10. DETAILS OF ELECTIVE COURSES ^ 10.1 Physics An 332 indtx-yj-j I f you wish to understand how nature works, both at the everyday level, and on scales of time large and small, you have to turn to physics. For example, you may be interested in knowing why nature is the way it is. Where did the universe come from and why is there a universe? What is a black hole? You may wisji to know about the mechanism that generates sunlight which makes life possible, about gravity that keeps us restrained to the earth and makes heavenly bodies move the way that do. about atoms of which matter around you is made of and on whose stability our world depends. Tire answers to all such questions lie in the domain of physics. Physics is subtle, yet simple. The fundamental laws of physics look simple yet they encompass a large variety of phenomena; physical, technological and natural. Tire applications of the principles of physics throughout science and engineering are fascinating. Indeed, Physics is fundamental! You will discover the world of physics through a variety of courses listed below. We hope that this study will be a rewarding experience for you. Elementary Mechanics (PHE-01) 2 credits We live in a Universe of continual motion. Electrons swarming around atomicinmatter.busesspeedingalonghighways. planets orbiting the sun, tire stars and galaxies rushing apart are all examples of matter in motion. The branch of physics dealing with the motion of bodies as well as bodies at rest or equilibrium is called mechanics. Since motion is such an important feature of the world around us, it is the logical subject to begin the study of physical phenomena. Therefore, we are offering this course entitled Elementary Mechanics as the first elective in physics. As the title suggests, in this course you will study elementary concepts and laws of mechanics; including the laws of conservation of linear momentum, angular momentum and energy. We use the concepts and laws of mechanics constantly in everyday life and in engineering applications. We use them when we ride bicycles, lift heavy loads, play tennis or construct bridges. Many fascinating developments of the space age, such as launching of space probes and artificial satellites, are direct applications of the laws of mechanics. These laws allow us to predict with remarkable accuracy the motion of planets in the solar system as well as to explain the formation of stars and galaxies. You will study the applications of these concepts and'laws to simple and familiar physical situations in Block 1 of this course. Their application^ more complex situations, such asplanetary motion, manv-particle systems, rigid body dynamics and motioivn 'hor>fnertial frames of reference form.the subject of Block 2. Mechanics is the most fundamental area of physics. A sound knowledge of mechanics is needed to study vibrations and waves, electromagnetism, thermal physics, quantum mechanics, special and general theories of relativity, etc. To stud> physics at the undergraduate level, this course is a must. Syllabus Block 1 : Concepts in Mechanics Unit 1 Motion Unit 2 Force and Momentum Unit 3 . Work and Energy Block 2 : Unit 4 Angular Motion Unit 5 Gravitation Systems of Particles Unit 6 Motion under Central Conservative Forces Unit 7 Many-Particle Systems 55 3o Unit 8 Scattering Unit 9 Rigid Body Dynamics 13 Unit 10 Motion in Non-Incrtial Frames of Reference Appendix A Conic Sections Appendix B Methods of Determination of Moment of Inertia Video : Rotation of Earth Audio-Vision: Problem Solving in Mechanics Oscillations and Waves (PHE-02) 2 credits The phenomena we normally observe innature canbe broadly classified into two categories: those concerned with matter and those concerned with waves. Physics courses usually begin with discussion of phenomena dealing with mecha­ nics of matter and properties of matter. Next comes the phenomena of waves. Of our five senses, two deal with the waves—hearing and seeing. Our contact with the external world is mainly through these two senses. Sound and light, though of entirely different nature, have many properties in common. In this course, you will learn about waves in general. This unified approach to wave motion is meant to bring out the underlying similarity between apparently widely differing phenomena. Even our understanding of modem physics, particularly quantum mechanics, depends on clear understanding of this course. Before coming to wave motion it is essential to understand the physics of oscillations of an isolated body as well as of two or more bodies coupled together. This course is therefore divided into two blocks. Block 1 deals with the study of oscillations of isolated as well as coupled systems. The effect of damping and/or an external harmonic force are discussed here. Block 2 deals with wave motion. The vocabulary ofwave motion, reflection, transmissionand refraction of waves are discussed in detail. Superposition of waves can give rise to beats, stationary waves, interference or diffraction. These have been discussed with particular emphasis on sound waves. Syllabus Block 1 : Oscillations Unit 1 Simple Harmonic Motion Unit 2 Superposition of Simple Harmonic Oscillations Unit 3 Damped Harmonic Motion Unit 4 Forced Oscillations and Resonance Unit 5 Coupled Oscillations Block 2: Waves Unit 6 Wave Motion Unit? Waves at the Boundary of Two Media Units Superposition of Waves-I Unit 9 Superposition of Waves-II Video: Simple Harmonic Motion Coupled Oscillations Audio: Acoustics of Buildings Physics Laboratory-I (PHE-03 (L)) 4 credits Observation and experimentation are the two characteristic features of science. Prior to Galileo, scientists based their theories on speculation and aesthetic preferences. He broke away from this tradition. Ever since, it has become a 56 32Ji standard method ol science to accept theoretical predictions only if repeated observations and precise measurements provide enough evidence. Indeed as Lord Kelvin so aptly put it: "When you can measure what you arc speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it; when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind." As a student of science, and particularly physics, you must be skilled observer and experimentalist. PHE-0.1 (L) is the first laboratory course in physics. This course should enable you to (a) gain experience in the scientific method viz. taking unbiased observation, interpreting and analysing data and deriving conclusions, (b) acquire basic skill in using different measuring instruments, and (c) leant some standard techniques for the measurements of various physical quantities. To achieve these objectives, preset and open-ended experiments bas e been designed for this course. These experiments pertain to oscillations, waves and mechanical and electrical properties of materials. As you work through this course, you will realise that a lot of good physics can be learnt tlirough simple experimental arrangements. Syllabus Block I : Sonic Experiments on Oscillations and Waves Unit Introduction to Laboratory I: Measurement Unit Introduction to Laboratory 1: Error Analysis Experiment To investigate the Dependence of the Period of a Pendulum on Length, Amplitude and Mass Experiment Oscillations of a Spring-Mass System and a Torsional Pendulum Experiment A Study of Energy and Momentum Conservation Principles Experiment A Study of Coupled Oscillations Experiment Relation between Wavelength and Frequency of Stationary Waves Block 2 : Some Experiments on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Material Experiment Young’s Modulus for a Material by Bending of Beams Experiment Measurement of Law Resistance using Carey' Foster’s Bridge Experiment 8 Variation of Thermo-E.M.F. with Temperature Experiment 9 Frequency Response of A C. Series Circuits Experiment 1!) Zenar Diode Characteristics and Zener as a Voltage Regulator Experiment 11 A Study of Transistor Characteristics Mathematical Methods in Physics-i (PHE-04) 2 credits Mathematics is the language of physics. It permits us to discuss the laws of physics and their consequences in an attractively simplcand compact manner. As Galileo so delightful ly expressed: “The great book of nature lies ever open before our eyes, but it is written in mathematical characters.” Experience tells us that there has been a fascinating interplay between physics and mathematics all along. To understand and express the concepts and laws of physics, it is essential that you learn the rcleva it mathematical techniques. For this purpose, we are offering two (PHE-04, PHE-05) 2-credit courses on Mathematical Methods in Physics. In the PHE-04 course you will study Vector Calculus (Block 1), and Probability and Statistics (Block 2). The study of vector calculus is of great value in physics. While the use of vectors simplifies the expression of physical concepts, their differentiation and integration is useful in determining the resultant of forces or momenta, determining the work done on a particle moving in any force field, modelling the flow of fluids in pipes, computing the electric field ductoa charged conductor; etc. Indeed, thctoolsofvcctorcalculus discussed inBlock 1 find extensive use in mechanics, electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, fluid mechanics, optics, etc. 57 3i5 There is perhaps no part of mathematics that is more intimately connected with everyday experiences than probability theory. We all know that the element of chance dominates the physical world. Even the origin of life is itself a chance happening! Probability theory serves as a model for chance phenomena. Along with statistical methods, it enables us to deal with ;my problem involving large number of particlcs/variablcs. Knowledge of probability and statistics is required in such diverse areas as the kinetic theory of matter, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, atmospheric physics, design of experiments, interpretation of data and error analysis. If you intend to study physics in depth, y ou must take this course, particularly because vector calculus is not being discussed in any of the mathematics courses. Svllahus Block 1 : Vector Calculus Unit 1 Vector Algebra Unit 2 Vector Differential Calculus Unit 3 Coordinate Systems Unit 4 Integration of Scalar and Vector Fields Appendix Block 2 : Proof of the Vector Integral Theorems Probability and Statistics Unit 5 Basic Concepts of Probability Unit 6 Probability Distributions Unit 7 Applications in Physics Mathematical Methods in Physics-II (PHE-05) 2 credits Change is the law of nature. We all know that most things evolve with time. They are also diverse and non-uniform in space. The evolution in space and time is best described in a quantitative way in terms of differentia! equations. The oscillations of a simple pendulum, as in an old fashioned wall clock, propagation of sound and light waves enabling uslohcarandsee. cxcitationanddcexcilalionof electrons in atoms which generate light waves, complicated interactions in chemical reactions, growth of bacteria feeding on rotten foodstuff, foxes eating rabbits who eat grass, and similar other physical problems can be modelled by differential equation^. In fact, most of the natural laws inphysics, chemistry', life sciences, astronomy, engineering etc. find their most natural expression in the language of differential equations. It is for these reasons that in this 2-crcdit course we have focused our attention entirely on differential equations. The course is presented in two blocks. The first block deals with ordinary differential equations, i.c. differential equations in which the unknown function depends only on one variable. Differential equations involving unknown functions of more than one variable arc called partial differential equations. These form the subject of Block 2. Our emphasis in this course ison studying the mcthodsofsolvingordinary andpartial differential equations, with particularrcfcrcnccto their applications in physics. Syllabus Block 1 : Ordinary Differential Equations Unit 1 Unit 2 Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients Unit 3 Second Order Ordinary' Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients Unit 4 Block 2 : First Order Ordinary Differential Equations Some Applications of ODEs in Physics Partial Differential Equations Unit 5 An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 58 33£ Unit 6 Partial Differential Equations in Physics Unit 7 Fourier Series Unit 8 Applications of Fourier Series to PDEs Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (PHE-06) 4 credits Energy is intimate to our existence. The energy that cooks our food, lights our houses and operates machines appears in its manifestation as heal released in burning of wood, coal, gas or oil. What is heat? How can we specify thedircction of its How? The answers to these and other related questions fall in the domain of thermodynamics. This subject came into existence on phenomenological basis long before we knew the nature of matter. There are two distinct approaches to learn this subject. The classical approach is based on some postulates derived from experience. In the statistical approach, on the other hand, the firm physical and statistical basis of thermodynamics is demonstrated by relating the properties of bulk systems to the behaviour of their elementary constituents. One of the oldest hypotheses is that matter is made up of molecules. The interplay between intermolccular forces and thermal agitation gave birth to the molecular theory, which when supplemented by the laws of mechanics for individual molecules leads to kinetic theory. It enables us to relate macroscopic and microscopic properties of gases. In a sense, kinetic theory has great aesthetic appeal in that elegant laws govern the chaotic motion of a large number of molecules. Moreover, this theory finds useful applications in frontal areas of physics. In classical statistical mechanics, we supplement purely statistical methods by the laws of (classical) mechanics for individual particles making up the system. The advent of quantum mechanics gave it a new shape. Many new phenomena, completely unknown in the domain of classical statistical physics, can be satisfactorily explained. The working of lasers, physics of superconductivity and superfluidity is much well understood now. In its present stale, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics is one of the most fascinating courses taught to undergraduate physics students. It finds use in material science, engineering, chemistry, quantum, atomic and molecular physics, spectroscopy, energy studies and beyond. It provides opportunities to develop a sensibility towards nature, the essential part of physics education. Therefore, a more thoughtful study will bring you extra rewards! Syllabus Block 1 : The Zeroth and The First Law s of Thermodynamics- Block 2 : Block 3 : Unit 1 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics Unit 2 Measurement of Temperature Unit 3 The First Law of Thermodynamics Unit 4 Applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics The Second and The Third Law s of Thermodynamics Unit 5 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Unit 6 The Thermodynamic Potentials Unit 7 Phase Transitions Unit 8 Production of Low Temperatures and the Third Law Elementary Kinetic Theory Unit 9 Ideal Gases Unit 10 Transport Phenomena Unit 11 Brownian Motion Unit 12 Real. Gases 59 Block 4 : Elements of Statistical Mechanics Unit 1.3 Basic Concepts of Statistical Mechanics Unit 14 The Partition Function Unit 15 Quantum Statistics Appendix : A Brief Note on Stirling's Formula A Brief Note on the Method of Lagrang Multiplies Evaluation of B E. and F.D. integrals Electric and Magnetic Phenomena (PHE-07) 4 credits Today we li\ c in a world dominated by electrical appliances. Continued innovations in technology have revolutionised our life style. And it is highly satisfying that such a wide variety of devices operate on a few simple electromagnetic principles The electromagnetic force plays an important role in our life in that it is solely responsible for the structure of matter from atomic to macroscopic dimensions. Even chemical compound occurring on the earth owe their existence to electromagnetic interactions. The electrical forces govern the replication of DNA molecules and hence lifconourplanet. Moreover, the study of electromagnetism will be useful to you in understanding other courses ofphysics, like the special theory of relativity, optics, quantum mechanics, etc. {Syllabus Block 1 : Block 2 : Block 3 : ‘ Electrostatics in Free Space Unit 1 Electric Charge, Force and Field Unit 2 Gauss’ Law Unit 3 Electric Potential Unit 4 Potential for Continuous Charge Distributions and Energy Electrostatics in Medium Unit 5 Dielectrics Unit 6 Capacitors Unit 7 Microscopic Properties of Dielectrics Electric Current and Magnetic Field Unit 8 Electric Current Unit 9 Magnetic Field Unit 10 Motion of Charges in Electric and Magnetic Fields Unit 11 Magnetism of Matcrials-I Unit 12 Magnetism of Matcrials-II Block 4 : Electromagnetics Unit 13 Electromagnetic Induction Unit 14 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 60 3^8 Unit 15 Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves Appendix: Physics Laboratory-II (PHE-08 (L)) 4 credits The first level physics laboratory course is an exercise to develop basic experimental skills in a student. In the second level laboratory course we wish to cultivate confidence in you in handling sophisticated instruments, apart from generating ability to overcome difficulties when an experimental arrangement does not work. Moreover, interpreting and analysing data should sharpen your scientific skills. The experiments in this course can be broadly divided into three groups: Electrical Circuits and Electronics. Optics and Thermodynamics. A deliberate effort has been made while deviating in the choice of equipments, particularly for electrical circuits. We hope that this course will prepare you to tackle situations without external help. Syllabus Experiment 1 A Study of Network Theorems Experiment 2 Calibration of a Thermistor and Determination of its Energy Gap Experiment 3 Construction and Characterisation of Power Supplies and Filters Experiment 4 Study of OPAMP as Summing and Inverting Amplifier Experiment 5 Study of OPAMP as Differentiator and Integrator Experiment 6 Detection and Measurement of Charge using an OP AMP Experiment 7 Study of Lens Properties and Optical Instruments Experiment 8 Spectral Analysis using a Prism Spectrometer Experiment 9 Interference of Light: Young’s Experiment Experiment 10 Spectral Analysis using a Grating Spectrometer Experiment 11 Production, Detention and Reflection of Polarised Light Experiment 12 Study of Interference of Polarised Light Experiment 13 Measurement of cjcy by an Acoustic Method Experiment 14 Measurement and Interpretation of Cooling Curves : Phase Change Optics (PHE-09) 4 credits Light is central to human perception. Light from all directions bombards our eyes, and our brain constructs images of objects by processing this information. As a consequence, we perceive shapes, textures, colours and motion of objects. Theplay ofearly morning sunlight on the snowcaps of mountains, the left-handed image ofa mirror, the colour of crystals or the distorted view of objects under water has revealed to us deep secrets of nature. This is, perhaps, why the study of light, the phenomena associated with it, and its interaction with matter has engaged human mind for over three thousand years. While reflecting upon the developments in the study of light today, we have chosen the most interesting and relevant themes. In this course on optics, we present the generic themes like nature of light, perception of light, interference and diffraction, apart from the latest developments in optical technology, such as lasers, holography and fibre optics. 