LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGISTRAR-RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK ELECTION COORDINATION UNIT (562) 462 - 2912 General Election November 8, 2016 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT STATE MEASURES – (17) – SCHOOL BONDS. FUNDING FOR K-12 SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 51 FACILITIES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. – MEDI-CAL HOSPITAL FEE PROGRAM. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL 52 AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. – REVENUE BONDS. STATEWIDE VOTER APPROVAL. INITIATIVE 53 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. – LEGISLATURE. LEGISLATION AND PROCEEDINGS. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL 54 AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. – TAX EXTENSION TO FUND EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE. INITIATIVE 55 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. – CIGARETTE TAX TO FUND HEALTHCARE, TOBACCO USE PREVENTION, 56 RESEARCH, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. – CRIMINAL SENTENCES. PAROLE. JUVENILE CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS AND 57 SENTENCING. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. – ENGLISH PROFICIENCY. MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION. INITIATIVE STATUTE. 58 – CORPORATIONS. POLITICAL SPENDING. FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL 59 PROTECTIONS. LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY QUESTION. – 60 ADULT FILMS. CONDOMS. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. – STATE PRESCRIPTION DRUG PURCHASES. PRICING STANDARDS. INITIATIVE 61 STATUTE. – DEATH PENALTY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. 62 – FIREARMS. AMMUNITION SALES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. 63 64 65 66 67 – MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION. INITIATIVE STATUTE. – CARRYOUT BAGS. CHARGES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. – DEATH PENALTY. PROCEDURES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. – BAN ON SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BAGS. REFERENDUM. S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) COUNTYWIDE MEASURES – (2) METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY M – Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement Plan. To improve freeway traffic flow/safety; repair potholes/sidewalks; repave local streets; earthquake retrofit bridges; synchronize signals; keep senior/disabled/student fares affordable; expand rail/subway/bus systems; improve job/school/airport connections; and create jobs; shall voters authorize a Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement Plan through a ½ ¢ sales tax and continue the existing ½ ¢ traffic relief tax until voters decide to end it, with independent audits/oversight and funds controlled locally? REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT A – The Safe, Clean Neighborhood Parks and Beaches Measure To replace expiring local funding for safe, clean neighborhood/ city/ county parks; increase safe playgrounds, reduce gang activity; keep neighborhood recreation/ senior centers, drinking water safe; protect beaches, rivers, water resources, remaining natural areas/ open space; shall 1.5 cents be levied annually per square foot of improved property in Los Angeles County, with bond authority, requiring citizen oversight, independent audits, and funds used locally? LOCAL JURISDICTION MEASURES – (58) ALHAMBRA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AE – ALHAMBRA UNIFIED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPAIR/ STUDENT SAFETY MEASURE. To repair/upgrade local elementary schools and attract/ retain quality teachers, repair deteriorating classrooms, leaky roofs, remove asbestos/ lead paint, ensure safe drinking water and disabled accessibility, upgrade school fire and earthquake safety systems, update restrooms, classroom technology/ wiring/ science labs, repair, acquire, construct classrooms/ sites/ facilities/equipment, shall Alhambra Unified School District issue $110,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, require audits, citizen oversight, all funds for local elementary schools? – ALHAMBRA UNIFIED HIGH SCHOOLS REPAIR/ STUDENT SAFETY MEASURE. To HS repair/upgrade local high schools, attract/ retain quality teachers/ prepare students for careers/ college, repair deteriorating classrooms, restrooms, plumbing, leaky roofs, remove asbestos/ lead paint, ensure safe drinking water and disabled accessibility, upgrade school fire and earthquake safety systems, upgrade technology, repair, acquire, construct classrooms/ sites/ facilities/equipment, shall Alhambra Unified School District issue $149,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, require audits, citizen oversight, all funds for local schools? ANTELOPE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AV – ANTELOPE VALLEY COLLEGE JOB TRAINING AND UNIVERSITY TRANSFER MEASURE. To upgrade math, engineering, aerospace/ advanced manufacturing classrooms/ labs, improve class availability and safety, update technology, repair, construct, acquire facilities, sites/ equipment to maintain quality, affordable education for local students/ returning veterans, and prepare students for jobs and transfer to fouryear universities, shall Antelope Valley Community College District issue $350,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring citizens’ oversight, audits no money for administrators’ salaries and all funds used locally? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 2 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) AVALON CITY X – MEASURE X Shall the Avalon Municipal Code be amended to permit up to two medical marijuana dispensaries and similar facilities, both fixed and mobile, to operate within the City, and to permit the cultivation, manufacture and processing of medical marijuana products, subject to specified standards, and further subject to a $10,000 annual license tax and a 12% transaction fee/tax on each individual medical marijuana sale, until repealed by voters, and generating approximately $200,000 annually? BELLFLOWER CITY D – Shall Members of the City Council of the City of Bellflower be elected by-districts described in Ordinance No. 1302 instead of at-large? W – Shall the proposition by the City of Bellflower to sell the Bellflower Municipal Water System to California-American Water Company be adopted? BEVERLY HILLS CITY HH – Hilton Condominium Tower Initiative – Shall an ordinance be adopted allowing a 26 story (345 feet) residential building instead of two residential buildings of 8 stories (101 feet) and 18 stories (218 feet); increasing open space from approximately 1.25 acres to 1.7 acres for use as a private garden that is generally open to the public subject to reasonable restrictions determined by the property owner; prohibiting any discretionary architectural review; and reducing graywater use requirements? BEVERLY HILLS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – To improve aging Beverly Hills schools, upgrade inefficient heating, cooling/ electrical Y systems causing significant maintenance cost savings redirected to classroom instruction, upgrade/ repair classrooms, libraries/ science labs, replace deteriorating restrooms/ leaky roofs, complete deferred maintenance projects, provide modern classroom technology infrastructure, upgrade, construct/ acquire classrooms, facilities/ sites with local funding the State cannot take away, shall Beverly Hills Unified School District issue $260,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, with strict citizen oversight, annual audits/ all funds for Beverly Hills schools? BURBANK CITY – Shall Ordinance No. 16-3,882 be approved allowing no more than a 14-gate, 355,000 B square foot replacement terminal and ancillary improvements to be built at the Bob Hope Airport meeting current safety, seismic standards and improving disabled access; demolishing the existing terminal; and modifying Adjacent Property easement and authorizing future agreements necessary to implement the project; in exchange for governance changes that provide Burbank a greater voice in the future of the airport? CALABASAS CITY – Shall the Ordinance No. 2016-333 approving changing the existing Zoning from Planned F Development – Residential Multifamily (20) – Open Space Development Restricted – Scenic Corridor to Commercial Retail – Residential Multifamily (20) – Open Space Development Restricted – Scenic Corridor – Development Plan to accommodate: 67 Single-Family Detached Homes and two Affordable Duplexes; a 72,872 square-foot, three-story hotel; and preservation of approximately 61.0 acres as Permanent Open Space on a 77-acre property at 4790 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas be approved? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 3 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) CARSON CITY TL – Term Limits for Elected Officials. Shall Ordinance 16-1598, establishing a lifetime term limit of three (3) terms of four (4) years each served as an elected official in the City of Carson, including Mayor, member of the City Council, City Clerk, City Treasurer, or any combination of elected offices, be approved? – Cannabis Tax. If a future Carson City Council or if voters of Carson through another KK ballot measure permit cannabis business activities, shall an ordinance establishing a cannabis tax of $25 per square foot of space utilized for cultivation and 18% of gross proceeds (adjusted annually on July 1 based on CPI) apply on all cannabis related business activities in Carson with annual revenues ranging from $500,000 to $3.5 million for Carson, with no sunset clause, be approved? CLAREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – To repair, upgrade and make more energy efficient aging classrooms and facilities with G funding that cannot be taken by the State, repair deteriorating roofs, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems, and repair, construct, acquire, and upgrade classrooms, sites, facilities and equipment, refurbish pools, locker rooms, and gymnasium, shall Claremont Unified School District issue $58,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent financial audits, citizen oversight, no money for administrator and teacher salaries, and all money staying local? CULVER CITY CW – Measure CW: CULVER CITY SAFE/CLEAN WATER PROTECTION MEASURE. To protect public health/groundwater supplies and prevent toxins and pollutants from contaminating local waterways, creeks and beaches, by improving storm drains/infrastructure to capture/clean urban