. 0893 150 020 Polish P20, 5 kg I Art. No. 0893 150 025 Blue polishing pads series Medium-hard polishing pads for good dirt removal combined with minimal heat build-up. <RXUDGYDQWDJHPHDVXUHGKDUGQHVVPD[LPXPSHUIHFWLRQ Blue Pad 90 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 027 090 Blue Pad 145 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 027 145 Blue Pad 170 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 027 170 Alternative White Lambskin 80 mm I Art. No. 0585 23 80 White Lambskin 15 mm I Art. No. 0585 235 White Lambskin 0 mm I Art. No. 0585 195 Premium Black Lambskin 135 mm I Art. No. 0585 135 Polish P55 Innovative combination polish for quick results. Enables painted surfaces to be treated and sealed in just one work step. Polish P55, 250 g I Art. No. 0893 150 056 Polish P55, 1 kg I Art. No. 0893 150 055 Polish P55, 5 kg I Art. No. 0893 150 058 21 NEW! Holograms 22 The perfect duo for long-lasting protection New flange shape Polish P30 +LJKJORVVÀQLVKIRUWKHSHUPDQHQWUHPRYDORIVWUHDNVDQGKRORJUDPVRQGDUNYHKLFOHSDLQWV 8VHLQFRPELQDWLRQZLWKRXURUDQJHSROLVKLQJSDGVWRSROLVK\RXUYHKLFOHVWRPD[LPXPVKLQH² that will impress your client! Polish P30, 250 g I Art. No. 0893 150 032 Polish P30, 1 kg I Art. No. 0893 150 030 Orange polishing pads series Medium-hard polishing pads for good dirt removal combined with minimal heat build-up. <RXUDGYDQWDJHPHDVXUHGKDUGQHVVPD[LPXPSHUIHFWLRQ Orange pad 90 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 026 090 Orange pad 145 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 026 145 Orange pad 170 x 25 mm I Art. No. 0585 026 170 23 NEW! Paint sealing 24 Our recommendation for long-lasting protection Pink Paint Sealant 7KHSHUIHFWÀQLVKDORQJODVWLQJKLJKJORVVVHDO6PRRWKVWKHÀQHVWWH[WXUHVLQWKHSDLQWZRUNDQG leaves behind a mirror-like surface. The product also provides long-lasting protection against WKHZHDWKHUFDUZDVKVFUDWFKHVDQGRWKHUHQYLURQPHQWDOH̄HFWV3HUIHFWKDQGOLQJLVJXDUDQWHHG when used in combination with our black polishing puck*! Pink Paint Sealant, 250 g I Art. No. 0893 011 250 Pink Paint Sealant, 1 kg I Art. No. 0893 011 01 Pink Paint Sealant, 5 kg I Art. No. 0893 011 05 Alternative: Polymer Paint Seal I Art. No. 0893 158 or Paintwork and Rim Seal I Art. No. 0893 012 301 New flange shape Tip We also recommend the IPA Cleaner I Art. No. 0893 223 500 as a control spray before sealing. Black Polishing Puck $QHUJRQRPLFDOVKDSHPDGHRIYHU\ÀQHSRUHGIRDPWRH̅FLHQWO\VHDOSDLQWHGDQGSODVWLF surfaces. Your advantage: Even hard-to-reach areas can be treated! Black Polishing Puck 130 x 50 mm I Art. No. 0585 281 130 Orange Polishing Puck 7KHPDQXDOVROXWLRQIRUDOOSROLVKHV$SHUIHFWHUJRQRPLFDOVKDSHPDGHRIVROLG\HWÀQHSRUHG foam for working manually with all polishes. Your advantage: A puck for all polishes! Orange Polishing Puck 130 x 50 mm I Art. No. 0585 261 130 Alternative: Wave Polishing Pad I Art. No. 0585 28 130 Lambskin Premium, black 135 mm I Art. No. 0585 135 25 Passionately powerful: Discover our new eccentric polishing machine The new eccentric polishing machine EPM 160-E is ideal for the hologram-free removal of paint damage. This completely revised machine boasts a compact design, low noise and very smooth running. Marvel at a power pack with staying power from Würth that was specially designed for professionals like you. Eccentric Polishing Machine EPM 160-E I Art. No. 5707 500 0 Alternatively: Polishing Machine P200-E I Art. No. 