Achievements 13-14 - City of Port Phillip

The City of Port Phillip Community Grants Scheme provides a strategic opportunity
to work in partnership with community groups, organisations and individuals to
strengthen community capacity and create and promote an engaged, healthy,
resilient and vibrant City of Port Phillip.
In 2013/2014 the City of Port Phillip Community Grants Program
provided a total of $291,825 in funding to 101 projects, across 66
local not-for-profits and community organisations. Grants ranged
in size from $400 to $10,000. For every $1 of funding provided by
CoPP the total value provided to the community was $3.49. This
is testament to the significant contribution from local organisations
and community volunteers, both in-kind and financial.
2013-14 Financial Allocation by Primary Target Group (%)
Project outcomes included pop-up community classes in unusual
community spaces, a weekly breakfast club for disengaged students,
the production and distribution of 1000 copies of the ‘Rooming
House Survival Guide’, HEAT World’s Longest Lunch and Arts
and Yarning workshops for Aboriginal women. Of the 101 grants
distributed 92% have acquitted successfully.
The above is a snapshot of the diversity of projects developed and
driven by the Port Phillip Community.
Number of grants awarded
Number of Organisations
Total value distributed
Total Project Value
Grants projects completed and grants successfully
Low Income
Older Adults (55+)
People with Disabilities
Whole Community
Young People
CALD Communities
2013-14 Financial Allocation of Community Grants
by Primary Target Group
d ig
I nc
is a
ili t
Program Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Caulfield South Netball Club
Uniforms for Low Income Participants. This project will purchase uniforms for participants from low income families
removing a potential barrier to participation in the Caulfield South Netball Club. Email:
Project Outcomes: Ten uniforms were purchased and loaned to participants who were unable to purchase their own. A reduced rate
was charged and reimbursed on the return of the uniform, increasing ongoing participation for a total of 15 people from low income families.
Inner South Community Health Service
Veg Out Gardening Group. This gardening group is a social inclusion initiative which offers socially isolated and
disadvantaged individuals an opportunity to enjoy, learn and participate in planting, caring for and harvesting organic
vegetables. Email:
Project Outcomes: Ten clients participated in maintaining the garden plot and were active in the larger garden community.
An additional eight individuals benefited from fresh produce harvested from the plot.
Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
Drop In Art. This program aims to provide an affordable accessible weekly art class to disadvantaged residents that
promotes wellbeing and reduces social isolation. Email:
Project Outcomes: Fifty people participated in the classes with positive feedback from participants. 73% of participants report having
made friendships, 86% feel less isolated and 97% indicated an increase in personal wellbeing.
South Melbourne District Sports Club
Auskick Big Kick. This project will provide 10 disadvantaged primary school children with access to the club’s AFL Auskick
program, by paying their registration fees and providing uniform’s and boots. Email:
Project Outcomes: Ten children who ordinarily would have missed out on the Auskick experience due to financial constraints, were
able to participate on weekly basis. Funding helped children from very challenging family circumstances to enjoy being part of a wider
community and come together with a love of sport.
South Port UnitingCare
Sensory Garden Excursion for Children. Funding will support an excursion for children from Port Melbourne Uniting
Church Kindergarten to participate in the Royal Botanical Gardens Early Childhood program (Introduction to Spring).
Project Outcomes: The excursion actively engaged 25 children in learning activities regarding environmental change, sustainability, and planting
within their local community. The children displayed much enjoyment and satisfaction from working in a garden with their friends and family.
Program Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
St Kilda Gatehouse
St Kilda Gatehouse Community BBQs. St Kilda Gatehouse provides an inclusive community BBQ every Thursday evening.
These BBQs engage people who access our services, local residents and volunteers and provide an opportunity to
broaden community inclusion. Email:
Project Outcomes: St Kilda Gatehouse provided a Thursday evening community BBQ meal for 40 weeks, attended by 30 individuals
each week. The program supported marginalised people who suffer from substance addiction, social isolation, boredom and lack
of affordable entertainment. The meal also assisted with the diet of socially isolated people on low incomes who tend to consume
nutritionally poor meals.
University of the Third Age Port Phillip
Twilight Series. U3A Port Phillip will provide a series of four Twilight In Conversation events with well known local identities
as speakers, these events will be interactive and open to all community participants. Email:
Project Outcomes: This series highlighted the talents and experience of well known members of the older population of Port Phillip.
The series aimed to build opportunities for greater interaction with other community groups in the area. The series attracted 200
attendees and has encouraged new membership to share the interests and fellowship that already exists within our organisation.
West St Kilda Residents Association Inc.
WSKRA Communications. This biannual newsletter is distributed to all households in St Kilda West, aiming to boost
community involvement through membership, social gatherings, meetings and collaborative work on local issues.
Project Outcomes: Three newsletters were produced over the year and distributed to all households in the St Kilda West area,
approximately 5000 residents. This has been a valuable tool for publicising activities and attendance at community events and membership
of the Association has been higher than in any previous year.
3rd St Kilda Scout Group
Core youth program. This program will provide scouting activities in Elwood for young people with a specific focus on
programs for Orthodox Jewish young people and Jewish young people with disabilities. Email:
Project Outcomes: Acquittal not submitted.
Program Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
South Port Community Housing Group
The Events Tickets Project – Strengthening Cultural Interaction. This project will provide low income SPCHG tenants access
to a range of cultural events which would otherwise be inaccessible. As an ongoing activity, tenants are selected through
an annual ballot. Email:
Project Outcomes: Acquittal not submitted.