6! Syllabus Block 1 : Block 2 : Block 3 : Introducing Light Unit I Nature of Light Unit 2 Reflection and Refraction of Light Unit 3 Perception of Light Unit 4 Polarisation of Light Interference * Unit 5 Interference by Division of Wavefront Unit 6 Interference by Division of Amplitude Unit 7 Interferometry Diffraction Unit 8 Fresnel Diffraction Unit 9 Fraunhoffer Diffraction Unit 10 Diffraction Gratings Unit 11 Diffraction and Resolution Block 4 : Lasers and their Applications Unit 12 Coherence Unit 13 Physics of Lasers Unit 14 Holography Unit 15 Fibre Optics Electrical Circuits and Electronics (PHE-10) 4 credits Electronics plays a major role in almost every sphere of our life—our homes, factories, offices, banks, shops and hospitals. It isbeingused more and more in entertainment, communication, defence, industrial sector, medical sciences, instrumentation etc. Its importance increases with every advance in technology and with the urge to computerise human tasks and industrial processes. Electronics is a fast changing area and a thorough grounding in the subject fundamentals is absolutely necessary. This course covers areas like basic electrical circuits, linear integrated circuits and digital electronics in detail. This course will also give you a feel for the exciting applications of modem electronics. We have made efforts to develop in you application skills required for a career in electronics. This course will help you in the study of the hardware aspects of computers and other complex digital systems. Block 1 : Network Analysis and Devices Unit 1 Circuit Analysis Unit 2 DC and AC Circuits Unit 3 Electron Devices 62 Block 2: Eh^tronic Circuits Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Block 3: Linear Integrated Circuits Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Block 4: Amplifiers Oscillators Power Supply The Operational Amplifier Applications of Operational Amplifier Linear IC-Amplifier and Voltage Regulator Digital Electronics Unit Unit Unit Unit 10 11 12 13 Number System and Codes Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra and Flip-Flops Counter Register, Memory Circuit and Analog/Digital Circuit Electronic Instruments Modern Physics (PHE-11) So far your study of physics has been restricted to the classical domain - the laws of nature that you have studied are the laws of classical physics. This means that you have studied physical phenomena in the macroscopic world, and in particular, their gross features. For example, using these laws, the motion of a macroscopic system consisting of pulleys, flywheels, levers, etc. can be described if the relevant parameters, viz. The density and modules of elasticity of the material are given. However, if you ask w hy the densities and clastic constants have the values they have, the laws of classical physics are silent. Similarly, if we wish to know why sodium vapour emits yellow lights, what makes the sun shine, why the uranium nucleus disintegrates spontaneously or what happens when objects travel at speeds close to the speed of light, classical physics does not provide us the answers. We then turn to new areas of knowledge, namely, the special theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and nuclear physics. They are the most remarkable intellectual creations of the early twentieth century physics. These areas of physics embody concepts which are foreign to our everyday experience. To give a feel for this we are presenting to you two adventures of Mr. Tomkins, the hero of Gamow's Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland. George Gamow is a well-known physicist of this century. Mr. Cyril George Henry Tompkins, after listening to a popular lecture on the tbeoiy of relativity, dreams of a visit to a fantastic city in which the speed of light is only 25 km h'1. What does he observe there? At first, nothing unusual seems to happen around him - a policeman standing on the comer looks as policemen usually do! The streets are neatly empty. But when a cyclist coming down the street approaches Mr. Tompkins, he is absolutely astonished. For, the bicycle and the man on it appear unbelievably flatttened to him. When the clock strikes twelve, the cyclist, who seems to be in a hurry, pedals harder. Though he does not gain much in speed, he appears flattened even more. Mr. Tompkins decides to overtake the cyclist and ask him about it. He borrows a bicycle and pedals on it hoping to get flattened. But amazingly, nothing happens to him Instead, the picture around him changes completely. The streets grow shorter, the windows of the shops begin to look like narrow slits and the policeman on the comer becomes the thinnest man he had ever seen! In another adventure, Mr. Tompkins dreams of going to a land where the value of Planck's constant is very high. He goes hunting in a forest. When he encounters a tiger, much as he tries, he cannot shoot it - for the tiger is spread out in space and appears as one too many to Mr. Tompkins. What topsyturvy worlds Mr. Tompkins visits in his dreams! And what weird experiences he has! We are sure you will be interested in finding explanations to these happenings in Mr. Tompkins' dream world. This course will help you to do so. 331 Syllabus Block 1 : Block 2 : Special Theory of Relativity Unit 1 Emergence of Special Relativity Unit 2 Relativistic Kinematics Unit 3 Relativistic Dynamics Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Unit 4 Inadequacies of Classical Physics Unit 5 Matter Waves and Uncertainty Principle Unit 6 Schrodinger Equation Unit 7 Observables and Operators Block 3 : Application of Quantum Mechanics to Some Systems Unit 8 Some Simple Systems Unit 9 Spherically Symmetric Systems : Hydrogen Atom Unit 10 Atomic Spectra .'nit 11 X-ray Spectra BIoi ' 4 : Nuclear Physics Unit 12 General Properties of Nuclei Unit 13 Radioactivity Unit 14 Nuclear Ehergy and its Applications Unit 15 Building Blocks of Matter Physics Laboratory-III (PHE-12 (L)) 4 credits In this course, you will find experiments on Wave Optics and Galvanomagnetic Phenomena and Electronic Circuits. In addition, a new component which deals with analysis of experimental data has also been included. This should give you a feel as to how we can connect various physical parameters. In particular, you should be able to verify some of the established laws of physics. The equipments used in this laboratory course are quite sophisticated. Thus, you will be required to handle them with extra care. This should help you gain some more confidence and sharpen your experimental skills. Syllabus: Block 1 : Experiments on Wave Optics 1. Some Investigations on the Rotation of Plane of Polarisation. 2. Some Investigations on Interference of Light. 3. To Study Diffraction Pattern of a Thick Wire. 4. Resolving power of a Telescope. 64 Block 2 : Experiments on Galvanomagnetic Phenomena and Electronic Circuits 5. To Investigate the Temperature Dependence of Radiation from a Hot Filament. 6. Study of Magnetisation Intensity in a Magnetic Material. 7. Measurement of Inductance: Anderson Bridge. 8. To Study an Off-Balance Wheatstone Bridge and to Investigate its use in the Measurement of Strain. 9. Study of an Audio Frequency Amplifier using Bipolar Junction Transistor. 10. Some Investigations with Logic Gates. 11. Study of Hall effect in a Metal. Experimental Data Analysis i) Different electron transport properties (co-relation) ii) Classical astronomical data (Kepler’s Law) iii) Fourier analysis of Periodic Waveforr'" 65 33? B ojMSjfGiio re Lbtii/eMAt 8 6-Sc-I PHYSICS I Matter, Motion, Force, Energy and Thermal Physics Matter : States of Matter-Solids, liquids, gases, and plasma-examples of plasma-crystalline and amorphous solids-Crystal structure of sodium chloride and graphite. (5 hrs.) Motion : Motion in one dimension : Review of vector algebra-Motion with non-uniform acceleration in straight line-Simple harmonic motion-Energy of simple harmonic motion-Oscillation of a loaded Spring-Compound pendulum and expression for the period. (5 hrs.) Motion in two dimensions : Motion in a plane-Radial and transverse components of velocity and accelerationCircular motion. (4 hours) Frames of reference ! Two frames moving with cons­ tant relative velocity-Galilean transformation-Two frames moving with constant relative acceleration-Rotating frames-Fictitious forces such as centifugal force and Coriolis force, with examples. (4 hrs.) Conservation of linear momentum-Motion of a rocket. Conservation of energy-Rotational motion of a rigid body-Kinetic energy of rotation-moment of intertia of a rectangular plate, solid sphere, and cylinder. Angular momentum and couple-Conservation of angular momentumMoment of intertia of a fly wheel-The combined translational and rotational motion of a rigid body on an inclined plane. (7thrs.) 2 Force and Energy : Basic forces in nature-Qualitative deas about gravitational force, electromagnetic fcrce, and nuclear forces (weak and strong). Study of elastic force : Electrical origin of an elastic forceRigid bodies and elastic bodies-Concept of stress and strainHooke's law and its origin-Elastic limit-Elastic coeficientYoung's modulus, rigidity modulus, bulk modulus & Poisson's ratio ; derivation of relation between them. Bending momentSingle cantilever-Torsional oscillations-Rigidity modulus of the material of a wire by dynamic method. (8 hrs.) Study of gravitational force : Newton's law of gravitationgravitational potential and field due to spherical distribution of matter-Boy's method for determining G-Derivation of Kepler's law from Newton's laws of gravitation. (7 hrs.) Sfudy of frictional force : Friction between solid surfacesFriction between liquid layers (viscosity)-Poiseuille's formula for liquids and gases-Stoke's law and expression for terminal velocity. (4 hrs.) Liquids : Molecular forces in liquids and the liquid surface. Adhesive and cohesive forces-Surface tension Angle of contact-Pressure difference across a curved liquid surfaceCapillary ascent-Inter-faciaI surface tension-Vanishing o' surface tension at the critical point-Quincke's method. Calcu lation of the force between two plates separated by a thin laye of a liquid and the force required to withdraw a plate from liquid surface. (6 hrs. PART B Kinetic theory of Gases; Basic assumptions-Der vation of pv*= (1/3)mnc— Derivation of ideal gas law pv-l 3 Principle of equipartition of energy and U= (3/2)RT-calculation for diatomic gases. (5 hrs.) Mean free path : Expression fcr mean free path Frcbsbility of a molecule having free path X. Transport phenemenaDiffusion, viscosity, and thermal conductivity of gases. Maxwell's law of distribution of velocities (no derivation)-lts interpretation and application calculation of mean velocitymost probable velocity, and root-mean-square velocity. (7 hrs.) Real gases-Andrews isothermals-Critical constants Vander Waals' equation-Expressions for critical constants* (3hrs.) Thermodynamics: Isothermal and adiabatic changesDerivation of ihe equation pvr = constant-Expressions for work done during these changes. First Law of Thermo-dynamicsConcept of enthalpy. (4 hrs.) Cyclic processes-The Carnot cycle-Efficiency of a Carnot engine-Kelvin's thermodynamic scale of temperature-Application of Carnot's cycle to (1) Clausius-Clapeyron equation, and (2) elevation of boiling freezing point-Refrigeration. point and depression of (6 hrs.) Second Law of Thermodynamics-Entropy-Reversible and irreversible prccesses-Carnot s theorem-Principle of increase of entropy-Clausius inequality-Applications to heating of water* melting of ice and equalization of temperature. Entropy of mixing. (5 hrs.) Helmholtz and Gibbs potentials and their properties. Maxwell's thermodynamic relations and their applications Difference between the two heat capacities Cp and Cv, Calusius-Clapeyron equation. The (5 hrs.) 4 Conditions for existence of thermodynamic equilibrium and minima of thermodynamic potentials. Porous plug experiment and its theory-Expression for inversion temperature-Production and measurement of low temperatures-Air liquifiers. Cooling by adiabatic demagnetization (qualitative)-Third Law of (5 hours) Thermodynamics (qualitative) Radiation : Instruments to detect and measure radiationBlack body radiation and distribution of energy'in itsspectrumKrichoff's law-Stefan-Boltzmann law-Wien'sdistribution lawWien's displacement law-Ray-leigh-Jeans law-Derivation of Planck's law-Radiation Dressure-Derivation of p“(1/3)aT4, Solar constant and its determjpmion-Estimation of the surface temperature of the sun. (10hrs.) List of Experiments in Physics Practical-I 1. Analysis of errors. 2. Gaussian distribution using marbles. 3. g by bar pendulum. 4. q by stretching a wire. 5. q by cantilever. 6. n by static torsion. 7. n by dynamic method. 8. Searle's double bar. 9. K of rubber. 10. Moment of intertia of a fly wheel. 11. Moment of intertia of an irregular body. 12. Interfacial tension. 13. Viscosity of a liquid using Stoke's law. 337 s 14. Thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee's and Charlton's method. 15. Specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling. 16. Thermal conductivity of rubber. 17. Verification of Stefan's law. 18. Emissivity of a surface. 19. Platinum resistance thermometer. 20. Temperatere of sodium flame. Note : A minimum of sixteen (16) experiments from the above list must be perforrmro by each student. PHYSICS OF WAVES, OPTICS AND ELECTRICITY PART-A Physics of Waves Review of properties of waves and wave propagationLongitudinal and transverse waves-Wave solution of the form ^r(x, t) =f(x-vt)—Differential equation of a wave-Sinusodial waves-Phase velocity and group velocity-Energy transport in a wave. Stationary waves-Fourier analysis of periodic functions-Square wave and saw-tooth wave. (8hrs.) Sound Sound as elastic waves. Diffraction and interferences of sound waves. Cundt's tube experiment. Velocity of propa­ gation of waves in material media namely, in a rod and in a gas. Accoustics of auditoria-Derivation of Sabine's formula. Diffraction grating by ultrasonic waves. (8 hrs.) Light Light as wave motion Huygen's construction-Laws of reflection and refractionTotal internal reflection. (2 hours) Interference of Light Coherent sources-Super-position of waves. Biprismlnterference in thin films-lnterference at an air wedgeNewton's rings. Michelson's interferometer-Determination of wavelength difference for sodium lines. (7 hrs) Diffraction of Light Rectilinear propagation. Fresnel diffraction-Spherical wave front-Zone plate-Cylindrica wave front-Straight edge. 2 Fraunhofer diffraction-S'ngleslit Plane-diffraction Dispersive power and resolving power. grating(8 hrs) Polarization of light Huygen's theory of double refraction in uniaxial crystals. Quarter wave plate. Production and detection of plane, circularly, and elliptirally polarized light—Nicol Prism Fresnel's theory of optical activity. (8 hrs) Velocity of light Determination of Focoult's method method. and Michelson's (2 hrs) Geometrical Optics Fermat's princ'ple-Application to reflection and refraction Lens formula-Focal length of a combination of two thin lenses separate by a distance. Defects of images formed by lensesCorrection for defects-Huygen's and Ramsden eyepieces. Deviation and dispersion in a thin prism—Dispersive powerCombination of two thin prisms—Deviation without dispersion and dispersion without deviation—Direct vision spectroscope. Cauchy's constants of a prism. (7 hrs) PART—B Electrostatics Review of electric potential. Statement and proof of Gauss' theorem, Poisson's and Laplace's equations. Electric displacement and field due to an electric dipole. Energy of a charged conductor and a capacitor. Loss of energy due to sharing of charges between two conductors. Energy density in an electric field—Force on a charged conductor—Attracted disc electrometer. Capacity of a parallel plate capacitor partly filled with dielectric. (13 hrs) 3 Magnetostatics Magnetic force on a moving charge—Concept of magnetic field Torque on a current loop—Dioole moment of a current loop—Equivalence between a current loop and a short bar magnet. Biot—Savart's law—Magnetic field due to (1) a straight current—carrying conductor,—and (2) a solenoid carrying current. Helmholtz galvanometer. Ampere's circuit law—Force between two straight parallel conductors carrying current—Definition of Ampere, Ballistic galvanometer— Damping and current sensitivity—Measurement of(1) high resistance by leakage, and (2) capacitance. (12 hrs) Magnetic Media Permeability and susceptibility, relation between the two quantities. M—H curve and B—H curve. Energy loss. Diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism. Electromagnetic induction Faraday's law—Lenz's law—induced charge. Eddy current and applications. Electromagnetic damping. Earth inductor to find H, V, and dip. Review of self and mutual inductance. Energy stored-in an inductor-Electromagnetic waves, (qualitative) (10 hrs) Thermoelectricity Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects- Calculation of total e.m,f. of a thermocouple. Expression for the thermo­ electric power, Peltier coefficient, and Thomson coefficient in terms of temperature. Thermoelectric, diagram Thermopile. (7 hrs) List of Experiments Practical II Practical II 1. 2. 3. Newton's Rings. Interference at a Wedge. Biprism. 3k l 4 4. 5. 6. Diffraction at a straight wire. Diffraction grating—minimum deviation method. Diffraction grating-normal incident method, 7. Dispersive power of a prism. 8 Cauchy's constant of a prism. 9. Resolving power of a telescope. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. Polarimeter. 'f' of a combination of two lenses seperated by a distance. 'V of a liquid by liquid lens-parallex method. Refractive index of a prism by total internal reflec­ tion. Volume resonator. 15. Frequency of mains supply using a sonometer. 16. Mode constants of a vibrating strip. 17. 18 19. Determination of the constants of a B. G. Capacity of a condenser using B.G1 Reduction factor of a Helmholtz galvanometer using potentiometer. 20. E C.E. of copper using Helmholtz galvanometer. Note : A minimum of sixteen (16) exoeriment^f6m the above list must be performed by each student. Part A-Electromagnetism Electrical Networks : Kirchoff s law-VoItage law and current law-Applications with examples to circuits analysis nodal and mesh current methods. (5 hrs) LCR Circuits; Growth and decay of current in LR and CR circuits-Time constants. Discharge of a condenser in LCR circuit. Alternating fcurrent (sinsusosidat)-Peak value-rms value-mean value. Sinusocdal e.m.f. applied to LR, CR and LCR circuits Reactance, impedance and admittance. Power factor Choke-Impedance diagram. Series resonance and parallel resonance circuits. Resonance curve-Band width and Q factor. (10 hrs) Electromagnetism : Review of the experimental basis for Maxwell's equations-Setting up of Maxwell's electro­ magnetic (e. m.) field equations, their physical significance Derivation of the e.m. wave equations. Light asane.m. wave. Propagation in free space. Transverse nature of e. m. WavesRelation between electric and magnetic vectors—Poynting's vector. Energy density in an e.m. field. Propagation of e.m. waves in a conducting medium-Skin effect (10 hrs) Part B—Electronics Thermionic and Photoelectric Emission : Richardson's equation (qualitative). Thermionic tubes-Diodes triodes Tetrode, and pentodes and their characteristics-Thyratron and applications. Photoelectric emisson — Photoelectric equation—Photoelectric cell-Applications. (4 hours) Semiconductor Diode : Diode under forward and reverse bias - characteristics in each case. Diode as a half-wave rectifier-output d.c. current and Voltage—Ripple factor and rectification efficiency. The frequency content of output of 3 half-wave rectictifier, Diode used as full-wave rectifier-output d.c. current and voltage-Ripple factor and rectification efficiency—The frequency content of output of full-wave rectifier—Filter cirtuits and their action in reducing rippia— Zener diode and charateristics-Zener diode as a voltage regulator. Transistors: PNP and NPN transistors-biasing of transistor-Trsnsistor amplifier in CF, CC, and CB configurations-h parameters of a transistor. Four chsracteriest'cs of the amplifier-Expresson for voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedence in Toms of h-parameters, their experimental determination. CC amplifier (emitter follower) and its special properties-Field-effect transistor and its applications. (8 hours) Principles of Modulation : Amplitude modulated carrier wave-Frequency spectrum of AM wave-Band width of AM wave-modulation—Factor depth of mcdulution Power in the AM wave. Frequency modulated carrier signal-Frequency spectrum of FM wave. Demodulation (detection) Principles detection of AM wave. (3hrs) Cathode-Ray Oscillscope : Deflection sensitivity of a CRO of the electrostatic type-Linear time base-Applications of’CRO. (3 hrs) Part—C Special theory of Relativity : Frames of reference-Galilean relativity—Covariance of the equation F =r.ui MichelsonMorely experiment. Postulates of the special theory of relativity-Lorentz transformed ons-Lerrmtz-Fitzgnra Id contraction-Einstein’s time dilation. Velocity-addition theoremVariation of mass with velocity - Mass - energy - Simple problems. (10 hrs) 4 Quantum Mechanics : Failure of classical mechanics to explain microscopic phenomena like atomic spectra, backbody radiation, photoelectric effect, and Compton effect (2 hrs) de Broglie's hypothesis of matter waves and experimental evidence—Davisson and Germer experiment, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle-Gamma-ray microscope experiment— problems. (4 hours) Development of the Schrodinger equation-Application (in one d’mension) to (I) a free particle, and (2) a particle in a box—Derivation of eigen values and eigen functions. Setting up of the Schrodinger equation for harmonic oscillator—Eigen values and zero—point energy Eigen values of the hydrogen atom (qualitative), (9 hrs) Paper IV Modern Physics Part A—Nuclear Physics Basic Properties of Nuclei : Continuents of the nucleusWhy electron is not found inside the nucleus ? Nuclear harge. Rutherford scattering. Nuclear mass-Aston's mass spectrograph (with theory). Binding energy of the nucleus. Stability of the nucleus. Characteristics of nuclear forcen. Nuclear spin— Nuclear magnetic dipole moments—Size and shape of nucliei. (7 hours) Radioactivity ; Nuclear decay—Laws of radioactive decay—mean life. Theory of successive disintegrations. Radio­ active series and transuranic elements. Alpha decay (qualitative)—Alpha—ray spectra. Beta decay—Neutrino hypothesis. (6 hours) Nuclear Reactions : Cyclotron and synchrotron. Detectors —Variation of ionization current with applied voltage— Proportional and Geiger counter. Conservation laws in nuclear reactions with examples-Derivation of the Q-equation for a reaction—Exoergic and endorgic reactions. (7 hours) 5 Elementary Particles : Classification of elemsntary particles. Properties of muons and pions Interaction between elementary particles—Qualitative ideas of electromagnetic weak, and strong interactions (5 hours) Part B—Atomic Physics Review of the Bohr model of the atom—variation of the Rydberg constant with nuclear mass. Sommerfeld's modication of the Bohr model (qualitative) Excitation and ionization potential-Frank-Hertz experiment, e/m of electron by Dunnigton's method—e by Millikan’s method. (7 hours) Vector model of the atom : Spinning electron—Space quantization—Stern—Gerlach experiment. Spin—orbit interaction in one—electron atoms—Fine structure of the H-alpha line. Spectra of alkali elements-Spectral terms and their notation-Selection rules. (5 hours) Pauli's exclusion principle-Distribution of electrons in shells and subshells-Periodic table. Experimental study of normal Zeeman effect. Quantum theory of normal and anamalous Zeeman effect. Paschen-Back effect (qualitative). Stark effect (quantitative). (8 hours) Rayleigh scattering (qualitative)-Molecular Spectrum Raman effect and application. Principles of a laser-Heliumneon laser. (5 hours) Part C-Solid State Physics Production of x-rays-Contineous and characteristic x-rays-Moseley's law-Scattering of x-rays-Compton effectBasic ideas of crystal Structure-Lattice planes-Miller indicesspacing between lattice planes for cubic crystals-Bragg's law of x-ray diffraction—The powder method. (6 hours) Different types of binding in crystals-lonic crystalsCovalent crystals-Metallic crystals-Hydrogen-bonded crystals. (3 hrs) 7 16. 