Uniting Learning Network Education Calendar 2016


Uniting Learning Network

Education Calendar 2016

Uniting Education & Mission


Uniting Church in Australia ume.nsw.uca.org.au

Explore faith

Centre for Ministry

16 Masons Drive

North Parramatta, NSW 2151


Theological Studies

Ministry Formation

Faith in Action

Uniting Learning Network

This education calendar is designed to promote the resourcing and education opportunities provided through the Uniting Learning Network


The Uniting Learning Network was established by the NSW/ACT Synod in 2013 to facilitate a collaborative holistic approach to resourcing the faithful participation of members, congregations, agencies and presbyteries within the Synod in God’s mission. The Network exists as a response to God’s calling to the church, “to equip and develop lively and diverse followers of Jesus Christ fully engaged in the world”.

The Uniting Learning Network includes Presbytery based educators, academics (faculty & sessional lecturers), field staff and consultants, vocational education and training staff, UnitingCare educators, congregation-based educators, supervisors, spiritual directors, those involved in religious education in schools and universities, researchers, writers and publishers.

Staff and volunteers in the NSW/ACT Synod’s Uniting Learning Network draw from, contribute to and collaborate with Assembly staff, educators from other synods, other denominations, parachurch organisations, non-government organisations and community organising networks.

Duncan Macleod, as Director of the Uniting

Learning Network, is responsible for bringing together UME staff and other educators as collaborative leaders.

For more information about events in this calendar, see the prospectus (available Nov15) or contact Duncan Macleod duncanm@nswact.uca.org.au, 0439 828 718


18-22 Sacramental Theology (Gerard Moore)

BTh or Single Subject at UTC

18-22 Cross Cultural Ministry in Australia Intensive (Sef Carroll)

BTh or Single Subject at UTC


Prepare to dive deeper into life and faith

Gap Year Program for 18 - 23 year olds

Certificate IV & Diploma in Ministry

UME partnership with Morling College

Contact Bradon French 0409 447 375


2,3,4 Ethical Ministry, CFM (4th is Train The Trainers)

9-12 Resource Ministry Training, CFM

22 UTC Opening Service & Inaugural Lecture, CFM

22 Preaching in Luke & Isaiah CFM

23-25 Candidate Orientation CFM

29 UTC classes start

28-29/March 2 Retreat for women in active specified ministries

Ethical Ministry

2 days exploring the heart of ministry, ethical boundaries, power dynamics,

Code of Ethics

2 hour workshops run each year in every

Presbytery using case studies

& discussion


3-4 Principles of Church Leadership Intensive 1

5-6 PCI Pastoral Counselling Course, CFM

10-11 Foundations of Christian Ministry Extensive 1

25-28 Easter

31 - 1 April Foundations of Christian Ministry Extensive 2

United Theological College

1st Session Courses

Morning classes 9.40 am - 12.30 pm

Afternoon classes 1.45-4.35 pm

Night classes 6.30 - 9.20 pm enrol with us at utc.edu.au

Biblical Studies

Intro to Old Testament (Anthony Rees), Thursday evenings

Pentateuch (Anthony Rees), Monday afternoons

Biblical Hebrew 1 (Anthony Rees), Thursday mornings

Biblical Hebrew 3 (Anthony Rees), Thursday afternoons

Synoptic Gospels (Jeff Aernie), Wednesday evenings

Judaism & Early Christianity (Jeff Aernie), Tuesday nights

NT Greek 1 (Jeff Aernie) Tuesday afternoons

NT Greek 3 (Jeff Aernie), Tuesday mornings

Contemporary Approaches to Biblical Studies, Friday mornings

Church History

The Rise of Christianity to 600 CE (Damian Palmer), Monday nights

Church History Methodology (Patricia Curthoys) Friday mornings

Uniting Church Studies (Damian Palmer), Thursday mornings

Practical Theology

Pastoral Care: Advanced Practice (Rhonda White), Tuesday afternoons

Contempoary Issues in Practical Theology (Rhonda White), Wednesday nights

Systematic Theology

Introduction to Christian Theology (Ben Myers), Monday afternoons

Liturgical Theology (Gerard Moore), Tuesday mornings

Classic Texts in Christian Theology (Ben Myers), Thursday mornings

God, Humanity and Difference (Ben Myers), Thursday nights

Other Areas

Reasoning, Values and Communication study skills (Ennis Macleod), Thursday afternoons


7-8 Principles of Church Leadership Intensive 2

9-10 Exploring New Testament 1, Living Our Faith, CFM

11-22 Mid Session Break

16-19 NSW/ACT Synod, Knox Grammar School

28-30 Uniting Women Conference, Adelaide

30 - May 1 Exploring New Testament 1, LOF, Sydney North

Multicultural Learning

Contact Fie Marino



5-6 Principles of Church Leadership Intensive 3

6-8 Living Our Values, Illawarra

6-8 Riverina Retreat

12-13 Foundations of Church Ministry 3

14-15 Exploring the New Testament 2, Living Our Faith, CFM

21-22 Exploring the New Testament 2, Living Our Faith, SNP

21-22 Pastoral Counselling Cert IV, CFM

28-29 Exploring the Old Testament 1, Living Our Faith, Hunter

Safe Church

Working with children

& vulnerable people

1 day workshops in your location.

