IABM Report on IEC TC100 2016-01-27 The IABM compiles these reports for its members every 2 months. The IABM participates in TC100 through committee EPL/100 of the UK National Body, BSI. Structure of TC100 into Technical Areas: TA 1: Terminals for audio, video and data services and content TA 2: Colour measurement and management TA 4: Digital system interfaces and protocols TA 5: Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services TA 6: Storage media, storage data structures, storage systems and equipment TA 8: Multimedia home systems and applications for end-user network TA 9: [Disbanded] TA 10: Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies TA 11: Quality for audio, video and multimedia systems TA 12: AV energy efficiency and smart grid applications TA 13: Environmental aspects in the field of audio, video and ICT equipment TA 14: Interfaces and Methods of Measurement for Personal Computing Equipment TA15: Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) TA16: Active Assisted Living (AAL), accessibility and user interfaces This committee also monitors the European Cenelec committee TC100X which shadows the whole of TC100. However, as the Cenelec activities are often limited to the adoption of IEC standards, the IABM does not cover their documents in depth except when they produce “Native” documents on subjects of interest. Topics where Cenelec is developing their own documents include Energy Efficiency and Active Assisted Living. Documents Issued from 2015-10-11 to 2016-01-27 There were 53 documents supplied [Ref range: EPL/100_15_0166 to EPL/100_16_0024, plus some external documents over this period]. Many documents are administrative or they cover technologies that are of no interest to IABM members; however, for completeness, the full list is available below. In that table, brief IABM notes have been added, where relevant or interesting. Your IABM representative has access to all of these TC100, Cenelec and BSI documents and can support member enquiries on them – please contact paul.treleaven@theiabm.org. Documents relevant to Broadcast Products and Services IEC 60958: Digital Audio Interface – New work to support Multichannel audio We introduced this proposal in the last report and the only change this time is that the project has been approved and both Dolby and DTS have signed up to the project team. The work is useful, and these enhancements could easily migrate to the professional interface, AES3, in the future. Even if it does not, equipment supporting the commercial interface and this extension to it is certain to be in use in broadcast facilities. This project specifies enhancements to the consumer digital audio interface: - carriage of multichannel audio, by using high sample rates and creating a sequence of audio frames to carry the required channels; the existing interface only allows a 2-channel sequence. - carriage of higher bit-depths. A scheme being considered is shown in the slide (right). It is somewhat ironic that work in the AES to do something very similar for the professional AES3 interface has stalled because there were disparate views about whether the signal should be compatible with existing interfaces, to take advantage of existing AES3 infrastructure, or deliberately “break” AES3 to ensure that existing receivers don’t try to decode the sequence as 2-channel audio. New work on UHD Terminology A draft document has been submitted together with the call for experts to participate in the project. The current draft structure is confused, some of the terms also. Revision to the Cable Television suite of documents (IEC 60728) The purpose of this revision to Part 13-1 is the precise description of the FTTH (Fibre to the home) system for expanding broadband broadcast signal transmission from CATV services only, towards CATV plus Broadcast Satellite plus Communication satellite services and additionally to various other signals such as data services. General Channel Assignment of Multichannel Audio - IEC 62574 The review has decided that this standard will be revised and a project team has been assembled. The main changes will be the addition of the sound source position information and additional channel assignments. There is work in SMPTE related to channel assignments, so this revision may be useful with that work. Table 1: List of All Documents Supplied This Period Abbreviations: CD – Committee Draft; CDV – Committee Draft for Voting FDIS – Final Draft International Standard; IS – International Standard NWIP – New Work Item Proposal If a document is shown in green, it indicates an environmental topic Name (and International Number, where relevant) PAS 35491 Announcement of new work “Design and installation of digital wiring infrastructure within residential buildings - Code of practice” Note ~4-week review period expected July/August 2016 