DISS. ETH No. 16041 THREE-DIMENSIONAL SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF A REVERBERATION CHAMBER A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by CHRISTIAN BRUNS Dipl.-Ing., Universität Fridericiana Karlsruhe (TH), Germany born December 19, 1973 citizen of Germany accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. R. Vahldieck, examiner Prof. Dr. F. Canavero, co-examiner 2005 DISS. ETH No. 16041 THREE-DIMENSIONAL SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF A REVERBERATION CHAMBER A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by CHRISTIAN BRUNS Dipl.-Ing., Universität Fridericiana Karlsruhe (TH), Germany born December 19, 1973 citizen of Germany accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. R. Vahldieck, examiner Prof. Dr. F. Canavero, co-examiner 2005 If you can’t do it better — why bother doing it at all? Michael E. Porter Abstract Electronic products must be designed so that they do not disturb the proper operation of other products and inversely withstand electromagnetic radiation emitted from surrounding devices. A crucial aspect of successful product development is therefore the effective and efficient testing of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Reverberation chambers (RCs) enjoy growing popularity as a complement or replacement to the well established methods for radiated interference. RC testing exhibits several competitive advantages over existing methods, such as an enhanced test repeatability and a more realistic as well as rigorous test environment. The importance of testing for EMC in RCs as an alternative measurement technique has recently been recognized in the IEC 610004-21 standard. The three-dimensional simulation of an RC is presented in this thesis. In the beginning, fundamental concepts and key parameters of an RC are introduced, among them the mode distribution, mode density, modal gaps, and the quality factor. Furthermore, the RC is described as a statistical electromagnetic test environment and characterized by distribution functions, correlation, uncertainty, and field uniformity. It is pointed out that it is crucial to select a suitable numerical method to perform meaningful RC simulations. A chosen numerical technique must be able to deliver results over a wide frequency range without using excessive computational resources; the method must be able to handle large, irregular structures, and a varying geometry without introducing errors. Furthermore, there must be a possibility to account for finite metal conductivity as well as highly resonant structures. The computation of near fields at an arbitrary number of chamber locations should be possible without adding too much computational overhead. A frequency-domain electric field integral equation-based method-of-moments technique is chosen for the RC simulations. A prototype RC with a measurement system is built and used later on for simulation validations. Measurement errors originating from field probes, antennas, and stirrers are assessed for their impact on deviations between simulated and measured results. The biggest deviations are found to result from the antenna tripods and position inaccuracies of the field probe head or the antennas. The prototype RC including the door, stirrers, several antennas, and an equipment under test is modeled for the electromagnetic simulation. Suitable electrical conductivity values are derived for material as it is used in a shielded room construction. In addition to the prototype RC, cubic and corrugated chambers, an offset-wall RC as well as several vertical and horizontal stirrers are modeled. Simulation results of a detailed asymmetric RC model are benchmarked against measurements and exhibit a good agreement in the lower-to-medium frequency range. It is shown that a proper validation of the simulation must be performed with direct comparisons against measured near fields without further data processing or statistical analysis. Furthermore, a deeper analysis of various chamber geometries, TX/RX antennas, differ- i ii ABSTRACT ent stirrer designs, and equipments under test is performed. The importance of small geometric details and the agreement between actual prototype and simulated RC dimensions is discussed. It is shown that the type, position, and alignment of the excitation source in the simulation model change the field pattern significantly. In addition, the effect of various stirrers on the fields, correlation, and uniformity inside the chamber are visualized. The 6-paddle stirrer developed for this thesis and the commercially available Z-fold stirrer have the best performance. A comparison between the standard rectangular RC with a cubic and a corrugated chamber revealed that the two latter chamber geometries do not offer significant advantages concerning correlation and field uniformity. On the other hand, the cubic RC does not perform as bad as always alleged. The presence of a stirring device shifts the modes in frequency depending on their respective field distribution away from the analytically calculated resonance frequencies. Therefore the usually observed problem of degenerate modes is found not come into play within a cubic RC – contrary to the widely accepted RC design guidelines, a cubic RC does not exhibit worse performance than other rectangular RCs. Three special multipath/direct path coupling scenarios are simulated (Gaussian, Rice, and Rayleigh statistical distributions). This investigation reveals that the usage of a Hertzian dipole in an RC simulation leads to undesirable strong direct coupling between an equipment under test and the excitation. Through the usage of realistic antennas with higher directivity, this unwanted direct coupling can be considerably reduced. In this thesis it is shown that for frequencies much smaller than the lowest usable frequency, the simulation of an RC is possible, the chamber however becomes electrically too small compared to the operational wavelength, which prevents sufficient statistical field uniformity (an optimization is therefore not possible). Conversely, at frequencies much above the lowest usable frequency, where a high number of modes is above cutoff, almost any RC works well regardless of its particular design (hence, there is no optimization needed). With increasing frequency, the field within an RC becomes more and more sensitive to even small geometric details, which makes proper modeling numerically not feasible at high frequencies. The possibilities for RC design optimizations significantly below or above the lowest usable frequency are therefore limited. At frequencies around the lowest usable frequency, however, stirrer shapes or wall geometries can be optimized using the results presented in this thesis in order to improve field uniformity and to extend the operating frequency for a given RC to lower frequencies. Zusammenfassung Elektronische Produkte müssen heute so entwickelt werden, dass sie einerseits andere Produkte nicht in ihrer Funktion beeinträchtigen und gleichzeitig selbst weitgehend immun gegen elektromagnetische Einstrahlung anderer Geräte sind. Daher besteht ein wichtiger Aspekt der erfolgreichen Produktentwicklung darin, neue Geräte in effizienter und effektiver Weise auf ihre elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV) hin zu untersuchen. Reverberation Chambers (RCs) erfreuen sich seit einiger Zeit steigender Beliebtheit und stellen eine Ergänzung bzw. einen Ersatz bestehender EMV-Testmethoden dar. Tests in RCs weisen gegenüber bestehenden Verfahren verschiedene Vorteile auf, sie ermöglichen z.B. eine bessere Wiederholgenauigkeit sowie ein realistischeres und strengeres Prüfverfahren. Der zunehmenden Bedeutung von RCs wurde durch den Entwurf und die kürzliche Veröffentlichung des IEC 61000-4-21 Standards Rechnung getragen. Diese Arbeit behandelt die dreidimensionale Simulation einer RC. Zunächst werden die grundlegenden Aspekte sowie die wichtigsten Parameter einer RC behandelt. Dazu gehören die Verteilung der Moden, die Modendichte, die Modenlücken und der Gütefaktor. RCs werden im weiteren Verlauf als statistische Testumgebung beschrieben und charakterisiert durch Verteilungsfunktionen, Korrelation, statistische Unsicherheit und Felduniformität. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass die Wahl einer geeigneten numerischen Methode entscheidend ist, um sinnvolle RC-Simulationen durchzuführen. Die jeweilige numerische Methode muss einerseits Simulationen über einen weiten Frequenzbereich erlauben, ohne jedoch exorbitante Rechenleistung zu benötigen; andererseits muss die Methode in der Lage sein, grosse unregelmässige Strukturen zu berechnen, bei denen sich Teile der Geometrie bewegen. Ausserdem muss es ohne grossen Mehraufwand möglich sein, die endliche Leitfähigkeit des Materials zu berücksichtigen. Die eingesetzte Simulationstechnik sollte das Feld an sehr vielen räumlich verteilten Punkten bestimmen können, ohne den numerischen Aufwand signifikant zu vergrössern. In dieser Arbeit wird für die RC-Simulationen die auf der elektrischen Feldintegralgleichung basierende Momentenmethode im Frequenzbereich verwendet. Ein RC-Prototyp wird konstruiert und zusammen mit einem Messsystem für die Überprüfung der Simulationsergebnisse eingesetzt. Durch Feldsonden, Antennen und Rührer entstehende Messfehler werden hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die Übereinstimmung von Mess- und Simulationsergebnissen beurteilt. Die grössten Abweichungen sind auf die Antennenstative und die Positionierungenauigkeit der Feldsonden sowie der Antennen zurückzuführen. Der aus Wänden, Tür, Rührern, mehreren Antennen und einem Testobjekt bestehende RC-Prototyp wird für die elektromagnetische Simulation modelliert. Brauchbare Leitfähigkeitswerte für die verwendeten Materialien werden durch Messungen ermittelt, so dass die praktischen Verhältnisse in einer Schirmkabine reproduziert werden können. Neben dem RC-Prototyp werden kubische und gerippte Kammern, eine RC mit einer versetzten Wand sowie verschiedene vertikal und horizontal angeordnete Rührer modelliert. iii iv ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Simulationsergebnisse eines detailgetreuen, asymmetrischen RC-Modells werden verglichen mit Messresultaten. Dabei ergibt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung im unteren sowie mittleren Frequenzbereich. Es wird dargelegt, dass eine sinnvolle Validierung der Simulationsergebnisse nur über direkte Vergleiche mit Messergebnissen durchgeführt werden kann. Sowohl die Simulations- wie auch die Messergebnisse sollten dabei weder weiterverarbeitet werden zu abgeleiteten Grössen noch mittels statistischer Kennzahlen beschrieben werden. Die modellierten RCs mit den darin befindlichen Sende- und Empfangsantennen, verschiedenen Rührern und Testobjekten werden mit Hilfe der Simulation untersucht. Der Einfluss unscheinbarer Details sowie von geringen geometrischen Abweichungen zwischen Prototyp und Modell einer RC wird behandelt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Art, Position und Ausrichtung der Anregung im Simulationsmodell die Feldverteilung in der RC erheblich beeinflussen. Weiterhin wird der Effekt verschiedener Rührertypen auf das elektromagnetische Feld, die Korrelation und die Gleichmässigkeit der Feldverteilung in der Kammer untersucht. Die beste Leistung konnte mit dem in dieser Arbeit entwickelten 6-Flügel-Rührer sowie dem kommerziell erhältlichen ZFaltung-Rührer erzielt werden. Der Vergleich einer gewöhnlichen, rechteckigen RC mit einer kubischen bzw. gerippten RC zeigt, dass die beiden letztgenannten Varianten keinerlei Vor- oder Nachteile im Hinblick auf Korrelation oder eine gleichmässige Feldverteilung aufweisen. Insbesondere ist die kubische Kammer nicht so schlecht wie oft behauptet: Durch den Rührer werden die einzelnen Moden (je nach zugehöriger Feldverteilung) weg von der analytisch berechneten Resonanzfrequenz verschoben. Dadurch tritt das Problem der Modendegeneration innerhalb einer kubischen RC praktisch nicht auf. Im Gegensatz zur weit verbreiteten Meinung (sowie Konstruktionsempfehlungen) weist eine kubische RC somit keine signifikant schlechtere Felduniformität im Vergleich zu anderen rechteckigen Kammern auf. Weiterhin werden drei Spezialfälle von Kopplungspfaden und Mehrwegeausbreitung untersucht (resultierend in Gauss, Rice und Rayleigh Verteilungen). Diese Untersuchung ergab, dass sich bei Verwendung eines Hertzschen Dipols in der Simulation eine unerwünschte, starke direkte Kopplung zwischen Testobjekt und Anregung ergibt. Durch praxisnahe Antennen mit höherer Richtwirkung lässt sich diese unerwünschte direkte Kopplung erheblich reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Simulation einer RC bei Frequenzen kleiner als der niedrigsten Betriebsfrequenz zwar möglich ist, die Kammer allerdings für eine ausreichend gleichmässige Feldverteilung (und damit auch Optimierung) elektrisch zu klein wird. Im Gegensatz dazu funktioniert unabhängig vom Design jede RC bei hohen Frequenzen (d.h. genügend grosse Anzahl Moden ausbreitungsfähig) ausreichend gut, womit sich die Optimierung erübrigt. Für eine korrekte Simulation gestaltet sich die geeignete Modellierung bei hohen Frequenzen sehr schwierig, da das Feld in einer RC prinzipbedingt stark auf kleinste Geometrieänderungen reagiert. Die Möglichkeiten für die RC-Optimierung sind damit sowohl im unteren wie auch im oberen Frequenzbereich eingeschränkt. Bei mittleren Frequenzen (um den Bereich der niedrigsten Betriebsfrequenz herum) lässt sich eine RC aufbauend auf den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnissen optimieren. Durch Verwendung z.B. neuartiger Rührerformen oder Wandgeometrien in der Simulation kann die Gleichmässigkeit der Feldverteilung verbessert werden und damit der Einsatzbereich einer RC zu niedrigeren Frequenzen erweitert werden. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and objective of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 2 Reverberation Chamber Theory 2.1 Electromagnetic fields in a reverberation chamber . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Modes inside an ideal cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Modes inside a lossy cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Field distribution inside a reverberation chamber . . . . . 2.2 Lowest usable frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Number of cavity modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Quality factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Stirring ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Field anisotropy and inhomogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Field anisotropy coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Field inhomogeneity coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Field statistics and probability density functions . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Quadrature and in-phase part statistics . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Magnitude statistics for single components and total field 2.4.3 Power statistics for single components and total field . . . 2.4.4 Statistical goodness-of-fit χ2 -test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Correlation coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Definition of correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2 Significance of correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Statistical uncertainty and estimator accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Field uniformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Caveats for statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 8 9 9 10 14 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 23 24 25 25 27 31 34 35 3 Numerical Procedure 3.1 Initial considerations of reverberation chamber simulations . 3.1.1 Wide operational frequency range . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Large, varying, and irregular geometry . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Finite conductivity and entirely closed structure . . 3.1.4 Highly resonant chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.5 Large number of spatial near field positions . . . . . 3.2 Computation of electromagnetic fields . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Incident and scattered field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v CONTENTS vi 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.2.2 Integral equation approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Solution of integral equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Approximation of currents and current density . . . . . . . . 3.2.5 Computation of line and surface current coefficients . . . . . Method of Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Point matching and weighting functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Matrix formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Symmetry considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Modeling of finite conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computational requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Simulation memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Simulation time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extensions to the method of moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Field integral equation resonance problem . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.2 Iterative solution techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.3 Method of moments and physical optics hybridization . . . . 3.5.4 Method of moments and fast multipole method hybridization Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 41 41 43 44 44 45 46 47 47 47 50 52 52 52 54 54 55 4 Literature Overview 4.1 Historic reverberation chamber publications and patents . . 4.2 Reverberation chamber standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Previous reverberation chamber simulations . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Time-domain simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Frequency-domain simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Statistical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Alternative stirring methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Moving walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 Electronic stirring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Practical reverberation chamber applications . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 Automotive and aircraft avionics . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 Antenna measurements and mobile communications 4.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 57 58 58 59 62 63 63 64 64 66 66 68 68 5 Prototype and Measurement System Development 5.1 Reverberation chamber prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Walls and door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Stirrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Auxiliary installations and electromagnetic leakage 5.2 Measurement system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Transmit and receive measurement equipment . . . 5.2.2 Field probe system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 Data acquisition and interfacing . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Measurement errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Field probe system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 71 71 72 75 77 78 80 83 84 84 . . . . . . . . . . CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 91 91 92 6 Modeling of the Reverberation Chamber 6.1 Chamber models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Modeling procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Prototype reverberation chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.4 Corrugated, cubic, and offset-wall reverberation chambers 6.1.5 Other reverberation chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Stirrer models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Vertical stirrers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Horizontal stirrers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Stirrers used in other reverberation chambers . . . . . . . 6.3 Wall and stirrer conductivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Transmit and receive antenna models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Ideal Hertzian and realistic λ/2-dipole . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.2 Biconical antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.3 Logarithmic-periodic antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.4 Horn antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Canonical equipment under test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.1 Practical canonical EUTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.2 Canonical EUT modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 93 93 94 95 98 100 100 101 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 110 110 112 114 7 Reverberation Chamber Simulation and Measurement 7.1 Simulation and measurement workflow . . . . . . . 7.2 Cavity simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Effect of the chamber door . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Insertion of a stirrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Prototype reverberation chamber analysis . . . . . 7.3.1 Different chamber geometries . . . . . . . . 7.3.2 Effect of a rotating stirrer . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.3 Different reverberation chamber excitations 7.4 Measurement versus simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.1 Measurement setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.2 Near field based simulation validation . . . 7.4.3 Statistical benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Corrugated and cubic reverberation chamber . . . 7.5.1 Simulated near field distribution . . . . . . 7.5.2 Correlation analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.3 Field uniformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Equipment under test simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 115 117 118 118 120 121 123 123 127 127 128 132 132 134 136 136 138 5.4 5.5 5.3.2 Antennas . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Chamber and stirrer . . . Measurement uncertainty budget Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTENTS viii 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.6.1 Simulated near field distribution . . . 7.6.2 Field uniformity . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6.3 TX/RX antenna coupling . . . . . . . Comparison of different stirrers . . . . . . . . 7.7.1 Simulated near field distribution . . . 7.7.2 Correlation analysis . . . . . . . . . . 7.7.3 Field uniformity . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7.4 Final performance evaluation . . . . . 7.7.5 Plane-wave-based stirrer comparisons Simulation and measurement time budget . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 140 141 143 143 145 148 149 149 152 154 8 Conclusion 157 9 Outlook 161 A Electromagnetic Simulation Software FEKO 163 A.1 Special execution commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 A.2 Memory considerations and bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 B Reverberation Chamber Measurement System 165 B.1 Antenna placement: tripod vs. suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 B.2 Data acquisition and interfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 C Reverberation Chamber Statistics 169 C.1 Field uncertainties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 C.2 Probability distribution functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 D Reverberation Chamber Simulation Data D.1 Spatial measurement positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.2 Input power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 Different coupling paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 Field uniformity in prototype, cubic, and corrugated RC D.5 Field uniformity for different stirrers . . . . . . . . . . . D.6 Field uniformity for different canonical EUTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 173 174 174 175 176 179 Bibliography 183 Acknowledgments 199 List of Publications 201 Curriculum Vitae 203 List of Figures 1.1 Typical reverberation chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Schematic reverberation chamber test setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of modes N above cutoff in standard and cubic cavity . . . . . . Mode density ∂N/∂f in standard and cubic cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modal gap in standard and cubic cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of modes above cutoff per 10 MHz in standard and cubic cavity . Exemplary Gaussian normal, χ(2) , χ(6) , χ2(6) statistical distribution . . . . Standard deviation multiples of a Gaussian normal distribution . . . . . . Independent stirrer positions and field uncertainty (1 and 3 components) . Independent stirrer positions and field uncertainty (2 components) . . . . Required EUT spacing from RC walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 12 13 14 15 22 28 29 30 32 3.1 3.2 Memory requirements for an RC simulation (50 . . . 300 MHz) . . . . . . . . 49 Memory requirements for an RC simulation (50 . . . 1000 MHz) . . . . . . . 50 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 RC geometry and dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vertical 6-paddle stirrer mounting and motor drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . RC apertures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of the RC measurement system setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RC measurement setup and photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field probe with stand, TX/RX antenna, and measurement grid . . . . . Schematic measurement and data acquisition procedure . . . . . . . . . . Isotropy of the electric field probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schematic RC measurement grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tripod-mounted and suspended TX antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broadband effect of tripod on |E| (f = 50 . . . 300 MHz) . . . . . . . . . . . Spatial effect of tripod on |E| (x = 0.57 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 0.47 m) 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Schematic modeling and simulation preprocessing flowchart . . Partly symmetric simulation model of the RC . . . . . . . . . . Detailed fully asymmetric simulation model of the RC . . . . . Photo of the RC door with gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic, wider, corrugated, and cubic simulation model of the RC Vertical stirrer models with triangular discretization . . . . . . Horizontal stirrer models with triangular discretization . . . . . TX/RX antenna models with far field pattern . . . . . . . . . . Simulation model of the RC with canonical box-type EUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 73 76 77 79 81 83 85 87 88 89 90 94 95 96 97 99 101 104 108 111 ix LIST OF FIGURES x 6.10 Models and simulated far field patterns of different canonical EUTs . . . . 112 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 Schematic simulation, analysis, measurement, and benchmark procedure Chamber door effect within a cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Near field comparison cavity against reverberation chamber . . . . . . . Effect of different prototype reverberation chamber geometries . . . . . Impact of a rotating stirrer within a reverberation chamber . . . . . . . Different excitations in a reverberation chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measurement vs. simulation at f = 300 MHz and f = 500 MHz . . . . . Measurement vs. simulation at f = 700 MHz and f = 1000 MHz . . . . . Influence of the RC door at f = 200 MHz and f = 250 MHz . . . . . . . Statistical distribution of the electric field strength . . . . . . . . . . . . Near field within prototype, cubic, and corrugated RC . . . . . . . . . . Correlation for prototype, cubic, and corrugated RC . . . . . . . . . . . Field uniformity envelopes in prototype, corrugated, and cubic RC . . . Near field with canonical EUTs in a reverberation chamber . . . . . . . Field uniformity envelopes for canonical EUTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coupling statistics for different excitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Near field patterns for different stirrers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correlation for stirrers with different shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correlation for vertical/horizontal stirrers with and without gaps . . . . Field uniformity envelopes for vertical and horizontal stirrers . . . . . . Field uniformity envelopes for Z-fold and cross-plate stirrers . . . . . . . Stirrer radar cross section calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RCS-based correlation for the 6-paddle stirrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 119 120 122 124 126 128 129 131 133 135 137 138 139 140 142 144 146 147 148 149 151 152 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 Broadband effect of tripod on |E| at x = 0.77 m, y = 0.64 m, z = 0.47 m . Broadband effect of tripod on |E| at x = 0.57 m, y = −0.36 m, z = 0.47 m Spatial effect of tripod on |E| for 50 MHz and 100 MHz . . . . . . . . . . . Spatial effect of tripod on |E| for 150 MHz and 200 MHz . . . . . . . . . . Spatial effect of tripod on |E| for 250 MHz and 300 MHz . . . . . . . . . . 165 166 167 167 168 C.1 Independent stirrer positions and field uncertainty (1 component) . . . . . 169 C.2 Independent stirrer positions and field uncertainty (2 components) . . . . 170 C.3 Independent stirrer positions and field uncertainty (3 components) . . . . 170 D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 Electric field pattern for 1 V and 10 V excitation source . . . . Antenna orientation within the RC for different coupling paths Field uniformity in prototype RC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field uniformity in corrugated RC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field uniformity in cubic RC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field uniformity for vertical 6-paddle stirrer . . . . . . . . . . . Field uniformity for vertical 6-paddle stirrer without gaps . . . Field uniformity for horizontal 6-paddle stirrer . . . . . . . . . Field uniformity for vertical cross-plate stirrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 174 175 175 176 176 177 177 178 LIST OF FIGURES D.10 Field D.11 Field D.12 Field D.13 Field D.14 Field D.15 Field uniformity uniformity uniformity uniformity uniformity uniformity xi for vertical Z-fold stirrer . . . . . . for vertical Z-fold stirrer with gaps without canonical EUT . . . . . . . with canonical loop EUT . . . . . . with canonical box EUT . . . . . . with large canonical box EUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 179 179 180 180 181 xii List of Tables 2.1 2.2 2.3 Typical values of the total field anisotropy coefficient Atot . . . . . . . . 19 Probability Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ) for hypothesis rejection in a χ2 -test . . . . . . . 24 Probability PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 )| for the correlation coefficient . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.1 Comparison of runtime and memory requirements of RC simulations . . . 51 4.1 4.2 Summary of previously published RC simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Basic differences between AC and RC test environment . . . . . . . . . . 67 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Discretization data of chambers used in the RC simulations Discretization data of vertical stirrer simulation models . . Discretization data of horizontal stirrer simulation models . Typical electrical conductivity values . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical conductivity values used in the RC simulations . Discretization of transmit (TX) and receive (RX) antennas Discretization of the canonical emission EUTs (CEUTEs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 103 105 106 107 109 113 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Different reverberation chamber geometries . . . . . . . . . . . Different types of reverberation chamber excitations . . . . . . Normalized spatial 2-norm measurement vs. simulation . . . . . Performance comparison of different stirrers . . . . . . . . . . . Time expenditure comparison simulations versus measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 125 130 150 153 . . . . . . . D.1 Field points used in measurement and simulation for uniformity analysis . 173 xiii xiv List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Numerical methods BEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boundary-element method CFIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coupled field integral equation CGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . conjugate gradient squared method EFIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electric field integral equation FDTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . finite-difference time-domain FEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . finite-element method FIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . finite-integration technique FMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fast multipole method LU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lower upper MFIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . magnetic field integral equation MLFMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . multilevel fast multipole method MoM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . method-of-moments NEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numerical Electromagnetics Code NGF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . numerical Green’s function PEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . perfectly electrically conducting PO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . physical optics RWG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rao-Wilson-Glisson TLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transmission-line-matrix method xv xvi LIST OF ACRONYMS Reverberation chamber and electromagnetics terminology AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anechoic chamber AWGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . additive white Gaussian noise CDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cumulative distribution function CEUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . canonical equipment under test CEUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . canonical equipment under test for emission CEUTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . canonical equipment under test for immunity CNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . comparison noise emitter dof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . degrees of freedom EM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electromagnetic EMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electromagnetic compatibility EMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electromagnetic interference EUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equipment under test FAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fully anechoic room GTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gigahertz transverse electromagnetic i.i.d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . independent identically distributed KS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kolmogorov-Smirnov LOF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lowest overmoded frequency logper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . logarithmic-periodic LUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lowest usable frequency MLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maximum likelihood estimator OATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . open area test site PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . probability density function RC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reverberation chamber RCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . radar cross section RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . radio frequency RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . receive SAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . semi anechoic chamber LIST OF ACRONYMS xvii SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . shielding effectiveness SNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signal-to-noise ratio SR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stirring ratio TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transverse electric TEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transverse electromagnetic TM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transverse magnetic TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transmit VIRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vibrating intrinsic reverberation chamber Software AdaptFEKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adaptive FEKO CAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . computer aided design Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . software for emission & immunity testing DB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . database EMSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electromagnetic Software and Systems Ltd. FEKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feldberechnung bei Körpern mit beliebiger Oberfläche GPIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . general purpose interface bus GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . graphical user interface MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . message digest MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microsoft ODBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . open database connectivity OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . operating system PreFEKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . preprocessor for FEKO SQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . structured query language WinFEKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . user interface for FEKO xviii LIST OF ACRONYMS Organizations and official terms CDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Draft for Vote CISPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioelectriques DSTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defence Science and Technology Organisation FCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Communications Commission FDIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final Draft for International Standard GUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement IEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IFH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics ISO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Standardization Organization NASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Aeronautics and Space Administration NAWCWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division NBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Bureau of Standards NIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Institute of Standards and Technology NPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Physical Laboratory NSWCDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . subcommittee List of Symbols α attenuation constant [1/m] α statistical shape parameter Axy , Ayz , Axz planar anisotropy coefficient A area Atot total anisotropy coefficient A triangle area B magnetic flux density b number of dimensions β propagation constant β statistical scale parameter c speed of an electromagnetic wave within a medium [m/s] c0 vacuum speed of an electromagnetic wave [m/s] χ random variable D electric (displacement) flux density d depth [m] d distance [m] d material thickness [m] d statistical uncertainty d triangular element size parameter [m] d waveguide diameter [m] δs skin depth [m] dmax maximum triangle edge length [m] dmin minimum triangle edge length [m] [m2 ] [m2 ] [Vs/m2 ] [rad/m] [As/m2 ] xix LIST OF SYMBOLS xx E electric field strength e number of expected samples εr relative dielectric permittivity ε0 dielectric permittivity constant η surface charge density F cumulative distribution function (CDF) f probability density function (PDF) ϕ angle fLOF lowest overmoded frequency (LOF) [Hz] fLUF lowest usable frequency (LUF) [Hz] f frequency [Hz] fc cutoff frequency [Hz] ∆f modal frequency gap [Hz] g basis function G Green’s function g number of observed samples Γ Gamma function γ triangle apex angle H magnetic field strength h reverberation chamber height I current coefficient vector In line current i, i , j index number Iα planar inhomogeneity coefficient Itot total inhomogeneity coefficient J current density Jm Bessel function of order m [V/m] [As/(Vm)] [As/m2 ] [◦ ] [◦ ] [A/m] [m] [A] [A/m2 ] LIST OF SYMBOLS xxi JS surface current density k wave number vector [rad/m] κ electric conductivity [S/m] k statistical confidence level factor l reverberation chamber length [m] λ wavelength [m] M memory m, n, p mode number M number of spatial positions µ0 magnetic permeability constant µr relative magnetic permeability µ statistical mean N number of unknowns NI number of line current basis functions NJ number of surface current density basis functions n number of columns or rows in a matrix N cumulated number of modes n normal vector NS number of segments N number of samples N number of stirrer steps NT number of triangles ν degrees of freedom (dof) ω angular frequency p confidence level percentage fraction Pi input power P probability [A/m] [Byte] [Vs/(Am)] [rad/s] [W] LIST OF SYMBOLS xxii PRX received power [W] PTX transmitted power [W] q number of calculated parameters Q quality factor r, r , r position vector ρ correlation coefficient volume charge density s variance σ radar cross section (RCS) σ standard deviation SR stirring ratio t time V volume V excitation vector W energy w reverberation chamber width w weighting function X, Y, Z random variable x, y, z axis variable of a general Cartesian coordinate system [m] xm , ym , zm axis variable of the Cartesian measurement coordinate system [m] xs , ys , zs axis variable of the Cartesian simulation coordinate system [m] ξ axis variable of a general coordinate system [m] Z basis / weighting function coupling matrix Z impedance [m] [As/m3 ] [m2 ] [s] [m3 ] [J] [m] [Ω] Mathematical Notation x scalar x vector ex unit vector n12 normal vector pointing from region 1 towards region 2 X matrix x∗ conjugate complex Re {·} real part Im {·} imaginary part · norm X{·} operator <·> inner product · ensemble averaging x ∇ gradient of x · x ∇ divergence of x A · x ∇ surface divergence of x × x ∇ curl of x O(·) order of ∀ for all ∨ or ∼ proportional to xxiii xxiv 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and objective of this thesis Today’s electronic products must be designed so that they do not disturb the proper operation of other products and inversely withstand electromagnetic (EM) radiation emitted from all kinds of equipment. A crucial aspect of successful product development is therefore the fast, effective, and efficient testing of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). EMC can be formally defined as “the ability of an equipment, subsystem or system to share the EM spectrum, and perform at the same time its desired function without unacceptable degradation from or to the environment in which it exists” [1]. EMC always involves two parties: the source of the interference (emissions) and the victim (immunity/susceptibility). Many objects are simultaneously a source and a victim, i.e. they emit signals, which have an adverse effect on other items in the surrounding environment whilst at the same time being susceptible to noise generated by that environment. A system is therefore said to be electromagnetically compatible if it does not interfere with other systems, it is not susceptible to emissions from other systems, and it does not cause interference with itself. Interferences can be either transmitted via cables (“conducted interference”) or through the surrounding media (“radiated interference”). The EMC testing community is continually searching for more reliable, repeatable, and economical test procedures. Reverberation chambers (RCs) enjoy growing popularity as a complement or replacement to well established methods for radiated interference such as open area test sites (OATSs), (semi-) anechoic chambers (ACs) or transverse electromagnetic (TEM)-cells. Those methods rely to a great extent on a “well-behaved” equipment under test (EUT) radiation pattern, assuming implicitly that the EUT radiates or receives similar to a monopole, dipole, or quadrupole. A typical EMC test inside a reverberation chamber (RC) is shown in Fig. 1.1. Particularly with regard to electronic devices with complex radiation patterns, RC tests are expected to deliver more accurate and rigorous measurement results than the more traditional methods mentioned before [2, 3, 4, 5]. The importance of testing for EMC in RCs as an alternative measurement technique has recently been recognized in the IEC 61000-4-21 standard [6], published in August 2003. Standardization of RC measurements will lead to more widespread use of this technique. RC users will need to fully understand the RC working principles in order to interpret the measurement results correctly and to optimize the performance for various measurement tasks. This requires a good understanding of the EM field inside the chamber, for example, how the field depends on the finite metal conductivity of chamber walls, the type of transmit and receive antennas, the shape of stirrers and the EUT. It will be shown that even small wall irregularities caused by the RC door, for example, or the position and the type of antenna used, have a profound effect on the field within the RC and therefore must be accurately modeled in a simulation. To account for all these effects is a challenging task in EM field analysis and 1 2 1 INTRODUCTION Figure 1.1: Reverberation chamber setup with logper and horn TX/RX antennas, field probes, c Institut für Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik stirrer, and motorcycle as EUT. Copyright und Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Universität Magdeburg, Germany. only few simulation techniques are able to cope with such problems. Among those are frequency-domain method-of-moments (MoM) based techniques used in the investigation presented in this thesis. Faced with the task of performing EMC tests in an RC, one will usually turn to the wellknown IEC 61000-4-21 [6] standard as a first reference. Inside this standard one can find detailed information regarding the modes of operation of an RC, chamber calibration, radiated immunity, emission, shielding effectiveness test procedures, and examples of measurement data. However, when it comes to designing and constructing an RC, the IEC 61000-4-21 standard provides only basic guidelines, e.g. that “stirrers should have dimensions of a significant fraction of the chamber dimensions and of the wavelength at the lowest useable frequency” or that “a reverberation chamber is an electrically large, highly conductive enclosed cavity”. Clearly, it is beyond the scope of fundamental publications such as [6] to provide precise instructions on how to build highly efficient stirrers or information on the exact material to be used for the RC walls. Many of these construction suggestions were derived from years of practical experience in combination with applied basic physical principles (some examples are [7, 8, 9]). Rules-of-thumb 1.2 OUTLINE 3 guidelines were successfully established for general RC design, often obtained through a time-consuming trial-and-error approach until a chamber finally fulfilled desired specifications. In contrast to this cumbersome procedure, three-dimensional (3-D) simulations facilitate the thorough EM analysis of RCs and could speed up their development time. The obvious goal of simulations would be the complete design, evaluation and optimization of an RC until all target specifications are met prior to physical construction. Among the typical questions before the construction of an RC starts are those related to the impact of the chamber geometry as well as the conductivity of the sheet metal on the maximum achievable field level and the mode spacing. Is a rectangular cavity superior to a cubic one or are corrugations on the walls useful to decrease the lowest usable frequency (LUF, fLUF )? With regard to the stirrer one might ask: How should an optimum stirrer look in a particular RC? What is the statistically uniform testing volume for a certain stirrer at a predefined uncertainty and how does it change with frequency? Does it matter where the stirrers are positioned? Will an effective stirrer in one chamber show similar performance in a different RC? Of great interest are also questions such as: Could the installation of a second stirrer decrease fLUF even further and if yes, how is this stirrer to be rotated with respect to the first one? Is the directivity of a logarithmicperiodic (logper) antenna pointing towards a stirrer sufficient at lower frequencies to avoid direct illumination of the EUT? These issues are addressed in detail in this thesis. In addition, the simulation of an RC serves as an educational tool which visualizes the complex EM field structure inside the chamber and therefore makes RC operation easier to understand. With a simulation it is possible to verify the above mentioned rules-ofthumb for chamber dimensions, stirrer size, shape, and position, the relation between chamber quality factor and mode spacing and so forth. Once a reliable simulation model has been established, the final goal is of course RC optimization, which – depending on the simulation runtime – may not always be economically feasible. One must clearly state, that in some cases the effects of structural chamber modifications are more quickly tested experimentally than with elaborate simulations; e.g. the effect of a very irregularly shaped piece of aluminum foil attached to the stirrer can be analyzed rapidly with measurements, provided EM field data at only few locations is sufficient. An EM simulation tool can only be an aid in the design of RCs and does not replace a solid understanding of the subject matter (including EM fields) by the design engineer. 1.2 Outline The outline of this thesis is as follows: At the beginning, the theoretical background and basic foundation of RCs is introduced in Chapter 2. This chapter establishes the most important parameters that should be considered for the design, construction, and operation of an RC: starting with an abstraction of RCs to ideal cavities, the concept of modes, the field distribution, the number of modes, and the mode density are derived. As the focus is moved from an ideal cavity via a lossy cavity towards a realistic RC, the lowest usable frequency, the quality factor, and statistical field distributions are addressed. The EM fields inside an RC are characterized by correlation coefficients, 4 1 INTRODUCTION statistical uncertainty, goodness-of-fit tests, and field uniformity. After developing the rationale for the need of EM simulations of RCs in Chapter 3, the requirements that simulation tools must meet to be suitable for the analysis of RCs are deduced. A synopsis of the computational challenges particular for RCs is described. After contrasting these requirements against advantages and drawbacks of several numerical field solver techniques, it is outlined why for this thesis finally a frequency-domain electric field integral equation (EFIE)-based method-of-moments (MoM) code was chosen for the RC simulations. The basic concept of the EFIE is outlined in Chapter 3 and the MoM solution methodology used in the employed simulation tools introduced. Computational requirements regarding simulation time and memory are estimated and an outlook on MoM extensions and solver techniques is given. An overview of historic RC papers and patents as well as past publications dealing with RC simulations is given in Chapter 4. This chapter summarizes both the most significant accomplishments and also potential shortcomings of various RC simulation approaches. In addition, alternative stirring methods (moving walls, electronic stirring, etc.), the practical application of RCs to EMC testing, and a short qualitative comparison between RCs and ACs are addressed. Chapter 5 decribes the construction and setup of the RC prototype including walls, door, stirrers, and auxiliary equipment. Special features of the measurement system utilized for data acquisition are explained. Measurement errors leading to deviations between simulated and measured results are outlined and strategies for error minimization proposed. Modeling of the RC is illustrated in detail in Chapter 6. Starting with a basic cavity, a comprehensive chamber model resembling the prototype RC is elaborated. Furthermore, cubic and corrugated chambers, various vertical and horizontal stirrers, transmit and receive antennas, and several EUTs are designed and modeled. 