South Port Community Housing Group Inc.
South Port Community Housing Women’s Group. Through a series of activities and events, SPCHG aims to provide a space
for women to connect and to foster social inclusion and relationships between female tenants. Email:
Project Outcomes: Acquittal not submitted.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Ardoch Youth Foundation
Breakfast Champions – Ardoch-Elwood College. This project, with the support of volunteer and food donation’s, will
provide a weekly Breakfast Club at Elwood College. The club provides a social inclusion program, particularly for
students who are at risk or isolated. Email:
Project Outcomes: The Breakfast Club provided a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes social and physical
wellbeing for disengaged students. This project enabled the local community to contribute to the development and education of
vulnerable young people. Twenty volunteers participated and 70 students benefitted.
Back2Bikes Ltd
Bike repairs for specialist school. A group of volunteers will service and repair a fleet of trikes and bikes owned by
the Port Phillip Specialist School. These bikes provide students with mobility that they don’t normally experience.
People with
Project Outcomes: Five volunteers serviced and repaired all the bikes and the trikes at the Port Phillip Specialist School for the benefit
of 50 children.
Caulfield South Netball Club
Establishment of two new netball teams. This program will establish two new U/11 netball teams who will be entered into
the Caulfield and District Netball Association competition. Email:
Project Outcomes: Two new U11 netball teams with more than 20 members were established in the NetSetGo program. The profile
of netball in the local area has been enhanced and there is now a waiting list for the NetSetGo program. New volunteers have come
forward from the local community to act as coaches and team managers.
Chabad Institutions of Australia
Engaged Living. This new initiative aims to engage and connect CALD elderly who are socially isolated and financially disadvantaged.
Through these activities we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the elderly. Email:
Project Outcomes: Engaged Living delivered an outstanding aged-care visitation and social program, that successfully improved
outcomes for 200 disengaged, lonely and isolated elderly persons in the community. Personal visits were provided either at the individuals
residential home or aged care facility.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Community Housing (Vic) Ltd
Community BBQ and cooking lessons. This project will provide residents with a new BBQ and cooking skills that will enable
regular communal meals. This will foster social connection and build independent living skills for some of Port Phillip’s
most marginalised residents. Email:
Project Outcomes: Eighty-one community members have benefited from the new BBQ facilities. The cooking lessons have given
attendees vital skills in preparing meals that they can share with the wider community in the rooming house.
Fishermen’s Bend Gymnastic Club (FBGC)
Gymnastics in Schools. This program will provide children from a Port Phillip Primary School with a fun and active
program that develops physical, social and cognitive skills. Email:
Project Outcomes: Gymnastics in Schools was delivered to school children aged 6-8 years, in prep to grade two. In total 160 school
children benefitted from this program.
Inner South Community Health Service
Port Melbourne LeaderSHIP. The project will develop 20 local Port Melbourne Community leaders who will work on
building an effective collaborative network that supports the promotion of health and wellbeing for all in Port Melbourne.
Project Outcomes: A series of six leadership development activities with 30 participants, were run for SHIP Community Committee
members and other local community leaders, to strengthen their ability to lead positive social change in Port Melbourne.
Inner South Community Health Service
Coffee Club. A social group providing a safe environment for people with a mental illness to develop their social skills,
build confidence in accessing the community and expand their social network. Email:
People with
Project Outcomes: Approximately 20 individuals have participated in the club which builds their capacity to manage in a social
environment. A number have used the club as a stepping stone to another club or group.
Inner South Community Health Service
Wominjeka BBQ. This project provides the local Indigenous Community and visitors with a weekly opportunity for social and
cultural connection whilst also facilitating pathways to access health and welfare services. Email:
Project Outcomes: A total of 285 community members participated over the 12 month period. Average attendance is 45 people per week.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Inner South Rooming House Network
Homelessness is Everybody’s Business. This project will engage people who have experienced homelessness to design and
implement an event for Homeless Person’s Week in 2014. The event will connect with the wider public who are not
usually involved in homelessness discourse. Email:
Project Outcomes: The Project Working Party, which included 7 members who have experienced homelessness, established,
designed and lead the Homeless Persons Week campaign ‘No Fixed Address’. More than 1000 residents, shoppers, visitors and traders
of the Carlisle Street precinct viewed the artworks displayed during Homeless Person’s Week. They were also viewed by an unlimited
number of people via Homelessness Australia’s online sites.
MOIRA Youth Services
Client Aid. This program assists young people who are disadvantaged with items including food and crisis packs containing
essential items such as toiletries, cutlery and personal care. Email:
Project Outcomes: MOIRA Youth Services were able to assist 71 young people with buying essential items that they could not afford
themselves. This helped to reduce stress of the young people and aid their path towards independent living.
MS St Kilda Peer Support Group
Going Places. This project will provide people with disabilities the opportunity to get out and socialise independently
reducing social isolation and promoting social inclusion. Email:
People with
Project Outcomes: The project enabled 46 people who could not afford to go places,or found it too challenging to organize outings on
their own, to get out and attend some great venues in Melbourne that are accommodating to people with disabilities.
National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (Vic)
MUM FOR MUM. This project will extend the capacity of our MUM FOR MUM in home support program by training
volunteers to work with women from diverse cultures such as new and emerging communities. Email:
Project Outcomes: Eighteen mums with their babies were trained as volunteers and 47 mums and babies were supported.
