Title page Digital Energy Multilin URC Reference Guide URC revision: A1 Document part number: 1601-9200-A1 GE publication code: GEK-113472 Copyright © 2011 GE Multilin RE 215 Anderson Avenue, Markham, Ontario Canada L6E 1B3 Tel: (905) 294-6222 Fax: (905) 201-2098 Internet: http://www.GEmultilin.com ISO9001:2000 I N EM G GE Multilin D T GIS ERE U LT I L GE Multilin's Quality Management System is registered to ISO9001:2000 QMI # 005094 UL # A3775 © 2011 GE Multilin Incorporated. All rights reserved. GE Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control reference guide for revision A1. URC Universal Recloser Control, EnerVista, EnerVista Launchpad, EnerVista URC Setup, and FlexLogic are registered trademarks of GE Multilin Inc. The contents of this manual are the property of GE Multilin Inc. This documentation is furnished on license and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of GE Multilin. The content of this manual is for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Part number: 1601-9200-A1 (August 2011) Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Table of contents INTRODUCTION Overview ..........................................................................................................................1 SPECIFICATIONS F60 specifications...........................................................................................................3 URC specifications..........................................................................................................3 URC PANEL INTERFACE Front panel indicators ...................................................................................................6 Status indicators...............................................................................................................................................6 Event cause indicators...................................................................................................................................6 User-programmable indicators.................................................................................................................7 Recloser status indicators............................................................................................................................8 Front panel pushbuttons ..............................................................................................8 Reset pushbutton .............................................................................................................................................8 Control pushbuttons .......................................................................................................................................8 User-programmable pushbuttons ...........................................................................................................8 Pushbuttons unlock ........................................................................................................................................ 9 MCBs and fuses.............................................................................................................10 Front panel MCBs .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Front panel fuses........................................................................................................................................... 10 HARDWARE Connections...................................................................................................................11 Enclosure .......................................................................................................................13 Grounding of the enclosure...................................................................................................................... 14 Connecting the battery ...............................................................................................15 Connecting three-phase currents.............................................................................15 Connecting three-phase voltages.............................................................................16 Metering check .............................................................................................................16 Phase rotation...............................................................................................................17 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE iii TABLE OF CONTENTS WIRING AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Schematic diagrams ....................................................................................................19 Wiring diagrams ...........................................................................................................21 COMMUNICATIONS RS232 serial port...........................................................................................................25 RS485 serial port...........................................................................................................26 Ethernet communications ..........................................................................................26 RECORDS Event record ..................................................................................................................27 Fault reports..................................................................................................................28 Oscillography record ...................................................................................................29 TRIP/OPEN AND CLOSE FUNCTIONS Issuing a trip/open command....................................................................................31 Issuing a close command............................................................................................32 Enabling and disabling the hot line tag function ...................................................33 Local/remote control...................................................................................................34 PROTECTION FUNCTIONS Phase instantaneous overcurrent settings .............................................................35 Phase time overcurrent...............................................................................................36 Recloser curves.............................................................................................................36 Ground and neutral overcurrent ...............................................................................37 Disabling ground/neutral protection .......................................................................37 CONTROL FUNCTIONS Autoreclose....................................................................................................................41 Factory settings ..............................................................................................................................................43 Enabling and disabling autoreclosing..................................................................................................46 Setting groups...............................................................................................................48 Changing setting groups............................................................................................................................48 BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Charger controller........................................................................................................52 Charger controller operation .....................................................................................52 Battery safety information .........................................................................................53 Cautions and warnings ...............................................................................................................................53 Replacement procedure for batteries..................................................................................................54 Battery disposal guidelines ........................................................................................55 iv URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction Overview This reference guide provides information needed to help you test, install, set and communicate with the URC Universal Recloser Control (URC). The URC is based on the URseries F60 Feeder Protection System. The UR-series F60 device has default settings required for three-phase recloser control. The URC Universal Recloser Control is designed for use with various manufacturer’s threephase reclosers (for example G&W, Cooper, ABB, three-phase reclosers with 24 V DC trip and close circuits). The F60 device provides protection, control, metering and communication functions required for distribution automation of distribution feeders for line and substation application. The URC has factory default settings that includes phase overcurrent, neutral overcurrent, and ground overcurrent protection as well as threephase four-shot autoreclosing. If the phase current, neutral current, or ground current exceeds its pre-set pick-up value for corresponding definite or time-curve timing, the controller will execute the programmed tripping and reclosing operations. If the fault is temporary, autoreclosing is reset after a pre-set time delay. If the fault is permanent, the URC will perform a complete programmed autoreclosing sequence and will lock-out the recloser in the open position. Lock-out can be reset by manual close if the recloser is closed for pre-defined time or by automatic reset from lockout logic. The protection and control can be reconfigured by the end user to meet specific application requirements. Protection and control parameters can be programmed through the front panel keypad of the device or (preferably) through a computer connected to the front panel RS232 port or the Ethernet port. The URC operates on 25 Hz, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz power systems, and is designed to work with standard recloser bushing current transformers with a 1000/1 ratio. The controller may work with all other non-standard current transformers with secondary currents of 1 A or 5 A, and also may be connected to optional potential (voltage) transformers. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 1 OVERVIEW CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION In addition to basic autoreclosing control and phase and ground overcurrent protection functions, the URC provides undervoltage, overvoltage, underfrequency, overfrequency, directional overcurrent, reverse power, sensitive ground fault, negative-sequence overcurrent protection functions. It also provides for synchrocheck, recloser failure, event recording, oscillography, data logger, event recorder and fault locator functionality. The URC is available with optional high-impedance fault (Hi-Z) protection. Metering functions on a per-phase basis include instantaneous current and voltage and per phase and total basis power, power factor and energy measurement. Current and power demand, symmetrical components and harmonics up to 25th are also provided. 