Specifications Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 1 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Consultation Measurement Canada is consulting on two draft specifications and a policy bulletin that have been established to support recommendations developed by the Electricity Loss Compensation Joint Working Group for loss compensation metering. This consultation includes: • a new approval specification for the type approval of electricity meters equipped with loss compensation functions, which would come into affect in 2016 and be mandatory one year from the effective date: Specifications for the approval of type of electricity meters equipped with loss compensation functions (current page) • revisions to the specification (S-E-YY) used to determine legal units of measure (LUMs) outside a meter when establishing compensated LUM values, which would be implemented as per the requirements in bulletin E-31 for LUMs and volt-amperes established by the Complex Metering Implementation Joint Working Group. (Only changes in this specification that are applicable to loss compensation will be considered for this consultation; however, the reader may need to review the entire document to establish context for the changes made.); Specification for the installation and use of approved and verified electricity meters used to establish processed legal units of measure • a new policy bulletin outlining the required policies for loss compensation metering (includes example calculations in the appendices), which would come into effect sometime in 2016 and must be implemented by January 2021. Policy on Loss Compensation Functions that Influence Legal Units of Measure in Meters Please submit your comments on these specifications and policy bulletin to the undersigned by March 31, 2016. Dave Flieler Senior Program Officer — Electricity Utility Metering Division Measurement Canada Telephone: 1-613-969-4092 Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 2 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Specifications for the approval of type of electricity meters equipped with loss compensation functions 1.0 Scope These specifications apply to electricity meters having legal unit of measure (LUM) values that are compensated for power transformer losses and/or line losses. 2.0 Authority These specifications are issued under the authority of section 12 of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act. 3.0 References LMB-EG-07—Specifications for approval of type of electricity meters, instrument transformers [link 1] and auxiliary devices S-E-03—Specification for the installation and use of electricity meters - input connections and [link 2] ratings S-E-06—Specification for the approval of type of electricity meters and auxiliary devices – [link 3] amendments to Measurement Canada specification LMB-EG-07 S-E-YY—Specification for the installation and use of approved and verified electricity meters used [link 4] to establish processed legal units of measure S-EG-02—Specifications for approval of physical sealing provisions for electricity and gas [link 5] meters S-EG-05—Specifications for the approval of software controlled electricity and gas metering [link 6] devices S-EG-06—Specifications relating to event loggers for electricity and gas metering devices E-30—Policy decisions and interpretations related to specification LMB-EG-07 GEN-21—Application of Verification Marks to Electricity and Gas Meters [link 8] [link 9] E-XX—Policy on Loss Compensation Functions That Influence Legal Units of Measure in [link 10] Meters [link 7] Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): 4.0 Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 3 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Terminology Actual current 2 The current as determined from the meter’s approved I h function. Actual voltage 2 The voltage as determined from the meter’s approved V h function. Attestation A binding document which solemnly declares in writing that a particular requirement of this document has been complied with and that this conclusion is an accurate representation of the facts as attested to by the signatory. Blondel's theorem In a system of N conductors, N-1 meter elements, properly connected, will correctly measure the power or energy taken. The connection must be such that all potential coils have a common tie to the conductor in which there is no current coil. Copper loss See load loss. Core loss See no-load loss. Full load loss (var) The reactive power consumed by the transformer’s windings or power line at full load current. Full load loss (watt) The active power consumed by the transformer’s windings or power line at full load current. Iron loss See no-load loss. Load loss The total active and reactive power losses of the transformer or power lines at the actual voltage and load current (also known as copper loss or winding loss for power transformer). Load loss (var) The reactive power consumed by the transformer’s windings or power line at actual load current. Load loss (watt) The active power consumed by the transformer’s windings or power line at actual load current. Load percent of short-circuit impedance Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 4 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: The short-circuit impedance of the power transformer expressed as a percentage of the primary voltage required to circulate full load current in the short-circuited secondary winding to the rated primary voltage. Loss compensation A means for establishing a legal unit of measure when the metering point and the point of service are physically separated resulting in measurable losses. These losses may be used to adjust meter registration for a final (compensated) legal unit of measure. No-load loss The total active and reactive power consumed by the transformer’s windings at the actual voltage with no load current (also known as core loss or iron loss). No-load loss (var) The reactive power consumed by the transformer’s windings at the actual voltage with no load current. No-load loss (watt) The active power consumed by the transformer’s windings at the actual voltage with no load current. No-load percent excitation current The percentage of a full load current that flows through the line terminals of a power transformer when all other windings are open circuited and rated voltage is applied. Percent impedance Percentage of full load test voltage (at test current) to rated voltage (from test sheet data). Rated (apparent) power The nominal volt-ampere power rating of the transformer as provided in the test sheet (typically provided in megavolt-amperes). Rated current The current at rated power of the transformer as provided in the test sheet. Rated voltage The voltage at rated power of the transformer as provided in the test sheet. Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 5 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Test sheet (report) The source of the power transformer and/or power line technical information. The data can come from test sheets, reports or other acceptable sources. Winding loss See load loss. Winding type The type of winding which can be primary, secondary or tertiary. 5.0 Approval requirements 5.1 General Electricity meters that provide registrations which are compensated for transformer losses and/or line losses shall do so in accordance with these requirements. 5.1.1 Meters that provide registrations which are compensated for transformer losses and/or line losses shall provide compensated and uncompensated LUMs in one or more separate approved registers. 5.1.2 Compensated LUM registrations shall include an identifier which facilitates distinction between compensated and uncompensated LUMs. “COMP” is the recommended identifier. 5.1.3 Power transformer loss compensation can be applied under the following service conditions: a) b) c) 5.1.4 The meter is installed on the primary or secondary side of a two winding power transformer or a series of two winding transformers. The meter is installed on the primary side of a power transformer having two or more windings. The installed meter complies with Blondel’s theorem. Line loss compensation can be applied under all service conditions. 5.1.5 Loss compensation shall be added or subtracted based on point of delivery and direction of energy flow. 5.2 Loss compensation determination parameters Pursuant to the requirements of this document, the following parameters (or equivalents) are permitted for use in determining loss compensated LUMs. Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): 5.2.1 Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 6 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Transformer loss parameters %EXC (No-load) percent (%) excitation current of the power transformer (ratio of noload test current from transformer sheet data at rated voltage to full load current) Percent impedance (%) of the power transformer (ratio of full load test voltage from transformer sheet data at test current to rated voltage) Current transformer ratio of the instrument transformers supplying current to the meter Voltage transformer ratio of the instrument transformers supplying voltage to the meter %Z CTR VTR Elements Number of meter elements Iact Irated LVCu LVCuFL LVFe LVFeNL LWCu losses) LWCuFL LWFe losses) LWFeNL Vact Vrated VAphase Actual current (derived from measured I h value) Rated current (on the metered side of transformer) Load loss (var) of power transformer at metered current (var copper loss) Full load loss (var) (typically calculated from test sheet data) No-load loss (var) of power transformer at metered voltage (var iron loss) No-load loss (var) (typically calculated from test sheet data) Load loss (watts) of power transformer at metered current (copper or winding 2 Full load loss (watts) (from test sheet data or adjusted for in-use tap)) No-load loss (watts) of power transformer at metered voltage (iron or core No-load loss (watt) (from test sheet data) 2 Actual metered voltage (derived from measured V h value) Rated voltage (on the metered side of transformer) Per phase VA rating of power transformer VATXtest (MVArated) Rated (apparent) power of transformer 5.2.2 n L r rt PLLv PLLW PLLW t xl Power line loss parameters Number of conductors Conductor (line) length (units compatible with conductor resistance) Conductor resistance per unit length Conductor resistance per unit length (corrected for climatic influence) Power line loss (var) Power line loss (watt) Power line loss based on climatic influences (watts) Conductor inductive reactance per unit length Category: ELECTRICITY Specification: LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): 5.3 Issue Date: S-E- Page: 7 2016-XX-XX of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Requirements for loss compensation 5.3.1 Electricity meters submitted for approval of type having loss compensation functions shall determine loss values pursuant to the requirements of these specifications. 2 2 5.3.2 Meters shall use approved I h and V h values in the determination of loss values as required below. 5.3.3 The loss equations identified herein shall apply according to power transformers, power lines, service conditions and meter configurations. 5.4 Transformer loss compensation 5.4.1 Transformer loss compensation can include compensation for the following: Iron or core losses a) b) No-load loss (watt) No-load loss (var) Copper or winding losses a) b) 5.4.2 Load loss (watt) Load loss (var) The following models shall be applied for transformer losses: No-load loss (watt) is proportional to Vact2. 4 No-load loss (var) is proportional to Vact . 2 Load loss (watt) is proportional to Iact . 2 Load loss (var) is proportional to Iact . a) b) c) d) 2 2 2 2 5.4.3 Vact and Iact shall be determined from approved V h and I h quantities. Where applicable, transformer ratios shall be applied for values that are metered on the secondary side of transformers. 5.4.4 Unless otherwise noted, loss values established pursuant to the equations of sections 5.5 and 5.6 shall be integrated over the same period as the energy LUMs to which they are being applied. 5.4.5 Compensated demand values shall be established on the basis of compensated energy values. 5.4.6 Compliance with the requirements of these specifications shall be established on the basis of both functionality testing and written attestations of compliance. Category: ELECTRICITY Specification: LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 8 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: 5.4.7 Attestations of compliance shall originate from an authorized signing authority that has been appropriately designated by the device manufacturing corporation to represent it for these purposes as part of the pattern approval process. 