Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers Electricity & Electronics 10: Further Uses of Operation Amplifiers AIM In this second unit on op-amps we are going to investigate some more of their uses. So far we have only used the inverting input of the op-amp, now it is time to find out about how the non-inverting input is used. OBJECTIVES On completing this unit you should be able to: • identify circuits where the op-amp is being used in the differential mode. • state that a differential amplifier amplifies the potential difference between its two inputs. • state the differential mode gain equation: Vo = (V2 - V1) Rf / R1 • carry out calculations using the above equation. • describe how to use the differential amplifier with resistive sensors connected in a Wheatstone Bridge arrangement. • describe how an op-amp can be used to control external devices via a transistor. Strathaven Academy -1- Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers The Differential Amplifier If the amplifier is set up in the configuration shown below, it is said to be in the differential mode. R f R 1 - V 1 R 2 V 0 + V 2 R 3 0V There are two input potentials,V1 and V2, one applied to each of the input terminals of the opamp. There is a feedback resistor, Rf, connected between the output and the inverting input. This allows control over the gain of the amplifier as it did for the inverting mode. When the op-amp is used in this mode, it amplifies the difference between the inputs V1 and V2, with a gain set by the ratio Strathaven Academy -2- Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers Example A differential amplifier is set up as shown below. For the following values shown, calculate the output voltage, V0. (a) V1 = +5.0 V, V2 = +4.8 V (b) V1 = -2.0 V, V2 = +4.5 V (a) V1 = +5.0 V, V2 = +4.8 V, R1 =R2 = 10 kΩ, Rf = R3 = 100 kΩ, V0 = ? V0 = Rf (V - V 1) R1 2 V0 = V0 = (b) 100 (4.8 - 5.0) 10 - 2.0 V V1 = -2.0 V, V2 = +4.5 V, R1 =R2 = 10 kΩ, Rf = R3 = 100 kΩ, V0 = ? R 1 0 0 f V = ( V V ) V =( 4 . 5 ( 2 . 0 ) )V = + 6 5 V i n t h e o r y . 0 2 1 0 0 R 1 0 1 But supply voltage = + 15 V hence output voltage, V0, will saturate at + 15 V Strathaven Academy -3- Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers The differential amplifier as part of a monitoring system +Vs 10 kΩ Rf 0-10 kΩ V1 t 10 kΩ V2 R1 10 kΩ R2 10 kΩ Ω R3 100 kΩ V0 + 100 kΩ 0V 0V Wheatstone Bridge input Differential Amplifier The setting of the variable resistor can be adjusted so as to achieve an output voltage of zero for a particular temperature setting. The bridge circuit would then be balanced, that is the potential difference V2 - V1 = 0 V. The potential, V2, will remain constant as long as the resistance of the variable resistor is not changed. Any change in temperature will change the potential, V1, and will therefore produce a potential difference between V2 and V1. The amplifier will then amplify the difference between V2 and V1, giving an output potential, V0. The output voltage will increase as the change in thermistor resistance, ∆Rt, increases. The amplifier is, effectively, amplifying the out-of-balance potential difference from the Wheatstone Bridge. Practical Application The output voltage could be calibrated by placing the thermistor in melting ice (0 oC), then in boiling water (100 oC), noting the output potential, V0, for each case. The range could then be divided into 100 equal divisions to give an electronic thermometer over the range 0 - 100 oC. Strathaven Academy -4- Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers Control Circuits A transistor, such as those shown below, can act as an electrical switch. If the input voltage to these transistors, Vi, is positive, then it switches on allowing a current to flow between the collector and emitter or source and drain, otherwise it is off. There are two types of transistor switches: n -ch a n n el en h a n cem en t M O S F E T b ip o la r n -p -n tra n sisto r -V S +V S drain collector base gate source em itter Vi Vi 0V 0V (i) A p o s itiv e (+ v e ) p o te n tia l > 1 .8 V is n e e d e d fo r th e in p u t, Vi , to s w itc h tra n s is to r o n . (ii) T h e d ra in is c o n n e c te d to a p o s itiv e (+ v e ) s u p p ly ra il. (iii) if th e in p u t p o te n tia l is n e g a tiv e o r < 1 .8 V th e tra n s is to r is o ff. (i) A p o s itiv e (+ v e ) p o te n tia l (> + 0 .7 V ) is n e e d e d fo r th e in p u t, Vi , to s w itc h tra n s is to r o n . (ii) T h e c o lle c to r a rm is c o n n e c te d to a p o s itiv e (+ v e ) s u p p ly ra il. (iii) If th e in p u t p o te n tia l is n e g a tiv e (< 0 .7 V ), th e tra n s is to r is o ff. These transistors can be used with a Wheatstone Bridge/differential amplifier circuit to switch a device on or off. Low light-level indicator +Vs +Vs Rf 0-10 kΩ R1 1 kΩ R2 1 kΩ R3 + 1 MΩ V2 10kΩ 10kΩ V1 0V Wheatstone Bridge input Strathaven Academy Warning Lamp 1 MΩ Differential Amplifier -5- V0 Vi 0V Transistor Switch and Output Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers The variable resistor in the Wheatstone Bridge is adjusted so that, at a particular light level, the output of the op-amp is zero or less so that the transistor is off. In practice, the variable resistor would be adjusted until the warning lamp is just off. In this situation, V1 ≈ V2. If the light level falls, the resistance of the LDR will increase causing the voltage V1 to fall. If V1 falls, then V1 < V2, therefore (V2 - V1) will be positive (+ve). This will cause the output voltage, V0, to be positive also, switching on the transistor and the Warning Lamp lights. If the light level to the LDR increases, then the opposite will be true. The resistance of the LDR will decrease causing the voltage V1 to increase. If V1 increases, then V1>V2, (V2 - V1) will be negative causing the output to be negative and the transistor will not switch on. The gain of the circuit (about 1000) is deliberately chosen to be large so that a small variation from the balance point of the Wheatstone Bridge produces a large enough output voltage to switch the transistor on. Modifications This circuit does have its limitations however. If the output device to be used has a high power rating requiring a current larger than the transistor can safely supply, then a relay switch must be used with the transistor to switch on an external circuit. An example of this type of switch is shown below. In this case, a relay can be energised by the current through the transistor (the collector current) and its contacts can then be used to switch on a high-power device such as a heater. +Vs +Vs Rf V2 10K 10K V1 100K R1 1K R2 1K + R3 V0 Vi heater 0V Wheatstone Bridge input relay - 100K 0-10K t 230 V mains Differential Amplifier Transistor Switch and Output Notice that as the temperature falls the resistance of the thermistor increases, causing V1 to fall. this means V1 < V2 giving a positive output voltage V0. The transistor will be switched on, which will energise the relay switch. The heater will be turned on. Strathaven Academy -6- Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers Control Circuit Diagrams The Wheatstone Bridge arrangement can be shown as two straight potential dividers or as a diamond arrangement. They are the same circuit, just drawn a different way. Straight potential dividers + Vs t to d ifferential am plifier 10KΩ 10KΩ V1 V2 0V Diamond arrangement bridge circuit V2 +Vs 10 kΩ t V1 10 kΩ 0V to op-amp +Vs V2 to op-amp 10 kΩ t 10 kΩ V1 0V All the above circuits are identical examples of the sensor bridge circuit that can be used with a differential amplifier. It is important to recognise each circuit for what it is and how it behaves. Strathaven Academy -7- Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers 16. 17. 18. The circuit below shows an operational amplifier in the differential mode. Rf (a) What is the function of this circuit ? (b) State the relationship that applies to this R1 +15 V circuit, giving the condition for this to R2 hold. + (c) Find the value of VO when V1 -1 5 V V0 Rf = 10 MΩ R1 = 10 kΩ V2 R3 R2 = 10 kΩ R3 = 10 MΩ V1 = 480 mV V2 = 500 mV. V 1 (V ) V 2 (V ) R f = R 3 R 1 = R 2 V 0 (V ) Calculate the unknown values in (k Ω) (k Ω) the table for a differential (a ) 2 .5 3 .0 100 10 amplifier circuit. (b ) 1 .5 1 .3 30 5 (c ) 0 .4 0 .4 10 100 (d ) 6 .0 7 .2 3 6 .6 (e ) 4 .5 40 5 -8 .0 (a) (b) (c) (d) In the circuit below, what value should be chosen for R for it to operate as a differential amplifier? Determine the reading on the voltmeter with the slider at position A. If the contact is moved to a position midway between A and B calculate the voltmeter reading. Where should the contact be to produce an output voltage of (i) -1.25 V (ii) 0 V. + 1 .5 V 100 kΩ 10 kΩ 40 kΩ A 5 kΩ - 16 kΩ + V R B 0 V 19. The circuit opposite can be shown to monitor the level of brightness. (a) Explain how it operates, mentioning why the voltmeter reading changes. (b) What is the purpose of the variable resistor? Strathaven Academy +9 V 0 -1 0 k Ω LDR -8- 10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ V1 10 kΩ 100 kΩ V2 + V 100 kΩ 0 V Electricity and Electronics Further Uses of Operational Amplifiers 20. (a) (b) (c) Calculate the gain of the circuit shown. At what value of (i) V0 (ii) V1 will the transistor switch on ? Write down a rule which will allow you to predict whether a transistor is on or off. Remember the polarity of the base-emitter voltage is important. -Vs +6 V 1 MΩ V1 V 100 kΩ - c b + V0 e V 0V 21. State if the transistors below are switched on or off. (a) (b) (c) (d) -5 V +5 V -5 V +5 V 0V 0V 0V 0V (e) (f) (g) (h) -5 V +5 V -5 V -5 V -3 V Strathaven Academy +9 V -9- -2 V -9 V Electricity and Electronics