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Resource Guide 2011
Page 2
Resource Guide 2011
Your comprehensive member resource Speech Pathology Australia.
Support & advisory services
Member and Professional publications
Continuing Professional Development
Mentoring Program
National Conference
Public Relations & Marketing
Online Job Database
Member Benefits Program
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Speech Pathology Australia
Level 2 / 11-19 Bank Place
Melbourne Victoria 3000
T +61 3 9642 4899 F +61 3 9642 4922
Email: office@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Website: www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
ACER Press
Anglicare Victoria
BrainLink Services
Brainstorm Education Resources
Child Talk
ClearSpeak Pty Ltd
Clever Cat Educational Resources/
Australian Speech and Intervention Services
Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering (CPES)
Department of Education and Children’s Services
Educational Experience
Elkan Australia
Grow Words
Guild Insurance
Intelligent Instruments
Key Word Sign Australia (KWSA)
Kids Language Resources
Language By Design
Love and Reilly
Lynn Rodgers
Melbourne Voice Analysis Centre
Dr. Michele Rahmani Publications
Multimedia Speech Pathology
Narelle Sarakinis - Private Speech Pathologist
Novita Tech
Pelican Talk Speech Therapy Resources
PLD Organisation Pty Ltd
Pro-Ed Australia
Prompt Institute
Roslyn Neilson - Language, Speech and Literacy Services
SCOPE - Communication Resource Centre
Sound Waves
Speech Link
Story Stuff
TheraBee Programs
Resources at Therapy Matters
Voice Care for Teachers
The Word Whizzer
Words Work
4, 10
5, 7
6, 9
6, 15
11, 9
12, 7
14, 16
To the best of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited’s
(‘the Association’) knowledge, this information is valid at the time of
publication. The Association makes no warranty or representation in
relation to the content or accuracy of the material in this publication.
The Association expressly disclaims any and all liability (including
liability for negligence) in respect of use of the information provided.
The Association recommends you seek independent professional
advice prior to making any decision involving matters outlined in this
© 2010 The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited
Page 3
ACER Press
Brainstorm Education Resources
ACER stock a wide range of resources covering;
Phonological Awareness, Auditory Processing and
Listening skills, Autism and Social Skills. Visit www.acer.
Target Group: Speech Pathologists
Focus: Adult and Paediatric
Contact to Order: ACER Customer Service
Organisation: ACER Press
Address: 19 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, VIC, 3124
Phone: 03 9277 5490
Fax: 03 9277 5499
Email: sales@acer.edu.au
Website: www.acer.edu.au/speech
For top quality speech and language resources including:
Super Duper, Great Ideas for Teaching, Circuit Publication
and more visit: www.brainstormed.com.au
Subject: Articulation, auditory processing, social skills,
phonological awareness and language
Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers, health
professionals and parents
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Lara Lasnitzki
Organisation: Brainstorm Educational Resources
Address: PO Box 334, Ormond, VIC, 3204
Phone: 1300 6535 90 Fax: 0390 124 361
Email: sales@brainstormed.com.au
Website: www.brainstormed.com.au
ACER Press
Read more on page 10
Child Talk
Adelaide Hearing Consultants
For more information please see page 9
Anglicare Victoria
The ‘Awesome Kids learn from You’ DVD shows parents
some easy and fun ways to help young children learn
language and communication.
