MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2010-11 Index of Chapters in Annual Report 2009-2010 Chapter No. Chapter Title Pages 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 2 Administration and Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18 3 Vigilance Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 SCHEMES AND PROGRAMMES 4 Urban Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-39 5 Urban Water Supply and Sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-46 6 Delhi, and Miscellaneous Initiatives in Urban sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-54 7 Urban Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-69 8 Urban Development in the North Eastern Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-72 ATTACHED OFFICES 9 Central Public Works Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-119 10 Directorate of Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-122 11 Directorate of Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123-133 12 Land and Development Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-139 SUBORDINATE OFFICES 13 Town and Country Planning Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-142 14 Government of India Stationery Office and Department of Publication 143-146 PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKING 15 Public Sector Undertaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-170 AUTONOMOUS AND STATUTORY BODIES 16 Autonomous and Statutory Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170-185 APPENDICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186-201 ABBREVIATIONS AUWSP Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme CPHEEO Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisation CPWD Central Public Works Department DUAC Delhi Urban Arts Commission HBA House Building Advance HUDCO Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. IDSMT Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns JCM Joint Consultative Machinery JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission L&DO Land & Development Office LCS Low Cost Sanitation NBCC National Buildings Construction Corporation Ltd. NCRPB National Capital Region Planning Board NERUDP North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme NIUA National Institute of Urban Affairs PEARL Peer Experience and Reflective Learning PHE Public Health Engineering UD Urban Development UEPA Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation UIDSST Urban Infrastructure Scheme for Satellite Towns UIDSSMT Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small & Medium Towns UIG Urban Infrastructure & Governance 3 VIGILANCE ACTIVITIES The Administrative Vigilance Unit of the Ministry of Urban Development functions under the charge of the Additional Secretary who is also the Chief Vigilance Officer. The Chief Vigilance Officer is assisted by one Deputy Chief Vigilance Officer of the rank of Director, three Under Secretaries (Vigilance) and Vigilance Officers of Attached Offices of the Ministry and also the Chief Vigilance Officers of the Public Sector Undertaking(s) and the Autonomous Bodies under the administrative control of this Ministry. This Unit is responsible for all matters pertaining to vigilance in the Ministry of Urban Development and its Attached/Subordinate Offices, Public Sector Undertaking(s) and Autonomous Bodies/ Societies, etc. 3.1 Vigilance work comprises preventive, surveillance, detection and deterrent punitive action. Under preventive action, rules and procedures are reviewed from time to time and surprise inspections are regularly conducted in sensitive areas under this Ministry. As regards surveillance and detection, lists of officers of gazetted status whose conduct needs to be watched are prepared in consultation with the Central Bureau of Investigation. Under punitive action, penalties prescribed under the Rules are imposed on those who are found guilty under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. 3.2 All vigilance/disciplinary cases pertaining to Group ‘A’ Officers from the stage of issue of charge-sheet, holding of inquiry, taking final decision, appeal and review are submitted to the Minister for Urban Development for consideration and decision, who is also the Appellate Authority in respect of Group ‘B’ Officers posted in the Ministry and its organizations. 3.3 Generally, the charges are based on execution of sub-standard work in construction and maintenance of buildings, overpayments to contractors, irregularities in calling of tenders/quotations and award of contracts, disproportionate assets, illegal gratification, subletting of Government accommodation and shops and violation of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. 3.4 In addition to the departmental examination of the complaints and investigation reports, the Ministry also receives reports from the Central Bureau of Investigation about the misconduct of officers either for taking departmental action against them or for issuing sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. 3.5 In respect of Public Sector Undertaking, this Ministry processes cases against Board-level officers only. The Autonomous Bodies initiate action against their officers themselves. However, in case an officer is on deputation to these Bodies from Central Government, action is taken by this Ministry. 3.6 During the period from April, 2010 to December 2010, 46 surprise and regular inspections were carried out, 107 officers were charge sheeted, 46 officers were placed under suspension, and major penalties were imposed upon 120 officers and minor penalties were imposed upon 106 officers. Chapter 3 19 4 URBAN DEVELOPMENT The Ministry of Urban Development is implementing a number of Central and Centrally Sponsored Schemes for assisting the States in meeting the challenge of rapid urbanization. Brief details of the schemes and progress made during the year 2010-2011 are given in the succeeding paragraphs. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NATIONAL URBAN RENEWAL MISSION (JNNURM) Introduction 4.1 The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission(JNNURM) was launched on 3rd December, 2005 with the objective of reforms driven and fast track development of cities across the country, with focus on bringing about efficiency in urban infrastructure, service delivery mechanisms, community participation and accountability of Urban Local Bodies and Parastatal agencies towards citizens. 4.2 65 Cities are covered under the Urban Infrastructure & Governance (UIG) component of the JNNURM. The complete list of cities/Urban Agglomeration/towns covered under the Mission is given at Annexure – 4-I. These cities have submitted their City Development Plans delineating their long-term vision for development. All the 65 Mission Cities have signed Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Government of India committing to a time bound agenda of reforms aimed at achieving sustainable urban transformation. Duration of the Mission 4.3 The duration of the Mission is seven years beginning from 2005-06 to 2011-2012. During the period, the Mission seeks to ensure sustainable development of select cities. Mission Strategy 4.4 The Mission Strategy is as follows:— (i) Planned urban perspective frameworks for a period of 20-25 years (with 5 yearly updates) indicating policies, programmes and strategies of meeting fund requirements would be prepared by every identified city. This perspective plan would be followed by preparation of Development Plans integrating land use with services, urban transport and environment management for every five year plan period. (ii) Cities/Urban Agglomerations/ Parastatals will be required to prepare Detailed Project Reports for undertaking projects under identified areas. (iii) Private Sector Participation in development, management and financing of Urban Infrastructure would be clearly delineated. 20 Chapter 4 (iv) Funds for the identified cities would be released to the designated State Nodal Agency, which in turn would leverage, to the extent feasible, additional resources from the financial institutions/ private sector/ capital market. (v) Funds from Central and State Government will flow directly to the nodal agency designated by the State, as grant. The nodal agency will disburse central assistance to ULBs or Para-statal agencies as the case may be, as soft loan or grant-cum-loan or grant. (vi) A revolving fund will be created to meet the operation and maintenance costs of the assets created under the Mission. 1. Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) 4.5 The main thrust of the sub-mission on Urban Infrastructure and Governance is on major infrastructure projects relating to water supply including sanitation, sewerage, solid waste management, road network, urban transport and redevelopment of inner (old) city areas with a view to upgrading infrastructure therein, shifting industrial/commercial establishments to conforming areas etc. The inadmissible components are projects pertaining to the following:— (i) Power (ii) Telecom (iii) Health (iv) Education (v) Wage employment programme & staff component 4.6 Depending upon population, geographical location of the cities and category to which a city belongs, funding under JNNURM is provided as indicated below:— (i) 35% / 50% / 80% / 90% of the cost of projects would be funded by the Government of India through 100% Additional Central Assistance (ACA) and (ii) 65% / 50% / 20% /10% would be funded by State/ULBs/Financial Institutions. (iii) The funds would be released in four instalments. The first instalment shall be released on signing of MOA and approval of City Development Plans (CDPs) /Detailed Project Reports (DPRs). The balance will be released in subsequent instalments dependent upon achievement of reform/milestones and progress of projects. 4.7 Funds have been allocated under Mission to States/UTs as per the population criteria. The criteria for allocation for Urban Infrastructure & Governance (UIG) Component is based on Urban population of Mission cities. Planning Commission has allocated `31,500 crore for the whole mission period i.e. 2005-2012 for all components of JNNURM and `31,500 crore (including additional allocation of `6000 crore in February, 2009) for UIG component of JNNURM for the Mission period. Chapter 4 21 National Steering Group 4.8 To steer the Mission objectives, a National Steering Group has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Minister of Urban Development with Minister of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation as co-Chairperson. The National Steering Group may add additional reforms to the identified reforms and may consider addition or deletion of cities/towns under Category-C (other than State Capitals) based on the suggestions received from State Governments. 4.9 So far National Steering Group has held six meetings. The sixth meeting was held on 24.11.2009. Urban Reforms 4.10 The main thrust of the strategy of urban renewal is to ensure improvement in urban governance so that Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) become financially sound and the assets created are maintained properly. To achieve this objective, State Governments and Urban Local Bodies are required to accept implementation of an agenda of reforms. The proposed reforms broadly fall into two categories:— i. Mandatory Reforms ii. Optional Reforms 4.11 All the mandatory and optional reforms are to be implemented by the State/ULB/ Para-statals within the mission period. [Renovation of Sewage Treatment Plant at Vasana, Ahmedabad] [Combined Water Supply Scheme to: Thiruppakundram municipality and Harveypatty, Madurai] 22 Chapter 4 [Water Supply to Gas affected areas, Bhopal] [Construction of four lane ROB in lieu of L.C. No. 5a at Omkar Crossing on Ahmedabad-Himatnagar M.G. Railway line between Station Kalupur and Naroda] Chapter 4 23 Capacity Development Initiatives 4.12 Building the capacity of municipal staff and elected representatives as well as the State level nodal agency to effectively implement radical urban reforms and infrastructure projects is recognised as an urban imperative. In this direction a number of initiatives has been undertaken. A. Rapid Training Programme (RTP) 4.13 Capacity building of city level elected representatives and staff of ULBs / para-statal organizations in the mission cities is recognized as a priority to take on the task of implementing projects and reforms under the Mission. As a part of this, the Mission Directorate undertook a Rapid Training Program (RTP) on three prioritized Modules namely Governance and Reforms, Supervision of Preparation of DPRs, and Project Implementation and Management. Six national level institutions were engaged to conduct these trainings at the cities, using mobile teams. A total of 97 training programs have been conducted in various cities. It has been reported that, about 1800 ULB and parastatal staff, and over 2000 elected representatives from Mission cities participated in the RTP. 4.14 Based on the implementation experiences and lessons learned in the RTP, MoUD has prepared an Action Plan for second phase of Capacity Building for the remaining Mission period. A model of decentralized capacity building of the Mission cities through a partnership of Regional Hubs and Network Institutions has been proposed for operationalising the Action Plan. There will be eight Regional Capacity Building Hub Institutions (RCBH) for eight Regions selected after transparent bidding process. Based on the needs of each of the eight regions the institutions selected for functioning as RCBH will prepare a Regional Training Plan for their respective Regions in partnership with the Specialised Institutions (Network Institutions). While imparting training in a particular region the RCBH will also partner with the Administrative Training Institute of the regions, so that the ATIs develop capacity in urban management and training. B. Programme Management Unit (PMU) 4.15 To strengthen the capacity of the State Level Nodal Agencies, to effectively coordinate implementation of projects and reforms under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, the Mission Directorate is supporting establishment of Programme Management Unit (PMU) at the state level. The financial support for establishing PMUs was initiated in June 2007. Based on proposals sent by the states the Mission Directorate has approved 20 PMUs of which 13 states have established and operationalized the PMUs. C. Project Implementation Unit (PIU) 4.16 The Mission Directorate is providing financial and technical support to establish Project Implementation Units (PIUs) at the municipal level, to enhance their capability to effectively implement projects and reforms under JNNURM. The PIU is meant to be an operations unit supplementing and enhancing the existing skill mix of the ULB, rather than a supervisory body. 417 The Mission Directorate has approved 50 PIUs of which 41 PIUs have been established and operationalized by the ULBs. 24 Chapter 4 D. Development and Dissemination of Toolkits 4.18 Tool kits relating to the following have been prepared disseminated to ULBs, State Governments, State Level Nodal Agencies :— i. Preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) ii. Development of Heritage Areas iii. Community Participation Fund (CPF) iv. Reimbursement of cost of preparation of CDP and DPR. v. Appointment of Independent Review and Monitoring Agencies for projects. vi. Programme Management Units (PMUs) vii. Project Implementation Units (PIUs) viii. National Mission Mode Project on e-Governance in Municipalities ix. Revised Toolkit on preparation of City Development Plans 4.19 These toolkits facilitate the States/ULBs in submission of projects and other proposals under the Mission Programme. E. Peer Experience and Reflective Learning (PEARL) 4.20 The “Peer Experience and Reflective Learning” (PEARL) programme was launched to foster cross learning and knowledge sharing through networking between the Mission cities. To achieve this objective, the Mission supported formation of groups/networks amongst JNNURM cities having similar socio-economic profile and urban issues, along with natural affinity to peer pair. The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) has been appointed as the National Coordinator for the PEARL program for coordinating the overall functioning of the networks, and assisting the Mission Directorate in supporting and monitoring the programme. 4.21 Under the programme a website has been made operational providing tools to support networking and knowledge sharing. NIUA has organized a number of knowledge sharing workshop with the network of cities and also brought out a newsletter “PEARL Update”. F. Credit Rating of JNNURM ULBs 4.22 With an objective to assess the financial health and credit worthiness of the ULBs, credit rating for 69 ULBs (in the 63 JNNURM cities) was undertaken. The exercise while focusing on providing an indication of credit worthiness to potential lenders also provides an opinion on the relative ability and willingness of the ULB to meet its financial commitments, such as interest payment, repayment of principal, counterpart obligation, etc. So far, 64 ULBs have been credit rated, of which 38 ULBs have been awarded investment grade ratings. With an objective to ensure the ratings are credible over a period, an annual surveillance of these ratings are being undertaken. Of the 64 ULBs rated so far, surveillance ratings has been assigned to 43 ULBs and 41 ULB ratings have been found to be stable. Chapter 4 25 4.23 Four workshops have been conducted for dissemination of ratings and bringing the ULBs in contact with the banks/ financial institutions. G. National Mission Mode Project on e-Governance in Municipalities 4.24 A Mission Mode Project on e-Governance in municipalities has been prepared by this Ministry to make urban governance more efficient and effective. Since local government is the first interface between citizens and government this initiative would solve a number of problems that the people in towns and cities are facing due to rapid urbanization. It would assist improved service delivery, decentralization, better information management & transparency, citizen’s involvement in government, improved interaction between local governments and its citizens as well as other interest groups like NGOs, CBOs, RWAs, etc. It has been decided that initially the scheme would be a part of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) for 35 cities with population of over 10 lakh. 4.25 Accordingly, the guidelines on NMMP on e-Governance in municipalities has been prepared and circulated to the States/ULBs for submission of DPRs. Eight projects on egovernance in Municipalities have since been approved for the city of Vijayawada, Nagpur, Kochi, Pimpri-Chincwad, Navi Mumbai, Ulhasnagar, Chennai and Dhanbad. Details are at Annexure 4.II Monitoring of the Projects and Reform 4.26 The Mission Directorate constantly monitors implementation of projects and reforms. A number of steps have been taken in this:— (i) A system of Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR) is in place to monitor implementation of projects and reforms. (ii) Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) reviews the progress of implementation of the Mission every month. The representatives from select States/ UTs are asked to attend these meetings with a view to review and expedite the implementation of the Mission. (iii) Every year a meeting of the State Secretaries of Urban Development is held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (UD) where the implementation of the Mission is reviewed. (iv) There are Regional Review Meetings by Secretary (UD) for different regions of the country. (v) D.O. letters at the level of Secretary (UD) are written to the Chief Secretaries of the States/UTs every month bringing to the notice issues requiring urgent action. (vi) Capacity building measures such as conducting Rapid Training Programme of the officials of ULBs/parastatals, supporting Programme Management Unit (PMU) at the State level and Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at the ULB level, and Independent Review and Monitoring Agency (IRMA) at the State level, preparing and providing toolkits for preparation of CDPs, DPRs along with their reimbursement etc. has been taken by the Mission Directorate. 26 Chapter 4 (vii) The reform appraisal agencies have been asked to hand hold the States/ULBs in order to facilitate the reforms process. (viii) The Reform primers have been prepared by the Mission Directorate and disseminated to the State/ULBs to facilitate understanding of reforms. 4.27 The status of reforms and project implementation of the already sanctioned projects of a State/UT is considered by the CSMC at the time of sanctioning of a new project or any second or subsequent installment of funds. Independent Review and Monitoring Agency (IRMA): 4.28 IRMA are agencies to be appointed by the states for monitoring of the progress of implementation of the projects sanctioned under the JNNURM so that the funds released are utilized in a purposeful and time-bound manner. The proposals of Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Pudducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Assam, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Karnataka for appointment of IRMA have been approved by the CSMC. IRMAs have been established in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Haryana, Nagaland, Puducherry and Rajasthan. The states of Bihar, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh are in the process of appointing IRMAs. 