Features of warped geometry in presence of Gauss-Bonnet coupling 1 2 3 Sayantan Choudhury Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE, Kolkata,India SUSY 2013 ICTP,Trieste,Italy Date : 29/08/2013 1 Sayantan Soumitra SenGupta & Soumya Sadhukhan, Choudhury, arXiv:1308.1477[hep-ph] 2 Sayantan Choudhury, Soumitra SenGupta, arXiv:1306.0492[hep-th] 3 Sayantan Choudhury, Soumitra SenGupta, arXiv:1301.0918[hep-th], JHEP 02 (2013) 136 Outline of My Talk ⋆Highlights.... ⋆Einstein Gauss-Bonnet warped geometry model in presence of string loop corrections and dilaton couplings .... ⋆Warp factor and brane tension ..... ⋆Analysis of bulk Kaluza-Klien (KK) spectrum..... ⋆Bulk Graviton & brane SM field interaction in presence of Gauss-Bonnet coupling..... ⋆Collider constraints on the Gauss-Bonnet coupling from Higgs phenomenology.... ⋆Bottom lines.... 1 HIGHLIGHTS ◮Determining the modified warp factor, the brane tensions and addressing the gauge hierarchy issue. 2 HIGHLIGHTS ◮Determining the modified warp factor, the brane tensions and addressing the gauge hierarchy issue. ◮Study of different bulk fields and the profile of the wave functions to examine their overlap on the visible brane as well as various KK mode masses for these bulk fields. 2- A HIGHLIGHTS ◮Determining the modified warp factor, the brane tensions and addressing the gauge hierarchy issue. ◮Study of different bulk fields and the profile of the wave functions to examine their overlap on the visible brane as well as various KK mode masses for these bulk fields. ◮Examining the interaction with the brane fields to evaluate their possible signatures. 2- B HIGHLIGHTS ◮Determining the modified warp factor, the brane tensions and addressing the gauge hierarchy issue. ◮Study of different bulk fields and the profile of the wave functions to examine their overlap on the visible brane as well as various KK mode masses for these bulk fields. ◮Examining the interaction with the brane fields to evaluate their possible signatures. ◮Comparing our results with that obtained through the usual RS analysis. 2- C HIGHLIGHTS ◮Determining the modified warp factor, the brane tensions and addressing the gauge hierarchy issue. ◮Study of different bulk fields and the profile of the wave functions to examine their overlap on the visible brane as well as various KK mode masses for these bulk fields. ◮Examining the interaction with the brane fields to evaluate their possible signatures. ◮Comparing our results with that obtained through the usual RS analysis. ◮Stringent collider constraints on GB coupling from different phenomenological probes obtained from 125 GeV Higgs. 2- D THE BACKGROUND WARPED GEOMETRY MODEL ◮ 5D MODEL ACTION 3 THE BACKGROUND WARPED GEOMETRY MODEL ◮ 5D MODEL ACTION S(5) = SEH + SGB + Sloop + SBulk + SBrane where 3 M(5) 5 p d x −g(5) R(5) 2 h i α(5) M(5) R 5 p ABCD(5) (5) AB(5) (5) 2 SGB = d x −g(5) R RABCD − 4R RAB + R(5) 2 h α(5) A1 M(5) R 5 p ABCD(5) (5) θ1 φ R RABCD −g e d x Sloop = − (5) 2 SEH = R − 4R AB(5) (5) RAB + 2 R(5) h i p f ield θ2 φ SBulk = d x −g(5) LBulk − 2Λ(5) e i R 5 P2 q (i) h f ield θ2 φ SBrane = d x i=1 −g(5) L(i) − T(i) e δ(y − y(i) ) R 5 3- A i THE BACKGROUND WARPED GEOMETRY