2 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 2: Specifications Specifications F60 specifications Refer to the reference guide for the F60 Feeder Protection System available online at http://www.GEmultilin.com. URC specifications BATTERY CONTROLLER Maximum charger current: ............................10 amps Bulk (fast) mode on voltage: ..........................12.8 V / 25.6 V Top-off voltage:....................................................14.7 V / 29.4 V Float mode voltage:...........................................13.6 V / 27.2 V Low voltage disconnect:..................................10.0 V / 20.0 V Low voltage reconnect: ...................................12.0 V / 24.0 V Self-consumption: ..............................................2.9 mA / 3.3 mA Temperature compensation:.........................–3 mV/°C/cell Operating temperature:...................................–40 to 60°C Pluggable connectors:......................................10 AWG maximum wire size Maximum input voltage:..................................40 V FUSES Battery fuse: ..........................................................10 A / 250 V GFCI fuse:................................................................15 A / 250 V 3 VT's (PT's) fuses:................................................0.5 A / 250 V BATTERIES Nominal voltage:.................................................12 V each Operating temperature:...................................–40°C (–40°F) to 45°C (113°F) URC TYPE TESTS Dielectric voltage withstand:.........................EN60255-5, 2.2 kV URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 3 URC SPECIFICATIONS 4 CHAPTER 2: SPECIFICATIONS URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 3: URC panel interface URC panel interface The URC panel interface consists of the following features: • F60 LCD display. • Status and event cause panel LEDs on the F60 faceplate. • User-programmable LEDs on the F60 faceplate. • Reset, control and user-programmable pushbuttons on the F60 faceplate. • F60 keypad. • RS232 port on the F60 device faceplate. • Ethernet (RJ45) port. • Four large pushbuttons (ground block, reclose block, open and close). • Two toggle switches (remote block and hot line tag). • Four red LEDs (recloser status for phases A, B, and C, as well as hot line tag indication). • GFCI 120 V AC / 15 A outlet for the laptop power. • Two-pole 15 A MCB for AC input protection. • Single-pole 3 A MCB for heater protection. • 10 A battery fuse and holder. • 15 A GFCI fuse and holder. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 5 FRONT PANEL INDICATORS CHAPTER 3: URC PANEL INTERFACE Figure 1: The URC panel interface /RFDO5HPRWH WRJJOHVZLWFK )/&'GLVSOD\ *URXQGEORFNDQGUHFORVH EORFNSXVKEXWWRQV 6WDWXVDQGHYHQW FDXVHSDQHO/('V 8VHUSURJUDPPDEOH/('V 7KUHHSKDVHWULSRSHQ DQGFORVHSXVKEXWWRQV .H\SDG &RQWUROSXVKEXWWRQV 5HFORVHUVWDWXV/('V 8VHUSURJUDPPDEOH SXVKEXWWRQV +RWOLQHWDJRQRIIWRJJOH VZLWFKZLWKVWDWXV/(' 56SRUW $&LQSXWDQGKHDWHU0&%V (WKHUQHWSRUW %DWWHU\DQG*)&,IXVHV $&'5 Front panel indicators Status indicators The following status indicators are available and are located on the F60 panel. • IN SERVICE: Indicates that control power is applied; all monitored inputs, outputs and internal systems are OK; the device has been programmed. • TROUBLE: Indicates that the device has detected an internal problem. • TEST MODE: Indicates that the device is in test mode. • TRIP: Indicates that the selected operand serving as a trip switch has operated. This indicator always latches; the reset command must be initiated to allow the latch to be reset. For the URC application, the trip indicator will operate if any protection element issued a trip command. If required, the user may create different logic or set as OFF. • ALARM: Indicates that the selected operand serving as an Alarm switch has operated. This indicator is never latched. For the URC application alarm is set as OFF. If required, the user may create customized logic. • PICKUP: Indicates that an element is picked up. This indicator is never latched. Event cause indicators Events cause LEDs are turned on or off by protection elements that have their respective target setting selected as either “Enabled” or “Latched”. Pre-programmed URC protection element target settings are set to “Latched”. The corresponding event cause LEDs turn on when the operate operand associated with the element is asserted and remain on until a reset command is issued after the condition causing the event is cleared. All phase overcurrent elements are able to discriminate faulted phases and independently turn off or on the phase A, B, or C LEDs. 6 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 3: URC PANEL INTERFACE FRONT PANEL INDICATORS • CURRENT: Indicates current was involved. • PHASE A: Indicates phase A was involved. • PHASE B: Indicates phase B was involved. • PHASE C: Indicates phase C was involved. • NEUTRAL/GROUND: Indicates that neutral or ground was involved. If the user enables other protection functions, then one of the following indicators may turn on. • VOLTAGE: Indicates voltage was involved. • FREQUENCY: Indicates frequency was involved. • OTHER: Indicates a composite function was involved. Figure 2: F60 status and event cause LEDs 842811A1.CDR User-programmable indicators The URC includes 48 amber LED indicators (three columns with 16 LEDs each) that are provided with the F60 device. The default labels are shown below. Figure 3: User-programmable events indicators and labels LED BEHAVIOUR LED LABEL LED BEHAVIOUR HOT LINE TAG ON LED LABEL BLINKING/OFF A R BLOCKE D BLINKING/OFF LOC AL CONTR OL BLINKING/OFF A R ENA BLE D ALTER NATIVE S ET. BLINKING/OFF ON/OFF LED LABEL LED BEHAVIOUR BAT. CHARGING BLINKING/OFF B ATTERY LOW BLINKING/OFF BLINKING/OFF AR D ISAB LE D ON/OFF BAT. FUSE BLOWN GROUND PR. BLK BLINKING/OFF AR C LOSE LATCHED /OFF BA T. TIME R BLOCK ON/OFF A C MCB TRIP BLINKING/OFF AR LOCKOU T ON/OFF BAT. TEST IN PROG. ON/OFF A R IN PROGRESS ON/OFF HEATER MCB TRIP BLINKING/OFF RECLOSER CLOSED ON/OFF AR SHOT 1 ON/OFF P HASE TOC1 OP ON/OFF AR SHOT 2 ON/OFF P HASE IOC1 OP ON/OFF AR SHOT 3 ON/OFF AR SHOT 4 ON/OFF NEUTRAL TOC1 OP ON/OFF NEU TRAL IOC1 OP ON/OFF GROUND TOC1 OP ON/OFF GROU ND IOC1 OP ON/OFF BAT. TEST PAS S ON/OFF BA T. TES T FAIL ON/OFF BATTERY OVERV OLT. ON/OFF AC NOT OK ON/OFF AR BLK FRPOM MA N CLS ON/OFF DOOR INTERLOCK ON/OFF The URC is shipped with the default label for the LED panel and the LEDs are preprogrammed. The LEDs are fully user-programmable. If the user requires a different LED configuration, then a user-printed label can replace the default label. New settings must be programmed to match any new configuration. Refer to the User-programmable LEDs section in the Settings chapter of the F60 instruction manual for additional details. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 7 FRONT PANEL PUSHBUTTONS CHAPTER 3: URC PANEL INTERFACE Recloser status indicators If the recloser is opened, then the recloser status will be indicated by three red LEDs. For the current URC application, all three LEDs will be ON or OFF as there is no per-phase discrimination. In addition, user-programmable LED 23 on the F60 faceplate that will be on if the recloser is closed. Figure 4: URC recloser status indicators Front panel pushbuttons Reset pushbutton Some events are programmed to latch the faceplate LED event indicators and the target messages on the display. Once set, the latching mechanism will hold all of the latched indicators or messages in the set state after the initiating condition has cleared until a RESET command is received to return these latches (not including logic latches) to the reset state. The RESET command can be sent from the faceplate Reset button, a remote device via a communications channel, or any programmed operand. When the RESET command is received by the relay, two operands are created. These operands, which are stored as events, reset the latches if the initiating condition has cleared. Each individual source of a RESET command also creates its individual operand RESET OP (PUSHBUTTON), RESET OP (COMMS) or RESET OP (OPERAND) to identify the source of the command. Figure 5: URC reset pushbutton Control pushbuttons The control pushbuttons provide an easy and error-free method of entering digital state information. Those pushbuttons are not used for URC application. If needed, the user may program them (refer to F60 instruction manual for additional details). User-programmable pushbuttons The user-programmable pushbuttons provide an easy and error-free method of entering digital state (on, off) information. There are six user-programmable pushbuttons on the F60 faceplate. Each user-programmable pushbutton has an associated LED indicator. If the function is set as "Latched", then the pushbutton status is stored in non-volatile memory. 8 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 3: URC PANEL INTERFACE FRONT PANEL PUSHBUTTONS Figure 6: URC user-programmable pushbuttons The user-programmable pushbuttons are pre-programmed for the following functionality: • Pushbutton 1 is used to reset recloser control from lockout. • Pushbuttons 2 and 3 are not used. • Pushbutton 4 is used to change setting groups • Pushbutton 5 is used for battery test. • Pushbutton 6 is used for pushbuttons unlock operation. The URC has the following pushbutton labels: Figure 7: Fig.6: URC labels for user-programmable pushbuttons Pushbuttons unlock The following steps are required to be able to perform any operation with pushbuttons (except TRIP/OPEN): 1. User-programmable pushbutton 6 has to be pressed and held for 2 seconds. 2. The second pushbutton has to be operated during the pre-programmed 5 second auto-reset delay. 3. The amber LED associated with user-programmable pushbutton 6 will turn on when unlock in enabled. If the auto-reset delay time must be changed, open the Product Setup > Userprogrammable pushbuttons menu and change the Prog Pushbutton 6 Auto-reset Delay setting to desired time (refer to the F60 Instruction manual for additional details). Figure 8: URC pushbutton unlock programmable pushbutton 6 settings URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 9 MCBS AND FUSES CHAPTER 3: URC PANEL INTERFACE MCBs and fuses There are two mini circuit breakers (MCBs) and five fuses installed in the URC. Front panel MCBs On the URC swing door there are two MCBs used for protection of the AC part of battery charger and for protection of the heater. The MCB that protects the battery charger is twopole with operating current of 15 A. The MCB that protects the heater is single-pole and with an operating current of 3 A. Figure 9: Battery charger input AC and heater protection MCBs Front panel fuses There are two fuse holders on the front of URC swing door. They are labeled as battery fuse and GFCI fuse. The battery fuse is rated for 10 A and GFCI fuse is rated for 15 A. Figure 10: Battery DC and GFCI protection fuses If the voltage option is chosen, three 0.5 A fuses for protection of the secondary PT(VT) circuits will be installed (shown below). Figure 11: PT(VT) protection fuses 10 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 4: Hardware Hardware Connections Connect the three-phase voltages, three-phase currents, and the 115 V AC power in the URC, as well as the radio antenna and control via connections at the bottom of the enclosure. The URC uses the same control cables for connection with three-phase reclosers from different manufacturers if they use the same connection pins. Figure 12: The URC connections at the bottom of the enclosure At the bottom of the enclosure, there are up to five Amphenol receptacle connections designated as AM1 to AM5. The number of available connectors is dependent on the order code. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 11 CONNECTIONS CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE Figure 13: Controller AC supply AM1 OR The AM1 connector is a two-pin or three-pin Amphenol connector used for the URC AC supply. Pin A must be connected to 115 V L, pin B must be connected to 115 V N, and if the three-pin connector is chosen, then pin C must be connected to ground. Figure 14: Controller PT (VT) connections AM2 The AM2 connector is an optional eight-pin Amphenol connector used to connect voltage transformers if the PT (VT) option is chosen. Pins A, B and C are used for phase A, B and C respectively, and pin D is used for neutral. Pins E, F, G and H are not wired, but if required they can be used for connection of the other voltages (for example, synchrocheck). Figure 15: Recloser AC supply AM3 The AM3 connector is an optional two-pin Amphenol connector used for the recloser AC power supply. Pin A must be connected to 115 V L and pin B must be connected to 115 V. The AM4 connector is an optional connector used for radio antenna connection. 12 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE ENCLOSURE Figure 16: Recloser current and control connections AM4 The AM5 connector is a 14-pin or 24-pin Amphenol connector used for connection between the recloser and the recloser controller. The 14-pin Amphenol connector connections used for Cooper and G&W reclosers are as follows: NOTE • Pin A: +24 V DC. • Pin B: jumper to pin D. • Pin C: trip. • Pin D: jumper from pin B. • Pin E: close. • Pin F: 52b+69 status. • Pin G: current phase A. • Pin H: current phase B. • Pin J: current phase C. • Pin K: current neutral, grounded. • Pin L: from Pin K ground. • Pin M: from pin L ground. • Pin N: not used or 52b status if required. • Pin P: not connected. The URC batteries are charged from user’s 115 V AC power source. As some reclosers have an internal battery charging transformer, those reclosers will have this charging transformer electrically shorted at the control cable, grounding pins K and L. For the ABB recloser connection option, a 24-pin control cable is used. Refer to the appendix for additional detail. NOTE Do not disconnect the control cable if the recloser is energized, as the CTs may generate very high voltages that are dangerous and may cause injury or death. NOTE Enclosure The URC enclosure is accessible from the front. The F60 device, pushbuttons, and fuses are mounted on the swing door. The swing door and enclosure door are hinged on the left side. The URC dimensions are 24” (height) × 24” (width) × 14” (depth). URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 13 ENCLOSURE CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE Figure 17: URC door dimensions The mounting drill plan for the pole mounting bracket is provided in the figure below. Figure 18: Pole mounting bracket The enclosure has ventilation. NOTE Grounding of the enclosure All devices interfacing with URC must be connected to the same pole ground. Use applicable IEEE or IEC grounding standards. 14 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE CONNECTING THE BATTERY Connecting the battery The URC has two 12 V DC batteries connected in series to obtain 24 V DC. The batteries are shipped inside the battery holder, fastened and secured, with the battery fuse taken out and shipped separately. Insert the 10 A battery fuse into the enclosure’s fuse holder to connect the battery circuit. Figure 19: Battery fuse The battery is fully charged prior to shipment and is ready for use. When batteries need to be replaced, dispose of the old batteries in an environmentally responsible way. If required, contact your local regulator for instructions for proper disposal. Connecting three-phase currents The URC has four current input terminals (Ia, Ib, and Ic) and a common return. The Ia, Ib and Ic current inputs are used to connect the recloser three-phase CTs. The factory setting for the CT ratio is 1000 / 1 A. The In current input of the F60 may be used for ground protection and is not pre-wired. Figure 20: Phase and ground CT settings For more details refer to the F60 Instruction manual. Changes to the phase current and ground current settings are performed in the System Setup > AC Inputs > Current menu. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 15 CONNECTING THREE-PHASE VOLTAGES CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE Connecting three-phase voltages The URC has four voltage inputs terminals (Va, Vb, Vc and Vx). The Va, Vb and Vc voltage inputs are used for connection of three-phase voltages, either phase to ground (wye connection) or phase-to-phase voltages (delta connection). The Vx voltage input is used for the synchrocheck function. Figure 21: PTs (VTs) settings For more details refer to the F60 Instruction manual. Changes to the phase VT and auxiliary VT settings are performed in the System Setup > AC Inputs > Voltage menu. Metering check When the recloser is closed, it is possible to check measurements of primary currents and symmetrical components. If the system is balanced, then the magnitudes of the negativesequence and zero-sequence current components should be low compared to the phase current magnitudes. If the negative-sequence or zero-sequence component values are high or the phase rotation is incorrect, then verify the wiring. Figure 22: Current and voltage cut-off level settings The factory default setting for current cut-off is 2% (or 20 A primary for 1000/1A CTs). If the load current is less than 20 A then modify the Current Cutoff Level setting. When voltage measurement is available, it is possible to check measurements of primary voltages (phase voltages, auxiliary voltage) and symmetrical components. The factory default setting for voltage cut-off is 1 V secondary. 16 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE PHASE ROTATION Phase rotation Phase rotation is handled through the Phase Rotation setting under System Setup > Power System menu has a factory default value of “ABC”. For an ACB phase rotation, change this setting from “ABC” to “ACB”. Figure 23: Power system settings URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 17 PHASE ROTATION 18 CHAPTER 4: HARDWARE URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 5: Wiring and schematic diagrams Wiring and schematic diagrams Schematic diagrams $&0&%,/ $&0&%,1 &+*1' Figure 24: URC AC schematic diagram / 1 * 2XWSXW 65* ,1387 $0$ $0% $0& / 1 * URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE &6/ $&'& 1 / * 9² 9² 9 9 $&0&%21 $&0&%2/ &+*1' '&7% 52*6/5 %06 3D $&'5 19 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS CHAPTER 5: WIRING AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Figure 25: URC DC schematic diagram '&7% '&7% 9'& 6833/< ) % %D &+*1' 32:(56833/< %E %E %E %D %D %E %E /2 %E +, %D * (7+(51(7 %DVH7 &20 1250$/ %DVH) &3802'8/( (7+(51(75(&(37$&/( 3,1$0 &20 56 'D 'D 'D $0$ $0% $0% $0& $0& $0' $0' $0( $0( $0) $0) $01 $01 5$',2&20 5$',2&20 5$',2&20 ,5,*% ,1387%1& 287387%1& 'E'D 75,3&2,/ 3 7+,5'$1*/(352-(&7,21 6,202'8/( 3,1$0 $0$ 6:E 3D 3E 3E 3E $0& 3E'&7% 6:D 75,3 3F 6: 3D 3D 3E 3E &+*1' 3E3E 3F 3F $0( &/26( ',/2&. &/26(&2,/ 3D &6/'& 3E 56/5 3F 3D 3E %06 3F 5/2$' 3D 3E 3E3E 3F 3D 3E 3E3E 3F /('$/('%/('& &223(55(&/26(5 $0)E 3D $01E 3F + ',202'8/( +D +F +E +E 7*/5%/. 7*/+/7+7//(' +D 3%&/26( +F +E 3%23(1 +D 3%*1' +F +E 3% +E+E +F +E +750&% +D +F +E E+E+E 85&5(&/26(5&21752//(5 +D $&0&% +D %06 +F +E %06 +D %06 +F +E %06 +G'&7% +D %06 +F +E %06 &+*1' 20 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 5: WIRING AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS WIRING DIAGRAMS Wiring diagrams Figure 26: URC wiring diagram, back and side walls CH.GND DC-TB H6a H6c H7a H7c H8a H8c 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 15 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 BMS CSL+DC DC+TB P2b,ROG+LD DC-TB ROG-LV BATT+FS P2c R-LOAD DC-TB DC-TB BATT-FS B6a HLT-LED DC-TB P7b H7b RADIO- P3b CSL-DC R-LOAD R-SLR ROG-LD BMS-4 BMS-10 ROG+SLR BMS-26 D-ILOCK DC+TB B6b HTR+MCB P6b AC+MCB BMS-2 D-ILOCK GND TGL-RBLK AM1-7 TGL-HLT PB-CLOSE RADIO+ SOLAR DC LOAD ROG LVALERT PB-79 BMS-5 BATTERY PB-GND P8b DC-TB PB-OPEN UR.GND BMS-28 G LEFT CSL-DC N BATT-FS L CSL-SRG R-SLR BATT+FS +-+- GFCI-SRG BMS-3 SRG-SRG BATT- AM-S TB-btm-IN ROG-B - CH GND + AC-M CB-IN POWER AC M CB-IL DC+TB D3a D1a COM 123456789 D2a ANT ANTENNA DC-TB H8b +- RIGHT CSL OUTPUT ISD-SRG - B8a + - + AC/DC INPUT L AM 1-B GNDSTUD AM 1-A SRGOUTL SRG URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE N AM 1-C B8b G N ACMCB-ON BATT1 L BATT2 ACMCB-OL G CHGND V- DC-TB V- ROG-SLR V+ BMS-1 V+ P3a 21 WIRING DIAGRAMS CHAPTER 5: WIRING AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Figure 27: URC wiring diagram, swing door 22 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 5: WIRING AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS WIRING DIAGRAMS Figure 28: URC wiring diagram, F60 wiring diagram NORMA CPU (P6b,P2b) IRIG-B Output 48VDC OUTPUT CONTROL POWER SURG FILTER (P5b,P7b) (LED-A,LED-B,LED-C) (F2b) 8A/8B/8F/8G/8L/8M IRIG-B Input (TB-BTM-Ia) (F3b,F1b) CURRENTINPUTS (DC+TB) (DC-TB) (CH.GND) (CH.GND) (BMS-3) (R-LOAD) COM RS485 COM2 CRITICAL FAILURE + HI+ LO+ - (P1b,P5b) (AM5-E) (CSL+DC) (R-SLR) COMMO BNC BNC (P2b) (AM5-C) CONTACTIN 1 D1a + D2a D3a COM D4b + D4a - 6S 9N CONTACTIN SURG 10BaseT (RADIO+COM) (RADIO-COM) (RADIOCOM) CONTACTIN POWERSUPPLY (CH.GND) DIGITALI/O CONTACTIN 6D (D-ILOCK) (P6b,DC-TB) + + + + - DIGITALI/O (AM5-F) (TB-BTM-Ib) (TB-BTM-InC,F2b) (TB-BTM-Ic) (TGL-RBLK) (TGL-HLT,HTL+LED) (PB-CLOSE) (PB-OPEN) (H3b) + + + + - CONTACTIN (PB-GND) (PB-79) (AC-MCB) (HTR-MCB) (H5b,H1b) + + + + - CONTACTIN CONTACTIN (BMS-22) (BMS-19) (H3b,H7b) + + + + + + + + - CONTACTIN CONTACTIN IG CONTACTIN COMMO IG1 CONTACTIN VA CONTACTIN CONTACTIN VA COMMO CONTACTIN CONTACTIN CONTACTIN COMMO VOLTAGEINPUTS (BMS-18) (BMS-17) (BMS-16) (BMS-15) (H5b,DC-TB) (CH.GND) IG5 CONTACTIN (FS-BTM-Va) (F6c) (FS-BTM-Vb) (F7c,F5c) (FS-BTM-Vc) (TB-BTM-Vn,F6c) CONTACTIN CONTACTIN CONTACTIN COMMO SURG URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 23 WIRING DIAGRAMS CHAPTER 5: WIRING AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Figure 29: URC wiring diagram, amphenol connectors 24 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 6: Communications Communications Actual values (measurements, status of inputs and outputs) can be viewed, settings viewed or changed, and oscillography, fault report and sequence of events obtained through the F60 front panel or via Ethernet. RS232 serial port A nine-pin RS232C serial port is located on the F60 faceplate for programming with a local PC. All that is required to use this interface is a personal computer running the EnerVista UR Setup software