A Taxonomical Review on Distributed Generation Planning

Available online www.ejaet.com
European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2016, 3(4): 23-38
Review Article
ISSN: 2394 - 658X
A Taxonomical Review on Distributed Generation Planning
Bindeshwar Singh1, D Singh2, RP Payasi3, J Sharma4, MK Yadav5 and Charitra Pal6
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, India
This paper presents a taxonomical review on Distributed Generation (DG) planning in the distribution power
network from different power system performances such as minimization of real and reactive power loss, enhance
power system load ability, enhance power system stability, enhance power system reliability, enhance power
system security, enhance available power transfer capacity, enhance power system oscillations, more flexible
operation and bandwidth, enhance voltage profile, reduce short circuit capacity of line, more real and reactive
power support and environmental friendly (green house gases) point of view. This paper also presents the current
status of DG planning in a distributed power network. This survey article is very much useful for scientific
persons, industrial persons and researchers in field of DG planning in distribution power system networks.
Key words: Distributed Generation Planning, Distribution Power Network, Power System Performances, Power
Flow Analysis, Artificial Intelligence Technique
The distributed generations are basically real, and reactive power supported to distribution power system networks.
The real and reactive power delivered to the system depends on the type of DGs are used. On the basis of real and
reactive power delivery, the DGs are classified in four categories such as :(i) DG1 (ii) DG2 (iii) DG3 (iv) DG4.
The details of different types of DGs are as follows [11]-[40]:
(i) DG1: DG1 only real power supported to system at unity power factor. For example, photovoltaic cell, solar
systems, biogas, etc.
(ii) DG2: DG2 real and reactive power supported to system at 0.80 to 0.99 leading power factor. For examples wind,
tidal, wave, geothermal etc.
(iii) DG3: DG3 only reactive power supported for the system at 0.00 power factor. For example, synchronous
condenser, bank of inductor and bank of capacitors etc.
(iv) DG4: DG4 delivered reactive power to the system and absorb real power from system at 0.80 to 0.99 lagging
power factor. For example doubly fed induction generators based wind etc.
The DG planning is a very important issue [41]-[80] with installation of DG in all over world for delivering real and
reactive power to the system. The DG planning means the proper location as well as properly coordinated control of
multiple DGs in the power system network. The various combinations of DG planning as follows: (i) size only (ii)
location only (iii) size and location (iv) size, location and numbers, (v) size, location, number and type.
The various advantages of optimal DG planning [42]-[60] are as follows: (i) reduce real and reactive power loss (ii)
reduces power system oscillations (iii) enhance power system stability, such as voltage, frequency and rotor angle
stability (iv) enhance power system reliability and security (v) enhance power system load ability (vi) enhance
available power transfer capacity (vii) reduce power conjunction of line (viii) increase band of operation of system
hence system is more flexible operation.
The DG planning [81]-[130] are achieved by conventional and optimization techniques such as eigenvalues,
eigenvector, modal index, residues, optimal power flow (OPF), sensitivity, linear programming (LP), nonlinear
programming (NLP), mixed integer programming (MIP), ordinal optimization programming (OOP), dynamic
programming (DYP), dual programming (DP) stochastic programming (SP) etc.
The DG planning [131]-[200] are also achieved by different artificial intelligence techniques such as genetic
algorithm (GA), artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic (FL), particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique,
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
tabu-search (TS), simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, ant colony search (ACS), Monte Carlo algorithm (MCA), ant
bee colony (ABC), hybrid techniques etc.
This paper organized as follows: Section II presents the taxonomical survey on DG planning. Section III presents the
summary of the paper. Section IV presents conclusive and future scope of work.
Table -1 shows the taxonomical review of optimal DG planning in distribution power system network (Maintaining
the Integrity of the Specifications).
