(SOL) 50-Day Pre-SOL Instructional Plan

Standards of Learning (SOL) 50-Day Pre-SOL Instructional Plan
3/7/16 - updates made
Name of School: Amelon Elementary
Name of School Division: Amherst County Public Schools
Date: February 22, 2016 - April 29, 2016
Principal: Elaine Duke
Assistant Principal: Cindy Copp
Complete the Pre-SOL instructional plan and include detailed plans for each core instructional area. You will need to use current assessment data to assist with
development of your instructional plan as indicated below.
The purpose of this plan is to indicate the strategies that will be in place during the 45 instructional days prior to testing to:
1. Ensure that the SOL Blueprints are used to direct the planning of instruction for SOL objectives not covered or not covered well during the year.
2. Ensure that the SOL Blueprints are used to direct remediation efforts for students who have not mastered SOL objectives.
3. Emphasize that this should be the priority of everyone in the building to ensure that “all hands are on deck” to support increased student achievement.
Who assisted in the development of this plan?
How will the school ensure that the SOL Blueprints and
certain data from the third quarter benchmark assessments
are used to direct the planning of instruction for SOL
objectives not covered or not mastered during the year?
Provide detailed strategies. Include who is responsible for
each strategy—on a separate document
How will the school ensure that the SOL Blueprints
and certain data from the third quarter benchmark
assessments are used to direct remediation efforts
for students who have not mastered SOL
Provide detailed strategies. Include who is
responsible for each strategy.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Leadership Team, Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Title 1 Teachers,
Resource Teachers, Central Office Team Leaders, Wayne Lyle and School Secretary
 The principal and Assistant Principal will continue to meet once a week with grade level teams during PLC
meetings to discuss and plan reading (and math strategies) and interventions that correlate with 2015 SOL data,
SOL Blue Prints, 1st & 2nd grading period benchmark data, and formative assessments based on the essential
skills for each grade level.
 Teachers in grades 3-5 will use released SOL tests and other resources available through the DOE website and
other websites to familiarize students with the content and format of questions
 Staff will be exposed to and utilize information from Powerpoints, i.e., Intervention Strategies for Struggling
Readers by Peggy Smith, e-mails, shared ideas
 Teachers (3-5) will continue to use and/or develop practice assessments on Interactive Achievement and/or
TestNav. Teachers will use data from these assessments to plan additional remediation instruction.
 Teachers (3-5) will incorporate TEI items and items with appropriate rigor to ensure students have practice and
are familiar with questions presented in this format.
 Teachers (K-5) will continue to use the lesson plan template to include listing SOLs being taught each week. The
weekly plan will continue to be sent electronically to the administrative staff each Monday morning.
 Teachers in grades K-5 will continue to classify children as Tier 1, 2, or 3 for reading (and math).
 Teachers in grades 2-5 will complete data analysis on IA Assessments/SOL Simulation Tests and use results to
plan further instruction and remediation.
 During PLC meetings grade level teams will continue to create, implement, and share specific interventions for
students in Tier 2 and 3.
 Remediation in the areas of reading (and math) will continue to be taught in the FUEL UP FRIDAYS before
school remediation program. FUEL UP FRIDAYS teachers should focus on test taking strategies and the
essential skills students have not mastered. FUEL UP FRIDAY teachers will collaborate with the classroom
teachers to determine areas of weakness based on data from assessments and essential skill assessments.
Formative assessments will be used each class meeting.
Include a plan for targeting students who need additional
support in mastering SOL objectives.
List specific programs/activities that will be used for
How will the principal emphasize the priority needed by
everyone in the building to ensure that "all hands are on
deck" to support increased student achievement?
NOTE: This plan has been developed with all stake
holders present at the table. Each grade level has a
charge in this purchase and will constantly have a “voice”
regarding the outcomes. This school is very good about
taking on the 3-5 SOL ownership as if it was their own.
The principal must review the plan with all teachers in the
 Teachers (K-5) will continue with additional Reading (and Math) Remediation with Tier 2 and 3 students as
 The administrators will monitor RAD instruction to ensure that the SOL Blueprints and data from assessments are
being used to direct remediation efforts.
 Remediation will continue to be offered to targeted (2-5) students during RAD, FUEL UP FRIDAYS.
 Teachers (2-5) will use “Bubble Kids” data to determine additional interventions for students to succeed.
