ESTA Standards Watch


ESTA Standards Watch

April 2016 Volume 20, Number 7

Table of Contents

Four ESTA Standards In Public Review

Registration Now Open for NATEAC

ESA Seeks Contributors for Next Edition of ESG ...................................................................................................

IES Seeks To Fill New Director of Education Role ..................................................................................................





2016 IES Annual Conference Call for Speakers

Applications Being Accepted for 2017 Weltenbauer Preis Awards

WTO Technical Barrier to Trade Notifications






United States of America Notification: USA/1097................................................................................................3

United States of America Notification USA/975/USA (USA/975 )........................................................................4

Mexico Notification MEX/292/MEX (MEX/292 , Add.1 ).......................................................................................4

ANSI Public Review Announcements .....................................................................................................................


Due 8 May 2016.................................................................................................................................................. 4

Due 16 May 2016................................................................................................................................................ 5

Due 23 May 2016................................................................................................................................................ 6

Due 31 May 2016................................................................................................................................................ 9

Due 7 June 2016................................................................................................................................................. 9

BSI Public Review Announcements 10

Due 31 May 2016.............................................................................................................................................. 10

CSA Public Review Announcements 10

Due 4 June........................................................................................................................................................ 10

Due 14 June 2016............................................................................................................................................. 10

New ANS Projects ................................................................................................................................................

Final Actions on American National Standards

Draft IEC & ISO Standards




Recently Published IEC & ISO Standards

TSP Meeting Schedule

Investors in Innovation






Four ESTA Standards In Public Review

Two additional documents were added to the public review page since the last issue of Standards Watch. Check

'em out at

. One is due before 3 May, and three others are due no later than 23 May. Anyone who would be materially affected by the publication of these documents as

American National Standards is invited to submit comments.

Due before 3 May 2016

BSR E1.53, Overhead mounting of luminaires, lighting accessories, and other portable devices: specification and practice (a new project)

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 1

From the Electrical Power Working Group, BSR E1.53 intends to cover specifications for the primary and secondary mounting devices for portable stage and studio luminaires and accessories. It also covers these mounting devices for special effects equipment (e.g. fog machines and bubble machines) that are often mounted along with lighting equipment on trusses and rigging system battens. The standard would give guidance on how to properly affix these mounting devices.

Due before 24 May 2016

BSR E1.42 - 201x, Entertainment Technology—Design, Installation, and Use of Orchestra Pit Lifts (a new project)

From the Stage Lifts Working Group, BSR E1.42 intends to cover the design, construction, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration, and repair of permanently installed orchestra pit lifts and their associated parts, rooms, spaces, enclosures and hoistways, where located in a theatre or a similar place of public entertainment.

Stage lifts, such as orchestra pit or theatre forestage lifts, are not the subject of any current national standard. As a result, safety requirements and inspections of them are inconsistent. E1.42 is being written to address this lack of a standard. The scope is limited to safety and to orchestra or forestage lifts that are installed as a part of the building and that are not custom-built for a single theatrical production.

BSR E1.56 – 201x, Entertainment Technology—Rigging Support Points (a new project)

From the Rigging Working Group, BSR E1.56 applies to stationary rigging points that are intended to be permanent and provides minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, installation, inspection, and documentation of these Rigging Points for their use to support rigging loads. Many performance venues (e.g., sports arenas, ballrooms, multi-purpose halls) lack adequately designed and installed rigging support points, thus making the safe staging of live events in these venues more difficult.

BSR E1.28 – 2011 (R201x) , Guidance on planning followspot positions in places of public assembly (a reaffirmation)

From the Followspot Position Working Gruop, this document offers guidance on the planning of permanent followspot positions, including recommendations on the locations of the followspot positions within the venue, the power likely to be needed, the waste heat generated, the amount of space likely to be needed, and the fall protection and egress issues to be considered for the followspot operator's safety. The existing standard is being considered for reaffirmation.

Registration Now Open for NATEAC

Please visit

to reserve your place at quadrennial event that will not return again until

2020, the North American Theatre, Engineering, and Architecture Conference. The early-registration fee is

$775.00. It goes up to $850.00 after 11 July 2016. Registration fees include: The ever-popular pre-conference harbor cruise on Saturday, 16 July; a full conference pass for 17 & 18 July; Breakfast and lunch on both conference days at the Roosevelt Hotel; and backstage tours on Tuesday, 19 July. Registrants will have the opportunity to purchase additional Harbor Cruise tickets for friends and colleagues and also to buy tickets for the conference dinner on Sunday night at Sardi's. You will be able to take advantage of the conference rates at the

Roosevelt Hotel: $219.00 single/double, $259.00 triple/quad, through 27 June while rooms are available.

ESA Seeks Contributors for Next Edition of ESG

The Event Safety Alliance (ESA) is currently seeking contributors to help develop the next edition of the Event

Safety Guide (ESG). During this initial planning stage, they are recruiting volunteers to review and suggest revisions to existing chapters within the current guide, as well as suggest new chapters for possible inclusion.

This review process will require a time commitment of one or more hours per week and will take several months to complete. If you are interested in contributing, sign up now at .

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 2

IES Seeks To Fill New Director of Education Role

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) is looking for a Director of Education who will oversee the development and implementation of the Illuminating Engineering Society educational programs and activities for professional development, higher educational institutions, and the public at large. This is a new position for the

IES, in recognition of the ever-growing demand for timely, accessible, and objective educational opportunities in a dynamic market. The Director of Education will be responsible for developing appropriate delivery methods for educational opportunities that address the needs of our members, IES Sections, allied organizations, governmental and research institutions, and the general public. In addition, the Director of Education will develop educational outreach tools and activities to assist lighting professionals in advancing their proficiency through

Continuing Education. The Director of Education will report to the Executive Vice President and work closely with the Directors of Standards and Membership Services. More information at .

2016 IES Annual Conference Call for Speakers

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2016 Annual Conference will be held from 23-25 October in Orlando,

Florida at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Hotel. The theme for this year’s event is Connected Light . The IES has issued a call for speakers, seeking subject matter experts from diverse disciplines to present at this year’s conference. Individual presenters, groups and panels are all encouraged to submit topics that fit within the theme of Connected Light , with potential topics falling into the following categories: Light and health; Light and the environment; Light and the Internet of Things. The IES is challenging potential submitters to consider their topics thoughtfully in regards to elevated and relevant content. If you are interested in submitting to be part of the 2016

IES Annual Conference, . The call for papers will be issued separately.