0702 4530 To go with it: Hook & Loop Support Plate M14, 80mm I Art. No. 0586 01 80 Hook & Loop Support Plate M14, 125mm I Art. No. 0586 01 125 Hook & Loop Support Plate M14, 150mm I Art. No. 0586 01 150 NEW! 26 This machine was invented to inspire you – feel it! Powerful: 1,010 Watt motor Ēective: 8 mm polishing stroke for high H̄HFWLYHQHVV Flexible: Adjustable speed of 160–480 rpm Staying power: The tacho generator keeps the speed constant even under load Safe: Restart lock, overload protection and temperature monitoring The polishing pad can be attached to the dampened special hook & loop plate with no problem. %HIRUH\RXFDQVWDUWSROLVKLQJÀUVWDSSO\WKHSROLVKLQJSDVWHWRWKHSROLVKLQJSDG7KHVRIWVWDUW function allows the machine to be started slowly and sensitively, without polish being sprayed out. The permanent positive drive provides a high torque, even at low speeds. This gives you an even DQGKRORJUDPIUHHSROLVKLQJUHVXOW²HYHQEHIRUHWKHÀQLVKLQJ The integrated spindle lock guarantees low-fatigue and comfortable continuous working. The dome grip allows optimum and precise handling of the machine in all areas of use. The ergonomically shaped bail handle can be unscrewed if necessary. The low heat build-up on the surface makes the EPM 160-E ideal for temperature-sensitive paints. Feel the passion for perfection that has gone into this machine – you will be impressed! 27 28 Perfect care You need the right product to tackle all types of dirt and for every job. 2 I INTERIOR TREATMENT 7KH:UWK3HUIHFWLRQ/LQHR̄HUV\RXDFRPSOHWHUDQJHIRULQWHULRUWUHDWPHQW² SHUIHFWTXDOLW\IRUVLPSOHEXWH̄HFWLYHLQWHULRUFDUH 29 30 Even the basic clean with Active Clean delivers visible cleanliness. For special surfaces such as the cockpit, windshield, mirrors and displays we recommend also using the special cleaners from the Würth 3HUIHFWLRQ/LQH<RXFDQÀQGWKHVHRQWKHIROORZLQJ pages. Basic Cleaning and Care: with Active Clean and Deep Plastic Care 7KHÀUVWLQWHULRUFDUHMRELVWRUHPRYHFRDUVHGLUWSDUWLFOHVDQGGXVW7KHVHDWVDQGIRRWZHOOV should be vacuumed before every cleaning so as to reveal any water marks or heavy soiling. Document these marks for your client! Do not start with the intensive cleaning until you have done this. Deep cleaning and care Perfect interior treatment combines cleaning and protection all in one. The optimum solution for this is the vehicle cleaner Active Clean I Art. No. 0893 472. The product delivers a perfect combination of both steps: Deep cleaning and care – saving you time and money. Spray Active Clean onto a micro-active cloth and clean the surface evenly. This prevents irregularities as well as deposits on the windshield. Alternative: Vehicle Cleaner F1, 1 liters I Art. No. 0890 120 Vehicle Cleaner F1, 5 liters I Art. No. 0890 120 5 The problem area of doors The door paneling and where you enter the car are the most heavily stressed parts of the interior. Besides a build-up of dirt, this is where more and more scratches occur. For a long-lasting IUHVKHQXSRIWKHFRORUZHUHFRPPHQGÀUVWWUHDWLQJWKHVHDUHDVZLWKDeep Plastic Care*I Art. No. 0893 285%\GRLQJWKLV\RXZLOODOVRH̄RUWOHVVO\UHPRYHVWXEERUQGLUWDQGJLYHWKH door a sophisticated look. *Also available in other sizes: 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 285 5 31 Our Cockpit Cleaning and Care Spray is the SHUIHFWVROXWLRQIRUÀWWLQJV6LPSO\VSUD\LWRQWRD PLFURÀEHUFORWKDQGFOHDQWKHFRFNSLW 32 We have the perfect special cleaner for glass surfaces, displays