17. Characteristics of a thyratron. Lorgarithmic decrement of a B.G. as a function of circuit resistance. 18. Determination of the constants of the RichardsonDushman equation. 19. Calulation of interplanar distance using an x-ray photograph. 20. Determination of an unknown resistance using potential divider arrangements. Note: A minimum of sixteen (16) experiments from the above list must be performed by each student. Practical IV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Note : Engergy gaps of a semiconductor (Thermistor). Zener diode charactarstics, Dynamic resistance. Current sensitiveness of a pointer galvanometer. Transistor characteristics-determination of alpha. Transistor characteristics-determination of beta. Transistor amplifier. Emitter follower. Field effect transistor. Series resonance circuit. Parallel resonance circuit, e/m by bar magnet method. Characteristics of a G.M. Counter. Ionization potential of Xenon. M-H values for a few cases. Study of power transfer theorem. Maxwell's impedance bridge. Detetmination of H, V, and dip using ballistic galvanometer and earth inductor Measurement of high resistance by leakage. Specific heat of water/kerosene by electrical method Conductivity of an electrolyte A minimum of sixteen (16) experiments from the above list must be performed by each student. 3U1 6 Specific heat cf sohds-Dulong and Petit's law—Einstein's theory. (2hrs) Classical free electron theory of metals-Ohm's law-Wiedemann-Franz law-Expression for electrical conductivity. FermiDirac distribution function-interpretation of Fermi level-Derivation of the Richardson-Dushman equation. Hall effect in metals. (6 hrs) Formation of energy bands in solids-Distinction between metals, semiconductors, and insulators-lntrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors-Expression for the carrier concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor. Theory of the p-n junction, p-n.p and n.p.n transistors. Concept of “holes" Hall effect in semiconductor. Thermistor Photo.Conductivity-Experimental facts about super-conductivity. (8 hrs) List of Experiments in Physics—Practical III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 1314. 15. Measurement of low resistance. Indentification and measurement of R.L. and C in a black box. Thermo—couple and calculation of constants. Peltier coefficient of a junction. Triode characteristics-determinition of rp, gm, and mu. Tetrode Charactersties. Pentode characteristics. L by Anderson's bridge/Owen's bridge. Conversion of a galvanometer into a voltmeter. Conversion of a galvanometer into an ammeter. Capacitances in series and parallel. Mutual inductance by direct method. Construction of a half—wave rectifier using semi— conductor diodes. Construction of a full—wave rectifier using two semi­ conductor diodes. Construction of a bridge rectifier and shunt capacitance filter. 3-&c 3ULBAKGA UNIVERS1:Y. . i\ Syllabus fcr 3. 5c. , curse Sc* o jgc V. . ; y a—*..: Class : F:. Sc. taper Mechanics, Properties of matter, Heat, and Thermodynamics founts uli a o S I Mechanics 1 Frames of Reference 5 Inertial frame, Galilean principles of relativity, non rotating frame of reference; ine_rtiai frames^,, fictitious force, Concepts of Corioii's force. Centre cf mass frame and laboratory f rame s. 2 Uniform Circular Motion 4 Centripetal and centrifugal ' forces, their characteristics. Radial and Transverse components of velocity and gCw6 oJicr* • 3 Conservation Laws 13 Conservation of linear momentum: motion of a rocket, multi stage rocket. Elastic ana inelastic" collisions m laboratory and centre of mass frames of reference.' Conservation cf angular momentum. Central force, rerm'orion of Newton's law of gravitation and Kepler's laws. Con oer of energy: Conserva­ tion of energy as a basic principle . _neluding jsiass-energy (c\ oscillations -ixu strati on s witn n--i:.a of a light spiral spring,escape velocity of satellite,, nuclear fission and fusion with examples. , , j-v 4 Elements of Satellite Motion ’ '3 Derivation for closed and _rer. orbits; stationary satellites. Weightlessness. artificial gravity in space station. 5 Rigid Bodies 6 angular momentum and Rotational motion abou,t an. a.. . rotational energy. Theorems of MI: eramv.ies: MI of circular disc, annular ring, rectangular roc and hollow and solid cylinders Theory of compound penduldm: example of bar pendulum with small and finite amplitude. II Properties of matter : ? 6 i Unit I Elasticity 6 Moduli cfelasticity for isotrooic materials; relation between elastic constants. Bending; expression for bending moment. up.iform bending, theory of light cantilever end I-section girder. Torsion: expression for couple per unit twist, torsion pendulum. 7 Surface Tension 3 Forces on a surface, angle of contact and surface energy; effect of temperature and impurity. Pressure within a curved surface with examples. 3 Viscosity 3 Stream line and turbulent motion. Derivation cf 5 tone s temperature on ec ua tiers viscosity. 1 PI III Heat and. Thermodynamics : 2.5 Units I* Kin-.-tic Theory Maxwell's lew for The distribution of molecular velocity vtc derivation), mean free path.' rms velocity. Degree of freedom, principles of eeuipartition of energy, application' to th3 specific heat or gase: 12 10 Thermodynamics Isothermal and adiabatic First law of th srmodynamics. Phase ges. work done in isothermal an d adiabatic changes. 2T r*IT* S of Carnot's Heat engine, expression fo r efficiency e. -r' cycle, principle of reversibility of Carnot' s iy oration.(7; Secor.c lav; of thermo dynamic s. En tropy: ■Ma cro~ ic and microscopic definition3. Principle of increase of opy in irreversible process. Clau for variation of melting and boiling points. (5): ^ . 11 Low Temperatures ... 7 Ideal anc real gases: Andrew's experiments. Porous, plug experiment. Expression for temperature of inversion. Principle cf regenerative cooling, liquid air. liquid nitrogen and liquid helium. Adiabatic demagnetisation, production cf lew Law temperatures. c: ac30lute third ,oncep; zero; v'iis.t, ics. 12 Radiation , 8 Black body radiation. distribution cf energy in the Wien ' s lav; and black body spectrum, statement cf Stefan's law. Ray ieigh-dean' s law. Planer.'3 quantum theory of radiation, derivation of Planck's /law. Radiation momentum and pressure, Crooke'a radiom 7 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE .wC..c'..Uw — C ■j * ■7 O J . O o . c. " . .. Wftvj*,yci} ,7, Properties of Matter - J. C. Upadnyaya Mechanics - R. Shankaranarayana Newtonian Mechanics • A. ?. French Heat and Tnermcdynamics na jam »«pf, »■ _ 1/ , S. Mathur », VV Classical and Modern Physi cs - Voi I -- K. W. Ford Physics : Part I- Hallycay and Resni ck (Wiley Eas tern) Berkeley Physics Course by E.H : Vol I, Mechanics Ed. Puree .i i. i 0 Heat a '.a Thermodynamics - by M. W 1 Zeemansky, McGraw Hill 2 'oxe'-i.- Each experiment is Minimum of 24 experiments ere to be d,,ue ExperinentaT errors should oe eob_:;.atea wcerovs: possible Some of the laboratory session shall be vised for practice or iNumo; d" real Problems of Paper I. Student.’aha i x submit a record jf problems served; a - minimum of: 5 problems pear Unit. 1. ’Precision of measurement ana significant • f iguz*«|S (excorsises with data from this 3et of practical may be given) Experimental errors, propagation of errors, error, analyses l data frc:r. this set of practical’s may be L Vs T and L2 Vs LT2 graphs determination of g and unknown mass grap.ns Y'S. Ptfrsion pendulum •• rigidity modulus * 2-r Ml of an irregular body using inertia table.' >5. Verification of para lieu, and perpendicular axes theox-ems of HI >y3b/Y by stretching- verification r.cf Hooke’slaw and det^^minAt^on,. ^ ! ' *-f • v*’Y • of unknown mass. 10 Y 'ey uniform bending - load elevation graph. f • InS/*V by cantilever - load depression graph , » 12 Y cantilever oscillation - graphical method >13 Y Koer.ir.g method’s - determination of unknown. load version ' ■ ivy Modulus . e's Double Bar- dete vination of Y.n and .aignia-^~.T, si on in twe aimensio; r — r\-v-s dr ’ tv-* nf momentum a liquid - Drop Wei, »-» yj/c* . J - v. ke's drop - ST ana a: 1 facial tension 20^vtoke' s methcc for coefficient of viscosity .c ^ 21 l'e:crr.inn-.ion of critical pressax-e for streamline flow cif;c heat by coding - graphical mat.-.od ' V; umisivity of surface . .. Thermal-' conductivity of a o&d conductor- by, ._s ^..and Charlton'a method i 2c/veri:ieaticn ci Stefan's - Boltcmann s law By black body radiation * It Deterr,ination of Stefan s cor.stam. determination of -boiling <atinu:n resistance tnermometer a 4- 4 — O wCV w J. w j ^ c i- i. *r* j. ct *. i ^ t.i x c . 2b Diameter of a molecule - Monte Carlo method ; i a t 3 o c ■P £ 3 •H Ui a CD TJ O GUL3ARGA UNIVERSITY. GtlLfcAHOA 1 Waves and Oscillation i 12 Progressive V.Tave: Equation for wave in one diluent ion ' -X on era! form;; differential equation for wave motion; expression for relation between ampliitude and intensity. Expression for velocity of progressive waves in a medium. Newton's formula with derivation, Laplace's correction. "Expression for staionary longitudinal vibrations in a rod. Expression for harmonics in free-free rod ana m fixed-fixed rod. Vibration of a ...stretched string, harmonics.(6) Superposition of SHM s: Lissajou's "figures. --nposit; rig V.+ .angler per rod s at fanalytical treatment). Seats, expression for beat frequency.(2) Forced Vibrations: Equation vibrations.Forced !or damped vibration. Resonance. expression solution in exponential form. ;e and phase at resonance.(4) II Light : 2 3 Units Theories of Light 3 Wave theory: Huygen's principle, explanation of laws of reflection and refraction. Group and wave velocity, relation between them. Corpuscular theory: Concept of photon,, photoelectric effect. , . 3 Interference 1' ■' : 8 Coherence of light sources. Interference by division of ""-.ve freer.. Young' s double slit experiment,. Fresnel's biprism and Interference by division of amplitude, thin film -myc s mirr r. of unifrom thickness ana of wedge shape, Newton's ring3, . i.t li-.. .. 's o interferometer, Fabry-Ferot interferometer. Inter;erence iiters. A Hiiffraction 9 -C-P Explanation of raction. Fresnel rectilinear propagation of iigh Theory of zone plate. ;ion diffraction at straihgt edge and at wire-. Fraunhofer diffraction ^cn .at a single s it, Fourier transforms. Reflection and transraiss: tings,, dispersion and resolution of a grating. Optical Instruments 5 Spherical and chromatic aberration in lens, achromatic eomomation of . ense; Cardinal points, Huygen's and Ram3Qen's pieces. Resolving and magnifying power of telescopes and Modern telescopes, Sehimdt-Carsegr&n microscopes (qualitative), te iesccpe. 6 Polarisation 1C Double refraction uniaxial crystal, Huygen's theox'y. Positive and negative c. ;tals. Principal refractive indices. Huygen's construction of 0 and E waves in uniaxial crystals fbr piano wave iron lates. Production and analysis cf .-te tare mg 1 ineariy, ticaiiy polarised light. Babinet cireu.ariy . e_ ccmpenstcr. u:p 11 ca 1 vi Freesei s theory. Laurents half c.** ^ shade polar • carts.;7) Effect of electric and magnetic tie id’ on :. mn r ef’--->ct and Faraday effect. Kerr c<:il me thou fur toe determination of velocity of light.(3) 4 Practieala II I'tj: l ) 'T " 'K ' Saui. oxpijrimonx. la‘ of 3 hours duration'-V*4*’ H.x.iaiuta of 24 experimonta are to ho . BxrurJmental errors shoul4 ,b« eatiroated'llj^f^&ir^jppBsibie oc.n.o of the laboratory seaMioh^c^ii'lbe.-U'MjJSrOit^prAOtioe of Numerical Frobieme of-Paper II. Student'' 'anallyfcubttttN a record’ of prooiems solved;' a a in .louts ; of ' p,er . r spectrometer experiments both the ve$Ai$|S^r>rtO*/. uecd. . • .; • of errors, (examples from this */S ■ begivt:.’:) . v 4 Vv >**• Vrin *it Vnc > . > r. c* f random errcr-Binomial distributiOAtK-coin^^psainc :::r.'.'/!■,• of random error-G&u sai&n ’ ‘ * • *' •-•*-' --*•• si&n distribu mrement of thiq^©3$pf£‘ KV.y ‘ I.'rc-ivornrice at a wedge - Measurement Hutton ‘ s Kings- Radius of Curvature ,‘.Ver if icaiioiJ^py1 tele scope *•• jIf; -i-cr .1 on grating - Kormal incidence1 • i-frriicc .on grating -- Minimum, deviation ). i i f: vscoion at a v;ire Diameter of a' wire 0 specific rotation of sugar TV T?: aol ■/ lug power of a grating K I:ai;r.i(.c c;c*::;p*nsator ' - efficiency of a bulb i.’ . ■ .. tn..n transperer.t firm using bipriara. j .£ L-or c •’ telescope :» 20 2f rJy. Iti; ti-i ’K . c, 2:0 51 ■2 w i ■ • ■• -• •••wr of y prism ' jvr ruxi riur.tion by reflectip^; KrvB^.Wte^;^viW^ ^ ruquunny. • oi AC (sonometer)'' '■ u ' *it.‘* Baircholtts resonator •1 Damped oscillations if.Bn- ty Keimhcitn galvanometer * ‘ /", . Measures; ant cf low resistance using potentiometer {"I'.y.i Ji- s* •n-.sitivir.y of a« B G (ahy quo method) • r . I,.- !5.T.v;’,.y ' :.: bridge. - DC using EG or AC using head ,Ph«?A©s.-.• , . L-.ut H .nn vass filters i ' ' '■ C:. ■ :’g r.; a.vf ::.-.ich*i'3iv.G of a. CR Circuit ?:'%rtg-‘y!Sv'!"- ‘ ■ 1 : . '.i.2 axis of a circular vanr:. • s Gruiiumoter. ’• ‘ ..v-r vc indices of 0 and E rays ;. “ f •K.j :ivud> eictromagnotic induction -.by oscillati'piillO- IVax5 oag^et Y by Cornu 1 s method. '' ’ ' ''' ’ :>i >' ’ '• '■ Mutual incuction by direct ..method ; Kerias and parallel resonance. GU LBARGA UN I VERS «'EY , GULBAHGA, Syllabus feu Subject Class Atomic- Coarse Physics III Paper , Molecular- and Nuclear- Physics I Atomic Physics: 2 units 1 Basic Properties of Atom 5 Determination of charge of electron .by-.- r*.Millikan‘s metn.od. e/m by u. 0. Tnomson ana Dunningtcn methods. Atomic mass by Dempster's method. Atomic mass un*t. 2 Models of Atom 6 Review of Rutherford's model (qualitative); .Bohr's tr.eory of nycrcgen atom, its inadequacies; Semmerfeld rraodei ■.qualitative;. Wave mechanical mode., and orbitals. Excitation ar.d ionisation potentials; Prank, and Herts experiment. • ... 3 Vector Model of Atom ' 12 Space quantisation, electron enir., quantum numbers, Pauli's exclusion principle. Fine structure of spectral lines; frern-Gerlach experiment: degeneracy, associated with magnetic quantum number. Selection, rules. Co up ling senerne. LS and JJ coup* me 1 ro electron onsu..(S'; Beaman effect: Normal and .tomic model: . qualitative).(3) 4 X-ray Spec 1jnt.i!*uciis and iracter 1: spectra. Mosley's law, Duane a; Hunt limit. II Quantum Theory: 1 unit 5. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 12 Failure of classical mveu.cmos. "article nature of waves; tempter: scattering (theory;. Wave nature ox particles: experiments of Davisson and Germer and that of Thomson; • concept of matter waves. 'Jr.cercanity principles; illustration by Gamma ray microscope and diffraction at a single slit. Schrcc mger wave equation(Time independent;. interpretation of wave function. Applications of Schroidmger equation: Particle in a box, solution for one uimention, extension to three dimensions, degeneracy; Harmonic oscillator. seropoir.t energy: Qualitative discussion of energy levels cf rigid rotator and hydrogen atom. III. Molecular Physics: 1 Unit 6 Molecular Spectra 5 Molecular orbitals. Degrees of freedom: introduction to electronic. vibrational and rotational spectra of diatomic molecules (eigen, value equation; and band sVrucrure. Ficure3cer.ce and Phosphorecen.ee . 7 Scattering of Lignt 4 ai1. PayIe)eh. Brilicuin and Brief discussion cf Ty v ion cased on quantum Raman scattering. Rama.; effort: e a r. i erir.g; intensity and theory; experimental study cf tarn polarisation of Raman lines (qualitative;: •„ sc of Raman effect in determining molecular structure. 8 Lasers Genera.) principles cf lar-ovc. Puny laser. He-Ne laser. no .ograpr.y u 2 scr1rt nr; applications of racer. 7 / iV Nuclear Physics: 2 units Basic properties of Nucleus ar.c, protcr.-neutron C :r. _'4icuerrcs: proton-electron nypcthesis of nucleus. Qualitative a ascription of properties: c iscr ; bat _cr. of mass and charge, sine.'d ensl.ty, spin ana magnetic j force: binding energy of forces, Yukav?a'3 theory '. -v.nl ..car ; . Nuclear mod e 1 s: liquid drop model. ' semtemper icai . .;.ss forla . She 11 node 1 ( qua ! i ta tve ) . nuclear energy levels ar.c magic numbers. 10 Radioactivity 5 Radio active decay;successive disintegrations; radioac­ tive equilibria. Alpha rays: range and energy of alpha particles. Geiger-Nuctal lav. alpha decay theory(qualitative ). Beta rays: here ray spectrum, neutrino hypothesis; attenuation of beta rays Gammarays: attenuation of gamma rays. Applications: rariiactive dating and age of earth; Unit of radiation dosage. 11 Nuclear Instruments 4 Accelerator's: Cyclotron:Betatron. Qetectcrs: G M Counter; scintillation counter. Nuclear P.eactions .ear reaction. Reactions induced by Q vs sue of protcr., r.t. utrcn, deutron, alpha particle and photon. (2) Nuclear ' - s s i .' r.. enplane, tier. on the basis of liquid crop model. Controlled and uncontrolled chain reaction, four factor formula. Types of reactors.;2; Nuclear fusion: thermonuclear reaction, C-N cycle and p-p cycle, magnetic confinement of plasma.i2) 13 Elementary Particles 2 Four basic .interactions in nature. Particles and lassif icat. ion cf particles. ‘Quark model of .cement. ...... 1.r; Binding energy characteristics and nuclear of nuclear hvdrons. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE introduction to atomic and nuclear Physics- H. Semat and J. R. Albright. Atomic and Nuclear Physics- T.A. Littlefield and 1. V. Thoriev Nuclear Physics- I. Kaplan Introduction to modern physics-Richtmayer and Kennard Atomic spectra and atomic structure- G. Hersberg runcamenta 1 s of university Fhys.ics, Yoi III- Alenso and Finn Atomic Physics - Yarwood Nuclear Physics - by D. C. Tayal Modern P.cysics - R. Murugeshan .Yoder:: Physics - Sehgai and Chopra *1 Modern Physics - Satyaprakash 12 Nuclear Fhys.ics- R. C. Sharma 1 r. Concepts of Modern Physics- A Be.iser 0 P3-3 Practical III . h cr €■•: * e::per iumeriT is cf n irr.urri of 12 exoerincuts ;*rat ton o be ter formed o me:. tax ettoru s..O'ild b ec" /• coo whe ", a of the lab c rate r v af — C* •* ~’Tt4 t’ in "< X’ 1 oe Dec. xor prac rice of truner xcai • ?roblams a f Paper Problems of paper ill.