5.5 Transformer loss equations a) No-load loss (watt) ππππππππ πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏ = πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏππππ × οΏ½ππ ππππππππππ Where: 2 οΏ½ LWFe = No-load loss (watts) at metered voltage LWFeNL = No-load loss (watts) (from test sheet data) 2 Vact = (Metered) actual voltage (derived from measured V h values) Vrated = Rated voltage (transformer) b) No-load loss (var) ππππππππ πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏ = πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏππππ × οΏ½ππ ππππππππππ Where: οΏ½ 4 LVFe = No-load loss (vars) at metered voltage LVFeNL = No-load loss (vars) (derived from test sheet data) 2 Vact = Actual voltage (derived from measured V h values) Vrated = Rated voltage (transformer) Where LVFeNL is not available, the following can be used to determine this value: πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏππππ = οΏ½οΏ½ππππππππππππππππ × Where: %πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈ 2 100 οΏ½ − (πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏππππ )2 VATXtest = rated kVA of power transformer (from transformer sheet data) %EXC = (No-load) percent (%) excitation current Category: ELECTRICITY Specification: LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): c) Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 9 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Load loss (watt) πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏ = πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΉπΉπΉπΉ × οΏ½πΌπΌ πΌπΌππππππ ππππππππππ Where: 2 οΏ½ LWCu = Load loss (watts) at meter test current LWCuFL = Full load loss (watts) (from test sheet data or adjusted for in-use tap) Iact = Actual current (derived from measured I2h) Irated = Rated transformer current d) Load loss (var) πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏ = πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΉπΉπΉπΉ × οΏ½πΌπΌ πΌπΌππππππ ππππππππππ Where: 2 οΏ½ LVCu = Load loss (vars) at meter test current LVCuFL = Full load loss (vars) (calculated from test sheet data) 2 Iact = Actual current (derived from measure I h) Irated = Rated transformer current Where LVCuFL is not available, the following can be used to determine this value: πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΉπΉπΉπΉ = οΏ½οΏ½ππππππππππππππππ ππ Where: %ππ 2 οΏ½ − (πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏππππ )2 100 VATXtest = Rated kVA of power transformer %Z = Percent ratio of full load test voltage (at test current) to rated voltage (from test sheet data) 5.5.1 The total transformer loss value applied to watts shall be the combination of values established by 5.5 (a) and (c) above. 5.5.2 The total transformer loss value applied to vars shall be the combination of values established by 5.5 (b) and (d) above. 5.5.3 The total transformer loss value applied to VA shall be the vectorial sum of the watt and var values established pursuant to 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 above. Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 10 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: 5.6 Power line losses 5.6.1 The following models shall be applied for power line losses for meters: a) b) of 12 2 Load loss (watt) is proportional to (Iact) . 2 Load loss (var) is proportional to (Iact) . 2 2 The line current (Iact) shall be determined from measured I h values registered by the meter. 5.6.2 Line losses resulting from impedance characteristics shall be proportional to line current. 5.6.3 For power line applications, the following equations shall be used as applicable when determining line losses: a) Line loss (watt) ππππππππ = (πΌπΌππππππ )2 × ππ × πΏπΏ Where: PLLW = (Power) line loss (watt) 2 Iact = Actual current (derived from measured I h) r = Resistance per unit length L = Conductor length b) Line loss (load vars, inductive) ππππππππ = (πΌπΌππππππ )2 × π₯π₯ππ × πΏπΏ Where: PLLv = (Power) line loss (var) 2 Iact = Actual current (derived from measured I h) xl = Inductive reactance per unit length L= Conductor length Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): c) Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Page: 11 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: Line loss (climatic influences) Line loss (watts) (temperature and/or wind compensated) πππππππππ‘π‘ = (πΌπΌππππππ )2 × πππ‘π‘ × πΏπΏ Where: PLLW t = (Power) line loss (watt) (climatic influence) 2 Iact= Actual current (derived from measured I h) rt = Resistance (corrected for climatic influences) per unit length L = Conductor length 5.6.4 The total line loss value applied to watts shall be established by 5.6.3 a) or c) above. 5.6.5 The total line loss value applied to VA shall be the vectorial sum of the watt and var values established pursuant to 5.6.4 and 5.6.3 (b) above. 5.7 Combination of transformer losses and line losses 5.7.1 The total loss value applied to watts shall be the combination of values established by 5.5.1 and 5.6.4 above. 5.7.2 The total loss value applied to vars shall be the combination of values established by 5.5.2 and 5.6.3 b) above. 5.7.3 The total loss value applied to VA shall be the vectorial sum of the watt and var values established pursuant to 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 above. Category: ELECTRICITY LMB-EG-07, S-E-03, S-E-06, S-E-XX S-EG-02, S-EG-05, S-EG-06, GEN-21, and E-30 Document(s): Specification: Issue Date: S-E- 2016-XX-XX Supersedes: [lien 1] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm00168.html [lien 2] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm00172.html [lien 3] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm00174.html [lien 4] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm04786.html [lien 5] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm00588.html [lien 6] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm04533.html [lien 7] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm04537.html [lien 8] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm00033.html [lien 9] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm00053.html [lien 10] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/lm04784.html Page: 12 of 12 Effective Date: 2016-XX-XX