Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) Visa (Subclass 400) - Checklist USE FORM 1400 AND THIS CHECKLIST IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A VISA FOR AUSTRALIA TO: UNDERTAKE SHORT-TERM, NON-ONGOING WORK USING HIGHLY SPECIALISED SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERIENCE WHICH CAN ASSIST AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS AND WHICH CANNOT REASONABLY BE FOUND IN THE AUSTRALIA LABOUR MARKET. EXAMPLES INCLUDE: o PROVIDING SPECIALIST PROFESSIONAL OR TECHNICAL SERVICES OF ANY KIND o UNDERTAKING HIGHLY SPECIALISED INSPECTIONS OR AUDITS o USING HIGHLY SPECIALISED TECHNICAL OR PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TO UNDERTAKE A WORKRELATED ACTIVITY o INSTALLING OR MAINTAINING SPECIALISED EQUIPMENT o SPECIALIST IT TRAINERS OR PROGRAMMERS o ENGAGING IN SELLING OR TRADING IN SPECIALISED GOODS o FILMING, RECORDING OR OTHER MEDIA-RELATED ACTIVITY (THAT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE DISTRIBUTED OR SCREENED IN AUSTRALIA) o ANY OTHER HIGHLY SPECIALISED WORK-RELATED ACTIVITY PARTICIPATE IN A NON-ONGOING SOCIAL OR CULTURAL EVENT AT THE INVITATION OF THE ORGANISERS AS A DOMESTIC HELPER, ACCOMPANY YOUR EMPLOYER ON HOLIDAY TO AUSTRALIA THERE MUST ALSO BE A DEMONSTRATED NEED FOR THE APPLICANT TO BE IN AUSTRALIA TO PERFORM THE WORK-RELATED ACTIVITY THIS VISA ALLOWS FOR A MAXIMUM CUMULATIVE STAY OF UP TO THREE MONTHS. FOR ONGOING WORKRELATED ACTIVITIES, FOR LONGER STAYS, OR FOR ACTIVITIES NOT COVERED ABOVE, SEE THE INFORMATION ON TEMPORARY WORK (LONG STAY) VISAS IN THE AVAC WEBSITE. Note: If you are travelling to Australia as a business visitor rather than to engage in a work-related activity, such as to attend meetings, negotiations, attend conferences or seminars, business exploration, job interviews, investment, professional examinations, or similar business-related visitor activity, then you should read the information about the Visitor Visa (Business Visitor Stream)(Subclass 600). You should prepare a complete and well-documented application to assist the visa decision-maker to reach a clear and favourable decision. If there is information that you are not able to provide, you should include a letter stating why and those reasons will be taken into account. Incomplete or poorly documented applications may be delayed or may be unsuccessful. Although you are only required to submit photocopies of the supporting information (unless otherwise indicated), you may be asked to produce the originals during assessment. Any foreign language documents must be accompanied by official translations in English. The service standard for assessment of this application is 5 working days. You should apply well in advance to avoid disappointment. In some cases where additional checking is required, the processing time may be longer and you will be advised. NOTE – YOU SHOULD TICK THE BOXES TO INDICATE WHAT YOU HAVE INCLUDED WITH YOUR APPLICATION, SIGN AT THE END, AND SUBMIT THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST WITH YOUR APPLICATION MANDATORY FOR ALL APPLICANTS □ □ Fully completed and signed application (Form 1400) and application fee Your current original passport (NB - if you are the holder of Singapore Permanent Residence [SPR], a Personalised Employment Pass [PEP], an Employment Permit [EP] or a Dependent Pass [DP], you do not need to provide your original passport and may provide a copy of the identity page of your passport instead – if you are a first time traveller to Australia you should consider providing copies of the travel pages as well to demonstrate your travel history) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ One passport-sized photograph (see photo specifications in AVAC website) Your NRIC/Employment Pass/ Dependent Pass/ Social Visit Pass/ Work Permit/ Student Pass Full name, nationality and passport number of others travelling with you in your group (if you are not applying for your visas together) A copy of your qualifications or curriculum vitae, and (if applicable) registration or licences to allow you to undertake the proposed work Evidence that your business background is relevant to the nature of your proposed business in Australia eg. evidence of current employment position and role Your flight itinerary (not ticket – we recommend you do not commit to paying for your flight until your visa application has been decided) If you are a national of India, a completed Form 1221 (available in AVAC website under info for this visa) AND