New mothers felt supported in their role as parents, and volunteer mums gained confidence and validation through their role.
Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
Greening Liardet. This program will promote healthy living and sustainability for local residents by establishing an innovative series of
small public and community use food gardens and small space gardening program at the Liardet Centre. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding was used to provide an onsite gardening space at the Liardet Community Centre and a series of gardening
and sustainable activities to local residents, 35 volunteers and 121 cooking and gardening participants.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House
Pop-up Community Classes. This program will develop partnerships between local community agencies to deliver a range
of innovative, flexible and inclusive pop-up community classes to disadvantaged and isolated residents at a variety of sites
across Port Phillip. Email:
Project Outcomes: This project delivered a innovative range of flexible and well-located community classes at a number of new spaces
including the iconic West Beach Bather Pavilion (bayside art) the Railway Hotel (blogging and twitter poetry), Emerald Hill Library (seasonal Kids
poetry card-making), Botanic Garden and Ecocentre (blogging) and the streets of St Kilda (pop-up singing). A total of 150 people participated.
Port Phillip Community Group
482 Next Step Project. This program will build the capacity of the residents of a Port Melbourne public housing estate
through a learning by doing experience. The skills obtained will enable the community to become well resourced and
sustainable. Email:
Project Outcomes: More than 40 community members and tenants participated in the program gaining; an enhanced capacity to work
collaboratively, advocate and take action over shared concerns, host events, coordinate meetings and participate in practical skill development.
Port Phillip Community Group
SRS Centre Stage. This program is a value-add initiative, enhancing the inclusiveness of a popular community arts program
for people in Supported Residential Services. A professional facilitator will help develop performance pieces for Open
Mic nights. Email:
People with
Project Outcomes: The project has provided increased opportunity and support for people living with a disability to participate in the
municipality’s rich arts scene. Of the 53 workshop participants, 75% had never been a performer or audience member at Five Minutes of
Fame previous to this project. Participants have developed new skills and rediscovered skills they thought they had lost such as playing the
ukulele and dancing the waltz.
Port Phillip Community Group (PPCG)
Walking Woof Club + Woof Treats. This program will connect diverse individuals through a shared love of animals.
This facilitated group will enjoy regular physical activity and exercise, mutual support, social connection and employment
pathways. Email:
Project Outcomes: This project connected up 25 public housing tenants to animals that needed extra attention giving particpants a
sense of purpose, a social activity and opportunity to exercise. Hundreds of community members and their dogs benefited through the
Woof Treats social enterprise.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Port Phillip Housing Association
PPHA Christmas Activities Fund. This annual Christmas celebration event takes place across a number of PPHA properties.
The event involves the tenants socially interacting and getting to know each other whilst breaking down the barriers to
social isolation. Email:
Project Outcomes: A total of 218 tenants attended the celebrations and received a Christmas meal and present. In some locations
members of the community assisted in planning the event and in cooking and producing the food that was shared.
Port Phillip Housing Association Ltd
Cook Up at Chelmsford. This fortnightly social meals program promotes social connection and interaction over a meal.
Residents are involved in learning how to cook and prepare meals and encouraged to get to know their neighbours,
breaking down social isolation. Email:
Project Outcomes: Nineteen of the 35 residents at Chelmsford have participated and shared food at the social fortnightly meals.
12 of the 19 participating residents have actively participated in making decisions around menu design, food choice and cooking.
Prahran Mission
Activity Program for People Recovering from Mental Illness. This project provides a monthly Activity Program for people
recovering from a mental illness, their friends and family, and the volunteers of Scottsdale Psycho-Social Disability
Rehabilitation and Support Service. Email:
People with
Project Outcomes: This program was altered to provide two weekend trips away for 12 rooming house residents. Participants enjoyed
a trip to Phillip Island, going out for lunch, attending the cinema, bowling, galleries, petting zoos, the beach and more. Participants were
opened to a range of new experiences and interacted much better while away. The residents asked if we could do this again and we are
now building this into the annual budget.
Sacred Heart Mission
The Active Community Lifestyle Project. Clients of SHM experience homelessness and disadvantage and for many loneliness
is a large part of everyday life. This program offers a range of activities for people who have few opportunities for
entertainment and social connection and interaction. Email:
Project Outcomes: This project fostered a sense of community in a diverse group of socially isolated persons. People learnt to
trust each other and work together for a common purpose via group activities. 436 clients and eight volunteers participated in the
program. 107 referrals were made to a range of services including the Quit nurse, Digital literacy courses, Yoga and AA meetings.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Sacred Heart Mission
Creative Connections. This is a therapeutic facilitated art program which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of
disadvantaged women by providing an opportunity to learn new skills and develop friendships within a supportive
environment. Email:
Project Outcomes: Sixty-two hours of art therapy sessions were held during the year with a total of 300 women attending.
Hundreds of items of art were produced including Christmas decorations; canvas paintings and drawings.
Salvation Army Crisis Services – Access Health
Yarning and Arts. This program exists to enhance social, cultural and physical wellbeing of Indigenous people who are recovering
from substance use through participation in culturally relevant arts sessions. Email:
Project Outcomes: The regular Indigenous health Wednesdays, which include Arts and Yarning, attract between 20-30 ATSI people
who visit the service to engage with other community members, create art and see health clinicians on a weekly basis.
