129 P PHYSICS—ASSO OCIATE IN SCIE ENCE IN PHYSICS FOR TRAN NSFER (AS-T) P PROGRAM DESCRIP PTION P Physics is the natural science s involving a geeneral analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how w the universe behavees. It involves the studdy of matter and its m motion through space and time, along with related conceptss such as energy and force. Physics overlaaps with many interdissciplinary areas such as astronomy, biologgy, chemistry, and geoology. Physics aalso makes significant contributions throughh advances in new tecchnologies that arise from f theoretical breakkthroughs. Research in physics includes thhe following specialty areas: condensed matter phyysics; solid-state physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; particle physics; asttrophysics; geophysiccs and biophysics. Some positions for whicch four-year graduates in physics are a qualified are in ressearch, teaching, engiineering, medicine, annd industry. TThe Associate in Sciennce degree in Physicss for Transfer provides a clearly articulated curricular track for sttudents who wish to trransfer to baccalaureeate degree programss at a California S State University (CSU)) campus. For detailed requirements for inddividual four-year insttitutions, students shoould contact the transffer institution and/or m meet with a counselorr for specific trransfer course requireements in their major. FFOR MORE INFORMA ATION, CONTACT: Laura Fatuzzo at (8831) 770-7017, lfatuzzzo@hartnell.edu , N-110 P PROGRAM OUTCOM MES U Upon successful comppletion of the Associaate in Science in Phyysics for Transfer Deegree, a student shouuld be able to: Apply funndamental physics law ws, principles and widdely accepted theoriess. Demonsttrate proficiency in sollving problems that arre appropriate to first--year-university studeents of calculus-level pphysics courses. Collect and analyze data effecctively using basic laboratory equipment, annd present results andd conclusions in form mally structured laboraatory reports California Communnity Colleges are now offering associate deegrees for transfer to tthe CSU. These mayy include Associate in Arts (AA-T) or Associate in Sciencce (AS-T) degrees. These degrees are dessigned to provide a cllear pathway to a CSU U major and baccalauureate degree. California Communnity College students who w are awarded an AAA-T or AS-T degree are guaranteed admission with junior stannding somewhere in the CSU C system and given priority admission cconsideration to their llocal CSU campus orr to a program that is ddeemed similar to their community college major. This prriority does not guaraantee admission to speecific majors or camppuses. S Students who have beeen awarded an AA-T or AS-T are able to complete c their remaining requirements for tthe 120-unit baccalauureate degree within 660 semester or 90 quaarter units. “(1) Completion of 60 semesteer units or 90 quarter units u that are eligible for transfer to the Callifornia State Universiity, including both of tthe following: (A) The Intersegm mental General Educaation Transfer Curricuulum (IGETC) or the C California State Univeersity General Educatiion – Breadth Requireements. (B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of empphasis, as determinedd by the community ccollege district. (2) Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of o 2.0.” A ADTs also require thatt students must earn a C or better in all couurses required for the major or area of empphasis. A “P” (Pass) ggrade is not an accepptable grade for coursses in the major. REQUIRED D MAJOR COURSES Required Major M Course Required Major M Course Required Major M Course Course N o. PHY-4A PHY-4B PHY-4C Required Major M Course Required Major M Course Required Major M Course MAT-3A MAT-3B MAT-3C RECOMME ENDED MAJOR ELEC CTIVES (Select from m list; none required::) Recommended Major Elective Recommended Major Elective Recommended Major Elective Recommended Major Elective Recommended Major Elective Course N o. CHM-1A CHM-1B CSS-4 MAT-4 MAT-5 REQUIRED D GENERAL EDUCAT TION COURSES (Stu udents can double count c General Ed ducation courses with major courses.) Chooose either A. CSU-GE E or B. IGETC for the General Education ppattern related to your educational goal: A. Minimum units to meeet CSU-GE breadth ccertification requiremeents (39 units); OR B. Minimum unitts to meet IGETC (344-37.00 units) certificaation requirements Physics R Required Major and R Restricted Electives Eleectives(Courses num mbered 1-99) requireed when degree unitts plus GE units totaal fewer than 60.0 TOTAL Course Title General Physiccs/Mechanics General Physiccs/Electricity and Maggnetism General Physiccs/Waves, Heat, Lighht and Modern Physics Analytic Geom metry and Calculus I Analytic Geom metry and Calculus II Analytic Geom metry and Calculus III SUBTTOTAL UNITS (24) Course Title General Chem mistry I General Chem mistry II Introduction to Scientific Programmiing Linear Algebra Differential Equuations SUB BTOTAL UNITS (0) Units 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Units 5.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Units 39.0 34.00-37.00 24.0 5-7.0 60.0 S Students can double-count required deg gree courses and cou urses for General Ed ducation TTRANSFER STUDENTS: Students planning to transfer to a univversity should follow thhe requirements of th e four-year universityy. Information on courrse equivalencies and major ppreparation requirements for the University of California (UC) andd California State University (CSU) system ms are available onlinee at www.assist.org. P Please consult with a Hartnell C College counselor to reeview transfer requireements. Hartnell Co ollege Catalog//2016-2017