© 1997 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Development of ii MEMS Testing Methodology' Abhijeet Kolpekwar and R. D. (Shawn) Blanton Center for Electronic Design Automation Department of ECE Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Ablstract Macroe1ectromechanica:l systems (MEMS) are miniature electromechanical sensor and actuator sysiems developed from the matwe batch-fabricated processes of VLSI technologies. Projected growth in the MEMS market requires significant advances in CAD and manufacturing for MEMS. These advances must be accompanied with testing methodologies that ensure both high quality and reliability. W e describe our approach for developing a comprehensive testing methodology for a class of MEMS known as surface micromachined !;ensors. Our first step involving manufacturing process and low-level mechanical simulations is illustrated b y studying the effects of realistic contamination:s on the folded-flexure comb-drive resonator. The sinzulal'ion results obtained indicate dhat realistic contaminations can create a variety of defective structures that result in a wide spectrum of faulty behaviors. 1 Introduction Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are miniature electromechanical sensor and actuator systems developed from the mature batch-fabricated processes of VLSI technologies. MElMS have wide applications such as miniature inertia,l measurement units, biochemical analysis on a chip, arrayed micromanipulation of parts, optical displays and micro-probes for neural recording. The current and increasing success of MEMS stems from its proimise of better performance, low manufacturing cost, miniaturization and its capacity for integration with electronic circuits. The low cost of MEMS, as with the integrated circuit (IC), is attributed to the amortization of capital cost over millions of individual batch-fabricated clevices. This has substantiallly reduced the cost of sensors and actuators by several orders of magnitude. For 'This research effort is sponsored by the National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9702678 and the Defense Research Projects Agency under Rome Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF, under grant F30602-97-2-0323. example, Analog Devices' MEMS accelerometer used extensively in airbag systems sells for about $5 a unit when sold in large quantities. An accelerometer of similar quality manufactured from a competing technology sells for more than $1000. The smaller and reduced-mass characteristics of MEMS structures also allow higher operating frequencies and lower power consumptions. These properties make MEMS ideal for many portable and remote applications. For example, MEMS-based pressure sensors are being used to monitor truck tire pressure in order to extend tire life, while optical gratings are being developed for heads-up color displays. The ability to use the same manufacturing technology to integrate MEMS and electronic systems adds another dimension of utility. Single-chip systems of electronics and mechanical sensors are being produced and envisioned for a variety of applications. Texas Instruments, for example, has developed a micromirror projection display consisting of a two-dimensional array of aluminum mirrors, each individually controlled by on-chip RAM cells. By the early 1980s, progress in microelectronics had reduced the cost of a microprocessor to less than that of a typical silicon sensor; today the peripheral functions of sensing and actuation continue to represent the principal bottlenecks in the application of microelectronics to many emerging systems, not only in terms of cost but in terms of reliability and accuracy as well. It is thus evident that continued progress in sensors, actuators, and MEMS is likely to exert considerable leverage in the microelectronics industry beyond the direct markets for these products. Accelerometers, pressure sensors and ink-jet printers are the most matured MEMS applications today accounting for almost all of the commercial MEMS market of around $1 billion in 1994. The MEMS market is projected to reach between $12 and $14 billion by the year 2000 [l].The technology trend is towards higher degrees of integration that result in greater capabilities by MEMS pro- INTERNATIONALTEST CONFERENCE 0-7803-4209-7/97 $1 0.00 0 1997 IEEE Paper 36.3 923 Mechanical simulation Figure 2: Contamination analysis of microelectromechanical systems. Figure 1: A SEM of a surface-micromachined combdrive microresonator. ducts to asses and manipulate their surrounding environment. Realizing these