City of Kingston Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 To: Chair and Members of Heritage Kingston From: Lanie Hurdle, Commissioner, Community Services Resource Staff: Paige Agnew, Director, Planning, Building & Licensing Services Date of Meeting: June 1, 2016 Subject: Application for Heritage Permit under the Ontario Heritage Act Address: 752 King Street West – Kingston Provincial Campus (P18-244) Permit File Number: P18-023-2016 Executive Summary: The subject property at 752 King Street West is located on the south side of King Street West just west of the Village of Portsmouth. The subject property, known as the former Rockwood Asylum, now the Kingston Provincial Campus, contains a number of heritage buildings and a cultural heritage landscape. The subject application relates specifically to the limestone greenhouse located south of the Rockwood Villa and north of the Penrose building. This singlestorey limestone and glass building, built circa 1907, is currently used for storage. An application for alteration under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act (File Number P18-0232016) has been submitted to request approval to repurpose the building for use as an electrical substation. The alterations include: a. Removal and reconstruction of the entire roof including new framing, flashing and asphalt shingles, new eves, soffits and downspouts; b. Repair and repointing all of the stone walls; c. Removal and replacement of all doors and windows, including two new six over six sash windows (PVC), in place of currently boarded up windows, two new steel louvers where the existing vinyl windows are located, a new wooden door to replace the existing wooden door, and the filling in of the small basement window with masonry; and d. The installation of three (3) new security lights. This is not a prominent building on the property like the Rockwood Villa, Penrose, Leahurst or the South Cottage; however the owners have found a practical and functional use for it, which will aid in conserving this building for many more years to come. Upon review of all the submitted materials, as well as applicable policies and legislation, staff have no concerns with the proposed alterations, subject to the conditions outlined herein. 43 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 2 of 8 Recommendation: That it is recommended to Council that alterations to the property at 752 King Street West, be approved in accordance with details described in the application (File Number P18-023-2016), which was deemed complete on April 15, 2016, with said alterations to include: 1. Removal and reconstruction of the entire roof, including new framing, flashing and asphalt shingles (in the same colour as existing), new eves, soffits and downspouts; 2. Repair and repointing all of the stone walls; 3. Removal and replacement of all doors and windows, including two new six over six sash windows (PVC), in place of the currently boarded up windows, two new steel louvers where the existing vinyl windows are located, a new wooden door to replace the existing wooden door, and the filling in of the small basement window with masonry; 4. The installation of three new security lights; and That the approval of the alterations be subject to the following eight conditions: 1. All masonry works shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on Masonry Restoration in Heritage Buildings; 2. All window and door repairs shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on Window Renovations in Heritage Buildings, with the exception of the installation of the two louvered vents, which shall be permitted; 3. The new windows are to be painted in an off-white or grey colour and shall be designed to fit in the existing openings without the need for wide window surrounds; 4. The new louvered window vents be painted a mat grey colour and installed carefully, as to not damage the window opening, in accordance with prudent construction practices; 5. The existing stone lintel and those stones surrounding the opening to the basement window be retained in order to recognize the existence of the window opening; 6. The exterior door on the north