BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 2006 SECTION 16121 15 KV MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This specification describes the requirements for installation of single conductor 15 kV shielded power cable. B. This section includes additional requirements to those set forth in other sections. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 15 KV CABLE A. Contractor will furnish all 15 kV cable to be installed under this contract. B. Cable is compressed stranded copper conductor with copper shielding tape, and 220 mil EPR insulation. Overall jacket is PVC. C. Ratings: The cable is #4/0 AWG, 1C, 15 kV, shielded, type MV-105, 133% insulation level. D. Cable is Okonite, Okoguard, Catalog No. 115-23-3121, or equal. 2.02 SPLICES IN 15 KV SHIELDED CABLE A. All straight splices in 15 kV cable shall be made with 5500 series in-line splice kits (cold shrink) as manufactured by the 3M Corporation. No substitutions allowed. B. Wye splices shall be made with 5815 series modular splicing system as manufactured by the 3M Corporation. No substitutions allowed. C. Cables shall be spliced in all manholes through which the cable passes. 2.03 TERMINATIONS A. All 15 kV terminations shall be made with 7622-T-100 QT3 termination kits (cold shrink) as manufactured by the 3M Corporation. No substitutions allowed. B. Terminals for 15 kV cable shall be bronze, double eyebolt type mechanical lug. Anderson (Square D.) Class 3710 Type TLD, VL2, or VL3D as required for installation. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Owner will perform all 15 kV switching and grounding of feeders to be worked on. Contractor to notify owner prior to any work being performed on the 15 kV system. Only one 15 kV feeder will be available for work at a time. B. Contractor shall verify the location of grounding devices prior to beginning work. REVISION 2 FEB 2012 SECTION 16121 15KV MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLE PAGE - 1 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 2006 C. All conduit systems shall be installed with insulated grounding bushings and bare #4/0 copper grounding conductor from bushing to substation ground bus. D. All conduits, pullboxes, junction boxes, and other raceway systems utilized for 15 kV cables shall be painted orange prior to energizing the cables. Verify color with owner prior to application. Stencil "Over 600 Volts" every 50 feet on the conduit and on all pull boxes. 3.02 TESTING A. B. C. Strict adherence to good safety practices is mandatory in all tests involving high voltage. Safety practices shall include, but are not limited to the following requirements: 1. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) 2. Accident Prevention manual for Industrial Operations, Seventh Edition, National Safety Council, Chapter 4. 3. Applicable state and local safety operating procedures. Test shall be conducted within the framework of the following procedures. 1. All acceptance test shall be performed with apparatus de-energized, except where otherwise specifically required. 2. All acceptance tests shall be done in the presence of the owner. 3. The contractor shall have available sufficient protective barriers and warning signs to conduct specified tests safely. At a minimum both ends of the cable being tested should be barricaded and have a posted sign. VLF (Very Low Frequency) AC Hipot Testing: All 15 kV cables installed or modified under this contract shall be tested at frequency output of 0.1 Hz. 1. Each conductor shall be individually tested with all other co nductors grounded. All shields shall be grounded. 2. For cables that have previously been in service, the AC potential shall be maintained at 22 kV for thirty (30) minutes after stabilization. The dissipation factor shall be recorded every minute. 3. For new cables, the AC potential shall be maintained at 22 kV for forty-five (45) minutes after stabilization. The dissipation factor shall be recorded every minute. 4. Test results shall be recorded and submitted to owner. D. Any new, modified, or repaired cable installation that have had two or more cores jointed, reterminated, or disconnected from equipment and are capable of being paralleled, or before a cable is paralleled with any other circuit, a phase check shall be performed against a known supply to verify the the cable has the correct phase relation to the system. E. Any new, modified, or repaired cable installation that have had two or more cores jointed, reterminated, or disconnected from equipment shall have a phase rotation check performed at the completion of the work to verify proper phase rotation. 