projections requires that the open problems in design methodology and process and package technology be confronted and adequately addressed. There is a desperate need for computer-aided design (CAD)tools that shorten the design and development time for MEMS-based products. Current design cycles are measured in years [a]. Success in this area depends greatly on new design methodologies that allow complex microsystems of mixed domain (mechanical, electrical, thermal, etc.) to be hierarchically represenled arid simulated. Irnproverrients in packaging and process technology will also be required to support the mixed-system applications required by MEMS iritegralion. Currently] most MEMS are made horn commonly used IC fabrication techniques. Process and equipment development specifically for MEMS will expand the design space and result in more opportunities for completely integrated systems. Advances in the above areas alone will not fuel MEMS growth. Continued success for MEMS will require cost-effective methods of manufacturing. Similar to digital ICs, success in this area must includc a testing methodology that allows products to be economically tested while ensuring high quality and reliability. This is especially important in applications where MEMS-based devices are integral parts of safetycritical systems. MEMS testing methodologies must be Paper 36.3 924 developed in concert with new design, packaging] and process technologies. To our knowledge] no prior work has been made in this area. This paper addresses the need for a MEMS testing methodology. Most industrial practices focus on just checking the functionality of the MEMS-based products by performing certain electrical measurements. No proper mapping is made between failure modes and the underlying physical mechanisms causing them. Such mappings are critical for providing important guidelines for modifying process controls that result in fast yield improvements. We believe that MEMS CAD tools capable of assessing faulty behavior will lead to test stralegies and designfor-testability (DFT) techniques that improve and ensure the end quality of MEMS-based products. Faulty MEMS behavior can result from process contaminations that affect the structure or material properties of the microstructure. Process simulation can be used to predict the effects that contaminations have on the physical geometries of sensing devices. The perturbed properties of the resulting device can then be mapped to the corresponding faulty behavior(s) by electromechanical simulation. Thcse dcrivcd behaviors can then be used to develop DFT techniques (in the form of structural or material modifications) that make harmful defects less likely, tolerable (fault tolerance), and easily detectable while preserving the specified operation of the microstructure. This approach can also be used to form links between defects and faulty behaviors. Such links would aid in diagnosis by helping to identify culprit processing steps that are likely t o produce observed faulty behavior. In this paper, we describe the impact of realistic spot contaminations on the operation of one class of MEMS devices, surface- micromachined sensors. We will illustrate our approach by considering a foldedflexure comb-drive microresonator. Figure 1 shows such a microresonator. We have chosen the resonator as our research vehicle lbecause it possesses many of the basic structures (beams, joints, springs, etc.) that many MEMS CAD met,hodology researchers believe will form the core primitives of a MEMS design library. Thus, our approach to developing a complete MEMS testing methodollogy relies on a fault inductive approach that : Completely characterizes the faulty behavior of MEMS primitives. Supports the generation of fault macro-models for simulation and test generation. Provides techniques for testable and reliable MEMS design. The seminal work on the folded-flexure electrostatic comb-drive microresonator is given in [3]. The resonator is used as a characterization structure in polysilicon surface-micromachining processes to determine Young’s modulus of the structural polysilicon film. Analytic models have been derived for the foldedl-flexure spring constants [4], viscous damping [5], and elec1:rostatic force and capacitance of the lateral comb drive [6]. The structure is a mature case study in the design of “suspended MEMS” which are now used iin commercial accelerometers [7 81, gyroscopes (soon), and micromirror optical beam steering [9]. Futuire commercial applications are in resonator oscillators [ LO], IF mixers, high-Q IF filters for