South Port Day Links Inc.
25th Birthday Celebrations. In October SPDL will be holding a 25th Birthday Party to celebrate with our clients, volunteers,
supporters and community and also promote our services for potential participants. Email:
Project Outcomes: This celebratory event was attended by 150 community members. In addition a video demonstrating the work
of SPDL was produced and will be available to view on-line.
South Port UnitingCare
Port Phillip Volunteer Expo. This Expo provides an opportunity for local community organisations to showcase volunteer
opportunities available to the broader public, actively engage and recruit new volunteers, network and share information
and resources, resulting in capacity building for the whole community. Email:
Project Outcomes: Thirty-one community organisations participated in the 2nd Annual Port Phillip Volunteer Expo which was
attended by 176 community members. 86% of stallholders were happy with the amount of interest in their stalls leading to recruitment of
new volunteers. A public panel discussion was held with Ash Rosshandler from Good Company, Mandy Burns from Ardoch Youth Foundation,
Father Bob McGuire from the Father Bob Foundation and Lesley Greagg from the City of Port Phillip’s Older Person’s Consultative Committee.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
South Port UnitingCare
Albert Park Homework Club. This project provides 10% of the school’s student population with a valuable and much
needed resource for increasing students educational attainment and social wellbeing which currently cannot be provided
by the school or the families. Email:
Project Outcomes: On average 40+ students attend the weekly homework club located at the school library. The homework club
is facilitated by one South Port UnitingCare staff member, one school staff member and several volunteers. The project ensures students
feel safe and comfortable within the learning space, and provides support mechanisms for the students on hand that assist.
South Port UnitingCare
HYPE. This project aims to provide safe, fun and affordable recreation activities for boys aged 10-12 years. The program
aims to address issues around violence, masculinity, resilience and bullying. Email:
Project Outcomes: This program worked with two boys and their families for three terms engaging them in a socially inclusive, supportive
and safe environment to enhance their development. The program reduced the risk of the young boys becoming disengaged from the social
support networks, detached from the education system, and decreased the risk of anti-social behaviours within the community.
Southport Playhouse
Mural Mania. This project will provide a creative opportunity for the development of murals that celebrate our
environment by the children and families of Southport Playhouse to be placed on the boundary fences of the new
location. Email:
Project Outcomes: Thirty children and their parents found enjoyment in the creation of artistic murals using varied art forms.
The children were educated in environmental awareness and cultural diversity.
St Kilda Community Housing
The Rooming House Survival Guide. The vast majority of rooming house residents are not aware of their rights or the
valuable resources that are available to help them. This guide will bring all this together into the one useful electronic and
easy to access hard copy publication. Email:
Project Outcomes: A total of 1000 paper copies and 200 USB copies of the guide have been distributed. An estimated 1200 people
will use this guide on a regular basis.
Community Strengthening Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
St Kilda Gatehouse
St Kilda Gatehouse Volunteer Program. St Kilda Gatehouse’s Volunteer Program enables the ongoing training and
management of individuals from the community wishing to support our organisation through volunteering. The program
fosters social inclusion and builds community awareness, capacity and cohesion. Email:
Project Outcomes: Fifteen Volunteers were recruited, trained, managed and supported through one on one monthly debriefing
sessions by trained staff to support the delivery of the weekly BBQ and the social inclusion outcomes.
St Kilda Playgroup
Bubup Broadening. This program will introduce twelve new playgroups in 2013 for mums and babies in the St Kilda area. The
playgroups have organised to run from the new Bubup Nairm and Children’s Centre. Email:
Project Outcomes: The grant has enabled us to expand the number of St Kilda Playgroup sessions from 14 sessions per week
to 26 sessions per week, providing more toys and equipment benefitting 300 people.
St Kilda Youth Service
HEAT Homeless Worlds Longest Lunch. This lunch provides over 200 people who have experienced homelessness with a
three course meal. The lunch also aims to raise awareness of issues surrounding homelessness and provide disadvantaged
youth opportunities to reengage in employment and education. Email:
Project Outcomes: A three course meal was provided to over 170 people who experienced homelessness. The project provided paid
employment to six indigenous local community members who looked after security. It provided the opportunity for disengaged youth to
gain training and work experience in organising and running a large event.
3rd St Kilda Scout Group
3rd St Kilda Scout Group – Use of scout hall as a community facility. This project will provide equipment for the Elwood Scout Hall
to be used as a community facility and resource for local community organisations and groups. Email:
Project Outcomes: Acquittal not submitted.
Social Inclusion Partnerships Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Access Health – The Salvation Army Crisis Services (In partnership with Melbourne Sexual Health Centre)
Sexual Health Incentives and Women’s Health Promotion. This project will promote sexual health and engage individuals
who are experiencing homelessness, engaging in risky drug use behaviour and/or street based sex work to undertake
regular sexual health checks and pap tests. Email:
Project Outcomes: Seventy-nine individuals have visited the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre’s sexual health nurse for education,
screening, testing and support. The women’s group, which coincides with SHIP, has provided a safe environment for women to meet,
talk and support one another at Access Health.
Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood House – Roomers project (In partnership with Uniting Care Prahran Mission – Second Story)
Spoken Word performance at 2013 Words In Winter. ”Roomers” story writing group will participate in a spoken word
event at the Acland Street Readings store in August. A large retrospective exhibition will be mounted in November
to showcase and celebrate 17 years of the Roomers project. Both of these local events will help promote Roomers as
a unique local project and help breakdown negative assumptions that can be made about Rooming House Residents.
