UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CHW COOLING COILS__________________________________ Specification Sections: __________________________ Page: NO. DESCRIPTION 1 of 1 ___ _______ RESP.CONTRACTOR ITEM TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE COMPARE WITH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 Number of sections Finned area each section Number of rows Type of circuiting Fin spacing MC MC MC MC MC PIPING 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Piped counterflow Piped for upward water flow Service valves in place Balancing valves in place P.T.'s installed T.C. valve proper T.C. valve proper (verify) Drain valve installed Air vent installed Strainer in place Flow meter proper Condensate drain pipe with trap MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION 18 19 20 Fins clean and combed Proper drip pan installation No air bypass around coils Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC MC Commissioning-CCC/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CHILLER NO.________ ___ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: RESP.CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vibration isolation Refrigerant charge Valves and piping O.K. P.T.'s installed Sensors installed T.O. heaters O.K. Start-up by manufacturer's rep. Provide start-up report Relief valve piped to outside 1 of 1_ __ __ TYPE SIGN DATE COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC MC MC S S MC SAFETIES CHECKED 10 11 12 13 14 High pressure Low pressure Oil pressure Quantity of refrigerant labeled State registration completed and submitted to UCB Use back of sheet for comments. S S S MC MC Commissioning-CHR/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CONDENSING WATER - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES_ Specification Sections: __________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 Installation complete Leaks eliminated Pressure tested Flushed & cleaned Refilled & chem. treated Pressure gauge labeled 1 of 2__ RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE _ ___ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC MC MC STRAINERS 7 8 9 10 11 Easy sleeve removal Start-up sleeve removed Permanent sleeve clean Sleeve clean (verify) Air vents installed MC MC MC TAB MC PIPE AND FITTINGS 12 13 14 15 Schedule 40 black steel Welded Grooved "K" copper MC MC MC MC HANGERS 16 17 18 Hot dipped galvanized Copper clad Trapeze w/clamps MC MC MC EXPANSION PROVISIONS 19 20 Dielectric waterways Dirt pockets installed MC MC VALVES 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Ball valve 3" and smaller Lug type butterfly 4" and larger Stems up All installed and open Check Vl's properly oriented Control Vl's properly installed Control Vl's properly installed Control Vl's proper (verify) Drain Vl's accessible Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC MC MC MC MC TC TAB MC Commissioning-CDW/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CONDENSING WATER - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES_ Specification Sections: __________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 2 of 2__ RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE _ ___ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE FLOW METERS 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Inlet pipe length Outlet pipe length Fittings up Proper size Proper orientation Sensor wells installed Sensor wells installed Sensor wells installed (verify) P.T.'s installed P.T.'s installed (verify) MC MC MC MC MC MC TC TAB MC TAB THERMOMETERS 40 41 Flow switches installed Proper range MC MC PRESSURE GAUGES 42 43 44 Proper range Piping identified Valves tagged Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC MC Commissioning-CDW/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: COOLING TOWER NO.__________________________________ Specification Sections: _________________________________ Page: RESP.CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Nozzles clean No obstruction to cause air recirc. Fans properly aligned Fan blades properly pitched Upper basin water level proper Lower sump water level proper Motors outside air stream Ladder with safety cage Extended lube and oil fill lines with sight glass or dip stick MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC 10 Stainless steel hardware within wet areas MC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Basin heater installed and wired Vibration switch installed & wired Bearings lubricated Correct thermal overload protection Motors not overloaded Shipping restraints removed Tower bolted in place D.C. switch in sight of motor MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Use back of sheet for comments. TYPE SIGN DATE 1_of 1___ ___ COMMISSIONER YES _ NO DATE Commissioning-CLT/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: PUMP NO.