MODEL ◮ 5D MODEL ACTION S(5) = SEH + SGB + Sloop + SBulk + SBrane where 3 M(5) 5 p d x −g(5) R(5) 2 h i α(5) M(5) R 5 p ABCD(5) (5) AB(5) (5) 2 SGB = d x −g(5) R RABCD − 4R RAB + R(5) 2 h α(5) A1 M(5) R 5 p ABCD(5) (5) θ1 φ R RABCD −g e d x Sloop = − (5) 2 SEH = R − 4R AB(5) (5) RAB + 2 R(5) h i p f ield θ2 φ SBulk = d x −g(5) LBulk − 2Λ(5) e i R 5 P2 q (i) h f ield θ2 φ SBrane = d x i=1 −g(5) L(i) − T(i) e δ(y − y(i) ) R 5 ◮ BACKGROUND METRIC ds2(5) = gAB dxA dxB = e−2A(y) ηαβ dxα dxβ + rc2 dy 2 ◮S 1 /Z2 orbifold points are yi = [0, π] and PBC in −π ≤ y ≤ π. 3- B i THE BACKGROUND WARPED GEOMETRY MODEL ◮From a theoretical standpoint, like RS the proposed warped geometry model has its underlying motivation in the backdrop of string theory where the throat geometry (Klevanov- Strassler) solution exhibits warping character. 4 THE BACKGROUND WARPED GEOMETRY MODEL ◮From a theoretical standpoint, like RS the proposed warped geometry model has its underlying motivation in the backdrop of string theory where the throat geometry (Klevanov- Strassler) solution exhibits warping character. ◮The higher curvature perturbative corrections to usual RS model originate naturally in string theory where power expansion in terms of inverse string tension yields the higher order corrections to pure Einstein’s gravity. 4- A THE BACKGROUND WARPED GEOMETRY MODEL 5 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION ◮ EINSTEIN GAUSS BONNET EQN p α (5) (5) −g(5) GAB + M(5) 1 − A1 eθ1 φ HAB = 2 (5) q P p θ φ (5) (i) (i) α β e 2 Λ(5) −g(5) gAB + 2i=1 T(i) −g(5) gαβ δA δB δ(y − y(i) ) −M 3 (5) ◮ GRAVIDILATON EQN θ2 2 M(5) P2 q (i) −g(5) eθ2 φ δ(y − y(i) ) = i=1 T(i) i h n p 2 AB(5) (5) ABCD(5) (5) RAB + R(5) RABCD − 4R −g(5) α(5) A1 θ1 R Λ(5) ✷ φ + 2 M 2 θ2 eθ2 φ + M(5) (5) (5) 6 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION ◮ EINSTEIN GAUSS BONNET EQN p α (5) (5) −g(5) GAB + M(5) 1 − A1 eθ1 φ HAB = 2 (5) q P p θ φ (5) (i) (i) α β e 2 Λ(5) −g(5) gAB + 2i=1 T(i) −g(5) gαβ δA δB δ(y − y(i) ) −M 3 (5) ◮ GRAVIDILATON EQN θ2 2 M(5) P2 q (i) −g(5) eθ2 φ δ(y − y(i) ) = i=1 T(i) i h n p 2 AB(5) (5) ABCD(5) (5) RAB + R(5) RABCD − 4R −g(5) α(5) A1 θ1 R Λ(5) ✷ φ + 2 M 2 θ2 eθ2 φ + M(5) (5) where H (5) (5) (5) (5) − 1g = R G R(5) AB AB 2 AB (5) (5) C(5) (5) CDE(5) (5) (5) + 2R(5) R R RCD(5) − 4R − 4R R = 2R AB AC B ACBD ACDE B AB (5) (5) (5) − 1g + R2 − 4RAB(5) R RABCD(5) R AB ABCD 2 AB (5) 6- A WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION ◮ DILATON FIELD φ(y) = ◮ WARP FACTOR wheres k± = P2 p=1 |y| 5 2 θp + 1 θp A(y) := A± (y) = k± rc |y| 2 3M(5) 16α(5) (1−A1 eθ1 φ ) 1± r 1+ 4α(5) (1−A1 e θ1 φ 5 9M(5) )Λ(5) e θ2 φ 7 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION ◮ DILATON FIELD φ(y) = ◮ WARP FACTOR wheres k± = P2 p=1 |y| 5 2 θp + 1 θp A(y) := A± (y) = k± rc |y| 2 3M(5) 16α(5) (1−A1 eθ1 φ ) 1± r 1+ 4α(5) (1−A1 e θ1 φ 5 9M(5) ⋆RANDALL-SUNDRUM (RS) LIMIT: s k− → kRS = − Λ(5) 24M3(5) (α(5) , A1 , θ1 , θ2 ) → 0 ⇒ k →∞ + )Λ(5) e θ2 φ with Λ(5) < 0 7- A 12 12 10 10 8 8 kHin MPL L kHin MPL L WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION 6 4 k- 6 4 k+ 2 k+ k- 2 kRS 0 0.0 kRS 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1.0 0.0 0.2 