World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008 Performance Evaluation of Issues Related to Video over Broadband Network A. S. Gundale, and A. R. Yardi was designed to dynamically adapt to properties of the internetwork and to be robust during various network parameter failures. TCP was formally defined in RFC 793. As time went on, various errors and inconsistencies were detected, and the requirements were changed in some areas. These clarifications and some bug fixes are detailed in RFC 1122. Extensions are given in RFC 1323. Each machine supporting TCP has a TCP transport entity, either a library procedure, a user process, or part of the kernel. In all cases, it manages TCP streams and interfaces to the IP layer. A TCP entity accepts user data streams from local processes breaks them up into segments not exceeding 64 KB and sends each piece as a separate IP datagram. When datagrams containing TCP data arrive at a machine, they are given to the TCP entity, which reconstructs the original byte streams. These segments supplied to IP layer converts them in to IP datagram. The IP layer gives no guarantee that datagrams will be delivered properly, so it is up to TCP to time out and retransmit them if datagram is corrupted or not received. Datagrams that do arrive may well do so in the wrong order; it is also up to TCP to reassemble them into messages in the proper sequence. In short, TCP must furnish the reliability that most users want and that IP does not provide. The TCP/IP networking protocol (Internet and World Wide Web rely on) shows poor performance over satellite network. The TCP/IP reference implementation’s 4k buffer size limits channel capacity and the data throughput to only 64kbps. The maximum buffer of 64k limits maximum throughput to 1Gbps. Therefore the GEO ‘K’ band satellite services are unsuitable for high bandwidth application as the increased GEO connection decrease the available bandwidth. With a limited buffer size, a longer end-to-end delay decreases the space available to hold copies of unacknowledged data for retransmissions. This limits the throughput on a loss-less TCP connection. The TCP is accompanied by congestion control algorithm, which is forced to react during loss of packets even though the packet losses are not due to congested network. When the loss is indicated by a timeout, TCP enters into a slow-start phase and throughput reduces significantly. Duplicate acknowledgements forces system to go into fast recovery mode. This results in reduction of the congestion window size. On the other hand, whenever a packet loss is due to a transmission error, any contraction of the window is inappropriate. The outcome is decreased throughput, poor utilization of the network resources. Therefore, modifications of TCP to mitigate the conditions imposed by wireless and mobile networks are needed. Obviously, there is no a single solution for making TCP to Abstract—Multimedia applications such as video conferencing, video on demand, teleteaching etc are the major users of broadband networks. At the heart of this revolution is the digital compression of audio and video signals. Network supporting multimedia applications require certain performance guarantees from networks. Moreover when these applications are transmitted over satellite network, issues like limited bandwidth and throughput restrict them. Efficient allocation techniques are needed to provide guaranteed transfer. Various methods such as TCP and IP are available to transport multimedia applications. The TCP shows degradation in its performance in typical satellite environment due to slow-start, window size, and acknowledgment policy. Also there were attempts to deliver applications over IP in satellite, but leads to wastage of expensive network capacity. The Asynchronous Transfer Mode network is designed to support both real and non-real time broadband applications making it very suitable for transporting multimedia. This paper discusses issues related resource management over satellite networks. Keywords—ATM, cwnd, Mpeg, QoS, VoD. M I. INTRODUCTION OST of the networks using TCP/IP are developed for data transportation. TCP was designed to run over any short distance packet switching wired networks where errors due to the transmission medium. TCP adopts additional control mechanisms like flow control, congestion management and reliability to provide efficient network utilization and a fair share of network resources. TCP in wireless and mobile networks suffers significant performance degradation due to the misinterpretation of random losses that come from high bit-error rate, limited & variable bandwidth and frequent disconnections. Generally a network experiences two kinds of traffics, one is elastic – those adjust themselves in accordance with network parameter changes e. g. FTP & HTTP and another is inelastic- which do not follow changes in network parameters like delay or throughput. This applies mostly to real-time traffic, which imposes tight restrictions on QoS parameters such as throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss. Attempts are also made to deliver IP over satellite network, but the satellite technologies have focused on connectionoriented transmission protocols rather than IP. II. TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL (TCP) TCP was specifically designed to provide a reliable endto end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork. TCP A. S. Gundale is withWalchand Institute of Technology, Solapur, India. A. R. Yardi is with Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, India. 