Contact Emma Parr

0439 110 065 emmap@nswact.uca.org.au


4-5 Understanding Sacraments 1, Riverina

10-13 Tongan National Conference, Kurrajong

13-14 Polity of the Uniting Church, CFM

20-July 12 Mid-Year Break

20-22 ULN Gathering, CFM

25-26 Exploring the Old Testament 2, Living Our Faith, Hunter

28-30 Presiding at Weddings, CFM

Living Our Faith

Education for Life & Ministry

Exploring Old Testament

Exploring New Testament

Proclaiming Jesus Christ

Exploring Theology

Each Unit is 4 days over two weekend intensives or weekly classes over 1 semester in your location

Talk to your Presbytery or contact Bron Murphy

0428 411 830 bronwynm@nswact.uca.org.au

United Theological College

2nd Session Courses

Morning classes 9.40 am - 12.30 pm

Afternoon classes 1.45-4.35 pm

Night classes 6.30 - 9.20 pm enrol with us at utc.edu.au

Biblical Studies

Wisdom & Worship Traditions (Anthony Rees), Wednesday afternoons

Intro to New Testament (Jeff Aernie), Monday afternoons

NT Greek 2 (Jeff Aernie) Monday nights

Biblical Hebrew 2 (Anthony Rees), Tuesday afternoons

Alternative New Testament Voices (Matthew Wilson), TBD

Church History

Global Christianity since 1700CE (Patricia Curthoys), Monday nights

European Reformations (Damian Palmer), Thursday evenings

Philosophy of Religious History (Patricia Curthoys), Friday mornings

Practical Theology

Pastoral Care (Rhonda White), Thursday mornings

Mission Evangelism & Apologetics (Ian Robinson), Monday nights

Homiletics (Peter Davis), Tuesday mornings

Practical Theology (Rhonda White), Tuesday afternoons

Systematic Theology

Theological Ethics (Chris Budden), Thursday mornings

Being The Church (Ben Myers), Tuesday mornings

Jesus The Christ (Ben Myers), Tuesday nights

Public Theology (TBD), Friday mornings

Contemporary Approaches to Theology in a global context (Ben Myers), Friday mornings

Creation and Theology (TBD), Intensive in November


1-4 School of Discipleship, Naamaroo

2-3 Understanding Sacraments 2, Riverina

3-6 ANZATS Conference, Melbourne

7-10 Fijian National Conference, Gold Coast

8-13 National Young Adults Leaders Conference, Gold Coast

11 Second Session classes start at UTC

14-15 Advanced Mission & Evangelism Intensive 1

16-17 PCI, Pastoral Counselling Course, CFM

23-24 Living Our Values, CFM


1 & 2 day workshops

Navigating Change

Shared Vision

Leading with your strengths

2 hour workshops customised for your context

Contact Sue Kaldor

0425 209 231 suek@newriver.org.au


1-3 Sydney North Presbytery Retreat, Kincumber

6-7 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 1, CFM

11-12 Advanced Mission & Evangelism Intensive 2

13-14 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 1, Hunter

20-21 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 1, Sydney North Presbytery

22 - 2 Sept UTC Session Break

22-25 Seminar Week - EFormation?


?? Georges River Presbytery Retreat, Bowral

3-4 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 2, CFM

7 UTC Classes resume

8-9 Advanced Mission & Evangelism Intensive 3

10-11 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 2, Hunter

10-11 Pastoral Counselling Intensive

17-18 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 2, Sydney North Presbytery

20-22 Ordinands Retreat (1st 3 years in ministry), Kincumber

Camden Theological Library

A resource centre for

Uniting Church members

Books, Journals, Godly Play

Online resources, Children’s Books library.nsw.uca.org.au


1-3 Beyond Festival, Canberra

8-9 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 1, Riverina

16 Closing Service, CFM

16-19 Canberra Region Retreat

17-28 CSU Exams

24-26 Funerals, CFM

29-30 Proclaiming Jesus Christ 2, Riverina

29-30 Pastoral Counselling Intensive



Uniting Church approaches to baptism and communion

Two 2-day seminars in your location

Suitable for all Uniting Church members

Talk to your Presbytery or contact Bron Murphy

Pastoral Counselling

Pastoral Counselling Skills Course

(CHC41112 Cert IV in Pastoral Care)