Applications Being Accepted for 2017 Weltenbauer Preis Awards

Did your team developed a stage technology solution, brimming with originality and creativity, that left the audience spellbound? Submit your project now for the next edition of the Weltenbauer Preis. Deutsche

Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (DTHG—the German USITT) will present at least three Weltenbauer Preis awards at the Stage | Set | Scenery trade show and conference in 2017 in Berlin. Applications will be accepted for theatre and musical events, shows, TV, and event productions that were performed live in 2016 to 2017.

Awards are not individuals, but for the entire project. Besides originality and effect, the stage technology solution will be evaluated on the degree of innovation. The submission deadline is 28 February 2017. More information is available at .

WTO Technical Barrier to Trade Notifications

The U.S. Department of Commerce's service, Notify U.S., recently has announced WTO Technical Barrier to

Trade notices that may be of interest to Standards Watch readers. If you have a problem with these notices, you can protest through your representative to the WTO. See "Guidance for Comment Submissions by U.S. Industry on TBT Notifications" at

or for advice on filing objections.

United States of America Notification: USA/1097

Date issued: 1 April 2016

Agency Responsible: Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal

Products covered: Fire prevention code

Title: Florida Fire Prevention Code - Standards of the National Fire Protection Association

Description of content: To develop the 6th Edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code. Pursuant to Section

633.202, F.S., the State Fire Marshal is directed to adopt a new edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code every third year. The new code is scheduled to be adopted by rule during the upcoming two years pursuant to

Section 633.202(2), F.S. Workshops will be announced in future editions of the Florida Administrative

Register. The Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal, announces that it is seeking written comments and proposals for Florida specific amendments to the editions of NFPA 1 (2015 edition) and NFPA 101 (2015 edition).

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 3

Objective and rationale: Protection of human health or safety

Relevant documents: The preliminary text of the proposed rule development is not available.

· Florida Fire Prevention Code:

· NFPA 1:

· NFPA 101:

· Florida Administrative Register:


Proposed date of adoption: Not given by country

Proposed date of entry into force: Not given by country

Final date for comments: 1 July 2016

Full text :

United States of America Notification USA/975/USA (USA/975 )

Date issued: 1 April 2016

Corrigendum type: Addendum

Correction type: Correction with full text

Title: Updating OSHA Standards Based on National Consensus Standards; Eye and Face Protection

Agency: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Department of Labor

Summary: On 13 March 2015, OSHA published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking

(NPRM) to revise its eye and face protection standards for general industry, shipyard employment, marine terminals, longshoring, and construction by updating the references to national consensus standards approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). OSHA received no significant objections from commenters and therefore is adopting the amendments as proposed. This final rule updates the references in

OSHA's eye and face standards to reflect the most recent edition of the ANSI/International Safety Equipment

Association (ISEA) eye and face protection standard. It removes the oldest-referenced edition of the same

ANSI standard. It also amends other provisions of the construction eye and face protection standard to bring them into alignment with OSHA's general industry and maritime standards.

Dates: This final rule becomes effective on 25 April 2016. The incorporation by reference of certain standards listed in the rule was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 25 April 2016.

Full text:

Mexico Notification MEX/292/MEX (MEX/292 , Add.1 )

Date issued: 5 April 2016

Corrigendum type: Addendum

Correction type: Correction with full text

Corrigendum: The purpose of this Addendum is to inform Members of the publication of the final version of the "Decision of the Plenary Meeting of the Federal Telecommunications Institute issuing guidelines for the accreditation, authorization, designation and recognition of testing laboratories", which was circulated as a draft text with notification G/TBT/N/MEX/292 of 16 September 2015. The "Decision of the Plenary Meeting of the Federal Telecommunications Institute issuing guidelines for the accreditation, authorization, designation and recognition of testing laboratories" will enter into force 180 calendar days after its publication in the

Mexican Official Journal.

Full text (Spanish):

ANSI Public Review Announcements

The following documents have been announced for public review by ANSI. Please send your comments before the deadline to the person indicated and to ANSI's Board of Standards Review at


Due 8 May 2016

BSR/UL 498-201X, Standard for Safety for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles (Proposal dated 04/08/16)

(revision of ANSI/UL 498-2016)

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 4

The following changes are being recirculated: Proposed changes to Attachment Plugs and Receptacles: (1)

Additional exemption added to address horsepower overload testing for specific configurations; (2) Supplement

SG, Use of Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable Interconnects.

Order from and send comments to: Casey Granata at Casey.Granata@UL.Com

Due 16 May 2016

BSR/ABYC H-5-201x, Boat Load Capacity (revision of ANSI/ABYC H-5-2012)

This standard is a guide for determining the maximum weight and persons capacity of boats.

Single copy price: $50.00

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Order from:

Send comments to

BSR ASA S3.7-201x, Method for Measurement and Calibration of Earphones (revision of ANSI ASA S3.7-

1995 (R2008))

This standard describes measurement methods for earphones and earphone transducers using couplers or ear simulators. Guidance is provided for the selection of the appropriate coupler or ear simulator for a given earphone and application. Methods for measurement of calibrated frequency response, input-output linearity, electrical impedance, and nonlinear distortion, are described.

Single copy price: $150.00

Order from and send comments to: Susan Blaeser at

BSR/EIA 740-A-201x, Specification for Small Form Factor 88.9 Millimeter (3.5 Inches) Disk Drives (new standard)

This standard defines the dimensions and interconnections of 88.9 mm (3.5 in.) small-form-factor disk drives.

The purpose of this standard is to define the external characteristics of small-form-factor disk drives so that products from different vendors may be used in the same mounting configurations. The standard provides specifications on external dimensions, connectors, connector placement, mounting holes and interface pinouts to assist manufacturers in the systems integration of small-form-factor disk drives.

Single copy price: $78.00

Order from: Global Engineering Documents,

Send comments to:

BSR/EIA 964-201x, Specification for QSFP+ 10 Gb/s Pluggable Transceiver (new standard)

Provides a common solution for combined four-channel ports that support SONET/SDH and/or Ethernet and/or

Infiniband and/or Fibre Channel specifications.

Single copy price: $94.00

Order from: Global Engineering Documents,

Send comments to:

BSR/EIA 720-B-201x, Specification for Small Form Factor 63.5 millimeters (2.5 inches) Disk Drives

(revision and redesignation of ANSI/EIA 720-A-2007)

This standard defines the dimensions and connector locations of 63.5 millimeters (2.5 inch) small-form-factor disk drives. The purpose of this standard is to define the external characteristics of small-form-factor disk drives so that products from different vendors may be used in the same mounting configurations. The standard provides specifications on external dimensions, connectors, connector placement, and mounting holes to assist manufacturers in the systems integration of small-form-factor disk drives.