4.29 For the states of Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Goa, Ministry of Urban Development has initiated steps for appointment of IRMAs on the behalf of these States. CSMC has approved the selection of agencies for appointment of IRMAs in these States and States have been intimated about the decision for entering into the agreement with them. The States of Arunachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Orissa, Punjab, Sikkim and Tripura have engaged the agencies as IRMA. Development of community partnership (i) Establishment of City Voluntary Technical Corp(CVTC) 4.30 City Volunteer Technical Corps (CVTC’s) are voluntary groups of professionally qualified persons in the urban sector. Their setting up is being facilitated by the National Technical Advisory Group (NTAG) on request of the ULB. 4.31 The Ministry has issued the guidelines to facilitate the formation of CVTC’s through professionals in all Mission cities in the 7 areas of urban engineering, urban planning, urban poverty, urban governance, urban environment, urban heritage and Financial Services. CVTC’s expected role in the overall scheme of JNNURM includes:— a. Advise to city governance and management team on enlisting community participation in service delivery; b. Building poverty reduction programmes; c. Ensuring transparency and accountability to citizens in programme implementation of JNNURM; d. Help enlist involvement of citizens at grassroots level through Ward Committees, Area Sabhas, etc. Chapter 4 27 (ii) Community Participation Fund 4.32 A Community Participation Fund (CPF) has been established on 4.6.2007 by the Mission Directorate with the initial corpus of ` 100 crore with the provision of ` 90 crore for funding the projects during the remaining years of mission period. So far 45 proposals under CPF has been approved. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) 4.33 The Mission Cities have agreed to include promotion of PPP through appropriate policies and projects as a part of the reform agenda. A number of States such as West Bengal, Maharashtra, Kerala and Gujarat have adopted PPP policy . PPP cell has also been established by Assam and West Bengal for promotion of PPP for infrastructure projects in their States. PPP initiatives have been taken by Indore, Vadodara, Pune and Ahmedabad for establishing City Bus Services. While sanctioning projects, efforts are made to ensure public private partnership in areas where it is feasible. Progress under (UIG) since Inception 4.34 A total number of 526 projects have been sanctioned under the UIG component of JNNURM at total approved cost of ` 60215.44 crore where the ACA committed is ` 27878.43 crore. As on 31.12.2010, an amount of `11917.04 crore has been released as ACA to various states and UTs for the projects approved and `13036.82 crore in totality taking into account the releases for financing for procurement of buses sanctioned under JNNURM, CPF funds, e-Governance projects and reimbursement of cost of CDP/DPRs preparations etc. Statements showing state-wise number of projects sanctioned and other details are at Annexure 4.III. More than 88% of UI&G allocation (` 31,500 crore) has been committed for the projects of the various Mission cities. Taking the amount committed for purchase of buses into account, the ACA committed under UIG is 95%. As on date 84 projects have been reported physically complete. Progress of Reforms 4.35 The States and cities are required to undertake a set of mandatory State level and ULB level reforms as well as optional reforms. All optional reforms have to be undertaken; they are optional only in the sense that these reforms may be undertaken either by the State or by the ULB. All reforms have to be completed within the Mission period. Financing of Buses 4.36 In pursuance to the Economic Stimulus package, sanction has been accorded to the procurement of 15260 buses under JNNURM at an approved cost of ` 4723.94 crore. An amount of ` 2088.90 crore has been committed as ACA, of which an amount of ` 1088.90 crore has been released as ACA. Status from 1.04.2009 to 31.12.2009 4.37 The important developments during 2009-2010 were as follows: 1. 10 projects at a total cost of ` 2706.99 crore have been approved. ACA committed for these project is ` 996.52 crore. 28 Chapter 4 2. An amount of ` 614.87 crore has been released during the aforesaid mentioned period as ACA for the projects approved under UIG of JNNURM. 3. 1 Project Implementation Unit (PIU) each for Bangalore and Jamshedpur has been approved for ` 52.40 lakhs and ` 40.08 lakhs respectively. 4. 11 projects [Water Supply Sector-3 projects, Sewerage-2 projects and Transport (RoB+OT) – 6 Projects] having approved cost of ` 128.40 crores with ACA commitment of ` 54.10 crores have been reported physically completed. 5. 11 projects [Water Supply Sector-3 projects, Sewerage-2 projects and Transport (RoB+OT) – 6 Projects] having approved cost of ` 128.40 crores with ACA commitment of ` 54.10 crores have been reported physically completed. Bulk flow metering system for Bengaluru water transmission network, Bangaluru 2. Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme For Small And Medium Towns Scheme (UIDSSMT) 4.38 Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns Scheme (UIDSSMT), one of the sub-components of JNNURM was launched in December, 2005 by subsuming the erstwhile Scheme of Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns (IDSMT) and Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme (AUWSP). The objectives of the Scheme are to:— (a) Improve infrastructural facilities and help create durable public assets and quality oriented services in cities & towns. (b) Enhance public-private partnership in infrastructural development and (c) Promote planned integrated development of towns/cities. 4.39 The Scheme is for seven year duration beginning from 2005-06. All cities/towns as per 2001 census excepting cities/towns covered under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), are eligible to be covered under the Scheme. The components for assistance under the Scheme include all urban infrastructure development projects including water supply Chapter 4 29 and sanitation. An amount of ` 6400.00 crore has been earmarked for the 7 year Mission period (2005-2012) which has been enhanced by ` 5000.00 crore during 2008-09. 4.40 The Budget Estimates and Actual Expenditure/Release of Plan Scheme (UIDSSMT) during the year 2010-11 are ` 1508.71 crore and ` 990.78 crore respectively. 4.41 Since inception of the Scheme and till 31.12.2010, 764 projects in 641 towns at approved cost of `. 12928.93 crore have been approved for release of funds and total Central share of ` 10435.93 crore has been committed against which ` 7110.30 crore has been released.. 4.42 Of the total project approved, water supply projects top the list followed by roads, sewerage, storm water drainage, solid waste management etc. Component wise number of project covered and ACA released are as follow:— (` in crore) Sl.No. Component 1 Water Supply No of Projects % to total ACA released 418 55 4581.27 2 Sewerage 96 13 1394.71 3 Storm Water Drains 65 9 420.09 4 Preservation of Water body 9 1 15.16 5 Solid Waste/ Management 56 7 151.55 6 Urban Renewal/Heritage 10 1 18.99 7 Prevention of Soil Erosion 1 0 1.51 8 Parking 1 0 0.15 9 Road 10 14 526.87 Total 764 100 7110.30 4.43 As required under the Scheme, all the states which have availed ACA have signed Memorandum of Agreements (MoAs) with Government of India for carrying out Urban Sector Reforms at State/ parastatal/ULB levels. As reported by the State Governments, implementation of the Reform Agenda is at various stages within the agreed timeline. Physical progress as reported by the State Governments: 1. 123 projects in 8 States (17 Andhra Pradesh, 06 in Gujarat, 02 in Himachal Pradesh, 03 in Karnataka, 04 in Madhya Pradesh, 08 in Rajasthan, 01 in Maharashtra and 82 in Tamil Nadu) have been physically completed. 2. Out of 123 completed project 62 are Water Supply , 08 are storm water drain, 50 are of roads and 1 each of solid waste management, urban renewal/Heritage and Prevention of Soil Erosion. 30 Chapter 4 3. 560 projects are at various stages of implementation. 4. 415 Utilisation Certificates amounting to ` 2556.75 crore have been received from 23 states. 5. Of the total 764 projects approved so far, 108 projects at a project cost of ` 2620.00 crore have been approved for towns having minority population concentration. The percentage of project cost for minority concentration towns against total project cost works out of ` 20.27%. Forecast of Progress from 1st January, 2011 to 31st March, 2011. 1. During the remaining period of current financial year 2010-11, work on the on-going peojects would continue. 2. As the allopcation for maost of the States has already exhausted, thereafter, no new projects would be covered during remaining period of the financial year 2010-11 except for the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Chandigarh, Nagaland, Haryana and Orissa for which balance allocation ia available. 3. It is expected that during last quarter of current financial year 2010-11, 120 UCs are expected to be received. 3. NATIONAL URBAN INFORMATION SYSTEM (NUIS) 4.44 Ministry of Urban Development has launched National Urban Information System (NUIS) Scheme during the Tenth Five Year Plan to develop GIS database for 137 towns / cities in the country in two scales i.e., 1: 1 0000 and 1 :2000. As on date, the total no. of towns selected under the scheme are 152 (The deletion/addition of towns has been approved by TAC as requested by State Govts.). In addition utility mapping on 1:1000 scale is also undertaken for 24 towns. 4.45 NUIS scheme broadly comprises two components namely Urban Spatial Information System component (USIS), and National Urban Data Bank and Indicators (NUDB&I). The spatial and attribute database thus generated will be useful for preparation of Master/ Development plans, detailed town planning schemes and serve as decision-support for eGovernance. The major objectives of the Scheme are to a) Develop attribute as well as spatial information base for various levels of urban planning, b) Use modern data sources, c) Develop Standards d) Develop urban indices, and e) Capacity Building. 4.46 Total outlay of the scheme is ` 66.28 Crore of which 75% will be borne by the Central Govt. and the 25% will be State Govt. on matching share basis. Work of spatial data will be undertaken by the National Mapping Agency, Survey of India (SOl), Dehradun. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between MOUD and the National Mapping Agency, Survey of India (SOl) for data generation on 13th March, 2006. Two installments of Central Share of ` 16.24 Crore and ` 4.10 Crore have been released to SOl for Mapping and generation of GIS Databases. 4.47 As on date 32 States (including 5 UTs) have released the State share for mapping and generation of GIS databases to Survey of India. Tamil Nadu, NCT Delhi & Uttrakhand has been dropped from the Scheme. 1st installment of Central share has been released for Chapter 4 31 HW/SW and NUDB&I for one State and 2nd installments of Central share HW/SW for three States in the current Financial Year 2010-11. Two State Coordination Committee (SCC) Meetings and one Consultative Workshop with all SNA’s to review the progress of NUIS Scheme has been organized during the current financial year 2010-11. 4.48 SoI has procured Satellite images for all 152 towns for 1: 1 0000 scale mapping. Spatial data-base generation at 1: 10000 scale has been completed for 86 towns and delivered data of 73 towns to SNA’s for vetting during the current financial year. Aerial Photos have been received for 102 towns and data-base at 1 :2000 is generated for 44 towns and delivered to SNA’s for vetting. NUDB&1 data collection has been completed for 90 towns from 22 States. Cumulative expenditure in respect of the Scheme is given below: (`in Crores) Year Budget Estimated Revised Estimated Actual Expenditure Cumulative 2005-06 25.00 - 16.24 2006-07 24.00 - 18.53 2007-08 9.00 - 26.47 2008-09 0.50 2.0 28.46 2009-10 1.00 - 29.42 2010-11 4.46 Total (Central Share Released Under NUIS Scheme) 30.04 30.04 4.49 During current Financial 2010-11 year ` 4.46 crores has been allocated and the funds for the financial year 2011-12 is projected to be ` 5.00 Crores. 4. SCHEME FOR URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE IN SATELLITE TOWN AROUND SEVEN MEGA CITIES 4.50 Ministry of Urban Development has formulated a Scheme for Urban Infrastructure in Satellite Town around seven mega cities. The objectives of this scheme are as under:(i) To develop urban infrastructure facilities such as drinking water, sewerage, drainage and solid waste management etc at satellite towns / counter magnets around the seven megacities and to channelize their future growth so as to reduce pressure on the mega cities; (ii) To implement reforms such as E-Governance, property tax, double entry accounting, creation of barrier free environment, structural safety norms in compliance with the 32 Chapter 4 National Building Code, water and energy audit of water and wastewater utilities and implementation of service level benchmarks; (iii) Strengthening implementation of reforms such as levy of reasonable user charges, earmarking of budgets for basic services and at least 10-15% of housing sites for the urban poor, formulation of bye-laws to incorporate provisions for disaster management, water harvesting and reuse and recycle of waste water and implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects. 4.51 To promote the following Urban Local Bodies (ULB) level reforms: Adoption of a modern, accrual based, double entry system of accounting; Introduction of a system of e-governance using IT applications, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Management Information Systems (MIS) for various urban services and establishment of citizens facilitation centres. Reform of property tax with Geographical Information System (GIS) and arrangements for its effective implementation so as to raise collection efficiency to 85 per cent. Levy of reasonable user charges, with the objective that full cost of operation and maintenance is collected within seven years. Internal earmarking of budgets for basic services to the urban poor; Earmarking of housing sites for the urban poor; Formulating bye laws which shall incorporate provisions for disaster management, rainwater harvesting, reuse and recycle of waste water, barrier free environment and structural safety and shall also be in strict compliance with the National Building code; Implementation of Public Disclosure Law; Implementation of Community Participation Law 4.52 Selection of Satellite town is linked to implementation of Urban reforms. In the first phase seven metropolitan cities are to be covered and the central assistance will be admissible for Water Supply and Sanitation, Sewerage and Solid Waste Management and Capacity building assistance for implementation of reform identified under the scheme. 4.53 The States have identified towns for coverage under the scheme. The CDP’s and DPR’s are likely to be prepared by February, 2010 and sanction of projects will commence thereafter. 5. POOLED FINANCE DEVELOPMENT FUND SCHEME 4.54 Central Government has set up a Pooled Finance Development Fund (PFDF) to provide credit enhancement to ULBs to access market borrowings based on their credit worthiness through State-Level-Pooled Finance Mechanism. The broad objectives of PFDF are: Facilitate development of bankable urban infrastructure projects through appropriate capacity building measures and financial structuring of projects. Bankable projects Chapter 4 33 within the context of PFDF are defined as those projects structured with appropriate credit enhancement measures in such a way that they demonstrate the capacity for servicing the market debt to the satisfaction of the rating agencies and potential investors. Facilitate Urban Local Bodies to access capital and financial markets for investment in critical municipal infrastructure by providing credit enhancement grants to State Pooled Finance Entities (SPFEs) for accessing capital markets through Pooled Financing Bonds on behalf of one or more identified ULBs for investment in identified urban infrastructure projects. Reduce the cost of borrowing to local bodies with appropriate credit enhancement measures and through restructuring of existing costly debts. Facilitate development of Municipal Bond Market. 4.55 For implementing Pooled Finance Mechanism, a State Pooled Finance Entity (SPFE) shall be required to be set up in each State. Each SPFE is to be primarily State designed and could either be a Trust or a Special Purpose Entity, provided that the entity is only a pass through vehicle. The basic advantage of setting up of SPFE would be that it would enable the ULBs to enter the bond market on a regular basis and take advantage of scaled up operations. Further, efficient SPFEs can generate fair degree of goodwill in the bond market and may be able to achieve much higher levels of efficiency in operations than individual ULBs. Most importantly, it shall be able to hedge risks against much larger spectrum of activities than individual ULBs. 4.56 During 2010-11, one issue of Tax-Free Bonds worth ` 83.19 crore as second tranche under Pooled Finance Development Fund(PFDF) Scheme was done by Water and Sanitation Pooled Fund, Tamil Nadu for six Under Ground Sewerage Schemes(UGSS) and one water supply project under implementation in seven Urban Local Bodies was notified by Department of Revenue on 14.07.2010 which was fully subscribed. 6. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT A. Indo-Japan Working Group on Urban Development 4.57 In pursuance of the Joint Statement Towards Japan–India Strategic and Global Partnership announced by the Prime Ministers of Japan and India in December, 2006, interalia, referring to the launching of working groups by the two countries in the field of urban development, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Japan on cooperation in the field of Urban Development was signed on 1.5.2007 at New Delhi. MoU was signed by Minister of Urban Development on behalf of Government of India and Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Government of Japan on behalf of Government of Japan. As per the MoU, the Working Group will meet once a year and the first meeting will be held in Japan, and the second and subsequent meetings will be held alternately in India and Japan. The Working Group will be co-chaired by the Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India and Vice-Minister for Engineering Affairs, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, Government of Japan. There will be separate Sub-Working Groups on Water Environment, Urban Development and Urban Transport. Each Sub-Working Group may deal with the subjects listed below: 34 Chapter 4 (1) Sub-Working Group on Water Environment Urban Flood Management, Sewerage and Wastewater Management (2) Sub-Working Group on Urban Development Urban Renewal and Disaster Mitigation (excluding issues dealt with the SubWorking Group on Water Environment) (3) Sub-Working Group on Urban Transport Urban Transport Planning, Development of Public Urban Transport, Intelligent Transport System. 4.58 Four meeting of the Indo-Japan Joint Working Group was held till date twice in Tokyo and twice in New Delhi. Two workshops on water environment and intelligent Transport Systems have been organized in 2009 and 2010 respectively. 4.59 The Fourthe meeting of the Indo-Japan Joint Working Group was held in New Delhi on 17.06.2010. The meeting was attended by senior officers from India and Japan. The meeting was also attended by a delegation of Japanese firms working in the areas of urban development. The next meeting of the Indo-Japan Joint Working Group will be held in Tokyo in 2011 B. Indo-French Joint Working Group on Urban Development 4.60 An Indo-French Joint Working Group on Urban Development was set up with the French side lead by Head of International Affairs in the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Tourism and Sea of Government of French and the India side lead by Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development. The mandate of the Working Group is to foster active cooperation in the field of water supply, sanitation, solid waste management and urban transport. So far six sessions of the Indo-French Joint Working on Urban Development have been held. The last session of the Joint Working Group was held on 16/11/2010 in New Delhi. During the JWG meeting on 16.11.2010, both sides made presentations on the following topics:— Presentation by French side (i) French Green Deal (ii) Grand Paris Programme Presentation by Indian side (i) Jawahar Lal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) (ii) UIDSSMT and Schemes for Infrastructure development in Satellite towns. 