Project Outcomes: Thirty Roomers writers participated in three spoken word events and a major retrospective. These included a very
successful launch and spoken word event at the Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre celebrating the remarkable longevity of
this community arts project; and a spoken word performance at Readings St Kilda, raising the profile of the program.
Green Renters (In partnership with Port Phillip Housing Association)
Your Place: Green Renting Expo. Green Renters will host a one day sustainability expo for marginalised people living in private
rental, rooming houses, social and government housing and their workers, providing information and hands on experience of
affordable ways to adopt more sustainable and energy efficient living practices. Email:
Project Outcomes: This free expo was held at Christ Church Community Centre in June. Approximately 20 local organisations and
businesses exhibited at the event including the City of Port Phillip Sustainability team. Free workshops were offered on healthy eating,
natural cleaning, gardening in small places and more.
Inner South Community Health Service (In partnership with Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House)
Saturday Night Flavour. This project aims to bring the Port Melbourne community together through the creation and
sharing of delicious, healthy meals. This series of socially inclusive events provides pathways for marginalised groups to
engage in a number of connected community activities. Email:
Project Outcomes: The Saturday Night Flavour program brought together local residents at three different social events held at
community venues in Port Melbourne. Eight community members gained news skills and linked with community groups and facilities to
organise the events attended by 200 people.
Social Inclusion Partnerships Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Learn For Yourself (In partnership with Inner South East Partnership in Community Health (ISEPICH))
KickstART. ‘Learn for Yourself’ provides a series of painting and drawing classes conducted in a friendly and
supportive environment for people with mental health challenges, encouraging social connection and inclusion.
People with
Project Outcomes: KickstART engaged 35 marginalised community members and provided them with a professional and noninstitutional environment in which to be creative. In doing so, the program enabled friendship and support from the wider community,
offering a positive and supportive outlook to the rest of the group.
MS St Kilda Peer Support Group (In partnership with People with Multiple Sclerosis Victoria Inc.)
People with Multiple Sclerosis Seminar. ‘This seminar will bring together those with MS and their carers, providing
them with information on living with MS and developing support networks. A guest speaker will headline the event.
People with
Project Outcomes: Twenty participants, six volunteers and seven speakers came together for the seminar which gave attendees the
opportunity to experience and learn about Feldenkrais, Laughter Yoga and Meditation. The program encouraged members to be more
active in the community by joining different groups and made them aware that MSAC is accessible for people with disabilities.
New Hope Foundation (In partnership with St Kilda Legal Service)
Driver Education Program for Newly-Arrived Refugees and Migrants. This project provides essential information about safe
and legal driving in Australia to newly-arrived refugees and migrants. Participants will attend a community information
session then receive vouchers for practical driving lessons. Email:
Project Outcomes: This project provided 30 newly arrived refugees and migrants the opportunity to engage in a community project
and learn to drive; a key marker of settlement in Australia.
Royal District Nursing Service Limited (RDNS) (In partnership with Salvation Army–- Access Health Program)
Healthcare for the Homeless in City of Port Phillip. This project will provide practical nutritional advice to people
experiencing homelessness and connects them to integrated health care networks. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding provided 296 episodes of nutritional support for people experiencing homelessness. This program
provided immediate and tangible benefits to clients whose health status was improved through nutritional supplements, a food voucher
scheme and meal provision.
Social Inclusion Partnerships Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
St Kilda Gatehouse (In partnership with Whitelion)
Off The Streets. This program provides women who are engaged in street sex work with the opportunity to engage in
safe social recreational experiences and provides opportunities to build meaningful relationships within the community.
Project Outcomes: This project provided an opportunity for social and safe recreational experiences for 20 women who are engaged
in life controlling additions and street sex work. Five separate outings to the movies, BBQs, self defence classes and a coordinated trip to
attend the funeral of a member of the street community helped build community amongst the target group.
St Kilda UnitingCare (In partnership with Good Shepherd – Outlandish program)
Building Community for Women. This project will engage marginalised women and assist them to develop supportive
connections within the community through regular facilitated social and skills development/educational activities.
Project Outcomes: This project was modified to provide 25 participants with the opportunity to attend a three-day retreat with a
focus on inner health and wellbeing. Strong connections were established between Rainbow Place and Prahran Mission for future shared
projects and activities.
St Kilda Youth Service (SKYS) (In partnership with Salvation Army Crisis Services)
Journey Towards Independence. This project provides homeless youth with the opportunity to re-engage in education
and training. The project will team the participants with professionals who will help map out a personalised education
pathway plan. Email:
Project Outcomes: This project has ensured 40 young people accessing Crisis Accommodation to remain linked to education and
learning opportunities. This program has formed an integral component of the Salvation Army Journey to Independence service delivery
model to young people experiencing homelessness.
Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service (In partnership with Conservation Volunteers Australia)
Project ME. This project engages disadvantaged women who may be suffering from depression and/or anxiety. It provides
them with activities designed to ‘de-stress’ and enhance wellbeing; assisting in the prevention of anxiety and depression.
Project Outcomes: Funding returned due to applicant circumstances.