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL (a) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 > 0 (b) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 < 0 14 12 12 10 kHin MPL L kHin MPL L 10 8 6 k+ 6 k+ 4 k- k- 4 2 0 -1.0 8 kRS 2 kRS -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL (c) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 > 0 0.2 0 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL (d) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 < 0 8 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION 40 40 POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK Α5 = 0.0046 Α5 = 0.0051 30 30 20 Α5 = 0.001 Α5 = 0.03 Α5 = 0.03 A+ @yD A+ @yD Α5 = 0.0009 Α5 = 0.3 10 20 Α5 = 0.3 10 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 (e) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 > 0 3 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 3 (f) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 < 0 9 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION 40 40 POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK Α5 = 0.00064 Α5 = 0.0031 30 30 Α5 = 0.0007 A+ @yD A+ @yD Α5 = 0.0034 20 Α5 = 0.03 Α5 = 0.003 20 Α5 = 0.01 Α5 = 0.1 10 10 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 (g) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 > 0 3 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 3 (h) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 < 0 10 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION 40 40 POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK Α5 = -0.00032 Α5 = -0.0016 30 30 Α5 = -0.00034 A- @yD A- @yD Α5 = -0.0017 20 20 Α5 = -0.005 Α5 = -0.04 10 10 Α5 = -0.05 Α5 = -0.1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 (i) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 > 0 3 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 3 (j) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 < 0 11 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION 40 40 POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK Α5 = -0.00045 POINT OF NO WARPING IN THE BULK Α5 = -0.0022 30 Α5 = -0.0005 30 Α5 = -0.005 A- @yD A- @yD Α5 = -0.0026 Α5 = -0.05 20 Α5 = -0.05 20 Α5 = -0.5 10 10 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 (k) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 > 0 3 0 -3 -2 -1 0 y 1 2 3 (l) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 < 0 12 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION ◮ BRANE TENSION ± ∓ Tvis = −T hid = 3 −θ2 φ ± 6k± M(5) e 4− 4α(5) (1−A1 eθ1 φ ) 2 2 k± rc 2 3M(5) 13 WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION ◮ BRANE TENSION ± ∓ Tvis = −T hid = 3 −θ2 φ ± 6k± M(5) e 4− 4α(5) (1−A1 eθ1 φ ) 2 2 k± rc 2 3M(5) ⋆RANDALL-SUNDRUM (RS) LIMIT:- T− → TRS = 24M3 kRS (5) vis vis (α(5) , A1 , θ1 , θ2 ) → 0 ⇒ T+ → ∞ vis with Λ(5) < 0 13- A WARP FACTOR AND BRANE TENSION 0 0 -100 Tvis + -300 Tvis Iin MPL5 M Tvis Iin MPL5 M -50 Tvis - -200 Tvis RS Tvis + Tvis -100 Tvis RS -150 -400 -500 -0.005 0.000 0.005 -200 -0.002 0.010 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 (n) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 < 0 0 0 -100 -100 -200 -200 -300 Tvis Tvis Tvis Iin MPL5 