3.03 IDENTIFICATION A. Identify 15 kV cables with colored tape (black, red, blue) with violet tracer to indicate their phase. B. Identify 15 kV cable with engraved stainless steel tags at each manhole, pullbox, splicebox, and termination. Identification shall consist of 15 kV feeder number, phase letter, and cable number (where applicable for parallel conductors). REVISION 2 FEB 2012 SECTION 16121 15KV MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLE PAGE - 2 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 2006 END OF SECTION REVISION 2 FEB 2012 SECTION 16121 15KV MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLE PAGE - 3 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 SECTION 16311 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION (INSTALLATION) PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This specification describes the requirements for installation of owner furnished unit substation. B. This section includes requirements that are required in addition to requirements set forth in other sections. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 UNIT SUBSTATION A. B. Owner will furnish one (1) 1500/2000 kVA, 12.47 kV – 4160Y/2400V unit substation consisting of the following: 1. Incoming section: Duplex switches and fuses, complete with one set of surge arrestors on line side of each switch. Approximate weight, 2900 lbs. 2. Transformer section: 1500/2000 kVA cast coil dry type transformer. Approximate weight, 14,400 lbs. 3. Metal enclosed switchgear section: Main circuit breaker & Control compartment and (2) draw out power circuit breakers compartment. Approximate weight, (less breakers) 2050 lbs & 1390 lbs., respectively. Substation is manufactured by Eaton Electrical Corporation. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The substation will be installed mounted on a platform in building 17-06. The unit shall be located as shown on the drawings. B. The substation sections shall be assembled and installed in accordance with the applicable drawings and written instructions of the manufacturer. C. The circuit breakers shall be installed and trip units set as shown on the drawings or as provided by Boeing. D. Make all ground connection to switchgear ground bussing per E. All accessories shall be installed and adjusted as per manufacturer's instructions. These may include, but are not limited to the following items: 1. Circuit breaker hoist. 2. Metering and instrumentation. 3. Fuses and protective devices. REVISION 1 MARCH 2012 SECTION NO. 16311 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION PAGE - 1 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE 3.02 ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 TESTING A. The contractor shall engage the services of an independent testing laboratory or other Boeing approved consultant for the purpose of performing acceptance tests. 1. 3.03 Acceptance testing shall be performed per the requirements in specification “Section 16950 Secondary Unit Substation Acceptance Testing.” IDENTIFICATION A. Engrave each 15kV switch with feeder number. Utilize nameplates provided with substation. B. Engrave each draw out breaker compartment with load designation. Utilize nameplates provided with substation. C. Identify substation with 10" black stenciled letters on the front and back of the transformer section and on the substation platform door. D. Identify interior (rear) of each 15kV switch with 6" stenciled letters. Identify with feeder number serving that switch. Feeders shall be stenciled in black. E. Submit proposed nameplate and stencil schedule for approval prior to engraving. END OF SECTION REVISION 1 MARCH 2012 SECTION NO. 16311 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION PAGE - 2 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL MARCH 25, 1999 SECTION 16450 GROUNDING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This specification describes the requirements for the grounding of electrical systems and equipment. B. Installation shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data under the provisions of Section 01300. B. Provide data for ground rods, connectors and connection materials and grounding fittings. 1.03 REFERENCES A. UL 467 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS Grounding and Bonding Equipment A. Ground wire: Soft drawn bare stranded copper wire, sized as noted on the drawings. B. Insulated ground wire: Soft drawn stranded copper wire with green colored insulation, size as noted on drawings. C. Below grade terminals and connectors: Exothermic weld type (Caldwell or equal). D. Above grade terminals and connectors: Burndy Hyground compression system. E. Ground rods: 3/4" x 30', copper-clad steel, ¾ inch diameter, minimum 30 ft length. Provide fittings and couplings as required for installation. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. 3.02 All contacting surfaces of ground connections shall be cleaned to bright metal before connection is made. INSTALLATION A. Grounding conductors: Shall be installed with sufficient slack as to prevent breakage. Refer to drawings for grounding conductor routing and size. B. Ground rods: Shall be driven the full length with the top of the ground rod 2’6” below finished grade. Refer to drawings for ground rod location. REVISION 1 4/2014 SECTION 16450 GROUNDING PAGE 1 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL MARCH 25, 1999 C. Grounding Conductor Conduits: Install in conduit where shown or where subject to damage, all grounding conductors smaller than #6 AWG must be protected from damage. Grounding conductors entering the building from the ground grid shall be installed in rigid steel conduit; the rigid steel conduit shall be stubbed above the floor such that a grounding coupling can be installed. Grounding conductor shall be installed in non-ferrous conduit when being routed inside the building. D. Underground Conduits: Provide a separate insulated grounding conductor in all underground conduits. Terminate each end on a grounding lug, bus or bushing. E. Below grade connections and splices: Provide as required and as shown on drawings. F. 1. Make connections in such a manner as to minimize possibility of galvanic action or electrolysis. 