Pastoral Counselling Advanced Program

(CHC51712 Diploma of Counselling)

Training in Congregations

Listening, Visiting, Palliative Care, Death & Dying

Qualities of Leadership, Ministering to the Stranger

Contact Pastoral Counselling Institute

02 9683 3664 pciuca@ihug.com.au



1-2 Understanding Sacraments Part 1, CFM

3-4 Mid North Coast retreat

8-9 Understanding Sacraments Part 2, CFM

12-13 CSU Theology School Conference


Uniting Mission and Education administers a range of scholarships available to both lay and ordained members of the Uniting Church to do education and training. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the ministry and mission of the church, with particular focus on theological and lay training and continuing education. The scholarships range from support for short courses or workshops, to helping with long-term postgraduate study.

Short-term Education Grants

Provide up to a maximum of $500 per application.

These applications may be referred to UME for immediate assessment.

Continuing Education Scholarships

Applications for larger amounts for continuing education and undergraduate study are dealt with by the Scholarships Committee which meets to consider applications once per semester, i.e. April & August.

Contact Rohan England, UME Adminstration Assistant

02 8838 8912, rohane@nswact.uca.org.au

Community Engagement

Community organising

Training in Community Organising is available for anyone wanting to learn how to work together to build relationships and discover common ground across diversity concerns.

Mission Learning

Uniting Mission & Education mission resourcing consultant Alison Bleyerveen and mission initiatives consultant Raymond Joso invite you to engage in action reflection learning in 2016.

Community Organising Topics

- Community Organising: the history and tradition of our religious, union and community organisations.

- Relational Organising: individual relational meetings, listening assemblies, research, negotiation and action.

- Strengthening our Organisations: building a culture that is relational, action oriented and reflective/learning.

- Using Relational Power in the public sphere to take collaborative action on common issues.

2 Day Foundations Training

7 - 8 April 9am - 5pm

NTEU, 1/55 Holt St, Surry Hills, NSW

6 Day Advanced Training

31 July – 5 August nant Hills, NSW

9am - 5pm

Mt. St. Benedict College, 449 Pennant Hills Rd, Pen-

You can start with appreciative enquiry, reflecting on your experiences of mission in the local community. Skilled facilitators and listeners can guide you to discover and tell your own story of mission, exploring leadership, beginnings, ending and transitions, resourcing challenges, and a deepening relationship with God through loving relationships with others.

You could join a community of practice focused on experiments in mission. One group meets on the first

Wednesday afternoon of each month at the Centre for Ministry. You are welcome to join us, but if you can’t make Wednesday afternoons in Sydney, we are interested in facilitating similar processes in more convenient spaces and times.

A new workshop, exploring what it means to ‘Lead for Mission’ will be launched at Hunter Presbytery,

20/21 March, and will be further developed in response to participants’ feedback.

Contact Raymond Joso raymondj@nswact.uca.org.au

0418 866 388

Contact Alison Bleyerveen, 0404 086 228 alisonb@ nswact.uca.org.au


A retreat provides an opportunity for a life-shaping experience. Prayer, worship, rest, silence, reflective input , conversation and individual accompaniment support those on retreat.

Overnight, weekend or longer retreats are available for individuals and groups. These can be themebased or for development of a team like a parish council, music group, work colleagues and so on.

Spiritual retreats being held throughout NSW and ACT:

Women in Specified Ministries, Kincumber

Riverina Leaders Retreat, Galong

Sydney North Ministry Retreat, Kincumber

Parramatta Nepean Ministry Retreat, Mulgoa

February 28-29

May 6-8

August 3-6

August 25-28

Georges River Ministry Retreat, Bowral

Canberra Region Ministry Retreat, Galong

Mid North Coast Retreat, Stuarts Point


October 16-19

November 3-4

For more information on these and other retreats visit the web site: ume.nsw.uca.org.au/retreats