facing wall be reviewed and, if possible, be repaired rather than replaced; and 7. The new security lights (3) be located in a discrete location, preferably close to the soffit; and 8. The requirement of Ontario Regulation 490, with respect to the disturbance of hazardous materials during construction, shall be met. 44 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Authorizing Signatures: ORIGINAL SIGNED BY COMMISSIONER Lanie Hurdle, Commissioner, Community Services ORIGINAL SIGNED BY CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Gerard Hunt, Chief Administrative Officer Consultation with the following Members of the Corporate Management Team: Cynthia Beach, Corporate & Strategic Initiatives Not required Denis Leger, Transportation, Facilities & Emergency Services Not required Jim Keech, President and CEO, Utilities Kingston Not required Desiree Kennedy, Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer Not required 45 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 4 of 8 Options/Discussion: Proposal/Background The subject property at 752 King Street West is located on the south side of King Street West just west of the Village of Portsmouth. The subject property, known as the former Rockwood Asylum, now the Kingston Provincial Campus, contains a number of heritage buildings and a cultural heritage landscape. The subject application relates specifically to the limestone greenhouse located south of the Rockwood Villa and north of the Penrose building. This singlestorey limestone and glass building, built circa 1907, is currently used for storage. An application for alteration under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act (File Number P18-0232016) has been submitted to request approval to repurpose the building for use as an electrical substation (Exhibit A - Alteration Plans, prepared by WSP Canada Inc.). The alterations include: a. Removal and reconstruction of the entire roof including new framing, flashing and asphalt shingles, new eves, soffits and downspouts; b. Repair and repointing all of the stone walls; c. Removal and replacement of all doors and windows, including two new six over six sash windows (PVC), in place of the currently boarded up windows, two new steel louvers where the existing vinyl windows are located, a new wooden door to replace the existing wooden door, and the filling in of the small basement window with masonry; and d. The installation of three (3) new security lights. Reasons for Designation The subject lands are part of a recognized “cultural heritage landscape” within Section 7.3.D.5 of the Kingston Official Plan. They are also identified by the Province of Ontario as a property of cultural heritage value or interest and as a cultural heritage landscape. The former Rockwood Asylum (Penrose), the South Cottage, Gazebo, Leahurst and Beechgrove buildings as well as the greenhouse, former carriage house and a number of landscape features are all noted for their cultural heritage value and interest. In addition, the Rockwood House/Villa was designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act through By-Law Number 8497 in 1975 and amended in 1976 by By-Law Number 8892. Previous Approvals P18-244-43-97 Replace roof at South Cottage P18-244-26-01 Repairs to retaining wall and landscaping P18-244-32-05 Repairs to Rockwood House & landscaping works P18-244-62-05 Demolish asphalt ramp and replace with concrete & roofing upgrades on kitchen & dining wing at the Kingston Psychiatric Hospital P18-244-71-05 Install air monitoring equipment at the Kingston Psychiatric Hospital P18-244-01-06 Road and sidewalk upgrades 46 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 5 of 8 P18-244-05-06 Window replacement at South Cottage P18-244-10-06 Repair soffits, facia and masonry at South Cottage P18-244-003-2014 Demolish existing Providence Care Hospital and construct new P18-244-008-2014 Masonry repairs to Penrose P18-244-026-2014DA New HVAC vent at Leahurst P18-244-027-2014 Installation of new vent through wall in north-west corner of building P18-244-028-2014DA Vent replacement at Rockwood P18-244-029-2014DA Window and door repairs at Penrose P18-244-032-2014 