provided with the relay. Cabling for the RS232 port is shown in the following figure for both 9-pin and 25-pin connectors. The baud rate for this port is fixed at 19200 bps. Figure 30: RS232 connections URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 25 RS485 SERIAL PORT CHAPTER 6: COMMUNICATIONS RS485 serial port RS485 data transmission and reception are accomplished over a single twisted pair with transmit and receive data alternating over the same two wires. Through the use of these ports, continuous monitoring and control from a remote computer, SCADA system or PLC is possible. To minimize errors from noise, the use of shielded twisted pair wire is recommended. Correct polarity must also be observed. If the radio option is installed, the RS485 port is used as the communication interface from the F60 to the radio. NOTE Ethernet communications The F60 used in the URC has one 10/100Base-T Ethernet port and is wired to the Ethernet port on the swing door for easy and fast communication with a computer. Figure 31: Ethernet port 26 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 7: Records Records Event record The following events are enabled: • Events from the following protection functions: – Phase time overcurrent. – Phase instantaneous overcurrent. – Neutral time overcurrent. – Neutral instantaneous overcurrent. – Ground time overcurrent. – Ground instantaneous overcurrent. • Events from control functions (autoreclosing). • Digital inputs • Virtual inputs (from SCADA or DCS). • Digital outputs. If any other events are required or if new functions are enabled, then it is possible to enable additional events. Enable events in the setting screen for any protection element, control element, input, or output where event reports are required. The event record displays up to the last 1024 events listed in chronological order from the most recent to the oldest. If all event records are filled, then the oldest event record will be removed each time a new record is added. To read event records, connect to the F60 using communications or through the front panel and navigate to the Actual Values > Records > Event Record section. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 27 FAULT REPORTS CHAPTER 7: RECORDS Figure 32: Event record For additional details on the event recorder feature, refer to the F60 instruction manual. Fault reports The URC can calculate distance to the fault if the phase voltage option is installed. If this feature is required, enable fault reporting by programming the Fault Report Trigger setting to “TRIPBUS 1 OP” and enter the line characteristics through the Product Setup > Fault Report window. Figure 33: Fault report settings The fault report trigger is set by trip bus 1 function through the Control Elements > Trip Bus > Trip Bus 1 window as shown: 28 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 7: RECORDS OSCILLOGRAPHY RECORD Figure 34: Fault report triggering If required, add more inputs to trigger the fault report. For additional details on the fault report feature, refer to the F60 instruction manual. Oscillography record The oscillography is pre-configured to be triggered by trip bus 2 with the following settings. The oscillography can record most digital signals as well as all currents and voltages. Figure 35: Oscillography settings The oscillography trigger is set by trip bus 2 function at Control Elements > Trip Bus > Trip Bus 2 window as shown below: URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 29 OSCILLOGRAPHY RECORD CHAPTER 7: RECORDS Figure 36: Oscillography triggering If required, additional inputs can be added to trigger the oscillography. For additional details on oscillography, refer to the F60 instruction manual. The oscillography record displays up to 20 records. A new oscillography record may automatically overwrite an older record, since the Trigger Mode setting is pre-programmed to “Automatic Overwrite”. The URC is pre-configured to record 108 cycles per record. All pre-configured values for the number of records, number of samples per cycle, and trigger mode may be changed, if required. To read oscillography records, connect to the F60 and navigate to the Actual Values > Records > Oscillography menu item. Figure 37: Oscillography records 30 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 8: Trip/open and close functions Trip/open and close functions Issuing a trip/open command The URC will issue a trip command for any of the following conditions: • Phase instantaneous overcurrent and phase time overcurrent. • Neutral instantaneous overcurrent and neutral time overcurrent. • Ground instantaneous overcurrent and ground time overcurrent (if the Ig current input is wired). • Local open. • Remote open. • User open. For additional details on the phase, neutral, and ground protection functions, refer to Protection functions on page 35. The recloser can be opened locally with the green TRIP pushbutton on the swing door inside the enclosure. Figure 38: Three-phase trip/open pushbutton &ORVHSXVKEXWWRQUHG 7ULSSXVKEXWWRQJUHHQ $&'5 The recloser can be opened remotely if remote operation is enabled and a communication input from remote control is received. Remote open will issue a 50 ms opening pulse. The duration of this pulse is defined by FlexLogic™ timer 1 Dropout Delay setting. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 31 ISSUING A CLOSE COMMAND CHAPTER 8: TRIP/OPEN AND CLOSE FUNCTIONS Figure 39: Three-phase trip/open logic 3+$6(,2&23 3+$6(72&23 *5281',2&23 *5281'72&23 25 23(192 1(875$/,2&23 1(875$/72&23 /2&$/3%23121+& /$7&+21 5(027(23(1219, PV $1' PV 7,0(5 $1' 25 23(192 $&'5 The opening signal is not supervised. NOTE Issuing a close command The URC will issue a closing command if the hot line tag function is off and if any of the following conditions are present: • Closing command from autoreclosing function. • Local close. • Remote close. For additional information on the autoreclosing function, refer to Autoreclose on page 41. The recloser can be closed locally with the red CLOSE pushbutton on the swing door inside the enclosure. Figure 40: Close pushbutton &ORVHSXVKEXWWRQUHG 7ULSSXVKEXWWRQJUHHQ $&'5 For local closing, refer to the following steps: 32 1. The remote block toggle switch must be in the disabled position (local control). 2. User-programmable pushbutton 6 must be pressed and held for 2 seconds. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 8: TRIP/OPEN AND CLOSE FUNCTIONS ENABLING AND DISABLING THE HOT LINE TAG FUNCTION 3. The CLOSE pushbutton must be pressed before its auto-reset delay time has expired (refer to Pushbuttons unlock on page 9 for additional details). The recloser can be closed remotely if remote operation is enabled and a communication input (virtual input 2) from remote control is received. Remote close will issue a 50 ms closing pulse. The duration of this pulse is specified by the FlexLogic™ timer 2 Dropout Delay setting. Figure 41: URC closing logic 386+%8772121 /$7&+2)) $1' /2&$/3%&/621+$ $1' /$7&+21 5(027(&/26(219, PV $1' 25 PV 7,0(5 $1' $1' 23(192 $5&/26( 25 +27/,1(7$*2))+& $1' &/26(92 $&'5 NOTE Contact SW2 (69) stays open when the external manual operating lever is in lockout. If this contact is open, then it is not possible to close the recloser. Only when the manual operating lever is reset and SW2 (69) is closed will it be possible to close the recloser. Enabling and disabling the hot line tag function The hot line tag function can be enabled and disabled with toggle HOT LINE TAG ENABLE switch. User-programmable LED 1 on the F60 faceplate indicates that the hot line tag function is enabled. The red LED next to HOT LINE TAG ENABLE switch also indicates that the hot line tag function is enabled. Figure 42: Hot line tag switch and indication +27/,1(7$*(1$%/( WRJJOHVZLWFK +RWOLQHWDJ/('21 HQDEOHG $&'5 The hot line tag function is provided for live line work applications. When the hot line tag function is enabled, the autoreclosing function is disabled, closing is supervised, and it is not possible to close the recloser locally nor remotely. The hot line tag function only prevents the recloser from closing — it does not open the recloser. If required, the user may change the logic and create independent time overcurrent protection that will perform the trip operation for certain applications. The factory programmed logic will only activate the hot line tag function from the URC toggle switch. If required, the logic can be reprogrammed by the user to accommodate activation via communications (SCADA, DCS). URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 33 LOCAL/REMOTE CONTROL CHAPTER 8: TRIP/OPEN AND CLOSE FUNCTIONS Local/remote control Remote control can be enabled and disabled by the REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch. Userprogrammable LED 2 on the F60 faceplate indicates that Remote Control is blocked. All control functions (with the exception of open/trip operation and the hot line tag function) are supervised by this control. It is not possible to perform any local operation of supervised functions if remote operation is enabled. Figure 43: Local/remote switch 5(027(%/2&.(1$%/( WRJJOHVZLWFK $&'5 Leaving the remote control in the blocked state may create a problem if the crew leaves the site with the URC in local control mode. The REMOTE BLOCK switch controls nonvolatile latch 6. Figure 44: Local/remote latch gate 34 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 9: Protection functions Protection functions The URC Universal Recloser Control uses the following protection functions: • Phase instantaneous overcurrent and phase time overcurrent. • Neutral instantaneous overcurrent and neutral time overcurrent. • Ground instantaneous overcurrent and ground time overcurrent (if Ig current input is wired). All phase, neutral, and ground time overcurrent and instantaneous overcurrent protection elements have separate settings for main and alternate settings. NOTE All the other protection functions (for example, directional elements, reverse power, etc.) from F60 relay can be enabled if required. For additional details, refer to the F60 Instruction manual. Phase instantaneous overcurrent settings The phase instantaneous overcurrent element may be used as an instantaneous element with no intentional delay or as a definite time element. The input current is the fundamental phasor magnitude. Figure 45: Phase instantaneous overcurrent settings URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 35 PHASE TIME OVERCURRENT CHAPTER 9: PROTECTION FUNCTIONS If the phase instantaneous overcurrent function is not required, then change the Function setting to “Disabled”. If this function is used, then the Pickup setting must be set according to a protection coordination study. If required, a time delay or reset delay can also set. The phase instantaneous overcurrent function can be blocked if the cold load pickup function is enabled. For additional details, refer to the F60 Instruction manual. Phase time overcurrent The inverse time overcurrent curves used by the time overcurrent elements are the IEEE, IEC, GE Type IAC, and I2t standard curve shapes. This allows for simplified coordination with downstream devices. If none of these curve shapes are adequate, then FlexCurves™ may be used to customize the inverse time curve characteristics. The definite time curve is also an option that may be appropriate if only simple protection is required. Recloser curves The F60 uses the FlexCurve™ feature to facilitate programming of 41 recloser curves. Refer to the FlexCurve™ section in the F60 instruction manual for additional details. Figure 46: Phase time overcurrent settings A time dial multiplier setting allows selection of a multiple of the base curve shape (where the time dial multiplier = 1) with the Curve (curve shape) setting. Unlike the electromechanical time dial equivalent, operate times are directly proportional to the TD Multiplier (time multiplier) setting value. For example, all times for a multiplier of 10 are 10 times the multiplier 1 or base curve values. Setting the multiplier to zero will result in an instantaneous response to all current levels greater than pickup. Two methods of resetting operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous”. When the element is blocked, the time accumulator will reset according to the reset characteristic. For example, if the element reset characteristic is set to “Instantaneous” and the element is blocked, the time accumulator will be cleared immediately. 