3-D simulation results are presented in Chapter 7. In the beginning, the procedure used to perform RC data analysis is presented. The necessity of a rigorous simulation validation is emphasized and different validation methods are compared. The electric field inside the chamber is computed and the influence of small geometric details and asymmetries is investigated as well as the effect of different excitations and stirrers. It is demonstrated that a statistics-based validation of RC simulations is insufficient. To validate simulation results, extensive near field measurements inside the prototype RC are performed. The effect of a rotating stirrer, the door, and several transmit (TX)/receive (RX) antenna types within the RC are analyzed. Comparisons of different chamber geometries (cubic, corrugated) versus the prototype RC are carried out based on near field, correlation, and field uniformity. Various stirrer designs are evaluated with respect to their performance within the prototype RC. The presence of different EUTs is investigated, and a loading, field uniformity, and coupling path analysis is performed. The complete 3-D RC simulation, considering stirrers, door, and various practical excitations, accurately predicts the fields within the chamber in the important lower-to-medium frequency range and thus represents a reliable tool facilitating RC optimization. At the end of this thesis, those aspects which could not be addressed or finally resolved, are summarized and suggestions on how to proceed further with these issues in the future are proposed. 2 Reverberation Chamber Theory Abstract — This chapter starts with the abstraction of a reverberation chamber to a simple cavity in order to explain basic, but important concepts such as EM modes, the number of modes, and the modal density. As the focus is moved from an ideal cavity via a lossy cavity towards a realistic reverberation chamber, the lowest usable frequency, the quality factor, and statistical field distributions are addressed. The EM fields inside a reverberation chamber are characterized by correlation coefficients, statistical uncertainty, and field uniformity. 2.1 Electromagnetic fields in a reverberation chamber A fully functional reverberation chamber (RC) consists of a metallic shielded room of finite conductivity with a stirring device, antennas, an EUT, and other devices inside. In order to understand its basic operating principles, the RC can be abstracted in the beginning to an empty, rectangular cavity resonator with perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) walls. 2.1.1 Modes inside an ideal cavity It is well known that cavity resonators can be formed by short-circuiting a rectangular waveguide at two sufficiently separated ends [10, 11]. If the geometrical dimensions of this resonator reach certain lengths, at a given frequency an EM field within this resonator forms a standing wave pattern. This standing wave pattern can be mathematically described by solving Maxwell’s equations which are given in differential form as ×E ∇ = ×H ∇ ·D ∇ = ˙ −B ˙ + J D = (2.3) ·B ∇ = 0 (2.4) (2.1) (2.2) is the electric and H the magnetic field strength, D is the electric and B the wherein E magnetic flux density. J denotes the electric current density and the volume charge density. For the derivation of the numerical formulation valid inside an ideal cavity resonator, it is assumed that there are no charges inside the computational volume V , i.e. = 0 in (2.3). Furthermore the properties of the utilized materials are taken to be 5 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 6 linear, homogeneous, isotropic, and without memory so that D B (2.5) = εE µH J = κE (2.7) = (2.6) is obtained for the material equations. Herein ε denotes the dielectric permittivity, µ the magnetic permeability, and κ the electrical conductivity. If time-harmonic fields with an ejωt -dependence are assumed and the material equations (2.5)-(2.7) utilized, Maxwell’s equations as given above by (2.1)-(2.4) can be simplified to ×E ∇ ×H ∇ ·E ∇ ·H ∇ = −jωµH + J = jωεE (2.8) (2.9) = 0 (2.10) = 0 (2.11) Applying the vector identity [12] × ∇ ×X = ∇ ∇ ·X − ∆X ∇ (2.12) to (2.8) and (2.9) allows to derive the electrical and magnetic wave equations 1 ∂2E 2 2 c ∂t 2 = 1 ∂ H ∆H 2 c ∂t2 = ∆E (2.13) (2.14) which can be used to describe the fields within a cavity. c denotes the propagation speed of the EM waves in the cavity resonator and is given by c0 c= √ εr µr (2.15) with c0 being the speed of an EM wave in vacuum. With e.g. a product separation approach [12], (2.13) and (2.14) can be solved using boundary conditions, which can be derived for the tangential components of the electric and the magnetic field, respectively, as 2 − E 1 ×E = n12 × E = 0 ∇ tan2 − E tan1 ⇔E ×H = n12 × H 2 − H 1 ∇ = 0 = tan2 − H tan1 ⇔H = (2.16) 0 JS for κ<∞ κ→∞ 0 JS for κ<∞ κ→∞ (2.17) 2.1 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS IN A REVERBERATION CHAMBER 7 wherein JS is the surface current density. The vector n12 represents a normal vector which points from region 1 into region 2. The boundary conditions for the normal components of the electric and magnetic field are enforced by ·D = n12 · D 2 −D 1 = η ∇ ·B ∇ ⇔ Dnor2 − Dnor1 = η 2 − B 1 = 0 = n12 · B (2.18) ⇔ Bnor2 − Bnor1 = 0 (2.19) wherein η is the surface charge. For an ideal cavity, (2.16) and (2.19) can be simplified to tan |∂V E Hnor |∂V = 0 = 0 (2.20) (2.21) valid on the PEC wall surface ∂V of the cavity for the tangential components of the electrical field and the normal component of the magnetic field. Applying (2.20) and (2.21) to the rectangular geometry of an ideal cavity resonator yields x=0 ∨ x=w y=0 ∨ y=l : : Ey = 0, Ez = 0, Hx = 0 Ex = 0, Ez = 0, Hy = 0 (2.22) (2.23) z=0 ∨ z=h : Ex = 0, Ey = 0, Hz = 0 (2.24) Using the boundary conditions (2.22)–(2.24), the wave equations (2.13) and (2.14) can be fulfilled by certain EM field standing wave patterns within the cavity, the so-called “cavity modes”. These cavity modes can be classified into two main categories: modes which do not have an electrical field component into z-direction (Ez = 0) are said to be of the transverse electric (TE)-type, modes with Hz = 0 are called transverse magnetic (TM). As a result, for the field components of TMmnp modes in an ideal rectangular cavity resonator nπ pπ mπ 1 mπ pπ E0 cos x sin y sin z (2.25) Ex (x, y, z) = − 2 kmn w l w h l nπ pπ mπ 1 nπ pπ Ey (x, y, z) = − 2 E0 sin x cos y sin z (2.26) kmn h l w h l nπ pπ mπ x sin y cos z (2.27) Ez (x, y, z) = E0 sin w h l nπ pπ jωε nπ mπ Hx (x, y, z) = E0 sin x cos y cos z (2.28) 2 kmn h w h l mπ nπ pπ jωε mπ Hy (x, y, z) = − 2 E0 cos x sin y cos z (2.29) kmn w w h l Hz (x, y, z) = 0 (2.30) is obtained with the integer numbers m, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . and p = 0, 1, 2, . . . . The indices m, n, and p denote the number of half wavelengths in x-, y-, and z-direction, respectively. 8 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY The cavity dimensions are w (width), h (height), and l (length) in x-, y-, and z-direction – this order is due to the original waveguide notations. Similarly for TEmnp modes, the following equations can be derived nπ pπ mπ jωµ nπ H x sin y sin z (2.31) Ex (x, y, z) = cos 0 2 kmn h w h l nπ pπ mπ jωµ mπ Ey (x, y, z) = − 2 H0 sin x cos y sin z (2.32) kmn w w h l Ez (x, y, z) = 0 (2.33) nπ pπ mπ 1 mπ pπ H0 sin x cos y cos z (2.34) Hx (x, y, z) = − 2 kmn w l w h l nπ pπ mπ 1 nπ pπ Hy (x, y, z) = − 2 H0 cos x sin y cos z (2.35) kmn h l w h l mπ nπ pπ Hz (x, y, z) = H0 cos x cos y sin z (2.36) w h l with m, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (but always only m ∨ n = 0) and p = 1, 2, . . . . The constant kmn is utilized as an abbreviation in (2.25)–(2.30) and (2.31)–(2.36), which is given as mπ 2 nπ 2 + (2.37) kmn = w h The angular frequency ω as employed in (2.25)-(2.36) can be calculated from 2πf ω mπ 2 nπ 2 pπ 2 = = kmnp = + + c c w h l (2.38) with c as given by (2.15). In an ideal cavity (PEC walls, no further losses through dissipative objects inside) the cut-off frequencies for the individual modes are described by c mπ 2 nπ 2 pπ 2 + + (2.39) fmnp = 2π w h l Depending on the actual dimensions of a cavity resonator (i.e. the relation between w, h, and l), the modes with the lowest cutoff-frequencies are therefore either the TM110 , the TE011 , or the TE101 . As shown in Section 2.2.1, the total number of modes above cutoff at a certain frequency fmnp can be calculated by counting all (m, n, p)-tuples until f = fmnp is reached, whereby always at least two of the three indices are not equal to zero. It is important to note that there can be several modes having the same cutofffrequency – this is true for e.g. all TEmnp and TMmnp cavity modes with m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1, p ≥ 1. If several modes exhibit the same cutoff frequency they are called “degenerate modes”. 2.1.2 Modes inside a lossy cavity Whereas for an ideal, lossless cavity resonator the mode spectrum is discrete – i.e. a resonance only occurs at a certain frequency f0 – a finitely conducting, non-PEC-wall 2.2 LOWEST USABLE FREQUENCY 9 cavity (κ < ∞) allows the existence of a mode over a certain “modal bandwidth” ∆fQ . For the sake of simplicity it is assumed that modes can only be excited within the finite bandwidth f0 ± ∆fQ /2, hence the mode spectrum is not fully discrete anymore [11]. Outside of its modal bandwidth f0 ± ∆fQ /2, the contribution of a mode to the overall field distribution is taken to be negligible. From a certain frequency on, at a single frequency several modes can be excited, since their respective modal bandwidths start to overlap. Depending on the quality factor Q of the lossy cavity, more or less modes are excited simultaneously at a given frequency. At this point, the mono-mode regime of the cavity turns into multi-mode operation. The field distribution obtained within the cavity for multi-mode operation can be computed by carrying out a superposition of the individual modes. 2.1.3 Field distribution inside a reverberation chamber As long as the loading of the cavity is dominated by losses in the walls and κ ωε is valid, the field distribution within the cavity does not change in its shape but only with respect to its magnitude. In other words the field distribution with κ < ∞ is essentially a scaled version of the field distribution obtained for κ → ∞. Unfortunately, as soon as any other scattering (or strongly absorbing) objects exist inside the lossy cavity, the field distribution cannot be represented accurately anymore by analytically calculated modes as given by (2.25)–(2.30) and (2.31)–(2.36) [13]. This is discussed in detail in Chapter 7. An RC as shown in Fig. 2.1 features several objects (such as one or more so-called stirring devices, antennas, and EUTs) disturbing considerably a “cavity-like” appearance. Moreover, the stirrers are explicitly designed so that they change the field distribution within an RC and modify the modal cutoff frequencies during a stirrer rotation. The abstraction of an RC to a simple cavity initially put forth at the beginning of this chapter is therefore not fully valid. However, certain fundamental and important RC parameters such as e.g. the number of modes above cutoff or the modal density (cf. Section 2.2.1) can be derived using the RC-cavity-abstraction as a rough guideline. Nevertheless it has to be stressed that the correct near field distribution inside an RC with a stirrer in operation can only be computed employing a rigorous EM simulation. 2.2 Lowest usable frequency The lowest usable frequency (LUF) fLUF is commonly understood to be the frequency from which on an RC meets basic operational requirements [6, 15]. The LUF is often also referred to as “lowest overmoded frequency (LOF)” [8]). There are several definitions for the LUF: • the LUF equals three times the cutoff frequency fc of the fundamental mode of a cavity with the same dimensions as the RC under investigation, i.e. fLUF = 3fc [6] • fLUF is defined as the frequency at which 60 . . . 100 modes within an ideal cavity of the same size as the RC are above cutoff and at least 1.5 modes/MHz are present [6] 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 10 Tuner/Stirrer Non-conductive assembly support Volume of Incoming power uniform field Alternate position mains filter for tuner/stirrer Drive motor Tuner/Stirrer assembly l/4 at lowest useable frequency EUT measurement instrumentation Field generation equipment Field generating antenna pointed into corner with tuner Chamber penetration Interconnection filter Figure 2.1: Schematic reverberation chamber test setup including multiple stirrers, equipment under test, and transmit antenna. Partly extracted from [14] and IEC 61000-4-21 [6] (Copyc International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Geneva, Switzerland). right • the LUF is understood as being the lowest frequency at which a specified field uniformity can be achieved over a volume defined by an eight location calibration data set [6] It is important to note that the first two definitions (which rely again on the cavity abstraction) are very qualitative requirements which give only a rough overview on whether a chamber of certain dimensions might be suitable for operation as an RC. The third definition is much more stringent, since it involves measurements within the chamber and forces the user to think about the desired measurement uncertainties and confidence intervals to be obtained for a given number of stirrer steps. 2.2.1 Number of cavity modes In order to evaluate from which frequency fLUF on a chamber complies with fundamental RC requirements [6], the cumulated number of modes, the mode density and the “modal gap” must be known. Computation of these parameters implicitly assumes an empty RC without a stirrer, i.e. a rectangular cavity. The total number of cavity modes above cutoff at a given frequency can be calculated by imaging kmnp (2.38) as a point in the three-dimensional k-space. |kmnp | therefore resembles the distance in space between the point kmnp and the origin. In this geometrical model, the number of modes can be computed by counting all discrete “nodes” in the k-space for which kmnp < k. When 2.2 LOWEST USABLE FREQUENCY 11 counting the modes above cutoff, a summation needs to be made of the number • N1 (k) of TEmnp modes with m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1, p ≥ 1 • N2 (k) of TMmnp modes with m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1, p ≥ 1 • N3 (k) of TEmnp modes with m = 0, n ≥ 1, p ≥ 1 • N4 (k) of TEmnp modes with m ≥ 1, n = 0, p ≥ 1 • N5 (k) of TMmnp modes with m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1, p = 0 The exact total number of modes above cutoff at a given k is then given by N= 5 Ni (k) = 2N1 (k) + N3 (k) + N4 (k) + N5 (k) (2.40) i=1 taking into consideration that the number of modes N1 (k) = N2 (k). A fairly complicated calculation outlined in [16] yields finally the approximate cumulated number of modes N above cutoff for a frequency f as 8π ·lwh· N (f ) ≈ 3 f c0 3 − (l + w + h) · f 1 + c0 2 (2.41) where c0 denotes the speed of light [16]. It can be see that the RC volume has the biggest impact on the cumulated number of modes, as shown by the first part of (2.41). The second part of (2.41) resembles the combined edge length of an RC. As noted above, for a proper operation of an RC usually at least 60 . . . 100 modes above cutoff are required [6]. The mode density ∂N/∂f (number of modes per frequency interval) can be calculated from (2.41) to be f2 1 ∂N ≈ 8π · l w h · 3 − (l + w + h) · (2.42) ∂f c0 c0 To achieve sufficient statistical field uniformity and isotropy, a common RC specification is to have at least ∂N/∂f = 1.5 modes/MHz above cutoff [16]. The cutoff frequencies of the individual modes inside an ideal rectangular cavity are given by (2.39), which was slightly reformulated to facilitate mode-ordering into c0 m 2 n 2 p 2 i + + (2.43) f(m, n, p) = 2 l w h where m, n, p are integers with m ≥ 0, n ≥ 0, p ≥ 0 but assuming only (m ∨ n ∨ p) = 0. The superscript i is a positive integer used to consecutively index a set of mode numbers i (m, n, p) and the corresponding cutoff frequencies. After sorting all f(m, n, p) so that the cutoff frequencies are arranged in an ascending order and renumbering the indices i again with a new consecutive index i i +1 i f(m, n, p) ≥ f(m, n, p) ∀ i (2.44) 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 12 Prototype RC N 900 Cubic RC 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Nmin 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 f [MHz] 400 450 500 Figure 2.2: Theoretical number of modes N above cutoff in a rectangular cavity with the same dimensions as the prototype RC or the cubic RC (see Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 for chamber geometry details). An RC is required to have at least 60 . . . 100 modes above cutoff at the LUF [6]. is obtained, where the set (m, n, p) = (m, n, p) denotes a different mode (which might however have the same cutoff frequency f(m, n, p) = f(m, n, p) in the case of degeneration). The “modal gap” ∆f i +1; i between consecutive modes can be computed by i +1 i ∆f i +1; i = f(m, n, p) − f(m, n, p) (2.45) and serves as an important parameter in the evaluation of different RCs (for a good RC performance the modal gap should be as small as possible). In the past, some authors have claimed that cubic RCs exhibit superior performance over “standard” rectangular, non-cubic RCs [17]. To investigate this claim, in this chapter a comparison between two RCs is carried out based on the cavity mode distribution. Examining first of all the cumulated number of modes N above cutoff obtained from (2.41), there is no significant difference between rectangular cavities resembling the prototype RC built during the course of this thesis (see Chapter 5) and the cubic RC: In the critical lower frequency range, Fig. 2.2 shows very similar values for the theoretical cumulated number of modes above cutoff (N ≈ 50; 180; 420 for the prototype RC versus N ≈ 50; 190; 450 for the cubic RC at frequencies f ≈ 200; 300; 400 MHz). Furthermore also the theoretical mode density ∂N/∂f computed with (2.42) and shown in Fig. 2.3 exhibits a similar behavior for both chambers: As mentioned above, an RC is required to have at least ∂N/∂f ≈ 1.5 modes/MHz above cutoff at the LUF, and both the prototype 2.2 LOWEST USABLE FREQUENCY ¶N/ ¶f [1/MHz] 6 13 Prototype RC Cubic RC 5 4 3 2 ¶Nmin / ¶f 1 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 f [MHz] 400 450 500 Figure 2.3: Theoretical mode density ∂N/∂f in a rectangular cavity with the same dimensions as the prototype RC or the cubic RC (see Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 for chamber geometry details). An RC is required to have at least 1.5 modes/MHz at the LUF [6]. and the cubic chamber pass this limit at around the same frequency. However not only a sufficient number of cumulated modes N as well as an adequate mode density ∂N/∂f above cutoff are needed. Due to the much more rapidly decreasing modal gap ∆f i +1; i for the prototype RC compared with the cubic chamber (Fig. 2.4), from a modal analysis point of view the prototype chamber is considerably better suited for RC operation than the cubic one [18]. As expected, above the fundamental mode cutoff frequency in the beginning the modal gap ∆f i +1; i also decreases quite fast for the cubic chamber – the cubic chamber though shows the existence of multiple degenerate modes (appearing as “spikes” in Fig. 2.4) as the frequency increases. A similar behavior can be seen if instead of the theoretical, “smooth” mode density ∂N/∂f derived from the approximation (2.42), the actual number of modes per 10 MHz interval is counted (Fig. 2.5). Although the cubic RC exhibits at certain frequency intervals an even greater number of modes above cutoff, in-between the mode density ∆N/10 MHz is – resulting from the mode degeneracies – significantly lower for the cubic chamber as compared to the rectangular prototype RC [19]. From (2.43) it is evident, that in order to avoid mode degeneracies, it is important that the ratio between squared dimensions of the chamber is a non-rational number. Whether these mode degeneracies also significantly deteriorate field uniformity and isotropy inside the RC is investigated in Chapter 7. 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 14 Df i¢+1;i¢ [MHz] 30 Prototype RC Cubic RC * = Degenerate modes 25 * 20 * * 15 * 10 ** * * * * * 5 0 50 100 200 150 300 250 f [MHz] 350 400 * * * * 450 500 Figure 2.4: Modal gap ∆f i +1; i in a rectangular cavity with the same dimensions as the prototype RC or the cubic RC (see Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 for chamber geometry details). 2.2.2 Quality factor The quality factor Q describes the ability of a system (such as an RC) to store energy. A high Q indicates that an RC has low losses and is therefore very efficient in storing energy. The chamber Q is an important quantity because it allows prediction of the mean field strength resulting for a given input power. In addition, it provides an estimate of the chamber shielding effectiveness (SE) and the RC time constant. Analytical quality factor derivations of mono-mode resonators for each individual TEmnp and TMmnp mode are outlined in [11]. Theoretical quality factor The highly overmoded RC makes Q calculations based on resonant bandwidths (such as Q = f0 /∆fQ , see Section 2.1.2) difficult, if not meaningless [20, 21]. A better approach is to use the basic definition of the quality factor based on the time-averaged stored energy Ws and the energy dissipated during one period Wd within a resonator Q = 2π ωWs Ws = Wd Pd with Pd being the dissipated power. Ws can be computed from 2 1 1 D · E dv = ε Ws = E dv 2 2 V V (2.46) (2.47) 2.2 LOWEST USABLE FREQUENCY DN/Df [1/10 MHz] 45 15 Prototype RC Cubic RC 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 50 100 150 200 300 250 f [MHz] 350 400 450 500 Figure 2.5: Number of modes ∆N per ∆f = 10 MHz interval above cutoff in a rectangular cavity with the same dimensions as the prototype RC or the cubic RC (see Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 for chamber geometry details). Inserting (2.47) into (2.46) and taking into account that the dissipated power equals the net input power Pin (i.e. forward power minus reflected power) leads to 2 ωε (2.48) Q= E dv 2Pin V To evaluate (2.48) in practice requires knowledge of all individual loss mechanisms within an RC: wall losses, absorption due to e.g. an EUT, aperture leakage (doors, interconnections between sheet metal panels, see Section 5.1), and losses introduced by the finitely conducting RX and TX antennas. Whereas (2.48) includes per definitionem all these losses, the simpler formula Q= 3V 2µr δs A 1 + 3λ 16 1 l + 1 1 w + 1 h (2.49) accounting only for ohmic losses in the walls is often used for RCs, where V is the chamber volume and A the inner RC surface [16]. δs in (2.49) denotes the skin depth of the metal which is defined as 1 δs = √ (2.50) πf µκ The Q-factor estimate of (2.49) can be used as long as the walls are highly conducting (i.e. κ ωε) and as long as losses in the RC walls are the dominant absorption mecha- 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 16 nism. Expression (2.49) can be further reduced for typical values of l, w, h (such as the dimensions of the prototype RC of this thesis l = 2.48 m, w = 2.86 m, h = 3.06 m) and wavelengths λ ≤ 1 m to 3V (2.51) Q≈ 2µr δs A which is also the Q-factor estimate proposed in the IEC 61000-4-12 standard [6]. Unfortunately the derivation of the quality factor according to (2.51) is of little practical use (although surprisingly very often utilized), since theoretical Q values calculated with (2.49) or (2.51) prove to be consistently too high by a factor of 10. . . 500 when com√ pared with measured ones [22, 20]. In addition (2.51) suggests a variation of Q with f (because of its proportionality to 1/δs ), which has not been observed in RC measurements [23, 24]. As [24] already notes, measurements indicate that “ [. . . ] loss mechanisms other than Joule heating [in the walls] are important”. Measured quality factor Once an RC is built, the chamber-Q can be determined by measurements. Q-factor measurements in RCs are commonly carried out with a TX and RX antenna inside the chamber and recording the received and transmitted power P RX and P TX [20]. Using this approach, the chamber quality factor Q can be estimated as Q= 16π 2 V P RX λ3 P TX (2.52) The relation (2.52) can be evaluated over one full stirrer rotation (ϕj = ϕ1 . . . ϕN ), which allows the computation of the mean chamber quality factor Q = Qϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN (2.53) It must be emphasized that (2.52) only represents a rough estimate of the actual Q of an RC. The application of (2.52) is particularly difficult for very high-Q chambers, where P TX should ideally be zero, since there are almost no losses (which implies also for the same reason P RX ≈ P TX ). However due to the dominant absorption of the antennas (which are geometrically large) P TX is greater than zero resulting in a Q which is characteristic for the antennas, but not for the measured RC. A remedy to this problem is to measure the quality factor with very small probes, which do not lower the chamber-Q by loading the chamber. When designing an RC often the question arises, which type of material is to be used in order to get a good chamber performance in terms of the quality factor Q. As mentioned shortly in the beginning of this section, Q tends to be influenced mostly by • intrinsic chamber properties, i.e. conductivity κ of the wall material and the overall SE which is to a large extent defined by how the material was processed (soldered, welded, screwed, bolted, etc.) and the particular construction (apertures, feedthrough panels, doors, ventilation ducts) • loading introduced by TX and RX antennas along with tripods, probe stands, cables 2.2 LOWEST USABLE FREQUENCY 17 • loading through the presence of the EUT together with supporting equipment The trade-off that has to be made is essentially between field uniformity at lower frequencies (where only few modes are above cutoff) and maximum achievable field strength “per Watt” input power. These two extremes transform physically into a trade-off between a chamber quality bandwidth ∆fQ large enough (i.e. Q small enough) for a sufficient number of modes to propagate at a fixed frequency versus a ∆fQ small enough (i.e. Q large enough) for a high average field strength within the RC (see Section 2.1.2 for an explanation of ∆fQ ). A comparison of the maximum achievable field strength between a chamber built from aluminum against an RC made out of galvanized steel was presented in [25] – with the not very surprising conclusion that the average field strength in the aluminum RC is higher – but unfortunately there was no analysis of the impact on field uniformity performed. 2.2.3 Stirring ratio The stirring ratio (SR) provides a global parameter to quantify changes of the field distribution induced by a rotating stirrer. This method essentially measures the effectiveness of the stirrer w.r.t. “moving the maxima and nulls within the chamber”. The SR is commonly defined as SR = max ϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN PRx (x0 , y0 , z0 ) − min ϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN PRx (x0 , y0 , z0 ) (2.54) which requires that the power received by an antenna within the RC is measured over a certain number of stirrer angles at a fixed spatial position [8, 9]. The input power is kept constant PTx = const. for all rotational stirrer angles ϕj . Subsequently, from the recorded power data the maximum and minimum value is calculated. Then the SR is obtained by subtracting the minimum from the maximum value. The method proposed in (2.54) relies on a mode-tuned operation of the RC with discrete stirrer steps, since mode-stirring with a continuously rotating stirrer would introduce some sort of “time-averaging”. In the common RC terminology, the SR is often expressed in terms of decibels. A high SR suggests that both maximum and minimum E- or Hfield values occur at the same position for different stirrer steps; this indicates a more effective stirrer. If the SR was measured at all points throughout the chamber, the optimal condition would be if it was uniform, as this would indicate that the stirrer was effectively changing the boundary conditions evenly throughout the chamber. The lower limit normally accepted for the SR is 20 dB [26], and a sufficiently large SR is often taken as a prerequisite in achieving a good field uniformity within an RC. It should be noted that there are several other SR definitions used in the literature: some publications (e.g. [23]) introduce the SR as SR = max |E(x0 , y0 , z0 )| min |E(x0 , y0 , z0 )| ϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN ϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN (2.55) i.e. the ratio of the maximum to minimum electric field strength measured at a fixed point within the chamber over one revolution of the stirrer ϕj = ϕ1 . . . ϕN . Still other authors 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 18 (e.g. [22]) use the ratio between the input power of a TX antenna and the received power of a RX antenna in the chamber. It must be emphasized that the various SR definitions are not interchangeable and that especially the two latter expressions do not agree with the SR statements found in fundamental RC literature such as [8, 9]. Generally, the SR parameter is not used in formal RC tests as specified by [6], but serves within certain limitations as a means to compare different stirrers against each other. 2.3 Field anisotropy and inhomogeneity The planar and total field anisotropy coefficients Aαβ and Atot as well as the inhomogeneity coefficients Iα and Itot were introduced for RCs by L. Arnaut [27, 28]. These coefficients yield specific performance measures for field homogeneity and randomness of polarization within an RC. 2.3.1 Field anisotropy coefficients The field anisotropy coefficients Aαβ and Atot are defined according to [6] as |Eα |2 |Eβ |2 Pi − Pi Aαβ = |Eβ |2 |Eα |2 Pi + Pi A2xy + A2yz + A2zx Atot = 3 (2.56) (2.57) |Eα | and |Eβ | represent the respective single measured or simulated electric field strength component, with α or β = x, y, z for a given angular stirrer position. Pi is the net (i.e. forward minus reflected) input power injected into the RC for the same stirrer position. The · operator denotes ensemble averaging over all angular stirrer positions. The main reason why Pi is used in (2.56) is for cases when measurements along only a single axis are being performed during one stirrer rotation. When re-orienting a singleaxis probing sensor into two remaining different orientations in turn, the TX antenna “sees” slightly different configurations (plus different cable layouts, etc.), so Pi changes from measurement of one axis to another. If all field locations to be evaluated in (2.56) were simulated or measured using identical input power, Pi can be set to any arbitrary value [29]. Using e.g. Pi = 1 W for simplicity leads to |Eα |2 − |Eβ |2 Aαβ = (2.58) |Eα |2 + |Eβ |2 The pointwise planar field anisotropy coefficients Aαβ are self-normalized quantities, taking values between −1 and +1 for each stirrer state, irrespective of the value of the input power Pi [6]. For perfect reverberation conditions (i.e. ideal statistical field isotropy), the random variable Aαβ can be shown to exhibit a uniform (rectangular) distribution, whose theoretical cumulative distribution function (CDF) is given by FAαβ (aαβ ) = 1 + aαβ 2 (2.59) 2.3 FIELD ANISOTROPY AND INHOMOGENEITY 19 Number of stirrer steps N “Stirring quality” N = 10 N = 30 N = 100 N = 300 “Medium” −2.5 dB −5.0 dB −7.5 dB −10.0 dB “Good” −5.0 dB −10.0 dB −12.5 dB −15.0 dB Table 2.1: Typical values of the total field anisotropy coefficient Atot for “medium” and “good” RC performance [6, 30, 31]. i.e. a straight line with unit slope. The maximum distance between the simulated or measured and the theoretical CDFs from (2.59) serves as an indirect measure for the field anisotropy (i.e. for a bias in the statistical field polarization towards a certain direction) [30]. Typical values obtained in RC simulations and measurements for “medium” and “good” stirring quality are shown in Table 2.1 [6]. 2.3.2 Field inhomogeneity coefficients In analogy to the anisotropy coefficients introduced in Section 2.3.1, the field inhomogeneity coefficients are defined as |Eα (r1 )|2 Pi |Eα (r1 )|2 Pi Iα (r1 , r2 ) = Itot (r1 , r2 ) = − + |Eα (r2 )|2 Pi |Eα (r2 )|2 Pi Ix2 + Iy2 + Iz2 3 (2.60) (2.61) Similarly as for the field anisotropy coefficients, Pi can be set to any arbitrary value as long as all field locations to be evaluated in (2.60) were simulated or measured using identical input power. For the case of constant input power, (2.60) simplifies to Iα (r1 , r2 ) = |Eα (r1 )|2 − |Eα (r2 )|2 |Eα (r1 )|2 + |Eα (r2 )|2 (2.62) When evaluating (2.60) care should be taken to avoid selecting locations r1 and r2 that are separated by an integral number of half wavelengths or excessively small distances much below this wavelength for which the fields are highly correlated. A minimum distance corresponding to one wavelength is recommended [6]. It is usually sufficient to investigate either Aαβ , Atot or Iα , Itot since field anisotropy and field inhomogeneity coefficients show highly correlated statistics. The distributions of the Iα , Itot however, are usually more sensitive to mode-stirring imperfections [31]. 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 20 2.4 Field statistics and probability density functions The EM field at a given position in the RC can be decomposed into three components and each of these components can be described by its real and imaginary part (or equivalently by its phase as well as its magnitude). Therefore in total six parameters are required to fully describe the field. These six parameters are called in-phase and quadrature parts in each of the three orthogonal directions x, y, and z Ex = Re {Ex } + j Im {Ex } (2.63) Ey Ez = Re {Ey } + j Im {Ey } = Re {Ez } + j Im {Ez } (2.64) (2.65) As the RC stirrer rotates from one angular position to the next, each of these in-phase and quadrature parts is recorded and forms a data ensemble. The same statistical considerations apply to both the electric and the magnetic field within an RC; for the sake of simplicity, the following sections only deal with the electric field. 2.4.1 Quadrature and in-phase part statistics The six per-part ensembles can be statistically described as a compilation of a large number of random variables X which are – by the central limit theorem [32] – Gaussian normally distributed −(X−µ)2 1 f (X | µ, σ) = √ · e 2σ2 (2.66) σ 2π where µ is the mean value and σ the standard deviation. If the RC is operated correctly (i.e. significantly above the LUF), a Gaussian distribution with the probability density function (PDF) shown in Fig. 2.6 is obtained for each quadrature/in-phase part of the three components (2.63)-(2.65). For sufficiently low correlation ρ between EM fields sampled at different stirrer angles (see Section 2.5) and provided that a normal distribution prevails, it can be concluded that the fields are also statistically independent [32]. It is therefore reasonable to assume that all six quadrature/in-phase parts of the three components are independent identically distributed (i.i.d.). Finally, the mean values µ of these distributions can be assumed to be zero if there is not a significant direct path from the TX antenna to the sampling point. This is a good assumption if the antenna is near and pointed into a corner or directed towards the stirrer (see Section 7.6.3 for an analysis of different coupling paths). 2.4.2 Magnitude statistics for single components and total field Since the statistical ensemble of each quadrature/in-phase part is Gaussian normally distributed, each of the three field component ensembles Ex , Ey , Ez exhibits a 2-D Gaussian distribution over one full stirrer rotation. Therefore the magnitude of a single 2.4 FIELD STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTIONS 21 component |Ex | = |Ey | = |Ez | = 2 2 (Re {Ex }) + (Im {Ex }) 2 2 (Re {Ey }) + (Im {Ey }) 2 2 (Re {Ez }) + (Im {Ez }) (2.67) (2.68) (2.69) follows each a χ-distribution with two degrees of freedom (i.e. χ(2) -distribution) [32]. Generally, the PDF of the χ-distribution with ν degrees of freedom (χ(ν) ) is given by f (X | ν) = X 2 · X ν−1 e− 2σ2 ν 2 2 · σ ν · Γ ν2 (2.70) from which the individual distribution functions can be derived by setting ν to the appropriate value (e.g. ν = 2, see Fig. 2.6). Values of the Γ-function used in (2.70) can be obtained numerically by ∞ Γ(x) = e−t tx−1 dt (2.71) 0 or tabulated in e.g. [12]. A χ(2) distribution (obtained e.g. for a single component of the electric field E consisting of in-phase and quadrature part) is also known in the literature as a Rayleigh distribution [33]. An exemplary χ(2) distribution is shown in Fig. 2.6. The magnitude of the resultant vector sum of the components for three dimensions (2.67)(2.69) is the square root of the sum of the squares of six i.i.d., zero mean, normal random variables Xi Y = X12 + X22 + X32 + X42 + X52 + X62 (2.72) with each Xi resembling a quadrature/in-phase part of the three field components Ex , Ey , and Ez (2.63)-(2.65). The magnitude of the electric field 2 2 2 |E| = |Ex | + |Ey | + |Ez | (2.73) is therefore χ-distributed with six degrees of freedom (χ(6) -distributed) [28, 32] f (Y | ν = 6) = 4· σ6 Y 1 · Y 5 e− 2σ2 · Γ (3) (2.74) The χ(6) distribution for the magnitude of the EM field within an RC is depicted in Fig. 2.6. 2.4.3 Power statistics for single components and total field For RC measurements or simulations of power-related quantities the square of the random variable summation shown in (2.72) Z = Y 2 = X12 + X22 + X32 + X42 + X52 + X62 (2.75) 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 22 c(2) N(0.4, 0.1) M /Mmax 0.7 c(6) c2(6) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Re{Ex}, |Ex|, |E|, |P| [a.u.] 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 2.6: Exemplary Gaussian normal N (0.4, 0.1), χ(2) , χ(6) , χ2(6) distribution. These statistical distributions are obtained when counting the occurrence of e.g. the real part of a single field component (Gaussian normal N ), the magnitude of a single field component (χ(2) ), the magnitude of the total field (χ(6) ), or the magnitude of the power (χ2(6) ) over a full stirrer rotation. M denotes a part of the total ensemble Mmax . is of interest. For ensembles of the power random variable Z, the χ2 -distribution with ν degrees of freedom (χ2(ν) ) is obtained. Its PDF is defined through ν f (Z | ν) = 2 2 · Γ ν 2 ν Z · Z 2 −1 e− 2 (2.76) A χ2(2) distribution (which is the same as an exponential distribution) is obtained e.g. for a single component of the received power as measured at the terminals of a standard logper antenna, which responds to only a single polarization (see Section 7.6.3). Similarly, the total power with all three components will follow a χ2(6) distribution inside a welloperating RC (see Fig. 2.6). Additional details on the observed PDFs applicable to RCs can be found in Section 7.6.3 and Appendix C, Section C.2. 2.4 FIELD STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTIONS 23 2.4.4 Statistical goodness-of-fit χ2 -test Whenever measurement or simulation data of an RC is analyzed, it is good practice to make a statement if and how well the data actually follows the theoretically predicted statistical distributions. This is especially necessary, if the amount of gathered data is very limited, so that a visual comparison against a theoretically expected distribution is impossible. To evaluate how good the agreement between prediction and reality is, a so-called goodness-of-fit test can be used. A commonly used test to check for fit with a theoretical distribution function is the “Chi-square test” (χ2 -test) [32, 34]. The χ2 -test is based on the random variable χ2 = N (gi − ei )2 i=1 (2.77) ei where N is the total number of samples, gi is the number of observed samples in the i-th interval (also called i-th class), and ei is the expected number of samples in this interval (or class) if the hypothesized distribution is correct. The expected number of samples ei can be computed from ei = N · Pi (2.78) with Pi being the probability that a particular sample is part of the i-th class. The underlying distribution must be divided into i intervals such that in central classes ni · Pi in boundary classes ni · Pi ≥ 5 ≥ 1 (2.79) (2.80) is satisfied for a given number of samples ni . The χ2 variable will be χ2 -distributed with ν = N − q degrees of freedom, q being the number of parameters in the assumed distribution that are calculated from the data (calculated parameters are estimators for the mean or the standard deviation obtained from the underlying data, as the actual values are not exactly known). For ν > 1 degree of freedom, (2.77) must be modified into N 1 (gi − ei )2 (2.81) χ2 = ν i=1 ei The theoretically expected mean of χ2 is 1. If χ2 1 the observed samples do not fit the a priori hypothesized distribution, for χ2 ≈ 1 the agreement is “satisfactory”. Similar to Section 2.5 it is desirable to quantify how e.g. a “satisfactory” agreement can be translated to some sort of “numerical” confidence in a given hypothesis. An expression of the quantitative significance of a certain χ2 value can be evaluated by calculating the probability Pχ2 to get a certain value of χ2 which is equal or greater as the sampled χ20 if the sampled distribution actually matches the hypothesized distribution. If e.g. Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ) is large, the hypothesized and the sampled (measured or simulated) distributions seem to be identical; conversely for a small probability Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ), chances are high that hypothesized and sampled distribution do not match, i.e. there is a certain deviation between them, which leads to a rejection of the hypothesis. 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 24 χ20 ν 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1 0.82 0.67 0.55 0.45 0.37 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.17 6 1 0.98 0.88 0.73 0.57 0.42 0.30 0.21 0.14 0.095 χ20 ν 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 2 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.074 0.061 0.05 0.03 0.018 0.011 0.007 6 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.016 0.01 0.006 0.002 — — — Table 2.2: Probability Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ) that measurement or simulation samples taken out of an ensemble with ν degrees of freedom would result in χ2 ≥ χ20 (— indicate probabilities Pχ2 ≤ 0.0005). In order to compute the probability Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ), the χ2 -PDF (2.70) can be integrated (with σ = 1) ∞ x2 2 2 2 ν · xν−1 e− 2 dx Pχ2 (χ ≥ χ0 ) = (2.82) ν 22 · Γ 2 χ0 General tabulated values of (2.82) can be found in e.g. [35, 12], the cases most relevant to RCs with ν = 2 and ν = 6 degrees of freedom are listed in Table 2.2. In particular, a deviation between a hypothesized and sampled distribution is said to be significant if Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ) ≤ 0.05 (2.83) and highly significant if Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ) ≤ 0.01 (2.84) χ20 For example, the probability to obtain = 3.5 from an experiment with ν = 2 degrees of freedom is with (2.82) Pχ2 (χ2 ≥ χ20 ) = 0.03 (see Table 2.2). This means that there is a significant deviation between the hypothesized and the actual, sampled distribution which would lead to a rejection of the hypothesis. 2.5 Correlation coefficient An ideal stirrer would be expected to generate EM field distributions with no similarity between one rotational stirrer position and the next [6]; a quantitive statement con- 2.5 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT 25 cerning the similarity is made by the correlation coefficient. Therefore the correlation coefficient serves as a very important parameter in RC stirrer and uncertainty analysis. 2.5.1 Definition of correlation In general, correlation can be visualized as a measure to evaluate how well N data points (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xN , yN ) fit a straight line, i.e. exhibit a linear dependence. The correlation coefficient ρxy (or more precisely an estimate for the correlation coefficient) between two discrete ensembles X and Y with N samples each can be calculated as ρxy N 1 N i=1(xi − x)(yi − y) = s2x s2y (2.85) where x and y are the corresponding arithmetic mean values of these two ensembles. They are defined as N N 1 1 x = xi and y = yi (2.86) N i=1 N i=1 under the assumption that the two discrete ensembles are two random samples taken out of a very large underlying basic population (such as one created by a large number of repeated measurements of identical parameters under consistent conditions) wherein the ensembles themselves are uniformly distributed. sx and sy are the variances of the ensembles and can be obtained from 1 |xi − x|2 N − 1 i=1 N sx = 1 |yi − y|2 N − 1 i=1 N and sy = (2.87) The correlation function ρxy can assume any value −1 ≤ ρxy ≤ 1, with values of ρxy = ±1 indicating a good linear correlation and values of |ρ| ≈ 0 little or no correlation at all. Applied to RCs, ρxy relates e.g. the magnitude of a component of the electric field (say |Ex |) at a fixed position (x0 , y0 , z0 ) for the angular position ϕ1 of the tuner against the magnitude of the same electric field component |Ex | at the same location (x0 , y0 , z0 ) for the angular position ϕ2 . As mentioned above, for a well-operating RC a low correlation between the EM fields obtained at the two angular stirrer positions ϕ1 , ϕ2 is desirable [36]. As noted before in Section 2.4, for normally distributed ensembles |ρ| ≈ 0 implies that consecutively taken samples are also mutually independent. 2.5.2 Significance of correlation Since it is in practice very unlikely to obtain exactly ρ = 0 for a finite number of samples N < ∞ out of finitely long ensembles (ρ = 0 would be found between a large number of randomly picked, non-identical samples from a perfect additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) process of infinite bandwidth), the key question is which value of ρ would indicate that the correlation between two ensembles (i.e. the similarity) is “sufficiently 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 26 low” in order to classify the ensembles as “uncorrelated”. As an answer to this question, the quantitative significance of a certain correlation coefficient ρ0 can be evaluated by calculating the probability PN that N samples taken out of two fully uncorrelated (i.e. ρ = 0) ensembles would seem to have a correlation ρ as large or larger than ρ0 . In accordance with [35] the probability PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 |) is given by 1 N −4 2 Γ N2−1 N −2 1 − ρ2 4 dρ PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 |) = √ πΓ 2 (2.88) |ρ0 | where the Γ-function can be calculated with (2.71). Table 2.3 shows PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 )| for various numbers of samples N and correlation coefficients ρ0 . The number of samples N is for RCs equal to the number of angular stirrer positions. If a correlation of ρ0 between two ensembles is obtained, for which PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 |) is small, then there is a high chance that the two ensembles are uncorrelated. In particular, a correlation is said to be significant if PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 |) ≤ 0.05 (2.89) highly significant if PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 |) ≤ 0.01 (2.90) For example, with (2.88) and Table 2.3 the probability that 50 samples (N = 50) of two uncorrelated ensembles will result in a correlation coefficient |ρ| ≥ 0.3 is around 0.034. This means if 50 samples yield ρ = ±0.3, there is no evidence of a linear correlation between the two ensembles. In RC theory often once a correlation coefficient of |ρ0 | < 1/e ≈ 0.37 is observed in a measurement or simulation series, two ensembles are considered uncorrelated [6]. As can be deduced from Table 2.3, the probability that the underlying ensembles would actually have a higher correlation |ρ0 | ≥ 1/e is for N ≥ 50 stirrer steps less than 1%. In other words, there is highly significant evidence, that the ensembles are actually not correlated. Obviously, the earlier this criterion is met (i.e. after as few stirrer steps as possible), the better is the effectiveness of the tuner. As the frequency f is increased, an RC becomes more and more sensitive to even small geometrical changes. Whereas, e.g. at f = 100 MHz, a stirrer rotation of ∆ϕ = 5◦ would not affect the field distribution within the chamber at all, the same ∆ϕ will change the field completely at a frequency of f = 400 MHz (see Chapter 7). Therefore with rising frequency, EM fields in an RC become increasingly uncorrelated from one stirrer step to the next. Since reasonably uncorrelated fields are always a prerequisite for sufficient statistical field uniformity and isotropy, at higher frequencies the same stirrer can provide more uncorrelated samples than at lower frequencies close to the LUF. In order to reduce the time spent for an RC test, the number of stirrer steps required can therefore be reduced at higher frequencies resulting in a correlation which remains approximately constant as the frequency is increased [36, 37]. Care should be exercised when evaluating correlations, since a correlation coefficient can be completely distorted by a single maverick (xi , yi )-pair, i.e. two ensembles appear to be correlated although they are not or vice versa [38]. Therefore a scatter plot should always be used for the analysis of the correlation coefficient ρxy where each individual (xi , yi )-pair is shown and possible outliers, anomalies, or systematic tendencies can be pinpointed. 2.6 STATISTICAL UNCERTAINTY AND ESTIMATOR ACCURACY 27 |ρ0 | N 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 5 1 0.87 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.39 0.28 0.19 0.10 0.037 10 1 0.78 0.58 0.40 0.25 0.14 0.067 0.024 0.005 — 20 1 0.67 0.40 0.20 0.081 0.003 0.005 0.001 — — 30 1 0.60 0.29 0.11 0.029 0.005 0.001 — — — 40 1 0.54 0.22 0.06 0.011 0.001 — — — — |ρ0 | N 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 50 1 0.73 0.49 0.30 0.16 0.08 0.034 0.013 0.004 0.001 60 1 0.70 0.45 0.25 0.13 0.054 0.02 0.006 0.002 — 70 1 0.68 0.41 0.22 0.097 0.037 0.012 0.003 0.001 — 80 1 0.66 0.38 0.18 0.075 0.025 0.007 0.001 — — 90 1 0.64 0.35 0.16 0.059 0.017 0.004 0.001 — — 100 1 0.62 0.32 0.14 0.046 0.012 0.002 — — — Table 2.3: Probability PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 )| that N samples taken out of two uncorrelated ensembles would result in a correlation coefficient |ρ| ≥ |ρ0 | (— indicate probabilities PN ≤ 0.0005). 2.6 Statistical uncertainty and estimator accuracy In order to be able to quantify the uncertainty in a test performed in an RC, knowledge is needed about the statistical behavior of the EM fields in the chamber. A typical question when using an RC is: What is the number of statistically independent stirrer steps necessary to state with a certain confidence that the mean, minimum, or maximum field level at the EUT is within ±3 dB (i.e. the uncertainty) of the corresponding values detected by a field probe at a different location? Using the PDFs for the EM field given in Section 2.4, estimators and their accuracy for e.g. the mean field within an RC can be 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 28 1 p 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 2 k ×s 3 3.5 Figure 2.7: ±k · σ standard deviation multiples contain p fractions of all values from a Gaussian normal distribution (e.g. ±2σ contain approx. 