Subject: Language Development in the early years
Target Group: Parents of Pre-Schoolers
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Carolyn Barth or Jenny Gilbert
Organisation: Anglicare Victoria
Address: PO Box 585, Frankston, VIC, 3199
Phone: 03 9781 6700
Fax: 03 9781 4844
Email: carolyn.barth@anglicarevic.org.au
Website: www.anglicarevic.org.au
BrainLink Services
Brainlink Services is dedicated to reducing the impact of
acquired brain disorders within the community through
information and support services
Subject: Aquired brain disorders and injury
Target Group: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Focus: Family carers, people with neurological disorders
or ABI
Organisation: BrainLink
Address: 54 Railway Road, Blackburn, VIC, 3130
Phone: 03 9345 2955
Fax: 03 9845 2882
Email: info@brainlink.org.au
Website: www.brainlink.org.au
Page 4
Australian DVD/Workbook package explaining and
demonstrating seven early language stimulation strategies
families can use in everyday activities at home. Includes
normal communication development 0-5 years
Subject: Early language stimulation, prevention
Target Group: Families of children up to 3 years of age
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Soraya Bews
Organisation: Child Talk
Phone: 0431 773 467
Email: info@childtalk.com.au
Website: www.childtalk.com.au
ClearSpeak Pty Ltd
Book of innovative and in-depth training techniques for
accent modification and articulatory errors. Assess and
train error sounds simply and quickly
Subject: Book ‘Perfect Pronunciation’ by Alison KimbleFry and the ClearSpeak Adult Pronunciation Test
Target Group: ESL, accent/pronunciation change,
articulation, hearing impaired speech
Focus: Adult, techniques can be adapted to children
Contact to Order: Alison Kimble
Organisation: ClearSpeak Pty Ltd
Address: 20 Prince George Parade, Hunters Hill,
NSW, 2110
Phone: 02 9816 4432
Email: alison@clearspeak.com.au
Website: www.clearspeak.com.au
Resource Guide 2011
Clever Cat Educational Resources /
Australian Speech and Intervention
A brilliant evidence-based literacy program targeting
phonemic awareness and visual memory skills providing
fun learning. For Speech Pathologists/Parents
Subject: Reading and Spelling/Literacy
Target Group: Speech Pathologists, Parents, Teachers
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Ken Walsh
Organisation: Clever Cat Educational Resources
Address: PO Box 1, Lake Conjola, NSW, 2539
Phone: 02 4456 5695 Fax: 02 4456 5695
Email: austspeech@westnet.com.au
Website: www.clevercatresources.com.au
Computer software to promote development of
phonological awareness, auditory processing, phonics and
linguistic concepts. Titles include: Earobics, Wordstalk,
Memory Booster and Nessy
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Contact to Order: Geoffrey Kaye
Organisation: Compu.Ed
Address: Guild Village, University of Western Australia,
Nedlands, WA, 6009
Phone: 08 9375 1588 Fax: 08 9375 1577
Email: info@compued.com.au
Website: www.compued.com.au
For more info please see page 7
Continuing Professional Education in
Stuttering (CPES)
CPES is a professional development program in stuttering
treatment for speech pathologists. Events include
workshops, teleconferences, clinic visits, and seminars
Subject: Stuttering
Focus: Adult, Paediatric, School Age, Adolescent
Contact to Order: Jane Kelly
Organisation: Continuing Professional Education in
Stuttering (CPES)
Address: c\- Australian Stuttering Research Centre,
University of Sydney, PO Box 170, Lidcombe, NSW, 1825
Phone: 02 9351 9061 Fax: 02 9351 9392
Email: jane.kelly@sydney.edu.au
Website: www.sydney.edu.au/health_sciences/asrc/
DASSI is a highly regarded attendant care agency with a
reputation for quality and excellence to all Victorians in
Subject: Attendant Care
Target Group: All groups and ages
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Contact to Order: Mandy Kursat
Organisation: DASSI
Address: 582 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield, VIC, 3078
Phone: 1300 032 774 Fax: 03 9482 3820
Email: mandy.kursat@dassi.com.au
Website: www.dassi.com.au
Department of Education and Children’s
Services SA
1. News Talk CD for speech pathologists and teachers
2. Photo sequencing package
3. Screen of phonological awareness
4. Children …come and talk
5. From what to why; effective questioning
Subject: 1. Using news telling in the classroom to
enhance literate language
2. Sequencing and question comprehension skills
3. Phonological awareness 4-0 to 5-11 years
4. Evaluating language skills in Aboriginal children
5. Levels of questioning in activity and play
Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers of preschool and school aged children
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Available from the website
Organisation: Department of Education and Children’s
Services SA
Address: DECS, Disability Services, 6th Floor, 31 Flinders
Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000
Phone: 08 8226 9925 Fax: 08 8226 6611
Website: www.decs.sa.gov.au/svpst/pages/resources
Educational Experience
Educational Experience is a leading national supplier of
quality learning resources for early childhood centres,
primary schools and those working with children
Subject: Educational and learning resources for children
and special needs.
Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers, hospitals,
parents, those working with children
Focus: Paediatric, Adult
Contact to Order: Customer Service
Organisation: Educational Experience
Address: PO Box 860, Newcastle, NSW, 2300
Phone: 1300 134 211 Fax: 02 4942 1991
Email: hotline@edex.com.au
Website: www.edex.com.au
Elklan Australia
Training packages and resources for SLPs working
in schools and with parents. Assessment of Blank’s
Language Scheme also available
Subject: Resources for Speech, Language and
Communication development
Target Group: SLP’s in early intervention or schools
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Skye Frazer-Ryan
Organisation: Elklan Australia
Address: 4/29 Dalziel Street Nundah, QLD, 4012
Phone: 0402 393 158
Email: skye.elklan@gmail.com
Website: www.elklan.co.uk
Page 5
Grow Words
Kids Language Resources
Resource books targeting vocabulary, grammer,
sequencing and phonological awareness skills. Distributor
of the QUIL assessment and Core Vocabulary CD
Subject: Speech language and literacy resources
Target Group: Speech Pathologists, Teachers, Aides
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Shannon Wandschneider and Sharon
Organisation: Grow Words
Address: PO Box 1203, QLD, 4127
Phone: 0419 773 324 Fax: 07 3209 1024
Email: info@growwords.com.au
Website: www.growwords.com.au
Language therapy resources readily available online. All
programs include instruction sheet and have clear photo
Subject: Language, including vocabulary, grammar,
questions and sentence building
Target Group: Parents, Speech Pathologists and
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: www.kidslanguageresources.com
Organisation: Kids Language Resources
Email: admin@kidslanguageresources.com
Website: www.kidslanguageresources.com
Language By Design
Guild Insurance
Read more on page 8
Intelligent Instruments
Easy Rater stuttering rating machine measures syllables
per minute and percent syllables stuttered. Compact,
battery powered and easy to use
Subject: Stuttering
Target Group: All Ages
Focus: Adult and Paediatric
Contact to Order: Louise Petersen
Organisation: Intelligent Instruments
Address: 86 Duncan Street, Maroubra, NSW 2035
Phone: 02 9349 5700 Fax: 02 9349 7514
Email: jllop@tpg.com.au
‘Language At Home Packs’ – well designed resource
packs which assist teachers and speech pathologists in
providing parents with easy and fun language activities to
do at home
Subject: Home practice activities for language skills
Target Group: Education Staff, Speech Pathologists and
other health professionals
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Anna Turnell and Helen Jarvis
Organisation: Language By Design
Address: 16B Birchwood Avenue, Woodlands, WA, 6018
Phone: 0410 538 253 or 0416 094 969
Fax: 08 6311 7436
Email: languagebydesign@gmail.com
Website: www.languagebydesign.mfbiz.com
Love and Reilly
Intelligent Instruments
Read more on page 9
Key Word Sign Australia (KWSA)
KWSA promotes key word sign and provides a range of
sign and communication workshops, presenter training
and signing resources
Subject: Key Word Sign, Communication, AAC
Target Group: Families, carers, children’s services, adult
Focus: Adult, Paediatric, Families, Schools, Community
Contact to Order: Kim McLellan
Organisation: Key Word Sign Australia
Address: KWSA, Special Education Centre, University of
Newcastle, Callghan, NSW, 2308