Deep Reflection 19

Uniting Mission and Education

Rohan England, UME Administration Assistant

02 8838 8912, rohane@nswact.uca.org.au

Duncan Macleod, Uniting Learning Network Director

0439 828 718, duncanm@nswact.uca.org.au

Kath Merrifield, UME Executive Director

0409 650 118, kathm@nswact.uca.org.au

Charmaine Plane, UTC/UME Secretary

0288388915, charmainep@nswact.uca.org.au

United Theological College Faculty

Jeff Aernie, New Testament

02 8838 8930 jeff.aernie@gmail.com

Renee Kelly, Jenny Stockton, Student Enquiries

02 8838 8914 studentadmin@utc.edu.au

Ennis Macleod, Study Skills Tutor

02 8838 8914 ennism@nswact.uca.org.au

Gerard Moore, Dean of Academic Studies

02 8838 8958 gerardm@nswact.uca.org.au

Ben Myers, Systematic Theology

0412 442 703 bmyers@csu.edu.au

Anthony Rees, Old Testament

0401 801 932 arees@csu.edu.au

Ian Robinson, Alan Walker Lecturer, Mission & Evangelism,

0417 687 746 ianr@nswact.uca.org.au

Joanne Stokes, Course Administration Officer

02 8838 8967 joannes@nswact.uca.org.au

Rhonda White, Practical Theology

0411 503 718 rhondaw@nswact.uca.org.au

Ministry Formation

Carolyn Thornley, Dean of Ministry Formation

0407 108 328 carolynt@nswact.uca.org.au

College Resourcing Team

Alison Bleyerveen, Mission Resourcing

0404 086 228 alisonb@nswact.uca.org.au

Bradon French, Next Generations Ministry

0409 557 375 bradonf@nswact.uca.org.au

Jason John, Uniting Earth Ministries

0430 830 848 jasonrobertjohn@gmail.com

Raymond Joso, Mission Initiatives

0418 866 388, raymondj@nswact.uca.org.au

Peter Kaldor, Leadership Development

0419 279 745 pk@newriver.org.au

Sue Kaldor, Leadership Development

0425 209 231 suek@newriver.org.au

Fie Marino, Multicultural Ministry

0404 934 356 fiem@nswact.uca.org.au

Bronwyn Murphy, Lay Education, Rural Ministry

0428 411 830 bronwynm@nswact.uca.org.au

Emma Parr, Safe Church & SRE Training

0439 110 065 emmap@nswact.uca.org.au

Miriam Pepper, Uniting Earth Ministries

0447 730 772 miriamp@nswact.uca.org.au

Suzanne Stanton, Presbytery Resourcing

0408 659 702 suzannes@nswact.uca.org.au

Camden Theological Library

Moira Bryant, Library Manager

02 8838 8940 library@nswact.uca.org.au

Presbytery Contacts

Canberra Region

Geoff Wellington, 0400 831 445, presbyterymande@tpg.com.au

Georges River

Grant Bilbey, 0418 160 163, grantbilbey@optusnet.com.au


Glenys Biddle, 0437 779 965, glenysbiddle@bigpond.com


Shin Goo Lee, 0405 484 858, kopuca@hotmail.com

MacQuarie Darling

Karyn Burchell-Thomas, 0417 215 701, revkaryn@bigpond.com

Mid North Coast

John Squires, 04108 024 642, johntsquires@bigpond.com

Lindsay Cullen, 0408 000 165, linz@lindsaycullen.com

New England North West

Bill Fischer, 0438 296 333, fischerbi@iprimus.com.au

Far North Coast

Presbytery office, 02 6621 5639, fncpoffice@gmail.com

Parramatta Nepean

John Cutts, 0408 205 499, johnc@pnp.unitingchurch.org.au


Darren Wright, 0438 380 007, djwright@netspace.net.au


Joanna Drayton, 0419 632 888, joanna@sydneypresbytery.org.au

Sydney North/Kuringai

Graham Perry, 0404 089 321, revpez@gmail.com

Jan McGeachie, 4959 1723, janmcgeachie@hunterlink.net.au

Uniting Aboriginal & Islander Christian Congress

Hazel Leano, Administration Officer

02 8838 8980, hazelL@nswact.uca.org.au

Ray Minniecon, Resource Worker

0477 769 373 raym@nswact.uca.org.au

Ivan Roberts, Resource Worker

0478 075 101 ivanr@nswact.uca.org.au

Pastoral Counselling Institute

Fiona Fernandez, Program & Office Manager

02 96833664 pciuca@ihug.com.au

Peter Powell, Executive Director

02 8838 8916 revdrpeterp@iinet.net.au

Uniting Contacts

Joseph Abad, Pastoral Education Coordinator

0467 744 573 jabad@uniting.org

Chris McAlpine, Community Development

0448 640 050 cmcalpine@uniting.org

Jon O’Brien, Social Justice Advocacy

0477 725 528 joobrien@uniting.org

Katherine Newton, Uniting Institute of Education

02 8830 0755 info@uie.edu.au

Rick Morrell, Director of Mission rmorrell@uniting.org

● Great price

● Breakfast included

● Free wifi

● Helpful staff

● Free parking

Stay a while.

Uniting Venues

Motel style accommodation

16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta

Book at 1300 138 125 or service@unitingvenues.org