___________________________________________ Specification Sections: _____________________________ Page: 1 of 1__________ RESP.CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rotation correct and free Properly installed and serviceable Motor properly mounted Coupling secured and aligned Coupling guard installed Bearings lubricated Base grouted No entrained air (open system) Pressure gauge properly piped & valved MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC 10 11 12 Minimum negative system effect Motor not overloaded Motor not overloaded (verify) MC MC TAB SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE STARTER 13 14 15 Proper T.O. heaters Proper T.O. heaters (verify) D.C. switch in sight of motor MC TAB MC VARIABLE SPEED CONTROLLER 16 17 Manual bypass Spare set of fuses MC MC IDENTIFICATION 18 19 20 21 22 Equipment Valve tags Caution sign Flexible connections Vibration isolation Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC MC MC MC Commissioning-PMP/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: ______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: AIR HANDLING UNIT AHU Specification Sections: Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 1 of 3 COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE UNIT CASING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit clean Casing undamaged No air leakage Doors latch and seal Internal insulation Flexible duct connection Vibration dampeners (if required) Plenum lights & switches MC MC MC MC MC SM MC MC OUTSIDE AIR LOUVER 9 10 Size Bird screen on exterior SM SM EXHAUST AIR LOUVER 11 12 Size Bird screen on interior with access SM SM DAMPERS 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Linkage & operating mounting O.K. O.A. tight closing O.A. tight closing (verify) R.A. tight closing R.A. tight closing (verify) E.A. tight closing E.A. tight closing (verify) TC SM TAB SM TAB SM TAB ACCESSIBILITY 20 21 22 23 24 Outside air intake & exhaust outlet Motor Bearings & lubrication points V-Belt drive Valves MC MC MC MC MC FILTERS 25 26 27 Standard size Easily changed No air bypass MC MC MC Note: Write N/A when not applicable. Use back of sheet for Comments. Commissioning-AHU/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: ______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: AIR HANDLING UNIT AHU Specification Sections: Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION TYPE 28 29 Start-up cells in place Clean cells for balancing with 50% blank-off MC TAB 30 31 Clean cells (verify) List of sizes of filter cells MC MC SIGN DATE 2 of 3 COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE FILTER GAUGE (MAGNEHELIC) 32 33 In place & calibrated Marked for clean/dirty filters MC MC COILS 34 35 36 37 Fins combed/clean Accessible for cleaning Space for removal ∆P gauge installed MC MC MC MC COIL PIPING 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Counterflow Counterflow (verify) Vent Drain Flow meter Service valves T.C. valves Condensate drain piping MC TAB MC MC MC MC TAB MC BELT GUARD 46 47 48 Easily removable Expanded metal fully covering shaft Tach access MC MC MC START-UP 49 50 51 52 53 Bearings lubricated per manufacturer recommendation Rotation correct Rotation correct (verify) Motor not overloaded Motor not overloaded (verify) MC MC TAB MC TAB Note: Write N/A when not applicable. Use back of sheet for Comments. Commissioning-AHU/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: ______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: AIR HANDLING UNIT AHU Specification Sections: Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 3 of 3 COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE V-BELT DRIVE 54 55 56 Alignment Tension No adj. pitch sheaves after balancing MC MC MC 57 58 59 Multiple belts 1 HP and larger Multiple belts (verify) Adjustment device for motor alignment MC TAB MC FAN SCROLL CONST. 60 61 Continuous weld Solid fan shaft MC MC STARTER 62 63 64 Proper T.O. heaters Proper T.O. heater (verify) Disconnect switch per code MC TAB MC VARIABLE SPEED CONTROLLER 65 66 67 Manual bypass Spare set of fuses Operating instructions MC MC MC SAFETY CONTROLS 68 69 Freezestat Smoke detector MC MC IDENTIFICATION 70 71 72 73 74 Equipment Valve tags Caution sign AMCA seal Max. fan RPM on nameplate MC MC MC MC MC Note: Write N/A when not applicable. Use back of sheet for Comments. Commissioning-AHU/3 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: BATTERY SYSTEM___________________________________ Specification Sections: __________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Compare equipment with specifications. EC EC 3 4 5 6 Inspect for proper connections. Test for proper voltage. Verify system operation. Verify operation of emergency lights. EC EC EC EC Use back of sheet for comments. 1 of 1______ ____ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE ___ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-BS/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: BOILER NO.________________________________________ Specification Sections: __________________________ Page: NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 Access to allow inspection Relief valve piped correctly Relief valve piped correctly (verify) Gas vent piped correctly (aluminum or black steel) MC MC S MC 5 6 7 8 Gas vent piped correctly (verify) Safeties in place & functional Safeties in place & functional (verify) Water treatment in place & valved correctly S MC S MC 9 10 Combustion air correct Piping & accessories properly insulated MC MC 11 Control panel not subject to water damage MC 12 13 14 Firing control removable for cleaning MC Gas pressure at burner as specified MC Gas pressure at burner as specified S (verify) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Blow down piping for steam boilers Boiler waterside cleaned Start-up completed Start-up completed Vibration & noise acceptable Proper thermal overload heaters Disconnect switch in sight of burner State inspection accomplished Use back of sheet for Comments. 