Phone: 02 4921 6293 Fax: 02 4921 6939
Email: kwsa@newcastle.edu.au
Website: www.newcastle.edu.au/kwsa
‘Singing Alphabet’ has a new look! The package, which
promotes multisensory learning of sound-letter links, now
includes a CD and 4 page booklet of instructions and
Subject: Language and Literacy resources
Target Group: Pre-School and School Age
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Elizabeth Love and Sue Reilly
Organisation: Love and Reilly
Address: 64 Rowell Avenue, Camberwell, VIC, 3124
Phone: 03 9889 7498 or 03 5255 2033
Fax: 03 9011
9687 or 03 5255 2033
Email: info@loveandreilly.com.au
Website: www.loveandreilly.com.au
Key Word Sign Australia (KWSA)
Read more on page 15
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Resource Guide 2011
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Resource Guide 2011
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Resource Guide 2011
Lynn Rodgers
Pictures covering all sounds in all word positions for use
in articulation therapy. Lynn Rodgers ‘Articulation Therapy
Aids’ (Book 1). Lynn Rodgers ‘Consonant Blends, Vowels
and Dipthongs’ (Book 2). Available in book or CD-Rom
Subject: Articulation
Target Group: Speech Pathologists, parents and teachers
working with children
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Lynn Rodgers
Organisation: Lynn Rodgers
Address: 18A Old Sackville Road, Wilberforce, NSW, 2756
Phone: 02 4575 1335
Fax: 02 4575 2135
Email: lynn@jerahtech.com.au
Website: www.ros.com.au/~crodgers/artic
Melbourne Voice Analysis Centre
Paediatric (school aged) and adult - Assessment of
voice, chronic cough & irritable larynx syndrome using
videostoboscopy. Includes otolaryngologist and speech
Subject: Voice
Target Group: Professional voice users
Focus: Adult
Contact to Order: Anna
Organisation: Melbourne Voice Analysis Centre
Address: Suite 48, 166 Gipps Street East Melbourne, VIC,
Phone: 03 9416 0633
Fax: 03 9416 4933
Email: mvac@unite.com.au
Website: www.mvac.com.au
Dr. Michele Rahmani Publications
‘Let’s say the sounds’ book, accompanied by concertina
and demo DVD for speech sounds production and
Subject: Speech Sound Awareness and Production
Target Group: Children with oro-motor and speech
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Dr. Michele Rahmani
Organisation: Speech Pathologist
Address: 131 St Georges Road, Northcote, VIC, 3070
Phone: 03 9489 8396
Email: michele@talksolutions.com.au
Multimedia Speech Pathology
Speech Sounds on Cue upgrade with randomisation and
recording, Bungalow Programs with Australian Voice,
React 2 and lingWAVES voice analysis, Free Trials.
Subject: Software for apraxia, aphasia, pragmatics and
voice and speech analysis
Target Group: Rehabilitation, schools, home practice and
maintenance, voice clinic
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Contact to Order: Carol Bishop
Organisation: Multimedia Speech Pathology
Address: 14A Miami Shore Parade, Miami, QLD, 4220
Phone: 0407 293 579
Fax: 07 5578 6373
Email: mmsp@tpg.com.au
Website: www.mmsp.com.au
Read more on page 9
Narelle Sarakinis – Private Speech
Private Speech Pathology Service to the Riverland Region.
Paediatric focus in some scope for post rehab folllow up.
Specialising in ASD
Subject: Riverland Private Speech Pathologist
Target Group: Early Intervention/ASD
Focus: Adult, Paediatric, Neurological, Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD), Diagnostic and Intervention services.