36 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 9: PROTECTION FUNCTIONS GROUND AND NEUTRAL OVERCURRENT For additional details, refer to the F60 instruction manual. Ground and neutral overcurrent The ground or neutral instantaneous overcurrent element may be used as an instantaneous element with no intentional delay or as a definite time element. The input current is the fundamental phasor magnitude. If the ground or neutral instantaneous overcurrent protection functions are not required, then change the Function setting to “Disabled”. If those functions are required, then the Pickup setting must be specified according to a protection coordination study. If necessary, a time delay or reset delay can also be specified. The ground or neutral instantaneous overcurrent protection functions can be blocked if the cold load pickup function is enabled. The inverse time ground or neutral overcurrent curves used by the time overcurrent elements are the IEEE, IEC, GE Type IAC, and I2t standard curve shapes. This allows for simplified coordination with downstream devices. If none of these curve shapes is adequate, then FlexCurves™ may be used to customize the inverse time curve characteristics. The definite time curve is also an option that may be appropriate if only simple protection is required. For additional details on these functions, refer to the F60 Instruction manual. All ground and neutral time overcurrent and instantaneous overcurrent elements will be blocked if the ground/neutral protection function is disabled. Figure 47: Ground time overcurrent settings Disabling ground/neutral protection Ground fault protection can be enabled and disabled both locally and remotely. Ensure the steps below are followed for local control. 1. The REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch must be in enable position (local control). 2. The F60 user-programmable pushbutton 6 must to pressed. 3. The GROUND BLOCK pushbutton must then be pressed during the auto-reset delay time (refer to Pushbuttons unlock on page 9 for details). URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 37 DISABLING GROUND/NEUTRAL PROTECTION CHAPTER 9: PROTECTION FUNCTIONS Figure 48: GROUND BLOCK pushbutton Ensure the steps below are followed for remote control. 1. The REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch must be in disable position (remote control) for the SCADA input to be received. 2. Program virtual input 3 to “GROUND BLOCK”. 3. Program virtual input 4 to “GROUND ENABLE”. The FlexLogic™ for enabling and disabling ground fault protection is shown below: Figure 49: Ground disabling logic Figure 50: Ground enabling logic This logic controls non-volatile latch 2. The blinking user-programmable LED 4 on the F60 faceplate indicates that ground protection is disabled. 38 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 9: PROTECTION FUNCTIONS DISABLING GROUND/NEUTRAL PROTECTION Figure 51: Ground block latch gate URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 39 DISABLING GROUND/NEUTRAL PROTECTION 40 CHAPTER 9: PROTECTION FUNCTIONS URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 10: Control functions Control functions The URC controller ships from the factory with the following control functions: NOTE • Autoreclose. • Setting groups. All the other control function (for example synchrocheck, cold load pickup, etc.) from the F60 relay can also be enabled if required. For additional details, refer to the F60 instruction manual. Autoreclose The autoreclosure feature is intended for use with distribution lines, in three-pole tripping schemes for single breaker applications. Up to four selectable reclosure ‘shots’ are possible prior to locking out. Each shot has an independently specified dead time. The protection settings can be changed between shots if so desired, using FlexLogic™. The user-programmable LEDs on the F60 faceplate indicate the state of the autoreclose scheme as follows: • RECLOSE BLOCKED: User-programmable LED 17 indicates that autoreclosing is blocked (that is, reclosing is disabled or hot line tag is enabled). • RECLOSE ENABLED: User-programmable LED 18 indicates that autoreclosing is enabled and may reclose if initiated. • RECLOSE DISABLED: User-programmable LED 19 indicates that autoreclosing is disabled. • RECLOSE CLOSE: User-programmable LED 20 indicates that a close signal from autoreclosing has been issued. A reset command is required to clear this LED. • RECLOSE LOCKED OUT: User-programmable LED 21 indicates that the reclosing scheme has generated the maximum number of breaker closures allowed and, as the fault persists, will not close the breaker again. The scheme may also be sent in lockout when the incomplete sequence timer times out or when a block signal occurs while in reclose in-progress. The scheme must be reset from lockout in order to perform reclose for subsequent faults. • RECLOSE IN-PROGRESS: User-programmable LED 22 indicates reclose-in-progress (RIP), when a reclosing cycle begins following a reclose initiate signal. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 41 AUTORECLOSE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS • RECLOSER CLOSED: User-programmable LED 23 indicates the recloser status. • RECLOSE SHOT 1, 2, 3, and 4: User-programmable LEDs 24 through 27 indicates reclosing shots 1 through 4, respectively. • RECLOSE BLOCK UPON MANUAL CLOSE: User-programmable LED 28 indicates that autoreclosing is blocked upon manual closing. The autoreclosure scheme is considered enabled when all of the following conditions are true: 1. The autoreclose Function setting is “Enabled”. 2. The autoreclosure scheme is not in the lockout state. 3. The operand assigned to the Block input is not asserted. 4. The Block Time Upon Manual Close timer is not active. The autoreclose scheme is initiated by a trip signal from any selected protection feature operand. The scheme is initiated provided the circuit breaker is in the closed state before protection operation. The reclose-in-progress (RIP) is set when a reclosing cycle begins following a reclose initiate signal. Once the cycle is successfully initiated, the RIP signal will seal-in and the scheme will continue through its sequence until one of the following conditions is satisfied: • The close signal is issued when the dead timer times out, or • The scheme goes to lockout. While RIP is active, the scheme checks that the breaker is open and the shot number is below the limit, and then begins measuring the dead time. Each of the four possible shots has an independently specified dead time. Two additional timers can be used to increase the initial set dead times 1 to 4 by a delay equal to Delay 1 or Delay 2 or the sum of these two delays depending on the selected settings. This offers enhanced setting flexibility using FlexLogic™ operands to turn the two additional timers on and off. These operands may possibly include AR1 SHOT CNT = 1, SETTING GROUP ACT 1, etc. The autoreclose feature provides a maximum of 4 selectable shots. The maximum number of shots can be dynamically modified through the Reduce Max to 1, Reduce Max to 2, and Reduce Max to 3 settings, using the appropriate FlexLogic™ operand. The scheme lockout blocks all phases of the reclosing cycle, preventing automatic reclosure, if any of the following occurs: • The maximum shot number was reached. • A block input is in effect. • The incomplete sequence timer times out. The recloser will be latched in the lockout state until a ‘reset from lockout’ signal is asserted, either from a manual close of the breaker or from a manual reset command (local or remote). The reset from lockout can be accomplished by operator command, by manually closing the breaker, or whenever the breaker has been closed and stays closed for a preset time. After the dead time elapses, the scheme issues the close signal. The close signal is latched until the breaker closes or the scheme goes to lockout. A reset timer output resets the recloser following a successful reclosure sequence. The reset time is based on the breaker ‘reclaim time’ which is the minimum time required between successive reclose sequences. 42 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS AUTORECLOSE Figure 52: Autoreclose settings Factory settings The autoreclose factory settings are described below. • Function: The autoreclose function is enabled for the URC application. • Initiate: This settings selects the operand that initiates the autoreclose scheme. For the URC application, autoreclose will be initiated by any phase, neutral, or ground instantaneous or time overcurrent protection element. Figure 53: Autoreclosing initiating logic • Block: This setting selects the operand that blocks the autoreclose initiation. For the URC application The AR DISABLED signal (latch 1) or HOT LINE TAG ENABLED signal will block autoreclosing. Autoreclose will be unblocked when both the AR ENABLED and HOT LINE TAG DISABLED signals are present. User-programmable LED 17 indicates that reclose is blocked. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 43 AUTORECLOSE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS Figure 54: Autoreclosing blocking logic • Max Number Of Shots: This setting specifies the number of reclosures that can be attempted before reclosure goes to lockout because the fault is permanent. For the URC application this value is left at "4" but may be changed as required. • Reduce Max To 1, Reduce Max To 2, Reduce Max To 3: These settings select the operand that changes the maximum number of shots from the initial setting to 1, 2, or 3, respectively. For the URC application all of these values are set to "OFF" but may be changed as required. • Manual Close: This setting selects the logic input when the breaker is manually closed. For the URC application this logic input is set for local or remote close commands and is configured as shown below. This logic may be changed according to the user’s specific autoreclosing logic. The Reset Lockout On Manual Close setting is left as OFF but may be changed as required. Figure 55: Autoreclosing manual closing logic • Manual Reset from LO: This setting selects the operand that resets the autoreclosure from lockout condition. For the URC application reset from lockout is performed locally by user-programmable pushbutton 1 on the F60 faceplate, remotely, or automatically after a programmable time delay. The following procedure describes how to reset from lockout locally: 44 1. The URC must be in the local control mode (ensure the REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch is in the ON position). 