4.61 Discussions were also held on other topics such as activities of AFD in India relating to urban sector and progress made in different projects, activities of BRGM-NBCC in India, Decentralized cooperation Seminar held in January, 2010, projects underway at Pimpri with Suez Environment, PPP Seminar to be organized by the MEEDDM in the next year, issues related to PPP contracts etc. in the domain of water. Chapter 4 35 ANNEXURE 4.I Sl. City/Urban Agglomeration No. Name of the State Population as per 2001 census (in lakh) (a) Mega Cities (Cities/UAs with 4 million plus population ) 1 Delhi Delhi 128.77 2 Greater Mumbai Maharashtra 164.34 3 Ahmedabad Gujarat 45.25 4 Bangalore Karnataka 57.01 5 Chennai Tamil Nadu 65.6 6 Kolkata West Bengal 132.06 7 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 57.42 (b) Million-plus Cities (Cities/UAs with 1 million plus but less than 4 million population) 1 Patna Bihar 16.98 2 Faridabad Haryana 10.56 3 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 14.58 4 Ludhiana Punjab 13.98 5 Jaipur Rajasthan 23.27 6 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 22.46 7 Madurai Tamil Nadu 12.03 8 Nashik Maharashtra 11.52 9 Pune Maharashtra 37.6 10 Cochin Kerala 13.55 11 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 12.04 12 Agra Uttar Pradesh 13.31 13 Amritsar Punjab 10.03 14 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 13.45 15 Vadodara Gujarat 14.91 16 Surat Gujarat 28.11 17 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 27.15 18 Nagpur Maharashtra 21.29 19 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 14.61 20 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 11.61 21 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 10.98 22 Jamshedpur Jharkhand 11.04 23 Asansol West Bengal 10.67 24 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 10.42 25 Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh 10.39 26 Rajkot Gujarat 10.03 27 Dhanbad Jharkhand 10.65 28 Indore Madhya Pradesh 16.4 36 Chapter 4 Sl. City/Urban Agglomeration No. Name of the State Population as per 2001 census (in lakh) (c) Selected cities/ Urban Agglomerations (UA) ( State Capitals and other cities/UA of religious/historic and touristic importance ) 1 Guwahati Assam 8.19 2 Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh 0.35 3 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 6.12 4 Raipur Chhattisgarh 7 5 Panaji Goa 0.99 6 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 1.45 7 Ranchi Jharkhand 8.63 8 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 8.9 9 Imphal Manipur 2.5 10 Shillong Meghalaya 2.68 11 Aizawal Mizoram 2.28 12 Kohima Nagaland 0.77 13 Bhubaneswar Orissa 6.58 14 Gangtok Sikkim 0.29 15 Agartala Tripura 1.9 16 Dehradun Uttarakhand 5.3 17 Bodh Gaya Bihar 3.94 18 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 4.31 19 Puri Orissa 1.57 20 Ajmer-Pushkar Rajasthan 5.04 21 Nainital Uttarakhand 2.2 22 Mysore Karnataka 7.99 23 Puducherry Puducherry 5.05 24 Chandigarh Punjab & Haryana 8.08 25 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 9.88 26 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 3.23 27 Hardwar Uttarakhand 2.21 28 Nanded Maharashtra 4.31 29 Tirupati Andhra Pradesh 2.28 30 Porbandar Gujarat 1.58 Chapter 4 37 ANNEXURE 4.II LIST OF e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS (` in lakh) Sl. State No. City Project Name Date of Approved approval Cost by CSMC ACA ACA com- propomited sed for release 1 Andhra Vijayawada e-Governance in Municipalities 6-Feb-09 402.76 201.38 2 Maharashtra Nagpur e-Governance in Municipalities 6-Feb-09 1345.25 3 Kerala Kochi e-Governance of Kochi Municipality 29-May-09 870.5 435.52 108.8 4 Maharashtra PCMC e-Governance of Pune(UA of pune) Maharashtra 29-May-09 924.5 462.25 115.56 5 Maharashtra Navi Mumbai Navi-Mumbai-e-Governance in Municipalities under JNNURM 26-Jun-09 1511.1 528.89 132.22 6 Maharashtra Ulhasnagar Ulhasnagar-e-Governance in Municipalities under JNNURM 26-Jun-09 562.19 196.77 49.19 7 Tamil Nadu Chennai e-Governance in Corporation of Chennai 22-Jan-10 1206.69 422.34 105.59 8 Jharkhand Dhanbad Implementation of e-Municipality 23-Jul-10 in Jharkhand with Pilot in Dhanbad Municipal Council 2006.59 1003 250.82 Total 8829.58 3922.78 980.68 Total 38 8 50.35 672.63 168.15 Chapter 4 ANNEXURE 4.III CUMULATIVE RELEASE OF FUNDS FOR PROJECTS SANCTIONED UNDER (UIG) Sl. Name of State No. Number of projects sanctioned Cost of sanctioned projects ACA admissible (` in lakh) ACA released 1 Andhra Pradesh 50 490398.01 206428.38 100263.54 2 Arunachal Pradesh 3 18048.2 16243.38 6067.79 3 Assam 3 44146.71 37449.64 14224.82 4 Bihar 8 71181.41 39475.73 9858.94 5 Chandigarh 3 19119.6 15297.68 1950.12 6 Chattisgarh 2 45987 34291.2 18218.4 7 Delhi 27 583937 204376.9 2220.58 8 Goa 0 0 0 0 9 Gujarat 68 537348.89 233337.37 123488.65 10 Haryana 4 70446.7 35225.35 11785.18 11 Himachal Pradesh 3 9849.06 7879.25 1969.81 12 Jammu & Kashmir 4 53152 46946.8 11736.71 13 Jharkhand 4 76149.48 48268.46 12067.12 14 Karnataka 48 388258.39 163279.6 59009.99 15 Kerala 10 97579 63449.6 14495.43 16 Madhya Pradesh 21 222246.54 113129.05 41934.54 17 Maharashtra 78 1156023.43 506610.72 267050.5 18 Manipur 3 15395.66 13856.1 1157.75 19 Meghalaya 2 21795.72 19616.15 4904.04 20 Mizoram 1 1681.8 1513.62 1135.23 21 Nagaland 2 7568.03 6811.23 2271.07 22 Orissa 5 81197.66 63712.53 15928.13 23 Punjab 6 72539 36269.5 14672.88 24 Puducherry 2 25306 20244.8 5061.2 25 Rajasthan 14 129016.11 77742.5 37908.44 26 Sikkim 2 9653.67 8688.3 2740.27 27 Tamil Nadu 52 561240.7 223719.34 82588.38 28 Tripura 2 18047 16043.4 1760.85 29 Uttar Pradesh 33 537452.72 270705.9 94505.5 30 Uttarakhand 9 28838.66 23072.92 8154.48 31 West Bengal 46 409393.58 150346.91 57043.65 515 5802997.73 Total Chapter 4 2704032.3 1026173.99 39 5 URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION Water supply and sanitation are important basic needs affecting the quality of life and productive efficiency of the people. The State Governments/Union Territories and urban local bodies are responsible for providing these services through planning, design, implementation, operation and maintenance. The Ministry of Urban Development assists the State Governments/UTs by providing guidance for policy formulation, technical approval of schemes and provides central funds under the Centrally-sponsored schemes and facilitates external assistance from bilateral/multilateral agencies. 5.1 Since launching of JNNURM in December 2005, new projects for Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in cities and towns are being taken up only under JNNURM. Under UIG 151 water supply projects 106 sewerage projects and 42 solid waste management projects have been sanctioned till 31.12.2010. Under UIDSSMT, 418 water supply projects, 96 sewerage projects and 56 solid waste management projects have been sanctioned till 31.12.2010. So far, 95 Water Supply projects, 12 sewerage projects and 2 solid waste management projects under UIG have been physically completed. Similarly under UIDSSMT, 62 water supply projects and one Solid Waste Management project have been completed. 5.2 The programmes and activities for urban water supply and sanitation undertaken by the Ministry other than under JNNURM during 2010-11 are as under:— Centrally Sponsored Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme (AUWSP) 5.3 The Centrally-sponsored Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme (AUWSP) was launched in 1993-94 by Govt. of India to provide Central assistance to State Governments on 50:50 matching basis between Centre and the States for implementation of water supply schemes in small towns numbering 2151 having population less than 20,000 as per 1991 Census. The towns covered by the same population criteria as per 2001 census were also eligible for assistance in accordance with subsequent decision taken in consultation with Planning Commission. 5.4 On the basis of information received from different State Government as on 31.12.2010, water supply schemes in 1022 towns are reported to have been completed/commissioned/partially commissioned, five of the schemes have been dropped by the State Governments and the remaining projects for 217 towns are under various stages of implementation. With the launching of JNNURM, under which UIDSSMT formed a sub-component for catering to Urban Infrastructure including water supply and sanitation in small and medium towns, AUWSP was subsumed in UIDSSMT. Central Scheme of Solid Waste Management and Drainage in Air Field Towns 5.5 Bird hits are among the major causes of air crashes in our country leading to the loss of costly Defence Aircrafts and loss of invaluable lives of pilots. An Inter-Ministerial Joint 40 Chapter 5 Sub-Committee constituted by the Ministry of Defence recommended to provide proper sanitation facilities, including Solid Waste Management and Drainage to overcome the bird menace in the following 10 towns having airfields of Indian Air Force:— 1. Gwalior (M.P.) 2. Ambala (Haryana) 3. Hindon (U.P.) 4. Jodhpur (Rajasthan) 5. Tezpur (Assam) 6. Dundigal (A.P.) 7. Sirsa (Haryana) 8. Adampur (Punjab) 9. Pune (Maharashtra) 10. Bareilly (U.P.) 5.6 No funds have been allocated and released to the scheme during 2010-11. Seven of the schemes viz. Gawalior, Ambala, Jodhpur, Dundigal, Sirsa, Adampur & Pune have already been completed and the work in the remaining 3 towns i.e. Tezpur, Bareilly & Hindon are expected to be completed by December, 2011. Sea Water Reverse Osmosis De-salination Plant at Nemmeli, Chennai 5.7 The Government of India has accorded approval for implementing the 100 mld capacity Sea Water Reverse Osmosis Plant at Nemmeli near Chennai at an estimated cost of ` 908.28 crore. The total Additional Central Assistance (ACA) to be given is ` 871.24 crore. 5.8 The Government of India has released a sum of ` 300 crore for the year 2009-10 out of which ` 150 crore has been released to CMWSSB by Government of Tamil Nadu. The construction of the plant is expected to be completed by December, 2011 and cost escalations, if any, will be borne by the Government of Tamil Nadu. 5.9 Successful bidders for these items are M/s. VA Tech Wabag Ltd., India in consortium with M/s IDE Technologies Ltd., Israel, M/s Larson & Toubro Ltd, and M/s. Mecon Ltd., in consortium with M/s ADECCO Technologies Ltd., SOECO respectively. Letters of acceptance were issued to the successful bidders on 30.12.2009 for the following items of work (i) Construction of 100 mld Desalination Plant, (ii) Project Management Consultant (PMC) for the plant and (iii) Conveyance system. Brihan Mumbai Strom Water Drainage (BRIMSTOWAD) Project at Mumbai 5.10 The Government had accorded approval for the ‘Brihan Mumbai Storm Water Drainage (BRIMSTOWAD) project at a cost of ` 1200 crore in July, 2007. Ministry of Finance released ` 400 crore as first installment on 23rd August, 2007, ` 100 crore as second installment on 17th Februay, 2009, ` 500 crore as third installment on 31.3.2010. Thus, a total of ` 1000 crore has been released to the project. A Joint Monitoring Committee was set up on 20th August, 2007 to review the works of BRIMSTOWAD under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (UD), Ministry of Urban Development. The latest review meeting was held on 29.10.10 at Mumbai. 5.11 Out of 20 works of Phase-I, 12 have been completed and 5 are in progress and 3 are yet to be tendered. Out of 38 works of Phase-II, 2 works were completed, 23 are in progress and 13 are not started. Chapter 5 41 Service level Benchmarks 5.12 The Ministry of Urban Development initiated service-level benchmarks for water supply, sewerage, solid waste management & storm water drainage services in 2008. A pilot project on implementation of municipal services levels in these four sectors was initiated in 28 cities. A baseline data from the participating cities was collected and based on that a databook has been prepared. Even as SLB data collection work is underway in 1700 plus ULBs towards fulfillment of the thirteenth finance commission’s (13th FC) recommendation, the program is steadily gaining momentum and demonstrating how benchmarking can inform and drive performance improvement. 5.13 The thirteenth Finance Commission (13th FC) has recommended that urban local bodies (ULBs) in India should put in place a system of benchmarking for four basic services, i.e. water supply, sewerage, solid waste management and storm water drainage in accordance with the SLB handbook published by MoUD. This is one of the nine conditions for availing the performance grants recommended by the 13 FC. As part of this condition, the ULBs (municipalities and municipal corporations) should notify every year the targets to be achieved by the end of the next fiscal year and publish the same in the State Gazette. 5.14 The Ministry has identified the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad for supporting States in operationalizing the SLB process. ASCI is organizing training programmes for the members of the State SLB Cell and identified training Institutions on the SLB process relating to the collection of data, setting of the service targets for 2011-12 and the preparation of information system improvement plan and performance improvement plan. SLB website is developed and a web based software for reporting is being developed and shall be made available to all the ULBs National Urban Sanitation Policy 5.15 The Government of India launched the National Urban Sanitation Policy in December 2008. The main goal of the policy is to transform urban India into community driven totally sanitized healthy and liveable cities and towns. The vision of the policy is that all Indian cities and towns become totally sanitised, healthy and liveable and ensure and sustain good public health and environmental outcomes for all their citizens with a special focus on hygienic and affordable sanitation facilities for the urban poor and women. Awareness Generation and Behavioural Change; Open Defecation Free Cities; Integrated City Wide Sanitation; Sanitary and Safe Disposal; and Proper Operation and Maintenance of all Sanitary Installations are main goals of the policy. Initiatives taken under the National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP) (i) Rating of Cities (ii) Communication campaign (iii) Strengthening States & Cities for 100% City wide sanitation with formulation of State Sanitation Strategy & City Sanitation Plan. 42 Chapter 5 Rating of Cities 5.16 The exercise of rating of Cities covers all major cities of the country and almost 72% of India’s total urban population. The country was divided into five zones for the purpose - North, South, East and North East, West and Central and South Central. The rating of cities creates a baseline which can be used to measure progress in respect of sanitation in our cities and is expected to encourage cities to perform better in years to come. 5.17 In order to provide impetus to State and city activities and recognize excellence in performance in urban sanitation, the Government of India has instituted an annual award for cities called the “Nirmal Shahar Puraskar”. The objective behind this annual award is based on the premise that periodic assessment of the performance cities will lead to greater community awareness and promote healthy competition among cities. 5.18 Cities were classified under four colour categories i.e. Red, Black, Blue and Green as per details given below: S.No. Category Range No. of Cities 1 Red < 33 Marks 189 2 Black < 34 - 66 Marks 230 3 Blue < 67 - 90 Marks 4 4 Green < 91 - 100 Marks 0 Source: National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation for Indian Cities, MoUD, (GOI) 5.19 The rating has been carried out for 423 cities and completed in May, 2010. In respect to the Baseline information, eligibility and selection procedures have been completed. The next rating exercise will be conducted in 2012. The ranking or rating exercise is a bi-annual exercise. 5.20 From the above table, it is observed that 189 cities under the red category are the cities on the brink of public health and environmental ‘emergency’; needing immediate remedial action. About 44.68% of the cities are in the red category. Under the black category, 230 cities are there which has a range of 34-66 marks indicates that they need considerable improvements. Only 4 cities fall under the blue category, which ranges from 67 – 90 marks. The cities in this category are Chandigarh, Mysore, Surat and N.D.M.C. which depicts that they are recovering but still diseased. The last is green category, ranging from 91 – 100 marks means healthy and clean city. Communication Campaign on Urban Sanitation 5.21 The communication campaign included broadcasting of audio spots and jingles on Radio/ FM channels with a view to sensitizing citizens regarding the importance of sanitation, negative impacts on health and the environment due to lack of sanitation and most importantly the need to eliminate open defecation. The jingles have been developed in twelve languages. 4 audio spots and 1 jingle in 13 languages have been broadcasted in 1st phase. Chapter 5 43 National School Sanitation Initiative 5.22 Our vision of totally sanitized cities cannot be achieved without the involvement of all stakeholders including our children who are our future. Keeping this in our view, a one day event on launch of National School Initiative was organized on April 27th, 2010 by the Ministry of Urban Development & Ministry of Human Resource Development to sensitize younger children on the issue of sanitation, ecological importance issues such as energy efficiency, conservation of natural resources, segregation of waste etc for bringing about the desired changes in children. Mr. Aamir Khan, noted Film star participated in the event as Brand Ambassador for School Sanitation to spearhead the efforts towards awareness generation for better sanitation. State Sanitation Strategy 5.23 States will be encouraged to prepare State Level Sanitation Strategies within a period of 2 years. Cities will be urged to prepare model City Sanitation Plans within a period of 2 years. Each state shall formulate its own State Urban Sanitation Strategy taking into account its local urban context. Cities will operationalize the state strategy by preparing and implementing City Sanitation Plans. The states will also be encouraged to formulate State Reward Schemes. A state level apex body will monitor the implementation of the state strategy, and a nodal agency will be appointed for planning and implementation. Each state and its cities would need to devise effective institutional arrangements at the city level. However, the ULB’s (or their equivalent structures) must be at the centre of all urban sanitation activities. 5.24 At present, 24 states have initiated action for State Sanitation Strategy (SSS). 6 states have submitted their State Sanitation Strategy (SSS) out of 24 states. The 6 states are Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and West Bengal. The remaining 18 states are still in the process of preparing their State Sanitation Strategy. 24 states making their State Sanitation Strategy have been given below. S. Name of the No. State/UT S. No. Name of the State/UT S. No. Name of the State/UT 1 Andhra Pradesh 9 Jharkhand 17 Puducherry 2 Arunachal Pradesh 10 Karnataka 18 Rajasthan 3 Assam 11 Kerala 19 Sikkim 4 Bihar 12 Madhya Pradesh 20 Tamil Nadu 5 Chhattisgarh 13 Maharashtra 21 Tripura 6 Delhi 14 Manipur 22 Uttar Pradesh 7 Gujarat 15 Meghalaya 23 Uttarakhand 8 Himachal Pradesh 16 Orissa 24 West Bengal 44 Chapter 5 City Sanitation Plan 5.25 Government of India is supporting cities in developing city sanitation plans (CSP). The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) is facilitating 9 states in formulating their City Sanitation Plans in 85 cities. 5.26 The city Sanitation plans are expected to be completed within a year. So far around 137 Cities are taking initiative to make City Sanitation Plans and will be ready to be implemented in year 2010-11. Some of these cities are facilitated by MoUD, GOI and few by International/ Bi-lateral agencies. The 85 cities supported by MoUD in 9 states are Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Public Health Engineering (PHE) Training Programme 5.27 The P.H.E training programme has been started by the Ministry with the objective of providing training to in-service Engineers and Para Engineering Staff of the various State Public Health Engineering Departments, Water Supply and Sewerage Boards, Urban Local Bodies etc. The details are as follows: Post Graduate Course in Public Health Engineering/Environmental Engineering This training is imparted at the following academic institutions:— 1. All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata 2. Veermata Jeejabai Technological Institute, Mumbai 3. Anna University, Chennai 4. Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur 5. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad 6. Shri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 7. G.S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore 8. I.I.T., Powai, Bombay, Mumbai 9. Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur 10. I.I.T., Kharagpur, West Bengal 11. I.I.T., Delhi, New Delhi 12. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 5.28 The duration of the Post Graduate Course is 24 months. Central support is presently extended to meet the stipend @ ` 2000/- per month for 24 months for outstation trainees and tuition & examination fee for all trainees. In addition, contingency grant @ ` 2,500/- per semester per candidate for 4 semesters is admissible and staff support for one Professor and one Assistant Professor is also extended to the Institutes. Chapter 5 45 Short Term Course In Public Health Engineering 5.29 This programme has been tailored in such a way that Diploma Engineers working in State Public Health Engineering Departments/Water Supply and Sewerage Boards/Urban Local Bodies get adequate exposure towards the finer points of Public Health Engineering, so that they can apply the same in the field. The course is of three months duration. Financial support in the form of stipend, tuition fee, expenses on field visits etc. is extended, thus sharing a major portion of the expenditure. At present, the Short Term Course is conducted in 2 Institutes viz. (1) Anna University, Chennai and (2) Shri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore. Refresher Course 5.30 Several refresher courses on various specializations are conducted by the Ministry through different academic, research & professional institutions and State Departments. Financial support in the form of honorarium to lecturers, expenses on field visits, preparation of lecture materials etc. is extended to the institutes conducting the training courses. Number of personnel trained upto end of March, 2010 and in service engineers expected to have been trained in various training courses during 2010-11 are furnished below:— Sl. No. Name of Course Total upto 31.3.2010 During 2009-10(upto 31.12.2010) Total Cumulative* 1. P.G. Course in PHE 2582 28 2610 2. Short Term Course in PHE 2594 Nil * 2,594 3. Refresher course in PHE 24,419 900** 30,319 * No short terms courses were conducted during this FY due to lack of Hostel accommodation in the two institutes conducting the courses ** Tentative, as information is awaited from most of the Institutions where the courses have been/ are being conducted during 2010-11 5.31 Rs. 6.40 lakh has been released to the concerned institutes till December, 2010. Outstanding Utilization Certificates were obtained from some engineering colleges/institutes to facilitate further release of grants for ongoing training programmes. 