runoff; preserving open space; and complying with clean water laws, shall Culver City establish a $99 clean water parcel tax; generating approximately $2,000,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring independent audits, public oversight, low-income senior citizens discounts and local control of funds? CA – Measure CA: Shall Section 607 and Section 700 of the Charter of the City of Culver City be amended to change the appointing authority and the reporting responsibilities of the Fire Chief and Police Chief from the City Council to the City Manager? CB – Measure CB: Shall Section 602 of the Charter of the City of Culver City be amended to provide for the ineligibility of a person who has resigned from the City Council to run for the Office of City Council Member for a period of two years from the date of such resignation? – Measure CD: CD Shall Section 608 of the Charter of the City of Culver City be amended to authorize the City Council to determine the dates of Regular Meetings of the City Council? DOWNEY CITY – TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX. To maintain and improve city services including cityS run police and fire departments, paramedic/9-1-1 emergency response, antigang/drug/crime programs, school safety, after-school and seniors programs; ensure fire engines and emergency vehicles have updated equipment; and repair streets/potholes; shall the ordinance to increase the sales tax by one-half of one percent, providing $9,000,000 annually, to expire after 20 years, requiring audits, public disclosure of funds, and all funds only for Downey be adopted? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 4 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) EAST WHITTIER CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – Without increasing existing property tax rates, shall the East Whittier City School District R issue $70 million in bonds at legal interest rates to make essential upgrades to aging schools including repairing or replacing leaky roofs, doors, windows, outdated plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems, and improve student safety and school security systems, including lighting, smoke alarms, fencing and emergency communications, with independent citizen oversight and audits to ensure all money benefits and improves local schools? – Without increasing existing property tax rates, shall the East Whittier City School District Z issue $24 million in bonds at legal interest rates, to modernize classrooms, science labs and computer systems for science, math and technology instruction, replace aging portables, renovate the aging middle school gymnasiums and locker rooms, and improve accessibility for disabled students, with independent citizen oversight and audits to ensure all money benefit and improves local schools? EL RANCHO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT st ER – To modernize/rebuild El Rancho High School for the 21 Century, prepare students for jobs of the future, improve/expand science/career training labs, repair/improve neighborhood schools, including aging classrooms, roofs, restrooms, heating/air conditioning/electrical systems, strengthen school safety/security, and repair/acquire/construct school sites and facilities, shall El Rancho Unified School District issue $200,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring annual audits, citizen oversight and no money for administrator salaries, all funds for local schools? RR – To support academic excellence, prepare Pico Rivera students for college and quality jobs, raise teacher salaries, retain quality teachers and staff, provide every student access to high quality arts education, including music and performing arts, and improve instruction in science, technology, engineering, arts and math, shall El Rancho Unified School District authorize an annual $99 per-parcel tax for 9 years, exempting senior citizens and people with disabilities, requiring independent oversight and all funds used locally to improve student learning? GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT GA – GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSROOM REPAIR AND EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT MEASURE. To upgrade schools, repair leaky roofs, renovate aging classrooms, bathrooms/ playgrounds, improve student access to computers/ modern technology, replace outdated plumbing, heating/ air-conditioning, update electrical/ lighting systems, improve security systems, ensure safe drinking water, build multimedia learning labs, repair, construct/ acquire educational facilities, sites/ equipment, shall Garvey School District issue $40,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, with independent financial audits, citizen’s oversight, and all funding spent on local schools? GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GC – GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AFFORDABLE COLLEGE/ JOB TRAINING/ UNIVERSITY TRANSFER/ CLASSROOM REPAIR MEASURE. To repair classrooms/labs to prepare students/veterans for jobs/university transfer, upgrade vocational education equipment/technology for engineering/nursing/law enforcement/firefighting careers, repair deteriorating gas/sewer lines, improve handicapped accessibility/earthquake safety, and acquire, construct, repair sites, facilities/ equipment, shall Glendale Community College District issue $325,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring citizen oversight, audits, no funds for administrators’ salaries, all funds used locally? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 5 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) HACIENDA LA PUENTE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BB – To upgrade/repair all neighborhood school classrooms and retain/attract quality teachers by renovating all science, technology, engineering, art/math labs/classrooms, and athletic facilities; ensuring drinking water safety; repairing, constructing, equipping/acquiring educational facilities to prepare students for college and 21st century vocational jobs/careers, shall Hacienda La Puente Unified School District issue up to $148,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring audits, citizens’ oversight, no money for administrators’ salaries, and all funds used locally? LAWNDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT – To improve the quality of local public education by modernizing outdated classrooms, L restrooms and school facilities with funding that cannot be taken by the state; make health and safety improvements; repair or replace leaky roofs; updated electrical systems for modern technology; and replace outdated heating, ventilation and airconditioning systems; shall the Lawndale Elementary School District issue $27,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, have an independent citizens’ oversight committee and have NO money used for administrative or teacher salaries? LENNOX SCHOOL DISTRICT – To improve the quality of education and provide safe, modern schools for all students Q with funding that cannot be taken by the state; upgrade, modernize and construct classrooms, science labs and libraries; improve student access to technology; repair leaky roofs, outdated electrical and plumbing systems; and improve safety, security and access for students with disabilities shall Lennox School District issue $25,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, including independent citizens’ oversight and NO money for administrative salaries? LOCAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS FUNDING AUTHORITY LP – To protect students from earthquakes, asbestos, lead paint and other safety hazards, enhance opportunities for career and academic success at schools, including Hawthorne, Lawndale and Leuzinger High Schools, shall the School Facilities Improvement District No. 2016-1 of the Local Public Schools Funding Authority issue $110 million in bonds, at legal rates, to modernize and construct schools, including classrooms, science labs and arts facilities, replace aging plumbing, electrical, and security systems, with mandatory audits and independent citizen oversight, ensuring funds stay local with no money for administrator salaries? LONG BEACH CITY MA – LONG BEACH MARIJUANA TAXATION MEASURE To fund public safety, 9-1-1 emergency response, police officers, homelessness, and general City services, shall Long Beach update gross receipts tax rates between 6-8% for medical marijuana dispensaries, 8-12% for nonmedical marijuana dispensaries, 68% for processing, distributing, transporting or testing marijuana/related products and a square foot tax between $12-15 for marijuana cultivation, raising approximately $13 million annually, requiring annual expenditure reports, until ended by voters? REGULATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA BUSINESSES – MM Shall an ordinance be adopted repealing the City’s ban on marijuana businesses, reducing the City’s tax on recreational and medical marijuana, and adopting regulations permitting approximately 32 retail medical marijuana businesses located in areas not zoned exclusively for residential use with minimum distance restrictions from sensitive uses, and providing for the establishment of an unspecified number of marijuana cultivation, distribution, manufacturing and testing businesses? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 6 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR AND SAFETY MEASURE. To E improve outdated classrooms/neighborhood schools by: improving technology/labs/career education classrooms/electrical systems/wiring; upgrading handicapped accessibility/earthquake safety; upgrading bathrooms, fire alarms/sprinklers/security cameras; removing lead paint/asbestos; installing air conditioning; improving student health/physical education; repairing/constructing/acquiring facilities/equipment, shall Long Beach Unified School District issue $1,500,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, requiring independent audits, citizens’ oversight, no money for administrators’ salaries/pensions, and all funds used locally? LOS ANGELES CITY HHH JJJ RRR SSS – HOMELESSNESS REDUCTION AND PREVENTION, HOUSING, AND FACILITIES BOND. PROPOSITION HHH To provide safe, clean affordable housing for the homeless and for those in danger of becoming homeless, such as battered women and their children, veterans, seniors, foster youth, and the disabled; and provide facilities to increase access to mental health care, drug and alcohol treatment, and other services; shall the City of Los Angeles issue $1,200,000,000 in general obligation bonds, with citizen oversight and annual financial audits? – AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND LABOR STANDARDS RELATED TO CITY PLANNING. INITIATIVE ORDINANCE JJJ Shall an ordinance: 1) requiring that certain residential development projects provide for affordable housing and comply with prevailing wage, local hiring and other labor standards; 2) requiring the City to assess the impacts of community plan changes on affordable housing and local jobs; 3) creating an affordable housing incentive program for developments near major transit stops; and 4) making other changes; be adopted? – CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER (DWP). CHARTER AMENDMENT RRR Shall the Charter be amended to: (1) add qualification requirements, stipends and removal protections for DWP Board; (2) expand Board to seven members; (3) require DWP prepare four-year Strategic Plans for Council and Mayoral approval; (4) modify DWP’s contracting, rate-setting and other authority; (5) permit future alternatives to existing civil service standards for DWP employees through collective bargaining; and (6) require monthly billing? – CITY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS; AIRPORT PEACE OFFICERS. CHARTER AMENDMENT SSS Shall the Charter be amended to: (1) enroll new Airport peace officers into Tier 6 of the Fire and Police Pensions System; (2) allow current Airport peace officers to transfer into Tier 6 from the City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) at their own expense; and (3) permit new Airport Police Chiefs to enroll in LACERS? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 7 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CC – LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AFFORDABLE EDUCATION/ JOB TRAINING/ CLASSROOM SAFETY MEASURE. To repair local community colleges/ prepare students/veterans for jobs/ university transfer by upgrading vocational/ career education for veterans, firefighters, paramedics nurses/ police, removing lead paint/ asbestos, upgrading campus safety/ security systems, technology, handicapped accessibility/earthquake safety, repairing deteriorating gas, water/ sewer lines, acquiring, constructing, repairing facilities, sites/ equipment, shall Los Angeles Community College District issue $3,300,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring independent audits, citizen oversight, all funds used locally? LYNWOOD CITY PS – Lynwood Public Safety and Vital City Services Protection Measure To protect and maintain vital city services including emergency response, neighborhood police patrols, drug and youth violence prevention programs, fire protection, street and pothole repair, parks and recreation programs; and other essential services, shall Lynwood establish a one cent, requiring independent annual financial audits, citizens’ review of expenditures, with all funds remaining in Lynwood with said tax expiring after 10 years? RD – City Of Lynwood Budget Stabilization (“Rainy Day”) Fund. To help maintain vital city services including emergency response, neighborhood police patrols, drug and youth violence prevention programs, fire protection, street and pothole repair, parks and recreation programs; and other essential services, shall Lynwood establish a Rainy Day fund as part of the General Fund to provide short-term funding for such general services into which ten percent of any 2016-authorized tax revenues shall be deposited and spent only in cases of fiscal hardship as declared by 4/5 of the City Council? LYNWOOD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – To improve/ maintain neighborhood schools by repairing/ updating classrooms, science N labs/ technology, repairing leaky roofs, bathrooms, plumbing/ electrical, improving school safety with lighting, fences, fire alarms, earthquake retrofits, removing asbestos, replacing portables with permanent classrooms, and acquiring, renovating, constructing/ equipping school sites/ facilities, shall Lynwood Unified School District issue $65,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring strict accountability, Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee review, independent annual audits, with no funds for administrator salaries/ pensions, all funds used locally? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 8 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) MANHATTAN BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – To repair, update and renovate aging classrooms, construct and equip needed school C facilities, repair or replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical systems, aging portable classrooms, install air conditioning, make improvements for student safety, renovate buildings for earthquake safety, and provide modern classrooms and equipment needed to support instruction in reading, math, arts, science and technology, shall Manhattan Beach Unified School District issue 114 million dollars in bonds at legal interest rates, with independent citizen oversight and audits? EE – To replace the 65 year old Mira Costa High School gymnasium utilized by the community and district by constructing and equipping a new gymnasium, physical education and activities center, including adding instructional space and bathrooms, air conditioning, heating, electrical and plumbing systems, shall Manhattan Beach Unified School District issue 39 million dollars in bonds at legal interest rates, with independent