Minutes from the meeting of ATP-8 June 19, 2015 MnDOT Office 1800 E. College Drive; Marshall, MN Ron Mortensen Gerald Magnus Sheldon Nies Bob Byrnes Aaron VanMoer Gary Johnson Steve Kubista Jon Huseby Susann Karnowski Todd Broadwell Cathleen Amick Andrew Sander Annette Fiedler Barrett Voigt Lowell Flaten Bev Herfindahl Tony Pfau Lindsey Knutson Ryan Barney Mandi Lighthizer-Schmidt Members Present: Meeker County Engineer Murray County Commissioner/SRDC McLeod County Commissioner Mayor, City of Marshall/SRDC Lyon County Engineer Yellow Medicine Co. Commissioner Chippewa County Engineer MnDOT, D8 District Engineer MnDOT, D8 ADE-Program Delivery MnDOT, D8 ADE-State Aid Western Community Action Yellow Medicine County Engineer Glenn Olson Sam Muntean Jeff Marlowe Meg Louwagie Willy Rabenberg Sean Christensen Mel Odens Sue Hilgert Guests: Marshall City Engineer Lac qui Parle County Engineer Renville County Engineer Congressman Peterson’s Office Redwood County Engineer Willmar City Engineer Kandiyohi County Engineer Olivia Ashley Guenther John Rodeberg John Brunkhorst Dave Halbersma MnDOT, Student Worker City of Glencoe/SEH Hutchinson City Engineer Lincoln/Pipestone County Engineer Advisors Present: SW RDC UMV RDC MnDOT, D8 Materials Engineer MnDOT, Transit MnDOT, D8 Construction Program Mgr. MnDOT, D8 Planning Director MnDOT, D8 Project Development. Mgr. MnDOT, D8 Public Affairs Coordinator Item: Welcome/Introductions Welcome by Gerald Magnus, vice chair Introductions by attendees Item: Approval of April 1st Minutes Add Jim Dahlvang, Gerald Magnus – names to be added to attendee list for April 1st meeting Motion to approve minutes by Sheldon Nies: seconded by Ron Mortensen o Minutes approved with above noted additions Item: Answers to RDC Open House Questions Lindsey reviewed 3 handouts/questions & answers o Mid-MN Development Commission o SWRDC o UMVRDC Can Hwy 15 Association do anything to get it advanced? Any direction, dates, etc.? o Not at this time, will consider comments for next year’s round of projects discussed. Lindsey willing to attend Hwy 15 Association meeting. Jon spoke on issues in Hutchinson and surrounding area and funding. Item: STIP Amendments/Modifications [handout] Motion to approve by Bob Byrnes, second by Gary Johnson o Motion passed Item: Changes to 2016-2019 ATIP [handout] Hwy 274 – cost reduction – included in new version CIMS – passing lanes Hwy 23 – this version have split them out into the six locations instead of one Hwy 15 – Brownton to Winthrop: AP payback in FY 16 Hwy 269 – FY 15 – added $110,000 for higher cost of RR crossing Reductions: culvert repair job in FY 16 – reductions from FY 15 applied to this FY 17 – Hwy 40 – Milan Bridge: has been put in FY 17 due to concerns of public (bond funds); may be moved further out – money allocated inn rehab Item: Approval of 2016-2019 Draft STIP Motion to approve by Sheldon Nies; seconded by Jon Huseby o Motion passed Item: District Engineer Update Brief overview of legislative session o 3% overall increase for inflation – maintains status quo o All increases/special funding is across the entire state o Greater MN Transit – additional $2.5/year from general fund – just this biennium o Small Cities Assistance – one time appropriation $12.5M (each city under 5,000=$17,000) o Policy changes – move over law now includes utility vehicles, road construction, etc. o Policy changes – texting while driving – increased fine o Some funding to assist MnDOT with excess right of way dispersal o Believe there will be another TED application process in future Information sessions in district in first half of August – deadline Sept. 25 Overview of Willmar Wye Railroad Corridor project – will remove 7-10 trains in Willmar daily Item: District Planning Director Update Meeting materials are now online – any questions or problems, let Lindsey know Statewide planning efforts: updating statewide multi model plan and MnSHIP; information input meetings in districts during the summer; will send dates and info when available Milan Bridge (Lac qui Parle Bridge) – handout o Due to feedback from public – project has been postponed for one year – will do some more in-depth meetings for additional input before decision made on what to do o Have heard that several local units of government passing resolutions in support of replacing