New b-f ramp and stairs at Rockwood P18-244-040-2015DA Replace vinyl windows with like at South Cottage P18-244-089-2015 Relocated and repair gazebo Comments from Agencies and Business Units The following internal departments commented on this application: Building: A building permit application has been submitted. Environment: Designated substances may be present in areas to be disturbed and Ontario Regulation 490 - Designated Substances - outlines applicable legal requirements. Built Heritage Analysis The single story limestone greenhouse was built shortly after the turn of the twentieth century and likely served the needs of the Provincial asylum operation. The central hipped-roof portion of the greenhouse contains three window openings on the south facing wall (one with a vinyl window, one boarded up and one partially below grade with no glazing); two windows on the east facing wall (one with a vinyl window and one boarded up) and a single wooden door on the north facing wall (likely original). The owners, Infrastructure Ontario, on behalf of the Province of Ontario, wish to repurpose this portion of the former greenhouse for use as an electrical substation. This requires the restoration of this building to industry minimum standards for this use. Masonry repair and repointing is a normal cyclical form of maintenance for stone of this vintage and is encouraged to help conserve this valued heritage building. The works will be undertaken in accordance with the City’s Policy on Masonry Restoration in Heritage Buildings. Staff have no concerns with the approval of this alteration, subject to the necessary conditions. 47 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 6 of 8 Similarly, the removal and reconstruction of the existing roof with a profile that replicates the existing pitch and roofing design will aid in conserving the heritage attributes of this building and staff have no concerns with the approval of this alteration. The applicants, WPS Canada Incorporated (on behalf of Infrastructure Ontario) propose three new LEED exterior security lights. Provided they are located in a discrete location, close to the soffit, and installed in accordance with the City’s Policy on Masonry Restoration, staff have no concerns with this alteration. The City’s Policy on Window Renovations in Heritage Buildings notes that where a window “is an inappropriate replacement unit that is not in keeping with the character of the building and has little or no cultural heritage value, its replacement should be considered. The replacement window should be designed to replicate a Period Window as closely as possible.” The current windows are vinyl replacement units with no heritage value (Exhibit B - Photographs of Building). The proposed replacement windows, while of also a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) material, are to be designed to comply with the City’s Window Policy, insofar as they will be a six-over-six sash windows with muntins bars located on the exterior side of the glass, similar to what may have existed at the time of the building’s construction. While PVC windows are not necessarily desirable from a heritage conservation perspective, they are not prohibited in the City’s Window Policy and are widely used on this property. As a small secondary building that will largely be unoccupied, it is reasonable to allow for less desirable windows if it results in the conservation of the building as a whole. Staff support this alteration, however, recommend conditions be included to require the windows to be painted in an off-white or grey colour and be designed to fit in the existing openings without the need for wide window surrounds. The replacement of the existing windows with steel louvers does not meet the City’s Window Policy; however, the building currently contains two windows and two blocked window openings. The proposal will result in a similar arrangement with two windows and two louvered windows. According to the applicant, these louvers are necessary in order to facilitate the proposed function (electrical substation) of the building. If painted in a mat grey colour and installed carefully, as