• ill Students shai sr i t:. it a recora of oroblems orobi emu solved : solved: a minimum cf prooxema per Caro. For spectrometer experiments both the verniers are to used. O *. * -V 4 *mj 'X i i.O* io t-M t;i t*i n *-i > tj o n ' iu h 2 \ Analytes of random errors Poisson ticn: Statistics' of uciear counting. emperature of flame by line reversal matnod. ydberg:s constant harge of an electron by dispersion method u /m by Thomsons method -r by photo cell haractersics of G. M. tube etermination of half *ife cf K-fO using Gif counter bsorption cceffcient of aluminium for beta rays heymicnic emission r.terpiannar spacing nergy gap of semiconductor etermination of Debye temperate-a V charOiCterstics of solar celi arm inductor using E G ;ncuction Andersens triage -determination r; «v Fewer supply using bridge type recti; 18 Determination of Curie temperature 20 Experiments with lasers. * N-» k. V/ GULEARGA UN IVERSITY, GULBARGA Syllabus for E. Sc. Course Subject : Physics Relativity, caper IV Solid State Physics and Electronics I Relativity: 1 Unit 1 Specials Theory of Relativity 13 Michelson-Korley experiment. Basic postulates of theory of relativty. Lorentc transformations. Fitzgerald simuitaneity, time dilation: velocity addition contraction, theorem; relativistic variation of mss (with derivation); massenergy relation, energy and momentum relation. Concept of four vectors. II Statistical Physics: Statistical Physics iciccts atistrca. :in and and their comparison. 1/2 Unit 2 in Plivsics Fermi- Lira Ill Solid State Physics : Derivation of Haxwellcistrifcution functions 2 Units Electrical and Thermal Properties i Free electron theory of metals, expression for electri thermal conductivities. Ohm's Law. Calculation electron density of states, interpretation of 'Fermi-energy, expression for Fermi-energy at absolute sero and above absolute zero. Specific heat of solids: Buicng and Petit's law; Einstein and Debye theories. 1 Crystal Structure 4 Concepts of lattice, periodic crystal, unit-cel-, ravias lattice, crystal planes and Millar indices. X-ray iffraction, Bragg’s law, Bragg spectrometer, structure of NaCl. Band Theory of. Solids 10 Elementary ideas regarding the formation of energy ■ uds, ecu .la:;.-: ion of e lev. r Leal conductivity of conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors. Derivation of expression for electrical conductivity. my sics of PH junction and rectifying action. Physics of NFN and FN"? transistors. their amplifying action. Si i icon solar cells: :abr icatier. . characteristics. eff iciency and application . tn n. u; 3 *• iiO v'jC d'--'. LUC v V" * f Magnetic Properties of Materials 3 Dia, para and ferromagnetism. Qualitative explanation based on electronic structure. Curie and Curie-Welss law ' o ua 1 ta t : ve ) . iia 11 e f feet. buper Conductivity 2 Elementary ideas and experimental facts. Meissner CriticaI magnet ic field. Applications of super •:ty. Qualitative discussion of high temperature super conduct:-/ ity. 10 P4-2 IV 8 •> r, r>. ; Electronics Networks ia«3. Seperposlt i or. theorem. Mesh analysis. ;haven in and Ncrtrcn theorem; te:r applications. 3 Devices Diodes. ?N junction as a dioce. :ene: diode and its action as a voltage regulator, A =T> 4^ «J use of LED in display. Liquid crystals and their U3e in display, Tunnel diode. Transistors: transistor characteristics dor common emmiter configuration. DC ar.d AC current gains. operatig point, seif biasing, of transistors, DC leadline. FET. M03EET . 10 Applications ' 6 Amplifiers: CE amplifier. AC load line. equivalent cir.t cuit or in? h-parameters. voltage, current and power gains. Input and output resistances CB and CC configurations and their special properties. ; 3> Oscillators: Concept of feed back. positive ar.d feed back. Barkhausen criteria. Erase icillatojand Wein bridge oscillators. (3) 11 Digital Electronics: Basic logic gate3: AND. OR. NOT.' ,NOR, NAND and XOR gates. Half and full adders. Flipflots, JK and M/S flip fiop3, D ig 1 cr -eg 1st'. Basic rour tit sicary counters, RAM. ROM: 3 enema linitai cornr organisaation of a storage devices, output devices. J 2 Ftadio. TV and Radar Radio wave propagation: need for modulation, amplitude bandwidth-power in AM modulation. modulation factor, side hands, reciever3: demodulation. wave. Frequency modulation.i3" " ietection of AM wave, mock diagram of AM and FM Principle o Caper heterodyning, ire a tic; gain control receive r s. (qualitative).(3i TV : elementary ideas of TV including colour TV. Radar; principle of Radar and appioatrons (brief).(2) Ls y BOOKS FOR REFERENCES Special theory of relativity - Resnick Specie- n. lativity - A P French mctei Solid State Physics - A J Dekkar S Biackmore In*reduction to Solid State ?hvs:cs Fc ic Principle a - Halviao Digitalprinciples and application-Halvino and Leach, Electronics made simple - J&ccbowitn, Grob ec ironies :ic *' ■ !*"’ 3 Mehta rerroqul :ctr on i c s ~ . -\- • r-T * O T A X \*» O .r. vd u m,~ 4.* • ■ *. 1 *.7 w • —• r > • * • - •» ^ Practical IV cacn cxpe rimer.' is of 3 hours duration 2. Minimum of 12 experiments are to be performed Experimental errors should, be eat:mated wherever possible Gome of the laboratory sessions shall be used for prac tics of Numerical Problems of Paper IV. Students shall r.ubr it record of problems solved; a minimum of t problems per Unit. For .-.11 straight line graphs least squares fit should be US6G L in ear reg ration- straight 1 ine f it by least, squar / data in? y be taken from exper imer. ts cf this set;' H lag earey Fes ter b ridge V .11 of Per ton. Tnev and ina x ;.mu m power “* i Ci * tors tics of PN d; ode. Zener d 1 s.:>d e and LED. C fi V c e r s t icn of Tran si ster- C E jter s tics of F 2 T t cu rve using Magnetometer method. t he;;:r. i st or - Temperature respense and ergy gap dv OI f requency CO:'.r.;»o mitter ampii •2 * 'u r t of gain "’m * o*r follower Kea surem. ga in Input :« «.* ct >-> ; -• * . X * » w V.i V- -L • * V. *,• *2 A • <— W m 4 pm *■* a. a fr v i i w k/ >■» .. r, ? > *V r i st ca • ^ ,-x -e . — — . construction and frequency Phase shift d e t a r r in a t i or. Weir, bridge oscillator- construction and frquency extermination Study cf logic gates and realisation of various logic fiTnctiors.' ........ DC response of LK circuit using CEO DC response of LCR circuit using CRO PkotoconcFuctcr-spcetral response. Carey Foster bridge- IOw resistance. Maxwells bridge- AC or DC Conductivity of an elctrolyte Transistor astabie multivibrator. srer.ee neons jor Pit Advance level practical physics Worm op and fliiit A lab course it; electronics F&maliagam and Haghupulan it troduevior. to Electronics M.A. Thangara.jar. & Viswaaathan Transistor circuits experiments Greygory F John sen Basic electronics test Lab manual Paul & E Zhar A . .b munnaal fer U G classes D ? Kuandeiwal CO 51P bu 11 e t i n s . j c 12 35^ & • / B. Sc. Part-I :-,n* th\-: PHYSICS fk-rr list II Hu,. Scheme of Teaching t Theory: 1 Paper of 5 hours durationp4r we£k.''* <’■ . \ i Practicals: 1 Practical of 3 hours duration per week Mini- J ■ ‘ ■ mum of 15 experiments have<td-,be performed* satisfactorily for eligibility. 'Sx’ j v • * V^.v-rj r Scheme of Examination t i Theory : 1 Paper of ICO marks and of 3 hours dt.ratic 1. g i- • Practicals: 1 Practical of 3 hours duration and of 45 marks and the journal marks 5. , }. Total Maks : 15Q ae id rs. v'- --SECTION I Properties of Matter, Heat and Sound an, ;y General Physics t Simple harmonic motion. Composition of two S. H. Ms • along mutually perpendicular directions. Lissajoua figures Damped and forced oscillations. Reasonance, Bifiler suspension, Bar pendulum. 15 hrs. ; Elasticity: Strees, strain, elastic limits Hooks law,Young's modulus, hulk modulus, rigidity modulus and Poissions’ ratio, relation between them. Work done during strain. Bending of beams, single cantilever, Torsion of a Cylinder-Experimental deter Tpinntion of elastic constants, Maxwell's needle, Koenigj-method, dynamicai method, ■ - ! ath. ena« nian leory cular ments dsen’s y> hrs- Part-I (Physics) : 5 hrs. SECTION—II K in e tic T h eo ry o f G a s e s : Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities, Mean, R. M. S. and most probable velocities, mean free path. Clausius and Maxwell’s expression. Transport phenomena* Viscocity, thermal conductivity and self diffusion.Brownian motion. Law of equipartition of energy, Einastein ’s theory and determination of Avagadros number. Molecular streaming Knudsen's theory, production and measurements of law pressure-diffusion pump, ionisation pump. Knudsen’s manometer. 22 hrs. T heory o f E rro rs: Classification of errors, probability of error, limiting errors with illustrative examples. Gaussion law of distri­ bution of errors. Expressions for averages, r. m. s. and most probable errors. Propagation of error in the measurement with illustrative examples. 7 hrs. methods of determination. Stationary waves (mathematical treatment), Helmoltz resonator, Fourier series, application to the case of plucked string. Accoustics of building sabines formula, reverbera­ tions time and its correction. Absoipuun cuc.'ILicnt- S ou n d M o m e n t o f I n e r tia : Kinetic energy of a rotating body, Moment of inertia and radius of gyration. Moment of inertia theorems. Calculation of moment of inertia of regular solids, uniform rod, rectangular lamina, circular' lamina, solid cylinder and solid sphere. Fly wheel experimental deter­ mination of moment of inertia. 10 hrs. S u rfa ce T e n s io n : Angle of contact. Surface energy. Determination of Surface Tension by Jager’s and Quincke’s methods. 5 hrs. B. Sc. : Part-I (Physics) : 32 hrs. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. 4. 3. 2. —Newmann and Searle. Mechanical properties of matter —S. G. Starling. General properties of matter —J. C. Upadhya. Properties of matter —D. S. Mathur. General properties of matter —H. R. Gulati. Properties of matter —Brijilal and SubramannyamSound—Richardson. JSound—F. G. Mee. Text book of sound— A. Ghosh. of matter BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. General properties Bl<a.ck Body radiation. Stefan’s law and its derivation, determination of Stefan’s constant, Weins displacement law, Rayleigh-Jeans law, Planks law and its derivation, solar constant and its determination. 11 hrs. R a d ia tio n Third law of thermodynamics. equations. Maxwell’s thermodynamical relations and their appli­ cations. Joule-Thomson effect, porous plug experiment. Explantion of Joule-Thomson effect from the equation of state. Heat engines, indicator diagrams. Otto, Diesel, Liquification of gases air, hydrogen and helium, properties of liquid helium. mic scale First and second law of thermodynamic?, Thermodyna-' of temperature and its relation to absolute scale of temperature. (Qualitative ideas only) Concept of entropy, entropy and probability. Entropy in reversible and natural processes. Entropy of steam and perfect gas. Entropy-temperature diagrams. Latent heat T h e r m o d y n a m ic s B. Sc. 360 Sound—Brijilal and Subramannyam. Errors and Observations —Topping. Kinetic Theory of gases—I. K. Kelkar. Physics—D. Halliday and R. Resnick. Text book of Heat—D. S. Mathur. )G. Tot-* v,r>c>i- of Sound—KhaBna and Bedi. Theory of Errors —Yardley. on 21. ' Physics. Foundation and Applications— R. M. Eisberg and L. S, Lerner, 19. 1C.. 17. A course in Kinetic theory of gasses— R. S. Bhoosnurmath. Treatise on Heat —Saha and Srivastav. Text book of Heat—J. B. Rajam. 15. 14. 13. —Gadad and Hiregoudar. lv . Errors and their obseravtion 11. 10. B.Sc. Part-I (Physics). .. , . . ...... — ~Ayoi iuushmu ueter minatton of elastic constants, Maxwells needle Koenig L ist o f E x p e rim e n ts s 1v Probable error :-determine the volume of a hollow cylinder using slide callipers and estimate probable error. 2 / Calibration of set of weights. 3/ Bar pendulum. 4./ Fly —Wheel. 5../Voung ’s modulus by Koenig's method. 6S* Maxwell’s needle. 7. T Poission’s ratio using cathetometer. 8. ^Dynamical method —totaling disc. 9 ^ Surface tension by Jaeger’s method. 10^ Coefficient of viscosity by Stoke’s method* IK. Biffillar suspension* 4 Part-I (Physics) Practical Physics—C. L. Arora. Dravid. Practical Physics—Rajopadhye and Purohit. Experimental Physics—Gadad and Hiregoudar. Experimental Physics—M. A. Hipparagi. Advanced Practical Physics—Chauhan and Singh. Text book of Practical Physics—Bhagavat and BOOKS RECOMMENDED FOR PRACTICALS 18^/Determination of J by electrical method with radiation correction. 19vfpecific heat by cooling. 20./Letermination of J by contineous'flow method. Yl/'S urface Tension by Quinke’s method. method. 12/^Study of Gaussian law of errors by taking 100 lead shots of uniform diameter and measuring their di maters. 13/ Volume resonator. In fre q u e n c y of A. C. using sonometer. 15. Melting point of wax using thermocouple. 16ffherm al conductivity of bad conductor by Lee’s B. Sc. 36 S B. 8c. Pm-ii. PHYSICS q «rO i> . 1 Paper df 6 hour* per week. JR.'" f£- w ^-v •vr ^•>S <•- -/ a y Yv r" H.di\ W A *r-! . /*■'*■ c. Practical: 1 Praetieal of 4 hotlr* per week Minimum of 15 experiments have to be satis factorily completed for eligibility. • Theory: t SCHEME OF EXAMINATION -S' 1 Paper of 160 marks 5 hours duration !£ ;V* •*. .- Pfrftcticftls: 1 Practical of 8 hours duration carrying 45 marks andthe journal marks 6. Optics and Electromagnetism SECTION-I Optics Geometrical Optics t Fermat’s Principle, Derivation. ot laws of refraction, Thick lens and thin lens system, cardi­ nal points, Location and their determination-Geniometer t and Turn-Table. Aberrations, Chromatic aberration Calculation of longitudinal chromatic aberration of a lens, Achromatic combination of two thin lenses in contact and separated by a distance. Spherical aberration ef a ions, . Longitudinal and angular, Caustic curve methods of mini^ J tmahig. >. _ r. \ f!i( tmn a SCHEME OP TEACHING^ r? Theory: _ t V“r\ . j' ifFT* i'} '4 r / B. Sc. Part-II Physics 22 hrs. T — 8 ‘ hrs. separated by a distance Spheres? contac ' Longitudinal and angular C»n«ti ab wr*t: 0n c f a i, miafe* snguiar, Caustic curve method, of m sphere. ’ Electromagnetism Electrostatics : Energy density of electrostatic field. Energy of a .uniformalytcharged sphere. Field in a uniformaly charged sphere-Boundary conditions for electric fields. Electrical im agesearthed conducting plane and SECTION-11 _ light and their'production, Nicol prism. Analyses of pola­ rised light by quarter wave plate and Babinet’s Compen­ sator. Huyghen ’s construction for propogation of light in doubly refracting media wave velocity J and ray velocity. Fresnel’s theory of Optical activity, Optical rotation Lorentz’s half shade polarimeter. 12 hrs. Polarisation: Circularly and elliptically polarised D iffr a c tio n : Huyghen’s construction, zone plate. Fresnel diffrac tion at straight edge and Fraunhofer diffrac­ tion at single slit double slit (qualitative). Plane diffrac­ tion, transmission grating. Resolving power.- Rayleigh’s criteria. R. P. of telescope. Prism and grating. __ 15 hrs. ’ Physical O ptics : Wave theory of light. Huyghen’sPrinciple, idea of secondary wavelets deduction of laws of refraction from the wave theory. Interference : Division of wave front and division of amplitude Fresnel’s biprism experiment. Stoke’s law. Derivation of expression for the path difference'in thin ’films/ Colour of thin films. Theory of Newton’s rings and experiment. Michelson ’s interfero ­ meter. Standardisation of meter. (Febry - Perot inter­ ferometer with applications). __ 15 hrs. Velocity of Light - Micholson’s method. Spherical aberration(qua]itative).Eye-pieces-Ramsden*s and Huygbens, Fibre Optics, Principle and amplifications. 2 1 B. Sc. Part-11 Physics ■■rar Electrical Instrum ents & M easurem ents : Balastic galvanometer (moving coil type) dampings correction,. measurement of capacity, Earth inductor theory, determi­ nation of components of the earth ’s magnetic field C. R. O. and its ufces. _ 6 hrs. Electromagnetic Theory i Mathematical background, gradient of a scalar, divergent and curl of a vector and their Physical significance. Gauss, Stecke’s and Green’s theorem (without proof) generalisation of Ampere’s law, displacement current, Maxewell’s equation Propagation of electromagnetic waves in vacum,transverse nature of radia­ tion, Poynting ’s theorem. Radiation from a Hertzeian dipele. _ _ 10 hrs. _ ^Alternating C urrent : Impedence, Phase, power factor and r. m. s. value Circuites containing C-R, L-R, L-C and L-C-R. Uae of vector diagrams. Series and parallel resenance circuits. Theory of transformer A.C. Bridges : Desauty and Anderson’s bridges. 12 hrs.. Dielectrics: Electric polarisation, Electri ment vector, electric susecptibility, Electrostat in the presence of a dielectric Clausis and Mesett measurement of dielectric constant. — 7 hrs. /M agnetestatics : Force and Couple between two small bar magnets, end-on, broad side-on and any position. Paramagnetic substance in a magnetic field, Magnetic indu­ ction (B) and intensity (H) Boundary conditions for magne­ tic field, Magnetic susceptibility, nature of ferromagnetic substances, variation of magnetic induction with magnetic field Hysterisis. — 10 hrs. .✓C u r r e n t E le c tr ic ity : Force between two straight conductors definition of Ampere, Force between Two loops of current Amperes law and Magnet ic field due to solenoid current, effect of magnetic material in n sol«neid. self and mutual inductance and their experimental determination, Faraday ’s law of induction. .... 11 hrs. i j 3 €3 16. 15. 14. 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 Part-II Physics Conversion of instrum ents : (a) Convert the ammeter of lower range to one of higher range and use it to.verify Ohms law. (b) Convert an ammeter into a voltmeter and use to verify Ohm’s law. mistai.. *. senarated bv a distance. Spherical aberration of i Longitudinal and angular, Caustic curve methods of m 2. Constants of Ballistic galvanemeter : Period, current sensitivity. Volt sensitivity, figure of merit and resistance. 3. Magnetic field along the axis of a coil. 1. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Fundamentals of optics— Jenkins and White Optics- Ghatak Principles of optics — B. K. Mathur Light— Ditchburn Treatise on light — Heusten Optics— Khanna & Gulati Physics— D. Halliday and R. Resnik Electricity and Magnetism — S. G. Starling Electricity and Magnetism — Page and Adams Electricity Magnetism and Atomic Physics— Yarwood (Vol. I & Vol. II) Electricity and Magnetism — Sehgal, Chopra & Sehgal. Electricity and Magnetism — D. N. Vasudeva Electrical measurements and measuring instruments —Rajendra Prasad. Physics, Feyndation and Application— R. M. Eiberg and L. S. Lermer. Electricity and magnetism — Brijlal Subramanayam. Optics— Brijlal and Subramanyam. BOOKS RECOMMENDED B. Sc. Part-II Physics Cylinderical obstacle. Analysis of polarized light using quarter wave plate. Polarimeter. Mutual Inductance Rayleigh’s method. Mutual Inductance - Carey - Paster’s method. Capacity by Desauty method. BOOKS RECOMMENDED FOR PRACTICALS 1. Advanced Practical Physics—Worsnop and Flint. 2. Practical Physics - Rajopadhye and Purohit. 3. Advanced experiments in Practical Physics— Calthrop 4. Advanced Practical Physics— Chauban and Singh 5. Practical Physics— M. A. Hipparagi. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 17. Biprism. 18. Lloyd’s mirror. 16. 15. 14 13. 12. 11. 10. table. Calibration of spectrometer. Dispersion curve using a spectrometer. Retractive index by total internal refraction method. R. P. of a prism. R. P. of a diffraction grating. R. P. of a telescope. Newton's rings. - GoDiemeter. 9. Turn 8. 7. Measurement of capacity by the method of mixture. 6. Use of C. R. O. 4. Helmhelts galvanometer. 5. Measurement of capacity by absolute mowaoa. B. Sc. 365 ft. 6c. ftart-l!l .?r~ PHYSICS '• SCHEME OF TEACH! pharWa d).;!) ................ ..............JQlf v /r.f! l 2 Pa^eM, 8 hour* per week per paper. PRACTICALS 2 Practicala per week each of 3 hour* duration. Mini­ mum of 12 experiments from each group have to jba satisfactorily completed for eligibility. • . . . ;\U »■ ,;vVcif$f • SCHEME OF EXAMINATION L .. •*; * , : • f>£ »•. ..' . * I* • .+/??, < Theory: 2 Paper of 100 marks each with 3 hours duration. . , - . v/» *- ' V , (100 + 100) A; PRACTICALS , ' 2 Practices each of 3 hours duration, Marks (45+45) ■ ■ &.