Table -1 A Taxonomical Review of Optimal DG Planning in Distribution Power System Network
Ref no
Proposed Methods
D Singh et al
AN Venkateswarlu
et al
Repeated power flow
Hasan Hedayati et
Continuation power flow
Devender Singh et
Load flow Models
Duong Quoc Hung
et al
Analytical expressions for finding
Optimal size and Power Factor
LF Ochoa et al
Multi-objective performance index
for distribution networks
MR Haghifam et
Multi-objective model
RA Jabr et al
ordinal optimization method
LF Ochoa et al
Rajendra Prasad
Payasi et al
H Yassami et al
Sami Repo et al
Gopiya Naik S et
Gopiya Naik S et
Barry Hayes et al
Sami Repo et al
Bindeshwar Singh
et al
S Kumar Injeti et
Manoj Kumar
Nigam et al
F Fatahian et al
Satish Kumar
Injeti et al
Mingxin Zhao et
S Najafi
Multi-objective performance index
for distribution networks with timevarying
Distributed generation planning is
optimal ie their site and size are
selected optimally
Partial Swarm Optimization
Ring operation of the distribution
network and control of windmill
active power
Voltage sensitivity index
DG Technology
A predictive database is created and
applied to forecast future network
statistical planning approach
Optimally placed Distributed
Generation (DG) & FACTS
controllers in power Systems
Fuzzy logic method
The impacts that were raised due to
the connection of distributed
Multi-objective Optimization
Algorithm, Multi Objective Particle
Swarm Optimization and Genetic
Fuzzy logic and new analytical
method respectively
A new load forecasting method for
distribution network Superposition
Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
as a new developed heuristic
Parameter enhance
Minimization of power loss
Voltage Stability Constrained
Available Transfer Capability
Yields Efficiency in improvement of
Voltage profile and reduction of Power
Real and Reactive Power intake at the main
substation and MVA support
Requires less computation, but can lead
optimal solution as verified by the
exhaustive load flow
Distributed generation is extensively
located and sized
The true Pareto-optimal solutions are found
with a multi-objective genetic algorithm
OO theory allows computing the size s of
the selected subset
Test System
Future Scope
Hybrid techniques
IEEE- 14 Bus
Multi objective task
Typical 34Bus
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Realistic load
IEEE- 34 Bus
Hybrid techniques
Multi objective task
Realistic load
Better response to the natural behavior of
loads and generation
Hybrid techniques
Various objectives, different constraints as
well as optimization based
Multi objective task
Minimization of power generation cost ,
active power loss and Maximization of
reliability level
Hybrid techniques
Increase the integration capacity of DG
units without major network investments
Realistic load
Real power loss reduction, voltage profile
improvement, substation capacity release
Improve technical, economical, and
environmental factors both for the utility
and customers
Provide early warning of potential network
issues and more optimal management of
distributed energy
Voltage level management
Useful to the researchers for finding out the
relevant references in the field of the
enhancement of different performance
parameters of power systems
Improved voltage stability and loss
IEEE-33 Bus
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Active power losses as well as reactive
power losses are almost reduced to zero
IEEE 30-Bus
Multi objective task
Cost, power loss, voltage profile and
environmental attributes
34- Bus
radial system
Hybrid techniques
IEEE 33-Bus
Realistic load
Minimize total power loss in radial
distribution system
The volatility and seasonality of DG output
power are contained in the net-load timevarying curve
Efficiency of the proposed method obtained
by ICA, a sensitivity analysis for the effect
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
optimization algorithm
Duong Quoc Hung
et al
An improved analytical method
Dan Zhu et al
The optimum locations are sought
for time-varying load patterns
N Khalesi et al
Dynamic programming
Gareth P Harrison
et al
Gareth P Harrison
et al
algorithms and Optimal power flow
Multi-objective optimal power
flow is used to simulate
nonlinear programming
RS Al Abri et al
CJ Dent et al
A Zangeneh et al
Victor H Mendez
Quezada et al
MH Moradi et al
GA and PSO
Alireza Soroudi et
Two-stage heuristic method,
immune algorithm
Alireza Soroudi et
Fuzzy satisfying method, Immune
Pavlos S
Georgilakis et al
Embedded generation ,ODGP
MF Akorede et al
GA, a fuzzy controller
MM Aman et al
Hugo A Gil et al
Deependra Singh
et al
Approximation to the capacity
deferral benefits brought about by
DG is obtained
Power loss minimization, System
MVA minimization, System cost
minimization and System Energy
loss minimization
Julius Kilonzi
Charles et al
Optimal power flow
Multi-objective optimization, Pareto
Power injections from DGs change
network power flows modifying
energy losses
PSO and GA
of ICA parameters on obtained results is
Optimal location, optimal power
Factor, optimal size
Optimal location, power loss, power system
efficiency, power system reliability
Minimize power loss of the system and
enhance reliability improvement and
voltage profile
Siting and
sizing an assigned number of DG units
The costs, benefits and tradeoffs associated
with DG in terms of connection, losses
Optimum power flow, voltage profile,
voltage stability
Load flow analysis, Power generation
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Benefit–cost analysis
Multi objective
Reactive power control provide a better
network voltage profile and lower losses
Hybrid techniques
Minimize network power losses, better
voltage regulation and improve the voltage
Dynamic planning, Multi-objective
optimal schemes of sizing, placement and
specially the dynamics of investments on
DG units
Best locations and sizes of DGs to optimize
electrical distribution network operation
and planning
Maximizes the system loading margin as
well as the profit of distribution companies
System losses, voltage profile
Financial performance of investments on
these important technologies can be then
33-Bus and
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
IEEE 6-Bus
and 30-Bus
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Optimal location and size of DG with
compromise between Power loss, System
MVA, System cost and System energy loss
Multi objective task
System loss reduction, voltage profile
Hybrid techniques
Power loss allocated to the DGs
Realistic load
Based on the results of power flow
and considers active and reactive
power flows
Optimal Capacitor placement and
Incremental power flow and
exhaustive search method as
deterministic approach
loss reduction, voltage profile improvement
and freeing up the power system capacity
Mixed load model, types of DG, and power
factor of DG have significant impact on
size and location
Zeinab GhofraniJahromi, et al
Majid Davoodi et
Rajendra Prasad
Payasi et al
Subrahmanyam et
Voltage index analysis, variational
Power loss minimization and to improve
the voltage profile of the system
SN Liew et al
EWG , Based on the passive
operation of the distribution
Advanced optimal power flow is used to
quantify the benefits of alternative control
YG Hegazy et al
Monte Carlo-based method
for the adequacy assessment
AA Chowdhury et
Yiming Mao et al
Dragan S Popovic
et al
Fuzzy decision-making and risk
Vinit Gupta et al
Cold load pickup Method
Distribution capital investment
deferral credit received by the IPP
The switch placement problem is
formulated as a nondifferentiable,
multi-objective optimization
Realistic load
IEEE 9-Bus
Hybrid techniques
25-Bus and
IEEE 37-Bus
Reduction of expected costs due to
undelivered energy during the process of
supply restoration
Enhancing quality of power even in
emergency conditions while minimizing
the cost
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Distribution system and
the system margins and the average amount
of unsupplied loads are estimated
The size, location and the reliability of the
DG will be achieved
Their results enable DG to support
customers continuously in the event of fault
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
Proposed loss allocation coefficients is that
they can be positive or negative and
therefore can recognize the presence of
counter-flows such as
those due to the presence of EG
Multi objective task
12-Bus test
Hybrid techniques
J Mutale et al
substitution method
Chiradeja et al
General approach and a set of
indices to assess some of the
technical benefits in a quantitative
Caisheng Wang et
Analytical Method
Placement and minimize power loss
Realistic load
Sukumar M
Brahma et al
Phasor measurement unit, protective
device coordination and suggests an
adaptive protection scheme
Recloser, short-circuit
Multi objective task
W El-Khattam et
Fuel cell , Micro-turbine ,
Photovoltaic and Wind turbine
Carlos A Coello
Coello et al
Paulo Moises
Costa et al
On tracing the real and imaginary
parts of the currents
Yasuhiro Hayashi
et al
Walid El-Khattam
et al
N-1 contingencies, TA with
strategic oscillation is proposed
In-Su Bae et al
Aleksandar Pregelj
et al
RC Bansal
Gianni Celli et al
Walid El-Khattam
et al
Panagis N Vovos
et al
Heuristic approach
Incorporating reliability worth
evaluation of a distribution system
Combination of clustering
and a convex hull algorithm
Mathematical optimization, AI and
hybrid AI
GA and multi-objective
Binary decision variables are
Fault level constraints and OPF
G Pepermans et al
OPF and EG
et al
MA Kashem et al
Impact of grid-connected DG on the
reliability of on-site electric
Dynamics, eigenvalues and eigen
Fabrice Demailly
GP Harrison et al
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Optimal power flow
Realistic load
Optimal sitting and sizing of DG
Multi objective task
Achieve optimal sizing and sitting of
distributed generation
Directly introduced to any optimization
process performing the OPF
Major benefits and issues of small scale
electricity generation
Hybrid techniques
A 12-bus/15line test
Realistic load
Hybrid techniques
Multi objective task
SP and MCA
Limited voltage regulation
Hybrid techniques
Reverse load-ability,
the approach models fixed-power
maximizes capacity and
identifies available headroom
Realistic load
Optimal allocation of EG
Multi objective
DH Popovic et al
MPadma Lalitha et
Real Coded GA
Soma Biswas et al
M Padma Lalitha
et al
FL and AIS
MFKotb et al
A Rezazadeh et al
Priyanka Paliwal
et al
Realistic load
power generation control, sensitivity,
voltage control
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
OPF which takes into account
fault level constraints
OPF and double trade-off method
comprehensive survey by adding new
classifications to relate the DG
types, technologies and applications to each
Highly competitive and that can be
considered a viable alternative to solve
multi-objective optimization problems
EG incentives or to
design tariffs for the use of the distribution
Determine the loss minimum configuration
Cost-benefit analysis, peak demand
Determine the optimal operating decision
for the DG
Reduce computational load and allowing
accurate estimation of DG-enhanced feeder
Reliability and minimize the capital costs
of DG units
Andrew Keane et
M Padma Lalitha
et al
Panagis N Vovos
et al
G Carpinelli et al
Line-loss reduction, voltage profile
FL and PSO
Reduce the real power losses and to
improve the voltage profile
Significantly higher new generation
capacity than existing
Optimal siting and sizing of EG
Optimal siting is determined, power factor
is formulated as a security constrained
Reduce the real power losses and to
improve the voltage profile
Minimize the total power loss and to
improve the voltage sag performance
Reduce the real power losses and to
improve the voltage profile
Active and reactive power losses are
minimized and voltage profile is improved
Optimal siting and sizing of DG and also
enhancing transient stability
Optimum allocation of DG and increase
level of Reliability
IEEE 33- Bus
Hybrid techniques
Tested on a
12-bus LV
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
IEEE 33-Bus
Realistic load
radial system
Multi objective task
IEEE 33-Bus
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
Amin Hajizadeh et
PSO and weight method
Yamini Arora
Mohammad Javad
MJ Kasaei
Amir Bagheri et al
S Shan et al
S Chandrasekhar
Reddy et al
T Lajnef et al
Rosnazri Ali et al
Farhoodnea et al
S Sreejith et al
Anoop Arya et al
Mozhgan Balavar
et al
Kroposki et al
Ma Mozaffari
Legha et al
Deependra Singh
et al
Hussein A Attia et
M Sedighizadeh et
T Lantharthong et
C Ponce-Corral et
et al
Minimize the cost of power losses
and energy not supplied
Mitigating voltage sag and swell issues at
distribution end
power loss reduction and voltage profile
Power losses
reduction and voltage profile improvement
Voltage and reactive power control in
distribution network
Useful for power system analysis and
operation planning
Total power loss is reduced , reliability and
voltage profile of the system is improved
Evaluate energy losses in the system
during unit sizing process
Realistic load
Hybrid techniques
33 and 10
Realistic load
IEEE 33-Bus
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
IEEE 30-Bus
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multiple operations are achieved
Improving power quality for different level
of users
Control real and reactive power
Optimum power flow achieved
Control active and reactive power
Multi objective task
Improved power quality, compatibility by
reducing fault contributions and flexibility
Hybrid techniques
GA and ICA
Optimal allocation of DG units
Realistic load
Loss is obtained under voltage and
line loading constraints
Modifying energy losses and voltage
profile of the system
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
16, 37and 75
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Reduce losses and improve voltage profile
Best network reconfiguration involving
balancing of feeder loads
Optimized criteria
for the expansion of (DG)
Voltage regulation method
Determine the priority for individual
generators in multiple DG environment
GA and PSO
Improvement in the optimization goal is
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
A Safari et al
PVV Rama Rao et
Satish Kansal et al
MA Junjie et al
Christopher Kigen
et al
M Balasubba
Reddy et al
Optimal size of DG is calculated by using
exact loss formula and loss sensitivity
Effectively resolve the DG planning
A coordinated network controller
Optimal voltage profile
PSO method is combined with
Newton’s method
Optimal power flow/volt-var optimization
An optimal capacitor placement
Improve voltage regulation and reduce
power losses
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
D Issicaba et al
smooth voltage profile, reduce total cost
P Umapathi Reddy
et al
Dheeraj K Khatod
et al
Mohd Khairun N
M Sarmin et al
Cost of loss is reduce
Evolutionary programming (EP)
based technique
Mixed-integer nonlinear
programming and PSO
K Valipour et al
Rambabu CH et al
EP and PSO
Minimize the computational burden, set a
suitable location for DG placement
System voltage within operating limit and
power loss also minimized
Minimizing the power losses and voltage
profile and THD improvement
Reduction in cost of power generation and
active power loss
Voltage profile improvement and
minimizing loss
Mohsen Rezaie
Estabragh et al
Maruthi Prasanna
HA et al
Hybrid techniques
33 Bus and
69 Bus
Realistic load
Multi objective task
IEEE 33-Bus
and 69-Bus
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
IEEE 30-Bus
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
IEEE 14-Bu
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Hybrid PSO
optimal location of the DGs
IEEE 14- and
Reduction in line losses and considerable
tail end node voltage improvement during
peak load
IEEE 33 Bus
Multi objective task
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
Christopher Kigen
et al
Nasim Ali Khan
et al
Murthy et al
Reza K-Nia et al
Nadim Makhol et
Raj K Singh et al
Deependra Singh
Yuzuru Ueda et al
Zdravko Jadrijev
et al
Optimal placement of DSTATCOM
IEEE 69-Bus
GA and OPF
Optimal location of DG obtained
IEEE 15-Bus
Optimal allocation of DGs
Minimization of losses
Avoids the overvoltage on the grid
Reliability indices and the daily load curve
calculated on the real network
Multi-objective approach permits a better
evaluation potential of active DER to
support system operation
Reduction in losses and improvement in
voltage profile
maximising the connection of
intermittent DG
P Ajay-D-Vimal
Raj et al
Luis F Ochoa et al
multi-period steady-state analysis
David Trebolle et
D Singh et al
Multi-objective function
S Porkar et al
Interface Heuristic approach
Antonio Piccolo et
RK Singh et al
Nodal pricing
YM Atwa et al
Mixed integer NLP
Luis F Ochoa et al
HM Khodr et al
Problastic methodology
Walid El-Khattam
et al
E Haesen et al
Mathematical optimisation
Luis F Ochoa et al
T Nishi et al
Vikash Mishra et
Marta Maria de A
Olivieri et al
Bosisio et al
Giacomo Bruni et
A Elmitwally
Dongxiao Niu et al
Huang Jiadong et
K Balamurugan et
Nikzad Manteghi
et al
Realistic load
IEEE-70 Bus
Maximum reduction in active power loss
Stochastic and controllable DER in
the distribution grid
Hybrid techniques
Direct Search Algorithm
A AlarconRodriguez et al
David TC Wang et
Haoyong Chen et
Ruifeng Shi et al
IEEE 30-Bus
Novel Binary PSO
Greatly improve the voltage profile
Voltage Profile Improvement Index,
Line Loss Reduction index are analyzed
Improvement of total voltage profile and
line loss minimization
GA and PSO
Lagrangian decomposition and
coordination technique
Hybrid techniques
Minimize the overall cost of MW, MVar
and MVA intakes
Validating the economical and electrical
benefits of introducing DG
Siting and sizing of DG installation are
Loss reduction, and voltage improvement
including voltage rise issue
the system’s annual energy losses
Very high penetration levels of new
variable generation capacity can be
Optimal locaton of DG achieved
Realistic load
Multi objective
Multi objective ta
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
IEEE-30 Bus
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Improving reliability of the system
Hybrid techniques
33-Node test
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Steady-state operating system parameters
are evaluated to describe the DG behavier
A robust planning methodology is
Maximize the integration of distributed
wind power generation
Multi objective task
Network planning
Realistic load
Elimination algorithm together
Multi objective task
Integrated Planning of Distribution
Optimal allocation of DG
Solve the problem effectively
within a reasonable computation time
Optimal query plans using parameter less
optimization technique
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
DG in smart grid
Hybrid techniques
Optimal active power production computed
Realistic load
Hybrid Photovoltaic-Battery-Fuel
Heuristic techniques
Cost reduction and components lifetime
Allocating multiple DG
Cloud Model
Grid-connected distributed generation
Impedance current limiter
Feasibility of scheme is verified
Multi objective task
Fault level of distribution system is studied
Hybrid techniques
Analytical hierarchal process
Optimal power flow
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
Evaluation of distributed algorithms in
conditions as similar as possible to the real
Management of multiple energy production
Ionel Muscalagiu
et al
Dumitru et al
D Thukaram et al
Robust three phase power flow
Optimum power flow
Hybrid techniques
Petr Ya Ekel et al
Optimal allocation
Realistic load
Carlos A Coello
IEEE Task Force
et al
Institut National
Polytechnique de
Grenoble, LEG et
JO Kim et al
Ignacio J RamirezRosado et al
Multi-objective optimization
Optimization achieved
Multi objective task
Load models
Verifying the load models
Hybrid techniques
Maintaining distribution system
Realistic load
Hereford ranch algorithm
Minimization of losses
Multi objective task
Optimal design
Hybrid techniques
WD Kellogg et al
Numerical algorithm
Unit sizing and reduction in cost
Yu-Chi Ho et al
P JOKane et al
EG loss of protection technique
Optimal design
Avoids nuisance tripping during an underfrequency transient
C Concordia et al
Stability achieved
Realistic load
Dynamic performance achieved
Multi objective task
GA and LP
Optimal reactive power planning
Optimal location
Basic procedure for FL
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Application of PSO in power system
Multi objective task
AI Technique
Radial distribution test
Hybrid techniques
IEEE Task Force
et al
Kwang Y Lee et al
Narayan S Rao et
JAMomoh et al
James Kennedy et
Multi objective task
Multi objective task
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
IEEE 30-Bus
Brion Stutt et al
Security analysis
IEEE Task F et al
William J Burke et
Load modeling and power flow
Multi-objective planning with
Voltage dependence on composite
Transient stability , voltage stability
Realistic load
Multi objective task
Extension of models
Hybrid techniques
Synthesize loads
Realistic load
T Ohya A W et al
MChis et al
Heuristic search strategies
S Civanlar et al
Mesut E Baran et
Real time control method
General formulation and solution
Optimum capacitor placement and
ratings for distribution systems
Primary feeders for loss reduction
D Das et al
Novel method
Mesut E Baran et
General formulation and solution
Place of capacitor is determined
Daniel S Shugar
Jianxue Wang et al
Haijun Xing et al
Alireza Fereidouni
et al
Arulmurugan R et
Bong-Sang Jeong
et al
Byung Chul Sung
et al
Hyoungtae Kim et
Mi-Young Kim et
V K Jadoun et al
Gihwan Yoon et al
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
Loss reduction and load balancing
Easily handle different types of load
Multi objective task
Multi objective task
Multi objective task
Novel transmission expansion
planning method
Multiple active management
PV generation to be a potentially cost
effective alternative
Flexible and economic transmission
Optimal coordination model of intermittent
Dynamic stability of power systems
Hybrid techniques
Fractional order incremental
conductance algorithm
Small tracking period and practicality in
tracking of photovoltaic array
Realistic load
Voltage stabilization
Multi objective task
Dynamic embedded optimization
Power system stabilize
IEEE 39 Bus
Hybrid techniques
Generalized Bender’s
Decomposition method
Power systems for transmission expansion
IEEE 30-Bus
Realistic load
Biomass method
Active power and frequency control
Multi objective task
Enhanced PSO
Fuel cost minimization
Frequency control
Multi objective task
Hybrid techniques
Hybrid techniques
Realistic load
IEEE 123
Multi objective task
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
Dai-Zheng Huang
et al
more accuracy than BP ANN
Realistic load
Hyewon Lee et al
Using frequency deviation loop
Improve the frequency drop for a
disturbance by releasing more kinetic
Multi objective task
RMuthukumar et
Capacitor placement
Hybrid techniques
Bo Zeng et al
Active distribution system
Renewable distributed generation
Realistic load
Jinho Kim et al
Hierarchical voltage control scheme
Recovers the PCC voltage
within a short time after a disturbance
Multi objective task
A El-Fergany et al
Capacitor allocation , loss reduction
Realistic load
Table -2, 3, 4 and 5 are shows techniques for DG planning such as conventional technique, optimization technique,
artificial intelligence and hybrid artificial intelligence respectively.
A. Conventional Techniques
Table -2 Conventional Techniques for DG Planning
S. No.
Conventional technique
Eigen value
Eigen vector
Modal index
No. of literatures reviewed
Percentage of literatures reviewed
It is concluded from table 2 that the survey regarding DG planning conventional techniques such as 0.5% eigen
values, 0.5 % eigen vector, 7% residues and 2% modal index techniques used in various literatures respectively.
B. Optimization Techniques
Table -3 Optimization Techniques for DG Planning
S. No.
Conventional technique
No. of literatures reviewed
Percentage of literatures reviewed
It is concluded from table 3 that the survey regarding DG planning optimization techniques such as 0.5% LP, 1 %
NLP, 3.5% MIP, 1% DYP, 1% DP, 1% SP and 0.2% OOP techniques used in various literatures respectively.
C. Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Table -4 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for DG Planning
S. No.
Conventional technique
No. of literatures reviewed
Percentage of literatures reviewed
It is concluded from table 4 that the survey regarding DG planning artificial intelligence techniques such as 9% GA,
3.5 % FL, 0.2% ANN,8% PSO,0.2% TS,1 %ACS, 0.2% ABC, 0.2% SA and 2.5% MCA techniques used in various
literatures respectively.
D. Hybrid artificial Intelligence Techniques
Table -5 Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Techniques for DG Planning
S. No.
Conventional technique
No. of literatures reviewed
Percentage of literatures reviewed
Singh et al
Euro. J. Adv. Engg. Tech., 2016, 3(4):23-38
It is concluded that from table 5 the survey regarding DG planning hybrid artificial intelligence techniques such as
0.2% GA+FL, 0.2 % FL+AIS, 0.2% FL+PSO,1% GA+OPF and 2.5% GA+PSO techniques used in various
literatures respectively.
The following conclusions made from this survey article as follows:
• AI techniques are more suitable as compared to conventional and optimization techniques for optimal DG
planning in distribution power system networks from different power system performance point of view.
• Hybrid AI techniques are also more suitable as compared to conventional and optimization techniques for
optimal DG planning in distribution power system networks from different power system performance point of
The following recommendation for future scope of research work as follows:
• Comparison of different types of DG planning with static as well as realistic load modals by AI techniques.
• Comparison of different types of DG planning with static as well as realistic load modals by hybrid AI
• Comparison of different types of DG and FACTS controller planning with static as well as realistic load modals
by AI techniques.
• Comparison of different types of DG and FACTS controller planning with static as well as realistic load modals
by hybrid AI techniques
We would like to thanks Prof. Raguraj Singh, Director, KNIT Sultanpur, India for giving support for technical as
well as moral for making this manuscript.
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