to not damage the window opening, the proposed louvers will have the same, if not a lesser, impact to the heritage value of the building than the existing plywood. Staff support this alteration subject to the condition noted. The small window in the basement level of the south facing façade is partially below grade. According to the applicants, grading works are proposed in this area in order to meet the depth/coverage requirements for the new electrical conduits entering the building. As a result, most of window will be below grade and obstructed from view. In order to protect the building from water, the window is to be filled in with like stone masonry, prior to the grade change. Staff have no objection to this alteration but recommend that the existing lintel stone and those stones surrounding the opening be retained in order to recognize the previous window opening. While doors are not specifically referenced in the City’s Window Policy, staff rely on its direction when assessing alteration permits for older period-appropriate doors. The door on the north side of the greenhouse is an older wooden door and possibly original to the building (Exhibit B Photographs of Building). The applicants have indicated that the door is in poor condition and are proposing to replace it with a similar wooden door that matches the colour and style of the 48 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 7 of 8 existing door. If the existing door is indeed beyond repair, staff support its replacement with a similar period appropriate door; however staff recommend that the applicant investigates repairing the door as the first option. In addition, as per Standard 10 of the ‘Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada’, repairing character defining elements is encouraged over replacement. If the repair of the door means that “very little original material would remain” (as per the City’s Window Policy), then its replacement is recommended. This is not a prominent building on the property like the Rockwood Villa, Penrose, Leahurst or the South Cottage; however the owners have found a practical and functional use for it, which will aid in conserving this building for many more years to come. Upon review of all of the submitted materials, as well as applicable policies and legislation, staff have no concerns with the proposed alterations, subject to the conditions outlined herein. Conclusion Staff recommends approval of the permit application (File Number P18-023-2016), subject to conditions outlined herein, as there are no objections from a perspective of built heritage and no concerns have been raised by the relevant internal departments. Existing Policy/By-Law: Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada (Parks Canada) Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. O.18. (Province of Ontario) By-Law Number 2013-141 Procedural By-Law for Heritage Designating By-Law Numbers 8497 and 8892 for the Rockwood House City’s Policy on Masonry Restoration in Heritage Buildings City’s Policy on Window Renovations in Heritage Buildings Notice Provisions: Pursuant to Section 33(3) of the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA), notice of receipt of a complete application has been served on the applicant. As per Section 33(4)(b) of the OHA, notice of the decision must be served on the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust. Accessibility Considerations: Not applicable Financial Considerations: Not applicable 49 Report to Heritage Kingston Report Number HK-16-011 June 1, 2016 Page 8 of 8 Contacts: Paige Agnew, Director, Planning, Building & Licensing Services 613-546-4291 extension 3252 Greg Newman, Manager, Policy Planning 613-546-4291 extension 3289 Ryan Leary, Senior Planner, Heritage 613-546-4291 extension 3233 Other City of Kingston Staff Consulted: The application has been circulated to internal departments for review and comment. Exhibits Attached: Exhibit A Alteration Plans, prepared by WSP Canada Inc. Exhibit B Photographs of Building 50 Exhibit A 51 Exhibit A 52 Exhibit A 53 Exhibit A Exhibit A DEMOLITION LEGEND REMOVE DUCTWORK AND EQUIPMENT REMOVE EXHAUST DUCT RISER