Single copy price: $88.00

Order from: Global Engineering Documents,

Send comments to:

BSR/RESNA CA-1-201x, RESNA Standard for Cognitive Accessibility - Volume 1: Universal Criteria for

Reporting the Cognitive Accessibility of Products and Technologies (new standard)

This standard addresses the accessibility of technologies identified as priorities for people with cognitive impairments, which includes cell phones, microwave ovens, and fire extinguishers. The initial focus will be on the

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 5

accessibility of devices, generally excluding software products, services, or web-page design. This standard is intended to increase access to a variety of products for people with cognitive impairments. This standard reports measurable and functional characteristics of products to assist users in determining if the product will meet their specific needs.

Single copy price: $75.00

Order from and send comments to Yvonne Meding at

BSR/SAIA A92.20-201x, Design, Calculations, Safety Requirements and Test Methods for Mobile

Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) (new standard)

This American National Standard specifies safety requirements and preventive measures, and the means for their verification, for certain types and sizes of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) intended to position personnel, along with their necessary tools and materials, at work locations. It contains the structural design calculations and stability criteria, construction, safety examinations, and tests that shall be applied before a

MEWP is first put into service.

Single copy price: $125.00 (SAIA Members); $135.00 (Non-Members)

Order from and send comments to DeAnna Martin at

BSR/SAIA A92.22-201x, Safe Use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) (new standard)

This Standard specifies requirements for application, inspection, training, maintenance, repair, and safe operation of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs). It applies to all types and sizes of MEWPs as specified in ANSI/SAIA A92.20 (design, calculations, safety requirements, and test methods) that are intended to position personnel, along with their necessary tools and materials, at work locations.

Single copy price: $45.00 (SAIA Members); $55.00 (Non-Members)

Order from and send comments to DeAnna Martin at

BSR/SAIA A92.24-201x, Training Requirements for the Use, Operation, Inspection, Testing and

Maintenance of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) (new standard)

This standard provides methods and guidelines to prepare MEWP training materials, defines administrative criteria, and delivers elements required for proper training and familiarization. It applies to all types and sizes of

MEWPs defined in ANSI/SAIA A92.20 (design, calculations, safety requirements and test methods) that are intended to position personnel, along with their necessary tools and materials, at work locations.

Single copy price: $25.00 (SAIA Members); $35.00 (Non-Members)

Order from and send comments to DeAnna Martin at

BSR/UL 60950-23-2007 (R201x), Standard for Safety for Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part

23: Large Data Storage Equipment (reaffirmation of ANSI/UL 60950-23-2007 (R2012))

Reaffirmation and continuance of the first edition of the Standard for Information Technology Equipment - Safety

- Part 23: Large Data Storage Equipment, UL 60950-23, as an American National Standard.

Single copy price: Contact comm2000 for pricing and delivery options

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Send comments to Barbara Davis at

Due 23 May 2016

BSR/ASA S1.6-201x, Preferred Frequencies and Filter Band Center Frequencies for Acoustical

Measurements (revision of ANSI/ASA S1.6-1984 (R2011))

Defines preferred frequencies and nominal filter band center frequencies to be used for acoustical measurements. Exact filter center frequencies for constant percent bandwidth filter banks are calculated using ordinal integer band numbers. The differences between the preferred frequencies for pure tone measurements and constant percent bandwidth filter center frequencies are described.

Single copy price: $90.00

Order from and send comments to Susan Blaeser at

BSR/ASSE A1264.1-201X, Safety Requirements for Workplace Walking/Working Surfaces & Their Access;

Workplace Floor, Wall & Roof Openings; Stairs & Guardrails Systems (revision of ANSI/ASSE A1264.1-


Volume 20, Number 7 Page 6

This standard sets forth safety requirements in industrial and workplace situations for protecting persons in areas/places where danger exists of persons or objects falling through floor, roof or wall openings, or from platforms, runways, ramps and fixed stairs, or roof edges in normal, temporary, and emergency conditions.

Single copy price: $77.00

Order from and send comments to Ovidiu Munteanu at

BSR C78.40-201X, Electric Lamps: Specifications for Mercury Lamps (revision of ANSI C78.40-2011)

This standard sets forth the physical and electrical requirements for single-ended metal halide lamps operated on 60-Hz ballasts to ensure interchangeability and safety. The data given also provides the basis for the electrical requirements for ballasts as well as the lamp-related requirements for luminaires. Luminous flux and lamp color are not part of this standard.

Single copy price: $275.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C78.81-201x, Electric Lamps - Double-Capped Fluorescent Lamps - Dimensional and Electrical

Characteristics (revision and redesignation of ANSI ANSLG C78.81-2014)

This standard sets forth the physical and electrical characteristics of the principal types of FL lamps intended for application on conventional line-frequency circuits, and electronic high-frequency circuits. Some datasheets may specify more than one circuit application. Specifications for both the lamp itself and the interactive features of the lamp and ballast are given. Only double-based lamps of the regular linear shape are included. Single-based lamps including compact, circular, square-shaped and U-shaped are found in ANSI C78.901. Lamps for conventional systems relying on auxiliary support from external ballasts are described. These lamps are those designed for 60Hz and/or high frequency operation. Lamp color is not specified herein. Certain lamp types covered in this standard may be similar to those in IEC 60081. However, additional types are included that are used only in North America and are not specified in the IEC standard.

Single copy price: $500

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C78.180-2003 (R201x), Standard for electric lamps: Specifications for Fluorescent Lamp Starters

(reaffirmation of ANSI C78.180-2003 (R2011))

This standard is intended to cover performance of glow switch starters used with preheat-type fluorescent and similar discharge lamps. It does not include starters that are an integral part of a lamp or manually operated switches that may be used for lamp starting.

Single copy price: $95.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C78.682-1997 (R201X), Standard for electric lamps: Standard Method of Measuring the Pinch

Temperature of Quartz Tungsten-Halogen Lamps (reaffirmation and redesignation of ANSI/IEC C78.682-1997


This standard specifies details of the type of thermocouple to be used to measure the pinch temperature of quartz-tungsten-halogen lamps, the methods of preparation of the lamp and thermocouple, and the measurement to be made.

