2014 Research Center The multidisciplinary Research Center... The École Polytechnique Research Center is comprised of 20 laboratories specialized in 8 major scientific fields: biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, applied mathematics, mechanics, and physics. It employs over 1600 research personnel, financed by École Polytechnique and other institutes, such as the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA), the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA ParisTech) and other partner universities. The role of the Research Center is to combine continuous progress in the most fundamental aspects of research for the advancement of knowledge with development in the most pertinent major fields which respond to the scientific, technological and societal issues of the 21st century. Laboratories and Contact Information Research Domains.............................................. p.4 Physics Laboratories CPHT.............................................................. p.6 LOA................................................................ p.6 LULI................................................................ p.6 LLR................................................................. p.7 LPP................................................................ p.7 PMC............................................................... p.7 LSI.................................................................. p.8 OMEGA.......................................................... p.8 PICM.............................................................. p.8 Mechanics Laboratories LMS................................................................ p.9 LADHYX......................................................... p.9 LMD............................................................... p.9 Biology Laboratories BIOC............................................................ p.10 LOB.............................................................. p.10 Chemistry Laboratories LCM............................................................ p. 11 DCSO........................................................... p.11 Mathematics Laboratories CMLS........................................................... p.12 CMAP........................................................... p.12 Computer Science Laboratory LIX................................................................ p.13 Economics Laboratories PREG........................................................... p.13 CREA............................................................ p.13 Contact............................................................. p.15 Modeling and Simulation LIX Materials BIOC CMLS CMAP CPHT PREG LMS Operational research Finance Telecommunications Informatics ■ Modeling and simulation of physical and mechanical phenoming: fluids, plasma, electromagnetism and acoustic ■ Stochastic models, finance and statistics ■ Modeling and analysis of complex systems LPP PICM ■C ontrolled thermonuclear fusion: very intense electric and magnetic fields, diagnostic and tokamaks control (ITER project) ■P hysical chemistry of materials under irradiation ■P ollution control through plasma & photocatalysis Nuclear fusion Fossil and renewable energies ■S trongly Optics ■P assive anti-noise walls ■P roton exchange membranes for fuel cells ■P hysical processes in lithium batteries ■T hin film solar cells ■T echnologies for the exploration and exploitation of crude oil Geology Aeronautics Automobile Mechanics LOB LCM LIX molecular modeling, comparative genomics ■F unctional imaging of cells and tissues Biology ■B iomedical Drugs applications of polari- metry ■F luid-structure interaction and plant biomechanics ■B iomechanics of fluids: blood flow, pulmonary gas flow LMS LOB Fine chemistry for the detection of biological molecules, markers, nanoemitters ■R adiografting and biomaterials ■S elenium toxicology ■ S tructure and functions of membrane proteins ■ C haracterization of novel drug targets and new anti-microbial compounds ■B iomechanics of solids Chemical specialities Medicine Aeronautics Meteorology Environment 4 LULI LLR initio calculations of electronic structures and excitations (spectrocopy) ■ T hin film growth: plasma treatments and sol-gel processes ■L aser solid interactions, photochemistry ■R adiografting and biomaterials electronic applications density plasma etching ■ Electrochemical growth of nanostructures (template synthesis) and nanomagnetism ■ Track-etched polymer membranes ■ High ■M echanics of materials: fatigue, cracks, interfaces and discontinuities LPP PICM ■F emtosecond power lasers and plasma compact sources ■C oherent femtosecond spectroscopy, femtosecond pulse shaping ■C rystallography ■ Instrumentation using polarimetry and applications to semiconductors ■N ear field microscopies: STM, AFM, SNOM, magnetic imaging, nanostructuration ■X -rays Metrology Medical