ST REMOVE STEAM PIPING STM REMOVE STORM PIPING C C C REMOVE CONDENSATE PIPING REMOVE DHW PIPING REMOVE DCW PIPING C REMOVE CONDENSATE RECEIVER AND PUMP PIPE DOWN KEY PLAN DEMOLITION NOTES REMOVE HOT WATER TANK C REMOVE CISTERN WATER PUMP REMOVE OVERFLOW PIPE BACK TO FLOOR / FOUNDATION AND SEAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 2 1 SCALE: NTS ALL DOMESTIC HOT, COLD AND RECIRCULATION WATER PIPING SHALL BE REMOVED. REMOVE STEAM PRV STATION AND ALL STEAM AND CONDENSATE PIPING. ALL PIPING THAT PENETRATES WALLS BELOW GRADE SHALL BE REMOVED BACK FLUSH TO WALLS. ALL PIPING THAT PENETRATES WALLS ABOVE GRADE SHALL BE REMOVED INCLUDING THE PORTION PENETRATING THE WALL. ISSUED FOR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR 99% REVIEW ISSUED FOR 66% REVIEW No 29/02/2016 22/01/2016 11/11/2015 Revisions Date Orientation Seal REMOVE CISTERN WATER PRESSURE TANK The Contractor shall check and verify all dimensions and report all errors and omissions to the IO-Owner's/MBS Designee (as applicable) for his/her written direction before proceeding with the Work. A A Detail No B B Sheet No where detailed IF THIS BAR IS NOT 25mm LONG, ADJUST YOUR PLOTTING SCALE. 25mm Key Plan GREENHOUSE BUILDING LOWER LEVEL DEMO PLAN SCALE: 1:50 SUB-STATION BUILDING STM REMOVE ALL STEAM, CONDENSATE AND DOMESTIC WATER PIPING AND EQUIPMENT WITHIN OUTLINED AREA. REMOVE PIPING THAT EXTENDS BEYOND THIS AREA BACK TO THE NEAREST HANGER OR SUPPORT. REMOVE STORM WATER PIPING 1224 GARDINERS ROAD, SUITE 201 KINGSTON, ONTARIO CANADA K7P 0G2 PHONE: 613-634-7373 FAX: 613-634-3523 WWW.WSPGROUP.COM REMOVE FAN EQUPMENT IN CUPOLA AND ASSOCIATED DUCTWORK ST C ST ST DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. REMOVE SYSTEMS AS INDICATED IN DRAWING NOTES 2. REMOVE ALL EXISTING GRILLES, TRANSFER DUCTS LOCATED WITHIN THE CEILING SPACE AND SUPPLY DIFFUSERS WITHIN AREAS OF WORK. REMOVE DUCTWORK SERVING THE DIFFUSERS BACK TO VAV BOX, MAIN DUCT BRANCH OR AS INDICATED ON DRAWING. 3. DUCTWORK REMOVALS TO INCLUDE HANGERS, SUPPORTS, RISERS, DAMPERS, CONNECTIONS, DIFFUSERS AND ALL OTHER ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS. 4. ALL REMOVAL SHALL INCLUDE SUPPORTS, VALVING, CONNECTIONS, AND ASSOCIATED TRIM. 5. PROVIDE TEMPORARY MEASURES TO ENSURE REMAINING SYSTEMS REMAIN OPERATIONAL. EXISTING SYSTEMS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMATIC AND ARE BASED ON ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. THE DRAWING MAY NOT REPRESENT "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ON SITE, PRIOR TO TENDER CLOSE, THE EXTENT AND CONFIGURATION OF EXISTING SYSTEMS AND ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL REMOVALS AS DETERMINED ON SITE TO MEET THE INTENT OF THE DEMOLITION INDICATED. NO EXTRAS WILL BE ALLOWED FOR FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR IN COMPLETING A THROUGH REVIEW OF THE SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING TENDER PRICE. STM ST ST ST REMOVE RAIN WATER TROUGH REMOVE RADIATOR CONTRACT DRAWINGS CONTRACT DRAWINGS FOR MECHANICAL WORK ARE IN PART DIAGRAMMATIC, INTENDED TO CONVEY THE SCOPE OF WORK AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENT FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LAYOUT OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, AND ELECTRICAL BUILDING COMPONENTS, AS WELL AS OTHER MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PIPING, DUCTING, FITTINGS, SUPPORTS, ETC., REQUIRED TO FACILITATE THE WORK. NO EXTRA PAYMENTS ARISING FROM FAILURE TO MAKE THIS COORDINATION WILL BE CONSIDERED. GREENHOUSE BUILDING UPPER LEVEL DEMO PLAN SCALE: 1:50 Project KPC POWERHOUSE DECOMMISSIONING PHASE 1 Location KINGSTON, ON IO Project No Site No Building No 1037088-270404, 1038794-270446 Client INFRASTRUCTURE ONTARIO Drawing Title GREENHOUSE WEST BUILDING MECHANICAL DEMOLITION PLANS Scale Date Drawn by Substantial Performance Date AS NOTED OCTOBER 2015 ET Designed by ET Approved by AS M1.1 Drawing No CADD File NAME 610x914mm 54 3 Exhibit A LEGEND L-1 EXISTING DCW PIPING MD-1 M CONNECT 150Ø STORM TO EXITING EAVES TROUGH OUTLET REMOVE DCW PIPING 400X400 AIR INTAKE AT 300 ABOVE FLOOR DCW PIPING BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY BALL VALVE PIPE REDUCER PIPE DOWN STM PIPE UP VENTILATION SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1. 