Contact to Order: Narelle Sarakinis
Organisation: Private Speech Pathologist (Riverland)
Address: PO Box 854, Barmara, SA, 5345
Phone: 08 8588 1447 or 0419 862 877
Email: narelle.sarakinis@gmail.com
Speech generating devices for adults and children with
complex communication needs; voice amplifiers; software
for supporting language and literacy development
Subject: Assistive Technology
Target Group: Early Intervention/ASD
Focus: Adult and Paediatric
Contact to Order: Michael Mabarrack
Organisation: NovitaTech
Address: PO Box 2438, Regency Park, SA, 5942
Phone: 1300 855 585
Fax: 08 8243 8337
Email: assistivetech@novita.org.au
Website: www.novitatech.org.au
Read more on page 9
Pelican Talk Speech Therapy Resources
Programs include: ‘Alien Talk’ – builds sentences (for
school-aged kids), ‘Doug the Dog’ – teaches prepositions,
see website for freebies
Subject: Speech, Language, Literacy
Target Group: Early Intervention and School-Age
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Lucia Smith
Organisation: Pelican Talk Speech Therapy Resources
Address: PO Box 633, Orbost, VIC, 3888
Phone: 03 5154 8558
Fax: 03 5154 8557
Email: lucia@pelicantalk.com
Website: www.pelicantalk.com
Page 11
PLD Organisation Pty Ltd
SCOPE – Communication Resource Centre
PLD’s range of products are derived from the disciplines of
speech pathology, occupational therapy and education. 1.
Oral language, 2. Perceptual Motor and 3. Literacy
Subject: Publishing and literacy
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Reception
Organisation: PLD Organisation Pty Ltd
Address: PLD, 160 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA, 6009
Phone: 08 9386 7611
Fax: 08 9389 7232
Email: mail@pld-literacy.org
Website: www.pld-literacy.org
Triple C – Checklist of Communication Competencies
(Manual and checklists). A valid and reliable tool to assess
early communication skills - $110
Subject: Early communication skills assessment
Target Group: Adolescents or adults with little or no
Focus: Adult
Contact to Order: Communication Resource Centre
Organisation: SCOPE
Address: 830 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, VIC, 3128
Phone: 03 9843 2000
Fax: 03 9843 2033
Email: crc@scopevic.org.au
Website: www.scopevic.org.au
PLD Organisation Pty Ltd
For more information please see page
Pro-Ed Australia
Pro-Ed is Australia’s leading distributor of standardised
tests, books, resources and therapy materials in the area of
speech-language pathology
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Contact to Order: Gary/Meralyn Knuckey
Organisation: Pro-Ed Australia
Address: PO Box 3161, Nerang B.C., QLD, 4211
Phone: 07 5593 8966
Fax: 07 5593 8969
Email: admin@proedaust.com.au /
Website: www.proedaust.com.au
Prompt Institute
Training in Prompt®™ approch for Speech Pathologists.
To organise a workshop in Australia, please contact Meg.
Subject: Speech Motor Disorders
Target Group: Speech pathologists
Focus: Paediatric, Adult and Neurological
Contact to Order: Meg
Organisation: Prompt Institute
Address: PO Box 344, Nobby Beach, QLD, 4218
Email: meg.h@me.com
Website: www.promptinstitute.com
SCOPE – Communication Resource Centre
1700 line drawings (black and colour print) called
pictographs. They are a visual representation of a word or
Subject: Pictograph images software
Target Group: People with communication difficulties
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Contact to Order: Communication Resource Centre
Organisation: SCOPE
Address: 830 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, VIC, 3128
Phone: 03 9843 2000
Fax: 03 9843 2033
Email: crc@scopevic.org.au
Website: www.scopevic.org.au
SCOPE – Communication Resource Centre
Inter AACtion Manual provides a framework for introducing
a variety of communication strategies to assist functional
communication and extend or develop skills - $143
Subject: Communication Strategies.
