THE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING OF HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON CARBIDE SURGE ARRESTERS J. D. F. McDonald, M. Darveniza, T. K. Saha Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering The University of Queensland Email:,, Abstract Reliable operation of electrical overstress protection devices is critical to maintain proper function of power transmission systems. This paper details the methodology employed and results obtained in a diagnostic testing procedure used to determine the condition of a number of silicon carbide surge arresters removed from service on high voltage networks. The arresters were all shown to be in satisfactory condition, highlighting the comparative durability of high voltage arresters. The investigation also showed that both partial discharge and radio interference voltage measurements provide a more sensitive measure of arrester degradation than traditional diagnostic procedures. Keywords: diagnostic testing, surge arrester, silicon carbide, partial discharge 1. INTRODUCTION A fundamental constraint on the reliability of an electrical power transmission system is the effectiveness of its protective network. The role of the protective network is to safeguard system components from the effects of electrical overstress. It is therefore of great importance that effective techniques are developed to accurately assess the condition of the components used to provide this protection. The first truly effective overstress protection for high voltage networks was provided by the silicon carbide (SiC) surge arrester. Developed in the 1930’s, it was used almost exclusively on both transmission and distribution systems until the development of the metal oxide surge arrester in the 1970’s. Since then the silicon carbide arrester has been all but replaced on distribution systems but it is estimated that there are tens of thousand of these arresters still in service today [1] on sub-transmission and transmission systems. to fail explosively also presents a hazard to both adjacent equipment and personnel. The goal of this preliminary investigation then was the development of a diagnostic testing procedure that could determine the condition of high voltage (rated 33 kV and above) silicon carbide surge arresters. The testing programme should be able to be completed quickly, and preferably in field without need the to remove the arrester from service. To facilitate this several silicon carbide arresters removed from service were subjected to an exhaustive diagnostic testing programme. Although a number of investigations of this nature have been performed on distribution level arresters [1,2] the results of this study are intended for high voltage arresters. From the results obtained the effectiveness of the specific testing procedures could be assessed and the most effective methods selected for further development and application. 2. Although the rugged construction of high voltage arresters makes them resistant to degradation, the majority of silicon carbide surge arresters still operating have been in service at least 10 years and in some cases as long as 30 years [1] so its is likely that a number are somewhat degraded. Darveniza et al [1] suggested that as many as 75% of distribution level silicon carbide surge arrester in service for over 13 years exhibit some form of degradation. Not only do these degraded arresters present a threat to system reliability, but the tendency of silicon carbide arresters EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The basic construction of surge arresters governs their response to diagnostic test procedures. A thorough understanding of the construction and unique features of high voltage silicon carbide surge arresters will facilitate appropriate diagnostic test selection and allow more effective interpretation of the results obtained. 2.1 Arrester construction Silicon carbide arresters consist of one or more silicon carbide non-linear resistive blocks connected in series with multiple spark gaps [3]. These components are placed in a porcelain casing preventing moisture ingress and providing strength to the entire structure. Figure 1 Silicon Carbide Surge Arrester The lightning impulse spark-over voltage test, power frequency spark-over voltage test and power frequency withstand test were used to test spark gap performance when the arresters were subjected to either high frequency impulses or sustained power frequency overvoltages. A non-standard current impulse test was included to check the integrity of the silicon carbide blocks themselves, with comparison of the waveforms produced by the arresters under test of more use than actual quantitative measurements. The inclusion of both AC/DC leakage current measurements served a twofold purpose. The DC leakage current measurements, used to complement that traditional 5kV insulation test, provided an assessment of the condition of the gap grading resistors. Together with the AC leakage current measurements these