46 Chapter 5 6 A. DELHI AND MISCELLANEOUS INITIATIVES IN URBAN SECTOR DELHI AND NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi is a Union Territory with Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delhi has the power to make laws for the whole or any part of the National Capital Territory with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the State List or in the Concurrent List except with respect to Entries 1, 2 and 18 of the State List and Entries 64, 65 and 66 of the State List. Entry 18 of the State List pertains to land, that is to say, right in or over land, land tenure including relation of landlord and tenant, and the collection of rents, transfer and alienation of agricultural land; land improvement and agricultural loans & colonization. 1. The National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act, 2009 6.1 In the NCT of Delhi, the planning process began with the Master Plan for1962. Several gaps in the planning process have led to the problem of unauthorised construction and encroachment on public land in Delhi. This has led to court cases related to the issue of sealing of commercial/nonconforming use of premises, in the Supreme Court and Delhi High Court. The Government has brought Legislations since 2006 to provide temporary relief and minimize avoidable hardship and irreparable loss to the citizens which cover various categories of unauthorized construction. 6.2 In this context, the NCTD Laws (Special Provisions) Second Amendment Act, 2009 came in force on 01.1.2010. This Act provides protection to the following categories of unauthorized development: • slum dwellers and Jhuggi-Jhompri (JJ) clusters, • urban street vendors and hawkers, • existing farm houses involving construction beyond permissible building limits, • schools, dispensaries, religious institutions, cultural institutions, • storages, warehouses and go downs used for agricultural inputs or produce (including dairy and poultry) in rural areas built on agricultural land, • unauthorized colonies including village abadi and its extension, and • urban villages, in addition to village abadi and its extension. 6.3 The Act was valid till 31.12.2010. Action has been initiated to introduce a Bill in the Budget Session of Parliament to enact the NCT of Delhi (Special Provisions) Act, 2011 in continuation of Chapter 6 47 the NCT of Delhi (Special Provisions) Second Amendment Act, 2009 to provide temporary relief and to minimize avoidable hardship and irreparable loss to the people of NCT of Delhi for a period of one year from 1.1.2011 to 31.12.2011. 2. Regularization of Unauthorized Colonies in NCT of Delhi 6.4 Based on the approval of the Union Government to the revised guidelines for regularization of unauthorized colonies on 8-2-2007, DDA notified the Regulations in this regard under the Delhi Development Act, 1957 on 24-3-2008. The work relating to regularization, including preparation and implementation of development works involving agencies concerned is to be undertaken, coordinated, monitored and supervised by the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD). As provided in a further notification issued in this regard on 16th June 2008, time limit of one year has been given for formal regularization of unauthorized colonies after the date of issuance of Provisional Regularization Certificates to such unauthorized colonies. GNCTD has issued Provisional Regularization Certificates to 1223 unauthorized colonies on 4th October, 2008 in accordance with the notification dated 16th June, 2008. In the current year, MCD has initiated scrutiny of layout plans and has conducted camps with Residents Welfare Associations. The Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi (GGSIPU) has been entrusted with the task of super-imposition of boundaries of layout plans of unauthorized colonies on the aerial photographs of March, 2002, which is underway. Development works in these colonies like construction of roads, drains, water supply, etc. have also been taken up. 3. Commonwealth Games, Delhi -2010 6.5 Central Public Works Department (CPWD) and DDA were given important roles in building of infrastructure for holding of Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010. CPWD was entrusted the task of upgrading the existing infrastructure for the five major stadiums, viz Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium and Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Talkatora Swimming Pool. All related jobs were completed in time leaving adequate time for trial runs before commissioning. 6.6 DDA was assigned the task of developing the Commonwealth Games Village near Akshardham Temple and construction of Competition and Training Venues as given below :— Competition Venues Siri Fort Sports Complex — Badminton and Squash Yamuna Sports Complex — Table Tennis and Archery (Preliminaries) Siri Fort Sports Complex — Swimming, Badminton & Squash Yamuna Sports Complex — Swimming, Table Tennis, Rhythmic Gymnastics (Women’s), Lawn Bowls & Archery. Saket Sports Complex — Badminton Games Village — Athletics, Swimming, Fitness Centre, Wrestling & Weightlifting Training Venues 48 Chapter 6 Development of Games Village Residential Accommodation for 8000 participants Practice Venues — Fitness Centre, Swimming Pool, Wrestling, Weight Lifting, Net Ball,Boxing and Athletic Track Temporary overlay for Dining Hall, International Zone, Offices etc. The Games Village was handed over to Organising Committee by 1.6.2010. Development of Competition Venues Siri Fort Sports Complex — 8 Badminton & 12 Squash Courts Yamuna Sports Complex — Table Tennis & Archery (Preliminaries) Provision of Training Venues Siri Fort Sports Complex — Badminton, Squash, Tennis, Swimming, Archery and Lawn Bowls Yamuna Sports Complex — Table Tennis, Swimming , Women Rhythmic Gymnastics, Lawn Bowls and Archery Saket Sports Complex — Badminton The game was held satisfactorily at the venues constructed during October, 2010. 4. National Capital Region Planning Board 6.7 During the financial year 2010-11 (upto November, 2010), loans amounting to ` 218 crore for 4 new infrastructure development projects with a total outlay of about ` 410 crore were sanctioned. A total loan of `517.69 crore has been disbursed upto November, 2010 for ongoing and new projects. 5. Delhi Urban Art Commission 6.8 During the period 1-4-2010 to 31-12-2010, the Commission considered 118 proposals of which 56 were approved and observations given in case of 47 proposals after due scrutiny of the proposals by the Commission in its meetings. Remaining proposals were deferred due to insufficient information.. B. MISCELLENEOUS INITIATIVES IN URBAN SECTOR 1. Model Municipal Law 6.9 Although the Constitution (74th Amendment Act), 1992 has already completed a decade and urban local bodies (ULBs) have been delegated with sets of responsibilities and functions, adequate financial resources are not made available to them. As a result, they are not able to perform their assigned functions in an efficient and effective manner. Thus, it is felt that the State Governments should amend their State Municipal Laws to give functional and financial autonomy to ULBs as envisaged by the 74th Amendment Act. Chapter 6 49 6.10 Keeping this in view, Ministry of Urban Development has developed and circulated a Model Municipal Law, which intends to assist urban local bodies in the areas of accounting reforms, resource mobilization, levy of users charges and entry of private sector partnership. The Model Municipal Law, interalia, aims at simplification of municipal by-laws, provision for enhanced borrowing, allowing entry of private sector and authorising concessionaire to penalize users for non-payment of tariffs. This initiative is expected not only to enhance the capacity of urban local bodies to leverage public funds for development of urban sector but also to help create an environment in which urban local bodies can play their role more effectively and ensure better service delivery 6.11 Accordingly States have taken steps for implementation of the provisions of Model Municipal Law either by drafting a new municipal law or amending the provisions of the existing municipal laws 2. Empowerment of Women in Urban Local Bodies I. Amendment to Article 243T of the Constitution to provide for 50 percent reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies 6.12 Women accounted for 47.3 percent of India’s total urban population in 2001. Considering that women constitute nearly 50 percent of population, successful implementation of any programme would gain from women’s participation in policy formulation and decision making. In recognition of this concern, the Hon’ble President of India in her address to both the Houses of Parliament on June 4, 2009 stated that a Bill providing 50 percent reservation for women in the Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies would be moved by the Government. 6.13 In pursuance of the above, the Ministry of Urban Development initiated necessary in the matter and on 24.11.2009, the Constitution (112th Amendment) Bill 2009 to provide for 50% reservation of women in Urban Local Bodies was introduced in Lok Sabha. Through this Bill, the Government of India seeks to increase the representation of women in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) from the present level of one-third to 50 percent which would also include enhancement of reservation for women upto 50 percent in seats reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and 50 percent reservations for women in the posts of Chairpersons. Increased representation of women in Urban Local Bodies would go a long way in ensuring their participation at grass root level and mainstreaming of gender concerns in governance and decision making including those related to basic municipal services like water supply, sanitation and solid waste management. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Urban Development has given its report on 9.8.2010 which is under consideration in consultation with various States and Central Ministries. II. Training of elected Women representatives in ULBs 6.14 The Constitution (74th Amendment) Act, 1992 has initiated the process of de-centralization and empowerment of urban local bodies (ULBs). Specific provisions have been made to ensure continuity of the elected bodies and give wider representation to women and other weaker sections. This Act provides that not less than one-third of the total number of seats shall be reserved for women in every municipality. Since the elected municipal bodies are expected to function as an instrument of local-self-government, which will be responsible for formulating plans of economic development and social justice, this provision gives women elected members in municipal bodies a 50 Chapter 6 unique opportunity to play a leading role in shaping the destiny of their community. It is believed that by including women in the power hierarchy of the elected local government in India, participation of women in the city development process would be ensured. 6.15 Women elected representatives of ULBs have to play a dual role. Firstly, they have to act as a member of local body like others and respond to overall needs of their electorate. Secondly, they have to perform specialized role on the functions, which have a direct impact on women and involve women intensively. The women councillors, therefore, require a systematic training pertaining to attitude, skill and knowledge on potential role of women in urban governance. 6.16 This Ministry has been impressing upon the States to get their women councillors trained immediately after the completion of election to the urban local bodies. For this purpose, a training plan has been initiated. Under this, the State Governments are required to nominate one State-level institute to conduct training programmes of three days duration. The total expenditure involved in the training programmes is borne by the Central Government. 3. Training Centres for Municipal Employees 6.17 Ministry of Urban Development supports Research & Training activities in the areas of Urban Development and Local Self Government through three Regional Centres for Urban & Environmental Studies (RCUES), located at Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, and the Centre of Urban Studies, IIPA, New Delhi. These centres undertake research activities and organise training courses, seminars, workshops and conference, etc. on topics relating to Local Self Government, Urban Development, Urban Management, Water Supply & Sanitation, Property Tax, Municipal Audit and Accounting, Public Housing and Low Cost Sanitation and Urban Poverty Alleviation programmes. A sum of ` 500 lakh has been earmarked for them in BE 2010-11. This Ministry released a sum of ` 278.25 lakhs to these Centres upto December 2010. 6.18 These Regional Centres have organized 49 training courses/programmes/seminars, upto December 2010 and are undertaking 18 research studies/projects. 6.19 For the period Jan 2011 - March 2011, 22 training courses/ programmes and 3 seminars/ workshops would be conducted by these centres. 4. Land title implementation for Urban Management. (project PLATINUM) 6.20 Guaranteed Land Tiltle (GLT) has vast implications for economic investment and growth, social justice, infrastructure & housing projects, governance & planning for urban areas, it has become necessary to galvanise action for implementation of this reform in urban areas. Introduction of property title certification system in ULBs is one of the key reforms under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).In order to facilitate implementation of robust systems towards this end, the Ministry in partnership with India Urban Space Foundation (IUSF) Bengaluru has initiated a national level programme titled Project PLATINUM (Partnership for Land Title Implementation for Urban Management) that focuses on implementing of security of title in urban areas of the country. Some of the issues that form part for the initiative are - articulation of the benefits of a system of title to land and immovable property to state and society, incentives for public acceptance; options on type of land title system to be followed ; transition plan towards a Chapter 6 51 system of Title & integration of rural and urban-land records; registration and title management; building of robust system for maintaining Records of Title; creation of framework law for guaranteeing title; process map for moving to title deed based on evidence of ownership and boundaries; and use of appropriate technology and GIS solutions for the revised processes etc. A draft framework law based on the draft Land Titling Bill 2010 of the Department of Land Resource(DOLR) has been prepared and would be finalized shortly. 5. Improvement of Master Planning Process 6.21 The Ministry in partnership with India Urban Space Foundation (IUSF) Bengaluru has embarked upon an initiative to improve the master planning process that can respond to the challenges of urban growth and development through a project titled Project INSPIRE (Integrated Spatial Planning including Regional Emphasis) Under this project, some of the steps being taken are Creation of National Guidelines for Urban Spatial Planning that take into account the changing demographics, the changing aspirations of urban residents, and the inter-linkages between sectors; Creation of framework laws for critical areas such as heritage protection, integrated transport, housing, development controls enforcement, etc. These framework laws are intended to act as policy guidelines to better plan, implement and enforce master plans; Provide technical support to states and cities for creating master plans as per the National Guidelines created; and Create on-line and offline platforms for continuous capacity building and exchanges between cities. 6. Implementation of the 13th Central Finance Commission Recommendations 6.22 The 13th Central Finance Commission(CFC) has made certain path breaking recommendations in respect of transfers of grant to local bodies for the period 2010-11 to 2010-15. A sum of ` 23,111 crore has been recommended for ULBs. The grant has two components (i) Basic Component and (ii) Performance Based Component. Out of the amount of ` 23,111 crore the performance grants amount to ` 8000 crore. (approx). While the general basic grants can be released on certification by States and does not require any conditions to be met, the performance related grants are based on fulfillment of nine conditions which are (i) supplement to the budget document; (ii) Audit system for all local bodies; (iii) Independent Local Body Ombudsman; (iv) Electronic Transfer of local body grants within five days of receipt from the Central Government; (v)Prescription of the qualification of persons eligible for appointment of as members of the State Finance Commission; (vi) Levy of Property Tax by ULBs without hindrance; (vii) Establishment of a property tax board; (viii) Disclosure of service standards proposed to be achieved by each ULB in respect of the water and sanitation sector etc; and (ix) Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan for million plus cities. State Governments have to comply with these conditions before they can access the performance grant from 2011-2012 onwards. Necessary action is being taken by Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Urban Development in providing handholding support to assist the State Governments to comply with the recommendations of the 13th CFC. 7. Capacity Building in Urban Local Bodies 6.23 Capacity building is an essential component of any programme targeted towards growth and development. It is a necessary tool for better implementation of a policy/programme by skilled manpower and for improving the quality of work. Skilled manpower is a prerequisite for implementing 52 Chapter 6 a policy or programme in the right prospective. The 11th Plan identifies strengthening of urban local bodies through capacity building and better financial management as a key strategy for urban development. The plan identifies lack of skilled man power as one of the key concerns and recommends setting up of an apex agency to coordinate the activities of national and state level training institutions. Administrative Reforms Commission has also proposed urban governance capacity building programme in order to address capacity gaps in urban local bodies. 6.24 The capacity building programme for urban local bodies addresses capacity needs which not covered under existing schemes of the Ministry. The activities taken up for financial support are to be completed within a time span not exceeding two years unless otherwise decided by the Sanctioning Committee. The financial support under the capacity building programme is extended to identified institutions/Cities/States for addressing specific capacity gaps in the following areas:— (i) Urban Planning: Preparation of City Development plans/Structure plans, Socio-economic and environmental planning (ii) Project implementation and management; Preparation of Detailed Project Reports (iii) Municipal service delivery including water supply, sewerage and sanitation, solid waste management (iv) Financial management (v) Cost Recovery and O&M/User Charges etc. (vi) Implementation of National Urban Sanitation Policy (vii) Access to the Performance Based Grants recommended by the 13th Central Finance Commission (viii) Activities identified under National Mission on Sustainable Habitat including capacity building, complimentary activities and demonstration projects (ix) Urban Transport (x) Implementation of municipal reforms including Property tax reforms, Accounting reforms-Governance and Encouraging PPP (xi) Communication and Outreach Activities (xii) Monitoring and Evaluation (xiii) Establishment of Centres of Excellence 6.25 The Ministry has set up 13 Centres of Excellence (9 Centres of Excellence on Urban Development and 4 Centres of Excellence on Urban Transport) in reputed academic and research organizations like IITs, IIMs etc. across the country with the aim to strengthen capacity building measures, promote awareness, research & training in priority areas. The Centres of Excellence on Urban Development are working in areas such as municipal service delivery, urban reforms, wastewater management, sustainable water management, climate change vulnerability and adaptation, integrated Chapter 6 53 land use and water resource planning etc. The unique feature of the centres as approved by the Ministry of Urban Development is that the emphasis is on the field-to-lab approach rather than the lab-to-field approach. Each of the centres is handholding specific cities in implementing projects that have already been identified. 6.26 Financial assistance is being provided for preparation of City Sanitation Plans for 85 Cities and for Information Systems Improvement Plans (ISIP) for 12 Cities. The total outlay for the scheme is Rs 125 crore during the 11th plan period. 6.27 A sum of ` 30.00 crore has been earmarked under this component in BE 2010-11. 8. Promotion of Barrier-Free Built Environment for the Disabled and Elderly Persons 6.28 “The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 require appropriate Government and local authorities to provide for barrier-free built environment. The States and other local authorities are responsible for creating a barrier free built environment in towns and cities. The Minsitry of Urban Development, Government of India being the nodal Ministry for facilitating creation of barrier free built environment plays an advisory and catalytic role in promotion of barrier free built environment. 