and the cockpit Windows and mirrors are best cleaned with a micro-active cloth and environmentally-friendly glass cleaner. Our Cockpit Cleaning and Care Spray*| Art. No. 0890 222 1 is a perfectly tailored SURGXFWIRUH̄HFWLYHO\UHPRYLQJGLUWDQGFDULQJIRUWKHFRFNSLWVXUIDFHDWWKHVDPHWLPH)UHVKHQV XSWKHFRORUVDQGDQGJLYHVDVLON\PDWWVKHHQ,WDOVRKDVDQDQWLVWDWLFH̄HFWDQGWKHUHE\ prevents surfaces from getting dirty again quickly. *Also available in the following size: 20 liters| Art. No. 0890 222 20 The practical Computer Cleaning Cloths*| Art. No. 0890 150 are perfectly suited to cleaning displays, switches and knobs made of materials that are sensitive to touching. The SUHLPSUHJQDWHGFORWKVRXWRIWKHER[DUHDQWLVWDWLFDQGQRQVWUHDNLQJ * Computer Cleaner ReÀll Pack| Art. No. 0890 150 1 The Glass Cleaner*| Art. No. 0890 220 01 is perfectly suited to the rear-view mirror and ZLQGVKLHOGV,WUHPRYHVDOOWUDFHRIÀQJHUSULQWVGXVWURDGÀOPDQGQLFRWLQHDQGZD[VWDLQV,WLV best used with a dry, low-lint micro-active cloth. *Also available in the following size: 5 liters| Art. No. 0890 220 02 Tip We recommend using our micro-active cloths to supplement these special cleaners. 33 NEW! 34 Has a unique feel and acts in the same way: Test the new Würth Mudabsorber Mass. It even cleans hard-to-reach places such as the ventilation grilles in the car. Our problem-solver – test the Würth Mudabsorber Mass today Everyone knows them and everyone hates them: Dirt particles in hard-to-reach places. :H·YHQRZGHFODUHGZDURQWKHPZLWKWKH:UWK0XGDEVRUEHU0DVV,WYHULÀDEO\ kills bacteria and germs. The clay-like gel forces its way even into hard-to-reach problem areas and picks up the dirt. It leaves behind no residue – try it out! Reusable: The Mudabsorber Mass comes in resealable tins and bags. Mudabsorber Mass Universal, 150 g I Art. No. 0890 900 150 Mudabsorber Mass Car, 100 g I Art. No. 0890 900 100 35 7LS7KH7RS*XQKDVDVXFWLRQH̄HFWWKDW enables you to draw the dirt directly out of the fabrics. 36 Discover the perfect stain killer for fabric seats Water marks on fabric seats Remove coarse dirt with the vacuum cleaner and combat water marks with our Universal Cleaner R1*I Art. No. 0893 125 0057RGRWKLVÀOOWKHTop Gun I Art. No. 0891 703 140 or the Spray Extraction Unit I Art. No. 0701 110 0 with R1 FOHDQHUIRUDIROORZXSSURIHVVLRQDOLQWHULRUFOHDQ3D\DWWHQWLRQWRWKHPL[LQJUDWLRIRUWKHFOHDQHU DQGWKHVWDWHGWLPHLWQHHGVWRWDNHH̄HFW *Also available in the following sizes: 20 liters | Art. No. 0893 125 020 60 liters | Art. No. 0893 125 060 Grease, oil and other stains on fabric seats Our Stain Remover I Art. No. 0890 211 00FRQWDLQVVROYHQWVDQGVRH̄RUWOHVVO\UHPRYHV tar, oil, grease and smudges from fabrics. The highlight: it doesn’t leave behind any tide marks! Use it on a micro-active cloth or a Tex Polish I Art. No. 0899 811polishing cloth. Flū, hair, Àbers 7KHXSKROVWHU\EUXVKWDNHVFDUHRIZKDWWKHYDFXXPFOHDQHUPLVVHV'RJKDLUVÁX̄DQGÀEHUV VLWWLQJGHHSLQWKHIDEULFFDQRIWHQRQO\EHUHPRYHGZLWKJUHDWGL̅FXOW\7KHUpholstery and Carpet Brush I Art. No. 0891 350 500 is made from a special rubber that enables unwanted foreign bodies to be removed from the fabric in no time. The brush can be used dry or wet. 37 38 Perfect leather care and impregnation Cleaning and caring for leather seats Würth Leather Care I Art. No. 0893 012 9 is best applied onto leather seats in circular movements with a clean micro-active cloth. Regular use always keeps the OHDWKHUIUHVKDQGJLYHVLWWKHEHVWSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWH[WHUQDOLQÁXHQFHV Impregnation The impregnation spray I Art. No. 0893 032 100 is ideally suited to impregnating fabric tops on convertibles. Besides protecting against water, it also at WKHVDPHWLPHLQFUHDVHVWKHOLIHRIWKHWH[WLOHIDEULF Tip The impregnation spray is also superb for treating foot mats inside the car. This also protects the foot mats from getting soaked. 