instruments ■ Development of new strategies for total synthesis, discovery of new radical processes ■ Structure-function ■ Molecular dynamics simulations relationships in the translation of the genetic message ■ A daptive responses in biological ■ Structure-function relationships of systems membrane proteins LSI PMC LMD ■N on-linear optics and microscopy and photon detectors ■ S patial instrumentation: particle analysers and magnetometers ■ M ass spectrometry for analytical chemistry and trace analysis ■ N uclear magnetic resonance: imaging, relaxometry and spectroscopy ■P roteomics platform ■P article interaction transition to turbulence and flow control ■ Aeroacoustics ■ Instabilities, ■ Strategic Organizations PMC CMAP ■ Fluid-structure Economics and Management PREG CREA Management Fluid Mechanics LadHyX LMD ■ A b Biomolecular Functions Catalysis Drugs catalysis optimization and materials LOB LCM CPHT LOA Molecular Synthesis ■ Homogeneous PMC Instruments Chemical analysis LCM DCSO ■ Heterochemistry and nanowires ■ Plasma synthesis of silicon based nanomaterials ■ Nanoparticles (semiconductors, oxides, metals) ■ Biosensors for the detection of gasses or biological molecules ■ Thin film transistors for large area ■ Geotechnics ■B iosensors Molecular Engineering BIOC LSI Nanotechnology ■ Nanotubes ■ Shape LadHyX PICM PMC ■B ioinformatics: PICM Material Mechanics and Structures Biotechnology and Health BIOC correlated systems and superconductivity ■P orous materials: growth, characterization, transport and confined fluids ■N uclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for material analysis ■N umerical modeling and simulation of irregular systems Electrochemistry PMC LPP Functionalized Surfaces and Materials Methods: formal systems, proof processing systems ■A lgorithmic optimization ■ Image synthesis and visualisation ■S ignal processing and learning theory ■M obile networks ■D istributed information systems Electronics LSI LCM CMLS CMAP LMS CPHT ■F ormal Energy and Environment CMAP CPHT LULI LOB 1600 staff members 20 Laboratories 8 multidisciplinary research domains ■ Dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans ■ Modeling of climate evolution ■ Modeling of air quality and pollution Finance Market regulation analysis and organizational interplay ■ Business strategies and market regulation ■ Competition policies and market regulation ■ Economic analysis of political organization ■ Innovation and design–based competition ■O rganizational risks and crises dynamics and organizational structures ■ E conomic and organizational impacts of information and communication technologies ■ D esign, structure and diffusion of management tools ■E thics and epistemology of science ■ T erritorial 5 UMR CNRS/EP 7644 LLR UMR CNRS-IN2P3/EP 7638 Theoretical Physics Center Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory Contact: Bernard Pire (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 42 29—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 49 49 bernard.pire@polytechnique.edu Contact: Jean-Claude Brient (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 55 01—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 55 08 brient@llr.in2p3.fr Main Fields of Research: New physical theories in fundamental interactions, condensed matter and plasma physics. Main Fields of Research: Particle physics and astrophysics. Research Baselines: Fundamental interactions: particle physics, string theory. Mathematical physics: dynamical systems, field theory. Modeling and simulation of physical and mechanical phenomena: fluids, plasma, electromagnetism and acoustics. Controlled fusion: very high power lasers, very high power electric and magnetic fields,tokamak diagnostic and control (ITER project). Strongly correlated systems and superconductivity. Secondary particle sources or laser radiations. Electric spatial propulsion. LOA UMR CNRS/EP/ENSTA 7639 Applied Optics Laboratory Contact: Antoine Rousse (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 31 98 90—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 31 99 96 antoine.rousse@ensta-paristech.fr Main Fields of Research: Production of intense ultrashort electromagnetic and particle beams, and their applications in science, engineering and medicine. Research Baselines: Generation of intense laser beams. Relativistic optics and laser-matter interaction using ultrashort laser pulses. Laser-produced secondary sources of particles and radiation. Applications of ultrafast laser pulses and laser-based secondary sources in biochemistry, solid-state physics and medecine. Investigation of the ultrafast processes involved in laser-matter interactions and creation of new states of matter. Methods and Facilities: High intensity and femtosecond laser systems. Ultrafast sources: visible light, X-rays, and particles (proton/electron). Applicability: Solid-state