Summary of Zones within the Main Street Freeway


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VLR - Very Low Density Residential Zone

The Very Low Density Residential zone allows large lot single family residences creating a transition from higher density residential uses to less dense rural and agricultural residential uses. The gross residential density range permitted in this zone is 0.5 – 2 units/acre.

LDR - Low Density Residential Zone

The Low Density Residential zone permits single-family homes on generous sized lots in a subdivision setting as well as small lot subdivisions at the higher end of the permitted density range. The gross residential density range permitted for the Low Density Residential zone is 2 –

8 units/acre.

MDR - Medium Density Residential Zone

The Medium Density Residential zone is established to provide areas for medium density multifamily housing in a garden setting such as courtyard apartments, condominiums and walk-up townhomes. This zone also permits single family residences in small lot subdivisions. The gross residential density range permitted in this zone is 8 – 15 units/acre.

Chapter 7

HDR - High Density Residential Zone

The High Density Residential zone is established to provide areas for higher density multi-family housing in areas near civic and commercial uses that meet the everyday shopping, educational, entertainment and similar needs of residents. This zone contains multi-story residential development with common recreational space for the residents. The gross residential density range permitted in this zone is 15 – 20 units/acre.

PC - Pedestrian Commercial Zone

The Pedestrian Commercial zone serves the specialty retail, office, restaurant, barber shops, beauty salon, and entertainment needs of the city’s residents, along with creating opportunities to attract visitors from the region. This zone is established as a vital, active pedestrian-oriented area that encourages a concentration of uses and mix of activities that generate activity during daytime, evening and weekend hours.

NC - Neighborhood Commercial Zone

The Neighborhood Commercial zone provides areas for day-to-day convenience shopping and services for the residents of nearby neighborhoods including grocery stores, banks, restaurants, retail sales, and offices. This zone promotes a concentration of businesses that provide convenience goods and services frequented by local residents.

Summary of Zones within the Main Street and Freeway Corridor Specific Plan

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RC - Regional Commercial Zone

The Regional Commercial zone is intended for large-scale “big box” regional shopping centers, hospitality and entertainment uses such as hotels, convention spaces, as well as restaurants, specialty and supporting retail. Developments should serve the region as a whole and provide a high-quality appearance from the freeway. In the Interstate-15/Main Street Interchange District, high density multi-family residential uses, as a part of a mixed-use development, are permitted to create an active, vibrant, mixed-use precinct for “live-work-shop play” with 24-hour activity.

ASC - Auto Sales Commercial Zone

The Auto Sales Commercial zone is intended to provide an area along the freeway frontage for the creation of an “Auto Row” or “Auto District,” which would allow vehicle (including automobiles, trucks, RVs, boats, trailers, etc.) dealerships to locate within close proximity of each other and build upon the synergy of each other’s presence. This zone is also established to allow limited commercial uses that support the vehicle sales uses, as well as limited industrial and business park uses in the areas away from the freeway frontage.

MU - Mixed-Use Zone

The intent of the Mixed-Use zone is to provide for a variety of low density residential uses, office uses, and the opportunity for live/work uses in an environment that is typically residential in character. Single family residential uses are allowed and encouraged to remain in this zone, as well as adaptive reuse of these structures for low-density office or live/work uses, which will maintain the residential feel of the area.

OP - Office Park Zone

The Office Park zone is intended for the location of offices for administrative, business and professional activities in relatively large, campus-like settings. This zone is also established to allow limited commercial uses, including banks, office, and restaurants, that support the office uses and their employees.

OC - Office Commercial Zone

The Office Commercial zone is intended for small scale office uses as either stand-alone businesses or as part of commercial centers or office developments, along with a limited range of supportive uses, including banks and restaurants. Retail sales shall be incidental to the primary office uses and limited to shopping centers on corner lots up to 5 acres.

CIBP - Commercial/Industrial Business Park Zone

The Commercial/Industrial Business Park zone is intended to provide for service commercial, light industrial, light manufacturing, office, and warehouse and wholesale distribution centers.

This zone is to create employment-generating uses in a business park setting.

GI - General Industrial Zone

The General Industrial zone is to retain an existing industrial area that accommodates enterprises engaged in manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, or assembling of goods, merchandise or equipment. This zone is intended to provide the full range of manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, warehousing and distribution use types associated with heavy industrial land uses, including outside manufacturing, warehousing and storage.