communications, and microstages for probe-based data storage [ll]. Prototype surface micromachining processes are available from MCNC (Multi-user MEMS Processes service (MUMPs)) [12], Analog Devices’ iMEMS process and from Sandia National Labs [13]. We have chosen MUMPs for our contaminations simulations of the resonator. The contamination simulations have been performed using a modified version of the Contamination-Defect-Fault simulator (CODEF) tool [14]. Behavior of the defective resonators generated by CODEF are manually analyzed to develop ithe defective wire models used by the mechanical simulator ABAQUS [15]. Our overall approach is illustrated in Figure 2. The rest of this paper is organized as follow,s. Section 2 describes the normal operation of the microresonator. Section 3 describes the process simulator Figure 3: Top view of a comb-drive microresonator. CODEF and its modification for the MUMPs process. In Section 4 , we describe our process and mechanical simulation experiments and the results obtained. Section 5 presents our conclusions and outlines our future work in this area. 2 Micromachined Microresonator The folded-flexure comb-drive microresonator that we consider for our analysis can be fabricated using the three-layer polysilicon MUMPs process. (Appendix A lists the complete sequence of the MUMPs process steps.) Figure 3 shows the top view of a resonator. The resonator is a mass-spring-damper system made only from the first and second polysilicon layers. A majority of the resonator’s structure is suspended above the wafer surface. It is connected to the wafer only at the four anchor locations shown. The shuttle mass is supported by symmetrical folded flexures that are designed to be compliant in the 2 direction and rigid in the y direction. The shuttle is electrostatically actuated in the 2 direction by applying a voltage across the comb drives. Each comb drive is formed from interdigitated fingers on either side of the shuttle mass. Lateral motion in the 2 and y directions are modeled by the second order equations: where Fe,,and Fe,yare the electrostatic forces generated by the comb drives in the 2 and y directions, respectively. The parameter values for the effective masses (m, and my), damping coefficients ( B , and By),and spring constants (kZ and ky) are calculated from the material properties and geometries of the resonator. The structural parameters El61 that define the resonator’s operation are described in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 4. These parameters along with properties of the materials are used to model the operation of the resonator. The effective masses m, and m y are Paper 36.3 925 - 4 L Parameter Typical description value length - of flexure beam width of flexure beam length of truss beam width of truss beam length of shuttle yoke width of shuttle axle width of shuttle yoke length of comb fingers gap between comb fingers comb finger overlap number of comb fingers thickness of resonator Young’s modulus of poly density of poly shuttle mass long beam mass truss section mass 300 pm 2 Pm 81 pm 4 Pm 49 pm 11 pm 11 pm 11 pm 2 pm 4 pm 87 2 Pm 165 GPa 2330 Kg/m3 4.35e-1° Kg 2.24e-11 Kg 9.06e-12 Kg Table 1: Dimensional parameters (and typical values) that define the modeled operation of the microresonator. for the 2: IC, IC, (c) Figure 4: Pertinent dimensional parameters of the (a) shuttle, (b) folded-flexures, and (c) comb drives of the microresonator. and y directions are taken from [4] Fe,r 1 12 4 35 8 my = m,+-mt+mb 35 = m,+-mt+-mb (3) (4) f, Xmax Paper 36.3 926 (6) + (7) = t 1.12~~N-V~ 9 (8) where E , is the permittivity of air and V is the voltage applied to the N-finger comb drives. The above relationships define the resonator’s maximum deflection x,,, and resonant frequency f, [16] where m, is the shuttle mass, and mt and mg are the total masses for the all the truss sections and long beams, respectively. From [SI, the damping coefficient in the 2 direction is where p is the viscosity of air, d is the spacer gap, 6 is the penetration depth of airflow above the resonator structure, g is the gap between comb fingers, and A , , At, Ab, and A, are the surface areas for the shuttle, truss beams, flexure beams and comb-finger sidewalls, respectively. The linear equations for the flexure spring constants + + where E is Young’s modulus for polysilicon, t is the polysilicon thickness and a = ( W t / W b ) 3 . For the special case of w, = g = t = d, we have from [6] the force generated by each of the comb drives given by m, + + + + 2 E t ~ ;L: 14aLtLb 36a2Li L t 4L: 4laLtLb 36a2Li 2EtwB 8L,Z 8CXLtLb 4-a 2 L ? = L; 4L: 10aLtLb 5a2L: = - = - 2n m, BZ k, It may, however, be noted that the above mathematical models have limited accuracy because they do not account for beam compression and axle bending effects. 