Target Group: Adults who have little or no speech and
limited communication
Focus: Adult
Contact to Order: Communication Resource Centre
Organisation: SCOPE
Address: 830 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, VIC, 3128
Phone: 03 9843 2000
Fax: 03 9843 2033
Email: crc@scopevic.org.au
Website: www.scopevic.org.au
SCOPE – Communication Resource Centre
Roslyn Neilson – Language, Speech and
Literacy Services
1. Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test – Revised
(2003), 2.Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test –
School Entry (2010), 3. Astronaut Invented Spelling Test
– 2 (2010)
Subject: Phonological Awareness
Target Group: Speech Pathologists, Teachers, Educational
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Dr. Roslyn Neilson
Organisation: Language, Speech and Literacy Services
Address: PO Box 72, Jamberoo, NSW, 2533
Phone: 0421 822 898
Fax: 02 4257 8779
Email: rneilson@ozemail.com.au
Page 12
CHAT-Now (Manual and CD), early childhood focused
activity display for home and E.C. educational settings for
editing and printing (using Boardmaker software)
Subject: Aided language stimulation
Target Group: Young children with complex
communication needs.
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Communication Resource Centre
Organisation: SCOPE
Address: 830 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, VIC, 3128
Phone: 03 9843 2000
Fax: 03 9843 2033
Email: crc@scopevic.org.au
Website: www.scopevic.org.au
Resource Guide 2011
Sound Waves
Word study program developing spelling and reading skills
through phonemic awareness. Workbooks and resources.
Download your Free Sampler from website
Subject: Phonemic approach to spelling and reading
Target Group: Foundation to Year 6
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Lee Mylne
Organisation: Firefly Press
Address: PO Box 634, Buderim, QLD, 4556
Phone: 07 5445 5749 Fax: 07 5445 5171
Email: soundwaves@fireflypress.com.au
Website: www.soundwavesspelling.com.au
For more information please see page 2
Spectronics is Australia’s largest supplier of speech
generating devices and AAC systems, from low tech to
high tech
Subject: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Target Group: Therapists supporting clients who need
Focus: People with complex communication needs, all
Organisation: Spectronics
Address: PO Box 88, Rochedale, QLD, 4123
Phone: 07 3808 6833 Fax: 07 3808 6108
Email: mail@spectronicsinoz.com
Website: www.spectronicsinoz.com
Boardmaker software has graphics and symbols that can
be used to create materials to support communication,
behaviour and education
Subject: Assessment, intervention and software
Target Group: All therapists who need visual support
Focus: All clients who can benefit from visual support
Organisation: Spectronics
Address: PO Box 88, Rochedale, QLD, 4123
Phone: 07 3808 6833 Fax: 07 3808 6108
Email: mail@spectronicsinoz.com
Website: www.spectronicsinoz.com
Making visual resources? Spectronics has a wide range of
Augmentative Resources for everything from schedules to
communication books
Subject: Intervention Resources
Target Group: All therapists who need visual support
Focus: All clients who can benefit from visual support
Organisation: Spectronics
Address: PO Box 88, Rochedale, QLD, 4123
Phone: 07 3808 6833 Fax: 07 3808 6108
Email: mail@spectronicsinoz.com
Website: www.spectronicsinoz.com
Speech Link and Language Link
Access online speech pathology resources, programs
and evaluations to identify and work with children in the
mainstream classroom
Subject: Speech Pathology in the mainstream classroom.