tests also provided a gross assessment of overall arrester condition. High voltage gapped silicon carbide surge arresters are usually constructed by connecting a number of low voltage arresters in series, increasing the voltage rating of the total arrester. The applied voltages however are often unevenly distributed across the unit arresters of a multi-unit arrester, with the line-end arresters more severely stressed, leading to spark-over at voltages lower than expected. This can be prevented by placing large resistors in parallel with the spark gaps. The flow of power frequency current through these “gap grading” resistors will produce the desired voltages across the spark gaps. 2.2 Test Selection A testing programme was selected that would adequately assess not only the condition of the whole arresters but also the condition of their major constituents including the: • spark gaps • non-linear resistive blocks • gap grading resistors Rather than developing entirely new tests with unproven performance and no comparative results, the tests selected were chosen after a review of appropriate literature. The majority of testing procedures used are detailed in [3], but references such as [4], [5] also provided a number of alternative testing techniques. The testing regime completed in this investigation consisted of the following tests. The partial discharge and radio interference voltage measurements required the arresters to be energized at rated voltage and provided an assessment of arrester condition in a standard operational situation. Finally, a visual inspection of the arresters’ internal components was completed to check for the presence of degradation, which should have been detected during the proceeding testing process. 2.3 Failure Criteria As the results of this investigation were highly dependent upon the standards used to assess satisfactory arrester behaviour, three main criteria were used to evaluate arrester performance. Arresters were considered “failed” if their measured behaviour did not: a) meet the required performance measures outlined in the relevant industry standards [3] b) satisfy the performance levels guaranteed in manufacturers data [6] c) show consistency with test results obtained on similar arresters, a technique used in [1] When using non-standard testing procedures, this last criterion was the only method available for classifying arrester performance. Any arrester that could not meet all these criteria when applicable was considered to have “failed”. 3. 3.1 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 3.2 Test Samples The test sample consisted of six XAA station class arresters manufactured in 1978 by ASEA. Described as self-supporting, the arresters had 110mm diameter active parts and their general construction is shown in figure 2. Figure 2 XAA station class arrester Impulse Testing The function of an arrester is to limit the amount that the voltage across the device it is protecting rises when subjected to voltage overstress. Thus superior arrester performance is characterised by consistent impulse spark-over at lower impulse voltage levels. Arresters A-C were tested in direct accordance with clause 5.2.2 of [3]. In all cases the arresters performed satisfactorily, sparking–over on each of five consecutive applications of a 1.2/50µs voltage impulse with prospective peak of 106kV. Rather than adhering directly to standard procedure when testing arresters D-F, experimental procedure was modified slightly to determine the minimum standard lightning impulse spark-over voltage. This was defined as the lowest voltage at which the arrester a) sparked over on 5 consecutive impulses or b) sparked over on 4 out 5 consecutive impulses then sparked over on 10 consecutive impulses. This measurement offers a more effective comparison with the maximum standard lightning impulse sparkover voltage defined in [3] and the 100% guaranteed impulse spark-over voltage level detailed in [6]. The total test sample consisted of • 3 arresters rated at 36kV taken from an electricity utility. • 3 multi-unit arresters, each made up of 3 unit arresters with total rating of 121 kV, supplied by a transmission company. The investigation focused predominantly on these arresters whose parameters are detailed in the following table. All impulse tests on arresters D-F were performed with a grading ring attached to the top of the arrester as required for normal operation. The grading ring significantly affects the value of impulse spark-over voltage and measurements taken without the ring in place would be invalid. Figure 3 Impulse Spark-over of arresters D-F Lightning Impulse Sparkover of 121 kV Arresters 350 300 Table 1 Arrester Designations Arrester A Rating [kV] 36 B 36 C 36 D 121 E 121 F 121 Class 10 kA 50-60 Hz 10 kA 50-60 Hz 10 kA 50-60 Hz 10 kA 50 Hz 10 kA 50 Hz 10 kA 50 Hz Date of assembly 1978 250 200 150 100 1978 1978 1978 1978 50 0 Arrester D Arrester E Measured minimum impulse sparkover voltage Guaranteed 100% impulse sparkover voltage Maximum impulse sparkover voltage 1978 Arrester F As can be seen in figure 3, the measured minimum spark-over voltage for each arrester is lower than both the level guaranteed by the manufacturer and that required by the relevant standards [3], demonstrating satisfactory arrester behaviour. Table 2 AC/DC leakage current measurements 5 kV insulation test Arrester 3.3 Power Frequency Spark-over Testing Experimental procedure used in this test followed that outlined in clause 5.12 of AS1307.1 [3] irrespective of the test object used. Figure 4 Power Frequency Spark-over Voltage Power Frequency Sparkover Voltage A B C D E F DC leakage current [µA] 12.1 11.3 9.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.42 0.46 0.54 20 20 20.2 851 848 827 677 669 695 250 3.4.1 200 To determine whether the performance of an arrester in this test was satisfactory a minimum acceptable value of internal resistance was required. Although figures as high as 10GΩ have been recommended in the past, the figure of merit used in recent investigations [1] was 2 GΩ, which suggests that arresters A-C are all in satisfactory condition. 150 100 50 0 A B C D E F Arrester Measured sparkover voltage Guaranteed minimum sparkover voltage Standard minimum sparkover voltage Leakage Current Measurements This test is a commonly used and often effective measure of the integrity of an arrester’s internal components. It is particularly useful for determining the condition of arresters that do not contain resistively graded gaps, as the only connection between spark gap electrodes is insulation. A low value of resistance would indicate significant internal corrosion. 5 kV Insulation Test The measured resistance of arresters D-F however was much lower than expected, indicating either severe internal corrosion, or that the gap-grading resistors dominate the measure of DC resistance. Given the consistency of measurements between the arresters, it was felt the grading resistors were dominating the arresters’ internal impedance. This was later confirmed through visual inspection. 3.4.2 Direct comparison was possible with measured values and the minimum power frequency voltage specified by the relevant standards and the performance level guaranteed by the manufacturers. The measured performance of each of the arresters exceeded both these requirements; highlighting that under normal operating conditions the arrester should remain an open circuit. Thus these arresters all demonstrated satisfactory experimental behaviour. 3.4 DC resistance [GΩ] AC leakage current at rated voltage [µA] AC Leakage current test AC leakage current measurements are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool for metal oxide surge arresters where an accurate measure of the resistive component of leakage current is required. As it was expected that the total leakage current through a silicon carbide surge arrester would be fairly small, in the order of 600µA [2], the magnitude of the total leakage current, both capacitive and resistive, was measured. The experimental set-up used is shown in figure 5. Rather than testing all arresters at a common voltage level, in a similar fashion to the 5 kV insulation test, the AC leakage current was measured when the arresters were energized at their respective rated voltage levels. Figure 5 AC leakage current measurement Figure 6 Partial Discharge Measurements Although the measured AC leakage current was larger than 600µA, the consistency between measurements from arresters of the same type would suggest that the arresters were all in satisfactory condition. The ERA Discharge detector superimposes the measured discharges on an ellipse representing the 50Hz time base. From the two traces shown below, it is possible to compare both the magnitude and frequency of the discharges. In this case far more and much larger discharges were produced by arrester A, suggesting that it is more degraded than arrester C. 3.5 Current Impulse Test This test assessed the integrity of the silicon carbide blocks themselves. The arresters were subjected to 1.2/50µs voltage impulses with prospective peaks well above the measured minimum lightning impulse spark-over voltage and the waveforms of both the current through and voltage across the arresters were measured. A sudden drop in voltage coincident with a sharp rise in current would indicate a block failure. Again all arresters were found to perform satisfactorily with no block flashovers detected. 