Toyota Community Foundation / City of Port Phillip Equipment Fund Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Elwood Children’s Centre
Equipment Upgrade. This project will purchase new ergonomically designed cots for the Babies Room that will meet
Occupational Health and Safety standards. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funds were used to purchase a new cot that meets Occupational Health and Safety standards and an evacuation
trolley required to transport infants in a fire drill or evacuation.
Elwood Children’s Centre
Occupational Health and Safety Equipment Upgrade. This project will purchase new equipment to be used at the centre to
provide Occupational Health and Safety and a safer environment for all. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding was used to purchase a stainless steel dining trolley and adult size chairs for the centre. By purchasing the
equipment we have been able to improve the service’s occupational health and safety performance and provide a safer environment for all.
Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre
ESNLC serving the technological needs of students, community, volunteers and workers. This project will upgrade the computer
facilities within the centre to better cater for students and community technological needs. Email:
Project Outcomes: Upgrades provided a 75% increase in the useable lifespan of ESNLC’s computer hardware benefiting 87 users.
Elwood Support Circle
Scootability. This program will provide a portable mobility scooter for short term hire to our members and residents
of Port Phillip with a disability. Email:
People with
Project Outcomes: A 4-wheel scooter was purchased and is available to rent at the low cost of $20 a week. A total of 50 community
members have benefitted from this program so far.
Elwood’s Got Talent Open Mic
Elwood’s Got Talent Open Mic Musical Performance Equipment. This project will provide performance equipment for
Elwood’s Got Talent Open Mic Program, ensuring a quality event and making the experience more enjoyable for both
the performers and audience. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funds were used to purchase musical equipment, for the Elwood’s Got Talent Open Mic. This included a PA
system with front of house speakers, amplification, mixing desk and microphones.
Toyota Community Foundation / City of Port Phillip Equipment Fund Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Hobsons Bay Obedience Dog Club Inc
Recognition of the contribution of our Volunteers. This project will purchase the club’s first Volunteer Honour Board
allowing for our key volunteers to be officially recognised and providing ongoing encouragement to future volunteers.
Project Outcomes: For the first time in the 53 year history of the club we were able to recognise and display the contribution of key
volunteers including Presidents, Secretaries and Life Members. We purchased two beautiful Honour Boards, which are engraved and
proudly displayed in our club room.
Port Phillip Community Group Ltd
Laptops for Our Voices. This project will provide two laptops for use by “Our Voices”, an innovative and successful
leadership program for disadvantaged people, providing research opportunities. Email:
Low Income
Project Outcomes: Two laptops for the Our Voices Program were purchased to be used by individuals undertaking the employment and
training program for people who have experienced homelessness, drug issues or physical and mental illness.
Port Phillip Men’s Shed Association
Outfitting The Port Phillip Men’s Shed. This project will allow for the replacement of outworn machinery in the woodwork
workshop to enable a full range of woodwork operations. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding was used to purchase a thicknesser, sanding belts, saw blades, drill bits and sharpening services for a
number of power tools.
Southport Playhouse
Garden on Wheels. This project will create mobile garden beds for children and families, promote healthy eating and an
understanding of the life cycle of plants/vegetables. Email:
Project Outcomes: A portable garden was built with the assistance of the children at Southport Playhouse. The children enjoyed tending to
the gardens daily. The gardens are also a good education tool for the children, as they are learning about caring for their environment and health.
Harpatkah Chai Rover Crew (3rd St Kilda Scout Group)
Harpatkah Chai Rover Crew – core activities. This project will purchase equipment for Rover activities based in the Elwood area
for young Jewish adults focussed on outdoor, community service and adventure activities. Email: melzy_90
Project Outcomes: Acquittal not submitted.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
‘ASTRY’ Polish Senior Citizen’s Club St Kilda
Astry Polish Social Support Program. The club aims to support recreational opportunities and social activities to the elderly
polish senior citizens who reside in the City of Port Phillip. Email:
Project Outcomes: The group continues to meet on a weekly basis providing regular socialisation opportunities for 60 local people
of Polish origin.
Christ Church Mission Inc
Stepping Stones. This program provides social opportunities for isolated older members of Port Phillip, many of whom
have complex needs. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: This group caters for 15 local elderly residents who are socially isolated, often as a result of disability or mental
illness. Many attend with the support of transport provided by Transaccess. Members value the one to one attention provided by a high
ratio of staff and volunteers supporting the group.
Christ Church Mission Inc
Garden Nomads. This program recruits and trains volunteers who provide ongoing support for frail, elderly or disabled
residents in maintaining their gardens. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: Volunteers provide ongoing gardening assistance to 26 elderly, frail or disabled members of the community. In
many cases this support has enabled residents to remain in their own homes. Regular contact has resulted in decreased isolation and the
development of productive and mutually satisfying relationships.
Christ Church Mission Inc
Introduction to iPad. This program offers an introduction to touch technology for older people via use of iPad, including
emails, internet, photography and producing artwork. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: Twenty participants were trained in the basic use of ipads for email, internet, access to creative apps and potential
for further experimentation. Many participants had to overcome initial anxiety about entering unfamiliar territory and progressed at
different rates, but all are now less afraid of tackling the unknown.
Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre
Annual Inaugural Alumni Conference and Graduation Ceremony. Funding is for the celebration of the first annual alumni conference
and graduation ceremony, with the knowledge that 2015 marks thirty years of operation. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: Eighty-six community members participated in a celebration of the achievements of our students. The event was
well received by their families, friends, community members and other students.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre
All Abilities Painting Enhancement. This project is an outreach art program for members of the community who
experience disability. Email:
People with
Project Outcomes: Funding was used to frame the artwork produced by students in the program. The seven participants were
presented with their own framed artwork by Mr Martin Foley MLA at the ESNLC graduation Ceremony, attended by family and friends.
This has been a great source of pride for program participants.
Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre
Helping Disadvantaged Members of the Community. This program will assist people experiencing financial disadvantage
with access to English classes. Email:
Project Outcomes: Twelve community members were provided with english language classes.
Ensemble “Nostalgia”
Ensemble Nostalgia Social Support Program. This program increases wellbeing of members through active, culturally
appropriate community participation. Email:
Project Outcomes: More than 180 community members came together in celebration of cultural diversity. The program increased the
wellbeing of participants, reduced isolation and assisted people from different backgrounds in making new friends.
Eremia Greek Elderly Association of Port Melbourne
Eremia Social Support Program. This weekly social support program for Greek Seniors provides a meal, and encourages
members to participate in social and recreational activities. Email:
Project Outcomes: The 73 members are less isolated and feel included in the local and broader community. Their wellbeing
is enhanced and members feel valued. Information sessions have empowered members and their decision making has improved.
Nutritional meals have improved members health.
Ethnic Discussion Club
Ethnic Discussion Club Seminar series. This program provides members of the Russian speaking community with
educational seminars and conferences. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding provided 10 seminars to discuss social, cultural and historical topics relating to the needs and interests
of the Russian-speaking community. Ten informative bulletins were also produced.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Galini Greek Elderly Association of Port Melbourne
Galini Social Support Program. This program provides members with social, cultural, educational and recreational activities
in a culturally and linguistically appropriate setting. Email:
Project Outcomes: This program provides opportunities for the 60 members to engage in community life. As our members age
and experience ill health, loss of spouse and loss of mobility it becomes more difficult for them to socially engage. Our program offers
a constant in their lives and a culturally and linguistically appropriate setting for them to sustain their social connections as well as an
opportunity to link to local health and social services in the wider community.
Greek Senior Citizens Association of South Melbourne and Albert Park
Social Support Program. This program provides members with a weekly meal including, social, recreational and educational
activities and assists members to engage in the broader community. Email:
Project Outcomes: Seventy-four members meet on a weekly basis to share meals, and give the local Greek community a chance to
speak in Greek and engage in social activities. The program has reduced social isolation by organising cultural celebrations such as Greek
national day and organising excursions to places of interest.
Healthy Tourism Russian Senior Citizens Club “Vigor”
Club Vigor Social Support Program. This program will provide social support opportunities to elderly disadvantaged Russian
speaking residents. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding has been used to provide the 150 members with activities that aim to reduce social isolation including bus
tours, concerts, healthy lunches and lectures on topics of interest. All these activities make our members feel happy and alive.
Hope Connection Inc
Hope Connection Social Support Service. This group meets weekly at the Grattan Gardens Community Centre in Prahran,
providing social support to the Japanese community of Melbourne. Email:
Project Outcomes: This group of 25 organises functions, events, meetings, information sessions and newsletters for the wider
Melbourne Metro Japanese speaking community. We also act as a link to health and social services within the wider community and
promote positive ageing and exercise and nutritional wellbeing for the isolated Japanese senior citizens.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Literary Creative Association “Lukomorie” Inc.
Lukomorie Social Support Program. This program provides support to the creative endeavours of poets and writers from
Russian backgrounds. Email:
Project Outcomes: Our group has 150 members and provides support to the every day activities of creative people including poets,
writers, painters and musicians from the Russian speaking community to encourage migrants with their emotional state.
Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizen Club – Ink
Social Support Program. This program provides exercise activities for Russian seniors with an emphasis on improving
balance, stability and flexibility. Email:
Project Outcomes: Our group has provided a weekly meeting place for elderly community members to meet and reduce social isolation
through recreational activities. The program has a positive impact on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of 271 group members.
Napier Street Aged Care Services
Theatre Experience (Gasworks Morning Music). This program enables disadvantaged frail, aged residents to attend live
theatre performances with morning tea at Gasworks in Albert Park. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: Twenty-four residents, one volunteer and one staff member attended three concerts at Gasworks. The project
allows residents to enjoy live entertainment in the local community in the mornings, which is often the best time of the day for them.
National Council of Jewish Women (Vic) GAC
Never too old to get fit. This fitness program aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the members of the Golden Age
Clubs. Email:
Project Outcomes: Activities were well attended with 65 Golden Age Club members taking part in physical and social activities. All
the participants improved their general health and wellbeing. Members of the general community as well as Golden Age Club members
took part in our Tai Chi classes due to our bilingual speaking volunteers.
National Council of Jewish Women (Vic) GAC
“We can do it”. This program supports the independent living of isolated members of the Russian speaking Jewish
community through activities and workshops. Email:
Project Outcomes: NCJWA(Vic) organised an educational workshop focusing on health promotion, including balance improvement
and muscles strengthening exercises. Our celebration of the Jewish Festival of Harvest ‘Succot’ provided an opportunity for the Whirling
Dervishes of Essendon and Jewish Russian migrants to meet and share a meal together and introduce cultural traditions to each other.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
New Hope Foundation
Food, Friends & Fun: Multicultural Connections. This project provides newly-arrived families from refugee and migrant
backgrounds with the opportunity to increase social connections. Email:
Project Outcomes: Two multicultural lunches were held at St Kilda Adventure Playground, the first in September 2013 and the second
in January 2014. Nearly 30 community members attended each lunch from a range of cultural backgrounds. A story telling session for
pre-school aged children was also run in March 2014 at Bubup Nairm in St Kilda. Three families attended this session.