6.29 Ministry of Urban Development formulated Guidelines and space standards for barrier free environment for disabled and elderly persons-1998, which were circulated to all States and other agencies for reference and guidance. The model building bye-laws framed by the Ministry provide for facilities for disabled persons. These have been circulated to states for adoption. The Ministry is pursuing the matter with states and so far 16 states have adopted these and 6 States are in the process of modifying these building bye-laws. All State governments have been requested to appoint a nodal officer in each district to bring non-compliance to the notice of concerned authorities. Government of Goa and Lakshadweep have appointed such nodal officers. 6.30 Ministry has also framed an Action Plan for promotion of barrier-free environment which focuses on pursuit of amendment of building bye-laws with states, updation of guidelines for barrier free built environment, access audit of buildings to awareness generation, capacity building and monitoring. The Ministry undertook access dudits of 12 buildings during the year. These reports were reviewed and passed on to concerned departments and the Central Public Works Department, for action. The Ministry also organized capacity building and awareness generation workshop for concerned departments. 54 Chapter 6 7 URBAN TRANSPORT Since 1986, Ministry of Urban Development is the nodal ministry for planning and coordination of Urban Transport matters at the central level. However technical planning of rail transport continues to be with Indian Railways. Similarly, road transport is the responsibility of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. However, the major responsibility for urban transport infrastructure and service delivery rest with State Governments and local bodies. 7.1 Urban Transport is one of the key elements of urban infrastructure. An effective urban transportation system enhances productivity and growth of the economy. The urban transportation covers two broad modes viz. private transport and public transport. The public transport enable the poor by making access to economic opportunities easier. As compared to private mode of transport, public transport is energy efficient and less polluting. Public transport systems also help to maximize urban – rural linkage and improves access of the rural/semi-urban population in the periphery to the city centres for various purposes. 7.2 The major objective of urban transport initiative is to provide efficient and affordable public transport. This Ministry has formulated a National Urban Transport Policy(NUTP), in April, 2006 with objectives to ensure easily accessible, safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable and sustainable mobility for all. It, inter-alia, seeks to promote integrated land use and transport planning, greater use of public transport, non-motorized modes of travels & use of cleaner technologies. It offers Central Government’s financial support for investments in public transport, infrastructure for greater use of non-motorized modes, as well as in the construction of parking facilities, including demonstrative pilot projects. It encourages capacity building at institutional and individual level, innovative financing mechanisms, institutional coordination, association of the private sector and need for public awareness and cooperation. Present Situation 7.3. A scheme providing for 80% Central Financial Assistance for transport planning was launched wef August, 2008 for taking up traffic & transportation studies/preparation of DPRs (limited up to 50% in case of DPR of Metro projects). The Scheme covers the wide gamut of urban transport matters for promoting comprehensive & integrated urban transport planning, integrated land use and transport planning, comprehensive mobility plans, preparation of DPR, Clean Development mechanism (CDM), Intelligent Transport System (ITS), launching of awareness campaign in line with National Urban Transport Policy, 2006. 7.4 The Ministry has also sanctioned a new scheme for capacity building in sustainable urban transport planning at national, state and city level as well as Institutional level so that well coordinated and integrated transport systems get built up. Chapter 7 55 Urban Bus Specification 7.5 Urban Bus specifications have been prepared with a view to transform the way city residents travel. A booklet on Urban Bus Specifications has also been circulated to all States/UTs, Municipal Corporations (63 JNNURM cities), State Road Transport Corporations, etc. Service Level Bench Mark 7.6 A booklet on Service level Benchmarks has been finalized and released by Hon’ble Minister for Urban Development during the Annual Conference on Urban Mobility India, 2009 on 3rd December. All States/UTs have been advised that while forwarding the detailed project report relating to urban transport, cities must provide particulars indicating Service Level Bench-Marks in Urban Transport in the field of indicators identified in the booklet and also anticipated improvement (after implementation of the proposed project). Financing of Buses for Urban Transport under JNNURM 7.7 Under the second stimulus package announced by the Government on 2nd January, 2009, the States; as a onetime measure have been provided financial assistance for purchase of buses for their urban transport system under the scheme for providing central financial assistance in the form of grant for procurement of buses for urban transport under JNNURM. The financing is meant exclusively for City Bus Service and Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) for all 65 mission cities. 7.8 Ministry of Urban Development have sanctioned 15260 buses under the scheme with a total cost of ` 4723.94 crore out of which ACA admissible is around `2089 crore. Till December, 2010 delivery of more than 10000 modern ITS enabled buses have been received by the States/Cities. All the buses sanctioned under the scheme will conform to the Urban Bus Specifications framed by the Ministry with one time deviation of floor height upto 900 mm as sufficient manufacturing capacity was not available in the country for supply of 400 mm and 650 mm floor height buses in short period of time. Reforms in Urban Transport 7.09 The Additional Central Assistance has been tied to following reforms in the field of urban transport as part of conditions of sanction of projects under JNNURM: State level (i) Setting up of a city-level Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA) for all one million plus cities, duly backed by a legislation, to facilitate coordinated planning and implementation of projects relating to urban transport and their integrated management. (ii) Setting up of a Dedicated Urban Transport Fund at the State level. (iii) Change in bye-laws and Master Plan of cities to integrate land-use and transport by densification alongwith the MRTS corridors and areas around the stations. (iv) Nominating a single department at the State level to deal with all urban transport issues as against different departments at present. 56 Chapter 7 (v) Setting up of a regulatory / institutional mechanism to periodically revise fares for all public and intermediate public transport systems. (vi) The State government and ULB waiving off / reimbursing all its taxes on urban Buses & city bus service/BRTS. City level (i) Setting up of a Dedicated Urban Transport Fund at the city-level. (ii) An advertisement policy which taps advertisement revenue on public transport, intermediate public transport and public utilities for public purposes subject to relevant legislations. (iii) Parking policy wherein parking fee represents the true value of the land occupied, which is used to make public transport more attractive; banning of parking on arterial/ring roads, multi-level parking centres in City Centres with park-and-ride facility etc. (iv) A well organized and efficient city bus system by using ITS through city-specific SPV for bus services, preferably on PPP, under well structured contracts where the umbrella institution of the government professionally does the role of planning, coordination, contracting, monitoring, supervision as well as management of common infrastructure and services etc . (v) Multimodal integration, including suburban railways (by involving MoR) to provide network-connectivity in the region and single ticketing to provide seamless travel. (vi) Setting up of a Traffic Information Management Control Centre for effective monitoring and enforcement of traffic as well as data-generation and data-collection for future planning. 7.10 There shall be a time bound plan for implementation of all these reforms within the mission period. Annual Conference & Exhibition on Urban Transport from 3rd to 5th December, 2010 7.11 As part of institutionalized capacity building effort in urban transport, 3rd Annual Conference & Exhibition on “Urban Mobility India : 2010” with theme ‘Accessible cities and inclusive cities’ was held from 3rd to 5th December, 2010 in New Delhi. The Conference was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister of State for Urban Development India and was attended over 900 delegates/guests including Chief Minister of Haryana, Transport Ministers from States of Karnataka and Rajasthan, Principal Secretaries of States Government/UTs, Mayors, Municipal Commissioners, representatives of State Transport Corporation, City Development agencies, Consultants and Technical Institutions, students as well as technical experts from abroad. Half day research symposium was also conducted which was well received. Chapter 7 57 Awards of excellence in Urban Transport 7.12 During the Conference on “Urban Mobility India : 2010” the Awards for Excellence in Urban Transport were also given to the following:— Sl.No. Name of the Organization Name of the Project Field/Category 1. Bangalore Metro Transport Excellence in Urban Public Best Urban Mass Taransit Corporaion Transport - Bangalore Model Project (BRTS, Metro/LRT etc.) 2. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation New Technological applications/ innovations in Janmarg BRTS. 3. Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, Bangalore For Fuel Switch Project in Best Clean Development Mysore City Buses using Mechanism Project. Bio Diesel and Bio Ethanol Blends. 4. Delhi Integrated Multi For green bike-cycle sharing Best NMT Project Modal Transit System, Delhi. and feeder network at the BRT (Pedestrian/Cycle Transport) corridor : Ambedkar Nagar to Moolchand. 5. Jaipur City Transport Services Limited, Jaipur For improvement of public Commendable Emerging transport in Jaipur through Initiatives. introduction of BRTS corridor and modern buses under JnNURM. 6. Pimpri-Chinchwad New innovation of having Commendable Emerging a dedicated urban transport Initiatives fund at city level and its management through a project specific SPV. New Technological applications/Innovations. Metro Rail Projects 1. Delhi MRTS Project Phase-I 7.13 The Government of India (GoI) approved the investment proposal for Phase-I of the Delhi Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) Project on 17th September, 1996 at an estimated cost of `4859.74 crore at April, 1996 prices with equity contribution by GoI and Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) in equal proportion, long term debt from Government of Japan and balance of project cost by way of revenue from property development. 58 Chapter 7 Corridors 7.14 The first phase of the project consisted of the following corridors:— Line No. Corridor No. of stations At Grade (Km) Elevated Underground Total (Km) (Km) (Km) 1. Shahdara – Rithala 18 4.5 17.56 0 22.06 2. Vishwavidyalaya – Central Secretariat 10 0 0 10.84 10.84 Indraprastha – Dwarka 25 0 23.48 2.17 25.65 TOTAL 53 4.5 41.04 13.01 58.55 Dwarka Sub-city (Dwarka – Dwarka VI) 6 0 6.50 0 06.50 Grand Total (Including Dwarka Sub-city) 4.5 47.54 13.01 65.05 3. 59 Cumulative expenditure incurred upto 31.12.2010 is `10571 crore. Cumulative physical progress is 100%. Project has been completed and commissioned. 2. Delhi MRTS Project Phase-II 7.15 The GoI had initially approved the investment proposal for Delhi MRTS Phase-II on 30.8.2005 at an estimated cost of `8118 crore and further revised alignment from IIT to Qutab Minar on 17.10.2006 at an estimated cost of `558 crore, i.e. a total cost of `8676 crore for a stretch of 54.675 km. The cost was further revised to `8605.36 crore on 7.03.2008 after sanction of standard gauge (SG-1435mm) (earlier sanctioned on broad gauge (BG-1676mm)) on Inderlok – Mundka Corridor with a saving in cost of `70.64 crore. The taxes and duties were waived off for Phase II also. Corridors 7.16 The corridors taken up under Phase II are as under:— Sl. Corridor No. (1) Vishva Vidyalaya – Jahangir Puri (2) Central Secretariat – Qutab Minar (3) Shahdara – Dilshad Garden (4) Indraprastha – New Ashok Nagar (5) Yamuna Bank – Anand Vihar ISBT (6)(a) Kirti Nagar- Ashok Park (BG) (b) Inderlok – Mundka (SG) Total Chapter 7 UnderGround 0.94 11.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length (Km.) Elevated At grade No. of Target Total Stations date/ length completion 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 6.36 12.53 3.09 8.07 6.17 5 10 3 5 5 4.02.2009 30.09.2010 4.6.2008 10.5.2009 7.1.2010 0.00 5.42 0.77 3.09 6.07 6.17 3.31 15.15 0.00 18.46 16 3.04.2010 Expected by June 2011 12.70 39.99 2.00 54.68 59 Financing Plan 7.17 Revised financing plan after effecting savings is as under :— ( ` in crore) Item Original funding plan Revised funding plan 2435 2388.39 (28%) Equity Subordinate Debt for land Pass Through Assistance PTA 350 350.00 (4%) 5081 5056.97 (59%) Property Development 405 405.00 (4.5%) Internal accrual 405 405.00 (4.5%) 8676* 8605.36* (100%) Total *Excluding taxes and duties (i) Extension of Delhi Metro Phase II to Gurgaon 7.18 Extension of Delhi Metro from Ambedkar Colony to Sushant Lok in Gurgaon (14.47 kms. - Delhi portion 7.42 kms. Haryana Portion: 7.05 kms) was sanctioned by the GoI on 4.12.2006. It was targeted for completion by 30.6.2010, which has been revised to 31.3.2010. The line is totally elevated. Estimated completion cost is ` 581.00 crore including Central taxes and duties. A further amount of `8.44 crore, including taxes, was sanctioned on 4.3.2009 for shifting of entry and exit points and providing escalators at Metro stations in Gurgaon. Thus, the revised cost is ` 589.44 crore. Funding Plan:– Haryana portion (` in crore) Sl. No.Particulars of Items Amount (` in crore) Funding Agency 1. Cost of land 20 Haryana Government 2. Capital cost of the network 570 To be shared by Govt. of Haryana and Govt. of India as grant in 80:20 ratio. 3. Cost of rolling stock 98 To be borne by DMRC Total cost 60 688 (Excluding taxes & duties) Chapter 7 Delhi portion (` in crore) Sl. No.Particulars of Items Amount (` in crore) Funding Agency 1. Cost of land 49 To be shared equally by GoI and GNCTD as subordinate debt 2. Balance cost of the Delhi 685 ` 352 crore as debt from JICA `111 crore as equity by GoI ` 111 crore as equity by GNCTD ` 111 crore as grant by Govt. of Haryana Total cost 734 (Excluding taxes & duties) Taxes for Haryana portion Sl. No. Taxes and duties Amount (` in crore) Amount to be shared 1. Central 55 By GoI & GoH in 80:20 ratio, Central share being provided as interest free subordinate debt 2. State 20 By GoH to be exempted or reimbursed Taxes for Delhi portion Sl. No. Taxes and duties Amount (` in crore) Amount to be shared 1. Central 60 By GoI & GNCTD in equal proportion as interest free subordinate debt 2. State 24 By GNCTD to be exempted or reimbursed 7.19 Total completion cost for extension of Delhi Metro to Gurgaon, including taxes and duties is `1581 crore (Haryana portion ` 763 crore + Delhi portion ` 818 crore) + ` 8.44 crore for shifting of entry, exit points and providing escalators at Metro stations in Gurgaon = ` 1589.44 crore. Chapter 7 61 (ii) Central Secretariat – Badarpur corridor 7.20 GoI sanctioned the Central Secretariat – Badarpur corridor of length 20.16 km at an estimated completion cost of `4012.00 crore (with Central taxes) on 17.5.2007 to provide connectivity to Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium and Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range at Tughlakabad for Commonwealth Games in 2010. The project will serve many important residential and commercial centres along the corridor after the games and provide connectivity to Faridabad in future. The project was targeted for completion by 30.6.2010, which was revised to 30.9.2010. Central Secretariat to Sarita Vihar was commissioned on 3.10.2010 before the Commonwealth Games and Sarita Vihar to Badarpur on 14.1.2011. Alignment 7.21 The alignment of the project shall be from Central Secretariat via Khan Market, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Lajpat Nagar, Moolchand, Kailash Colony, Nehru Place, Kalkaji, Okhla, Jasola, Sarita Vihar, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate , Tughlakabad to Badarpur. Financing Plan 7.22 The financing plan approved is as follows:— (` in crore) Equity by GoI (17%) 612.50 Equity by GNCTD (17%) 612.50 Subordinate debt by GoI on account of land cost (3.26%) 117.50 Subordinate debt by GNCTD on account of land cost (3.26%) 117.50 JBIC Loan (as pass through assistance to DMRC by GoI) (59.48%) 2143.00 Central Tax- Government of India 165.00 Central Tax-GNCTD 165.00 State Taxes to be waived or re-imbruted by GNCTD Total 79.00 4012.00 7.23 The additional cost on account of Central taxes and duties shall be shared equally between Ministry of Urban Development of GoI and GNCTD as additional subordinate debt. (iii) High Speed Express Link from New Delhi Railway Station to IGI Airport 7.24 The GoI sanctioned High Speed Express Link from New Delhi Railway Station to IGI Airport of length 19.2 km at an estimated completion cost of `3076 crore (including taxes) on 17.5.2007. Out of total length of 19.2 km., a portion of 11.63 km. is underground and remaining portion of 7.57 km. is elevated/ramps having a total number of 5 Metro stations. This is a PPP arrangement between Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. and M/s Reliance Energy 62 Chapter 7 & CAF Pvt. Ltd. Civil works are with DMRC and System Works are with the Concessionaire. The project was targeted for completion by 30.6.2010, which was revised to 30.9.2010. However, the line could not be opened by then for want of approval from the Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety, Delhi Fire Service and security clearance from the Government. The line has been commissioned on 23.2.2011 with an operating speed of 105 kmph, which will ensure a hassle free and comfortable journey for the commuters, as well as fast evacuation from the Airport. Alignment 7.25 The revised alignment will be from New Delhi Railway Station via Baba Kharag Singh Marg, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Ridge, Dhaula Kuan and National Highway No. 8 to IGI Airport. Baggage check in facilities at New Delhi and Shivaji Stadium stations are being provided. A multi – level car parking facility will also come up at New Delhi Station to cater to the parking needs. Financing Plan 7.26 Under Concessionaire approach approved, the civil works outside the Airport i.e., cost of land, alignment, stations are to be shared by GoI and GNCTD equally as equity contribution. The cost of civil works within the airport will be borne by Airport Operator (`350 crore) as grant to DMRC. The balance cost including rolling stock is to be borne by the concessionaire. The break-up of the financing plan is given below:(` in crore) Particulars With Taxes Grant by Airport Operator to DMRC towards civil jobs inside the airport (To be provided upfront) 350 (12%) Equity by the Government of India (GOI) towards civil jobs outside airport 599 (19%) Equity by GNCTD towards Civil Jobs outside airport 599 (19%) Equity by Concessionaire to maintain debt to equity ratio of 7:3 461 (15%) Domestic Debt @10% by Concessionaire 1067 (35%) Total 3076 (100%) (iv) Extension of Express Link from IGI Airport to Dwarka Sector-21 7.27 Extension of Express Link from IGI Airport to Dwarka Sector-21 of length 3.50 km. (totally underground and have only one station) was sanctioned by Government on 29.1.2009 at an estimated completion cost of `793 crore (including Central taxes). The project was targeted for completion by 30.9.2010, but could not be opened for want of approval of Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety, Delhi Fire Service and security clearance from Government. The line has been commissioned on 23.2.2011. Chapter 7 63 Financing Plan 7.28 The financing plan approved is as follows:— Sl.No. Particulars `in crore % age 1. Equity by Govt. of India towards civil works 158.60 20 2. Equity by GNCTD towards civil works 158.60 20 3. Grant by DDA 217.40 27.42 4. Concessionaire’s investment 77.50 9.77 5. Domestic debt by concessionaire 180.90 22.81 Total 793.00 100 (v) Extension of Delhi Metro Phase-II to NOIDA 7.29 Extension of Delhi Metro from New Ashok Nagar in Delhi to Sector 32, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh (7 km) was sanctioned on 19.3.2008 at an estimated completion cost of `827 crore, including Central taxes and duties. This line is fully elevated and having a total number of 6 Metro stations. The project has been completed and commissioned on 12.11.2009. Alignment :— New Ashok Nagar to Sector-32, NOIDA. Financing plan 7.30 The financing plan approved is as follows:— Sl. No. Particulars of items 1. Cost of land 2. Capital cost of the network 3. Cost of rolling stock 4. Total Amount (`in crore) 32 611 93 Funding Agency NOIDA To be shared by GoUP and Govt. of India (GoI) in ratio of 80:20 To be borne by DMRC 736* * Excluding duties and taxes 64 Chapter 7 Taxes and duties will be borne as under as approved by Government :— Sl.No. Taxes and duties Amount (` in crore) Amount to be shared 1. Central 69 By GoI & GoUP in 80:20 ratio with Central share being provided as interest free subordinate debt. 2. State 22 By GoUP to be exempted or reimbursed. 