2. Use exothermic weld type connections and splices recommended by manufacture for ground conductor indicated in drawings. Use tools and equipment recommended by the manufacturer of the connectors. 3. Comply with manufacturer’s written instructions. Welds that are puffed up or show bubbles on surfaces indicating improper cleaning are not acceptable. All welds are to be inspected prior to burial. Above grade connections and splices: Provide as required and as shown on drawings. 1. Make connections in such a manner as to minimize possibility of galvanic action or electrolysis. 2. Use hydraulic compression tools to provide the correct circumference pressure for compression connectors. Use tools and dies recommended by the manufacturer of the connectors. 3. Connections, taps, and splices shall be made by compression connectors, Burndy Hyground compression system. 4. Tighten grounding and bonding connectors and terminals, including screws and bolts in accordance with the manufacturer’s published torque tightening values for connectors and bolts. Where manufacturer’s torque requirements are not indicated, tighten connections to comply with torque tightening values specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. G. Testing: After ground system is installed, a test of grounding resistance shall be performed in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 81. Perform all potential tests on main system using the “Multiple Ground Rod” method and suitable instruments. Maximum resistance to ground shall be less than 5 Ohms. If ground system cannon obtain desired resistance, immediately notify the Engineer. Certify in writing to the Engineer that the grounding test has been made and that the requirements of this portion have been met for the “System Ground.” END OF SECTION REVISION 1 4/2014 SECTION 16450 GROUNDING PAGE 2 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 SECTION 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall engage the services of a recognized specialized testing company for the purpose of performing quality control inspections and tests as herein specified. B. The testing company shall provide all material, equipment, labor and technical supervision to perform such tests and inspections. C. The intent of these tests is to check and verify that all electrical equipment is operational within industry and manufacturer's tolerances and that equipment is installed and functioning in the system in the manner designed by the engineer. D. Upon completion of the tests and inspections noted in these specifications, a label shall be attached to all serviced devices. These labels will indicate date serviced and the testing company responsible. E. The tests and inspections shall determine suitability for continued reliable operation. F. A copy of the hand written test form shall be provided for all equipment tested at the end of each day for engineering review. The form shall include a summary of findings and, if applicable or necessary, suggestions for corrective action. 1.02 APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS AND REFERENCES A. All inspections and tests shall be in accordance with the following applicable codes and standards except as provided otherwise herein. National Electrical Code - NEC National Electrical Manufacturer's Association - NEMA American Society for Testing and Materials - ASTM Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - IEEE American National Standards Institute - ANSI C2: National Electrical Safety Code State and local codes and ordinances Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association - IPCEA Association of Edison Illuminating Companies - AEIC Occupational Safety and Health Administration-OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.269 National Fire Protection Association - NFPA ANSI/NFPA 70: National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70.B: Electrical Equipment Maintenance NFPA 70E: Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 1 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 ANSI/NFPA 78: Lightning Protection Code ANSI/NFPA 101: Life Safety Code B. All inspections and tests shall utilize the following references. 