2. User-programmable pushbutton 6 must be pressed and held for 2 seconds before its auto-reset delay time has expired (refer to Pushbuttons unlock on page 9 for details). 3. User-programmable pushbutton 1 (with the LO RESET label) must be pressed. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS AUTORECLOSE Figure 56: Autoreclosing lockout reset logic The reset from lockout can be performed remotely. Ensure that the REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch is in the off position (remote control) for an input from SCADA to be received. Virtual input 10 (VI10) is set for remote reset from lockout. The reset from lockout can also be performed automatically after a pre-set time delay (FlexLogic™ timer 3). If this reset is not required, then latch 4 must be disabled. Figure 57: Autoreclosing automatic lockout reset latch gate • Reset Lockout If Breaker Closed: This setting allows the autoreclose scheme to reset from lockout if the breaker has been manually closed and stays closed for a preset time. In order for this setting to be effective, the next setting (Reset Lockout On Manual Close) should be disabled. For the URC application this value is set to "OFF" but may be changed as required. • Reset Lockout On Manual Close: This setting allows the autoreclose scheme to reset from lockout when the breaker is manually closed regardless if the breaker remains closed or not. This setting overrides the previous setting (Reset Lockout If Breaker Closed). For the URC application this value is set to "OFF" but may be changed as required. • Block Time Upon Manual Close: The autoreclose scheme can be disabled for a programmable time delay after the associated circuit breaker is manually closed. This prevents reclosing onto a fault after a manual close. This delay must be longer than the slowest expected trip from any protection not blocked after manual closing. If no overcurrent trips occur after a manual close and this time expires, the autoreclose scheme is enabled. This setting has to be changed by the user according to the particular application if autoreclosing reset lockout on manual close is used. For the URC application this value is set to "10 seconds". URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 45 AUTORECLOSE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS • Dead Time Shot 1, Dead Time Shot 2, Dead Time Shot 3, Dead Time Shot 4: These are the intentional delays before first, second, third, and fourth breaker automatic reclosures (1st, 2nd, and 3rd shots), respectively, and should be set longer than the estimated deionizing time following a three-pole trip. This setting must be changed by the user according to the specific application. • Add Delay 1: This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand that introduces an additional delay (delay 1) to the initial set dead time (1 to 4). For the URC application, this value is “Off” and delay 1 is by-passed. • Delay 1: This setting establishes the extent of the additional dead time delay 1. For the URC application, the delay 1 is by-passed. • Add Delay 2: This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand that introduces an additional delay (delay 2) to the initial set dead time (1 to 4). For the URC application, this value is “Off” and delay 2 is by-passed. • Delay 2: This setting establishes the extent of the additional dead time delay 1. For the URC application, the delay 2 is by-passed. • Reset Lockout Delay: This setting specifies how long the breaker should stay closed after a manual close command in order for the autorecloser to reset from lockout. For the URC application, this logic is not used when the breaker is closed. • Reset Time: A reset timer output resets the recloser following a successful reclosure sequence. The setting is based on the breaker ‘reclaim time’ which is the minimum time required between successive reclose sequences. This setting must be changed by the user according to their specific application. • Incomplete Sequence Time: This timer defines the maximum time interval allowed for a single reclose shot. It is started whenever a reclosure is initiated and is active when the scheme is in the ‘reclose-in-progress’ state. If all conditions allowing a breaker closure are not satisfied when this time expires, the scheme goes to lockout. This setting has to be changed by the user according to the specific application. It must be set to a delay value less than the reset timer value. NOTE Enabling and disabling autoreclosing Autoreclosing can be enabled and disabled both locally and remotely. Use the following procedure to initiate local control mode. 1. The REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch must be in enable position (local control). 2. The F60 user-programmable pushbutton 6 must to pressed and held for 2 seconds. 3. The RECLOSE BLOCK pushbutton must then be pressed during the auto-reset delay time (refer to Pushbuttons unlock on page 9 for details). Figure 58: Autoreclosing block pushbutton Use the following procedure to initiate remote control mode. 46 1. The REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch must be in disable position (remote control) for the SCADA input to be received. 2. Program virtual input 7 to “RECLOSE RECLOSE ENABLE”. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS AUTORECLOSE 3. Program virtual input 8 to “RECLOSE RECLOSE DISABLE”. The FlexLogic™ for enabling and disabling autoreclosing is shown below: Figure 59: Autoreclosing disabling logic Figure 60: Autoreclosing enabling logic The reclose block and enable operands are controlling non-volatile latch gate 1 as shown below. Figure 61: Autoreclosing enabling and disabling latch gate URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 47 SETTING GROUPS CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS Setting groups The F60 relay has six setting groups. For the URC application two setting groups are enabled. They are called the main and alternate settings. Figure 62: Setting groups settings The setting groups function must be enabled if main and alternate setting groups to be used. If the alternate setting group is not required, then disable the setting groups function. If the setting groups function is disabled, then only the main setting group is enabled and all alternate settings are by-passed. Changing setting groups The active setting group can be selected both locally and remotely. The main or alternate settings are controlled by non-volatile latch 3. The user-programmable LED 3 indicates that alternate setting is active Figure 63: Main/alternate setting groups latch gate Use the following procedure for local change. 1. The REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch must be in the on position (local control). 2. The F60 user-programmable pushbutton 6 must to pressed and held for 2 seconds. 3. User-programmable pushbutton 4 (labeled ALT 1 SETTINGS) must then be pressed during the auto-reset delay time (refer to Pushbuttons unlock on page 9 for details). Use the following procedure for remote change. 48 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS SETTING GROUPS 1. The REMOTE BLOCK toggle switch must be in the off position (remote control) for the SCADA input to be received. 2. Program virtual input 5 for main settings control. 3. Program virtual input 6 for alternate settings control. Figure 64: Main setting group enabling logic Figure 65: Alternate setting group enabling logic URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 49 SETTING GROUPS 50 CHAPTER 10: CONTROL FUNCTIONS URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Chapter 11: Battery management system Battery management system In the case of AC power failure, the system is equipped with a 24 V battery backup supply, which kicks in upon loss of line power. This way, the recloser controller will continue to operate, as intended, for some time after the power has been lost. This gives the operator complete monitoring and control for the duration of the outage, assuming that power is restored in a timely manner. The battery is a Sealed Valve Regulated Lead Acid (SVRLA) battery. A slow “3 step charging cycle” is recommended for optimal charging of SVRLA batteries. Improper charging is among the most common problems of premature failure of Lead Acid batteries. The preferred three step charging procedure is common for SVRLA batteries and consists of a constant current step followed by two steps of constant voltage. In the first step, BULK step, a constant current is applied to the battery until the battery voltage reaches a level of 80% State of Charge (SOC). The next step of charging is referred to as the TOP OFF or ABSORPTION step, and holds the 80% SOC voltage constant until the battery is not accepting any more charge (or until a pre-set timer in the controller has expired). At this point, the voltage is dropped to a new level and held constant in what is called the FLOAT step, so that the battery remains fully charged. This profile is optimal for most lead acid batteries. For 24 V battery systems, the voltage (at 25°C) should be within the range of 28.4 to 30 V. The battery backup is not like a traditional standard battery and charger. The system implemented is in fact simpler as it splits the charger into two parts: a power supply and a charger controller. The main reason a traditional method cannot be implemented is because no off the shelf charger exists that meets the wide temperature range of –40° to 60° and can withstand GE type test requirements. It is also important to capture the minimum and maximum voltages that the load can withstand. The minimum turn ON voltage for the load (F60) is 20VDC. The battery should therefore supply power down to 20VDC and then cut the load off to prevent deep discharge. The battery backup is part of a Battery Management System (BMS) board implemented to optimize battery life and provide useful feedback to the F60. The BMS board will output the following to the UR: 1. Battery Charged Signal. 2. Battery Low Warning (21.5 V). 3. Battery Overvoltage (33.8 V). 4. Battery Fuse Blown. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 51 CHARGER CONTROLLER CHAPTER 11: BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5. Power Supply Fail 6. Critical Fail – Under voltage The URC battery charging sequence is performed automatically. As such, user initiation is not required. NOTE Charger controller The charger controller has the following features. • 10 Amp Capacity: The charger can facilitate a total of 10 amps to charge the battery and power the load. • Temperature Compensation: The charger has an internal temperature sensor and varies charging voltages accordingly. • 3 Stage Operation: The charger uses a 3 stage system to optimize lead acid battery charging. (Refer to graph for typical charging pattern). • Low Voltage Disconnect: Optionally, you may connect the battery's load (up to 10 amps) to the charger. If the voltage drops to 20V, the load will be disconnected from the battery after approximately one minute. The LVALERT signal (open drain) may be used to gracefully shut down equipment during the one minute. The load is reconnected when the battery is charged to approximately 24V, or when the recessed reset button is pressed. The controller terminals are listed below. • -BATTERY - Negative Battery terminal • +BATTERY - Positive Battery terminal • +LOAD - Positive Load terminal • -LOAD - Negative Load terminal • LVALERT - Low Voltage Disconnect Signal, Active Low • -SOLAR - Negative Input terminal • +SOLAR - Positive Input terminal Charger controller operation A microcontroller reads the battery and power input voltages, along with a set of internal timers and other logic, and determines what the state of the switches (FETs) should be. The two switches are controlled and activated independently, such that either one, both, or neither switch can be activated at any given time. 52 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 11: BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BATTERY SAFETY INFORMATION Figure 66: Controller operation Figure 67: BMS charge graph The graph above shows an ideal charging cycle typically found after a lead acid battery has discharged overnight. The red line (upper) indicates the battery terminal voltage and the green line (lower) indicates the charging current supplied to the battery. When the charger is first connected, or when the battery voltage drops below approximately 2.15V per cell, the charger enters bulk (fast) mode, where it attempts to bring the voltage to approximately 2.45V per cell. At this point, top-off mode is entered. When the charger senses that the battery is no longer taking a charge, float mode is entered where the voltage is lowered and maintained at approximately 2.3V per cell. The current for the load will come from the solar/power input when available, and the battery in that case will provide power filtering and smoothing to the load, while at the same time maintaining a float/trickle charge from the power source. The battery effectively acts as a large capacitor when connected in this manner. Battery safety information Cautions and warnings To prevent fire or chemical burns: DANGER • Do not attempt to recharge batteries after removal from the unit. • Do not disassemble, crush, or puncture the batteries. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE 53 BATTERY SAFETY INFORMATION CHAPTER 11: BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • Do not short the external contacts of the batteries. • Do not immerse the batteries in water. • Do not expose to temperatures higher than 80°C (176°F) • The batteries are recyclable. They contain lead and pose a hazard to the environment and human health if not disposed of properly. Return the battery to a factory authorized service center or refer to local codes for proper disposal requirements. • Do not open or mutilate batteries. They contain an electrolyte which is toxic and harmful to the skin and eyes. • Replace batteries with the same number and type of batteries as originally installed. To prevent personal injury from hazardous energy: DANGER DANGER • Remove watches, rings, or other metal objects. • Use tools with insulated handles. • Do not place tools or metal parts on top of batteries. • When removing and installing the new batteries, extreme care must be used not to short metal chassis parts across the battery terminals and not to short the batteries to each other. A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit current. To prevent personal injury, prepare the area and observe all materials-handling procedures when transporting a battery module. Battery modules weigh 5.7 kg (12.6 lb) each. Replacement procedure for batteries Replace all battery modules at the same time. NOTE 1. Servicing of batteries should be performed or supervised by Qualified Service Technician and the required precautions. Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries. 2. Remove the battery fuse (if present) prior to replacement. 3. Disconnect the negative cable (wire label BATT- ROG-B) from the right battery black terminal. 4. Disconnect the positive cable from the right battery red terminal. 5. Disconnect the negative cable from the left battery black terminal. 6. Disconnect the positive cable (wire label BATT+ BATT-FS) from the left battery red terminal. 7. Remove the battery securing strap. 8. Remove both batteries. 9. Secure two new same type of batteries back to back. 10. Reconnect the positive cable (wire label BATT+ BATT-FS) to the left battery red terminal. 11. Reconnect the negative cable to the left battery black terminal. 12. Reconnect the positive cable to the right battery red terminal. 13. Reconnect the negative cable (wire label BATT- ROG-B) to the right battery black terminal. 14. Secure the battery securing strap. 15. Replace the battery fuse. 54 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 11: BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BATTERY DISPOSAL GUIDELINES Battery disposal guidelines GE Multilin Battery Disposal EN Battery Disposal This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: www.recyclethis.info. CS Nakládání s bateriemi Tento produkt obsahuje baterie, které nemohou být znekodnĔny v Evropské unii jako netķídĔný komunální odpadu. Viz dokumentace k produktu pro informace pro konkrétní baterie. Baterie je oznaĆena tímto symbolem, který mŃe zahrnovat i uvedena písmena, kadmium (Cd), olovo (Pb), nebo rtuĿ (Hg). Pro správnou recyklaci baterií vraĿte svémudodavateli nebo na urĆeném sbĔrném místĔ. Pro více informací viz: www.recyclethis.info DA Batteri affald Dette produkt indeholder et batteri som ikke kan bortskaffes sammen med almindeligt husholdningsaffald i Europa. Se produktinformation for specifikke informationer om batteriet. Batteriet er forsynet med indgraveret symboler for hvad batteriet indeholder: kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb) og kviksølv (Hg). Europæiske brugere af elektrisk udstyr skal aflevere kasserede produkter til genbrug eller til leverandøren. Yderligere oplysninger findes på webstedet www.recyclethis.info. DE Entsorgung von Batterien Dieses Produkt beinhaltet eine Batterie, die nicht als unsortierter städtischer Abfall in der europäischen Union entsorgt werden darf. Beachten Sie die spezifischen Batterie-informationen in der Produktdokumentation. Die Batterie ist mit diesem Symbol gekennzeichnet, welches auch Hinweise auf möglicherweise enthaltene Stoffe wie Kadmium (Cd), Blei (Pb) oder Quecksilber (Hektogramm) darstellt. Für die korrekte Wiederverwertung bringen Sie diese Batterie zu Ihrem lokalen Lieferanten zurück oder entsorgen Sie das Produkt an den gekennzeichneten Sammelstellen. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie auf der folgenden Website: www.recyclethis.info. EL ŚƈƔƉƉƁƐſ ƄƈŹƌŹƉƁƖƅ ŚƍƌƔ ƌƇ ƈƉƇƒƔƅ ƈŽƉƁŵƏŽƁ ƄƁŹ ƄƈŹƌŹƉŷŹ ƈƇƍ żŽƅ ƈƉŵƈŽƁ ƅŹ ŹƈƇƉƉŷƈƌŽƌŹƁ ƋŽ żſƄƔƋƁŹ ƋƍƋƌŶƄŹƌŹ ŹƈƔƉƉƁƐſƊ Ƌƌſƅ ŞƍƉƑƈŹƒƂŶ ţƇƁƅƔƌſƌŹ. ŝŽŷƌŽ ƌſƅ ƌŽƂƄſƉŷƑƋſ ƌƇƍ ƈƉƇƒƔƅƌƇƊ ŻƁŹ ƋƍŻƂŽƂƉƁƄŵƅŽƊ ƈƃſƉƇƎƇƉŷŽƊ ƈƇƍ ŹƎƇƉƇƕƅ ƌſ ƄƈŹƌŹƉŷŹ. Š ƄƈŹƌŹƉŷŹ ŽŷƅŹƁ ƎŵƉŽƁ ƋŶƄŹƅƋſ ƄŽ ŹƍƌƔ ƌƇ ƋƕƄźƇƃƇ, ƌƇ ƇƈƇŷƇ ƄƈƇƉŽŷ ƅŹ ƈŽƉƁƃŹƄźŴƅŽƁ ŻƉŴƄƄŹƌŹ ŻƁŹ ƅŹ żſƃƖƋƇƍƅ ƌƇ ƂŴżƄƁƇ (Cd), ƌƇƅ ƄƔƃƍźżƇ (Pb), Ŷ ƌƇƅ ƍżƉŴƉŻƍƉƇ (Hg). ŜƁŹ ƌſƅ ƂŹƌŴƃƃſƃſ ŹƅŹƂƕƂƃƑƋſ ŽƈƁƋƌƉŵƐƌŽ ƌſƅ ƄƈŹƌŹƉŷŹ ƋƌƇƅ ƈƉƇƄſƀŽƍƌŶ ƋŹƊ Ŷ ƋŽ ƂŹƀƇƉƁƋƄŵƅƇ ƋſƄŽŷƇ ƋƍƃƃƇŻŶƊ. ŜƁŹ ƈŽƉƁƋƋƔƌŽƉŽƊ ƈƃſƉƇƎƇƉŷŽƊ żŽŷƌŽ: www.recyclethis.info. URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE ES Eliminacion de baterias Este producto contiene una batería que no se pueda eliminar como basura normal sin clasificar en la Unión Europea. Examine la documentación del producto para la información específica de la batería. La batería se marca con este símbolo, que puede incluir siglas para indicar el cadmio (Cd), el plomo (Pb), o el mercurio (Hg ). Para el reciclaje apropiado, devuelva este producto a su distribuidor ó deshágase de él en los puntos de reciclaje designados. Para mas información : wwwrecyclethis.info. ET Patareide kõrvaldamine Käesolev toode sisaldab patareisid, mida Euroopa Liidus ei tohi kõrvaldada sorteerimata olmejäätmetena. Andmeid patareide kohta vaadake toote dokumentatsioonist. Patareid on märgistatud käesoleva sümboliga, millel võib olla kaadmiumi (Cd), pliid (Pb) või elavhõbedat (Hg) tähistavad tähed. Nõuetekohaseks ringlusse võtmiseks tagastage patarei tarnijale või kindlaksmääratud vastuvõtupunkti. Lisainformatsiooni saab Internetist aadressil: www.recyclethis.info. FI Paristoje ja akkujen hävittäminen Tuote sisältää pariston, jota ei saa hävittää Euroopan Unionin alueella talousjätteen mukana. Tarkista tuoteselosteesta tuotteen tiedot. Paristo on merkitty tällä symbolilla ja saattaa sisältää cadmiumia (Cd), lyijyä (Pb) tai elohopeaa (Hg). Oikean kierrätystavan varmistamiseksi palauta tuote paikalliselle jälleenmyyjälle tai palauta se paristojen keräyspisteeseen. Lisätietoja sivuilla www.recyclethis.info. FR Élimination des piles Ce produit contient une batterie qui ne peuvent être éliminés comme déchets municipaux non triés dans l'Union européenne. Voir la documentation du produit au niveau des renseignements sur la pile. La batterie est marqué de ce symbole, qui comprennent les indications cadmium (Cd), plomb (Pb), ou mercure (Hg). Pour le recyclage, retourner la batterie à votre fournisseur ou à un point de collecte. Pour plus d'informations, voir: www.recyclethis.info. HU Akkumulátor hulladék kezelése Ezen termék akkumulátort tartalmaz, amely az Európai Unión belül csak a kijelölt módon és helyen dobható ki. A terméken illetve a mellékelt ismertetın olvasható a kadmium (Cd), ólom (Pb) vagy higany (Hg) tartalomra utaló betŅjelzés. A hulladék akkumulátor leadható a termék forgalmazójánál új akkumulátor vásárlásakor, vagy a kijelölt elektronikai hulladékudvarokban. További információ a www.recyclethis.info oldalon. IT Smaltimento batterie Questo prodotto contiene una batteria che non può essere smaltita nei comuni contenitori per lo smaltimento rifiuti, nell' Unione Europea. Controllate la documentazione del prodotto per le informazioni specifiche sulla batteria. La batteria è contrassegnata con questo simbolo e può includere alcuni caratteri ad indicare la presenza di cadmio (Cd), piombo (Pb) oppure mercurio (Hg). Per il corretto smaltimento, potete restituirli al vostro fornitore locale, oppure rivolgervi e consegnarli presso i centri di raccolta preposti. Per maggiori informazioni vedere: ww.recyclethis.info. LT BaterijŇ alinimas ios Ĝrangos sudĐtyje yra baterijŇ, kurias draudiama alinti Europos SĂjungos vieose nerŁiuotŇ atliekŇ alinimo sistemose. InformacijĂ apie baterijas galite rasti Ĝrangos techninĐje dokumentacijoje. Baterijos ymimos iuo simboliu, papildomai gali bŁti nurodoma kad baterijŇ sudĐtyje yra kadmio (Cd), vino (Pb) ar gyvsidabrio (Hg). 