Single copy price: $100.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C78.380-201X, Electric Lamps - High-Intensity Discharge Lamps - Method of Designation (revision of

ANSI C78.380-2007 (R2010))

This standard describes a system for the designation of high-intensity discharge lamps, including compact, enclosed-arc discharge light sources such as mercury, metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and similar types of lamps. For convenience, low-pressure sodium lamps, although technically not high-intensity discharge lamps, are included with the group.

Single copy price: $75.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 7

BSR C78.1195-201X, Electric Lamps - Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety Specifications (revision and redesignation of ANSI C78.1195-2001 (R2011))

This International Standard specifies the safety requirements for doublecapped fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes of all groups having Fa6, Fa8, G5, G13, 2G13, R17d, and W4.3 8.5d caps. It also specifies the method a manufacturer should use to show compliance with the requirements of this standard on the basis of whole production appraisal in association with his test records on finished products. This method can also be applied for certification purposes. Details of a batch test procedure which can be used to make limited assessment of batches are also given in this standard.

Single copy price: $50.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C82.12-1999 (R2010), Standard for Lamp Ballasts – Fluorescent Adapters (withdrawal of ANSI C82.12-

999 (R2010))

This standard is intended to cover fluorescent lamp adapters rated for 120- and 127-volt, 60-hertz input and for use with Edison-screw lampholders. This comprises adapters for hot-cathode fluorescent lamps, with either preheat (switch)-start, rapid-start (continuously heated cathodes), modified rapid start or programmed start. The adapter and lamp combinations covered by this specification are normally intended for use in room ambient temperatures of 10 to 40 degrees Celsius. At ambient temperatures outside this range, the performance may vary outside the values given in this document and certain special operating characteristics may be required.

Single copy price: $60.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C78.1199-201X, Electric Lamps - Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety Specifications (revision and redesignation of ANSI C78.1199-2001 (R2011))

This International Standard specifies the safety requirements for singlecapped fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes of all groups having 2G7, 2GX7, GR8, 2G10, G10q, GR10q, GX10q, GY10q, 2G11, G23,

GX23, G24, GX24, and GX32 caps. It also specifies the method a manufacturer should use to show compliance with the requirements of this standard on the basis of whole production appraisal in association with his test records on finished products. This method can also be applied for certification purposes. Details of a batch test procedure which can be used to make limited assessment of batches are also given in this standard.

Single copy price: $50.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR C82.9-201X, Lamp ballasts: High-Intensity Discharge and Low- Pressure Sodium Lamps –

Definitions (revision and redesignation of ANSI ANSLG C82.9-2010)

This standard provides definitions related to specific terms contained in HID and LPS lamps and ballast standards.

Single copy price: $110.00

Order from and send comments to Michael Erbesfeld at

BSR/UL 1638A-201x, Standard for Safety for Visual Signal Appliances for General Signaling Use (new standard)

New proposed first edition of UL 1638A, covering visual signaling devices intended only for general use - electrically operated visual signaling appliances rated 300 volts or less, intended for indoor locations, outdoor locations, or both, in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.

Single copy price: Contact comm2000 for pricing and delivery options

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Send comments to Paul Lloret at

BSR/UL 635-2012 (R201x), Standard for Safety for Insulating Bushings (reaffirmation of ANSI/UL 635-2012)

UL 635 covers insulating bushings and accessories for insulating bushings used for the following purposes in electrical equipment: (a) Insulating bushings used for the protection of cables, flexible cords, and insulated wires, where routed through internal or external walls of electrical equipment; (b) Insulating bushings used to provide strain-relief for flexible cord and single conductor insulated wiring and to protect such cords or wiring; and (c)

Accessories to insulating bushings used to supplement the characteristics of the bushing.

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 8

Single copy price: Contact comm2000 for pricing and delivery options

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Send comments to Derrick Martin

BSR/UL 1574-2012 (R201x), Standard for Safety for Track Lighting Systems (reaffirmation of ANSI/UL 1574-


The following is being proposed: (1) Reaffirmation and continuance of the third edition of the Standard for Track

Lighting Systems, UL 1574, as an American National Standard.

Single copy price: Contact comm2000 for pricing and delivery options

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Send comments to Heather Sakellariou at

Due 31 May 2016

BSR/ASME B107.600-201x, Screwdrivers (revision, redesignation and consolidation of ANSI/ASME B107.15-

2008, ANSI/ASME B107.26-2007, ANSI/ASME B107.30-2008, and ANSI/ASME B107.31M-1997 (R2002))

This Standard covers straight handle-type screwdrivers of flat tip, PHILLIPS® and POZIDRIV® designs intended for manual operation in driving or removing screws with slotted and PHILLIPS® or POZIDRIV® recesses. It also covers hexagonal shank flat tip and PHILLIPS® (PH)[1] and POZIDRIV® (PZ) design screwdriver bits intended for manual (non-power) operation in driving or removing screws with slotted heads and screws with PHILLIPS or

POZIDRIV recesses. Additionally, it specifies two types of penetration gaging of PHILLIPS (PH) and POZIDRIV

(PZ) screwdrivers and supplements the ASME blade and bit standards.

Single copy price: Free

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Send comments to Remington Richmond at

Due 7 June 2016

BSR/ASME B32.100-201x, Preferred Metric Sizes for Flat, Round, Square, Rectangle, and Hexagon Metal

Products (revision of ANSI B32.100-2005 (R2011))

This Standard established a preferred series of metric thicknesses, widths, and lengths for flat metal products of rectangular cross-section. The thicknesses and widths shown in this Standard are also applicable to base metals that may be coated in later operations. This Standard also establishes a preferred series of metric sizes for round, square, rectangular, and hexagonal metal products.

Single copy price: Free

Obtain an electronic copy from:

Send comments to April Amaral at

BSR/IEEE 400.4-201x, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with Damped Alternating Current (DAC) Voltage (new standard)

This Guide presents the practices and procedures for testing and diagnosis of shielded power cable systems rated 5 kV and above using damped alternating current (DAC) voltages. It applies to all types of power cable systems that are intended for the transmission or distribution of electric power. The tabulated test levels assume that the cable systems have an effectively grounded neutral system or a grounded metallic shield.

Single copy price: $72.00 (pdf); $90.00 (print)

Order from: online:

Send comments to Karen Evangelista at

BSR/IEEE 29119-4-201x, ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard for Software and systems engineering –

Software testing - Part 4: Test techniques (new standard)

This part of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 defines test design techniques that can be used during the test design and implementation process that is defined in ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-2. This part of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 is intended for, but not limited to, testers, test managers, and developers, particularly those responsible for managing and implementing software testing.