1.03 1. Project design specifications 2. Project design drawings 3. Manufacturer's instruction manuals applicable to each particular apparatus. QUALIFICATIONS OF TESTING AGENCY A. The test, plan, procedures and reports shall be reviewed by one of the testing company's full time electrical engineers who is licensed and registered as a P.E. in the state of Washington. B. The testing company shall be a full service company with a minimum of 15 years experience that employs trained test engineers capable of troubleshooting as well as identifying power equipment and systems deficiencies. The testing company shall function as an unbiased testing authority professionally independent of the manufacturers, suppliers and installers of equipment or systems evaluated by the testing firm. C. The testing company shall staff engineering support personnel to provide technical evaluation support for the field service personnel. The support personnel shall be certified by the State of Washington as an approved engineering firm. The testing company shall utilize full-time technicians who are regularly employed by the firm for testing purposes. D. The testing company shall be certified by the State of Washington Electrical Inspection agency to perform ground fault testing as required by the National Electrical Code Sections 230-95 (c) and WAC 296-46-999. E. Proof of qualifications shall be submitted prior to start of site testing. F. The testing company shall have the following safety training: CPR Bloodborne pathogens First Aid OSHA safety training Lockout/ tagout Hazardous communications /right to know Respirator use and application Handling hazardous materials Emergency response Confined spaces Fire safety Arc Flash Training and Practices REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 2 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE 1.04 ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY A. The contractor shall torque down all accessible bolts; perform routine insulation resistance tests on all branch and feeder circuits; continuity checks on all branch and control wiring; and phase rotational tests for all distribution and utilization equipment prior to and in addition to tests performed by the testing company specified herein. B. The contractor shall supply a suitable and stable source of test power to the testing company at each test site. The testing company shall specify requirements. The testing company shall be responsible for moving and lifting their test equipment to the appropriate locations at the owner’s site. C. The contractor shall notify the testing company at least two weeks prior to equipment availability for electrical tests. Work shall be coordinated to expedite project scheduling. D. The project engineer will supply a complete set of electrical plans, specifications and any pertinent change orders to the testing company prior to commencement of testing. E. The testing company shall notify the engineer prior to commencement of any testing. F. The testing company shall be responsible for implementing all final settings and adjustments on protective devices and electrical equipment in accordance with project engineer's specified values. G. Any system material or workmanship which is found defective on the basis of electrical tests shall be reported directly to the project engineer. H. The testing company shall maintain a written record of all tests and upon completion of the project, assemble, certify and deliver a final test report. 1.05 GENERAL A. Test Instrument 1. The testing laboratory shall have an annual calibration program which maintains all applicable test instrumentation within rated accuracy. 2. The accuracy shall be traceable to the National Bureau of Standards in an unbroken chain. 3. Dated calibration labels shall be visible on all test equipment. 4. Records must be kept up to date which show date and results of all instruments calibrated or tested. B. Test Report 1. The test report shall include the following: a. Summary of project. b. Description of equipment tested. c. Brief description of the test. d. Test results. e. Date. f. Conclusions and recommendations. g. Appendix, including appropriate, original hand written test forms. h. List of test equipment used and calibration date. 2. REVISION 1 FEB 2012 Furnish 5 copies of the completed report with original test forms to the project engineer no later than 30 days after completion of the project, unless directed otherwise. SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 3 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE 3. ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 The contractor shall include one copy of this completed report in each of the Operations and Maintenance Manuals. C. Safety and Precautions 1. Safety practices shall include, but are not limited to, the following requirements: a. Occupational Safety and Health Act - OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.269. b. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, Seventh Edition, National Safety Council, Chapter 4. c. Applicable state and local safety operating procedures. d. National Fire Protection Association - NFPA 70E 2. Tests shall be performed with apparatus de-energized unless otherwise specified (e.g. rotation, phasing) 3. The testing company's lead test engineer for the project shall be a designated safety representative and shall be present on the project and supervise testing operations and safety requirements. 