2. EF-1 3. 4. MD-2 SUMP PUMP CONTROLLER 400X400 EXHAUST AT 300 BELOW CEILING 150Ø STORM OUTLET TO GRADE C 750X1000 MD-1 MD-3 VENTILATION SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS EF-2 3. 4. 600X600 M MD-4 MD-3 AND MD-4 ARE NORMALLY CLOSED. WHEN REVERSE ACTING THERMOSTAT SENSES AN INDOOR TEMPERATURE GREATER THAN 25° C, MD-1 AND MD-2 ARE SENT THE SIGNAL TO OPEN. WHEN DAMPERS ARE FULLY OPEN, END SWITCH ENGAGES EXHAUST FAN EF-2. WHEN TEMPERATURE IN THE SPACE DROPS BELOW BELOW 25° C THE EXHAUST FAN SHUTS DOWN AND DAMPERS CLOSE. MD-4 DAMPER 100mm DEEP INSULATED BLADE 100mm DEEP INSULATED BLADE 100mm DEEP INSULATED BLADE 100mm DEEP INSULATED BLADE ACTUATOR 120V C/W END SWITCH 120V C/W END SWITCH 120V C/W END SWITCH 120V C/W END SWITCH SIZE WIDTH X HEIGHT Orientation 29/02/2016 22/01/2016 11/11/2015 Revisions Date Seal FLOW COMMENTS 400mmX400mm 400mmX400mm TAG SERVICE P-1 SUMP PIT TAG L-3 L-4 TYPE 100mm DEEP STORM PROOF 100mm DEEP STORM PROOF 100mm DEEP STORM PROOF 100mm DEEP STORM PROOF FREE AREA .08 SQ.METERS HEAD ELECTRICAL L/S KPa MOTOR POWER MAKE MODEL (GPM) (FT W.C.) HP (V/PH/HZ) 1.45(23) 30(10) 1/4 LIBERTY 247 120/1/60 ACCESSORIES VERTICAL FLOAT SWITCH, CONTROLLER ALM-2W A A Detail No B B Sheet No where detailed IF THIS BAR IS NOT 25mm LONG, ADJUST YOUR PLOTTING SCALE. 25mm Key Plan 750mmX1000mm EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE 750mmX1000mm SIZE WIDTH X HEIGHT The Contractor shall check and verify all dimensions and report all errors and omissions to the IO-Owner's/MBS Designee (as applicable) for his/her written direction before proceeding with the Work. PUMP SCHEDULE LOUVER SCHEDULE L-2 L-4 SIZE TO FIT EXISTING WINDOW OPENING APPROXIMATELY 950X1460 BLANK OFF UNUSED PORTION No STORM-PROOF LOUVER ISSUED FOR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR 99% REVIEW ISSUED FOR 66% REVIEW EXHAUST FAN TAG SERVICE L-1 750X1000 THERMALLY INSULATED RIGID DUCT L-2 MOTORIZED DAMPER MD-2 1. 2. 3 2 1 THERMOSTAT WIRING MOTORIZED DAMPER SCALE: 1:50 TAG MD-3 C REVERSE ACTING (COOLING) THERMOSTAT BACKFLOW PREVENTER BUILDING PLAN VIEW L-3 SIZE TO FIT EXISTING WINDOW OPENING APPROXIMATELY 975X1460 BLANK OFF UNUSED PORTION M M GATE VALVE MD-1 AND MD-2 ARE NORMALLY CLOSED. WHEN REVERSE ACTING THERMOSTAT SENSES AN INDOOR TEMPERATURE GREATER THAN 25° C, MD-1 AND MD-2 ARE SENT THE SIGNAL TO OPEN. WHEN DAMPERS ARE FULLY OPEN, END SWITCH ENGAGES EXHAUST FAN EF-1. WHEN TEMPERATURE IN THE SPACE DROPS BELOW A TEMPERATURE BELOW 25° C THE EXHAUST FAN SHUTS DOWN AND DAMPERS CLOSE. FUNCTION INTAKE SQ-100-VG INLINE 355 62 1/4 HP 120/60/1 559 1,2 EF-2 SUBSTATION EXHAUST GREENHECK SQ-160-VG INLINE 2125 62 1 HP 120/60/1 559 1,2 .08 SQ.METERS 400mmX400mm EXHAUST C/W BIRDSCREEN .33 SQ.METERS 750mmX1000mm INTAKE C/W BIRDSCREEN .33 SQ.METERS 750mmX1000mm EXHAUST C/W BIRDSCREEN NOTES: ALTERNATE MANUFACTURERS SHALL PROVIDE STANDARD AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT TO MATCH MODEL NUMBERS. ALL FAN & MOTOR ASSEMBLIES ARE TO BE CSA LABELED. 1. MOTOR WITH THERMAL OVERLOADS. 2. NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH C/W BIRDSCREEN VOLTAGE FAN ACCESSORIES (V/Ø/Hz) (RPM) MODEL GREENHECK ACCESSORIES: COMMENTS 400mmX400mm TYPE AIRFLOW E.S.P. POWER (Pa) (L/S) MANUFACTURER EF-1 BACKFLOW BUILDING GREENHOUSE SUBSTATION BUILDING PLAN SCALE: 1:50 1224 GARDINERS ROAD, SUITE 201 KINGSTON, ONTARIO CANADA K7P 0G2 PHONE: 613-634-7373 FAX: 613-634-3523 WWW.WSPGROUP.COM 1 M1.2 P-1 40Ø WALL MOUNTED PUMP CONTROLLER DRAIN TO GRADE STM 1 M1.2 FLOOR GRATE 40Ø Project KPC POWERHOUSE DECOMMISSIONING PHASE 1 GRADE Location KINGSTON, ON IO Project No SHUT OFF VALVE SCALE: 1:50 Building No Client UNION INFRASTRUCTURE ONTARIO ALARM - 250mm ON - 190mm OFF - 75mm GREENHOUSE SUBSTATION BUILDING LOWER LEVEL PLAN Site No 1037088-270404, 1038794-270446 CHECK VALVE P-1 Drawing Title BACKFLOW PREVENTOR BUILDING & GREENHOUSE WEST BUILDING VENTILATION PLANS AND SCHEDULES GREENHOUSE SUBSTATION SECTION 1 SCALE: 1:25 Scale Date Drawn by Substantial Performance Date AS NOTED CONTRACT DRAWINGS