Single copy price: $137.00 (pdf); $171.00 (print)

Order from:

Send comments to Karen Evangelista at

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 9

BSI Public Review Announcements

BSI Standards has announced draft documents for public review that might be of interest to Standards Watch readers. The documents may be commented on at .

Due 31 May 2016

BS 8620 Low-level work platform with one working platform with side protection for use by one person with a maximum working platform height no greater than 2.5 m – Specification

This British Standard specifies requirements for a low-level work platform (LLWP) with one working platform with side protection, for use by one person, with a maximum working platform height not greater than 2.5 m. The maximum working load of the LLWP is 150 kg. In particular, it specifies requirements for materials, design loads, dimensions, strength and stability tests, marking and user instructions.

CSA Public Review Announcements

The CSA Group has announced draft documents for public review that might be of interest to Standards Watch readers, including changes to the Canadian Electrical Code. To participate in the public reviews please visit: .

Due 4 June

PRV STD 03 Canadian Technology Accreditation Criteria (CTAC) Program General Learning Outcomes


Eight (8) Program General Learning Outcomes (PGLOs) are included in this section of the CTAC and are applicable to all engineering technologist and applied science disciplines, programs and options.

Z259.2.2 Self-retracting devices (New Edition)

This Standard specifies the requirements for all self-retracting devices (SRDs) used as connecting components in fall protection systems. SRDs are further classified in this Standard according to method of use.

Due 14 June 2016

C22.1 Draft re-write of Section 10 and Associated Appendix B materials (Amendment)

This public review posting consists of the following documents:

1) A draft re-write of Section 10, Grounding and Bonding, and Associated Appendix B materials;

2) A separate attachment - Commentary and comparison to existing Rules. Note that this file also contains information on Section 10 proposals that were previously posted for public review.

3) Another Separate attachment – Section 10 Rule reassignment. Maps new location of existing rules and previously submitted proposals (by subject number).

Please limit public review comments to this document (Draft re-write of Section 10 and Associated Appendix B materials).

New ANS Projects

ANSI has announced the following new projects that might materially affect Standards Watch readers—or at least be interesting to them. Contact the developer if you (a) want to be involved in the project, or (b) object to the project and wish it to be abandoned, or (c) if you would like to point out that its scope is covered by an existing standard, thereby possibly making the project redundant or conflicting.

BSR/ABYC EDU-2-201x, Skill-Based Human Propelled Standard (new standard)

This standard is a guide for on-water skills necessary to safely operate a human-propelled boat. For more information, contact Helen Koepper at


BSR/ASIS/ISC2/ISACA SA-201X, Security Awareness (new standard)

The Standard will focus on cross-disciplinary management measures, as well as awareness and training programs. The guidance standard will help organizations and their supply chains prepare for and minimize the

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 10

likelihood of an undesirable event, as well as respond to and recover from a security incident. Topics of discussion related to security awareness will include: Physical security, information security, cybersecurity, wireless networks; password security; and intangible asset security. For more information, contact Aivelis Opicka


BSR/AWS D16.1M/D16.1-201X, Specification for Robotic Arc Welding Safety (reaffirmation of ANSI/AWS


This standard establishes safety requirements with respect to the design, manufacture, and operation of arcwelding robot systems and ancillary equipment. It also helps to identify and minimize hazards involved in maintaining, operating, and setting up of arc-welding robot systems. For more information, contact Peter Portela


BSR/ASME WEG 1-201x, Water Efficiency Guidelines – General Requirements (new standard)

These guidelines provide guidance for the determination of best practices, methods for performance assessments, and evaluation of, and reporting criteria for, the efficient use and conservation of water within power and other industrial facilities. Subsections of this Guidance document will cover specific requirements addressing water conservation for facility cooling systems, the use of fresh and non-fresh water resources, and innovative water reuse and water recovery technologies. These guidelines shall be followed during all phases of development, design, equipment selection and procurement, operation, and maintenance of water systems and equipment in both new and existing facilities. This guideline includes guidance and design methods on replacements for water, recycling of water and water-efficiency methods that reduce or eliminate water use. It provides advice and tools that allow evaluation and selection of water-efficiency technologies. For more information, contact Mayra Saniago at


BSR E1.40-201x, Recommendations for the Planning of Theatrical Dust Effects (revision of ANSI E1.40-


A wide variety of products are used to create dust effects in motion picture and television production, and also in live theatrical productions and theme parks. The use of dust aerosols raises concerns for potential hazards, including combustibility and health effects from inhalation or ingestion, which are well known in some industrial sectors, but are poorly understood in others. This document would provide recommendations for how to plan the use and assess the safety of such effects. For more information, contact Karl Ruling at


BSR E1.41-201x, Recommendations for the Measurement of Entertainment Luminaires Utilizing Solid

State Light Sources (revision of ANSI E1.41-2012)

This standard is intended to be used for the presentation of photometric data for luminaires employing solid-state light sources used in the entertainment and performance industries. This standard defines photometric data that may be presented on documents purporting to accurately describe the photometric performance of these luminaires when producing both white and colored light. For more information, contact Karl Ruling at


BSR E1.55-201x, Standard for Theatrical Makeup Mirror Lighting (revision of ANSI E1.55-2015)

The standard offers recommendations and requirements for makeup mirror lighting in performer dressing rooms and similar locations. It defines a range of acceptable lamp CCTs and color-rendering ratings, and also specifies illumination levels and lighting angles for illuminating the performer's face. For more information, contact Karl

Ruling at


BSR/INCITS 549-201x, Information technology - Zoned Device ATA Command Set - 2 (ZAC-2) (new standard)

Storage devices are embracing fundamental changes in technology. New devices based on this technology allow random reading of data that is already written, while requiring writing to occur at specific locations on their media. The proposed new standard builds on the work accomplished in ZAC to continue and improve support for the new technology. The following items should be considered for inclusion into the ZAC-2 standard:

- corrections for difficulties discovered during the development of first adopter products based on ZAC;

- enhanced command and error handling definitions to support new customer requirements for the technology;

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 11

- other capabilities that may fit within the scope of this project. For more information, contact Rachel Porter at


BSR C18.2M Part 2-201x, Portable Rechargeable Cells and Batteries - Safety Standard (revision of ANSI