7.31 Thus, total completion cost for extension of Delhi Metro to NOIDA, including Central taxes and duties is `827 crore. (vi) Extension of Metro link from Dwarka Sector-9 to Dwarka Sector-21 7.32 Extension of Metro link from Dwarka Sector-9 to Dwarka Sector-21 of length 2.76 km. (fully elevated and having only 1 Metro Station) has been sanctioned by GoI on 25.4.2008 at an estimated completion cost of `356.11 crore (including Central taxes). The project is targeted for completion by 31.12.2009 and was commissioned on 30.10.2010 Financing Plan 7.33 The capital cost of `275 crore will be funded by Delhi Development Authority (DDA). The cost of rolling stock of `81.11 crore will be met by DMRC. Additional Funds requirement for Rolling Stock 7.34 Government has approved the proposal of DMRC on 30.1.2009 to fund the gap in resources required for procurement of additional Rolling Stock in view of reduction of JICA loan from 56% to 30% to meet the spurt in ridership for Delhi MRTS Phase-II and particularly Commonwealth Games in 2010 for this component:(i) Equity by GoI - ` 1265.50 crore (ii) Equity by GNCTD - ` 1265.50 crore (iii) Property development funds by DMRC - ` 550.00 crore Total ` 3086.00 crore 7.35 Cumulative expenditure incurred by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. upto 31.12.2010 for Delhi MRTS Phase II and extensions mentioned above is `17,941.12 crore. Cumulative physical progress is 99.09% 3. Bangalore Metro Rail Project 7.36 The project envisages a total length of 42.3 km. in two corridors. The East -West Corridor is 18.10 km from Baiyapanahalli to Mysore Road and North-South Corridor- 14.9 km from Chapter 7 65 Yeshwanthpur to R.V. Road Jayanagar. Extension of Phase-I from Yeshwanthapur to Hesaraghatta Cross (5.6 kms) on the Northern side of the North-South Corridor and RV Road Terminal to Puttenahally Cross (3.7 kms) on the Southern side of North-South Corridor. The tracks would be on Standard Gauge (1.435m). The approved total cost of the project is ` 8158.00 crore. The project is proposed to be implemented by a SPV owned by Centre and State Government on 50: 50 basis. The project has been sanctioned by the Government of India and is now targeted for completion by 30.9.2013. The first section of 7 kms is slated for commercial operation in April, 2011. The Budget Provision for the year 2010-11 is : Equity100.00 crore, Subordinate Debt 25.00 crore and PTA-451.21 crore. 4. East-West Metro Corridor, Kolkata 7.37 The project was sanctioned by GoI on 30.7.2008 of length 13.77 km at an estimated cost of `4676 crore from Salt Lake Sector-V to Howrah. Project cost has been revised by the Government on 19.2.2009 to `4874.58 crore by extension of alignment by about 900 m and shifting of Howrah terminal point to Howrah Maidan and dropping of Bow bazar station. Work has started and targeted for completion by 2014-15. Financing Plan (` in crore) Equity - Govt. of India 701.50 Equity - Govt. of West Bengal 701.50 Subordinate Debt - GoI Central taxes 467.50 Subordinate Debt - Govt. of West Bengal 751.14 JICA loan 2252.94 Total 4874.58 5. Chennai Metro Rail Project 7.38 The project was sanctioned by GoI on 18.2.2009 of length 45.046 km. at an estimated completion cost of `14,600 crore including Central taxes. The project has two corridors from Washermanpet to Chennai Airport (23.085 km.) and Chennai Central to St. Thomas Mount (21.961 km.). Work has started and targeted for completion by 2014-15. Financing Plan (` in crore) Equity - Govt. of India 2190 Equity - Govt. of Tamil Nadu 2190 Subordinate Debt - GoI Central taxes 730 Subordinate Debt - Govt. of Tamil Nadu 844 JICA loan Total 66 8646 14600 Chapter 7 6. Mumbai Metro Rail Project Line-1 7.39 Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar corridor is 11.40 Km. It is elevated corridor supported by columns at the road median. It will enable connectivity of Eastern & Western suburbs to Western & Central Railway. It is also proposed to provide interchanging facility with the Central and Western Railway at Ghatkopar and Andheri, respectively. The corridor would reduce the travel time of Versova-Ghatkopar from 71 min to 21 min. The project is on BOOT/ PPP basis. The Concessionaire is M/s Metro One Group led by M/s. Reliance Energy. The Concession Agreement & Shareholder’s Agreement has been signed between the State Government and the concessionaire on March 7, 2007 and the SPV is now fully functional. Overall 65 % work is completed so far and as per the Concession Agreement the target date of commissioning the system is March, 2012. The funding pattern is as under:— (` in crore) Equity Concessionaire 380 Equity MMRDA 134 Debt VGF grant GoI 471 VGF grant GoM 179 Total 7. 1192 2356 Mumbai Metro Rail Project Line-2 7.40 Mumbai Metro Line-II Project is being implemented on BOT/PPP mode. The total length of phase-II is 31.87 km and the completion cost of the project is ` 7660 crore. The VGF grant from Central Government is `1532 crore. The Concession Agreement was signed between the State Government and the Concessionaire on 21.01.2010 and is targeted for completion by 2013-2014. The system is designed on standard gauge. It is a fully elevated corridor with 27 stations. It will have 25 kv AC traction with overhead catenary. The system has been chosen in view of the ultimate traffic requirement on the Corridor. The coaches will be 3.2 mt wide and will be fully air-conditioned. The capacity of 4-coach train will be 1178. The train services will be run with the headway of 3 minutes at designed speed of 80 kmph. The funding pattern of the project is as under:— (` in crore) Equity Concessionaire- 1609 Debt – 3753 VGF GoI- 1532 VGF GoMTotal Chapter 7 766 7660 67 8. Hyderabad Metro Rail Project 7.41 The Metro Rail project is being undertaken in three high density traffic corridors of the city for a distance of 71.16 km (66 stations) with an estimated cost of `12,132 crore. The project is being developed in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode on design, build, finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT) basis. Concession Agreement (CA) was signed by Government of Andhra Pradesh and L&T Hyderabad Metro Rail Private Limited, the SPV company set up by L&T for development of the Project on DBFOT basis, on September 04, 2010. 9. Jaipur Metro Rail Project 7.42 The Central Government accorded ‘in-principle’ approval of Stage-I of Jaipur Metro Rail Project on 21st January, 2011. Phase-I of Jaipur Metro is 28.92 Km (approx) at estimated project cost of ` 7531 crore. The work is envisaged to be divided into two Stages i.e. Stage-I and Stage-II. Stage-I is consisting of only civil works of 9.25 Km line from Mansarovar to Chandpole at estimated cost of `1250 crore and all the balance work of Phase-I is in Stage-II. Stage-II is on PPP mode which would involve construction of the rest of the lines, putting up signaling and Telecom System and rolling stock on entire Phase-I (including line constructed at Stage-I) and operation of entire phase-I. The Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation has entered into an agreement with the DMRC for development (excluding the works covered under Signaling, Telecom & Rolling Stock) of a part of the Phase-I on ‘deposit work’ basis i.e. the Stage-I. Finance for Stage-I will be borne by Govt. of Rajasthan and its agencies/banks etc. The work on Stage-I will be completed by 2013. The entire network of Metro phase-I is envisaged to be in service by 2015. Common Mobility Card & Automatic Fare Collection Across India 7.43 The National Urban Transport Policy (in para 21) envisages “a single ticket over all systems of public transport so that it is perceived by the user as a single system which allows seamless travel between one mode and the other as also between systems managed by different operators. It also envisages that a single agency should take a responsibility for coordination so that there is a common approach to public transport planning and management”. The Central Government, therefore, has taken steps for use of Smart Card technology as the solution to provide a common ticket across different operators of the same mode (both Government and private) and different modes so as to provide an integrated approach for utmost convenience of the common man. Accordingly, it is proposed to have a single common mobility Smart Card across India for all operators, all modes and all cities. On 23rd April, 2010, M/s. UTI Technology Services (UTITSL), Mumbai a wholly owned PSU of Ministry of Finance, Government of India has been engaged to implement the task pan India. Annual Consultation meeting of Metro authorities 7.44 Ministry organized Annual Consultation meeting of Metro Rail authorities in the country on 4.5.2010 in the office of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, New Delhi to share experiences and discuss policy matters on Metro Rail Projects. 68 Chapter 7 World Gank-GEF-UNDP assisted Sustainable Urban Transport 7.45 Ministry has launched the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with assistance from the World Bank, GEF and UNDP on 9.6.2010. The project has the following three components:— (i) Capacity building of institutions and individuals (ii) Project implementation in selected demonstration cities, namely, Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad (Maharashtra), Hyderabad (Andhra Mysore (Karnataka) and Naya-Raipur (Chattisgarh). More cities can join the project at a later stage on a moving train concept. (iii) Project management and monitoring. 7.46 The total project cost is ` 1439.05 crore out of which World Bank has agreed to provide loan of US$ 105.23 million, GEF will provide grant of US$ 20.33 million (through World Bank), for project demonstration cities and US$ 4.04 million (through UNDP) for national capacity building. The balance project cost is to be met by the State Governments/Urban local bodies and Central assistance from GoI under JnNURM. The project will be implemented over a period of 4 years commencing from 15.3.2010. 7.47 A Steering Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Secretary (UD) to oversee and monitor project activities. A Standing Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Officer on Special Duty (UT) in the Ministry who also has been designated as the National Project Director and is assisted by a Project Management Unit (PMU) set up in the Institute of Urban Transport. M/s Mott Macdonald has been appointed as the Project Management Consultant and M/s Khandelia and Sharma as the internal auditor. External audit will be undertaken by the Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) and his offices in the concerned States. Chapter 7 69 8 URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE NORTH EASTERN REGION North Eastern Region (NER), as one of the less developed regions in India, is a priority for facilitating investment in infrastructure and services. Given the difficult access to and remoteness of NER, the urban areas in the North Eastern States perform a much higher order function than those of similar size in India. Investments in urban infrastructure and services will be the key to unleashing the potential of these towns and cities to catalyze the growth of the NER. 1. Lump Sum Provision for the Projects/Schemes for the benefit of North-Eastern States including Sikkim. 8.1 The Scheme of 10% Lump Sum Provision for the benefit of North Eastern Region including Sikkim became operational in the Ministry of Urban Development from the financial year 2001-02. It is now under implementation as per guidelines of Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) and instructions issued by the Ministry of Urban Development. The assistance released from the Pool is tied with the project and no diversion is permissible. 8.2 Ten percent of the Annual Plan Budget of the Ministry is earmarked for implementation of Projects/Schemes for the North-Eastern States including Sikkim. 8.3 So far this Ministry has approved a total of 229 projects in the North Eastern Region including Sikkim at an estimated cost of `1893.79 crore, of which the Government of India share is `1807.97 crore and `1233.31 crore has been released. Of these, 112 projects have been completed as reported by the States. These projects are spread over the eight states, 54 projects in Arunachal Pradesh, 49 projects in Nagaland, 33 projects in Assam, 24 projects in Sikkim, 19 projects in Manipur, 17 projects in Mizoram, 17 projects in Tripura and 16 projects in Meghalaya. These projects cover a wide variety of urban infrastructure. 8.4 During the year 2010-11 (upto 31.12.2010), two new projects have been sanctioned: (` ` in Lakh) Sl. No. Name of projects 1. Construction of Town Hall at Sonamura Town, Tripura 2306.34 2. Renewal and Augmentation of Greater Saiha Water Supply Scheme, Mizoram 2070.20 70 Estimated Cost Chapter 8 2. North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP) 8.5 The North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP) Phase-I is being implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development with the financial assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB). It covers capital cities of 5 North Eastern States viz., Agartala (Tripura), Aizawl (Mizoram), Gangtok (Sikkim) and Kohima (Nagaland). The projects are being undertaken in three tranches over the period 2009-2016. 8.6 The project covers priority urban services, viz., (i) Water Supply, (ii) Sewerage and Sanitation and (iii) Solid Waste Management and also institutional and financial reforms. 8.7 The first tranche is under implementation in the States at present. In this tranche water supply projects are being undertaken in Aizawl, Kohima, Gangtok and Agartala. Solid Waste Management projects are being undertaken in Kohima and Shillong. 8.8 The details of the projects are given below: Water Supply Projects: (i) The water supply project for Agartala covers the South and Central Zones of the city. Initially, 22 tube wells will be rehabilitated. (ii) In Gangtok, Construction of pump house and distribution network in Chandmari and Burtuk area will be taken up. Construction of 3 new reservoirs and 4 chlorinators at major reservoirs are planned in this project. It will also have a networking system with the construction of 31 km of primary pipelines and 38 Km of secondary and tertiary pipelines. (iii) In Kohima, the project envisages refurbishment of existing Water Treatment Plant, replacement of 8 zonal reservoirs and Construction of Chlorinators at 3 major reservoirs. (iv) In Aizawl, the Water supply project will include replacement of 7 reservoirs, Construction of chlorinators at 2 major reservoirs and 13,000 metered connections. Solid Waste Management (SWM) Projects : (i) In Shillong the SWM project conceives of improvement of the existing SW collection system from 45% to 60% by 2014 by constructing and equipping a sanitary landfill site at Mawlai’s current site. (ii) In Kohima, apart from improvement of existing SW collection system, the project also envisages the development of compost plant, sanitary landfill site, construction and equipping of solid waste management centre and improving primary and secondary waste collection.] 8.9 The water supply project in all the above cities would include programme for reduction of Non Revenue water. 8.10 During the year, the states have set up the implementation infrastructure and finalised projects for implementation. Physical execution of the water supply project has begun in Aizawl (Mizoram) and the chlorinators have been commissioned. Work relating to dismantling Chapter 8 71 of old tanks and construction of new reservoirs have commenced. The other states shall commence project implementation from next year. [Dismantling old PS Tank, Aizawl (Mizoram)] [RCC Reservoir-Vengthlang, Aizawl (Mizoram)] 72 Chapter 8 9 CENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CPWD is the premier agency of the Government of India for creation and maintenance of Central Government assets excluding those belonging to Railways, Defence, Communications Atomic Energy, Airports and All India Radio. In the span of over 156 years, CPWD has created monuments, architectural marvels and structures with engineering excellence. It has a pivotal role in developing built environment and infrastructure in emerging India. It has to its credit construction of a number of prestigious buildings like Rashtrapati Bhawan, North Block, South Block, Parliament House, Vigyan Bhawan and many Multi storied office and residential Structures all over the country. 9.1 CPWD is an organization which has expertise in all facets of construction activity. It renders most comprehensive services in the field of planning, designing, construction and maintenance management for all Engineering projects with total Quality Assurance. The presence of highly qualified architects, civil engineers, electrical engineers and horticulturists ensures that the projects entrusted to CPWD by the clients are executed in a comprehensive manner. It also renders consultancy in the field of planning, design and execution of works to PSUs, Autonomous bodies, Co-operative Societies and for projects abroad. It has so far provided consultancy services for many works in as many as ten countries outside India. Functions of CPWD 9.2 CPWD handles a wide range of projects like Housing and Office space, Hospitals, Workshops and Factories, Hostels and Hotels, Food Grain storage structures, Roads, National Highways, Bridges and Flyovers, Airports, Environmental and other utility services. It also executes Border Fencing, Flood lighting and Road projects in difficult terrain and under hostile conditions along the Indo-Pak, Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-China border. 9.3 At present CPWD is executing projects for over 155 Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies under 21 Ministries of Government of India e.g. Ministry of Home Affairs, Defence, Finance, External Affairs, Human Resource Development, Tourism & Culture, Health & Family Welfare, Agriculture etc. It is also executing works in Afghanistan and China for the Ministry of External Affairs. Vision and Mission Statement of CPWD 9.4 The strength of CPWD is in its cost effectiveness, proven ability to provide integrated construction services and time bound delivery of projects. For bench marking excellence in public service delivery, CPWD has adopted Vision Statement as “Excellence in Public Works” and Mission Statement comprising Sound Planning and Design, Engineered Construction, Chapter 9 73 Effective Maintenance, Benchmarking,Capacity Building, Public-Private-Partnership, Manpower planning and Transparency in management of works. Organizational Setup of CPWD 9.5 Central Public Works Department is headed by Director General. Director General, CPWD is the Principal Technical Advisor to the Goverment of India. It has nearly 4500 Civil Engineers, 1700 Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 450 Architects and 200 Horticulturists on its roll in addition to 11000 Ministerial Staff and 21000 work force. Total present strength of CPWD is 38000, approximately. 