1_of 1 ________ RESP.CONTRACTOR ITEM TYPE SIGN DATE __ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC S MC MC MC MC Commissioning-BLR/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: BUS DUCT___________________________________________ _ Specification Sections: __________________________ Page: _ ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Inspect bus for physical damage and proper connection in accordance with single-line diagram. EC 2 Inspect for proper bracing, suspension alignment and enclosure ground EC 3 Check tightness of bolted joints by using calibrated torque wrench. EC 4 Check for proper physical orientation per manufacturer’s labels to ensure proper cooling. Perform continuity tests on each conductor to verify that proper phase relationships exist. EC 5 Check outdoor busway for removal of "weep- EC hole" plugs, if applicable, and the proper installation of joint shield. 6 Measure insulation resistance of each bus run phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground. EC 7 Perform AC or DC overpotential tests on each bus run phase-to-phase and phase-toground. EC 8 Perform contact-resistance test on each connection point of uninsulated bus. On insulated bus, measure resistance of bus section and compare values with adjacent phases. EC 9 Perform phasing test on each bus tie section energized by separate sources. EC 10 Check fire stops at rated penetrations. EC Use back of sheet for Comments. 1_of 1_______ TYPE SIGN DATE COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-BD/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CHILLED WATER - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES_ Specification Sections: _____________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Installation complete Leaks eliminated Pressure tested Flushed & cleaned Refilled & chem. treated Pressure correct Pressure correct (verify) Pressure gauge labeled 1 of 3___ RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE ____ __ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC MC MC TAB MC STRAINERS 9 10 11 12 13 14 Easy sleeve removal Start-up sleeve removed Permanent sleeve clean Sleeve clean (verify) Air vents installed System free of air MC MC MC TAB MC MC PIPE & FITTINGS 15 16 17 18 Schedule 40 black steel Welded Grooved "L" copper MC MC MC MC HANGERS 19 20 21 Hot dipped galvanized Copper clad Trapeze w/clamps MC MC MC EXPANSION PROVISIONS 22 23 24 25 26 Loops Guides Anchors Dielectric waterways Dirt pockets installed MC MC MC MC MC VALVES 27 28 Ball valve 3" and smaller Lug type butterfly 4" and larger Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC Commissioning-CHW/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CHILLED WATER - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES_ Specification Sections: _____________________________ Page: ITEM 2 of 3_ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION TYPE 29 30 31 Stems up All installed and open No insulation on handles/actuators MC MC MC 32 33 34 35 36 Check Vl’s properly installed Control Vl’s properly installed Control Vl’s properly installed Control Vl’s proper (verify) Drain Vl’s accessible MC MC TC TAB MC SIGN DATE ____ __ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE FLOW METERS 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Inlet pipe length Outlet pipe length Fittings up Proper size Proper orientation Sensor wells installed Sensor wells installed Sensor wells installed (verify) P/T’s installed P.T.’s installed (verify) MC MC MC MC MC MC TC TAB MC TAB THERMOMETERS 47 48 Proper range PRESSURE GAUGES Proper range MC MC EXPANSION TANK 49 50 51 52 53 Flow switches installed Bladder type EPDM for Glycol Proper air pressure Proper location MC MC MC MC MC AIR ELIMINATOR 54 55 Proper location Properly piped Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC Commissioning-CHW/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: CHILLED WATER - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES_ Specification Sections: _____________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 3 of 3_ RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE ____ __ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE GLYCOL ADDED 56 57 58 59 60 61 Type I (Dowtherm 4000) Correct percent Label type & concentration Label system volume (gals.) Piping identified Valves tagged Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC MC MC MC MC Commissioning-CHW/3 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: DUCTWORK_____________________ _______________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 Installation of system complete Ductwork clean RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 1 of 1__________ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE SM SM DAMPERS 3 Dampers installed, operable and set SM open 4 5 Balancing dampers O.K. (verify) Control dampers accessible and properly installed 6 7 Control dampers O.K. (verify) TC Fire, smoke & combination dampers SM installed and open TAB SM ACCESS DOORS 8 9 10 11 At fire & smoke dampers, etc. At reheat coils At ret./exh. elbows w/turning vanes Tight seal gaskets & proper hardware DUCTWORK SM SM SM SM 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sealed Tested where required SMACNA Construction Standards Radius elbows, throat dim. = width Single wall turning vanes in rect. elb. SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM 21 45° take-offs for branch ducts Transitions maximum of 15° angle Duct liner properly installed Registers, grilles & diffusers installed No flex ducts longer than specified Use back of sheet for comments. SM Commissioning-DCT/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES AND OTHER DEVICES_ Specification Sections: _____________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Test ground fault on GFCI receptacles. EC 2 Test polarity on standard receptacles. EC 3 Check wiring on several selected receptacles. EC 4 Remove sample receptacles to verify manufacturer. EC 5 Verify that device ratings meet approved shop drawings and specifications. EC 6 Verify color of all devices and plates meet specifications. EC Use back of sheet for comments. 