95% of all values). p is also known as the confidence level. calculated. In RC simulations and measurements there is often the interest to calculate the interval that contains a certain percentage p of the values from a standard Gaussian normal distribution. This can be done by solving the integral equation 1 p = F (x, µ, σ) = √ σ 2π x e− (t−µ)2 2σ2 dt (2.91) −∞ obtained from (2.66). Fig. 2.7 shows a plot of (2.91): as k · σ goes towards infinity, more values of the sample distribution are taken into consideration, and therefore the confidence level gets higher (in the limit for k · σ → ∞, p approaches 1). In accordance with [24], the so-called maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is employed as an estimator of the EM field. This has several advantages over other estimators: the MLE is always asymptotically unbiased – i.e. its mean is the true value for large amounts of data –, and its accuracy can be easily calculated [35]. As outlined in [35, 24], the amount of data needed to achieve a desired estimator accuracy can be determined by d˜ = 10 log10 1+ 1− √k bN √k bN (2.92) 2.6 STATISTICAL UNCERTAINTY AND ESTIMATOR ACCURACY 29 6 Confidence level p 68% 75% 95% 99% a) ~ Uncertainty d [dB] 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of stirrer positions N 6 Confidence level p 68% 75% 95% 99% b) ~ Uncertainty d [dB] 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of stirrer positions N Figure 2.8: Number of statistically independent stirrer positions N required to achieve the uncertainty interval ±d˜ for a) a single and b) three EM field components at a confidence of p (see Fig. 2.7 for corresponding standard deviation multiples). in the “dB notation”. k determines the desired confidence level (e.g. k ≈ ±1.96σ for p = 0.95, i.e. 95%) as given by (2.91). b is the number of dimensions of the field data to be estimated (usually 1 or 3) and N is the required number of statistically independent stirrer positions. If the field probe responds to only one dimension of the field in this 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 30 6 Confidence level p 68% 75% 95% 99% ~ Uncertainty d [dB] 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of stirrer positions N Figure 2.9: Number of statistically independent stirrer positions N required to achieve the uncertainty interval ±d˜ for two EM field components at a confidence of p (see Fig. 2.7 for corresponding standard deviation multiples). case b = 1. Solving for the required number of statistically independent stirrer positions N results in 2 k 2 10d̃/10 + 1 N= (2.93) b 10d̃/10 − 1 Equation (2.93) is plotted for different confidence levels in Figs. 2.8 and 2.9. If, for example, the uncertainty interval should be d˜ = ±1 dB and the desired level of confidence is 90% (corresponding to k ≈ ±1.65σ), then one would obtain N ≈ 69 or N ≈ 207 for b = 3 and b = 1 dimensions, respectively (see Fig. 2.8). Conversely, if a determination of the average field is made using N independent stirrer positions, the resulting uncertainty is given by the interval ±d˜ (2.92). Further plots of the uncertainty interval for various numbers of field components can be found in Appendix C, Fig. C.1. . . Fig. C.3. Obviously, the best (i.e. lowest) achievable uncertainty ±d˜ directly depends on the number of statistically independent field distributions N generated by the rotating stirrer. Therefore it is essential to make sure that a given stirrer-RC-combination is actually capable of providing at least N independent distributions. To evaluate that a stirrer provides independent field conditions, i.e. independent samples, the correlation coefficient as presented in Section 2.5 is usually calculated for the chosen step angle of the stirrer. Thus, it is assumed that uncorrelated stirrer positions yield independent samples. This assumption is valid since (as outlined in Section 2.4) the underlying six EM field quadrature component ensembles are normally i.i.d.; for a normal distribution uncorrelated samples are also independent with respect to each other. Therefore the 2.7 FIELD UNIFORMITY 31 requirements statistically independent and statistically uncorrelated can be used interchangeably. It is important to understand that if a stirrer is not capable of providing a sufficient number N of uncorrelated field distribution over a full rotation – this can be challenging especially at low frequencies (see Chapter 7) – it may not be possible to ˜ In an ideal RC, ensemble estimate the EM chamber field with a desired uncertainty ±d. averaging (i.e. sampling the EM field at a fixed location (x0 , y0 , z0 ) for several different stirrer angles ϕi = ϕ1 . . . ϕN ) will result in the same mean, maximum, and minimum estimators as sampling the field over a certain space (xi , yi , zi ) = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) . . . (xN , yN , zN ) at a fixed stirrer angle ϕ1 . 2.7 Field uniformity The most important RC performance parameter is the statistical field uniformity, which can be achieved with a given stirrer in a chamber over its operating frequency range. As mentioned in Section 2.2, the field uniformity is significantly better suited to determine at which point an RC reaches its LUF than the “number of modes above cutoff” and “modal density” criteria. These criteria serve as necessary prerequisites, but they do not guarantee a sufficient field uniformity. The field uniformity within an RC is expressed in terms of the combined three-axis standard deviation σxyz and the single-axis standard deviations σx , σy , and σz of the EM field as proposed in the IEC 61000-4-21 standard [6]. Due to better availability of measurement equipment, normally the electric field is used to compute the standard deviations. These quantities are calculated from the three components of the electric field Ex (xi , yi , zi ), Ey (xi , yi , zi ), and Ez (xi , yi , zi ), which are related to the magnitude of the electric field |E(xi , yi , zi )|ϕj at the spatial position (xi , yi , zi ) with the stirrer fixed at the angle ϕj (j = 1 . . . N : j-th stirrer step out of a maximum of N steps) by |E|ϕj = |E(xi , yi , zi )|ϕj (xi ,yi ,zi ) 2 2 2 = |Ex | + |Ey | + |Ez | (2.94) ϕj For practical reasons, usually the electric field in the eight corner points (i = 1, . . . , 8) of the so-called “volume of uniform field” is employed as a means to predict RC performance. Two definitions exist describing the layout of this “volume of uniform field”, in which an EUT has to be placed during a test: • at least λ/4 (with λ taken at the lowest frequency used for a particular test) • at least 1 m (regardless of the operating frequency of the RC) [6] away from RC walls, stirrers, antennas, and any other electromagnetically relevant object. For the IEC 61000-4-21 standard the second requirement has been adopted, it is however still a good idea to place the EUT sufficiently far away with respect to the operating wavelength from e.g. the metallic walls in order to avoid parasitic coupling effects. Fig. 2.10 shows how the λ/4 (as well as λ/2 and λ) criteria translate into a certain minimum distance at different frequencies. For a field uniformity analysis there is no obvious reason why not more than eight points 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 32 l/4 d [m] 6 l/2 l 5 4 3 2 1 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 f [MHz] 700 800 900 1000 Figure 2.10: Required EUT spacing from RC walls versus operating frequency for different distance criteria (λ/4, λ/2, λ). should be used for the analysis of an RC, since especially in an RC simulation, any arbitrary number of field points is readily available [39]. The more points are used (e.g. instead of eight corner points of the field uniformity volume a much larger number of data points within this volume), the more accurate the estimators for the actual mean, minimum, and maximum field as well as its distribution function and standard deviation get. The restriction to eight points originates from field uniformity measurement methods in order to minimize the time expenditure. In compliance with [6], initially the maximum of each single-axis electric field component occurring during one full rotation of the stirrer (ϕj = ϕ1 . . . ϕN ) is determined and then normalized to the mean net input power Pi max Ẽξ,i = ϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN |Eξ (xi , yi , zi )|ϕj √ Pi (2.95) This will result in eight values for each individual axis ξ = x ∨ y ∨ z, i.e. 24 values in total. If Pi is kept constant – either by employing a stress sensor and a leveling algorithm in a measurement setup or by definition in RC simulations – it can be arbitrarily set to Pi = 1 W for simplicity, which reduces (2.95) to Ẽξ,i = max ϕj =ϕ1 ...ϕN |Eξ (xi , yi , zi )|ϕj (2.96) 2.7 FIELD UNIFORMITY 33 In order to compute the individual and the combined standard deviations, starting from (2.96), the three arithmetic per-axis means 8 1 Ẽξ,i Ẽξ = 8 i=1 (2.97) and the combined arithmetic mean 1 Ẽξ = 24 8 Ẽξ,i (2.98) ξ={x,y,z} i=1 using the three series’ of the x-, y-, and z-components is calculated. As a result, the individual per-axis standard deviations 8 Ẽi − Ẽξ σξ = i=1 (2.99) 8−1 as well as the combined standard deviation 8 Ẽξ,i − Ẽxyz ξ={x,y,z} i=1 σxyz = 24 − 1 (2.100) can be derived. The per-axis standard deviations can be expressed in the more familiar “decibel notation” through σξ + Ẽξ σ̃ξ = 20 log10 (2.101) Ẽξ and for the combined standard deviation, respectively, through σxyz + Ẽxyz σ̃xyz = 20 log10 Ẽxyz (2.102) For both the per-axis standard deviations σ̃ξ as well as the combined standard deviation σ̃xyz , [6] requires for a “well operating” RC with sufficient statistical field uniformity and a given uncertainty within all frequencies 80 MHz ≤ f ≤ 100 MHz σ̃ξ ≤ 4 dB and σ̃xyz ≤ 4 dB (2.103) For frequencies 100 MHz ≤ f ≤ 400 MHz, the limits for σ̃ξ and σ̃xyz decrease linearly from 4 dB to 3 dB. Finally, σ̃ξ ≤ 3 dB and σ̃xyz ≤ 3 dB (2.104) 2 REVERBERATION CHAMBER THEORY 34 is required for all frequencies f ≥ 400 MHz. The above mentioned limits may be exceeded at one single frequency (out of a predefined subset as outlined in [6]) within an octave band of operation by 1 dB. Other standards such as the DO160 or the GMW have similar, slightly different limits. Prerequisites for a good statistical field uniformity are a sufficient number of modes above cutoff as well as mode density (see Section 2.2.1) and weakly correlated (and hence independent) field distributions (see Section 2.5) within the RC. As shown in Chapter 7, all these requirements are increasingly difficult to fulfill at low frequencies around the LUF. 2.8 Caveats for statistics Using the procedures and quantities introduced in Section 2.4 (probability functions), Section 2.5 (correlation), Section 2.6 (uncertainty), and Section 2.7 (field uniformity) a statistical description of RCs can be performed. However, some precautions need to be taken when RC data is analyzed using statistical methods (in the context of this thesis, this applies especially to the results presented in Chapter 7): • Class width in histograms can greatly influence the visual appearance of a graph and the outcome of a hypothesis test, which leads to a decision on agreement or disagreement with a benchmark analytical distribution (see Section 7.6.3) [34]. • Residual classes with small expectation values should not be plotted, as they distort the overall graph – instead a number referring to the number of samples within the residual classes is to be displayed. In Chi-square tests, residual classes must be combined. • Few outliers should not be taken into consideration – a significant number of outliers is however a strong indication that “something went wrong” during the measurement or simulation process [38]. • It must be always distinguished between “robust” (e.g. median) and “non-robust” (e.g. mean) statistical quantities: whereas a single outlier can completely offset the mean of a data series, a quantity such as the median is influenced only very little. Therefore “robust” quantities should be used preferably. • Correlation is a non-robust parameter; in addition, it is very easy to find some sort of correlation between two ensembles (especially if both exhibit some sort of a linear trend), although they are not correlated at all or even physically irrelevant for each other [40]. • Chi-square tests can only be conducted for data which is a priori uncorrelated and statistically independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). • In the end, almost everything has some sort of a normal distribution – chances to find a good agreement between two quantities (e.g. a simulated electric field and a measured one) based on the similarity to a normal distribution are therefore high and can be purely coincidental (see Section 7.4). 2.9 CONCLUSION 35 2.9 Conclusion The fundamental concepts and key parameters of a reverberation chamber (RC) were introduced in this chapter. In the beginning, an RC was abstracted to a simple rectangular cavity in order to explain the existence of TE and TM modes, the number of modes, and the modal density. It was shown that cavity modes are not sufficient to analyze the actual EM field distribution within an RC, but with their help guidelines for the lowest usable frequency (LUF) of an RC were derived. Using the proposed procedure to calculate the cumulated number of modes above cutoff and the mode density, an RC is likely to perform well if at least 60 . . . 100 modes within an ideal cavity of the same size as the RC are above cutoff and at least 1.5 modes/MHz are present. The mode distribution and LUF of the prototype RC built for this thesis and a cubic RC were computed. A more stringent, but time-consuming approach is to simulate or measure the lowest frequency at which a specified field uniformity can be achieved over a volume defined by an eight location calibration data set. This method was carried out in Chapter 7. Methods for the derivation of the quality factor were established; the quality factor serves as an important parameter as it directly influences the field uniformity within the chamber, but it is difficult to measure and theoretical values are often several orders of magnitude too high due to the multimode-nature of an RC. Briefly the field anisotropy and inhomogeneity coefficients were mentioned, which are useful to assess RC performance and more sensitive than the standard field uniformity evaluation approach. These coefficients were however little used in this thesis due to the unavailability of truly broadband field data (which is an inherent limitation of the frequency-domain simulation technique). In a final step, the RC was described as a statistical test environment and the EM fields were characterized by distribution functions, correlation coefficients, statistical uncertainty, and field uniformity. These parameters are used extensively throughout the following chapters and establish the foundation on which the RC analysis by simulation and measurement is built. 36 3 Numerical Procedure Abstract — In the beginning, this chapter summarizes fundamental requirements for a numerical method to be suitable for reverberation chamber simulations. After contrasting these requirements against advantages and drawbacks of several numerical field solver techniques, a frequency-domain electrical field integral equation based method-of-moments was selected. The basic concept of electromagnetic integral equations is outlined and the method-of-moments solution methodology is introduced. Computational requirements regarding simulation time and memory are estimated and an outlook on method-of-moment extensions and solver techniques is given. 3.1 Initial considerations of reverberation chamber simulations Before deciding which EM simulation tool is most suited for the analysis of RCs, one must identify their critical design parameters. Based on these parameters, particular challenges for different EM simulation tools will quickly become apparent. In the following sections the frequency-domain method-of-moments (MoM) and the finite-difference timedomain (FDTD) method are used as two typical EM field solver techniques to demonstrate fundamental challenges. Problems typical for MoM occur also in the boundaryelement method (BEM); difficulties existing in finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) are likely to appear also in the finite-integration technique (FIT) and the transmission-linematrix method (TLM) method. The following sections identify the key issues, which need to be taken into consideration as common requirements to achieve meaningful simulation results. 3.1.1 Wide operational frequency range RC test systems are designed to cover a broad frequency range, typically from around 100 MHz to a few GHz (e.g. 80 MHz. . . 6 GHz). To minimize the computational effort and hence the simulation time, usually the chamber geometry is discretized by an adaptive frequency-dependent mesh. Attention must be paid to the proper discretization: For example, insufficient mesh resolution may introduce numerical artifacts, viz. the computed field values depend strongly on the discretization of the geometry and are affected by numerical dispersion. For a broadband simulation response – in particular if high frequency resolution is required – frequency-domain methods such as MoM are at a disadvantage compared to time-domain methods. While the latter require only one simulation run irrespective of the frequency resolution [41], the former need to be run at many, sometimes tightly spaced discrete frequencies [42]. 37 38 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 3.1.2 Large, varying, and irregular geometry By its physical principle of operation, an RC must be electrically large in terms of the wavelength at fLUF to achieve sufficient statistical field uniformity, i.e. the standard deviation for both the three individual field components and the total data set are within a specified tolerance for a full stirrer rotation [6]. This means that an RC suitable for testing of EUTs at frequencies as low as 80 MHz easily surpasses a volume of 10 000λ3 at a frequency of 1 GHz assuming a chamber size of 6 m·13 m·5 m. To discretize a computational domain of this size considering a mesh dimension of at least λ/10 in each dimension, requires a huge number of mesh cells (i.e. triangles in MoM or volume elements in FDTD). Methods using surface discretization such as MoM have an advantage over volume discretization based methods, because the large space comprising air does not have to be discretized. A particular characteristic which is rarely encountered in ordinary EM problems is the varying geometry of the RC during operation: Since the stirrers inside an RC are rotating, the chosen simulation method must be able to accommodate a varying geometry without introducing additional errors. This problem is primarily found in methods using volume discretization, where the mesh needs to be changed at least locally from one stirrer step to another, which might create additional numerical artifacts (for FDTD cf. chapters 10 and 11 in [41]). To achieve an optimal EM effectiveness, the stirrers are usually very irregular and designed asymmetrically, which is particularly difficult to consider when structured meshes are used. 3.1.3 Finite conductivity and entirely closed structure To obtain reliable and physically meaningful results, the chamber walls, stirrers, EUT, and antennas of an RC must be modeled taking finite conductivity, κ < ∞, into account. Otherwise (for a perfectly electrically conducting structure with κ → ∞) the RC quality factor bandwidth ∆fQ [6] would be zero, i.e. at a given frequency f only a single mode (and possibly respective degenerate modes) could be excited (see Section 2.1.2). In this case, coupling between different non-degenerate modes would not exist and the field level within the cavity could reach unrealistically high values, only limited by the chosen numerical method. Realistic RCs however can only achieve sufficient statistical field uniformity if ∆fQ > 0 so that several modes are excited at a given frequency. The technique to implement lossy materials varies from one numerical method to another (see Section 3.3.4). Whether a specific numerical conductivity formulation is appropriate for the simulation of an RC can only be determined through a validation of the simulated results by measurements. From the computational point of view, RCs represent an entirely bounded domain, which does not radiate to the exterior. Several simulation techniques are numerically problematic if applied to computational domains that form a closed, non-radiating structure: Depending on the losses in the RC, a time-domain method such as FDTD might have difficulties to achieve numerical convergence [41] so that e.g. “artificial” losses within the air volume have to be introduced or the wall conductivity has to be modeled unrealistically low (e.g. κ < 100 S/m [43]). A frequency-domain solver can exhibit the problem 3.2 COMPUTATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 39 that in the resonance case there is either no unique solution for the system of equations or the solution of this system can have large errors [44]. 3.1.4 Highly resonant chamber Depending on the actual losses introduced by walls of finite conductivity, stirrers, EUT, and antennas, EM resonances will be more or less pronounced and varying in bandwidth. In the RC operation mode f > fLUF a large number of resonances will exist, making adaptive (i.e. resonance-dependent) frequency sampling and interpolation in-between awkward. This problem has been considerably reduced with the introduction of adaptive frequency sampling algorithms that set simulation frequencies according to the presence of resonances. For the simulation of an RC, however, adaptive frequency sampling only makes sense up to or slightly beyond fLUF where the number of modes above cutoff is still small (60. . . 100 modes [6]). For frequencies f fLUF , too many discrete frequencies would need to be sampled to compute a truly broadband response. Highly resonant structures pose additional problems for a simulation method: in time-domain codes such as FDTD the correct derivation of the quality factor Q of an RC can be difficult, since the underlying algorithm introduces phase errors due to numerical dispersion resulting in shifts of resonance frequencies (cf. chapter 4 in [41]). In addition, identifying narrow resonance peaks requires rather long simulation times. 3.1.5 Large number of spatial near field positions In RC simulations it is desirable to have EM near field data available anywhere, or at least on multiple planes within the chamber to analyze e.g. the effect of a stirrer or an EUT. In a method such as FDTD, the user must decide before launching a simulation, at which positions the near field is to be monitored and stored. If near field data throughout the entire RC is to be monitored, memory and computational requirements for FDTD increase significantly, especially for a fine frequency resolution. For MoM the computationally expensive part is the inversion of a full matrix to obtain the surface and line currents. Once however this system of equations is solved, the near field at any arbitrary point can be computed a posteriori from the stored currents without re-running the whole solution process again. 3.2 Computation of electromagnetic fields The simulation of a reverberation chamber (RC) requires the calculation of the electromagnetic (EM) fields and currents which are excited by a source (usually a TX antenna) on and around a scattering structure. Part of this scattering structure are the walls, the stirrers, the TX antenna itself, the RX antenna, and an EUT. The resulting fields are defined by Maxwell’s equations which are given in differential form by (2.1)–(2.4). These equations are further simplified by assuming that there are no free charges inside the computational volume V , i.e. = 0 in (2.3). In addition, the properties of the utilized materials are assumed to be linear, homogeneous, isotropic, and without memory. This led to the simpler equations (2.8)–(2.11), which are used in the following sections. 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 40 3.2.1 Incident and scattered field i are incident i and magnetic field strength H If EM waves of electric field strength E onto a scattering structure, electric currents I on metallic wires and surface currents J along metallic surfaces will be excited. These currents are in return responsible for the s . The total field consists of the superposition of the s and H resulting scattered fields E incident and the scattered field tot (r) = E tot (r) = H i (r) + E s (r) E i (r) + H s (r) H s, H s can be calculated from The scattered field E s (r) = L r , r ) + L E J( E E I( r , r ) I J H J ( r , r Hs (r) = LH ) + L ) I( r , r I J (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) E , L E , L H H where L , and L I I are linear integro-differential operators relating to the line J J and surface currents I and J [45, 46]. For the sake of simplicity, (3.3) and (3.4) do not take into account electric volume currents (there is no current flowing within the computational volume V , that is J = 0, but currents JS flow on the surface ∂V = A) as well as magnetic surface and line currents, which can be used to model dielectric materials. An extension of (3.3) and (3.4) to dielectric materials including these currents can be found in e.g. [47, 48]. 3.2.2 Integral equation approach The operators used in (3.3) and (3.4) are defined by j E · J( r ) · G(r, r ) dA ∇ ∇ LJ J(r, r ) = − A 4πεω A µ r ) · G(r, r ) dA J( −jω 4π A 1 H r ) · G(r, r ) dA L J( J(r, r ) ∇× = J 4π A ∂I(r ) j E I(r, r ) L ∇ = − · G(r, r ) dl I 4πεω ∂l L µ −jω I(r ) · el · G(r, r ) dl 4π L 1 H LI I(r, r ) ∇ × I(r ) · el · G(r, r ) dl = 4π L (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) 3.2 COMPUTATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 41 where the unit vector el denotes the direction of the current flow I along a wire segment. The vector r denotes the location of the observation point. The surface divergence of the current density over the primed coordinate system is given by · J( r ) = ∇ · J( r ) − en · ∂ J(r ) ∇ A ∂n with the normal unit vector en and the partial derivative surface. G(r, r ) is the free space Green’s function ∂ J( r ) ∂n (3.9) taken normal to the e−jk|r−r | G(r, r ) = |r − r | (3.10) It is important to note that for the computation of the scattered fields using (3.3) and (3.4) the evaluation of the integrals in (3.5)-(3.8) require significant computational resources. Special formulations have been developed rendering these computations more feasible [48, 42, 45]. 3.2.3 Solution of integral equations r ) on the surface dA and the In order to solve (3.5)-(3.8), the surface current density J( line current I(r ) on the wire of length dl must be known. A direct solution of these equations is however not possible in most practical cases – this includes the simulation r ) and I(r ) are either not known at all or very complicated over a large of RCs – as J( area dA and a long length dl . The solution to this problem is to divide the computational domain into small (compared to the operating wavelength λ) parts, wherein the r ) and the line current I(r ) can be described by rather simple apcurrent density J( proximations. An expansion of the current distribution within these small parts allows the computation of (3.5)-(3.8) and hence the calculation of the electric and magnetic field (3.1) and (3.2) from (3.3) and (3.4). 3.2.4 Approximation of currents and current density The currents and the current density on a scatterer structure are approximated in the form of a series of a-priori known basis (sometimes also called expansion) functions. In general, one chooses as basis functions a set that has the ability to accurately represent and resemble the anticipated unknown current density, while minimizing at the same time the computational effort required to employ it. The sets of basis functions may be divided into two general classes: the subdomain basis functions, which are nonzero only over a part of the structure (with a subdomain being either a small part of a larger wire structure or a metallic surface); and the entire domain basis functions that exist over the entire structure to be simulated. For the latter basis functions, there is no discretization of the structure under consideration involved, but there is a priori knowledge of the anticipated current distribution to be modeled required (which is e.g. feasible for the computation of the current distribution on a dipole, but not for more complex structures such as an RC). Of these two classes, subdomain functions are the most common [49]. 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 42 Unlike entire domain functions, they may be used without prior knowledge of the nature of the current density function they must approximate. The subdomains are created by discretizing the overall geometric structure: wires are subdivided into smaller parts (“segments” of length dl ), surfaces into smaller elements (“patches” of area dA ) such as triangles or quadrangles. It is obvious that more sophisticated basis functions can approximate arbitrary current distributions more accurately, resulting in a smoother representation – this however comes at the cost of increased computational complexity. Basis functions for wire structures An example for a set of subdomain basis functions g used to approximate the line current In on wire segments is given by ⎧ 1 ⎪ r − a+ r ∈ Sn+ + · | ⎪ 2,n | for l ⎪ n ⎪ ⎨ 1 gIn (r ) = (3.11) · |r − a− r ∈ Sn− 2,n | for l− n ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0 for r ∈ Sn+ , Sn− a− wherein ln+ , ln− are the lengths of the segments Sn+ , Sn− . a+ 2,n and 2,n refer to the + − end points of the two segments Sn , Sn which are connected at the node a1,n . Since gIn (r ) is defined only on the center axis of the segments, (3.11) resembles the “thin wire approximation”, assuming that the segments are infinitely thin; for “thicker” segments a more accurate formulation can be used [48]. Using a superposition of the basis functions for wire segments (3.11), the actual current in a segment will be expanded by I(r ) = NI In · gIn (r ) (3.12) n=1 where NI is the number of basis functions needed to cover the wire segments. With (3.11) and (3.12) the current in the wire segments is approximated in a piecewise-linear continuous manner. The currents In are the unknown coefficients which need to be computed. Basis functions for metallic surfaces It is possible to model metallic surfaces through tightly spaced wire segments by creating a so-called “wire grid”. This method is used e.g. in the freely available version of the “Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC)” [50]. Since the accuracy of this approach is not very satisfying, vectorial basis functions for an approximation of the current density JS on surface patches were introduced. As patch elements, often triangles are used since they have the ability to conform to any geometrical surface. Due to the derivatives and the kernel in the integral equations of the EFIE, there are complications in using vectorial basis functions for patches: In order to achieve physically consisting results, basis functions must be constructed such that the normal component of the current is continuous across surface boundaries. The vectorial basis functions, which eliminate these problems (and are used by FEKO ), are the so-called “Rao-Wilson-Glisson (RWG)” basis functions [51]. The RWG basis functions are not simply coincident with each triangle 3.2 COMPUTATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 43 face, but consist of pairs of triangular faces along an adjacent edge, similar to “roof top” functions. RWG functions are defined as ⎧ ln ln ⎪ for r ∈ Tn+ rn+ = 2A r − a+ + + · ⎪ 3,n 2A ⎪ n n ⎪ ⎨ ln ln gJn (r ) = (3.13) rn− = − 2A r − a− for r ∈ Tn− + · 3,n 2A− n n ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0 for r ∈ Tn+ , Tn− and are associated to the n-th edge that two adjacent triangles have in common. ln is − + − the length of the n-th “inner” edge, A+ n , An resemble the areas of triangles Tn , Tn , and + − rn , rn are the position vectors with respect to the vertices opposite from the n-th inner edge [48]. The position vector rn+ is directed from the free vertex of Tn+ towards points in a− Tn+ , whereas rn− is directed towards Tn− . a+ 3,n and 3,n denote the position vectors of the two free triangle vertices which are not part of the inner edge. These triangle-pair basis functions are free from fictitious line or point charges at their subdomain boundaries [45]. They overlap, so that, except for boundary edges, each edge of the triangulated surface is a common edge between the two triangular faces of a subdomain. Hence, up to three basis functions will be superimposed within each face of the triangulated surface, allowing a constant vector of arbitrary magnitude and direction to be synthesized on each face. Using a superposition of the basis functions for triangles (3.13), the actual surface current on a triangle will be expanded by r ) = J( NJ Jn · gJn (r ) (3.14) n=1 where NJ is the number of basis functions needed to cover the wire segments. With (3.13) and (3.14) the current density in the triangular patches is approximated. The current densities Jn are the unknown coefficients which need to be computed. Special basis functions are used to model the transitions between wire segments and triangular surface elements [48]. Considerable advantages in computation time and reduction of approximation errors can be gained by a careful choice of the basis functions. 3.2.5 Computation of line and surface current coefficients r ), the line In order to approximate the actual line currents I(r ) and surface currents J( and surface current coefficients In and Jn of (3.12) and (3.14) must be computed. These coefficients can be determined by considering the boundary conditions for the EM field obtained from Maxwell’s equations (2.1)-(2.4) which can be derived for the tangential and normal components of the electric and the magnetic field, respectively, as shown in (2.16)–(2.19). Two methods are common to calculate the line and surface current coefficients In and Jn with the boundary conditions for the tangential field components (2.16) and (2.17): The so-called electric field integral equation (EFIE) enforces the boundary conditions on the tangential electric field (2.16) while the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) enforces the boundary conditions on the tangential components of the magnetic field 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 44 (2.17). Also a combination of the EFIE and magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) is used and known as the coupled field integral equation (CFIE). The CFIE uses both the boundary conditions for the electric (2.16) and the magnetic (2.17) field. For the example of a PEC surface, (2.16) simplifies to tot = 0 n12 × E (3.15) For non-PEC structures, (3.15) needs to be reformulated so that the boundary conditions imposed by (2.16) are satisfied. Substituting (3.3) into (3.1), (3.15) can be rewritten as r , r ) + L i (r) + L E J( E I(r, r ) = 0 (3.16) n12 × E I J Inserting the approximations for the surface current density (3.14) and the line currents (3.12) in (3.16) yields ⎛ # #⎞ N N J I i (r) + L E E Jn · gJn (r ) + L In · gIn (r ) ⎠ = 0 (3.17) n12 × ⎝E I J n=1 n=1 i (r) is on the righthand side results Rearranging (3.17) so that the known incident field E in ⎛ # #⎞ N NJ I E i (r) LE Jn · g (r ) + L In · gIn (r ) ⎠ = −n12 × E (3.18) n12 × ⎝ J Jn n=1 I n=1 3.3 Method of Moments The EFIE (3.18) (and also the MFIE) are effectively solved using the method-of-moments (MoM), which is done for the EFIE in the computational kernel of the simulation software FEKO . It has to be outlined that the actual EM solution method as described in Section 3.2.5 is commonly incorrectly referred to as “the MoM”. The MoM is merely used as a numerical technique for the solution of the EFIE (and respectively MFIE) describing the EM problem [42, 52]. With (3.18) it is in principle possible to find the unknown constant line and surface current coefficients In and Jn . Since however (3.18) represents only one equation, it is alone not sufficient to determine the NJ + NI unknowns Jn and In . To solve for the NJ + NI unknowns it is necessary to have NJ + NI linearly independent equations. The MoM transforms the EFIE (3.18) containing linear operators into a system of linear equations. It owes its name to the process of taking moments by multiplying (3.18) with appropriate weighting functions and integrating [53, 46, 45]. 3.3.1 Point matching and weighting functions Having NJ +NI linearly independent equations can be accomplished by evaluating (3.18) – i.e. applying the boundary conditions – at NJ + NI different locations on surface 3.3 METHOD OF MOMENTS 45 patches and wire segments. This is usually referred to as the collocation method or point matching. Applying point matching eventually means that boundary conditions (2.16) and (2.17) are satisfied only at discrete points on a given structure. Between these points the boundary conditions may not be satisfied, which implies that, for example, the tangential electric field will be nonzero on a PEC structure and a residual will be left. To minimize the residual in such a way that its overall average over the entire geometric structure approaches zero, the method of weighted residuals is utilized in conjunction with a so-called inner scalar product ν ν ... ·w m dA (3.19) < ...,w m >= ∂V =A for the surface current density and ν < ...,w m >= ν ...· w m dl (3.20) ∂A=L ν are suitable weighting functions, which are defined on the for the line currents [48]. w m NJ surfaces and NI line segments. This technique does not lead to a vanishing residual at every point on a PEC surface, but it forces the boundary conditions (2.16) and (2.17) to be satisfied in an average sense over the entire surface. The choice of weighting functions ν must be linearly independent, so that the NJ +NI is important in that the elements of w m equations in (3.19) and (3.20) will be linearly independent, too. Furthermore, it will be advantageous to choose weighting functions that minimize the computations required to evaluate the inner products. Since the linear independence between elements and the computational efficiency are also important requirements of basis functions, similar types of functions are often used for both weighting and basis functions. A particular choice of functions in the literature commonly referred to as “Galerkin’s ν method” is to let the basis and the weighting function be the same. Other choices for w m include Dirac δ-functions, which reduce the “average” boundary condition matching back to point-wise matching. FEKO uses a computationally advantageous Quasi-Galerkin approach with an adaptive integration technique, which distinguishes between spatially near and far boundary condition matching points [46]. 3.3.2 Matrix formulation Evaluating (3.18) at NJ + NI different points and satisfying the boundary conditions (2.16) and (2.17) “on average” by the application of the weighted residuals (3.19) and (3.20) leads to NJ + NI linear equations, which can be expressed in the commonly used MoM matrix formulation Z · I = V (3.21) where I is an N = (NJ + NI )-column vector which contains the expansion coefficients In and Jn of the MoM basis functions. Z is the N × N system matrix, containing the is an N -column vector relating to coupling between basis and weighting functions; V 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 46 the impressed fields originating from sources such as an incident wave radiated by a TX antenna. Solving (3.21) for the vector I I = Z−1 · V (3.22) provides the unknown expansion coefficients In and Jn of the current approximation (3.12) and (3.14), thus giving the resulting surface current density and line currents. With (3.1) and (3.2) the total near fields can be straightforwardly calculated from this current approximation. In order to calculate the inverse of the system matrix Z−1 it is necessary to evaluate N 2 terms in (3.22), with each term requiring two or more integrations. When these integrations are to be done numerically, depending on the size of Z, vast amounts of computation time and memory may be necessary (see Section 3.4). 3.3.3 Symmetry considerations In order to reduce the calculation time and memory usage, symmetries can be utilized. Up to three coordinate planes may be defined as planes of symmetry. For each plane, there are three different types of symmetry that can be utilized. Geometric Symmetry If a complete structure or parts of a structure exhibit geometric symmetry in one or more planes, the time for the computation of the elements of the system matrix Z can be reduced. The source, however, is not symmetric, thus a symmetric current distribution does not exist. This asymmetric current distribution leads to asymmetric electric and magnetic fields. The order of the system matrix therefore remains the same, which means that the computation time or the amount of memory needed for the solution of the equation system cannot be reduced [13]. Electric or Magnetic Symmetry If – in addition to symmetry of the geometric structure – also the excitation is symmetric with respect to one or more planes, then these planes can be considered as being planes of electric (i.e. perfectly electrically conducting (PEC)) or magnetic (i.e. perfectly magnetically conducting) symmetry. An electric (magnetic) symmetry plane is a plane which can be replaced by an ideal electrically (magnetically) conducting wall without changing the field distribution. For this situation, the corresponding coefficients of the current basis functions (see Section 3.2.4) have either equal or equally negative values. This in turn means that the number of equations (i.e. the order of the system matrix) can be reduced, which results in a reduction of computation time and amount of memory [46]. Each electric or magnetic symmetry reduces the number of unknowns in the system matrix by a factor of two, that is the required amount of memory by a factor of four. Partial Symmetry Normally, a structure must be perfectly symmetric for FEKO in order to speed up the solution by exploiting the symmetries mentioned above. Any asymmetric segments or triangles, or ones that lie in a symmetry plane or on the axis of rotation, will destroy the symmetry. If a geometry is not fully symmetric, one approach is to use the numerical 3.4 COMPUTATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 47 Green’s function (NGF) technique (see Section 3.5.2) to exploit at least partial symmetry in a structure. Partial symmetry can be exploited to reduce solution time by running a simulation of the symmetric part of the model first and saving this data. The asymmetric parts may then be added in a second run using the NGF technique. 3.3.4 Modeling of finite conductivity The finite conductivity κ of materials can be taken into account in the EFIE by using (2.16) and (3.15) in a modified form so that tot = E Z n12 × E (3.23) at the boundary to a non-PEC structure. Finitely conducting surface materials are assumed to have a thickness d, permeability µ, and conductivity κ (ωε κ < ∞). They are modeled by a fictitious surface impedance [42] ZS = 1 1−j 2κδs tan (1 − j) d 2δs (3.24) where f denotes the simulation frequency and δs the skin depth of the metal as defined by (2.50). With (3.24) and (2.50), the tangential field on the non-PEC scatterer EZ can be calculated. For finitely conducting wires, a similar surface impedance can be calculated as outlined in [48, 42, 45]. 3.4 Computational requirements The computational requirements needed for the simulation of RCs are significant at higher frequencies, both with respect to the main memory needed and the solution time. It is therefore useful to estimate up-front the memory and CPU-time it takes to complete one simulation run, which usually corresponds to one rotational stirrer position. 3.4.1 Simulation memory The FEKO implementation of the EFIE (3.18) and direct solution using the MoM leads to the following memory requirements for the storage of the system matrix Z: • One basis function needs one variable of type “double complex” for storage, i.e. 16 Byte [54]. • The surface current distribution on a single metallic triangle (3.14) is described with three basis functions (3.13), provided that all edges of the triangle are connected to other triangles [55]. • Dielectric structures need twice as many basis functions (to model electric and magnetic currents) as metallic triangles. 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 48 • At the outer parts of a structure where there are triangles only connected on less than three edges to other triangles, one or two basis functions are used (depending on the actual structure) [55]. • Each basis function (3.13) extends over two triangles. • As discussed in Section 3.3.3, each electric or magnetic symmetry reduces the number of unknowns in the system matrix by a factor of two; hence the required storage memory for the system matrix Z is reduced by a factor of four per electric/magnetic symmetry. • One segment node which connects NS segments needs NS − 1 basis functions (e.g. a loop wire without open ends and no other wires attached needs NS basis functions). A useful estimate of the required memory M needed for storage of the MoM system matrix Z for NT triangles (no free triangle edges, no dielectrics involved) and NS segments (only nodes with exactly two segments attached) is therefore given by & ' 2 3 2 NT + NS = 36 NT2 + 16 NS2 Byte M ≈ 16 Byte · (3.25) 2 Discretization with the CAD-software HyperMesh of the surface area A into triangles of area A can be represented by A = NT · A (3.26) The “chordal deviation” discretization algorithm in HyperMesh is controlled via the parameters • minimum and maximum element edge length dmin and dmax • maximum chordal deviation • maximum angle allowed between two adjacent elements and allows a precise adjustment of the mesh generation. In the somewhat easier to handle “size and biasing” algorithm all of the parameters outlined above are combined into a single user-adjustable parameter “element size” d [56]. The surface size of a triangle A created with HyperMesh can be approximated to A ≈ 1 2 d sin γ 2 (3.27) where γ accounts for the apex angle of the triangle. d is directly related to the discretization requirements of the EFIE-MoM as implemented in FEKO . Values for d used throughout the RC simulations are d= λ 5 . . . 10 (3.28) 3.4 COMPUTATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Memory M [GByte] 1000 49 l2/100 l2/70 150 200 l2/50 l2/30 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 50 100 250 300 f [MHz] Figure 3.1: Theoretical memory requirements of an RC simulation with A = 50 m2 of discretized surface and NS = 870 segments for four different triangular mesh resolutions A (3.25) in the f = 50 . . . 300 MHz frequency range. with λ denoting the free-space wavelength. This finally results in an estimate for the number of triangles 2 2A 5 . . . 10 · f (3.29) NT ≈ sin γ c needed for a certain simulation frequency f (c being the speed of light). From (3.29) it is obvious, that the number of triangles NT exhibits a quadratic proportionality to the frequency, i.e. NT ∼ f 2 . Using a similar derivation, it can be easily shown that the number of segments NS is directly proportional to the frequency, i.e. NS ∼ f [48]. With (3.25) this means that the memory M needed for storage of the MoM system matrix Z depends on the frequency f as M ∼ O f4 + O f2 (3.30) Memory requirements obtained in actual RC simulations with FEKO are listed in Table 3.1 and agree well with the approximate estimates of (3.25) and (3.30). It can be clearly seen that with the computational approach presented in Section 3.2, a higher 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 50 100 Memory M [GByte] l2/100 l2/70 l2/50 l2/30 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 200 300 400 500 600 f [MHz] 700 800 900 1000 Figure 3.2: Theoretical memory requirements of an RC simulation with A = 50 m2 of discretized surface and NS = 870 segments for four different triangular mesh resolutions A (3.25) in the f = 50 . . . 1000 MHz frequency range. operating frequency requires a finer discretization of the geometric structure, which results in a greater number of triangles NT and segments NS . Figs. 3.1 and 3.2 show the memory requirements of an RC simulation with A = 50 m2 of discretized surface (corresponding to the prototype RC) and NS = 870 segments (two logper antennas) for four different triangular mesh resolutions (3.25) of A = λ2 /30, λ2 /50, λ2 /70, and λ2 /100. Whereas the data of Fig. 3.2 covers the f = 50 . . . 1000 MHz frequency range (logarithmically scaled), Fig. 3.1 shows a zoomed section (linear scale) in the lower f = 50 . . . 300 MHz frequency range. 3.4.2 Simulation time Before the inversion of the system matrix Z−1 is carried out, initially the matrix elements must be computed as described in Section 3.2. According to [46], the time tsetup for the determination of the system matrix elements can be estimated for segments as tsetup ∼ f 2 and for metallic triangles as tsetup ∼ f 4 . The total determination of the system matrix 3.4 COMPUTATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 51 Frequency f [MHz] Number of triangles NT Memory M [MByte] 100 2 934 a 310 2 299 (00:38) 300 5 828 a 1 195 7 630 (02:07) 500 11 276 b 4 563 37 161 (10:19) c 700 13 486 b 6 481 93 679 (26:01) c 1000 19 112 b 12 980 655 311 (182:02) c CPU runtime t [s (hh:mm)] a in addition to the triangles, for the discretization of the biconical TX/RX antenna 162 segments were used b — — of the logper TX/RX antenna 435 segments were used c for parallel computations the individual per-process run times were summed up Table 3.1: Comparison of runtime and memory requirements of RC simulations for a single frequency and one stirrer position. A typical RC consists of walls, door, one 6-paddle vertical stirrer and one antenna. Simulations were run using the standard FEKO solver without symmetries or approximative methods. elements is therefore on the order of tsetup ∼ O f 4 + O f 2 (3.31) With the implementation of a direct solver (e.g. LU-decomposition), the time needed for the solution of the system of linear equations tsolve is for segments on the order of tsolve ∼ f 2...3 and for metallic triangles tsolve ∼ f 4...6 . Under the assumption that the time for initialization, checking of geometry, near and far field computation are negligible, the total simulation time can be estimated as (3.32) ttot = tsolve + tsetup ∼ O f 4...6 + O f 4 For small EM problems, at low frequencies, and depending on the numerical solver, tsetup can be a significant part of the total simulation time ttot (tsetup ≈ tsolve ). In a high-frequency RC simulation with a fine discretization however, the matrix equation solution time tsolve clearly dominates over the setup period tsetup . Computation times obtained in actual RC simulations with FEKO are listed in Table 3.1: Due to the strong frequency dependence of ttot (3.32), the rate at which the CPU runtime increases with growing frequencies is even more dramatic than the increase in required memory (3.30). The strong frequency dependence of both computational memory and solution time emphasizes the importance to use as few triangles NT and segments NS as possible within the numerical restrictions of the MoM for the discretization. Therefore in order to minimize the number of triangles needed to mesh the large RC surface, a frequency-adaptive 52 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE and geometry-dependent discretization was used. Table 3.1 states also the typically required numbers of triangles at different frequencies and a fixed stirrer position using a standard MoM approach without symmetries (Section 3.3.3) or approximative methods (Section 3.5.2). Simulations were performed on a distributed Sun Blade 1000/2000 workstation cluster with up to three double-processor machines in parallel. Looking at Table 3.1 it is clear that the excessive runtimes render RC simulations with today’s available computer power and current numerical methods at high frequencies useless. 3.5 Extensions to the method of moments 3.5.1 Field integral equation resonance problem A well-known problem with simple, standard EFIE-based MoM formulations is that in the interior resonance case the system of equations can be “ill-conditioned” (which results in a very high condition number of Z) [57]. Practically however, this problem only shows up if the simulated structure is completely closed and in addition PEC. Furthermore, it is not of great relevance as long as direct solution methods involving a lower upper (LU) decomposition of the system matrix Z are used [58]. A remedy to this problem might seem to employ the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) or the coupled field integral equation (CFIE) which combines the EFIE and the MFIE. The MFIE, however, and hence also the CFIE, can only be used for regions that are mathematically “simply connected” (“1-connected”) [48]. A simple cavity would satisfy this requirement, whereas an RC with stirrers, antennas, and EUT certainly does not. In addition, MFIE solutions tend to diverge if applied to structures involving thin metallic sheets [49]. Therefore integral equation methods based on MFIE or CFIE are not applicable to the solution of most “real world” RC problems. Instead of using the MFIE or CFIE, EFIE-related problems can be eliminated (for most practical cases) through the usage of materials of finite conductivity κ < ∞ together with modified forms of the EFIE which are still valid in the interior resonance case [59, 44]. In addition it is good practice to monitor the condition number of the system matrix and to test explicitly whether this matrix is singular. Both of these precautionary measures are implemented in the FEKO -kernel, which warns the user if the matrix is singular or the condition number reaches 1016 [54]. 3.5.2 Iterative solution techniques In the traditional subdomain-based MoM, it normally occurs that the resulting system of equations (3.21) is described with a dense (i.e. full) matrix Z having complex-valued elements . The matrix structure is usually optimized for specific numerical solution techniques by a preconditioner. Solving systems with full matrices is – as mentioned in Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 – computationally expensive, often to the point of being prohibitive. A remedy to this problem can be found in iterative methods or hybrid techniques combining the MoM with asymptotic methods such as the physical optics (PO) (current-/ and ray-based) or the fast multipole method (FMM) mentioned in Sections 3.5.3 and 3.5.4. 