C18.2M, Part 2-2014)

This American National Standard specifies performance requirements for standardized portable lithium-ion, nickel cadmium, and nickel metal hydride rechargeable cells and batteries to ensure their safe operation under normal use and reasonably foreseeable misuse, and includes information relevant to hazard avoidance. It is understood that consideration of this American National Standard might also be given to measuring and/or ensuring the safety of non-standardized secondary batteries. In either case, no claim or warranty is made that compliance or non-compliance with this American National Standard will fulfill or not fulfill any of the user’s particular purposes or needs. For more information, contact Khaled Masri at


BSR/ASQ 14004-2016-201x, Environmental management systems - General guidelines on implementation (identical national adoption of ISO 14004:2016)

Provides guidance for an organization on the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of a robust, credible and reliable environmental management system. The guidance provided is intended for an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability. For more information, contact Julie Sharp at


BSR C18.3M, Part 1-201x, Portable Rechargeable Cells and Batteries - General and Specifications

(revision of ANSI C18.3M, Part 1-2013)

The standard applies to portable lithium primary cells and batteries. For more information, contact Khaled Masri at


BSR ASSE Z244.1-201X, The Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout, Tagout and Alternative Methods

(revision of ANSI ASSE Z244.1-2003 (R2014))

This standard establishes requirements for the control of hazardous energy associated with machines, equipment, or processes that could cause injury to personnel. For more information, contact Ovidiu Munteanu at


BSR/TAPPI T 211 om-201x, Ash in wood, pulp, paper and paperboard: combustion at 525 degrees C

(revision and redesignation of ANSI/TAPPI T 211 om-2012)

This method for determination of ash can be applied to all types and grades of wood pulp, paper, and paper products. For more information, contact Laurence Womack at


BSR/TAPPI T 252 om-201x, pH and electrical conductivity of hot water extracts of pulp, paper, and paperboard (revision and redesignation of ANSI/TAPPI T 252 om-2012)

This procedure provides for the extraction of pulp, paper, and paperboard samples using boiling reagent water followed by determination of the pH and conductivity of the extract. For more information, contact Laurence

Womack at


Final Actions on American National Standards

The documents listed below have been approved by the ANSI Board of Standards Review or by an ANSI-

Audited Designator.

ANSI/EIA 364-1004A-2016 , Environmental Test Methodology for Verifying the Current Rating of Freestanding

Power Contacts for Electrical Connectors and Sockets (revision and redesignation of ANSI/EIA 364-1004-2010):

23 March 2016

ANSI/ASTM F697-2016 , Standard Practice for Care and Use of Athletic Mouth Protectors (new standard): 15

March 2016

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 12

ANSI/UL 783-2003 (R2016) , Standard for Safety for Electric Flashlights and Lanterns for Hazardous Locations

(Proposal dated 01-22-16) (reaffirmation of ANSI/UL 783-2003 (R2011)): 18 March 2016

ANSI/UL 796-2016 , Standard for Safety for Printed Wiring Boards (revision of ANSI/UL 796-2013a): 22 March


ANSI/AGMA 6034-B92-2010 (R2016) , Practice for Enclosed Cylindrical Wormgear Speed Reducers and

Gearmotors (reaffirmation of ANSI/AGMA 6034-B92 (R2010)): 31 March 2016

ANSI/ASA S1.15-1997/Part 1 (R2016) , Measurement Microphones - Part 1: Specifications for Laboratory

Standard Microphones (reaffirmation of ANSI/ASA S1.15-1997/Part 1 (R2011)): 31 March 2016

ANSI/ASA S1.42-2001 (R2016) , Design Response of Weighting Networks for Acoustical Measurements

(reaffirmation of ANSI/ASA S1.42-2001 (R2011)): 31 March 2016

ANSI/UL 2572-2016 , Mass Notification Systems (revision of ANSI/UL 2572-2011): 28 March 2016

ANSI/UL 2572-2016a , Mass Notification Systems (revision of ANSI/UL 2572-2011): 28 March 2016

ANSI/ISO 7998-2016 , Spectacle Frames - Lists of Equivalent Terms and Vocabulary (identical national adoption of ISO 7988): 31 March 2016

ANSI/ISO 8624-2016 , Spectacle Frames - Measuring System and terminology (identical national adoption of

ISO 8624): 31 March 2016

ANSI/ISO 12870-2016 , Spectacle Frames - Requirements and Test Methods (identical national adoption of ISO

12870): 31 March 2016

Draft IEC & ISO Standards

This section lists proposed standards that the International Electromechanical Commission (IEC) and

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are considering for approval. Standards Watch readers interested in reviewing and commenting on the document should order a copy from their national representative and submit their comments through them. Comments from US citizens on IEC documents should be sent to

Charles T. Zegers at

. Comments from US citizens regarding ISO documents should be sent to

Karen Hughes at

. The prices, when shown, are for purchases through ANSI; prices elsewhere may differ.

ISO/DIS 18785-1 , Friction stir spot welding - Aluminium - Part 1: Vocabulary – 30 June 2016, $82.00

ISO/DIS 18785-2 , Friction stir spot welding - Aluminium - Part 2: Design of weld joints - 30 June 2016, $33.00

ISO/DIS 18785-3 , Friction stir spot welding - Aluminium - Part 3: Qualification of welding operators - 30 June

2016, $46.00

ISO/DIS 18785-4 , Friction stir spot welding - Aluminium - Part 4: Specification and qualification of welding procedures – 30 June 2016, $62.00

ISO/DIS 18785-5 , Friction stir spot welding - Aluminium - Part 5: Quality and inspection requirements - 30 June

2016, $40.00

ISO/IEC/IEEE DIS 26513 , Systems and software engineering - Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation – 22 April 2016, $107.00

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 13

22F/412/CDV, IEC 62927 Ed.1

: Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for static synchronous compensator

(STATCOM) – Electrical Testing, 17 June 2016

23H/356/CD, IEC 62986 Ed.1

: Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers with arcuate contacts, 20 May 2016

23J/401/FDIS, IEC 61058-1 Ed.4

: Switches for appliances - Part 1: General requirements, 6 May 2016

26/588/CDV, IEC 62822-3 Ed.1

: Electric welding equipment - Assessment of restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 Hz) - Part 3: Resistance welding equipment, 17 June 2016