39 40 Perfect quality Is 100 % quality important to you even when it comes to additional items? 3 I ADDITIONAL ITEMS Then you’ve come to the right place. On the following pages, we bring you a few products that you will need time and again when preparing vehicles. 41 Spray Bottles Spray Bottle Robust design: natural-colored, break-proof container ([DFWGRVLQJP/DQGP/VFDOHV &OHDULGHQWLÀFDWLRQLQGLYLGXDOODEHOVWR write on 1 liters | Art. No. 0891 502 003 Tip The special suction system allows spraying in any posture. Perfect for reliable working overhead, at an angle or vertically. 360° 360° Spray Bottle Simple handling: ergonomic spray head in the long handle )OH[LEOHSUHVVXUHFORVHDEOHUHJXODWLQJQR]zle, up to 15 bar plunger pressure Robust design: transparent, break-proof 0.5 liter container in 100 ml increments &OHDULGHQWLÀFDWLRQLQGLYLGXDOODEHOVWR write on 500 ml I Art. No. 0891 502 360 42 360° Pump Spray Bottle The pump spray can for absolute professionals allows continuous spraying in any position. 0D[LPXPPRYHPHQWZRUNVUHOLDEO\HYHQRYHUKHDG at an angle or vertically Good stability: conical shape and a robust design &OHDULGHQWLÀFDWLRQLQGLYLGXDOODEHOVWRZULWHRQ 1 liters I Art. No. 0891 503 360 Pump spray bottle Simple handling: ergonomic pump spray atomizer in the long handle Good stability: conical shape and a robust design &OHDULGHQWLÀFDWLRQLQGLYLGXDOODEHOVWRZULWHRQ 1 liters I Art. No. 0891 503 001 43 Personal protection Ear Plugs X-100 Always protected: high insulation performance $OZD\VDGGUHVVDEOHH[FHOOHQWYRLFHUHFRJQLWLRQ Always comfortable: very comfortable to wear 50 pairs I Art. No. 0899 300 342 200 pairs I Art. No. 0899 300 331 Ear Plugs with String X-100 Always to hand: ready to hand thanks to the string Always protected: high insulation performance $OZD\VDGGUHVVDEOHH[FHOOHQWYRLFHUHFRJQLWLRQ Always comfortable: very comfortable to wear 100 pcs. I Art. No. 0899 300 332 Nitrile Disposable Glove (black) Powder-free disposable glove – ideal for polishing jobs 100 pcs. I S I Art. No. 0899 470 100 100 pcs. I M I Art. No. 0899 470 101 100 pcs. I L I Art. No. 0899 470 102 100 pcs. I XL I Art. No. 0899 470 103 100 pcs. I XXL I Art. No. 0899 470 104 44 Mechanic’s Protective Mat Practical: thanks to the ergonomic carrying handle Resistant: to oil, petrol and brake cleaner Wipe clean: easy-to-clean surface /[:[+PP[PP[PP Art. No. 0899 500 210 Hand cleaning and care Hand Cleaner Dispenser System 6SDFHVDYLQJFDQEHPRXQWHGRQWKHZDOOQH[WWRDZDVKEDVLQ Practical: Pressure pump immediately dispenses hand cleaner when pressed Precise: optimum dosing with a single pump press Hand Cleaner Plus Gentle: pH-neutral and soap-free Powerful: cleans pore-deep and prevents skin irritations Versatile: removes moderate to heavy dirt. Dermatologically tested Art. No. 0891 901 4 liters I Art. No. 0893 900 0 Hand and Nail Brush 5REXVWZD[HGZRRGERG\SUHYHQWVGLVFRORUDWLRQ due to dirt Powerful: removes even heavy dirt Gentle: Bristles made from natural hair are gentle on sensitive cuticles Art. No. 