physics, medicine, chemistry, biology, metrology, material science, environment. LULI UMR CNRS/EP/CEA Université PARIS VI 7605 Intense Laser Utilization Laboratory Contact: François Amiranoff (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 53 01—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 54 82 francois.amiranoff@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Generation of hot plasmas using high-energy high-power lasers: fundamental plasma physics and applications. Research Baselines: High-power lasers and related optical technologies. Controlled thermonuclear fusion. Fundamental physics and atomic physics of hot plasmas. Plasmas in astrophysics and geophysics. Short-duration and intense laser-generated sources of radiation and high-energy particles. Methods and Facilities: High-power high-energy laser sources in nanosecond and picosecond regimes,experimental areas and equipment to diagnose laser pulses, laser-generated plasmas, and particle and radiation sources, ultrafast diagnostics from visible light to x-rays. Applicability: Energy production by thermonuclear fusion, material processing. Research Baselines: Study of the fundamental interactions and gamma astronomy. Simulation of particle interactions with matter. Particle and photon detectors. Methods and Facilities: Large data flows, analysis and visualisation. Silicon diode detectors. Physics Laboratories Physics Laboratories CPHT Applicability: Medical, hadrotherapy. LPP UMR CNRS/EP/Université PARIS VI/Université PARIS XI 7648 Plasma Physics Laboratory Contact: Antoine Rousseau (Director) Laurence Rezeau (Directrice adjointe) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 59 63—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 59 06 antoine.rousseau@lpp.polytechnique.fr Main Fields of Research: Hot plasma physics, astrophysical plasmas and cold plasma physics,… Research Baselines: Magnetic fusion plasma throught the ITER project. Spacial plasmas in collaboration with major partners (CNES, ESA, etc…). Pulsed dense plasmas. Cold plasmas for the environment, energy and nanotechnology. Theoretical studies of plasmas. Methods and Facilities: Plasma machines, tokamak, etching and deposition reactors, numerical simulation. Very low magnetic field measurements, particle detectors. Applicability: Fusion energy, microelectronics, nanomanufacturing, aeronautics. PMC UMR CNRS/EP 7643 Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory Contact: François Ozanam (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 47 04—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 47 99 francois.ozanam@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Nanoscience and physics of irregular systems. Research Baselines: Technologies for the exploration and exploitation of crude oil. Nuclear magnetic resonance: imaging, relaxometry and spectroscopy. Near field microscopy: STM, AFM, SNOM, magnetic imaging, nanostructuration. Thin film growth: plasma treatments and sol-gel processes. Metallic, semiconducting and oxide nanoparticules. Physical processes in lithium batteries. Porous materials: growth, characterization, transport and confined fluids. Numerical modeling and simulation of irregular systems. Aero-acoustics. Hybrid organo-mineral materials and surfaces. Biodetectors and nano-emitters for markers in molecular biology. Nanomagnetism and electrochemically grown nanostructures. Charge and spin transport in semiconductors. Spin polarized photoemission from semiconductors. Mechanical properties of materials: fatigue, fissures, interfaces and discontinuities. Biomechanics of fluids: blood flow, pulmonary gas flow. Methods and Facilities: Nuclear magnetic resonance, relaxometry, Infrared and electronic spectroscopies. Scanning probe microscopies: SNOM, STM, AFM : X-ray diffraction, SEM. Applicability: Biochips, thin film coatings, passive anti-noise devices, optical materials low power strain gauges. 6 7 UMR CEA/CNRS/EP 7642 LMS UMR CNRS/EP/École des Mines/École des Ponts 7649 Irradiated Solids Laboratory Solid Mechanics Laboratory Contact: Kees Van Der Beek (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 44 80—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 45 54 kees.vanderbeek@polytechnique.edu Contact: Patrick Le Tallec (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 57 85—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 57 06 patrick.letallec@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Irradiation of materials, laser-solid interactions, superconductivity, nanomagnetism. Main Fields of Research: Behavior of materials and structures. Research Baselines: Physical chemistry of materials under irradiation. Proton exchange membranes for fuel cells. High Tc superconductor physics (vortex dynamics) and exotic superconductivity. Ab initio calculations of electronic structures and excitations (spectrocopy). Laser-solid interaction, photochemistry. Radiografting