HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com Dual Differential Line Drivers / ReceiversWith 3 State Outputs The HD29050 features differential line drivers / receivers with three state output designed to meet the spec of EIA RS – 422A and 423A. Each device has two drivers / receivers in a 16 pin package. The device becomes in enable state when active high for a driver and active low for a receiver. Pin Arrangement R1B 1 16 VCC R1A 2 15 D1A R1Y 3 14 D1Y R 4 Enable 13 D1Z R2Y 5 12 D Enable Features R2A 6 11 D2Z Driver R2B 7 10 D2Y GND 8 9 • Built in current restriction when short circuit • Power up / down protection. • High output current I OH = –40 mA IOL = 40 mA (Top View) Function Table Drivers Receiver • Input hysteresis (Typ. 50 mV) • In phase input voltage ±200 mV of input sensitivity in the range –7 to +12 V. D2A Output Z Input A Enable L H L H H H H L X L Z Z Output Y Receivers Differential Input A – B Enable Output Y VID ≥ 0.2 V L H –0.2 V < V ID < 0.2 V L ? VID ≤ –0.2 V L L X H Z H L Z X ? www.DataSheet4U.com : : : : : High level Low level High impedance Immaterial Irrelevant HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com Absolute Maximum Ratings Item *1 Supply Voltage Input Voltage A , B *3 *2 *3 Differential Input Voltage Output Current Ratings Unit VCC 7 V VIN ±25 V VID IO ±25 50 V mA VIE 5.5 V VIN 5.5 V V *3 Enable Input Voltage Input Voltage Symbol *4 *4 *5 VO –1.0 to 7.0 Operating Temperature Range Topr 0 to 70 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg –65 to 150 °C Output Applied Voltage Notes: 1. All voltage values except for differential input voltage are with respect to network ground terminal. 2. Differential input voltage is measured at the noninverting input with respect to the corresponding inverting input. 3. Only receiver 4. Only driver 5. Z state 6. The absolute maximum ratings are values which must not individually be exceeded, and furthermore, no two of which may be realized at the same time. Recommended Operating Conditions Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage VCC 4.75 5.0 5.25 V In Phase Input Voltage *1 VIC –7.0 12 V Differential Input Voltage *1 VID –6.0 6.0 V VIE 0 5.25 VIN 0 5.25 V V Topr 0 70 °C Enable Input Voltage Input Voltage *2 Operating Temperature Notes: 1. Only receiver 2. Only driver www.DataSheet4U.com 2 25 HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 0 to +70°C) Driver Symbol Item Input Voltage VIHD Min Typ Max 2.0 Unit Conditions V VILD 0.8 V Input Clamp Voltage VIKD –1.5 V VCC = 4.75 V II = –18 mA Output Voltage VOHD 2.5 V VCC = 4.75 V IOH = –20 mA 2.4 V VCC = 4.75 V IOH = –40 mA 0.45 V VCC = 4.75 V IOL = 20 mA 0.5 V VCC = 4.75 V IOL = 40 mA –100 100 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V O = 0.5 V Enable = 0.8 V –100 100 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V O = 2.7 V Enable = 0.8 V –100 µA VCC = 0 V VO = –0.25 V 100 µA VCC = 0 V VO = 6.0 V IID 100 µA VCC = 5.25 V VI = 5.25 V IIHD 20 µA VCC = 5.25 V VI = 2.7 V IIHD –360 µA VCC = 5.25 V VI = 0.4 V ∆ VOC 0.4 V VOLD Output Leak Current IOZD IO(Off) Input Current Differential Output Voltage VOD2 Short Circuit Output Current *1 IOSD V 2.0 ∆ VOD –30 0.4 V –150 mA VCC = 5.25 V VO = 0 V www.DataSheet4U.com 3 HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 0 to +70°C) Receiver Item Symbol Differential Input Threshold Voltage *2 Min Typ VTHR Max Unit Conditions 0.2 V VO ≥ 2.7 V –7.0 V < V IC < 12 V V VO ≤ 0.45 V –7.0 V < V IC < 12 V 1.0 mA VIN = 12 V 0 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.25 V –0.8 mA VIN = –7 V 0 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.25 V –0.2 IIBR Input Current VOHR Output Voltage 2.7 V VCC = 4.75 V, I O = –400 µA VID = 0.4 V, –7.0 V < V ICM < 12 V 0.45 V VCC = 4.75 V, I O = 8.0 mA VID = –0.4 V, –7.0 V < V ICM < 2 V –100 100 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V O = 0.4 V VID = 3.0 V, Enable = 2.0 V –100 100 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V O = 2.4 V VID = –3.0 V, Enable = 2.0 V IOSR –15 –85 mA VCC = 5.25 V, V O = 0 V VID = 3.0 V VIHE 2.0 VOLR Output Leak Current Short Circuit Output Current Input Voltage Input Current Input Clamp Voltage IOZR *1 V VILE 0.8 V IILE –100 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V IL = 0.4 V IIHE 20 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V IH = 2.7 V IIE 100 µA VCC = 5.25 V, V IH = 5.25 V VIKE –1.5 V VCC = 4.75 II = –18 mA Max Unit Conditions 80 mA VCC = 5.25 V Supply Symbol Item Supply Current Min ICC Typ 55 *3 Notes: 1. Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, and duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second. 2. In this table, only the threshold voltage is expressed in algebra. 3. All typical values are at V CC = 5 V, Ta = 25°C. www.DataSheet4U.com 4 HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com Switching Characteristics (Ta = 25°C, VCC = 5 V) Driver Symbol Item Propagation Delay Time Min Typ Max Unit Conditions tPLHD 20 ns CL = 30 pF, R L = 75 Ω to GND RL = 180 Ω to VCC tPHLD 20 ns CL = 30 pF, R L = 75 Ω to GND RL = 180 Ω to VCC 4 ns CL = 30 pF, R L = 75 Ω to GND RL = 180 Ω to VCC *1 Propagation Delay Time Difference tSKD Output Enable Time tZHD 20 ns CL = 30 pF RL = 75 Ω to GND tZLD 35 ns CL = 30 pF RL = 180 Ω to VCC tHZD 20 ns CL = 10 pF RL = 75 Ω to GND tLZD 25 ns CL = 10 pF Max Unit Conditions Output Disable Time Receiver Item Symbol Propagation Delay Time tPLHR 40 ns CL = 15 pF tPHLR 40 ns CL = 15 pF tZHR 20 ns CL = 15 pF RL = 5 KΩ to GND tZLR 25 ns CL = 15 pF RL = 2 KΩ to VCC tHZR 30 ns CL = 15 pF, R L = 5 KΩ to GND RL = 2 KΩ to VCC tLZR 30 ns Output Enable Time Output Disable Time Min Typ Note: 1. t SKD = tPLHD – tPHLD www.DataSheet4U.com 5 HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com DC Test ( V OD2 , ∆ VOD , VOC, ∆ VOC ) VOD2 , ∆ VOD Test Output Y 50 Ω VOD2 50 Ω Output Z VOC, ∆ VOC Test Y 50 Ω R Z ∆ VOD and ∆ VOC indicate the differences of voltage from the former states when Y and Z outputs are inversed. ∆ VOD = VOD2 – VOD2 ∆ VOC = VOC – VOC www.DataSheet4U.com 6 50 Ω VOC HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com 1. t PLHD , tPHLD Waveforms Test circuit Enable 3V 3V Input A 5V Output Input A tPLHD RL = 180 Ω Y Pulse Generator Z tPHLD 0V VOH Output Y RL = 75 Ω CL = 30pF *1 1.3 V 1.3 V 1.3 V 1.3 V tPLHD VOL tPHLD *2 Output Z VOH 1.3 V 1.3 V VOL tSKD tSKD 2. tZHD , tZLD , tHZD , tLZD Waveforms Test circuit Input 3V Pulse Generator 5V RL = 180 Ω Output *1 A 1.3 V 1.3 V 0V tZHD tHZD Enable 3 V or GND Input Enable Y Z *3 CL = 30pF or 10pF *2 VOH 0.5 V 1.3 V Output RL = 75 Ω tZLD tLZD VOL VOH 1.3 V 0.5 V VOL www.DataSheet4U.com 7 HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com 3. tPLHR , tPHLR Waveforms Test circuit Enable 3V Input A Input A Pulse Generator 0V Output B *1 tPLHR tPHLR VOH CL = 15pF Output Y *2 1.5 V 1.5 V 1.5 V 1.3 V 1.3 V VOL 4. tZHR , tZLR , tHZR , tLZR Waveforms Test circuit 5V Input Pulse Generator S1 Enable +1.5 or –1.5 V CL = 15pF RL = 5 KΩ VOH 0.5 V 1.5 V Output Y All diodes are 1S2074 H *2 S2 *4 Notes: 1. The pulse generator has the following characteristics: PRR = 1 MH Z, 50 % duty cycle, t r = tf = 6.0 ns. 2. C L includes probe and jig capacitance. 3. 75 Ω connected between the pin and GND at t ZHD tHZD test. 180 Ω connected between the pin and GND at t ZHD tHZD test. 4. At t HZR, t LZR test, S1 and S2 are closed. At tZHR test, S1 is open and S 2 is closed. At tZLR test, S1 is closed and S 2 is open. www.DataSheet4U.com 0V tZHR tHZR RL = 2 KΩ A B 8 1.5 V 1.5 V *4 Output *1 Va 3V Input Enable tZLR tLZR VOL VOH 1.5 V 0.5 V VOL HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com Main Characteristics • Output Characteristics (High level) [Driver] • Output Characteristics (Low level) [Driver] 5 1.0 Ta = 25°C VCC = 5.25 V 4 VCC = 5.00 V 0.8 VCC = 5.00 V Output Voltage (V OL) [V] Output Voltage (V OH) [V] Ta = 25°C 3 2 VCC = 4.75 V 1 0 VCC = 4.75 V 0.6 0.4 0.2 VCC = 5.25 V 0 0 –40 –80 –120 –160 –200 0 Output Current (I OH) [mA] 1.0 80 100 Ta = 25°C VCC = 5.25 V VCC = 5.00 V 0.8 VCC = 5.00 V Output Voltage (V OL) [V] Output Voltage (V OH) [V] 60 • Output Characteristics (Low level) [Receiver] Ta = 25°C 4 40 Output Current (I OL) [mA] • Output Characteristics (High level) [Receiver] 5 20 3 2 1 VCC = 4.75 V 0 VCC = 4.75 V 0.6 0.4 0.2 VCC = 5.25 V 0 0 –20 –40 –60 –80 Output Current (I OH) [mA] –100 0 10 20 30 40 50 Output Current (I OL) [mA] www.DataSheet4U.com 9 HD29050 HD29050 www.DataSheet4U.com • Input / Output Characteristics [Receiver] 5 VCC = 5 V Ta = 25°C Output Voltage (V OUT) [V] 4 VID = 0 V 3 VT– VT+ 2 1 0 –200 –100 0 100 Input Voltage (V U) [mV] www.DataSheet4U.com 10 200