3 CODEF The contamination-defect-fault (CODEF) mapper [14] is a comprehensive process simulation tool that account for the MUMPS “release” step (i.e. the HF etch of the sacrificial phosphosilicate glass (PSG) that releases the suspended microstructure) which does not exist in the standard CMOS process. Defect analysis of MEMS cannot be accomplished using the normal CODEF flow of circuit extraction and simulation. Electromechanical simulation is required to analyze the effects of the contaminations on the mechanical structure of the device. We have used the mechanical simulator ABAQUS [15] t o analyze the critical parameters of defective microresonators. ABAQUS is a finite element analysis tool that requires an input structure to be defined in terms of nodes and elements (i.e. a mesh). Thus, mechanical simulations were carried out by defining two-dimensional meshes for each of the defective microresonators analyzed. 4 Simulation Results In this section, we describe our process and electromechanical simulations of the resonator. CODEF Simulations Figure 5: Three-dimensional views of microresonistors with (a) shuttle, (b) comb, and (c) beam defects generated by CODEF. maps spot contaminations to layout defects. Contaminations are unwanted foreign particles in the fisbrication process that cause defects in the material and structural properties of tlhe intended device. E’au1t.s are the possible changes in the behavior caused by defects. CODEF accepts layout information, a process description, and statistics that diescribe contamination parameters in each processing sl,ep of interest including particle size, density and condluctivity. As output, COIIEF produces cross-sections or the resulting microstructure a t any step of the fabrication process. Given the contamination parameters, CODEF simulates all the fabrication steps and creates a three-dimensional st cucture of the defective device. For the case of electrical circuits, an extractor is then used to extract information about transistor sizes and connectivity in the form of a standard HSPICE netlist [17]. To make use of CODElF for MEMS contanninaltion simulations, we have defined a complete MUMPS fabrication process as a sequence of steps in the IPREDITOR format [MI.CODEF itself was also modified to A microresonator using the design values listed in Table l was provided to the modified version of CODEF. Several thousand process simulations involving single contaminations were performed. Three-dimensional views generated by CODEF for three of the defective resonators are shown in Figure 5. Shuttle Defect: Figure 5a shows a defective shuttle, resulting from a 2pm diameter, conducting contamination with density 3000 Kg/m3, occurring during deposition of the second layer of polysilicon (polyl). Notice the formation of a small bump on the shuttle surface. The defect increases the shuttle mass m, and hence, the effective mass m,. This implies that the resonant frequency fz (Eq 9) and the maximum deflection x,,, (Eq 10) will change from their nominal values. The actual change in f, and xmar caused by the increase in m, is dependent upon the size of the resonator. For the design parameters of Table 1, mechanical simulation has shown negligible changes in fx (0.035%). (See shuttle defect 12 of Table 2). Comb Finger Defect: Figure 5b shows the effect of another 2pm contamination occurring after the deposition of PSG. As shown, the resulting defect welds together two overlapping comb fingers which can result in a catastrophic failure. (For example, see comb defect 5 of Table 2). Paper 36.3 927 -comb defects shuttle defects 12,13 truss defects 2 Figure 7: The locations of 13 different defects analyzed using CODEF and ABAQUS. Figure 6: A microresonator with broken beams. Flexure Defect: Figure 5c shows a defective resonator that is neither catastrophic nor possesses behavior that is readily predictable from the mathematical model presented. It is the result of a 2pm diameter contamination occurring after deposition of PSG. If we assume the defect forms a weak link between beam parts, then it is likely complete breakage will occur causing gross changes in the resonator’s critical parameters (beam defect 1 of Table 2 ) . An example of such a situation is illustrated in Figure 6 for a real single-finger microresonator. Conversely, if the defect forms a strong but defective beam, the resulting