0891 350 510 45 Cleaners and Cleaning Accessories Basic Vehicle Cleaner Environmentally friendly: ecologically sound concentrate for basic cleaning (̄HFWLYHKLJKFOHDQLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Measurable: can be individually tailored to the amount of dirt 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 475 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 475 1 Engine Cleaner (̄HFWLYHKLJKFOHDQLQJSHUIRUPDQFH User-friendly: Gentle on material and especially skin-friendly 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 013 05 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 013 20 46 Intensive Rim Cleaner 3HUIHFWERQGLQJ'RHVQRWUXQR̄DOORZLQJWKHSURGXFW WRWDNHRSWLPXPH̄HFW Perfect care: Gentle on material and surfaces Perfect freshness: pleasant, non-pungent odor 1 liters I Art. No. 0893 476 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 476 05 Liquid Green All-Purpose Cleaner (̄HFWLYHH[WUDRUGLQDU\FOHDQLQJSHUIRUPDQFHWKDQNVWR a new combination of active agents Multi-functional: Gentle on material and versatile 500 ml I Art. No. 0893 474 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 474 5 Rubber Brush 9HUVDWLOH,GHDOIRUEUXVKLQJDQLPDOIXUDQGGXVWR̄FDUVHDWV cushions, leather and fabric covers Art. No. 0891 350 505 Auto Cleaning Sponge Good cleaning performance: multiple cell structure with GL̄HUHQWSRUHVL]HV Supple: Gentle on paintwork, permanently resilient surface Art. No. 0899 700 400 Combination Sponge Perfect vision: ideally suited to windshield cleaning Perfect combination: the yellow side cleans coarse dirt, the EURZQVLGHSLFNVXSÀQHGLUW Interior Cleaner Versatile: cleans all painted and plastic parts, glass surfaces and upholstery $GKHVLYHQRUXQQLQJR̄RQYHUWLFDOVXUIDFHV Long-lasting: provides temporary dust protection on the surface IPA All-Purpose Cleaner For all uses: universal For all dirt: removes greasy and water-soluble dirt For a streak-free shine: leaves behind no marks or smears on glass surfaces 500 ml I Art. No. 0893 223 500 Art. No. 0899 700 410 Bucket 12 liters I Art. No. 0695 770 12 20 liters I Art. No. 0695 770 20 500 ml I Art. No. 0893 033 47 Cleaning and Polishing Cloths MicroÀl Cleaning and Polishing Cloths Versatile: Lint-free cleaning cloth with high absorbency Art. No. 0899 900 150 Professional Micro-Active Cloth 3HUIHFWSHUIRUPDQFHPD[LPXPFOHDQLQJ power without using cleaning agents 3HUIHFWPDWHULDOPD[LPXPÀQHQHVVDQG VWUHQJWKRIWKHÀEHUV blue I Art. No. 0899 900 131 red I Art. No. 0899 900 132 yellow I Art. No. 0899 900 133 48 ProÀ-Duo Micro-Active Cloth Dry micro-active cloth that can be used dry, damp and wet and that bonds dirt well “Pro Gloss” Micro-Active Cloth Lint-free micro-active cloth for a deep shine without holograms Basic Micro-Active Cloth Practical: Cleans without the use of cleaning agents and sucks up dirt Art. No. 0899 900 138 Art. No. 0899 900 139 Art. No. 0899 900 050 Lambskin Pads Tex-Polish Polishing Cloth ([WUHPHO\DEVRUEHQWFORWKIRU polishing sensitive surfaces White Lambskin Suitable for light and dark painted surfaces. Low heat build-up and very good dirt removal. 150 pcs. I Art. No. 0899 811 200 mm I Art. No. 0585 195 135 mm I Art. No. 0585 235 80 mm I Art. No. 0585 23 80 Tex-Rein Cleaning Cloth /LQWIUHHIDEULFFORWKH[WUHPHO\ resistant to tearing and wetness 150 pcs. I Art. No. 0899 810 Universal Cleaning Cloth For thorough and quick cleaning of most surfaces without water, soap or a brush Premium Black Lambskin Ideal for dark painted surfaces. Low heat build-up and very good dirt removal. 