27/967/CDV, IEC 60519-12 Ed.2

: Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing - Part

12: Particular requirements for infrared electroheating, 17 June 2016

34A/1888/CDV, Amendment 1 to IEC 60810 Ed.4

: Lamps for road vehicles - Performance requirements, 17

June 2016

34B/1836/CDV, IEC 61184 Ed.4

: Bayonet lampholders, 17 June 2016

34B/1842/CDV, IEC 60400 Ed.8

: Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders, 17 June 2016

34B/1852/FDIS, IEC 60238 Ed.8

: Edison screw lampholders, 6 May 2016

34B/1853/FDIS, Amendment 54 to IEC 60061-1 Ed.3

: Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 1: Lamp caps, 6 May 2016

34B/1854/FDIS, Amendment 51 to IEC 60061-2 Ed.3

: Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 2: Lampholders, 6 May 2016

34B/1855/FDIS, Amendment 52 to IEC 60061-3 Ed.3

: Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges, 6 May 2016

34C/1199/FDIS, Amendment 1 to IEC 61347-2-13 Ed.2

: Lamp controlgear - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules, 6 May 2016

38/505/NP, IEC 61869-220 : Instrument transformers - Part 220: Safety requirements for Instrument Transformers for low voltage applications, 20 May 2016

38/506/NP, IEC 61869-201 : Instrument transformers - Part 201: General requirements for Instrument

Transformers for low voltage applications, 20 May 2016

40/2460/FDIS, IEC 60384-18 Ed.3

: Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 18: Sectional specification – Fixed aluminium electrolytic surface mount capacitors with solid (MnO2) and non-solid electrolyte,

6 May 2016

78/1153/DC , Review of IEC 61477 Ed.2: Live working – Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment, 6 May 2016

78/1154/Q , Review of IEC 61318 Ed.3: Live working – Conformity assessment applicable to tools, devices and equipment, 6 May 2016

110/756/CD, IEC 62906-5-3 Ed.1: Laser display devices - Part 5-3: Measuring methods of visual quality for laser projector displays, 20 May 2016

110/757/NP, Future IEC 62595-2-2 Display lighting unit- Part 2-2: Measuring methods of LED light bars used in

LCD BLUs, 20 May 2016

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 14

110/758/CD, IEC 62906-5-1 Ed.1

: Laser display devices - Part 5-1: Measurement of optical performance for laser front projection, 20 May 2016

ISO/DIS 19657 , Definition of criteria for a food ingredient to be considered as natural – 29 June 2016, $33.00

ISO/DIS 4032 , Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 4033 , Hexagon high nuts (style 2) - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 4034 , Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) - Product grade C – 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 4035 , Hexagon thin nuts (style 0), chamfered – Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 4161 , Hexagon high nuts with flange - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $46.00

ISO/DIS 7040 , Prevailing torque hexagon regular nuts (with nonmetallic insert) - Product grades A and B – 30

April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 7041 , Prevailing torque hexagon high nuts (with non-metallic insert) - Product grades A and B – 30 April

2016, FREE

ISO/DIS 7042 , Prevailing torque (all-metal) hexagon high nuts - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 7043 , Prevailing torque hexagon high nuts with flange (with non-metallic insert) - Product grades A and

B – 30 April 2016, FREE

ISO/DIS 7044 , Prevailing torque (all-metal) hexagon high nuts with flange - Product grades A and B – 30 April

2016, FREE

ISO/DIS 7719 , Prevailing torque (all-metal) hexagon regular nuts - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016,


ISO/DIS 8673 , Hexagon regular nuts (style 1), with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016,


ISO/DIS 8674 , Hexagon high nuts (style 2), with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016,


ISO/DIS 8675 , Hexagon thin nuts (style 0) chamfered, with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B – 30 April

2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 10511 , Prevailing torque hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert) - Product grades A and B – 30 April

2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 10512 , Prevailing torque hexagon regular nuts (with nonmetallic insert), with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 10513 , Prevailing torque (all-metal) hexagon high nuts, with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B

– 30 April 2016, $40.00

ISO/DIS 10663 , Hexagon high nuts with flange, with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016,


Volume 20, Number 7 Page 15

ISO/DIS 12125 , Prevailing torque hexagon high nuts with flange (with non-metallic insert), with fine pitch thread -

Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $46.00

ISO/DIS 12126 , Prevailing torque (all-metal) hexagon high nuts with flange, with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B – 30 April 2016, $46.00

ISO/DIS 3968 , Hydraulic fluid power - Filters - Evaluation of differential pressure versus flow – 7 July 2016,


ISO/DIS 80000-7 , Quantities and units - Part 7: Light and radiation – 30 April 2016, $112.00

37/431/CDV, IEC 60099-5/Ed3 : Surge arresters - Part 5: Selection and application recommendations, 24 June


40/2461/CD, IEC 62812 Ed.1

: Methods of measurement of low resistance, 24 June 2016

47/2281/CDV, IEC 60749-28 Ed.1

: Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 28:

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity testing - Charged device model (CDM) - device level, 24 June 2016

48B/2475/CDV, IEC 61076-3-104/Ed3 : Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-104:

Detail specification for 8-way, shielded free and fixed connectors for data transmissions with frequencies up to

2000 MHz, 24 June 2016

81/516/CD, IEC 62305-1 Ed.3

: Protection against lightning - Part 1:General principles, 24 June 2016

81/517/CD, IEC 62305-2 Ed.3

: Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management, 24 June 2016

81/518/CD, IEC 62305-3 Ed.3

: Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, 24 June 2016

Recently Published IEC & ISO Standards

Listed here are documents recently approved by the IEC and ISO. A list of standards resellers is available at .

ISO 19028:2016 , Accessible design - Information contents, figuration and display methods of tactile guide maps,


ISO 18668-1:2016 , Traditional Chinese medicine - Coding system for Chinese medicines - Part 1: Coding rules for Chinese medicines, $149.00

ISO/TS 20328:2016 , Imaging materials - Lenticular lens sheet - Measurements and specifications of dimensions,


ISO/TS 19567-1:2016 , Photography - Digital cameras – Texture reproduction measurements - Part 1: Frequency characteristics measurements using cyclic pattern, $149.00

IEC 61260-2 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters - Part 2: Patternevaluation tests, $182.00

IEC 61260-3 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters - Part 3: Periodic tests, $182.00

IEC 60958-SER Ed. 1.0 en:2016 , Digital audio interface - ALL PARTS, $868.00

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 16

IEC 60958-4-1 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Digital audio interface - Part 4-1: Professional applications - Audio content,