* \ Journal Marks (5 + 6) F • \ (InS I. Units) .•'* n'+Amlj.'t " ; i. :a>:T' m*. ft ClasslcawMechanlcs - )T SECTION-I ..•***- < a. 'A’ , . Total Marks - 300 PAPER :, I Classical and Modern Physics - I: i,V ft .-o' Mechanics of a particle and generalisation of system of ft particles, centre of mass and its motion, Elastic condition - between two particles,centre of mass and laboratory system •• v-u g* -and the relation between them, Generalised co-ordinates, +.. • < Delethbe^s Principle and Lagrangian formulation of motion. Physical significanceof Hamiltonian function, application • to the cases of simplo pendulum and a charged particle in I-electro-magnetic field. '-V' ( Two body central force problism, Kopler’s Laws, scatte■- • - /* , ; g incentral force field (Rutherford’s formula): 25 Hrs. - .fiVr v vll ill , < vc;\ v4 -/library (1992-93 and onward • "' * ‘ ^ • : C U u n fio tio n »• S o lid S ta te P h y sic s • ' . ; ' j,;-,o P* m e ta llic , '»•- ,,j/ ' L “ c _ t j 'r t n i « « ,e i U n i t ' • case, applications of, laser. .. , , ; '■ SECTiON-Itt L a se rs-. through popuUtion V in version, Stimulated emission, throng P” b la8er “ ^ Selection values for transiu fine stru ctu re. M o le c u la r S p ectra : vibrational and D iatom ic molecule-. two elec tronic levem, ro tatio n al states ariS . molecu l»r systems. sponUnious Interaction o f radiation with B coefficients, and induced transition Pri ticip« ot Bamim mean life and energy width of a iev.i g Hrg. effect and applications.. v .• ;*-* ' ^ .- ■ r .s .r .s s : method, charge b y /M ilU k ae v in c e £or Aston ’s mass ®Pectr ° gr tbrouo>h m easurm ent of excitaquaDti,ation o£ energy 1 e rtr's e,p< nm ent. L e .» d ^ T '- o i r Ww ^™n i-H Periment. .pace gue»>'*»“ 0 ' ‘ y tio„ P,drogee »K.m S p ectro sco p y . f electron by Thomson ’s Constituents of th e Atom: e /® fttomic masses by i P a rt-Ill Physics SECTION-H B. Sc. Part-III Physics $ J • I ■ 4 Hrs. 2 Hrs. . significance' itf zero point energy. Quantum statistics ‘ Q u a n tu m M e c h a n ic s a n d R e la tiv ity t ' ; Duality. Particle nature of photon photoelectric effect, Compton effect and pair production, wave nature ,df particles, Debroglie wave length, experiments cf ‘Devieon and Germer apd Thomson, Uncertaipity principle,. Schoringer’s wave equation, interpretation ,of ,>he wave.fupction, particle in one dimensional box. Epergy levels apd pwfofH Superconductivity (qualitative) PAPER-lI ^ SECTION-! erne .• S e m ic o n d u c to rs : Energy gap, determination of Energy gap by measure­ ment of electrical conductivity as a function of temperature. Hall effect, experimental determination of Hall Coefficient. Classification of solids as ida. para and ferromagnetic substances, experimental determination of paramagnetic s -tscepiiuiiity, Lengevin theory of paramagnetism, Weise theory of ferromagnetism, 4 Hrs. cell, crystallographic axis, Miller indices, crystal planes, Rayleigh sattering by bound electrons, Bragg’s law, experimental determination of crystal, structure. Sodium chloride and potassium chloride 7 Hrs. Free electron theory of metals : expression for electrial and thermal conductivities; - wiedeman FraDnz’s ";law, Thermionic emission, Richardson current. Thermoelectri­ city : Seeback, Peltier,' Thomson effects-tbeir experimetal determination. Therodynamics of thermoelectric effect^ Tdit-diagram thermocouple, Sp. heats of solids, Einstein and Debye’s theories. 8 Hrs. M a g n e tic m a te ria ls : B. Sc. B. Sc. P art-Ill Physics SECTION-II : N«cl«*r fis s io n : . , •■<*«( Liquid drop fdod<el kh i huclear fission, energy genera­ tion and nutrori ‘eniission dir fUBioh, • fchdin'reaction and ,T v •principle of atomic keactor. ':?; * ,v Y ‘ ‘ Nuclear reactions : ‘6 value of a nuclear reaction with derivations, discussion of some typical nuclear^eactionsi Interaction of radiation with m atter: attenuation-of beta particles in matter,' 'attenuation of gamma rays in matter, mass attenuation coefficient, ... ' 7 Hrs. 'i., vJ^UjCie^r;Jnstrumenta G..M. Countor, bubble chamber, •fSfintilljation counter ■!<•,:.-,:u ' Basic properties of the nucleus : Constituents of the nucleus, Basic properties of protons and neutrons, size and charge of the .nucleus by Rutherford alpha , scattering, variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number. Alpha decay, tunnelling affect (qualitaive) relation between alpha energy and half life. Beta decay, continues nature of beta spectrum, Neutrino hypothesis, gamma decay, discretness of gamma spectrum, energy level diagrams, production of internal conversion lines. 8-Hrs. N uclear P hysics i Galelian transformation, Invariance of Newton’s laws under Galelian Transformation, Ether-drag theories, Michelson. Morley experiment. Significance of the negative result. Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz’s transformation relativity of length and time, Law of addition of velocities, Variation of mass with velocity, mass energy relation. 12 Hrs. Distinction between Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Eimtein statistics (without derivation). 13 Hrs. R elativity t d r n . P art-m Physics 6 : . • • • • ■ ■ C. . om pntor S cien . .» . i ce r . t : .> tk J A • ' Illustrative computer oriented procedure, flow charts, flow chart symbols, .simplified model of computer, 'flow ­ charting examples. IBsstc language characters used In Sasic.' ’ ' 6 Hk • D igital electronic* i . Device models, Diode regions at operations, ideal diode circuit models, normal model, active region model and cut off i region jnodel, Saturation region model. Basic logic design Boolean algebra., truth tables, basic theorems, logic symbol*, Diode logic OR, AND.NOR, NAND gates, RTLDTL and TTL logics. 7 Hr*. . ’ jv» V ; / ; '. . . : ■ ■ E lectronic d e v ic e s : Diode, diode rectification-half wave and fullwave recti ­ fication, Power supplies with filteres, comparision of filter circuits. Use c-f zener diode in voltage regulation. Traneistor6-PNP and NPN transistors Transistor as a circuit element, U6e of traneister with different eonfigurationarameters, Transistors amplifier (CE modification Transistor oscillator-Hartley oscillator. PNP as a circuit element and amplifier. 8 Hr*. E lectronics and C om puter Science i Network circuit analysis using KirchofPs laws, 4 Hra. Thevinin’s theorem. Norton ’s theorem. SECTION-111 nuclear fusaion energy generation in stars through proton and carbon nitrogen cycles. 8 Hrs. Cosmic Rays : Nature of primary cosmic rays, forma­ tion of cascade showers in atmosphere, Secondary cosmic 'particles, Pions and muons and their decay. 4 Hrs- B. Sc. oar ' 5 6 . ’ j - . ‘ Takawale. .Atomic Spectra : H. E. White.. Introduction to Atomic & Nuclear Physics : H. Semat. 7 Introduction to Atomic Spectra : Hertzberg. 8 Elements of Spectrosc opy : Gupta. Kumar and Sharma. 9 Perspective of Modern Physics: Beiser. 10 Atnrnic Physics : J. B. Rajam. 11 Solid State Physics : C. Kittel. 12 Solid Stale Physics : A11 Oir.er. 13 Quantum Mechanics : Pauling and Wilson. 14 Quantum Mechanics : B. N. Shrivastava. •16 Quantum Mechanics: Gupta, Kumar and Sharma. 16 Quantum Mechanics! Satyaprakash and Singh. 17 Quantum Mechanics : S. I. Mohiti and Chantli. 18 Nuclear Radiation Detectors : S. S Kapoor and V. S. Ramamurtby. 19 Nuclear Physics ’: 1 Kaplan. ‘ 20 Electronic Devices and circuits: ' Allen M ottershed.' 21 Solid State' Electronic Concepts: JohnM athea. 22 Digital Principles and Circuits : Malvino andLeaeb.y 23 Electronic Devices and Circuits : G. K. Mithal;*- f. \—24 Principles of Electronics : V. EL Metha. 25 Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits By Bhamgav, ■Kulshfe'kar and Gupta. - (■, ;!J 36 Electronic Principles : Malvino. /—27 Network Analysis : G. K. Mithal. .r. y s t:; 28 . Physics-Foundations and Applications : /R. n ! Fishery Introduction to Modern Physics, P. K. Ritchmever, E. H. Kennard and T. Lauritsen. 2 Physics : D Halliday and R. Rashmack. 3 Classical Mechanics : Goldsrain. 4 Introduction to Classical Mechanics: Puranik and BOOKS RECOMMENDED B. Sc. Part-III Physics • " ■ ‘ Group I I : 1. Cbarcterstics of Zener diode 2. Characteristics of FET 3. h-parametera. CF confirmations.. 4. Tranhister Amplifier (Emitter follower) 61 R. G coupled transiste* amplifier 6. Hartley Oscillator using transister.. . 7. Colhits oscillater using transister. 8. Pha^esbift oscillator. - ' 9. Study of low pass filter (II and T Type) 10. Study of high pass filter (TT khd T Type) 11. Transistor as table Multivibrator. ?i ., ' 18. 19. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 12. 11. 10 . 9. 8. 7. 0 Building of Battery eliminater. Construction of a Multimeter Building of Battery charger. Rydberg constant. ' i Specific resistance of a electrolyte-Kolhrach pethod Thermistor : Determination of energy gap. Determination of time c instants of RC and RL circuits Resonance in LCR circuits Raul*igbf’s Potentioroeter.Vcrification of Theveniu's and Not ton's the roretna using ladder network Verification of Thev3r,in’& and Norton ’s theorems using unbalanced Wheatstone’s network. Study of Photoconductive cell. Study of Photovaltic cell. C Plank ’s constant using Photocell. Characteristics of G. M. tube.. Attenuation coefficient of gamma radiation. Absorption coefficient of beta particles. Dead time of G. M. tube by double source method. . Statistics of nuclear conting. Group I LIST OF EXPRIMENTS B. Sc. Part-HI Physics . P: IP' I € 'Z res. bar B. Sc. ^art-IU Physici / 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 6. 7. 8. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. % Realisation of basic gates using DTL. Realisation of basic gates using HAND gate. Study of JK flip flop &decade counter using JK flip flop Study of poles & zeros of KJ network Straight radio receiver. 1 ' . Radio mixer amplifier. * If amplifier in Radio receiver. Half-adder & full adder using NAND gates Building logic circuit far Boolean expression Study of microprocessor 8085 writing assemely langu­ age with flowcharts Complementing a number, resistor-resistor movement. Memory resistor movement, program examples for adding and subtracting numbers multiplying and dividing number. " do - .* , , Digital to anlog conventer using operational amplifier Basic programming language with PC Fortroe programming. Group III: (Selected from B. S. Gottfried, programming with Basic using casio programmable pocket calculator type or any other equivalent model) 15. FET Amplifier ;> • ' 16. BASIC computer programming expt. Set No. 1' 17. BASIC computer programming expt. Set No. 2 18. BASIC computer Programming expt. Set No. 3 > 12. Study of RTL gates. < - * i13. Use of NAND GATE to operaate OR, NOR, AND an& Not gates. , , ... 14. e/m by Thomson’s method. ?■ 6 Part-Ill Physics 2. 3. 4. Advanced Practical Physics—Worsno. Advanced Experiments in Practical Physics-CaltBfOpr-— __ Advanced Practical Physics—ChaVan and Singh. Basic Electronics A text-Lab Manual Paul B. Zbar and P. Malvino. 6 . Principles of Electronic Instrumentation : A James. ' Diefenderfer. 6 . Radiation Detection and Measurement: G. F. Knoll. 7. Advance Practical Physics—S. K. Singh. 1. B. Sc. BOOKS "RECOMMENEDED FOR PB &■ . li iiv: Bio KIJVPMPU UNTVERGTTY |' _ I ^ • SV LUDUS_FO!R_THRER_y EAR_B. Sc .(PHYSICS )_COURSE - iQOp-Qj onwards.' , ‘ I B.Sc. ( PHYSICS I ) (Mechanics, Properties of matt'er"7_"Ee aT and Thermodynamics) ^Vectors : Differentiation of vectors, derivative of a vector of f constant magnitude ( no detailed treatment ). Vector1 expressions for Torque and Angular momentum. Point mass, vector; expressions for instantaneous velocity and pccoleration for arbitrary motion. ;; 4 hrs. f' Frames of reference in uniform relative motion - inertial frame. Oalilann transformation - Galilean pri­ nciple of relativity. Frames of reference in accelerated motion - non-iriertial frames, fictitious force, centrlfugal force as an uxample of fictitious force. Centre of mass frame and laboratory frame. Uniformly rotating frame - concept of Coriolis force. Radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration for motion in a plane. 11 hrs. Conservation__law;s : 1. Co ion f linear momentum, motion of a rocket - express'1 on or -its ‘ antaneous and maximum velocities taking into c.onsld. on_ .ha—vprV-iat-ion—of—-masss wli.jiouc'-hno with external force multi-stage rocket( qualitative discussion only ). plastic and inelastic collisions, coefficient of restitution, head-on collision of two particles, elastic oblique collision of two identical masses.-. 4 -] 1 \■ in a plane. | ?. Conservation of angular momnntumjjcentrnl force.., examples of motion under central forces - a) Newton's law ofjgrnvlta11 on, Kepler's laws, b) Simple harmonic' motion, e) Uniform jcircular motion D 3. Conservation of energy as a basic principle including mass -energy, discussion of S.H.M. and oscillation oi.j (light spiral spring as examnles of conservation of energy. ■ >Mj;; 16 hrs. , ; Elements of SateHite jnotioa: Expressions for orbital'-velocity -md period of revolution, escape velocity, condition1 for an Earth ,-v.i tell ite to be stationery, wei-htlossn^cs , artificial gravity in -sivice station, uses of artificial satellites. Breif account of •r.-Indian satellite programme. g> hrs. properties OF matter £_p|g;ld bodies : Dotations! motion about an axis, theorems of moment nl' inertia, MI of a rod, plate and cylinder. Theory 'of physical mndulum - finite amplitude. 1 , ■ ' 6 hrs. . i : Modulii of elasticity for isotropic materials, relation ' . lC -fu! 1 ween elastic constants. Expression for .bending moment, uniform **-."nid non-uniform bending. Theory of light cantilever. T-section * i girder. Torsion, expression for couple per unit twist, Torsion . ivndulum. 12. brs. g!JLl222_T®H§i22 : Forces on a surface, molecular theory, surface energy, effect of impurities. Pressure within a curved surface - application to drop and bubble. 4 brs. '^I5£22i!:i • streamline and turbulent motion in capillary tubes ;;d cylinders. Store's law - expression for terminal velocity.^) 3 hrs. HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS c : Distribution of molecular velocitlesC .no deri­ vation ). Mean free path - expression. Decrees of freedom, law PKiHKXplR of equipartition of energy with proofs ' i, S ihrs. Thermodynamics : Isothermal and Adiabatic changes, indicator dia­ gram. Expression for the efficiency of Carnot's cycle. -Reversibility of Carnot's cycle - principle of refrigeration and air condition­ ing. Second law of thermodynamics. 10 :hrs. t intrnpy : Definition, principle of increase of entropy in irrever­ sible processes, change of entropy when ice rhon^es to ‘steam, I f't fj on rft ■, ——~r,. Clau^.f Ui'3—/’lo p3yi'oir ctjuai/.i.oir'TOtj'rjv'! of melting and boiling point ,ri atloir 6, hrs. i: r l.lnuo fnction_of_gases: Ideal and real gases. Porus plug;,experiment - expresion for temperature of inversion. Principle of Regenerative cooling, Liquid air, Liquid Helium 7 jhrs. £>'adintion : Plack body radiation, distribution of energy; in the black body spectrum, statement of Wein's law and RaleighR lean's ! ,i v;. Einstein's concept.of quantum theory of radiation ,; jderivnti on ,.f Planck's law, Eadiation momentum and pressure,mention: of the I ail of comet, Crooke's radiometer. I ' i ' •" lOphrs. « HI » M U X MOTH : 1/ 1. This syllabus is to be covered engaging FOlIR'hours per week. Total - 100 hours. ?. S.T.Units must be followed throughout. 3. A good number of problems, in each topic, must be worked out in the lecture class. Adeouate teaching hours have been provided in the syllabus for this pur pose. ( l.lOQ.KfJ FOR REFERENCE : — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — • ; I. Mechanics ?. P. ■ k. \S, 6. 7. H. ‘). Properties of Matter - J.C.Upadhyaya Mechanics - R.Shankarnarayena i i; Clements of Mechanics - J.P.Agrawal and Satya Prakash Newtonian Mechanics - A.P.French ,-<e‘ ■ Properties of Matter - D.S.Mathur Heat and Thermodynamics. - J.B.Pa.iam Heat and Thermodynamics - Brljlal and Subramanynnbj l;j . A text book of Heat - Saha and Srivntsavn ^ Kl. Heat - - J.C.Upadhyaya D.S.Mathur i l . Classical and Modern Physics - K.W.Ford IP. Physics Part I ■- Ilalliday and Pesnick (Wiley Eastern) IP. Berkley Physics Course - Vol I, Mechanics Ed. by E.H [’Purcell Hi. Heat and Thermodynamics (International Ed.,McGraw Hilii) - M. V/. Zee man sky * PRACTICALS -(•'iEnch experiment is of THREE hours juration. A minimum! jo'f EIGHTEEN , uerime-nto must be' dana_al; ~'bhti rate of ONE tixyt. jerllJiJjok ) pe I'll l.lnt of Experiments '/1 i Bar Pendulum - g (2 hole method, h^- h'L'2 and h - T \y^r‘ . .Spiral spring - determination of g and unknown mass’ MI of a Flywheel ( M -graph ) Torsion Pendulum - rigidity modulus and MI of irroglijlar body vP. & r, «*r. (2) uv. (nj fa ph) Verification of parallel and perpendicular axes theorems of MI q by stretching - Hooke's law verification, unknown jmass / . j j -i q by uniform bending ( Load - Elevation graph ) q by cantilever method ( Load - Depression graph) q by cantilever oscillation ( graphical method ) Rigidity modulus by static torsion method q by Koenig's method - determination of unknown load . -.Searlels double bar - q,'n, q—' I' ,J Coefficient of dynamic friction - graphical method, unknown mass v+h . Surface Tension by capillary rise method & Ouincke's drop -ST and Angle of contact Surface Tension and Interracial Tension by drop weight me r. nod y / 313 fs '/ Oi7. Stoke's method for coefficient tit Viscosity j Specific heat by cooling ( graphical method ) Ij Thermal conductivity of n bad conductor by Lee's and Charlton'6 method with graph Verification of Stefan-Boltzmann law ( meter bridge or potentiometer to be used ) i:| PI. Platinum resistance thermometer - determination, |of boiling point of a liquid i,ji ?P. Temperature of Sodium flame i!| ♦ ?3. Tngenhauz's experiment for comparing the thermal icoductivities .*«**•»» W-tckoAM'a - ^ , ycu/' J • \Jtdco-rf® fnrrxrrvU/ ^ ( Vcfb--f Ojv^vAaa, l R, )& $X~ c " J - D^usv<a4k'cA {A fAjjjh*. \ > " ^ ]4-£-*-lr~ <3. 6 ">vvoqw£^vi Jyh • ■ ‘ Av. rT * P • "p HteXAAAA'tf- ^ h , p'y<>wv G2aa-/ t-aA 'JfYt-t ^ /«. ii '■ < ft II^uxaS/" ;a§iv si ',1 : , IX R.Sa.C PHYSICS II ) m.v^« *v *« Lfl *$f *. '»J •' t-« i’f** jt'. ' { > ( jSound, Light, -Electricity and Electromagnetism ) j! : : ,.i ] SOUND 'i • , * V' *«■'. . .Surer position of SHMs : Llssnjou’s figures ( analytical|| treatment) —— —— « v*! or time periods 1 : 1 and different phases, Boats. i! j 3 hrs, .'S f'1 - * ; ’ jS» -k • • .- • . . . J •' ' ''..V H VI^-rr‘2n.i.vj:.:^2rced-Vibr^^ons_i: Equations for damped vibrations. F^r^ed . 1 vibration - soluti on.-in .exponential form, resonance, expression ■ I. ■ ;••■•■*••• i I --for amplitude and phase at resonance. ;j 5 l»rs. Progressive waves_: Equation for wave in one dimension,1 IJlifferential equation for wave motion. Relation between amplitude and Intensity. Expression for velocity of progressive wave 3 n a medium, Newton's formula, Laplace's correction. Longitudinal vib­ rations in a. rod, Expression for frequency of vibrati o Wj of a r ■<T stretched string, harmonics. 8 brs. * LIGHT •,;v of_light_; Huygen's principle - explanation of / Wave_theor^ _ xicflectionand refraction. Group and wave velocity- religion III! between them. j , .irs. Interference : Double slit experiment, coherence of li mt sources, iiimplitude . .interference "by division of wave front and division of of Ere finel1s biprism and Lloyd's mirror with theory. Thin i!■ films is Coating uniform thickness and wedge shape. Interference filter of lenses. Michelson's interferometer - applications. j) hro. I Diffraction : Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Explanation of ’roctillinear propagation of light. Theory of zpne platei] Fresnel diffraction jt a straight edge and wire. Fraunhofer di||r.raction „t a single slit with theory. Reflection and transmission gratings ID npersl on and resolution of a grating. 1 hrs. ■ • 1! i >>utlcal Instruments : Defects of lenses, achromatic compjlnation lenses. Huygen's and Ramsden's eye-pieces. Resolving]and mag '.iil.fying >rtelescopes and microscopes( qualitative ). Mention of modern telescopes. :.16: brs. :l: 'ol art sat ion : Double-refraction in a uniaxial crystal,! 1 Iluygen ' s 1 n theory, positive and negative crystals. Principal refractive ind­ ices. Huygen's construction of 0 and E wave fronts in uniaxial 5 IS t==J P h * 3 7 s' 0 r * Retarding plai.es. Production and analysis of linearly, '.circularly and elliptically polarised light. Babinet compensator, optical activity - Fresnel's theory. Potatory polarisation. Use nl' biquartz. ! fi '!: Miect of electric and magnetic fields on light - Kerr dffect ••nd Faraday effect. ^ M2 ELECTRICITY hrs. I - *I£e™ating_Currents 5 RMS values, response of LR, CR,;LQR circuits to sinusoidal Voltages ( discussion using 'j'symbol ).!Series and lurallel resonance. Half power frequency. Bandwidth, Q-factor. Power in electrical circuits, Power factor. Maximum power transfer 1 heorem. !