3.5 EXTENSIONS TO THE METHOD OF MOMENTS 53 Standard iterative schemes Reducing the number of mathematical operations can be accomplished by using iterative schemes such as • stationary iterative methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, Successive-over-relaxation • non-stationary iterative methods: Conjugate-gradient-on-normal-equations, Biconjugate gradient stabilized (BiCGstab) [60] or the transpose-free quasi minimum residual (TFQMR) method [61] which need fewer operations for the decomposition of the MoM system matrix Z. Since there were problems with the convergence of these numerical methods when applied to the simulation of an RC, only direct solvers involving the LU decomposition were used. Numerical Green’s function (NGF) In RC simulations, modifications to small parts of the geometry (such as the rotation of a stirrer) result in changes to one or more small areas of the overall system matrix Z (3.21), leaving relatively large portions of Z unchanged [62]. Therefore it would be helpful to use techniques which avoid the repeated inversions of the original large, dense system matrix. A solution to this problem is presented by [63] and [64] on the basis of the so-called “Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury expansion”. This approach is useful for configurations consisting of one or more large and one or more small objects • where all of them do not change in size, shape, or electrical characteristics. However, the small object(s) may move or change its orientation with respect to the large object(s). • same as above, but where the small object(s) may change in size, shape, electrical characteristics, position, and/or orientation. • where one of the objects is much larger and unchanging, and the other smaller object is changing geometrically or electrically. Obviously the RC fits well in these categories of problems, since the greater part of the geometry (i.e. the cavity walls) do not change at all, whereas a small part of the geometry (i.e. the stirrers) change in orientation. This method is also known as “numerical Green’s function (NGF)”. The main purpose of the NGF is to avoid the unnecessary repetition of calculations when a part of a model, such as e.g. the rotational position of a stirrer in a complex RC environment, will be modified one or more times while the remaining RC environment remains fixed. With the NGF, the so-called large “self-interaction matrix” for the fixed RC environment may be computed, factored for solution, and saved [62, 64]. Solution for a new stirrer position then requires only the evaluation of the much smaller self-interaction matrix for the stirrer, the mutual stirrer-to-RC-environment interactions, and matrix manipulations for a partitioned-matrix solution. The NGF has not been implemented in FEKO due to considerable incompatibility issues with parallelization and the out-of-core solver. 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE 54 3.5.3 MoM and physical optics (PO) hybridization In addition to the iterative techniques (Section 3.5.2), two other methods were considered to speed up the RC simulations at higher frequencies: the MoM/physical optics (PO) hybridization [48] and the combination of MoM with the fast multipole method (FMM). The general requirements for the PO approach to compute the EM fields resulting from an excitation and a scatterer are [65] • dimensions and radii of curvature of the illuminated object (i.e. the scatterer) must be large as compared to the wavelength. • source point (i.e. excitation) is sufficiently far away (typically d > λ) so that an incident plane wave can be assumed locally. • metallic region must be perfectly conducting, κ → ∞ (this restriction applies to the PO implementation in FEKO [54]). For complex geometric structures such as an RC, a large number of secondary reflections needs to be taken into account. In order to accurately model the effects of secondary reflections (e.g. for dihedrals at least two reflections and for trihedrals at least three reflections must be considered) it is essential to use the multiple reflection PO. There are however three problems associated with the PO applied to RCs: • the ray tracing needed for the PO multiple reflection approach slows down the computation considerably. • the PO is computationally very efficient only as long as PO and MoM regions are decoupled – i.e. the MoM currents are the source for the currents in the PO region, but there is no effect of the PO region currents on the MoM currents. Due to the pronounced effects of the stirrer and the TX/RX antennas on the field structure inside the RC, decoupling was not feasible in RC simulations [66]. • the RC cannot be modeled with infinite conductivity κ → ∞; otherwise the RC quality factor bandwidth ∆fQ [6] would be zero, i.e. at a given frequency f only a single mode (and possibly respective degenerate modes) could be excited [67]. 3.5.4 MoM and Fast Multipole Method (FMM) hybridization The FMM is a numerical method to compute efficiently convolution integrals and was first used in fluid dynamics. Its derivative to Maxwell and Helmholtz equations was initiated by V. Rokhlin [68]. The FMM is highly beneficial from around 25 000 triangles on – where computation with a standard full-wave MoM approach is not feasible w.r.t. computation time and memory requirements. Using the FMM, even structures discretized with 500 000 triangles can be computed on a standard personal computer (2 GB RAM, 3 GHz processor) [54]. Single level FMM The basic idea behind the FMM is to split the MoM system matrix Z into two parts Z = Znear + Zfar which describe separately near- and far-field interaction between segments and triangles. Initially only the sparse matrix Znear is stored. The original MoM 3.6 CONCLUSION 55 scheme is accelerated by using the multipole transformations Zfar = LTG, wherein G (aggregation) transforms the basis functions into a group center with global multipole expansion, T (translation) accumulates the global multipole expansions in a local one, and L (disaggregation) evaluates the local multipole expansions at the observation element. Then the whole system of equations can be solved using iterative solution techniques mentioned in Section 3.5.2. This approach is known as the single level FMM. Multilevel FMM The multilevel FMM extends the idea of the single level FMM. Initially the currents in one region are grouped to act as a multipole, then several multipole regions are bundled together to act as another multipole and so forth – the whole EM problem is essentially subdivided into smaller “cells”; in each “cell” the above mentioned Zfar = LTG transformation is carried out. This hierarchical procedure leads to the name “multilevel” FMM [68, 69]. Using the multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM) approach, the memory requirements for electromagnetically large problems with N unknowns can be drastically reduced to O(N log N ) and the computation time only grows as O(N [log N ]2 ), provided the size of the matrix Zfar is much smaller than that of the matrix Znear . The problem with an application of the FMM to RC simulations is that for lower-medium frequencies (large-medium wavelengths), the matrix Znear is much greater than the matrix Zfar . Consequently, the FMM does not exhibit a computational advantage over the MoM at these frequencies. The frequencies at which the matrix Znear turns out to be much smaller than Zfar are so high that an RC simulation is not reasonable due to validation problems (cf. Section 7.4). 3.6 Conclusion It was outlined that a numerical method suitable for reverberation chamber (RC) simulations must be able to compute the electromagnetic (EM) field over a broad range of frequencies, handle a large, varying, and irregular geometry, and model finite conductivity. In addition, it must be able to cope with a highly resonant structure and should allow the field calculation at a large number of spatial field points without introducing too much computational overhead. In order to deliver broadband simulation data it was shown that frequency-domain methods will need to compute the field at a lot of discrete frequencies. Time-domain methods are at an advantage in this regard, since a broadband frequency response can be calculated from only a single run. Methods using unstructured grids (triangles, tetrahedra) are advantageous over structured grids (quadrangles, cubes) when it comes to modeling an irregular geometry. After contrasting these requirements against advantages and disadvantages of several state-of-the art methods, an electric field integral equation (EFIE)-based method-ofmoments (MoM) technique as implemented in the commercial field solver FEKO was chosen. The MoM uses unstructured discretization elements and works in the frequencydomain. The basic concept of integral equations was outlined and the MoM solution methodology introduced. Basis functions for wires and metallic surfaces used for the approximation of the currents in the RC simulations were described. It was explained how the boundary conditions are satisfied in an average sense along a discretized structure 56 3 NUMERICAL PROCEDURE through the usage of point matching combined with weighting functions. Computational requirements regarding simulation time and memory were estimated; it was shown that the MoM is computationally very expensive for high frequencies, often to the point of being prohibitive – the simulation of the prototype RC at a frequency of e.g. 1 GHz required more than 12 GByte of main memory and significant time expenditure. The application of several types of symmetries was discussed and an outlook on MoM extensions and solver techniques (such as the NGF, PO and MLFMM) to reduce computation time and memory was given. It was concluded that due to the geometric structure of the RC prototype built for this thesis, symmetries and the PO could not be used. The application of the MLFMM was found not to be appropriate as the interaction between triangles (or segments) on one part of the RC and triangles (or segments) on another, distant part is predominantly “near field” as opposed to “far field”. The NGF has been successfully used for a computationally efficient simulation of RCs by other authors, but was not implemented in the MoM solver package utilized for this thesis. 4 Literature Overview Abstract — This chapter provides an overview on parts of the reverberation chamber literature referenced in this thesis. Special consideration is given to publications dealing with simulations of reverberation chambers. This overview is by no means a fully exhaustive compilation, but cites the publications which were found to be most relevant in the context of this thesis. The state of the art regarding reverberation chamber simulations at the beginning of this work, during its process, and at the end of this thesis is summarized. It serves as a benchmark to value the achievements, but also illuminates some of the questions which remain open and are subject to further research. In addition, a short comparison between reverberation chamber and anechoic chamber EMC testing is presented. 4.1 Historic reverberation chamber publications and patents One of the earliest documents dealing with the fundamental question on how to “distribute energy evenly” inside a metallic cavity is a patent which dates back to 1947 [71]. This patent was assigned to W. M. Hall of Raytheon Co. and is titled “Heating Apparatus”. It already described some of the problems that are still among the main issues addressed in today’s RC research and development: • “. . . apparatus for producing a substantially uniform integrated radio-frequency heat pattern. . . ” [71] (RC problem: field uniformity) • “. . . cooking large volumes of food with the expenditure of a minimum amount of input power . . . ” [71] (RC problem: large volume of uniform field, high field strength with modest input power) • “. . . means for producing periodic changes in the field distribution in a radiofrequency cavity, whereby the integrated heating effect of the field is made substantially uniform [71]” (RC problem: need for a device which is able to change the field distribution efficiently and to provide a volume of uniform field) • “. . . in which food masses, whose linear dimensions are large compared to the wavelength of the microwave energy used, may be cooked in a substantially uniform manner [71]” (RC problem: EUT dimensions larger than its operating wavelength) • “. . . to accomplish the above objects in a simple yet effective manner [71]” In the following 20 years, only papers and patents dealing exclusively with “food heating” (i.e. microwave cooking) were published – using such a device to test for EMC simply did not seem to be an issue, because EMC itself was not as important as today. It was not until the 1970s that interest in the application of “large, oversized cavities” for EMC measurements started to show up. 57 58 4 LITERATURE OVERVIEW Crawford is the author of a 1972 technical report from the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), Boulder (CO), U.S. (now called National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) which covers “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Low Q Enclosures” [72]. In 1976, Corona, Latmiral, Paolini, and Piccioli of the University of Naples, Italy, published one of the earliest papers on the “Use of a reverberating enclosure for measurement of radiated power in the microwave range” [73]. John and Hall are among the first to describe a practical RC testing setup in their paper dealing with “Electromagnetic susceptibility measurements using a mode-stirred chamber” from 1978 [74]. This paper is followed in 1980 by another publication of Corona et al. dealing with the “Performance and analysis of a reverberating enclosure with variable geometry” [75]. A historical overview on some parts of the above mentioned RC research is given in a paper published in 2002 by Corona and Ladbury on the occasion of M. Kanda’s obituary [76]. 4.2 Reverberation chamber standards At the start of this thesis in December 2000, the general RC standard IEC 61000-421 was still in the stage of “Committee Draft for Vote (CDV)” [6]. The CDV stage implies that both technical and editorial revisions can still be made to the preliminary standard document as requested by organizations and countries participating in the standardization process. In January 2001, the IEC 61000-4-21 passed the last objections from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) member states and entered the “Final Draft for International Standard (FDIS)” phase. In the FDIS stage, final editorial changes to the standard are done – changes regarding the technical content can only be performed in a major revision at a later point of time once the standard was published. After few editorial changes and voting the final standard was published in August 2003 and is available since then from the IEC [6]. There is another IEC standard dealing with RCs available already since 1999, which describes shielding efficiency measurements of components such as cable assemblies or connectors: the IEC 61726 standard [77]. Contrary to the IEC 61000-4-21 mentioned above, the IEC 61726 standard features a very detailed proposal of a suitable stirrer design, almost in a “cookbook” style. Surprisingly, the IEC 61726 standard is rarely cited in RC publications or mentioned in RC-related conferences. Large parts of the IEC 61000-4-21 and IEC 61726 standard are based on the technical reports published by Crawford, Koepke [9, 78], and Hill [8, 79, 80, 81, 20] of NIST as well as original work by Hatfield [82, 83, 5], Freyer [84, 85], Ladbury [37], Lundén, Bäckström [36, 4], and Arnaut [28, 27, 30, 31]. 4.3 Previous reverberation chamber simulations In recent years, there has been growing interest in the simulation of RCs to address some of the questions outlined in Chapter 1. Because of the difficulties in the RC simulations, published results are often limited to two dimensions only, use “analytical” 4.3 PREVIOUS REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATIONS 59 excitations such as a Hertzian dipole, assume PEC walls, or impose restrictions on the complexity of the stirrer design. The following Sections 4.3.1-4.3.3 summarize published RC simulations performed in the time-domain, frequency-domain, and with statistical models. Table 4.1 on page 61 provides a short overview and abstracts important key facts on these simulation approaches: listed are the main author, whether the simulation was carried out in 2-D or 3-D, which numerical method was used, and if it was a timeor a frequency-domain simulation. Furthermore, Table 4.1 shows at a glance whether a commercial or a “home-made” solver was employed, which type of excitation was used, and if (and how) the simulated results were validated. 4.3.1 Time-domain simulations This section summarizes significant RC simulations using the most popular time-domain techniques, viz. the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and the transmissionline-matrix method (TLM) method. Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method A Ph. D. thesis on an RC simulation using the FDTD method was presented by Petit [86]: it discusses extensively the problems that occur when standard, self-made FDTD is used for the simulation, i.e. staircasing, errors introduced by the Fourier transform, difficulties with modeling of losses, etc. In [86] also measurements are presented, but unfortunately none of them measures quantities that were simulated. The simulation itself is exclusively benchmarked against a statistical analysis of computed results. Excitation of the EM field is accomplished with an infinitely small ideal dipole. It should be noted that most of the numerical problems described in [86] are already solved in commercially available field solvers, such as e.g. CST’s FIT-based Microwave Studio (using its “perfect boundary approximation” approach) or the FDTD code ASERIS-FD (see below). The approach used in [86] appears to be putting the cart before the horse: Instead of employing a numerical method which is well-suited to the irregular stirrer design, the stirrer shapes used in [86] are adapted to the cubic cell structure of standard FDTD. This – by today’s state of the art EM solvers unnecessary – modeling constraint is also pursued by other authors employing FDTD-based simulation codes: Using two planar stirrers that were well adapted to the rectangular grid of non-conformal FDTD, Harima and Yamanaka [87, 88] investigated the impact of the numerical reflection coefficient of the wall surface on the field distribution. Bai et al. [89, 90] studied the influence of different stirrer mounting positions inside an RC on the field uniformity. A similar analysis was pursued by Zhang and Song [91] with a commercially available field solver. Also these authors mention problems that occur when FDTD is used in conjunction with structural staircasing or modeling of losses. A 2-D FDTD simulation of an RC investigating the loading effect of different periodic “rat-like” EUT-configurations was presented by Lammers et al. [92, 93]. Kouveliotis et al. [94] simulated a vibrating intrinsic reverberation chamber (VIRC) [95, 96] (see also Section 4.4.1) with a Hertzian dipole as excitation source. The VIRC was simulated as a rectangular “moving-wall” cavity, with two one-dimensionally, in a staggered manner oscillating walls. In [94] no realistic VIRC could be simulated as the FDTD 60 4 LITERATURE OVERVIEW code of the authors was not capable of modeling slanted, irregularly shaped walls. This somewhat questionable procedure is only seconded by making the oscillations of the walls a priori in a random fashion and then concluding a posteriori that the simulations work well, because the obtained field structure is also random. In other words: Kouveliotis et al. use randomly changing boundary conditions and validate their simulation by finding randomly changing EM fields – the simulations were not verified by measurements at all, only a statistical analysis is presented. Also other authors used the “moving-wall” approach to simulate standard RCs (non-VIRC) [97]. Ritter and Rothenhäusler presented in their paper the FDTD simulation of a mediumsized RC (9.4 m · 6.5 m · 5.3 m) [98]. Their intention was to extend this simulation to a very large RC measuring 40 m · 20 m · 30 m suitable for full-size aircraft testing. Excitation of the RC was carried out using the impressed field of a logper antenna obtained from earlier simulations of this antenna through a far-to-near-field transformation. This RC simulation was not benchmarked against measurements, but only against statistical results. In [98], the performance of several tuners was compared, the results however exhibited unrealistically small differences from one tuner to another w.r.t. the correlation (cf. Section 7.7). Moglie showed in a recent paper that achieving stability in an FDTD code can be very difficult for high-Q devices such as RCs [99, 43]. In his simulation, he needed to lower the conductivity of the chamber walls to physically unrealistic values (e.g. κ < 100 S/m) in order to achieve convergence. Furthermore he introduced artificial losses in the air volume within the RC to improve the convergence speed. Also Petit’s FDTD simulations make use of somewhat inappropriate conductivities on the order of κ = 100 S/m for metallic surfaces [86]. A group at EADS Airbus used the commercial codes ASERIS-FD (FDTD) and ASERISBE (BEM) to model and simulate a 3.7 m · 5 m · 2.5 m RC [100, 101]. This RC is currently being used for immunity and emission testing of avionic equipment. They employed the BEM code to run an RC simulation for the computation of the near field, while their FDTD code is used for the estimation of the chamber quality factor Q. While this approach seems to be promising, the simulation results were not validated by measurements, but instead only against statistical data. The RC-related problem of achieving sufficient statistical field uniformity within a predefined volume has been addressed also in FDTD-based simulations of microwave heating devices [102, 103]. Transmission-Line-Matrix (TLM) method In [104, 105] Clegg et al. tried to optimize stirrer designs in an RC (4.7 m · 3.0 m · 2.4 m) using time-domain TLM in combination with a genetic algorithm. After an initial attempt to optimize the stirrer inside the RC they concluded that this was computationally not feasible (simulation runtime typically 4 days for one stirrer revolution) and therefore proposed to do the optimization in free space with plane wave illumination of the stirrer (runtime typically a few minutes). As a measure of stirrer efficiency they defined the change in the Poynting vector for a certain number of spherically distributed sample points as the stirrer rotates. Although the genetic algorithm approach was not very convincing, the general idea of optimizing a stirrer without the RC seems promising (cf. Section 7.7.5). Wu et al. [113] Bunting et al. [114]–[117] Harima et al. [87, 88] Bai et al. [89, 90] Petirsch et al. [23] Zhang et al. [91] 2-D/3-D a TD/FD b Method c H/C d Excitation Validation e Year f 2-D TD TLM H HD g None ‘89 H HD g HD g None ‘98/‘99 HD g None ‘99 HD g None ‘99 HD g None HD g 2-D 3-D 3-D 3-D 3-D FD TD TD TD TD FEM FDTD FDTD TLM FDTD H H H C Statistics h ‘98/‘99/‘02 ‘00 Hoijer et al. [118] 3-D TD FDTD C Hoëppe et al. [101] 3-D TD FDTD C HD g /Horn Statistics h ‘01 Hoëppe et al. [100] 3-D FD BEM C HD g /Horn Statistics h ‘01 Clegg et al. [104, 105] 3-D TD TLM H HD g None ‘02/‘04 C HD g HD g Coates et al. [106] Petit et al. [86] Laermans et al. [119] Åsander et al. [120] Kouveliotis et al. [94] Moglie et al. [121, 99, 43] Ritter et al. [98] Lammers et al. [92, 93] Weinzierl et al. [111] a e 3-D 3-D 2-D 3-D 3-D 3-D 3-D 2-D 3-D TD TD FD FD TD TD TD TD TD TLM FDTD MoM BEM FDTD FDTD FDTD FDTD TLM H H H H H C H H Dipole HD g HD g HD g logper HD g HD g Resonances i ‘00 Statistics i ‘02 Statistics h ‘02 Statistics h ‘02 None Statistics ‘02 h None ‘03 ‘03/‘04 Statistics h ‘03 Statistics h ‘04 None 4.3 PREVIOUS REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATIONS Authors ‘04 2-dimensional / 3-dimensional simulation b time-domain / frequency-domain c numerical method d “home-made” / commercial solver validation of the simulated results f year published g Hertzian dipole h simulation vs. theoretical data i simulation vs. measurements 61 Table 4.1: Summary of previously published RC simulations. 62 4 LITERATURE OVERVIEW Other TLM-based simulations by Coates et al. [106] as well as by Duffy et al. [107] used the commercially available code Microstripes (now part of the Flomerics software package) to simulate the effects of different vane heights of a simple stirrer on the SR (cf. section 2.2.3). Their modeled RC is 5.0 m · 2.9 m · 2.4 m large. Both publications [106, 107] presented simulations and measurements and compared them against each other, but only on the basis of the SR. As outlined in [108], a validation of RC simulations using “highly processed” data such as the SR is not possible, as completely different EM fields can have identical SR values [108]. Therefore it remains unclear whether the aforementioned TLM simulations actually model the EM fields inside the RC correctly. Petirsch et al. [109] investigated the effect of diffusors placed inside an RC on the field homogeneity using their own TLM code. Most of the results shown in [109] remain questionable, since the utilized performance measures were based exclusively on nonvalidated simulation data. As noted correctly in a comment to [109], Arnaut criticizes the results as somehow “random”, since diffusors were used completely beyond their originally intended operation conditions [110]. The improvement in field homogeneity reported in [109] is most probably merely due to increased loading of the chamber by absorbing material of the diffusors. Weinzierl et al. [111] carried out a TLM-based simulation to find out whether an idea proposed earlier by Perini [112] (and discussed very controversially among RC experts) of a two-wire line RC excitation actually works. As shown in Section 2.2, RCs are limited in their operation to frequencies f > fLUF , i.e. a large number of modes must be above cutoff in order to achieve sufficient field uniformity within the chamber. The propagation of quasi-TEM waves on a two-wire line within an RC was intended to remove this low-frequency-limitation by exciting EM fields below the fundamental RC mode [112]. Unfortunately, [111] only shows that there are quasi-TEM waves excited between the two wires – whether they serve as an appropriate RC excitation in providing sufficiently uniform fields remains unclear. It is evident however, that below the cutoff frequency of the fundamental RC mode, the field distribution and magnitude within an RC does not have anything in common with the distribution at or above the LUF. 4.3.2 Frequency-domain simulations Method-of-Moments (MoM) A 2-D MoM-based RC simulation and statistical analysis was described by Laermans and De Zutter in [119]. In their work, an ideal line current source was used as excitation and boundaries were modeled as PEC. Whether these results are of any practical use is questionable, since the three-dimensional nature of EM fields in an RC was not taken into account and the authors relied only on the evaluation of statistically processed data (cf. Section 7.4.3 and [108]). Finite-Element Method (FEM) Bunting et al. [114] reported a statistical characterization and simulation of an RC using the finite-element method (FEM). His results could not be validated by measurements of e.g. the near field or other readily accessible parameters, as the simulation was only 4.4 ALTERNATIVE STIRRING METHODS 63 carried out in two dimensions. Fields inside the RC were excited with an ideal Hertzian dipole. The paper mentioned is based on earlier publications [116, 115, 117] and relies as many other papers heavily on the validation by comparison against statistical or “highly processed” data (cf. Section 7.4.3). Boundary-Element Method (BEM) Åsander et al. [120] presented a BEM-based simulation of an RC (4.9 m · 2.5 m · 3.0 m) in the frequency-domain. Simulations were carried out at a single frequency of 300 MHz. In [120], it was explicitly pointed out that with a simulation “far more data can be generated and analyzed than is possible if measurements are used instead” and “that surface discretization has some advantages over methods relying on volume discretization when it comes to model irregularly shaped, rotating stirrers”. A validation of the simulation using measurements was not performed. Using the commercial frequency-domain BEM simulation tool ASERIS-BE, Hoëppe et al. [101, 100] investigated the RC working volume of statistical field uniformity as well as the effect of chamber loading. ASERIS-BE features a technique similar to the NGF technique, so that from one stirrer step to another only small parts of a large system of equations need to be re-computed and solved (see Section 3.5.2). 4.3.3 Statistical models In the past, several statistical models describing EM effects inside an RC were developed to avoid the long computation runtimes and large memory requirements associated with time- and frequency-domain simulation methods mentioned above. Most of them are based on the assumption of local plane waves in the RC and try to facilitate the understanding of effects such as coupling between TX and RX antennas or simple EUTs (e.g. transmission lines) and antennas [122, 123, 84, 85, 24, 124]. A detailed description of the statistical properties of EM fields inside overmoded cavities can be found in [33], out of which some parts were condensed into a journal paper [125]. Furthermore, most books dealing with mobile communications serve as an excellent source for a better understanding of the statistics observed in RCs, since the statistical properties of the EM field within an RC have a lot in common with a mixed direct-path/multi-path environment [126, 127, 32]. Vice versa there is also a number of publications dealing with RCs which make use of the statistical analogies to mobile communications and employ them for propagation environment modeling [17, 128]. 4.4 Alternative stirring methods Changing the EM field distribution within an RC is usually accomplished with a mechanical stirrer. The presence of this stirrer is undesirable for two reasons: first of all, with the stirrer in the chamber the space available for testing of an EUT is reduced. The more important aspect, however, is that the stirrer (or tuner) represents a somehow disturbing mechanical element in this otherwise purely electrical testing environment. The feed-through bearing for the stirrer axle is difficult to shield properly, care must be taken not to move the stirrer manually since otherwise the precision gear may be damaged, 64 4 LITERATURE OVERVIEW and rotating the stirrer from one position to another is time-consuming (acceleration, deceleration, decay of stirrer oscillations). The following sections summarize the most important concepts presented in the open literature on how to eliminate the mechanical stirrer. 4.4.1 Moving walls One possibility to remove the mechanical stirrer inside the RC is to change the field distribution by actually moving the walls of the RC. A method that uses this approach was proposed by Leferink et al. [95]. The “VIRC” is essentially a “tent” which is made out of electromagnetically conducting cloth. Small motors with eccentric drive fixtures wobble the cloth sufficiently so that the field is changed and a certain field uniformity is achieved within the “tent” [96]. This approach does not get rid of mechanical problems completely, but it removes the stirrer from the RC’s interior. It was successfully applied to build up “mobile” RCs in order to test equipment which is e.g. too large to be moved. There are however problems with achieving sufficient radio frequency (RF) SE through electromagnetically conducting cloth. 4.4.2 Electronic stirring Methods of field stirring without any mechanical stirring devices within (or around) an RC are commonly referred to as “electronic stirring”. One limiting factor of electronic stirring is that until now it is only applicable – if at all – to immunity testing of EUTs in RCs. The major problem arising for these methods in emission measurements is that one has no control over the emitted spectrum of a test object. This renders it very difficult to ensure proper interaction between the electronic stirring equipment and the EUT. Furthermore, since changes of the EM field distribution occur virtually instantly (compared to the very slow changes using mechanical stirrers), the response time of an EUT in immunity testing must be known [31]. In addition, the advantage of eliminating (rather cheap) mechanical stirrers by electronic means (as discussed below) comes at a considerable price: expensive RF equipment, such as additional antennas, power combiners, mixers, frequency modulators, up/down converters, etc. needs to be used. Frequency and Gaussian noise stirring A method of changing the field distribution was proposed by Hill in 1994, the so-called “electronic mode stirring for RCs” [129]. Although theoretically only analyzed for the two-dimensional case in [129], this technique had been applied one year earlier already in “real-world”, three-dimensional RCs [130]. The underlying principle of “frequency stirring” is to acknowledge that the change of the resonance frequencies of the cavity modes by a rotating mechanical stirrer has some similarity to the frequency modulation of the source [113]. Instead of changing the frequency “monochromatically” by standard frequency modulation, another proposed method uses additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) which is mixed onto a periodically changing center frequency [131]. This approach claims that the field uniformity is increased compared to pure frequency modulation, while the test 4.4 ALTERNATIVE STIRRING METHODS 65 time is considerably shortened [132]. A combination of mechanical and electronic stirring is investigated in [133]. This procedure leads to a larger number of independent samples and hence lower measurement uncertainties for tests in the RC. Multiple sources and phase stirring Instead of frequency stirring, the usage of multiple source antennas is advantageous for single-frequency high-power excitation of RCs, because they eliminate the need for combining high-power signals through external RF components. In [129] it was investigated whether multiple sources alone (without any stirring) would lead to sufficient field uniformity: [129] concludes that the improvement in field uniformity is rather marginal, and nevertheless a mechanical stirring device is needed. This was found to be true even if the sources were incoherent or varied in phase (so called “phase stirring”) [134]. Three-dimensional TEM cell One of the advantages of an RC is that there is no need to rotate the EUT during testing; a problematic aspect is however that RCs are limited in low-frequency-operation due to their physical dimensions. An alternative to RCs at lower frequencies could be possibly three-dimensional TEM cells. A 3-D TEM cell is a combination of three individual TEM cells in one, in such a way that the TEM coupling planes created by each plate are not parallel to each other in the center of the test volume. A particular case is when the coupling planes are orthogonally arranged two-by-two: Each plate creates an electric and magnetic coupling which defines its TEM coupling plane [135]. Problems with 3-D TEM cells are mainly due to the field distribution and gradients in the central region of the structure, strongly limiting the test volume to a much smaller volume as compared to RCs. The operating range of 3-D TEM cells is limited to frequencies below the first fundamental resonance of the metallic cavity-like structure they are built into [136]. If a 3-D TEM cell and an RC are combined, one is left with an EMC test device which can be operated in the low frequency and the high frequency region – using completely different operating principles –, but which fails to function in the intermediate region between the first fundamental RC resonance and the LUF of the RC. Two-wire TEM excitation In a paper by Perini and Cohen published in 2000, it is proposed to use several wires inside an RC to excite quasi-TEM modes [137]. As shown in Section 2.2, RCs are limited in their operation to frequencies f > fLUF , i.e. a large number of modes must be above cutoff in order to achieve sufficient field uniformity within the chamber. The propagation of quasi-TEM waves on a two-wire line within an RC was intended to remove this low-frequency-limitation by exciting EM fields below the fundamental RC mode [137]. According to the authors [137], TEM modes do not have a lower cutoff frequency (which is undoubtedly true) and therefore a bundle of correctly placed wires within an RC will extend the operating range down to f = 0 Hz. Unfortunately, [137] (and later [111]) only show that there are quasi-TEM waves excited between the two wires – whether they serve as an appropriate RC excitation in providing sufficiently uniform and isotropic fields remains unclear. Since until now nobody was able to exploit the proposed effects in practice, the two-wire TEM excitation is discussed very controversially among RC experts [112]. 4 LITERATURE OVERVIEW 66 4.5 Practical reverberation chamber applications Tests in RCs are usually appropriate for EMC measurements where • the radiation pattern of the EUT is a priori unknown (i.e. the EUT does not radiate like a dipole or quadrupole with known broadside direction) • the EUT is large compared to the wavelength (such as e.g. a personal computer operating at a clock speed of 3 GHz) • a realistic, non-plane-wave test environment is desirable • measurements must be carried out in a repeatable manner • reliable and meaningful results are “mission-critical”, such as in medical, automotive, or avionic equipment These requirements are difficult to meet with established, widely accepted EMC test environments such as ACs, OATS, or Gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) cells using the current testing methods as laid out in the respective standards. The following sections summarize important applications of RC testing for EUTs meeting these requirements. A qualitative (and by no means fully exhaustive) comparison highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of EMC tests in RCs versus ACs is given in Table 4.2. 4.5.1 Automotive and aircraft avionics The characterization of an RC for automotive susceptibility is carried out in [140]. The paper describes the implementation and measurement of an RC suitable for susceptibility testing of automotive electronics in the 200 . . . 1000 MHz range. The original problem was that in this frequency range, required power levels have entailed prohibitive testing costs if the test is carried out within an AC or a similar EMC testing environment. It is shown that the RC test method can be substituted for the AC method thereby effectively solving this problem [141]. For the past several years there has been an increasing interest in the possibility of testing large items such as aircrafts in an RC. As the use of electronic systems to perform critical flight functions steadily increases, the application of RCs to testing of aircraft and avionics systems is discussed by Hatfield et. al. in [142]: data is presented on the statistical characteristics of the EM environments in aircraft cavities and compared with those in RCs. In order to investigate the suitability of RCs for these large objects, scaled versions of aircrafts were made and tested in smaller chambers. One of the related concerns is the scalability of the operational characteristics of RCs. For this reason, the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) maintains a database (DB) on the performance of operating RCs worldwide [83]. This data consists mainly of SR data at 1 GHz. The volumes of chambers in the DB range from less than 1 m3 to about 200 m3 . It was found that the characteristics are scalable over this two orders of magnitude variation in volume. To test a reasonably large aircraft, a chamber would 4.5 PRACTICAL REVERBERATION CHAMBER APPLICATIONS Anechoic chamber (AC) 67 Reverberation chamber (RC) Mechanical setup - Shielded room - Absorbers - TX/RX antennas - Shielded room - Stirrers - TX/RX antennas Type of field Plane wave/Single path Multi mode/Multi path Polarization Linear, fixed Arbitrary, not known H phase relation E, Fixed Not fixed Direction of incidence Known, fixed All directions, “isotropic” Field impedance 377 Ω Unknown EUT radiation pattern Assumptions: - “well-behaved” - “dipole-like” No assumptions made Emission testing - extensive scanning needed to get peak - one direction at a time - “integral approach” - omnidirectional testing Immunity testing - uncertainty about EUT directivity - one direction at a time - “isotropic approach” - omnidirectional testing Calibration Simple Elaborate Test software Simple, not mandatory Complex, “mission critical” Production line testing Slow, impossible Fast, automated Test repeatability Bad (e.g. ±20 dB) [138] Good (e.g. ±3 dB) [22] High field strengths. . . . . . need large amplifiers . . . need small amplifiers Table 4.2: Basic differences between the AC and RC EMC test environment (partly extracted from [139]). have to have a volume of 5 · 104 m3 and greater [143]. Measurements of the RF energy coupled to instrumented avionics boxes from a large transport aircraft and a simulated avionics box were presented in [144]. These measurements were made at NSWCDD when the avionics bay, cockpit, and passenger cabin were internally excited with swept 68 4 LITERATURE OVERVIEW RF energy from 100 MHz to 6 GHz and mechanical mode-stirring techniques were used. The tests were intended to demonstrate that the coupling characteristics of an aircraft and simulated avionics boxes measured in an RC constitute valid descriptions of the same boxes when installed and operating in an aircraft. Extensive measurements of radiated emissions in RCs are adressed in a Ph. D. thesis by Kürner [22]. In addition, the SE of various EUTs is analyzed, general recommendations for proper EMC testing (loading, EUT position and orientation, etc.) in RCs are given, and a comparison between tests in ACs and RCs is performed. 4.5.2 Antenna measurements and mobile communications In order to compare the results of tests in ACs against tests in RCs, identical antennas were measured once in an RC and once in an AC [22, 23]. Measurements in an RC to compute the radiation efficiency and return loss of an electrically small antenna were carried out by Carlsson et. al. in [145]. Madsén et. al. investigated whether RCs are suitable for mobile phone antenna tests [146]. They conclude that an RC could be used for production line testing to check periodically mobile phones for compliance with specific absorption rate requirements. Since antenna diversity in mobile terminals is likely to be commonly used in future mobile communication systems, methods for characterization of antenna diversity performance are therefore of interest. A new characterization method using an RC, with several advantages over existing techniques, was proposed in [147, 148]. It was found that when performing diversity measurements in an RC, the correlation between the signals received by the diversity antenna elements was similar to the correlation in a real multipath environment. Hence an RC could be used to effectively model the propagation characteristics commonly encountered in mobile communication systems. 4.6 Conclusion An extensive overview on the literature treating the early development of reverberation chambers (RCs), RC standards, and the simulation of RCs was given. On the order of 35 papers were published in the past dealing with RC simulations, prepared by approximately 20 different research groups. The earliest published RC simulation dates back to 1989. Most groups used a self-made numerical code, with FDTD being clearly the preferred method (probably because this technique is rather easy to understand and comparatively simple to implement – the latter statement is certainly only true for very basic, non-conformal, non-subgridding FDTD). With the notable exception of one group, all published papers employed a Hertzian dipole as excitation. Whereas earlier simulations were still carried out in two dimensions, more recent RC analyses made use of three-dimensional simulation tools. It is important to note that until today all but one publication did not use appropriate means of validation. Half of the groups chose not to validate their simulated results at all, the remainder performed only a statistical benchmark (this problematic issue is discussed extensively in Section 7.4). Several ideas were proposed in the past to eliminate the mechanical stirrer in the RC and 4.6 CONCLUSION 69 to extend the operational range of RCs to lower frequencies. Among them are the vibrating intrinsic reverberation chamber (VIRC), which consists of conductive fabric forming a tent, sophisticated electronic stirring techniques, and the three-dimensional TEM cell – as of today, none of them have found widespread use, either due to prohibitive costs, electromagnetic issues, or other implementation problems. Finally, a short comparison between the RC and anechoic chamber (AC) EMC test environment was presented highlighting advantages and disadvantages of each methodology. 70 5 Prototype and Measurement System Development Abstract — This chapter describes the construction and setup of the reverberation chamber prototype including walls, door, stirrers, and auxiliary equipment. Details of the measurement system developed for data acquisition are outlined. Measurement errors originating from field probes, antennas, and stirrers are discussed and assessed for their impact on deviations between simulated and measured results. 5.1 Reverberation chamber prototype For this thesis, an RC prototype was built having inner dimensions of 2.86 · 2.48 · 3.06 m3 (width w · length l · height h). This chamber features several geometrical details, such as a door, a coaxial feed-through panel, a circular waveguide, three stirrer motor mounts, two honeycomb ventilation ducts, and two lights. The total RC wall and door surface amounts to approximately 50 m2 . 5.1.1 Walls and door The chamber walls consist of a sandwich-type construction made of chip board wood between two galvanized sheet steel layers. The wood provides for sufficient mechanical stability of the RC construction. The steel layers are made of several separate panels of overlapping flat stock, which are connected by I-profiles. The main material components of commercially available galvanized steel sheets are typically iron (97. . . 99 wt.-%), zinc coating (0.5. . . 2 wt.-%), copper (0.4 wt.-%), and manganese (0.4 wt.-%) [149]. These material properties are important and will be needed in Chapter 6 to accurately model the RC for a simulation. Within the RC up to three stirrers can be mounted and operated simultaneously on different axes. A schematic overview of the basic RC structure is shown in Fig. 5.1: Depicted are two horizontal (marked as I and II) and one vertical (marked as III) stirrer axes. Stirrer axes mounting points are ∆x = ∆y = ∆z = 0.6 m and respectively ∆xI = ∆zI = 0.8 m spaced from the walls. In Fig. 5.1 also two different coordinate systems are indicated, where the right-handed (x, y, z) is used in the simulations and the left-handed (xm , ym , zm ) for measurements. A coordinate transformation from one system to the other is given by w (5.1) xm = x − 2 l −y (5.2) ym = 2 h (5.3) zm = z − 2 and must be used in order to compare measurement with simulation results. The RC chamber door has Beryllium copper contact finger strips as gasket to prevent 71 72 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 2.86 m Dx DzI Dz 8m 2.4 Dy II 3.06 m z DxI I x III y Door zm ym xm Figure 5.1: RC geometry and dimensions with three different stirrer axes (I, II, III) and chamber door. Stirrer axes mounting points are ∆x = ∆y = ∆z = 0.6 m and ∆xI = ∆zI = 0.8 m. Note the different right- and left-handed coordinate system (x, y, z) and (xm , ym , zm ). EM leakage. The dimensions of the door are 2 m in height and 0.92 m in width with a 0.07 m recess of the door frame from the chamber wall. The doorstep is elevated 0.07 m from the RC bottom and spaced 0.17 m away from the outer chamber edge. Although, at first glance, these geometric details seem to be small, it is shown in Chapter 7 that they affect the chamber fields significantly and thus cannot be neglected. Details on modeling of the chamber door can be found in Section 6.1.3. 5.1.2 Stirrer This section outlines basic design guidelines and shows how they were applied to the stirrers built for the RC prototype. Furthermore, details on the mechanical and electronic part of the stirrer drive and controller are given. Stirrer design For the analysis of the RC prototype shown in Fig. 5.2a), initially one vertically mounted stirrer was built. This vertical stirrer consists of six rectangular paddles of size 0.60 m · 0.60 m, rotationally offset around the stirrer axis by 60◦ . The slanting angle between each paddle and stirrer axis is 45◦ . The horizontal spacing between the paddle centers is approx. 0.45 m, the distance from the lowest and the topmost paddle edge is 0.15 m to the RC floor and the ceiling, respectively. The stirrer was built according to the generally accepted design principles available at the time of the thesis’ start, i.e.: the stirrer should be electrically large at the LUF (which is around f = 300 MHz as shown in Section 2.2) and the overall stirrer structure must not be rotationally symmetric [9, 78]. The first design principle ensures that the stirrer will be effective in modifying the field 5.1 REVERBERATION CHAMBER PROTOTYPE 73 a) b) c) d) Figure 5.2: a) 6-paddle stirrer, logper TX antenna, and field probe; b) zoomed view: stirrer’s axle with anti-flexing fixture mechanism; c) stirrer motor drive unit with copper-shielding around mounting aperture and d) pyramidal absorber placed on top. distribution within an RC sufficiently. The asymmetry-criterion provides for dissimilar field distributions, i.e. field distributions which are statistically weakly correlated. Among the stirrers developed in the past exhibiting a good performance were the so-called “Zfold” stirrer [150], the triangular-base stirrer with perpendicularly mounted paddles [139], the “Rot-Z” stirrer [151, 109], and the fan-style stirrer used in the RC of the Defence 74 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Australia [7]. These stirrer designs follow the basic guidelines mentioned above, and so does the stirrer designed for this thesis. There is however one aspect controversially discussed among RC experts with respect to the requirement for stirrers being electrically large: What does electrically large mean for a rotating object? In an ordinary sense, one would refer to an object being electrically large if it extends in one or more dimensions to a length greater than a significant fraction of the wavelength (such as d > λ/2). The stirrer used in this thesis has e.g. a total geometrical height (distance from upper edge of the topmost paddle to lower edge of lowest paddle) of 2.76 m – its electrical height is however lower, as the individual stirrer paddles are not connected with each other. Whether the performance of this stirrer can be enhanced by manufacturing it with all paddles being connected (in order to increase its electrical size in the traditional sense), is discussed in detail in Section 7.7. Taking into considerations published results, it can be stated already that both stirrer types made out of one single piece (e.g. “Z-fold” stirrer [150]) as well as stirrers consisting of several separate parts (e.g. “Rot-Z” stirrer [151, 109]) exhibit good performance. Stirrer drive and controller The stirrer paddles are mounted on a plastic rod with a diameter of 50 mm using plastic spacers cut at an angle of 45◦ ; these spacers allow the paddles to be rotated around the rod’s axis so that all paddles can be aligned at any arbitrary angle with respect to each other. In order to check proper alignment of the paddles on the rod, a rotary angular scale is mounted on each paddle’s spacer. The rod itself is attached on the upper end to the stirrer motor gearbox and on the lower end supported by a ball bearing on the chamber floor. The rod was fitted with the anti-flexing fixture mechanism shown in Fig. 5.2b) in order to achieve a maximum stiffness of the whole stirrer structure; this reduces the settling time between different angular steps for the stirrer paddles considerably, which allows faster measurement cycles [152]. The stirrer drive depicted in Fig. 5.2c) is an electrical 24 V DC, 20 W brush servo motor equipped with a planetary gearhead and an electronic encoder. The gearhead has a gear reduction ratio of 128 : 1, the encoder is used to provide feedback on the actual angular stirrer position to the motor controller [153]. A pulse-width-modulation technique is used to control the motor drive. The motor controller is a fully digital position, speed, and current control unit, which can receive high-level motion commands and provide continuously updated status feedback to the measurement system [154] (see Section 5.2). Parameters for acceleration and deceleration ramps are stored in the controller’s firmware and need to be adjusted to the load inertia represented by the stirrer (the whole stirrer assembly weighs approx. 