EITHER A, B, C OR D A. Highly specialised work □ □ Letter of invitation, contract or letter of job offer from the party in Australia, that includes position details, duration of work, your role or duties and the reason why you are required to undertake the work. If undertaking freelance work-related activity or for an offshore company, a copy of your program in Australia and a description of your proposed activities If you will be engaged in filming or recording for a production that will not be shown in Australia, a distribution contract or other evidence which demonstrates that the production will not be shown in Australia (if the production will be shown in Australia, see the information under Temporary Work (long Stay)Visa in the AVAC website) B. Representative of a foreign government □ A letter of support from your ministry or government (or a Third Person Note from your embassy or mission) C. Invited participant in an event □ A letter of invitation from the inviting organisation that includes the event name, dates, your role or duties in the event, whether you will be remunerated and how, and the role of the inviting organisation in the event D. Domestic helpers accompanying their employer on holiday □ □ □ □ □ Signed employer’s undertaking and applicant’s acknowledgement (available as a link in the AVAC webpage for this visa category) Your employer’s (and employer’s spouse) passport identity page and their NRIC, PEP, EP or DP Evidence of proposed accommodation arrangements: □ □ if staying in paid accommodation (for example hotel/resort/serviced apartment), evidence of the accommodation booking if staying in a private home, evidence of whose home that is and their relationship to your employer If the application is based on a need for you to accompany your employer’s family due to any special care needs, disability or other medical reason, evidence from a medical professional confirming that need If the application is based on a need for you to accompany your employer’s family due to caring for children aged 5 and under, for whom you are the usual carer, a copy of the child/ren’s passport identity page/s □ Written statement from your employer stating which family members are travelling, who else is travelling in the group, and giving specific reasons why you need to accompany them, and details of proposed activities in Australia MANDATORY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR FIRST TIME TRAVELLERS TO AUSTRALIA or FOR APPLICANTS NOT RESIDENT IN SINGAPORE (but recommended for all applicants) □ □ □ □ Evidence of financial capacity to support your stay in Australia (eg. bank statements or a letter of support from your financial institution stating your financial position). Allowances, accommodation and other assistance can also be considered when looking at your ability to support yourself and any family members accompanying you If your current passport is recently issued or is not representative of your travel history, your previous passport/s that may show evidence of your travel history to other countries Evidence of your accommodation arrangements Any other information to show that you have an incentive and authority to return to Singapore or your country of citizenship, such as property or other significant assets or commitments IF SOMEONE ELSE WILL COMMUNICATE WITH THE VISA OFFICE ON YOUR BEHALF □ If you authorise another person to receive all written communications about your application with the department: • completed Part Q of Form 1400 – Options for receiving written communications; and • Form 956 Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance; or • Form 956A Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient I acknowledge that I have provided everything above that is relevant to my application, and acknowledge that if required information has not been provided, this may affect the success or processing time of my application. I also understand that the visa case officer is not obliged to seek additional information before making a decision on the application Signed (visa applicant) Date IF YOU ARE SEEKING AN URGENT DECISION (IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A JUSTIFICATION WHY YOUR APPLICATION SHOULD BE ASSESSED AHEAD OF OTHERS WHO APPLIED BEFORE YOU), PLEASE STATE YOUR REASON HERE AND IT WILL BE CONSIDERED. NOTE THAT NOT ALL REQUESTS FOR URGENT PROCESSING CAN BE ACCOMMODATED OFFICIAL USE ONLY □ □ INITIALS: STANDARD PROCESSING URGENT - REVISED DECISION DATE ( ) Version – 1 August 2013