and biomaterials: functionalised nanovectors for biomedical applications. Nanotubes and nanowires; electrochemichal growth of nanostructures (template synthesis) and nanomagnetism. Methods and Facilities: High-energy electron accelerator, transmission electron microscopy, magneto-optical imaging, X-ray diffraction, femtosecond lasers, chromatography, absorption spectroscopies (UV, FTIR...). Research Baselines: Modeling and simulation of physical and mechanical phenomena. Mechanics of materials: fatigue, cracks, interfaces and discontinuities. Biomechanics of solids (bone growth, cellular and tissular mechanics). Technologies for exploration and exploitation of oil resources. Methods and Facilities: Algorithmic, inverse problems and identification, electron microscopy, crystallography, image analysis, acoustic detection, thermography, hydraulic press. Mechanics Laboratories Physics Laboratories LSI Applicability: Automotive industry, mechanical industry, nuclear industry, geotechnics, oil industry. Applicability: Materials, nuclear energy, biomedical, space technologies. PICM UMR CNRS/EP 7647 LADHYX UMR CNRS/EP 7646 Physics of Interfaces and Thin Films Laboratory Hydrodynamics Laboratory Contact: Pere Roca i Cabarrocas (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 43 14—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 43 99 pere.roca@polytechnique.edu Contact: Christophe Clanet (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 52 58—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 52 92 clanet@ladhyx.polytechnique.fr Main Fields of Research: Plasma synthesis, characterizations and applications of thin films and nanomaterials based on carbon and silicon. Main Fields of Research: Theoretical, numerical and experimental research in fundamental fluid mechanics. Research Baselines: Plasma synthesis of silicon based nanomaterials, thin film solar cells. Thin film transistors for large area electronic applications, molecular and organic electronics. Synthesis and applications of carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires. Instrumentation using polarimetry and applications to semiconductors. Biomedical applications of polarimetry. Research Baselines: Fluid-structure interaction and plant biomechanics. Micro fluidics, particle and bubble flows. Instabilities, transition to turbulence and flow control. Geophysical flows, jets and vortices, aero acoustics. Methods and Facilities: Chemical Vapor Deposition and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD, PECVD) based on various discharges (DC, RF, microwave…). Sputtering for transparent conducting oxides. Evaporation chambers. Synthesis of organic materials. Spectroscopic ellipsometry and polarimetry. Raman spectrometry. Electrical characterizations of thin film semiconductors. Applicability: Solar cells, flat panel displays, large area electronic applications, thin film coatings, organic electronics, field emission displays, biological and chemical nano detection, optical instrumentation, biomedical applications of polarimetry, metrology in microelectronics. OMEGA UMS CNRS IN2P3/EP 3605 Organization for Micro Electronics desiGn and Applications contact : Christophe de La Taille (Director) Phone: +33 (0) 1 69 33 56 65 taille@in2p3.fr Main activity: Analog and mixed-signal ASIC design. Research topics: Multi-channel ASICs for particle physics and astrophysics detectors. BiCMOS SiGe and deep submicron CMOS technologies. Ultra-low noise, low power and high speed design. Radiation tolerance, reliability and space applications. Integration with sensors and System on Chip (SoC). Chips for photodetectors, semiconductors or gaseous detectors. Methods and Facilities: Aerodynamical and hydrodynamical measurement techniques: laser anemometry and particle image velocimetry (PIV), flow visualisation by laser-induced fluorescence, image processing, micro-fabrication and manipulation of micro-bubbles, numerical simulation of unsteady flows. Applicability: Aeronautics, geophysics, combustion, process engineering, MEMS. LMD UMR CNRS/EP/ENS/Université PARIS VI 8539 Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory Contact: Vincent Cassé (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 51 03—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 51 08 vincent.casse@lmd.ens.fr Main Fields of Research: Atmospheric dynamics and its role in the climate system. Research Baselines: Dynamics of the atmosphere and the oceans. Modeling of climate evolution. Modeling of air quality and pollution. Remote sensing and radiative transfer. Methods and Facilities: Computer code of the atmospheric circulation, from local terrestrial applications to global circulation and other planets, instrumental development in radiometry and hygrometry, climate-related data base, backscatter and Doppler lidars, radars, radiometers, instrumented mast. Applicability: Meteorology, environmental