30 kg). The maximum permissible stirrer speed is 30 min−1 . An important parameter is the angular resolution of the stirrer drive, since the field distribution depends strongly on the rotational stirrer position, which directly affects comparisons of measurements with simulations (see Section 7.7). The theoretically achievable angular resolution in the RC prototype can be calculated as follows: • since there is a direct connection between load and load-side of the gearhead, one load revolution (i.e. one revolution of the stirrer) equals one gearhead output revolution (1:1) 5.1 REVERBERATION CHAMBER PROTOTYPE 75 • with the above-mentioned reduction ratio, one revolution on the gearhead load-side requires 128 revolutions on the gearhead motor-side (128:1) • the encoder outputs 500 impulses to the controller per motor revolution (500:1) • with the help of a bi-phase detection technique, one single encoder impulse is converted to four so-called “quadcounts” (4:1) in the controller [153] Since one quadcount is the smallest detectable movement, the theoretically achievable angular resolution amounts to 256 000:1 or ∆ϕ ≈ 0.0014◦. The practically achievable angular resolution is mainly limited by the quality of the planetary gearhead, i.e. essentially its inherent back-lash. With specified back-lash values on the order of ∆ϕ ≤ 1◦ the practically achievable angular resolution is significantly worse than 0.0014◦. Considering the strong dependence between rotational stirrer position ϕ and EM field within the RC, this needs to be taken into account when evaluating simulation vs. measurement benchmarks. 5.1.3 Auxiliary installations and electromagnetic leakage In addition to the walls, stirrer, and door, the RC features a coaxial feed-through panel, a circular waveguide, three stirrer motor mounts, two honeycomb ventilation ducts, two ceiling-mounted lights, a power line filter, and cable ducts. The feed-through panel shown in Fig. 5.3a) is used to connect the measurement equipment outside of the RC to the TX/RX antennas placed within the chamber. This panel is equipped with two Type N feed-through connectors suitable for frequencies up to 18 GHz and a circular waveguide, which is utilized for the optical fibers of the field probe system (cf. Section 5.2.2). The three stirrer motor mounts – out of which one is shown in Fig. 5.3b) – correspond to the three axes I, II, and III depicted in Fig. 5.1 and allow for an installation of the stirrer at any of these positions. The length of the stirrers was designed so that they can be mounted on all axes using appropriate rods without changing the mechanical paddle configurations. Fig. 5.3c) shows the power line filter, which is used to transfer AC power to any electrical equipment operated within the RC. This filter prevents transmission of RF energy coupled to power lines running within the RC to the outside environment. The honeycomb ventilation duct depicted in Fig. 5.3d) acts as an array of small waveguides operated below cutoff, providing high RF attenuation and at the same time means for air exchange between chamber interior and exterior. In order to achieve high field strengths within an RC and to prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI) with devices outside of the RC, it is necessary that the chamber structure guarantees sufficient SE for the frequency range of operation. The overall SE was measured with the two-antenna-method, i.e. one antenna is placed inside the empty RC and a second antenna is used outside the chamber. With the second antenna, the walls of the RC are scanned, such that the worst-case SE is found. Using this measurement method, all the apertures depicted in Fig. 5.3 exhibited an SE well above 100 dB within 50 MHz. . . 4.2 GHz. Initially, the stirrer drive mounting aperture had some EM leakage; as shown in Fig. 5.2c) and d), this problem was solved with a copper tape bypass 76 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT a) b) c) d) Figure 5.3: Apertures in the RC: a) feed-through panel with coaxial Type N connectors and circular waveguide for optical fiber (black bundle); b) stirrer mounting plate; c) external power line filter; d) honeycomb duct for ventilation and interior metal fixtures. between chamber wall and mounting plate in addition to the placement of a pyramidal absorber on top of the stirrer drive. After retrofitting the RC with special corner elements (the original ones exhibited poor RF shielding), the overall chamber is capable of providing an SE of 80 . . . 90 dB over the 50 MHz. . . 4.2 GHz frequency range. 5.2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 77 Figure 5.4: Overview of the RC measurement system setup. Control and data acquisition computer (left); RF amplifiers, signal generator, power meter, power supplies, and stirrer motor controller (right). 5.2 Measurement system The RC measurement system is used to acquire information on the electric field within the chamber as well as the power being transmitted and received by the TX/RX antennas. One part of the system consists of the equipment used to generate and measure the EM field in the RC (Section 5.2.1), the other part is needed to control this equipment as well as to record and process the gathered data (Section 5.2.3). As in any measurement system, it is important to keep the influence of the measurement sensors on the quantities to be measured as small as possible (Section 5.3). Fig. 5.4 gives an overview of the RC measurement system setup: the control and data acquisition computer is shown on the left side, the measurement equipment consisting of RF amplifiers, signal generator, power meter, power supplies for the amplifiers and the stirrer drive, and stirrer motor controller on the right. Two effects (which are not limited to RCs only) must be particularly taken into consideration when measurements are performed: • by its physically finite size, the measurement equipment performs spatial averaging of the EM field – i.e. the field is not measured at a single, infinitely small point in space, but rather over the geometric extension of the field sensor. The nonzero field sensor size may mask an actually poor reverberation performance [28, 27]. This effect becomes very pronounced if conventional, spatially large RX antennas are used for field measurements, instead of spatially small field probe systems [155]. • if measurements are taken in mode-stirred operation of an RC (i.e. the stirrer continuously rotates), the EM field changes very rapidly over time. As today’s field probe systems have a rather slow response time and are therefore not capable of measuring fast fluctuations of the EM field (settling time typically 0.5 s [156]), the measured field will be a time-averaged version of the physical field [157]. 78 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Both spatial- and time-averaging result in deviations of the measured vs. the actual EM field and make the gathered measurement data appear smoother. In the mode-tuned operation of an RC (the stirrer is stepped from one angle to the next with comparatively long pauses in-between), the time-averaging effect does not occur since the field is only measured once steady-state is reached. For this reason, the RC analysis presented in this thesis was limited to mode-tuning. 5.2.1 Transmit (TX) and receive (RX) measurement equipment This section provides an overview on the general measurement system and details on the actually used equipment. The field probe system is explained in a separate section below (Section 5.2.2). Fig. 5.5 shows the equipment setup used for measurements of the electric near field as well as the forward and reverse power at the TX and RX antennas. As outlined in Section 5.2, these antennas were not used for direct near field measurements as they provide insufficient spatial field resolution. Furthermore it is almost impossible to measure three-components near field data reliably with conventional antennas (they would need to be rotated into different axes around a virtual center position in a highly repeatable procedure and without changing the field distribution). The following equipment was used for EM field generation and antenna-based measurements: Signal generator Marconi (now IFR Test Systems) generator, type 2024, output level adjustable between −137 dBm. . . +13 dBm, frequency range f = 100 kHz. . . 2 GHz Amplifiers Three broadband power amplifiers with a maximum input level of 10 dBm: • Mini Circuits LZY-1, frequency range f = 10 MHz. . . 512 MHz, minimum gain 39 dB, maximum output power Pmax = 47 dBm • Mini Circuits LZY-2, frequency range f = 440 MHz. . . 1 GHz, minimum gain 40 dB, maximum output power Pmax = 44 dBm • Schaffner CBA 9428, frequency range f = 1 GHz. . . 3 GHz, minimum gain 46 dB, maximum output power Pmax = 43 dBm All amplifiers feature built-in forced air cooling; the LZY-1 and LZY-2 require a separate power supply (28 V, 10 A) and an external input/output stage protection against excessively large input signals or highly reflective loads. Directional couplers The (bi-)directional couplers are used to measure the forward and reflected power at the TX/RX antenna terminals. Two different couplers were employed to cover the wide operating frequency range: • Werlatone C3946, 40 dB attenuation, f = 100 kHz. . . 1 GHz • Hewlett-Packard 788B, 20 dB attenuation, f = 100 MHz. . . 3 GHz 5.2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 79 7 16 13 6 Reverberation Chamber 5 1 2 3 11 15 4 14 10 8 Data signal path RF signal path 9 11 17 12 2 17 3 7 9 1 3 6 4 8 5 Figure 5.5: RC measurement setup and photo. 1: signal generator; 2, 4: attenuators; 3: RF amplifier; 5: bi-directional coupler; 6-9: power meter with probe heads; 10: electric field probe set; 11: stirrer drive controller; 12: network analyzer; 13, 14: TX/RX antennas; 15: EUT; 16: control and data acquisition computer, 17: power supplies. Power meter In order to quantify the forward and reflected power provided by the bidirectional couplers, a Rohde & Schwarz NRVD dual-channel power meter is used [158]. The two channels are completely independent from each other and can measure power simultaneously. In combination with a bidirectional coupler, the net power delivered to the RC 80 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT can be calculated from these measurements. The specified frequency range of the NRVD unit is f = 0 Hz. . . 26.5 GHz, the actual operating frequency range is however defined by the external probe heads. To measure the power, two Rohde & Schwarz insertion units URV5-Z4 are used as probe heads, which can operate within f = 100 kHz. . . 3 GHz [159]. These insertion units are diode-based sensors (thermal sensors would be too slow with settling times on the order of 10 s) shunted on the output side with a 50 Ω resistor. Due to their minimum insertion loss, these units leave the 50 Ω-line connected to the bidirectional coupler virtually unaffected. The NRVD power meter is fed with the current operating frequency by the measurement system, so that the probe heads can provide calibration data feedback to the NRVD using a correction factor lookup table. TX/RX antennas To cover the broad operational frequency range of the RC, several different antenna types were used: • One precision conical dipole antenna, manufactured by Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf, type PCD8250, f = 80 MHz. . . 2.5 GHz • One biconical antenna by Ailtech, type AT-200, f = 20 MHz. . . 200 MHz • Two biconical antennas by A.H. Systems, type SAS-541, f = 20 MHz. . . 330 MHz • Two Schwarzbeck logper antennas, type USLP 9143, f = 300 MHz. . . 5.2 GHz • Two Hewlett-Packard standard gain horns, f = 2.2 GHz. . . 3.3 GHz The conical dipole antenna was only used for TX measurements in the RC without stirrers to validate the simulations in the lower frequency range, the other antennas were utilized for all further TX/RX measurements in the RC. As shown in Section 5.3 and Fig. 5.10, the antennas were specially mounted to reduce the influence on the field distribution within the RC. Spectrum analyzer For scattering parameter measurements and EUT emission tests, a Rohde & Schwarz ESI 40 spectrum analyzer (f = 20 Hz. . . 40 GHz) was used. Attenuators, cables, and adaptors A 10 dB attenuator was inserted between the output of the signal generator and the amplifier’s input to protect the input stage of the amplifier. Against excessively reflective loads connected to the amplifier’s output, a 3 dB attenuator was used between the output and the directional coupler’s input to protect the amplifier’s output stage. All coaxial cables were Sucoflex 104 by Huber+Suhner with N and SMA connectors and adaptors. 5.2.2 Field probe system The field probe system is utilized to measure the three components of the electric field. Its main purpose in this project was to allow a validation of the simulation results; furthermore it is used during calibration of the RC. For actual EMC measurements, a field probe is not necessarily needed, but still recommended [6]. Since the calibration of 5.2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 81 Figure 5.6: Field probe (sensor head and processing unit) with non-conductive stand, suspended TX/RX antenna, and measurement grid on the chamber floor. an RC requires recording of the electric field in eight or respectively nine points (these points form the so-called “volume of uniform field”), it is highly advantageous to employ a system which is capable to measure field data in all these points simultaneously – otherwise the field probe needs to be moved from one point to the next in a timeconsuming, sequential procedure. The field probe system as shown in Fig. 5.6 can be usually separated into three parts: the actual probe sensor head which measures the field (mostly electrically, in some newer systems also optically [160]), the probe’s processing unit (the “electronics box”) which reads out and converts this data, and the probe’s mechanical support (this can be a simple stand, a rack, or in sophisticated systems a remote-controllable 3-D manipulator). Field probe sensor head The probe’s sensor head (a Type-8 device manufactured by Narda Safety Test Solutions Systems, formerly Wandel & Goltermann) is a combination of three electrically short (l λ) dipoles mounted in a special orientation on a prism, so that they are capable of providing simultaneously three-component electric field data [161]. Each of the measured electric field components is rectified inside the sensor head using diodes and 82 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT transmitted to the processing unit through a high-impedance (resistance several MΩ/m) transmission line. This is done in order not to disturb the field distribution around the probe system [155]. The distance between the sensor head and the processing unit is kept constant at 30 cm (see Fig. 5.6), which allows a repeatable calibration of the whole system. The Type-8 probe head can be operated between f = 100 kHz and 3 GHz. Field probe processing unit The rectified voltages of the three short dipoles are transferred to the field probe’s main processing unit EMR-20 [156] (the box with the six buttons in Fig. 5.6). The EMR-20 performs all data processing which includes auto-zeroing (needed to correct for offset voltages and temperature drift of the impedance transformers and the analog-to-digital converters), sending/receiving of data to the equipment control PC, and power management. The dynamic range of the sensor head in combination with the processing unit is greater than 60 dB, allowing to detect field strengths ranging from 0.6 . . . 800 V/m without range-switching. This is accomplished using precision analog-to-digital converters with a dynamic range of 120 dB in the processing unit. In order to eliminate the influence of the probe’s data link on the EM field, the data is transmitted to the measurement PC with a bidirectional serial RS232 optical fiber connection. Optical fiber feed-through waveguide In order to provide sufficient SE of the RC, a cylindrical waveguide is used to feed the above-mentioned optical fiber of the field probe system through one of the RC’s walls. The waveguide is operated below its fundamental cutoff frequency fcmn , which can be calculated for the TEmn mode from fcmn = J √ mn πd µ0 ε0 εr (5.4) wherein Jmn is the n-th zero of the first derivative of the Bessel function Jm , d is the diameter and εr the dielectric filling of the waveguide section [162]. The propagation constant for f < fcmn is given by ( 2 2 2 2πf 2πf 2π 2 2 2 βz = β0 − βmn = − βmn = ±j − (5.5) √ πd co co εr J mn The fundamental mode (i.e. the mode with the lowest cutoff frequency) of a circular waveguide is TE11 which results in ( 2 2 2πf 2J βz = ±j − (5.6) √ 11 εr d co Using J11 ≈ 1.84, the attenuation of a circular waveguide of length l for the fundamental TE11 mode is therefore equal to ( ( 2 2 2 2 2πf 2πf 2J11 2 · 1.84 α·l= − ·l ≈ − ·l (5.7) √ √ εr d co εr d co 5.2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 83 Geometry Modeling & Simulation Preprocessing Field Solver & Graphical User Interface Data Extraction Simulation Interface Postprocessing & Measurement Data Acquisition Measurement System Compliance® Database System MS Access® Statistics & Benchmarks MATLAB Interface® Figure 5.7: Schematic measurement and data acquisition procedure. For the prototype RC of this thesis, an air-filled (i.e. εr = 1), l = 0.1 m long circular waveguide with a diameter of d = 0.013 m was used, resulting in a cutoff frequency for the fundamental TE11 mode of fc11 ≈ 13.5 GHz and a theoretical attenuation of α · l ≥ 200 dB for frequencies f ≤ 6 GHz – this is considerably more attenuation than the chamber itself can provide (cf. Section 5.1.3). 5.2.3 Data acquisition and interfacing As shown in Fig. 5.5, all active devices of the RC equipment setup (signal generator, power meter, field probe system, spectrum analyzer, and stirrer drive controller) are remote controlled from a computer via the GPIB and RS232 bus. The RC control and data acquisition programs were written using the Schaffner Compliance C3i software suite [154] . Compliance provides the necessary equipment drivers enabling a high-level control of measurement functions. The developed RC programs are specially adapted to the requirements of measurements used for simulation validation: they allow to define a rectangular test grid for the field probe system by setting spatial (x, y, z) start and stop positions within the RC, measurement grid spacing, the frequency range of interest, and the desired rotational stirrer angles. The acquired measurement data is initially stored in the Compliance database (DB) 84 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT system. In order to perform extended measurement-vs.-simulation benchmarks and to use advanced analysis tools, the procedure shown in Fig. 5.7 is needed to transfer the data from Compliance : To facilitate data handling, measurement (and also simulation) results are gathered through a MATLAB -based data extraction interface from Compliance (and respectively FEKO ) and fed directly into a common MS Access DB. With this procedure, benchmarks, statistical analyses, and 2-D/3-D visualizations of simulated and measured data are performed by retrieving the results from the DB without the need to manipulate (e.g. scale, offset, etc.) underlying data – this in turn significantly reduces the probability of accidentally introducing errors. Data transfers are accomplished using SQL expressions from MATLAB via the ODBC application programming interface included with MS Windows . Further details on the Compliance to-Access DB and FEKO -to-Access DB interfacing system can be found in Appendix B, Section B.2. 5.3 Measurement errors Deviations between measurements and simulations can have two reasons: either the simulation does not reproduce the physical phenomena inside the RC accurately or the measured data is incorrect and additionally varying in repeated measurement trials. The first issue is extensively discussed in Chapter 7, reasons for measurement errors are addressed in this section. It is essential to distinguish the term “error” (in a measurement result) from the term “uncertainty”: error is the measurement result minus the true value of the measurand [163, 164]. Whenever possible a correction equal and of opposite sign to an error is applied to the result. Because true values are never known exactly, corrections are always approximate and therefore a residual error remains [165, 166]. The uncertainty in this residual error will contribute to the uncertainty of the reported result. Uncertainty can be characterized in terms of the spread of the probability distribution for the residual error; further references concerning measurement uncertainties can be found in Section 5.4. The sources of measurement errors can be attributed to the field probe system, the TX/RX antennas, and the chamber prototype itself. A general problem for the determination of errors related to near-field measurements is the strongly frequency-dependent impact on the results – if e.g. the field probe system is capable of a spatial resolution of 0.05 m, the resulting error will be very different at 50 MHz (free-space wavelength 6 m) compared against the one at 1 GHz (free-space wavelength 0.3 m). Whereas in the first case measured field values are not going to change much as the probe is displaced by 0.05 m, at 1 GHz a significant difference in the displayed field values can be expected. 5.3.1 Field probe system For the field probe system, it is useful to make a distinction between inherent, quasiinherent, and non-inherent errors. Inherent errors are understood to be fundamental errors that – with today’s available techniques – cannot be eliminated as they are coupled e.g. to the physical measurement principle. Although one “has to live with” inherent errors, it is important to be aware of these elementary limitations. Errors are referred 5.3 MEASUREMENT ERRORS |E | [V/m] 60 0° 45° 85 90° 135° 180° 225° 270° 315° 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency f [MHz] 250 300 Figure 5.8: Isotropy of the electric field probe between f = 50 . . . 300 MHz for eight different probe head orientations [156]. Shown is the magnitude of the measured electric field |E|. to as being quasi-inherent, if a deviation only occurs because of a certain equipment being used. Differently designed equipment may not exhibit a particular effect to the same extent, so in principle it might be possible to get rid of this error contribution. As the measurements in this thesis were to be performed with test equipment at hand, the quasi-inherent errors have to be accepted “as is”. Finally, non-inherent errors are inaccuracies which can be significantly reduced by using rather straightforward methods (e.g. a protective radome on the probe’s sensor head that slightly distorts the field distribution, but which can be removed without problems). Inherent errors • isotropy of the field probe: an ideal field probe would measure EM fields in a perfectly isotropic manner, i.e. there is no preferred spatial orientation. • sensitivity of the field probe: the EM fields within the RC need to be sufficiently large in order to have an accurate response of the probe’s dipole sensors. • finite probe size: theoretically the field should be measured at one, infinitely small point in space. Practically this is not possible, instead the sensor “spatially averages” the EM field over its finite geometric extent. The nonzero field probe sensor size may mask an actually poor reverberation performance [28]. This effect of “spatial averaging” becomes extremely pronounced if antennas are used as sensors instead of field probes to quantify the EM fields. Usage of antennas for near field measurements is therefore strongly discouraged. 86 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT • offset between x-, y-, and z-dipole loops: theoretically all three field components should be measured at the same location. As mentioned in Section 5.2.2, the dipoles are mounted on a prism and therefore measure the field at slightly different positions. • mutual coupling between x-, y-, and z-dipole loops: ideally, all loops should measure the individual field components separately. In all practical field probes, there is however mutual coupling by physical design constraints. • response time/sampling rate of the field probe: an ideal field probe would measure the field instantaneously and respond to changes without any delay. In practice, a certain settling time is needed; sampling rates on the order of 20 . . . 40 Hz are common [156, 167]. All the errors mentioned above cannot be eliminated and will be more or less pronounced depending on the particular field probe system used. Compared with the quasi-inherent and the non-inherent errors outlined below, however, they can be classified to a first approximation as negligible in the EMR-20 field probe system. The probe’s sensor Type-8 head exhibited a good isotropy, one exemplary result where the probe head is rotated in 45◦ steps over 360◦ is shown in Fig. 5.8. The lower detectable electric field magnitude of the field probe system is specified as 0.6 V/m, actually measured values used for further analysis were always greater than 10 V/m. As in this thesis only the mode-tuned RC operation is investigated with non-transient, steady-state fields, the response time/sampling rate issue does not need to be taken into account. Quasi-inherent errors • distortion of the field to be measured: by the physical presence of the field probe system (sensor head, processing unit, transmission lines between sensor head and processing unit, probe stand) the EM field is disturbed. Several field probe manufacturers e.g. recommend to measure the field without placing the processing unit nearby. Instead it is suggested to separate the probe’s sensor part from the electronic processing unit and to transfer the sensor data via a fiber optic link. The processing unit is to be placed outside of the RC. • general application of field probes in near field conditions with possibly strong field gradients: several field probes are not suitable for use in near field conditions, they may only be employed sufficiently far away from an excitation antenna, e.g. only once plane wave propagation is predominant [168, 169]. The quasi-inherent errors can be a significant contribution to the overall measurement error budget, especially if field probe systems are used beyond their intended range of operation (cf. far field limitation). On the contrary, the EMR-20 system with the Type-8 sensor head is explicitly recommended for use in near field conditions such as the ones encountered in RCs. Field distortion will always be an issue with the EMR-20 system, as the sensor head cannot be operated without the bulky processing unit and the probe stand attached to it. At least the mechanical probe stand is made out of non-conductive, “electromagnetically transparent” material. -1.43 -1.23 -1.03 -0.63 -0.83 -0.43 -0.23 -0.03 0.17 0.37 87 0.57 0.77 0.97 1.17 1.37 5.3 MEASUREMENT ERRORS -1.16 2.4 -0.96 2.2 -0.76 2 -0.56 1.8 -0.36 1.6 -0.16 z x 0.04 1.4 1.2 1 0.24 y 0.8 0.84 1.04 0.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 1.24 0.6 xm ym 0.6 zm 0.2 0.4 0 0 0.64 0.2 0.44 Figure 5.9: Schematic RC measurement grid with measurement coordinate system (xm , ym , zm ) and simulation coordinate system (x, y, z) overlay, TX antennas and stirrer (cf. also Fig. 5.1). Non-inherent errors • due to non-ideal probe response, the measured field strength (e.g. displayed is 1.1 V/m) is not equal to the actual physical field strength (e.g. 1 V/m). Through a proper broadband calibration, this effect can be reduced. • accuracy of the x, y, z measurement position: a difference from the measured to the simulated results can occur simply because the spatial measurement and simulation position are not identical. This problem already starts with the difficulty of clearly defining spatial measurement positions within a prototype RC, since the walls are not completely flat or the field probe stand might be slightly tilted. In the case of the field probe system, the non-inherent errors have by far the biggest impact on an agreement between simulation and measurement, especially at higher frequencies. In order to position the field probe system correctly within the RC, two methods were used: first of all, a fine measurement grid (spatial resolution 0.05 m) was printed on the chamber bottom (see Fig. 5.9 for a schematic overview) for a coarse prepositioning and a plummet attached to probe head for proper alignment with the grid. Secondly, a laser range distance metering device can be attached to the probe head, which ensures a more precise and repeatable positioning of the field probe system. 88 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT a) b) Figure 5.10: Biconical TX antenna a) tripod-mounted and b) suspended from the ceiling with plastic wires and Velcro. Attached is a plummet for precision positioning. 5.3.2 Antennas The influence of the TX/RX antennas on the agreement between simulated and measured results can be summarized by essentially three issues: • accuracy of the antenna position (x, y, z) and alignment angle θ: experiments in the prototype RC revealed that the EM field distribution is very sensitive to the excitation antenna position. The argument here is very similar to the one discussed above for the positioning accuracy of the field probe system (cf. Section 5.3.1). • presence of the tripod in the RC prototype: whereas the antennas in the RC measurements need to be somehow mechanically supported, in the simulations they are “floating in the air”. • coaxial cable feed: the simulated antennas are excited by an impressed voltage across a gap or an impressed current flowing within the source segment. In practice, a coaxial cable is needed to connect the antennas to the amplifiers, it was however always routed as close as possible to the RC’s walls. Antennas in the prototype RC were carefully positioned using the measurement grid printed on the chamber bottom, a plummet was attached to the antenna, and the laser 5.3 MEASUREMENT ERRORS |E | [V/m] 80 89 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency f [MHz] 250 300 Figure 5.11: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured at a fixed position (x = −0.63 m, y = 0.64 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (f = 50 . . . 300 MHz). range distance metering device employed which had been introduced for the field probe system. This ensures the greatest possible agreement between TX/RX antenna position and angular alignment in the measurement setup and the simulation. Initial comparisons between simulations and measurements were carried out with the excitation antenna supported by a tripod. With this setup, at higher frequencies considerable differences between measured and simulated results occurred. A closer examination revealed that the tripod had metallic feet, “legs” made out of wood, a plastic mounting rod, head, and antenna clamp. It was found that especially the highly absorbing wooden “legs” caused a significant distortion of the field distribution within the prototype RC. In order to avoid further unintentional loading and distortion of the EM field, the tripod was removed and the TX/RX antennas either suspended from the chamber ceiling using nylon ropes and Velcro or placed onto styrofoam blocks (see Fig. 5.10). A comparison between the magnitude of the electric field |E| measured at a fixed position (x = −0.63 m, y = 0.64 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on the tripod against the same antenna suspended by plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (f = 50 . . . 300 MHz, ∆f = 1 MHz frequency resolution) is depicted in Fig. 5.11. It can be seen that the measured field values are quite dissimilar concerning their magnitudes and that – contrary to common believe – without the presence of the absorbing tripod in the RC the magnitude is not necessarily greater at a fixed location. This effect can be explained by looking at the field distribution along a line within the RC, rather than at a fixed position only: Fig. 5.12 depicts the magnitude of the electric 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 90 |E | [V/m] 50 Plastic wires and Velcro Tripod 150 MHz 200 MHz 40 30 20 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] 0.4 0.8 1.2 a) |E | [V/m] 50 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 250 MHz 300 MHz 40 30 20 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] 0.4 0.8 1.2 b) Figure 5.12: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured along a line (x = 0.57 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna supported by a tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (f = 150 MHz, 200 MHz, 250 MHz, and 300 MHz). 5.4 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY BUDGET 91 field |E| measured along a line (x = 0.57 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna supported by a tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling at four frequencies (f = 150 MHz, 200 MHz, 250 MHz, and 300 MHz). Obviously the presence of the tripod does not simply attenuate (i.e. linearly scale) the electric field, it also distorts the field distribution. This implies that a peak measured at a certain point with the tripod in the chamber will be shifted spatially once the tripod is removed, which explains the behavior shown in Fig. 5.12. The impact of the tripod can be seen at other spatial locations in Fig. B.1, B.2 and for additional frequencies in Appendix B, Figs. B.3-B.5. 5.3.3 Chamber and stirrer Once the tripod was removed and the antennas suspended from the chamber ceiling, the RC was further analyzed concerning differences between the actual measurement prototype and the simulation model. The majority of these differences are of the type “geometry/position problem” and similar measures as for the non-inherent errors of the field probe system can be applied. Worthwhile mentioning are the following issues with respect to the stirrer and chamber for modeling of the RC: • the RC door (frame, door handle, gasket) exhibited a strong impact at certain frequencies and needed to be taken into consideration in the simulation model (see Section 6.1.3) • flexing of the stirrer rod (into a curved shape, which offsets the paddle positions) was minimized by adding a special fixture, see Fig. 5.2b); the stirrer rod itself was found to be electromagnetically irrelevant and was hence not simulated • unnecessary cable channels for power lines were removed in the prototype RC • chamber imperfections (screws, stirrer fixation panels, special corner mounts), ventilation ducts, lighting, and the RF feed-through panel proved to have an only minor effect on the measured EM field in the lower-to-medium frequency range and were therefore neglected in the RC simulation model It should be emphasized that the sensitivity of both simulations and measurements on the above-mentioned issues (e.g. the door or chamber imperfections) aggravates substantially with increasing frequency (see Section 7.4). 5.4 Measurement uncertainty budget It is beyond the scope of this thesis to investigate the reliability and significance of EMC tests of EUTs inside an RC. An introduction to the field strength uncertainties to be expected for a given number of stirrer steps within an RC was given in Section 2.5. In order to establish an uncertainty budget, the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM)” can be advantageously used [170]. This standard evaluation approach is in the form of a cookbook and comes with the widely used “GUM Workbench” software. Further general application notes for uncertainty budgets are provided 92 5 PROTOTYPE AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT in e.g. [163, 171, 164]. Very detailed information on the assessment of special RC-related measurement uncertainties for chamber calibration and EUT emission and immunity testing can be found in [22] and in the IEC 61000-4-21 standard [6]. 5.5 Conclusion The construction and setup of the reverberation chamber (RC) prototype having inner dimensions of 2.86 · 2.48 · 3.06 m3 (width · length · height) including the door, stirrers, and auxiliary equipment was described. The issue “What does electrically large mean for a rotating object such as a stirrer in an RC?” versus “What does electrically large mean in the traditional electromagnetic sense?” was brought up and will be addressed in Section 7.7. Specifications of the measurement system (consisting of the transmit/receive equipment and the field probe unit) developed for data acquisition were outlined. The field probe system with its probe head and processing unit was analyzed in detail, since it forms the most important part of the measurement system for validation of simulation results. A system capable of providing simultaneously three-component electric field data without distorting the field distribution significantly was chosen. Measurement errors originating from field probes, antennas, and stirrers were discussed and assessed for their impact on deviations between simulated and measured results. The biggest deviations were found to result from the antenna tripods and position inaccuracies of the field probe head or the antennas. For validations of the measurements, tripods were entirely removed from the RC and antennas suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the ceiling. A positioning and alignment system comprised of an optical grid and a laser range distance metering device was proposed. Other measurement errors resulting from anisotropy, sensitivity, mutual coupling and finite extension of the field probe were found to be negligible. The fundamental limitations concerning the measurement system addressed in this chapter were taken into consideration when benchmarking simulated against measured results in Chapter 7. 6 Modeling of the Reverberation Chamber Abstract — This chapter describes the modeling procedure that was used for reverberation chamber simulations. Starting with modeling of a basic cavity, a comprehensive chamber model resembling the prototype reverberation chamber is elaborated. An analysis of electrical conductivities appropriate for the materials in use is presented. Furthermore, cubic and corrugated chambers, various vertical and horizontal stirrers, transmit and receive antennas, and EUTs are designed and modeled. 6.1 Chamber models 6.1.1 Modeling procedure Different types of RCs were modeled in order to investigate their performance and to find out which geometric features would be the most important for an optimally designed chamber. One particular challenge in RC simulations is the generation of a large number (on the order of several hundreds) of chamber models where the only change in the geometric structure is the step-by-step rotation of the stirrer. Following the requirements outlined in Section 2.5, at least 50 rotational stirrer angles need to be simulated per frequency to achieve sufficiently low statistical uncertainty. The EM simulation software FEKO requires for each simulation involving a change in the RC geometry a new PreFEKO input file. To speed up the modeling phase and to reduce the number of modeling errors, these input files were generated automatically with minimum user input employing a MATLAB -based tool specially developed for the project of this thesis. Initially, an empty RC is designed with a 3-D CAD system [56]. Stirrers, doors, EUTs, TX/RX antennas, and other objects within the RC are created separately in different CAD models. To set up an RC simulation, parameters such as linear/logarithmic frequency stepping and triangle discretization area are generated with the MATLAB tool and passed on to the mesh generator and the preprocessor (Fig. 6.1). The mesh generator uses these input parameters together with the rules laid out in Section 3.4.1 to compute an estimate of the appropriate discretization for all structures. All surfaces are discretized with triangles and all wires with segments which facilitate an accurate representation of arbitrarily shaped structures and are well suited for the EFIE-based MoM technique (see Chapter 3). Furthermore, the stirrer positions are set up as well as the position of the EUT, the TX and RX antennas and the location at which the near field is to be computed. The procedure mentioned above allows the reliable, automated setup of a large number of similar simulations, where only certain parts of the RC geometry are varying. The final RC geometry along with discretization-related data is transferred back to the CAD system, which finally creates a mesh by generating a mixed triangle/segment discretization [56]. The discretization process’ output data is combined with the simulation settings in the preprocessor, which checks the validity 93 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER 94 Geometry Modeling & Simulation Preprocessing Data Parameter Extraction Generator 3D CAD Mesher MATLAB Interface® HyperMesh Simulation Data Process Geometry Conversion PreFEKO Interface ® Field Solver & Graphical User Interface Simulation Postprocessing & Measurement Data Acquisition Figure 6.1: Schematic geometry modeling and simulation preprocessing flowchart. of the data (e.g. violation of certain discretization constraints) and passes it on to the simulation kernel (Fig. 6.1). Before a simulation is finally started, the required memory (which depends mostly on the desired frequency range) is estimated: the MATLAB based tool automatically selects whether to run a sequential, single processor simulation or to distribute the computational load equally across several machines using the parallel FEKO solver. A scheduler is utilized to run all computations belonging to the same base model over one stirrer rotation in a row. 6.1.2 Cavity Reasonable conductivity values for the RC walls and stirrers as listed in Table 6.4 were obtained from initial simulations considering a simple RC model without stirrers, doors or other geometrical details – i.e. a cavity. Triple geometric symmetries were used for cavity modeling and during the computations (see Section 3.3.3). Also stirrers in the prototype RC (see Section 5.1) were removed during measurements to match the simulation model. Furthermore, these initial simulations and measurements were used to identify chamber details having the biggest impact on the simulated and measured near field (e.g. ventilation honeycomb ducts, antenna cable and power line routing, or leakage through the stirrer motor bearings). The reason not to include the stirrer in this 6.1 CHAMBER MODELS 95 z Hertzian dipole excitation antenna Chamber walls x xy xz-symmetryy -s ym m et ry V-stirrer axis y yz- sym me try 6-paddle V-stirrer Figure 6.2: Partly symmetric simulation model of the RC. Three geometrical symmetries are utilized to construct the RC model by mirror imaging one eighth of the chamber walls (depicted in dark grey). The stirrer is moved to its designated position by a mathematical translate/rotate operation. Note that this chamber (contrary to the RC in Fig. 6.3) does not feature a door. first comparison was to eliminate the possibility of deviations between simulations and measurements resulting merely from the rotational positioning accuracy of the stirrer paddles. Results of the cavity simulations are shown in Section 7.2. The cavity simulations and measurements were also used to investigate the loading effect of the TX/RX antenna tripods mentioned in Section B.1. 6.1.3 Prototype reverberation chamber Due to less powerful computational resources available in the past and to facilitate modeling, simulations of RCs were commonly restricted to two dimensions – full-wave 3-D simulations of RCs have only become feasible in the most recent years. Although this is a significant step forward compared to the 2-D models used earlier, 3-D simulations are computationally still very slow (cf. Table 3.1). Therefore significant simplifications are usually made in RC simulation models: Double or triple symmetry (such as in the cavity simulations above) is often utilized and small geometrical details are neglected in order to speed up simulations. Chamber model without door As a starting point, a partly symmetric RC was modeled using similar simplifications: As depicted in Fig. 6.2, the walls are constructed by designing only one eighth of the chamber 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER 96 Chamber walls Receive antenna H -s Excitation antenna xis 1 a er r tir tir re ra xi s 2 -s H V-stirrer axis y Chamber door z x 6-paddle V-stirrer Figure 6.3: Detailed fully asymmetric simulation model of the RC. Excitation source is a logper antenna located in front of the door. Shown is its 3-D free space radiation pattern superimposed for illustrative purposes. The logper antenna depicted in the right corner is used for emission testing setups in the simulation model. E and H fields can be calculated at any arbitrary point, as an example one of the near field computation planes is shown. All metallic parts are of finite conductivity. and mirror imaging it at the xy-, xz-, and yz-plane. The geometry mirroring process is done by the simulation preprocessor (Fig. 6.1). To exploit triple geometric symmetry, the vertical 6-paddle stirrer is discretized separately and subsequently moved to its intended position using a mathematical shift/rotate operation. Using this approach, there is a reduction in computation time possible when the elements of the MoM system matrix are determined – however, the time and memory needed for solution of this system of equations is not reduced as the RC is only partly symmetric (cf. Section 3.3.3). This basic chamber has dimensions of 3.06 m · 2.86 m · 2.48 m (height h · width w · length l). To minimize the number of triangles needed to mesh the large RC surface, a frequencyadaptive and geometry-dependent discretization was used (see Table 6.1 for details). For ease of modeling, all walls and stirrers are assumed to be of single-layered metal. As opposed to the RC model below, this chamber does not feature any apertures. 6.1 CHAMBER MODELS 97 Figure 6.4: Photo of the RC door with gasket on frame and contact finger strips. Chamber model including door Two RC models were designed and simulated, the “basic” one with flat walls described above and a more “detailed” one including the chamber door as shown in Fig. 6.3. The dimensions of the door are 2 m in height and 0.92 m in width with a 0.07 m recess of the door frame from the chamber wall (see Fig. 6.5a)). Although, at first glance, these details seem to be small, it is shown in Sections 7.2.1 and 7.3 that they affect the chamber fields significantly and thus cannot be neglected. Since the RC model including the door does not exhibit any symmetries, no reduction at all in memory or computation time can be achieved (cf. Section 3.3.3). As mentioned in Section 5.1.1, the prototype RC features beryllium-copper contact finger strips which are used as gaskets to prevent EM leakage from the door (Fig. 6.3). Leakage through the chamber door in the simulation would require the modeling of extremely tiny gaps between the door and the chamber, which would introduce numerical artifacts into the RC simulation and increase considerably the number of triangles (which would 98 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER need to have edge lengths on the order of the gap’s width). Modeling of the imperfect door seal in FEKO can be carried out with two methods: • Using a distributed series impedance between the edge of the chamber door cutout and the chamber door itself (“LE-loading”): with this technique, the current distribution J around and on the door surface is modified. In the simulation, however, there is no EM radiation leakage out of the RC. • If radiation leakage through the door gasket is to be simulated, a tiny gap must be modeled in the RC model in FEKO between the door cutout and the door. The problem is that this tiny gap introduces numerical artifacts in the simulation due to the scale of dimensions (size of the door vs. size of the gap). This prohibits a meaningful inclusion of the door gap in the RC simulation model. Therefore, modeling of the door gasket was accomplished by introducing a distributed series impedance between the edge of the chamber door cutout and the door itself (Fig. 6.3). The detailed fully asymmetric RC model including chamber door and gasket was simulated using different stirrers (Section 6.2) and antenna models (Section 6.4) and assuming finite conductivity (Section 6.3) for all structures. This chamber is used as a benchmark model for comparisons against all other RCs (see Fig. 6.5 and Table 6.1). 6.1.4 Corrugated, cubic, and offset-wall reverberation chambers To investigate the influence of a particular RC design on the EM near field and on typical RC parameters (stirring efficiency, field uniformity, correlation, etc.) corrugated, cubic, and offset-wall chambers were modeled and simulated for performance comparisons. Corrugated RC Corrugations were introduced for use in RCs in analogy with acoustic ray theory and were expected to exhibit similarly beneficial effects as in e.g. corrugated horns. The driving force behind corrugations applied to RCs was the anticipated improvement of field uniformity at lower frequencies close to the LUF. In [173] the corrugations have an amplitude of 1.5 inch (i.e. 0.0254 m) and a valley-to-valley distance of 2 inch. Their RC is rather compact and has dimensions of 1.2 m · 0.8 m ·1.8 m (h·w·l). To investigate whether corrugations are indeed beneficial, the dimensions of the corrugations from [173] were scaled to fit the size of the prototype RC used in this thesis. The scaled corrugations have an amplitude of 0.1 m and a valley-to-valley distance of 0.15 m, see Fig. 6.5c). Normally the space between the topmost part of the stirrer and the chamber ceiling is 0.165 m, and between the walls and the outermost stirrer part 0.24 m. Employing the corrugations also on the ceiling and the side walls of the RC would reduce the top space to 0.065 m and the side space to 0.14 m. Since these spacings are rather small, the neighboring walls of the RC remained flat, see Fig. 6.5c). This chamber features the same door as the one in Section 6.1.3. Simulations of the corrugated RC are discussed in Section 7.5. Cubic and offset-wall RC As shown in Section 2.2.1 and Fig. 2.4, cubic chambers suffer from mode degeneration so that the usually required “∂N/∂f = 1.5 modes/MHz above cutoff”-criterion is reached 6.1 CHAMBER MODELS 99 a) b) c) d) Figure 6.5: Different simulation models of the RC: a) basic RC resembling the prototype chamber (cf. Fig. 6.3), b) RC with width w = 2.96 m, c) corrugated RC, d) cubic RC. consistently only at much higher frequencies compared to an RC of the same volume, but non-cubic shape. Several authors however claim that cubic chambers may generate a more uniform field than standard rectangular RCs. For this reason, a cubic chamber was modeled having dimensions of 2.86 m · 2.86 m · 2.86 m (h · w · l, shown in Fig. 6.5d)). Another “offset-wall” chamber was designed similar to the cubic RC, but 0.1 m wider, 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER 100 Number of triangles for discretization 30. . . 250 MHz a 30. . . 400 MHz b 30. . . 600 MHz c 30. . . 1000 MHz d Standard (no door) 2 304 4 928 9 696 12 512 Standard (w. door) 2 490 5 360 10 832 13 118 Cubic (w. door) 2 557 5 385 10 653 12 815 Corrugated (w. door) 4 829 10 091 11 553 13 699 Offset wall (w. door) 2 526 5 166 10 278 12 506 Chamber type a b for this frequency range the HyperMesh element edge size was set to 0.200 — — to 0.140 c — — to 0.100 d — — to 0.089 Table 6.1: Discretization data of chambers used in the RC simulations. see Fig. 6.5b). The offset-wall chamber has dimensions of 2.86 m · 2.96 m · 2.86 m (h · w · l). Both the cubic and the offset-wall chamber feature the same door as the one in Section 6.1.3. Simulations of the cubic and the offset-wall RC are discussed in Section 7.5. 6.1.5 Other reverberation chambers Two other existing RCs were modeled and simulated for comparisons and to investigate performance scaling: • IEH chamber at the Universität Karlsruhe (Germany): this RC has dimensions of 2.34 m · 5.24 m · 2.39 m (h · w · l) and was initially simulated at frequencies lower than 500 MHz to compare field uniformity levels of similar “Rot-Z” stirrers. • Medium-sized (SMART200) and large (SMART80) ETS Lindgren chambers: these chambers are 3.05 m · 4.83 m · 3.61 m and respectively 4.90 m · 13.40 m · 6.10 m (h · w · l) in size. As the names imply, they are designed to operate from 200 MHz and, respectively, 80 MHz on. Simulation requirements (time and memory) especially for the larger chamber grow quickly to astronomical levels, since for a proper discretization of the chamber walls at frequencies beyond 500 MHz more than 20 000 triangles are needed (cf. Section 3.4). 6.2 Stirrer models Contrary to the RC models, the stirrers were only modeled with two different discretization levels to cover both the lower and higher frequency range. Discretization data 6.2 STIRRER MODELS a) 101 b) c) d) Figure 6.6: Vertical stirrer models with triangular discretization: a) 6-paddle stirrer, b) crossplate stirrer, c) 6-paddle connected stirrer, d) upset Z-fold stirrer. details can be found in Table 6.2 for vertical and in Table 6.3 for horizontal stirrers. Most of the vertical and all of the horizontal stirrers are shown in Fig. 6.6 and Fig. 6.7. The standard mounting position for all stirrers is 0.60 m away from the back and 0.60 m away from the right side wall (designated as “position III” in Figure 5.1). Alternative mounting positions shown in Figure 5.1 are “position I” (horizontal) and “position II” (horizontal), both spaced 0.80 m away from the neighboring walls. Details on the stirrer design procedure are outlined in Section 5.1.2. 6.2.1 Vertical stirrers In order to facilitate relative performance comparisons, all simulated vertical stirrers can be circumscribed by a cylinder with a diameter of 0.735 m and 2.76 m height, i.e. all stirrers have the same “rotational diameter” and “rotational height” and therefore also the same “rotational volume” of roughly 2 m3 . Vertical stirrers were always mounted in position III. Vertical paddle-type stirrers • 6-paddle stirrer: simulation replica of the stirrer physically existing in the prototype RC (see Section 5.1.2 and Fig. 5.2). Consists of six rectangular paddles of size 0.60 m · 0.60 m, rotationally offset by 60◦ with a slanting angle of 45◦ for each paddle. Horizontal spacing between the paddle centers is approx. 0.46 m. Distance from lower and upper paddle edge is 0.15 m to the bottom floor and the ceiling, respectively. The nearest edge-to-edge distance between two paddles is 0.04 m. 102 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER The stirrer rod (height 3.06 m), which supports the paddles, is not simulated as it was found to be electromagnetically irrelevant (see Section A.1 for modeling). This stirrer is shown in Fig. 6.6a). • 6-paddle stirrer without gaps: similar to the stirrer above, but all paddles connected with spline surfaces, so that the paddles become one single structure. This stirrer was used to analyze the impact of the electrical stirrer size on the field uniformity and is shown in Fig. 6.6c). • 4-paddle stirrer: essentially the same as the conventional vertical 6-paddle stirrer, but the top and the bottom paddle are missing. This stirrer has a smaller “rotational volume” as the stirrers above. • 4-paddle stirrer with double gap: almost identical to the vertical 6-paddle stirrer, however two adjacent paddles in the middle of the stirrer are missing; this implies that the rotational “volume” is the same as for all other stirrers. Vertical single- and cross-plate stirrers These stirrers were designed to compare “fancy, irregularly shaped” stirrers with very rudimentary ones. • cross-plate stirrer: two rectangular plates of equal size that intersect at an angle of 90◦ . The plates measure 2.76 m · 0.735 m (h · w). • stacked cross-plate stirrer: two rectangular plates where one is mounted on top of the other so that the same stirrer height is achieved as for all other stirrer types. The upper plate is rotated with respect to the lower plate by an angle of 90◦ . Each plate measures 1.33 m · 0.735 m (h · w). The gap between the two stirrer plates is 0.09 m. This stirrer is shown in Fig. 6.6b). • single-plate stirrer: the most basic stirrer, consisting of a single rectangular plate measuring 2.745 m · 0.735 m (h · w). Vertical upset Z-fold stirrers The so-called Z-fold stirrers used in the prototype RC simulations are upset versions of the original stirrers built by ETS Lindgren (described in Section 6.2.3). • upset Z-fold stirrer: this stirrer is used for performance benchmarks against the standard 6-paddle stirrers mentioned in Section 6.2.1. The upset version of the original Z-fold stirrer was scaled so that it fits into an identical rotational volume as the other stirrers. This stirrer is shown in Fig. 6.6d). • upset Z-fold stirrer with gaps: for the most part identical to the upset Z-fold stirrer mentioned above, however the metal “Z-fold”-part is not a single piece, but broken into three separate parts with two gaps of approx. 0.09 m between each other. 6.2 STIRRER MODELS 103 Number of triangles for discretization Stirrer type 30. . . 600 MHz a 30. . . 1000 MHz c 6-paddle standard 443 599 6-paddle without gaps 695 926 4-paddle standard 399 481 4-paddle with double gap 295 350 Double cross-plate 879 1 039 Stacked cross-plate 376 592 Single-plate 439 525 Upset Z-fold 391 (+ 1 495 c ) 475 (+ 2 049 c ) Upset Z-fold with gaps 363 (+ 1 495 c ) 389 (+ 2 049 c ) for this frequency range the HyperMesh element edge size was set to 0.100 — — to 0.085 c supporting sidewall structure (electromagnetically irrelevant) a b Table 6.2: Discretization data of vertical stirrers used in the RC simulations. 6.2.2 Horizontal stirrers • 4-paddle stirrer: consists of four rectangular paddles (size 0.80 m · 0.80 m), rotationally offset by 90◦ with a slanting angle of 45◦ . The nearest edge-to-edge distance between two paddles is 0.02 m. This stirrer is similar to the one described in Section 6.2.3 and is shown in Fig. 6.7a). • 5-paddle stirrer: features five rectangular paddles of 0.60 m · 0.60 m, rotationally offset by 72◦ with a slanting angle of 45◦ . The nearest edge-to-edge distance between two paddles is 0.04 m. This stirrer is shown in Fig. 6.7b) • 6-paddle stirrer: identical to the “vertical 6-paddle stirrer” described in Section 6.2.1, but mounted horizontally at position II (see Fig. 5.1). This stirrer is shown in Fig. 6.7c). 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER 104 a) b) c) Figure 6.7: Horizontal stirrer models with triangular discretization: b) 5-paddle stirrer, c) 6-paddle stirrer. a) 4-paddle stirrer, 6.2.3 Stirrers used in other reverberation chambers The following stirrers are employed in the ETS Lindgren and IEH RCs mentioned in Section 6.1.5 and were utilized to design stirrers needed for performance benchmarks: • vertical “Rot-Z” stirrer: the stirrer in the IEH RC chamber is a slightly modified version of the original one used in a small RC at the NSWCDD [173]. This stirrer consists of four rectangular paddles of size 0.80 m · 0.80 m, rotationally offset by 90◦ with a slanting angle of 45◦ . The nearest edge-to-edge distance between two paddles is 0.04 m. • original vertical and horizontal “Z-fold” stirrer: stirrers employed in ETS Lindgren’s SMART80 and SMART200 chambers are very similar in their geometry (one is simply an upset version of the other). Both of them have the patented “Z-fold” design [150], which was originally developed together with Hatfield and Slocum [174], and measure 4.40 m · 1.52 m · 1.21 m (h · w · d). They consist of a folded metal sheet (“Z-fold”), have a small plate with an aperture on the top (in the patent called “radiation-leakage device” [150]) and walls supporting the “Z-fold” structure. The latter is electromagnetically irrelevant and therefore not included in the simulation (see Section A.1). It is used for illustrative purposes however in the preprocessor PreFEKO. 6.3 WALL AND STIRRER CONDUCTIVITIES 105 Number of triangles for discretization Stirrer type 30. . . 600 MHz a 30. . . 1000 MHz b 6-paddle standard 431 611 5-paddle standard 347 487 4-paddle standard 513 671 a b for this frequency range the HyperMesh element edge size was set to 0.100 — — to 0.085 Table 6.3: Discretization data of horizontal stirrer models used in the RC simulations. 6.3 Wall and stirrer conductivities The main materials used for construction of RCs are usually galvanized steel, aluminum, and copper (cf. Section 5.1). For the simulation of the materials in the RC prototype, a relative magnetic permeability of µr = 1 Vs/(Am) was used. Electrical conductivity values for all metallic structures were assumed to be equal to DC conductivities and to remain constant over the 50 MHz. . . 1 GHz range (according to NIST, DC conductivity values can be safely used for metals at frequencies up to 5 GHz [175]). For the aluminum structure of the stirrers, the tabulated value of σ = 27 · 106 S/m in Table 6.4 was used. Obtaining reasonable values for galvanized steel walls proved to be rather cumbersome: the problem was to find conductivity values for this material as it is used in a shielded room construction, i.e. walls consisting of several interconnected sheets with intermediate overlapping flat stock. The main material components of commercially available galvanized steel sheets are typically iron (97. . . 99 wt.-%), zinc coating (0.5. . . 2 wt.-%), copper (0.4 wt.-%), manganese (0.4 wt.-%), phosphorus (0.1 wt.-%), carbon (0.05 wt.-%), and sulfur (0.05 wt.-%). As the skin depth in the zinc coating goes down with rising frequency (2.50) from approx. 18 µm at f = 50 MHz to 4 µm at f = 1 GHz, it is logical to assume that the surface impedance ZS (3.24) of the chamber walls tends to be increasingly defined by the conductivity of the zinc coating alone rather than the conductivity of the zinc combined with the underlying iron. Commercially available iron has conductivities on the order of κ = 10 · 106 S/m, commercially available galvanized steel sheets have κ = 0.95 · 106 S/m. Pure zinc is listed in [149] with κ = 16 · 106 S/m, [24] reports the measured conductivity of zinc-coatings at frequencies of 1. . . 6 GHz used for galvanized steel as κ = 12 · 106 S/m. A detailed overview on conductivity data of commonly used materials can be found in Table 6.4. Measurements of the chamber quality factor Q however always exhibit one repeating pattern: the theoretically predicted Q (2.51) is much higher than the measured one (difference of a factor 10. . . 500 depending on the frequency) [24, 9]. This in 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER 106 Material Conductivity κ 106 S/m Conductivity κ/κAg (relative c ) Silver (Ag) a 61 1 Copper (Cu) a 58 0.95 Aluminum (Al) a 37 0.61 Aluminum b 27 0.44 Zinc (Zn) a 16 0.26 Zinc b 12 0.20 Iron b 8 0.13 Galvanized steel (GS) b 3 0.049 Stainless steel b 1 0.016 pure material at T = 300 K [149, 175, 176] commercially available material at T = 300 K [149, 177] c normalized to the conductivity of pure silver a b Table 6.4: Typical electrical conductivity values for materials used in EMC applications. turn means that the RC’s wall and stirrer conductivity is consistently estimated too high or, vice versa, the chamber loading too low. In any case, assuming overall conductivity values of zinc in an RC simulation, results in unrealistically high field strengths within the chamber. Taking into account interconnections between the different metal sheet panels, screws and cutouts as well as dirt and occasional oxidation spots, the best agreement between simulations and measurements (see Chapter 7) was achieved with conductivities in the “Simulation Medium” (κ = 0.09 · 106 S/m) and “Simulation High” (κ = 1.1 · 106 S/m) range (see Table 6.5). These values were used throughout the MoM simulations in the surface impedance approach introduced in Section 3.3.4. 6.4 Transmit and receive antenna models The transmit (TX) (i.e. excitation) and receive (RX) antennas used in the RC simulations were either ideal, infinitely small Hertzian dipoles, realistic λ/2-dipoles, biconical (50 . . . 350 MHz), logper (300 MHz. . . 5.2 GHz), or horn antennas (2.2 . . . 3.3 GHz). With 6.4 TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE ANTENNA MODELS 107 Conductivity κ 106 S/m Conductivity κ/κGS (relative b ) “High” 1.1 0.37 “Medium”a 0.09 0.03 “Low” 0.05 0.017 Simulation Material a b “Medium” is the default conductivity used in the RC simulations normalized to the conductivity of galvanized steel (see Table 6.4) Table 6.5: Electrical conductivity values used in the RC simulations. the exception of the Hertzian dipole, the same antennas were also used during the measurements. Depending on the testing scenario in the RC (emission, immunity, benchmark simulation-measurement) either one or two antennas were operated within the chamber (one in the TX, one in the RX mode). A setup with two modeled logper antennas in TX and RX operation is depicted in Fig. 6.3. An overview of all utilized antennas along with their respective 3-D far field radiation pattern is given in Fig. 6.8. Before employing the TX and RX antennas in the RC simulation, their far field patterns were simulated separately and validated by measured or analytical results. All antennas can be positioned in the simulation at any arbitrary location and in any orientation within the RC. Antenna wire structures (such as the logper antenna or the feed section of the horn) were discretized using λ/15 . . . λ/10-long segments of finite conductivity σ = 1.1·106 S/m (“High”, cf. Table 6.5) and finite diameter. The waveguide section and the flares of the horn antenna were modeled with triangles of finite conductivity σ = 1.1 · 106 S/m. Since inside a typical RC with well-conducting walls there is EM field generated with virtually zero input power and the coupling between antennas and the RC itself is very strong, the active power at the TX (excitation) antenna terminals appears as almost zero or in some cases even slightly negative [178]. The reactive power at the antenna ports is however fairly large, and therefore it is not possible to compute scattering parameter data correctly with EFIE-based MoM simulations in an RC [179]. 6.4.1 Ideal Hertzian and realistic λ/2-dipole In the first RC simulations, an ideal Hertzian dipole was used for the whole frequency range of interest, i.e. 50 MHz. . . 1 GHz (see Table 6.6). This was done for two reasons: initially for the sake of simplicity, since the Hertzian dipole can be implemented analytically in the numerical code. Secondly, at the start of this project in June 2001, all (but one) published RC simulations had used Hertzian dipoles as an excitation source (see Table 4.1). Due to significant disagreement between measured and simulated EM fields (see Section 7.4.2), the usage of Hertzian dipoles in the simulations was not considered. The free-space far field pattern of the Hertzian dipole is shown in Fig. 6.8a). 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER 108 a) b) c) d) Figure 6.8: Antenna models with corresponding 3-D free-space far field radiation patterns used in the RC simulations as TX and RX antennas: a) ideal Hertzian dipole (infinitely small), b) biconical antenna (f = 50 . . . 350 MHz), c) logper antenna (f = 300 MHz. . . 5.2 GHz), d) horn antenna (f = 2.2 . . . 3.3 GHz). However in order to investigate further the effect of a basic (but for EMC testing unrealistic) RC excitation, a λ/2-dipole was modeled and simulated. This half-wavelength dipole (discretized with 11 wire segments) was used as a model for the adjustable precision conical dipole used in initial RC measurement setups (Section 5.2.1). 6.4.2 Biconical antenna The biconical antenna which was modeled for the RC simulations is the A.H. Systems, type SAS-541 antenna used in the measurements (Section 5.2.1). This antenna consists 6.4 TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE ANTENNA MODELS 109 Frequency range TX/RX antenna Number of segments / triangles Arbitrary Hertzian dipole 0/0 50 MHz. . . 3 GHz λ 2 -dipole 11 a / 0 50 MHz. . . 350 MHz biconical 162 b / 0 logper 435 a / 0 300 MHz. . . 3 GHz c 2.2 GHz. . . 3.3 GHz a c 1 a / 2 486 horn excitation source was modeled with one segment b — — with two segments discretization limits the maximum frequency of the logper antenna to 3 GHz Table 6.6: Discretization of transmit (TX) and receive (RX) antennas. of a pair of six trapezoidally-shaped thin rods that are rotated by 60◦ against each other with a 0.1 m long feed line in-between. The largest overall dimension of the biconical antenna is 1.32 m. The biconical antenna was modeled by 162 wire segments (with two source segments for symmetry reasons), its free-space far field pattern (simulated gain 1.5. . . 2.1 dBi) is shown in Fig. 6.8b). 6.4.3 Logarithmic-periodic antenna The logarithmic-periodic (logper) antennas used in the measurements (Schwarzbeck type USLP 9143) were also modeled for the simulations. Although these logper antennas are in practice useable up to f = 5.2 GHz, the discretization limits their maximum operational frequency to 3 GHz. This is due to the very short, but comparatively “thick” segments utilized for the tip dipoles of the antenna. Given a certain wavelength λ and geometric wire radius r, the conditions imposed on the discretized segments of length ∆l using the EFIE with MoM (Section 3.2) are such that r < ∆l < λ 10 (6.1) As outlined in Section 3.2.4, in order to be able to accurately approximate the line currents on a wire structure, the segment length ∆l must be smaller than λ/10. Furthermore as (6.1) suggests, ∆l has at the same time a lower limit of r (Section 3.4). Large radii r therefore limit ∆l to a certain minimum length greater than r. Since higher frequencies f correspond to smaller wavelengths λ (c = λ · f ), and for small λ a finer discretization is needed (i.e. segments with sufficiently small ∆l). This implies that the wire radius r defines a maximum simulation frequency. With the “thick” segments of the logper antenna, this maximum frequency is at around 3 GHz, even though the physical antenna 110 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER is specified to work up to 5.2 GHz. In total 435 wire segments (including one source segment) are needed to model the logper antenna (Table 6.6). Its free-space far field pattern (simulated gain 5.2. . . 7 dBi) is shown in Fig. 6.8c). 6.4.4 Horn antenna The TX/RX horns mentioned in Chapter 5 were almost exclusively used for RC measurements (with the exception of a few special RC/horn simulations used for a coupling analysis). Since the frequency range of most of the simulations in this thesis was limited to 50 MHz. . . 1 GHz, horn antennas are not considered in the simulation vs. measurement comparisons discussed in Chapter 7. Reasons for the restriction to frequencies f ≤ 1 GHz were the prohibitive computational runtimes and memory requirements (cf. Section 3.4), along with the electromagnetically extremely sensitive RC structure at higher frequencies (discussed in Section 7.4.2). The horn antenna has an aperture of 0.21 m · 0.28 m with a rectangular waveguide feeding section of 0.088 m · 0.044 m and an overall length (waveguide shorting back-plate to horn aperture) of 0.445 m. It was modeled with 2 486 triangles and one segment for the excitation in the waveguide part. The free-space far field pattern (simulated gain 15.3. . . 17.1 dBi) of the horn antenna is shown in Fig. 6.8d). 6.5 Canonical equipment under test (CEUT) The term “canonical equipment under test (CEUT)” is normally encountered in so-called “round-robin-tests” where the aim is to compare emissions or immunity test results in various testing environments [138]. The CEUT serves as a “standardized” EUT which exhibits a consistent and reproducible radiation pattern. For simple CEUTs, the emission/immunity test response can be calculated even analytically. Comparisons are usually made between different laboratories (“inter-laboratory comparison”) where the tests are made in either similar (e.g. different ACs against each other) or dissimilar testing environments (e.g. OATS against AC). CEUTs are commonly also referred to as “imitated equipment” [180], “tightly specified test device” [138], “reference radiator” [181], “representative EUT” [182], or “artificial EUT emitter/receiver” [183]. A typical EMC test setup showing a box-type CEUT inside an RC is shown in Fig. 6.9. 6.5.1 Practical CEUT The following sections provide an introduction to CEUTs as they are used in practical emission and immunity EMC tests. Details on CEUTs modeled in the course of the RC simulations are given in Section 6.5.2. Emission CEUT In the emission case, the CEUT is typically a battery-powered device, so that feeding cables are not needed. With this approach, the EM field is not influenced by the layout of cables attached to the CEUT and their strong effect on the radiation characteristics is eliminated. CEUTs can be operated either in an autonomous or in an interactive mode, 6.5 CANONICAL EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST Chamber walls 111 EUT RX/TX antenna 2 RX/TX antenna 1 co N m ea pu r ta fie tio ld n pl an e V-stirrer axis y Chamber door z x 6-paddle V-stirrer Figure 6.9: Simulation model of the RC with EUT. Shown are two TX/RX logper antennas, which can be used as excitation or receive antenna depending on the test setup (immunity/emission). A canonical box-type EUT is measured in the RC. which allows certain settings to be controlled remotely by the user. Remote control capability is in practice usually provided through a fiber optic system (Section 5.2.2) with which the output power, frequency spectrum, or radiation pattern can be adjusted [180]. Fixed frequency as well as comb generators are used as the main active components inside a CEUT, where the first generate a very narrow and the latter a broad frequency spectrum (e.g. 5 MHz spacing with 30 . . . 2000 MHz detectable output). Other possible broadband excitation sources are comparison noise emitters (CNEs) [184]. As explained in detail below in Section 6.5.2, EM energy is radiated through one or more simple wire antennas (dipoles, loops) or one or more slots and gaps [182]. Immunity CEUT CEUTs for immunity testing are significantly less widely used and “standardized” than the ones for emissions mentioned above. Often devices for radiated immunity tests are purpose-built for a very specific setup. Examples of special CEUTs for reference immunity measurements are integrated circuit timers and comparators; combined with some simple circuitry it is possible to monitor from which field level threshold on they are 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER f = 600 MHz f = 300 MHz Models 112 Figure 6.10: Different canonical EUTs models (top) with their corresponding simulated 3-D free space radiation patterns at f = 300 MHz (middle) and f = 600 MHz (bottom). Shown are (from left to right) a realistic dipole (finite length), a loop, and a box EUT operated in slot mode (left) as well as in gap mode (right). “disturbed” in their normal operation [185, 186, 187]. There are also box-type immunity CEUTs where EM energy is coupled into the box through slots or gaps and picked up by a metal rod. Voltage across the ends of the rod is measured and modulates inside the CEUT an optical signal. This signal is output through a similar optic system as in the emission EUT [188]. The optical signal is detected outside the testing environment and serves as a measure of the field strength that the canonical immunity EUT is exposed to [84]. 6.5.2 CEUT modeling For both emission and immunity CEUT simulations, test objects were used which were already successfully employed in several round-robin tests (such as the FAR project of the European Union [189, 138, 183] and the RC, GTEM, FAR, and OATS comparisons carried out by the FCC in the U.S. [182, 190]). These box EUTs are made of thin brass sheets soldered together at the edges. The following CEUTs were modeled and simulated in both free-space (for validation purposes) and in the RC: 6.5 CANONICAL EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST 113 • realistic dipole, measuring 0.4 m in length • loop EUT, measuring 0.3 m · 0.3 m • box EUT, measuring 0.48 m· 0.48 m · 0.16 m (“gap mode”) or 0.48 m· 0.48 m· 0.12 m with a slot of 0.12 m · 0.04 m on the front panel (“slot mode”) For the box-type CEUT, EM radiation from the inside of the box to the outside (or vice versa) is possible through either the slot or the gap between the side panels and the top or through a combination of both slot and gap. Simulation models of the CEUTEs and CEUTIs along with their corresponding 3-D free space radiation patterns at 300 MHz and 600 MHz are shown in Fig. 6.10. Common requirements for EMC tests in RCs are that the EUT should take up less than 8%. . . 10% of the chamber volume [6]. This recommendation aims at preventing excessive RC loading and hence deterioration of field uniformity within the chamber. To reduce direct coupling between EUT walls and RC, the EUT must be located between λ/4 . . . λ/2 away from every conducting object (chamber walls, stirrers, antennas, etc.) at the LUF (see Fig. 2.10). These values correspond to maximum EUT volumes of 1.7. . . 2.2m3 and a minimum spacing towards any metallic object of 0.25. . . 0.5m in the prototype RC. The actual volume of the CEUT is significantly below these limits, its position was always adjusted to meet the requirements outlined above. All geometrical specifications and discretization details of these CEUTs are summarized in Table 6.7. Slot Mode In the so-called “slot mode”, the CEUT features a slot of 0.12 m · 0.04 m in one of the side walls (defined as the “front” of the CEUT, see Figure 6.10), through which radiation from the inside of the box to the outside is possible. The EM field is excited by connecting the Frequency range 50 MHz. . . 3 GHz Realistic dipole (0.4 m) 50 MHz. . . 3 GHz Loop (0.3 · 0.3 m2 ) 50 MHz. . . 1.2 GHz 50 MHz. . . 1.2 GHz 50 MHz. . . 1.2 GHz a c Canonical emission EUT type Box with slot c (0.48 · 0.48 · 0.12m3 ) Box with gap c (0.48 · 0.48 · 0.16m3 ) Box with slot and gap c (0.48 · 0.48 · 0.16m3 ) Number of segments / triangles 38 a / 0 120 a / 0 1 b / 922 1 b / 900 1 b / 906 excitation source was modeled with two segments b — — one segment height of the box EUT is either 0.12 m (slot mode) or 0.16 m (gap mode) Table 6.7: Discretization of the canonical emission EUTs (CEUTEs). 114 6 MODELING OF THE REVERBERATION CHAMBER outer conductor of a coaxial feeding cable to the center of the lower slot edge, running the inner conductor across the slot, and connecting it to the center of the upper slot edge. Measured and simulated values for the gain in this mode of operation are on the order of 6. . . 8 dBi in the 600. . . 1200 MHz frequency range [22, 186]. Gap Mode By closing the aforementioned slot and mounting the top side of the CEUT 0.04 m spaced away from the side walls, a gap is created which permits radiation of EM energy from circuitry placed inside the box CEUT to the outside. The coaxial cable that was used for the “slot mode” excitation is mounted in a similar fashion for the “gap mode”: the outer conductor of the coaxial cable is connected to the center of the lower gap edge; the inner conductor runs across the gap and is connected to the center of the upper gap edge, i.e. to the top side. Measured and simulated values for the directivity of the CEUT are on the order of 2. . . 3 dBi in the 600. . . 1200 MHz frequency range [22, 186]. Slot and Gap Mode The “slot and gap mode” CEUT combines the two apertures mentioned above. Excitation of the EM field is carried out by using the same configuration as described in the “gap mode” section. 6.6 Conclusion The general modeling procedure for reverberation chamber (RC) geometries was introduced along with a tool automating the generation of RC simulation input data. This tool allows the repeated, accurate, and consistent creation of a large number (on the order of several hundreds) of RC geometries where the only change in the structure is the step-by-step rotation of the stirrer. Once the stage of simple startup simulations had passed, the usage of this automated tool turned out to be an absolute necessity. Starting with a basic cavity, a comprehensive chamber model resembling the prototype RC was elaborated. Discretization of the structure was performed using triangular surface patches and wire segments which were chosen according to the frequency range of interest to minimize the computational effort. Obtaining and assigning reasonable values for materials used in RCs proved to be rather cumbersome: the problem was to find conductivity values for material as it is used in a shielded room construction, i.e. walls consisting of several interconnected sheets with intermediate overlapping flat stock. Therefore, an initial cavity model was used to obtain reasonable conductivity values for the RC walls and stirrers in the simulations. A prototype RC with and without door, cubic and corrugated chambers, and an offsetwall RC were modeled. Furthermore, eleven vertical and three horizontal stirrers as well as various transmit and receive antennas (Hertzian dipole, λ/2-dipole, biconical antenna, logper antenna, horn) were designed. The concept of a canonical equipment under test (CEUT) was introduced and three different CEUTs (dipole, loop, and box) were modeled in the style of the EUTs employed in several international round-robin tests. All structures designed and modeled in this chapter were used extensively throughout the simulations performed in the course of this thesis. 7 Reverberation Chamber Simulation and Measurement Abstract — This chapter summarizes the most significant results of reverberation chamber measurements and simulations. In the beginning, the procedure used to perform reverberation chamber data analysis is presented. The necessity of a rigorous simulation validation is emphasized and different methods along with their particular advantages and drawbacks are described. Measurements were chosen in this thesis to validate the simulation results. Firstly, cavity simulations are performed to investigate the influence of the door and to derive suitable conductivity values. These initial results are extended to reverberation chamber simulations, which are benchmarked against measurements. The effect of a rotating stirrer, the door, and several TX/RX antenna types within the reverberation chamber are analyzed. Comparisons of different chamber geometries (cubic, corrugated) versus the prototype reverberation chamber are carried out based on near field, correlation, and field uniformity. Various stirrer designs are evaluated with respect to their performance within the prototype reverberation chamber. The presence of different EUTs is investigated, and a loading, field uniformity, and coupling path analysis is performed. 7.1 Simulation and measurement workflow Separate sub-procedures structuring the modeling/simulation process and the measurement procedure were introduced in detail in Sections 5.2 and 6.1 (Fig. 5.7 and Fig. 6.1). This section integrates all procedures and summarizes the complete process to simulate RCs and to perform measurements in Fig 7.1: Following the guidelines in Section 6.1, initially the RC is designed with a 3-D CAD system [56]. A parameter generator is then employed to set the simulation frequencies and compute the data for the geometry discretization. Furthermore, the stirrer positions are selected as well as the position of the EUT, the TX and RX antennas and the location at which the near field is to be computed. This generator allows the automated setup of a large number of similar simulations, where e.g. only the rotational stirrer angle ϕ is varying. The final RC geometry along with discretization-related data is transferred back to the CAD system, which creates a mesh by generating a mixed triangle/segment discretization complying with the requirements laid out in Section 3.4. Discretization data is combined with the simulation settings in the preprocessor and passed on to the simulation kernel. After evaluating the pros and cons of different numerical methods as discussed in Section 3.1, an EFIE-based frequency-domain MoM field solver was chosen as the simulation kernel [54]. Once the surface and line currents are computed and stored (see Section 3.2), near field data and scattering parameters are calculated from the currents. Simulations without any indication for validity are inherently problematic: at best they are by chance correct, more often they are flawed in some way, and in the worst case the results represent expensive and possibly utter nonsense. A thorough validation of simulations by benchmarks is therefore absolutely necessary [108, 191]. Surprisingly in 115 116 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT the majority of published RC simulations (cf. Section 4.3) the choice was made either not to use any means of validation at all or to perform a validation utilizing unsuitable quantities. Especially the latter approach will be addressed in detail in Section 7.4.3 in this chapter. In general, there are three possible validation options for simulation results: • benchmark against analytically calculated results; this includes also an evaluation whether a simulated result “makes any sense” from a purely theoretical point of view • comparison with the results obtained with other EM solvers (preferably utilizing a completely different numerical method) • validation measurements (EM near field, far field, scattering parameters, etc.) These three approaches have each its particular advantages and disadvantages; the big (and essentially only) advantage of the analytical method is its simplicity and hence speed. For the validation of RC simulations, however the problematic aspects of analytical results dominate: first of all, the EM fields can only be computed in an ideal cavity without stirrers, antennas or an EUT inside. Secondly, analytic approaches usually assume infinite conductivity for the cavity (PEC); this implies that the quality factor bandwidth ∆fQ (Section 2.1.2) would be zero, i.e. at a given frequency f only a single mode (and possibly respective degenerate modes) could be excited and coupling between different non-degenerate modes does not exist. Realistic RCs however can only achieve sufficient statistical field uniformity if ∆fQ > 0 so that several modes are excited at a given frequency. Also lumped-elements circuit theory formulations cannot reproduce realistic RCs [13]. Using the results obtained with other EM solvers represents a suitable validation option. For comparisons, preferably solvers should be used based on a completely different numerical technique and with one solver operating in the frequency- and the other in the time-domain (e.g. MoM vs. FDTD). There are however also several problems associated with solver-to-solver benchmarks: a particular numerical method might be well-adapted to simulate an RC whereas an other may not. Some methods might not be able to simulate an RC simply because of the numerical size of the problem. In addition, RC simulations are time-consuming to run, expensive software needs to be bought, and there is a lot of experience required by the end-user (high-end EM field simulations still tend to be more “art” than just plugging in some numbers [178]). In this thesis, benchmarks by doing measurements were chosen as a validation technique. Although measurements are – similar to simulations – time-consuming too, and, in addition, expensive equipment is needed (cf. Section 5.2), they provide an useful insight into the “reality of the chamber physics”. This allows to identify critical parameters which are important when performing RC tests in practice, but which would be neglected otherwise in RC simulations. Certainly, as outlined in Section 5.3, special care needs to be taken of additional errors associated with measurements. During the course of this thesis, measurements performed in the prototype RC usually included the electric near field as well as forward and reflected power on all antennas. 7.2 CAVITY SIMULATION Geometry Modeling & Simulation Preprocessing Field Solver & Graphical User Interface Simulation Postprocessing & Measurement Data Acquisition 117 Data Parameter Extraction Generator 3D CAD Mesher MATLAB Interface® HyperMesh Simulation Data Process Geometry Conversion PreFEKO Interface ® FEKO® r r r r J, E, H, S Visualization WinFEKO GraphFEKO Data Extraction Database System Interface MS Access Measurement System Data & Statistics Extraction Benchmarks MoM Kernel MLFMM / PO Compliance ® ® MATLAB Interface® Figure 7.1: Schematic simulation, analysis, measurement, and benchmark procedure. Extensive details on the measurement system with a comprehensive error analysis can be found in Chapter 5. To facilitate data handling, both simulation and measurement results were gathered and fed directly into a database (cf. Fig. 7.1). With this procedure, benchmarks, statistical analyses, and 2-D/3-D visualizations of simulated and measured data are performed by retrieving the results from the database without the need to manipulate (e.g. scale, offset, etc.) underlying data – this in turn significantly reduces the probability of accidentally introducing errors. 7.2 Cavity simulation Initially, simulations considering a simple RC model without stirrers, doors or other geometrical details (in other words: a cavity) were performed to obtain reasonable conductivity values for the RC walls and stirrers as listed in Table 6.4. The cavity model used in the simulations is described in Section 6.1.2. For this purpose also stirrers in the 118 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT prototype RC were removed during measurements to match the simulation model. Furthermore, these preliminary simulations and measurements were used to identify chamber details having the biggest impact on the simulated and measured near field (e.g. ventilation honeycomb ducts, antenna cable and power line routing, or leakage through the stirrer motor bearings). The reason not to include the stirrer in this first comparison was to eliminate the possibility of deviations between simulations and measurements resulting merely from the rotational positioning accuracy of the stirrer paddles [192, 13]. The stability of the simulations was checked by simulating the same cavity at the same frequency using greatly different mesh discretizations of the walls: decreasing the triangular mesh size from 2 498 triangles to 13 236 triangles did not change the field distribution within the cavity at all [191]. None of the changes in discretization introduced any “numerical leakage” of EM energy from the inside to the outside of the chamber. Whether the field distribution made sense from a straightforward physical point of view was verified by examining if and how well boundary conditions for the EM fields were met at the cavity walls. The computational region was extended beyond the cavity walls so that the EM field could be easily checked for violations of the boundary conditions. In addition, the current distribution was checked against continuity errors [178]. This basic analysis did not bring up any major surprises, therefore the cavity model was used as a basis for the RC simulations shown from Section 7.4 on. 7.2.1 Effect of the chamber door First measurements taken in the cavity showed in the lower frequency range an excellent agreement with simulations, whereas for several higher frequencies considerable differences started to appear. Therefore the cavity was closely examined to identify the geometrical details causing the differences between the simulated and the real cavity. The prototype RC without stirrer was modified with different coaxial cable and power line routing, the simulated cavity was modeled with several modifications (walls with different conductivities, inclusion of the stirrer motor mount, etc.). This analysis revealed that by far the biggest perturbance seemed to be caused by the door. To facilitate modeling of the cavity, the door (among with other apertures) was neglected in the first simulation models. In subsequent simulations, the cavity door was included in a new model and proved to have a significant effect on the simulated results. Figure 7.2 clearly shows the strong, very frequency selective impact of the door on the simulated EM near field results: whereas at f = 200 MHz the field in the cavity with and without door is virtually identical, at f = 250 MHz a significant difference can be seen. As shown below in Section 7.3.1, a similar effect was noticed in later comparisons of RC measurements and simulations; for this reason, the door was also included in the final simulation model resembling the RC prototype. 7.2.2 Insertion of a stirrer After initial “door-modified” cavity simulations proved to make sense, a stirrer was modeled for the simulations and installed into the prototype RC (see Section 6.2). Figure 7.3 depicts a comparison between an RC without (left) and including (right) a six-paddle 7.2 CAVITY SIMULATION 119 y Without chamber door z x a) c) z x b) y Without chamber door y With chamber door z x y With chamber door z x d) Figure 7.2: Effect of the chamber door on the magnitude of the electric field |E| within a cavity at a) and b) f = 200 MHz and c) and d) at f = 250 MHz. Whereas at f = 200 MHz the field in the cavity with and without door is virtually identical, at f = 250 MHz a significant difference can be seen. Excitation is a biconical antenna. 120 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT y z x a) y z x b) Figure 7.3: Comparison of a) an empty cavity-like chamber against b) a reverberation chamber with a single vertical six-paddle stirrer. Depicted is the magnitude of the electric field |E| in the xy-plane at y = 1.73 m above the chamber bottom. The simulation frequency is 200 MHz, which is close to the TE312 /TM312 resonance in an ideal cavity. Excitation is a λ/2-dipole. stirrer at f = 200 MHz. Since at the start of this thesis measurements were not readily available, the empty cavity simulations were used to verify the simulation by benchmarking against the analytical results of a cavity. For the setup shown in Figure 7.3, benchmarking was performed against the ideal TE312 /TM312 resonance. Since the theoretical cavity has PEC walls contrary to the simulated one, this benchmark is only an estimate for the correctness of the numerical full-wave simulation. Rigorous measurements as presented from Section 7.4 onwards needed to be performed to clarify if the simulations can pass a benchmark test satisfactorily. Figure 7.3 clearly illustrates that the insertion of the large (in terms of wavelength λ) RC stirrer significantly changes the field distribution in the chamber, even at this comparatively low frequency [192]. 7.3 Prototype reverberation chamber analysis Considering the large variety of possible antenna and EUT locations, combinations of stirrer structures and different chambers, any thorough RC simulation will generate large amounts of data. In the following sections only the most important results are illustrated and discussed. 7.3 PROTOTYPE REVERBERATION CHAMBER ANALYSIS 121 Chamber Geometry Figure Wall Conductivity Door Dimensions Fig. 7.4a), 7.4e) “Medium” a No w×l×h Fig. 7.4b), 7.4f) “Medium” a Yes w×l×h Fig. 7.4c), 7.4g) “Medium” a Yes (w + 0.1 m) × l × h Fig. 7.4d), 7.4h) “High” a Yes w×l×h a see Table 6.4 for corresponding conductivity values Table 7.1: Simulation parameter overview for different RC geometries shown in Fig. 7.4. 7.3.1 Different reverberation chamber geometries After establishing a suitable model for the RC as noted above, the effect of the chamber door already observed in the cavity simulations could be reproduced also in the RC simulations: the simulated and measured results were in good agreement in the low frequency range f ≤ 250 MHz, which is still below fLUF . Similar as in the cavity simulations at certain frequencies f ≥ 300 MHz however considerable differences between RC measurements and simulations appeared. The difference in the magnitude of the simulated electric field strength in the RC model with and without the door for a fixed rotational stirrer angle of ϕ = 225◦ can be clearly seen: Figs. 7.4a) and 7.4e) show |E| computed in the xy-plane at a height of z = 2 m above the chamber bottom without and Figs. 7.4b) and 7.4f) including the door. Whereas the effect at a frequency of f = 250 MHz (Figs. 7.4a) vs. 7.4b)) is just a slight distortion of |E| in the nearest vicinity of the door, at f = 300 MHz in Figs. 7.4e) vs. 7.4f) a considerable change of the field distribution throughout the RC can be seen. As a result of this unexpected, yet significant effect, the RC door including the gasket is accounted for in the detailed model (cf. Section 6.1). The influence of the door along with other small geometric details increases with rising frequency (see also Section 7.4). Along with the necessity to consider small structural details it is essential to utilize correct inner dimensions in the RC simulations: The simulated chambers depicted in Figs. 7.4c) (f = 250 MHz) and 7.4g) (f = 300 MHz) are ∆w = 0.1 m wider than the other simulation models and the RC prototype. The length l and height h were kept identical to the dimensions in the chamber prototype. Compared with the RC simulation models shown in Figs. 7.4b) and 7.4f) which match all prototype dimensions w, l, and h, the electric field pattern changes completely for both frequencies, even if the corresponding free-space wavelength λ0 is much larger than the small geometrical modification ∆w of the RC. 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 122 a) b) e) f) y z x c) d) g) h) Figure 7.4: Magnitude of the electric field strength |E| simulated in the xy-plane at z = 2 m above the chamber bottom at f = 250 MHz in a). . . d) and f = 300 MHz in e). . . h). Analyzed is the effect of different RC geometries on the electric field: a) and e) simple partly symmetric RC without door, b) and f) detailed asymmetric RC with door, c) and g) RC which is ∆W = 0.1 m wider than the other RCs, d) and h) RC walls are of conductivity “High” (see Table 6.4). Excitation is a biconical antenna. Table 7.1 shows the differences between the various geometries. 7.3 PROTOTYPE REVERBERATION CHAMBER ANALYSIS 123 To investigate the numerical stability of the simulations, the RCs were modeled with various conductivity values. A comparison for two different conductivities is shown in Fig. 7.4: The chambers in Figs. 7.4d) and 7.4h) were simulated with the conductivity “High” (Table 6.4) at f = 250 MHz and f = 300 MHz. “Medium” conductivity results are shown in Figs. 7.4b) and 7.4f). As expected, for a higher conductivity value the magnitude of the electric field increases whereas the overall field pattern shape stays the same. Similar results are obtained for other conductivities, i.e. higher conductivity values consistently lead to higher, and lower conductivities to lower field magnitudes. Stability problems reported by other authors (e.g. [43, 86]) using different numerical techniques were not encountered. 7.3.2 Effect of a rotating stirrer In Section 7.2.2 it was already shown that the insertion of a non-rotating stirrer into a rectangular cavity changes significantly the field distribution. In an RC analysis it is of particular interest to analyze how the field distribution changes as the stirrer rotates. This effect inside the detailed RC with door is displayed in Fig. 7.5. The vertical sixpaddle stirrer is rotated incrementally in steps of ∆ϕ = 5◦ between ϕ = 0◦ and ϕ = 355◦ . A subset of this data with ∆ϕ = 30◦ (between ϕ = 0◦ and ϕ = 210◦ ) is shown in Fig. 7.5: The near field is computed at a height of z = 2 m above the chamber bottom in the xyplane at a frequency of f = 400 MHz. It can be clearly seen how the magnitude of the electric field varies. The excitation is a logper antenna positioned in front of the chamber door and pointing towards the stirrer. Large E-field variations over one stirrer revolution verify the effectiveness of this stirrer even for relatively low frequencies [193]. This stirrers’ performance is compared below in Section 7.7 against five other stirrers operated within the simulated prototype RC. 7.3.3 Different reverberation chamber excitations An important issue for reliable RC simulations is the implementation of the excitation source in the numerical code, as mentioned before in Section 4.3. To facilitate the discretization of the RC structure and the simulation setup, often an ideal Hertzian dipole is used, implicitly assuming that the effect on the actual field distribution inside the chamber will be rather small. Whereas the assumption that different antennas will lead to similar results in a statistical sense (i.e. a large number of samples taken from a large number of stirrer positions, see Section 2.4) is certainly true, the results for a given, fixed stirrer position are strongly dependent on a particular antenna: Fig. 7.6a) depicts the magnitude of the electric field obtained inside the detailed asymmetric RC at a frequency of f = 300 MHz using an ideal Hertzian dipole compared with a broadband logper antenna in Fig. 7.6b). Both the Hertzian dipole and the center of the active region of the logper antenna at f = 300 MHz were positioned at the same location inside the RC. The difference in the field pattern is quite remarkable and can be attributed to the strong coupling between the excitation antenna and the RC itself. Moreover, not only the type, but also the correct (in the sense that it agrees with the antenna setup in the measurement prototype) positioning and alignment of an excitation 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 124 j = 0° j = 30° j = 60° y j = 120° j = 150° z j = 90° x j = 180° j = 210° Figure 7.5: Magnitude of the electric field strength |E| at f = 400 MHz simulated in the xy-plane at a height of z = 2 m above the chamber bottom. The vertical six-paddle stirrer is rotated from one position to the next by ∆ϕ = 30◦ . Excitation is a logper antenna in front of the chamber door. 7.3 PROTOTYPE REVERBERATION CHAMBER ANALYSIS 125 antenna are important for the simulation: As a reference configuration, the setup in Fig. 7.6b) is used, where the logper antenna is positioned at x0 = −0.80 m, y0 = 0.70 m, z0 = −0.08 m – with (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0) being the geometric center of the RC – and at an alignment angle of 0◦ . The rotational stirrer angle in Fig. 7.6 remained fixed for all simulations at ϕ = 45◦ . Compared to the reference position and alignment of the logper antenna in Fig. 7.6b), Fig. 7.6c) reveals that the field pattern changes significantly if the excitation antenna is moved by ∆x = 0.2 m into +x-direction. Instead of e.g. four peaks in the xz-cut plane at y = −L/2 in Fig. 7.6b), only three maxima occur in Fig. 7.6c). A somewhat different effect can be seen in Fig. 7.6d) if the excitation antenna remains at (x0 , y0 , z0 ), but is aligned at an angle of 90◦ perpendicularly instead of parallel to the RC side walls: similar as in Fig. 7.6b) four peaks of the electric field magnitude in the xz-cut plane exist, they are however slightly shifted in Fig. 7.6d). In addition, the overall field pattern throughout the RC in both Fig. 7.6c) (shifted excitation antenna) and Fig. 7.6d) (perpendicular excitation antenna) is quite different compared with the reference configuration depicted in Fig. 7.6b). The results shown in Figs. 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 clearly indicate that a correct validation of the simulated results through measured field data is only possible with an RC simulation model accounting for seemingly insignificant small geometric details (indentations such as a door or protrusions from stirrer mounts) and utilizing appropriate conductivity values for the chamber materials. Furthermore, realistic as well as correctly positioned and aligned TX/RX antennas, which resemble the actual antennas employed in the prototype chamber, must be considered in any meaningful RC simulation model. Excitation Antenna Figure Type Position Angle biconical (x0 , y0 , z0 ) 0◦ Fig. 7.3a), 7.3b) λ/2-dipole (x0 , y0 , z0 ) 0◦ Fig. 7.6a), 7.10a) Hertzian dipole (x0 , y0 , z0 ) 0◦ Fig. 7.6b), 7.10b) logper (x0 , y0 , z0 ) 0◦ Fig. 7.6c) logper (x0 + 0.2 m, y0 , z0 ) 0◦ Fig. 7.6d), 7.10c) logper (x0 , y0 , z0 ) 90◦ Fig. 7.2 Table 7.2: Simulation parameter overview for the different types of reverberation chamber excitations shown in Figs. 7.3, 7.6 and 7.10. 126 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT a) c) y z x b) d) Figure 7.6: Magnitude of the electric field strength |E| simulated in the reverberation chamber at f = 300 MHz for different excitations: a) Hertzian dipole, b) logper antenna, c) logper antenna shifted by ∆x = 0.2 m into +x-direction, d) logper antenna pivoted by 90◦ , i.e. aligned perpendicularly instead of parallel to the chamber side walls. Table 7.2 shows at a glance the details of the different excitation settings. 7.4 MEASUREMENT VERSUS SIMULATION 127 7.4 Measurement versus simulation The RC simulations were validated by extensive measurements; only a subset of the total amount of comparison data is presented in this section. Due to unavailability of measurement equipment no validation has been carried out based on the magnetic field H. 7.4.1 Measurement setup Fig. 5.7 shows the equipment setup used for measurements of the electric near field as well as the forward and reverse power of the TX and RX antennas. As noted in Section 5.2, these antennas were not used for near field measurements as they provide insufficient spatial field resolution. Measurements of the near field were taken using diode-equipped field probes (Section 5.2.2) measuring simultaneously |Ex |, |Ey |, and |Ez | components of the electric field. Comparisons between simulated and measured results in this thesis are based on the absolute value of the electric field strength |E| as defined in (2.73). The following issues were found to have the biggest impact on the agreement between measured and simulated results: • position and alignment of the field probe in the measurement is not the same as in the simulation • small geometric details of the prototype RC are not accurately modeled in the simulation (Section 7.3.1) • the excitation antenna used in the simulation is different from the actual antenna in the prototype (Section 7.3.3) • unintentional loading of the prototype RC (Section 5.3.2) • rotational stirrer angle in the simulation deviates from the measurement setup • RF cable routing from the coaxial feed-through panel to the TX and RX antennas (Section 5.3.2) As mentioned in Section 5.3, the first issue was resolved by positioning the field probes inside the RC using a coarse optical measurement grid of 0.1 m×0.1 m on the chamber floor in combination with laser range distance metering for final precision alignment. By including the RC door into the simulation model, a better agreement between simulated and measured results was achieved. To avoid unintentional loading and distortion of the EM field, tripods were removed and antennas either suspended from the chamber ceiling with plastic ropes and Velcro or placed onto styrofoam blocks (see Fig. 5.10). An encoder-controlled servo-motor and a special anti-backlash gearbox facilitate an angular positioning accuracy of the vertical 6-paddle stirrer of ∆ϕ < 1◦ . Coaxial RF cables were routed as close as possible to the walls of the prototype RC to reduce field distortion, unnecessary power lines and cable ducts were removed. 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 128 |E | [V/m] 100 90 80 j= |E | [V/m] 100 90° f = 300 MHz Simulation Measurement 90 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 0.4 0 y [m] -0.4 0.8 0 -1.2 1.2 j= -0.8 0 y [m] -0.4 a) |E | [V/m] 100 90 80 j= |E | [V/m] 100 90° f = 500 MHz Simulation Measurement 90 80 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 b) 70 0 -1.2 135° f = 300 MHz Simulation Measurement 0.4 0.8 1.2 c) 0 -1.2 j= 135° f = 500 MHz Simulation Measurement -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] d) Figure 7.7: Comparison between measurement and simulation of the magnitude of the electric field strength |E| along a line in the reverberation chamber (x = 0.77 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 2 m). |E| is shown for two rotational stirrer positions of ϕ = 90◦ and ϕ = 135◦ at frequencies of a), b) f = 300 MHz and c), d) f = 500 MHz. Excitation source is a biconical antenna at f = 300 MHz and a logper antenna at f = 500 MHz. Note the good agreement between measurements and simulations. 7.4.2 Near field based simulation validation In an RC immunity or emission test there is usually very little, if any, interest in actual measured near field data. The laborious procedure of near field measurements is only carried out for the purpose of chamber calibration and the gathered data is immediately “processed” to compute specific performance measures of the RC such as statistical field homogeneity (Section 2.7), randomness of polarization, correlation coefficients 7.4 MEASUREMENT VERSUS SIMULATION |E | [V/m] 100 90 80 j= |E | [V/m] 100 90° f = 700 MHz Simulation Measurement 90 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 0 y [m] -0.4 129 0.4 0.8 1.2 j= 0 -1.2 -0.8 0 y [m] -0.4 a) |E | [V/m] 100 90 80 j= |E | [V/m] 100 90° f = 1000 MHz Simulation Measurement 90 80 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] c) 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 b) 70 0 -1.2 135° f = 700 MHz Simulation Measurement 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 -1.2 j= 135° f = 1000 MHz Simulation Measurement -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] d) Figure 7.8: Comparison between measurement and simulation of the magnitude of the electric field strength |E| along a line in the reverberation chamber (x = 0.77 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 2 m). |E| is shown for two rotational stirrer positions of ϕ = 90◦ and ϕ = 135◦ at frequencies of a), b) f = 700 MHz and c), d) f = 1000 MHz. Excitation source is a logper antenna. Compared with Fig. 7.7, note how the agreement between measurements and simulations progressively deteriorates as the frequency increases. (Section 2.5), standard deviations (Section 2.7), or field anisotropy and inhomogeneity coefficients (Section 2.3) [6]. These parameters are perfectly suited to analyze the performances of different RCs – they are however not suitable at all for the comparison of RC simulation results against measurements: Since completely different EM fields can still generate an identical field uniformity, the same correlation coefficient or equal anisotropy coefficients, a thorough validation of RC simulation results cannot be accomplished using this type of “processed data”. “Processed data” can be classified as any 130 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT result obtained from large sets of values (e.g. electric field values measured or simulated in several points over one stirrer revolution) to create one single metric (such as a correlation coefficient). Generally, any kind of data which cannot be uniquely “mapped” to a corresponding near field or current distribution, should not be used for the validation of an RC simulation. Therefore it was decided to use “raw”, “unprocessed” near field data to benchmark simulated results. Fig. 7.7 and Fig. 7.8 depict the mangitude of the electric field |E| measured along a line in the y-direction (x = 0.77 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 2 m) within the RC compared against the simulation. |E| is shown for two rotational stirrer positions of ϕ = 90◦ and ϕ = 135◦ at frequencies of f = 300 MHz, 500 MHz, 700 MHz, and 1000 MHz. In addition, Fig. 7.9 exhibits a comparison between measurement and simulation, where the RC simulation was carried out once with and once without door. Excitation source is a biconical antenna for f = 200 MHz, f = 250 MHz, f = 300 MHz and a logper antenna in the f = 500 . . . 1000 MHz range. For lower frequencies (Fig. 7.7, f = 300 MHz, 500 MHz) simulation and measurement agree well (with the exception of some field values taken next to the RC walls, which might be due to limitations in the simulation method or proximity coupling effects between the field probes and the chamber walls). As the frequency is increased to f = 700 MHz and 1000 MHz (Fig. 7.8), the agreement between measurements and simulations progressively deteriorates: Whereas some measured peaks in Fig. 7.8 can still be reproduced by the simulation, others are shifted in their location or appear significantly distorted. In order to quantify the (dis-)agreement between simulated (Es ) and measured (Em ) electric field, a general norm can be used rather than employing a visual “quality agreement” [12]. The spatial p-norm in its most general form is denoted by xp = ) p |x1 | + |x2 | + · · · + |xn |p p≥1 (7.1) Stirrer position ϕ Figure Frequency 90◦ 135◦ Fig. 7.7a), b) 300 MHz 6.6 V/m 4.6 V/m Fig. 7.7c), d) 500 MHz 9.7 V/m 9.9 V/m Fig. 7.8a), b) 700 MHz 21.5 V/m 23.1 V/m Fig. 7.8c), d) 1000 MHz 23.6 V/m 16.7 V/m Table 7.3: Agreement between simulation and measurement (Fig. 7.7 and Fig. 7.8) expressed by a normalized spatial 2-norm ∆E as defined by (7.3). 7.4 MEASUREMENT VERSUS SIMULATION 131 Adapted to EM fields, the 2-norm (also called Euclidean vector norm) is defined as E2 = ) Es | − |Em 2 (7.2) wherein |Es | and |Em | are the magnitude of the simulated and measured electric field, respectively. More specifically applied to RCs, the normalized spatial 2-norm ( M 2 (|Es (xi , yi , zi )| − |Em (xi , yi , zi )|) i=1 ∆E √ = (7.3) ∆E = √ M M can be used, where M denotes the total number of spatial positions (xi , yi , zi ) used for comparison. A perfect agreement between measurement and simulation would result in ∆E = 0. The normalized spatial 2-norm ∆E is listed in Table 7.3. ∆E was computed for both stirrer angles ϕ = 90◦ and ϕ = 135◦ using the data shown in Fig. 7.7 and Fig. 7.8 and confirms the good agreement between simulation and measurement for lower frequencies as well as the progressive deterioration in the higher frequency range. This “breakdown” of the simulation starting from f > 600 . . . 700 MHz is related to the fact that the EM field inside an RC becomes extremely sensitive to even tiny geometric details. Ironically this sensitivity is highly desirable for the proper operation of an RC (even a very small stirrer step angle will change the field distribution), but renders a simulation practically not feasible at higher frequencies f fLUF – unless one is willing to undertake the challenge to model and discretize virtually every nut and bolt of the chamber [67]. |E | [V/m] RC without door 100 f = 200 MHz 90 j = 225° Biconical Simulation 80 feed antenna Measurement 70 RC with door |E | [V/m] RC without door 100 f = 250 MHz 90 j = 225° Biconical Simulation 80 feed antenna Measurement 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] a) 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] RC with door 0.4 0.8 1.2 b) Figure 7.9: Influence of the chamber door: comparison between measurement and simulation of the magnitude of the electric field strength |E|. |E| is shown at a rotational stirrer position of ϕ = 225◦ and frequencies of a) f = 200 MHz and b) f = 250 MHz. 132 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 7.4.3 Statistical benchmarks As the EM field within an RC is completely deterministically defined for a fixed rotational stirrer angle ϕ = ϕ0 and at a given position (x0 , y0 , z0 ), near field based validations of a simulation can be carried out as presented in Section 7.4 as well as Fig. 7.7, Fig. 7.8, and Fig. 7.9. Since RCs are usually regarded as a “statistical” EMC test environment, most papers report a simulation validation based exclusively on statistics (see Section 4.3). The problem with this approach is that chances are high to find an excellent agreement between statistics of simulated and theoretical or measured data even if there is total disagreement between the field simulation and the measurement. Fig. 7.10 shows the statistical distribution of the simulated electric field strength |E|/|Emax | sampled in a rectangular test volume of 0.5 m× 1.0 m× 0.5 m (width ∆w × length ∆l × height ∆h) within the RC. These results were obtained with three different excitation antennas: a) ideal Hertzian dipole, b) logper antenna, and c) logper antenna pivoted by 90◦ . Although the near field excited in the RC by the three antenna configurations has only very little in common (cf. Fig. 7.6), all electric field histograms exhibit a fairly good agreement with the theoretically expected χ(6) distribution for the field magnitude. This is especially true for the logper versus the pivoted logper antenna. The Hertzian dipole exhibits from a visual point of view a slight deviation from the analytical χ(6) distribution (this effect is addressed also in Section 7.6.3 below). A statistical goodness-of-fit test (see Section 2.4.4) indicates that the hypothesis of a χ(6) EM field distribution obtained with a Hertzian dipole excitation as shown in Fig. 7.10 will be rejected. For the two logper antenna orientations however, a goodness-of-fit test accepts the hypothesis of a χ(6) distribution. Looking only at the simulated EM fields processed to a statistical distribution, one would accept the two RC simulation results using the logper TX antenna as “correct”, possibly also the one with the Hertzian dipole. Contrary to this, the only simulated near field that matches measurements in the RC prototype, results from the logper antenna in its standard position as indicated in Fig. 7.7 and Fig. 7.8. Therefore one cannot conclude that a simulation showing the χ(6) (respectively χ2(6) ) behavior is correct in the sense that it approximates the actual field inside an RC. Validations exclusively based on statistics allow only the conclusion that the EM simulator works well as a rather sophisticated random number generator producing 2-D Gaussian-distributed Ex , Ey , and Ez field components – they do not reveal how well reality is reproduced in a simulation. 7.5 Corrugated and cubic reverberation chamber To investigate the influence of a particular RC design on the EM near field and on typical RC parameters (field uniformity, correlation, etc.), two other RCs were modeled in addition to the prototype RC: • Cubic RC, 2.90 m×2.90 m×2.90 m (see Section 6.1.4) • Corrugated RC, 2.70 m×2.30 m×2.90 m “mean” inner dimensions taking into account the height of the corrugations (see Section 6.1.4) 7.5 CORRUGATED AND CUBIC REVERBERATION CHAMBER Analytical c(6)-distribution Number of samples 500 133 Distribution of simulated fields Hertzian dipole Logper antenna 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 a) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 |E | 1 |Emax| b) Number of samples 500 Logper 90° pivoted 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 |E | | E 1 max| c) Figure 7.10: Statistical distribution of the normalized magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E|/|Emax | within the RC. Results shown were calculated at a frequency f = 500 MHz and cumulated from angular stirrer positions of ϕ = 0◦ . . . 355◦ with 5◦ step angle using different excitation antenna types and orientations: a) ideal Hertzian dipole, b) logper antenna, c) logper antenna pivoted by 90◦ . Regardless of the excitation antenna, the simulation results match well an analytical χ(6) distribution – although the simulated near field of a) and c) differs greatly from b) which is the only one agreeing with measurements. In total, 6 000 samples were used to plot each histogram. The prototype RC is used in this thesis as a reference chamber for benchmarks against the other RCs. In all RCs the same vertical 6-paddle stirrer is utilized, consisting of six square plates of size 0.60 m × 0.60 m, rotationally offset around the stirrer axis by 60◦ . The slanting angle of each plate is 45◦ vs. the stirrer axis (see Section 6.2). The choice to use identical stirrers was made to facilitate the comparison between different RCs, with the shape and dimensions of the chamber walls being the only variables. The wedges in the corrugated RC have an amplitude of 0.1 m and a valley-to-valley distance of 0.15 m. 134 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 7.5.1 Simulated near field distribution For the prototype versus cubic versus corrugated RC comparisons, the three chambers were simulated over a frequency range of 50 . . . 500 MHz (frequency resolution 10, 25 and 50 MHz) with a rotational stirrer increment angle of 5◦ resulting in 72 stirrer steps. The three-component electric and magnetic near field was computed in ten equally spaced planes parallel to the xy-plane with a spatial resolution of 0.05 m, i.e. near field data is available at 27 440 points throughout the chamber. With Fig. 7.11 it is possible to compare qualitatively the different chambers: depicted is the magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E| computed at a height of z = 2 m above the chamber bottom. Results shown were calculated at a frequency of f = 300 MHz and three angular positions of ϕ = 0◦ , 10◦ , 20◦ . The chamber performance can be qualitatively analyzed by looking at the change of the overall field distribution and by examining how the field varies in the cut planes at x = −1.45 m and y = −1.25 m from one stirrer step to the next. The simulated EM near field within the RCs is utilized to investigate further the following two controversially discussed statements: • The idea to decrease the LUF by using corrugated chamber walls to enhance the field uniformity was suggested by several authors (e.g. [173]) – however the approach presented in [173] is somewhat questionable since the “supporting data” was achieved by changing twice antenna locations, shifting the frequency twice and neglecting the worst 25% of the totally obtained data set. In addition there is literature stating that great surface irregularities, such as corrugations, tend to increase the difficulty of providing uniform EM fields within devices similar to RCs. Already in e.g. [71] (see Section 4.1) it is outlined that for the application of microwave food heating “it has been found that great surface irregularities [. . . ], for example deep corrugations, tend to increase the difficulty of providing uniform heating”. This in turn supports the theory that corrugations do not enhance EM field uniformity within an RC. • As shown in the modal analysis in Section 2.2, when choosing a rectangular room as a basis for building an RC, ideally the dimensions should not be simple multiples or rational fractions of each other. The idea governing this statement is that this choice will result in the largest number of (non-degenerate) modes with different resonance frequencies, which is usually thought to improve chamber performance particularly at lower frequencies [6]. As shown in Section 2.2.1 (Fig. 2.2. . . Fig. 2.5), cubic cavities suffer from mode degeneration so that the usually required “∂N/∂f = 1.5 modes/MHz above cutoff”-criterion is reached consistently only at much higher frequencies compared to a cavity of similar rectangular, but non-cubic shape. Nevertheless several authors claim that cubic chambers may generate a more uniform field than standard rectangular RCs (e.g. [75]). Visually inspecting the near field however does not yield a final conclusive (and especially quantitative) answer – it is necessary to take a closer look at the two key RC parameters: field correlation and spatial field uniformity over a broad frequency range. Results presented in this thesis focus on the frequency range close to the LUF where the corrugations or the cubic shape should show the biggest impact. 7.5 CORRUGATED AND CUBIC REVERBERATION CHAMBER 10° 20° Prototype RC 0° 135 y z x a) y z x b) c) 10° 20° Cubic RC 0° y z x d) y z e) f) 10° Corrugated RC 0° y g) x z 20° x y h) z x i) Figure 7.11: Magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E| computed in the xy-plane at a height z = 2 m above the chamber bottom. Results shown were calculated at a frequency f = 300 MHz and at angular stirrer positions of ϕ = 0◦ . . . 20◦ for different chamber geometries: a). . . c) prototype RC; d). . . f) cubic RC; g). . . i) corrugated RC. Excitation antenna was a logper antenna in all chambers, see Fig. 6.8c). 136 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 7.5.2 Correlation analysis As opposed to the qualitative field-pattern-based analysis of different stirrers shown before, the correlation allows a quantitative comparison. The correlation coefficient ρ(ϕ) is calculated from the magnitude of the electric field |E| sampled at 8 corner points on the top and bottom side of a 0.4 · 1.0 · 1.0 m3 test volume located z = 1 m above the chamber floor. Each data point in Fig. 7.12 corresponds to the absolute value of the correlation |ρ(ϕj )| between the simulated |E| for the reference stirrer angle ϕ0 = 0◦ and |E| for ϕj = 0◦ . . . 355◦ calculated as described in Section 2.5. The moderate slopes of |ρ(ϕj )| in Fig. 7.12 at f = 100 MHz and f = 150 MHz for all RCs indicates that the stirrer is still rather ineffective in providing a large number of sufficiently uncorrelated samples at low frequencies. The cubic RC shows the best correlation-based performance at these frequencies. At f = 250 MHz and f = 300 MHz however the corrugated RC exhibits a good performance whereas in the cubic RC only relatively high correlation values are obtained (Fig. 7.12). |ρ(ϕj )| of the prototype chamber reaches intermediate levels at both frequencies. From a correlation point of view, neither the cubic nor the corrugated RC exhibit convincing results across all frequencies which would clearly outclass the standard rectangular prototype RC [19]. 7.5.3 Field uniformity As introduced in Section 2.7, the field uniformity within an RC is expressed in terms of the combined three-axis standard deviation σxyz and the single-axis standard deviations σx , σy , and σz as proposed in [6]. These quantities are calculated from the three components of the electric field Ex (xi , yi , zi ), Ey (xi , yi , zi ), and Ez (xi , yi , zi ). For both the per-axis standard deviations σ̃ξ as well as the combined standard deviation σ̃xyz , the IEC 61000-4-21 standard [6] requires for a “well operating” RC with sufficient statistical field uniformity and a given uncertainty within all frequencies 80 MHz ≤ f ≤ 100 MHz σ̃ξ ≤ 4 dB and σ̃xyz ≤ 4 dB (7.4) For frequencies 100 MHz ≤ f ≤ 400 MHz, the limits for σ̃ξ and σ̃xyz decrease linearly from 4 dB to 3 dB. Finally, σ̃ξ ≤ 3 dB and σ̃xyz ≤ 3 dB (7.5) is required for all frequencies f ≥ 400 MHz. Fig. 7.13 shows the statistical field uniformity envelopes of σ̃ξ and σ̃xyz for all three RCs. As expected, at frequencies in the 50 . . . 250 MHz range, the field uniformity is clearly insufficient in all chambers, whereas the cubic RC performs the worst. Starting from f > 300 MHz however, sufficient statistical field uniformity is achieved, indicated by electrical field standard deviations on the order of σ̃ ≤ 3 dB – with the exception of the cubic RC exhibiting significantly higher values at some frequencies, e.g. at f ≈ 400 MHz. Detailed per-component field uniformities can be found in Appendix D, Fig. D.3. . . Fig. D.5. As a summary, neither a cubic chamber nor an RC with corrugations on the walls exhibits consistently superior or inferior field uniformity performance. Especially the cubic 7.5 CORRUGATED AND CUBIC REVERBERATION CHAMBER Correlation |r(j)| 1 Correlation |r(j)| 1 f = 100 MHz 0.9 0.6 0.6 Cubic RC 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 60 120 Correlation |r(j)| 1 180 240 Stirrer angle j [°] 300 360 Prototype RC Corrugated RC 0.8 0 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 120 120 180 240 Stirrer angle j [°] 300 360 0 180 240 Stirrer angle j [°] 300 360 f = 300 MHz Prototype RC Corrugated RC 0.8 Cubic RC 60 60 0.9 0.7 0 0 Correlation |r(j)| 1 f = 200 MHz 0.9 Cubic RC 0.7 0.5 0 Prototype RC Corrugated RC 0.8 Prototype RC Corrugated RC 0.7 0 f = 150 MHz 0.9 0.8 137 Cubic RC 0 60 120 180 240 Stirrer angle j [°] 300 360 Figure 7.12: Absolute value of the correlation coefficient |ρ(ϕ)| as a function of stirrer angle ϕ = 0◦ . . . 355◦ in the prototype RC, the corrugated RC, and the cubic RC at a frequency of f = 100 MHz and f = 150 MHz (top) as well as f = 200 MHz and f = 300 MHz (bottom). RC does not perform as bad as always alleged, mainly due to the fact that the field distribution within a cubic RC (including a stirrer) does not have anything in common with the fields observed in a cubic cavity. The presence of a stirring device shifts the modes in frequency depending on their respective field distribution away from the analytically calculated resonance frequencies [19]. Therefore the usually observed problem of degenerate modes does not come into play within a cubic RC and contrary to the widely accepted RC design guidelines [6] a cubic RC will not exhibit worse (or better) performance than other rectangular RCs. 138 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line Prototype RC Corrugated RC 5 Cubic RC 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure 7.13: Envelopes of the statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ in the prototype RC, the corrugated RC, and the cubic RC obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). Corresponding detailed per-component field uniformities are shown in Fig. D.3. . . Fig. D.5. 7.6 Equipment under test simulation For the analysis of EUTs within an RC, the prototype RC as shown in Fig. 6.9 was used along with the canonical EUTs (CEUTs) modeled in Section 6.5.2. 7.6.1 Simulated near field distribution Near field simulations were performed over a frequency range of 50. . . 1000 MHz (frequency resolution 10, 25 and 50 MHz) with a rotational stirrer increment angle of 5◦ resulting in 72 stirrer steps. The three component electric and magnetic near field was computed in ten equally spaced planes parallel to the xy-plane with a spatial resolution of 0.05 m, i.e. near field data is available at 27 440 points throughout the chamber. With Fig. 7.14 it is possible to investigate the effects caused by placing different EUTs within the RC: depicted is the magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E| computed at a height of z = 2 m above the chamber bottom. The chamber is operated in the immunity testing mode. Results shown were calculated at a frequency of f = 400 MHz and a fixed stirrer position of ϕ = 210◦. The chamber loading can be qualitatively analyzed by looking at the change of the overall field distribution and by examining how the field varies in the cut planes at x = −1.45 m and y = −1.25 m: shown is the empty RC without EUT in Fig. 7.14a), the RC with the loop EUT in Fig. 7.14b), and the box EUT operated in gap mode configuration in Fig. 7.14c). These CEUTs are tested for immunity, i.e. they are “passive” and the excitation is the logper antenna in front 7.6 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST SIMULATION y z x a) b) y c) 139 z x d) Figure 7.14: Magnitude of the electric field strength |E| simulated in the reverberation chamber at f = 400 MHz with different canonical EUTs: a) RC without CEUT, b) RC with loop CEUT (immunity), c) RC with box CEUT operated in gap mode (immunity), d) RC with box CEUT operated in gap mode (emission). the RC door. When comparing Fig. 7.14a) and Fig. 7.14b) (i.e. empty and loop EUT loaded RC) it is immediately apparent that the loading introduced by the loop EUT is very small at f = 400 MHz: the change of the electric field pattern and magnitude is almost negligible, which is due to the small size of the loop EUT together with its high conductivity of 1.1·106 S/m. Increased loading of the chamber can be seen in Fig. 7.14c): As the box EUT is placed inside the RC, the magnitude of the electric field is reduced, the overall field distribution however remains similar to the one in the unloaded RC depicted in Fig. 7.14a). The latter is an indication that the box EUT (conductivity also 1.1 · 106 S/m) loads the chamber only moderately - simulations performed during the 140 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line No EUT Loop EUT 5 Box EUT 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] No EUT 400 500 600 Figure 7.15: Envelopes of the statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ without an EUT, with the canonical loop EUTs, and the box EUT, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). course of this thesis involving larger EUTs and hence higher losses showed that strong loading of the chamber is exhibited by a reduction in field magnitude and at the same time a significant change in the field distribution, starting from locally around the position of the EUT to globally throughout the entire chamber with increasing EUT-induced loading [194]. Fig. 7.14d) exhibits the electric field distribution obtained when the box CEUT is tested for emissions, so that the logper antenna serves as a receiving antenna picking up EM fields radiated by the “active” CEUT. It can be seen that the fields close to the box CEUT show some similarity for the emission and the immunity configuration; further away from the CEUT however, this resemblance gradually diminishes. As the frequency is increased, this effect becomes more and more pronounced [194]. 7.6.2 Field uniformity The field uniformity with the CEUTs placed inside the RC was computed as outlined in Section 2.7 and [6]. Field uniformity computations are based on the simulated electric near field with the respective stirrer in operation in the prototype RC and are shown in Fig. 7.15. The “volume of uniform field” has dimensions of ∆w = 0.4 m · ∆l = 1 m · ∆h = 1 m. As expected, at frequencies in the 50. . . 250 MHz range, the field uniformity is insufficient. This is due to the chamber size as well as geometry (the “at least 1.5 modes/MHz” and “more than 100 modes above cutoff” criteria are passed around f = 270 MHz) and the stirrer effectiveness. Starting from 350 MHz, sufficient statistical field uniformity is achieved for all CEUTs within the testing volume, indicated by electrical field standard deviations of σ̂ ≤ 3 dB. 7.6 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST SIMULATION 141 Without any EUT in the RC the field uniformity exhibits the best performance; as the loading is increased from the simple loop EUT to the box EUT, field uniformity values slightly worse than in the “empty RC” setup are obtained in the simulation. For the whole frequency range of f = 350 . . . 600 MHz (and also higher), however, the percomponent and the combined field uniformity σ̂ remains below 3 dB, confirming that the loading of the RC even with the relatively large box EUT is still within an acceptable level. With the near field distribution investigated in Section 7.6.1 and shown in Fig. 7.14, this result is a logical implication. Detailed per-component and the combined field uniformity σ̂ plots for all canonical EUTs can be found in Appendix D, Fig. D.12. . . Fig. D.14. Fig. D.15 also exhibits the field uniformity obtained with a much larger EUT within the RC, which clearly loads the chamber beyond its maximum limit. In order to perform EMC tests complying with [6], either a larger RC needs to be utilized or the requirements on the field uniformity and hence uncertainty of the results must be relaxed. 7.6.3 TX/RX antenna coupling As mentioned in Section 7.3.3, often analytical point or line sources and ideal Hertzian dipoles are employed for RC simulations, because they are easy to implement in a numerical code. This is problematic due to undesirable coupling effects between an EUT and the TX/RX antenna setup. Generally, the following classification can be made for typical RC operation modes and the resulting magnitude of the electric field |E| (it is always assumed that the underlying EM field ensembles are statistically independent) [126] • Strong dominant direct (i.e. deterministic) coupling path and comparatively small multi-path propagation (this implies in terms of the traditional signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) → ∞): |E| is Gaussian distributed with nonzero mean (see Section C.2). • Little direct (i.e. deterministic) coupling and mostly multi-path propagation (e.g. SNR= 10): |E| is Rice distributed (also known as noncentral χ(6) , Section C.2). • No direct coupling, only multi-path propagation (SNR→ 0): |E| is Rayleigh distributed (also known as central χ(6) , see Section C.2). Fig. 7.16a) proves that the usage of a Hertzian dipole in an RC simulation leads to the highly undesirable result of strong coupling between an EUT within the chamber and the excitation: Due to its very low directivity (1.76 dB), the |E|/|Emax | distribution resembles almost a Gaussian distribution with nonzero mean, which is a clear indication of a dominant coupling path in an EM environment with only little multipath propagation [195] – the exact opposite of a “well-behaved” RC, where for a proper operation implicitly “pure” multi-path propagation is assumed. Through the usage of antennas with higher directivity, this unwanted direct coupling can be considerably reduced: Fig. 7.16b) and Fig. 7.16c) show the respective |E|/|Emax | distributions obtained with a biconical and a logper antenna. With their higher directivity (biconical 3.5 dB, logper antenna 6 dB) the statistical distributions are shifted towards the origin and resemble more a Rice distribution where direct, non-dominant coupling paths still exist, but multi-path propagation is clearly dominant [195, 126]. 142 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT M /Mmax Hertzian dipole Biconical antenna 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 a) M /Mmax 1 0 |E |/|Emax| Logper antenna (toward EUT) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 b) Logper antenna (toward corner) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 c) 0.6 0.8 1 0 |E |/|Emax| 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 d) Figure 7.16: Statistical distribution (normalized number of samples M/Mmax ) of the magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E|/|Emax | within the RC. Results shown were calculated at a frequency f = 300 MHz and cumulated from angular stirrer positions of ϕ = 0◦ . . . 355◦ with 5◦ step angle using different excitation antenna types and orientations: a) ideal Hertzian dipole; b) biconical antenna; c) logper antenna pointing toward the test volume V ; d) logper antenna pointing toward an RC corner opposite the vertical stirrer. In total, 186 000 samples were used to plot each histogram. In contrast to the positioning of the logper antenna within the RC in Section 7.3.3, the orientation of this antenna was changed such that it points into a corner opposite to the stirrer (as shown in Appendix D, Fig. D.2). According to theoretical considerations, this represents the situation of a multi-path environment without any dominant direct coupling path, which results in a central χ(6) distribution for the magnitude of the electric field strength (also called Rayleigh distribution with a signal-to-noise ratio of 0, which 7.7 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT STIRRERS 143 represents the ideal RC mode of operation). This effect can be seen when comparing Fig. 7.16c) with Fig. 7.16d): In Fig. 7.16c) the |E|/|Emax | distribution appears to be slightly offset from the origin for the logper antenna oriented towards the rectangular test volume. Once however the antenna points away from this test volume towards a chamber corner, the offset vanishes and Fig. 7.16d) shows a very good agreement with the theoretical χ(6) distribution. The latter antenna orientation is also recommended in the IEC 61000-4-21 standard [6] in order to prevent direct “illumination” of the volume where an EUT will be placed during RC testing. It is important to note that in the graphical representation of Fig. 7.16, the number of samples M per class has been normalized to the maximum number of samples of all classes Mmax – Fig. 7.16a). . . d) all extend along the ordinate to 1. In addition to the usage of different class widths (as mentioned in Section 2.8), this normalization together with a much larger of samples are the main reason why the visual appearance of Fig. 7.16a) differs considerably from Fig. 7.10a). 7.7 Comparison of different stirrers In this section the simulation and performance analysis of various types of EM stirrers inside the RC prototype is presented. Several different stirrer designs and sizes are compared against each other, and the influence of the stirrer axis orientation (vertical vs. horizontal) within the chamber is shown. The following stirrers were compared: • Vertical and horizontal 6-paddle stirrers, see Fig. 6.6a) and Fig. 6.7c) • Stacked cross-plate stirrer, as shown in Fig. 6.6b) • 6-paddle connected stirrer, see Fig. 6.6c) • Upset Z-fold stirrer with and without gaps, as shown in Fig. 6.6d) The stirrer simulation models utilized for the performance comparisons were described in detail in Section 6.2. It should be noted that all simulated stirrers can be circumscribed by a cylinder with a diameter of 0.735 m and 2.76 m height, i.e. all stirrers have the same “rotational diameter” and “rotational height” and therefore also the same “rotational volume”. This was done in order to make the comparison “even-handed”, since from a basic understanding of electromagnetics it is obvious that a much larger stirrer will introduce much greater changes of the field distribution as it is rotated and therefore exhibits a better performance than a smaller one. 7.7.1 Simulated near field distribution Performance comparisons between all stirrer types were carried out based on the simulated electric near field with the respective stirrer in operation in the prototype RC. The same RC was simulated with the six stirrers mentioned above over a frequency range of 50 . . . 500 MHz (frequency resolution 10, 25 and 50 MHz) with a rotational stirrer increment angle of 5◦ resulting in 72 stirrer steps. The three-component electric and magnetic j = 200° b) e) f) z x c) d) g) h) j = 210° 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 144 a) y Figure 7.17: Magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E| computed in the xy-plane at a height z = 2 m above the chamber bottom. Results shown were calculated at a frequency f = 300 MHz and an angular position of ϕ = 200◦ in a). . . d) and ϕ = 210◦ in e). . . h) for different vertical stirrer geometries: a), e) 6-paddle V-stirrer; b), f) stacked cross-plate V-stirrer; c), g) 6-paddle connected V-stirrer; d), h) upset Z-fold V-stirrer. Excitation source is a logper antenna. 7.7 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT STIRRERS 145 near field was computed in ten equally spaced planes parallel to the xy-plane with a spatial resolution of 0.05 m in x- and y-direction, i.e. near field data is available at 27 440 points throughout the chamber. In order to compare more intuitively the impact of the different stirrers on the field distribution, results data shown here was chosen from the lower to medium frequency range (close to the LOF/LUF), where it is easier to visualize how effective a particular stirrer is. Fig. 7.17 depicts the magnitude of the simulated electric field strength |E| computed at a height of z = 2 m above the chamber bottom for four different stirrers (the horizontal and the upset Z-fold without gaps are not shown in this figure). These results were calculated at a frequency of f = 300 MHz and for a fixed angular position of ϕ = 200◦ (top row) and ϕ = 210◦ (bottom row). The stirrer performance can be qualitatively analyzed by looking at the change of the overall field distribution and by examining how the field varies in the cut planes at x = −1.45 m and y = −1.25 m from one stirrer step to the next but one. Immediately apparent is that the resulting chamber field is quite different among all stirrers. The only moderate similarity can be seen between the field pattern excited with the “standard 6-paddle stirrer” in place as shown in Fig. 7.17a), Fig. 7.17e), and the one obtained for the “6-paddle connected stirrer” depicted in Fig. 7.17c) and Fig. 7.17g). This similarity however does not prevail at other frequencies, which suggests that very similar stirrer designs (here in terms of the larger electrical length of the “6-paddle connected stirrer”) do not necessarily result in a similar EM behavior. As intuitively expected, the minimum change of the field among all stirrers for a rotation of 10◦ occurs for the “stacked cross-plate V-stirrer” in Fig. 7.17b) and f): Both the spatial field distribution as well as the field in the two cut planes at x = −1.45 m and y = −1.25 m change only marginally, which is due to the rather simple geometric structure and symmetry of this particular stirrer. A near field analysis at very low frequencies (around f = 100 MHz – these field distributions are not shown in this thesis) revealed that all stirrers are equally (in-)effective far below the LUF: shape, orientation, and electrical size do not matter [193]. As shown in Fig. 7.17, at f = 300 MHz all stirrers are “somewhat similarly effective” and by looking at the near field distribution it is difficult to judge whether one stirrer outperforms another. Furthermore the impact of the gaps (two models of the 6-paddle and upset Z-fold stirrer) remains unclear. Summing up, evaluating directly the near field without processing it to a more useful metric does not help in classifying stirrers with respect to their performance. 7.7.2 Correlation analysis As opposed to the qualitative field-pattern-based analysis of different stirrers shown before, the computation of the correlation allows a quantitative comparison of the stirrer performance. The correlation coefficient ρ(ϕ) is calculated from the magnitude of the electric field |E| sampled at 5 788 field points on the top and bottom side of a 0.4 · 1.0 · 1.0 m3 test volume located z = 1 m above the chamber floor. Each data point in Figs. 7.18 and 7.19 corresponds to the correlation between the simulated |E| for the reference stirrer angle ϕ = 0◦ and |E| for ϕ = 0◦ . . . 355◦ . Fig. 7.18 compares |ρ(ϕ)| for four stirrers (out of which three have completely different designs), but mounted in the 146 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT |r(j)| 6-paddle V Cross-plate V Z-fold V Z-fold V (gaps) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 60 120 180 j [°] 240 300 360 Figure 7.18: Absolute value of the correlation coefficient |ρ(ϕ)| as a function of stirrer angle ϕ at a frequency f = 300 MHz: vertical 6-paddle stirrer vs. vertical cross-plate stirrer vs. vertical Z-fold stirrer with and without gaps. same vertical position. Initially (for ϕ = 0◦ . . . 60◦ ) the correlation |ρ(ϕ)| drops rapidly for all stirrers (except for the Z-fold with gaps), which indicates that they are electrically sufficiently large in order to achieve substantial changes of the field pattern within the RC. For both the 6-paddle and the Z-fold stirrer without gaps |ρ(ϕ)| remains relatively small (with some oscillations), whereas the cross-plate stirrer reaches |ρ(ϕ) = 1| again at ϕ = 180◦, which is due to its rotational symmetry. Clearly, this stirrer is not suitable for the application within an RC and is outperformed by the much better 6-paddle stirrer and the very well operating Z-fold stirrer without gaps. It is interesting to note that the small “gap modification” of the Z-fold stirrer changes completely the correlation. The (in the traditional sense) electrically much larger Z-fold stirrer without gaps performs significantly better than the stirrer with the artificially introduced gaps. When designing an RC, typical questions often are: In which orientation is a stirrer to be mounted and does it matter whether the stirrer is made from one piece or consists out of several separate parts? Fig. 7.19 depicts the effect of the standard 6-paddle stirrer mounted in two orientations in the RC: For this particular RC test volume it can be seen that the vertically mounted stirrer works slightly better than the horizontal one by exhibiting a lower |ρ(ϕ)| throughout the ϕ = 0◦ . . . 355◦ range. Fig. 7.19 also shows that surprisingly the 6-paddle connected stirrer (although electrically larger than the standard 6-paddle stirrer) performs significantly worse than the 6-paddle stirrer made 7.7 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT STIRRERS |r(j)| 1 6-paddle V 147 6-paddle connected V 6-paddle H 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 60 120 180 j [°] 240 300 360 Figure 7.19: Absolute value of the correlation coefficient |ρ(ϕ)| as a function of stirrer angle ϕ at a frequency f = 300 MHz: vertical 6-paddle stirrer vs. vertical 6-paddle connected stirrer vs. horizontal 6-paddle stirrer. of separate, not-connected parts. This effect needs further analysis in order to clarify whether the considerable performance difference appears consistently for a wide range of frequencies or if it is only a narrow band phenomenon. Contrary to the frequencydomain EFIE-based MoM method utilized in this thesis, a numerical technique providing broadband simulation data with one computation run such as e.g. FDTD should be used. Evaluating the correlation for all stirrers shows that – as expected – at low frequencies (around f = 100 MHz) the overall correlation is high. This is due to the fact that any intentional rotational asymmetry is too small compared to the wavelength. The quantitative significance of a simulated or measured correlation coefficient |ρ(ϕ)| can be evaluated by calculating the probability PN that N samples of two uncorrelated, i.e. |ρ(ϕ)| = 0, variables would give a correlation coefficient as large as or larger than a certain predefined value. The procedure to compute the probability PN (|ρ| ≥ |ρ0 |) was introduced in Section 2.5.2, tabulated values are listed in Table 2.3. Among all stirrers the Z-fold stirrer however exhibits the best performance in the lower frequency region, followed by the cross-plate and the vertical/horizontal 6-paddle stirrers. As the frequency is increased, the overall correlation tends to be low (with the exception of the cross-plate stirrer; this effect is due to its structural symmetry), the vertical 6-paddle and the Z-fold stirrer perform the best, followed by the horizontally mounted 6-paddle stirrer. With respect to the impact of gaps between individual stirrer elements (to change the electrical size of a stirrer), their effect remains still unclear: whereas gaps are 148 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line 6-paddle V 6-paddle V (no gaps) 5 6-paddle H 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure 7.20: Envelopes of the statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical 6-paddle stirrer, the vertical 6-paddle connected stirrer, and the horizontal 6-paddle stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). beneficial in the 6-paddle stirrer (lower correlation than the connected version), they are not beneficial for the upset Z-fold stirrer (the Z-fold stirrer made out of one single piece performs better in terms of correlation than the model with gaps). It seems impossible to clearly state that a large stirrer made out of one piece of metal performs significantly better or worse than a replica version with small gaps in-between individual plates. For this reason, unfortunately, a case-by-case analysis has to be carried out. 7.7.3 Field uniformity Evaluating the field uniformity within the RC leads to a similar conclusion with respect to the stirrer gaps as the correlation analysis: as shown in Fig. 7.20 and Fig. 7.21 for some stirrers, gaps have a positive effect on the field uniformity (e.g. 6-paddle stirrer), whereas for others their effect is negative (e.g. Z-fold). It can be concluded that “complicated” stirrers exhibit consistently superior performance than stirrers with a simple geometry (e.g. cross-plate stirrer) and that all “complicated” stirrers analyzed in this thesis perform in a similar way over a broad range of frequencies. It is interesting to note that the stirrer orientation plays an important role for the field uniformity, as the horizontal 6-paddle stirrer performs significantly worse than the vertically mounted 6-paddle stirrer. This effect might be due to the TX antenna orientation and strong, orientation-dependent coupling between the antenna and the 6-paddle stirrers. Detailed per-component field uniformities can be found in Appendix D, Fig. D.6. . . Fig. D.11. 7.7 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT STIRRERS 149 Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line Cross-plate V Z-fold V 5 Z-fold (gaps) V 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure 7.21: Envelopes of the statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical 6-paddle stirrer, vertical cross-plate stirrer, and vertical Z-fold stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). 7.7.4 Final performance evaluation It was found that stirrer performance comparisons are valid to a great extent only for the RC from which the performance data originated, especially at frequencies around the LOF/LUF. Generally, a stirrer exhibiting superior performance over other stirrers (in terms of statistical field uniformity or isotropy, correlation, and especially the unfortunate SR), may perform also better in another chamber with a different geometry. As shown here, there is however no obvious reason, why it must mandatorily outperform these “other stirrers” in any other chamber, as the stirrer performance depends strongly on parameters such as the position or the orientation of the stirrer within the chamber and on the field distribution (which is strongly influenced by the chamber geometry itself). As a conclusion resulting from the near field, correlation, and field uniformity analysis of the stirrers spanning 50 . . . 500 MHz, the best performance in the prototype RC is exhibited by the two Z-fold stirrers (with and without gaps), closely followed by the vertically mounted 6-paddle stirrers (with and without gaps). These four stirrers perform significantly better than the symmetric cross-plate stirrer, which is still better than the horizontal six-paddle stirrer. Table 7.4 summarizes the gathered stirrer performance data for frequencies of 100 MHz and 300 MHz. 7.7.5 Plane-wave-based stirrer comparisons Comparisons of several stirrer types within an RC generally result in very long simulation runtimes (on the order of several weeks to months). Therefore an idea originally published in [104, 105] was taken up, proposing to do a stirrer analysis and optimization 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT 150 100 MHz 300 MHz Stirrer performance NF a |ρ(ϕ)| σ̃ NF a |ρ(ϕ)| σ̃ Best Z b (gaps) Zb Z b (gaps) Z b (gaps) 6V d 6V d ↑ – X-plate c X-plate c Zb Zb Z b (gaps) – Z b (gaps) Zb 6V d 6H e Zb – 6H e 6V d (no gaps) 6V d (no gaps) 6V d (no gaps) 6V d (no gaps) ↓ – 6V d 6V d 6H e Z b (gaps) X-plate c Worst all others 6V d (no gaps) 6H e X-plate c X-plate c 6H e a near field b Z-fold c Cross-plate d 6-paddle vertical e 6-paddle horizontal Table 7.4: Performance comparison of different stirrers with respect to the near field (NF), the correlation coefficient |ρ(ϕ)|, and the field uniformity standard deviation σ̃ at 100 MHz and 300 MHz. 7.7 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT STIRRERS f i = 60 ° r Ei r ki 151 f i = 60 ° r Ei r ki Figure 7.22: Stirrer RCS calculations using circularly polarized plane wave excitation. The direction of the plane wave incidence was varied from 0 . . . 180◦ with increments of 20◦ (i.e. 10 directions) and the stirrer was rotated in 5◦ angular steps. in free space with plane wave illumination of the stirrer. A radar cross section (RCS)based simulation of the stirrer models was carried out to compute the scattered far field during a stirrer rotation (see Fig. 7.22 for the computational setup). The RCS σ is the measure of a target’s ability to reflect radar signals in the direction of the radar receiver, i.e. it is a measure of the ratio of backscatter power per unit solid angle in the direction of the incident wave (from the target) to the power density that is intercepted by the target [196]. Mathematically the RCS can be expressed as σ =A·R·D (7.6) where A is the projected cross section, R denotes the reflectivity, and D the directivity of the target. The RCS was calculated by using the plane wave excitation (circularly polarized) mentioned above and by varying the direction of the plane wave incidence from 0 . . . 180◦ with increments of 20◦ (i.e. 10 directions, see Fig. 7.22). The stirrer was rotated in angular steps of 5◦ . Far field calculations utilized for the RCS are based on 37×73 = 2701 data points and take only the scattered field into consideration (resolution in both azimuthal and elevational direction 5◦ ). Based on the RCS results, it was tried to compare the individual stirrer performances against each other and to map their free space behavior to their effect inside the RC. This approach proved to be rather problematic for several reasons: • stirrers with completely different geometric designs exhibited a very similar RCS • throughout the whole lower frequency range (100 MHz. . . 1 GHz) for a given stirrer, 152 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT |r(j)| 1 6-paddle V 6-paddle V (RCS) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 60 120 180 j [°] 240 300 360 Figure 7.23: Absolute value of the correlation coefficient |ρ(ϕ)| as a function of stirrer angle ϕ at a frequency f = 300 MHz computed for the vertical 6-paddle stirrer within the RC and in free-space using the RCS as defined by (7.6). the RCS changes only minimally from one rotational stirrer position to the next – this is a very significant difference compared to the stirrer effect in the RC on the EM field (compare e.g. with Fig. 7.5) • consequently, also processing the gathered RCS data further and computing the correlation did not help much, as the correlation coefficient is almost unity regardless of the stirrer shape and the angle of incidence for the RCS over a broad range of frequencies (see Fig. 7.23 for a comparison of the correlation coefficient computed for the 6-paddle stirrer within the prototype RC and the same stirrer in free-space using the RCS). Although very attractive in terms of required computational power and time expenditure, the performance analysis of stirrers in free-space using RCS calculations was not further pursued. 7.8 Simulation and measurement time budget Measurements of the electric field only provide limited information on the complex physical phenomena within an RC, whereas simulations can supply a wealth of EM field data. Still, it is very important to always keep in mind the substantial time expenditure it takes to compute one single metric such as correlation or field uniformity over a broader 7.8 SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT TIME BUDGET E-field at. . . 1 spatial position 1 stirrer angle 10 frequencies Simulation time Measurement time 1 hour. . . 7 days a 60 s 10 s b 4 hours 1 hour. . . 7 days a 180 s 100 spatial positions 1 stirrer angle 1 frequency 1 spatial position 10 stirrer angles 1 frequency a 153 depending on the frequency range b E-, H-field and currents I, J readily available Table 7.5: Time expenditure comparison to derive a certain number of samples of the electric field in RC simulations based on the EFIE MoM versus measurements. frequency range [178]. Table 7.5 gives an overview on the average time expenditure required to simulate or measure the electric field at a given number of spatial positions within the prototype (or any similarly sized) RC over several frequencies with a certain number of rotational stirrer angles. It is interesting to note how much a particular EM field analysis differs in time between simulation versus measurement: computing e.g. the electric field within the prototype RC at ten frequencies and one stirrer position takes between one hour up to several days depending on the actual frequency (see Section 3.4 and Table 3.1). Performing the same task in a measurement setup takes only about one minute at one spatial position, irrespective of the frequency. Measuring however the electric field throughout the entire chamber at 10 000 spatial positions for one frequency can easily take two or three weeks (depending on the actual field probe system and the number of field probes used in the measurement setup). Contrary to this, in the simulation – compared to the total simulation time – once the currents are computed it does not really matter whether the field is calculated at one single or 10 000 spatial positions (cf. Section 3.2). Comparing the EFIE and MoM simulation technique applied to RCs with near field measurements yields a reciprocal behavior for the time expenditure: analysis tasks which can be quickly performed in a simulation require a lot of time in measurements and vice versa (see Table 7.5). Especially frequency sweeps and a rotation of the stirrer are timeconsuming tasks in a frequency-domain MoM simulation compared with measurements. This is a problematic issue for several typical RC performance parameters: if, for example, the correlation coefficient or field uniformity is of interest at 20 frequencies and with a stirrer angle resolution of 5◦ (i.e. 72 rotational stirrer positions), this translates into 1440 simulations which need to be performed. Generating plots such as e.g. Fig. 7.21 or Fig. 7.19 therefore easily adds up to combined CPU simulation run times of several 154 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT months. As long as the required number of spatial field points remains small and the chamber geometry does not change, and if there is only an interest in the electric field, measurements can provide this data significantly faster. Once however fields need to be visualized at a large number of spatial positions in order to get a deeper understanding of the physical processes within an RC, or the RC geometry has to be changed (e.g. from a standard rectangular chamber to a corrugated RC), EM simulations are advantageous and clearly better for the task at hand. 7.9 Conclusion In the beginning, the procedure used to carry out an RC data analysis was presented. The necessity of a rigorous simulation validation was emphasized and the particular advantages and drawbacks of a comparison with analytically calculated results, results obtained by a different numerical technique, and measurements were described. Measurements were utilized in this thesis to validate the simulation results, as they provide an additional insight into the “reality of the chamber physics”. Cavity simulations were performed to investigate the influence of the chamber door and to derive suitable conductivity values. This analysis revealed that by far the biggest perturbance seemed to be caused by the door. To facilitate modeling of the cavity and the RC, the door was neglected in the first simulation models. In subsequent simulations, the door was included and proved to have a significant effect on the simulated results. In a next step, a stirrer was inserted into the cavity to build a fully functional RC. The simulation allowed a thorough analysis of the change in the field distribution with and without the stirrer in the chamber and showed the effect of the stirrer as it is rotated. The influence of different wall conductivities, the door, and small modifications of the chamber geometry was investigated. As expected, the choice of a reasonable conductivity is important if the absolute field values in the chamber are of interest; if only the relative field distribution needs to be known, absolute conductivity values do not play a very important role (as long as metallic parts of the RC still appear as “metallic” rather than “semiconducting”). The simulations showed that even small changes in the geometry (for example the recess of the door) can have a significant impact on the field within the RC. The effect of Hertzian dipoles, λ/2-dipoles, biconical, logper, and horn antennas was examined in the RC simulations. It was found that the actual antenna type employed in an RC strongly influences the field distribution. Whereas the assumption that different antennas will lead to similar results in a statistical sense (i.e. a large number of samples taken from a large number of stirrer positions) was confirmed, the results for a given, fixed stirrer position were strongly dependent on a particular antenna. Therefore, if a good agreement between measurements and simulations is desired, the correct modeling of the TX/RX antennas as used in the measurements is of prime importance. This does not only apply to the type, but also to the position and alignment of an antenna. In order to make sure that the modeled RC represented a good approximation of the actual prototype RC, simulations were validated by extensive measurements. It was pointed out that completely different electromagnetic (EM) fields can still generate an 7.9 CONCLUSION 155 identical field uniformity, the same correlation coefficient or equal anisotropy coefficients – therefore a thorough validation of RC simulation results cannot be accomplished using this type of “processed data”. For lower frequencies (f = 50 MHz. . . 500 MHz) simulation and measurement were found to agree well, however as the frequency was increased to f = 700 MHz. . . 1000 MHz, the agreement between measurements and simulations progressively deteriorated. It was concluded that this “breakdown” of the simulation starting from f > 600 . . . 700 MHz is related to the fact that the EM field inside an RC becomes extremely sensitive to even tiny geometric details. This (from an RC application’s point of view desirable) phenomenon renders a simulation practically not feasible at frequencies much greater than the lowest usable frequency – unless one is willing to undertake the challenge to model and discretize virtually every nut and bolt of the chamber. The simulated near field distribution within the RC was used as a basis to compute the correlation coefficients, statistical field uniformity, and coupling paths for the analysis of different RCs, stirrers, and canonical equipment under tests (EUTs). The unprocessed near field was useful to get a rough overview on how the field distribution (e.g. local maxima and minima) changes as the stirrer rotates. Otherwise, raw near field data did not provide very conclusive insights into whether an RC is particularly good or bad and was therefore of little practical use. To investigate the influence of special chamber designs on the RC performance, a corrugated and a cubic RC were modeled in addition to the prototype RC. From a correlation point of view, neither the cubic nor the corrugated RC exhibited convincing results across all frequencies which would clearly outclass the standard rectangular prototype RC. The field uniformity at frequencies in the lower range was insufficient in all chambers, with the cubic RC performing the worst. Starting from f > 300 MHz, however, sufficient statistical field uniformity was achieved – with the exception of the cubic RC exhibiting significantly higher values at e.g. f ≈ 400 MHz. As a summary, neither a cubic chamber nor an RC with corrugations on the walls exhibited consistently superior (or inferior) field uniformity performance. It is interesting to note that the cubic RC does not perform as bad as always alleged, mainly due to the fact that the field distribution within a cubic RC (including a stirrer) does not have anything in common with the fields observed in a cubic cavity. The presence of a stirring device shifts the modes in frequency depending on their respective field distribution away from the analytically calculated resonance frequencies. Therefore the usually observed problem of degenerate modes does not come into play within a cubic RC and contrary to the widely accepted RC design guidelines a cubic RC will not exhibit worse (or better) performance than other rectangular RCs. Three different canonical EUTs were simulated within the prototype RC to do a loading, field uniformity, and coupling path analysis. As the loading of the chamber was gradually increased from a dipole via a simple loop EUT to the box EUT, field uniformity values worse than in the “empty RC” setup were obtained in the simulation. The per-component and the combined field uniformity however confirmed that the loading of the RC even with the relatively large box EUT was still within an acceptable level. The investigation of different coupling paths revealed that the usage of a Hertzian dipole in an RC simulation leads to the highly undesirable result of strong direct coupling between an EUT and the excitation. Through the usage of realistic antennas with 156 7 REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT higher directivity, this unwanted direct coupling can be considerably reduced. Three special multipath/direct path scenarios were simulated resulting in Gaussian, Rice, and Rayleigh statistical distributions. Several different stirrer designs and sizes were compared against each other, and the influence of the stirrer axis orientation within the chamber was shown. In a correlation analysis of all stirrers, the Z-fold stirrer exhibited the best performance in the lower frequency region, followed by the cross-plate and the vertical/horizontal 6-paddle stirrers. As the frequency was increased, the vertical 6-paddle and the Z-fold stirrer performed the best, followed by the horizontally mounted 6-paddle stirrer. By using only correlation data it was however impossible to clearly state that a large stirrer made out of one piece of metal performed significantly better or worse than a replica version with small gaps in-between individual parts. This was also true for the field uniformity: in some stirrers, gaps had a positive effect, whereas in others their effect was negative. It can be concluded that “complicated” stirrers exhibit consistently superior performance than stirrers with a simple geometry – which is not surprising. In addition, all “complicated” stirrers analyzed in this thesis performed in a similar way over a broad range of frequencies. It is interesting to note that the stirrer orientation played an important role for the field uniformity, as the 6-paddle stirrer performed significantly worse in the horizontal than in the vertical position. Summing up, it can be stated that stirrer performance comparisons are valid to a great extent only for the RC from which the performance data originated. This makes the design of a universal “high performance” stirrer very difficult, if not impossible. The much faster stirrer performance analysis in free space proved to be unsuccessful and was therefore not further pursued. 8 Conclusion The three-dimensional simulation of a reverberation chamber (RC) was presented in this thesis. In the beginning, fundamental concepts and key parameters of an RC were introduced in Chapter 2. These included the mode distribution, mode density, modal gaps, and the quality factor. Furthermore, the RC was described as a statistical electromagnetic test environment and characterized by distribution functions, correlation, uncertainty, and field uniformity. In Chapter 3 it was shown that it is crucial to select a suitable numerical method to perform meaningful RC simulations. A chosen numerical technique must be able to deliver results over a wide frequency range without using excessive computational resources; the method must be able to handle large, irregular structures, and a varying geometry without introducing errors. Furthermore, there must be a possibility to account for finite metal conductivity as well as highly resonant structures. The computation of near fields at an arbitrary number of chamber locations should be possible without adding too much computational overhead. For this thesis, a frequency-domain electric field integral equation (EFIE)-based method-ofmoments (MoM) technique was chosen. Chapter 4 put the work accomplished during this thesis into perspective with previous publications on RC simulations. One striking result of this literature survey was that in the majority of the published material a thorough simulation validation tends to be neglected. Chapter 5 described the construction of a prototype RC used later on for simulation validations and explained the setup of the measurement system. Measurement errors originating from field probes, antennas, and stirrers were discussed and assessed for their impact on deviations between simulated and measured results. The biggest deviations were found to result from the antenna tripods and position inaccuracies of the field probe head or the antennas. Chapter 6 outlined how the practical prototype RC including the door, a stirrer, several different antennas, and EUTs was modeled for the electromagnetic simulation. Electrical conductivity values were defined for material as it is used in a shielded room construction, i.e. walls consisting of several interconnected sheets with intermediate overlapping flat stock. In addition to the prototype RC, cubic and corrugated chambers, an offset-wall RC as well as several vertical and horizontal stirrers were modeled. Whereas Chapters 2. . . 6 laid the ground for the comprehensive simulation of the RC, Chapter 7 makes use of the previous work and presents a thorough analysis of RCs. Simulation results of a detailed asymmetric RC model were benchmarked against measurements and exhibited a good agreement in the lower-to-medium frequency range (at frequencies less or equal to twice the lowest usable frequency). It was shown that a proper validation of the simulation must be performed with direct comparisons against measured near fields without further data processing or statistical analysis. Furthermore, a deeper analysis of different chamber geometries, TX/RX antennas, various stirrer designs, and EUTs was performed. The importance of small geometric details and the agreement between actual prototype and simulated RC dimensions was discussed. It 157 158 8 CONCLUSION was shown that the type, position, and alignment of the excitation source in the simulation model change the field pattern significantly. In addition, the effect of various stirrers on the fields, correlation, and uniformity inside the chamber was visualized. The 6-paddle stirrer developed for this thesis and the commercially available Z-fold stirrer exhibited the best performance. The insertion of gaps between parts of a stirrer did not show a consistently “good” or “bad” effect – some stirrers performed better with, some better without geometrical gaps. The stirrer analysis using a simulation approach only confirmed the well-known conclusion that “complicated, asymmetric” stirrers will outperform “simple, symmetric” stirrers over a broad frequency range. In addition, it was found that the performance of a stirrer is linked to a particular RC, which renders the design of a universal “high performance” stirrer very difficult, if not impossible. A comparison between the standard rectangular RC with a cubic and a corrugated chamber revealed that the two latter chamber geometries do not offer significant advantages concerning correlation and field uniformity. On the other hand, the cubic RC does not perform as bad as always alleged, mainly due to the fact that the field distribution within a cubic RC (including a stirrer) does not have anything in common with the fields observed in a cubic cavity. The presence of a stirring device shifts the modes in frequency depending on their respective field distribution away from the analytically calculated resonance frequencies. Therefore the usually observed problem of degenerate modes does not come into play within a cubic RC and contrary to the widely accepted RC design guidelines a cubic RC will not exhibit worse (or better) performance than other rectangular RCs. Three special multipath/direct path coupling scenarios were simulated (Gaussian, Rice, and Rayleigh statistical distributions). This investigation revealed that the usage of a Hertzian dipole in an RC simulation leads to undesirable strong direct coupling between an EUT and the excitation. Through the usage of realistic antennas with higher directivity, this unwanted direct coupling can be considerably reduced. Which lessons can be learned from this thesis? One should always keep in mind that the luxury of having the knowledge about the electromagnetic field at any arbitrary position within the RC and being able to visualize the field distribution is very instructive, but just one part of the whole story. For most, if not all, important RC quantities such as correlation, anisotropy coefficients, or uniformity, knowledge of the field throughout the chamber at only one stirrer step is essentially useless. In order to calculate these quantities in a meaningful manner and to come up with technically sound recommendations, often the field distribution within an RC needs to be known at 50. . . 100 angular stirrer positions. To complicate matters more, knowledge of the correlation coefficient or field uniformity at only a single frequency is of not much use either. Essentially needed is knowledge of the electromagnetic field at a lot of spatial positions within the chamber, computed for many different angular stirrer positions over a broad range of frequencies with a fine frequency resolution. Starting with these requirements, as shown at the end of Chapter 7, the time it takes to compute one single metric such as correlation or field uniformity is at minimum substantial, possibly even prohibitive. If, for example, a frequency-domain solver is used and the correlation is of interest over a bandwidth of 500 MHz with 5 MHz steps at an angular stirrer resolution of 5◦ (i.e. 72 rotational stirrer positions), 7200 simulations need to be performed, assuming that no interpolations can be done. Depending on the actual frequency range, this task might be computationally 159 not feasible. Even at lower frequencies, where fewer discretization elements can be used in a simulation, generating plots as the ones presented in Chapter 7 easily adds up to combined run times of several months – especially if two or more chambers or stirrers are to be compared with each other. For frequencies much smaller than the lowest usable frequency, the simulation of an RC is possible, the chamber however becomes electrically too small compared to the operational wavelength, which prevents sufficient statistical field uniformity – the laws of physics do not permit an optimization of RCs. Conversely, at frequencies much above the lowest usable frequency, where a high number of modes is above cutoff, almost any RC works well regardless of its particular design (hence, there is no optimization needed). In addition, as shown in this thesis, with increasing frequency the field within an RC becomes more and more sensitive to even small geometric details, which makes proper modeling numerically not feasible at high frequencies. The possibilities for RC design optimizations significantly below or above the lowest usable frequency are therefore limited. At frequencies around the lowest usable frequency, however, stirrer shapes or wall geometries can be optimized with an electromagnetic simulation and the effect of multiple stirrers or other means for an improvement of field uniformity can be investigated in order to extend the operating frequency for a given RC to lower frequencies. For a successful optimization it is therefore crucial to have a numerical tool at hand, which can accurately simulate an RC around the lowest usable frequency, accommodate a rotating stirrer, and provide broadband simulation data with as few computations as possible. 160 9 Outlook In this thesis a simulation model of a reverberation chamber (RC) was developed, which allows to accurately reproduce the electromagnetic fields within a prototype chamber in the lower to medium frequency range. This model of the RC can be used for further research. The biggest problem with frequency-domain RC simulations are the notoriously long computation runtimes; although time-domain simulation codes are known to be problematic with highly resonant structures, it would be advisable to compare the results obtained in the frequency-domain simulations of this thesis with broadband results from an electromagnetic time-domain solver. In order not to “reinvent the wheel”, for this purpose preferably a commercial, state-of-the-art solver (such as for example CST’s Microwave Studio ) should be utilized. Two parameters were identified as crucial for the performance of an RC in terms of correlation and field uniformity: the stirrer effectiveness and the quality factor of the chamber. With respect to the first issue, it was shown in this thesis that a comprehensive stirrer analysis with the stirrer operating inside the RC is computationally extremely expensive and hence time-consuming. A stirrer analysis and optimization in free-space using multiple-angle plane wave illumination was attempted, but proved to be rather unsuccessful as the metric “far field / radar cross section correlation” is too insensitive. Nevertheless, the idea to optimize a stirrer without having to simulate the whole RC is tempting and should be pursued further with other more suitable metrics. Secondly, an extension to this thesis could deal with a rigorous analysis of the quality factor of an RC. This is a challenging topic, as the usually applied analytical formulas for multimode resonators cannot be easily applied to RCs due to their irregular geometry, the presence of one or more stirrers, and the strong coupling between the excitation and the chamber. Furthermore, the electromagnetic modes will be shifted and widened in their bandwidth by the stirrer rotation. Once the quality factor in a multimode RC is derived with the help of a simulation tool, it needs to be validated by measurements in a practical chamber. However, quality factor measurements tend to be inherently difficult in highly resonant structures. Conductivity and leakage in the RC model must be adjusted accordingly in order to achieve a good agreement between quality factor values of the measurement setup and computed from the simulation. Using the simulated and measured results, suitable techniques can be developed allowing to influence the quality factor which facilitates a control of the field uniformity within an RC. An evaluation of the quality factor should also take into consideration the additional loading of the chamber introduced through the presence of different EUTs. The CEUT results shown in this thesis were mostly benchmarked against theoretical or previously published measurement results. To gain more insight into the effects caused by an EUT within an RC, a CEUT should be built (or borrowed from a round robin test) and tested for immunity and emissions in a prototype RC. Results from these tests should be compared with the immunity and emission simulations presented in this thesis. To 161 162 9 OUTLOOK measure the electric near field in the prototype RC, efficient methods for field measurements should be investigated allowing to sample the field distribution without distorting it significantly (e.g. by electro-optical techniques). The measurement time needed for a simulation validation could be considerably reduced by developing an automated near field scanning system with multiple sensors and high positioning accuracy, thus facilitating fast sampling of the electric field at a large number of measurement positions. As proposed in this thesis, it is advisable to feed both measured and simulated data into a common database for fast, error-free, and convenient access. Finally, an extension to this thesis could deal with novel TX/RX systems in an RC. This could include research on electronic stirring methods aiming at complete removal of the stirring device (this issue was briefly touched in Section 4.4) as well as spatially efficient antennas resulting in larger maximum EUT volumes. Reproducing the electromagnetic effect of a rotating stirrer by electronic means could lead to a significant reduction in overall RC test time for EMC. Electronic stirring techniques together with the ability to effectively control the quality factor would also help in reducing the lowest usable frequency of today’s RCs, thus extending their range of applications. A Electromagnetic Simulation Software FEKO A.1 Special execution commands Parallel solver execution mode Using the command runfeko filename -np x --machines file machname calls the preprocessor PreFEKO to generate the simulation model from the file filename (if it does not already exist) and launches ‘x’ parallel FEKO processes on the machines listed in the file machname. Load distribution and communication between these machines is managed by FEKO . Model geometry validation To quickly check the geometry for errors such as inhomogeneous discretization, duplicate, badly connected, or degenerated elements, and label cross-referencing, FEKO can be invoked with the option runfeko...--feko-options --check-only. FEKO will check simply the geometry and try to allocate and de-allocate the required memory. It will not start to set up and solve the system matrix however. Setting priorities for sequential and parallel solver processes Prioritizing biased by the user can be achieved by starting sequential FEKO processes with the standard UNIX command nice +10. However, parallel processes cannot be “niced” using this procedure, as nice does not propagate to the individual solver process. To resolve this problem, FEKO can be called with runfeko...--priority 1 which sets the execution priority on all parallel processes to 10. Note that adjusting process priorities influences load sharing only to a small degree. Model geometry input is different for preprocessor and field solver Some stirrer and EUT setups in the practical RC feature certain parts that are added for mechanical stability reasons only. An example is a styrofoam block used to serve as a “table” onto which an EUT is placed. Simulating a styrofoam table would require a significant number of dielectric triangles or cubes, although it is a priori known that the EM effect of this table is negligible (since in practice exactly for this reason styrofoam has been chosen). Nevertheless, the presence of the styrofoam table is needed for illustrative purposes in the simulation geometry model. In other words, for PreFEKO the table is “visible” whereas for FEKO the table is “invisible”. Since the FEKO package does not include this capability by itself, a small trick has to be applied: The desired behavior can be achieved by framing the code which describes the styrofoam parts with !!if... and !!endif. For PreFEKO the !!if... statement will be set to “true” and for FEKO it will appear to be “false”. When displaying the simulated geometry, currents, and fields in WinFEKO the “Non-matching MD5 checksums” warning can be ignored. 163 164 APPENDIX A ELECTROMAGNETIC SIMULATION SOFTWARE FEKO A.2 Memory considerations and bugs 32 bit versus 64 bit FEKO version At the start of this thesis, FEKO was only distributed in a 32 bit version for the Sun operating system (OS). Currently, a full 64 bit version of FEKO is available which unfortunately shows an error that could not be resolved by EMSS until the end of this thesis. If run in 64 bit mode, FEKO crashes in a fully repeatable manner after the LU decomposition of the system matrix with an “EOF on socket: 1” error message [197]. For this reason – although running on a 64 bit Sun system – FEKO must be invoked in 32 bit mode using runfeko-4.1.32 due to an internal bug. Usually a 32 bit OS would allow FEKO to allocate up to 2 GByte of memory per process for the solution of the system equations. Sun however implemented a special memory allocation mechanism in Solaris 8 which allows a single process to allocate and manage up to 4 GByte of memory. This is referred to as “XMEM” (extended memory) support. MLFMM versus MoM The solutions for the near field obtained by using the MLFMM (introduced in Section 3.5.4) and MoM differ by a factor of approx. 4.5. The current distribution and consequently the near field patterns are however completely identical for both solution methods, i.e. the MLFMM solution is a scaled version of the MoM solution and vice versa. This discrepancy could not be resolved with EMSS during the course of this thesis [198]. Therefore all results presented in this thesis were calculated with the reliable full wave MoM solver. B Reverberation Chamber Measurement System B.1 Antenna placement: tripod vs. suspension This section shows the loading effect of a tripod made out of wood, metal, and plastics on the electric field within an RC without a stirrer (i.e. a cavity). Each measurement of the magnitude of the electric field |E| was performed once with the TX/excitation antenna mounted on the tripod and once without the tripod and the antenna suspended from the RC’s ceiling with plastic ropes and Velcro. The setup is depicted in Fig. 5.10. Two types of measurements are shown • |E| measured at a single, fixed position over a broad frequency range with a high frequency resolution of 1 MHz (Fig. B.1 and Fig. B.2) • |E| measured along a line with a spatial resolution of 0.1 m at certain, discrete frequencies (Fig. B.3. . . Fig. B.5) Broadband effect at lower frequencies |E | [V/m] 80 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency f [MHz] 250 300 Figure B.1: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured at a fixed position (x = 0.77 m, y = 0.64 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (f = 50 . . . 300 MHz). 165 166 APPENDIX B REVERBERATION CHAMBER MEASUREMENT SYSTEM From Fig. B.1. . . Fig. B.5 it is obvious that the electric field with the tripod installed in the chamber is not just a linearly scaled version of the field measured without the tripod. In addition to being scaled, the EM field is also strongly distorted, as apparent from Fig. B.3. . . Fig. B.5. |E | [V/m] 80 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency f [MHz] 250 300 Figure B.2: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured at a fixed position (x = 0.57 m, y = −0.36 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (f = 50 . . . 300 MHz). APPENDIX B REVERBERATION CHAMBER MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 167 Spatial effect at lower frequencies |E | [V/m] 50 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 50 MHz 100 MHz 40 30 20 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] 0.4 0.8 1.2 Figure B.3: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured along a line (x = 0.57 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (50 MHz and 100 MHz). |E | [V/m] 50 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 150 MHz 200 MHz 40 30 20 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] 0.4 0.8 1.2 Figure B.4: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured along a line (x = 0.57 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (150 MHz and 200 MHz). 168 APPENDIX B REVERBERATION CHAMBER MEASUREMENT SYSTEM |E | [V/m] 50 Tripod Plastic wires and Velcro 250 MHz 300 MHz 40 30 20 10 0 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 y [m] 0.4 0.8 1.2 Figure B.5: Magnitude of the electric field |E| measured along a line (x = 0.57 m, y = −1.2 . . . 1.2 m, z = 0.47 m) for a biconical antenna mounted on tripod vs. suspended with plastic ropes and Velcro from the chamber ceiling (250 MHz and 300 MHz). B.2 Data acquisition and interfacing Simulation data can be transferred automatically from FEKO into a DB system via a MATLAB -based tool. Due to the lack of an import/export interface of the measurement software Compliance C3i (this problem has been fixed for a short time), measurement data had to be transferred manually into the DB system via MS Excel [154]. To be able be to use the MS Access “Get external data...” procedure, the original Compliance measurement data must be copied and pasted manually into Excel and then preprocessed. The columns in the Excel worksheet must have exactly the same names as the field names in Access; it is not enough that the Excel columns bear the same name as the Access captions (which are essentially just to pretty-print the data tables). To further complicate matters, problems arise if list boxes together with underlying lookup tables are used in the Access DB: it is not sufficient to have the values in Excel as displayed by Access – one has to back-reference the displayed list box values to the primary keys of the underlying lookup table. If e.g. the list box in the DB has possible options “Measurement” and “Simulation” and the corresponding lookup table primary keys are “1” and “2”, in the Excel table the value “2” must be entered in order to get “Measurement” in the DB. Entering “Measurement” will not import the value from the Excel worksheet into the Access DB. If alternatively the “Paste append” command from Access is used, back-referencing is not needed and the entry “Measurement” in the Excel sheet will be matched to the primary keys in Access automatically. Data transfers to and from the DB are accomplished using SQL expressions of MATLAB via the ODBC application programming interface included with MS Windows . C Reverberation Chamber Statistics C.1 Field uncertainties As outlined in Section 2.6, the amount of data needed to achieve a desired estimator accuracy can be determined by (2.92). k determines the desired confidence level (e.g. k ≈ ±1.96σ for p = 0.95, i.e. 95%) as given by (2.91). b is the number of dimensions of the field data to be estimated (usually 1 or 3) and N is the required number of statistically independent stirrer positions. If the field probe responds to only one dimension of the field in this case b = 1. Solving for the required number of statistically independent stirrer positions N results in 2 k 2 10d̃/10 + 1 (C.1) N= b 10d̃/10 − 1 Equation (2.93) is plotted for different confidence levels in Fig. C.1. . . Fig. C.3. If, for example, the uncertainty interval should be d˜ = ±1 dB and the desired level of confidence is 90% (corresponding to k ≈ ±1.65σ), then one would obtain N ≈ 69 or N ≈ 207 for b = 3 and b = 1 dimensions, respectively (see Fig. C.1 and Fig. C.3). 6 Confidence level p 68% 75% 95% 99% ~ Uncertainty d [dB] 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of stirrer positions N Figure C.1: Number of statistically independent stirrer positions N required to achieve the uncertainty interval ±d˜ for one EM field component at a confidence of p (see Fig. 2.7 for corresponding standard deviation multiples). 169 APPENDIX C REVERBERATION CHAMBER STATISTICS 170 6 Confidence level p 68% 75% 95% 99% ~ Uncertainty d [dB] 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of stirrer positions N Figure C.2: Number of statistically independent stirrer positions N required to achieve the uncertainty interval ±d˜ for two EM field components at a confidence of p (see Fig. 2.7 for corresponding standard deviation multiples). 6 Confidence level p 68% 75% 95% 99% ~ Uncertainty d [dB] 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of stirrer positions N Figure C.3: Number of statistically independent stirrer positions N required to achieve the uncertainty interval ±d˜ for three EM field components at a confidence of p (see Fig. 2.7 for corresponding standard deviation multiples). APPENDIX C REVERBERATION CHAMBER STATISTICS 171 C.2 Probability distribution functions This section summarizes the PDFs and CDFs of probability distribution functions commonly encountered in RC analysis. Gaussian distribution The PDF of a Gaussian distributed random variable X is given by f (X | µ, σ) = (X−µ)2 1 √ · e− 2σ2 σ 2π (C.2) with the mean µ and standard deviation σ. Its corresponding CDF is given by X F (X | µ, σ) = f (u) du = −∞ * + X −µ 1 1 + erf √ 2 2σ (C.3) with erf(·) denoting the error function as given by [12, 195]. Chi-square distribution A Chi-square (χ2 ) distributed random variable is related to a Gaussian-distributed random variable in the sense that the former can be viewed as a transformation of the latter. If X is a Gaussian random variable and Y = X 2 , then Y has a Chi-square distribution. Two types of Chi-square distributions are distinguished: the central and the non-central Chi-square distribution. The central Chi-square distribution is obtained if the underlying Gaussian distribution has zero mean µ = 0. The PDF of the central Chi-square distribution is given by Y 1 · e− 2σ2 f (Y | σ) = √ 2πY σ Y ≥0 (C.4) If, however, X is Gaussian distributed with non-zero mean µ = 0 and variance σ, then the PDF of the non-central Chi-square distribution resulting from Y = X 2 is given by √ +µ2 Yµ 1 − Y2σ 2 ·e cosh Y ≥0 (C.5) f (Y | µ, σ) = √ σ2 2πY σ The corresponding CDF for the central Chi-square distribution is given by Y F (Y | σ) = 0 1 f (u) du = √ 2πY σ Y u 1 √ · e− 2σ2 du u (C.6) 0 The integral in (C.6) cannot be expressed in closed form. For the CDF of the non-central Chi-square distribution (C.5) see [195]. Rayleigh distribution The Rayleigh distribution is closely related to the central Chi-square distribution. If X1 and X2 are two zero-mean i.i.d. Gaussian random variables, each having the common APPENDIX C REVERBERATION CHAMBER STATISTICS 172 variance σ 2 , then Y = X12 + X22 is central Chi-square distributed with two degrees of freedom as given by (C.4). By introducing the new random variable √ (C.7) R = X12 + X22 = Y the Rayleigh PDF R − R22 · e 2σ R≥0 (C.8) σ2 is obtained. The corresponding CDF for the central Rayleigh distribution is given by f (R | σ) = R F (R | σ) = R2 f (u) du = 1 − e− 2σ2 (C.9) 0 Rice distribution Just as the Rayleigh distribution is related to the central Chi-square distribution, the Rice distribution is closely related to the non-central Chi-square distribution. If X1 and X2 are two non-zero-mean (with means µ1 and µ2 ) i.i.d. Gaussian random variables, each having the common variance σ 2 , then Y = X12 +X22 is non-central Chi-square distributed with two degrees of freedom as given by (C.5). By introducing the new random variable √ R = X12 + X22 = Y (C.10) the Rice PDF f (R | µ1 , µ2 , σ) = R − R2 +µ212+µ22 2σ ·e J0 σ2 √ R µ1 µ2 σ2 R≥0 (C.11) as given by [195] is obtained with J0 being the 0-th order Bessel function of the first kind. The corresponding CDF for (C.11) can be found in [195]. Gamma distribution The Gamma (Γ) distribution is a generalization of the Chi-square distribution (C.4) to ν degrees of freedom. The PDF of the Gamma distribution is given by f (X | σ, ν) = X ν 1 − 2σ 2 2 −1 e ν ν · X ν Γ 2 σ 22 X≥0 (C.12) √ The case ν = 2 yields the exponential distribution. For ν = 1 and by utilizing Γ( 12 ) = π the central χ2 -distribution (C.4) is obtained. The CDF of the Gamma distribution can be found in [195]. Nakagami-m and multivariate Gaussian distribution For the PDF and, respectively, CDF of the multivariate Gaussian distribution and the Nakagami-m distribution see [195]. D Reverberation Chamber Simulation Data D.1 Spatial measurement positions In Fig. 5.1, the two different coordinate systems relevant for simulation validations are indicated, where the right-handed (x, y, z) is used in the simulations and the left-handed (xm , ym , zm ) for measurements. A coordinate transformation from one system to the other is given by (5.1)-(5.3) by letting xs = x, ys = y, and zs = z. Spatial coordinates of the field points used for the measurement and simulation 8-point field uniformity analysis complying with IEC 61000-4-21 [6] are listed in Table D.1. Measurement points ym xm zm [m] [m] [m] Simulation points ys xs zs [m] [m] [m] 1 0.57 0.44 0.47 2.0 0.8 2.0 2 0.57 -0.56 0.47 2.0 1.8 2.0 3 0.97 0.44 0.47 2.4 0.8 2.0 4 0.97 -0.56 0.47 2.4 1.8 2.0 5 0.57 0.44 -0.53 2.0 0.8 1.0 6 0.57 -0.56 -0.53 2.0 1.8 1.0 7 0.97 0.44 -0.53 2.4 0.8 1.0 8 0.97 -0.56 -0.53 2.4 1.8 1.0 Field point number Table D.1: Field points used in measurement and simulation for uniformity analysis (default values). Simulation and measurement points are based on different coordinate systems. 173 174 APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA D.2 Input power a) b) Figure D.1: Comparison between the electric field pattern inside the RC at f = 250 MHz excited by a) a 1 V and b) a 10 V source at the feeding element of the biconical antenna. Both representations are normalized to their respective maximum value. D.3 Different coupling paths a) b) Figure D.2: Different antenna orientations within the RC to investigate several coupling scenarios: a) towards the stirrer, b) towards the corner of the RC. APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA 175 D.4 Field uniformity in prototype, cubic, and corrugated RC This section shows the detailed per-component and combined field uniformity for the prototype RC (Fig. D.3), the corrugated RC (Fig. D.4), and the cubic RC (Fig. D.5). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.3: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ in the prototype RC obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.4: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ in the corrugated RC obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). 176 APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.5: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ in the cubic RC obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). D.5 Field uniformity for different stirrers This section shows the detailed per-component and combined field uniformity for the different RC stirrers introduced in Section 7.7 (see Fig. D.6. . . Fig. D.11). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.6: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical 6-paddle stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 177 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.7: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical 6-paddle connected stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.8: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the horizontal 6-paddle stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). 178 APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.9: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical cross-plate stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.10: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical Z-fold stirrer, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 179 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ sabs $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 Figure D.11: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ for the vertical Z-fold stirrer with gaps, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). D.6 Field uniformity for different canonical EUTs This section shows the detailed per-component and combined field uniformity with different canonical EUTs placed inside the RC (see Fig. D.12. . . Fig. D.15). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 600 Figure D.12: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ without an EUT, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). 180 APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 600 Figure D.13: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ with the canonical loop EUT, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 600 Figure D.14: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ with the canonical box EUT, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). APPENDIX D REVERBERATION CHAMBER SIMULATION DATA Standard deviation $ s [dB] 6 181 IEC limit line sxyz $ sx $ sy $ sz $ 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 Frequency f [MHz] 400 500 600 Figure D.15: Statistical field uniformities σ̃xyz and σ̃ξ with a large canonical box EUT, obtained according to the procedure outlined in Section 2.7 (- - - IEC limit line). 182 Bibliography [1] C. R. Paul, Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. Wiley & Sons, 1992. New York, NY: John [2] G. J. Freyer, “Distribution of responses for limited aspect angle EMC tests of equipment with structured directional directivity,” in Proc. 2003 Reverberation Chamber, Anechoic Chamber and OATS Users Meeting, Austin, TX, 2003. [3] G. J. Freyer and M. Bäckström, “Comparison of anechoic & reverberation chamber coupling data as a function of directivity pattern,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 2. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000, pp. 615–620. [4] L. Jansson and M. 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Despite his tight office schedule, he was accessible for me to discuss both topics related to my thesis as well as issues as diverse as teaching, publishing and reviewing of papers, or the “dos and donts” of talks. In addition, I always had the resources, lab environment, and support available to do my research projects effectively and efficiently, be it people, computers, software, tools, prototypes, or access to literature. I also had the unique possibility to attend virtually any conference related to my thesis topic and of interest to me, present my research results, get to know other key people in the field of EMC, and publish both conference as well as journal papers. Furthermore, I owe sincere thanks to my co-examiner Prof. Flavio Canavero of the Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, for the thorough review of this thesis, his very constructive comments, and his personal commitment. I want to thank my supervisor Dr. Pascal Leuchtmann for his guidance during my Ph.D. thesis. His experience and knowledge in the field of electromagnetics was very helpful during this project and contributed to the results presented in this thesis. Several big “Merci viiielmool” are due to the IFH measurement guru Hansruedi Benedickter, Aldo Rossi of the IFH electronics workshop, Ray Ballisti for help in computer matters as well as Stephen Wheeler and Claudio Maccio of the IFH mechanics workshop. I would like to express my gratitude to Heinrich Kunz, Dr. Jan Sroka, John Dearing, Dan Hamblin, Richard Davy, David Riley, Uwe Karsten, and Michael Rehfeldt of Schaffner EMV AG, who co-initiated this project, helped making it progress through several stages, spent considerable time on the prototype measurements and software development, discussed new ideas, and allowed me to participate in the day-to-day business of the company. Dr. Ulrich Jakobus of EMSS GmbH, Böblingen, Germany, assisted me a lot with the electromagnetic simulation software package FEKO and its peculiarities. I enjoyed the fruitful discussions regarding reverberation chamber theory, simulations, and measurements with Michael Hatfield of NSWCDD, Dahlgren (VA), USA, John Ladbury of NIST, Boulder (CO), USA, Dr. Luk Arnaut and Martin Alexander, both of NPL, Teddington, UK, Dr. Wolfgang Kürner of EADS AG, Hamburg, Germany, Dr. Hans Georg Krauthäuser of the Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, Dr. Nils Eulig of the Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, Albin Maridet and Frédéric 199 200 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hoëppe, both of EADS CCR S.A., Suresnes, France, and Gérard Orjubin of the Université Marne-La-Valleé, Marne-La-Valleé, France. During the course of this thesis and at several conferences I had the pleasure to share the results of my research with Dr. Mats Bäckström, Magnus Hoijer, and Olof Lundén, all of the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Linköping, Sweden, Magnus Otterskog from the Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, Tim Harrington of the FCC, Laurel (MD), USA, Gus Freyer, Monument (CO), USA, Michael Windler of Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Northbrook (IL), USA, Peter Landgren of Saab Bofors Dynamics AB, Kent Madsén of Flextronics International AB, Linköping, Sweden as well as Nico van Dijk of Philips Research B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Special thanks to all members of the IFH laboratory who made work, lunch and coffee breaks more pleasant, with whom it was fun to accomplish tasks as diverse as teaching, conference and Christmas party organization, building Ph.D. candidates’ hats, going to the gym to work out, skiing, hiking, biking or discussing political, economic, cultural or scientific topics – and who became true friends instead of just colleagues and thus made my time at ETH Zurich a great experience. Apart from the scientific results presented in this thesis, what did I learn personally from pursuing a Ph.D.? “If you can’t do it better – why bother doing it at all?” is an excellent guideline to select what you do for your thesis and how you do it. If it is clear from the beginning that you cannot solve the key problem of your thesis in a better way anyhow, then there is no point in going further, as your contribution to the scientific world will be simply a repetition of someone else’s work. On top of this, you will waste yours and other people’s time. Establish the starting point of your thesis by performing a thorough search on what has been done up to now by others around the world – not just in the offices next door. This approach will help you a lot when it comes to publishing your results later on. Usage of readily available proven tools, perfectly suited to solve a certain problem of your thesis, will keep you from reinventing the wheel, thus greatly accelerate your progress. Identify your strongest scientific competitors – again worldwide, not just locally – and learn from their achievements instead of ignoring them. Benchmark your work against theirs and publish in a language which is universally understood. Choose not to do simply another “Me-too” Ph.D. thesis. Cheers! c 2003 Scott Adams Inc., distributed by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Copyright List of Publications Publications related to this thesis Journal papers P1 C. Bruns and R. Vahldieck, “A closer look at reverberation chambers – 3-D simulation and experimental verification,” accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., Aug. 2005. Conference papers P2 C. Bruns, P. Leuchtmann, and R. Vahldieck, “Introduction to reverberation chamber simulation,” in Proc. 2nd NPL FREEMET meeting at MIRA, Nuneaton. Teddington, UK: National Physical Laboratory (NPL), 2002, [Electronic]. P3 ——, “Three-dimensional method of moments simulation of a reverberation chamber in the frequency domain,” in Proc. 15th Int. Zurich Symp. and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Inst. Technol. Zurich, 2003, pp. 229–232. P4 ——, “Challenges and results of realistic reverberation chamber simulations and measurements,” in Proc. 2003 Reverberation Chamber, Anechoic Chamber and OATS Users Meeting, Austin, TX, 2003. P5 ——, “Broadband method of moment simulation and measurement of a medium sized reverberation chamber,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2003, pp. 844–849. P6 P. Leuchtmann, C. Bruns, and R. Vahldieck, “On the validation of simulated fields in a reverberation chamber,” in Proc. European Microwave Conference 2003. London, UK: Horizon House Publ. Ltd., 2003, [Electronic]. P7 C. Bruns, P. Leuchtmann, and R. Vahldieck, “Comparison of various reverberation chamber geometries and excitations using a frequency domain method of moments simulation,” in Proc. 17th Int. Wroclaw Symp. and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Wroclaw, Poland: Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2004, pp. 97–102. 201 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 202 P8 C. Bruns, P. Leuchtmann, and R. Vahldieck, “Simulation and comparison of different stirrer types inside a reverberation chamber,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2004, pp. 241–244. P9 ——, “Modeling and simulation of a canonical equipment under test inside a medium-sized reverberation chamber,” in Proc. Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2004, pp. 744–749. P10 ——, “Cubic and corrugated reverberation chambers: mode distribution, correlation, and field uniformity,” in Proc. 16th Int. Zurich Symp. and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Inst. Technol. Zurich, 2005, pp. 539–542. P11 R. Vahldieck and C. Bruns, “Statistical characterization of reverberation chambers,” accepted for publication in Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications. Torino, Italy: Politecnico di Torino, 2005. Publications related to previous work Journal papers P12 C. Bruns, P. Leuchtmann, and R. Vahldieck, “Comprehensive analysis and simulation of a 1-18 GHz broadband parabolic reflector horn antenna system,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1418–1422, June 2003. P13 ——, “Analysis and simulation of a 1–18-GHz broadband double-ridged horn antenna,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 55–60, Feb. 2003. Conference papers P14 C. Bruns, P. Leuchtmann, and R. Vahldieck, “Full wave analysis and experimental verification of a broadband ridged horn antenna system with parabolic reflector,” in Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagat. Society Int. Symp., vol. 4. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2001, pp. 230–233. P15 ——, “Full field calculation of a 1–18 GHz broadband ridged horn antenna,” in Proc. URSI Int. Symp. on Electromagn. Theory. Ghent, Belgium: Int. Union of Radio Science (URSI), 2001, pp. 621–623. Curriculum Vitae Personal data Name: Nationality: Christian Bruns Date of birth: December 19, 1973 E-mail: christian@bruns.com German Professional experience 11/04 – 03/05: Huber + Suhner AG, Herisau, Switzerland Strategic evaluation of IEEE 802.16/WiMAX standard (diploma thesis) 11/00 – 05/05: ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Doctorate in Electrical Engineering Project with Schaffner EMV AG, Luterbach, Switzerland 05/97 – 10/97: Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany Gasoline engine management systems group (trainee) 01/96 – 08/96: Energy and High Voltage Systems Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany Electromagnetic compatibility group (consultant, research assistant) 01/93 – 12/95: DATEC Elektroanlagen GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany Planning and setup of IT networks (trainee, freelance) 01/92 – 06/96: Bruns + Gerst GbR, Karlsruhe, Germany Professional light and audio systems (founder and co-owner) 04/90 – 12/93: Radio Badenia GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany Interviews, data mining, reports, pre-/post-production (freelance) Education 10/01 – 02/05: ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland Post-graduate studies in business, economics, and finance 08/99 – 04/00: ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland Analysis and simulation of a broadband horn antenna (diploma thesis) 08/96 – 05/97: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (MA), USA University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (MA), USA Graduate study of Electrical Engineering (scholarship) 10/93 – 04/00: Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany Dipl.-Ing. Electrical Engineering 09/84 – 05/93: High School Max-Planck-Gymnasium, Karlsruhe, Germany 203