New Life Association
Social Support Program. This program provides Greek elderly residents living in the City of Port Phillip with recreational,
social and educational opportunities along with a culturally appropriate weekly meal. Email:
Project Outcomes: Funding has ensured the 90 members of our organisation are less isolated and feel included in the local and broader
community. Their well being is enhanced and members feel valued. Information sessions have empowered members and their decision
making has improved. Nutritional meals have improved members health.
Port Melbourne Greek Community Inc
Port Melbourne Greek Community Social Support Program. This program provides members with a culturally appropriate
meal as well as taking part in social, recreational and educational activities. Email:
Project Outcomes: The project alleviated social isolation for 90 members and enhanced their overall physical and mental wellbeing
by providing a culturally appropriate setting and activities.
Port Melbourne Greek Community Senior Citizens Club Inc
Port Melbourne Greek Community Seniors Social Support Program. This social support program for Greek elderly in the
City of Port Phillip aims to alleviate social isolation. Email:
Project Outcomes: The 90 people participating were less socially isolated due to the culturally matched program. They were encouraged
to become more engaged in the local community and also the wider community as a result. They were also better informed on local services
and had opportunities to participate in educational and health and fitness activities to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
Prahran Polish Elderly Citizens Inc.
Prahran Polish Social Support Program. This club provides social and recreational opportunities to Polish speaking elderly
citizens with the purpose of preventing social isolation. Email:
Project Outcomes: Our group continues to provide a place for social inclusion for 48 members. We provide nutritional meals
benefiting the health and wellbeing of group members. The steady membership and weekly attendances clearly demonstrate the need for
our group to continue.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
Singing Hearts Russian Choir Inc
Singing Hearts Russian Choir Inc. This Choir provides Russian women and men recreational and social opportunities
through song and dance. Email:
Project Outcomes: The Singing Hearts Russian Choir takes part in many local festivals of various municipalities including city wide
festivals and concerts. They have also performed in numerous local nursing homes. The choir sings songs in many languages: Russian,
Yiddish, Ukrainian and three vocal voices singing folk, classic and popular music. Music brings people together and when we perform other
members of the community including those from mainstream Australia participate, enjoy and celebrate life.
South Melbourne Greek Women’s Club – Olympia
Greek Women’s Social Support Program. This program provides a weekly meal and social support opportunities for elderly
Greek speaking women in the City of Port Phillip. Email:
Project Outcomes: People described a feeling of connection and feelings of being less isolated. Thirty-one people participated in social
and recreational activities which enhanced their overall health and wellbeing.
South Melbourne Senior Citizen Club
Coach Trips and Christmas Luncheon. This program provides social opportunities and excursions to members of the
Senior Citizens Club in South Melbourne. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: Our club gives people the opportunity to get out of their home, talk to others, socialise and have fun.
Most importantly it gives members the chance to develop friendships.
South Melbourne Trugo Club
South Melbourne Trugo Club. This club provides opportunity for members to maintain fitness and social interactions
through the game of Trugo. Email:
Older adults
Project Outcomes: This club provides a regular healthy activity for retired people. We have an annual open day for St Kilda festival
and many spectators attend and learn about the sport of trugo.
St Kilda Greek Senior Citizens Group Inc
St Kilda Greek Social Support Program. This group provides members with weekly culturally appropriate meals and
excursions to places of interest. Email:
Project Outcomes: The group continues to meet on a weekly basis providing regular culturally appropriate socialisation opportunities
in the long established local Greek community.
Diversity and Ageing Support Grants
Organisation, project name, project detail & contact
Primary target group
St Kilda Mauritian Social Club
Mauritian Social Support Program. This group aims to reduce social isolation through recreational activities and the
opportunity to socialise with other members of the community. Email:
Project Outcomes: Thirty-five Members are less isolated and feel included in the local and broader community. Well being is enhanced
and members feel valued and integrated. Information sessions have empowered members and their decision making has improved.
Nutritional meals have improved members health.
Victorian Association of WWII Veterans From Former Soviet Union
Social Support Program. This program aims to alleviate social isolation to members by providing regular meetings, outings,
celebrations and educational opportunities. Email:
Project Outcomes: Members are less isolated and feel included in the local and broader community. Well being is enhanced and
members feel valued. We were able to celebrate our language and culture and maintain our membership levels.
Association of Former Inmates of Nazi Concentration Camps and Ghettos from the Former Soviet Union Inc
Social Support Program. This program will create opportunities for Holocaust survivors to share and celebrate the rich
and vibrant culture of Victoria. Email:
Project Outcomes: No acquittal received.
Association Shalom inc
Association Shalom Volunteering Project. This volunteer program for members of Russian community aims to improve
health and wellbeing by reducing social isolation. Email:
Project Outcomes: No acquittal received.
Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizen’s Club
Nadezhda Social Support Program. This program provides social, cultural and recreational activities engaging members in
community life, minimising social isolation and improving their wellbeing. Email:
Project Outcomes: No acquittal received.