1 of 1__________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE ___________ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-ERD/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: EMERGENCY GENERATOR________________________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. compare nameplate information and connection with drawings and specs. Inspect for proper anchorage and grounding. EC EC Perform an insulation-resistance test on generator winding with respect to ground. Determine polarization index. Test protective relay devices in accordance with specifications. EC 6 Perform phase rotation test to determine compatibility with load requirements. EC 7 Functionally test engine shutdown for low oil pressure, overtemperature, overspeed, and other features as applicable. Perform vibration base-line test. Vibration levels shall not exceed manufacturer’s recommendations. Perform load bank test in accordance with the following schedule: EC 3 4 5 8 9 TYPE SIGN DATE COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC EC EC EC 10 11 12 13 25% rated for 30 minutes 50% rated for 30 minutes 75% rated for 30 minutes 100% rated for 3 hours Record voltage, frequency, load current, oil pressure, and coolant temperature at periodic intervals during test. Perform an insulation-resistance test. Provide factory test report. Test power failure start. Perform battery charger system test. EC EC EC EC 14 15 Adjust time delay relay settings. Verify rotation. EC EC Use back of sheet for comments. 1_of 1_________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. _ Commissioning-EG/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: EXTERIOR LIGHTING_______________________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Compare installed fixtures with schedule on the drawings. EC EC 3 4 5 Verify installed ballasts. Verify installed lamps. Verify that exterior light poles and fixtures are grounded per drawings and N.E.C. EC EC EC 6 Compare measured light levels with calculated values. EC Use back of sheet for comments. 1 of 1__________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE ____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-EL/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM__________________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Installation complete 1 of 1__________ RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE _________ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC WIRING COMPLETE 2 3 4 5 6 Opens Shorts Ground faults Improper branching Alarm certification & description form filled in and signed Use back of sheet for comments. EC EC EC EC EC Commissioning-FAS/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: GROUNDING SYSTEM________________________ ____________ Specification Sections: ___________________________________ Page: ______1_of 1______ ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 Check terminatons at devices. EC Apply biddle ground tester. Perform EC ground-impedance measurements utilizing the fall-of-potential method. Verify transformer secondary EC bonded to ground. 3 TYPE 4 Test resistance to earth of grounding EC connections. 5 Check for bonding jumper across water meter. EC 6 Check grounding electrode conductor to water service pipe. EC 7 Check ground rods and building steel ground. EC Use back of sheet for comments. SIGN DATE COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-GS/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: HW HEATING COILS__________________________________________ Specification Sections: _________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 1_of 1_________ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE COMPARE WITH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 Number of sections Finned area each section Number of rows Type of circuiting Fin spacing MC MC MC MC MC PIPING 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Piped counterflow Piped for upward water flow Service valves in place Balancing valves in place P.T.’s installed T.C. valve proper T.C. valve proper (verify) Drain valve installed Air vent installed Strainer in place Flow meter proper MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION 17 18 Fins clean and combed No air bypass around coils Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC Commissioning-HHC/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: HW HEATING - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES ________ Specification Sections: _____________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Installation complete Leaks eliminated Pressure tested Flushed & cleaned Refilled & chem. treated Pressure correct Pressure correct (verify) Pressure gauge labeled RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 1 of 3_____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC MC MC TAB MC STRAINERS 9 10 11 12 13 14 Easy sleeve removal Start-up sleeve removed Permanent sleeve clean Sleeve clean (verify) Air vents installed System free of air MC MC MC TAB MC MC PIPE AND FITTINGS 15 16 17 18 Schedule 40 black steel Welded Grooved "L" copper MC MC MC MC HANGERS 19 20 21 Hot dipped galvanized Copper clad Trapeze w/clamps MC MC MC EXPANSION PROVISIONS 22 23 24 25 26 Loops Guides Anchors Dielectric waterways Dirt pockets installed 27 28 Ball valve 3" and smaller Lug type butterfly 4" and larger MC MC MC MC MC VALVES Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC Commissioning-HWH/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: HW HEATING - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES ________ Specification Sections: _____________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 29 30 31 Stems up All installed and open No insulation on handles/actuators Check Vl’s properly oriented Control Vl’s properly installed Control Vl’s properly installed Control Vl’s proper (verify) Drain Vl’s accessible 32 33 34 35 36 RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 2 of 3_____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC MC TC TAB MC FLOW METERS 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Inlet pipe length Outlet pipe length Fittings up Proper size Proper orientation Sensor wells installed Sensor wells installed Sensor wells installed (verify) P.T.’s installed P.T.’s installed (verify) MC MC MC MC MC MC TC TAB MC TAB THERMOMETERS 47 Proper range MC PRESSURE GAUGES 48 Proper range MC EXPANSION TANK 49 50 51 52 Bladder type EPDM for Glycol Proper air pressure Proper location 53 54 Proper location Properly piped MC MC MC MC AIR ELIMINATOR MC MC GLYCOL ADDED 55 56 Type I (Dowtherm 4000) Correct percent Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC Commissioning-HWH/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: HW HEATING - HYDRONIC PIPING AND SPECIALTIES ________ Specification Sections: _____________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 57 58 59 60 Label type & concentration Label system volume (gals.) Piping identified Valves tagged Use back of sheet for comments. RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 3 of 3_____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC Commissioning-HWH/3 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: ISOLATED GROUNDING SYSTEM_________________________ Specification Sections: ___________________________________ Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Verify full size grounding conductor terminated at nearest grounding electrode and panel. EC EC 3 Verify that grounding conductor is copper, not spliced, and that all connectors are U.L. listed and comply with specifications. EC Use back of sheet for comments. TYPE SIGN DATE __ 1 of 1____ ______ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-IGS/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: KWH METERS_________________________________________ Specification Sections: ______________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 Check polarity and ratio of C.T.’s. Check ratio of P.T.’s. Check for correct rotation. Verify test block for proper shorting and test jack operation. Use the test block to calibrate the meter and for phase angle checks. Determine accuracy of meters at 25/50/75/100% of full scale. Calibrate watt hour meters to one half percent (0.5%). Perform current injection tests on each C.T. Perform phase angle checks 5 6 7 8 Use back of sheet for comments. 1 of 1__________ RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Commissioning-MET/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: LIGHTING SYSTEM____________________________________ Specification Sections: _____________________________________ Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Compare installed fixtures with schedule on the drawings. EC EC 3 Verify installed ballasts (selected samples). EC 4 5 Verify installed lamp types. EC Verify load shed operation if present. EC 6 Set and verify dimming controls. Verify control equipment with drawings and specifications. Use back of sheet for comments. TYPE SIGN DATE _ 1_of 1_______ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC Commissioning-LS/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLES (15 KV)______________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Inspect exposed sections for physical damage. 2 Verify cable is supplied and EC connected in accordance with singleline diagram. 3 Inspect for shield grounding, cable support and termination. EC 4 Check for visible cable bends against ICEA or manufacturer’s minimum allowable bending radius. EC 5 Inspect for proper fireproofing in common cable areas. EC 6 If cables are terminated through EC window-type CT’s make an inspection to verify that neutrals and grounds are properly terminated for proper operation of protective devices. 7 Visually inspect jacket and insulation EC condition. 8 Inspect for proper phase identification and arrangement. EC 9 Perform a shield continuity test on each power cable by ohmmeter method. EC 10 Perform an insulation-resistance test EC utilizing a megohmmeter with a voltage output of at least 2500 volts. 11 Perform a DC high-potential test on all cables. Use back of sheet for comments. 1_of 1_________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC EC Commissioning-MVC/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MEDIUM VOLTAGE SWITCH GEAR_________________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. EC Compare equipment nameplate with EC specifications. 3 Compare installed equipment with drawings. EC 4 Test bus connections for high resistance. EC 5 Use torque wrench to check bolted bus joints. EC 6 7 8 Verify correct CT and PT ratios. Test interlock system. Test ground fault system as per NETA ATS-1995 Grounding systems. Perform an overpotential test on each bus section and each phase to ground. EC EC EC 9 TYPE SIGN DATE COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC 10 Perform contact-resistance duct test. EC 11 Check relay settings. Use back of sheet for comments. 1_of 1_________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. _ EC Commissioning-MSG/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MEDIUM VOLTAGE SWITCHES/BREAKERS___________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________________ Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Inspect for physical damage and compare namplate information with plans and specs. EC 2 Inspect anchorage, alignment and grounding. EC 3 Perform all mechanical operator and EC contact alignment tests on both the breaker and its operating mechanism. 4 Check tightness of bolted bus joints by using calibrated torque wrench. 5 Check cell fit and element alignment. EC 6 7 Check racking mechanism. Verify that primary and secondary contact wipe and other dimensions vital to satisfactory operation of the breaker are correct. 8 Ensure that all maintenance devices EC are available for servicing and operating the breaker. 9 Lubricate all moving current carrying EC parts. 10 Check for proper operation of the cubicle shutter. EC 11 12 Measure contact resistance. measure insulation resistance poleto-pole, pole-to-ground, and across open poles. EC EC 13 Perform insulation-resistance at 1000 volts DC on all control wiring. EC 14 Perform an overpotential test with breaker in closed position. EC 15 Perform minimum pickup voltage tests on trip and close coils. EC Use back of sheet for comments. TYPE SIGN DATE 1 of 2_____ COMMISSIONER YES _ NO DATE EC EC EC Commissioning-MVS/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MEDIUM VOLTAGE SWITCHES/BREAKERS___________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 16 With breaker in test position, make the following tests: RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE 2 of 2_____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC (a) Trip and clos breaker with the control switch. (b) Trip each breaker by operating manually each of its protective relays. Use back of sheet for comments. _ Commissioning-MVS/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MEDIUM VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS________________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________________ Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Compare equipment nameplate EC information with single-line diagram. 2 Inspect for physical damage, EC cracked insulators, leaks, teghtness of connections, and general mechanical and electrical conditions. 3 Inspect impact recorder prior to unloading transformer if applicable. EC 4 Verify removal of any shipping bracing after final placement. EC 5 Verify proper auxiliary device operation. EC 6 Check tightness of accessible bolted EC electrical connections in accordance with torque wrench. 7 Verify proper liquid level in all tanks and bushings. EC 8 Perform specific inspections and mechanical tests as recommended by manufacturer. EC 9 10 Verify proper equipment grounding. EC Perform insulation-resistance tests, EC winding-to-winding, and windings-toground, utilizing a megohmmeter. 11 Perform a turns-ratio test between windings at all tap positions. EC 12 Sample insulating liquid. Sample shall be laboratory tested for: EC 13 TYPE SIGN DATE _ 1 of 2__ _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE (a) Dielectric breakdown voltage. (b) Acid neutralization number. (c) Specifc gravity. (d) Interfacial tension. (e) Color. (f) Visual condition. Perform insulation power-factor tests EC or dissipation-factor tests on all windings and bushings. Use back of sheet for comments. Commissioning-MVT/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MEDIUM VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS________________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________________ Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 14 Verify proper core grounding if accessible. EC 15 Perform tap verification and adjustment to within 1% rated voltage. EC 16 Verify rotation and phase verification. EC 17 Perform audible sound level test. EC Use back of sheet for comments. TYPE SIGN DATE _ 2 of 2__ _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-MVT/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: MOTOR CONTROL CENTER________________________ Specification Sections: ___________________________________ Page: ITEM RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Compare nameplate with specifications. EC EC 3 Perform insulation-resistance tests on each bus section, phase-tophase and phase-to-ground for one (1) minute. EC 4 Perform an overpotential test on each bus section and each phaseto-ground. EC 5 6 Check the ground connection. Use torque wrench to check bolted bus connections. EC EC 7 Verify control sequence and time delays as specified. EC 8 Verify sizes and quantities of devices. EC 9 Verify space capacity. EC Use back of sheet for comments. TYPE SIGN DATE ________ 1 of 1_________ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE Commissioning-MCC/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: PANEL BOARDS_______________________________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Compare equipment nameplate ith specifications. 