studies, space studies. Specific Applications: Medical imaging. Low light «single photon» imaging. utilization in space 8 9 UMR CNRS/EP 7654 LCM UMR CNRS/EP 9168 Biochemistry Laboratory Laboratory of Molecular Chemistry Contact: Yves Mechulam (Director) Tel: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 48 85—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 49 09 yves.mechulam@polytechnique.edu Contact: Corinne Gosmini (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 44 12—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 44 49 corinne.gosmini@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Biomacromolecular engineering. Main Fields of Research: Applications of organic chemistry in molecular synthesis, catalysis and nanosciences. Molecular structures and energetics in chemistry and biochemistry. Research Baselines: Biosensors for the detection of biological molecules. Bioinformatics and molecular modeling. Selenium toxicology. Structure-function relationships in the translation of the genetic message. Structure-function relationships of membrane proteins. Methods and Facilities: DNA sequencing, purification of macromolecules, radiocrystallography, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, stopped-flow kinetics, bioinformatics. Applicability: Antibiotherapy, toxicology, medicine. LOB UMR CNRS/EP/INSERM U696/ENSTA 7645 Optics and Biosciences Laboratory Contact: Jean-Louis Martin (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 50 02—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 50 84 jean-louis.martin@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Protein functions and dynamics; in situ cellular imaging. Research Baselines: X-rays and plasma compact sources. Non-linear optics and microscopy, cellular imaging. Coherent femtosecond spectroscopy, femtosecond pulse shaping. Biosensors and markers for biological molecule tracing. Bioinformatics and molecule modeling, functional imaging of cells and tissues. Protein structure and function. Adaptive responses in biological systems. Methods and Facilities: Amplified femtosecond lasers and associated instrumentation, non-linear microscopy, electrophysiology, protein engineering, THz spectroscopy and imaging. Cell culture, proteomics platform. Applicability: Pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, optics industry. Research Baselines: Heterochemistry. Organometallic chemistry. Coordination chemistry. Homogeneous catalysis. Applied theoretical chemistry. Environmental and biological mass spectrometry, trace analysis. Bioinformatics, molecular dynamics and ab initio calculations of electronic structures. Structural characterization of peptides, proteins and their assemblies. Chemistry Laboratories Biology Laboratoires BIOC Methods and Facilities: RMN, X-ray diffraction analysis. Mass spectrometry, gas and liquid phase chromatography, pyrolysis, molecular mechanics, quantum chemistry. Applicability: Synthesis and selective catalysis. Reaction mechanisms, proteomics, trace analysis, environmental analysis. DCSO UMR CNRS/EP/ENSTA 7652 Organic Synthesis Laboratory Contact: Samir Zard (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 59 71—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 59 72 zard@dcso.polytechnique.fr Main Fields of Research: Development of new reactions and total synthesis of complex natural products. Research Baselines: Discovery of new radical processes. Application of the metathesis and of the diastereoselective aldol reaction for the total synthesis of natural products. Development of new strategies for total synthesis. Exploration of new transformations catalysed by gold complexes. Designs of multicomponent reactions involving isonitriles and nitrocompounds for the construction of novel heterocyclic structures. Synthesis of paulitine and new metathesis reactions. Methods and Facilities: Chromatography; high field RMN spectroscopy mass spectroscopy. Applicability: Agrochemistry, cosmetics, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, medicinal chemistry, bloc polymers. 10 11 UMR CNRS/EP 7640 UMR CNRS/EP 7161 Laurence Schwartz Center for Mathematics Computer Science Laboratory Contact: Yvan Martel (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 49 47—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 49 49 yvan.martel@polytechnique.edu Contact: Olivier Bournez (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 78—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 30 14 Olivier.bournez@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Pure mathematics and interactions with other sciences. Arithmetic, algebra, mathematical analysis and geometry. Main Fields of Research: Algebraic methods, algorithms and combinatorics, bioinformatics,cryptography, fault-tolerance and security, formal methods, image, mobile, networks, optimization. Research Baselines: Combinatorics. Dynamical systems. Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, Langlands theory, elliptic curves. Mathematical physics. Kinetic and quantum models, applications to fluid or plasma mechanics. Models for semi-conductors. Topology and differential topology. Algebraic topology. Lie groups. CMAP UMR CNRS/EP 7641 Applied Mathematics Center Contact: Antonin Chambolle (Director) Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 46 19—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 46 49 antonin.chambolle@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Advanced modelization using a combination of potent mathematical analysis and powerful computers. Research Baselines: Modeling and simulation of physical and mechanical phenomena: fluids, plasmas, electromagnetism and acoustics. Shape optimization and materials. Inverse problems Optimal control. Stochastic modeling and numerical probabilistic methods. Financial mathematics. Telecommunications networks. Mathematical modeling for ecology and evolution. Statistics. Signal processing and learning theory. Modeling and verification of complex systems. Technologies for exploring and exploiting oil resources. Shape optimization and materials. 12 LIX Research Baselines: Algebraic Methods: symbolic computation, computer algebra, control theory, signal analysis. Bioinformatics: molecular modeling, comparative genomics. Cryptology: robust and verifiable cryptosystems based on algorithmic number theory. Fault-tolerance and security: fault-tolerant distributed computing, mobile and probabilistic models. Formal methods: formal systems, proof processing systems. Image: computational geometry, information geometry. Mobile networks: routing, security, performance. Operations research and algorithms: combinatorial models, optimization, complexity theory. Applicability: Telecommunications, automotive, security, complex industrial systems, medical. PREG UMR CNRS/EP 7176 Economics and Management Research Center Computer Science and HSS Laboratories Applied Mathematics Laboratories CMLS Contact: Hervé Dumez (Director) 828 Boulevard des Maréchaux - 91762 Palaiseau Cedex Phone: + 33 (0) 1 81 87 21 64—Fax: + 33 (0) 1 81 87 21 89 herve.dumez@polytechnique.edu Main Fields of Research: Public economics and market regulation. Innovation in organization, business process and management. Research Baselines: Economics (PREG-CECO) Macroeconomics, labor economics, international trade Game theory, econometrics, decision theory, quantitative finance Public economics, social choice, sustainable development Industrial organizations, environmental economics Contract theory, incentives, governance Management (PREG-CRG) Innovation-based competition and design systems dynamics Business strategies and market structure. Internet economic and organizational impacts of information and communication technologies. Organizational failures, crises and risks Innovative public services and the dynamics of territory. Epistemology and methodologies of management sciences. 13 Patrick LE QUÉRÉ Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bruno ROSTAND Director of the Graduate School Contacts Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research Pierre LEGRAIN Industrial Relations and Partnerships: Séverinne PILLET Project Manager for Biosciences, Chemistry and Mechanics Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 10 severinne.pillet@polytechnique.edu Delphine MARCILLAC Project Manager for Materials and Components Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 09 delphine.marcillac@polytechnique.edu Pascal BRADU Project Manager for Environmental Affairs, and Relations with the General Directorate for Armament (DGA) Geophysics and Space Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 13 pascal.bradu@polytechnique.edu Matthieu SOMEKH Project Manager for Optics and High-Power Lasers Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 18 matthieu.somekh@polytechnique.edu Sylvie TONDA-GOLDSTEIN Project Manager for Mathematics and Computer Science Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 11 sylvie.tonda@polytechnique.edu Assistant: Corinne DERCLE Tel: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 08 Business Chairs: Valérie MASSON-PATRIMONIO Chairs Coordinator Intellectual property lawyer Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 40 82 valerie.masson-patrimonio@polytechnique.edu Innovation and Start-up Development: Serge CHANCHOLE Director of the X-Technology Business Incubator Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 33 89 89 serge.chanchole@polytechnique.edu 15 Route de Saclay – 91128 Palaiseau Cedex FRANCE Tél : (33) 1 69 33 33 33 www.polytechnique.edu Crédits photo : © François Lacour - © École polytechnique, Ph. Lavialle - © École polytechnique, J. Barande - © École polytechnique/ cmap Lctamme JF Colonna ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE