CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WESTLAKE PHASE 1 A ROAD AND LAKE EXCAVATIONS SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 2016-2 PH 1 COVER - 1 INDEX COVER SHEET COVER INDEX 1 INVITATION TO BID 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1-6 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES AFFIDAVIT 1-3 PROPOSAL 1-2 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS 1-10 CONTRACT 1-6 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 1-2 REQUIRED PAY REQUEST FORM (AIA DOCUMENT G-702) 1-3 WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN 1-2 FINAL WAIVER OF LIENS 1-2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1-5 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1-68 STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS 1-41 ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS 1-14 WATER DISTRIBUTION SPECIFICATIONS 1-10 NON POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SPECIFICATIONS 1-7 FORCE MAIN SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 1-5 EROSION SEDIMENT CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS 1-14 CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS SPECIFICATIONS 1-5 INDEX – 1 INVITATION TO BID PROJECT NAME: WESTLAKE PHASE 1 A ROAD AND LAKE EXCAVATIONS BID NO.: 2016-2 PH 1 LOCATION OF PROJECT: Seminole Improvement District – Westlake Phase 1 A Road and Lake Excavation. SCOPE OF WORK: The project involves the construction infrastructure in Phase 1 A of Westlake and the East side of the Rural Parkway along Seminole Pratt Whitney Road South of the J&J produce entrance. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment to complete the following principle items: Earthwork, Roads, Drainage System, Potable Water System, Reuse Water System, Wastewater System and Rural Parkway (as noted above). BID BREAKDOWN: Bidders are to provide a Schedule of Unit Prices. MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held in the Westlake Community Center, 4003 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road, Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 (adjacent to Seminole Improvement District Offices) on June 1, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. SPECIFICATIONS & PLANS may be obtained, at the Contractor’s expense, from C&S copy center 4420 NE 83rd Road, Wildwood, Fl. 352-748-8855 or Downloaded from the District Website at RECEIPT OF BIDS: Sealed bids in single copy for the work described herein shall be received until: June 29, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. ALL BIDS WHETHER HAND DELIVERED OR MAILED MUST BE AT THE OFFICE OF SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ATTN: SCOTT MASSEY, 4001 SEMINOLE PRATT WHITNEY ROAD, LOXAHATCHEE, FLORIDA 33470, BEFORE THE ABOVE STATED DEADLINE TO BE CONSIDERED. INVITATION TO BID – 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. 2. NATURE OF BID REQUEST AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 1.1 ALL BIDS, AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE TO BE LUMP SUM, BASED UPON UNIT PRICING. Bidder shall specify the price per unit of measure and the extended total, or the lump sum bid price if such is called for, for each scheduled item of work as well as the TOTAL PRICE for the entire work under the Contract. Contract Documents will require the successful bidder to complete the entire work under the contract for the TOTAL PRICE. No adjustment to the TOTAL PRICE as set forth in the Contract will be made for variations in the actual number of items, distances, quantities, etc. from those presented in the Plans and other Contract Documents unless initiated by a Change Order submitted by the Owner. 1.2 All additional work performed by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to Change Orders submitted by the Owner, shall be completed at the unit prices set for in the Plans and other Contract Documents, in addition to the TOTAL PRICE. If Owner submits a Change Order decreasing the scope of the work required under the Plans and other Contract Documents, the TOTAL PRICE shall be reduced at the rates set forth under the unit pricing. CONTRACTOR understands that the quantities may be increased or diminished as provided in the General Conditions without in any way invalidating any of the unit or lump sum prices bid. OWNER reserves the right to submit Change Orders increasing or decreasing the bid quantities for any item without affecting the unit price for that item, by an amount not to exceed one hundred percent (100%). 1.3 Interim Progress Payments to the CONTRACTOR will be made only for the actual quantities of work performed in accordance with the Plans and other Contract Documents at the unit prices set forth in the Schedule of Unit Prices; however, the total payment to the CONTRACTOR will not exceed the TOTAL PRICE unless the Owner has submitted a Change Order requesting additional work. EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 2.1 Bidder is required to examine carefully the site of the work and the Plans and other Contract Documents for the work contemplated, and it will be assumed that the Bidder has investigated and is fully informed of the conditions and materials to be encountered, of the character, quality, and quantities of work to be performed and materials to be furnished, and of the requirements of the Plans and other Contract Documents. 2.2 Each Bidder must inform himself fully of the conditions related to construction and labor under which the work will be performed, and will have inspected the site of the work and will have read and be thoroughly familiar with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents. Failure to do so will not relieve the successful Bidder of his obligations to furnish all labor, material, and equipment necessary to carry out the provisions of the Contract Documents and to complete the contemplated work for the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS – 1 TOTAL PRICE set forth in this bid. There is no expressed or implied agreement that the character of the materials have been correctly indicated and Bidders should take into account the possibility that conditions affecting the work to be done may differ from those indicated. 3. 2.3 Any estimate or estimates of quantities of work or materials shown on the Plans or in the Schedule of Unit Prices and based on borings, test excavations, and other subsurface investigations or otherwise are in no way warranted to indicate the true quantities or distribution of quantities or character and quality of materials involved. CONTRACTOR agrees that he will make no claims against the OWNER if the actual character, quality, quantity or quantities of such work or materials do not conform to the estimated character, quality, quantity or quantities. 2.4 The estimated quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished under this contract, given in the Schedule of Unit Prices, are to be considered as approximate only and are to be used solely for the comparison of bids received. OWNER does not expressly or by implication represent that the actual quantities involved will correspond exactly therewith, nor shall the Bidder plead misunderstanding or deception because of such estimate of quantities or of the character, location, or other conditions pertaining to the work. 2.5 If during Bid preparation, the Bidder discovers what appears to be a discrepancy in the estimated quantities, he shall promptly notify the OWNER so that a Bid Request Addendum can be issued if necessary. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS 3.1 4. No interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications or other pre-bid documents will be made to any Bidder orally. Every request for such interpretations should be in writing addressed to Farner, Barley & Associates, Inc., 4450 NE 83rd Road, Wildwood, Fl 34785. Request for information may also be submitted in writing via e-mail to Lynn LoBrutto at Requests must be received at least five days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instruction will be in the form of written addenda to the specifications which, if issued, will be issued by facsimile copy, with return receipt requested to all prospective Bidders (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes), not later than three days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Failure of any Bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such Bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. PREPARATION AND SUBMITTAL OF BIDS 4.1 Bids must be submitted via a Schedule of Unit Prices. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder, his address, and the name of the project for which the bid is submitted. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another envelope addressed as specified in the Proposal. Bidder shall specify the price per unit of measure and the extended total, or the lump sum bid price if such is called for, for each scheduled item of work as well as the TOTAL PRICE for the entire work under the Contract. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 2 5. 6. 4.2 Bidder in blue ink shall sign his bid in the blank space provided therefore. If the bid is made by a partnership or corporation, the name and address of the partnership or corporation shall be shown together with the names and addresses of the partners or officers. If the bid is made by a partnership, it must be acknowledged by one of the partners; if made by a corporation, by one of the officers thereof. 4.3 All prospective Bidders are advised that this project is subject to the Florida Sales Tax. Bidders shall include in their bids any sales or use taxes which they are required by law to pay. 4.4 Any item of work for which there is not a Bid item shall be considered incidental to the contract, and the cost for such work shall be included in other various Bid items. BID SECURITY 5.1 Unless otherwise specified, each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of not less than five percent of the amount of the gross sum named in the bid. The deposit shall consist of a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond payable to the OWNER. Bid bond must be with a surety company listed by the U.S. Treasury Department as approved for writing bonds in an amount not less than the bid bond submitted and authorized to transact business in Florida. Within ten (10) days after the formal opening of bids, checks or bid bonds will be returned except those deposited by the Successful Bidder. The bid security of the successful Bidder will be returned to him without interest when the Contract has been approved and executed. 5.2 Should the successful Bidder fail or refuse to execute the bond and the Contract required, within ten (10) days after he has received notice of acceptance of his bid, he shall forfeit to the OWNER, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his bid. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS 6.1 OWNER may consider informal any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with these provisions and may waive any informalities or irregularities or reject any and all bids. 6.2 Attention is called to the fact that Bidders not only offer to assume the obligations and liabilities imposed upon the Contract in the form of Contract, but expressly make certain of the representations and warranties made therein. No effort is made to emphasize any particular provision of the Contract, but Bidders must familiarize themselves with every provision and its effect. 6.3 Bids will be considered irregular and may be rejected if they show omissions, alterations of form, additions not called for, conditions, limitations, unauthorized alternate bids or other irregularities of any kind. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 3 6.4 Any of the following causes may be considered as sufficient for the disqualification of a Bidder and the rejection of his bid: (a) Submission of more than one bid for the same work by an individual, partnership, or corporation under the same or different names; (b) Evidence of collusion among Bidders; (c) Submission of an unbalanced bid in which the prices bid for some items are out of proportion to the prices bid for other items; (d) Lack of competency of Bidder (the Contract will be awarded only to a Bidder rated by the ENGINEER as capable of performing the work as specified; the ENGINEER may declare any Bidder ineligible at any time during the process of receiving proposals or awarding the Contract where developments arise which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, adversely affect the Bidder's responsibility; however, the Bidder will be given an opportunity by the ENGINEER to present additional evidence before final action is taken); 7. (e) Lack of responsibility as shown by past work judged from the standpoints of workmanship, progress, compliance with requirements of Contract Documents or other appropriate concern. (f) Extensive history of contract litigation. ACCEPTANCE OF BID AND AWARD OF CONTRACT 7.1 Bidder authorizes the Owner to make mathematical corrections to the Bidder's Proposal for any incorrect summation or the products obtained by multiplying the quantities shown on the Schedule of Unit Prices by the unit bid prices entered therein. 7.2 If the lowest base bid submitted by a responsible Bidder does not exceed the amount of funds then estimated by the OWNER as available to finance the contract, the contract will be awarded on the base bid only. If such bid exceeds such amount, the OWNER may reject all bids or may negotiate the contract with the Bidder with the lowest bid so as to produce a net amount which is within the available funds. 7.3 An award of the contract will not be made until the necessary investigations of the responsibility of the low Bidders has been made. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest and best responsible qualified Bidder whose bid appears to be in the best interest of the OWNER. Such award will be made within sixty (60) calendar days after the opening of bids. 7.4 When the Contract has been executed on the part of the OWNER, it shall be forwarded to the CONTRACTOR together with a notice from the ENGINEER to commence work. The Notice To Proceed will include the time for completion. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 4 8. SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT 8.1 9. LAWS AND REGULATIONS 9.1 10. Time of completion of the work to be performed under this Contract is the essence of the Contract. The number of days within which, or the dates by which, the work is to be substantially completed and also completed and ready for final payment are set forth in the Agreement and the Proposal. FLORIDA TRENCH SAFETY ACT 11.1 12. The Bidder's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable State laws, municipal ordinances , and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the Contract the same as though herein written out in full. TIME OF COMPLETION 10.1 11. The work to be performed is developer funded and will be bonded in accordance with the procedures set forth in Florida Statutes Section 713. Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed Contract, the successful Bidder will be required to deliver to the OWNER, an executed performance and payment bond in the amount of 110% of the accepted bid as security for faithful performance of his Contract and for payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith. Among other things, the contractor must deliver to the Owner and record in the Public Records of Palm Beach County a Payment and Performance Bond with a surety insurer authorized to do business in the State of Florida. The bond must state the name and address of both the principal and the surety and must contain a description of the project. The bond must require that the contractor perform the contract in the time and manner described in the contract and promptly make payment to all persons providing the work required by the contract, and such other provisions as required by Florida Statutes Chapter 713. The Bidder's attention is directed to the enactment of the Florida Trench Safety Act which incorporates OSHA Standards 29CFR s 1926.650 Subpart P, as the state's trench excavation safety standards. Bidder shall list separately in the Proposal the cost of compliance with these standards on a lineal footage basis and the method of compliance. Bidder shall also determine if special shoring requirements are needed. Special shoring shall be identified and priced on a square footage basis in the proposal. The successful Bidder is fully responsible for the design of the trench safety system and the compliance with the applicable standards for the project. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: 12..1 In accordance with F.S. 287.133 (2) (a), persons and affiliates who have been placed on the convicted vendor list may not submit bids, contract with, or perform work (as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant) with any public entity (i.e. Palm Beach County) in excess of Twenty five Thousand dollars (or such other amount as may be hereafter established by the Florida Division of Purchasing in accordance with F.S. 287.017) for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 5 As provided in F.S. 287.132-133, by entering into this contract or performing any work in furtherance hereof, the contractor certifies that it, its affiliates, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants who will perform hereunder, have not been placed on the convicted vendor list maintained by the State of Florida Department of Management Services within the 36 months immediately preceding the date hereof. This notice is required by F.S. 287133(3)(a). An affidavit shall be submitted by the Contractor certifying the above. 13. HISTORY OF LITIGATION: 13.1 Contractor shall disclose to Owner all contract litigation over the past 5 years in which contractor is named as a party. 13.2 Failure to disclose this information may cause the Contractor’s Bid to be rejected. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 6 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES AFFIDAVIT DATE: _____________________ SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3) (A), FLORIDA STATUTES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted to SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT by ______________________________ (print individual’s name and title) for _________________________________ (print name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is _________________________________________ _______________________________ and, (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is ____________________ (if the entity has no FEIN, include Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: ______________________). 2. I understand that a “public entity crime” as defined in Paragraph 287.133 of the Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or Federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States, including but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services, any lease for real property, or any contract for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 3. I understand that “convicted” or “conviction” is defined by the Statute to mean a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, non-jury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 4. I understand that an “affiliate” is defined in Section 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: 00617850-1 (A) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or (B) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term “affiliate” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm’s length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Public Entity Crimes Affidavit Page:2 enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 5. I understand that a “person” as defined in Section 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applied to bid on contracts let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term “person” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. 6. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement (indicate by placing a check in front of the statement which applies): _____ Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity was charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. _____ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity was charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. _____ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity was charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. However, there was a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list (attach a copy of final order). I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY AND THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY, PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017, FLORIDA STATUTES, FOR CATEGORY TWO, OF ANY CHANGE 00617850-1 SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Public Entity Crimes Affidavit Page:3 AFFECTING THE CORRECTNESS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SWORN STATEMENT. ___________________________________ (Signature) ___________________________________ (Date) STATE OF ________________________ COUNTY OF ______________________ PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ______________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________ as identification, and who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this ________ day of ______________, 2016. ____________________________________ Signature of Notary Public ____________________________________ Name of Notary Public ____________________________________ Title or Rank ____________________________________ Serial Number, if any (SEAL) My commission expires: 00617850-1 PROPOSAL TO: SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT: SEMINOLE PRATT WHITNEY ROAD WESTLAKE PHASE 1 A ROAD AND LAKE EXCAVATIONS CONTRACT NO.: The undersigned CONTRACTOR hereby declares that the only person or persons interested in the bid as principal or principals is or are named herein, and that no other person than herein mentioned has any interest in this bid or in the contract to be entered into; that his bid is made without connection with any other person, company, or parties making a bid or proposal; and that it is in all respects fair and in good faith without collusion or fraud. The CONTRACTOR further declares that he has examined the site of the work and informed himself fully in regard to all conditions pertaining to the place where the work is to be done; that he has examined the plans and specifications for the work and contractual documents relative thereto, and has read all special provisions furnished prior to the submission of bids; and that he has satisfied himself relative to the work to be performed. The CONTRACTOR proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to contract with the OWNER as listed above, in the form of contract specified for the construction of the above referenced project located in Palm Beach County, Florida, in full and complete accordance with the shown, noted, described, and reasonably intended requirements of the plans, specifications, and contract documents, to the full and entire satisfaction of the OWNER or his representative for the LUMP SUM TOTAL PRICE of: Dollars ( $ ) based upon the undersigned's own estimate of quantities and costs and including sales, consumer, use and other taxes plus overhead and profit. The CONTRACTOR further proposes and agrees, upon written acceptance of this bid, to commence work under this contract within fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days after the date contained in the written notice to proceed and to fully complete all work under this contract in accordance with the following schedule: Substantial Completion - 548 calendar days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Final Completion - within 45 calendar days after the substantial completion date. Final Completion shall mean approval of the work by Palm Beach County as fully completed so as to entitle Owner to receive a satisfactory approval for which the Work is being performed. For a total contract time of 593 days. PROPOSAL - 1 The undersigned further agrees that, in case of failure on his part to execute the said contract within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after written notice being given of the award of the contract, any check accompanying this bid, and the monies payable thereon, shall be paid to the OWNER as liquidated damages for such failure; otherwise, the check accompanying this bid shall be returned to the undersigned. NAME OF CONTRACTOR ADDRESS BY PHONE TITLE PROPOSAL - 2 DATE LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS PROJECT: SEMINOLE PRATT WHITNEY ROAD 2016-2 PH1 BIDDER'S NAME: A. This form shall be considered an integral part of the Bid. B. List only one name on a line, except where listed work will be performed by more than one Subcontractor. Print full names legibly. Type of Work Clearing and Grubbing Grading Stabilized Subgrade Limerock Base Asphalt Surface Curbs Signs Traffic Markings Storm Sewer & Inlets Sod Water Supply System Wastewater System Geomembrane System Retaining Wall Bridge Signalization Bidder agrees to employ as subcontractors those firms listed on this List of Subcontractors. Authorized Representative Title LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS - 1 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation EJCDC STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ON THE BASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE THIS AGREEMENT is by and between (hereinafter called OWNER) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1 - WORK 1.01 CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: Construction of the first phase of Poundstone Drive and the excavation of the lakes shown in the Earthwork and Lake Excavation Plans for the first phase. The projects generally consist of but not limited to: General Conditions / Mobilization, Roadway Construction, Utility Construction, Earthwork Construction, SWPPP Maintenance and Lake Construction. Article 2 — THE PROJECT 2.01 The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only part is generally described as follows: Poundstone Drive, Westlake, Loxahatchee, Florida * Paving and Drainage Plans * Water and Wastewater Plans Earthworks and Lake Excavation Plans, Westlake, Loxahatchee, Florida Article 3 - ENGINEER 3.01 The Project has been designed by __Farner Barley and Associates______________ who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 00500-1 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation Article 4 - CONTRACT 4.01 TIMES of the Essence A. All time limits for Milestones, if any, Substantial Completion, and completion and readiness for final payment as stated in the contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. 4.02 Days to Achieve Substantial Completion and Final Payment A. The Work will be substantially completed within 300 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions and completed and ready to make application for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions within 345 days after the date when the Contract Time commence to run. 4.03 Liquidated Damages A. CONTRACTOR and OWNER recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 4.02 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. The parties also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration preceding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER $500.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 4.02 for Substantial Completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining Work within the Contract Time or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER $500.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 4.02 for completion and readiness for final payment until the Work is completed and ready for final payment. ARTICLE 5 - CONTRACT PRICE 5.01 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount in current funds equal to the sum of the amounts determined pursuant to paragraph 5.01A below. A. For all Work, at the prices stated in CONTRACTOR'S Bid, attached hereto as an exhibit, for the total price of $ which total contract price consists of $ ___________ CONTRACTOR and OWNER understand and agree that this contract shall be paid on a LUMP SUM basis as set forth above. No change order work shall be performed by CONTRACTOR without written approval of OWNER and ENGINEER. 00500-2 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation ARTICLE 6 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES 6.01 Submittal and Processing of Payments A. CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. Payments to CONTRACTOR shall be made on the following basis: a. CONTRACTOR to submit an invoice on a monthly basis for work performed to OWNER. b. Within 30 days of receipt of ENGINEER'S certification, certifying that the work is complete and in accordance with General Conditions and Contract Price, Owner will pay CONTRACTOR. All coordination of payment shall be between CONTRACTOR and OWNER only. 6.02 Progress Payment; Retainage A. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment on or about the 15th day of each month during performance of the Work as provided in paragraphs 6.92.A.1 and 6.02.A.2 below. All such payments will be measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.07.A. of the General Conditions (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Requirements: 1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER may determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.02 of the General Conditions. a. 90% of Work completed (with the balance being retainage). If the Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER, on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no retainage on account of Work completed, in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed less the aggregate of payments previously made; and b. 90% of cost of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (with the balance being retainage). 2. Upon Substantial Completion, OWNER shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 90% of the Work completed, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine in accordance with paragraph of the General Conditions and less 100% of ENGINEER's estimate of the value of Work to be completed or corrected as shown on the tentative list of items to be 00500-3 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation Completed or corrected to the certificate of Substantial Completion. 6.03 Final Payment a. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.07. ATRICLE 7 - RESERVED 00500-4 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation ARTICLE 8 - CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS. 8.01 In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: A. CONTRACTOR has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Bidding Documents. B. CONTRACTOR has visited the site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. CONTRACTOR is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. D. CONTRACTOR has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site which has been identified in the Supplemental Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.06 of the General Conditions. Note: Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Analysis prepared by Terracon (Report # HD145103) dated January 26, 2015 is attached. E. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR, including applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction, if any, expressly required by the Contract Documents to be employed by CONTRACTOR, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. CONTRACTOR to verify the location and expose existing facilities. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for repairing any damage to said facilities as a result of construction activities. The CONTRACTOR shall locate and expose all existing utilities and storm drains to be connected sufficiently ahead of construction to allow redesign by the engineer, if such installations are found to be different than shown on the Poundstone Drive and Earthwork and Lake Excavation Plans. CONTRACTOR shall contact CALL SUNSHINE @ 811 or 1-800-4324770 AND ALL UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. F. CONTRACTOR does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. CONTRACTOR is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the 00500-5 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation Contract Documents. H. CONTRACTOR has correlated the information known to CONTRACTOR, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that CONTRACTOR has discovered in the Contact Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Contractor agrees to pay for and obtain all federal, state and local permits, except for permits procured by the Owner, and licenses, necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work in accordance with General Provisions Section 7-2.1 and Standard General Conditions Article 6.08. ARTICLE 9 — CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.01 Contents A. The Contract Documents consist of the following: 1. This Agreement (pages 1 to 10, inclusive); 2. Payment Bond (to be provided by Contractor); 3. Performance Bond (to be provided by Contractor); 4. Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC pages 007001 to 00700-40, inclusive). 5. Special Conditions; 6. Drawings consisting of these separate sets of plans: Paving and Drainage Plans for Poundstone Drive, Water and Wastewater Plans for Poundstone Drive, Earthwork and Lake Excavation Plans. 7. Addenda; 8. Exhibits to this Agreement (enumerated as follows): a. Notice to Proceed; b. CONTRACTOR's Bid (pages 1 to 2, inclusive); c. Public Entity Crimes Affidavit 00500-6 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation 9. 10. The following which may be delivered or issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: a. Written Amendments; b. Work Change Directives; c. Change Order(s). d. Waiver and Release of Lien; e. Final Waiver of lien; f. Payment Application and Certificate; Geotechnical Report B. The documents listed in paragraph 9.01.A are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above). C. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 9. D. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in paragraph 3.05 of the General Conditions. 00500-7 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation ARTICLE 10 — MISCELLANEOUS 10.01 Terms A. Terms used in this Agreement will have the meanings in the General Conditions General Conditions. 10.02 Assignment of Contract A. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and, specifically but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 10.03 Successors and Assigns A. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 10.04 Severability A. Any provisions or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. 10.05 Other Provisions A. In addition to the provisions of section 17.05 in the General Conditions, venue for any dispute between the parties in any court or administrative tribunal shall be Palm Beach County, Florida. B. In the event of any disputes between the parties to this agreement that result in litigation in any court of competent jurisdiction, the prevailing party as evidenced by a final, unappealed order granting the relief requested shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. 00500-8 Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this Agreement in duplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER and CONTRACTOR. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or on their behalf. This agreement will be effective on Date of the agreement). , OWNER: CONTRACTOR: By: By: (CORPORATE SEAL) (which is the effective (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: Attest: Address for giving notices: Address for giving notices: 4001 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 ______________________________ License No. (Where applicable) Agent for service of process: Designated Representative: Designated Representative: Name: Mr. Scott Massey Name: Title: Title: Address: Address: 4001 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 Phone: Phone: (561) 790-1742 Facsimile: Facsimile: (772) 473-9525 END OF SECTION Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation END OF SECTION Minto Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation BID FORM Updated: 4-26-16 Item QTY. U/M DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL COST ROADWAY, DRAINAGE & TRAFFIC ITEMS 1.1 1 LS 1.2 1 LS 1.3 1 LS 1.4 1 LS 1.5 1 LS 1.6 1 LS $0.00 Mobilization Construction Layout $0.00 $0.00 As-Built Survey $0.00 Bid Bond $0.00 Performance Bond $0.00 Testing $0.00 GENERAL SUB-TOTAL SITEWORK 2.1 2.2 2.3 577.55 2,023,947 1,476,146 AC CY CY Clear and Grub Lake Excavation Site Grading $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.4 50,000 CY Unsuitable Material Removal (2.500 ft haul length) $0.00 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 516,241 100,000 1,193,125 1 CY CY SY LS Stock Pile Excess Material (2.500 ft haul length) Rock Removal Seed and Mulch NPDES Requirements /Erosion Control SITEWORK SUB-TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SY 12" Compacted Subgrade $0.00 SY 8" Limerock $0.00 SY SF SF LF LF 1-1/2" A.C.S.C. Type SP-9.5 (Two Lifts) 4" Concrete Sidewalk Decorative 6" Sidewalk Type "E" Curb Type "F" Curb $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ROADWAY 3.1 3.2 28,781 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 28,781 28,781 6,921 11,196 84 6,115 3.8 6,524 LF Modified Type "F" Curb $0.00 3.9 837 LF Type "RA" Curb $0.00 3.10 44 EA Curb Ramp $0.00 3.11 3.12 12,284 36,143 SY SY 10' Asphalt Path/Subgrade/Rock/Asphalt Sodding ROADWAY SUB-TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1,516 520 1,188 1,294 492 LF LF LF LF LF 15" RCP Storm 18" RCP Storm 24" RCP Storm 30" RCP Storm 36" RCP Storm $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DRAINAGE 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe BFR1 Minto Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation BID FORM Updated: 4-26-16 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 156 1,025 466 697 762 723 40 60 20 60 20 80 40 80 2 3 1 3 1 4 2 4 9 1 13 30 11 LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 42" RCP Storm Pipe 48" RCP Storm Pipe 54" RCP Storm Pipe 60" RCP Storm Pipe 72" RCP Storm Pipe 84" RCP Storm Pipe 18" CAP Storm Pipe 24" CAP Storm Pipe 30" CAP Storm Pipe 48" CAP Storm Pipe 54" CAP Storm Pipe 60" CAP Storm Pipe 72" CAP Storm Pipe 84" CAP Storm Pipe 18" RCP X CAP Adapter 24" RCP X CAP Adapter 30" RCP X CAP Adapter 48" RCP X CAP Adapter 54" RCP X CAP Adapter 60" RCP X CAP Adapter 72" RCP X CAP Adapter 84" RCP X CAP Adapter Type "E" Inlet Type "9" Inlet Type "5" Inlet Type "6" Inlet Manhole $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DRAINAGE SUB-TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS & COUNTING 5.1 1 LS $0.00 Striping/Signage TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS & COUNTING SUB-TOTAL $0.00 WATER AND SEWER 6.1 82 LF 6.2 846 LF 6.3 2,862 LF 6.4 1 EA 6.5 178 LF 6.6 492 LF 6.7 419 LF $0.00 8" Potable Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 10" Potable Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 12" Potable Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 Connect to existing PWM $0.00 6" Reuse Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 8" Reuse Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 10" Reuse Water Main, Fittings, and Valves BFR2 Minto Westlake Phase 1A Road and Lake Excavation BID FORM Updated: 4-26-16 6.8 4,760 LF 6.9 700 LF 6.10 1 EA 6.11 237 LF 6.12 323 LF 6.13 64 LF 6.14 4,914 LF 6.15 767 LF 6.16 1 EA $0.00 12" Reuse Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 16" Reuse Water Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 Connect to existing RUM $0.00 6" Sanitary Force Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 8" Sanitary Force Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 10" Sanitary Force Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 12" Sanitary Force Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 16" Sanitary Force Main, Fittings, and Valves $0.00 Connect to existing FM WATER AND SEWER $0.00 GRAND TOTAL $0.00 ALTNERNATE 7.1 $0.00 7.2 $0.00 7.3 $0.00 $0.00 ALTERNATE TOTAL BFR3 Invoice # : Project: Invoice Date: Period Ending : Contract # : Subcontract # : Contract Date : NTP Date: AIA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A ITEM NO. B DESCRIPTION OF WORK C SCHEDULED VALUES C (1) UNIT PRICE UNITS C (2) C (3) %/UNIT QUANTITY COMPLETED PREVIOUS PERIOD %/UNIT QUANTITY COMPLETED THIS PERIOD D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS (D+E) MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED & PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE THIS PERIOD PERIOD STORED (NOT IN ( D+E+F) D OR E) % (G/C) RETAINAGE Users may obtain validation of this document by requesting of the license a completed AIA Document D401 - Certification of Document's Authenticity FINAL WAIVER OF LIENS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACT NO.: PROJECT: WESTLAKE PHASE 1 A ROAD AND LAKE EXCAVATIONS CONTRACTOR: SECTION I AFFIDAVIT I _________________________________ , after being duly sworn, depose and say: That the persons, firms and corporations who have executed the final waiver of liens attached hereto are all of the persons, firms and corporations who have furnished services, labor or materials in the construction or repair to improvements on the real estate described in the waiver below and, as of the date of this affidavit, such work has been fully completed and accepted by the owner of said property. SIGNATURE SECTION II WAIVER OF LIEN The undersigned is the general contractor in the construction or repair of improvement upon the realty of WESTLAKE PHASE 1 in Palm Beach County, Florida, described as: WESTLAKE PHASE 1 For value received, the undersigned does hereby waive, release and quit-claim in favor of the owner and each and every person making a loan on or purchasing said realty, as improved, and their successors and assigns, all right that the undersigned may now or hereafter have to a lien upon the land and improvements thereon by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida; and further warrant that the undersigned has the right to execute this waiver and that we have not and will not assign our claims of payment nor our right to perfect a lien on the said realty. The subscribers hereto, warrants that all laborers employed by them have been fully paid and have no claims or liens against said premises, and that no conditional bill of sale, retain title contract or chattel mortgage has been given to anyone, for or in connection with any materials, fixtures, furnishings and appliances or machinery placed upon or installed in the said premises by any of us, except: (if none, write "None") _______________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR COMPANY BY: (SEAL) SIGNATURE NAME AND TITLE FINAL WAIVER OF LIEN - 1 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _____ DAY OF ___________________ 20 . BY ____________________________________________ OF HE/SHE IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVIDED _____________________________________ AS IDENTIFICATION AND DID NOT TAKE AN OATH. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY SERIAL/COMMISSION NUMBER PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY EXPIRATION DATE FINAL WAIVER OF LIEN - 2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS PIPE CULVERTS: 1. For pipe culverts not within the scope of a FDOT Permit or Construction Agreement, proposed pipe material and size shall meet FDOT specifications, but is limited to: Reinforced Concrete High Density Polyethylene Class I & II, except: o Not permitted under Thoroughfare Roadway pavement. o Not permitted under pavement of roadways providing immediate access to coastal islands. o Not permitted within the confines of a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall. o Not permitted in locations where failure would jeopardize buildings adjacent to the right-of-way. o The above restrictions include pipe locations taking into consideration the angle of repose of soil under any structure or the proposed pavement, including planned future widening. A-2000 Polyvinyl-chloride, except: o Not permitted where the pipe will be exposed to direct sunlight. o Not permitted when the manufacture date of the pipe to be installed exceeds 2 years. Corrugated metal pipe may only be used as the last segment of pipe before discharging into a lake or canal when called for on the plans. Pipe diameter must match or exceed sizes shown in plans; equivalent larger size pipes may be required if proposed pipe n value exceeds 0.12. Contractor to supply the required certified testing and computations for pipe life (see FDOT Drainage Manual). All pipe culverts provided must meet or exceed 100 year design service life. 2. For pipe culverts within the scope of a FDOT Permit or Construction Agreement, proposed pipe material and size are limited to pipes approved by FDOT, except non-reinforced concrete pipe shall not be used. Pipe diameter must match or exceed sizes shown in plans; equivalent larger size pipes may be required if proposed pipe n value exceeds 0.012. Contractor to supply the required certified testing and computations for pipe life (see FDOT Drainage Manual). All pipe culverts provided must meet or exceed 100 year design service life. PIPE CULVERTS (STORM SEWER PUMPING & CLEANING): New Storm Sewer System: The Contractor is advised that this contract includes “pumping-down” and “cleaning” of the new storm sewer system(s), as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall include the cost of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, fuel and all other items necessary to complete the “pumping-down” and “cleaning” of the new system(s). The Contractor shall remove the water from the system(s) to allow for visual inspections for leaks, deficiencies and lamping. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall make all the necessary repairs to the new storm sewer system(s) SPECIAL PROVISIONS - 1 Payment for this work on the new storm sewer system(s) shall be incidental to the pay item, “Pipe Culvert”, L.F. Existing Storm Sewer System: Also included as a pay item is “pumping-down” of the “existing” storm sewer system(s) (to the lake/canal outfall point, or as directed by the Engineer), and shall be paid on a lineal foot basis under the pay item(s): “Storm Sewer Pumping” (Exist.)(24" or less), “Storm Sewer Pumping” (Exist.)(>24" to 48"), “Storm Sewer Pumping” (Exist.)(>48") The item(s) shall also include all costs associated with the removal of the water from the system(s) for visual inspection of leaks, deficiencies and/or lamping. “Cleaning” of the existing storm system(s) is included as a contingent pay item and the work required under this item will be determined by the Engineer upon review of the system(s) after the pumping phase. The “cleaning” of the existing storm sewer system(s) shall be paid on a lineal foot basis under the pay item(s): “Storm Sewer Cleaning” (Exist.)(24" or less), “Storm Sewer Cleaning” (Exist.)(>24" to 48"), “Storm Sewer Cleaning” (Exist.)(>48") At the semi-final inspection, the contractor shall temporarily plug the system(s) at structures, outfall, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer, and pump the water out of the system to below one third of the diameter of the pipe (from the invert), or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The Contractor and the Engineer shall visually inspect the system(s) for leaks, deficiencies, and lamping problems. If leaks, deficiencies and/or lamping problems are discovered in the new pipe system(s), the contractor shall make corrective repairs, as required, in accordance with Article 5-10.2 of the General Provisions of this specification, at no additional cost to Seminole Improvement District. If leaks, deficiencies and/or lamping problems are discovered in the existing pipe system(s), the contractor shall notify the Engineer, and the Engineer shall determine if the Contractor should provide a cost proposal for the work required to make the corrective repairs, in accordance with Article 5-10.2. STORM SEWER SYSTEM PIPE PLUGS: The Contractor shall prepare, and submit to the Engineer for approval, a plan/sequence of the plug locations for pumping down the storm system(s) satisfactory to the Engineer. Upon completion of the storm pumping sequences, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours prior to removing any of the temporary plugs for the Engineer to visually confirm/verify the removal of the pipe plug. Cost for the plans and coordination of all the work required for the above shall be incidental to the cost of the storm sewer items of work. FINAL PIPE INSPECTION: Upon completion of placement of concrete pavement or the placement of structural asphalt, but prior to placement of asphalt friction course, dewater installed pipe and provide the Engineer with a video recording schedule allowing for pipe videoing and reports to be completed and submitted to Seminole Improvement District and reviewed prior to continuation of pavement. For pipe 48 inches or less in diameter, provide the Engineer a video DVD and report using low barrel SPECIAL PROVISIONS - 2 distortion video equipment with laser profile technology, non-contact video micrometer and associated software meeting the requirements outlined in FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, Section 430-4.8. The cost of the above work shall be incidental to the related pay item for the pipe. VIDEO REPORT: Provide a video report in accordance with FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition Section 430-4.8.1. The cost of the above work shall be incidental to the related pay item for the pipe. MANDRELS: Use mandrels of the type in outlined in FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition Section 430-4.8.2. The cost of the above work shall be incidental to the related pay item for the pipe. LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION: The Contractor shall confine the construction of the roadway within the limits of the right of way unless the right of entry to adjacent properties has been acquired. CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS: Contractor is hereby notified that any construction performed within Construction Easement (CE) areas shall be restored to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such construction occurred, at no expense to the Owner. Prior to disturbing the Construction Easement area, the Contractor shall stake the CE limits, locate/document all improvements within the area, and submit this information to Owner, prior to starting construction. Upon completion of the construction, the Engineer, together with the Contractor, shall conduct an inspection of the area to confirm that all improvements have been appropriately restored. Payment for all work to complete the item shall be incidental to the cost of the Project. GRAVITY WALL CONSTRUCTION: Unless otherwise directed, gravity walls are to be constructed from “inside” the Right of Way (no encroachment on private property). Any construction methods necessary to satisfy this requirement shall be incidental to the cost of the gravity wall. IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITHIN CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREAS: The Contractor, prior to start of construction, shall obtain as-built information of the irrigation system(s) within Construction Easement areas, and catalogue related component information (manufacturer/part number/etc.) required to ensure appropriate replacement of the system and components. The as-built information shall be submitted to Owner, and upon completion of the construction, the Contractor shall restore the irrigation system and components to its original or better condition. Payment for all work to complete the item shall be incidental to the cost of the Project. RECORD DRAWINGS (ROADWAY): The Contractor shall note that this contract includes preparation of “Record Drawings”. By definition, “Record Drawings” shall be the electronic information which reflects the as-built conditions of the project recorded at or about the time of the “substantial completion” inspection. The as-built information and permitting forms shall be prepared and certified (i.e., signed and sealed) by a Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Florida, as required by the project. The as-built information shall indicate (at a minimum) the following: All changes, additions or deletions to the original design documents. SPECIAL PROVISIONS – 3 Centerline/baseline ties to section line(s) (including ties at PC & P.T.). Stations/elevations/offsets at P.C.’s, P.T.’s, P.I.’s, low points, high points, horizontal angle points. Stations/elevations/offsets at edge-of-pavement (E.O.P.), top-of- curb and back-of-sidewalk, at locations shown on the plans, at a minimum. At non-curb inlets show station/offset/elevation to the top-center of the grate. At curb inlets show the station/offset/elevation at E.O.P. At special and slotted structures - show the elevation(s), dimensions, and the invert of the weir; the bleeders/orifices; and pipe inverts. At outfalls, show the station/offset/invert/diameter of pipe, structure type and dimensions. GPS LOCATE (State plane basis) The diameter and invert of connecting pipes between all structures. For Irrigation Sleeves - show the station/offset/elevation for all end caps, and the invert elevation at the end cap. At lakes obtain cross sections at 50 foot intervals, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer (Top of Bank, Top of Slope, etc). At bridges, show the low member elevation/station/offset. At end bents, show station/offset/elevation at two corners to ensure proper offset location. For “Begin and End” bridge, indicate the stations/offsets/elevations at the respective points. The above information shall be collected by survey, and the collected data shall be referenced on the AutoCad (.dwg) and Micro Station (.dgn) design file of the project. The electronic Micro Station (.dgn) files (and .pdf files of same) shall be submitted on a CD labeled with project information, one (1) set of black line plans, and one (1) set of signed & sealed black line plans, boldly marked in large print “RECORD DRAWINGS ROADWAY”. The above information shall be submitted to Seminole Improvement District, for approval, prior to scheduling a final inspection. The cost of the location survey, compilation/reproduction/conversion of electronic files, plans, and other information necessary to satisfy the above, shall be incidental to the cost of the items of work. The Contractor shall review all permits for this project and the general/special conditions which may call for “Record-Drawings” for a specific agency. The Contractor is responsible to satisfy the permit requirements in accordance with that agency’s policy. BASIS OF PAYMENT: Payment will be based on field measured quantities. No additional payment will be made for any work which exceeds that called for in the contract documents. CLEARING AND GRUBBING: The Contractor is required to notify the owner of any fences, irrigation systems, etc., that lie within the right-of-way, to give them the courtesy to remove them before construction. The Contractor shall replace fences, shrubbery, sod, etc., within the limits of construction outside the right-of-way to its original condition, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Cost of which is incidental to construction. SUBSOIL EXCAVATION: Where muck, rock, clay, or other material within the limits of the roadway is unsuitable in its original position, excavate such material to the cross-sections shown in the plans or indicated by the Engineer, and backfill with suitable material. Shape backfill material to SPECIAL PROVISIONS - 4 the required cross-sections. Where the removal of plastic soils below the finished earthwork grade is required, meet a construction tolerance, from the lines shown in the plans as the removal limits, of ±0.2 feet in depth and ±6 inches (each side) in width. Final payment for the Subsoil Excavation, C.Y. will be based on initial and final cross sections, and signed & sealed quantity computations which are to be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Florida, and submitted to Owner for acceptance. Initial cross sections shall be taken at 50 foot intervals, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. When the excavation of unsuitable material is completed to satisfy field conditions, and verified as such by the Engineer, final cross sections shall be taken at 50 foot intervals, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The cross sections shall show elevations at the appropriate break points and shall be plotted. Quantity computations shall be prepared (using the Average End Area Method), and submitted to the Engineer for acceptance. The Contractor is advised that no compensation will be made for excavation below the depth required to satisfactorily remove the unsuitable material. The cost for the cross sections and computations shall be incidental to the pay item, Subsoil Excavation, C.Y. Subsoil Excavation, C.Y., shall include the cost of embankment to replace the excavated subsoil, labor, materials, equipment, fuel, transportation and other related work to complete the pay item. EMBANKMENT: The quantity will be at the plan quantity compacted in place. Where payment for embankment is not to be included in the payment for the excavation, and is to be paid for on a cubic yard basis for the item of Embankment, the plan quantities to be paid for will be calculated by the method of average end areas unless the Engineer determines that another method of calculation will provide a more accurate result. The measurement will include only material actually placed above the original ground line, within the lines and grades indicated in the plans or directed by the Engineer. The length used in the computations will be the station-to-station length actually constructed. The original ground line used in the computations will be as determined prior to placing of embankment, and no allowance will be made for subsidence of material below the surface of the original ground. In no case will payment be made for material allowed to run out of the embankment on a flatter slope than indicated on the cross-section. The Contractor shall make his own estimate on the volume of material actually required to obtain the compacted in-place pay section. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 “The Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction” dated 2015, as amended and augmented by the supplemental specifications, shall govern the construction of this project and the execution of the contract. 1.2 The attention of the Contractor is specifically directed to the provisions of such Standard Specifications, which are hereby made a part hereof, as if fully set forth at length. SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1-3 Definitions. The following terms, when used in the Contract Documents, have the meaning described as follows: Department - THE FOLLOWING IS SUBSTITUTED: Seminole Improvement District or the Palm Beach County Engineering & Public Works Department or The State of Florida Department of Transportation, as appropriate. Engineer - THE FOLLOWING IS SUBSTITUTED: Farner Barley & Associates, Inc., acting directly or through duly authorized representatives; such representatives acting within the scope of the duties and authority assigned to them. Note: In order to avoid cumbersome and confusing repetition of expressions in these Specifications, it is provided that whenever anything is, or is to be done, if, as, or, when, or where “acceptable, accepted, approval, approved, authorized, condemned, considered necessary, contemplated, deemed necessary, designated, determined, directed, disapproved, established, given, indicated, insufficient, ordered, permitted, rejected, required, reserved, satisfactory, specified, sufficient, suitable, suspended, unacceptable, or unsatisfactory,” it shall be understood as if the expression were followed by the words “by the Engineer,” “to the Engineer,” or “of the Engineer.” ADD THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: Qualified Products List (Qpl) - Refers to FDOT’s Qualified Products List GENERAL PROVISIONS - 1 SECTION 4 SCOPE OF THE WORK 4-1 Intent of Contract - ADD THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: The Phase 1 A Road, Lake Excavation and Rural Parkway plans for SID Project No. 2016 – 2 PH1A, consist of all work necessary to construct the necessary infrastructure in Phase 1A Westlake located within Seminole Improvement District, Palm Beach County, Florida. The work includes mobilization, clearing and grubbing, lake excavation, ditch work, water, wastewater, reuse, drainage, roads, berms, swales, table topping of POD Q, maintenance of traffic, asphalt pavement, earthwork, drainage, signalization, signage, NPDES compliance, and other work, as directed by the Engineer. All of the work involved in this project shall conform to the construction plans and specifications and shall be completed in a workmanlike manner. All debris is to be removed within the time specified in the contract. 4-3 Alteration of Plans or of Character of Work. 4-3.1 General - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Engineer reserves the right to make, at any time prior to or during the progress of the work, such increases or decreases in quantities and such alterations in the details of construction as may be found necessary or desirable by the Engineer / Owner. Such increases, decreases or alterations shall not constitute a breach of Contract, shall not invalidate the Contract, nor release the Surety from any liability arising out of this Contract or the Surety bond. The Contractor agrees to perform the work, as altered, the same as if it had been a part of the original Contract. 4-3.9 Cost Savings Initiative Proposal - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 4-4 Unforeseeable Work - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: When the Owner requires work that is not covered by a price in the Contract, and the Owner finds that such work is essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within its intended scope, the Owner will make an adjustment to the Contract. The Engineer will determine the basis of payment for such an adjustment in a fair and equitable amount. SECTION 5 CONTROL OF THE WORK 5-1 Plans and Working Drawings. 5-1.1 Contract Documents - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Contractor will be furnished five (5) copies of the plans and specifications for this project at the GENERAL PROVISIONS - 2 Pre-Construction Conference. Additional copies may be purchased from the Owner. The Contractor shall have available on the job site at all times, one copy each of the plans, contract documents and general provisions. 5-1.2 Department’s Plans - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 5-1.4.4 Style, Numbering, and Material of Submittals 5- Drawings - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Furnish 2 sets of clearly legible photographic or xerographic copies of all shop drawings that are necessary to complete the structure in compliance with the design shown on the plans. Prepare all shop drawings using the same units of measure as those used in the Department’s plans. Use sheets no larger than 11 by 17 inches. Consecutively number each sheet in the submittal series, and indicate the total number in the series (i.e., 1 of 12, 2 of 12, . . ., 12 of 12). Include on each sheet the following items as a minimum requirement: the complete Project Number, Bridge Number(s), drawing title and number, a title block showing the names of the fabricator or producer and the Contractor for which the work is being done, the initials of the person(s) responsible for the drawing, the date on which the drawing was prepared, the location of the item(s) within the project, the Contractor’s approval stamp with date and initials, and, when applicable, the documents shall be signed and sealed by the Specialty Engineer. A re-submittal will be requested when any of the required information is not included. 5- Other Documents - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: Provide 2 sets of original documents or clearly legible photographic or xerographic copies of documents other than drawings, such as trade literature, catalogue information, calculations, and manuals. Provide sheets no larger than 11 by 17 inches. Clearly label and number each sheet in the submittal to indicate the total number of sheets in the series (i.e., 1 of 12, 2 of 12, . . ., 12 of 12). Provide additional documentation for items involved with precast prestressed components. Provide additional documentation for items involving structural steel components. Prepare all documents using the same units of measure as those used in the plans. Bind and submit all documents with a Table of Contents cover sheet. List on the cover sheet the total number of pages and appendices, and include the complete Project Number, a title referencing the submittal item(s), the name of the firm and person(s) responsible for the preparation of the document, the Contractor’s approval stamp with date and initials, and, when applicable, the documents shall be signed and sealed by the Specialty Engineer or Contractor’s Engineer of Record, as appropriate. Submit appropriately prepared and checked calculations and manuals that clearly outline the design criteria. Include on the internal sheets the complete Project Number and the initials of the person(s) responsible for preparing and checking the document. Clearly label trade literature and catalogue information on the front cover with the title, Project Number, date and name of the firm and person(s) responsible for that document. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 3 5-1.4.5 Submittal Paths and Copies. 5- General - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: All submittals shall be made to the Engineer. 5- Contractor-Originated Design - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: Submit shop drawings and applicable calculations to the Engineer for review. Ensure that each sheet of the shop drawings and the cover sheet of the calculations are signed and sealed by the Specialty Engineer or the Contractor’s Engineer of Record. Transmit the submittal and copies of the transmittal letters in accordance with the requirements of 5- through 5-, as appropriate. 5- Temporary Works - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: For Construction Affecting Public Safety, submit to the Engineer shop drawings and the applicable calculations for the design of special erection equipment, falsework, scaffolding, etc. Ensure that each sheet of the shop drawings and the cover sheet of the applicable calculations is signed and sealed by the Specialty Engineer. Transmit the submittal in accordance with the requirements of 5- through 5-, as appropriate. 5- Other Miscellaneous Design and Structural Details Furnished by the Contractor in Compliance with the Contract - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Submit to the Engineer shop drawings and the applicable calculations. Ensure that each sheet of the shop drawings and the cover sheet of the applicable calculations is signed and sealed by the Specialty Engineer. Transmit the submittal in accordance with the requirements of 5- through 5-, as appropriate. 5-5 Authority of the Engineer - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Perform all work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer will decide all questions, difficulties, and disputes, of whatever nature, that may arise, relative to the interpretation of the plans, construction, prosecution, and fulfillment of the Contract, and as to the character, quality, amount, and value of any work done, and materials furnished, under or by reason of the Contract. 5-6 Authority and Duties of Engineer’s Assistants - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Engineer may appoint such assistants and representatives as he desires. These assistants and representatives are authorized to inspect all work done and all materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work and to the manufacture, preparation, or fabrication of the materials to be used. Such assistants and representatives are not authorized to revoke, alter, or waive any requirement of these Specifications. Rather, they are authorized to call to the attention of the Contractor any failure of the work or materials to meet the Contract Documents, and have the GENERAL PROVISIONS - 4 authority to reject materials or suspend the work until any questions at issue can be referred to and decided by the Engineer. The Engineer will immediately notify the Contractor in writing of any such suspension of the work, stating in detail the reasons for the suspension. The presence of the inspector or other assistant in no way lessens the responsibility of the Contractor. 5-7 Engineering and Layout. 5-7.1 Control Points Furnished by the Seminole Improvement District - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Engineer will provide centerline control points and bench marks to facilitate the proper layout of the work. Normally, the Engineer will furnish only one bench mark for water crossings. Preserve all reference points and bench marks that the Seminole Improvement District furnishes. Should reference points or benchmarks fall within construction limits, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer for survey coordination, and establish new reference points or benchmarks in locations that will not be affected by the construction and preserved upon completion of construction. The Contractor's surveyor shall verify the accuracy of the design survey data prior to proceeding with work. 5-7.3 Layout of Work - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Utilizing the control points furnished by the Seminole Improvement District in accordance with 57.1, the Contractor's surveyor shall verify the accuracy of the design survey data prior to proceeding with work, and establish all horizontal and vertical controls necessary to construct the work in conformity to the Contract Documents. Perform all calculations required, and set all stakes needed such as grade stakes, offset stakes, reference point stakes, slope stakes, and other reference marks or points necessary to provide lines and grades for construction of all roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous items. When performing utility construction as part of the project, establish all horizontal and vertical controls necessary to carry out such work. 5-7.5 Personnel, Equipment, and Record Requirements - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Employ only competent personnel and use only suitable equipment in performing layout work. Do not engage the services of any person or persons in the employ of the Seminole Improvement District for performance of layout work. Keep adequate field notes and records while performing layout work. Make these field notes and records available for the Engineer’s review as the work progresses. 5-7.6 Payment - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The cost of performing layout work as described above shall be incidental to the contract unit price for "Mobilization", L.S. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 5 5-10 Inspections. 5-10.2 Inspection for Acceptance - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Upon notification that all Contract Work, or all Contract Work on the portion of the Contract scheduled for acceptance, has been completed, the Engineer will make an inspection for acceptance. The inspection will be made within seven days of the notification. If the Engineer finds that all work has been satisfactorily completed, the Owner will consider such inspection as the final inspection. If any or all of the Work is found to be unsatisfactory, the Engineer will detail the remedial work required to achieve acceptance. The Contract Time shall be suspended to allow the Contractor time to complete the remedial work in accordance with the following schedule: Contract Amount ≤$5,000,000 >$5,000,000≤$10,000,000 >$10,000,000 Contract Time Suspension 30 Days 45 Days 60 Days If all Work is not completed by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer during the Contract Time Suspension, the Contract Time shall resume and, after any remaining contract time is expended, Liquidated Damages shall be assessed until all Work is accepted by the Engineer. 5-11 Final Acceptance Upon satisfactory completion of the Work, the Owner will provide written notice of acceptance, either partial or final, to the Contractor. Until final acceptance, replace or repair any damage to the accepted Work at no additional cost to the Owner and as provided in 7-14. 5-12 Claims by Contractor. 5-12.1 General – ADD THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: 5-12.1.1 Additional or Unforeseen Work and/or Claims for Extra Compensation: Payment for Additional or Unforeseen Work and/or Claims for Extra Compensation Additional or unforeseen work of the type already provided by the contract for which there is a contract price will be paid for at such contract price in accordance with 4-3.2.1 of the FDOT Standard Specifications, by a change order issued by the owner. Additional or unforeseen work having no quantity or price provided in the contract will be paid at a negotiated price in accordance with 4-3 and 4-4 by change order. Where the cost is negotiated, the Contractor shall submit an estimate to the Owner in terms of labor, materials, equipment, overhead (an amount equal to a maximum of ten [10] percent) and other expenses incurred solely as a result of the additional or unforeseen work. When the price for additional or unforeseen work or claims for compensation cannot be mutually agreed upon, such costs shall be recorded on a force account basis. The Contractor shall furnish to GENERAL PROVISIONS - 6 the Engineer itemized daily reports of the costs of all force account work which must be mutually agreed upon. The reports shall be summarized and furnished each week and shall include certified copies of the weekly payroll and original receipted bills for the materials used and the freight charges paid on same. The bills shall show credits for any discounts offered by suppliers and only the net amount of the bill shall be charged to the force account work. Where materials used are not specifically purchased for use on additional or unforeseen work but are taken from the Contractor's stock, the Contractor shall submit a certification of the quantity, price and freight on such materials in lieu of original bills and invoices. From the daily and weekly reports received from the Contractor, the Engineer will prepare on regulation forms, itemized statements containing the following detailed information: 1. Name, class, dates, number of hours worked each day, total hours computed to nearest half hour, rate and extension for each worker and foreman engaged in said work. 2. Designation, number of hours computed to nearest half hour worked each day, total hours, rental rate, and extension for each unit of equipment engaged. 3. Quantities of materials, prices, and extensions. 4. Freight on materials. 5-12.1.2 Payment: 1. For all labor and foremen engaged in the specific work, the Contractor will be paid the actual rate of wages and the number of hours paid said labor and foremen in accordance with approved labor agreements, computed to nearest half hour, plus 20 percent [20%] of this sum. General Foremen will be classified as Superintendents and their compensation will not be included in the payment provided herein. 2. For materials, the Contractor will receive the actual cost delivered on the work including freight charges, as shown by original receipted bills, plus 15 percent [15%] of the sum thereof. For small hand and power tools including chain saws, circular saws and wrenches, no payment will be allowed. 3. The portion of the cost for equipment shall be based on the Rental Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment, published by Dataquest (version current at time of work) in accordance with the following: (a) Costs shall be provided on an hourly basis. Hourly rates, for equipment being operated or on standby, shall be established by dividing the Blue Book monthly rates by 176. The columns, itemizing rates, labeled "Weekly", "Daily", and "Hourly" shall not be used. (b) On all projects, the costs shall be adjusted by regional adjustments and by Rate Adjustment Tables according to the instruction in the Blue Book. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 7 (c) Reimbursement for the equipment being operated shall be at a rate of 75 percent [75%] of the Blue Book ownership cost plus 100 percent [100%] of the Blue Book operating costs. (d) Reimbursement for equipment required to be idled and on standby, shall be at 50 percent [50%] of the Blue Book ownership cost, only. No more than eight hours of standby will be paid on a single day. (e) No additional overhead will be allowed on equipment costs. No operating cost will be allowed for idle equipment. No payment will be made for any type of repairs to equipment. Transportation costs for the moving of such equipment to and from the specific force account operation will be paid. The cost shall be supported by invoice showing actual cost to Contractor. Transportation costs will be paid from the nearest reasonable source of available equipment. If the equipment is not returned to the contractor's nearest equipment storage lot, but is moved to other work, then only the lesser cost of transportation will be paid. The movement to and from the specified force account operation will be as directed by the Engineer. 1. The necessary and required equipment will be inspected and start its rental time on the project in good condition. All equipment must be in good operating condition to qualify for rental payment. For a piece of machinery or equipment which must be brought to the site of the force account work from a source other than another location on the project, rental time shall begin when the unit arrives and it is first used on the force account work. For a piece of machinery or equipment which is already on the project, rental time shall begin when it is first used on the force account work. The rental rate for the Foreman's Transportation unit will be based on the Blue Book for Construction Equipment, published by Dataquest (version current at time of work). Upon completion of the need for a piece of machinery or equipment, rental time shall cease unless the Engineer has directed, on the basis of a previously agreed schedule, that it be kept at the site of the force account work for economical performance of future force account work. 2. When force account work or any extra work is accomplished by an approved subcontractor, the Contractor shall receive, as compensation for administration costs, an amount equal to a maximum of ten percent of the total amount paid for subcontracted work. The compensation as herein provided shall be accepted by the Contractor as payment in full for extra work and claims done on a force account basis. The Contractor's representative and the Inspector shall daily compare records of extra work done on a force account basis at the end of each day. Copies of these records shall be made in duplicate, upon a form provided for this purpose, by the Inspector, and signed by both the Inspector and the Contractor's representative; one copy being forwarded to the Engineer or his authorized representative, and one copy to the Contractor. All claims for extra work done on a force account basis shall be submitted by the Contractor upon certified statements, to which shall be attached original receipted bills covering the costs GENERAL PROVISIONS - 8 of the transportation charges on all materials used in such work. However, if materials used on the force account work are not specifically purchased for such work but are taken from the Contractor's stock, then in lieu of the invoices, the Contractor shall furnish an affidavit certifying that such materials were taken from his stock, that the quantity claimed was actually used, and that the price and transportation claimed represent actual cost to the Contractor. 5-12.2 Notice of Claim: 5-12.2.1 Claims For Extra Work: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 5-12.3 Content of Written Claim: DELETE ITEM (E) IN ITS ENTIRETY 5-12.4 Action on Claim - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Engineer will respond within 90 calendar days of receipt of a complete claim submitted by a Contractor in compliance with 5-12.3. Failure by the Engineer to respond to a claim within 90 days after receipt of a complete claim in compliance with 5-12.3 constitutes a denial of the claim by the Engineer. If the Engineer finds the claim or any part thereof to be valid, such partial or whole claim will be allowed and paid for to the extent deemed valid and any time extension granted, if applicable, as provided in the Contract. No circuit court or arbitration proceedings on any claim, or a part thereof, may be filed until after final acceptance per 5-11 of all Contract work by the Owner or denial hereunder, whichever occurs last. 5-12.5 Pre-Settlement and Pre-Judgment Interest – DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 5-12.12 Settlement Discussions - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The content of any discussions or meetings held between the Owner and the Contractor to settle or resolve any claims submitted by the Contractor against the Owner shall be inadmissible in any legal, equitable, arbitration or administrative proceedings brought by the Contractor against the Owner for payment of such claim. SECTION 6 CONTROL OF MATERIALS 6-1 Acceptance Criteria. 6 -1.1 General - ADD THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: All materials / products / certifications incorporated into the work shall be from F.D.O.T. certified and approved sources unless otherwise set forth herein. 6-1.2 Sampling and Testing - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Restore immediately any site from which material has been removed for sampling purposes to the GENERAL PROVISIONS - 9 pre-sampled condition with materials and construction methods used in the initial construction, at no additional cost to the Owner. Ensure when a material is delivered to the location as described in the Contract, there is enough material delivered to take samples, at no expense to the Owner. ADD THE FOLLOWING SUB ARTICLE: 6-1.2.5 All materials that are subjected to tests by samples or otherwise, shall be compensated for as follows: a) All tests made that indicate failures to meet the design criteria shall be paid for by the Contractor. b) All tests made that indicate passing of the design criteria and approved as such by the Engineer, shall be paid for by the Owner. 6-6 Warranty - INSERT NEW SUB-ARTICLE 6-6 “WARRANTY” AT THE END OF SECTION 6: The Contractor warrants to the Owner and Engineer that all materials and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified and that all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformance with Contract Documents. All work not so conforming to these requirements may be considered defective. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. All work shall be warranted and guaranteed unconditionally for a period of one (1) year after the letter of final acceptance. SECTION 7 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC 7-1.9 Florida Minority Business Loan Mobilization Program - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 7-2 Permits and Licenses. 7-2.1 General - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Except for permits procured by the Owner, if any, procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to become familiar with all local governmental codes, ordinances, and laws governing, associated with, or pertaining to the prosecution and completion of the work and to obtain and procure all applicable permits and licenses associated or incidental thereto. Additionally, the contractor shall be responsible for giving all notices necessary or incidental GENERAL PROVISIONS - 10 to the prosecution and completion of the work. Any costs involved in procuring permits and licenses, complying with local codes, ordinances or laws, or giving notices shall be incidental to the project and paid by the contractor. Any permits required by municipality or public agency, including but not limited to tree removal and dewatering, shall become the responsibility of the Contractor. The permitting time shall be included in the bid proposal and work progress schedule. The Contractor shall also be responsible for completing appropriate certifications by a Professional Engineer, certified in the State of Florida, as outlined on PER-1. Seminole Improvement District will also acquire any modifications or revisions to an original permit when the Contractor requires such modifications or revisions to complete the construction operations specified in the plans or Special Provisions and within the right-of-way limits. Acquire all permits for work performed outside the right-of-way or easements for the project. In carrying out the work in the Contract, when under the jurisdiction of any environmental regulatory agency, comply with all regulations issued by such agencies and with all general, special, and particular conditions relating to construction activities of all permits issued to the Owner as though such conditions were issued to the Contractor. Post all permit placards in a protected location at the worksite. In case of a discrepancy between any permit condition and other Contract Documents, the more stringent condition shall prevail. 7-11.3 Contractors’ Use of Streets and Roads. 7-11.3.2 On the State Highway System - DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 7-11.4 Traffic Signs, Signal Equipment, Highway Lighting and Guardrail: DELETE THE LAST PARAGRAPH AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Payment for repairs will be incidental to the cost of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT), L.S. 7-11.6 Utilities. 7-11.6.1 General - ADD THE FOLLOWING AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS SUBARTICLE: Unless otherwise specified, all references to utility work, coordination, adjustments, permits, utility pay items, etc. shall be considered separate and distinct from Roadway and Bridge items and shall pertain to all utilities including Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) and Palm Beach County Traffic Division. The Contractor shall be responsible to be familiar with and assure that all utility related work be performed in accordance with each respective utility department’s minimum engineering and construction standards. Sufficient time has been allotted in the contract “time of completion” for the Contractor to coordinate GENERAL PROVISIONS - 11 the installation and relocation of all utilities. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to assure that this coordination is implemented and included in the work schedule. Utility adjustments shall be the responsibility of the respective utility company, unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in the specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible to ascertain the exact location of all utilities prior to construction regardless of information which may be indicated on the drawings. Utilities shall be located and marked in the field. The Contractor shall take reasonable steps to protect the utilities from damage. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible to verify if "other" utilities (not shown in the plans) exist within the area of construction. Should there be utility conflicts, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer and notify the respective utility owners to resolve utility conflicts and utility adjustments, as required. The Contractor shall plan his work and conduct his construction operations in cooperation with the various Utility Companies. The Contractor shall use extreme caution where construction is performed in proximity to utilities, and the Engineer and the respective utility owner shall be notified when any work may conflict with the utilities. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the Utility Companies concerned for the maintenance of their lines during the construction period. In the event that complete relocation of utilities has not been accomplished prior to the effective date of the "Notice to Proceed", the Contractor nevertheless shall commence to work under this contract and schedule his work to avoid interference with the utility relocation work. The Owner will not be liable for any delay or added expense to the Contractor due to the activities of the Utility Companies, nor shall the Owner be held responsible for any damage to any utilities due to any action by the Contractor. 7-12 Responsibility For Damages, Claims, Etc. 7-12.1 Contractor to Provide Indemnification: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Contractor shall indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the Owner and all of its officers, agents or employees from all suits, actions, claims, demands, liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or due to any negligent act or occurrence of omission or commission of the contractor, its officers, agents, or employees. In the performance of the construction Contract, neither the contractor/consultant, nor any of its officers, agents, or employees will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the Owner or any of its officers, agents, or employees. It is binding to the Contractor that the above language be included in any and all agreements with subcontracts executed in connection with this contract. Unless otherwise noted herein, no provision of this Contract is intended to, or shall be construed to, create any third party beneficiary or to provide any rights to any person or entity not a party to this Contract, including but not limited to any citizen or employees of the Contractor. GENERAL PROVISIONS -12 7-13 Insurance. 7-13.1 General - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, or approved by Owner, the Contractor shall, at its sole expense, maintain in full force and effect at all times during the life of this contract or the performance of work hereunder, insurance coverage with limits, including endorsements, not less than those set forth in the Insurance Coverage & Limit Table below and with insurers and under forms of policies acceptable to the Owner. Contractor shall deliver to the Owner Certificate(s) of insurance evidencing that such policies are in full force and effect, not later than fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of Notification of Intent to Award, but in any event, prior to execution of the Contract by the Owner and prior to commencement of work on the project. Such certificate(s) shall adhere in every respect to the conditions set forth herein. The requirements contained herein as to types and limits, as well as Owner’s approval of insurance coverage to be maintained by Contractor, are not intended to and shall not in any manner limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations assumed by Contractor under the Contract. 7-13.1.1 Commercial General Liability: Contractor shall agree to maintain a standard Insurance Service Office (ISO) version Commercial General Liability policy form, or its equivalent providing coverage for, but not be limited to, Bodily Injury and Property Damage, Premises/Operations, Personal Injury, Products/Completed Operations, Independent Contractors, Contractual Liability, Broad Form Property Damage, X-C-U (X = Explosion; C = Collapse; U = Underground) Coverages (if applicable), Severability of Interest including Cross Liability, and be in accordance with all of the limits, terms and conditions set forth herein. Contractor agrees this coverage shall be provided on a primary basis. 7-13.1.2 Business Automobile Liability: Contractor shall agree to maintain a standard Insurance Service Office (ISO) version Business Automobile Liability coverage form, or its equivalent, providing coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, and in accordance with all of the limits, terms and conditions set forth herein. Contractor agrees this coverage shall be provided on a primary basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the Contractor not own any automobiles, the business auto liability requirement shall be amended to allow the Contractor to agree to maintain only Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability. This amended coverage requirement may be satisfied by way of endorsement to the Commercial General Liability, or separate Business Auto Coverage form. 7-13.1.3 Worker’s Compensation & Employer’s Liability: Contractor shall agree to maintain Worker’s Compensation Insurance & Employers Liability, including Federal Act endorsement for U.S. Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers Act when any work is on or contiguous to navigable bodies of U.S. waterways and ways adjoining, covering all of its employees on the work site. This coverage shall be accordance with all of the limits, terms and conditions set forth herein. Exemptions for a Contractor in or doing work in the Construction Industry, or proof of worker’s compensation coverage provided by an employee leasing arrangement shall not satisfy this requirement. If any work is sublet Contractor shall require all subcontractors GENERAL PROVISIONS - 13 to similarly comply with this requirement unless such subcontractors’ employees are covered by Contractor’s Worker’s Compensation insurance policy. Contractor agrees this coverage shall be provided on a primary basis. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and save the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any damages resulting to them for failure of Contractor to take out or maintain such insurance. 7-13.3 Satisfying Limits Under an Umbrella Policy: If necessary, the Contractor may satisfy the minimum limits required above for either Commercial General Liability, Business Auto Liability, and Employer’s Liability coverage under an Umbrella or Excess Liability. The underlying limits may be set at the minimum amounts required by the Umbrella or Excess Liability provided the combined limits meet at least the minimum limit for each required policy. The Umbrella or Excess Liability shall have an Annual Aggregate at a limit not less than two (2) times the highest per occurrence minimum limit required above for any of the required coverages. The Owner and any other applicable entities shall be specifically endorsed as an “Additional Insured” on the Umbrella or Excess Liability, unless the Umbrella or Excess Liability provides continuous coverage to the underlying policies on a complete Follow-Form basis without exceptions and stated as such on the Certificate of Insurance. 7-13.4 Additional Insured: The Contractor agrees to endorse the Owner and any other required entity as an Additional Insured on each insurance policy required to be maintained by the Contractor, except for Worker’s Compensation and Business Auto Liability. The CG 2026 Additional Insured - Designated Person or Organization endorsement, or its equivalent, shall be endorsed to the Commercial General Liability. Other policies, when required, such as for watercraft, aircraft, and utility owners protective, shall provide a standard Additional Insured endorsement offered by the insurer providing coverage with respect to liability arising out of the operations of the Contractor. The Contractor shall agree the Additional Insured endorsements provide coverage on a primary basis. Endorsement shall be in accordance with all of the limits, terms and conditions set forth herein. 7-13.5 Additional Requirements. 7-13.5.1 Waiver of Subrogation: The Contractor shall agree, by entering into this Contract, to a Waiver of Subrogation for each required policy providing coverage during the life of this Contract. When required by the insurer or should a policy condition not permit an Insured to enter into an pre-loss agreement to waive subrogation without an endorsement, then the Contractor shall agree to notify the insurer and request the policy be endorsed with a Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others, or its equivalent. This Waiver of Subrogation requirement shall not apply to any policy, which a condition to the policy specifically prohibits such an endorsement, or voids coverage should the insured enter into such an agreement on a pre-loss basis. The Waiver of Subrogation shall be in accordance with all of the limits, terms and conditions set forth herein. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 14 7-13.5.2 Right to Review & Adjust: The Contractor shall agree, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Owner reserves the right to periodically review, reject or accept all required policies of insurance, including limits, coverages, or endorsements, hereunder from time to time throughout the life of this Contract. Furthermore, the Owner reserves the right to review and reject any insurer providing coverage because of poor financial condition or because it is not operating legally. In such event, Owner shall provide Contractor written notice of such adjusted limits and Contractor shall agree to comply within thirty (30) days of receipt thereof and to be responsible for any premium revisions as a result of any such reasonable adjustment. 7-13.5.3 No Representation of Coverage Adequacy: The coverage’s and limits identified in the table have been determined to protect primarily interests of the Owner only, and the Contractor agrees in no way should the coverages and limits in the table be relied upon when assessing the extent or determining appropriate types and limits of coverage to protect the Contractor against any loss exposures, whether as a result of the construction project or otherwise. 7-13.5.4 Certificate of Insurance: Certificates of Insurance must provide clear evidence that Contractor’s Insurance Policies contain the minimum limits of coverage, cancellation notice, and terms and conditions set forth herein. In the event the Owner is notified that a required insurance coverage will cancel or non-renewed during the period of this Contract, the Contractor shall agree to furnish prior to the expiration of such insurance, an additional certificate of insurance as proof that equal and like coverage for the balance of the period of the Contract and any extension thereof is in effect. Contractor shall agree not continue to work pursuant to this Contract unless all required insurance remains in effect. The Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, of prohibiting Contractor or any subcontractor from entering the project site until such certificates or other evidence that insurance has been placed in complete compliance with these requirements is received and accepted by the Owner. The Owner Reserves The Right To Withhold Payment, But Not The Obligation, To Contractor Until Coverage Is Reinstated. If The Contractor Fails To Maintain The Insurance As Set Forth Herein, The Owner Shall Have The Right, But Not The Obligation, To Purchase Said Insurance At Contractor’s Expense. 7- Additional Requirements for Certificates of Insurance: 1. Shall clearly identify Owner, its officers, agents and employees as Additional Insured for all required insurance coverages, except Workers Compensation and Business Auto Liability. 2. Shall clearly indicate project name and project number to which it applies. 3. Shall clearly indicate a notification requirement in the event of cancellation or non-renewal of coverage. GENERAL PROVISIONS – 15 4. Evidence of renewal coverage or reinstatement of cancelled coverage must be provided in advance of any policy that may expire during the term of this Contract. Failure to provide such certificate shall result in automatic stoppage of the work until such time as the renewal certificate is supplied. 5. Contractor shall deliver original Certificate(s) of Insurance to the following Certificate Holder address: SEMINOLE IMPROVEMENT DISTIRCT Attn: Ken Cassel, District Manager 4001 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 6. The Certificates of Insurance must be completed in the original and signed and returned to the Owner along with Contracts and Sureties. 7-13.5.5 Deductibles, Coinsurance Penalties, & Self-Insured Retention: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to be fully and solely responsible for any costs or expenses as a result of a coverage deductible, coinsurance penalty, or self-insured retention; including any loss not covered because of the operation of such deductible, coinsurance penalty, or self-insured retention. 7-13.5.6 Subcontractor’s Insurance: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to cause each subcontractor employed by CONTRACTOR to purchase and maintain insurance of the type specified herein, unless the CONTRACTOR’S insurance provides coverage on behalf of the subcontractor. When requested by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall agree to obtain and furnish copies of certificates of insurance evidencing coverage for each subcontractor. 7-13.5.7 Insurance Coverage & Table: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to maintain the coverage, endorsements, and limits of liability in accordance with and set forth by the Insurance Coverage & Table below: INSURANCE COVERAGE & LIMIT TABLE TYPE OF COVERAGE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY: Limit of Liability not less than: Additional Insured endorsement required: General Aggregate Limit must apply Per Project CONTRACTS LESS THAN $500,000 CONTRACTS $500,000 OR MORE $500,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 per occurrence Yes COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY: Limit of Liability not less than: WORKERS COMPENSATION & EMPLOYERS LIABILITY: Coverage not less than: Employers Liability Limits not less than: Yes $500,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 per occurrence Statutory $100,000/500,000/100,000 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 16 7-14 Contractors’ Responsibility for Work - ADD THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: In addition to the above, the Contractor will not be held responsible for damage to any landscape items caused by an officially declared hurricane which occurs after the final acceptance of the entire work (as specified in 580), but during any remaining portion of the 90-day establishment period. SECTION 8 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 8-1 Subletting or Assigning of Contracts - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Do not, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Contract or Contracts or any portion thereof, or of the right, title, or interest therein, without written consent of the Owner. If the Contractor chooses to sublet any portion of the Contract, the Contractor must provide a written request to sublet work to the Owner, for this purpose. With the Engineer’s acceptance of the request, the Contractor may sublet a portion of the work, but shall perform with his own organization work amounting to not less than 50% of the total Contract amount. The written request will be deemed acceptable by the Owner, for purposes of the Owner’s consent, unless the Engineer notifies the Contractor within 5 business days of receipt of the written request that the Owner is not consenting to the requested subletting. Include in the total Contract amount the cost of materials and manufactured component products, and their transportation to the project site. For the purpose of meeting this requirement the Owner will not consider off-site commercial production of materials and manufactured component products that the Contractor purchases, or their transportation to the project, as subcontracted work. If the Contractor sublets a part of a Contract item, the Owner will use only the sublet proportional cost in determining the percentage of subcontracted normal work. Execute all agreements to sublet work in writing and include all pertinent provisions and requirements of the Contract. Upon request, furnish the Owner with a copy of the subcontract. The subletting of work does not relieve the Contractor or the surety of their respective liabilities under the Contract. The Owner recognizes a subcontractor only in the capacity of an employee or agent of the Contractor and the Engineer may require the Contractor to remove the subcontractor as in the case of an employee. 8-3 Prosecution of Work. 8-3.2 Submission of Working Schedule - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Provide a schedule that shows the various activities of work in sufficient detail to demonstrate a reasonable and workable plan to complete the project within the Contract Time. Show the order and GENERAL PROVISIONS – 17 interdependence of activities and the sequence for accomplishing the work. Describe all activities in sufficient detail so that the Engineer can readily identify the work and measure the progress on each activity. Show each activity with a beginning work date, a duration, and a monetary value. Include activities for procurement fabrication, and deliver of materials, plant, and equipment, and review time for shop drawings and submittals. Include milestone activities when milestones are required by the Contract Documents. In a project with more than one phase, adequately identify each phase and its completion date, and do not allow activities to span more than one phase. The Engineer will return inadequate schedules to the Contractor for corrections. Resubmit a corrected schedule within 15 calendar days from the date of the Engineer’s return transmittal. Submit an updated Work Progress Schedule, for Engineer’s acceptance, if there is a significant change in the planned order or duration of an activity. The Engineer will review the corrected schedule and respond within 7 calendar days of receipt. By acceptance of the schedule, the Engineer does not endorse or otherwise certify the validity or accuracy of the activity durations or sequencing of activities. The Engineer will use the accepted schedule as the baseline against which to measure the progress. If the Contractor fails to finalize either the initial or a revised schedule in the time specified, the Engineer will withhold all Contract payments until the Engineer accepts the schedule. 8-3.3 Beginning Work. - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: For contracts bearing a specified number of calendar days to complete, as stated in the bid form, effective date for starting the work shall be established during the Pre-Construction Conference and shall be so stated in writing by the "Notice to Proceed" issued by the Owner. The effective date of beginning of work stipulated in the "Notice to Proceed" shall be set at a date not later than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the date of execution of the Contract Documents by the Owner, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Contractor and the Engineer. 8-3.5 Preconstruction Conference - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: After the award of contract and prior to issuance of the "Notice to Proceed" a Pre-Construction Conference will be held between the Contractor, Engineer, Owner, representative of the County Engineer's Office, representative of other municipalities concerned, utility companies, other contractors affected by the work and any other persons designated by the Seminole Improvement District or Owner to have a material interest in the work. The time and place of this conference will be set by the Owner. The Contractor shall bring with him to this conference a copy of his proposed work schedule for the job. 8-7 Computation of Contract Time. 8-7.2 Date of Beginning of Contract Time - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The date on which Contract Time begins is the Notice to Proceed (N.T.P.) date. 8-8 Failure of Contractor to Maintain Satisfactory Progress. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 18 8-8.1 General: Pursue the work to completion - ADD THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: Satisfactory progress is an essential element of the contract and, as delay in the prosecution of the work will inconvenience the public, obstruct traffic, and interfere with business, it is important that the work be pressed vigorously to completion. Moreover, the cost to the Owner for the administration of the contract, including engineering, inspection, and supervision, will be increased as the construction period is lengthened. 8-8.2 Regulations Governing Suspension for Delinquency 8-9 Default and Termination of Contract 8-9.2 Termination of Contract for Convenience - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Owner may, at its option, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part at any time by written notice thereof to Contractor, whether or not Contractor is in default. Upon any such termination, Contractor hereby waives any claims for damages from the optional termination, including loss of anticipated profits, on account thereof, but as the sole right and remedy of Contractor, Owner shall pay Contractor in accordance with Subparagraphs below, provided, however, that those provisions of the Contract which by their very nature survive final acceptance under the Contract shall remain in full force and effect after such termination. A. Upon receipt of any such notice, Contractor and its Surety shall, unless the notice requires otherwise: 1. Immediately discontinue work on the date and to the extent specified in the notice; 2. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities, other than may be necessary or required for completion of such portion of work under the Contract that is not terminated; 3. Promptly make every reasonable effort to obtain cancellation upon terms satisfactory to Owner of all orders and subcontracts to the extent they relate to the performance of work terminated or assign to Owner those orders and subcontracts and revoke agreements specified in such notice; 4. The Contractor agrees to assign all Subcontracts required for performance of this Contract to the Owner; 5. The Contractor shall include in all Subcontracts, equipment leases and purchase order, a provision requiring the subcontractor, equipment lessor or supplier, to consent to the assignment of their Subcontract to the Owner; 6. Assist Owner, as specifically requested in writing, in the maintenance, protection and disposition of property acquired by Owner under the Contract; and 7. Complete performance of any work which is not terminated. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 19 B. Upon any such termination, Owner will pay to Contractor an amount determined in accordance with the following (without duplication of any item): 1. All amounts due and not previously paid to Contractor for work completed in accordance with the Contract prior to such notice, and for work thereafter completed as specified in such notice. 2. The reasonable cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work under subcontracts or orders as provided in Subparagraph A.3. above. 3. The verifiable costs incurred pursuant to Subparagraph A.5. above. 4. Any other reasonable costs which can be verified to be incidental to such termination of work. The foregoing amounts will include a reasonable sum, under all of the circumstances, as profit for all work satisfactorily performed by Contractor. Contractor shall submit within 30 days after receipt of notice of termination, a proposal for an adjustment to the contract price including all incurred costs described herein. Owner shall review, analyze, and verify such proposal, and negotiate an equitable adjustment, and the Contract shall be amended in writing accordingly. 8-10 Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work. 8-10.2 Amount of Liquidated Damages: Applicable liquidated damages are the amounts established in the following schedule: Original Contract Amount..Daily Charge Per Calendar Day $50,000 and under..........................................................$ 836 Over $50,000 but less than $250,000.............................$ 884 $250,000 but less than $500,000...................................$1,074 $500,000 but less than $2,500,000.............................. $1,742 $2,500,000 but less than $5,000,000........................... $2,876 $5,000,000 but less than $10,000,000......................... $3,770 $10,000,000 but less than $15,000,000....................... $4,624 $15,000,000 but less than $20,000,000....................... $5,696 $20,000,000 and over...........................................$9,788 plus .................................. 0.00005 of any amount over $20 million 8-10.2.1 Amounts Reasonable/No Penalty - ADD THE FOLLOWING SUB-ARTICLE: The Contractor hereby agrees and affirms that the amounts specified in this section reflect a fair compensable value for damages suffered by Owner as a result of Contractor's delay, and that said amounts are not a penalty nor will ever be contested as reflecting the imposition of a penalty against Contractor. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 20 SECTION 9 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 9-2 Scope of Payments. 9-2.1.1 Fuels: - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Owner will make no price adjustments for fuels. 9-2.1.2 Bituminous Material - DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Owner will adjust the bid unit price for bituminous material, excluding cutback and emulsified asphalt to reflect increases or decreases in the Asphalt Price Index (API) of bituminous material from that in effect during the month in which bids were received. Bituminous adjustments will be made only when the current API (CAPI) varies by more than 5% of the API prevailing in the month when bids were received (BAPI), and then only on the portion that exceeds 5%. The Owner will determine the API for each month by averaging quotations in effect on the first day of the month at all terminals that could reasonably be expected to furnish bituminous material to projects in the State of Florida. th The API will be available on the FDOT Construction Office website before the 15 of each month at the following URL: Refer to the “Liquid Asphalt Calculation” table provided in the Special Provisions of these documents. 9-3 Compensation for Altered Quantities. 9-3.1 General: ADD THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: The Contractor is advised that all items may be increased, decreased or deleted from the contract, as directed by the Engineer. Whenever change or combination of changes in the plans results in total elimination or substitution of any item included in the original contract quantities, no allowance will be made for any loss of anticipated profits because of these changes, decreases or deletions of items. The Contractor's attention is called to the fact that the quotations for the various items of work are intended to establish a total price for completing the work in its entirety. The unit prices for the items of work shall include the cost of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, fuel and all other items incidental to or necessary for the completion of the item of work. Should the Contractor feel that the cost for any item of work has not been established by the Bid Form or Basis of Payment, he shall include the cost for that work in some other applicable bid item, so that his proposal for the project does reflect his total price for completing the work in its entirety. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 21 9-5 Partial Payments. 9-5.1 General: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Contractor will receive partial payments on monthly estimates, based on the amount of work done or completed (including delivery of certain materials, as specified herein below). The monthly payments shall be approximate only, and all partial estimates and payments shall be subject to correction in the subsequent estimates and the final estimate and payment. The amount of such payments shall be the total value of the work done to the date of the estimate, based on the quantities and the unit prices for all work performed, less an amount retained and less payments previously made. The amount retained shall be 10% of the value of work completed. This retainage may be reduced to 5% of contract amount at the discretion of the Owner when said project exceeds 90% of the contract amount. Contract amount is defined as the original contract amount as adjusted by approved Supplemental Agreements. 9-5.5 Partial Payments for Delivery of Certain Materials. 9-5.5.1 General: ADD THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: (7) Common Carrier Freight Rates. No adjustments shall be made for change in common carrier rates. 9-5.5.2 Partial Payment Amounts: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Contractor will receive progress payments on a monthly basis. The amount will be based on the work done or completed. The progress payments shall be approximate only, and shall be subject to correction in the subsequent monthly estimates and the final estimate and payment. The amount of such payments shall be the total value of the work done to the date of the estimate, based on the quantities and the unit prices for all work performed, less an amount retained and less payments previously made. The amount retained shall be 10% of the value of work completed. This retainage may be reduced to 5% of contract amount at the discretion of the Owner when said project amount exceeds 90% of the contract amount. 9-9 Interest Due on Delayed Payments. DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY GENERAL PROVISIONS – 22 SECTION 102 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC 102-1 Description: ADD THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: All existing signs are the property of Palm Beach County. The Contractor shall stockpile the above mentioned signs and contact Traffic Operations (sign supervisor) at 233-3900 for pick-up. Signs must be kept in good condition or be responsible for reimbursement to P.B.C. Traffic Division. 1.2-1.1 Standards: This section shall be governed by the following standards: 1. Florida Department of Transportation “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction” 2. “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways” 3. Florida Department of Transportation “Design Standards” 4. Florida Department of Transportation “Plans Preparation Manual” 5. “Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance of Streets and Highways” In addition to the above specifications, the following shall also apply: Barricades, Lights and Cones: 1. All barricades shall be maintained daily. 2. All Type III barricades shall have one Type “A” flashing light on each barricade. When extremely hazardous conditions exist, two Type “B” flashing lights shall be used. Extremely hazardous conditions shall be determined by Palm Beach County Engineering Traffic Division. Flag Person and Vests: 1. The flagger shall be trained in the proper manner as set forth in the MUTCD and certified as per Section 102 F.D.O.T. Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Each flagger shall have a certification card with them when flagging. Certification cards shall have the flagger’s name, date of certification and expiration date. -If the person flagging traffic does not have the Certification, or the name is not on the list of approved flaggers, the flagger shall be replaced immediately with a certified flagger. There will be no lane closure until that time. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 23 -- At the pre-construction meeting, the contractor may submit a list of certified flaggers. This list must include the same information as the flagger(s)’ certification card(s) 2. All construction personnel shall wear a retro-reflective orange or strong yellow/green vest/garment during daytime or nighttime operations when working within the right-ofway (Class 2 or 3 per MUTCD). A. Ensure that these vest/garments be worn whenever workers are within the rightof-way. Workers operating machinery or equipment in which loose clothing could become entangled during operation are exempt from this requirement. Such exempt workers will be required to wear orange shirts or jackets. B. Require Contractor personnel to wear retro-reflective orange or strong yellow/green vest/garment during daytime or nighttime operations. C. Replace faded vest/garments, as determined by the Inspector. Flashing Arrow Boards: 1. Flashing arrow boards shall be used on any four (4) lane or larger roadway where traffic is being channelized or diverted, or as directed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department. Flashing arrow boards shall conform with Section 6F-56 M.U.T.C.D. /Type “B” or “C” only. Solar arrow boards shall be used. Traffic Signals: 1. A minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice must be given to Traffic Division (6844030) prior to work requiring the realigning of traffic signals. 2. Palm Beach County will realign traffic signals at each location, a maximum of two (2) times for each direction (N/S & E/W). Further realignment will be charged to the contractor. 3. No material shall be disturbed within 6’ of a traffic pole or within the specified distance of a guy wire and anchor to a depth greater than 2’ as shown in Figure 1 in the General Provisions unless approved by and coordinated with Palm Beach County Traffic Operations. Contact Traffic Operations at (561) 233-3900, 24 hours in advance of any excavation. Failure to comply with the above shall result in the prime contractor incurring all costs incurred as a result of damage to the traffic signal installation. These costs shall be paid 30 days from date of invoice or the following pay estimate will be withheld until payment is made or the cost may be deducted from the pay estimate. 4. Line locates will be given. However, a twenty-four hour notice must be given. GENERAL PROVISIONS – 24 5. If new traffic poles are to be installed it shall be the contractor’s responsibility to provide final stabilized grade within 4”-6” along with right-of-way locations at the intersection. The contractor shall have a 2 hour window for their change-over that is 1 hour before and one hour after the scheduled change-over time. After that the contractor shall be responsible for all cost incurred for the delay. 102-1.2 General: 1. Contractor shall keep sufficient cold patch asphalt on the job site to fill pot-holes and to perform other minor pavement maintenance as needed. 2. All highway equipment shall have a Slow Moving Vehicle sign with either a flasher or a beacon operating when the equipment is operating. 3. During peak hours 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. left turn and through lanes shall not be blocked without permission from the Engineer. 4. Any manholes/valves in the travel way shall have 50” width of asphalt extending from the edge for every 1" inch of height. Pedestrians: 1. When pedestrian movement through or around a worksite is necessary, the Contractor shall provide a separate, safe footpath without abrupt changes in grade or terrain. 2. If one (1) or two (2) pedestrian ways are provided (exist) prior to the start of a project, only one (1) has to be maintained. Places where pedestrians are judged especially vulnerable to impact by vehicles, all foot traffic should be separated and protected by longitudinal positive barrier systems. 102-3.2 Worksite Traffic Supervisor: Services Association (A.T.S.S.A.). Certification must be through American Traffic Safety 102-4 Temporary Traffic Control Plan. (T.T.C.P.): DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The Temporary Traffic Control Plan (T.T.C.P.) for traffic control around or through work sites should be developed with safety receiving a high priority. The T.T.C.P. should include protection at work sites when work is in progress and when operations have been halted (such as during the night) or from the time work is completed until the final. Provisions for the protection of work crews, traffic control personnel, pedestrians, and motorists shall be included. The temporary traffic control plan shall include the following: 1. T.T.C.P. to be prepared and signed by the Work Site Traffic Supervisor as certified by the American Traffic Safety Services Association (A.T.S.S.A.). GENERAL PROVISIONS - 25 2. A copy of the signer’s certification, contractor’s name, and 24 hour phone number of the work site traffic supervisor. 3. The T.T.C.P. shall include: North arrow; drawn by; lane usage; type and location of all signs, lights, barricades, striping, barriers, traffic signals; all side-streets; change-overs; sidewalks; R.P.M.’s; pavement markings; school zones; crosswalks; Palm Tran bus stop and RXR crossings. 4. Plans may be drawn to scale, however dimensions shall be shown. 5. Variable Message Sign (V.M.S.) and the messages. 6. Location and geometry for transitions, detours, and diversions. 7. No change-overs are allowed on Friday, the day before a holiday or during A.M. or P.M. peak traffic, and are discouraged at signalized intersections. 8. All plans shall be submitted through the Engineer. The T.T.C. Plan approval is as follows: A. B. C. 1 to 7 days for most plans 7 days when a signal or flasher is involved 10 days for a traffic switch or for road closures Time may vary based on the complexity of the T.T.C.P. Consideration should be given to these time frames when scheduling the work. T.T.C.P. must have dates and times of operation requested. In no case may the contractor begin work until the T.T.C.P. has been approved in writing by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Division. Field modifications may be made with the approval of a representative of the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. Failure to comply with the above may result in permanent reduction of the pay item of “Maintenance of Traffic” on a prorated basis or $1,000.00 per day, whichever is higher. Cost for “Temporary Traffic Control Plans” shall be made on a “Lump Sum” basis, and shall include all the above requirements. Cost for Temporary Traffic Control Plans shall be included in “Maintenance of Traffic” and shall include all of the above requirements. 102-5.4 Crossings and Intersections: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Provide and maintain adequate accommodations for intersecting and crossing traffic. Do not block or unduly restrict any road or street crossing the project unless approved by the Engineer. Maintain all existing actuated or traffic responsive mode signal operations for main and side street movements for the duration of the Contract. [See 102-7.1] GENERAL PROVISIONS - 26 102-5.7 Flagger: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Provide trained flaggers in accordance with FDOT and MUTCD requirements. 102-6.2 Construction: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Plan, construct, and maintain detours for the safe passage of traffic in all conditions of weather. Provide the detour, to the Engineer, with all facilities necessary to meet this requirement. 102-6.6 Operation of Existing Movable Bridges: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY: 102-7 Traffic Control Officer: Provide uniformed law enforcement officers, including marked law enforcement vehicles, to assist in controlling and directing traffic in the work zone, when the following types of work are necessary on projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. Traffic control in a signalized intersection when signals are overridden. When Standard Index No. 619 is used on Interstate at nighttime and required by the plans. When pacing/rolling blockade specification is used. During the night time milling or paving, if the lane adjacent to the work area is open to traffic, the Traffic Control Officer shall be present with flashing lights, operating on their vehicle. 5. As required by the Engineer. ADD THE FOLLOWING SUBARTICLE: 102-7.1 Traffic Control Officer (NON-MOT): Provide uniformed laws enforcement officers, including marked law enforcement vehicles, to assist in controlling and directing traffic through the work zone, when authorized and/or directed by the Engineer, and for purposes not covered under the requirements of the Temporary Traffic Control Plans. The Contractor shall make a request for the use of this item in writing to Engineer. The request will be reviewed and responded to in writing. The Contractor shall supply a breakdown of police activity for every 4 hour period. 102-9.9.1 Portable Changeable (Variable) Message Sign (PCMS) (NON-MOT): Furnish changeable (variable) message sign in accordance with 102-9.9, when authorized and/or directed by the Engineer, and for purposes not covered under the requirements of the Temporary Traffic Control Plans. 102-9.12 Temporary Traffic Control Signals: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-9.14 Temporary Traffic Control Signals: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY GENERAL PROVISIONS - 27 102-9.15 Temporary Traffic Detection Technology: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-9.16 Automated Flagger Assistance Devices: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10 Work Zone Pavement Marking: See 102-10.1.1 102-10.1 Description: DELETE THE LAST PARAGRAPH IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10.1.1 Temporary Pavement Markings: 1. All temporary pavement markings shall be done in a professional manner without weaves and/or bows. No over-painting shall be allowed. 2. Temporary R.P.M.’s shall be installed at an 1 inch offset to lane lines, skips, gore or crosshatched area within the work zone. The spacing shall be 40 feet on tangent section and 20 feet on transitions and curves (including edge lines). Damaged or missing R.P.M.’s shall be replaced on a daily basis. The R.P.M.’s shall have a maximum width of 5 inches and a maximum height of 0.75 inch. The minimum area of each reflective face shall be 3.50 square inches. R.P.M.’s shall be bonded to the pavement or concrete with epoxy, alkyd thermoplastic or bituminous adhesive. 3. Temporary pavement markings shall be applied to the intermediate asphalt course, and shall consist of foil-backed tape, paper tape or paint meeting both State and County specifications. 4. Temporary pavement markings shall also be applied to the final asphalt course unless otherwise directed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department. All final course pavement markings shall consist of foil-backed tape. The temporary pavement markings shall be installed in accordance with the typicals in the General Provisions. 5. All temporary tape skip-line pavement markings shall be at least four (4) feet in length with a maximum gap of thirty-six (36) feet. A two (2) foot stripe with a maximum gap of eighteen (18) feet may be used for roadways with severe curvature, or as directed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department. 6. All painted lines shall conform to size and color requirements of the M.U.T.C.D., Part III. The thickness shall not be less than fifteen (15) mils with six (6) to six and one quarter (6 ¼) pounds of beads per gallon of paint. Both shall be applied uniformly. All painted lines shall be refurbished if at any time the reflectively falls below 150 mini-candles. A normal width line is 6” paint or tape. 7. 102-10.1.1 Temporary Pavement Markings: continued 8. Black-out shall not be used to obliterate pavement markings. Existing pavement markings that conflict with temporary work zone delineation shall be removed by any method approved by the Engineer. 9. If a school zone exists, it must be maintained including crosswalks, school messages and signs. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 28 9. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to adjust existing signing, add new signing, and remove or add pavement marking on approaches to the project. 102-10.2 Removable Tape: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10.2.1 General: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10.3.1 Application: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10.3.3 Retro-reflectivity: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10.3.4 Removability: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-10.4 Work Zone Raised Pavement Markers (WZRPM’s): Apply all markers in accordance with Palm Beach County Typical T-P-13, or as otherwise revised. 102-10.4 Paint and Glass Beads: 102-11 Method of Measurement: 102-11.1 General: Devices installed/used on the project on any calendar day or portion thereof, within the allowable Contract Time, including time extensions which may be granted, will be paid for at the Contract unit price MOT, Lump Sum and shall include all items required to implement the approved Temporary Traffic Control Plan (T.T.C.P.). Unless otherwise specified, all devices / items specified in 102-11 shall be incidental to the pay item: M.O.T., on a Lump Sum basis. 102-11.2.1 Traffic Control Officers (Non-MOT): The quantity to be paid for will be at a unit price per hour (4 hour minimum) for the actual number of officers certified to be on the project site, including any law enforcement vehicle(s). Payment will be made only for those traffic control officers not incidental to the T.T.C. plan requirements and when authorized by the Engineer under the pay item: Traffic Control Officers (NONMOT) – per hour. 102-11.3 Special Detours: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-11.15.1 Changeable (Variable) Message Sign (Non-MOT): The quantity to be paid for will be the number of changeable (variable) message signs certified as installed/used on the project when directed by the Engineer and not a requirement of the T.T.C.P. Payment will be made for each Changeable (Variable) message sign that is used during the Contract period under the pay item Changeable (Variable) Message Sign (Non-MOT) per each per day. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 29 102-11.20 Temporary Traffic Control Signals: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-11.21 Temporary Traffic Detection Technology: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-11.22 Work Zone Pavement Markings: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: The quantities, furnished and installed shall be those that are required for the project and shall be incidental to M.O.T., Lump Sum. 102-12.1 Submittal Instructions: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-12.2 Contractor’s Certification of Quantities: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: When requested by the Owner, Contractor shall submit a certification of the material used. Ensure that the certification consists of the following: Project Number, Certification Number, Certification Date and the period that the certification represents. 102-13 Basis of Payment: 102-13.1 Maintenance Of Traffic (General Work): DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: When an item of work is included in the proposal, price and payment will be full compensation for all work and costs specified under this Section except as may be specifically covered for payment under other items. Maintenance of Traffic (General Work) shall also include all items required to implement the approved Temporary Traffic Control Plans (T.T.C.P). Unless otherwise specified, all devices / items specified in 102-13 shall be incidental to the pay item: M.O.T., on a Lump Sum basis. 102-13.2.1 Traffic Control Officers (Non-MOT): DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Price and payment will be full compensation for the services of the traffic control officers for instances when directed by the Engineer and not a requirement of the T.T.C.P. 102-13.3 Special Detours: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY INSERT THE FOLLOWING SUBARTICLE: 102-13.15.1 Changeable (Variable) Message Sign (Non-MOT): Price and payment will be full compensation for furnishing, installing, operating, relocating, maintaining and removing changeable message signs when directed by the Engineer and not a requirement of the T.T.C.P. 102-13.19 Safety Warning Transmitter: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY GENERAL PROVISIONS - 30 102-13.20 Temporary Traffic Control Signals: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-13.21 Temporary Traffic Detection Technology: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-13.22 Temporary Lane Separator: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 102-13.23 Payment Items: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Payment will be made under: Item No. 102- 1- Maintenance of Traffic - lump sum. Item No. 102- 14-1 Traffic Control Officers (NON-MOT) - per hour. Item No. 102- 99-1 Changeable (Variable) Message Sign (NON-MOT) - per each per day. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 31 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 32 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 33 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 34 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 35 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 36 SECTION 300 PRIME AND TACK COATS 300-2.3 Tack Coat: DELETE AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: Unless the Contract Documents call for a specific type or grade of tack coat, use RA-500 meeting the requirements of 916-2, heated to a temperature of 250 to 300ºF or undiluted Emulsified Asphalt Grades RS1h, RS-2, CRS-1h, or NTSS-1hm meeting the requirements of 916-4. Heat RS-1h, RS-2, CRS-1h and NTSS1hm to a temperature of 150 to 180ºF. The Contractor may use RS-1h modified to include up to 3% naphtha to improve handling of the material during the winter months or at any other time, as approved by the Engineer. For night paving, use RA-500 tack coat. The Engineer may approve RS-1h, RS-2, CRS-1h, or NTSS-1hm for night paving if the Contractor demonstrates, at the time of use, that the emulsion will break to allow paving in a timely manner and not affect the progress of the paving operation. 300-9 Method of Measurement. DELETE AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: No separate measurement shall be made for prime coat and tack coat material. 300-10 Basis of Payment. DELETE AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: No separate payment will be made for prime coat and tack coat material but the cost of same, including heating, hauling and applying (including sand or screening covering where required), shall be included in the contract unit price per square yard for base or pavement courses, respectfully. There is no direct payment for the work specified in this Section, it is incidental to, and is to be included in the other items of related work. THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY GENERAL PROVISIONS - 37 SECTION 330A HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES – GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 330A IS ADDED TO THIS SPECIFICATION 330A-1 Description. This Section specifies the general construction requirements for all plant-mixed hot bituminous pavements and bases. (More specific requirements pertaining to hot bituminous base and base widening construction are contained in Section 280.) This Section also includes the method of determination of the thickness of pavement to be paid for, when payment is on a square yard basis. 330A-2 Substitution of Types of Hot Bituminous Mixtures. Except for Asphaltic Concrete Friction Courses and other wearing surfaces, the Contractor will be allowed the option of substituting certain types of hot bituminous mixtures as follows: (1) Type S-I Asphaltic Concrete may be substituted for any other type of mixture where the rate of application is specified to be not less than 75 lbs. per square yard. (2) Type III Asphaltic Concrete may be substituted for Type n Asphaltic Concrete or Sand-Asphalt Hot Mix and Type II Asphaltic Concrete may be substituted for Sand-Asphalt Hot Mix. In each case, the stability of the substituted mixture shall be at least as high as that of the mixture specified, and any substitution made shall be at no additional cost to the Owner over that which would have accrued had the specified mixture been used. 330A-3 Limitations of Operations. 330A-3.1 Weather Limitations: Plant operations shall not begin unless all weather conditions are suitable for the laying operations. 330A-3.2 Limitations of Laying Operations: 330A-3.2.1 General: The mixture shall be spread only when the surface, upon which it is to be laid, has been previously prepared, is intact, firm and properly cured, and is dry. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, no mixture shall be spread that cannot be finished and compacted during daylight hours. Friction course shall not be placed until the adjacent shoulder area has been dressed and grassed. 330A-3.2.2 Temperature: The mixture shall be spread only when the air temperature (the temperature in the shade away from artificial heat) is 40°F and above for layers greater than one inch (100 lbs. per square yard) in thickness and 45°F and above for layers one inch (100 lbs. per square yard) or less in thickness (this includes leveling courses). No mixture shall be placed when there is evidence that the base is frozen. 330A-3.2.3 Wind: The mixture shall not be spread when the wind is blowing to such an extent that proper and adequate compaction cannot be maintained or when sand, dust, etc., are being deposited on the surface being paved, to the extent that the bond between layers will be diminished. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 38 330A-4 Preparation of Asphalt Cement: The asphalt cement shall be delivered to the asphalt plant at a temperature not to exceed 350 degrees F and the transport tanks shall be equipped with sampling and temperature sensing devices meeting the requirements of 300-3.2 and 300-3.3, respectively. The asphalt cement in storage shall be maintained within a range of 230 degrees F to 350 degrees F in advance of mixing operations. Heating within these limits shall be constant and wide fluctuations of temperature during a day's production will not be permitted. 330A-5 Preparation of Aggregates: 330A-5.1 Stockpiles: Each aggregate component shall be placed in an individual stockpile, which shall be separated from the adjacent stockpiles, either by space or by a system of bulkheads. The intermingling of different materials in stockpiles shall be prevented at all times. Each stockpile, including RAP, shall be identified as shown on the Department Mix Designs. 330A-5.2 Prevention of Segregation: Stockpiles shall be formed and maintained in a manner that will prevent segregation. If a stockpile is determined to have excessive segregation, the Engineer will disapprove the material for use on the project until the appropriate action has been taken to correct the problem. 330A-5.3 Blending of Aggregates: Blending or proportioning from railroad cars will not be permitted. All aggregates shall be stockpiled prior to blending or placing in the cold hoppers. All aggregates to be blended or proportioned shall be placed in separate bins at the cold hopper and proportioned by means of securely positioned calibrated gates or other approved devices. 330A-5.4 Cold Bins: 330A-5.4.1 Adequacy of Bins: The separate bin compartments of the cold aggregate feeder shall be so constructed as to prevent any spilling or leakage of aggregate from one bin to another. Each bin compartment shall be of such capacity and design as to permit a uniform flow of aggregates. All the bin compartments shall be mounted over a feeder of uniform speed, which shall deliver the specified proportions of the separate aggregates to the drier at all times. If necessary, the bins shall be equipped with vibrators to insure a uniform flow of the aggregates at all times. 330A-5.4.2 Gates: Each bin compartment shall be provided with a gate which is adjustable in a vertical direction. The gate shall be so designed that it can be held securely at any specified vertical opening. The gates shall be equipped with a measuring device for measuring the vertical opening of the gates from a horizontal plane level with the bottom of the feeder. 330A-5.5 Mineral Filler: If mineral filler is required in the mix, it shall be fed or weighed-in separately from the other aggregates. 330A-5.6 Heating and Drying: The aggregates shall be heated and dried before screening. The temperature of the aggregates shall be so controlled that the temperature of the completed mixture at the plant will fall within the permissible range allowed by these specifications. 330A-5.7 Screening Unit: 330A-5.7.1 Oversize Aggregate: Any oversized pieces of aggregate shall be removed by the use of a scalping screen. This oversized material shall not be returned to the stockpile for reuse unless it has been crushed and reprocessed into sizes that will pass the scalping screen. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 39 330A-5.7.2 Screening: Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, the quantity of aggregates being discharged onto the screens shall not be in excess of the capacity of the screens to actually separate the aggregates into the required sizes. A maximum of ten percent plus-ten material will be permitted in the minusten bin. The maximum amount of minus-ten material allowed in the plus-ten bins will be determined by the Engineer, in accordance with its effect on the uniformity of the mix. 330A-5.8 Mixing Different Materials: Unless written permission is obtained, coarse aggregates of different types shall not be mixed; nor shall coarse aggregates of different types be used alternately in sections less than one mile in length. 330A-6 Preparation of the Mixture330A-6.1 Batch Mixing: 330A-6.1.1 Aggregates: The dried aggregates and mineral filler (if required), prepared in the manner previously described, and combined in batches to meet the job mix formula by weighing each separate bin size, shall be conveyed to the empty mixer. 330A-6.1.2 Bitumen: The hot asphalt cement, accurately measured, shall be introduced into the mixer simultaneously with, or after, the hot aggregates. Mixing shall continue until the mixture is thoroughly uniform, with all particles fully coated. 330A-6.1.3 Mixing Time: The mixing time shall begin when the measuring devices for both the asphalt and the aggregates indicate that all the material is in the mixer, and shall continue until the material begins to leave the mixing unit. The mixing time will vary in relation to the nature of the aggregates and the capacity of the mixer and shall be as designated by the Engineer but in no case shall it be less than 35 seconds. 330A-6.2 Continuous Mixing: The dried aggregates and mineral filler (if required), prepared as specified and proportioned to meet the job mix formula by volumetric measurements, shall be introduced into the mixer in synchronization with the accurate, feeding of the hot asphalt cement. The rate of flow of material to the pugmill shal1 be such that the maintained depth of the mix will not exceed the tips of the paddles when in the upright position. Mixing shall be sufficient to produce a thoroughly and uniformly coated mixture. 330A-6.3 Mixing Temperature: 330A-6.3 Mixing Temperature: The ingredients of the mix shall be heated and combined in such a manner as to produce a mixture, which shall be at a temperature, when discharged from the pugmill or surge bin, within the range of 230°F to 310°F and within the tolerance shown in Table 330AA-1. Table 330A-1 Temperature Tolerance From Job Mix Formula Any Single Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………… . . +/- 25°F Average of Any Five Consecutive Measurements. . . . . . +/- 15°F Any load or portion of a load of asphalt mix at the plant or on the road with mix temperature exceeding 335°F shall be rejected for use on the project. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 40 Temperature of the completed mixture shall be determined by a quick-reading thermometer through a hole in the side of the loaded truck immediately after loading. The hole shall be located within the middle third of the length of the body, and at a distance of from six to ten inches above the surfaces supporting the mixture. If a truck body already has a hole located in the general vicinity of the above specified location, this will be acceptable. At the Engineer's discretion, the temperature of the load may be taken over the top of the truck in lieu of using the hole in the side of the truck. The mix temperature will be taken at the plant and the roadway for each day for each design mix on the first five loads and an average of once every five loads thereafter. The temperature measurements at the plant shall be taken and recorded by the Contractor's personnel for review by the Engineer. The temperature measurements at the roadway will be taken by the Contractor and be recorded on the backside of the delivery ticket. If the temperature exceeds the specified tolerance, the Contractor will be required to take immediate corrective action. 330A-6.4 Maximum Period of Storage: The maximum time that any mix may be kept in a hot storage or surge bin is 72 hours. 330A-6.5 Contractor's Responsibility for Mixture Requirements: The responsibility for producing a homogeneous mixture, free from moisture and with no segregated materials, and meeting all requirements of the specifications for the mixture, including compliance with the design limits, shall lie entirely with the Contractor. These requirements shall apply also to all mixes produced by the drum mixer process and all mixes processed through a hot storage or surge bin, both before and after storage. 330A-7 Transportation of the Mixture: The mixture shall be transported in tight vehicles previously cleaned of all foreign material. The inside surface of the truck bodies after cleaning shall be thinly coated with soapy water or an approved emulsion containing not over five percent oil. The coating shall be applied prior to the first loading each day and repeated as necessary throughout the day's operations. After the truck bodies are coated and before any mixture is placed therein, they shall be raised to drain out all excess liquids. Each load shall be covered during cool and cloudy weather and at any time there is a probability of rain. 330A-8 Preparation of Application Surfaces: 330A-8.1 Cleaning: Prior to the laying of the mixture, the surface of the base or pavement to be covered shall be cleaned of all loose and deleterious material by the use of power brooms or blowers, supplemented by hand brooming where necessary. 330A-8.2 Patching and Leveling Courses: Where a surface course is constructed on an existing pavement or old base which is irregular, and wherever so indicated in the plans, the existing surface shall be brought to proper grade and cross section by the application of patching or leveling courses. 330A-8.3 Application over Surface Treatment: Where a surface course is to be placed over a newly constructed surface treatment, all loose material shall be swept from the paving area and disposed of by the Contractor. 330A-8.4 Coating Surfaces of Contacting Structures: All structures which will be in actual contact with the asphalt mixture, with the exception of the vertical faces of existing pavements and curbs or curb and gutter, shall be painted with a uniform coating of asphalt cement to provide a closely bonded, watertight joint. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 41 330A-8.5 Tack Coat: 330A-8.5.1 Tack Coal Required: A tack coat, as specified in Section 300, will be required on existing pavements that are to be overlaid with an asphalt mix and between successive layers of all asphalt mixes. 330A.8.5.2 Tack Coat at Engineer's Option: A tack coat will be required on the following surfaces only when so directed by the Engineer. (1) Freshly primed bases. (2) Surface treatment. 330A-9 Placing Mixture: 330A-9.1 Requirements Applicable to All Types: 330A-9.1.1 Alignment of Edges: All asphaltic concrete mixtures (including leveling courses), other than adjacent to curb and gutter or other true edges, shall be laid by the stringline method, to assure the obtaining of an accurate, uniform alignment of the pavement edge. 330AA-9.1.2 Temperature of Spreading: The temperature of the mix at the time of spreading shall be within +/-25°F of the established mix temperature selected by the Contractor. The minimum frequency for taking mix temperatures on the road will be an average of one per five trucks. If the temperature fails to fall within the specified tolerance range, corrective action by the Contractor will be required. 330A-9.1.3 Rain, and Surface Conditions: Transportation of asphalt mixtures shall immediately cease from the plant when rain begins at the roadway. Asphalt mixtures shall not be placed while rain is falling, or when there is water on the surface to be covered. As an exception, mixture caught in transit may be placed at the Contractor's risk if the only option is to waste this mixture, and provided the surface has been tacked (as required) prior to the rain and the surface broomed in front of the spreading operation. Such mixture will be evaluated separately and if it should prove unsatisfactory in any way, in the opinion of the Engineer, it shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory mixture at the Contractor's expense. 330A-9.1.4 Speed of Spreader: The forward speed of the asphalt spreader shall be as established by the Engineer. 330A-9.1.5 Number of Crews Required: For each paving machine operated, the Contractor will be required to use a separate crew, each crew operating as a full unit. The Contractor's Certified Paving Technician in charge of the paving operations may be responsible for more than one crew but must be physically accessible to Project personnel at all times when mix is being placed. 330A-9.1.6 Checking Depth of LayerThe depth of each layer shall be checked at frequent intervals and adjustments shall be made when the thickness exceeds the allowable tolerance. When an adjustment is made, the paving machine shall be allowed to travel a minimum distance of 32 feet to stabilize before the second check is made to determine the effects of the adjustment. 330A-9.1.7 Hand Spreading: In limited areas where the use of the spreader is impossible or impracticable, the mixture may be spread and finished by hand. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 42 330A-9.1.8 Straightedging and Back-patching: Straightedging and back-patching shall be done after initial compaction has been obtained and while the material is still hot. 330AA-9.2 Requirements Applicable to Courses Other Than Leveling: 330A-9.2.1 Spreading and Finishing: Upon arrival, the mixture shall be dumped in the approved mechanical spreader and immediately spread and struck-off to the full width required and to such loose depth for each course that, when the work is completed, the required weight of mixture per square yard, or the specified thickness, will be secured. An excess amount of mixture shall be carried ahead of the screed at all times. Hand raking shall be done behind the machine as required. 330A-9.2.2 Thickness of Layers: Unless otherwise noted in the plans each course shal1 be constructed in layers of the thickness shown on Standard FDOT Index No. 513. Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete shal1 be constructed in layers of the thickness of not less than 3/4 inch nor greater than 1 1/4 inches. 330A-9.2.3 Laying Width: If necessary due to the traffic requirements, the mixture shall be laid in strips in such a manner as to provide for the passage of traffic. Where the road is closed to traffic, the mixture may be laid to the full width, by machines traveling in echelon. 330A-9.2.4 Correcting Defects: Before any rolling is started the surface shal1 be checked, any irregularities adjusted, and all drippings, fat sandy accumulations from the screed, and fat spots from any source shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material. No skin patching shall be done. When a depression is to be corrected while the mixture is hot, the surface shall be well scarified before the addition of fresh mixture. 330A-9.3 Requirements Applicable Only to Leveling Courses: 330A-9.3.1 Patching Depressions: Before any leveling course is spread, all depressions in the existing surface more than one inch deep shall be filled by spot patching with leveling course mixture and then thoroughly compacted. 330A-9.3.2 Spreading Leveling Courses: All courses of leveling shall be placed by the use of two motor graders - one of which is equipped with a spreader box - unless otherwise shown in the plans. Other types of leveling devices may be used after they have been approved by the Engineer. 330A-9.3.3 Rate of Application: When the total asphalt mix provided for leveling exceeds 50 pounds per square yard, the mix shall be placed in two or more layers, with the average spread of any layer not to exceed 50 pounds per square yard. When Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete is used for leveling, the average spread of a layer shall not be less than 50 pounds per square yard nor more than 75 pounds per square yard. The quantity of mix for leveling shown in the plans represents the average for the entire project; however, the rate of application may vary throughout the project as directed by the Engineer. When leveling in connection with base widening, the Engineer may require that all the leveling mix be placed prior to the widening operation. 330A-9.3.4 Placing Leveling Course over Existing Pavement: When a leveling course is specified to be placed over cracked concrete pavement (including existing concrete pavement covered with an asphaltic surface), the first layer of leveling shall be placed as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after cracking the concrete. The remainder of the leveling course shall be placed in the normal sequence of operations. 330A-9.3.5 Removal of Excess 'Joint Material: Where a leveling course is to be placed over existing GENERAL PROVISIONS – 43 concrete pavement or bridge decks, the excess joint filler in the cracks and joints shall be trimmed flush with the surface prior to placing the first layer of the leveling course. 330A-10 Compacting Mixture330A-10.1 Provisions Applicable to All Types: 330A-10.1.1 Equipment and Sequence: For each paving or leveling train in operation, the Contractor shall furnish a separate set of rollers, with their operators. The following equipment, sequence and coverage are suggested for use based on past successful performance; however, when density is required, the Contractor may select his own equipment, sequence and coverage of rolling to meet the minimum density requirement specified. Regardless of the rolling procedure used, the final rolling must be completed before the internal pavement temperature has dropped below 175°F. (1) Seal rolling, using tandem steel rollers (either vibratory or static) weighing 5 to 12 tons, following as close behind the spreader as is possible without pickup, undue displacement or blistering of the material. Vibratory rollers shall be used in the static mode for layers of one inch or less in thickness. (2) Rolling with self-propelled pneumatic-tired rollers, following as close behind the seal rolling as the mix will permit. The roller shall cover every portion of the surface with at least five passes. (3) Final rolling with the 8 to 12-ton tandem steel roller, to be done after the seal rolling and pneumatictired rolling have been completed, but before the internal pavement temperature has dropped below 175°F. Once the Contractor has selected the equipment and established the rolling procedures and these have been used for the control strip density determination, then the Contractor must continue to use the same equipment and rolling procedures for all asphalt mix represented by the control strip. Changes in equipment or procedures will require a new control strip density determination. The Engineer must be notified prior to changing the rolling process. When density is not required, as for all patching courses, leveling and intermediate courses less than one-inch thick, overbuild course; of variable thicknesses (when the minimum thickness is less than one-inch) and opengraded friction courses, the compaction will be applied in accordance with the standard specifications. The specified rolling procedures must be followed when density determinations will not be made. When density is not required on those courses indicated in the foregoing paragraph, but the Contractor wants to use other rollers, patterns or sequences than those specified, they may request approval from the Engineer. Approval may be granted for leveling and intermediate courses 1/2-inch and thicker and overbuild courses when these courses are placed with a paving machine. Density requirements will be in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of 330AA-10.3 (Density Control- Nuclear Method), Table 330AA-2 and Table 330AA-3. Approval for a change on patching courses, variable thickness leveling courses placed with motor graders and open-graded friction courses will not be granted. 330AA-10.1.2 Compaction at Crossovers, Intersections, etc.: When a separate paving machine is being used to pave the crossovers, the compaction of the crossovers may be done by one 8- to 10-ton tandem steel roller. If crossovers, intersections and acceleration and deceleration lanes are placed with the main run of GENERAL PROVISIONS – 44 paving, a traffic roller shall also be used in the compaction of these areas. 330A-10.1.3 Rolling Procedures: The initial rolling shall be longitudinal. Where the lane being placed is adjacent to a previously placed lane, the center joint shall be pinched or rolled, prior to the rolling of the rest of the lane. Rolling shall proceed across the mat, overlapping the adjacent pass by at least six inches. The motion of the roller shall be slow enough to avoid displacement of the mixture, and any displacement shall be corrected at once by the use of rakes, and the addition of fresh mixture if required. Final rolling shall be continued until all roller marks are eliminated. 330A-10.1.4 Speed of Rolling: Rolling with the self-propelled, pneumatic-tired rollers shall proceed at a speed of 6 to 10 miles per hour, and the area covered by each roller shall not be more than 4,000 square yards per hour, except that for Type S Asphaltic Concrete, this maximum rate of coverage shall be 3,000 square yards per hour. 330A-10.1.5 Number of Pneumatic-tired Rollers Required: A sufficient number of self propelled pneumatic-tired rollers shall be used to assure that the rolling of the surface for the required number of passes will not delay any other phase of the laying operation nor result in excessive cooling of the mixture before the rolling is complete. In the event that the rolling falls behind, the laying operation shall be discontinued until the rolling operations are sufficiently caught up. 330A-10.1.6 Compaction of Areas Inaccessible to Rollers: Areas which are inaccessible to a roller (such as areas adjacent to curbs, headers, gutters, bridges; manholes, etc.) shall be compacted by the use of hand tamps or other satisfactory means. 330A-10.1.7 Rolling Patching and Leveling Courses: Self-propelled pneumatic-tired rollers shall be used for the rolling of all patching and leveling courses. Where the initial leveling course is placed over broken concrete pavement, the pneumatic-tired roller shall weigh at least 15 tons. For Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete leveling courses, the use of a steel-wheeled roller, to supplement the traffic rollers, will be required. On other leveling courses, the use of a steel-wheeled roller will be required on all passes after the first. 330A-10.1.8 Correcting Defects: The rollers shall not be allowed to deposit gasoline, oil or grease onto the pavement, and any areas damaged by such deposits shall be removed and replaced as directed by the Engineer. While rolling is in progress, the surface shall be tested continuously and all discrepancies corrected to comply with the surface requirements. All drippings, fat or lean areas and defective construction of any description shall be removed and replaced. Depressions which develop before the completion of the rolling shall be remedied by loosening the mixture and adding new mixture to bring the depressions to a true surface. Should any depression remain after the final compaction has been obtained, the full depth of the mixture shall be removed and replaced with sufficient new mixture to form a true and even surface. All high spots, high joints and honeycomb shall be corrected as directed by the Engineer. Any mixture remaining unbonded after rolling shall be removed and replaced. Any mixture which becomes loose or broken, mixed or coated with dirt or in any way defective, prior to laying the wearing course shall be removed and replaced with fresh mixture which shall be immediately compacted to conform with the surrounding area. 330A-10.1.9 Use of Traffic Roller on First Overbuild Course: A self-propelled pneumatic-tired roller shall be used on the first overbuild course. Coverage shall be a minimum of five passes. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 45 330A-10.1.10 Use of Traffic Roller on First Structural Layer Placed on a Milled Surface: A selfpropelled pneumatic-tired roller shall be used on the first structural layer placed on a milled surface. Coverage shall be a minimum of three passes. 330A-10.2 Provisions Applicable to Shoulder Pavement Only: Shoulder pavements wider than three feet shall be compacted by the use of equipment of the type required for other asphaltic concrete pavements. Density determinations will be required on shoulder pavements wider than three feet when the thickness is one-inch or greater. These density determinations (including the control strip) will be separate from the pavement lane even when the pavement lane and shoulder are placed in the same pass. Density determinations will not be required on asphaltic concrete or sand-asphalt hot mix shoulders three feet or less in width. The compactive effort shall be done by the use of tandem steel rollers not exceeding 12 tons in weight. In restricted areas other equipment that will effectively exert a compactive effort may be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall state what equipment and compactive effort (coverage) is proposed to be used. This must be approved by the Engineer before the Contractor starts the operation. Where sandasphalt hot mix shoulders are constructed within the limits of curb and gutter, compaction shall be done by light weight rolling equipment, approved by the Engineer, which will not displace the previously constructed curb and gutter. 330A-10.3 Density Control: 330A-10.3.1 Density Control Nuclear Method: The in-place density of each course of asphalt mix construction, with the exceptions of patching courses, leveling and intermediate courses less than one-inch thick or a specified spread rate less than 100 pounds per square yard, overbuild courses where the minimum thickness is less than one-inch, and open-graded friction courses, shall be determined by the use of the Nuclear Density Backscatter Method as specified by FM 1-T238 (Method B). The required density of a completed course shall be at least 98 percent of the average density of the control strip. 330A-10.3.2 Control Strips: 330A-10.3.2 Control Strips: One or more control strips shall be constructed for the purpose of determining the control strip density. A control strip shall be constructed at the beginning of asphalt construction and one thereafter for each successive course. Any change in the composition of the mix will require the construction of a new control strip. The Engineer may require an additional control strip when he deems it necessary to establish a new control strip density or conform the validity of the control strip density being used at that time. The Contractor may request a conformation of the control strip density also. The control strip must be constructed as a part of a normal day's run. The Contractor will not be permitted to construct the control strip separately. The length of the control strip shall be 300 feet, regardless of the width of the course being laid. When the control strip is to be constructed for the first day of asphalt construction or at the beginning of a new course, it shall be started between 500 and 1,000 feet from the beginning of the paving operation. The thickness of the control strip shall be the same as that specified for the course of which it is a part. The control strip will be constructed using the same mix, the same paving and rolling equipment and the same procedures as those used in laying the asphalt course of which the control strip is to become a part. Every control strip will remain in place and become a portion of the completed roadway. When the compaction of the control strip has been completed, ten density determinations will be made at random locations within the control strip. No determinations will be made within one foot of any unsupported edge. The average of these ten determinations will be the Control Strip Density. For purposes GENERAL PROVISIONS - 46 of determining the percent of laboratory density, as required in Table 330AA-2, a correction factor will be developed from cores or by direct transmission nuclear determination where applicable. (a)The lab density shall be calculated to the nearest 0.01 percent and rounded to the nearest 0.1 percent. In the event that a control strip meeting the requirements of Table 330AA-2 is not obtained and this particular mix, layer, etc. is completed on the project, density shall be evaluated in accordance with FM 5-543 (Determining Density of Asphalt Pavement Layers when a Valid Control strip is not obtained). Table 330AA-2 Roadway Requirements For Bituminous Concrete Mixes Surface* Tolerance Mix Type Density* S-I X Minimum Control Strip Density (%) 96 Lab. Dens. S-II S-III Type II Type III SAHM ABC-l ABC-2 ABC-3 FC-l X X X X X X X X X 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. X X X X X ** ** ** X FC-2 FC-4 No Density Required X 96 Lab. Dens. 96 Lab. Dens. X X X *X – Denotes that test is required. ** - Shall meet the straightedge requirements of 200-7. 330A-10.3.3 LOTs: For the purpose of acceptance and partial payment, each day’s production will be divided into LOTs. The standard size of a LOT shall consist of 5,000 lineal feet of any pass made by the paving train regardless of the width of the pass or the thickness of the course. Pavers traveling in echelon will be considered as two separate passes. When at the end of a day's production or the completion of a given course or at the completion of the project, a partial LOT occurs, then the LOT size will be redefined as follows: If the partial LOT contains one or two sublots with their appropriate test results, then the previous full-size LOT will be redefined to include this partial LOT and the evaluation of the LOT will be based on either six or seven sublot determinations. If the partial LOT contains three or four sublots with their appropriate test results, this partial LOT will be redefined to be a whole LOT and the evaluation of it will be based on the three or four sublot determinations. For the standard size LOT (5,000 lineal feet), five density determinations - one for each sublot - will be made at random locations within the LOT. but not to be taken within one foot of any unsupported edge. The random locations will be determined by the use of statically derived random number tables furnished by the GENERAL PROVISIONS - 47 Engineer. These will also be used for partial LOTS, For the Contractor to receive full payment for density, the average density of a LOT will be a minimum of 98.0 percent of the control strip density. Once the average density of a LOT has been determined the Contractor will not be permitted to provide additional compaction to raise the average. 330A-10.3.4 Acceptance: The completed pavement will be accepted with respect to density on a LOT basis. Partial payment will be made for those LOT’s that have an average density less than 98.0 percent of the Control Strip Density based on the following schedule: Table 330AA-3 Payment Schedule For Density Percent of Control Strip Density* 98.0 and above 97.0 to less than 98.0 96.0 to less than 97.0 **Less than 96.0 Percent of Payment 100 95 90 75 *In calculating the percent of control strip density, do not round off the final percentage. **If approved by the Engineer based on an engineering determination that the material is acceptable to remain in place, the Contractor may accept the indicated partial pay, otherwise the Owner will require removal and replacement at no cost. The Contractor has the option to remove and replace at no cost to the Owner at any time. 330A-10.3.5 Density Requirements for Small Projects: For projects less than 1,000 linear feet in length and bridge projects with approaches less than 1,000 linear feet each side, the requirements for control strips and nuclear density determination will not apply. The Contractor will use the standard rolling procedures as specified in 330A-10. The provisions for partial payment do not apply to these small projects. 330A-11 Joints: 330A-11.1 Transverse Joints: Placing of the mixture shall be as continuous as possible and the roller shall not pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid mixture except when the laying operation is to be discontinued long enough to permit the mixture to become chilled. When the laying operation is thus interrupted, a transverse joint shall be constructed by cutting back on the previous run to expose the full depth of the mat. 330A-11.2 Longitudinal Joints: For all layers of pavement except the leveling course, placing of each layer shall be accomplished to cause longitudinal construction joints to be offset 6 to 12 inches laterally between successive layers. The Engineer may waive this requirement where offsetting is not feasible due to the sequence of construction. 330A-11.3 General: When fresh mixture is laid against the opposite edges of joints (trimmed or formed as provided above), it shall be placed in close contact with the exposed edge so that an even, well-compacted joint will be produced after rolling. 330A-12 Surface Requirements: 330A-12.1 Contractor Responsibility: The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a smooth surface on all pavement courses placed and therefore should straightedge all intermediate and final courses with a GENERAL PROVISIONS - 48 15-foot rolling straight edge. A 15-foot manual straightedge shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be available at the job site at all times during the paving operation for checking joints and surface irregularities. 330A-12.2 Texture of the Finished Surface of Paving Layers: The finished surface shall be of uniform texture and compaction. The surface shall have no pulled, torn, or loosened portions and shall be free of segregation, sand streaks, sand spots, or ripples. Any area of the surface which does not meet the foregoing requirements shall be corrected in accordance with 330A-12.4. Unless written permission is obtained, asphalt concrete mixtures containing aggregates which will cause a different color appearance shall not be used in the final wearing surface in sections less than one mile in length. 330A-12.3 Acceptance Testing for Surface Tolerance: 330A-12.3.1 General: Acceptance testing for surface tolerance will be applicable to pavement lanes and ramps, where the width is constant, and shall include all construction joints. Intersections, tapers, crossovers, transitions at beginning and end of project, and similar areas will not be tested for surface tolerance with the rolling straightedge as provided below. However, any individual surface irregularity in these areas in excess of 3/8 inch as determined by a 15-foot straightedge, and deemed by the Engineer to be objectionable, shall be corrected in accordance with 330A-12.4. When the Engineer is ready to perform acceptance testing for surface tolerance, the Contractor shall provide the required traffic control in accordance with standard maintenance of traffic requirements specified in the contract. The cost of this traffic control shall be included in the contract bid prices for the asphalt items. The Contractor shall also provide a representative to be present during the entire operation of straightedging for acceptance purposes. 330A-12.3.2 Test Method: Acceptance testing shall consist of one pass of a standard 15-foot rolling straightedge operated along the centerline of each lane tested. This does not preclude acceptance testing at other locations within the lane being tested. 330A-12.3.3 Acceptance Criteria for Last Layer Prior to Friction Course: The Contractor shall furnish and operate an acceptable 15-foot rolling straightedge for testing of the last layer prior to the friction course as directed by the Engineer and supervised by project personnel. All deficiencies in excess of 3/16-inch shall be corrected in accordance with 330A-12.4 and retested as necessary prior to placement of the friction course. Where the final surface is not a friction course, acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with 330A-12.3.4. 330A-12.3.4 Acceptance Criteria for Final Surface or Friction Course: Upon completion of the final surface or friction course, Engineer will test the finished surface with a 15-foot rolling straightedge. All deficiencies in excess of 3/l6th inch shall be corrected in accordance with 330A-12.4, except that correction by overlaying will not be permitted when the final surface is a friction course. The Engineer may waive corrections specified above if an engineering determination indicates that the deficiencies are sufficiently separated so as not to significantly affect the ride quality of the pavement and corrective action would unnecessarily mar the appearance of the finished pavement. Where the Engineer elects to waive correction and the finished pavement surface is a friction course, the GENERAL PROVISIONS – 49 pay quantity for Asphaltic Concrete Friction Course will be reduced by the amount of friction course which would have been removed and replaced if the correction had been made (100 ft. X lane width). Where the Engineer elects to waive a correction and the finished pavement surface is other than a friction course, the appropriate pay quantity for Asphaltic Concrete shall be reduced by the equivalent quantity of materials which would have been removed and replaced if the correction had been made. (a) Where the pay quantity is in square yard, the reduction is based on the area which would have been removed (100 feet X lane width) multiplied by the ratio of the layer thickness to the total thickness of the type of mix specified. (b) Where the pay quantity is in tons, the reduction is based on the volume which would have been removed (100 feet X lane width X layer thickness) multiplied by the laboratory density for the mix. 330A-12.4 Correcting Unacceptable Pavement:: Correction shall be made by removing and replacing the pavement. The removal must be for the full depth of the course and extend at least 50 feet on either side of the defective area, for the full width of the paving lane. The cost of all corrective work shall be borne by the Contractor. 330A-13 Protection or Finished Surface. Sections of newly compacted asphaltic concrete which are to be covered by additional courses shall be kept clean until the successive course is laid. No dumping of embankment or base material directly on the pavement will be permitted. Dressing of shoulders shall be completed before placement of the friction course on adjacent pavement. Blade graders operating adjacent to the pavement during shoulder construction shall have a two-inch by eightinch (or larger) board (or other attachment providing essentially the same results) attached to their blades in such manner that it extends below the blade edge, in order to protect the pavement surface from damage by the grader blade. To prevent rutting or other distortion, sections of newly finished dense-graded friction course and the last structural layer prior to the friction course shall be protected from traffic until the surface temperature has cooled below 160°F. The Contractor may use artificial methods to cool the pavement to expedite paving operations. The Engineer may direct the Contractor to use artificial cooling methods when, in the opinion of the Engineer, maintenance of traffic requires opening the pavement to traffic at the earliest possible time. 330A-14 Correcting Deficient Thickness. 330A-14.1 Allowable Deficiencies: When the pavement is to be paid for on a square yard basis, the thickness shall be determined from the length of the co~ borings, as specified in 330A-15.1. The maximum allowable deficiency from the specified thickness shall be as follows: (1) For pavement of a specified thickness of 2 1/2 inches or more: 1/2 inch. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 50 (2) For pavement of a specified thickness of less than 2 1/2 inches: 1/4 inch. 330A-14.2 Pavement Exceeding Allowable Deficiency in Thickness: 330A-14.2.1 When Deficiency is Seriously in Excess: Where the deficiency in thickness is: (1) in excess of 3/8 inch, for pavement of less than 2 1/2 inches in specified thickness, or, (2) in excess of 3/4 inch, for pavement of specified thickness of 2 1/2 inches or more, the Contractor shall correct the deficiency either by replacing the full thickness for a length extending at least 50 feet from each end of the deficient area, or (when permitted by the Engineer) by overlaying as specified in 330A-14.2.3. As an exception to the above, pavement outside the main roadway area (acceleration and deceleration lanes and crossovers) may be left in place, without compensation when permitted by the Engineer, even though the thickness deficiency exceeds the tolerance specified above. The Contractor will receive no compensation for any pavement removed, nor for the work of removing such pavement. 330A-14.2.2 When Deficiency is Not Seriously in Excess: When the deficiency in the thickness of the pavement is over 1/4 inch but not more than 3/8 inch, for pavement of specified thickness less than 2 1/2 inches; or when the deficiency in thickness is over 1/2 inch but not more than 3/4 inch, for pavement of specified thickness of 2 1/2 inches or greater; the Contractor will be allowed to leave such pavement in place, but without compensation. The areas of such pavement for which no square yard payment will be made shall be the product of the total distance between acceptable cores, multiplied by the width of the lane which was laid at the particular pass in which deficient thickness was indicated. All costs of the overlaying and compacting shall be borne by the Contractor. 330A-14.2.3 Correcting Deficiency by Adding New Surface Material: For any case of excess deficiency of the pavement, the Contractor will be permitted, if approved by the Engineer for each particular location, to correct the deficient thickness by adding new surface material and compacting to the same density as the adjacent surface. The area to be corrected and the thickness of new material added shall be as specified in 330A-12.3. All costs of the overlaying and compacting shall be borne by the Contractor. 330A-15 Calculations for Thickness of Pavement to be Paid for (Applicable Only Where the Pavement is to be Paid for by the Square Yard). 330A-15.1 Core Borings: When the Owner is ready to core the finished asphalt construction for thickness as required for acceptance testing, the Contractor shall provide the required traffic control in accordance with standard maintenance of traffic requirements specified in the contract. The cost of this traffic control shall be included in the contract bid prices for the asphalt items. The Contractor shall provide a representative to be present during the entire coring operations for acceptance purposes. The thickness of the pavement shall be determined from the length of cores, at least two inches in diameter, taken at random points on the cross section and along the roadway. Each core shall represent a section of roadway no longer than 200 feet regardless of the number of lanes. Thickness determinations for paved GENERAL PROVISIONS - 51 shoulders and widening shall be separate from the mainline roadway and shall represent a section no longer than 400 feet for each shoulder or- widening. The average thickness shall be determined from the measured thicknesses, and in accordance with the procedure and criteria specified herein. If the Contractor believes that the number of cores taken by the Owner is insufficient to properly indicate the thickness of the pavement, he may request the Owner to make additional borings at locations designated by him. The cost of these additional borings shall be deducted from any sums due the Contractor unless such borings indicate that the pavement within the questioned area is of specified thickness. 330A - 15. 2 Criteria For Calculations – DELETE AND SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING: The calculation for asphaltic concrete pavement to be paid for under this section shall be the area in square yards completed and accepted with the length to be used in the calculation being the actual length measured along the surface and the width as shown on the plans. The thickness to be paid shall be as shown on the Typical Section in the Plans. Areas of deficient thickness - pavement which is left in place with no compensation (as specified in 330A14.2), shall not be taken into account in the calculation. Where areas of defective surface or deficient thickness are corrected by overlaying with additional material, the thickness used in the calculations shall be the thickness specified on the Typical Section for such areas. SECTION 331 TYPE S ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SECTION 331 IS ADDED TO THIS SPECIFICATION 331-1 Description. This Section specifies the materials, the composition, and physical test properties for Type S Asphaltic Concrete (Type S-I, Type S-II or Type S-III as specified by the contract or when offered as alternates. The composition, and physical test properties for all mixes, including Type S Asphaltic Concrete (S-I, S-II and SIII) are shown in the following Table 331-1 and Table 331-2. Where Type S Asphaltic Concrete is specified in the contract, if approved by the Engineer, the Contractor may also select Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as an alternate for the final surface (no friction course specified) and as the final layer of structural course only, prior to the friction course. Type S-II Asphaltic Concrete will not be permitted as the final layer prior to the friction course. Requirements for plant and equipment shall be as specified in Section 320. General construction requirements shall be as specified in Section 330A. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 52 Table 331-1 Percent By Weight Total Aggregate Passing Sieves* Type 3/4 100 83-98 - S-I S-II** S-III Type II Type III SAHM ABC-l ABC-2 ABC-3*** 70-100 FC-l FC-2**** FC-4 ½ 88-100 71-87 100 100 100 100 100 100 3/8 75-93 62-78 88-100 90-100 80-100 No.4 47-75 47-63 60-90 80-100 65-100 30-70 100 100 100 85-100 10-40 No.10 31-53 33-49 40-70 55-90 40-75 55-90 20-60 55-85 4-12 75-90 No.40 1935 19-35 20-45 No.80 7-21 9-18 10-30 20-45 10-30 10-40 No.200 2-6 2-6 2-12 2-10 0-12 0-12 0-12 2-10 2-8 2-5 2-6 2-6 * In inches, except where otherwise indicated. Number sieves are U.S. Standard sieve series. ** 100% passing 1 1/4-inch sieve and 94-100% passing I-inch sieve. *** 100% passing 1 1/2-inch sieve. **** The design range for the No. 10 sieve may be increased for lightweight aggregates. Table 331-2 Marshall Design Properties For Bituminous Concrete Mixes Mix Type Minimum Marshall Stability (lbs.) Flow* (0.01 in.) S-I S-II S- III Type II Type III SAHM ABC-l ABC-2 ABC-3 FC-l FC-2 FC-4 1500 1500 1500 500-750 750-1000 300-500 500 750 1000 500 500 8-14 8-14 8-14 7-16 7-16 7-16 7-16 7-16 8-14 7-14 7-14 Minimum VMA (%) 14 13 15 18 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 Air Voids (%) 3-5 3-5 3-7 5-16 5-12 5-16 5-16 5-14 3-7 8-14 12-16 Minimum Effective Asphalt Content (%) 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 5.5 5.0 *The maximum Flow for the mix design shall be one point less than shown in the Table. The maximum Flow values shown apply only during production. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 53 Work will be accepted on a LOT to LOT basis in accordance with the applicable requirements of Sections 5, 6, and 9. The size of the LOT will be as specified in 331-5 for the bituminous mixture produced at the plant and as stipulated in 330A-10 and 330A-12 for the material placed on the roadway. 331-2 MATERIALS. 331-2.1 General Specifications. The materials used shall conform with the requirements specified in Division III. Specific references are as follows: (1) Asphalt Cement Viscosity Grade AC-30 ............... . . . . . 916-1 (2) Mineral Filler. ……. . . . .. . . . . . ………… . ………. .917-1 and 917-2 (3) Coarse Aggregate, Stone, Slag or Crushed Gravel……. Section 901* (4) Fine Aggregate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………….. Section 902 *Gravel for use in asphalt concrete mixtures shall be crushed. In addition, the asphalt concrete mixtures containing crushed gravel as the course aggregate component must show no potential for stripping during laboratory testing, before approval of the mix design. Reclaimed Portland Cement Concrete Pavement may be used as a coarse aggregate or screenings component subject to meeting all applicable specifications. All materials shipped to the asphalt plant will be sampled at their destination. 331-2.2 Specific Requirements. 331-2.2.1 Condition of Aggregate. The aggregate shall be clean and shall contain no deleterious substances. Coarse or fine aggregate containing any appreciable amount of phosphate shall not be used. 331-2.2.2 Fine Aggregate and Mineral Filler. In laboratory tests, and for the purpose of proportioning the paving mixture, all material passing the No. 10 sieve and retained on the No. 200 sieve, shall be considered as fine aggregate, and the material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be considered as mineral filler. 331-2.2.3 Screenings. Any screenings used in the combination of aggregates shall contain not more than 15 percent of material passing the No. 200 sieve. When two screenings are blended to produce the screening component of the aggregate, one of such screenings may contain up to 18 percent of material passing the No. 200 sieve, as long as the combination of the two does not contain over 15 percent material passing the No.200 sieve. Screenings may be washed to meet these requirements. 331-2.2.4 Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement - Reclaimed asphalt pavement may be used as a component material of the bituminous mixture subject to the following: 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of asphalt mixes which incorporate reclaimed asphalt pavement as a component part. 2. Reclaimed asphalt pavement shall not exceed 60 percent by weight of total aggregates for Asphalt Base Courses nor more than 35 percent by weight of total aggregates for Structural and Leveling Courses, Reclaimed asphalt pavement shall not be used in Friction Courses. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 54 3. A 3 1/2" grizzly shall be mounted over the reclaimed asphalt pavement cold bin. If oversize material shows up in the mix, the size of openings shall be reduced. 4. The reclaimed asphalt pavement material as stockpiled shall be reasonably uniform in characteristics and shall not contain aggregate particles which are soft or conglomerates of fines. 331-2.2.5 Recycling Agents: When reclaimed asphalt pavement is approved for use as a component material, a recycling agent meeting the requirements specified in 916A-2 shall be used in the mix. 331-3 PERMISSIBLE VARIATION FOR THE COARSE AGGREGATE. The aggregate or aggregates shipped to the job shall be sized and uniformly graded or combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture meets the grading requirements of the mix design. 331-4 GENERAL COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE331-4.1 General: The bituminous mixture shall be composed of a combination of aggregate (coarse, fine or mixtures thereof), mineral filler, if required, and bituminous material. Not more than 20 percent by weight of the total aggregate used shall be silica sand or local materials as defined in Section 902. The silica sand and local materials contained in any reclaimed asphalt pavement material, if used in the mix, shall be considered in this limitation. The several aggregate fractions shall be sized, uniformly graded and combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture will meet the grading and physical properties of the approved mix design. Reclaimed asphalt pavement meeting the requirements of 331-2.2.4 may be approved as a substitution for a portion of the combination of aggregates, subject to all applicable specification requirements being met. 331-4.2 Grading Requirements: In all cases, the job mix formula shall be within the design ranges specified in Table 331-1. 331-4.3 Mix Design: 331-4.3.1 General: Prior to the production of any asphaltic paving mixture, the Contractor shall submit a mix design to the Engineer at least two weeks before the scheduled start of production. The following information shall be furnished: 1. The specific project on which the mixture will be used. 2. The source and description of the materials to be used. 3. The gradation and approximate proportions of the raw materials as intended to be combined in the paving mixture. 4. A single percentage of the combined mineral aggregate passing each specified sieve. 5. A single percentage of asphalt by weight of total mix intended to be incorporated in the completed mixture. 6. A single temperature at which the mixture is intended to be discharged from the plant. 7. The laboratory density of the asphalt mixture, for all mixes except Open-Graded Friction Courses. 8. Evidence that the completed mixture will conform to all specified physical requirements. 9. The name of the individual responsible for the Quality Control of the mixture during production. In lieu of the above, when reclaimed asphalt pavement is approved for use as a component material, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer at least two weeks before the scheduled start of production in writing a proposed mix design and samples of all material components. The following information shall be furnished with the proposed mix design for mixes containing reclaimed asphalt pavement: GENERAL PROVISIONS – 55 1. The specific project on which the mixture will be used. 2. The source and description of the materials to be used. 3. The gradation and approximate proportions of the raw materials as intended to be combined in the paving mixture. 4. A single percentage of the combined mineral aggregate passing each specified sieve. 5. A single temperature at which the mixture is intended to be discharged from the plant. 6. The name of the individual responsible for the Quality Control of the mixture during production. 331-4.3.2 Revision of Mix Design: The approved mix design shall remain in effect until a change is authorized by the Engineer. A new design will be required for any change in source of aggregate. 331-4.3.3 Resistance to Plastic Flow: The submitted mix design shall include test data showing that the material as produced will meet the requirements specified in Table 331-2 when tested in accordance with FM 1-T245. Further, the bulk specific gravity of the laboratory compacted bituminous mixture shall be determined in accordance with FM T-T166. The percent of unfilled voids and the percent of aggregate voids filled with asphalt shall be based on the maximum specific gravity of the bituminous mixture and on the asphalt content of each group of specimens prepared from the same sample. Maximum specific gravity of the bituminous mixture shall be determined by FM 1-T-209. 331-4.4 Contractor's Quality Control – 331-4.4.1 Personnel -DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY 331-4.4.2 Extraction Gradation Analysis: The bituminous mixture will be sampled at the plant in accordance with FM 1-T168. The percent bitumen content of the mixture will be determined in accordance with FM 5-544. The percent passing the standard sieves will be determined in accordance with FM 5-545. All test results will be shown to the nearest 0.01. All calculations will be carried to the 0.001 and rounded to the nearest 0.01, in accordance with the FDOT rules of rounding. The Contractor will run a minimum of one extraction gradation analysis of the mixture for each day's or part of a day's production and immediately following any change in the production process. The quality control sample of mixture for the extraction gradation analysis will be taken each day as soon as the plant operations have stabilized and the results will be obtained in a timely manner so that adjustments can be made if necessary. Extraction gradation analysis will not be required on the days when mix production is less than 100 tons. However, when mix production is less than 100 tons per day on successive days, the test will be run when the accumulative tonnage on such days exceeds 100 tons. The target gradation and asphalt content shall be as shown on the mix design. Any changes in target will require a change in the mix design in accordance with 331-4.3.2. If the percentage of bitumen deviates from the optimum asphalt content by more than 0.55 percent, or the percentage passing any sieve falls outside the limits shown in Table 331-3, the Contractor will make the necessary correction. If the results for two consecutive tests deviate from the optimum asphalt content by more than 0.55 percent, or exceeds the limits as shown in Tab1e 331-3 for any sieve, the plant operation shall be stopped until the problem has been corrected. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 56 The Contractor will maintain control charts showing the results of the extraction gradation analysis (bitumen content and sieve analysis). Table 331-3 Tolerances for Quality Control Tests (Extraction Gradation Analysis) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sieve Size Percent Passing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1" 7.0 3/4” 7.0 1/2" 7.0 3/8" 7.0 No.4 7.0 No. 10 5.5 No. 40* 4.5 No. 80* 3.0 No. 200 2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Does not apply to SAHM, ABC-l or Type II. 331-4.4.3.Plant Calibration: At or before the start of mix production, a set of hot bin samples for batch or continuous mix plants or belt cut for drum mix plants will be wash graded to verify calibration of the plant. When approved by the Engineer, extraction gradation analysis of the mix may be used to verify calibration of the plant. This extraction gradation analysis may also be used to fulfill the quality control requirements for the first days’ production. 331-4.4.4 Viscosity of Asphalt in Mixes Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement: When reclaimed asphalt pavement is a component material, the viscosity of the asphalt material in the bituminous mixture, determined in accordance with FM 1-T202, shall be 6000 +/- 2000 poises. This determination shall be made on samples obtained by the Contractor on a random basis at a frequency of approximately one per 2000 tons of mix. If the viscosity is determined to be out of the specified tolerance, the Contractor shall adjust the recycling agent formulation or blend of reclaimed asphalt material used in the mixture to bring the viscosity within tolerance. 331-5 Acceptance Of The Mixture. (For this Article the term “LOT” applies to FDOT projects): 331-5.1 General: The bituminous mixture will be accepted at the plant, with respect to gradation and asphalt content, on a LOT to LOT basis. The material will be tested for acceptance in accordance with the provisions of 6-4 and the following requirements. However, any load or loads of mixture which, in the opinion of the Engineer, are unacceptable for reason of being excessively segregated, aggregates improperly coated, or of excessively high or low temperature shall be rejected for use in the work. A standard size LOT at the asphalt plant shall consist of 4000 tons with four equal sublots of 1000 tons each. A partial LOT may occur due to the following: (l) the completion of a given mix type on a project. GENERAL PROVISIONS – 57 (2) an approved LOT termination by the Engineer due to a change in process, extended delay in production, or change in mix design. If the partial LOT contains one or two sublots with their appropriate test results, then the previous full-size LOT will be redefined to include this partial LOT and the" evaluation of the LOT will be based on either five or six sublot determinations. If the partial LOT contains three sublots with their appropriate test results, this partial LOT will be redefined to be a whole LOT and the evaluation of it will be based on three sublot determinations. When the total quantity of any mix is less than 3000 tons, the partial LOT will be evaluated for the appropriate number of sublots from n = 1 to n = 3. When the total quantity of any mix type is less than 500 tons, the Engineer will accept the mix on the basis of visual inspection. On multiple project contracts, the LOT(s) at the asphalt plant will carry over from project to project. 331-5.2 Acceptance Procedures: The Contractor shall control all operations in the handling, preparation, and mixing of the asphalt mix so that the percent bitumen and the percents passing the No.4, 10, 40 and 200 sieves will meet the approved job mix formula within the tolerance shown in Table 331-5. Table 331-5 Tolerances for Acceptance Tests Characteristic Tolerance* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Asphalt Content (Extraction) +/-0.55% Asphalt Content (Printout) +/-0.15% Passing No. 4 Sieve +/-7.00% Passing No. 10 Sieve +/-5.50% Passing No. 40 Sieve ** +/-4.50% Passing No. 200 Sieve +/-2.00% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Tolerances for sample size of n = 1. See Table 331-6 for other sample sizes n=2 through n=6. **Applies only to Type S-I, S-II, S-III, FC-l and FC-4. Acceptance of the mixture shall be on the basis of test results on consecutive random samples from each LOT. One random sample shall be taken from each sublot. The bituminous mixture will be sampled at the plant in accordance with FM 1-T 168. The percent bitumen content of the mixture will be determined in accordance with FM 5-544. The percents passing the No.4, No. 10, No. 40 and No. 200 sieves will be determined in accordance with FM 5-545. Calculations for the acceptance test results for bitumen content and gradation (percent passing No.4, No. 10, No. 40 and No. 200) shall be shown to the nearest 0.01. Calculations for arithmetic averages shall be carried to the 0.001 and rounded to the nearest 0.01 in accordance with the FDOT rules of rounding. When the Contractor or Producer chooses to use a storage bin for mix storage overnight or longer, the material processed in this manner will be handled as follows: The samples of mix taken for acceptance tests on asphalt content must be taken before the mix is placed into the storage bin. Samples of mix for acceptance tests on gradation shall be taken after the mix has been removed from the storage bin. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 58 Payment will be made on the basis of Table 331-6 Acceptance Schedule of Payment. The process will be considered out of control when any individual test result from a LOT exceeds the 90 percent pay factor limit for the values in the "one test" column of Table 331-6. When this happens, the LOT will be automatically terminated and the percent of payment will be determined from Table 331-6. Table 331-6 Acceptance Schedule of Payment - (Asphalt Plant Mix Characteristics) Average of Accumulated Deviations of the Acceptance Tests from the Mix Design. Pay Factor 1-Test 2-Tests Asphalt Cement Content (Extraction) 1.00 0.00-0.55 0.00-0.43 0.95 0.56-0.65 0.44-0.50 0.90 0.66-0.75 0.51-0.57 0.80* over 0.75 over 0.57 Asphalt Cement Content (Printout) 1.00 0.00-0.15 0.00-0.15 0.95 0.16-0.25 0.16-0.25 0.90 0.26-0.35 0.26-0.35 0.80* over 0.35 over 0.35 No. 4 Sieve ** 1.00 0.00-7.00 0.00-5.24 0.98 7.01-8.00 5.25-5.95 0.95 8.01-9.00 5.96-6.66 0.90 9.01-10.00 6.67-7.36 0.80* over 10.00 over 7.36 No. 10 Sieve ** 1.00 0.00-5.50 0.00-4.33 3- Tests 4-Tests 5- Tests 6-Tests 0.00-0.38 0.39-0.44 0.45-0.50 over 0.50 0.00-0.35 0.36-0.40 0.41-0.45 Over 0.45 0.00-0.33 0.34-0.37 0.38-0.42 over 0.42 0.00-0.31 0.32-0.36 0.36-0.39 over 0.39 0.00-0.15 0.16-0.25 0.26-0.35 over 0.35 0.00-0.15 0.16-0.25 0.26-0.35 Over 0.35 0.00-0.15 0.16-0.25 0.26-0.35 over 0.35 0.00-0.15 0.16-0.25 0.26-0.35 over 0.35 0.00-4.46 4.47-5.04 5.05-5.62 5.63-6.20 over 6.20 0.00-4.00 4.01-4.50 4.51-5.00 5.01-5.50 Over 5.50 0.00-3.68 3.69-4.13 4.14-4.58 4.59-5.02 over 5.02 0.00-3.45 3.46-3.86 3.87-4.27 4.28-4.67 over 4.67 0.00-3.81 0.00-3.50 0.00-3.29 0.00-3.13 0.98 5.51-6.50 4.34-5.04 3.82-4.39 3.51-4.00 3.30-3.74 3.14-3.54 0.95 0.90. 0.80* 6.51-7.50 7.51-8.50 over 8.50 5.05-5.74 5.75-6.45 over 6.45 4.40-4.96 4.97-5.54 over 5.54 4.01-4.50 4.515.00 Over 5.00 3.75-4.18 4.19-4.63 over 4.63 3.55-3.95 3.96-4.36 over 4.36 0.00-3.50 3.51-4.00 4.01-4.50 4.51-5.00 over 5.00 0.00-3.39 3.40-3.84 3.85-4.29 4.30-4.74 over 4.74 0.00-3.32 3.33-3.72 3.73-4.13 4.14-4.54 over 4.54 0.00-1.50 1.51-1.70 1.71-1.90 over 1.90 0.00-1.45 1.46-1.63 1.64-1.80 over 1.80 0.00-1.41 1.42-1.57 1.58-1.73 over 1.73 No. 40 Sieve ** 1.00 0.00-4.50 0.98 4.51-5.50 0.95 5.51-6.50 0.90 6.51-7.50 0.80* over 7.50 No. 200 Sieve ** 1.00 0.00-2.00 0.95 2.01-2.40 0.90 2.41-2.80 0.80* over 2.80 0.00-3.91 3.92-4.62 4.63-5.33 5.34-6.04 over 6.04 0.00-1.71 1.72-1.99 2.00-2.27 over 2.27 0.00-3.65 3.66-4.23 4.24-4.81 4.82-5.3 over 5.39 0.00-1.58 1.59-1.81 1.82-2.04 over 2.04 GENERAL PROVISIONS - 59 *If approved by the Engineer based on an engineering determination that the material is acceptable to remain in place, the Contactor may, accept the indicated partial pay. Otherwise, the Owner will require removal and replacement at no cost. The Contractor has the option to remove and replace at no cost to the Owner at any time. **When there are two or more reduced payments for these items in one LOT of material, only the greatest reduction in payment will be applied. CAUTION: This rule applies only to these four gradation test results. Notes: (1) The No. 40 Sieve applies only to Type S-I, S-II, S-III, FC-l and FC-4. (2) Deviations are absolute values with no plus or minus signs. 331-5.3 Automatic Batch Plant With Printout: Acceptance determinations asphalt content for mixtures produced by automatic batch plants with printout will be based on the calculated bitumen content using the printout of the weights of asphalt actually used. Acceptance determinations for gradations (No.4, No. 10, No. 40 and No. 2(0) will be based on the actual test results from extraction gradation analyses. Payment will be made based on the provisions of Table 331-6. 331-5.4 Acceptance on the Roadway: The bituminous mixture will be accepted on the roadway with respect to compacted density and surface tolerance in accordance with the applicable requirements of 330A-10 and 330A-12. . 331-5.5 Additional Tests: The Owner reserves the right to run any test at any time for informational purposes and for determining the effectiveness of the Contractor's quality control. The Contractor will determine the Marshall properties, a minimum of one set per LOT, to determine whether or not the Contractor is meeting the specification requirements. Specimens will be prepared at the plant and transported to the Lab where they will be tested in accordance with FM 5-511 for Marshall stability and flow, FM 1- T 209 for maximum specific gravity, and FM 1-T166 for density. When the average value of the specimens fails to meet specification requirements for stability or flow, or the air void content is below 3.0 percent (for structural mixes only), the Contractor's plant operations may be stopped until all specification requirements can be met or until another mix design has been approved (any revisions to a mix design shall be made in accordance with 331-4.3.2). When it is determined necessary to cease operations while the problem is being resolved, the approval of the Engineer will be required before resuming production of the mix. At this time the Marshall properties must be verified, 331-6 Compensation331-6.1 Items for Which Payment Will Be Made: For the work specified under this Section (including the pertinent provisions of Sections 320 and 330A), payment will be made for the area of the pavement, in square yards (after adjustment to the equivalent area of specified-thickness pavement), or, when so shown, the weight of the mixture, in tons. 331-6.2 Area of Pavement to be paid for: When the pavement is to be paid for on an area basis, the area to be paid for shall be field measured quantity, omitting any areas not allowed for payment under the provisions of 9-3.2, omitting any areas not allowed for payment under 330A-14.2. The thickness to be paid for under this section is the thickness shown on the typical section in the plans. 331-6.3 Payment by Weight of Mixture: Where the pavement is to be paid for by weight, the weight shall be determined as provided in 320-2 (including the provisions for the automatic recordation system). 331-6.4 Bituminous Material: DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY GENERAL PROVISIONS - 60 331-6.5 Work Included in Payment Items. The contract unit price per ton or per square yard, as applicable, shall be full compensation for all the work specified under this Section (including the applicable requirements of Sections 320 and 330A). Payment shall be made under: Item No. 331-2 - Type S Asphaltic Concrete - per ton. Item No. 331-72 - Type S Asphaltic Concrete - per square yard. --- - ._ SECTION 333 TYPE III ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ADD SECTION 333 TO THIS SPECIFICATION 333-1 Description. The work specified in this Section consists of the construction of an asphaltic concrete pavement course, composed of a mixture of stone or slag screenings with silica sand and asphalt cement, and mineral filler if needed. All requirements of Section 320 for plant and equipment and of Section 330A for general construction requirements shall apply to this work. Work will be accepted on a LOT to LOT basis in accordance with the applicable requirements of Sections 5, 6, and 9. The size of the LOT will be as specified in 331-5 for the bituminous mixture accepted at the plant and as stipulated in 330A-10 and 330A-12 for the material accepted on the roadway. 333-2 Materials. 333-2.1 Bituminous Material: The bituminous material shall be Asphalt Cement, Viscosity Grade AC-20 or AC-30, meeting the requirements called for in 916-1. 333-2.2 Aggregate: The aggregate shall consist of stone or slag screening or a combination of stone or slag screenings with silica sand, and shall meet the gradation requirements and provide the required stability of the mix, as Specified below. Screenings shall be produced from stone or slag conforming with the requirements of Section 901. The sand shall meet the requirements of 332-2.2.3. Aggregate containing any appreciable amount of phosphate shall not be used. 333-2.3 Mineral Filler: Mineral filler, if needed, shall conform with the requirements of Section 917. 333-3 General Composition of Mixture: 333-3.1 General: The bituminous mixture shall be composed of a combination of aggregate (coarse, fine, or mixtures thereof), mineral filler if required, and bituminous material. The several aggregate fractions shall be sized, uniformly graded, and combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture will meet the grading and physical properties of the approved job mix formula. Reclaimed asphalt pavement meeting the requirements of 331-2.2.4 may be approved as a substitution for a portion of the combination of aggregates subject to all applicable specification requirements being met. If use of reclaimed asphalt pavement is approved a recycling agent meeting the requirements of 331-2.2.5 may be used in the mix in lieu of asphalt cement. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 61 333-3.2 Grading Requirements: The job mix formula, as established by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, shall be within the design range specified in Table 331-1. 333-3.3 Proportions of Sand and Screenings: Not more than 25 percent by weight of the total aggregate used shall be local sand. In addition to the local sand, a portion not to exceed 15 percent by weight of the total aggregate may be commercial washed sand. The commercial washed sand shall be supplied by an approved source having a FDOT sand mine number and conform with the requirements of Section 902 except those in 902-2.2. The sand portion of any reclaimed asphalt pavement material if used in the mixture shall be considered as local sand. 333-3.4 Stability: The constituents of the mixture shall be combined in such proportions as to produce a mixture having Marshall properties within the limits shown in Table 331-2. 333-3.5 Screening: When tested at the cold elevator in the combination to be used, the aggregate shall contain not more than 10 percent, by weight, of material passing the No. 200 sieve. Any screenings used in the combination of aggregate shall not contain more than 15 percent of material passing the No. 200 sieve. When two screenings are blended to produce the screenings component of the aggregate, any component of such screenings may contain up to 18 percent of material passing the No. 200 sieve. Screenings may be washed to meet these requirements and shall be free from lumps and foreign matter. 333-4 Formula for Job Mix. The job mix formula shall conform to the requirements of 331-4.3. In addition to these requirements, the job mix formula shall include test data showing that the material as produced will meet the requirements of Table 331-2. 333-5 Contractor's Quality Control: The Contractor shall provide the necessary control of the bituminous mixture and construction in accordance with the applicable provisions of 6-8.4 and 331-4.4. After the job mix formula is approved, the Contractor shall furnish the material not only within the limits of the design range, but in addition, shall meet the approved Job mix formula within the acceptance ranges shown in the approved design mix. The extraction gradation analysis shall comply with provisions of 331-4.4.2 and Table 331-3. Plant calibration shall comply with the provisions of 331-4.4.3 and Table 331-3. 333-6 Acceptance of Mixture. 333-6.1 Acceptance at the Plant: The bituminous mixture will be accepted at the plant with respect to gradation and asphalt content in accordance with the requirements of 331-5. 333-6.2 Acceptance on the Roadway: The bituminous mixture will be accepted on the roadway with respect to compacted density and surface tolerance in accordance with the applicable provisions of 330A-10 and 330A-12. 333-6.3 Additional Tests: The provisions of 331-5.5 apply to Type III Asphaltic Concrete. 333-7 Measurement and Payment. The work specified in this Section shall be measured and paid for as specified for Type S-I Asphaltic Concrete under the applicable provisions of 331-6. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 62 Payment will be made under: Item No. 333-1 - Type III Asphaltic Concrete - per square yard. Item No. 333-2 - Type III Asphaltic Concrete - per ton. SECTION 570 PERFORMANCE TURF 575-3 Construction Methods. – Delete and substitute the following: 575-3 Construction Methods: Test the area requiring sod per Section 162-5 and forward results to the Engineer. Apply finish soil layer material in accordance with Section162 if determined by the Engineer. Fertilize at the rate as shown in Section 570. If soil layer is not determined to be used on areas to receive sod, scarify or loosen the areas to a depth of 6 inches. On areas where the soil is sufficiently loose, particularly on shoulders and fill slopes, the Engineer may authorize the elimination of the ground preparation. Limit preparation to those areas that can be sodded within 72 hours after preparation. Prior to sodding, thoroughly water areas and allow water to percolate into the soil. Allow surface moisture to dry before sodding to prevent a muddy soil condition. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 63 FLEXIBLE-PAVEMENT MATERIALS (INCLUDING MATERIALS FOR STABILIZING) SECTION 911A BASEROCK* MATERIAL FOR BASE COURSES ADD SECTION 911A TO THE 2010 SPECIFICATION 911A-1 General: This Section governs baserock materials to be used on construction of base courses. 911A-2 Furnishing of Material: Except as might be specifically shown otherwise, all baserock material and the sources thereof shall be furnished by the Contractor. Approval of mineral aggregate sources shall be in accordance with 6-3.3. Any baserock material occurring in State furnished borrow areas shall not be used by the Contractor in constructing the base, unless permitted by the plans or the other contract documents. 911A-3 Composition: Baserock materials to be used for base courses and stabilized bases shall be crushed from naturally occurring sedimentary deposits of calcareous rocks. The maximum percentage of water-sensitive clay mineral shall be 3. 911A-4 Liquid Limit and Placidity Requirements: The liquid limit shall not exceed 35 and the material shall be non-plastic. 911A-5 Mechanical Requirements: Baserock material shall meet the following requirements: 911A-5.1 Deleterious Material: Baserock material shall not contain cherty or other extremely hardieces, or lumps, balls, or pockets of sand or clay size material in sufficient quantity as to be detrimental to the proper bonding of the bituminous prime coat with the base, finishing, or strength of the base, or cause distortion of the base under construction traffic. 911A-5.2 GradationPassing 3 ½ inch sieve........................................... 97% (max. size 6 inches) Passing No. 4 sieve................................................ 70% maximum Passing No. 200 sieve (dry weight)....................... 20% (by washing) All crushing or breaking-up which might be necessary in order to meet such size requirements shall be done before the material is placed on the road. The Structural Layer Coefficient for Baserock Material accepted under this provision shall be 0.18 as determined by FDOT. If the material does not have a record of past performance, the coefficient shall be determined in accordance with FDOT’s procedure “Structural Layer Coefficients for Flexible Pavement Materials” (Topic No. 675-000-004-a). The producer shall arrange and be responsible for any costs associated with construction of the full-scaled test road. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 64 911A-6 Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) Requirements: Baserock material use in construction of base courses shall have an average LBR value of not less than 100. The average LBR value of material produced at a particular source shall be determined in accordance with an approved quality control procedure. 911A-7 911A-7.1 Method of Measurement. General: The Calculation for Baserock to be paid for under this Section shall be the area in square yards of Baserock, completed and accepted with the length to be used in the calculation being the actual length measured along the surface of the base and the width of the wearing surface as called for on the plans even though the base shall extend beyond the limits of the wearing surface, as specified on the Plans. The thickness to be paid shall be as shown on the Typical Section in the plans. 911A-8 Basis of Payment. The quantity of Baserock, determined as provided above, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard for Baserock, completed and accepted which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing, hauling and placing all materials, and for correcting all defective surface and deficient thickness. * Note: Baserock in this specification denotes any material previously classified by the County as limerock, cemented coquina, or shell rock. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 65 SECTION 948 MISCELLANEOUS TYPES OF PIPE 948-1.7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (12 to 48 Inches): FOLLOWING: DELETE AND INSERT THE Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe for side drain, cross drain, storm drain and other specified applications shall conform to AASHTO M 278 for smooth wall PVC pipe, or AASHTO M 304 or ASTM F 949 for PVC ribbed pipe. Mitered end sections are not to be constructed of polyvinyl chloride. Use only concrete or metal mitered end sections as indicated in the Design Standards. Provide certification of the actual mean diameter of pipe shipped to the project. Include in the certification the minimum and maximum diameters used to certify the actual mean diameter. The certification shall be attested to by a person having legal authority to bind the manufacturing company. Ensure that the pipe joints have been tested at the plant hydrostatically at the specified pressure using test methods in ASTM D 3212 and shown to meet the requirements of Section 6.1 of the Materials Manual, which is available at the following URL: smanual/index.shtm ADD THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: 948-1.7.1 948-1.7.1a A-2000 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE (12 TO 48 INCHES): General: A-2000 PVC material has been reviewed and found acceptable for use on Palm Beach County construction projects. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, FDOT Standard Specification section 125 (Excavation for Structures and Pipe) and section 430 (Pipe Culverts and Storm Sewers). 948-1.7.1b Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe for side drain, cross drain, storm drain and other specified applications: Conform to AASHTO M 278 for smooth wall PVC pipe, or AASHTO M 304 or ASTM F 949 for PVC ribbed pipe. Mitered end sections are not to be constructed of polyvinyl chloride. Rubber gaskets shall be installed in the pipe joint, and the gasket shall be the sole element relied on to maintain a tight joint. Test pipe joints at the plant hydrostatically using test methods in ASTM D 3212. Soil tight joints must be watertight to 2 psi. Watertight joints must be watertight to 5 psi unless a higher pressure rating is required in the plans. Provide certification of the actual mean diameter of pipe shipped to the project. Include in the certification the minimum and maximum diameters used to certify the actual mean diameter. The certification shall be attested to by a person having legal authority to bind the manufacturing company. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 66 948-2.3 948-2.3.1 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (12 to 60 inches): General: DELETE AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: Class I corrugated Polyethylene Pipe used for side drain, cross drain, storm drain or french drain shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 294. Class II Corrugated Pipe shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 294 and 948-2.3.1. Corrugations may only be annular; pipe conforming to the minimum cell classification 335400E may be used if the combination of color and UV stabilizer provides the same or better UV protection as 335400C. Mitered end sections are not to be constructed of polyethylene. Use only concrete or metal mitered end sections as indicated in the Design Standards. Provide certification of the actual mean diameter of pipe shipped to the project. Include in the certification the minimum and maximum diameters used to certify the actual mean diameter. The certification shall be attested to by a person having legal authority to bind the manufacturing company. Ensure that the pipe joints have been tested at the plant hydrostatically at the specified pressure using test methods in ASTM D 3212 and witnessed by the Engineer. Obtain pipe products from producers listed on the FDOT’s List of Qualified Flexible Pipe Manufacturing Plants, which may be viewed at the following: Ensure that each shipment of products to the job site includes a list of products and each product has an affixed legible stamp mark of the plant, indicating its compliance with the requirements of the plant’s FDOT approved Quality Control Plan and Contract Documents. Accept responsibility of either obtaining products from another approved plant, or await reapproval of the plant, when the plant is removed from the FDOT list of Flexible Pipe Manufacturing Plants. The Engineer will not allow changes in Contract Time or completion dates as a result of the plant’s loss of qualification. Accept responsibility for all delay costs or other costs associated with the loss of plant’s qualification. GENERAL PROVISIONS - 67 ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS 1. 2. GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 "The Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" dated 2015, as amended and augmented by the supplemental specifications, shall govern the construction of this project and the execution of the contract. 1.2 The attention of the Contractor is specifically directed to the provisions of such Standard Specifications, which are hereby made a part hereof, as if fully set forth at length. INTENT OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 3. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 4. All construction in the public rights-of-way shall be in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, and the project plans. The following clauses represent modifications to the corresponding Articles of the Standard Specifications, herein above defined and related exclusively to the above contract. In case of conflicting requirements between the Standard Specifications and these modifications, the modifications shall govern. Any applicable provisions in the Standard Specifications not amended by and not in conflict with the Supplemental Specifications shall be understood to be in full effect. DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND COVENANTS 4.1 Section 1 - Definitions and Terms 4.1.1 The following modifications are made to the corresponding Articles of the Standard Specifications. Advertisement - shall be the announcement inviting bids for work to be performed or materials to be furnished, usually issued as the "Invitation To Bid". Change Order - shall be as defined in the Contract Documents. Consultant - shall be the Engineer as defined in the Contract Documents. Contract - shall be the Contract Documents as defined in the Contract Documents. Contract Bond - shall be Bonds as defined in the Contract Documents. Contract Time - shall be as defined in the Contract Documents. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 1 Contractor - shall be as defined in the Contract Documents Engineer - shall be as defined in the Contract Documents. Engineer of Record - shall be the Engineer as defined in the Contract Documents. Laboratory - shall be as defined in the Supplementary Contract Documents. Proposal Form - shall be the Proposal contained in the Contract Documents. Specifications - shall be as defined in the Contract Documents. Supplemental Agreement - shall be a written Amendment as defined in the Contract Documents. Work - shall be as defined in the Contract Documents. 4.2 Section 2 - Proposal Requirements and Conditions 4.2.1 4.3 Section 3 - Award and Execution of Contract 4.3.1 4.4 Delete all of Section 5, except Article 5-8.3 Contractor’s Supervisor. Section 6 - Control of Materials 4.6.1 4.7 Delete Section 4 in its entirety. Section 5 - Control of the Work 4.5.1 4.6 Delete Section 3 in its entirety. Section 4 - Scope of the Work 4.4.1 4.5 Delete Section 2 in its entirety. Delete Section 6 in its entirety. Section 7 - Legal Requirements and Responsibility to the Public 4.7.1 Substitute "Owner" for "Department" in Section 7. 4.7.2 Article 7-11 Preservation of Property - delete Sub Articles 7-11.2. 4.7.3 Article 7-12 Responsibility for Damages, Claims, etc. - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.4 Article 7-13 Insurance - shall be deleted in its entirety. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 2 4.7.5 Article 7-14 Contractor's Responsibility for Work - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.6 Article 7-16 Wage Rates for Federal - Aid Projects - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.7 Article 7-18 Scaled for Weighing Materials - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.8 Article 7-19 Source of Forest Products - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.9 Article 7-22 Available Funds - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.10 Article 7-23 Contractor’s Motor Vehicle Registration - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.11 Article 7-24 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.7.12 Article 7-25 On-The-Job Training Requirements - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8 Section 8 - Prosecution and Progress 4.8.1 Article 8-1.1 General: "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.8.2 Article 8-2 Work Performed by Equipment -Rental Agreement - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.3 Article 8-3.2 Submission of Working Schedule - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.4 Article 8-3.3 Beginning Work - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.5 Article 8-3.5 Preconstruction Conference - "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.8.6 Article 8-4.1 Night Work - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.7 Article 8-5 Qualification of Contractor's Personnel - "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.8.8 Article 8-6.3 Permission to Suspend Work - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.9 Article 8-7 Computation of Contract Time - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.10 Article 8-8.1 General: "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.8.11 Article 8-8.2 (b)-(f) - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.12 Article 8-9.1 Determination of Default "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 3 4.8.13 Article 8-9.2 Termination of Contract - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.14 Article 8-9.3 Completion of Work by Department - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.15 Article 8-10 Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work -shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.16 Article 8-11 Termination of Contractor's Responsibility -shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.8.17 Article 8-12 Recovery of Damages Suffered by Third Parties -shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9 Section 9 - Measurement and Payment 4.9.1 Article 9-2.1.1 Fuels - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.2 Article 9-21.2 Bituminous Material - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.3 Article 9-3.2.1 Error in Plan Quantity: "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.9.4 Article 9-3.3.1 Error in Plan Quantity: "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.9.5 Article 9-3.4 Deviation From Plan Dimensions: "Owner" shall be substituted for "Department". 4.9.6 Article 9-4 Deleted Work - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.7 Article 9-5 Partial Payments - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.8 Article 9-6 Record of Construction Materials - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.9 Article 9-7 Disputed Amounts Due the Contractor - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.10 Article 9-8 Acceptance and Final Payment - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.11 Article 9-9 Interest due on Delayed Payments - shall be deleted in its entirety. 4.9.12 Article 9-10 Offsetting Payments - shall be deleted in its entirety. 5. DIVISION II - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 5.1 Section 110 - Clearing and Grubbing ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 4 5.2 5.1.1 Article 110-1 Description - the work specified in this Section consists of clearing and grubbing of all items within the construction limits of the roadways, water retention sites, and required for the installation of the storm and sanitary sewer. The construction limits of the roadway shall be as shown on the typical section. All work shall be performed in accordance with the applicable Dept. of Transportation requirements with the following amendments: 5.1.2 Section 110-2.1 Work Included - all areas where excavation is to be done within the construction limits of the roadways and areas lying outside of the construction limits which shall be designated on the plans, and all water retention areas and drainage right-of-ways. 5.1.3 Section 110-2.4 Boulders - any boulders encountered shall be removed disposed of by the Contractor in areas provided by him. Section 120 - Excavation and Embankment 5.2.1 Article 120-1 Description - the work specified in this Section consists of the excavation and embankment required for the roadway and water retention areas and includes the preparation of the subgrade, the construction of embankments, and the compaction and dressing of excavated areas and embankments with the following amendments: 5.2.2 Article 120-2.2 Regular Excavation - regular excavation shall include roadway excavation and water retention area excavation. 5.2.3 Article 120-4.1 Subsoil Excavation - when the Contractor has completed the normal excavation to the point of being ready to begin the subgrade stabilization the testing laboratory shall be notified and determine in the field the length of the necessary subsoil excavation. All unsuitable soil shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor. Where muck, rock, clay or other material is unsuitable in its original position within the limits of the pavement, the Contractor shall excavate such material to a depth of 2' below the bottom of the pavement subgrade, or as indicated by the Engineer, and backfill with suitable material to be shaped to conform to the required cross-sections. If removal of plastic soils below the finished earthwork grade is required, a construction tolerance of plus/minus 0.2' in depth and plus/minus 6" (each side) in width will be allowed. 5.2.4 Article 120-13 Method of Measurement (a) When the item of Grading by the lump sum and Water Retention Area Excavation - cubic yard is included in the contract proposal, the price and payment for this item shall include the hauling, depositing and grading of any excess excavated material to the locations on the project site as selected by the Owner or Engineer. Rough grading will be measured and paid for by lump sum. (b) When the item of Grading (stockpile) by the square yard and Water Retention ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 5 Area Excavation (stockpile) per cubic yard is included in the contract proposal the price and payment for this item shall include the hauling and depositing in a stockpile of any excess excavated material to a single location as selected by the Owner or Engineer. (c) When the item of Grading (removal) by the square yard and Water Retention Area Excavation (removal) per cubic yard is included in the contract proposal, the price and payment for this item shall include the hauling and disposal of any excess excavated material to a location provided by the Contractor, off of the project site. 5.3 5.2.5 Article 120-13.1.6 Subsoil excavation shall be deleted. 5.2.6 Article 120-14.2.3 Additional depth of subsoil excavation shall be deleted. 5.2.7 Grading - Square Yard - when the item of grading by square yard is included in contract, the price and payment for this item shall include all work described in this Section, including all subsoil excavation with the exception of any work which is specified to be paid for under other earthwork items which may be included in this contract. 5.2.8 Article 120-14.4 Payment Items - payment for this work shall be made under: Rough Grading - lump sum Rough Grading (stockpile) - square yard Rough Grading (removal) - square yard Water Retention Area Excavation - cubic yard Water Retention Area Excavation - (stockpile) - per cubic yard Water Retention Area Excavation - (removal) - per cubic yard Subsoil Excavation - per cubic yard Section 125 - Excavation for Structures 5.3.1. Article 125-1 Description - the work specified in this Section consists of excavation for pipe culverts, storm sewer, and all other pipe lines, manholes, inlets, headwalls and similar structures with the following amendments. 5.3.2 Article 125-8.3.1 General (b)In the second stage the Contractor shall obtain a well-compacted bed and fill along the sides of the pipe and to a point which is two feet below finish grade or at lease one foot above the top of the pipe. The width of backfill and compaction to be done under this second stage shall be the width of the portion of the trench having vertical sides; or, when no portion of the trench has vertical sides it shall be to a width at least equal to twice the outside diameter of the pipe. 5.3.3 Article 125-8.3.2 Density Requirements - the backfill for the first and second stages shall be placed in twelve inch layers (compacted thickness) and shall be compacted to 95 per cent of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180. Where ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 6 pavement is to be constructed over the pipe or within four feet thereof, the backfill for the third stage (min. four feet below finish grade) shall be placed in the manner required for the first and second stages and compacted to 98 percent of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180. Where construction is outside the above stated limits, the backfill for the third stage shall be placed in the manner and compacted to the degree required for the first and second stages. 5.3.4 5.4 Density tests shall be taken on each twelve-inch layer at intervals not to exceed 300 lineal feet and at each transverse section of pipeline. Section 160 - Stabilizing 5.4.1 Article 160-2 Stabilized Subgrade - all work shall be performed in accordance with Type B requirements. The contractor shall have the discretion to utilize either limerock or clay for the stabilizing agent in accordance with Section 914 of Standard Specifications. 5.4.2 Section 160.5.1 General - all pipes, conduits, sleeves, etc shall be installed, compacted and tested prior to the beginning of stabilizing operations. In the event that a pipe, conduit, sleeve, etc. must be installed after completion of subgrade, the trench width shall be sufficient to allow compaction equipment to thoroughly compact the backfill and the stabilized subgrade remixed and recompacted for a distance fo 25' each side of the trench. If curbing has been installed, a section of curb for a minimum distance of 5' each side of the trench shall be removed and replaced after proper compaction. As an alternative to the above, the pipe, conduit, sleeve, etc. may be installed by jack and boring under the stabilized subgrade. 5.4.3 Article 160-5.2 Application of Stabilizing Material - the mandatory requirement of mechanical material spreaders shall not be strictly adhered to. The Contractor shall be responsible to provide a subgrade of uniform mix to the required depth and meeting the bearing value and density requirements stated on the drawings and these specifications. 5.4.4 Article 160.7.1 General - bearing value samples shall be obtained and tested at completion of satisfactory mixing of the stabilized area. FBV value shall not be less than 75 psi where a limerock base course is to be constructed and 50 where a stabilized roadway is to be constructed. For any area where the bearing value obtained is deficient from the above stated values, additional stabilizing material shall be spread and mixed in accordance with Article 160-5.3. This reprocessing shall be done for the full width of the roadway being stabilized and longitudinally for a distance of 50 feet beyond the limits of the area in which the bearing value is deficient. 5.4.5 Article 160-7.2 Tolerances in Bearing Value Requirements - there shall be no under tolerances from the specified bearing value. 5.4.6 Article 160-8.1 General - a minimum of two LBR tests per mile or at least one test for each section of road between intersections shall be taken. Field density tests shall ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 7 be taken between intersections and at intervals not to exceed 500'. The completed stabilized subgrade shall be checked for width and depth at intervals not to exceed 200 feet. No less than the required width and depth shall be acceptable. 5.5 5.7 5.8 Section 200 - Limerock Base 5.5.1 Article 200-2 Materials - the limerock material shall meet the requirements of Section 911 of the Standard Specifications. Material for base course shall be limerock classified as the Ocala formation only. 5.5.2 Article 200-3 Equipment - the requirement for the mechanical spreader shall not be strictly adhered to. 5.5.3 Article 200-5.2 Base - When the specified compacted thickness of the base is greater than eight (8) inches, the base shall be constructed on two (2) courses. 5.5.4 Article 200-6.4 Density Tests - field density tests shall be at intervals not to exceed 500 feet with no less than two tests taken for each section of road between intersections. The base course shall be checked for width and depth at intervals not to exceed 200 feet. No less than the required width and depth shall be acceptable. Section 330 - Hot Bituminous Mixtures - General Construction Requirements. 5.7.1 Extraction, Marshall stability and density tests shall be taken on the material placed on each 1/4 mile of road and at least one test for each shall be taken for material that is placed in any one day. The asphaltic concrete surface course shall be checked for width and depth at intervals not to exceed 200 feet. 5.7.2 Section 330-9.1.3 Rain and Surface Conditions - delete and substitute the following: Transport of asphalt mixtures from the plant shall immediately cease when rain begins at the roadway. Asphalt mixtures shall not be placed while rain is falling or when water is on the surface to be covered. 5.7.3 Section 330-9.2.2 Thickness of Layers - When the final asphalt thickness is to be 11/2" or greater, the asphalt shall be placed in a minimum of 2 lifts with each lift being at least 3/4" thick. 5.7.4 Section 330-12.4 Correcting Unacceptable Pavement - the Contractor shall correct unacceptable pavement by removing and replacing only. The removal must be for the full depth of the course and extend at least 50' on either side of the defective area for the full width of the paving lane. Section 346 - Portland Cement Concrete 5.8.1 Article 346-1 The intent of this specification is to secure, for every part of the work, concrete of a homogeneous structure, which, when hardened, will have the required strength, durability and appearance. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 8 A. Any exposed concrete which is not formed as shown on the plans or for any reason is out of alignment or level or shows a defective surface shall be considered as not conforming with the intent of these specifications and shall be removed from the job, unless the Engineer and Owner grant permission to patch the defective area. B. Permission to repair any surface defect shall not be considered a waiver of the defective work if the repair does not, in the opinion of the Engineer and Owner, satisfactorily restore the quality and appearance of the surface. Codes and Standards - All work, except as modified herein, shall conform to the requirements of: ACI-301 ACI-302 ACI-304 ACI-305 ACI-306 ACI-318 ACI-318.1 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings" "Recommended Practice for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction" "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete" "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting" "Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concrete" "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" "Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete" 5.8.2 Article 346-2.2 Types of Cement to be Used - unless the particular type of cement is designated in the plans or special provisions, Type I, Portland Cement shall be used for concrete. 5.8.3 Article 346-3 Classification of Concrete - the separate classifications of concrete prepared under these specifications are herein designated as Classes I and II, in accordance with the intended use and the proportions, strength and other requirements. 5.8.4 5.8.5 Article 346-4.3 Certification (For Ready-Mixed Concrete) - no certification shall be required from the manufacturer of ready-mixed concrete. Article 346-5 Admixtures A. Air-entraining agents shall conform to ASTM C-260 and shall maintain an air content of 4% to 8% for normal weight concrete. B. Water-reducing admixtures shall conform to ASTM C-494 and shall be of normal set - Type A, retarded set - Type D, or accelerated set - Type E, as specified for various locations and temperatures. 1. The following are accepted for normal set: Type A: Pozzolith, Normal, as mfd. by Master Builders Co. Plastocrete, normal, as mfd. by Sika Chemical Corp. WRDA, as mfd. by W.R. Grace & Co. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 9 C. 5.8.6 5.8.7 2. The following are accepted for retarded set: Type D: Pozzolith, Retarder, as mfd. by Master Builders Co. Plastiment, as mfd. by Sika Chemical Corp. Daratard, as mfd. by W.R. Grace & Co. 3. The following are accepted for accelereated set, Type E: Pozzolith, High Early, as mfd. by Master Builders Co. Plastocrete, accelerator, as mfd. by Sika Chemical Corp. Fly ash conforming to the requirements of ASTM C-618, Class F, including the optional requirements of Supplementary Tables 2 & 4 may be used as long as the required strength is obtained at 28 days. All required tests and design mixes shall conform to the requirements of these specifications. Water-reducing and air-entraining admixtures are to remain as specified and compatibility of the fly ash with these admixtures is the Contractor's responsibility. Fly ash must be obtained from a source acceptable to the Engineer and Owner with a successful history of use in concrete and quality assurance test results that assure uniformity and consistent performance. Verify that any stack additives at the producing plant do not contaminate the fly ash in any manner that could be deleterious to the concrete quality. The producer of the fly ash shall be responsible to maintain adequate quality control to prevent deleterious contaminants in their product, such as some compounds of sodium, ammonium or sulphur. Article 346-6 Required Strength of Concrete A. Concrete shall be ready-mixed in accordance with ASTM C-94, "Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete". Maximum slump shall be 4 inches. Minimum design strength shall be as specified in the plans or other portions of the specifications for each type of concrete construction. B. Flowable concrete shall conform to all other conditions of these specifications. The concrete shall be made flowable by using water-reducing admixtures that conform to ASTM C-494 Types A, B, C, D or E used as a singular admixture or in an admixture system. Type F admixture usage in high slump concrete may also be used with the acceptance by the Engineer prior to installation. C. No water shall be added to the mix at the site without the expressed written authorization of the Engineer and when water is so added, the delivery slip shall note the amount and be initialed by the Job Superintendent. The supplier of ready-mixed concrete shall inform his drivers of this procedure and any violation shall be sufficient reason for the Engineer to order the Contractor to place further concrete deliveries with another plant. Article 346-8 Test Requirements A. Submit the proposed design mix for each class of concrete for review prior ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 10 to the pouring of any concrete. This shall be done in accordance with ACI 211.1 and shall show the quantities of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, water and admixtures. The proposed slump laboratory cylinder tests and material test data shall be submitted to establish their conformance to these specifications. A water-reducing admixture shall be added to all concrete; this will be included in the design mix. Review of this design mix does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for its performance. B. Concrete test cylinders shall be made by the testing agency in accordance with ASTM C-31 and C-172 and tested in accordance with ASTM C-39. Each set specified shall consist of 4 cylinders with 1 tested at 7 days, 2 tested at 28 days, and 1 spare, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Concrete cylinder tests shall be the only tests used to determine concrete strength. Concrete which fails to meet the specified design strength at 28 days shall be rejected and removed and replaced by the Contractor. As an alternative, the Contractor may request the Owner to accept the non-conforming concrete in place, in which case, the value of the entire installation including materials, labor, formwork, excavation, reinforcement, etc. plus a penalty of 50% shall be deducted from compensation due the Contractor. Concrete test cylinders shall be made on concrete poured each day on the basis of 1 set per 50 c.y. of concrete poured. If the total amount of concrete poured in any one day is less than 10 c.y., no tests are required. C. Slump test will be made in accordance with ASTM C-143 each day concrete is poured for every truckload of concrete delivered. All values shall be recorded. D. Testing for compressive strength shall be made in accordance with the ASTM Standard Method C-39. If 28-day cylinder tests are low or if 7-day tests indicate the probability that 28-day results will be sub-standard, the mix proportions shall be adjusted. If the strengths fail to meet the above specifications, the Owner or Engineer may require at the Contractor's expense: E. 1. Tests in accordance with the "Standard Method of Securing, Preparing, and Testing Specimens from Hardened Concrete for Compressive and Flexural Strength" ASTM C-42. 2. In the event that the concrete does not test satisfactorily, the Owner or Engineer will order the work removed or strengthened properly at the Contractor's expense. An Inspector from a testing agency shall be present during the placing of all concrete to check for unit weight, slump and air content in accordance with ASTM C-138, C-143 and C-173, as well as all other provisions of this specification. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 11 F. An Inspection and Testing Agency may also be engaged by the Contractor to perform field testing and inspections during concrete placement. The Owner shall cooperate with their personnel and shall provide such material samples as are needed for testing, as well as access and working space so they can properly perform their function. G. Deficient Thickness: No payment will be made for any finished concrete, such as curb, sidewalk or pavement, which is more than 1/4 inch less than the specified thickness. Areas of finished concrete found deficient in thickness by more than 1/4 inch shall be evaluated by the Engineer; and if, in his judgement, the deficient area is sufficient to seriously impair the anticipated service life of the pavement, such areas shall be removed and replaced with concrete of the thickness shown in the plans. The Contractor shall remove the affected area of the pavement within the limits specified and replace it with concrete of the specified quality and thickness. The Contractor will receive no compensation for the area of pavement removed nor for the materials or labor involved in its removal. Any section of pavement removed shall be the full length between transverse joints. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the deficiency will not seriously impair the anticipated service life of the pavement, the Contractor may elect to leave the pavement in place, but will receive no compensation for the area of pavement determined to be in non-compliance. 5.8.8 Method of Measurement - the quantities to be paid for under this Section shall be the volume, in cubic yards, of each of the various classes of concrete shown on the plans, complete in place and accepted. Any item of work constructed under this Section and for which measurement for payment is not to be made by the volume of concrete, i.e., curb and gutter, sidewalk, etc., measurement and payment for such work shall be as specified in the Section under which the work is specified in detail. 5.8.9 Calculation of Volume of Concrete - in computing the pay quantity of concrete, the dimensions used shall be the plan dimensions of the concrete, within the neat lines shown in the plans. The quantity to be paid for shall be the original plan quantity, measured as provided above, except where the plans call for an estimated quantity of miscellaneous concrete for contingent use, the concrete shall be measured as the actual quantity in place and accepted. 5.8.10 Basis of Payment - the quantities, determined as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard, for each of the various classes of concrete shown in the proposal. Reinforcing steel used in incidental concrete work will not be paid for separately but the cost of such reinforcement shall be included in the contract unit price for the concrete. The above prices and payment shall be full compensation for all the work specified in this Section and shall include all forms, falsework, joints, weepholes, drains, pipes, conduits, setting anchorbolts, and dowels, surface finish, expansion joint material, reinforcement and clean-up. Unless payment is provided under a separate item in the proposal, the above prices and payments shall also include all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, excavation and compaction of the subgrade. Payment shall be made under Class I Concrete-per cubic yard; Class II Concrete-per cubic yard. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 12 5.9 Section 425 - Inlets, Manholes and Junction Boxes 5.9.1 Article 425-3.2 Gratings - unless shown otherwise frames, grates and covers shall be of cast iron. Cast iron covers for manholes shall be designated for traffic bearing and shall weigh not less than 130 pounds. Cast iron grates for inlets shall be designed for traffic bearing and shall have sufficient open area to pass the calculated maximum storm water surface flow. No opening shall be greater than one inch in least dimension with lesser openings used where pedestrian safety is a consideration. 5.9.2 Section 425-5 Precast Inlets, Manholes and Junction Boxes - the Contractor shall use precast inets, including inlet tops, risers, manholes and junction boxes. Precast inlet tops and manholes shall be set to conform accurately to the finished pavement surface. Pavement shall be finished a minimum of 1/4" above the front edge of the inlet top or manhole. If necessary, built-up bricks may be used to raise the precast inlets to the proper elevation as shown on the drawings. All brick seams shall be grouted. Grout shall be one part cement and two parts sand; lime shall not be used. Each layer of bricks shall be laid in a full bed and joint of mortar, without requiring subsequent grouting, flushing, or filling and shall be thoroughly bonded. The inner face of the build-up bricks and the weep hole in precast inlet tops shall be grouted with non-shrink grout. Grout shall be finished flush and smooth, and shall be water tight. Weep holes shall be grouted prior to placement of limerock in the roadway. The area excavated in the limerock base course to allow for adjustment of the manhole ring and cover to grade shall be backfilled with limerock and compacted to the same density as the limerock base course. All manhole covers shall be cleaned to remove asphalt and debris, then painted with black rust-inhibiting paint. If the manhole is located in a paved area, the cleaning and painting shall occur after the final asphalt surface is placed. 5.10 Section 430 - Pipe Culverts and Storm Sewers 5.10.1 Article 430-12.1 New Pipe - the quantities to be paid for under this Section shall be determined by the measurement of pipe from the centerline of the structure to the centerline of the next structure, of storm sewer or pipe arch culvert completed, in place and accepted. 5.10.2 Article 430-13.9 General - payment for this work shall also be made under Reinforced Oval Concrete Pipe (R.O.C.P.) per linear foot, Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P.) per linear foot, and High Density Polyethylene Pipe (H.D.P.E.P) per linear ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 13 foot. 5.11 Section 520 - Concrete Gutter, Curb Elements and Traffic Separator 5.11.1 The Work specified in this Section consists of the construction of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, valley gutter, and any other types of concrete curb not specified in other Sections. The various items shall be constructed in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grade, dimensions and notes shown in the drawings. 5.11.2 Materials Section 520-2.1 Concrete - all Work under this Section shall be 3,000 psi concrete Section 520-2.2 Reinforcement - any steel reinforcement required by the drawings shall conform to the requirements of Section 415. Section 520-2.3 Joint Materials - joint materials for various items shall be in accordance with Section 932. 5.11.3 Finished grades at the back of any concrete curb or gutter shall be constructed to within a tolerance of +/- 0.10' of the grades shown on the drawings. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS - 14 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1 2 SCOPE 1.1 The work to be performed under this section consists of furnishing all tools, equipment, material, labor and transportation and performing all work necessary for the complete installation of all pipe, fittings, valves and valve boxes and fire hydrants necessary for a complete and workable unit as detailed on the Drawings and further described in these specifications. 1.2 The piping and other material and equipment shall be of the size, type and number shown on the Drawings and/or as specified herein. Items described herein and not included on the Drawings shall be disregarded. 1.3 All materials and workmanship shall comply with Palm Beach County Water Utilities Specifications. MATERIALS 2.1 PIPE 2.1.1 Plastic pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from virgin PVC compound, with a cell classification of 12454-B, with Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approval for carrying potable water. The pipe shall be connected with ring-tite compression ring in which the bell is an integral part of the pipe. No solvent welded joints will be allowed for pipes 2” and over. Distribution system piping 4” to 12” shall be AWWA C900, DR18. Pipe smaller than 4” shall be ASTM D2241, SDR 21, 200 psi pressure rating. All pipe shall bear the NSF seal of approval (NSF-PW) on each section of pipe. Underground plastic pipe shall be solid-wall blue pipe, shall have a coextruded blue external skin, or shall be white or black pipe with blue stripes incorporated into, or applied to, the pipe wall. 2.1.2 Polyethylene water service pipe shall be used for single and multiple services of 2” and less diameter. The PE pipe or tubing shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions or other defects. It shall be uniform in color, opacity, density and other physical properties. All polyethylene pipe and tubing shall conform to all applicable requirements in the latest revision of the following standards unless otherwise specified: AWWA C901 ASTM D1248 ASTM D2737 Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings, 1/2” through 3”, for Water Standard Specification for Polyethylene Molding and Extrusion Materials Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing (CTS O.D.) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 1 The PE pipe or tubing shall be rated for use with water at 73.4° F at a hydrostatic design stress of 630 psi and a maximum working pressure of 160 psi. The dimensions and tolerances shall comply with: Copper Tube Size (DR 9) ASTM D2737. PE pipe shall be Chevron Phillips Driscoplex 5100 CTS (DR-9) 200 psi, or Endot Industries EndoPure PE-3408 CTS Tubing (DR-9) 200 psi. Fittings and valves for use with polyethylene pipe shall be bronze body in accordance with the latest edition of AWWA C800 and shall have compression type joint connections specifically designed for use with polyethylene pipe. Valves shall be of the ball valve type with molded Buna N rubber seats to support the ball double Buna N rubber O rings in the stem. Stainless steel insert stiffeners shall be used with all fittings and valves. 2.1.3 HDPE 4” and ABOVE FOR DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Product use is acceptable only when installing pipe by directional drilling. Shall be DR 11 and meet or exceed AWWA C906, latest revision. Pipe sizes are DIPS. Resin material shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM D3350, latest revisions. Material shall be high density polyethylene (HDPE), PE 4710, PE 3608, or PE 3408. Working pressure shall be 150 psi, minimum. Permanent identification of the piping shall be provided by equally spaced color stripes on the outside surface or by a solid colored pipe shell. The identifying colors are as follows: Blue (Potable Water), Green (Wastewater or Forcemain), Purple (Reclaimed Water). Pipe lengths and fittings shall be capable of being joined using fusion or mechanical joint methods according to ASTM F2620, D2657, and F1290, latest revisions. Shall be installed with (2) tracer wires. Mechanical Joint Adaptors are required at transitions from HDPE to PVC. 2.1.4 Ductile iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with ANSI Standard A21.51 86 (AWWA C151 86) – latest Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or SandLined Molds for Water or Other Liquids. Pipe shall have design values of 60,000 psi tensile strength, 42,000 psi yield strength, and 10% minimum elongation. Pipe shall be cement lined and shall utilize push on joints conforming to the requirements of ANSI A21.11 (AWWA C111). The pressure rating, metal thickness class, net weight of pipe without lining, length of pipe, and name of manufacturer shall be clearly marked on each length of pipe. For ductile iron pipe, ANSI wall thickness shall be a minimum of Thickness Class 50. Underground metal pipe shall have blue stripes applied to the pipe wall. 2.1.5 All underground fittings 3” and larger for ductile iron pipe, HDPE and PVC pipe shall be ductile iron fittings and have mechanical joint ends, shall be cement mortar lined and bituminous sealed, shall be Class 250 minimum and shall conform to ANSI A21.10 (AWWA C110) latest or ANSI A21.53 (AWWA C153) - latest. 2.1.6 All underground fittings less than 3” shall be Schedule 40 PVC push-on joints. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 2 2.2 2.3 VALVES 2.2.1 Gate valves smaller than 2” shall meet Federal Specification WW V 54 Type I, Class A. Valves shall have threaded ends, rough bodies and finished trimmings, rising stems and 2” operating nuts. 2.2.2 Gate valves 2” to 12” in size shall be resilient-wedge with cast iron or ductile iron bodies meeting AWWA C509 or AWWA C515 - latest. Valves shall have either threaded or mechanical joint connections, non rising stems and 2” square operating nuts. Resilientwedge gate valves shall be American Flow Control Series 500 or 2500, Kennedy 1500 Series, Clow F6103, M&H Series 4000, or Mueller 2360 Series. 2.2.3 Butterfly Valves (12” and larger) shall meet or exceed AWWA C-504, Class 150B, latest revision. Body and disc material shall be cast or ductile iron conforming to ASTM A126 or A536. Seat and all rubber material shall be chloramines resistant. Shaft, nuts, screws, and hardware material shall be stainless steel. Valve disc shall be rigidly attached to the shaft to eliminate any relative motion. Shaft shall be offset from the disc and body seats so that they do no intersect. Shafts of 3” diameter and smaller shall be one piece through the valve with factory set thruster(s) to center the disc in the seat. Shafts larger than 3” diameter shall be stub-shafts rigidly keyed to the disc. Stub-shafts shall be provided with an adjustable thruster(s) to move the disc and shaft assembly positively in either direction to center the disc in the seat. Valves shall open left, or counterclockwise. Buried service valves shall have a 2” operating nut. Valve operators for valves 24” and smaller shall be traveling nut or worm gear type; Valves larger than 24” shall be equipped with worm gear type operators. Operators shall be on size larger than the minimum specified by the manufacture. Except where otherwise specified; interior and exterior ferrous surfaces, exclusive of stainless steel surfaces, in all valves shall be coated with two-part thermosetting epoxy coating or fusion bonded epoxy coating. Flange faces of valves shall not be epoxy coated. The epoxy shall be suitable for use in potable water, reclaimed water and wastewater. TAPPING SLEEVES AND VALVES 2.3.1 For taps 4” and larger on main lines 6” and larger, the tapping sleeve shall be a Stainless Steel JCM 432 or approved equal and the tapping valve shall be a CLOW F6114 or Mueller T2360. 2.3.2 For taps smaller than 4” on main lines larger than 2” and less than 6”, the saddle shall be a double strap, iron body saddle with steel bands, Ford F202 or approved equal. The tapping valve shall be a brass corporation stop or a resilient seated gate valve. For a service line, the tapping valve shall be a brass corporation stop, Ford FB1000 or approved equal. 2.3.3 When tapping a main line 3” or less, the saddle shall be Ford S70 or approved equal. The tapping valve shall be a brass corporation stop, Ford FB1000 or approved equal. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 3 2.4 VALVE BOXES 2.4.1 2.5 BLOW OFF VALVE ASSEMBLY 2.5.1 2.6 2.7 The Contractor shall furnish and install blow off assemblies in the locations shown on the drawings. Each assembly shall consist of a blow off branch, gate valve, cap, fittings, inter connecting piping and thrust blocking. Sizes shall be as shown in the detail drawing. Pipe, fittings and valves shall be as specified in the preceding paragraphs. METER BOX ASSEMBLY 2.6.1 The Contractor shall furnish and install meter box assemblies in the locations shown on the drawings. Each assembly shall include an angle meter valve, a U-branch or Y-branch as applicable, a dual check valve or double check valve as applicable, and a water meter box. Acceptable manufacturers shall be as shown on the detail drawing. 2.6.2 All water meters will be installed by the Utility Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and installing all required materials except the meter. FIRE HYDRANTS 2.7.1 2.8 Valve boxes for valves shall be fine grain cast iron roadway boxes with a 5-1/4” shaft, adjustable height by screwing for the trench depth specified on the Drawings. Boxes are to be complete with top and base section and drop top cover with the word "WATER" permanently cast in it. All fire hydrants shall be of traffic type constructed with 6” pipe connection with suitable size valve openings conforming to current AWWA requirements and shall further be provided with two 2-1/2” base hoses and one 4-1/2” steamer connection. Hydrants shall be designed for 150 lbs. working pressure with a valve opening of 5-1/4” and shall conform to the latest specifications of the AWWA. All working parts to be bronze. Fire Hydrants shall be American-Darling B-84-B (6”) or Mueller A-423 (5-1/4”), or Clow Medallion 2445. Fire hydrants shall be the breakaway type. After completion of finish grading, all exposed portions of the hydrant and lower barrel shall be red in color. If after completion of any required field painting the hydrant color is not uniform, the Contractor shall repaint all exposed portions of the hydrant and lower barrel using the paint specified above. AIR RELEASE VALVES 2.8.1 Shall meet AWWA C512, latest revision. Body, cover and baffle material shall be cast iron or ductile iron conforming to ASTM A126 or A536. Float and trim material shall be stainless steel. Resilient seat material shall be chloramines resistant. Air release shall WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 4 automatically release small pockets of air from the pipeline while in operation and under pressure. Shall have a minimum 3/32” orifice for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. Valve inlet and outlet shall be threaded. Combination Air/Vacuum Valves are not acceptable. Except where otherwise specified, interior ferrous surfaces, exclusive of stainless steel surfaces, of all valves shall be coated with two-part thermosetting epoxy coating or fusion bonded epoxy coating. Flange faces of valves shall not be epoxy coated. Exterior surfaces shall be coated with a primer. The epoxy shall be suitable for use in potable and reclaimed water. 2.9 LOCATE WIRE 2.9.1 Locate wire shall be #8 or #10 Blue color solid copper insulated. Connector shall be copper split bolts sized to the wire. 2.10 SUBMITTALS 2.10.1 The contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer for approval prior to procurement of any materials. 3 CONSTRUCTION 3.1 PIPE LAYING 3.1.1 Prior to connection of new mains to existing stubs, the Utility shall install a locking valve box cover on the existing tie-in valve to prevent unsupervised opening of the valve. 3.1.2 The approximate location of the water lines will be staked in the field by the surveyor, but installation of the water line will be routed around any and all trees, roots and other obstructions on line. 3.1.3 Unless specifically designated on the Drawings, or so ordered by the Engineer, the pipe shall be buried to a depth to obtain at least 36” of cover in areas outside the road right of way. 3.1.4 Before the pipe is laid in the trench the earth forming the bed shall be carefully freed of all stones, roots, etc. The bottom of the trench will be excavated by hand and a firm fulllength support formed for all pipe, valves and fittings. The pipe shall be laid by snaking in the trench. 3.1.5 Preparatory to making pipe joints all surfaces of the portions of the pipe and jointing material to be joined shall be clean and dry. For the installation of pipe with the "compression ring" fitting, a bell ring lubricant shall be applied to the beveled portion of the spigot end. Such lubricant shall be of the type and quality as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Care shall be exercised to insure that the compression ring is properly WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 5 seated and the pipe is completely inserted so that the reference marks on the spigot end can just be seen. 3.1.6 Restrained joints shall be provided at all points where the line bends greater than 10° and at all wyes, tees, caps, valves and reducers. 3.1.7 At the end of each work day and/or when the pipe is left open for long periods, all open ends of the pipe will be sufficiently covered to prevent entrance of trash or wildlife. 3.1.8 Any length of pipe that has been rejected by the Engineer will be promptly removed from the job site or destroyed. 3.1.9 Connections will be made to the existing and/or constructed facilities in accordance with standard plumbing practice. Any connections made between any water pipe and any other tube pipe shall be made using connectors and adapters designed for the purpose of connecting the two types of pipe. 3.1.10 Single and multiple services shall be as specified and shall be made by installing a double strap saddle of the appropriate size for the material used and a CTS thread adapter designed for use with the polyethylene pipe. The polyethylene pipe shall then be installed to the proper alignment and depth and connected to the meter box assembly with a compression type adapter designed for use with PE tubing. 3.1.11 Valve boxes shall be set to conform accurately to the finished pavement surface. All adjustments required for grade shall be done after all base construction has been completed. Immediately before the placement of the final asphalt surface course, the valve shall be uncovered and the valve box so placed as to accurately meet the finished pavement grade. The area excavated in the limerock base course to allow for adjustment of the valve box to grade shall be backfilled with limerock and compacted to the same density as the limerock base course. 3.1.12 Any pipe installed and subsequently removed shall not be reinstalled and shall immediately be removed from the job site. 3.1.13 Clearance Requirements Vertical separation between underground water mains and sanitary or storm sewer lines, wastewater or stormwater force main or reclaimed water pipelines: (1) New or relocated underground water mains crossing any existing or proposed gravitytype or vacuum-type sanitary sewer or storm sewer lines shall be laid so the outside of the water main is at least 6”, and preferably 12”, above or at least 12” below the outside of the other pipeline. However, it is preferable to lay the water main above the other pipeline. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 6 (2) New or relocated underground water mains crossing any existing or proposed pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater or stormwater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water shall be laid so the outside of the water main is at least 12” above or below the outside of the other pipeline. However, it is preferable to lay the water main above the other pipeline. (3) At the utility crossings described in paragraphs (1) and (2) above, one full length of water main pipe shall be centered above or below the other pipeline so the water main joints will be as far as possible from the other pipeline. Alternatively, at such crossings, the pipes shall be arranged so that all water main joints are at least 3’ from all joints in vacuum-type sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, stormwater force mains, or pipelines conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. and at least 6’ from all joints in gravity-type or pressure-type sanitary sewer lines, wastewater force mains or pipelines conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62610, F.A.C. (4) Separation between water mains and sanitary or storm sewer manholes: a. No water main shall pass through, or come in contact with, any part of a sanitary manhole. b. Water mains shall not be constructed or altered to pass through, or come into any contact with, any part of a storm sewer manhole or inlet structure. (5) Where an underground water main is being laid less than 3’ horizontally from another pipeline and where an underground water main is crossing another pipeline and is being laid les than the required minimum vertical distance from the other pipeline: a. Use of pipe or casing pipe, having high impact strength (i.e., having an impact strength at least equal to that of 0.25”-thick ductile iron pipe) or concrete encasement at least 4” thick for the water main; and b. Use of pipe or casing pipe having high impact strength (i.e. having an impact strength at least equal to that of 0.25”-thick ductile iron pipe) or concrete encasement at least 4” thick for the other pipeline if it is new and is conveying wastewater or reclaimed water. Horizontal separation between underground water mains and sanitary or storm sewer lines, wastewater or stormwater force main, reclaimed water pipelines, and on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems. (1) New or relocated underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least 3’ between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed storm sewer line, stormwater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 7 (2) New or relocated underground water mains shall be laid to provide horizontal distance of at least 3’, and preferably 10’ between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed vacuum-type sanitary sewer line. (3) New or relocated underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least 6’, and preferably 10’, between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed gravity-type or pressure-type sanitary sewer line, wastewater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. The minimum horizontal separation distance between water mains and gravity-type sanitary sewer lines shall be reduced to 3’ where the bottom of the water main is laid at least 6” above the top of the sewer line. (4) New or relocated underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least 10’ between the outside of the water main and all parts of any existing or proposed on-site sewage treatment and disposal system, as defined in section 381.0065(2), F.S. and Rule 64E-6002, F.A.C. (5) Where an underground water main is being laid less than the required minimum horizontal distance from another pipeline and where an underground water main is crossing another pipeline and joints in the water main are being located les than the required minimum distance from joints in other pipeline: a. Use of pressure-rated pipe conforming to the AWWA standards incorporate into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. for the other pipeline if it is gravity-type or vacuumtype pipeline; b. Use of welded, fused, or otherwise restrained joints for either the water main or the other pipeline; or c. Use of water-tight casing pipe or concrete encasement at least 4” thick for either the water main or the other pipeline. 3.2 TESTING 3.2.1 After the pipe has been connected and laid in the trenches, enough backfill between joints will be made to insure the anchorage of the pipe in the trench and the lines pressure tested. The Contractor shall contact the Utility to unlock the valve box cover at the point of connection and fill the line with water. The valve shall be closed and locked after line filling and the Contractor shall install the necessary fixtures pumps, gauges, etc. to subject the lines to a hydrostatic gauge pressure of 150 psi. 3.2.2 Each individual branch line of loop shall be subjected to the 150 psi pressure and maintained for at least 15 minutes with no loss of pressure. Any defects or leaks revealed will be located and repaired and another pressure test run before backfilling. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 8 3.3 3.4 3.2.3 After the testing of the individual branch lines, those portions of the line will be approved for backfill, but the joints where each branch line connects to a main or another branch line shall remain open. After testing of all branch lines and the complete connection of the entire distribution system, a pressure test will be run on the entire system. A pressure of 150 psi will be put on the system and will be maintained for at least 2 hours with no loss in pressure in accordance with the procedures specified in AWWA Manual No. 23 and AWWA C605 for PVC water mains or AWWA C600 for Ductile Iron water mains. After the system maintains the test pressure, the entire system may be backfilled. 3.2.4 All water distribution system pressure testing shall be completed a minimum of 30 days prior to the project substantial completion date. BACKFILLING 3.3.1 Trenches shall be backfilled with the excavated materials from which large clods or stones have been removed and shall be carefully deposited in layers not to exceed 12” and thoroughly and carefully rammed until enough fill has been placed to provide a cover of not less than 2’ above the pipe. The remainder of the backfill material may then be placed and should be moistened and tamped to insure proper compaction. 3.3.2 Backfill shall not be placed over any plastic pipe while it is in a heated condition. Before backfilling the pipe, the temperature shall be brought to the approximate temperature of the ground either by running water through it or by backfilling in the early morning when the pipe and ground are at the same temperature. 3.3.3 Whenever the trenches have not been properly filled, or if settlement occurs, they shall be refilled, compacted, smoothed off, and finally made to conform to the surface of the ground. Backfill in open trenches across roadways or other areas which are to be repaved shall be made as specified above except that the entire fill above pipe shall be deposited in layers not to exceed 12” in thickness, moistened and compacted to 98% of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180 so that when backfilling is completed, the roadway paving may be placed immediately. DISINFECTION 3.4.1 Disinfecting the water main and conducting bacteriological surveys and evaluations must be done in accordance with AWWA C651. 3.4.2 After the installation has been completed, the Contractor shall contact the Utility to unlock the valve box cover at the point of connection and the water lines and appurtenances shall be thoroughly flushed and then disinfected by the application of chlorine, either in a gaseous or hypochlorite form, until a residual chlorine content of at least 50 ppm is obtained throughout the system. This chlorinated water shall remain in the lines for a period of 24 hours, during which time the valves shall be opened several times in order to wet all of the parts. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 9 3.5 3.4.3 Upon completion of the flushing and disinfection of the water lines, the Contractor shall have water samples taken at locations specified by the Engineer and tested for bacteriological coli forms and chlorine residual for two (2) consecutive days. In the event that these tests fail due to contamination, inadequate sterilization, or for any other cause directly related to the work of the Contractor, the water lines shall be disinfected by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. The cost of the necessary retesting shall be charged directly to the Contractor or deducted from any payment due. 3.4.4 Except as required for flushing, disinfection, and bacteriological sampling, the tie-in valve shall remain closed and locked until the new system has been cleared for service by the Engineer and Owner. MAUNUFACTURE’S RECOMMENDATIONS 3.5.1 3.6 All piping and related fitting shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Wherever these specifications and/or drawings exceed the requirements of said recommendations, these documents take precedence. The piping must be installed in a strong, neat and workmanlike manner, subject to the restrictions indicated. RECORD DRAWINGS 3.6.1 Contractor shall furnish Owner with Record Drawings showing as-built horizontal and vertical locations of all valves, fittings, tees, mains, services, taps, blowoffs and crossings. Pipe materials and pipe sizes shall be noted. The Contractor shall certify the Record Drawings as correct and accurate. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM- 10 NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. 2. SCOPE 1.1. The work to be performed under this section consists of furnishing all tools, equipment, material, labor and transportation and performing all work necessary for the complete installation of all pipe, fittings, valves, and valve boxes necessary for a complete and workable unit as detailed on the Drawings and further described in these specifications. 1.2 The piping and other material and equipment shall be of the size, type and number shown on the Drawings and/or as specified herein. Items described herein and not included on the Drawings shall be disregarded. 1.3 All materials and workmanship shall comply with Palm Beach County Water Utilities Specifications. MATERIALS 2.1 Pipe 2.1.1 Plastic pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from virgin PVC compound, with a cell classification of 12454-B, with Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI). The pipe shall be connected with ring-tite compression ring in which the bell is an integral part of the pipe. No solvent welded joints will be allowed for pipes 2” and over. Distribution system piping 4” and above shall be AWWA C900 or C905, DR-18 Pipes smaller than 4” shall be ASTM D2241, SDR-21, with a pressure rating of 200 psi. All pipe shall be color-coded with Pantone Purple 522C. 2.1.2 Polyethylene water service pipe shall be used for single and multiple services of 2” and less diameter. The PE pipe or tubing shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions or other defects. It shall be uniform in color, opacity, density and other physical properties. All polyethylene pipe and tubing shall conform to all applicable requirements in the latest revision of the following standards unless otherwise specified: AWWA C901 - Standard for Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings, 1/2” through 3”, for Water ASTM D1248 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene Molding and Extrusion Materials ASTM D2737 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing (CTS - O.D.) NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 1 The PE pipe or tubing shall be rated for use with water at 73.4° F at a hydrostatic design stress of 630 psi and a maximum working pressure of 160 psi. The dimensions and tolerances shall comply with: Copper Tube Size (DR-9) ASTM D2737. PE pipe shall be Endot Industries, Reclaimed Water PE-3408 CTS Tubing, (DR-9), 200 psi. All PE pipe or tubing shall be purple in color. Fittings and valves for use with polyethylene pipe shall be bronze body in accordance with the latest edition of AWWA C800 and shall have compression type joint connections specifically designed for use with polyethylene pipe. Valves shall be of the ball valve type with molded Buna-N rubber seats to support the ball double Buna-N rubber O-rings in the stem. Stainless steel insert stiffeners shall be used with all fittings and valves. 2.1.3 HDPE 4” and ABOVE FOR DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Product use is acceptable only when installing pipe by directional drilling. Shall be DR 11 and meet or exceed AWWA C906, latest revision. Pipe sizes are DIPS. Resin material shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM D3350, latest revisions. Material shall be high density polyethylene (HDPE). PE 4710, PE 3608, or PE 3408. Working pressure shall be 150 psi, minimum. Permanent identification of the piping shall be provided by equally spaced color stripes on the outside surface or by a solid colored pipe shell. The identifying colors are as follows: Blue (Potable Water), Green (Wastewater or Forcemain), Purple (Reclaimed Water). Pipe lengths and fittings shall be capable of being joined using fusion or mechanical joint methods according to ASTM F2620, D2657, and F1290, latest revisions. Shall be installed with (2) tracer wires. Mechanical Joint Adaptors are required at transitions from HDPE to PVC. 2.2 Ductile Iron Pipe 2.2.1 Ductile iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with ANSI Standard A21.51-86 (AWWA C151-86) - latest Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or Sand-Lined Molds for Water or Other Liquids. Pipe shall have design values of 60,000 psi tensile strength, 42,000 psi yield strength, and 10% minimum elongation. Pipe shall be cement-lined and shall utilize push-on joints conforming to the requirements of ANSI A21.11 (AWWA C111). The pressure rating, metal thickness class, net weight of pipe without lining, length of pipe, and name of manufacturer shall be clearly marked on each length of pipe. For ductile iron pipe, ANSI wall thickness shall be a minimum of Thickness Class 50. 2.2.2 All underground fittings 3” and larger for ductile iron pipe, HDPE and PVC pipe shall be ductile iron fittings and have mechanical joint ends, shall be Class 250 minimum and shall conform to ANSI A21.10 (AWWA C110) - latest or NSI A21.53 (AWWA C153) - latest. Shall have interior coating of Protecto 401, 40 mils thick. NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 2 2.2.3 2.3 Valves 2.3.1 Gate valves smaller than 2” to 12” shall meet Federal Specification WW-V-54 Type I, Class A. Valves shall have threaded ends, rough bodies and finished trimmings, rising stems and 2” operating nuts. 2.3.2 Gate valves 2” to 12” and over in size shall be resilient-wedge with cast iron or ductile iron bodies meeting AWWA C509 or AWWA C515 latest. Valves shall have either threaded or mechanical joint connections, non-rising stems, and 2” square operating nuts. Resilient-wedge gate valves shall be American Flow Control Series 500 or 2500, Kennedy 1500 Series, Clow F6103, M&H Series 4000 or Mueller Series 2360. 2.3.3 2.4 All underground fittings less than 3” shall be Schedule 40 PVC push-on joints. Butterfly Valves (12” and larger) shall meet or exceed AWWA C-504, Class 150B, latest revision. Body and disc material shall be cast or ductile iron conforming to ASTM A126 or A536. Seat and all rubber material shall be chloramines resistant. Shaft, nuts, screws, and hardware material shall be stainless steel. Valve disc shall be rigidly attached to the shaft to eliminate any relative motion. Shaft shall be offset from the disc and body seats so that they do no intersect. Shafts of 3” diameter and smaller shall be one piece through the valve with factory set thruster(s) to center the disc in the seat. Shafts larger than 3” diameter shall be stub-shafts rigidly keyed to the disc. Stub-shafts shall be provided with an adjustable thruster(s) to move the disc and shaft assembly positively in either direction to center the disc in the seat. Valves shall open left, or counterclockwise. Buried service valves shall have a 2” operating nut. Valve operators for valves 24” and smaller shall be traveling nut or worm gear type; Valves larger than 24” shall be equipped with worm gear type operators. Operators shall be on size larger than the minimum specified by the manufacture. Except where otherwise specified; interior and exterior ferrous surfaces, exclusive of stainless steel surfaces, in all valves shall be coated with two-part thermosetting epoxy coating or fusion bonded epoxy coating. Flange faces of valves shall not be epoxy coated. The epoxy shall be suitable for use in potable water, reclaimed water and wastewater. Tapping Sleeves and Valves 2.4.1 For taps 4” and larger on main lines 6” and larger, the tapping sleeve shall be a stainless steel ROMAC SST or JCM 432 and the tapping valve shall be a CLOW F6114 or Mueller T2360. NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 3 2.5 2.4.2 For taps smaller than 4” on main lines larger than 2” and less than 6”, the saddle shall be a double strap, iron body saddle with steel bands, Ford F202 or approved equal. The tapping valve shall be a brass corporation stop or a resilient seated gate valve. For a service line, the tapping valve shall be a brass corporation stop, Ford FB1000 or approved equal. 2.4.3 When tapping a main line 3” or less, the saddle shall be Ford S70 or approved equal. The tapping valve shall be a brass corporation stop, Ford FB1000 or approved equal. Valve Boxes 2.5.1 2.6 Blow-off Valve Assembly 2.6.1 2.7 2.8 The Contractor shall furnish and install blow-off assemblies in the locations shown on the drawings. Each assembly shall consist of a blow-off branch, gate valve, cap, fittings, inter-connecting piping and thrust blocking. Sizes shall be as shown in the detail drawing. Pipe, fittings and valves shall be as specified in the preceding paragraphs. Non-Potable Meter Box Assembly 2.7.1 The Contractor shall furnish and install meter box assemblies in the locations shown on the drawings. Each assembly shall include an angle meter valve, a U-branch or Y-branch as applicable, and a water meter box. Acceptable manufacturers shall be as shown on the detail drawing. Adapters shall be provided to connect the service line to the angle meter valve for single services. Backflow prevention devices are not required. 2.7.2 All water meters will be installed by the Owner. Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and installing all required materials except the meter. Locate Wire 2.8.1 2.9 Valve boxes for valves shall be fine grain cast iron roadway boxes with a 5-1/4” shaft, adjustable height by screwing for the trench depth specified on the Drawings. Boxes are to be complete with top and base section and drop top cover with the word "REUSE" permanently cast in it. Locate wire shall be #8 or #10 Purple color solid copper insulated. Connector shall be copper split bolts sized to the wire. Submittals 2.9.1 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer for approval NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 4 prior to procurement of any materials. 3. CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Pipe Laying 3.1.1 The approximate location of the water lines will be staked in the field by the surveyor, but installation of the water line will be routed around any and all trees, roots and other obstructions on line. 3.1.2 Unless specifically designated on the Drawings, or so ordered by the Engineer, the pipe shall be buried to a depth to obtain at least 36” of cover in road right-of-way and in areas outside the road right-of-way. 3.1.3 Before the pipe is laid in the trench the earth forming the bed shall be carefully freed of all stones, roots, etc. The bottom of the trench will be excavated by hand and a firm full-length support formed for all pipe, valves and fittings. The pipe shall be laid by snaking in the trench. 3.1.4 Preparatory to making pipe joints all surfaces of the portions of the pipe and jointing material to be joined shall be clean and dry. For the installation of pipe with the "compression ring" fitting, a bell ring lubricant shall be applied to the beveled portion of the spigot end. Such lubricant shall be of the type and quality as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Care shall be exercised to insure that the compression ring is properly seated and the pipe is completely inserted so that the reference marks on the spigot end can just be seen. 3.1.5 Restrained joints shall be provided at all points where the line bends greater than 10° and at all wyes, tees, caps, valves, and reducers. 3.1.6 At the end of each work day and/or when the pipe is left open for long periods, all open ends of the pipe will be sufficiently covered to prevent entrance of trash or wildlife. 3.1.7 Any length of pipe that has been rejected by the Engineer will be promptly removed from the job site or destroyed. 3.1.8 Connections will be made to the existing and/or constructed facilities in accordance with standard plumbing practice. Any connections made between any water pipe and any other tube pipe shall be made using connectors and adapters designed for the purpose of connecting the two types of pipe. 3.1.9 Single and multiple services shall be as specified and shall be made by installing a double strap saddle of the appropriate size for the material NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 5 used and a CTS thread adapter designed for use with the polyethylene pipe. The polyethylene pipe shall then be installed to the proper alignment and depth and connected to the meter box assembly with a compression type adapter designed for use with PE tubing. 3.1.10 Valve boxes shall be set to conform accurately to the finished pavement surface. All adjustments required for grade shall be done after all base construction has been completed. Immediately before the placement of the final asphalt surface course, the valve shall be uncovered and the valve box so placed as to accurately meet the finished pavement grade. The area excavated in the limerock base course to allow for adjustment of the valve box to grade shall be backfilled with limerock and compacted to the same density as the limerock base course. 3.1.11 Any pipe installed and subsequently removed shall not be reinstalled and shall immediately be removed from the job site. 3.1.12 Clearance Requirements 3.2 When a reclaimed water/non-potable irrigation line is transporting water for public access irrigation, the maximum obtainable separation of reclaimed water/non-potable irrigation lines and potable water lines shall be practiced. Minimum separation requirements are specified under Potable Water. Testing 3.2.1 After the pipe has been connected and laid in the trenches, enough backfill between joints will be made to insure the anchorage of the pipe in the trench and the lines pressure tested. The Contractor shall fill the line with water and install the necessary fixtures, pumps, gauges, etc. to subject the lines to a hydrostatic gauge pressure of 150 psi. 3.2.2 Each individual branch line of loop shall be subjected to the 150 psi pressure and maintained for at least 15 minutes with no loss of pressure. Any defects or leaks revealed will be located and repaired and another pressure test run before backfilling. 3.2.3 After the testing of the individual branch lines, those portions of the line will be approved for backfill, but the joints where each branch line connects to a main or another branch line shall remain open. After testing of all branch lines and the complete connection of the entire distribution system, a pressure test will be run on the entire system. A pressure of 150 psi will be put on the system and will be maintained for at least 2 hours with no loss in pressure in accordance with the procedures specified in NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 6 3.2.4 3.3 3.4 Backfilling 3.3.1 Trenches shall be backfilled with the excavated materials from which large clods or stones have been removed and shall be carefully deposited in layers not to exceed 12” and thoroughly and carefully rammed until enough fill has been placed to provide a cover of not less than 2’ above the pipe. The remainder of the backfill material may then be placed and should be moistened and tamped to insure proper compaction. 3.3.2 Backfill shall not be placed over any plastic pipe while it is in a heated condition. Before backfilling the pipe, the temperature shall be brought to the approximate temperature of the ground either by running water through it or by backfilling in the early morning when the pipe and ground are at the same temperature. 3.3.3 Whenever the trenches have not been properly filled, or if settlement occurs, they shall be refilled, compacted, smoothed off, and finally made to conform to the surface of the ground. Backfill in open trenches across roadways or other areas which are to be repaved shall be made as specified above except that the entire fill above pipe shall be deposited in layers not to exceed 12” in thickness, moistened and compacted to 98% of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180 so that when backfilling is completed, the roadway paving may be placed immediately. Manufacture’s Recommendations 3.4.1 3.5 AWWA Manual No. 23. After the system maintains the test pressure, the entire system may be backfilled. All non-potable water distribution system pressure testing shall be completed a minimum of 30 days prior to the substantial completion date. All piping and related fitting shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Wherever these specifications and/or drawings exceed the requirements of said recommendations, these documents take precedence. The piping must be installed in a strong, neat and workmanlike manner, subject to the restrictions indicated. Record Drawings 3.5.1 Contractor shall furnish Owner with Record Drawings showing as-builts horizontal and vertical locations of all mains, valves, fittings, tees, reducers, taps, services, blowoff and crossings. Pipe materials and sizes shall be noted. The Contractor shall certify the Record Drawings as correct and accurate. NON-POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION - 7 FORCE MAIN SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 1. 2. 3. SCOPE 1.1 The work under this section includes the furnishing, installing, and/or laying, jointing, and testing of all sanitary force mains. The work shall include all fittings, valves and appurtenances required for a complete system as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. 1.2 All materials and workmanship shall comply with Palm Beach County Water Utilities Specifications. GENERAL 2.1 All work shall be proved to be in first class condition and constructed properly in accordance with the drawings and specifications. All defects and leaks disclosed by the tests shall be remedied. All tests shall be performed by the Contractor and observed by the Engineer. Water for testing will be furnished by the Contractor. 2.2 All material shall be free from defects impairing strength and durability and be of the best commercial quality for the purpose specified. It shall have structural properties sufficient to safely sustain or withstand strains and stresses to which it is normally subjected and be true to detail. 2.3 All pipe and fittings shall be clearly marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, the batch number, the location of the plant, strength designation and pressure rating. MATERIALS 3.1 Force Main Pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-900, DR-18, latest edition. The pipe shall be connected with a ring-tite compression ring in which the bell is an integral part of the pipe. Sanitary Force Main pipe shall be green in color and. Gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F-477, latest edition. Joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM F3139. 3.2 HDPE 4” and ABOVE FOR DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 3.2.1 Product use is acceptable only when installing pipe by directional drilling. Shall be DR 11 and meet or exceed AWWA C906, latest revision. Pipe sizes are DIPS. Resin material shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM D3350, latest revisions. Material shall be high density polyethylene (HDPE), PE 4710, PE 3608, or PE 3408. Working pressure shall be 150 psi, minimum. Permanent identification of the piping shall be provided by equally spaced color stripes on the outside surface or by a solid colored pipe shell. The identifying colors are as follows: Blue (Potable Water), Green (Wastewater or Forcemain), Purple (Reclaimed Water). Pipe lengths and fittings shall be capable of being joined using fusion or mechanical joint methods according to ASTM F2620, D2657, and F1290, latest revisions. Shall be installed with (2) tracer wires. Mechanical Joint Adaptors are required at transitions from HDPE to PVC. FORCE MAIN SYSTEM - 1 3.3 Slip-on Type PVC 3.3.1 3.4 Slip-on Type PVC (Polyvinylchloride) pipe shall be used for buried piping and, except for couplings, shall be used with cast iron fittings. Air/Vacuum Release Valves, Fittings and Boxes 3.4.1 Air/Vacuum Release Valves shall be of the combination air release and vacuum breaker type of size shown on the drawing. 3.5 3.4.2 Ball valves shall be 1/4 turn and threaded. 3.4.3 Fittings shall be galvanized malleable iron meeting Federal Specification WW-P-521d. Fittings 3.5.1 Fittings for PVC pipe less than 2" in diameter shall be PVC push-on type with rubber gaskets meeting the above specifications for PVC pipe. Gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 1869, latest. 3.5.2 3.6 Fittings for PVC pipe and HDPE 2" in diameter or over shall be mechanical joint ductile iron type with rubber gaskets in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Fittings shall be coal tar coated on exterior and coated with protecto 401, 40 mils thick, on interior. Valves 3.6.1 Eccentric plug valves 3" and smaller shall be of the nonlubricated type with 2" operating nut, rated 175-pound WOG. Valves shall have a cast iron body with screwed ends, balanced plug coated with Hycar or EPT elastomer, and O-ring seals. Valves shall be; DeZurik series 100, Figure 118; or equal. Eccentric plug valves 4" through 42" shall be of the nonlubricated type with 2" operating nut for valves 6" and smaller and totally enclosed, geared, 2" operating nut for valves 8" and larger. Valves shall be rated 150-pound WOG minimum, and shall have a cast iron body with flanged ends, balanced plug coated with Hycar or EPT elastomer, BunaVee packing or O-ring seals, stainless steel bearings, and nickel or epoxy-coated seats. Flanges shall meet 125-pound ANSI Standards. Valves shall be; DeZurik Series 100, Figure 118; or equal. 3.6.2 3.7 Valve boxes for valves 2" and larger shall be fine grain cast iron roadway boxes with 53” shaft, adjustable height by screwing for the trench depth specified on the Drawings. Boxes are to be complete with top and base section (2-pc. adjustable) and drop top cover with the word "SEWER" permanently cast on it. Locate Wire 3.7.1 Locate wire shall be #8 or #10 Green color solid copper insulated. Connector shall be copper split bolts sized to the wire. FORCE MAIN SYSTEM - 2 3.8 Submittals 3.8.1 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer for approval prior to procurement of materials. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 General 4.1.1 Pressure lines shall be laid at the elevations shown on the drawings. Where invert elevations are not indicated, lay pressure lines with not less than 36" cover. Cover for pipe under pavement shall be measured from the bottom of the base material. Lines shall be located generally as shown on the drawings. Lines shall be laid to a grade which will permit entrapped air to flow to a high point for release through an air release valve as shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall investigate well in advance of pipe laying any conflicts which may require readjustments in planned locations; and shall advise the Engineer of the results of these investigations so that a determination may be made and instructions given as to modifications that may be required. Water and sewer lines should not be laid parallel where the lateral separation is less than ten feet, and in the case of crossing, the vertical separation should be not less than 18". In event this is impossible the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard Details for such as shown on the Contract Drawings. 4.2 Laying Pipe 4.3 4.2.1 The interior of the pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter before being lowered into the trench and shall be kept clean during construction by means of plugs or other suitable methods. No trench water shall be allowed to enter the pipe or fittings. During suspension of work, for any reason at any time, a suitable stopper shall be placed in the end last laid to prevent mud or other foreign material from entering the pipe. Lines shall be laid reasonably straight, and any change in grade in following the contour of the ground shall be made in long sweeping curves. Abrupt changes in grade will not be permitted except as indicated on the drawings or approved by the Engineer. Fittings in the lines shall be braced with concrete thrust blocks as specified hereinafter at points of unbalanced reactions. 4.2.2 Prior to backfill a warning tape shall be installed directly on top of sleeves only. The trenches shall be backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, or sand, free from large clods of earth and stones, deposited in 6" layers and rammed until the installation has a cover of not less than the adjacent ground but not greater than 2" above existing ground. The backfilling shall be carried on simultaneously on both sides of the trench so that injurious pressures do not occur. The compaction of the filled trench shall be at least equal to that of the surrounding undisturbed material. Settling the backfill with water will not be permitted. Reopen any trenches not meeting compaction requirements or where settlement occurs, refill, compact, and restore the surface to the grade and compaction indicated, mounded over and smoothed off. Joints 4.3.1 Type of joint used shall be approved by the Engineer prior to installation. Joints shall be made in accordance with approved printed instructions of the manufacturer, and shall be FORCE MAIN SYSTEM - 3 made absolutely water-tight. 4.4 Restrained Joints 4.4.1 4.5 Restrained joints, as detailed on the drawings, shall be provided at all fittings on the force mains and at all points of unbalanced reaction in the piping. Air/Vacuum Release Valves 4.5.1 Installation shall be as shown on the Drawings. For ductile iron pipe a tapping machine shall provide threaded taps with proper threads and opening size to assure perfect fit for the corporation stop used. 5. INSPECTION AND TESTING 5.1 All pipe and fittings shall be inspected and tested at the factory as required by the standard specifications to which the material is manufactured. 5.2 Pipes and fittings shall be subjected to a careful inspection just before being laid or installed. Defective pipes or fittings shall be immediately removed and replaced with sound material. 5.3 For the pressure tests the Contractor shall supply water, furnish suitable temporary testing plugs or caps, and other necessary equipment and all labor required, without additional compensation. The Contractor will furnish suitable pressure gauges. 5.4 Unless it has already been done, the pipe to be tested shall be filled with water and all air shall be expelled from the pipe. If blowoffs, or other outlets are not available at high points for releasing air, the Contractor shall make the necessary taps at such points, and shall plug said holes after completion of the test. 5.5 Hydrostatic testing shall be in accordance with applicable portions of AWWA Manual No. 23. Pressure tests shall be of two hour duration at 100 psi, unless otherwise notified in writing by the Engineer. 5.6 Pressure tests shall be conducted with pressure loss of not more than five (5) pounds per square inch. Maximum allowable leakage during subsequent leakage tests shall be no greater than that set forth in AWWA Manual No. 23. 5.7 If the section fails to pass the tests, the Contractor shall do everything necessary to locate, uncover, even to the extent of uncovering the entire section, and repair, or replace the defective pipe, fitting or joint. Visible leaks shall be corrected regardless of total leakage. Lines which fail to meet these tests shall be repaired and retested as necessary until test requirements are complied with. All testing shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. 5.8 If, in the judgment of the Engineer, it is impracticable to follow the foregoing procedures exactly for any reason, modifications in the procedure shall be made as required or approved; but, in any event, FORCE MAIN SYSTEM - 4 the Contractor shall be responsible for the ultimate tightness of the piping within the above requirements. 6. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 6.1 General 6.1.1 6.2 The omission of reference to any item in the bid form shall not alter the intent of the bid form or relieve the Contractor of the necessity of furnishing such as a part of the Contract. The quantities set forth in the bid form are approximate and are given to establish a uniform basis for the comparison of bids. Work Included 6.2.1 Work paid for under this contract shall include, but not be limited to, the furnishing of all necessary labor, material, equipment, transportation, clean up and all other appurtenances to complete the construction and installation of the work to the configuration and extent as shown on the drawings and described in the specifications. 6.2.2 Payment for sewage force mains shall include the furnishing of the pipe and fittings, the laying of same and all labor for making the joints and connections into manholes and testing. Payment shall also include all labor and materials for clearing, if required for installation of pipe, excavation of the trench, sheeting, bracing, dewatering, backfill of trench, concrete thrust blocks and clean-up. 6.2.3 Payment for fittings and valves shall include the furnishing of the materials and all necessary labor and materials for the complete installation of the itemized fittings and valves. In the event that no fittings or valves are listed in the Contract proposal and they are necessary for the completion of the force main, payment for these items shall be included in the pay item for force main piping. 6.2.4 6.3 Basis of Payment 6.3.1 7. Payment for air release valves shall include the furnishing of all materials and all necessary labor and materials for the complete installation of the air release valves as described in the above specifications and shown on the Drawings. All work performed under this contract shall be paid for on a lump sum basis. Payment for change orders shall be made as follows: PVC force main-per linear foot, Fittings and valves-per each, Air release valves-per each. RECORD DRAWINGS 7.1 Contractor shall furnish owner with record drawings show asbuilt horizontal and vertical locations of all valves, fittings, mains, taps, blowoffs, and crossings. Pipe materials and sizes shall be noted. The contractor shall certify the record drawings as correct and accurate. FORCE MAIN SYSTEM - 5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (F.D.O.T. SECTION 104) 1. GENERAL 1.1 Provide Erosion and Sediment Control (hereafter known as “ESC”) measures on the project and in areas within road the rights-of-way where work is accomplished in conjunction with the project, so as to prevent pollution of water, detrimental effects to public or private property adjacent to the project or right-of-way and damage to work on the project. 1.2 Construct and maintain temporary ESC features or, where practical, construct and maintain permanent ESC features as shown in the plans or as may be directed by the ENGINEER. 1.3 Coordinate the installation of temporary ESC features with the construction of the permanent ESC features to the extent necessary to ensure economical, effective, and continuous control of erosion and water pollution throughout the life of the project. 1.4 No clearing and grubbing or rough cutting shall be permitted until ESC systems are in place, other than sitework specifically directed by the ENGINEER to allow soil testing and surveying. 1.5 Equipment and vehicles shall be prohibited by the CONTRACTOR for maneuvering on areas outside of dedicated rights-of-way and easements for construction. Damage caused by construction traffic to ESC systems shall be repaired immediately by the CONTRACTOR. 1.6 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for collecting, storing, hauling and disposing of spoil, silt and waste materials as specified in this or other Specifications and in compliance with applicable federal, state and local rules and regulations. 1.7 CONTRACTOR shall conduct all construction operations in conformance with the ESC practices described in the Drawings and these Specifications. 1.8 CONTRACTOR shall install, maintain and inspect ESC measures and practices as specified in the Drawings and these and/or other Specifications. 1.9 Due to unanticipated conditions, the use of control features or methods other than those included in the original plans may be necessary. 1.10 Until all construction is approved, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the implementation of these ESC plans and the construction, maintenance, replacement and upgrading for these ESC facilities. 1.11 The boundaries of the clearing limits shown on the ESC plan shall be clearly flagged by survey tape or fencing prior to construction. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the clearing limits shall be permitted. CONTRACTOR shall maintain clearing limits for the duration of construction. 1.12 Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of construction. Additional measures, such as constructed wheel EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 1 wash systems or wash pads, may be required to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean and track out to road right-of-way does not occur for the duration of construction. 2. 3. 1.13 Facilities shown on the ESC plan must be constructed prior to or in conjunction with all clearing and grading so as to ensure that the transport of sediment to surface waters, drainage systems, and adjacent properties is minimized. 1.14 Facilities shown on the ESC plan are the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. During the construction period, these ESC facilities shall be upgraded as needed for unexpected storm events and modified to account for changing site conditions (e.g. additional cover measures, additional sump pumps, relocation of ditches and silt fences, perimeter protection, etc.) CONTROL OF CONTRACTOR’S OPERATIONS WHICH MAY RESULT IN WATER POLLUTION 2.1 Prevent pollution of streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs, and other water impoundments with fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride, or other harmful materials. Also, conduct and schedule operations to avoid or otherwise minimize pollution or siltation of such water impoundments, and to avoid interference with fish. 2.2 Except as necessary for construction, do not deposit excavated material in rivers, streams, canals, or impoundments, or in a position close enough thereto, to be washed away by high water or runoff. 2.3 Where pumps are used to remove highly turbid waters from enclosed construction areas such as cofferdams or forms, treat the water by one or more of the following methods prior to discharge into State waters: pumping into grassed swales or appropriate vegetated areas or sediment basins, or confined by an appropriate enclosure such as turbidity barriers when other methods are not considered appropriate. 2.4 Do not disturb lands or waters outside the limits of construction as staked, except as authorized by the ENGINEER. MATERIALS FOR TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL 3.1 4. The CONTRACTOR may use new or used materials for the construction of temporary silt fence, staked turbidity barriers, and floating turbidity barrier not to be incorporated into the completed project, subject to the approval of the ENGINEER. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 4.1 A plan to prevent, control and reduce erosion and water pollution, meeting the requirements or special conditions of all permits authorizing project construction shall be prepared. 4.2 When a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit is issued or approved the plan shall be prepared as a part of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 2 (SWPPP). The SWPPP will include this ESC plan and all additional measures that will be employed to dispose of, control, or prevent the discharge of solid, hazardous, and sanitary wastes to waters of the State. Include procedures to control off-site tracking of soil by vehicles and construction equipment and a procedure for cleanup and reporting of non-storm water discharges, such as contaminated groundwater or accidental spills. 4.3 When the SWPPP is required, prepare the ESC plan in accordance with the sequence of operations and present in the NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan required format. The ESC plan shall describe, but not be limited to, the following items or activities: 4.3.1 4.3.2 5. For each phase of construction operations or activities, supply the following information: Locations of all ESC devices. Types of all ESC devices. Estimated time ESC devices will be in operation. Monitoring schedules for maintenance of ESC devices. Methods of maintaining ESC devices. Containment or removal methods for pollutants or hazardous wastes. The name and telephone number of the person responsible for monitoring and maintaining the ESC devices. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 ESC Recommended Construction Sequence Pre-Construction Meeting. Post sign with name and phone number of ESC supervisor (may be consolidated with the required notice of construction sign). Flag or fence clearing limits. Install catch basin protection if required. Grade and install construction entrance(s). Install perimeter protection (silt fence, brush barrier, etc.). Construct sediment ponds and traps. Grade and stabilize construction roads. Construct surface water controls (interceptor dikes, pipe slope drains, etc.) simultaneously with clearing and grading for project development. Maintain ESC measures in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Relocate ESC measures or install new measures so that, as site conditions change, ESCs always remain in accordance with the ESC plan. Cover all areas that will be unworked for more than seven (7) days during the dry season or two (2) days during the wet season with straw, wood fiber mulch, compost, plastic sheeting or equivalent. Stabilize all areas that reach final grade within seven (7) days. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 3 5.2 Seed or sod any areas to remain unworked for more than thirty (30) days. Upon completion of construction, all disturbed areas must be stabilized and BMPs removed, if appropriate. Limitation of Exposure of Erodible Earth 5.2.1 Limit the surface areas of unprotected erodible earth exposed by the construction operation and provide erosion or pollution control measures to prevent contamination of any river, stream, lake, tidal waters, reservoir, canal, or other water impoundments or to prevent detrimental effects on property outside the project or damage to the project. 5.2.2 Limit the area in which excavation and filling operations are being performed so that it does not exceed the capacity to keep the finish grading, grassing, sodding, and other such permanent ESC measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. 5.2.3 Stabilization of Disturbed Areas Following an initial disturbance or redisturbance, complete permanent or temporary stabilization: Within seven (7) days for surfaces of dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter controls and slopes greater than 3:1. Within fourteen (14) days for other disturbed or graded areas. Stabilization: Temporary stabilization shall consist of vegetation, anchored straw mulch, mulch netting, jute, excelsior blankets, wood chips, surge stone or stone mulch. Permanent stabilization shall be performed in accordance with the restoration schedule as shown on the Drawings. Requirements do not apply to areas currently used for material storage or on which actual construction activities are currently performed. 5.3 Incorporation of ESC Features 5.3.1 Incorporate permanent ESC features into the project at the earliest practical time. 5.3.2 Use approved temporary ESC features to correct conditions that develop during construction which were not foreseen at the time of design, to control erosion prior to the time it is practical to construct permanent control features, or to provide immediate temporary control of erosion that develops during normal construction operations, which are not associated with permanent ESC features on the project. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 4 5.4 5.5 Scheduling of Successive Operations 5.4.1 Schedule operations such that the area of unprotected erodible earth exposed at any one time is not larger than the minimum area necessary for efficient construction operations, and the duration of exposure of uncompleted construction to the elements is as short as practicable. 5.4.2 Schedule and perform clearing and grubbing so that grading operations can follow immediately thereafter. 5.4.3 Schedule and perform grading operations so that permanent ESC features can follow immediately thereafter if conditions on the project permit. 5.4.4 Limit the area in which excavation and filling operations are being performed so that it does not exceed the capacity to keep the finish grading, grassing, sodding, and other such permanent ESC measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Details for Temporary ESC Features 5.5.1 General Use temporary erosion and water pollution control features that consist of, but are not limited to, temporary grassing, temporary sodding, temporary mulching, sandbagging, slope drains, sediment basins, sediment checks, berms, baled hay or straw, inlet protection, floating turbidity barrier, staked turbidity barrier, temporary gravel construction entrance and silt fence. 5.5.2 5.5.3 In concentrated flow areas, use ESC measures and devices, excluding silt fence, to prevent overtopping. Silt fence is not meant to be placed in concentrated flow areas. After installation of ESC devices, repair portions of any devices damaged. Temporary Grassing The ENGINEER may designate certain areas of grassing as temporary ESC features. The ENGINEER may direct the CONTRACTOR to omit permanent type grass seed from grassing and reduce the specified rate of spread for fertilizer used in conjunction with grassing operations when such work is designated as a temporary ESC feature. Temporary Sod Furnish and place sod within areas designated by the ENGINEER to temporarily control erosion. If the ENGINEER determines that the sod will be of a temporary EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 5 nature, he may not require fertilizer and lime. Keep the sod in a moist condition in order to ensure growth. 5.5.4 5.5.5 Temporary Mulching Furnish and apply a 2” thick to 4” thick blanket of straw or hay mulch to designated areas, then mix or force the mulch into the top 2” of the soil in order to temporarily control erosion. Use only undecayed straw or hay which can readily be cut into the soil. The CONTRACTOR may substitute other measures for temporary ESC, such as hydro-mulching, chemical adhesive soil stabilizers, etc., for mulching with straw or hay, if approved by the ENGINEER. When beginning permanent grassing operations, plow under temporary mulch materials in conjunction with preparation of the ground. Sandbagging 5.5.6 Slope Drains 5.5.7 5.5.8 Construct slope drains in accordance with the details shown in the plans, or as may be approved as suitable to adequately perform the intended function. Sediment Basins Construct sediment basins in accordance with the details shown in the plans, or as may be approved as suitable to adequately perform the intended function. Clean out sediment basins as necessary in accordance with the plans or as directed. Berms 5.5.9 Furnish and place sandbags in configurations to control erosion and siltation. Construct temporary earth berms to divert the flow of water from an erodible surface. Baled Hay or Straw Provide bales having minimum dimensions of 14” x 18” x 36”, at the time of placement. Construct baled hay or straw dams to protect against downstream accumulations of silt. Place the dam to effectively control silt dispersion under conditions present on this project. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 6 5.5.10 The CONTRACTOR may use alternate solutions and usage of materials if approved. Temporary Silt Fence General: Definition - a temporary, continuous barrier constructed of sediment-control geotextile supported by posts used to trap sediment, but allow surface runoff to filter through. Furnish, install, maintain, and remove temporary silt fences, in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, these Specifications and the details as shown on the plans. Silt fence that is inadequately embedded into the ground will blow out, releasing water and sediment under the fence. Failure to properly install, inspect and maintain are the primary causes of this failure. Install all ESC devices in a timely manner to ensure the control of sediment and the protection of lakes, streams, gulf or ocean waters, or any wetlands associated therewith and to any adjacent property as required. At sites where exposure to such sensitive areas is prevalent, complete the installation of any ESC device prior to the commencement of any earthwork. Materials and Installation: Use a geotextile fabric made from woven or non-woven fabric. Choose the type and size of posts, wire mesh reinforcement (if required), and method of installation. Do not use products which have a separate layer of plastic mesh or netting. Provide a durable and effective temporary silt fence that controls sediment. Construct the silt fence from a continuous roll of geotextile if possible. Cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, it is preferred that the material be overlapped to the next port or the adjoining fabrics wrapped together around posts. Erect temporary silt fence at upland locations across ditch lines and at temporary locations shown on the plans or approved by the ENGINEER where continuous construction activities change the natural contour and drainage runoff. Silt fence must be tied into the slope so EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 7 that the base of the fence is above the design storage depth. Do not attach temporary silt fence to existing trees. 5.5.11 5.5.12 5.5.13 Posts shall be spaced a maximum of 6’ apart. The bottom edge of the geotextile is to be buried a minimum of 6” in a vertical trench, with the soil pressed firmly against the embedded geotextile. Floating Turbidity Barriers and Staked Turbidity Barriers Install, maintain, and remove turbidity barriers to contain turbidity that may occur as the result of dredging, filling, or other construction activities which may cause turbidity to occur in the waters of the State. The CONTRACTOR may need to deploy turbidity barriers around isolated areas of concern, both within as well as outside the project limits. Place the barriers prior to the commencement of any work that could impact the area of concern. Install the barriers in accordance with the details shown in the plans or as approved by the ENGINEER. Ensure that the type barrier used and the deployment and maintenance of the barrier will minimize dispersion of turbid waters from the construction site. The ENGINEER may approve alternate methods or materials. Operate turbidity barriers in such a manner to avoid or minimize the degradation of the water quality of the surrounding waters. Rock Bags Furnish and place rock bags to control erosion and siltation. Place the bags as shown in the plans, or as directed by the ENGINEER. Use F.D.O.T. No. 4 or No. 5 coarse aggregate rock. When filled with rocks, the bag size shall be approximately 12” x 12” x 4”. Fabric material shall have openings that are clearly visible to minimize clogging yet small enough to prevent rock loss, and shall be of sufficient strength to allow removing and relocating bags without breakage. Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Stabilized construction entrances/exits provide a stable area for entrance or exit from the construction site and reduce tracking of sediment onto streets or public rights-of-way. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 8 5.5.14 All surface water flowing to or diverted toward construction entrances shall be piped under the entrance to maintain positive drainage. Pipe installed under the construction entrance shall be protected with a mountable berm. Pipe shall be sized according to the drainage, with a minimum diameter being 6”. Pipe will not be necessary when the stabilized construction entrance/exit is located at a high spot. A stabilized construction entrance/exit shall be located at every point where construction traffic enters or leaves a construction site. Vehicles leaving the site must travel over the entire length of the stabilized construction entrance/exit. Washing Areas 5.5.15 Vehicle Wheels: When necessary, wheels of vehicles exiting the construction site shall be cleaned or washed to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public rights-of-way. When washing of vehicle wheels is required, it may be done on an area adjacent to a stabilized construction entrance/exit which is stabilized with coarse aggregate and which drains into an ESC approved sediment trapping device or into a drainage swell or inlet protected with ESC devices. Vehicles: Vehicles such as concrete delivery trucks or dump trucks and other construction equipment shall not be washed at locations where the runoff will flow directly into a watercourse or stormwater conveyance system. Designate special areas for washing vehicles. Locate these areas where the washwater will spread out and evaporate or infiltrate directly into the ground, or where the runoff can be collected in a temporary holding or seepage bin. Beneath wash areas construct a gravel or rock base to minimize mud production. Storage of Construction Materials and Chemicals Isolate sites where chemicals, cements, solvents, paints, or other potential water pollutants are stored in areas where they will not cause runoff pollution. Store toxic chemicals and materials, such as pesticides, paints and acids, in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 9 5.5.16 5.5.17 5.5.18 Protect groundwater resources from leaching by placing a plastic mat, packed clay, tar paper, or other impervious materials on any areas where toxic liquids are to be opened and stored. Demolition Areas Water or slurry used to control dust contaminated with heavy metals or toxic pollutants shall be retained on the site and shall not be allowed to run directly into watercourses or stormwater conveyance systems. Methods of ultimate disposal of these materials shall be carried out in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal health and safety regulations. Sanitary and Waste Material Disposal Provide the construction sites with adequate and sanitary portable toilet facilities for workers. CONTRACTOR shall formulate and implement a plan for the collection and disposal of waste materials on the construction site. In plan, CONTRACTOR shall designate locations for trash and establish a collection schedule. Methods for ultimate disposal of waste shall be specified and carried out in accordance with applicable local, state and federal health and safety regulations and guidelines. Locate trash collection points where they will be least likely be affected by concentrated stormwater runoff. Make special provisions for the collection and disposal of liquid wastes and toxic or hazardous materials. All facilities, receptacles and waste collection areas shall be kept as neat and orderly to the extent possible and shall not be allowed to overflow their containers. Debris/trash containers shall not be allowed to accumulate from day to day, unless as otherwise approved by OWNER. Pesticides Use and store pesticides in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines and with local, state and federal regulations. Avoid overuse of pesticides which could produce contaminated runoff. Take great care to prevent accidental spillage. Never wash pesticide containers in or near flowing streams or stormwater conveyance systems. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 10 5.5.19 5.6 Street Cleaning Keep streets clean of construction debris and mud carried by construction vehicles and equipment. All sediment spilled, dropped or tracked onto public rights-of-way must be removed as soon as possible by vacuum sweeping, scraping, or shoveling. Water-hosing or sweeping of debris and mud off of the street into adjacent areas is NOT allowed. Inspections and Maintenance of ESC Features 5.6.1 5.6.2 General Provide routine inspections and maintenance of permanent and temporary ESC features until the project is complete and accepted. If reconstruction of such ESC features is necessary due to the CONTRACTOR’s negligence or carelessness or, in the case of temporary ESC features, failure by the CONTRACTOR to install permanent ESC features as scheduled, the CONTRACTOR shall replace such ESC features. Inspect all ESC features at least once every seven calendar days and within twenty four (24) hours of the end of a storm of 0.25” or greater. Maintain all ESC features as required in the SWPPP and as specified in state and/or federal environmental regulatory permits. Silt Fence Inspection and Maintenance Make a daily review of silt fence locations in areas where construction activities have changed the natural contour and drainage runoff to ensure that the silt fences are properly located for effectiveness. Where deficiencies exist, install additional silt fence under direction of the ENGINEER. Periodically inspect silt fence locations in areas where construction activities have not changed natural contour and drainage runoff. Erosion around the ends of the silt fence is indicative of improperly designed and installed silt fencing. Immediately correct any deficiencies and/or install additional silt fence under direction of the ENGINEER. Immediately after each rainfall and at least daily during a prolonged rainfall, inspect all temporary silt fences. Immediately correct any deficiencies. Should the fabric of a silt fence collapse, tear, decompose, or otherwise become ineffective, promptly replace it within twenty-four EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 11 (24) hours of discovery. 5.6.3 5.7 6. Remove sediment deposits when the deposit reaches approximately 1/2 of the volume capacity of the temporary silt fence, 30% of the height of the fence, or as directed by the ENGINEER to provide adequate storage volume for the next rainfall and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the silt fence during cleanout. It may be easier and more effective to remove and replace the silt fence when removing silt deposits or provide a second silt fence. Replace geotextile when silt fence is in place longer than twelve (12) months, unless ENGINEER directs otherwise. Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Inspection and Maintenance Daily inspection and maintenance are required. Each stabilized construction entrance/exit shall be maintained in a condition which would minimize tracking of sediment onto public rights-of-way. This may require adding stone or other repairs as conditions demand. Protection During Suspension Work 5.7.1 If it is necessary to suspend the construction operations for any appreciable length of time, shape the top of the earthwork in such a manner to permit runoff of rainwater, and construct earth berms along the top edges of embankments to intercept runoff water. 5.7.2 Provide temporary slope drains to carry runoff from cuts and embankments that are in the vicinity of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, and impoundments. Locate slope drains at intervals of approximately 500’, and stabilize them by paving or by covering with waterproof materials. Should such preventive measures fail, immediately take such other action as necessary to effectively prevent erosion and siltation. 5.7.3 The ENGINEER may direct the CONTRACTOR to perform, during such suspensions of operations, any other ESC work deemed necessary. REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY ESC FEATURES 6.1 General 6.1.1 Remove or incorporate into the soil any temporary ESC features existing at the time of construction of the permanent ESC features in an area of the project in such a manner that no detrimental effect will result. 6.1.2 The ENGINEER may direct that temporary features be left in lace. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 12 6.2 6.3 Silt Fence Removal 6.2.1 Silt fence shall be removed upon stabilization of the contributing drainage area. Accumulated sediment may be spread to form a surface for turf or other vegetation establishment, or disposed of elsewhere. 6.2.2 Dress any sediment deposits remaining in place after the temporary silt fence is no longer required to conform with the finished grade, and prepare and seed them. The area should be reshaped to permit natural drainage. Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Removal 6.3.1 7. After construction is complete and the site is stabilized, each stabilized construction entrance/exit will be removed and the area stabilized, unless it is to be used as an underlayment for a driveway. DUST CONTROL 7.1 Implement dust control methods to control dust creation and movement on construction sites and roads and to prevent airborne sediment from reaching receiving streams or stormwater conveyance systems, to reduce on-site and off-site damage, to prevent health hazards, and to improve traffic safety. 7.1.1 Control blowing dust by one or more of the following methods: Install mulches bound with chemical binders. Provide temporary vegetative cover. Apply spray-on adhesive on mineral soils when not used by traffic. Till or roughen surface and bring clods to the surface. Irrigate by water sprinkling. Water sprinkling by mobile method (water truck) can be utilized where necessary to provide additional dust control. Install barriers using solid board fences, burlap fences, crate walls, bales of hay, or similar materials. 7.2 Demolition activities which create large amounts of dust with significant concentrations of heavy metals or other toxic pollutants shall use dust control techniques to limit transport of airborne pollutants. 7.3 Implement dust control methods immediately whenever dust can be observed blowing on the project site. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 13 8. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 8.1 Confine maintenance and repair of construction machinery and equipment to areas specifically designated for that purpose. 8.2 Locate such areas so that oils, gasoline, grease, solvents, and other potential pollutants cannot be washed directly into receiving streams or stormwater conveyance systems. Provide these areas with adequate waste disposal receptacles for liquid, as well as solid waste. 8.3 Clean and inspect maintenance areas daily. 8.4 On a construction site where designated equipment maintenance areas are not feasible, take precautions during each individual repair of maintenance operation to prevent potential pollutants from washing into streams or conveyance systems. 8.5 Provide temporary waste disposal receptacles. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - 14 SECTION 02751 – CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS (F.D.O.T. SECTIONS 350 AND 522). PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Any exposed concrete which is not formed as shown in the Drawings, for any reason is out of alignment or level, or shows a defective surface shall be considered as not conforming with the intent of these Specifications and shall be removed from the job, unless the Engineer and Owner grant permission to patch the defective area. 1.2 Permission to repair any surface defect shall not be considered a waiver of the defective work if the repair does not, in the opinion of the Engineer and Owner, satisfactorily restore the quality and appearance of the surface. PART 2 - CODES AND STANDARDS 2.1 All work, except as modified herein, shall conform to the requirements of: ACI-301 “Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings" ACI-302 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Floor & Slab Construction" ACI-304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete" ACI-305 "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting" ACI-306 "Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting” ACI-318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" ACI-318.1 "Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete" PART 3 - MATERIALS 3.1 All concrete for pavement and sidewalks shall be of 3000 psi concrete, with ¾” maximum aggregate. 3.2 Concrete shall be ready-mixed in accordance with ASTM C-94, “Specifications for Ready Mixed Concrete”. 3.3 Maximum slump shall be 4”. 3.4 Admixtures. CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS- 1 A. Air-entraining agents shall conform to ASTM C260 and shall maintain an air content of 4% to 8% for normal weight concrete. B. Water-reducing admixtures shall conform to ASTM C494 and shall be of normal set - Type A, retarded set - Type D, or accelerated set - Type E, as specified for various locations and temperatures. C. The following admixures are accepted as noted below: 1. Normal Set – Type A: Pozzolith, Normal, as mfd. by Master Builders Co. Plastocrete, normal, as mfd. by Sika Chemical Corp. WRDA, as mfd. by W.R. Grace & Co. 2. Retarded set - Type D: Pozzolith, Retarder, as mfd. by Master Builders Co. Plastiment, as mfd. by Sika Chemical Corp. Daratard, as mfd. by W.R. Grace & Co. 3. Accelerated set - Type E: Pozzolith, High Early, as mfd. by Master Builders Co. Plastocrete, accelerator, as mfd. by Sika Chemical Corp. 4. Fly ash conforming to the requirements of ASTM C618, Class F, including the optional requirements of Supplementary Tables 2 & 4, may be used as long as the required strength is obtained at 28 days. a. Fly ash must be obtained from a source acceptable to the Engineer and Owner with a successful history of use in concrete and quality assurance test results that assure uniformity and consistent performance. b. The Producer of the fly ash shall verify that any stack additives at the producing plant do not contaminate the fly ash in any manner that could be deleterious to the concrete quality. c. The Producer of the fly ash shall be responsible to maintain adequate quality control to prevent deleterious contaminants in their product, such as some compounds of sodium, ammonium or sulphur. d. Use of fly ash is limited to a maximum of 15%. D. All required tests and design mixes shall conform to the requirements of these Specifications. E. Water-reducing and air-entraining admixtures are to remain as specified. Compatibility of the fly ash with these admixtures is the Contractor’s responsibility. CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS- 2 3.5 Where the Drawings call for steel reinforcement to be placed in the sidewalk or pavement, such reinforcement shall conform to the requirements specified in F.D.O.T. Section 415. PART 4 - REQUIRED STRENGTH OF CONCRETE 4.1 Concrete shall be ready-mixed in accordance with ASTM C94, "Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete". 4.2 Maximum slump shall be 4”. 4.3 Minimum design strength shall be as specified in the Drawings or other portions of the Specifications for each type of concrete construction. 4.4 Flowable concrete. A. Flowable concrete shall conform to all other conditions of these Specifications. B. The concrete shall be made flowable by using water-reducing admixtures that conform to ASTM C494 Types A, B, C, D or E used as a singular admixture or in an admixture system. Type F admixture usage in high slump concrete may also be used with acceptance by the Engineer prior to installation. 4.5 No water shall be added to the mix at the site without the expressed written authorization of the Engineer. When water is so added, the delivery slip shall note the amount and be initialed by the job superintendent. The Supplier of ready-mixed concrete shall inform his drivers of this procedure and any violation shall be sufficient reason for the Engineer to order the Contractor to place further concrete deliveries with another plant. PART 5 - TEST REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Concrete Testing by Cylinder. A. Concrete test cylinders shall be made by the testing agency in accordance with ASTM C31 and C172 and tested in accordance with ASTM C39. B. Each set specified shall consist of 4 cylinders with one (1) tested at 7 days, two (2) tested at 28 days, and one (1) spare, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. C. Concrete cylinder tests shall be the only tests used to determine concrete strength. D. Concrete which fails to meet the specified design strength at 28 days shall be rejected and removed and replaced by the Contractor. 1. As an alternative, the Contractor may request the Owner to accept the non-conforming concrete in place, in which case, the value of the entire installation including materials, CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS- 3 labor, formwork, excavation, reinforcement, etc., plus a penalty of 50% shall be deducted from compensation due the Contractor. E. Concrete test cylinders shall be made on concrete poured each day on the basis of one (1) set per 50 c.y. of concrete poured. F. If the total amount of concrete poured in any one day is less than 10 c.y., no tests are required. 5.2 A slump test will be made in accordance with ASTM C143 each day concrete is poured for every truckload of concrete delivered. All values shall be recorded. 5.3 Testing for compressive strength shall be made in accordance with the ASTM Standard Method C39. 5.4 If 28-day cylinder tests are low or if 7-day tests indicate the probability that 28-day results will be sub-standard, the mix proportions shall be adjusted. 5.5 If the strengths fail to meet the above Specifications, the Owner or Engineer may require, at the Contractor’s expense, tests in accordance with the "Standard Method of Securing, Preparing, and Testing Specimens from Hardened Concrete for Compressive and Flexural Strength" ASTM C42. A. In the event that the concrete does not test satisfactorily, the Owner or Engineer will order the work removed or strengthened properly at the Contractor’s expense. 5.6 An Inspector from a Testing Agency shall be present during the placing of all concrete to check for unit weight, slump and air content in accordance with ASTM C138, C143 and C173, as well as all other provisions of this Specification. 5.7 An Inspection and Testing Agency may also be engaged by the Contractor to perform field testing and inspections during concrete placement. The Owner shall cooperate with their personnel and shall provide such material samples as are needed for testing, as well as access and working space, so that they can properly perform their function. 5.8 Deficient Thickness. A. No payment will be made for any finished concrete such as curb, sidewalk or pavement, which is more than 1/4” less than the specified thickness. B. Areas of finished concrete found deficient in thickness by more than 1/4” shall be evaluated by the Engineer; and if, in his judgment, the deficient area is sufficient to seriously impair the anticipated service life of the pavement, such areas shall be removed and replaced with concrete of the thickness shown in the Drawings. CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS- 4 1. The Contractor shall remove the affected area of the pavement within the limits specified and replace it with concrete of the specified quality and thickness. 2. The Contractor will receive no compensation for the area of pavement removed or for the materials or labor involved in its removal. 3. Any section of pavement removed shall be the full length between transverse joints. 4. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the deficiency will not seriously impair the anticipated service life of the pavement, the Contractor may elect to leave the pavement in place, but will receive no compensation for the area of pavement determined to be in noncompliance. CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS- 5