the bridge o There is a web site on this potential project – can sign up for email updates o Milan Bridge Project (link to project web page) o Discussion by Steve Kubista on the potential issues of how to get around this bridge o Comments by Gary Johnson on the number of attendees and how MnDOT defused a controversial issue ATP-8 Meeting 2 June 19, 2015 Item: Item: Item: Round Robin/Legislator Q/A Gary Johnson – thank to MnDOT for mowing ditches on Hwy 59 – looks good Aaron VanMoer – Lyon County Board adopted ½ cent local option sales tax for transportation Bob Byrnes: in Marshall – lot of construction – thank you for working so well together and the great communication Bob Byrnes: Assistant City Engineer position is open Jon Huseby: challenges with projects in Marshall – great collaboration between city, state and state patrol and others Gerald Magnus: o Hwy 59 – Murray County – ditches are looking great o Enacted wheelage tax at last meeting in Murray County o Still talking about sales tax as another option Susann Karnowski: Tribes and Transportation Conference Oct. 13 & 14 in Morton at Jackpot Junction – encourage attendance Todd Broadwell: Legislature authorized LQP and MnDOT to proceed with Hwy 275 Cathleen Amick – thank you for support for Greater MN transit – hope to strengthen process in future Glenn Olson: reiterated the thank you for collaboration on Marshall project issues; even though crashes were driver related errors – thought public response was ‘spot on’ – response, consistency, adjustments made were greatly appreciated John Rodeberg SEH: Kent Exner told him that Hutchinson stated it has been great working with MnDOT on the upcoming main street project Lincoln County: o Passed wheelage tax o Have seen an increase in texting while driving; there is a new video – encourage you to watch it is on YouTube (is this the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKwQ1M80o?) o Hwy 14 is open – lot of happy people Annette Fiedler: Safe Routes to School project - applicants applying for SRTS funds will need to have something that addressed pedestrian bike infrastructure in their subdivision codes; Freight Plan met again – will have one more meeting to wrap up Mel Odens: o Gary Danielson’s last day is June 30th o Thanked ATP group for federal support on project in Kandiyohi County - more coming in future Sean Christensen: thanked everyone for support of Willmar Wye project Jon Huseby: introduced Mandi as new PAC for MnDOT Sheldon Nies: spoke on wheelage tax – be sure to notify public what the wheelage tax income has been used for FY 2017-2020 ATP Schedule [handout] Lindsey reviewed meeting schedule and process for new members Dates are tentative but always submit to change o Question by Annette: when do current members get confirmed or new members added? Answer: will be working on it this summer along with working on guidelines and getting it out to all members Request – send out Outlook appointments for each of the proposed meetings Next ATP Meeting Date & Location ATP-8 Meeting 3 June 19, 2015 Item: September 11 – location TBD (one suggestion was Pipestone) State & Federal Legislative Transportation Update Jon and Lindsey went over the Legislative Update (Serge Phillips) [handout] No transportation funding increase passed; both senate and house agreed on the magnitude of the problem of aging transportation system – problem was on how to raise the money – hopefully taken up at next session Corridors of Commerce changes – may ask to have it not restricted to inter-regional corridors S&I Contingency did not pass – asked Legislature to allow us to tap into funds we have for which we have to have legislative approval Traffic Signal timing – efforts to improve technology of traffic signals Brief overview of special session bonding on Hwy 53 – since it was bonded, may result in additional funds for districts MAP 21 extended through July 31, 2015; waiting for congress to extend again or pass a new transportation bill; if not extended, MnDOT has contingency plan for paying for federal projects for approx. 1 year If you have questions, get them to Lindsey and she will contact Serge Phillips for answers; will have him on a future meeting agenda Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. Next meeting – September 11, 2015 ATP-8 Meeting 4 June 19, 2015