PRACTICAL SYNCHRONIZATION IN COMPLEX NETWORKS OF NON-IDENTICAL DYNAMICAL NODES ∗ L. CONTEVILLE AND E. PANTELEY† Key words. practical stability, synchronization, networked system, convergent systems, semipassivity AMS subject classifications. 34D06, 37C75, 93D05 EXTENDED ABSTRACT. During the last years synchronization and control of complex dynamical systems became a very popular topic which attracts attention of researches from different fields of science and engineering. Behavior and synchronization of power grids and natural networks such as social, biological, neuronal networks has been focus of particular attention. In general, asymptotic synchronization of dynamical systems is defined as a the property of convergence to zero of differences between solutions of the subsystems or, alternatively synchronization can be viewed as convergence to zero of differences between solutions corresponding to individual nodes and a solution to some nominal system which corresponds to some type of averaged dynamics of the system, as it was done for example in [4, 10]. There exist several approaches in the literature to analyze stability and attractivity of synchronized motion: for example, master stability functions and transverse Lyapunov exponentials are used for local analysis of the synchronization([5, 6]), while tools from incremental stability theory [7] or contraction theory [8, 9] are used for global analysis to ensure stability of the synchronization manifold. It should be noted here that, majority of results on synchronization concerns networks where all the nodes have identical dynamics, there are few papers which consider networks with heterogeneous nodes, see e.g. [10] and references therein. In this paper we consider problem of synchronization of a network of non-identical nodes and in doing so we follow an approach proposed in [8] for synchronization of identical nodes and used e.g. in [11] for synchronization of a network of HindmarshRose neurons. In particular, we consider a problem of practical synchronization of nonidentical subsystems connected via diffusive coupling. We assume that each subsystem is described by ordinary differential equations of the form (0.1) ẋi = fi (x(xi ) + Bui , (0.2) yi (x) = Cxi i = 1, ...N where xi ∈ Rn , ui , yi ∈ Rm are the state, the input and the output of the i-th subsystem and we assume that the matrix CB is similar to a positive definite matrix while the N subsystems (0.1) - (0.2) are coupled via diffusive output coupling (0.3) ui = −δ N X γij (yi − yj ). j=1 ∗ This work was financially supported by the European Commission through the FP7 NoE HYCON2. † Laboratoire des Signaux et systems, CNRS - Supelec - Universite Paris-Sud, France ( 1 2 L. CONTEVILLE AND E. PANTELEY where δ and γij are nonnegative scalars. Due to the nonsingularity of CB the systems (0.1)-(0.2) can be rewritten in the form ẏi = ai (yi , zi ) + CBui , żi = qi (yi , zi ) As in [8, 11] we assume that each of the subsystems is semi-passive and that z subsystems are non-critically convergent. In the case of identical nodes these conditions ensure asymptotic sychronization under the assumption that matrix Laplacian Γ = Γ> = [γij ] has a single zero eigenvalue. In the case of non-indentical nodes we introduce a nominal system ẋm = f (xm ), f (x) = N 1 X fi (x) N i=1 and show that under additional assumptions on the gain δ, smallness of the terms qi (d, zi ) − qj (d, zj ) and assumption that nominal system has a (semi) globally stable attractor, the nodes will globally practically synchronize to the motion defined by xm . REFERENCES [1] Z. Q. Yang, Z. X. Liu, Z. Q. Chen, and Z. Z. Yuan. Controlled synchronization of complex network with different kinds of nodes. Journal of Control Theory and Application, 6(1):1115, 2008. [2] [21] Q. Song, J. Cao, and F. Liu. Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with nonidentical nodes. Physics Letters A, 374:544551, 2010. [3] A. Pogromsky and T. Yu, Passivity based design of synchronizing systems, Int. J. 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