Test connector

United States Patent [19]
Dec. 14, 1976
United Kingdom ........ .. 339/75 MP
[75] Inventor: Theodore R. Sherwood, Sunnyvale,
Twin-Contact Connector, IBM Technical Disclosure
Bulletin, VOl- 14, n0- 9, 2-1972, Colletti et al
Assignee: The United States of America as
represented by the Secretary of the
Navy, Washington, D-C‘
Primary Examiner—-Roy Lake
D _ 8, 1975
Assistant Examiner—E. F. Desmond
l ed
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-R. S. Sciascia; Charles D. B.
[21] Appl- No; 638,385
Curry; Elliott N. Kramsky
US. Cl. .................... .. 339/75 M; 339/176 MP
lm. C1.2 ...................................... .. I-IOlR 13/54
held of Search ------ -- 339/17 L’ 17 LC’ 75 MP,
339/75 M, 75 R, 176 MP
A compact test connector having a slim design to per
mit side to side installation on a master interconnect
References Cited
board, allowing simultaneous testing of multiple mod
faces. A simple and compact camming device acts in
conjunction with the contact board to impart zero de
ules. A contact board contains redundant contact sur
Vcnaleck .................... .. 339/17 LC
vice insertion force and simpli?ed replacement of the
most degradable components‘
Germany .................. t. 339/l76 MP
7 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures
*7‘ 29
US. Patent
Dec. 14,1976
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to electrical test con
Another object of this invention is to provide an
electrical connector especially adapted to achieve the
‘ above object and remain operable through repeated
insertions and removals of electrical devices.
Yet another object of this invention is to achieve the
above objects with a device which provides maximum
nectors. More particularly, it relates to easily repair
contact area.
able test connectors of compressible design which exert
A further object of this invention is to achieve the
above objects by means of a design which allows for
further simpli?ed miniaturization of the invention.
A still further object of this invention is to achieve
the above objects in an electrical connector especially
adapted to accommodate an electrical device having
zero insertion force on the contacts of devices to be
2. Description of the Prior Art
Low insertion force electrical connectors have been
necessitated by the increased miniaturization of elec
tronic devices and their attendant delicacy. Often a
elongated contacts.
camming device has been the means employed to 15 Futher objects, advantages and novel features of the
achieve Zero insertion force. See, for instance, Sitzler,
invention will become apparent from the following
US. Pat. No. 3,744,005 and Wycheck, US. Pat. No.
detailed description of the invention when considered
3,426,313._ Prior art devices have mainly dealt with
in conjunction with the accompanying drawings
solving the problems caused by direct insertion of the
edge of a printed circuit board into a connector to join
it electrically to another device and have not dealt
Brief Description of the Drawings
extensively with miniaturized electronic devices having
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the test connector of
elongated contacts. Miniaturization has been limited in
many camming devices which utilize a knob control.
the present invention;
required than for coupling the edge of a miniaturized
present invention.
FIG. 2 is a vertical sectional view of the present in
Such control may only be reduced to a limited extent 25 vention taken along line 2—2 of FIG. 1;
and remain manually operable.
FIG. 3 is a vertical sectional view of the present in
When one deals with the elongated leads of a minia
vention taken along line 3-3 of FIG. 1;
turized device, even ?ner control of insertion force is
FIG. 4 is an exploded partial perspective view of the
board. At all times, however, a reliable electrical con 30
nection must be assured between the devices to be
coupled. Prior art teachings are generally not adaptable
to the special problems involved in coupling miniatur
With reference to FIG. 1, there is shown in perspec
ized devices having small elongated contacts and- do
an embodiment of the present invention. A plural
not recognize the further problems attendant in design 35 tive
contact receptacles 11 are arrayed upon device
of a connector to interface with test equipment or con
13. The receptacles are adapted to receive
soles. Such equipment is intended to repeatedly test
elongated contacts from an electronic device and are
different devices and must allow for insertion an re
arrayed to accommodate a multiplicity of such
contacts. It is seen in FIG. 2 that the receptacles 11
be funnel shaped as a further precaution against
insertion force deformations. One hundred contact
The present invention solves these and other related
receptacles 11 are shown in the embodiment illus
problems by providing a small cam actuated zero inser
trated, although such number is not intended as a limit
tion force electrical test connector. The cam is de
signed to be activated by manipulation of its major 45 ing'aspect of the present invention. The size of the
receptacles l 1 will vary according to the transverse size
dimension, thus allowing maximum potential miniatur
of the elongated contacts to be inserted and are de
ization. A removable and easily replaceable card hav
signed to accord a loose, zero insertion force, ?t for
ing redundant electrical contact surfaces assures simple
such contacts. The present inventive concept is not
maintenance and maximum contact area.
moval with minimal degradation of contact areas, the
portion of any electrical connector most prone to wear
limited to accommodate only electrical devices having
Brie?y, the present invention relates to a compact
test connector having a slim design to permit side to
elongated contacts but is also adaptable to electrical
devices having one or more contact areas coincident
with a circuit board edge or other surface, for example.
