Thames Valley LSIP (Local Scrutiny Involvement Panel)

CPS London LSIP (Local Scrutiny Involvement Panel)
Lessons learned and key discussions from CPS London LSIP March 2016
CPS London Managers Conference
Mari Cameron-Taber thanked the Area for inviting her to attend the CPS London
managers’ conference and gave feedback on the day. She stated that it enabled her
to see some of the challenges that staff face in CPS London and it was to the credit of
the Area to open itself up to external scrutiny. HHJ Hilliard stated that he was really
impressed with what he saw at conference. He observed staff taking a creative
approach to the challenges that were set for the day and praised their hard work.
The Prosecutors – BBC Documentary
The panel discussed the CPS documentary and remarked how well the prosecutors
on the show made decisions and their positive approach to their work. The Panel felt
that the programme has sent out a positive message to the wider public on the work of
the CPS.
MOPAC Hate Crime Advocacy Pilot
The panel discussed this pilot project which is funded by MOPAC. A group of
organisations under the title ‘CATCH’ have won the tender for the pilot. CATCH is
made up of the following groups, three of which have representatives on the LSIP:
Tell Mama – anti-Muslim hatred
The Community Security Trust – anti-Semitic hate crime
Monitoring group - race and religious crime
Choice in Hackney and Wandsworth – disability hate crime
Westminster Mind – mental health
The pilot will be taking place in Hackney and Westminster. The objective of the pilot is
to develop a standardised approach to working with victims of hate crime and to find
ways to embed that into the community infrastructure.
The project will be evaluated with a view to expanding pan-London depending on costeffectiveness. The key objectives of the advocacy will be to improve victims’ safety, to
raise awareness of their rights and to help them to get what they want from services. It
aims to give victims the additional capacity and support to stay with the prosecution
process. DCCP Gerallt Evans will be liaising with CATCH to support advocates in
assisting victims of hate crime to stay with the prosecution process. Regular updates
will be given to the LSIP.
Social Media
The panel was held on the day that the consultation on the CPS’s new Social Media
Guidelines was opened. The policy is being updated to reflect a number of social and
legal changes since it was introduced in December 2012.
John Edwards, Senior Policy Advisor from the Strategy, Policy and Accountability Unit
is leading on this and attended the LSIP to discuss the consultation with the panel.
Presentations on social media from a community perspective were given by Mike
Whine and Iman About Atta. Both noted the increase in the involvement of social
media in hate crime cases.
File Scrutiny
The panel looked at four hate crime cases involving an aspect of social media.
• The panel emphasised the importance of asking for a Victim Personal
Statement at the earliest stage. In one case it was noted that as the defendant
pleaded guilty at an early stage this left a short period to obtain the VPS.
• The panel asked for a reminder to staff on the importance of endorsing the
HRS with all the relevant details relating to sentence uplifts.
• It is important to ensure there is a clear understanding of the difference
between religious and racist terms.
• It was good to see in one case that the sentence was uplifted from 12 weeks'
imprisonment to 16 weeks' imprisonment due to the racially and religiously
aggravated nature of the offence. The court also increased the sentence to
reflect the hostility shown towards the victim's disability.
The panel will scrutinise disability hate crime cases at their June 2016 meeting.
Dates of next meetings
Thursday 16th June 2016
Thursday 8th September 2016
Thursday 8th December 2016