IEC 60958-4-2 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Digital audio interface - Part 4-2: Professional applications - Metadata and subcode, $182.00

IEC 60958-4-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Digital audio interface - Part 4-4: Professional applications - Physical and electrical parameters, $157.00

IEC 60050-192 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Amendment 1 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 192:

Dependability, $12.00

IEC 60050-351 Amd.1 Ed. 4.0 b:2016 , Amendment 1 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 351:

Control technology, $12.00

IEC 60050-395 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Amendment 1 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 395:

Nuclear instrumentation: Physical phenomena, basic concepts, instruments, systems, equipment and detectors,


IEC 60050-482 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Amendment 1 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 482:

Primary and secondary cells and batteries, $12.00

IEC 60050-702 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Amendment 1 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 702:

Oscillations, signals and related devices, $12.00

IEC 60050-904 Amd.2 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Amendment 2 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 904:

Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems, $12.00

ISO 22034-2:2016 , Steel wire and wire products - Part 2: Tolerances on wire dimensions, $51.00

ISO/TS 16973:2016 , Respiratory protective devices - Classification for respiratory protective device (RPD), excluding RPD for underwater application, $173.00

IEC 60958-SER Ed. 1.0 en:2016 , Digital audio interface - ALL PARTS, $1010.00

IEC 62822-1 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Electric welding equipment – Assessment of restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) - Part 1: Product family standard, $206.00

IEC 62822-2 Ed. 1.0 b:2016 , Electric welding equipment – Assessment of restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) - Part 2: Arc welding equipment, $254.00

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 17

TSP Meeting Schedule

The chronological TSP meeting schedule is posted at

. The July meetings at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City are in conjunction with the NATEAC conference. Our schedule runs immediately prior to the conference. The hotel reservation deadline is 27 June and will not be extended.

(Alphabetical July meeting schedule. All meetings are at the Roosevelt Hotel unless otherwise listed.)

At the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City:

Control Protocols Working Group (CPWG)

CPWG Automation Study Group



CPWG BSR E1.37-4, Firmware TG

CPWG BSR E1.37-5, General PIDs TG

Fog & Smoke Working Group

Photometrics Working Group

Rigging Working Group (RWG)

RWG BSR E1.4-1, Manual Counterweight TG

RWG BSR E1.6-1, Powered Hoist TG

(This meeting is at the ESTA office: 630 Ninth Ave., Suite 609)

RWG BSR E1.50, Video Systems TG

RWG BSR E1.56, Rigging Points TG

Stage Lifts Working Group

Technical Standards Council

09:00 – 13:00 Thursday 14 July 2016

14:00 – 18:00 Friday 15 July 2016

09:00 – 13:00 Friday 15 July 2016

14:00 – 18:00 Thursday 14 July 2016

13:00 – 16:00 Saturday 16 July 2016

09:00 – noon Saturday 16 July 2016

14:00 – 16:00 Friday 15 July 2016

16:00 – 18:00 Friday 15 July 2016

09:00 – 13:00 Friday 15 July 2016

14:00 – 16:00 Saturday 16 July 2016

14:00 – 17:00 Friday 15 July 2016

14:00 – 18:00 Thursday 14 July 2016

09:00 – 13:00 Thursday 14 July 2016

09:00 – 13:00 Saturday 16 July 2016

14:00 – 18:00 Thursday, 14 July 2016

Note that there will be no coffee or other beverages offered in the July meetings. The Roosevelt Hotel charges dinner-prices for beverages at meetings, thus putting providing refreshments out of budget. There are many coffee and snack places within the hotel, next door, or across the street. Take your pick and bring your own.

ESTA Standards Watch

is distributed as a benefit to ESTA members and as a communications medium for ESTA's Technical Standards

Program. Original material is copyright the Entertainment Services and Technology Association.


Karl G. Ruling, Technical Standards Manager

Entertainment Services and Technology Association

630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609

New York, NY 10036

USA karl.ruling@ est

1 212 244 1505 ext. 703

Fax 1 212 244 1502

Erin Grabe, Asst. Technical Standards Manager

Entertainment Services and Technology Association

630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609

New York, NY 10036,


1 212 244 1505 ext. 606

Fax 1 212 244 1502

As of 15 April 2013, all of the standards published by ESTA's Technical Standards Program are available to download, free of charge, at , courtesy of a partnership between ESTA and

ProSight Specialty Insurance .

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 18

Investors in Innovation

The Technical Standard Program is financially supported by ESTA members and by companies and individuals who make undirected donations; the donations go to support the Technical Standards Program in general, and not any particular Working Group or any particular project.

Please consider joining the Investors in Innovation. Information about becoming an Investor in Innovation is available at . The Investors in Innovation program recognizes those companies and individuals who have helped fund the TSP. The Investors in Innovation listed on the TSP Investors in Innovation website at



Altman Lighting, Inc.

B-Hive Industries, Inc.

Boston Illumination group

Candela Controls Inc.

Clark-Reder Engineering

Columbus McKinnon

DesignLab Chicago / Interesting Products

EGI Event Production Services*



John T. McGraw

JR Clancy

ProSight Specialty Insurance

Sapsis Rigging Inc.

Theatre Safety Programs

United States Institute for Theatre Technology

Ken Vannice

View One, Inc.

Steve A. Walker & Associates*

Ralph Weber


American Society of Theatre Consultants

Barbizon Electric

Louis Bradfield*

Indianapolis Stage Sales & Rentals, Inc.*

H&H Specialties, Inc.

Ken Production Sevices Inc.


AC Power Distribution

Roy Bickel

Bigger Hammer Production Services

ELS / Entertainment Lighting Services

Entertainment Structures Group

Tony Giovannetti

Ian Foulds, IATSE Local 873

IATSE Local 80

IATSE Local 514

IATSE Local 728


Jones-Phillips Associates, LLC

The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts

Lightstream Design, LLC

Lycian Stage Lighting

Musique Xpress Lights, Inc.*

*Investor for over 15 years

Eddie Kramer

McLaren Engineering Group

Mountain Productions Inc.

Rosco Laboratories

Texas Scenic Company

Niscon Inc.

Oasis Stage Werks

Eddie Raymond

See Factor Industry

Stage Equipment & Lighting

Stage Labor of the Ozarks

Strohmeier Lighting, Inc.

Steve Terry

Christopher B. Tilton


Total Structures*

Tracy Underhill

Arjan van Vught

Stephen Vanciel

Vincent Lighting Systems*

Volume 20, Number 7 Page 19