NWIP for 100/2639/NP Multimedia Vibration Audio Systems - Method of measurement for audio characteristics of audio actuator by pinna-conduction (TC 100) Date IABM Note Org. if not TC100 UK Number Other IEC TC CB/10_16 _0002 201601-27 Fully-developed document supplied with this new work proposal (from Japan) EPL/100_ 16_0024 NWIP for 100/2638/NP Microspeakers (TC 100) Fully-developed document 2016- supplied with this new work 01-25 proposal (from China) EPL/100_ 16_0023 100/2608/CDV IEC 62394/Ed.3 Service diagnostic interface for consumer electronics products and networksImplementation for ECHONET(TA8) To standardize the diagnostic interface for a range of consumer 2016devices. ECHONET is IEEE home 01-25 networking standard EPL/100_ 16_0022 100/2637/RVD Report of Voting on 100/2603/FDIS-IEC 62777 Ed.1 Quality Evaluation Method for the Sound Field of Directional Loudspeaker Array System 100/2636/RVD Report of Voting on 100/2592/FDIS-IEC 60728-11 Ed.4.0 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services-Part 11 Safety 100/2635/RVD Report of Voting on 100/2591/FDIS-IEC 62760/Ed.1 Audio reproduction method for normalized loudness level 100/2634/RR Review report on IEC 62684 Ed 1.0 Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones 100/2633/RVN Result of voting on 100/2531/NP-Sound System EquipmentLoudspeakers-Acoustical(Output Based) Measurements 201601-25 Approved EPL/100_ 16_0021 Approved EPL/100_ 16_0020 Approved EPL/100_ 16_0019 Large number of comments to resolve EPL/100_ 16_0018 New work item approved, team set up EPL/100_ 16_0017 201601-21 201601-21 201601-21 201601-21 201601-21 100/2632/RVN Result of voting on 100/2565/NP-Event video data recorder for road vehcle accidents Part 1 Basic requirements 100/2631/CD IEC 60728-13-1 Ed 2.0 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services-Pt 13-1 Bandwidth expansion for broadcast signal over FTTH system (TA 5) 100/2604/CDV IEC 62827-3 Ed.1.0 Wireless Power Transfer-ManagementPart 1 Multiple sources control management (TA15) 100/2597F/CDV IEC 63035/ED1 MIDI(MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DIGITAL INTERFACE)SPECIFICATION 1.0(ABRIDGED EDITION,2015) 100/2595F/CDV IEC 63002 Ed.1.0 Identification and communication interoperability method for external power supplies used with portable computing devices(TA 14) TC100X/Sec0121/RM Unconfirmed minutes of the 8th TC100X plenary meeting held at CEN-CENELEC Meeting Center on 19 January 2016 100/2624/DC Maintenance of IEC 623122 Ed. 1.0 Guideline for synchronization of audio and video - Part 2 Methods for synchronization of audio and video systems 100/2623/DC Maintenance of IEC 623121-1 Ed. 1.0 Guideline for synchronization of audio and video - Part 1-1 Measurement methods for synchronization of audio and video equipment - General 100/2622/RR Review report on IEC TS 62312-2 Guideline for synchronization of audio and video - Part 2 Methods for synchronization of audio and video systems 100/2621/RR Review report on IEC TS 62312-1-1 Guideline for synchronization of audio and video - Part 1-1 Measurement methods for synchronization of audio and video equipment and systems - General 201601-21 New work item approved, team set up EPL/100_ 16_0016 Committee Draft supplied EPL/100_ 16_0015 Committee Draft for Voting posted EPL/100_ 16_0014 Unfortunately, the French version was supplied! EPL/100_ 16_0013 Unfortunately, the French version was supplied! EPL/100_ 16_0012 201601-21 201601-21 201601-21 201601-21 Some Ecodesign issues in TC100X 201601-20 201601-12 201601-12 Cenelec EPL/100_ 16_0011 Likely to be revised to include the use of fingerprint method for synchronization EPL/100_ 16_0010 Likely to be revised to include the use of fingerprint method for synchronization and comments from SMPTE EPL/100_ 16_0009 Reconfirmed (for now, but see EPL/100_16_0010 above) EPL/100_ 16_0008 Reconfirmed (for now, but see EPL/100_16_0009 above) EPL/100_ 16_0007 201601-12 201601-12 100/2620/RR Review report on IEC 62574 Audio, video and multimedia systems General channel assignment of multichannel audio 100/2619/AC Call for experts for stage 0 project on user comfort and evaluation of smart textiles and wearables 100/2618/RR Review report on IEC 62780 Guidelines for protection against mechanical stress during distribution of EBooks in CD and DVD Media BTN10149 Standardization request results - ecodesign requirements on material efficiency aspects 100/2628/DTR IEC/TR 63038 Ed1Conceptual model of standardization for multimedia car systems and equipment (TC 100) 100/2627/CD IEC 63029 Multimedia epublishing and e-book technologies Raster-graphics image-based e-books 201601-12 Will be revised; should monitor this work EPL/100_ 16_0006 Unusual topic for TC100! EPL/100_ 16_0005 201601-12 EPL/100_ 16_0004 201601-12 201601-12 Approved, with some comments SDS/1/10 _16_0001 Draft report supplied. Covers Infotainment, Navigation, A/V 2016- entertainment, Parking, 01-12 Monitoring, Emergency call. Voting closes 2016-02-05 EPL/100_ 16_0003 EPL/100_ 16_0002 201601-12 100/2625/AC Call for experts for stage 0 project on UHD terminology Important to be aware of, maybe 2016- contribute to. Draft doc structure 01-12 is confused, terms also. EPL/100_ 16_0001 100/2629/INF Establishment of Stage 0 project on "IEC 60958 enhancement" This is useful, enhancements 2015- could migrate to AES3 in future. 