3.6 Figure 7 Partial Discharges at rated voltage Partial Discharge/Radio Interference Tests Partial discharges within an insulating material are both symptomatic of and an accelerator of degradation of its internal condition. For the majority of their service life silicon carbide surge arresters behave as insulators making the partial discharge test an applicable measure of arrester condition. Partial discharges can be measured using a number of different techniques. In this study however, direct measurement of the current impulses produced or traditional partial discharge testing was used along with radio interference voltage (RIV) measurement, which measures the noise produced by the discharges in the radio frequency (150kHz – 30 MHz) range. In this study the partial discharges were measured by an ERA Discharge detector model 3, configured for straight detection, as shown in figure 6. The device under test is represented as Ca, while the discharge detector is designated as Zm and Ck is a 2000pF blocking capacitor. The experimental technique used was similar to that in [4], including pre-stressing of the arresters. Radio interference voltage measurements were taken in a similar manner, using a PO Engineering Dept D1061 Radio Interference Meter. The meter was placed in series with the blocking capacitor rather than in series with the test object as specified in [5]. Circuit noise at high voltage operation prevented RIV measurements from being taken from arresters D-F. Table 3 Partial discharge / RIV measurements Arrester A B C D E F Discharge level at rated voltage Partial Discharge RIV Test Test [pC] [V x 10-6] 142 891 64 200 40 5 3.2 2.5 12.6 - The magnitude of discharges measured when the arresters were energized with rated voltage was used as the measure of comparison because this is indicative of normal arrester behaviour. Although it is difficult to specify the exact level of discharges demonstrating significant arrester degradation, the comparative results provide a more sensitive measure of arrester condition. For example, it would seem that arrester A has suffered the most internal degradation, and that the 121kV arresters were in better condition than the 33kV arresters. 3.7 Visual Inspection A complete visual inspection of internal arrester components supported the satisfactory test results obtained. The arresters appear to have remained well sealed and all internal components are relatively free from degradation. Arresters A and B are the only arresters with noticeable internal degradation and that is confined to rusting on the steel end caps of some silicon carbide blocks as shown below. The presence this degradation is consistent with the results obtained from partial discharge tests and RIV tests. Figure 8 Arrester component degradation Although the majority of tests produced very consistent results within groups of similar arresters, the results of the partial discharge and radio interference voltage measurements suggest that these tests are far more sensitive than other more standard diagnostic techniques. These tests detected internal arrester degradation even before it appeared to affect arrester performance. The results were confirmed by visual inspection of the arresters that found conspicuous degradation in only arresters A and B, both of which displayed heightened partial discharge and radio interference measurements. It would therefore seem that the partial discharge and radio interference voltage tests are sensitive and accurate measures of the internal condition of high voltage silicon carbide surge arresters. A true measure of the performance of these tests however will be obtained only when the next stage of the investigation, in which further testing will be conducted using a more extensive sample containing both failed and satisfactory arresters, has been completed. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the great assistance and helpful advice provided by S. Wright in the completion of the required experimental work. 6. 4. [1] M. Darveniza, D. R. Mercer, and R. M. Watson, “An assessment of the reliability of in-service gapped silicon-carbide distribution surge arresters,” IEEE-Transactions-onPower-Delivery, vol. Vol.11, pp. p.1789-97, 1996. [2] J. H. Shaw and N. V. Holmgren, “A surgearrester tester developed for EPRI,” Transmission and Distribution, vol. 37, pp. 50-2, 1985. [3] Australian Standard AS 1307.1 - 1986, Surge Arresters (Diverters) Part 1 - Silicon Carbide Type for A.C. Systems. Sydney, 1986. [4] Australian Standard AS 1018 - 1985, Partial Discharge Measurements. Sydney, 1985. [5] Australian Standard AS 2650 - 1986, High Voltage A.C. Switchgear and Control Gear Common Requirements. Sydney, 1986. [6] “TYPE XAA Surge Arresters, Catalogue FMK No.7: 10 E (Cat E 594),” . Sweden: ASEA, 1965. CONCLUSIONS The results of this investigation show that all arresters appear to be in satisfactory condition. In all standard tests, the performance of the arresters exceeded that required by the relevant Australian standards, the manufacturers performance standards where they existed, and in all but the partial discharge and radio interference voltage tests, results obtained were consistent within the groups of common arresters. Even the results obtained in the final two tests showed that arrester performance did not exceed the standard criteria for acceptable discharge magnitudes defined in [4, 5]. The limited internal degradation after 20 years of service suggest that high voltage arresters may be far more durable than originally expected, with the majority of arresters still able to perform acceptably in operation. REFERENCES