M Tvis Iin MPL5 M 0.002 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL (m) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 > 0 -400 0.000 + - Tvis RS -500 -300 Tvis + Tvis - -400 Tvis RS -500 -600 -600 -700 -0.002 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL (o) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 > 0 0.008 -700 -0.0020 -0.0015 -0.0010 -0.0005 0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 Α5 H5 D Gauss - Bonnet CouplingL (p) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 < 0 14 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮GRAVITON MASS SPECTRUM: 15 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮GRAVITON MASS SPECTRUM: •Spin-2 transeverse and traceless graviton d.o.f. are generated via tensor perturbation in the warped metric. (n) P∞ χ±;G (y) (n) •KK reduction ansatz: hαβ (x, y) = n=0 hαβ (x) √rc where (mG p n )± k r |y| ± c 2k r |y| ± c e ) J ( 2 k r e k ± c ± (n) (mG n )± k± rc π ek± rc π χ±;G (y) = ) J ( 2 k± e p k± rc •4D effective action:SG ⊃ R 4 d x P∞ n=0 h αβ (n) for n > 0 for n = 0. (n) (x)hαβ (x) G 2 mn ± 15- A ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮GRAVITON MASS SPECTRUM: •Spin-2 transeverse and traceless graviton d.o.f. are generated via tensor perturbation in the warped metric. (n) P∞ χ±;G (y) (n) •KK reduction ansatz: hαβ (x, y) = n=0 hαβ (x) √rc where (mG p n )± k r |y| ± c 2k r |y| ± c e ) J ( 2 k r e k ± c ± (n) (mG n )± k± rc π ek± rc π χ±;G (y) = ) J ( 2 k± e p k± rc •4D effective action:SG ⊃ R 4 d x •KK graviton mass spectra: P∞ n=0 mG n ± h αβ (n) ≈ n+ for n > 0 for n = 0. (n) (x)hαβ (x) 1 2 ∓ 1 4 G 2 mn ± −k± rc π πk± e 15- B ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮GRAVITON MASS SPECTRUM: 0.35 0.6 0.30 0.20 mG 1 @in MPL D 0.25 mG 1 @in MPL D 0.5 mG1 RS mG1 - 0.15 0.10 0.4 mG1 - 0.3 0.2 mG1 + mG1 + 0.1 0.05 0.00 mG1 RS 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Α5 H5 D Gauss-Bonnet CouplingL (q) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 > 0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Α5 H5 D Gauss-Bonnet CouplingL (r) Λ(5) > 0 and A1 < 0 16 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮GRAVITON MASS SPECTRUM: 0.30 mG1 RS 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 mG 1 @in MPL D mG 1 @in MPL D 0.30 mG1 + 0.15 mG1 - mG1 + 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Α5 H5 D Gauss-Bonnet CouplingL (s) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 > 0 0.2 mG1 RS mG1 - 0.00 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 Α5 H5 D Gauss-Bonnet CouplingL (t) Λ(5) < 0 and A1 < 0 17 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮SCALAR MASS SPECTRUM: 18 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮SCALAR MASS hSPECTRUM: i R p → − → − •SΦ = 12 d5 x −g(5) g AB ∂ A Φ(x, y) ∂ B Φ(x, y) − m2Φ Φ2 (x, y) (n) P∞ χ±;Φ (y) (n) •KK reduction ansatz:Φ(x, y) = n=0 Φ (x) √rc where 2 (mΦ (mΦ n )± k r c π √ n )± k rc |y| 2k± rc |y| ± k r e e e ± ) ( J c ± k± νΦ k2 ± ± v for n > 0 u 2 mΦ (n) ( ) u (mΦ n k r π n )± 2k rc π t χ±;Φ (y) = Φ 2 J Φ( k ± e ± c ) e ± +4−(ν± ) ν 2 ± ± k ± q k ± rc for n = 0. −2k± rc π 1−e •4D effective action: h SΦ = R 4 d x P∞ n=0 → (n) − → (n) µν − η ∂ µ Φ (x) ∂ ν Φ (x) − 2 (n) (mΦ (x))2 n )± (Φ i 18- A ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮SCALAR MASS hSPECTRUM: i R p → − → − •SΦ = 12 d5 x −g(5) g AB ∂ A Φ(x, y) ∂ B Φ(x, y) − m2Φ Φ2 (x, y) (n) P∞ χ±;Φ (y) (n) •KK reduction ansatz:Φ(x, y) = n=0 Φ (x) √rc where 2 (mΦ (mΦ n )± k r c π √ n )± k rc |y| 2k± rc |y| ± k r e e e ± ) ( J c ± k± νΦ k2 ± ± v for n > 0 u 2 mΦ (n) ( ) u (mΦ n k r π n )± 2k rc π t χ±;Φ (y) = Φ 2 J Φ( k ± e ± c ) e ± +4−(ν± ) ν 2 ± ± k ± q k ± rc for n = 0. −2k± rc π 1−e •4D effective action: h SΦ = R 4 d x P∞ n=0 → (n) − → (n) µν − η ∂ µ Φ (x) ∂ ν Φ (x) •KK scalar mass spectra: mΦ n ± − ≈ n+ 2 (n) (mΦ (x))2 n )± (Φ 1 Φ 2 ν± − 3 4 i πk± e−k± rc π 18- B ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮U (1) GAUGE FIELD MASS SPECTRUM: 19 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮U (1) GAUGE FIELD MASS SPECTRUM: •SA = − 14 R − → p MN d x −g(5) FM N (x, y)F (x, y), FM N := ∂ [M AN ] (x, y) 5 (n) χ±;A (y) (n) √ n=0 Aµ (x) rc P∞ •KK reduction ansatz:Aµ (x, y) = where (mA n )± k rc |y| √ ± k r |y| ) J ( c ± e k± rc 1 k ± e k ± rc π mA (n) ( e n) χ±;A (y) = J 1 ( k ± ± ek ± rc π ) 1 √ 2π •4D effective action: h SA = − R 4 d x P∞ n=0 η νλ (n) 1 µκ (n) (x) η F (x)F µν κλ 4 + for n > 0 for n = 0. (n) (n) A 2 1 (m (x)A ) A ν n ± λ (x) 2 i 19- A ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮U (1) GAUGE FIELD MASS SPECTRUM: •SA = − 14 R − → p MN d x −g(5) FM N (x, y)F (x, y), FM N := ∂ [M AN ] (x, y) 5 (n) χ±;A (y) (n) √ n=0 Aµ (x) rc P∞ •KK reduction ansatz:Aµ (x, y) = where (mA n )± k rc |y| √ ± k r |y| ) J ( c ± e k± rc 1 k ± e k ± rc π mA (n) ( e n) χ±;A (y) = J 1 ( k ± ± ek ± rc π ) 1 √ 2π •4D effective action: h SA = − R 4 d x P∞ n=0 η νλ •KK mass spectra: (n) 1 µκ (n) (x) η F (x)F µν κλ 4 mA n ± ≈ n∓ 1 4 + for n > 0 for n = 0. (n) (n) A 2 1 (m (x)A ) A ν n ± λ (x) 2 πk± e−k± rc π i 19- B ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮MASSIVE FERMION MASS SPECTRUM: 20 ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮MASSIVE FERMION MASS SPECTRUM: n R 5 ← → µ •Sf = d x [Det(V)] iΨ̄L,R (x, y)γ α VαM Dµ ΨL,R (x, y)δM where ← → ← → •Dµ := ∂µ +  µ − sgn(y)mf Ψ̄L,R (x, y)ΨR,L (x, y) + h.c. gN P 16 + [ B̂] VN ∂[µ VP ] Ĉ D̂ 1 T S [ B̂] ∂ V V g V [S P ] Vµ ηĈ D̂ N T 2 , γ5 := 4!i ǫµναβ γ µ γ ν γ α γ β ÂB̂ ÂB̂ [Γ , ΓB̂ ] + igf Aµ = iγ4 •Γ = γ •{Γ , ΓB̂ } = 2η , η = diag (−1, +1, +1, +1, +1) •V44 = 1, VµÂ = eA±(y) δµÂ , Det(V) = e−4A± (y)  B̂ •gM N := VM ⊗ VN ηÂB̂ •ΨL,R (x, y) ≡ PL,R Ψ(x, y), PL,R = 21 (1 ∓ γ5 ) •PR + PL = 1, PR PL = PL PR = 0 20- A ANALYSIS OF BULK KK SPECTRUM ◮MASSIVE FERMION MASS SPECTRUM: 2A P∞ (n) e ± (y) ˆ(n) •KK reduction ansatz:ΨL,R (x, y) = n=0 ΨL,R (x) √rc fL,R (y) where L,R mn ( ) (mL,R )± k± rc |y| J 1 mf k± ± ek± rc |y| n + ∓ e k± 2 k± q for n > 0 L,R k± r c π L,R m ( ) n e (m ) r c ± n ± k± r c π J e mf k± (n) 1 + ∓ 2 k± f̂L,R (y) = v " # u (1±2 mf )k± rc π k± u2 e −1 m u ± k f k± rc |y| t e ± for n = 0. mf k ± rc 1±2 k± •Sf = R 4 d x (n) Ψ̄ L,R (x) p=0 P∞ P∞ n=0 + igf √ rc h ← → i δ np ∂ α (nmp) (m) I Aα (x) L,R m=0 P∞ •KK mass spectra: mL,R ≈ n+ n ± 1 2 h mf k± α γ − ± 1 2 i L,R np mn δ − 1 4 i (p) ΨL,R (x) πk± e−k± rc π 21 BULK GRAVITON & BRANE SM FIELD INTERACTION • K(5) R 5 p SSM−G = − 2 d x −g(5) Tαβ SM (x)hαβ (x, y)δ(y − π) √ h P∞ k± rc K(5) R 4 (0) αβ k± rc π =− (x) + e d x T h (x) SM αβ n=1 2 (n) hαβ (x) i 22 BULK GRAVITON & BRANE SM FIELD INTERACTION • K(5) R 5 p SSM−G = − 2 d x −g(5) Tαβ SM (x)hαβ (x, y)δ(y − π) √ h P∞ k± rc K(5) R 4 (0) αβ k± rc π =− (x) + e d x T h (x) SM αβ n=1 2 (n) hαβ (x) i •The graviton KK mode couplings decrease due to GB interaction leading to the decrease in their detection signature in collider experiments unless one modifies the value of rc to resolve the gauge hierarchy problem. •The graviton KK mode masses decrease from their counter part in RS model and the GB coupling make the detectability of the signature of KK mode graviton through H → τ τ̄ more pronounced. •The detectability of graviton KK mode can also be achieved by studying gravidilatonic interaction via the model parameters A1 , θ1 and θ2 obtained from string loop correction. 22- A COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING •We consider (A1 , θ1 , θ2 ) = 0 in the proposed model. •Modified Warp factor: s 1 3M52 4α5 Λ5 2 A(y) = kα rc |y| = 16α5 1 − 1 + 9M 5 rc |y|. 5 •SSB is occuring in the bulk and after KK reduction the zeroth mode scalar is compared with SM Higgs in the brane. Z p 1 AB 5 g ∂A H(x, y)∂B H(x, y) SSSB ⊃ d x −g(5) 2 2 2 + − +mh H (x, y) + mf ΨΨ̄ + yη HΨΨ̄ + hw HW W •Zeroth mode scalar mass: ms ≈ MH ≈ q 1 2 4+ m2h 2 kα − 3 4 πkα e−kα rc π 23 COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING ◮HIGGS MASS CONSTRAINT: +0.5 CM S AT LAS MH = (125.7 ± 0.3)+0.3 GeV, M = (125.5 ± 0.2) −0.3 −0.6 GeV H 130 LHC ATLAS ALLOWED REGION LHC CMS ALLOWED REGION 128 MH 126 124 122 120 2. ´ 10-7 4. ´ 10-7 6. ´ 10-7 8. ´ 10-7 1. ´ 10-6 Α5 HGauss-Bonnet CouplingL 24 COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING ◮µ PARAMETER CONSTRAINT FROM H → (γγ, τ τ̄ ) CHANNELS: with Σ(pp → H0 ) •µ = Σ(pp → HSM ) 1.6 ± 0.3 0.77 ± 0.27 = 0.8 ± 0.7 1.10 ± 0.4 BR(H0 → l1 l2 ) BR(HSM → l1 l2 ) for ATLAS l1 = l2 = γ × for CMS l1 = l2 = γ for ATLAS l1 = τ, l2 = τ̄ for CMS l1 = τ, l2 = τ̄ Γ(X → l1 l2 ) •BR(X → l1 l2 ) = Γ(X → all decay channels) 25 COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING •Total decay width: Γtotal ≈ Γ(H0 → W + W − ) + Γfer where •Γ(H0 → W + W − ) = with T m2W , m2s = m4s 48m2W 2 FW FG2 T 2 R s P4 ¯ i=1 Γ(H0 → fi fi ) = (k2 −m2W )2 +Γ2W m2W 2 4m2W k2 k2 − m4 . m2s s Nc ms 8π •Diphoton decay width: Γ(H0 → γγ) = m3 s 5 3456π m4 W 1 3 [λ 2 (m2W ,k2 ,m2s )+λ 2 (m2W ,k2 ,m2s ) d(k ) m2W 2 2 2 and λ(mW , k , ms ) = 1 − m2 − •Γfer ≈ m2W , m2s 2 2 FW FA 2 + P4 i=1 12m2 W 2 ms 2 FQ 1− i + 12m2 W 2 ms 12k2 m2 W m4 s 4m2f i 2 ms ] 23 2 4mW sin−1 s 1 2 2 − m2 s 4m W 2 ms 26 2 2 COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING •Dilepton decay width: Γ(H0 → gg) = m2 f Ng 4 256π 5 m 4 2 F F G Q g 4 s m2 f 1 + 1 − 4 m2s4 sin−1 s1 2 •Differential production cross section of the scalar: m2 f4 m2 s 2 2 π 2 Γ[H0 → gg] dσ 2 2 (pp̄ → H0 + X) = g (x , m )g (x , m p p p̄ p̄ s s) dy 8m3s we define gluon momentum fraction as: ms e−y ms ey xp = √ , xp̄ = √ s s •gp (xp , Ms2 ) is the gluon distribution function in proton at the gluon momentum fraction xp . √ • s ⇒ BEAM