■i; jlM hrs. I ;i - !l'il!;££§ : High-pass and Low-pass filters with LR and CRl comblnations. Cut-off frequency.Band pass filters. d1, ;: j3 hrs. C !''i£!li£i2E2 : Half and full wave semiconductor rectifiers. Ripple -factor. Expression for efficiency of rectification. Voltage regu­ lation. Filters. . .ji.i :ii5 hrs. : Measurement of voltage, current, power and frequency ( principles ). CRO. ■' ’ 6 hrs. Hr j£al2R_a2d_Veetor_fields : Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector. Statement of the, theorems of Gauss and Stoke . ; k hrs. o !l'l2£YC2l!32Cnetic_theory : Concept of a dipole. Ampere' s'circuital law. Current loop as a dipole. Torque on a dipole. Maxwell's field equations. Wave equation for field vectors. Poynting vector (no der­ ivation), Equation for plane electromagnetic waves. Normal and anomalous dispersion, theory of Normal dispersion. '■. l’roduction_of_EiM_.Waves : Accelerated charges and oscillating dipoles. Hertz experiment. Radiation losses, synchrotron radiation. 13 hrs. X##****#** NOTE This syllabus is to be covered engaging FOUR hours per week. Total - 100 hours. 2. R.T.Units must he-used throughout. i. A good number of problems, in each topic, must be worked out in the lecture class. Adequate teaching hours have been provided j.n. the syllabus for this purpose. 6 P r*% .0 BOOKS FOB REFERENCE t 1. A Text Book of Optics - Subramanyam andBrijlal P, 3. A Text Book of Optics - B.K.Mathur |; j if. Optics - Eugene Hect and Alfred 7,ajac Fundamentals of Optics - Jenkins and White R. Electricity and Magnetism - Sehegal Chopra Sehegal'. | j 6. Electricity and Magnetism - K.K.Tiwari l-jl 7. Electricity and Magnetism - Aurthur K1.p j1'1, 8. Engineering circuit analysis - W.II.Hayt & J.E.Kemrm erly 0. Classical and Modern Physics , Vol. II - K.W.Fordi; 10, fundamental University Physics - Vol. II - Alonspjand Finn 11. Berkley Physics Course - Vol. TI and Til 1?. Electromagnetism - Grant and Fillips ''j i if: ;ji; 13. Physics Part II - Halliday and Resnick pL Ui. Text Book of Electrical Technology - Thereja pj' IB. Electricity and Electronics - D.o.Taynl if). Introduction to circuit analysis - Boylestaed h ! 17. Bound - Subramanyam and Brijlal 18. Sound - Khanna and Redi 19. Waves and Oscillations - A.P.French PEACTICALS - II C Each experiment is of THREE hours duration. A minimum of EIGHTEEN experiments must be done at the rate of ONE expt. per week. ) List of Experiments : ■A . Interference at a wedge - measurement of thickness y5.,Newton's Rings - Radius of curvature, verification by telescope method, V/3. Cauchy's Constants Njf. Diffraction grating - Normal Incidence ■j(. Diffraction grating - Minimum deviation s/. Diffraction at a wire - Diameter of a wire 7. Cornu's fringes - Elastic constants 8. Specific rotation of sugar 9. Resolving Power of a grating 7 6 .0 '*</• L-D Photometer - efficiency of a bulb. 1 1 . 't1 of thin film(transparent) using bipri6m IF. Resolving power of a telescope x/’ Dispersive power of a prism l'l . Polarisation by reflection - Brewster's law Ir>. Kundt's tube expt. xrf. Frequency of AC.(sonometer) yr. Helmholtz Resonator f..] in. Mode constant of a vibrating strip ill], s/>. Bjj - by Helmholtz galvanometer and potentiometer !if Jo. Measurement of low resistance using potentiometer v/l . Charge sensitiveness of a B.G. De-Sauty's bridge( DC ) using B.G. or ( AC ) using] headphones - laws of combination of capacities. ;i ' n/7'. Low and high pass filters :Vh sj"h . Charging and Discharging of a CR circuit Field along the axis of a circular coil using magnetometer MC Thermo e.m.f. using a mirror galvanometer - melting point of wax. ^ ^ ScAlAigi R D ^ ^ " (2 -12 ---- -2 i , j <TydjA,fou.^tp j A $-f fectyC <xfcj , —- A S kldtv\. Bbc'^Ytnryvx^yji/i-jAAn Cf^h'Lcd! Ua/j'Ctvx-Yvrvu/n •— fi i 2 j ^ Pnpt* 3H K \ • V ta s n i. j : s ^ ^ rn < 2 > ^ fYUdLcnA., ftv tr^ , ^ vvyinuly jx cv E ^ I “I \. otv jf-tvA. A f e x t'ro \^ € 'p >"P .. 1 ern oct^ c ^caA cr. t'n.. - > '•wc-wyin^HcAy. yvu.t'-*2x . C o ^ f-U 'v ^ ^ ^ tx d S L ^ ■Vc.uM>!'ap . ..:.._S eJlux^'cry PTl^ j u ___^ v L -S % A fi p o i Tvti p .b t , CWul. x H j. (^aA'rvtu.'rvv v\yovv\^v\ttoxL- s \^ cvv -y^ ><? -nvtcUA ^ (^c^vjxiLt 5 £->i.p t “5V,vyt tvi- <^uawH Vyt<cw), . .{;.*. Id. -^ e u r e-^ ' tj.e'X Lixctv Orfax ItJL CX-dtuAien £ S c m m -e r c t S-v 77\on'uor> . ^ ( 1 . td r e ^ -f ^ feecK- . 1 ’ > > , ^q T ^a-ru j..... 3. NHR f , : .A g£)Y-_ ^ , cvn) £* _ £U«j ^ VMo io^p .... vg> S_< itcn.0 ._ <y< R a mA.n_ _____ JcclcP ox O vux-ds _ dU ^ c u A tico ^ | | 1 | | j H yrvt I -& xinr clvfOift- ^ d b * f> ; ___ I cii^TiJLH CA yj- ................... O n ^-e.n,_ pec^A-Vo-ltt, % PuaT ^ y^LP^(L.iX yj 'A ( ..... A Lt'-ui _ . e ^ - « J r ^X -pe TirvMxJrcJl J A A ; , £$5. erexJb X, t a . PaJ>cU-Ar\/ E,axK . ■37 yvrC.vycJL /Uxyvut.A<. tvct yvusJL ^J. c io J riv O , fe/ycu^^ 'X ...... . ._.&*- \-Sct5\%C.^'a . 0 A'-YCCC^ * ^ .* ci-xC'SjTTC'iiVu- X' ’ ixy&C.. _ ^pvXX TU TvU-t(r"S - % £o~u .t _ £ ■ * / . j>$£'?it..£ ci-<&crx_e'|r X - ttclv^s , Gt ^C/Tm '-j" < ? .civic ’uHJLc *riX 'K X ~'5 c*-jJ^ OTuiJL , 'X $£.__ «4 * « Jb C -TrCX^ f ^ Co^i-TXtcCl.U A p cil yp -Vex-ifra .. » i¥ ib ? o itc n ,^ . C iisJii^ T ^ o | - fc.'xpS.AtrvcJbicTO. Lci-->vcJr(Ori C_C^U£cUXtU;(Vc7) ^err rkseTUu-Jn and X^s '<-€:X-Y>VA,'K, pK.y.Q-jt.'j V^VvVa LOJ CV v IP 6 2a e^-_cctr .r^TcrA.__yf-x,t-cn^. oJrcr»v VyCxU-L, j P \ oAjxuJL . . . - 'Xxa yvyrw ttA-GOW -5 tXvL "YVDY'rAxJL CVv\dL ^ejs.'wvftyv. 1 , H e im a +•*, S<oHvc«i f- APoApJ^nlL p!A J ^ 'A ■^^>r»v|i'uxrvU- , . dt-V^xi tu^ticn crj. eJcH ^ y n -i fcaJaU-; I 'KU a a- X d x o p { .x p tiiw in i- ^ Sh iloivv *A -H vE V etltoy octo>r^ wypclti. Pa.u.tx 'X - R.u.fk-ex^c-ydl cvtcw-xc vWX^-'yvLfctC. c ? ^ JI fcsJh've) ; Spcax. v Hv -H o- . Clc c^- e^. Ax. fcoJrt >£«_') % ♦ - £-c&£gUcTtzeot Sur\iUv,v-'>o-|nSt e^UixS CO'ny'vC'jvU^ - |%^b'cs) Webern pVvHocl M j-il * k a n A __oJbovyv > . _ii7v ■ -* > iK o md.cn 1 KA.eHv&cLj wvjxy ®A 1. 5 * jTxjewclutHcn to MotU-Ttv. fVw rr 7" 'T ~ZW^ ^ ? i i 3 ^B A K r OVvCi t ........ Q i - H c n J _gp eJjsjjsJjrro^ P K y rieJ I Q-|*-g- n . ^ - f . ^ , i 4 -1 l .r%Tv. p-^TvLt'p l e j F, p , Xvv . U lPjvtv x «V\14 WCTt. I-Tvcixpendtrct- K^-evvg- r bx|-' GiA-.vut - Ttfcjdtka.' 1 'Tcctj'^ i ^ a vt.tL > _ S-CX-pcT^rtH fr l>de'YpTei;Tr dt®-pfTtcLc-n^T ftycyw-J-dt . ''d . r> _e5p'n A O^r. fechnr Tm ilCvti , .... %ctvrociv yv^O.'A , .du.T IS-tJeiCT) ’ e£s Gj-.P D r/\ppXvcC'hc rti - &bn.kr cn, j \iAiAVpycdiorv t. , T v-ycwOj ^ bftj>tTS k ^ p o -ilu d h e-^-. K j-p u °] ° tt£ .--h < L Uet^eTibeT^'A „ a n cey b cu .'id ^ — TaJLcxuJ ; _^OTV C^r < ; » \G ^ -fori i"\xl p.Lx_ , _> ok vxr P'xxixi pifi. exp G S ) >AiLtvt rlitu D<? Cc^v,v*dl PcJt\v<2-) . G|€7 rwtT expt .% v vtc-Xt' Of- DvvciL- TvcduAc- : — V jcw x M-iUtvCyTvU-A £~ . G-vt,- c-|. -td ie r thu' bevy XT |j<xckOsS k'Kol0T^_ ^ <xppdccdtcm.i - iL k A p rv VtoU^Texpl^^'^ k\ypi\Ccvti'c7Y\.i y ; Hr- b 'n e ^ d a 4 c u /> $ i cy> e VUTcvl- ! ! * i .d dttOT^p L fld n j. * w ... c_i\£c\£U.t:e; pj^rtu bXiAfXTj <=j 1 -*c^v e ^ e x t, C.c<v_p tcrrC" p-pliC -t^cn c\c~ ^*W'VCCU. 3> A . VOt\\C.. <^, -G-i 4 . ^ w o m i. c* -^\ ~rU| t vk vs. -0 crA. >HjF)e)V cU-7^ ^ecHcri ^3 f “ * H'iyS — ■ - £ >*? f - :xU ‘W T rc r -x * ■ . AF0-? - 3r°^ "k &C * e- . ___ £"> 'Ttil^A .. Gpnxi. t t(TL' j PKM C OWro-L , cx^M pJLPmJO/S •Pei'T'.V c\$ . • .to C-po.wru'jf..' .<-*«ru tr^T ^C vr- G-pt Tr-.rcrS fr-p .-yfdrvs C W ^ C^vv-paHWcrn e j ^(-cde-S t&O^cuAea'tnQ £>eLfc*>y''\A.Yu ktHv<X CT\ b>Lc^pH C >V(jXLlva -n.CcA %<- g x A c- £S*vVKltvS •YV'/S ^UXJL/TP oU.tv\-> G^p vOilL- $4 •-L. H e c u tv U x p ^cdH'&H C cd y ~pj .h a w Of Z-'J, ^ v U-Uttc v , ^ n v r ^ T iitia • "ru. n-fcu .w 1 -1 5 , vvutrtin ervcvt -V, OtyLi i t c d r r k v p e-^ey r-JX "? r^x H 'X cO ff-^CTcvtciri 1-ixLlxi —arw- . loro rvvcrw_, kvH vs, AV^ llhS crn) , vttp.'UL- vtArvtuYA, 'rvtf'XttAwv'd. , ttkwv _ > f + ^ e r v v a lt a k < w v Pv Wlgd-yDCjerV pjjotcL . To-Jt-edcr - •tu.rrry.eUo^... ..+9 .paAW d t - ... !VA. _J: - cu-^■•^nbcru^ h ^ x . Q dlnryt/ctH e n ) Q-yJreJvVicn £x - D bcTt-.^, N' CcUvU ^ HtWtiUjVjA cxj. ! ! 31^ ifi J K-it-V'Av Paper 12. — C.ei Jbxs Ip d d ) dctHox! e^. pA C T . ’ 1 A p u tlu . W -a±. CjnrV-tALt- ‘ • evAur^tj- S( •^^a -P'e^ 7 p o te n k a i, r °\ p -reu e.ttejHnmj ,^e7r_, Pe^rvd, cPi-'nAb ©j. erujrsj'jp . A-ppitdcxtt'otv it) .. c^- .. ixpoa^unQ ^Pcdewu_t\lr ’ s.bTA ’ - '. t A t s.b, y Parcv-n-tcva- -AT^/JAy. ^eT-dt.b'cm. vd. \ *, Aly>$ d JlCr?vu- o.£xLf\ri o d . P acva.^,-, |c r |ji-3 CC. pkcvvcrti - "fxSd" ‘Sdc-c.t-rrro . ^kA ST'^p' ...... ^ u -c r ^ . _ k l ' edl'A «n> v clcdbu-JL.. e-| Cc-AU. p.tr C"^ ^ o n c tp lr eXctiVj(j,JL fc~x-p-3fc^r« i PuiLcrrvs^ V\ inCOTtAtd A t $;-x.p UxlArdior) C ^VvdlU'J A eC cU f h~rf) Au.. 'Sci'ui. (jil A ^.dcm O , rd.Uc.rr Cr\j,Sbclc<|'Tixpl.u^ CAu.sVojL 'Hvt-©T^-. b.CixdtAtvToo.JPtj''. j , 2-'v <f)~ kliudTP57w J p tv ^ J c i Cdvrduxderi Hh'td 2j i^inrOt'ttVvvtS C.b..'J.'Trxiv. t.-retd Sdidrrerv V1 i.5tvC. S fu d jo c W d * '•rvddei L*6±*M*>, ...... Po AUTf|'<-j~ A d xd ti . >4 -4 4)kvjX;-)(US I A^Cvie. , M i-re dud'CY'^- — S d id - Skd.2- 6^-MAX.Ki ta.fc(Je. . ; , s* ■ • - - ... 1 c; T- • i . . UcdL fd j .^ .« ,t* C < 2 V r"5 vVvt _Do:ANXV-t Tu <xpovvv{ ’ d, S tc p e ir t CT) dLudJrt U t i rtf- gr^ W ^ e v v c d n ctta • bd d v rS . < t ‘ Jlt-djO 15 &).£ \ wg) , , CWv.ct . ^ b p i^ a t c Kfe^ai- _ fc.lU-Hrc.rvd. p O d ., td ~ eK edco-U T ) aj Ox<X , < EocpC'd-rvvt.vdO-L — 'V^TJ 4 Uj u bTMod c-^J- v o ltr a ic i C ^C jt Tv av ed - I v t^ te T ^ ^ (\q, u a I i JUJU V^ ) ^ tCvpU-Ti. .•^ T A td u U . U oja (V5-vp.U ^CAXtCTl ftjdlCTL, fee- 4-W- d ; e 1 p<3ti p gTrtri P k r£ o C crL dudhiviii-^-* , P k c 'd A d cd d t t i U — SK t ? . C"|- < _ CA cLtu-hr^ r\£ 'r t rod, • {ad;'*' Q<nrv cr|^ P -N ju.TU±tcrru, c \ >U rvvl ( r,(\d'^JL.VCAi ;w \pt.v\.t J-vp /Vcwvt C.Ct\dtuJri VS-t itj. — C. - (TsS c^ ’ M\TvU^crn CmcLtiXtvuu Jt^. cr|_ £j Ph-^Vta'X, ...?"X.pl?Vt.7V.S^\Cl\ f - . , <- IpesYY^.. - r \t- - r c j .£$. m ^ujlodcrjs , AWL-l cdS .. -V-irvvv CrA.dtio.t-cx . ... b c ^rvcl^ dtvrPTT &CvtxCL .- *4~b ">3 E T flc d A c d 'rr) e^, AU c.p Jt eMJLio.d'jj-, 'rcrti'c e r ^ 'x )> r ' -2SP ■ . fir£5. J'C A P .pivic^ ; b rrie.-k . , i tv DC. . 1 . OiC-x -tl CyT/Cxi - alt'Acu.?^ cm. VaTrt £jcu ‘TV-%. (V-vCCT ’ <2Azi\, ^ ddo.-L<-jPe e-j,- Cx o y :Jcterv- cCCocii. — _ \ jlo Itficx . 5"birS cwwp lt.itc.- i C v j O' 0 UXoM t S ^ t\-mp bl ............... .. cCCxi n CG c^ . c.UfOuaite*f IaK c : -KjPc.1 U r\i£ . ^«nr fccxxct Yvu~Hv£>ci. £j dux=y. e-x.p«j«->Vicnrv4 OixvJU'drr A-C "V-xpoY i . t M c 's i- .- n 'b C.G a ay artCxLi-ps' jtf >wpcuW <x\£._ u a ^ - e u l- eH srr ^ y\, cu&c m u lc t). 'facnvLyTsT •W t « \>-c -Lb-Xj1- i ) V - — n ^ u lr d tc r u tyi.LgX.IL 'Ye-ttCiA-. ’ V g TVtLT — Vi ’ i ^v^LC: T £ tu. ’ - '<-p .tALT'X.dxC5T) _ .H vJL orsm ^ PeH riA cy', P «xpv£--VVC'TL C Avuxti ifuKv^) - yvCc H tH o o fK rvncoL^.i-i4 E;igAbiro vv.<bU^ . 10. — C ■v i £. -LUJ . Cj-CtxC! C1 -^ (X. 0 j et»pfc ’ v ^^ -tT aT ruW A?icn E^.TiL V " ) .:.. ’ >!LV ^ Gtc-tK. -< ,, y- o . Vvt c c iTj E l \ e ro ci <xi rt !'-r>rLL f P-ri ’ r'l-s . . ’ 'aruii -A ru-w -i-^i rj. AM? A ■ > A ~ rv -.....i. r-r* -' v ’hrA- y ^ i r.vp — - '- f ti L 1 ovv* — £ c b ri A ^ c ^ JS c ru C sU V 3heA#.*v ( i ' cn. - R ( \ Aa 4-ppWi n. ftn it d i ( ^ T a ',u i — a-i C d i MjLrivcci-! (Vn'vp.v.ty": j - A Wg ) Xi-Vi Cr--1 w ewe, . AM ■b'y-mirrietCT I'A odxijjxnerr) 5 U ^ cxxlX c C~ m m , k tu . avcxctl i CT) A CAViicdxYA dcJL . o 8 ~,s.£ C-Ax IL m en > 4 b y , KaxA e n V teyV '-texiL CxYcuaV -j C\i^dLt cTvcC-b J r 5 -Vi-A U- £ cv: V, .>Vi <r\ vvVsL. vlP£fE 'r -runv ~ b t'-- --'A irruAiv, Fl C; Ej iVwcL ^ evcLb^k. . T X ip - r - ii- p ip R .-S ij ivn.ci. A c tt .vudC-vJ C. dLdCti -O o ,x J:ei a ’+C5S •- . ,f~i C lVi (1, - •3 ptv OiCiiXCxL 11Cii x a ouAc H oxt i-e^. temx^p ir 'i4C T cpax'()_ £ u o M C|io.vli XX'-iive^ Su_p?tT CcrrvdujLccTrf J (__ . -----PET ^ Tcjpe -Jj. 'Haxo 1 a v u x AH app.U cid-ic-iU . A ccp tr £c.\Acu.i.-cTA. E>.C.S 2 35 V8fLLABUS FOR B.SG. PHYSICS MAJOR, COURSE j I B.Sc. (Theory) (Physics -I) ("Po be covered at 3 hours per week) , i MECHANICS ■ Introductory Vector Calculus: Derivative of a vector, derivative of A', (A -i B), (A-B) and (A x B) . Instantaneous velocity and acceleration in vector form. Derivative of a vector with constant magnitude. 2 Frames of reference: Inertial frame, Galilean principle of fel’a’tivTty - norTTnertial frames, pseudo force, centre of mass-reduced mass of a binary system. 4 Unif_orm_ circular motion: Centrifugal force as a pseudo force coneepT’oT'torFoITs Yorce , Radial and Transverse components of velocity qnd acceleration. ■ 4 Conservation laws: Conservation of linear momentum, Motion of a roT'keT’~~muTtTstage rockets, General equiation for collision elastic collision. Conservation of angular momentum - law of areas. Central force - examples (i) Simple harmonic motion, (il) Uniform circular motion. Planetary motion - Kepler’s laws, Newton's law of graviation - Kepler's law from Newtons law of gravitation. j 7 Conservation of conservation o? escape velocity conservation of oscillations of energy: Definition of partial derivative, ’energy in a central field, PE as work done, of a satellite. Illustration of law of energy in (i) SHM 8. (ii) Vertical a light spiral spring. 5 Elements of Satellite motion: Derivation of the condition for closed ari'cf "open orbits, -stationary .satellites,'Weightlessness, artificial gravity in space station. 3 i ■ GENERAL PHYSICS ...... Rigid bodies: Rotational motion about an axis, theorems of mdinenT of Triertia - calculation of MI for a rod, plate (circular and rectangular) and solid cylinder. Theory of compound pendulum - collinear points with the same period. 4 p Elasticity: Hooke's law - Elastic potential energy = V2Kx , moduli” or "elasticity, derivation of relation between elastic constants - Youngs modulus.by stretching, expression for bending moment, uniform and non uniform bending, theory of light cantilever, I - section girders - Torsion, expression for couple per unit twist, torsion pendulum. 7 .i S_urface_Ten_sion and Visjcosity; Angle of contact, pressure within a curveTsurlace, spherical and cylindrical drops and buboles - ^rop weight and Ju.i.ncke's method for surface tension. Poisuelle's formula {or rate of flow of a .liquid. 4 IMLA1:'1-! _rjJHJIMODJ/NAMIC73 • I HeaJ.: Molecular distribution of velocities (no derivation) mean free path, degrees of freedom - principle of equiparti tiori of energy - ratio of specific heats for monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic gases. Expression for an ideal gas undergoing adiabatic expansion. Work done during isothermal and adiabatic. ^ -: 2 g :~ c, BSc-r; Thermodynamics: Working and expression Cor efficiency of a Carnots "engine *• reversibility of Carnot’s engine - Principle of refrigeration. Second law of thermodynamics Carnot's theorem - Diesel cycle. bntropy: Microscopic and macroscopic definitions - change in eViTropy in reversible and irreversible p. ocesses, principle of increase of entropy - Latent, boat equation for variation of melting point and boiling point. ■ 10 Liquefaction of gases: Ideal and real gases - Porus plug eVp7.>'rinu.MTr*"-“'*l£xp"r'es'sIon for tempera ture of inversion Principle of regenerative cooling and its advantages, Principle of adiabatic demagnetisation - measurement of low temperatures. 6 SOUND Oscillations; Expression for a SHM in exponential form Inb derive tfon J~ Superposition of two SHMs of equal frequency in perpendicular directions - Lissajou’s figures - Superposition of two SHMs of- different frequency - beats - Equation for a harmonic oscillator - solution in complex form. • 4 tree and forced vibrations: Tree vibrations, damping. Equation" '■ or ’damped~Vi]Jrations - solution in the exponential form, effect of damping, forced vibration ~ equation and solution in exponential form - condition for resonance, expression for amplitude and phase at resonance, sharpness of resonance. 4 Pi'0_gress_ive_ wa ves: Equation for a wave in one dimension, di.Tf erenFIaT’"equa tion for wave motion, relation between amplitude and intensity of a wave. Expression for velocity of progressive waves in a medium - Newtons formula - Laplace's correction. Longitudinal vibrations in a rod. Expression for frequency of vibration. Free vibrations of a stretched string - harmonics. 4 Fourier Theorem: Statement and expression for amplitude in exponeTitia 1 form ~ analysis of a square wave. 2 Practicals -I (List of experiments - each experiment is of 3 hours duration) Gcoup_ A: (Minimum of 9 experiments to be done) 1. Bar pendulum - g (2 hole method, h‘~ - hT ?.. and h-T graph) Spiral spring.- determination of g and unknown mass. 3. M.I. of a flywheel - (M - eO graph. 4. 1 Torsion pendulum - rigidity modulus and MI of an irregular body, .'). Verification of parallel and perpendicular axes theorem of MJ. . if 6. q by stretching - verification of Honker, law and de tormina I; ion of unknown mass. ’• /. '! uniform bending - load elevation graph. I 3. q cantilever - load depression graph. * 9. q cantilever oscillation - graphical method, 10. q Koenig's method - do term i tin l.i on of unknown load. / {Y)ortepl°re / d-Sc.'Ij: - b i ^ -SyLIABUS FOR II B.Sc. - PHYSICSJ^jEORYjlIl * ■ ■ An- (To be covered at 3 hrs per week) OPTICS Velocity of light; Michelson's method *4 -r Total 75 hours. Wave Theory of light: Huygen's principle - explanation of . Taws oT~refTecTion and refraction on wave theory, i Group and wave velocity - relation connecting them, ' ' Interference of light: Coherent sources. Interference Toy”dTvT s*ion'“of wave~Tront and division of amplitude. Fresnel's biprism experiment. Thin films of uniform thick­ ness and of wedge shape. Colour of thin films.' Newton's rings - Michelson's interferometer - Measurement of Xand d/-. Determination of ^ of a thin transparent film. 3 6 Diffraction of light; Rectilinear propagation - Fresnel and '^rau’nHcTer~ "cfiTTraction. Theory of zone plate, Fresnel's diffraction at a straight edge and wire. Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit (with theory) and at double slit (qualitative) Plane Diffraction grating (theory) - missing orders, overlapping » spectra, minimum deviation. Dispersive and resolving power of \ a grating. 9 Optical Instruments: Aberration in lens - spherical and chromatic ioerraTTon - Achromatic combination of lenses - Huygen's and hams jan'; eyepieces. Resolvingand magnifying power of tele­ scopes ani microscopes (qualitative). 4 Polarisation: Double refraction in a uniaxial crystal. Huygen's TKeory, pcsTtive, and negative crystals, principal refractive indices. Huygen's construction for O and E wavefraonts in uni­ axial crystals. Retarding plates. Production and analysis of linearly, circularly and elligticqlly polarised light. Babinet compensator - Optical activity - ^resnel’s theory - h0i-atory polarisation. Use of biquartz. 8 ELECTRICITY DC Nfe two rV, an a 1 y s i s : Kirchoff's laws - superposition theorem, mesh anaiytis-star-delta conversion. Thevcnins and Norton's theorems - Application to simple DC networks (Examples to be worked out) 6 Transients: fR & CR circuits - time constants. UCR "circuit. Discharge of 4 Alternating currents: RMS values, respense cf LR, CR and LCR clrcults To ITnusoTHal voltages 'discussion using j operators) seri.s and paralle resonance-half power frequency - band width. Q factor power in an electrical circuit - Power factor - maximum power transfer theorem. 8 Filters: High pass and low pass filters 'with LR and CR combinations expression for Cjt off frequency - 3and pass filters. 2 Rectif iers:. Half ar.d full wave rectifiers with semiconductor oTodes-rTpple factor - expression for effiency of a‘full wave rectifier. Voltage regulation - filters for smoothened output (qualitative discussion) 4 Power tr ensmissior: Three phase distribution - star - delta connactions “- flne~a"nc phase voltages, line and phase current- expression s relatin' these quantities. Eddy current-rotating magnitic field-ircluction motor-squirrel cage rotors. 3 /’"A' I *** x % ...2 fTT i Electrical measurements; Ballistic galvanometer, theory, ^mp, Trig, de*term 1 riaTToh ofTapacity of a condenser by absolute^, thod. Measurement of inductance by Anderson;'s method, rat\ of capacitances by de-sauty and Wiens bridge. \< • ELECTROMAGNETISM Scalar and vector fields: Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector, "Sta t emehV" oT’ "Eli'e theorems of Gauss and stokes. 2 Electromagnetic theory: Concept of a dipole. Ampere's circuit TawTcuYrVrrFToop as a dipole, torque on a dipole. Setting up "Maxwell's field equations, wave equation for field vectors. Pointing's vector (No derivation) Electromagnetic waves - equation for plane waves - Normal and anomalous dispersion. Theory of normal dispersion-radiat i.pn momentum and pressure (No derivation) l 7 Production of EM Waves: Accelerated charges apd oscillating cflpoTes - Her tz~experTment. ' Books for reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. f j 2 s A Text Book of Optics - Subramanyam & Brijlal. A Text Book of optics - B.K.Mathur. Optics - Eugene Hecht and Alfred Zajic. | Fundamentals of optics - Jenkins and uhite, Electricity and Magnetism - Sehgal - Chopra-^ehgal. . . 6. Electricity and Magnet ism - Arthur Kip.' 7. Engineering circuit anal/sis - W. I.Hayt and J.E.Kemmurt 8. Classical and Modern Physics - vc.i . II - K.W.Ford. 9. Fundamental-University Physics - VD1 n _ Alonso and Fi. 10.Berkely Physics Course - VqI. II and III 11. Electromagnetism - Grant and Philips. 12. Physics Part II - by Hall.iday and Resnick. 13. Text Book of Electrical technology - Theroja. 14. Electricity and Electronics - D.C. ^hay-al. 15. Introduction Circuit Analysis - 3aylestaed. to • Practicals II (to be done in 3 hours) \ \ Group A: (Minimum of 9 expts to be done) 1. Interference at a wedge - measurement, of thickness. 2. Newton's ^ings- Radius of cur. vature- Verification by telescope method. 3. Cauchy's constants. ' 4. Diffraction grating - Normal incidence. 5. Diffraction grating - Minimum deviation. 6. Diffraction at a wire - Diameter of n wire. ; 7. °pecific rotation of sugar. 8. Resolving power of a grating. 9. Babinet comoensator. 10. L-3 photometer - efficiency of a bulb t 11. of thin transparent film using biprism 12. Verj.fication of Inversepsquare law using photo cell. 13. Polarisation by reflection ~ Brewsfp.r1 s Law.! Group B: (Minimum of a 9 expts to be done) 1. B^ - by Helmholtz galvanometer and potentiometer. 2. Conductivity of an electrolyte. 3. Measurement of low resistance using potentiometer. 4. Charge sensitiveness of a 3.G. • • • 3 SYLLABUSi of _j; m •Sc-TTr f ■ ft) i / / YEAR B.ScDEGREE (Effective from ; 1991-92) (Yten^eJo're r,, 4Sub j e Cjt,?.xPhy3i.cs -(MaJ*r or Optional) .... ^/f>hysics HI:. Atqmic and Nuclear Physics: (To be covered.at ? hours per week) Total 75 Hrs method ELECTRON:- e/m.of the electron by Thomson1 s/expression' f or deflection in electric field only. Electronic charge by Millikan's method. 2 hrs. ATOMIC SPECTRA:- .Energy level diagram of hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms. Excitation and ionisation potentials, Franck and Hertz experiment. Short comings of Bohr's model. Vector atom model, spinning electron and space quantisation. orbit interaction. nn'R spin. systems. Magnetic moment due to orbital motion The different quantum numbers. principle. Spin - Pauli's exclusion Mention of LS and JJ couplings for multielectron Stern - Gerlach experiment. structure of *< and D lines. Explanation of Fine - Zeeman effeU - Normal and anomalous; experimental observation and explanation based on I vector atom model. ’ , n , „ 9 hrs. MOLECULAR SPECTRA:- (diatomic molecules only) General features and classification. and transitions. Pure rotational spectra, energy levels Vibration - Rotation spectra, vibrational levels and fine structure of VR-bands. Electronic, spectra i and fine structure. Application of molecular spectra. 4 hrs FLUORESCENCE AND PHOSPHORESCENCE:- (Qualitative study only) i Raman effect, Brief discussion of Tyndall and Rayleigh scattering. Theory of Raman effect. . Experimental technique fc- studying Raman spectra in liquids. sation of Raman lines. Intensity and polari­ Applications of Raman effect. X-RAYS:- Bragg's law and Bragg spectrometer. ideas of different types of crystals. 4 hrs Elementary Miller indices. Structure of NaCl and KC1 crystals. .Continuous X-ray-spectra. Duane and Hunt limit. X-ray-energy levels. Characteristic X.-rays, Moseley's law, Theory of Compton effect including 7 hrs. calculation of energy of recoil electron. . i. n. Nu..._............ .V- I MAP. iv; i . ■ f 2L,:3; RADIATIuii:- Black body radiation, distribution of energy the black-body'spectrum. .387 Jn \ Statements of Wien’s displacement law, Wien's l-.,w and d ;yleigh - Jean's law. Statement of Planck's law. Derioxion of Planck's law using Einstein's coefficients, deduction of VVein's law and Rayleigh - Jean's i law from Planck's l. w. i 3 hrs LASER OPTICS:- General principles of production of laser action. Ruby laser, Helium - Neon laser. discussion of holography. Applications of lasers. > , 4 hrs. WAVE MECHANICS:- Failures of classical mechanics, Davisson and Germer and Thomson. Uncertainty principle. Experiments of Concept of matter waves. Illustration by'YEray microscope and diffraction at a single slit. Setting up of Schrodinger's equation (time independent only). function. Brief Physical interpretation of wave Particle in a one dimensional potential box with derivation of expression for energy. dimensional box. Degeneracy. Extension-to three Derivation of expression for energy of a Linear harmonic oscillator assuming relation for wave function. Zero point energy. Brief discussion (without any derivation) of ttigid rotator and Hydrogen atom. NUCLEAR PilY^TP1:; — liu the r f or d ' r. particle scattering. l:hcuj atom — Alpha Derivation of scattering formula (,v-.cimiDq expression for impact parameter). Marsden. y uf 8 hrs. Experimental verification by Demptser's Mass spectrograph and isotopes. istics of Nucleus - Nuclear mass. Character- Atomic mass Unit (a.m.u.). (C-12 standard) Nuclear sire and density. Nuclear Charge. Nuclear spin and Magnetic moment (qualitative only). 3 hrs. RADIOACTIVITY:- Successive disintegrations, Radioactive equilibria. The three natural radioactive series. Range and energy of Alpha particles. Nuttal empirical rule. Alpha decay.; of the earth. The Geiger - Tunnel effect in t\-decay (qualitative cnly). /3 -decay and electron capture. (qualitative). Units of Radioactivity. Nuclear isomerism. The Neutrino hypothesis Radioactive dating and age : 5 hrs. ... 3 388 ‘ 1 ' ARTIFICIAL TRANSMUTATION OF ELEMENTS:0,-vilues. reactions induced by p, Nuclear reactions, d, <.\ - particles, photo disintegration, reaction cross sections (mention only). Neutrons. Discovery, properties. Mention of transuranic elements. Artificial radioactivity. Radio isotopes and their uses (brief). 5 hrs. \ ACCELERATORS:- Linear accelerators, Cyclotron, Betatron and principle . of Pro tor. - synchrotron. Nuclear detectors: G.to.Counter, Bubble Chamber and Principles of semiconductor detectors. 5 hrs. NUCLEAR. FORCES.:- Binding energy of nucleus. nuclear forces. Yukawa’s theory (qualitative). NUCLEAR MODELS:- Liquid drop model. mass formula. Characteristics of 2 hrs. Setting up of semi-empirical Shell model and magic numbers (qualitative only). 3 hrs. NUCLEAR FISSION:- Explanation, estimation of fission energy on the basis of Liquid - drop model, controlled and uncontrolled chain reactions. Four factor formula for Reactors^ Types of Reactors- Swimming pool Reactors and fast breeder Reactor. Radiation protection, Units of Radiation Dosage. NUCLEAR FUSION:- Thermonuclear reactions. energy. 5 hrs. Source ofiStellar Carbon - Nitrogen cycle and proton - protonjcycle. Magnetic bottle. I ( 2 hrs i _ COSMIC RAYS:- Primary and secondary cosmic rays. Geomagnetic effects. Showers. Composition of primary cosmic rays. Origin of cosia..r. rays. — FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES:- \ Particles and Anti-particles',. Classification of fundamental particles. Mention of basic 2 hrs BOOKS Foil REFERENCE: . 1 Introduction tv Atomic and Nuclear Physics: H Semat and I J R Albright. f 2. Atomic and Nuc.l ?3.r Physics 3. Nuclear Physics: I Kaplan, 4. Introduction te Modern Physics: Richtrnyer, Kennard and 5. I A Littlefield and T V Thorle Cooper. Source book on Atomic energy: S. Glasstone.j 6. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure: G. Herzberg. 7. Fundamental University Physics Vol III - Alonso and Finn. 8. Atomic Physics: Yarwood. 9. Mc-Graw Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology. Max.Marks: 80 PHYSICS PAPER III: Scheme of the Examination: Internal assessment: ••i 20 100 PART-A: Atomic spectra including electron, ' Fluorescence Molecular spectra/and laser optics : 2 out of 3 questions 2 X 8 = 16 2 X 8 = 16 3 X 8 = 24 PART-B: X-rays, Radiation, Wave Mecnanics : 2 out of 3 questions PART-C: Nuclear Physics : 3 out of 5 questions ParT—D• (a) Short"answer type questions : 8 out of 10 1 8 X <L = 16 (b) ^hort answer typo questions : 8 out of 10,8x1 08 I 80 (Instruction: In part A, B and C ques tions will have only 2 sufc divisions. Weightnge to problems will be 25% of the total mark srya 25% of the total subdivisions will have problems). . -:,^(sr'6 1 ', ] SYLLABUS: III Year B.SC. : 'PHYSICS ! .■ ' i PAPER IV / RELATIVITY, SOLID ST. IE1 PHYSICS a ELECTRONICS: Total Hours 75 (to be covered at*3 hours per week) if j * . , SPECIAL TIEORY OF RELATIVITY:- Michelson - Morley experiment. Basic postulates of the theory of relativity. The liorentz Transformation (No derivation).Fitzgerald contraction. Simultan­ eity. Time dilation. Velocity addition theorem. Qualitative discussion of the relativistic variation of mass and derivation of Mass - energy relation (E=MC ). Energy and Momentum relations. 8 hrs. SPACE PHYSICS:- Upper Atmosphere, Van Allen Belts^ Deep space stellar evolution. 0 Vi (Mention of Chnndrnshekar Hmit, Red -md Blue uaints, White Mwarfs, Black holes, Pulsars and Quasars). i STATISTICAL PHYSICS:- Statistical ideas in Physics, _of Maxwell Boltzmann distribution. ^irac Statistics. 4 hrs. Statement Bose Einstein and Fermi Qualrtative discussion of distinction between BE and FD statistics, MB statistics as the Classical limit of either. \ . SOLID STATE PHYSICS: I SPECIFIC HEATS OF SOLIDS:- Dulong and Petit's law, L theory of specific heats. Debye's theory. for electrical conductivity. E+dE. Einstein's | FREE ELECTRON THEORY OF METALS:- Classical theory. theory. 3 hrs. 4 hrs. Expression Ohms law. Quantum free electron j Statement of Number of available states between E and Interpretation of Fermi energy. f Expression for Fermi Energy and average energy at Absolute Zero - Derivation of expressions. Fermi energy and average energy abcjve Absolute-Zero (No derivation). , 7 hrs. • • * 6 1: \ - \ iU--) 3^ \ BANDIT flEQ^Y OF SOLIDS it Elementary ideea regarding the f orm*'+t »: of energy bands.^ Explanation of electrical conductivity of metals, insulators arid semiconductors. Intrinsic semiconductors. i Derivation of expression for electiical conductivity. semiconductors. PF Junction - rectifying action. NLN and PNP types. Solar cells. Their, amplifying action. magnetic field. Transistors. Hall/effect. ~S . . . Photoconductivity. ideas and experiment;! facts. Impurity Meissner effects Critical /.pplicati ons of super conductivity. Qualitative discussion of high t---:;., erature super conductivity. 11 hrs MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS:- Dia, Para and Ferromagnetism. Qualitative explanation based on electronic structure. 2 hrs. ELECTRONICS:- Analog systems. Different types qf solid .Statediodes. PN Junction, Zener diode, SCR, Tunnel cjiode, LED. Zenei diode as voltage regulator. Transistors - FET and MOSFET, Emitter and collector - characteristics of Transistors for common-Emitter configuration (discussion for only NPN Transis­ tors). DC and AC current gains. biasing of transistors. The operating point. DC loadline. 6,hrs. AMPLIFIERS:- Common Emitter configuration. Equivalent circuit using h-parameters. power gains. Brief description Cjmparison of the three configu­ Brief introduction to operational amplifiers. OSCILLATE,■!'>:- Concept of feedback. feedbac :. AC load line. Voltage, current and Input and output resistances. of CB and CC configurations. rations. Self­ 4 hrs. Positive and Negative F> o l.-'haustn criteria (no derivation). Phase shift oscillator us.rg transistor. Wein bridge oscillator using an opc-r-jtinr.il amplifier. 4.hrs. DIGITAL ELECTRC ilCC:- Number systems - decimal, binary, hexa decimal and oinary coded decimal numbers. * • • 7 \ : ■ Paper IV; : 1 -s <§.^r | .Scheme of Examination 3<Qu • MaXiMarks Internal Assessment 8* 20 100 Part A: Special theory of Relativity and Space Physics- '1 out of 2 questions 1x8 3 out of 5 questions 3x8 24 3x8 24 (a) $hort answer questions 8 out of 10 2 x 8 16 (b) Short answer questions 8 cut of 10 1 x 8 8 Part B: Statistical Physics and Solid State Physics Part C: Electronics 3 out of 5 questions ' Part D: 80 (Instructions: subdivisions. In part A, B and C questions will have only 2 Weightage to problens will be 25% of the total marks and 25% of the total number of subdivisions will have problems). I PRACTICALS: III B.Sc. Degree - Paper V (pj-acticals III & IV) Ten Group A: (Any/ experiments to re done each of 3 hours duration). 1. Capacity of a capacitor using BG by absolute method. 2. High resistance by leakage (Resistance of the capacitor to be taken int^ consideration) using EG 3. earth I.nductor-Magnetic elements af the Earth. 4. Mutual Indue Lanej .by an absolute method. 5. Stefan's constant. 6. Andersen's brief>e - L. 7. ' -_Solar spectrum •• Rydberg's constant.') 8. ^e/m of electron - Bur magnet method. 9. £ Verification of 't. ovp - Boltzmann law (meter bridge or potentiometer to ot used). • • • 9 ; -= $ LOGIC (SATES; AND , OR and-NOT gates, Boolean algebra, jji.norgan's theorem.. NOR,' NAND and XOR gates. Binary addition. Half adder and full adder. Flip FiopS. and JK M/S flipflops. jk Counter. (4-bit binary counter) Registers. ‘ ) MEMORIES: RAM, ROM, PROM arid EPROM and magnetic tape (mention only) Output devices - Teletypewriter add printer. Basic organisation of o digital computer. -11 hrs. RADIOWAVE PROPAGATION:- duel for modulation. FM. Side bands - AM and Propagation of Radiow-v* s - different types. Role of tin. ionosphere. RADIO RECEIVERS:- Wtectici of AM and FM Waves (Blbck dia rams only). Block diagram of AM and FM receivers. Heterodyni q- Automatic volume contro. (qualitative). hrs. TELEVISION:- Elementary ideas including those of colour Radar and its applications. CRO - Simple time base circa' hrs. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: 1. Special theory of Relativity - Resnick. i 2. Special Relativity - A F French. 3. Introdu ction to Sol.d State Physics - C Kittel. 4. Solid State Physic; - A J Dekkar. 5. Introduction to So]id State Physics - J S Blackmoi 6. Mc-Graw Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Techpolt 7. Electronic P rincip.es - Maivine. ; i i i 8. Digi ca- pr :.nc:.,.'l»3 and applirations - Mai vino and J 9. Elect conic 10. Basic E’. 11. El -ctcurias -- ! ,-h ta. 12. Electronics • • F ~>adr simple - Jo;obewitz. or; Acs - Grob. r or qi. .C?> '-S.NO................ c* ' l!Ai719; -:d°yi BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: 1. 2. ■ ; . . ‘ V Ativaneed level practical Physics' - Worsnop and Flint A Lab course in electronics - Kamalingam and Raghupalan i OXF & IBH. 31 . ! Introduction to electronics- M A Thangarajan, Vishwanathan, Madras. 5. experiments - Gregory F Johnson)Tata ; ) McGraw test Lab. manual Paul B Zbar mill Basic electronics 6. Text book if practical Physics - Khandelawal. 7. Los ip oull.otins - Old issues. 4. Transistor circuit , PRACTICAL EXAM[NATION V. Note: The ? ’:u.'onts shall be informed in advance, their experimental ' schedule fc;. * .. up i and Group R experiments separately on the Practical examinetion Timetable. ! PRACT1CALS PA I-Li. v: j PRACTICALS III? Jh c. noidate will do one experiment from Group A/R in i.hroo hours. PRAGTICALS IVj Thc candidate will do one experiment from Group ■■-pvpcrb/P. .i n t.hree hours. ' j Note: Scientific calculators without facility for programming are allowed during practical examinations. Assignment of Marks for each experiment Experiment - proper 40 Class records 10 J Tota 1 marks Formula Setting up and electrical connections Observations and trials (Repetitions) 5Q 3 8 15 Knowledge about the experiment being performed’ Calculations and graphs 5 4 Result and Accuracy 5 40 3 -=J^° 10. * Mass of electron (using current balance kit) 11.iC> Photo conductor - Spectral response and energy gap. 12., | Absorption lines of Iodine. * 13., vStudy of flame spectra using Prism spectrometer. K 14.^ Thermistor - Temperature response and Energy gap. Group B: (Any Ten experiments to be done each of 3 hours duration). 1." M and C using Carey - Foster bridge. - Se ies Resonance. 3.,, Parallel Resonance, . 4. ^Characteris tics of a transistor - Common Emitter. 5. Characte-riv ties of a PN diode, Zener diode and LED 6. ^'Bipriasn Measurement of X • 1 7.L- I~*H Curve - Magnetometer method. j 8. Study of i Common emitter amplifier - (npn transistor). frequency response and measurement of gain. 9. ^” Construction of a fullwave rectifier - Bridge type variation of Ripple factor with different filters. lO.^Wein bridge oscillator -- Construction and frequency determination (op Amp or transistor). ; ! 11Study of logic gates .and realisation of various logic / I functions using NAND gates. 12. f Conversion of a moving coil Galvanometer into an ammeter and a voltmeter. (Given resistors or resistance wires). 13. DC response of LOU circu.i- uoing CRO. 14. Characteristics of a GM tube. 15. Determination of half life of K^O using a GM counter. -A' ^ 10. VnI-E-F oy\Un?^. _________ ________________ •£j ' UNIVERSITY JDE^JWSORE ------ ^ I CS >>1A( 28-*1 SYLLABUS FOR B^Sc^ (Physics) MAJOR COURSE - 22^1^” '~v^ A JE<3.Sc. (physics I) hrs* pGr (Mechanics, properties of matter^_Heat and Thermodynamics) MECHANICS Frame of Reference: inertial Frame, Galilean principle of Relativity, Non inertial frames, centre of mass and laboratory frames. - 4 Hrs. Uniform circular motion: Centripetal and Centrifugal forces, their characteristics, Radial and Transverse components of velocity and acceleration, Conical Pendulum, Concept of Corioli1s foreei - 4 Hrs. Conservation Laws: i) Conservation of Linear momentum - Motion of rocket, Elastic and in elastic collisions - Head-on collisions different cases. • ii) Conservation of angular momentum - Central force (a) Newton's Law of Gravitation, Kepler's Laws derivation. (b) Simple Harmonic Motion (c) Uniform Circular Motion. iii) Conservation of Energy: Conservation of Energy as a basie principle including mass energy., Examples: 5HM, Oscillations of a light spiral spring, escape velocity of a satellite. -1.2 Hrs. Elements of Satellite Motion: Stationary Satellites. Weightless­ ness, artificial gravity in Spaee stations. - 2 Hrs. .GENERAL PHYSICS . Rigid Bodies: Rotational Motion .-bout an axis, theorems of Ml.— examples - MI of a rod, plate and cylinder; Theroyh of Compound pendulum - Centres of suspension and oscillations are inter­ changeable. Behaviour of period with distance from C .G. ■ - 4 Hrs. Elasticity: Hookes Law, Elastic Potential energy Moduli! of elasticity for isotropic materials. Relation between elastic constants. Expression for bending moment, uniform and non uniform bending. Theory of light Cantilever. I - section girder, Torsion expression for couple per unit twist - Torsion pendulum, static torsion, searles double bar. - 9 Hrs. Surface Tension: Forces on a surface, surface energy. Effect of impurities. Pressure within >a curved surface - examples. Drop weight method. Quincke's method of determining S.T. and angle of contact of mercury. * - 3 Hrs. Viscosity: stream line and turbulent motion, in capillary tubes and'cylinders. Stokes Law, (derivation by dimensional method) - .2 Hrs. HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS • Kinetic Theory? Distribution of molecular, velocities (no derivation) Mean free path. Degree of freedom. Principle of equipartition of energy. — Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics, Isothermal and Adiabatic changes. Phase diagrams. Work done in Isothermal and Adiabatic Process, second law of thermodynamics - its implication, Heat engine, Cornot's engine, Expression for efficiency, reversi­ bility of Cornot's cycle - Refrigerator, Cornot's theorem. , Absolute scale of temperature. Clausius - Clapeyron 1st latent heat equation .and its applications. -10 Hrs 3 Entropy: Its meaning. Change of entropy in roversiblc and irreversible cycles. Fncroby --.nd availability of energy. 3 Hrs. Liquefaction of gases: Ideal and real gasesi Porous plug experi­ ment - £xprcssion tor t.aipo^aiurc cl inversion* principle of regenerative cooling. Liquid air, Adiabatic Demagnetisation. Concept of Absolute Zero - Third law of thermodynamics. . ■", ** 8 Hrs» Radiation: 21 eckbody radiation, Distribution of; Energy ’in theBlackbgdy spectrum, Statement of Wien's Law and' Raleigh Jean's Law. Einstein's Concept of quantum theory of Radiation, derivation of Planck's law, from Einstein's Coefficients. Derivation of-v/ien's Law, Raleigh'Jean' s Law, Stefan's law and Wien's displacement Lav; .from Planck's law.. Surface Temperature of Sun. - 9 Hr3. t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BOOKS FOR ;• REFERENCE Necn cnics, J.C. Upadhyaya Properties of Matter, J.C. Upadhyaya Mechanics, R. Shankaranarayana ■ . i Newtonian Mechanics,-A P Franch ■ Heat and Thermodynamics, J B Rajam Heat, D s. Mathur ■ Classical and Modern Physics, iVol.-I - K;V/Ford Physics, Part I, Holliday and Resnick' (Wil.Gy-Eastern) Berkeley Physics Course* Vol. I, 'Mech arJLcs1 *' Ed. by E H P^oell Heat and Thermodynamics/ (Inti. Ed.) McGraw -Hill by M W /'/?■ Zcemansky '• • . .... PRACTICALS I (List of Experiments each experiment is-of 3 hou is 'dur^t (Minimum of IS experiments to be done) ■' - ” ''v , o 1* Bar Pendulum - g (2 hole method, h“ - hT and.h-T-j 2. Spiral Spring - Determination of g and unknown mass’0^.3. Moment of Inertia of a flywheel 4. Torsion Pendulum ~ rigidity modulus and MI -of-an i'^fc S5+ q .by-‘ stretching - Verification of Hooke's law andi.d of unknown mass • * • 6».qby / Uniform Bending - Load Elevation Graph 7. q by Cantilever - Load depression Graph 8. q - Cantilever Oscillation - graphical method 9. q - Koenig's method - determination of unknown load:; 10. Rigidity Modulus - Static Torsion 11. Searle'a Double bar ^•12 s T of a liquid and interfacial tension ^ .Drop weigh 13 Quincke's method ( s.T and Angle of Contact) "" ✓14 Monte-earlo expt. 15 Stoke's method for coefficient of viscosity 16. Specific heat by Cooling • - rgraphicalm method ,17 * Th ermal ..conductivity of a bad conductor by,Lee's Charlton*''s method V ;•* ’ 18. Verification of Stefen - Boltzmann law (Meter bridge/pp^1 meter to be used) •' ■ : 19. platinum resi stance .thermometer. Boiling point of a liquid] -=oo00oo=- ' • ' i ore \ C) ^ II B.sct (Physics II) - \<VH, /J’ (Sound, Light, Electricity & Electromagnetism) Sound (3 Hours per week) [Analysis of complex waves: Fourier's theorem - square wave analysis “ 2 Hrs. Superposition of SHMS: Lissajou's figures, Forced Vibrations: Equation for damped vibrations. Forced vibration, solution in exponential form. Resonance. • Expression for amplitude and phase at resonance. - 4 Hrs. Progressive Waves: Equation for wave in one dimension. Differential equation for wave motion. Relation between amplitude'and intensity. Expression for velocity of progressive waves in a medium. Newton's formula - Laplace's correction, Longitudinal - VLbrations in a rod. Expression for frequency of vibrations of a stretched string ' hormonics. “ 6 Hrs# \ ’ . Light Wave theory of light* Huygens principle - explanation of laws of reflection and refraction. Len3 formula. Group and wave velocity relation between them. - 3 Hrs. interference: Theory of interference, Expression for fringe width ~ Coherent sources. Int crference by division of wave front and devision of amplitude. Fresnel's biprism and Lloyd's mirror. Thin films of uniform thickness Newton's Rings. Interference at --a wedge. Michelson's interferometer - measurement of . and - * • - 6 Hrs. .Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Explanation of Rectilinear propagation of Light. Theory of zone plate - comparison with convex lens* Fresnel diffraction at a straight edge. Fraunhofer diffraction at.a single slit - transmission grating -theory—fior—Normal incidence as in Jenkins & white; dispersion and resolution of a grating. - 9 Hrs. Optical instruments: Defects'of lenses. Achromatic combination of lenses* Huygens and Ramadan1s eye pieces* Resolving and magnify­ ing pow .r of telescopes and microscopes (qualitative). Modern telescopes. - 5 Hrs. Polarisation: Double - refraction in a uniaxial erystal. Huygens' theory. Positive and negative crystals. principal refractive indices. Huygens' constructions of 0 and Ewave fronts in'uniaxial crystals. Retarding plates. Production and analysis of linearly, circularly and ellipbically polarised light. Optical activity Fresnel's theory. Rotatory .polarisation. Use of. biquartz'. v'. • -6 Hrs. ^Effect of Electric and magnetic field on light: Kerr effeet Velocity of light-Michelson's method - Kerrcell method. ) 2 Hrs. Electricity Electrostatics: Mechanical foree & electric pressure on a .charged surface - formation of clouds. Path traced by a ch arged particleia..an electric field., c Attracted . qg electrometer construction theory applications ' - 4 Hrs. Galvanometers: Moving coil B.G. Construction theory damping correction. Current & charge sensitiveness. - 2.Hrs. Self Inductance - Calculation of L in case of soliinoid - Anderson's bridge. . Mutual Inductance - Calculation of M for a pair of coils-.3'Hrs. •j ,.1-aneu.iy cutr encs: RMS values, response of LR, CR and LCR circuits to sinusoidal voltages (di Hussion using 1J1 symbol) . Series an 3 par llc.l r , a nee. Half power §(v]f&. • aey. &\y\4wi i\\\ Q-£ac tor . Power in -.lcci. rioa" cirenivo, Powc • IiClj)., .... r trrioicr Llu-mrcm. - G Mrs* Filters: High-puss and low-rone f i.lu. ta with LR and HR c i.e Cur Of Lav gurney . Hm.' p.vv, f.1.1 . - 2 H' :.. : S.l .T.a'ir'i m amua merits: M-. asurv :r,nt of volt a re, current/ p.-.vi; " I'.ryu ncy (principles) usi>vi CRO. - 3 r.'l.f ctomanm i.ism ( "r'. il a .mi.! Vector fields: Cradle nt, div .vrgenoe and curl their physical significance. and Stokes. <f : • v «. 3 La cement of fh._ theorems :. : nf.s. Electromagnetic theory: Concept of n dipole, /.mpere's circuited law. Current loop as a dipole. Torque on a dipole. ba;:w .1.1 's i:ield eqmtion W';vc cquativn for field, victors. P lynfcinq v-ct > • (no derive, ion). Equation for plane < 1-. ctromagnctic waves. - 5 Krs . Production f E M waves: .‘.reelera u d eh .urges and osillating ui.x>le Herts, ox. .. ri.iu.nt.. Radiation lessees. Synchrotron radiation. \ 2^'rlr Soaks for Reference 1. ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. text bark of Optics -■ Sueram my am and Drijlel. tv xt B.>,1 |1 f: Opt j.v:s ■ B .K.ttiUuir Ot>l ios -- Eugene il ciit a,.! Tllr.d i'.a jac • Fundnmorival >C 0.pvicc, Jenkins and Malta . Electricity and Magnetism/ seha-<l Choprs Schgal. Electricity .and M ign.i.ism, y.rihur Kip. Engineering circuit analysis/ .May t and J.H.Kcmmerly. Classical and Modern physics/ Ve>l. II/ K.'7.Ford. Fundamental University Physics, Vol.II, /.lenso and Finn. Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. IT and III. El ..c t.romarj net ism, Grant and Phillips. 12. Physies Part II, 13. 14. 15. IS. 17. 10. : Halli.by and Uesniek Text Book of' Electri Ceil Technology, Thera ja. Electricity and Electronics,** D.C. Tny3l. introdu cr. ion to circuit .analysis, - Boyles tend. Sound, KJianno and 3cdl. Sound, E Subromanyam and Br^^lal Haves and Oscillations, 7aP. French. Pr action Is II (Minimum of 15 Experiments to be done, each .of 3 hams duration) L. 72. 5tx v<3. 4. X5 • V^5. 7. 8. 9• K>. 11. 12. Incv.rfore.nce at n wedge, m nsurement of thickness. Kewton’n Hinqs, Radius of curvature, ve-rificc tion by telcsv.-p:*. me thod. Cauchy's constants. Diffraction grating, Minimum devi ation. Diffraction at a wire, Diameter of n wire. Specific rotation of Sugar. Frequency of .f.C (son-omc c r). Biprism. H e 1 moho 11 ?. res c - n a to r . 3!i - by Uolmoholtr. cjalvanamv. L-_ r and pot..ntiom. ter. Measurement ..£ low re sis eancc using pot entiomccer. De-sauty's Cridge ( Vor i ?. i.ea tic n cf law of a paci to nc.cs in series and parallel)• ^5}- koo 6 4 7 13. 14. 15. 16. Low and high pass fillers. ' Charging and diSfehardjing of a RC circuit. / Capacity of a capacitor using DG by absolute method High resistance by leakage using SG (Resistance of the capacitor to be token into consideration) 17. Earth inductor - Magnetic elements of the earth.v 10. Mutual Inductance by an absolute method. ^ ^J.9. Anderson's bridge - L. ~=o0o= I l* t• . vvu Mm vn'i •\ \ rTT physics.. Paper J[ II Ltomic, Molecular and Nuclear physics *.......... ............. ..... —•* ( 3 h -nr /topic: iml Molecular •T .'••r,n’l’uoN: err-.-ct of vL. ci.ri.c and Genetic fialdo on elect- t.-. Determination of 1 c/m' by The ison's, and. Dunning ton1 s methods.. Ov’..trmin ation of 111 -Millikan • e 011-drop -method. — 4 Mrs-. i'OMlC SP.eCi’R/: Hydrogen and Hycirogon-like atoms,Bohr 1 o M-.,del-an! it’s i’nadaqu :7cTe s; Scmmcr field model (qualitative only) Ere it ici o. and Ionisation potentials - Franck and Hertz experiment, Vector atom model-spinning el .ct-.ron and rqiict quantization F. L rn--' < 1.1 *■ experiment Spin-orbit interact! .:ru Fine-structure of spectral lin-.s. junnaim numbers, se-lccti ,.n ruler., Pauli exclusion «m: Ire Electron configuration •. .f atoms. Valence electron. Mention .! L *i.J c-upliny for .:iulti-e-lectivn system. - 1< f . c. Zeeman Effect: Explan -tic-n of normal Zeeman effect a iv b -asis of Vector-atom model Paschcn-Rack effect stark effe-o(qualitative only) ~ 2 Hrs . MOLICCJJLOR SJPECI'Rh: Degrees oF freedom/ quantum numbers for • -*ch Scarce* of freedom, corresponding selection rules, Band sti-ict. >■. noli ont features of band spectra csqplanation of rotation ---r.d vibrational energy levels. Theory of pure rotation, and r -t • ; .b.; vibration" spectra' ; .applications. - f> Hr-;. SC.1TTERIMG OF LIGHT: Brief discussion of Tyndall, Rayleigh, and Raman sea ttcring,“’“Fluorescence and Phosphorescence (qualitative) Theory of Rirnan effect, Experimental techniques for studying n-*rr. Spectra; Intensity and Polarisation of Ram-n lines; applications Raman effect. - S Hrs. X- R/YS:. Bragg’s law and Bragq spectrometer Elementary ideas of 'JiTCtCrcrit types of crystals Mll;.r indices;, s ".ructure of Nacland KC1 Crystals.* . Continuous X-r-ay «pvctra-Dunno end Hunt Limit, characteristic X-r.ay fo-;ctrn j^osley's law and its significance. X-ray energy levels. Compton effect; expression for the comptonshift, Contrast with P.-.nnn r. ff^ct. , — o n*.mra LASERS: # General principles of Lasers ; applications of Lasers. Ruby laser, Ho-Nc laser, Blaientuy ideas of Holography1'* - 4 Hrs. VdVE KTCK/.NICS: Failures of classical mechanics• Experiments of Davis’s’ah’ 'and Germor, and of Thomson. Concept of matter waves/ Group velocity and wave velocity. Uncertainly principle/ illustration by Gamma-ray microscope: and by diffraction at a single--slit experiments, Setting up of time-independent, gem: xling wave equation, interpretation of wave function. Particle in ore dimensional box, extension to three dimensional box - degeneracy. Harmonic Oscillator, zero-point energy, qualitative discussi an el on-.ray levels of Rigid rotator and of Hydrogen atom. - 9.rs. NUCLFTR PHYSICS NUCLEUSRutherford's nuclear-atom model, characteristics of nucleus - nuclear mass, nuclear size and density, cl’-aqc, spin and magnetic moment, (qualitative), Dempster's mass spectrograph and isotopes, atomic mass unit in C-I2 standard. - 2 Hrs. It',DIO TCTIVIIT: Successive dis.1 nt;gration, Radioactive equilibria Radio-active series, Unit of radio-activity - Range and •. nergy of particles - their in<..*>sur< merit. Theory of/., d-cay (qualitative). Gicger-Niit c al law. - ray r-poetra. Paul's ne*utrino hypothesis. K-olcctrcn capture, internal conversion f'-ray speetrum, Nuclear isomerism. Radio active carbon dating and age -f the earth. - 6 Hrs. '•**. k4L n .UCLEAR theory^ Failure of proton-electron ii/pc.ih.s-Ncutronfts~ di^orvcryy .determination of moss mul properties Protonneutron hypothesis* Binding energy of the nucleus, characteristics of rlucl^ar forces, Yukawa's theory (qualitative*, . 4 Hours NUCLEAR REACTIONS: Q values, Threshold energy of endoorgic reaction, tfcac£iohs ‘’TnHucecE by protoq, dcuteron and Particles, Photodisintegration. ‘ •• 2 Hrs. ACCELERATORS: Linac,- Cyclotron, betatron, and pri.i-alglc of electron sy nchr"01r on. " • 3 Hrs. NUCLEAR Diri'ECTORS: G .M .Counf-r, Bubblcchambc. . c’onrluct’or detectors. hr j nciplo of serni~ 2 Hrs. NUCLEAR MODELS: Liquid-drop model, Semi-ompirleal mass formula. Shell‘ model arid Magic numbers(qualitative) . - 2 Hrs. NUCLSAR_ FISSION: Explanation. Estimation of fission energy on the !jasis*'’of^T3-quicr-drop model, controlled and uncontro] led- chain reactions. Four factor formula* Types of reactor:; - 'Swimming Pool' and -'Fast Breeder'. Radiation protection, unit of radiation doaage. 3 Hrs. NUCLEAR FUS ION: Thermo-nuclear reactions - Sou race of stellar energy. C-N cycle and proton-proton cycle. Electric and magnetic confinement of plasma. Tokomak. - 2 Hr3. COSMIC RAYSj_ Primary and secondary cosmic rays Showers, Geomagnetic effects.* "Composi tj.on of cosmic, rays. Origin .if cosmic rays. - 2 Hrs r 1 i. jFNTAL 1P KITCLE SPartlcl.;s and anti-particles. of "par tides V Classification Mention of basic interactions in nature. 2 Hrs Pr ac^| -- \jl BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: 1. Introduction to At.-caic and Nuclear Physics 2. 3. 4. 5. S. 7. S. S. - H.Somgt & j.R. Albrignt. - T .A.Littlcfcld & T .V-Thorley. z.tomic and Nuclear Physics Nuclc-ar Physics - I. Kaplan. introduction to Modern Physics - Richtmyer, Kcnnard & Cooper Source book on /'.tonic Energy ••• s.Glass tone Atomic spectra and Acomic structure - G.Hcrobeag Fundamental University physics Vol.III - Alonso'md Finn Atomic Physics - Yarwood Me Grawhill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. -=oOo=- III B »sc./ physics - Paper IV ' (Rcl-atiyity, solid state Fhysics & Electronics) • RELATIVITY 'SPECIAL theory of relativity: Michclson Morley. experiments Bisic poVtuIaTcs dF’tKocry relativity. Lcafontz transformat equations (No derivation). Concept of 4 voctor. .Fitzgerald contraction. Simultaneity. Tims dil ffcion, . Velocity—addition theorem. Relativistic mass variation-derivation. Derivation of E = MC2. Energy-Momentum relation, Elementary:ideas of 'General "theory of relativity and its predictions* v,. - ll Hrs. sr/ri STICA.L TIWS_ICS_:_ Statistical ideas in physics"*TM“S/. 3-E and -F-D'dTstrlbutions'-comporison. t ?/ . SOLID STATE-PHYSICS , , • ' SPECIFIC• HEATS OF SOLIDS: Dulong and Petit's laW;-'( statement:)> : E'fris*t eTrPsTheary7XSeTBye1"s Theory. * ' - 4'Hrs. FREE ELECTION THEORY OF METALS! ExpressionVfcrfftilcictrical -conduct, vity - ohm's TavT. '*Qu an turn "theory of free eidderb'n. Statement r,* of number of available energy states' between’ fh $di)^+,'.'d£*' Intor•protation of Fermi energy." Expression fdr:'F dpi’f'bncrgy an d aVer ac ' ' - 7 Hrs. . energy at absolute zero and above absoli tfl&y.-k'int'rjin^ic. 'and ■BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS: Concept- o-fbandajj -ExtrTnsic5 cmiconcFuc tor s. De r iVati?1'" Jsl'offJlo"r^- ;c61 r i ca 3 conductivity. Expression for eherg^?gai] r"'b f f ec t-bxpr esa ion ^iYP .coll's,..' .."super for Hall coefficient. Solar c<3iI's-r"J conductivity-elementary' ideas *'" tsi "v/M'c-is sner ■effect. Critical Magnetic :.£iGld'i,'v‘-'’A'ppii'C^j J£ r'sup er-c ondu<cti\ Qualitative discussion on 'high temperature^^sup-a^vconductors '. 'T 8 Hr2. •magnetic PROF 'rites’'OF MATERIALS; Din, Para andf-orr.othag'^eAism. QuaTrtatTve"'expranat£d"n "based on cl<yctranlc configuration^ . ; . ' ' -;2Xvs. ELECTRONICS NET WORKS: Kirchoff's Laws, superposition theorem. ..Mesh analysis Ihcven£nTs and Norton's theorems -(DC a naly si a- >onl^^^^^prioa tions DEVICES: Analogue systems - PN junction-’‘ lt& ancTTisa of led in display systoms. MentioH^o^^^^WflpP'i^lodQ'. ' Bridge rectifier, Ripplo factor, ExpressiorTj^^jM^L^ncy, •' Filters. Sener diode as a voltage, roaul ,5«-.Hrs. TRANSISTORS: Types and configurations.. Transi^^^Pcharact eristics for conhon emitter configuration. DC and AC';ctirmg&t.-^aains. . Operating point. Self biasing (Potential diyiS^^pypG) in transistors, DC load line. FET and its chab’^^^fti's^ics. 1 ‘.,'S k:. . 5 Hrs. ..' • - AMPLIFIERS: CE amplifier, AC leadline, h-parameters-transistor equivalent circuit using h-parameters * Vblta§e7rCurrent and power gains. Input and output resistances. Mention-of CB'andCC .amplifiers and their special properties in:comparison with CE amplifier. - 6 Hrs. ^SCrLthYTORS: Concept of feed back. Posi-tiVo^and Negativ e-feed back Mention o'FUarkiiauscn Criteria. Phase-shift and Wien bridge oscillators (qualitative only). Frequency and gain expressions (no derivation) , - 3 Hrs. logic DIGITAL ELECTRONICS: AND* OR and NOT basiq/gntes- Symbols, function; truth tnSIe "and construction (using diodes .and transistor). The NOR, NAND and XOR gates (symbols , function and truth table only? •* V. »*»»• 10 DIO WAVE PR0P/>GPiTBI0NVRole of ion')sphere in rndio-corrtnunicntion. Need for moduTntian In radio communication. Amplitude modulation. ! Modulation index. Side bands - Band - width power in 7M wave. . Elementary ideas of Frequency Modulation. - 5 Hrs. RADIO RECEIVERSDan adulation. Principle of detection of 7.M wave Ffioclc Hi'arfraTti''"d’e«cription of heterodyning ;:M receiver. Loudspeakers -and'condenser microphones. - 5 Mrs. TV & radar? Hcmcntary id as of TV-picture transmission and reception^ Principles of Rad.ar^arjd-d.ts applica.tions 3 Mrs. BOOKS FOR .REFFRENCE:^ 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 5. Special theory >f. Relativity Special Relativity Introduction toatsoJid state physics Solid state Physics Introduction to oolid state Physics Me Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science Sc Technology. Electronic principles Digital principles and applications Electronics made simple Basic electronics Electronics Electronics Basic Electronics . 7. . 8 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. PRACTICALS - III Resnick .p. French C .Kittel A. J .Dekkar j .S .Blnckmorc Maivino Malvina & Leach Jocobovitz Grob Mehta V.K. Fnrroqui B .L .Thernjn f (Minimum of 8 experiments to be done, 3 Hrs. duration) \,x« 2 . . 3 /U. .. . 6. ' 7. 8 . '9. 'Xe'rSF2*rttLo-n -pot ential - (Ora phi cal me thod) c/m of the el ectron - bar magnet method Mass of the electron - (Magnetic field intensity by current balance kit) Hydrogen atom spectrum (using discharge tube) - Rydberg constant determination. Series Resonance - (Bandwidth, quality factor, effect of load, 'L' value). Parallel Resonance - ( -do) Energy gap of intrinsic semiconductor - (Resistance- determina­ tion by using Meterbridge or P.o. Box) Conversion -jf moving ceil galvanamcter into ammeter and voltmeter (given the resistance wires or resistors) Verification of inverse - square law of i0'. Absorption of 11 . Y rays - liner/absorption coefficient determination. Determination of half - life of K—-10 ^ IV (Minimum '2. 3* 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. f rays. i e experiments to be done, duration). 3 hours Triodc characteristics (bath plate1 and mutual) - determination of constants. FET .characteristics and/'calculation. Transistor characteristics in CE configuraivlon — l> and output resistance determination. Characteristics of znner diode and LED Ph^to-diodc (or photo-transistor) characteristics - inversesquare law verification. Maximum power transfer theorem & Thev cnin’s Uioorcm-vcr.ification Semiconductor Bri dg e Recti fier-Ripplc factor calculation for (no filter, C-filtcr, XT filtrr) different loads. Study of basic 1 ogic gates - (AND, OR, MOT gates -.nly) using drsc rote components. '9. phase measurement using CRO '10. Common emitter amplifi cr - gain and frequency response, 11. Phase shift (or Wien bri<1gc-) oscillator - Construction and frequency measurement. Books for References: 1. Advanced leVv.1 practical physics 2. A lab course in electronics Workshop and Flint ; Rama ling am and Rcghupal; OXF and SBR. 3. Introduction to electronics ;M;; .Thangarajan, j 'vishwanathap, Madras. Gregory F.Johnson Tata t Grew l-f i; Paul Bzbar 4. Transistor Circuit experiments 5. Basic electronics - Text lab Manual. 6. A Laboratory Manual for Under graduate classes. D.P .Khandclwal (Vani publishers/ Nov; De£ ; 7. Cosip Bulletins - Old issues. i SCH.'ME OF EXAMINATION FIRST YEAR • Paper I: Mechanics., properties of Matter,, Heat Max* Marks 70Theory Time: 3 hours Max . Marks 30 /: Practical-I 4 Hours &r experimen« ( 2 expts, of 2 hours each shall be set (255 marks marks ■ for-records) « SECOND__ :^r Y.EAR Paper~II Optics, Sound and Electricity Time 3 hours Practical-II time 4 hours (2 Expts. of 2 hours each) Meax. Marks 70 Max* :Mar3csw 30 « (25 marks for experiments! 5 marks for records) Time THIRD YEAR Max. Marks 3 hours 100 Paper-Ill Modern Physics-I 3 hours 100 Paper-IV Modern Physics-II 3 hours 50 PRACTICAL-III (40 marks for ex£>t • (One expt. of 3 hours shall, be set 10 marks for records) 3 Hours 50 PRACTICAL-IV (40 marks for experiment (one expt. of 3 hours shall be set 10 marks for records) ******