Target Group: Children aged 4-11 years
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Julia Ritchie
Organisation: Speech Link Multimedia Ltd
Address: PO Box 894, Canterbury, Kent, UK, CT2 7WN
Phone: +44 (0) 845 257 8168
Email: newenquiries@speechlink.co.uk
Website: www.speechlink.info
Speech Link
Read more on page 8
Story Stuff
Resource books designed for speech pathologists. Books
inlcude: story stuff, conjunctions stuff, complex sentence
stuff, first facts and more
Subject: Narrative, language and articulation
Target Group: 4-15 years
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Heidi Rees or Rebecca Clark
Organisation: Story Stuff
Address: PO Box 948, Manly, NSW, 1655
Phone: 03 9882 8253
Email: info@storystuff.com
Website: www.storystuff.com.au
TheraBee Programs
Reproducible, affordable, Australian, interactive and
enjoyable speech and language activities. Useful for
parents, teachers and therapists. Great time savers –
written by a speech pathologist with over 15 years clinical
Subject: Speech and language programs
Target Group: Preschool, school and high school
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Belinda Hill
Organisation: TheraBee Programs
Address: PO Box 361, Penrith, NSW, 2751
Phone: 02 4736 8151
Fax: 02 4736 8171
Email: info@therabee.com
Website: www.therabee.com
Page 13
Resources at Therapy Matters
The Word Whizzer
Mindwing concepts®, narrative kits and story grammar
manipulatives (puppets/magnets). Lindamood – Bell®
resources including Visualising and Verbalising kits/
Subject: Oral language and literacy links
Target Group: Speech Pathologists and Teachers
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Tania Teitzel
Organisation: Therapy Matters
Address: Suite 4/43 Tallebudgera Creek Road, West
Burleigh, QLD, 4219
Phone: 07 5520 7860
Fax: 07 5520 7902
Email: orders@therapymatters.com.au
Website: www.therapymatters.com.au
The Word Whizzer is a game developed by speech
pathologists and teachers . Using a new approach
supported by current research, it remediates word finding
difficulties, develops receptive vocabulary and improves
children’s literacy skills
Subject: Phonological awareness, semantics, vocabulary,
language and literacy
Target Group: Children aged 4 years plus, speech
pathologists, teachers, health professionals, parents.
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: MultiSense Technology
Organisation: Developed by Polly Woodfine, distributed
through MultiSense Technology
Address: Multisense Technology, 83 Cornwall Street,
Dianella, WA, 6049
Phone: 08 9375 8810 Fax: b 08 9375 7993
Email: info@learn4u.com.au
Website: www.wordwhizzer.com
Voice Care for Teachers
The Voice Care for Teachers DVD, Poster and Bookmarks
is an information Package designed to help teachers
prevent voice problems.
Subject: Voice Care
Target Group: Teachers and Speech Pathologists
Focus: Adult and Voice
Contact to Order: Cecilia Pemberton
Organisation: Voice Care for Teachers
Address: PO Box 2455, Bondi Junction, NSW, 1355
Phone: 0412 442 617
Email: info@voicecareaustralia.com.au
Website: www.voicecareforteachers.com
Soundasaurus – a sound based reference resource to help
children find and spell words
Subject: Phonemic and phonic approach to teaching and
Target Group: Primary school children and E.S.L.
Focus: Paediatric
Contact to Order: Vivienne Gyopar
Organisation: Where4Kids
Address: Box 7145, Gardenvale LPO, Brighton, VIC, 3186
Phone: 03 9591 0637
Fax: 03 9591 0637
Email: vgyopar@where4kids.com.au
Website: www.where4kids.com.au
Words Work
Building Language Series: Word Meanings, Word Sounds,
Interactive CD, Community Cards, Word Meanings Vol. 2 new e-book, practical language resources
Subject: Semantic therapy and phonological therapy
Target Group: Adults with aphasia or cognitive-language
needs. Children with semantic and/or phonological
language needs
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological.
Organisation: Words Work
Address: 12 Locksley Avenue, Kew, VIC, 3101
Phone: 03 9853 7673 Fax: 03 9853 7673
Email: wordsw@bigpond.com
Website: www.buildinglanguage.com.au
Zyteq specialises in speech generating devices for
adults and children. Software, SGD accessories and
environmental control units are also available.
Subject: Semantic therapy and phonological therapy
Focus: Adult, Paediatric and Neurological
Contact to Order: Tracey Bode
Organisation: Zyteq
Address: PO Box 190, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205
Phone: 03 9696 2944 Fax: 03 9696 1755
Email: info@zyteq.com.au
Website: www.zyteq.com.au
Read more on page 16
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Resource Guide 2011
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