4. Power circuits shall have conductors shorted to ground by a hotline grounded device approved for the purpose. 5. In all cases, work shall not proceed until the safety representative has determined that it is safe to do so. 6. The testing company shall have available sufficient protective barriers and warning signs to conduct specified tests safely. 7. The owner's safety procedures shall be reviewed and understood by the testing company personnel. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION AND TEST PROCEDURES A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications. 2. Inspect physical, electrical, and mechanical condition. 3. Confirm correct application of manufacturer's recommended lubricants. 4. Verify appropriate anchorage, required area clearances, check for physical damage, and correct alignment. 5. Inspect all doors, panels, and sections for paint, dents, scratches, fit, and missing hardware. 6. Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque-wrench method in accordance with manufacturer's published data or Table 3.3. 7. Confirm correct operation and sequencing of electrical and mechanical interlock systems. a. REVISION 1 FEB 2012 Attempt closure on locked-open devices. Attempt to open locked-closed devices. SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 4 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE b. ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 Make key exchange with devices operated in off-normal positions. 8. Inspect insulators for evidence of physical damage or contaminated surfaces. 9. Verify correct barrier and shutter installation and operation. 10. Exercise all active components. 11. Inspect mechanical indicating devices for correct operation. 12. Verify that filters are in place and/or vents are clear. 13. Verify all labeling of terminal blocks and conductors match submitted manufacturer’s drawings. B. Electrical Tests 1. Perform ground-resistance tests in accordance with Section 3.06. 2. Perform resistance tests through all bus joints with a low-resistance ohmmeter. Any joints that cannot be directly measured due to permanently installed insulation wrap shall be indirectly measured from closest accessible connection. 3. Perform insulation-resistance tests on each bus section, phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground. 4. Perform insulation-resistance tests at 1000 volts dc on all control wiring. Do not perform this test on wiring connected to solid-state components. 5. Check meters against calibrated source and verify multipliers. 6. Perform Equipment Ground Fault protection system performance tests as required by the NEC 215.10 on all system feeders. A firm having qualified personnel and proper equipment must perform the tests required. A copy of the manufacturer's performance testing instructions and a written performance acceptance test record signed by the person performing the test must be provided to the owner. The performance acceptance test record must include test details including, but not limited to, all trip settings and measurements taken during the test. 7. Perform point –to – point continuity tests on all conductors. Verify circuit integrity against submitted manufacturer’s drawings. C. Test Values 3.02 1. Bolt-torque levels shall be in accordance with Table 3.3, unless otherwise specified by manufacturer. 2. Compare bus connection resistances to values of similar connections. 3. Insulation-resistance values for bus, control wiring, and control power transformers shall be in accordance with manufacturer's published data. In the absence of manufacturer's published data, use Table 3.1. Values of insulation resistance less than this table or manufacturer's minimum should be investigated. CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Compare breakers against drawings and specifications for correct rating. 2. Inspect physical condition for shipping damage. 3. Verify tightness of connections. 4. Verify breaker operates smoothly by closing and tripping several times. 5. Remove arc chutes and inspect for signs of cracks or broken parts. REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 5 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 6. Check main and arcing contacts against manufacturing tolerance for wear, wipe, closing sequence, open gap and alignment. 7. Inspect control wiring and check connections for tightness. 8. Inspect control devices if applicable such as relay, auxiliary contacts, etc., for cracked part and wear. B. Electrical Tests 1. 3.03 Confirm that all breaker interlocks are operating correctly with the breaker in the “engaged”, “test” and “disconnected” positions. The following electrical tests shall be performed on each circuit breaker. a. Minimum pickup current b. Long time delay at 300% of long time pickup c. Short time pickup and delay d. Instantaneous pickup (where applicable) e. Ground fault pickup and delay 2. Check contact resistance with a low voltage ohmmeter. 