An upper portion casing is formed of the device in
side installation on a master interconnect board. A
contact board contains redundant contact surfaces. A 55
terface 13 and paired ridge panels 15, plateau panels
simple and compact camming device acts in conjunc
17, angled panels 19 and side panels 21 which are
joined and culminate in a pair of end pieces 23. An
abrupt constriction 25 is grooved the length of side
tion with the contact board to provide zero insertion
force and simpli?ed replacement of the most degrad
panels 21 as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 which shall be
further discussed hereinafter.
A cam activator 27 for adjusting a plurality of spring
contacts 29 (shown in FIGS. 2, 3 and 4) to either an
open or closed position is shown in FIG. I to consist of
a pair of locking bar sides 31 joined to a pair of end
able components. The board is contained within a
matched pair of camming blocks which vary the dis
tance between the contact parts upon activation caused
by moving sliding exterior surfaces. Cone-shaped aper
tures permit positioning of elongated electrical
contacts in the variable space.
Objects of the Invention
An object of the present invention is to provide a
zero insertion force electrical connector.
pieces 33 by plurality of standard fastening means 35.
The abrupt constrictions 25 matching side panels 21
permit a slidable engagement between the cam activa
tor 27 and side panels‘ 21.
top of the inclines formed in inclined slots 37. This shift
of the cam activator 27 causes simultaneous and identi
cal vertical movements of rods 39. FIG. 2 illustrates the
inclined recesses 45 of split camming block 42 and the
The rods 39 and inclined slots 37 are so arranged that
the axes of the rods 39 describe a horizontal plane at all
times. The height of each rod relative to anchor plane
seating of the spring contacts 29 therein. In FIG. 3 it is
41 is determined by the rod’s relative position in its
inclined slot which, in turn, is determined by the posi
tion of the cam activator 17 relative to the side panels
FIG. 3 illustrates a cross section of the invention
taken along line 3—3 of FIG. 1. It is seen that rod 39
sits in a notch formed in paired camming blocks 42.
FIG. 2, a cross section of the invention taken along line
2—2 of FIG. 1, shows that, between comb-like inter
vening camming block- ridges 43 there exist, alternating
with such ridges, a plurality of recesses 45 each having
an inclined side. FIG. 4 shows the paired camming
blocks 42 in perspective and illustrates their relation
ship to replaceable contact board 47.
seen that rods 39 are located internally in cam block 42
and sit in a vertical slot 63 which exists in connector
side panels 21. Lower contact spring 65 completes
electrical contact between console contact pins 61 and
plane contacts 49 and exerts a retaining force on
contact board 47. Thus, vertical movement of rods 39,
causing an upward movement of cam block 42, will
5 cause the spring contacts 29 of contact board 47
toward one another. This is due to the inclined internal
surface of the cam block 42 against which the spring
contacts 29 are seated. The pinching movement caused
thereby brings the spring contacts 29 into electrical
Contact board 47 is constructed of a non-conductive
connection with the elongated contact of the ?rst de
vice protruding through contact receptacle 11. This
completes the electrical connection of the device
joined‘ to contact pins 61 with that joined to contact
receptacles 11. If the ?rst device does not posses elon
material. On each side of the board exist alternating
plane contacts 49. The contacts 49 consist of strips of
a conducting material and may be so arranged that, as
illustrated in ‘FIG. 2, a strip is located along the projec
tion of receptacle 11. With each plane contact 49 there
contact with one or more of the pins 16 by moving the
cam activator 27 to such position that rods 39 sit at the
A pair of inclined slots 37 exists in each locking-bar
side 31. A rod 39 is associated with each slot 37, each
rod spanning the internal width of the test connector.
is paired a spring contact 29 made of a resilient con
gated contacts, obvious adaptations of the present in
vention, such as removal of interface 13 may be made
in accord with the present invention.
Due to the loose ?t of the elongated contacts in the
ducting material. Each spring contact 29 and plane
receptacles 11 and the relatively large gap existing
contact 49 are joined by standard means such as solder
between spring contacts 29- and contact board 47 be
fore rods 39 achieve their upper position, no force is
ing at a flat junction 51.
contact board 47 has a lip 53 at each end. Each lip 53
sits in a notch 55 formed at the junction of the paired
In operation with an electronic device of the type
exerted upon the elongated contacts until they are in
place and fully aligned. Also, due to the unique con
struction of the invention and particularly the split
nature of camming block 42, the contact board 47 may
be replaced independent of other parts of the invention
by a simple disassembly seen clearly in FIG. 4. This is a
particularly useful feature of the invention when uti
having at least one elongated contact the contact is
lized as an interface for an electrical test console. The
blocks 42. The height of the lips 53 in conjunction with
the depth of notch 55 determines the maximum depth
at which contact board 47 may be seated within cam
ming blocks 42.
plugged manually into device interface 13. Anchor
continual insertion and removal of the devices to‘ be
plane 41 serves as the base of the present invention and 40 tested degrades the spring contacts 29 more severely
adjoins a second electronic device. A pair of holes 57
than another portion of the invention. Simple replace
ment or repair of the contact board 47 will assure long
provide points of attachment of the invention to the
other electrical device, such as a test console. The
term performance of the invention.
Thus there is provided a durable no-force connector
holes extend through anchor plane 41 and through a
pair of shoulders 59 which serve as end portions for the 45 in which an electrical device may be plugged into the
invention causing minimal device degradation and al
lowing. easy replacement of degradable parts for long
portion of the chamber formed side panels 21 below
the cam activator 27. An electrical connection is made
between the second device and the contact pins 61
located at the bottom of the anchor plane 41 by any of
variety of methods well recognized in the art, such as
wire winding. The locking bar sides 31 are moved to
such a position that rods 39 lie at the lowest point of
term ef?ciency of operation.
inclined slots 37 (the position illustrated in FIG. 1) and
the device, having at least one elongated contact, has
such contact or contacts inserted through one or more 55
of contact receptacles 11. With rods 39 in their low
positions, a relatively large gap exists between the semi
circular portion of spring contacts 29 and contact
a. an upper portion for receiving at least one contact
from a ?rst electrical device;
b. a lower portionvfor receiving at least one contact
from a second electrical device;
c. a contact board located between said upper and
1 lower portions, said board having at least one elec
trical contact thereon, said at least one electrical
spring portion, said strip portion consisting of elec
tacles 11, allows the insertion of an elongated contact
trically conductive material located on the face of
the board and said spring portion, in contact with
said strip portion, consisting of resilient electrically
encountering little, if any opposing force. In complex
conducting material attached to said board at one
and miniaturized arrays, such contacts may be of slight
end and projecting therefromat the other end;
transverse dimension as a packaging consideration and
subject to hann from relatively minor insertion forces.
After the insertion of the elongated contacts of the
device, the operator may complete the electrical con
nection of the ?rst device with the electrical device in
contact comprising a strip portion joined to a
board 47, shown most vividly in FIG. 2. The gap, cou
pled with the loosely designed ?tting of contact recep
What is claimed is:
1. An electrical connector which comprises:
(I. a camming apparatus located in said upper por
e. said camming apparatus comprises a matched pair
of blocks surrounding said contact board;
f. each block having a top portion and a bottom por
tion and each having at least one cavity in its in
3. An electrical connector as described in claim 2
wherein said connector additionally comprises:
a. a pair of shoulders which join said top portion to
said bottom portion; and
b. each of said shoulders has a pair of notches to
accommodate the sides of said camming apparatus.
ward-facing side;
g. said at least one cavity is larger at said top portion
than at said bottom portion; whereby
h. an electrical connection may be made between
4. An electrical connector as described in claim 3
said ?rst and second devices said connection being
completed and undone according to the position
ing of said contact board within said camming ap
which additionally comprises:
a. attachment means to join the lower portion of said
electrical connector to a surface located at the
bottom of each of said shoulders;
b. said means being removable, so that, upon removal
2. An electrical connector as described in claim 1
wherein said electrical connector further comprises:
a. said camming apparatus has a pair of sides each
side having parallel inclined slots and each side
located in a notch in said upper portion of said
electrical connector;
b. a pair of end pieces joined to said sides to maintain
of said attachment means and said rods said electri
cal connector is suf?ciently disassembled to allow
manual removal of said contact board.
5. An electrical connector as described in claim 4
wherein said upper portion has at least one opening to
admit an elongated electrical contact from said ?rst
electrical device.
a parallel spaced positioning therebetween;
c. a pair of rods projecting through said matched pair
6. An electrical connector as described in claim 5
of blocks and seated in said inclined slots and in a
wherein said opening in said upper portion is of funnel
vertical slot in said upper portion of said electrical
connector of vertical dimension at least as great as
7.‘ An electrical connector as described in claim 6
that when said pair of sides of said camming appa
a. said contact spring portion further has a straight
ratus are shifted in position within said joint in said 25
lower portion adapted to the shape of said at least
the vertical displacement of said inclined slot so
upper portion of said electrical connector, said
one cavity of said camming block; and
rods are caused to be displaced in a vertical direc
b. an upper portion having a bend toward said
tion thereby causing said matched pair of blocks to
undergo vertical movement.
contact board.