CONTRACT DRAWINGS FOR MECHANICAL WORK ARE IN PART DIAGRAMMATIC, INTENDED TO CONVEY THE SCOPE OF WORK AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENT FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LAYOUT OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, AND ELECTRICAL BUILDING COMPONENTS, AS WELL AS OTHER MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PIPING, DUCTING, FITTINGS, SUPPORTS, ETC., REQUIRED TO FACILITATE THE WORK. NO EXTRA PAYMENTS ARISING FROM FAILURE TO MAKE THIS COORDINATION WILL BE CONSIDERED. OCTOBER 2015 ET Designed by ET Approved by AS M1.2 Drawing No CADD File NAME 610x914mm 55 3 Exhibit A 2440mm(8') LED STRIP LIGHTS. STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE COLUMBIA LIGHTING # LCS-8-35HL-EU C/W CSWG4 WIRE GUARD. GROUND BAR TO STRUCTURAL STEEL CONNECTION VIA #4/0 AWG CONDUCTOR. REFER TO DETAIL 12/E1.19 AND BOM#7/E1.5. MOTORIZED DAMPER-3 REFER TO DETAIL 5/E1.13 JACE PANEL MINISUB (CENTRAL POWER HUB) 20A-120V GFCI RECEPTACLE FOR SUMP PUMP BENEATH FLOOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION ON SITE. CCT B18696-1. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 4. CABLE TRAY LEGEND COMMUNICATIONS LADDER CABLE TRAY (450mm(18") x 100mm (4")) DISTRIBUTION PANEL SIDE OF MINISUB REVERSE ACTING THERMOSTAT MAIN NORTH DUCT BANK DETAIL 9/E1.3. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 2. COMBINATION MAGNETIC STARTER. REFER TO DETAIL 8/E1.4 600V LADDER CABLE TRAY (450mm(18") x 100mm (4")) NEW TRANSFORMER MOUNTED ABOVE NEW PANEL PP-B18696 HK PP-B18696-26 HK EAST DUCT BANK DETAIL 16/E1.3. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 2. REMOVE DISCONNECT & ASSOCIATED CONDUIT & WIRING DUCT BANKS TO GROUNDING GRID. REFER TO GROUNDING DETAIL E1.5. EF-2 1HP 120V-1P EXHAUST FAN REFER TO DETAIL 5/E1.13 MOTORIZED DAMPER-4 REFER TO DETAIL 5/E1.13 Revisions Date Orientation GROUND BAR TO STRUCTURAL STEEL CONNECTION VIA #4/0 AWG CONDUCTOR. REFER TO DETAIL 12/E1.19 AND BOM#7/E1.5. REMOVE EXISTING PANEL & RECONNECT ALL BRANCH CIRCUIT LOADS TO PANEL PP-B18696 29/02/2016 22/01/2016 11/11/2015 Seal NOTE: ALL CABLE TRAYS REGARDLESS OF WIDTH ARE 100mm (4") DEEP LADDER TRAY. VERTICAL SEPARATION OF TRAY AND SUPPORT TO LOWER TRAYS & SUPPORTS TO BE 150mm (6") MIN. GROUND BAR. REFER TO DETAIL 2/E1.5 NEW PANEL PP-B18696 ISSUED FOR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR 99% REVIEW ISSUED FOR 66% REVIEW No 10KW-600V-3ɸ UNIT HEATER C/W 24V RELAY W. TRANSFORMER AND SINGLE POLE LOW VOLTAGE WALL MOUNT THERMOSTAT. STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE REZNOR EGHB, AK8E,BT1,CL1A REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 4. 3 2 1 5KV LADDER CABLE TRAY (310mm(12") x 100mm (4")) POWERHOUSE DUCT BANK DETAIL 1/E1.4. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 2. GDP-1 PANEL The Contractor shall check and verify all dimensions and report all errors and omissions to the IO-Owner's/MBS Designee (as applicable) for his/her written direction before proceeding with the Work. 20A T-SLOT RECEPTACLE CCT# PP-B18696-26 SUMP PUMP GFCI RECEPTACLE CCT# PP-B18696-1 REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 4. BELL MAIN COMMUNICATION MANHOLE DUCT BANK DETAIL 4/E1.4. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 2. A A Detail No B B Sheet No where detailed IF THIS BAR IS NOT 25mm LONG, ADJUST YOUR PLOTTING SCALE. 25mm Key Plan MAIN SOUTH WEST DUCT BANK DETAIL 1/E1.3. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE 2. 1 E1.13 GREENHOUSE MAIN FLOOR ELECTRICAL LAYOUT 2 SCALE: 1:50 E1.13 GREENHOUSE BASEMENT (CRAWLSPACE) ELECTRICAL LAYOUT SCALE: 1:50 1224 GARDINERS ROAD, SUITE 201 KINGSTON, ONTARIO CANADA K7P 0G2 PHONE: 613-634-7373 FAX: 613-634-3523 WWW.WSPGROUP.COM AREA OF WORK GREENHOUSE KEY PLAN SCALE: 1:500 GENERAL NOTES: 1. REFER TO SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM E1.1 FOR ELECTRICAL SIZING OF DISCONNECTS, ENCLOSED BREAKERS, SPLITTERS, TRANSFORMERS AND PANELS. ALSO REFER TO SPECIFICATION & ASSOCIATED NEW PANEL SCHEDULE. TRANSFER/EXTEND EXISTING CIRCUITS ON EXISTING DISTRIBUTION PANEL TO NEW PANELS. COORDINATE PHASING, SHUTDOWNS AND SWITCH OVERS. 