3 4 Verify copper bus. EC Megger test feeders and conductors EC and verify size. Perform insulationresistance test on each conductor with respect ot ground and adjacent conductors. 5 6 Check ground connection. Use torque wrench to check conductor connections per Table A. EC EC 7 8 9 Verify size and quantity of devices. Verify space capacity. Keys turned over to owner. EC EC EC Use back of sheet for comments. 1_of 1_________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC EC Commissioning-PB/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: PRIMARY GROUNDING__________________________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Inspect ground system for compliance with drawings and specifications EC 2 Perform ground-impedance test utilizing the fall-of-potential method. EC 3 Test resistance to earth of grounding EC connections. 4 Measure resistance between main system and neutral. Use back of sheet for comments. 1_of 1 _________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC Commissioning-PG/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: SECONDARY TRANSFORMERS (DRY TYPE)__________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Compare equipment nameplate EC information with single-line diagram. 2 Inspect for physical damage, EC cracked insulators, leaks, tightness of connections, and general mechanical and electrical conditions. 3 Verify proper operation of auzillary EC devices such as fans and indicators. 4 Check tightness of accessible bolted EC electrical conncections with torque wrench. 5 Perform specific inspections and mechanical tests as recommended by manufacturer. 6 Verify removal of any shipping racing EC after final placement. Ensure that resilient mounts are free. 7 8 9 Verify proper core grounding. EC Verify proper equipment grounding. EC Perform insulation-resistance tests, EC winding-to-winding, and windings-toground, utilizing a megohmmeter. 10 11 Verify setting of taps. EC Perform audible sound pressure test EC for compliance with NEMA standards. 12 13 Check temperature rating. Measure temperature rise. Use back of sheet for comments. 1_of 1________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC EC EC Commissioning-STD/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: STEAM AND CONDENSATE PIPING________________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 Installation complete Leaks eliminated Pressure tested Flushed & cleaned Proper grade RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE _ 1 of 2_____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE MC MC MC MC MC TRAPS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Strainer w/blow down valve Valves in place & properly installed Dirt pocket Cooling leg End of main - bucket type Equipment - F & T Convector - Thermostatic MC MC MC MC MC MC MC PIPE AND FITTINGS 13 Steam pipe sch. 40 seamless blk. steel MC 14 Cond. pipe sch. 80 seamless blk. steel MC VACUUM BREAKERS 15 At equipment with modulating valves MC PRESSURE REDUCING STATIONS 16 17 18 19 Service valves in place Strainer with blow down valve Pressure gauge w/siphon Relief valve piped to atmosphere MC MC MC MC HANGERS 20 21 Hot dipped galvanized Trapeze w/clamps Use back of sheet for comments. MC MC Commissioning-SCP/1 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: _______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: STEAM AND CONDENSATE PIPING________________________ Specification Sections: _______________________________________ Page: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION RESP.CONTRACTOR TYPE SIGN DATE _ 2 of 2_____ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EXPANSION PROVISIONS 22 23 24 Loops Guides Anchors MC MC MC VALVES 25 Rising stem gate valves Use back of sheet for comments. MC Commissioning-SCP/2 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PRE-OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION Project: ______________________________________________________________________ System/Equipment: 480/208 VOLT SWITCHBOARDS__________________________ Specification Sections: ________________________________ Page: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 Inspect for physical damage. Compare equipment nameplatee with specifications. EC EC 3 4 Verify spare capacity. Check ratio of CT’s with one-line diagram and specifications. EC EC 5 Perform insulation-resistance tests on each bus section, phase-tophase and phase-to-ground for one (1) minute. EC 6 Perform an overpotential test on each bus section and each phaseto-ground. EC 7 Use torque wrench to check bolted bus connections. See Table A for values. EC 8 9 10 Test ground fault. EC Check the ground connection. EC Check quantity and sizes of devices. EC 11 Check breaker settings and fuse size and type with electrical one-line and specifications. Use back of sheet for comments. 1 of 1_________ RESP.CONTRACTOR NO. TYPE SIGN DATE _ COMMISSIONER YES NO DATE EC Commissioning-SWB/1