12-22 Dolby and DTS involved. EPL/100_ 15_0189 100/2627A/CD IEC 63029 Multimedia epublishing and e-book technologies Raster-graphics image-based e-books TC100X/Sec/0118/DA Venue Notice and draft agenda for the 8th meeting EPL/100_ 15_0188 201512-18 201512-14 Cenelec EPL/100_ 15_0187 TC100X/Sec/0119/MTG List of IEC standards exempted from parallel vote Includes IEC 61883 series, IEC 2015- 61937 series 12-14 Cenelec EPL/100_ 15_0186 TC100X/Sec/0120/INF Final draft SR on Ecodesign of computers + remarks from the secretary EU standardization request to 2015- TC100X 12-14 Cenelec EPL/100_ 15_0185 Cen SDS/1/10 _15_0097 BT152_DG9986_Result of Voting Standardization request -material efficiency aspects in support of ecodesign directive Approved 201512-04 100/2617/DC Document for Comment on Stabilized standards 100/2616/DC Maintenance of IEC 602683 Ed.4.0 Sound system equipment - Part 3 Amplifiers (GMT) 100/2615/DC Maintenance of IEC 62684 Ed. 1.0 Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones 100/2613/INF Minutes of the meeting of GMT in New York, NY, USA Includes some old teletext stds EPL/100_ 15_0184 Proposal to add measurements 2015- when a Digital input is used 12-02 EPL/100_ 15_0183 201512-02 Comments and participants invited EPL/100_ 15_0182 201512-02 EPL/100_ 15_0181 201512-02 100/2612/CD IEC 61937-13 Ed.1.0 Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 13 MPEG-H 3D Audio (TA 4) Committee Draft issued. Important document, will be (partially) replicated by SMPTE for 2015AES3 interface. 12-02 EPL/100_ 15_0180 100/2611/CD IEC 61937-14 Ed.1.0 Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 14 Non-linear PCM bitstreams according to the AC-4 format (TA 4) Committee Draft issued. Important document, has been (partially) replicated by SMPTE for AES3 interface. EPL/100_ 15_0179 Lists data-types carried by IEC 61937. New additions. EPL/100_ 15_0178 Will be registered as a Technical Specification by 2016-02. EPL/100_ 15_0177 100/2610/CD IEC 61937-2 Ed.2.0 Amd.2 Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 2 Burst-info (TA 4) 100/2609/RVC Result of voting on 100/2504/DTS - IEC TS 62436 Ed.1 Amd.1 Guideline for implementation of copy controlled multimedia interface (TA 4) PAS 2080,Carbon management in infrastructure is available for review and comment BT152/BE0075/INF Nomination of New Secretary for CLC/TC 100X Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment and related sub-systems IEC TC100 GMT 2015-130 in New York USA report by J M Woodgate 201512-02 201512-02 201512-02 201511-13 Commenting closed 2015-12-07 BSI B/517/1_ 15_0057 Cenelec EPL/100_ 15_0176 201511-13 201511-11 EPL/100_ 15_0175 BT N 10149 Final draft standardization request with regard to ecodesign requirements on material efficiency aspects Meeting Report of PT 100-10 Wearable systems and equipment on 8/10/15 Notes on Twenty-first plenary meeting of TC 100 held in Minsk,Belarus on 10th October 2015 Report on October 2015 TC 100 AGS meeting prepared by Kate Grant for BSI Report on October 2015 TC 100 AGM meeting prepared by Kate Grant for BSI See also later doc, above 201511-06 “40% households in China have 2015- UHD”! 10-28 201510-28 TC100X_Sec0117_INF - Cenelec/BT decision to assign the CLC/TC 100X Secretariat to Belgian NC 201510-16 100/2582/RVC Voting result on 100/2453/CDV IEC 60958-4-2 Ed.1.0 Digital audio interface - Part 4-2 Professional applications - Metadata and subcode (TA 4) 100/2581/RVC Voting result on 100/2452/CDV IEC 60958-4-1 Ed.1.0 Digital audio interface - Part 4-1 Professional applications - Audio Content (TA 4) EPL/100_ 15_0173 201510-28 201510-28 EPL/100_ 15_0172 TA1 taking on HDR standards EPL/100_ 15_0171 EPL/100_ 15_0170 Cenelec EPL/100_ 15_0169 Will be registered as an IS by 2016-02 EPL/100_ 15_0168 Will be registered as an IS by 2016-02 EPL/100_ 15_0167 Will be registered as an IS by 2016-02 EPL/100_ 15_0166 201510-16 201510-16 201510-16 IABM, 3 Bredon Court, Brockeridge Park, Twyning, Gloucestershire, GL20 6FF, UK Tel +44 (0)1684 450030 SDS/1/10 _15_0096 EPL/100_ 15_0174 201510-28 00(Minsk/TA16)18 Active Assisted Living(AAL),Accessibility and User Interface 100/2583/RVC Voting result on 100/2454/CDV IEC 60958-4-4 Ed.1.0 Digital audio interface - Part 4-4 Professional applications - Physical and electrical (TA 4) Cenelec Email paul.treleaven@theiabm.org Web www.theiabm.org