90 pcs. I Art. No. 0890 900 90 135 mm I Art. No. 0585 135 49 Sealing and Care Rubber Care Spray For the winter: prevents freezing at minus temperatures For suppleness: No more porous rubber gaskets 300 ml I Art. No. 0890 110 Protective Wax A bonus for the user: Can also be used overhead, thanks to the 360° valve Protects the paintwork: Heat-resistant up to +160°C 400 ml I Art. No. 0893 082 400 Spray Shine 4XLFNDQGH̄HFWLYH*LYHVQHZDQGXVHGFDUV a high sheen in the space of a few minutes. 500 ml I Art. No. 0893 011 500 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 011 5 50 “Rubber Fit” Rubber Care For the winter: prevents freezing at minus temperatures For suppleness: No more porous rubber gaskets 75 ml I Art. No. 0893 012 8 Vinyl Plastic Care Perfect preparation: ideal for matt and faded plastic parts, also suitable for rubber Gentle on material: Paintwork, aluminum and chrome surfaces are not attacked. Perfect protection: protects against material embrittlement and aging 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 477 05 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 477 20 51 Machines and vacuum cleaners Hot Air Blower HLG 2000 Simply light: handy unit with stepless temperature control Simply reliable: robust ceramic heater Art. No. 0702 202 0 Industrial Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner ISS 35 Robust universal vacuum cleaner for sucking up and H[WUDFWLRQ Suitable for wet and dry operation. Powerful: 1380 W Impressive cable length: 7.5 m Large tank volume: 34 liters Art. No. 0701 137 1 52 Seat and cushion covers PE Seat Covers on Roll 3UDFWLFDOVLPSOHXQUROOLQJZLWKRXWWKHÀOPVNHZLQJ ([DFWKLJKWHDUTXDOLW\WKDQNVWRSUHFLVHSHUIRUDWLRQ &OHDQ'LVSHQVHUER[SURWHFWVDJDLQVWGXVW Contents: 500 seat covers Nylon Seat Cover )OH[LEOH6XLWDEOHIRUDOOFRPPRQYHKLFOHW\SHV Safe: Repels water and oil 7LJKW2SWLPXPÀWWKDQNVWRLQWHJUDWHGUXEEHUFRUG Art. No. 0899 500 010 Art. No. 0899 500 01 53 54 WÜRTH PERFECTION LINE passion needs care Because only those who strive for perfection with commitment achieve results that impress. The Würth Perfection Line will help you to prepare vehicles in a way that will take your clients’ breath away. A perfect shine – for perfect additional business. Rediscover your passion for vehicle preparation all over again – with the new Würth Perfection Line! 55 Contact: Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG 74650 Künzelsau, Germany T +49 7940 15-0 F +49 7940 15-1000 info@wuerth.com Imprint Responsible for the content: Patric Sattler/IDA Editor: David Maj/MWC Picture credits: Mario Heinritz/tm studios visuelle medien GmbH Jürgen Stanka/Lichtblick Fotostudio Graphic implementation: Sybille Mack/MWC, Andreas Lechner/Scanner GmbH Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted only with permission. MWC – H01413 – SC – ???– 12' – 03/16 Printed on environmentally friendly paper. © by Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG :HUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWRPDNHFKDQJHVLQWKHWHFKQLFDOÀHOGOHDGLQJWRWKHLPSURYHPHQW of the articles’ quality, as well as changes of design, model and color. While stocks last. ,OOXVWUDWLRQVPD\EHH[DPSOHLOOXVWUDWLRQVWKDWPD\GL̄HULQDSSHDUDQFHIURPWKHJRRGV VXSSOLHG(UURUVH[FHSWHG:HVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUDQ\SULQWLQJHUURUV