122 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008 operate flawlessly in heterogeneous networks. There are various mechanisms are available to control the congestion. Some of the popular methods are TCP Reno, TCP FACK, TCP Westwood and TCP VEGAS etc. The Forward Acknowledgment (FACK) algorithm improves on the recovery of the lost packets. It uses SACK (Selective ACK) options in order to gather additional information about the state of congestion and provides more accurate control to the outstanding data in the network. FACK decouples the congestion control algorithms from the data recovery algorithms. Namely, new data can be sent during network recovery of the lost data in order to sustain the TCP self-clocking feature when there is no further data to retransmit. FACK Algorithm1. For more accurate calculation of outstanding packets 2. awnd = snd.nxt – snd.fack with the assumption of no out-of-order delivery and no retransmission 3. To include retransmission, awnd = snd.nxt – snd.fack + retran_data 4. While (awnd < cwnd) sendsomething (); One of the strong features of ATM is its quality of service (QoS) guarantees like delay, cell loss and bandwidth guarantees. Real-time voice and video (and applications such as VoD) require stringent delay and bandwidth guarantees for acceptable picture quality, which makes ATM very suitable for carrying multimedia traffic. Each application expects the network to provide a desired quality of service (QoS). QoS measurements include bounds on the cell loss probability, cell delay, etc. The service provider is interested in providing the desired QoS efficiently. For Conventional approaches of resource allocation rely on predetermined traffic characteristics. The amount of resources required to provide the QoS is calculated using these values. These techniques experience the following fundamental problems. First, the source characteristics may not be known ahead of time. In the case of live or interactive video, the user must guess at these characteristics. Second, parameters may not adequately characterize the source. It has been shown for MPEGcompressed video that long-range dependencies occur, which implies that standard statistical models are probably inadequate. Third, the number of parameters required should be kept small, so to reduce the complexity of the allocation method. IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF MPEG OVER ATM Network considered for simulation is as shown in Fig. 2. The model composed of an ATM switch with a finite capacity buffer, bottleneck link (L) and three VBR MPEG connections .The distance between the sources and the switch (L) is adjustable). The Round Trip Time (RTT) between the sources and destinations is also variable. Fig. 1 Performance of FACK over satellite network Source 1 The above simulation shows congestion control during FTP over GEO satellite network with BER 5%. The performance shows frequent degradation in throughput, not necessarily because of congested link but may be due to frequent disconnections. In this control mechanism more time is wasted in reestablishing the connection and regaining the maximum throughput conditions. 2 CBR VBR ABR 2 Sink 3 Each Mpeg source is considered as an independent process, which wakes up periodically to send a frame. Each cell corresponding to a frame is send to buffer separately and all cells belonging to a frame has to be sent to the buffer before the next frame from source is generated. As this process is periodic, this period is divided into equal time slots depending on frame size. After all cells received in buffer, it is sent them immediately on the channel if it is idle and link is set to busy. If link is busy then cell is put into the queue. Whereas if link is busy & buffer is full, then incoming cell is discarded and related statistics is updated. Buffer size decides maximum number of cells to be queued. Additional request is rejected and corresponding cell is dropped. 1. Analysis of Effect of finite buffer size: The queuing behavior of network buffer is analysed. As many Mpeg streams share the buffer, the cell loss due to limited buffer size is important consideration. The simulation is carried for number of Mpeg sources on the input side at different network utilization conditions. TABLE I CHARACTERISTICS OF ATM SERVICES QoS Guarantee Yes Yes Acceptable BTE Fig. 2 Simulation model ATM is a totally different transfer technology from the traditional Synchronous Transfer Mode (STM) technology. ATM is based on statistical multiplexing which allows transportation of real-time and non-real time services in the same network. ATM Forum has defined and standardized four types of services: Constant Bit Rate (CBR), Variable Bit Rate (VBR) including real time VBR and non-real time VBR, Available Bit Rate (ABR) and Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR). Their specifications and characteristics are shown in Table I. BW guarantee Yes Yes Limited Buffer Source-3 III. ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE Service Sink 1 BW utilization Very low Low Very high 123 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008 It is observed that the more buffer size reduces the cell loss whereas the more link utilization requirements results in increased cell loss. Mpeg trace and simulated trace was considered during simulation. Fig. 3 shows cell loss for six multiplexed Mpeg sources at different network efficiency conditions. The error rate was considered in the range of 101 to 10-3. The average time is function of queue length- as queue size is increased cell has to wait more. The average waiting time for a cell in the queue is 50 mS, for two Mpeg applications on the input and frame is generated periodically at the rate one fame per 1/30 sec This waiting time is very important as it contribute in QoS. 4. Average buffer requirement in erroneous conditions: The error on the channel is responsible for cell loss. Excessive cell loss during transmission couldn’t meet the QoS requirements. It is observed that when cell loss rate is 10-4, the link utilization is less than 80% in two Mpeg applications. It is also found that average buffer requirement decreases as more applications are attached on the link. Fig. 6 shows average buffer requirement for six and ten Mpeg input streams. It is experienced that 10 Mpeg applications require less than 6 applications. Fig. 3 Effect of buffer size on cell loss 2. Average Buffer behavior analyses: As cell is queued, which are scheduled to be transferred, it has to wait before is actually coupled to the link. The queue is managed in real time i.e. when one cell is scheduled to transmit; the queue size is increased by one, whereas after sending one cell on the link the queue size is decremented by one. It necessary to analyse the queue in case of Mpeg as it is bursty in nature. This queue requirement is taken as average buffer requirement. This is also analysed at various network utilization requirements. Fig. 6 Buffer requirement for different link utilization Fig: 7 Cell loss against average buffer for different ink efficiency requirements. Cell loss rate 10-4 Fig. 4 Average queue length versus cell loss for six multiplexed sources 5. Effect of modeling parameters on cell loss: The Mpeg consist of I, B and P frames. These frames are characterized by various modeling parameters namely μI, σI, μB, σB, μP, σP. The value of μI dose increase mean and variance of I frame and leads to greater cell loss in case of bigger I frame. μI doesn’t affect values of μB & μP. 3. Waiting time for a cell: Average waiting time depicts the cell need to wait before it is transmitted. Careful selection in necessary as for most of time it remains empty. In case of Mpeg queue is holding some cells during big Iframe transmission. The increased link utilization also demands more average queue. Fig. 5 Average waiting time in the queue Fig. 8 Effect of μI on cell loss 124 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008 The parameter σI also shows approximately same variation. In case of B frame μB & σB are interrelated. As μB increases it forces to increase size of B frame in number of cells. The increase in μB shows reduction in cell loss percentage in case of both B and I frames. The parameter μP is optimized, upto the optimized value the cell loss is within the specified limits, but if value goes above predetermined value the cell loss increases sharply. Hence with the observations the cell loss depends on frame size and number of frames. The autocorrelation factor a1 and a2 doesn’t create much change in cell loss. 7. Forwarding ATM on broadband satellite network: For long distance communication the use of satellite is necessary. Hence ATM transmission on long BDP (Bandwidth Delay Product) network is key. The satellite network is using broadband terminal equipment along with all the parameter with the local applications, as discussed earlier. BTE also manages its own queue and its selection is also based on required quality of services. The values for buffer and queue are exerting their effects on throughput on the channel. Up to certain value of queue size the performance is optimized and thereafter performance degrades. Fig. 9 Effect of σI cell loss 6. Analysis of bandwidth utilization: The link efficiency greatly depends on how the input application streams are attached to the network. In previous simulations the input streams were randomly forwarded. It is been very encouraging to find that if input applications are attached with some logical arrangement rather than randomly connected, increase in link utilization is observed. Considering simple superposed arrangement as given belowu* = (0, 1, 2,…., L) then (0, 1, 2,…., L-1) then….. (0, 1, 2, …, N-wL-1) where w is integer part of N/L. The number u* indicates application currently is in progress. The cell loss behavior is analysed and it is found that the cell dropped are reduced. Fig. 12 Retransmission of ATM cells for different buffer sizes Fig. 13 Effect of BTE buffer size on throughput V. CONCLUSION 1. Appropriate buffer size is essential to handle applications on the link. As number MPEG sources are increased the need of buffer gets minimized. 2. Buffer size depends on utilization expected and permissible cell loss (QoS) 3. As sources get increased the average waiting time also gets increased. 4. If sources are handled in specific multiplexed manner the buffer requirement further gets reduced. Hence it is clear that random handling of source is not beneficial. 5. As MPEG is bursty, an appropriate bandwidth must be kept in reserve to serve extra need at times. 6. ATM on Satellite broadband network needs careful design to support appropriate quality of service. Fig. 10 Cell loss against buffer size in superposed scheme REFERENCES [1] [2] Fig: 11 Cell loss against buffer size in random distribution scheme 125 M.F. Alam, M. Atiquzzaman, M.A. Karim, Efficient MPEG video traffic shaping for the next generation Internet, IEEE GLOBECOM’ 99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil December (1999). M.F. Alam, M. 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