3. Check breaker insulation resistance with a 1000 volt D.C. megohmmeter as follows: a. phase to phase – breaker closed b. phase to ground – breaker closed c. across contacts – breaker open 4. Electrically operate main breaker to check for proper operation in closing and tripping including auxiliary devices (ground fault, undervoltage, remove trip, etc. when applicable). 5. Check breakers with spring charging mechanism for proper operation and limit switch cutoff. 6. Test breakers with solid state trip devices using primary current injections at final settings. TRANSFORMERS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications. 2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. 3. Verify that control and alarm settings on temperature indicators are as specified. 4. Verify that cooling fans operate correctly and that fan motors have correct overcurrent protection. 5. Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque-wrench method in accordance with manufacturer's published data or Table 3.3. 6. Make a close examination for shipping brackets or fixtures that may not have been removed during installation. Insure that resilient mounts are free. 8. Verify that winding core, frame, and enclosure grounding are correct. 9. Verify that as-left tap connections are as specified. B. Electrical Tests REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 6 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 1. Perform insulation-resistance tests winding-to-winding and each winding-to-ground, with test voltage in accordance with Table 3.2. Calculate polarization index. 2. Perform power-factor or dissipation-factor tests in accordance with the test equipment manufacturer's instructions. 3. Perform a turns-ratio test on all tap connections. Verify that winding polarities are in accordance with nameplate. 4. Verify correct secondary voltage phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral after energization and prior to loading. 5. Perform temperature monitor/fan controller test using externally applied power as required. Program and/or calibrate as needed during this test. C. Test Values 3.04 1. Bolt-torque levels shall be in accordance with Table 3.3 unless otherwise specified by manufacturer. 2. Insulation-resistance test values at one minute should not be less than values recommended in Table 3.2. Results shall be temperature corrected in accordance with Table 3.5. 3. The polarization index should be compared to manufacturer's factory test results. If manufacturer's data is not available, acceptance test results will serve as baseline data. HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHES A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Inspect cleanliness of switch mechanism and enclosure. Note condition of inspection and IR viewing windows. 2. Inspect physical condition for shipping damage. 3. Check main and arcing contact blades for proper alignment and operation. Make adjustments as needed to meet manufacturer’s tolerances. 4. Check operating mechanism and key or mechanical interlocks for proper operation. Make adjustments as required. Lubricate according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 5. Check each fuse assembly for discrepancies in rating and size. 6. Inspect contractor field bolt torque marks. B. Electrical Tests 3.05 1. Perform insulation resistance test across open contacts for each pole. 2. Perform contact resistance tests on each pole with a low resistance ohmmeter. 3. Perform resistance tests with a low resistance ohmmeter across each fuse assembly. METERING A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications. 2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. 3. Verify tightness of electrical connections. REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 7 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 4. Inspect cover gasket, cover glass, condition of spiral spring, disc clearance, contacts, and caseshorting contacts, as applicable. 5. Verify mechanically for freedom of movement, correct travel and alignment, and tightness of mounting hardware. 6. Verify current transformer polarity. Verification of current transformer circuits shall be by current injection at the CT's and confirming proper phasing at each meter. B. Electrical Tests 3.06 1. Check meter against calibrated to verify accurate readings. 2. Verify all instrument multipliers. 3. Electrically confirm that current transformer and voltage transformer secondary circuits are intact. 4. Perform ION Power monitor meter test using externally applied power as required. Program and/or calibrate as needed during this test. GROUNDING SYSTEMS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Verify ground system is in compliance with drawings and specifications. B. Electrical Tests 1. Perform point-to-point tests to determine the resistance between the main grounding system and all major electrical equipment frames, system neutral, and/or derived neutral points. C. Test Values 3.07 1. The resistance between the main grounding electrode and ground should be no greater than five ohms for commercial or industrial systems and one ohm or less for generating or transmission station grounds unless otherwise specified by the owner. (Reference: IEEE Standard 142.) 