2. DUCT BANKS AT GREENHOUSE WEST BUILDING (CENTRAL POWER HUB) TO SHALLOW UP IN ELEVATION TO MAKE USE OF EXISTING FOUNDATION PENETRATIONS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE NOT LESS THEN 450-150=300mm FOR DUCT BANKS WITH 600V SERVICES, 750-150=600mm FOR DUCT BANKS WITH GREATER THAN 600V SERVICES PER OESC TABLE 53 AND RULE 12-012(2). 3. FOR DUCT BANK WALL PENETRATIONS REFER TO SPECIFICATION 26 05 34 3.6.3 4. EXTERIOR LED LIGHT STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE LITHONIA LIGHTING# TWR1 LED-3-50K-MVOLT-PE. 5. REMOVE FROM GREENHOUSE WEST BUILDING DEPICTED ON DRAWING ALL EXISTING RECEPTACLES, BOXES, SWITCHES, LIGHT FIXTURES, CONDUIT & WIRING ETC. ON BUILDING EXTERIOR REMOVE LIGHT FIXTURES, CONDUIT, BOXES AND WIRING. CONDUITS EXITING GREENHOUSE WEST BUILDING REMOVE WIRING & CONDUIT BACK FROM BUILDING TO LAST CONDUIT SUPPORT. IN A SIMILAR MANNER TO THAT NOTED ABOVE REMOVE BOXES, CONDUIT, ETC ATTACHED TO ROOF BEING REMOVED. REFER TO 'AS' SERIES DRAWINGS FOR PATCHING & CEILING DETAILS. KW LEG DESCRIPTION BKR BKR LEG KW LEG LEG KW - P* RECEPTACLE FOR SUMP PUMP 20-1P 1 2 25-1P BLANK - - - - BLANK DESCRIPTION 15-1P BKR CCT # 3 CCT # 4 15-1P BKR BLANK DESCRIPTION - - - - BLANK 15-1P 5 6 15-1P BLANK - - - - BLANK 15-1P 7 8 20-1P BLANK - - L1 - - BLANK 15-1P 9 10 15-1P BLANK - - N - - BLANK 15-1P 11 12 20-1P BLANK - - - - BLANK 15-1P 13 14 15-1P BLANK - - - - BLANK 15-1P 15 16 15-1P BLANK - - - - BLANK 15-1P 17 18 70-1P BLANK - - - - BLANK 15-1P 19 20 15-1P SPARE - - CCT # CCT # 1 2 3 4 10 KW UNIT HEATER H 10 - L EXTERIOR LED LIGHTS 15-1P 22 15-1P 5 6 - - SPARE 15-1P 23 24 15-1P SPARE - - 7 8 - SPACE - - - - SPARE 15-1P 25 26 20-1P HOUSE KEEPING RECEPTACLE P 0.2 CIRCUIT BREAKER ON ADJUSTABLE TRIP C Project KPC POWERHOUSE DECOMMISSIONING PHASE 1 28 P 30 KVA TRANSFORMER 40-3P M 1 HP EXHAUST FAN 15-1P - - SPACE - 9 10 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 27 28 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 11 12 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 29 30 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 13 14 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 31 32 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 15 16 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 33 34 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 17 18 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 35 36 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 19 20 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 37 38 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 21 22 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 39 40 - SPACE - - T1 - - SPACE - 23 24 - SPACE - - - - SPACE - 41 42 - SPACE - - REVERSE ACTING THERMOSTAT SHORT CIRCUIT RATING: - VOLTAGE RATING: 347-600V-3ɸ-4W 3 E1.13 LEGEND: P-POWER, H-HEATING, L-LIGHTING, M-MOTOR, *-GFCI BKR GREENHOUSE GDP-1 PANEL SCHEDULE SCALE: NTS TYPE: SURFACE MOUNT DISTRIBUTION PANEL SPARE - Location KINGSTON, ON 4 Drawing Title E1.13 FIELD WIRING BY THIS TRADE. FIELD WIRING BY THIS TRADE. TYPICAL FOR DAMPER-3 AND DAMPER-4 IN GREENHOUSE P-POWER, H-HEATING, L-LIGHTING, M-MOTOR, *-GFCI BKR GREENHOUSE PP-B18696 PANEL SCHEDULE SCALE: NTS Building No INFRASTRUCTURE ONTARIO LEGEND: VOLTAGE RATING: 120-208V-3ɸ-4W Site No 1037088-270404, 1038794-270446 Client SHORT CIRCUIT RATING: - MAIN BREAKER C/W BARRIER:80A IO Project No C MAINS RATING: 100A MAINS RATING: 100A MAIN BREAKER C/W BARRIER:60A 21 TYPICAL FOR EXHAUST FAN EF-1 1/4HP-120V-1ɸ AND EXHAUST FAN EF-2 1HP-120V-1ɸ C 0.75 TYPE: SURFACE MOUNT DISTRIBUTION PANEL 15-3P DESCRIPTION KW 5 E1.13 MOTORIZED DAMPER-1 END SWITCH IN BACKFLOW PREVENTER BUILDING MOTORIZED DAMPER-2 END SWITCH IN BACKFLOW MOTORIZED DAMPER-1 IN BACKFLOW PREVENTER BUILDING MOTORIZED DAMPER-2 IN BACKFLOW PREVENTER Scale Date Drawn by Substantial Performance Date AS SHOWN TYPICAL FOR DAMPER-3 AND DAMPER-4 IN GREENHOUSE MOTOR CONTROL DIAGRAM FOR EF-1 AND EF-2 SCALE: NTS GREEN HOUSE LAYOUTS AND PANEL SCHEDULES OCTOBER 2015 MAL Designed by NM Approved by NM E1.13 Drawing No CADD File NAME 610x914mm 56 Exhibit B Photographs of Building Looking North-West Looking North 57 Exhibit B Door on North Facing Wall (looking south) 58