55 BATTERY DISPOSAL GUIDELINES CHAPTER 11: BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GE Multilin Eksploatavimui nebetinkamas baterijas pristatykite Ĝ tam skirtas surinkimo vietas arba grĂinkite jas tiesioginiam tiekĐjui, kad jos bŁtŇ tinkamai utilizuotos. Daugiau informacijos rasite ioje interneto svetainĐje: www.recyclethis.info. para indicar o cádmio (Cd), chumbo (Pb), ou o mercúrio (hg). Para uma reciclagem apropriada envie a bateria para o seu fornecedor ou para um ponto de recolha designado. Para mais informação veja: www.recyclethis.info. LV Bateriju likvidČana RU ƸǗǍǐǍnjDžǛǍǤ džDžǗDžǕNJǎ is produkts satur bateriju vai akumulatoru, kuru nedrĚkst izmest Eiropas SavienĚbþ esoajþs sadzĚves atkritumu sistČmþs. Sk. produkta dokumentþcijþ, kur ir norþdĚta konkrČta informþcija par bateriju vai akumulatoru. Baterijas vai akumulatora marğČjumþ ir is simbols, kas var ietvert burtus, kuri norþda kadmiju (Cd), svinu (Pb) vai dzĚvsudrabu (Hg). PČc ekspluatþcijas laika beigþm baterijas vai akumulatori jþnodod piegþdþtþjam vai specializČtþ bateriju savþkanas vietþ. SĚkþku informþciju var iegŁt vietnČ: www.recyclethis.info. ƶǓLjǐDžǖǒǓ NJLJǕǓǔNJǎǖǏǓǎ ljǍǕNJǏǗǍLJNJ Ǔdž ǓǗǚǓljDžǚ ǢǐNJǏǗǕǍǜNJǖǏǓLjǓ Ǎ ǢǐNJǏǗǕǓǒǒǓLjǓ ǓdžǓǕǘljǓLJDžǒǍǤ, ǔǕǓljǘǏǗǠ, ǖǓljNJǕNjDžǞǍNJ džDžǗDžǕNJǍ, ǒNJǐǡnjǤ ǘǗǍǐǍnjǍǕǓLJDžǗǡ ǏDžǏ ǓdžǠǜǒǠNJ ǓǗǚǓljǠ ǒDž ǗNJǕǕǍǗǓǕǍǍ ƪƶ. ƦǓǐNJNJ ǔǓljǕǓdžǒǘǣ ǍǒǙǓǕǑDžǛǍǣ LJǠ ǒDžǎljNJǗNJ LJ ljǓǏǘǑNJǒǗDžǛǍǍ Ǐ ǔǕǓljǘǏǗǘ. ƲDž ǢǗǓǑ ǖǍǑLJǓǐNJ ǑǓLjǘǗ ǔǕǍǖǘǗǖǗLJǓLJDžǗǡ džǘǏLJǠ, ǏǓǗǓǕǠNJ ǓnjǒDžǜDžǣǗ, ǜǗǓ džDžǗDžǕNJǤ ǖǓdžNJǕNjǍǗ ǏDžljǑǍǎ (Cd), ǖLJǍǒNJǛ (Pb) ǍǐǍ ǕǗǘǗǡ (Hg). ƩǐǤ ǒDžljǐNJNjDžǞNJǎ ǘǗǍǐǍnjDžǛǍǍ ǔǓ ǓǏǓǒǜDžǒǍǍ ǖǕǓǏDž ǢǏǖǔǐǘDžǗDžǛǍǍ ǔǓǐǡnjǓLJDžǗNJǐǡ ljǓǐNjNJǒ LJǓnjLJǕDžǗǍǗǡ džDžǗDžǕNJǍ ǐǓǏDžǐǡǒǓǑǘ ǔǓǖǗDžLJǞǍǏǘ ǍǐǍ ǖljDžǗǡ LJ ǖǔNJǛǍDžǐǡǒǠǎ ǔǘǒǏǗ ǔǕǍNJǑDž. ƴǓljǕǓdžǒǓǖǗǍ ǑǓNjǒǓ ǒDžǎǗǍ ǒDž LJNJdž-ǖDžǎǗNJ: www.recyclethis.info. NL Verwijderen van baterijen SK Zaobchádzanie s batériami Dit product bevat een batterij welke niet kan verwijdert worden via de gemeentelijke huisvuilscheiding in de Europese Gemeenschap. Gelieve de product documentatie te controleren voor specifieke batterij informatie. De batterijen met deze label kunnen volgende indictaies bevatten cadium (Cd), lood (Pb) of kwik (Hg). Voor correcte vorm van kringloop, geef je de producten terug aan jou locale leverancier of geef het af aan een gespecialiseerde verzamelpunt. Meer informatie vindt u op de volgende website: www.recyclethis.info. Tento produkt obsahuje batériu, s ktorou sa v Európskej únii nesmie nakladaĿ ako s netriedeným komunálnym odpadom. Dokumentácia k produktu obsahuje pecifické informácie o batérii. Batéria je oznaĆená týmto symbolom, ktorý môe obsahovaĿ písmená na oznaĆenie kadmia (Cd), olova (Pb), alebo ortuti (Hg). Na správnu recykláciu vráĿte batériu vámu lokálnemu dodávateĥovi alebo na urĆené zberné miesto. Pre viac informácii pozrite: www.recyclethis.info. NO Retur av batteri SL Odlaganje baterij Dette produkt inneholder et batteri som ikke kan kastes med usortert kommunalt søppel i den Europeiske Unionen. Se produktdokumentasjonen for spesifikk batteriinformasjon. Batteriet er merket med dette symbolet som kan inkludere symboler for å indikere at kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb), eller kvikksølv (Hg) forekommer. Returner batteriet til leverandøren din eller til et dedikert oppsamlingspunkt for korrekt gjenvinning. For mer informasjon se: www.recyclethis.info. Ta izdelek vsebuje baterijo, ki je v Evropski uniji ni dovoljeno odstranjevati kot nesortiran komunalni odpadek. Za posebne informacije o bateriji glejte dokumentacijo izdelka. Baterija je oznaĆena s tem simbolom, ki lahko vkljuĆuje napise, ki oznaĆujejo kadmij (Cd), svinec (Pb) ali ivo srebro (Hg). Za ustrezno recikliranje baterijo vrnite dobavitelju ali jo odstranite na doloĆenem zbiraliĆu. Za veĆ informacij obiĆite spletno stran: www.recyclethis.info. PL Pozbywanie siĒ zuŋytych baterii Denna produkt innehåller ett batteri som inte får kastas i allmänna sophanteringssytem inom den europeiska unionen. Se produktdokumentationen för specifik batteriinformation. Batteriet är märkt med denna symbol, vilket kan innebära att det innehåller kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb) eller kvicksilver (Hg). För korrekt återvinning skall batteriet returneras till leverantören eller till en därför avsedd deponering. För mer information, se: www.recyclethis.info. Ten produkt zawiera baterie, które w Unii Europejskiej mogĂ byĄ usuwane tylko jako posegregowane odpady komunalne. Dokáadne informacje dotyczĂce uŋytych baterii znajdujĂ siĒ w dokumentacji produktu. Baterie oznaczone tym symbolem mogĂ zawieraĄ dodatkowe oznaczenia literowe wskazujĂce na zawartoĹĄ kadmu (Cd), oáowiu (Pb) lub rtĒci (Hg). Dla zapewnienia wáaĹciwej utylizacji, naleŋy zwróciĄ baterie do dostawcy albo do wyznaczonego punktu zbiórki. WiĒcej informacji moŋna znaleʼnĄ na stronie internetowej www.recyclethis.info. PT Eliminação de Baterias Este produto contêm uma bateria que não pode ser considerado lixo municipal na União Europeia. Consulte a documentação do produto para obter informação específica da bateria. A bateria é identificada por meio de este símbolo, que pode incluir a rotulação SV Kassering av batteri TR Pil Geri DönüĻümü Bu ürün Avrupa BirliĖi genel atk sistemlerine atlmamas gereken pil içermektedir. Daha detayl pil bilgisi için ürünün kataloĖunu inceleyiniz. Bu sembolle iĻaretlenmiĻ piller Kadmiyum(Cd), KurĻun(Pb) ya da Civa(Hg) içerebilir. DoĖru geri dönüĻüm için ürünü yerel tedarikçinize geri veriniz ya da özel iĻaretlenmiĻ toplama noktlarna atnz. Daha fazla bilgi için: www.recyclethis.info. Global Contacts 56 North America 905-294-6222 Latin America +55 11 3614 1700 Europe, Middle East, Africa +(34) 94 485 88 00 Asia +86-21-2401-3208 India +91 80 41314617 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Energy Multilin URC Universal Recloser Control Index A H AUTORECLOSE ........................................................................................... 41 HARDWARE B battery ........................................................................................................15 connections .............................................................................................11 enclosure ..................................................................................................13 three-phase currents ..........................................................................15 three-phase voltages ..........................................................................16 HOT LINE TAG FUNCTION ....................................................................33 BATTERY DISPOSAL ................................................................................. 55 BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................... 51 BATTERY SAFETY ....................................................................................... 53 L C CHARGER CONTROLLER ....................................................................... 52 CLOSE COMMAND ................................................................................... 32 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................. 25 CONTROL PUSHBUTTONS ......................................................................8 LOCAL/REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTION .........................................34 M MCBS ...............................................................................................................10 METERING CHECK ....................................................................................16 E ENCLOSURE grounding ................................................................................................. 14 ETHERNET PORT ........................................................................................ 26 EVENT CAUSE INDICATORS ....................................................................6 EVENT RECORDS ....................................................................................... 27 F FAULT REPORTS ........................................................................................ 28 FUSES ......................................................................................................... 3, 10 G GROUND TIME OVERCURRENT ......................................................... 37 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE N NEUTRAL INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT ..............................37 NEUTRAL TIME OVERCURRENT .........................................................37 O OSCILLOGRAPHY RECORDS ................................................................29 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................... 1 P PANEL INTERFACE fuses ............................................................................................................10 indicators .................................................................................................... 6 MCBs ...........................................................................................................10 overview ...................................................................................................... 5 1 INDEX pushbuttons ...............................................................................................8 PHASE INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT ...................................35 PHASE ROTATION .....................................................................................17 PHASE TIME OVERCURRENT ...............................................................36 POWER SUPPLY connectors ...............................................................................................12 PT CONNECTORS ......................................................................................12 R RECLOSER CURVES ..................................................................................36 RECLOSER STATUS INDICATORS .........................................................8 RESET PUSHBUTTON .................................................................................8 RS232 PORT .................................................................................................25 RS485 PORT .................................................................................................26 S SETTING GROUPS .....................................................................................48 SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................................................3 STATUS INDICATORS .................................................................................6 T TRIP/OPEN COMMAND ..........................................................................31 TYPE TESTS ......................................................................................................3 U USER-PROGRAMMABLE INDICATORS ..............................................7 USER-PROGRAMMABLE PUSHBUTTONS ........................................8 W WIRING DIAGRAMS .................................................................................19 2 URC UNIVERSAL RECLOSER CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE