On Lower Bound Antenna Efficiency Measurements in a Reverberation Chamber Jason B. Coder #1 , John M. Ladbury #2 , Mark Golkowski ∗3 # National Institute of Standards and Technology 325 Broadway, Mail Stop 687.02, Boulder CO 80305 1 2 ∗ jason.coder@nist.gov john.ladbury@nist.gov Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Denver 1205 5th St, Denver CO 80204 3 mark.golkowski@ucdenver.edu Abstract—This paper addresses a few specific aspects of measuring the lower bound of antenna efficiency in a reverberation chamber. While the initial method for measuring the lower bound of efficiency has been presented, three key revisions are discussed here: (1) an updated notation, (2) a revised method for calculating the lower bound of efficiency, and (3) a new method for combining stirring techniques. The updated antenna model notation is designed to be more general and applicable to situations with n antennas. The revised efficiency calculation targets an issue of the original method where the minimum bounding circle exceeded the unit circle. Introducing a new method of combining stirring techniques addresses a weakness of the original model. For the model to work well, it needs a very large number of paddle positions that generate a good statistical approximation of the environment (in this case, a reverberation chamber). As a possible remedy to this weakness, we propose a different way of combining stirring techniques. I. I NTRODUCTION A new antenna model was initially presented in [1]. This model is different from others in that it models the antenna and it’s imperfections as an unknown two-port network. An extension of this model was presented in [2] where it was shown that the model can be used to calculate the lower bound of antenna efficiency. The initial model and application to antenna efficiency have been demonstrated, and a few improvements can be made to the underlying model and efficiency calculation to improve it’s overall usability. First, the notation originally developed with the model revolved around the S-parameter nomenclature. This proved useful because we typically describe unknown two-port networks using S-parameters. The downside of the S-parameter notation is that it becomes very cumbersome when the network expands to multiple antennas in an arbitrary environment. Here, we outline a new notation that attempts to overcome this issue. This change in notation does not modify any of the mathematical formulae or functions of the two-port antenna model. The second issue addressed is the calculations performed on an antenna with a significant impedance mismatch. Using the efficiency calculations presented in [2], the lower bound 978-1-4673-2060-3/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE of transmitting efficiency can not be calculated because the minimum radius bounding circle will exceed the unit circle. Since antennas are not well-matched at all frequencies, this is an unavoidable issue. In section III we detail a method to help resolve this issue. In addition to these two minor revisions, we also examine the use of multiple stirring techniques. In other reverberation chamber applications, stirring techniques are combined by averaging data together [3], [4]. However, this is not a good approach when using the two-port antenna model. Some applications of the two-port antenna model rely heavily on the statistical distribution of measured data points. Any averaging could have a profound impact on the calculated results. This would imply that a combination of stirring techniques can’t be used when the two-port antenna model is employed. We propose a new method of combining stirring techniques that ”groups” data points together instead of averaging them together. This grouping preserves the original statistical distribution of the data. While this method also works to reduce the measurement uncertainty (via an increase in the number of samples), it may not decrease the measurement noise. II. A R EVISED N OTATION The notation presented in [1] and [2] focused on being similar to something readers were already familiar with: twoport networks (and their notation). While the previous notation may make it easier to understand the basic concepts of the model, it does not easily allow the model to be expanded to multiple antennas in an environment. The equations presented in [1] and [2] remain valid, and the new notation can be directly substituted in place of the old notation. Figure 1 shows a signal flow graph of the unknown two-port network with the revised notation. In previous publications, the notation has revolved around S-Parameters. If the antenna were placed in an environment (i.e. a reverberation chamber), it too could be modeled as a two-port network. The two-port network that represents the environment would simply be cascaded onto the end of the antenna’s model two-port network. In this case, the only part of the environment that needs to be 216 Fig. 1. A signal flow graph of the two-port antenna model showing the revised notation. represented is the S11 of the reverberation chamber, denoted RC as S11 in Figure 2. A simple example of moving from the old notation in [1] and [2] to the new notation, we can look at the equation for the transmitting efficiency. In the previous notation, this was given as: ηT = |S21 |2 . 1 − |S11 |2 (1) In the new notation, the equation for transmitting efficiency remains the same, except the appropriate terms replace the S-parameters: ηT = |T1 |2 . 1 − |Γ1 |2 Fig. 2. An example of S11 data that causes the minimum radius bounding circle to exceed the unit circle. (2) The remaining equations in [1] and [2] can be translated in a similar manner. All of the remaining equations and derivations shown here will utilize the new notation. III. A R EVISED E FFICIENCY C ALCULATION An algebraic method for calculating the lower bound of transmitting efficiency using the two-port model was first presented in [2]. It was based on using a set of measured data to calculate the parameters necessary to solve (2). This method proves suitable and useful for antennas that are well-matched at the frequencies of interest. Unfortunately, if the lower bound of transmitting efficiency for a poorly matched antenna is of interest, that method can have difficulty providing a result. This problem stems from the use of a minimum radius bounding circle. Such a circle is used around set of measured complex S11 data. If a significant amount of mismatch exists, it can cause the cluster of data to be near the unit circle. When a minimum bounding circle is then put around that data, the bounding circle may exceed the unit circle, as in Figure 2. This creates a situation where the efficiency calculation can not be completed. By manipulating the equations, it is possible to redistribute the data in such a way that the minimum bounding circle does not exceed the unit circle. This isn’t to say that this improved method solves all of the cases. If the reflections are very high, there may be a some S11 values that exceed the unit circle by a very small fraction (i.e. 1.001). These cases are rare, but can be caused by a combination of measurement noise and very high reflections. Regardless of the cause, they aren’t solvable using this method. This new iterative method begins the same way as the previous method; with a set of measured S11 data from a vector network analyzer (VNA). This data is acquired while the antenna under test (AUT) is inside a reverberation chamber (in this case). Once the data are acquired, we will start processing by assuming that the antenna is 100% efficient. This assumption, albeit incorrect will allow us to calculate all four of the parameters in the two-port network. These four parameters will be used as a starting point for the iterative process. As the iterations progress, these four parameters will change to more reasonable values. The following three equations can be used to calculate the network parameters: < S11 >= Γ1 , (3a) S1 = −Γ1 , (3b) T1 = R1 = p 1 − |Γ1 |2 , (3c) where the bar over Γ1 represents the complex conjugate operation. Once the four network parameters are calculated assuming the antenna has 100% efficiency, the data is transRC plane (referred to as ΓL in previous formed to the S11 publications) using this equation: RC S11 = S11 − Γ1 . T1 R1 + (S11 − Γ1 )S1 (4) After this transform is complete, the minimum radius bounding circle is found. Figure 3 shows the original S11 data RC transformed to the S11 plane. 217 plane. From this point, the center and radius of the circle in the S11 plane can be used to calculate a new S1 : S1,new = 1 (S1,center − Γ1 ), S1,radius (6) where S1,new is the new S1 parameter calculated from the points of the circle, S1,radius and S1,center are the radius and center of the circle used to calculate the new S1 , respectively. This new S1 can then be used to find the transmitting efficiency: ηT X = S1,radius (1 − |S1,new |2 ) . 1 − |Γ1 |2 (7) Unless the antenna being used truly is 100% efficient, this process will have to be repeated at least one more time. Fig. 3. The original measured S11 data after it has been transformed to RC . The solid red circle is the minimum radius bounding circle. The unit S11 circle is shown in solid green. Now that the minimum radius circle that bounds all of the RC S11 points has been found, the circle must be transformed back to S11 using a reworked version of (4): " ! # 1 S11 = T1 R1 + Γ1 . (5) 1 − S1 S RC 11 Note that (5) contains several operations: reciprocal, scale, and offset. Each of these operations must be done on the circle as a whole. Rather than defining a circle by its discrete points, using only the radius and center of the circle should be sufficient to complete the required operations. Figure 4 shows the circle transformed back into the S11 RC plane after it Fig. 4. The minimum radius bounding circle from the S11 is transformed back to the S11 plane. The blue dot represents the center of the circle, and the solid green line is the unit outline of the unit circle. RC plane. Fig. 5. Data and minimum radius bounding circle (red) in the S11 The unit circle is shown in solid green. RC plane after it Fig. 6. The minimum radius bounding circle from the S11 is transformed back to the S11 plane. The blue dot represents the center of the circle, and the solid green line is the unit outline of the unit circle. 218 This means calculating a set of new network parameters and RC repeating the S11 and S11 transformations again, as described above. To repeat the process, a new T1 needs to be calculated: q (8) T1,new = S1,radius (1 − |S1,new |2 ) As the process is repeated a second time, Figure 5 shows the RC original measured S11 data transformed into the S11 plane. To compare the results from iteration to iteration, compare Figure 3 to Figure 5. An interesting characteristic of Figure 5 is that the minimum radius bounding circle exceeds the unit circle. While an exact mathematical explanation for this has not yet been determined, it appears to be an artifact of the processing that only occurs in intermediate iterations, and only for a small fraction of the data points. Further investigation is required to determine the cause of this anomaly. We would be more concerned if any of the redistributed points or center of the circle exceed the unit circle. Similarly, the radius of the bounding circle exceeding 1 would be a significant issue. Similar to Figure 4, Figure 6 shows the second iteration of data after the minimum radius bounding circle has been transformed back to the S11 plane. The calculation ends when the lower bound of transmitting efficiency stops significantly changing from iteration-toiteration. In practice, this is usually three iterations. It is very important to note that just as in [2], this calculation of transmitting efficiency remains a lower bound. Even with this revised method, there is still variability in the exact value of S1 . This variation in S1 is due to the fact that we do not have enough paddle positions to properly represent the probability distribution function (PDF) of the fields in the reverberation chamber. In the next section we will show how the grouping method can further improve this lower bound calculation by adding more independent samples and improving our representation of the PDF. IV. T HE G ROUPING M ETHOD For the purposes of comparing the proposed grouping method to common averaging techniques, consider the case where a single antenna is placed inside the working volume of a reverberation chamber. We then connect the antenna to a VNA and measure S11 at 10 different frequencies over 100 stepped paddle positions. It is generally accepted that averaging the complex S11 data over all 100 paddle positions will lead to an approximation of the free-space S11 value of that antenna. Following the common averaging technique, one could then average all 100 paddle positions at all 10 frequencies together (assuming all are statistically independent of each other) to get a better approximation of the antenna’s free-space S11 [5]. While there is nothing wrong with averaging the data to calculate the free-space S11 , some information is lost during the process. One of the key pieces of information that is lost (or changed) is the original PDF of the measured S11 data. As an example, Figure 7(a) shows a scatter plot of measured S11 (a) (b) Fig. 7. The top (a) shows a scatter plot of 100 S11 values. A histogram of |S11 | is shown on the bottom (b). data at 100 paddle positions. Figure 7(b) shows a histogram of |S11 |. Figure 8 shows the same data averaged over 10 frequencies (approximately 4 MHz span). Note the significant differences in the histograms between the two cases. Now consider the case where the parameter of interest isn’t the free-space value of S11 , but the lower bound of transmitting efficiency. Since the transmitting efficiency is largely dependent on the size of the ”cluster” of data and it’s PDF, different answers would be obtained if the user chose to use the data from Figure 7 or 8. To avoid the loss of information caused by averaging points together, group them together. Now, instead of 100 points (each an average of 10 frequencies), we have 1,000 points by simply grouping the 100 points at each of the 10 frequencies together. This is accomplished by simply appending arrays 219 (a) (a) (b) (b) Fig. 8. The top (a) shows a scatter plot of 100 S11 values averaged over 10 frequencies. A histogram of |S11 is shown on the bottom (b). of data together; no mathematical operations are performed. Figure 9 shows the scatter plot of the grouped S11 data. This is the same data shown in Figure 1, but this data is grouped instead of averaged. Figure 9(b) shows the histogram of the grouped |S11 | data. Because the grouped data set contains 1,000 points (instead of 100), the PDF of the magnitude can be better approximated. Here, the grouping method is demonstrated with frequency stirring, it also applies to any other combination of stirring techniques. Using this method, any number of stirring methods could be combine to create one, large data set. However, when frequency stirring is used, caution must be exercised for two reasons. First, the bandwidth of frequency stirring must not be so large that characteristics of the chamber or antenna under test change significantly. In the case of calculating the transmitting efficiency of a narrow-band antenna, the Fig. 9. The top (a) shows a scatter plot of 1,000 S11 that have been grouped together. A histogram of |S11 | is shown on the bottom (b). use of frequency stirring may be restricted to a very small bandwidth to avoid averaging over important characteristics of the antenna. Second, the frequency points must be an adequate distance apart so they are statistically independent from one another. The general rule is that frequency points must be at least one mode bandwidth apart, defined as f /Q [5]. For the data used in Figures 8 and 9, the mode bandwidth was approximately 85 KHz. The points averaged/grouped together are 400 KHz apart. Once the data are grouped together, they can be processed using existing equations and procedures designed for whatever application the user desires. The grouping method is meant to be used before any other data processing has been done. To show the use of the proposed grouping method, the lower bound of transmitting efficiency of a single antenna placed 220 inside a reverberation chamber will be calculated. V. A NALYSIS As indicated in section IV, the calculation of transmitting efficiency relies heavily on the distribution of the data. Too few paddle positions or too few independent samples will produce a small cluster, and thus a lower lower bound of efficiency. One approach to prevent this from happening is to increase the number of paddle positions. But, at a certain point, an increase in paddle positions doesn’t increase the number of independent samples in the data. This is why use of the proposed grouping method is appealing - it provides another way to increase the number of independent samples without increasing the number of paddle positions. Figure 10 shows a comparison of transmitting efficiency data. All of this data was calculated with the method discussed in section III, and represents a lower bound of transmitting efficiency. The difference between the curves is the number of paddle positions and stirring methods. The red curve (on the bottom) is data that was calculated using only 100 paddle positions. The two overlapping curves in the middle are data taken from 1,000 paddle positions and 100 paddle positions grouped together with 10 frequencies (to create 1,000 total points). The grouped data shows more variation than the purely stepped data. To give an idea of what’s possible, the top, black curve shows the lower bound of transmitting efficiency when 500 paddle steps are grouped with 20 frequencies (to create 10,000 total points). The data for 100 and 1,000 paddle positions has been smoothed with a 10-point moving average, after the transmitting efficiency has been calculated. The curves that feature grouped data do not have any smoothing applied. When the data was grouped together before calculating the transmitting efficiency, it was grouped together in discrete blocks. In other words, when 10 frequencies’ worth of points were grouped together the grouping was not done as a ”moving window.” Bins 4 MHz in size (in this case) were setup so that each of the grouped data sets did not share any points with the other bins of data. This figure demonstrates two important principles. First, the grouping method produces results that are very similar to the data sets where only discrete paddle positions were employed. Second, the grouping technique could produce better results for only a small increase in measurement time. The amount of extra measurement time required to sample at additional frequencies is far less than taking additional paddle positions. With reference to the data displayed in Figure 10, the data that produced the ”100 Steps, 10 Freq.” curve took only a few minutes longer than the ”100 Steps” data. Uncertainties for the lower bound transmitting efficiency shown in Figure 10 are based on the measurement uncertainties. In this case, the reflection coefficient S11 , is the only measured parameter. The uncertainty in the S11 measurement is 0.1 dB (with a coverage factor of 2). This does not mean that the true transmitting efficiency of the antenna is within Fig. 10. A comparison between using only paddle positions and using the proposed grouping method. the uncertainty bound, and this should not be confused with a definite estimate. VI. C ONCLUSION A few updates to the two-port antenna model and lower bound efficiency calculation have been presented. The first update revised the model notation to be more general and user-friendly for applications involving multiple antennas in an arbitrary environment. The second update revised the way in which the lower bound of transmitting efficiency is calculated. The revised calculation employs an iterative approach in an effort to successfully calculate the efficiency of antennas with a significant mismatch. Finally, a new way of processing reverberation chamber data was presented. The proposed method groups points together instead of averaging them, thus providing a better estimate of the probability density function in the reverberation chamber. The grouping method was demonstrated with conventional stepped paddle stirring and frequency stirring. R EFERENCES [1] J. M. Ladbury and D. Hill, “An improved model for antennas in reverberation chambers,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, July 2010. [2] J. B. Coder, J. M. Ladbury, and M. 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