parameter changes may be less severe or non-existent. (For example, see beam defect 2 of Table 2). AB AQUS Simulations Figure 7 identifies the location of 13 different defects resulting from the process simulation of 2pm contaminations. (Contaminations of 2pm are typical given the total silicon area of the resonator.) Table 2 gives the process step of introduction for each of the 13 contaminations and their effects on the critical parameters of the resonator which were obtained using the mechanical simulator ABAQUS. The second row of the table lists the nominal values resulting from simulation of the defect-free resonator. Table 2 indicates that some Paper 36.3 928 defects can cause a complete failure of the microresonator (defect 5) while others (defects 2, 3, 6, and 12) do not affect any of the critical parameters. However, such defects may pose a threat to the long-term reliability of the microresonator similar t o active redundant faults in digital circuits. There are also defects that perturbed the resonator in such a way that prevents mechanical simulation from being performed (defects 4, 7, 11, and 13). This is due to the fact that the exact nature of the contamination effect is uncertain and cannot be predicted or modeled accurately. There are a few observations that can be made about the defects that do affect the resonator. For example, defect 1 affects all the critical parameters while defects 8 and 9 affect only a subset of the parameters. Some parameter changes are quite small. For instance, defect 8 and 9 decrease k , and fy only by 2.0% and 1.3%, respectively. Other changes are large and catastrophic. Defect 5, for example, has several orders of magnitude change in all parameters. Moreover, there are defects located at different sites that cause the same faulty behavior. For example, defects 8 and 9, located at different locations of the truss (Figure 7), map to the same parameter changes in k,, k,, and f y . Defects which posed difficulty for mechanical simulation (defects 4, 7, 11, and 13) all resulted from contaminations occurring after the poly0 resist etch (step 8 of the MUMPS process), Contaminations at this step (affecting the comb, beam and shuttle structures) creates a contact between the poly0 and polyl layers. We postulate that these unintended contacts probably cause friction between the two layers during shuttle movement. Another possibility is that the contamination forms a weak anchor between the poly0 and polyl layers which prevents shuttle movement entirely. Defect No. None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Defect location None Beam Beam Beam Beam Comb Comb Comb Truss Truss Truss Truss Shuttle Shuttle 1 I Cc ad stc Nc 6202 6015 6202 6202 uncertain 0 6202 uncertain 6119 6119 6202 uncertain 6202 uncertain 9 19 20 8 9 20 8 9 9 19 8 20 8 0 -3.2 0 0 100 0 -1.3 -1.3 0 0 - Table 2: Critical parameters of defec1;ive resonators derived from mechanical simulations. Conclusions arid Future Work 5 Process simulations of the microresonator illustrate that spot defects can have a significant impact on the structure of a surface-micromachined resonator. The mechanical simulations ,then performed on the defective resonators has shown that : to classify these defective structures into an appropriate fault model, we are building an extractor tool that automatically derives (when possible) the structural and material parameters that define behavior. o 1. Some defects, as expected, cause catastro'phic changes in resonator behavior. 2. Other defects cause subtle or negligible changes in behavior but may have some implicattions on long-term reliability. 0 3. The impact of some defects cannot be predicted with mechanical simulation alone and ma;y require experiments with real defective MEMS. We pian to conduct a large number of randlom process simulations using real contamination data at every step of the manufacturing process in order to produce a large spectrum of defective MEMS structures. Lowlevel mechanical simulations will be performed to categorize these defective structures into a smaller set of faulty behavior classes. 'These fault classes will form the basis of MEMS fault models and serve as our jirst step in developing a comprehensive testing methodology for such systems. There are several open research areas that we plan to address concerning the development of a MEMS testing methodology. 