 3rd grading period benchmark assessments will be the evaluated for any changes needed from previous data
collection. Groups and needs are fluid and adjustments will be made.
 Teachers in grades 3-5 will use “Ringed Skills” during the day for independent and/or group use. These rings
contain SOL related skills in reading and mathematics.
 Level appropriate Thinking Maps will consistently be used to further develop the thought process and learning.
Teachers will receive professional development to refresh the use of maps and share ideas for ways maps can
assist in the learning of certain skills.
 Administrative Tutoring will be implemented in April with “high-risk” selected students. These tutors will be from
Central Office, and our own school administrators.
 Resource teachers will collaborate with classroom teachers to incorporate SOL review during resource classes
prior to SOL testing. Each of them has specific activities they integrate in their time with students.
 There will continue to be walk-throughs by the administrators on a daily basis.
 Amelon will once again implement the CREWS (Children Ready to Encourage Winners) program to motivate and
encourage 3rd-5th grade students. Each PK-2 class will be partnered up with another 3-5 class to provide
encouragement and support prior to SOL testing. They will make posters which highlight an assigned test taking
 Test Taking strategies will be reviewed daily during morning announcements three weeks before the SOL
assessments begin and encouraged via all class periods, cafeteria, and buses.
 SOL Pep Rally/Parade- Friday, April 29th, a pep rally will be conducted for students in grades 3-5. Activities
include reviewing test-taking strategies and singing inspirational cheers and songs. A parade will be conducted
through the hallways so that our primary students can cheer for our 3rd-5th graders to encourage them and show
 Bulletin boards in the hallways will be related to the SOLs and/or assessments and promote a motivating
 Music will sound upon entering the school each morning of each SOL test to relax and brighten the day!
 Administrators and the testing coordinator will provide various SOL related motivational items to students before
testing (bookmarks with testing tips, special treats).
 Every testing student (VAAP also) will receive a special SOL Tee-shirt.
 Special education teachers, classroom teachers, and Title I reading specialists will collaborate to ensure students
are being taught the same strategies and skills (i.e., push-in, coach teaching, and inclusion).
 Teachers in grades 3-5 will develop revised intervention packets/study guides, “Powerful Pawsome Packet” for
all tested subjects. These coil-bound packets will be based on the SOL Blueprints. The “Powerful Pawsome
Packet” guides will be completed at school and eventually, sent home, creating a partnership with parents to
increase their knowledge of academic expectations when completed. Certain packets will be “customized”.
 A variety of learning posters will be posted to incorporate an academic “print rich” environment.
Each 3rd – 5th grade teacher will develop a calendar of activities for each class with plan.
March 1-SOL Released Test 2012 pages 1-4
March 2-Timed Test Basic Facts
March 3-PAWSOME Packet pages 3-5
Budget for CREWS Treats each PK-2 class (funding school)
*note allergy and medical concerns with the HR receiving teacher
K. WalkerGallagher
PEP RALLY—April 29th , 3:15 (parade, special guest South Paw from the Hillcats)
POST PEP RALLY- May 27th, Time TBA featuring Hillcats Baseball Players
SOL Breakfast (3rd – 5th on testing mornings, USDA Procedures)
SOL Tee-Shirts for Grades 3rd – 5th “Mustache Themed”, along with pencils, bookmarks and pencil toppers (partially funded through the PTO)
Practice Posture, Rigor, Stamina, Read, Understand, Apply--daily
VDOE Resources (Teacher Direct)
Amelon FY16 Spring Virginia SOL and ACPS Local Assessment Testing Schedule
**3rd Grade
Monday, May 2 – Reading Part I
Tuesday, May 3 – Reading Part II
Wednesday, May 11 – Math Part I
Thursday, May 12 – Math Part II
Monday, May 23 – Local Assessment Science
Wednesday, May 25 – Local Assessment History
**4th Grade
Wednesday, May 4 – Reading Part I
Thursday, May 5 – Reading Part II
Monday, May 16 – Math Part I
Tuesday, May 17 – Math Part II
Monday, May 23 – VA Studies
** 5th Grade
Tuesday, April 18 – Local Assessment Writing Multiple Choice
Thursday, April 20 – Local Assessment Direct Writing
Monday, May 9 – Reading Part I
Tuesday, May 10 – Reading Part II
Wednesday, May 18 – Math Part I
Thursday, May 19 – Math Part II
Tuesday, May 24 – Science