ENERGY 27 COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING •VERTEX FACTORS IN 4D EFFECTIVE THEORY: FQ = FG = FW = yη Q000 2Nf2 Ns = sinh (mf rc π), mf rc gf Nf2 sinh (kα − 2mf )πrc gf G 000 = √ , √ rc (k − 2m )r 2πrc α f c ge ge 000 000 = p hw W = hw Ns , FA = 3 A 2πrc3 rc2 with the following overlapping integrals: R +π 4A(y) (0) ˆ(0)⋆ (y)fˆ(0) (y), dy e χ (y) f H L L −π R +π (0)⋆ (0) (0) G 000 := −π dy eA(y) fˆL (y)χA/A (y)fˆL (y), a R +π (0) (0) (0) W 000 := −π dy χH (y)χAa (y)χAa (y), R +π (0) (0) (0) 000 A := −π dy χA (y)χAa (y)χAa (y). Q000 := 28 COLLIDER CONSTRAINTS ON THE GB COUPLING 2.0 LHC ATLAS ALLOWED REGION LHC CMS ALLOWED REGION LHC ATLAS ALLOWED REGION 1.5 LHC CMS ALLOWED REGION ΜΤΤ ΜΓΓ 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 2. ´10-7 1.0 -7 4. ´10 6. ´10 -7 8. ´10 Α5 HGauss-Bonnet CouplingL -7 -6 1. ´10 0.0 2.´10-7 4.´10-7 6.´10-7 8.´10-7 1.´10-6 Α5 HGauss-Bonnet CouplingL •Combined constraint from (MH + µγγ + µτ τ̄ )⇒ 4.8 × 10−7 < α(5) < 5.1 × 10−7 29 BOTTOM LINES •Need to address all phenomenological aspects which can explore various hidden features of string phenomenology in presence of GB coupling. •Detection of graviton KK mode in future collider experiments are more pronounced in presence of GB coupling via stringy gravidilatonic interaction. 30 BOTTOM LINES •Need to address all phenomenological aspects which can explore various hidden features of string phenomenology in presence of GB coupling. •Detection of graviton KK mode in future collider experiments are more pronounced in presence of GB coupling via stringy gravidilatonic interaction. •Stringent bound on the GB coupling obtained from the collider constraints in pure EHGB warped geometry model are in good agreement with solar system constraint. •Need to address various cosmological aspects of inflation and other alternative proposals, CMB physics including different types and features of primordial non-Gaussianity. 30- A BOTTOM LINES •For all the cases the estimated GB coupling is below the upper bound of GB coupling (α5 < 1/4) as obtained from the viscosity entropy ratio in presence of GB coupling. •By studying the phenomenological/cosmological features in presence of GB coupling various features of string theory can be explored from its low energy effective counterpart. 31 BOTTOM LINES •For all the cases the estimated GB coupling is below the upper bound of GB coupling (α5 < 1/4) as obtained from the viscosity entropy ratio in presence of GB coupling. •By studying the phenomenological/cosmological features in presence of GB coupling various features of string theory can be explored from its low energy effective counterpart. •Supergravity, as the low energy limit of heterotic string theory also yields the GB term as the leading order correction and therefore became an active area of interest as a modified theory of gravity from which we can also study the various hidden aspects of beyond SM physics. •By studying the phenomenological consequences of radion with vev in the range 1-1.5 TeV we can also explain the consistency with the first graviton excitation mass > 3 TeV. 31- A REFERENCES •L. 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