0 Structure extraction: Our testing methodology depends on gaining a comprehensive understanding of the effects of spot contaminations. Process simulations of random contaminations will create a large variety of perturbed structures. In order 0 0 Fault model verification: We plan to verify the accuracy of the developed fault models using actual fabricated systems. Our approach will use defective devices to measure and compare actual and predicted faulty behaviors. Test methodology grading: Given an accurate fault model, one can measure the effectiveness of any given test methodology. Presumably, the fault model will provide an enumeration of possible faulty behaviors along with their likelihood of occurrence. Coverage figures for current MEMS testing methods can then be determined through systematic fault simulations. Test methodology development: Any possible shortcomings in current testing methodologies will be exposed by test methodology grading. Even if shortcomings do not exist, knowledge about MEMS faulty behavior may lead to more effective test or design techniques that reduce cost and increase quality. MEMS diagnosis: Finally, more effective testing methodologies will undoubtedly lead to better diagnosis. We plan to create formal links between observed faulty behavior, testing methods, and process contaminations for diagnostic purposes. Paper 36.3 929 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Prof. Gary Fedder and Dr. Tamal Mukherjee for their help with the basic design and model of the microresonator. We are indebted to Dr. Jitendra Khare and Chris Kellen for their help in modifying CODEF. We would also like to express our regards to Prof. Wojciech Maly for his guidance. This work would not have been possible without their expertise. References G. K. 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Meta-Software, “HSPICE Circuit Simulaltor” , Tech. report, http://www.metasw.com/products/sim/hspice. html, 1300 White Oaks Road, Cambell, CA 95008. D. M. H. Walker, C. S.Kellen and A. J. Strojwas, “The PREDITOR process editor and statistical simulator” I n Proc. of the 1991 International Workshop on VLSI PTOcess and Device Modeling, pp. 120-123, May 1991. Appendix Table 3 lists the complete process recipe for the MCNC MUMPS process [12] described in the PREDI- TOR format [18]. Step # Name 1 2 Initialize Nitride Deposit 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Deposit PolyO Litho SpinOn Litho Expose Litho Develop Etch PolyO Etch PolyO Resist Delposit Oxidel Litho SpinOn Litho Expose Litlho Develop Etch Oxidel Etch Dimple1 Resist Litlho SpinOn Litho Expose Litho Develop Etch Oxidel Etch Anchor1 Resist Deposit Polyl Litho SpinOn Litho Expose Litho Develop Etch Polyl Etclh Polyl Resist Deplosit Oxide2 Litho SpinOn Lithto Expose Lithto Develop Etch Oxide2 Etch Oxide2 Resist Litho SpinOn Litho Expose Litho Develop Etch Oxide12 Etch Anchor2 Resist Deposit Poly2 Litho SpinOn Litho Expose Litho Develop Etch Poly2 Etchb Poly2 Resist Deposit Metal Litho SpinOn Litho Expose Litho Develop Etch Metal Resist Release - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ___ Description Heavy doping of wafer surface using phoshous (POCl3) Deposition of 600 nm silicon nitride layer using a low stress, low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) Deposition of 500 nm polysilicon f ilm (polyo) using LPCVD Coating of wafer with photoresist (PR) Exposure of PR with CPZ mask P R development Etching of poly0 layer with reactive ion etch (RIE) PR strip Deposition of phosphosilicate glass (PSG), oxide1 by LPCVD Coahing of wafer with PR Exposur,~ of PR with COS mask PR development Etching (of PSG layer with RIE to form DIMPLES P R strip Coating of wafer with the PR Exp~osurc:of PR with COF mask PR devellopment Etching of PSG layer in RIE to form ANCHORS (anchorl) P R strip Deposition of 2 pm of polysilicon blanket (polyl) using LPCVD Coating of wafer with PR Exposure of PR with CPS mask P R development Etching of Polyl layer in RIE P R strip Depositicln of 0.75 pm of PSG Coating of wafer with PR Exposure of P R with COT mask PR development Etching cd oxide2 with RIE to form polyl-poly2 vias P R strip Coating cd wafer with PR Exposure of PR with COL mask PR development Etching of oxidel and oxide2 with RIE to form ANCHORS (anchor2) P R strip Deposition of 1.5 pm of polysilicon blanket (poly2) Coating of wafer with PR Exposure of PR with CPT mask PR development Etching of Poly2 with RIE PR strip Depositioin of metal (gold with adhesion layer) Coating of wafer with PR Exposure of PR with CCM mask P R dievelopment Removing the unwanted metal and PR in a solvent bath Release of sacrificial PSG layer by immersing in 49% HF solution ~- I'able 3: The complete MCNC MU'MPis process described in the PREDITOR format [18]. Paper 36.3 931