2. Investigate point-to-point resistance values that exceed 0.5 ohm. SURGE ARRESTERS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications. 2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. 3. Inspect for correct mounting and adequate clearances. 4. Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque-wrench method in accordance with manufacturer's published data or Table 3.3. 5. Verify that the ground lead on each device is individually attached to a ground bus or ground electrode. B. Electrical Tests 1. Perform an insulation-resistance test at voltage levels in Table 3.4. C. Test Values 1. REVISION 1 FEB 2012 Bolt-torque levels shall be in accordance with Table 3.3 unless otherwise specified by manufacturer. SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 8 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE 2. 3.08 ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 Insulation-resistance values should be in accordance with Table 3.4. TABLES TABLE 3.1 SWITCHGEAR INSULATION-RESISTANCE TEST VOLTAGE Minimum dc Test Voltage Voltage Rating Recommended Minimum Insulation Resistance In Megohms 0 – 250 500 50 251 - 600 1,000 100 601 - 5,000 2,500 1,000 5,001 - 15,000 2,500 5,000 15,001 - 25,000 5,000 20,000 25,001 - 35,000 15,000 100,000 In the absence of consensus standards dealing with insulation-resistance tests, the NETA Technical Committee suggests the above representative values. TABLE 3.2 TRANSFORMER INSULATION-RESISTANCE ACCEPTANCE TEST VOLTAGE AND MINIMUM RESULTS Recommended Minimum Insulation Resistance in Megohms Transformer Coil Rating Type in Volts Minimum dc Test Voltage Liquid Filled Dry 0 – 600 1000 100 500 601 - 5000 2500 1000 5000 REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 9 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE 5001 - 15000 ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 5000 5000 25000 In the absence of consensus standards, the NETA Technical Committee suggests the above representative values. NOTE: Since insulation resistance depends on insulation rating (kV) and winding capacity (kVA), values obtained should be compared to manufacturer's test data. TABLE 3.3 US STANDARD BOLT TORQUES FOR BUS CONNECTIONS HEAT-TREATED STEEL - CADMIUM OR ZINC PLATED Grade SAE 1 & 2 Minimum Tensile (P.S.I.) SAE 5 64K 105K Bolt Diameter In Inches SAE 7 SAE 8 133K 150K Torque (Foot Pounds) 1/4 4.0 5.6 8.0 8.4 5/16 7.2 11.2 15.2 17.6 3/8 12.0 20.0 27.2 29.6 7/16 19.2 32.0 44.0 48.0 1/2 29.6 48.0 68.0 73.6 9/16 42.4 70.4 96.0 105.6 5/8 59.2 96.0 133.6 144.0 3/4 96.0 160.0 224.0 236.8 7/8 152.0 241.6 352.0 378.4 1.0 225.6 372.8 528.0 571.2 SILICON BRONZE FASTENERS* Bolt Diameter in Inches Torque (Foot Pounds) Nonlubricated REVISION 1 FEB 2012 Lubricated SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 10 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 5/16 15 10 3/8 20 14 1/2 40 25 5/8 55 40 3/4 70 60 * Bronze alloy bolts shall have a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 pounds per square inch. ALUMINUM ALLOY FASTENERS** Bolt Diameter in Inches Torque - (Foot Pounds) Lubricated 5/16 8.0 3/8 11.2 1/2 20.0 5/8 32.0 3/4 48.0 ** Aluminum alloy bolts shall have a minimum tensile strength of 55,000 pounds per square inch. STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS*** Bolt Diameter in Inches Torque (Foot Pounds) Uncoated 5/16 14 3/8 25 ½ 45 5/8 60 ¾ 90 ***Bolts, cap screws, nuts, flat washers, locknuts: 18-8 alloy. Belleville washers: 302 alloy. REVISION 1 SECTION NO. 16950 FEB 2012 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 11 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 TABLE 3.4 INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTS ON ELECTRICAL APPARATUS AND SYSTEMS Maximum Rating of Equipment in Volts Minimum Test Voltage, dc in Volts Recommended Minimum Insulation Resistance in Megohms 250 500 25 600 1,000 100 5,000 2,500 1,000 8,000 2,500 2,000 15,000 2,500 5,000 25,000 5,000 20,000 35,000 15,000 100,000 46,000 15,000 100,000 69,000 15,000 100,000 In the absence of consensus standards dealing with insulation-resistance tests, the NETA Technical Committee suggests the above representative values. See table 3.5 for temperature correction factors. TABLE 3.5 INSULATION RESISTANCE CONVERSION FACTORS FOR CONVERSION OF TEST TEMPERATURE TO 20 Temperature C Multiplier C F 0 32 0.25 0.40 5 41 0.36 0.45 10 50 0.50 0.50 REVISION 1 FEB 2012 Apparatus Containing Immersed Oil Insulations Apparatus Containing Solid Insulations SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 12 BLANKET SPECIFICATION BOEING AUBURN SITE ORIGINAL JUNE 15, 2006 15 59 0.75 0.75 20 68 1.00 1.00 25 77 1.40 1.30 30 86 1.98 1.60 35 95 2.80 2.05 40 104 3.95 2.50 45 113 5.60 3.25 50 122 7.85 4.00 55 131 11.20 5.20 60 140 15.85 6.40 65 149 22.40 8.70 70 158 31.75 10.00 75 167 44.70 13.00 80 176 63.50 16.00 REVISION 1 FEB 2012 SECTION NO. 16950 SECONDARY UNIT SUBSTATION ACCEPTANCE TESTING PAGE - 13