citizen oversight and audits? MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT SS – To improve the quality of education at local elementary schools with funding that cannot be taken away by the State; repair or replace leaky roofs; replace deteriorating plumbing systems; remove mold; modernize, renovate and/or construct classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; and make health, seismic, safety and security improvements; shall Mountain View School District issue $57,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, with oversight, annual audits and NO money used for administrative salaries? MOUNTAINS RECREATION AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY GG FF – To maintain and conserve local open space, wildlife corridors, and parklands; acquire and protect additional lands from development; improve fire prevention including high fire alert patrols and brush clearing; protect water quality in local creeks; and increase park ranger safety patrols; shall Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority implement a $35 special tax for ten years only, providing $995,000 annually with all funds spent locally in the Santa Monica Mountains and Hollywood Hills east of 405 freeway, and requiring independent citizen oversight audits? – To maintain and conserve local open space, wildlife corridors, and parklands; acquire and protect additional lands from development; improve fire prevention including high fire alert patrols and brush clearing; protect water quality in local creeks; and increase park ranger safety patrols; shall Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority implement a $15 special tax for ten years only, providing $241,000 annually with all funds spent locally in the hillside communities of Woodland Hills, Encino, and Tarzana, and requiring independent citizen oversight audits? PALMDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT PSD – ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL REPAIR AND MODERNIZATION MEASURE. To update classrooms, labs and learning technology for the twenty-first century; repair leaky roofs and windows; improve school safety, security, energy and water efficiency; accommodate growing enrollment; and repair, construct, and acquire equipment for classrooms, sites and facilities; shall Palmdale (Elementary) School District be authorized to issue up to $80,000,000 in bonds with annual audits, citizens’ oversight, no money for administrator salaries, and all funds benefiting local schools? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 9 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) PARAMOUNT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I – NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL REPAIR, CAREER EDUCATION, SAFETY IMPROVEMENT MEASURE. To repair/ upgrade schools that prepare students for college/ careers; upgrade classrooms/ labs for job training/ college preparation; improve school security/ technology, electrical wiring, air conditioning, emergency alarms, earthquake safety, disabled access, aging gymnasiums/ athletic fields and tracks; repair deteriorating roofs, water pipes; remove lead paint/ asbestos; shall Paramount Unified School District issue 106 million dollars in bonds at legal rates, with independent audits, citizens’ oversight, all funds used locally? POMONA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT P – To construct and refurbish classrooms throughout the district for engineering, math, technology and science; improve student access to modern technology; upgrade outdated plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems; install campus security cameras and lighting; and repair, construct and modernize classrooms, shall Pomona Unified School District be authorized to issue $300 million of bonds with interest rates at or below legal limits, independent citizen oversight, and all funds spent locally and not taken by the State and spent elsewhere? SANTA MONICA CITY GS GSH LV SM – MEASURE GS: ADVISORY VOTE ONLY: If a local transactions and use tax is enacted in Santa Monica, should half its revenue be used to improve and maintain local public schools, including attracting and retaining high-quality teachers, expanding access to pre-schools, assisting at-risk students, and improving school technology, arts, music, math, and science instruction; and half to help preserve and ensure housing in Santa Monica that is affordable, protect residents from displacement by rising housing costs, and reduce homelessness? – MEASURE GSH: To maintain and improve Santa Monica community services including support for preservation of affordable housing, reducing homelessness, school repair and improvement, education of Santa Monica children and students, and other general fund services, shall an ordinance be adopted to increase by one-half percent Santa Monica’s transactions and use tax, subject to independent annual audits, all funds used locally, no money going to Sacramento, raising approximately $16 million annually, until ended by the voters? – MEASURE LV: Shall the City’s General Plan and Municipal Code be amended to require: a new permit process for major development projects exceeding base sizes or heights of 32-36 feet, with exceptions such as single unit dwellings and some affordable housing projects; voter approval of major development projects and development agreements, excluding affordable housing and moderate income and senior housing projects, among others; and voter approval of changes to City land use and planning policy documents? – MEASURE SM: Shall Article XXII of the City Charter be amended to, among other things: expand the prohibition against kickbacks as rewards for certain official actions, create an exemption for volunteers serving certain City-funded non-profits, clarify the application of the Article’s prohibitions, the City Attorney’s authority and enforcement responsibilities, and the scope of available remedies? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 10 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT V – SANTA MONICA COLLEGE CLASSROOM REPAIR, CAREER TRAINING, HIGHER EDUCATION ACCESS MEASURE. To improve local access to affordable higher education for high school graduates/ adults/ veterans; improve education/ career training in math, science, writing, arts, business; shall Santa Monica Community College District issue $345,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with citizens oversight/ annual audits, to repair, upgrade, construct, modernize, equip facilities for technology, science/ biotech, college readiness; repair aging, leaky classrooms, remove asbestos, upgrade disabled access, seismic and campus safety? SOUTH PASADENA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SP – To upgrade aging classrooms, sites and facilities; replace deteriorated roofs, plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning systems; retrofit buildings for earthquake safety; improve access for students with disabilities; remove hazardous materials like lead/asbestos; and upgrade/construct math, science, technology, visual and performing arts classrooms/facilities to support student achievement, shall South Pasadena Unified School District issue $98,000,000 in bonds at legal rates to equip, acquire, and construct school facilities, with independent oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local? SOUTH WHITTIER SCHOOL DISTRICT QS – To improve the quality of education with funding that cannot be taken by the State; repair or replace leaky roofs; update inadequate electrical systems; replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems; upgrade/modernize 50-year-old classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and replace outdated heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems; shall the South Whittier School District issue $29,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, with independent citizens’ oversight, annual audits and NO money used for administrative or teacher salaries? TEMPLE CITY AA – TEMPLE CITY GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY ACT: Shall the Temple City Charter be amended to do the following, none of which grant the City new powers: prohibit Councilmembers and Commissioners from accepting City contractor or lobbyist gifts without full reimbursement; establish stricter Councilmember contribution and gift restrictions; impose overall limit of four terms for Councilmembers; prohibit City contractors, lobbyists, and employees from serving on City commissions; prohibit Council candidates from accepting City contractor or lobbyist contributions? WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WV – Walnut Valley Local School Improvement Measure. To upgrade classrooms, science labs, career-training facilities, libraries, and instructional technology to support student achievement in math, science, engineering, technology, and skilled trades, acquire, construct and repair classrooms, facilities, sites and equipment including repairing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, and electrical systems, and improve student safety and camera security systems, shall Walnut Valley Unified School District issue $152,880,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, with independent citizen oversight, and all money locally-controlled? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 11 of 12 MEASURES APPEARING ON THE BALLOT (Cont.) WEST COVINA CITY H – Shall the City of West Covina abandon Sunset Field as a public park, to allow the land to be sold to Queen of the Valley Hospital to expand the hospital’s emergency room and provide additional critical medical services, with millions of dollars in sale revenues to be placed into the City’s New Park Acquisition Fund and used only to acquire and improve new parkland in the City? WEST COVINA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ES – West Covina Unified School District Repair/ Security Measure. To upgrade and modernize outdated classrooms, science labs/ career-training facilities to support 21st Century instruction and student achievement in math, science, engineering, arts and skilled trades, repair/ replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical systems/ portables, improve students/ campus safety, repair, acquire/ construct classrooms, sites, facilities, equipment/ technology, shall West Covina Unified School District issue $143,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent citizen oversight, audits, no money for administrator salaries, and all money staying local? S:\ECS\WORD\W006MeasuresAppearing\2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.2016\Measures Appearing on Ballot 11.8.16.doc Page 12 of 12