9.6 Jurisdiction of the Department is divided into seven regular Regions. The Director General is assisted by Additional Director General (Works) for effective control of works and in administration matters. Its field units are located all over India to take up construction and maintenance works even in the remotest parts of the country through its countrywide network of planning and construction units. The department has a decentralized system of working, which provides for better and easily accessible service as the units are placed close to work centres. Autonomy in most areas has been given to the Regional Units headed by Additional Directors General. The jurisdiction of Additional Directors General of CPWD is as below: ADG (Strategy & Planning) (Headquarter – Delhi) ADG(S&P) is in-charge of establishment and administrative functions of the department. ADG(S&P) is assisted by the Dy. Director General (Personnel) and two Directors, who look after the administrative functions relating to personnel matters. Director (S&D) in charge of System & Development unit also reports to him. In addition ADG(S&P) is also in charge of the New Delhi Region. There are two civil zones and one electrical zone under this region. Chief Architect (NDR) provides the architectural support to these zones. ADG (Technology Development) (Headquarter – Delhi) ADG (TD) is responsible for all Technical Policies, growth of the department, monitoring of projects, Budget Control. Consultancy Unit in the Directorate reports to him. In addition to performing these functions, he heads the Delhi Region. There are five civil zones and one electrical zone in the Region. ADG (Training) (Headquarter – Delhi) ADG (Training) is in-charge of Training Institute and is responsible for developing and arranging the training programmes for all Technical and non-Technical personnel in the Department. He looks after the training needs of the workers and officers in the department and carries out the important task of Human Resource Development. The department has a full fledged Training Institute located at Ghaziabad, apart from Regional Training Centres at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta. Central design Organisation and Contract, Specifications & Quality Assurance unit of the Directorate also report to him. 74 Chapter 9 ADG(Architecture) (Headquarter – Delhi) The ADG (Arch.) exercises technical control on all the four Chief Architects. He is also advisor to Ministry of UD on matters of Architectural Planning within the country and for Indian Embassies in other countries. ADG (Northern Region) (Headquarter – Delhi) ADG(NR) is responsible for the works under Northern Region. There are three Chief Engineers (Civil), one Chief Engineer (E) and one Chief Architect in this region. Zones are located at Chandigarh, Lucknow and Jaipur for looking after works in the States of UP, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, U.T. of Chandigarh, Uttaranchal, J&K. ADG (Western Region) (Headquarter – Mumbai) ADG(WR) is responsible for works under Western Region. Jurisdiction of the region covers the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, and Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. There are three Chief Engineers (Civil), one Chief Engineer (E) and one Chief Architect under this region. ADG (Eastern Region) (Headquarter – Kolkata) ADG(ER) is responsible for works under Eastern Region. Jurisdiction of the Region covers the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Sikkim, Orissa and all the North Eastern States. There are three Chief Engineers (Civil), one Chief Engineer (Electrical) and one Chief Architect in this region. ADG (Southern Region) (Headquarter – Chennai) ADG(SR) is in-charge of works in Southern Region in the States of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Union Territory of Pondichery, Andaman Nicobar and Lakshdeep Islands. There are three Chief Engineers (Civil) and one Chief Engineer (Electrical) in this region. Cheif Architect Western Region looks after the works of Southern Region ADG (Border) (Headquarter – Delhi) ADG (Border) is incharge of Border Fencing, Roads and Lighting works along IndoBangladesh, Indo-Pak and Indo-China Borders. Three Civil Zones and two Electrical Zones are directly engaged in these works. Engineer-in-Chief (PWD) (Headquarter – Delhi) The Works of National Capital Territory of Delhi are handled by Engineer-in-Chief PWD through Seven Zones in Delhi PWD. The E-in-C (PWD) reports to Govt. of NCT Delhi. Chapter 9 75 Execution of Work 9.7 Involvement of CPWD with a project starts from the stage of selection of site, carrying out geo-technical investigations, collection of field data, assisting the client in analyzing their requirements, preparation of architectural, structural, electrical, air conditioning and landscape designs and drawings, undertaking construction management including quality assurance and continuing its responsibility through post completion maintenance management etc. 9.8 The Department is moving forward in the field of construction through mechanisation by use of State-of–Art Technologies and developing innovative techniques. CPWD has been a leader and pace setter in New Techniques, Technologies, Specifications, Contract Documents and Procedures. It is a compliment to the Department that most of public sector and private sector follow the norms and procedures of the CPWD. CPWD has well documented Specifications & Standards and Schedules of rates, which are updated from time to time, to keep pace with latest Technologies and market trends with a definite Quality Assurance Plan 9.9 Considering the impact of global warming and climate change, environment friendly construction is the need of the hour. CPWD has already taken policy decision that all constructions shall henceforth be “Green”. Directions have already been issued to all the Planning Units for planning and designing the new constructions as per GRIHA rating system of TERI. CPWD has embarked upon a comprehensive awareness & training programme through its Training Institute. Internal certification system has been introduced for each building being planned, designed & constructed by CPWD. All new buildings in CPWD are now being constructed with maximum green features. Specialised Units 9.10 To achieve excellence in its operation, CPWD has under mentioned specialized units. Central Design Organization 9.11 Central Design Organization (CDO), a specialized unit of CPWD, was formed in the year 1969. Since its inception, the activities of CDO have become manifold to meet the modern developments, particularly in the field of structural design, computerization, adoption of new materials and new construction techniques, materials testing, soil investigations, repairs and rehabilitation of structure in distress, development of soft ware etc. It has two units, each headed by a Superintending Engineer for structural analysis and design of large projects above Rs. 25 crore and structures of complex nature and one unit headed by Superintending Engineer for Computer Cell for e-governance of the Department. 9.12 Achievements of the Central Design Organization during the year have been shown in Annexure-9.I. Contracts, Standards and Quality Assurance (CSQ) Unit 9.13 This unit has four branches. Functioning of each branch is as under:— (i) Contract and Manual Unit:- This unit is responsible for registration and revalidation of contractors, updating of CPWD manual. This unit also issues Technical Circulars in respect 76 Chapter 9 of Contracts, Manuals and Delegation of Powers to various officers of CPWD. The revised and updated CPWD Works Manual 2010 used for regulating the works incorporating many important changes in work procedures is already in place. (ii) Quality Assurance Unit :— This unit is responsible for conducting inspection of various construction and maintenance works, issue of Inspection reports for assurance of quality in the works. Regular inspections of major works are carried out by this unit. (iii) Techno legal cell :— This unit is responsible for dealing with the arbitration cases, Court cases, and approval of counter statement of facts in the Arbitration cases, other litigation matters and issue of circulars regarding all the above activities. (iv) Standards & Specifications Unit :— This unit is responsible for updating the Specifications of works, issue of circulars from time to time, laying down specifications for new materials, approval of Cost Index, revision and updating of schedule of rates etc. CPWD Publications viz. Delhi Schedule of Rate 2010, DAR 2010 and Plinth Area Rate 2010 are already in place. CPWD Specifications 2010 have also been published and brought out. Training Institute 9.14 CPWD has its main Training Institute at Ghaziabad and regional Training Institutes and Workmen Training Centres at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Guwahati. These Institutes conduct a number of courses for officers and staff of all disciplines. 9.15 The training programs of the Institute include foundation courses for direct recruit Assistant Executive Engineers, Deputy Architects, Junior Engineers, orientation program for newly promoted Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers, and other staff etc. In Service Training to serving officers at different stages, specialized training in computer application for various levels of staff, Modern Management Techniques like Project Management, Contract and Arbitration, Environmental Management, Stress Management etc. are also organized. 9.16 The Training Institute of CPWD has been enlisted as National Resource Institution by Ministry of Home Affairs for Disaster Mitigation Management. Sponsored Training Programs are also conducted by the Institute for state PWDs and Public Sector Govt. Organizations in field of Multi hazard risk management. Achievements of the Training Institute during the year are shown in Annexure-9.II. Consultancy Services Organization 9.17 CPWD provides consultancy services for various public sector organizations/autonomous bodies, State Governments etc. in planning, design and execution of major building projects, infrastructure works, complex structures and specialized planning and services like air conditioning and electrical installations, project management etc. through its Consultancy Services Organization (CSO). The CSO has been entrusted a number of prestigious works. Some of them are: Chapter 9 77 • Planning of major road works under the ‘Rashtrya Sam Vikas Yojna’ for the state of Bihar. • Executing works on behalf of the MEA at Kabul, Afghanistan. Execution of Indian Chancery Building and the new Afghan Parliament is in progress. • CSO has also standardized the contracts/specifications etc. for modern hockey fields and synthetic athletic tracks and is assisting the Sports Authority of India in laying these at many locations. 9.18 CSO is also involved in planning of works for the department of Small Scale Industries and the Ministry of Environment & Forests. Achievements of the Consultancy Services Organization during the year are shown in Annexure-9.III. Reform measures and policy initiatives taken by CPWD E-governance in CPWD 9.19 Several initiatives have been taken in the field of E-Governance. To ensure online monitoring and management of projects with updated status by integration of all related planning and field units of projects, Web-based project monitoring system and on-line contractors’ enlistment have been made operational. E-Tendering for all categories of tenders has been started from 1st September 2010. Total e-enablement of CPWD has been initiated by integration of all into one ERP package. PIMS (Personal information management system) has been made fully functional with personnel data available on line for all employees of CPWD. APAR tracking system has been started. CPWD website has been revamped in the Head Quarter and in four regions. CPWD SEWA has been implemented in Delhi and Chandigarh and under implementation in Gandhinagar and Mumbai. Improvement in maintenance 9.20 CPWD has made special efforts for improvements in its maintenance operations. All field officers have been directed to be more responsive and to pay personal attention to the complaints brought to their notice. CPWD has outsourced maintenance of certain selected colonies and engaged a single agency for carrying out all operations. Outsourcing of maintenance has been successful and this will also encourage the regular CPWD workers to perform better. 9.21 Apart from regular maintenance, the works of aesthetic improvement and retrofitting of old quarters have been taken up and with these works, the look of old quarters has changed. 9.22 For improving lodging & monitoring Complaints, Call Centre with toll free Number with SMS facility has been made operational in Delhi for registering of complaints 24 x 7 and has been integrated with CPWD-Sewa. This will go a long way to make maintenance services more efficient and save the allottees from hassles of registering complaints in person. Training Policy 9.23 Keeping in view, the challenges being faced by the Department, it has been decided that officers of CPWD are trained to meet these challenges by enhancing their Technical and 78 Chapter 9 Managerial skill. For this purpose, a training policy has been framed which shall ensure that all officers of the Department are given adequate training by the CPWD training Institute to make their working effective. Execution of Works on Public -Private-Partnership Mode 9.24 Radical changes in the external economic environment, increasing customer demands and newer forms of financing of public works have make it necessary for CPWD to evolve a role for itself in the emerging scenario. Under the present scenario, where Government budgeting is scarce and scope for public works is enormous, it has been decided to take up projects in Public – Private– Partnership mode so that CPWD’s success in execution of projects is maintained irrespective of funding route. CSO unit of CPWD has been authorized for taking up projects on PPP mode. Restructuring of different cadres of CPWD 9.25 In order to cater to changing organisation needs and to maintain congruence between functional requirements of the Department and legitimate aspirations of officers of different cadres, the restructuring proposals of Horticulture wing and Rajbhasha cadre of CPWD have been approved by the Government. This will enhance the efficiency and output of the department and also provide promotional opportunities to the officers. Combined cadre review proposal of all technical posts of CPWD has also been formulated and submitted by the Ministry of Urban Development to Department of Personnal and Training for approval. Results –Framework Document (RFD) of CPWD 9.26 Under Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System of the Government, each Department is required to prepare a Results –Framework Documents in order to move the focus of the Department from process-orientation to results-orientation and to provide an objective and fair basis to evaluate the overall performance at the end of the year up to 31.12.2010 against the target fixed in RFD for the year 2010-11 sent to the Ministry is given in Annexure –9.IV. Barrier FREE (Disabled Friendly) arrangements in Government Buildings 9.27 CPWD being the major construction agency for construction and maintenance of Central Government buildings has played a major pivotal role in promotion, execution of barrier free built environment. CPWD prepared the ‘Guidelines for Barrier Free Built Environment for Disabled and Elderly Persons’ in 1998, which were circulated by the Ministry of Urban Development to all State Governments for adoption/ implementation. 9.28 Ministry of Urban Development as the nodal Ministry is responsible for creating barrier free environment in India. Ministry has drawn up an action plan in which all Government buildings maintained by CPWD shall be made barrier free. CPWD has facilitated in carrying out the ‘Access Audit’ of 36 buildings by a third party consultant. Access Audit Report for 26 buildings have already been received and the concerned architects and engineers are working on implementing the same after checking the practicalities, site feasibilities as well financial implications. Works are in progress in important public buildings such as Nirman Bhawan, Chapter 9 79 Udyog Bhawan, Shastri Bhawan, Krishi Bhawan, Vigyan Bhawan, National Museum, National Archives, and Hyderabad House etc. The essential elements which are being implemented for making buildings barrier free are: provision of ramps, provision of handrails in both sides of the ramp as well as staircase, signages, accessible unisex toilet, accessible doorways, lifts etc. Progress of the works is being reported regularly to the Project Implementation Committee as well as Project Monitoring Committee. 9.29 CPWD is now assisting the Ministry to select ‘Access Audit’ consultants for conducting access audit of the buildings located outside Delhi. CPWD is also working actively with the Ministry for harmonizing all the guidelines for Barrier Free Environment. Important events/foundation stone laying ceremonies/inaugurations 9.30 During the year the 156th Annual Day of CPWD was celebrated on 12.07.2010, re-vamped Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium was inaugurated on 27.07.2010, residential quarters for income tax department were inaugranted at Vejal pur on 16.06.2010 and NSSO Hostel Building complex at Kolkata was inaugurated on 22.06.2010. 9.31 The other important events during the year were: • Inauguration of work of additional floors in the existing Building for IGNOU Regional Centre at Kaloor, Cochin on 3.4.2010. • Inauguration of college of Nursing for MG University at Thalappady, Kottayam on 3.4.2010. • Inauguration of construction of Development of Health Centre - Facelift of Old Guest House on 24.04.2010. • Inauguration of Admn. Block Building of ITBP at Behlana on 07.05.2010. • Inauguration of Construction of Dr. B.P. Pal Research cum study Centre at Shimla on 08.05.2010. • Inauguration of office buildings for STCL Ltd. and STC trade Centre at Bangalore on 16.05.2010. • Inauguration of Construction of Synthetic surface Hockey ground at HATC Shillaroo, at Shimla on 18.05.2010. • Inauguration of office buildings for Child Development Centre, Medical College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, on 20.05.2010. • Inauguration of Residential Complex for SIB at Warangal on 27.05.2010. • Foundation stone was laid for C/o Permanent Authorised infrastructure at Bn camping site Dhirti, Dhorohar, Reasi on 4/6/2010. • Inauguration of laying of Global Category Synthetic Hockey surface at GNDU Amritsar on 4/6/10. • Foundation stone was laid for Office Building for Income Tax Department at Vejalpur on 16.06.2010. 80 Chapter 9 • Foundation stone was laid for C/o New Hostel Building for Regional Training Institute, Shillong on 25.06.2010. • Inauguration of A-I Type School Building staff quarters and Development works for Kendriya Vidyalaya at Gooty, Ananthapur, (A.P.) on 4.07.2010. • Inauguration of Neelachala Boys Hostel for RSVP at Tirupathi on 29.08.2010. • Inauguration of 200 KL capacity RCC overhead tank for RSVP, Tirupati on 15.09.2010. • Foundation stone was laid for Additional Dining Block for Boys Hostel for RSVP, Tirupati on 15.09.2010. • Foundation stone was laid for stone C/o Leveling of playfields for RSVP, Tirupati on 15.09.2010. • Inauguration of 94 bedded hospital for men in 15 guest faculty suites for Indian Institute of Speech and Hearing on 17.09.2010 • Inauguration of Doppler Weather Radar Tower for Meteorological Building at Begumpet, Hyderabad on 18.09.2010. • Inauguration of OCR Complex for SBI at Tirupathi on 26.09.2010. • Foundation stones were laid for NCO’s/Instructors Mess and 550 Seat Auditorium at NEPA Shillong on 14.12.2010. Integrated development of samadhies of National Leaders 9.32 CPWD is maintaining samadhies of National Leaders. Since December 2004 CPWD is also making all logistic arrangements for the functions held at these samadhies. Many heads of the states and dignitairies visited the samadhies of national leaders during the year. CPWD Performance During 2010-2011 The following table shows the workload of CPWD : Work Load (2010-11) (` ` in crore) Sl. No. Description 1 2 Chapter 9 Constn. I/c Deposit work Maint. I/c Deposit work Total Financial terms Total work load Actual Expenditure during 2010-11 upto Dec’2010 3619.57 868.89 4488.46 5574.57 Forecast from 1/1/2011 to 31/3/2011 2488.22 392.77 2882.01 3373.15 81 9.33 Workload of `8610 crore was achieved during 2009-2010. Equivalent work load of `5575 crore has been achieved up to 31/12/2010 during the year 2010-2011. The total workload after end of the financial year i.e. 31/3/2011 is likely to be `8948 crore. Construction of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) & General Pool Office Accommodation (GPOA) 9.34 The status of construction of GPRA and GPOA in 2010-2011 is as below: • Construction of 1050 nos. of General Pool residential accommodation is in progress. Two units have been completed. 346 units are scheduled to be completed during the year (Annexure-9.V) • Construction of 97254 sqm. of General Pool office accommodation is in progress.GPOA at Port Blair ( 5867 sq. m plinth area) has been completed. All GPOA works shall be completed during the year (Annexure- 9.VA) Major works 9.35 The status of major works is as under: • The total number of 85 (Eighty Five) works of value ` 5 crore and above each were started during the period 01/04/2010 to 31/12/2010 (Annexure-9.VI) • The total number of 67 (Sixty Seven) works of value ` 5 crore and above each are targeted to start during the period 01/01/2011 to 31/03/2011. (Annexure-9.VIA) • The total number of 53 (Fifty Three) works of value ` 5 crore and above each were completed during the period 01/04/2010 to 31/12/2010. (Annexure-9.VII) • The total number of 76 (Seventy Six) works of value ` 5 crore and above each targeted to be completed during the period 01/01/2011 to 31/03/2011. (Annexure-9.VIIA) • New sanctions for 81 (Eighty One) works costing more than ` 5 crore and above each have been received during the period 01/04/2010 to 31/12/2010. (Annexure-9.VIII) Major Projects (non GPRA/GPOA) Completed 9.36 Major Works which have been completed during 2010-11 upto December’2010 are as under : • 494 Nos. Family Quarters for GC, CRPF at Muzaffarpur, Bihar • 224 nos. T-II Family Qrts(32-T-II, 48-T-II-Pt.I), 48-T-II(Pt. II), 48 T-II (Pt. III), 48-T-II (Pt. IV) for GC, CRPF at Adarni Tea Estate, Agartala. • 240 Nos Additional Dwelling Units for Visakhapatnam Steel plant at Visakhapatnam • Bldg for Cabinet Sectt at Pocket -5A, Lodhi Road New Delhi • New Central Library building at Jamia Milia Islamia, Jamia Nagar,New Delhi • Centre for Dental Studies at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi 82 Chapter 9 • Multistored Boys hostel for IIT at Roorkee • Upgradation of IMS under PMSSY at BHU, Varanasi. • RTI and Hostel Building for CAG at Plot No. C-2, G-Block, BandraKurla Complex, Mumbai. • Combined Building for Admn/Q.G/Store Block and Tradesmen shop for GC, CRPF, Adarni Tea Estate, Agartala Major Works in Progress Residential Projects (other than GPRA) : • Residential quarters for ITBP at Seemadwar, Dehradun. • 224 No. Family Quarters(T-II-208 No & T-III-6 No.) for GC, CRPF, Bijnore. • Residential Quarters T-I,II,III,IV at AG, IA & AD, at Patna, Bihar • 260 Nos. Family Qtrs. For GC, CRPF, Talegaon, Pune • 528 family quarters (Type-II/512 &T-III/16) accommodation at CRPF campus Hallomajra Chandigarh. • 501 Nos. Type- II Family Quarters at CRPF Neemuch • 224 No.s Type-II, Family Quarters at GC, CRPF, Bhubneshwar. Office Building Projects(other than GPOA): • Construction of Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhawan – office for Ministry of External Affairs. • Annexe building to the office of the AG (A&E) Bangalore • Office Building for IDBI at Bandra Kurla Complex,Mumbai • Office Building for A.G. at Raipur (CG). • Office Building for Regional Passport Office at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai. • Construction of M.S. building (G+10) accommodating administrative office, computer centre, R.T.I. hostel, transit accommodation and four storied car parking for Income Tax Department at E.M.B.P., Kolkata • Bank Building for Punjab National Bank on Plot no. C-9 of Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai. Institutional Building Projects: • Boys Hostel for IIT, New Delhi. • 96 Nos. Faculty flats in West Complex at IIT, New Delhi Chapter 9 83 • A.B.V. IIITM Gwalior (Priority-II Works) at Gwalior(MP) • Resdl. & Non Resdl. Building of MSRVVP at Ujjain - Vedic Pathshala Boys Hostel and Resdl. Qtr. • Institute of Traumatology for GMC Srinagar under PMSSY Project. • Upgradation of Govt. Medical College Jammu & Construction of Superspeciality Block at Jammu under PMSSY. • 800 Room Boys Hostal for ISM, Dhanbad. • 1200 Room Boys Hostal for ISM, Dhanbad. • Establishment of Special Area Games Centre at NEHU, Shillong • Acedemic cum Library building for National Institute of Industrial Engineering,Powei, Mumbai • Campus building - Phase-IV, in IIMK at Kozhikode, Kerala • School Buildings and other infrastructure for Sainik School, Kodagu • Construction of Kendriya Vidyalayas at various locations. • DTRTI Campus at Jalahalli, Bangalore • Computer Center-III at IIIT, Allahabad. • Modern Hostel Building for National Institute of Industrial Engineering.Powei. Mumbai • Upgradation of RIMS under PMSSY at Ranchi • 1600 seat mega Hostel for Boys at NIT Jalandhar (Phase-I). SH: 835 Seater Hostel. • Building at BHU, Varanasi. (Package-I) SH: C/o New Building, Lecture Theatre for faculty of science, law and arts etc. • Building at BHU, Varanasi. (Package-II) SH: C/o Hostel Building for Boys, Girls and married students for various faculties etc. • Building at BHU, Varanasi. (Package-III) SH: C/o Lecture Theatre, Hostel and Lab Building for Institute of Technology etc. Activities of CPWD in important areas during 2010-11 Tsunami Rehabilitation Project : 9.37 Immediately, after the devastation caused by the deadly Tsunami in December 2004, Government of India came up with a very magnanimous package of over `.3000 Cr to provide relief and rehabilitation to the Tsunami affected people of A & N Islands. The major share of this package costing `1605 Cr was allocated for construction of permanent houses (9797 Nos.) and various community buildings (247 Nos.) like schools, health centre, community halls 84 Chapter 9 which were to be taken up in 10 different islands scattered over a distance of over 500 km. CPWD was assigned the major part of this work consisting of 7966 houses and 239 community buildings. All 7966 shelters assigned to CPWD at a cost of `1400 crore have been completed. Common Wealth Games Project : 9.38 CPWD was the principal executing agency and consultant for renovation, up gradation and new constructions of 9 games venues spread over 5 stadia complexes of Sports Authority of India in Delhi to hold the Common Wealth Games -2010. An amount of `2460 crore was sanctioned for this. The stadium wise break up of cost was as under: • Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. - ` 961 crore • Indira Gandhi Stadium Complex - ` 669 crore • SPM Swimming Pool Complex - ` 377 crore • Dr. KSS Range - ` 149 crore • MDC National Stadium - ` 262 crore 9.39 All five stadia complexes have been completed and games were held successfully in all venues. CPWD Engineers have worked round the clock over last 3 years in tandem to produce these world class sports facilities which have been appreciated by one and all, including respective sports federations & various stakeholders. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Stadium Chapter 9 85 Construction of Administrative and Training Block, CRPF Academy, khadarpur, Gurgaon 9.40 CRPF Academy at Khadarpur, Gurgaon has been completed during this year at a cost of ` 25 crore. The total plinth area of the building is 12300 sq. m. The building is ground + four storyed with R.C.C. framed structure. It has a centrally Air Conditioned Auditorium with 270 seating capacity. Construction of College of Dental Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 9.41 College of Dental Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi has been completed during this year at a cost of ` 44 crore. The total plinth area of the building is 11689 sq. m. The building is ground + four storyed having basement with R.C.C. framed structure. It is fully centrally Air Conditioned. Construction of office complex for State Trading Corporation Limited at Nandini Layout, Bangalore 9.42 The building has been conceived as a state-of-the-art modern building with estimated cost of ` 23.28 crore. The building is centrally air conditioned. Salient Features of the Project are: Floors Height of building Total Plinth Area Area of basement 86 : : : : 2 basements and ground + 6 floors 24 meters 6975 sqm 1550 sqm Chapter 9 Construction of office building for IDBI building at Mumbai 9.43 Administrative Approval and Expenditure sanction for ` 173.08 Crore has been accorded by IDBI. The total plot area of the building 9294.78 sq. m. The proposed built up area is 18562.00 sq.m. with two basements plus eight floors. The building has RCC framed structure with raft foundation with box type water proofing with pre-stressed permanent Rock Anchors for taking up-lift pressure on the raft. Construction of office building for Punjab National Bank at plot No. C-9, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai 9.44 Construction of the Office Building for Punjab National Bank at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai is entrusted to Central Public Works Department on turnkey basis by Punjab National Bank. The A/A & E/S was conveyed by the client department for an amount of `73.92 crore. Composite tenders for the Building portion including Civil & E/M Services were invited during March 2008. M/s. Ahluwalia Contracts (I) Ltd. were appointed as contractor during Oct. 2008. Salient features of the building are: Chapter 9 87 Plot Area Proposed built up area Double Basement Area Floors Lifts : : : : : 2878.36 Sqm 6157.08 Sqm 2741 Sqm 2 Basements + Ground + 8 3 nos 16 passengers lift 9.45 The expected date of completion is 30.05.2011. The progress so far achieved is 60% Construction of Regional office building for NABARD at Kempe Gowda road, Bangalore 9.46 The building is constructed for NABARD for their Regional Office at Bangalore. It is a 9 storeyed building. The building has auditorium, visitors lounge, reception etc 70% of the external finishing is structural glazing using solar control double glass unit 20% of external finishing with panel cladding. The building will features like glass canopy, ornamental columns, acoustic wall paneling and jointless false ceiling for auditorium, central air conditioning with VRV system and sensor based sanitary fittings, frame less glass doors, frameless glass partitions, double skinned partitions. The building provide for basement for parking. Wet riser with sprinklers rainwater harvesting, subsoil drainage system are also provided in this building. The work is in progress. The Salient features are: Project cost Time for completion Built up area 88 : : : 3211 lakhs 24 months 6408 sqm Chapter 9 Construction of MBA Complex, Auditorium, Class room and Hostel for NIT, Calicut. 9.47 This work costing `82 crore is in progress with stipulated date of completion as 26.10.2011. The building comprises of Class room complex with total built up area 4284 sqm, MBA Complex with total built up area 6388 sqm, Hostel Block with total built up area 10906 sqm, and Auditorium with total built up area 1807 sqm. The specifications includes wooden flooring, acoustic Insulation, false ceiling. It has green room, VIP lounge, rest area, cat walk area. Granite flooring in entrance lobby, corridor, vitrified tile flooring for rooms, teak wood frame and flush door shutters, aluminium windows are provided for above buildings. Construction of Indian Institute of Management at Calicut 9.48 The project costing Rs. 56 crore comprises of Construction of MDP block, faculty rooms, class rooms and student hostel. All works except MDP block completed. All the buildings have been designed to sustain the local climate conditions like heavy rainfall and humid climate. All the roofs of buildings are pitched roofs. The layout and buildings have been designed in such a way that the rain water is collected to a reservoir to recharge the ground water. Enough ventilation has been provided to gain maximum natural light there by to minimize the usage of power. Office Building for Income Tax Department on plot No. C41-43 at G- Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai 9.49 Office Building for Income Tax Department on plot No. C41-43 at G- Block, BandraKurla Complex, Mumbai is to be constructed by Central Public Works Department on turn Chapter 9 89 key basis. The proposed building is a State of Art building. Proposed building is G + 10 Storey with double basement.The building has clean contemporary façade and curved corners having permanent external finishes comprising with the combination of Granite stone cladding, Aluminum composite panels and high performance glazing with Curtain wall system designed to allow natural light transmission and to reduce thermal heat transfer to reduce heat load.The salient features are: Project Cost Proposed Built up area i/c Free FSI Permissible Built up Basement Area Proposed Built up Basement Area : : : : ` 245 Crore 41747 Sqm. 14250 Sqm. in two levels 14240 Sqm. in two levels Construction of Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhawan–office for Ministry of External Affairs 9.50 Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan, the HQ office building of the Ministry of External Affairs located along the Central Vista Axis,when completed will fill the void in the Lutyen’s original composition of Central Vista scheme and will complement the other three buildings namely, The National Museum, The National Archives already existing & the newly constructed Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts & Crafts. The plot of land measuring 7.785 Acres (31,504 sq.m.) is situated on the crossing of Maulana Azad road and the Janpath. The total built-up area of the building when completed shall be 58,285 sq.m. and shall accommodate the Diplomatic & the public dealing functions of MEA. The Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan will be a contemporary state-of-the-art office building, which will sit, in complete harmony with the environment & the surroundings. The building will perhaps be first in Govt. buildings 90 Chapter 9 with total climate control with ambient indoor air quality monitoring. It will also carry many energy saving features. Air-conditioning is through a hybrid system with both Water-cooled as well as Air-cooled machines to minimize the daily water consumption. Recycled waste water of the building will be used for air conditioning as well as landscaping. Works on behalf of the MEA at Kabul 9.51 The works of Indian Chancery Building and the new Afghan Parliament at total cost of ` 311 crore are in progress. Activities of CPWD in North East 9.52 CPWD has been executing number of infrastructure works in the north east. The head quarter of CPWD in northeast is located in Shillong with divisions located in Guwahati, Shillong, Imphal, Tejpur, Silchar,and Agartala.The work done by CPWD cover diverse sectors such as Educational buildings , Inland-waterway transport for example C/o High Level Jetty at Pandu Port on NW 2, Central Police Organization works i.e building works of CRPF, BSF, Assam Rifles, SSB, ARC and Maintenance of Indo -Bangladesh border roads., etc. PMGSY project 9.53 CPWD is constructing Rural Roads under PMGSY in Bihar in Four District of Begusarai, Darbhanga, Madhubani and Samastipur. Connectivity is being provided to unconnected villages having population of 1000 and more under Bharat Nirman Yojna by construction of link roads and associated through routes. 9.54 The sanctions for roads in different district of Bihar were received in stages starting from year 2005 to 2008. Ministry of Rural Development sanctioned 335 Nos. roads for 1998 KM of construction with estimated cost of `1011 crore. 221 Nos of road works for 1257 KMs have been awarded and 809 KMs PMGSY roads have been completed till December, 2010. 9.55 The work is of challenging nature in the sense that these roads are being constructed in remote areas where access is very difficult. Many of these places are flood affected and remains cut off during rains. Adequate cross drainage work in the form of pipe converts, slab convert, Minor bridges and a few major bridges are also being provided. CPWD-Vigilance Unit 9.56 The Vigilance Unit of CPWD is headed by Chief Vigilance Officer of Joint Secretary level from central staffing pool. The activities of the Vigilance Unit include investigation of complaints, enquiries against erring officers and staff, issue of Vigilance Clearance Certificates for service matters, conducting surprise checks on stores and preventive vigilance by suggesting changes in the procedures. Achievements of the Vigilance unit during the year are shown in Annexure-9.IX. CPWD- Grievances Redressal Mechanism 9.57 Setup of the Grievances Redressal Mechanism for handling of grievances in CPWD is as under: Original Works 1. For work costing less than `1 crore – Superintending Engineer (Planning) of the Zone has been designated as the Grievance Officer. Chapter 9 91 2. For works costing more than `1 Crore – Director (Works) of the Region has been designated as the Grievance Officer. For works under ADG(S&P) & ADG (TD), Director (P&WA) in the directorate and for the works of Border Region, Superintending Engineer (Planning) BFR is the Grievance Officer. Maintenance Works 9.58 Assistant Engineer (Headquarter) of the Circle has been designated the grievance officer for all maintenance related complaints. Appellate authority in such cases shall be the Executive Engineer (MIS)/designated Executive Engineer (Planning) of the Zone. 9.59 The designated Public Grievance Officer in the Directorate of CPWD is: Sh. B.B Thakur Deputy Director General (Works) Room No. 117, ‘A’ Wing Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Tel No. 23061506 CPWD- Public Relation Cell 9.60 To publicize achievements of CPWD in various forums so as to improve the image of the Department and for conducting other Public Relation functions, a Public Relation Cell has been setup in the Directorate by creating a post of Public Relation Officer. The platform of Public Relation Officer is being utilized for dissemination of the achievements and activities being undertaken by CPWD to the public domain. CPWD- Citizen Charter 9.61 To reflect the commitment of CPWD in the matter of construction and maintenance of Residential and Non-Residential buildings and other service activities, New Citizen Charter in harmony with sevottam policy of the Government has been formulated by CPWD and has been put on the CPWD website for feedback. CPWD- Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2009 9.62 CPWD has already setup necessary infrastructure to operationalise the Right to Information Act, 2009. In the Directorate, Deputy Director General (Works) is discharging the functions of CPIO (Coord.). At every circle and zone of CPWD, PIOs and Appellate Authorities have been designated. All applications received in the Department are replied as per provision of RTI Act. 92 Chapter 9 ANNEXURE-9.I Central Design Organisation S.No. 1. Activity/Job C/o Boys Hostel IIT Delhi. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Block – I Block – II Block – III Block – IV Block – V Block – VI Block – VII Block - VIII 2. Dev Nagar Reconstruction Project, New Delhi SH- C/o 450 Type – III General Pool Quarters 3. 1200 Room Boys Hostel at ISMU Dhanbad, Jharkhad (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 4. Progress Upto 31.12.2010 Block – I Block – II Block – III Block – IV Central Block All Drawings issued. Drawings upto Terrace issued Drawings upto 2nd floor issued All drawings issued Drawings upto 7th floor issued Drawings upto Terrace issued. All drawings issued Drawings upto 6th floor issued Drawings upto Terrace issued Drawings upto Terrace issued Drawings upto Terrace issued Drawings upto Terrace issued Drawings upto Terrace issued Drawings upto Terrace issued C/o Parliament House Annexe Extension (A) Block – A (B) Block – B Drawings for foundation and columns issued. Drawings for foundation issued. 5. C/o Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, Aliganj, New Delhi. Modelling of structure and Preliminary analysis has done, Preliminary Structural drawings released, detailed architectural drawings yet to be received. 6. South Block Modelling of structure and Preliminary analysis has done, Preliminary Structural drawings released, detailed architectural drawings yet to be received. 7. C/o Underground parking, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Detailed Structural drawings of underground portion issued. 8. C/o Under Ground parking at South Block, New Delhi. Architectural drawings yet to be received. 9. C/o General Pool Office Accommodation at DDU Marg, New Delhi. Architectural drawings be received. 10. C/o General Pool residential Accommodation at DDU Marg, New Delhi. Preliminary drawings be received. 11. C/o Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, Aliganj, New Delhi. Modelling of structure and Preliminary analysis has done, Preliminary Structural drawings released, detailed architectural drawings yet to be received. 12. North Block Modelling of structure and Preliminary analysis has done, Preliminary Structural drawings released, detailed architectural drawings yet to be received. 13. Central Block Modelling of structure and Preliminary analysis has done, Preliminary Structural drawings released, detailed architectural drawings yet to be received. Chapter 9 93 14. C/o 52 Nos. MP’s Flats at B.D. Marg, New Delhi. Modelling of structure and Preliminary analysis has done, Preliminary Structural drawings released, detailed architectural drawings yet to be received. 15. e-tendering in CPWD e-tender practice is functional since July 2010 and all tenders are received in e-tendering shape only. 16. C/O Residential Complex for Officers & Staff Quarters for Lok Sabha Secretariat at Sector-2, RK Puram, New Delhi I II III IV V VI VII VIII Type—II ( 4 Units) Type—III ( 4 Units) Type-IV, A-Block ( 4 Units) Type-IV, B-Block ( 4 Units) Type-V- Block-1 ( 2 Units) Type-V Block-2 ( 2 Units) Basement Sub Station Bldg TOTAL 94 1 1 1 1 1 2 (S+8) (S+8) (G+8) (G+8) (G+8) (S+8) 32 32 36 36 16 32 Pile foundation drawing subject to receipt of load carrying capacity of piles 184 Chapter 9 ANNEXURE-9.II Progress Report of Consultancy Services Organization Year, 2010-11 (upto December, 2010) Sl. Name of work identified for the year No. Name of client Cost Target Achievement (Rs. in for the during the lacks) year in % year in % Remarks/Reasons for shortfall the achievement 1. C/o New Chancery Building at Kabul MEA (Afghanistan) 24000 100% 99% No Shortfall 2. C/o Afghan Pariliament Building at Kabul (Afghanistan) MEA 71000 100% 98% No Shortfall 3. C/o regional Museum of Natural History M/o at Sawai Madhopur (Rajastjan) E&F (CCU) 3264 100% 96% No Electrical Engineer is available in CSO, resulting in noncompletion of planning of Electrical works. 4. Development of State Highways in the Govt. State of Bihar under Rashtriya Sam Vikas o f Yojana (RSVY) SH: C/o Bridge on Bihar river “FALGU” (package No.11) 2021 100% 100% Work awarded All structural drawings have been issued. 5. Development of State Highways in the Govt. State of Bihar under Rashtriya Sam Vikas of Yojana (RSVY) SH: Providing and Bihar installation of road signages. 835 100% 100% The works pertaining to all the three circles have been awarded 6. Development of State Highways in the Govt. State of Bihar under Rashtriya Sam Vikas of Yojana (RSVY); SH: Widening and Bihar Strengthening of Tikapatti-Chandpur Road in District Katihar – Package- 8E. 617 100% 100% Work Awarded 7. Development of State Highways in the Govt. State of Bihar under Rashtriya Sam Vikas of Yojana (RSVY) Bihar 1502 100% 100% Work Awarded 8. Development of State Highways in the Govt. State of Bihar under Rashtriya Sam Vikas of Yojana.SH: Approach Road to Bridges in Bihar District:Purnea/Ktihar/Areria, Package-8F 526 100% 90% Tenders are to be submitted to CW Board for approval for acceptance. 9. Development of State Highways in the state of Bihar under Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY) Pkg-8G (Araria – Gourichowk Road Length 4.30 km) 735 100% 90% Tenders are to be submitted to CW Board for approval for acceptance. Chapter 9 Govt. of Bihar 95 ANNEXURE-9.III Achievements of the CPWD Training Institute Unit During 2010-2011 Sl. No. Activity Target for 2010-2011 Achievement upto December 2010 1. No. of Courses for Group A’ officers No of Participants 102 2040 72 1300 2. No. of sponsored courses Inland No. of participants sponsored for inland courses 90 450 55 424 3. Sponsored participants for foreign courses 05/15 - 4. No. of Courses for Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ officers No of Participants 62 900 41 739 5. No. of Courses for Group ‘D’ & workmen No. of Participants 52 780 30 658 6. No. of Courses for AEEs (C&E) and Dy. Arch No. of Participants 1 20 1 20 7. TERE/APPA Professional Courses No. of Participants 3-Weeks GMDP No. of courses No. of participants PGP in Public Policy No. of courses No. of participants 2 4 2 0 0 1 60 1 26 0 2 0 96 Chapter 9 ANNEXURE-9.IV Achievement Report in respect of R.F.D. 2010-11 upto 31.12.2010. Implementation of a system for monitoring and evaluation of the performance of Government Departments and Ministries during 2010-2011 Sl. No. Ojectives Action Target Achievements up to 31.12.2010 (upto 2010-11. 31-3-2011) 1. Capacity Building for effective urban management. Conduct of training programmes To train 2000 Nos of people. 2. Infrastructure projects for Common Wealth Games (CWG), 2010. Time bound completion of venues of Common Wealth Games, Delhi’2010. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Athletics Stadium. 100% Target achieved 100% Weightlifting Stadium. 100% Target achieved 100% Lawn Bawl. 100% Target achieved 100% Indira Gandhi Stadium Complex Gymnastics Stadium. 100% Target achieved-100% Wrestling Stadium. 100% Target achieved-100% Cycling Velodrome. 100% Target achieved-100% DR. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee 100% Target achieved-100% Swimming Pool Complex. 3. Creation of additional General Pool residential accommodation (GPRA)for Govt. Servants. Construction of General Pool 346 units. residential accomodation for Govt. servants. (a) 300 Qtrs at Aliganj (b) 44 Qtrs at Chandigarh (c ) 2 Qtrs at Sunehari Bagh 4. Creation of additional Construction of General Pool 86886 Sq General Pool office Office Accommodation in Delhi accommodation (GPOA) and various cities in India to cater need of providing additional and better office accommodation to central Govt. offices which are at present in hired accommodation. Works in progress. (i) GPOA at INA - 51782 Sqm (ii) Port Blair - 5104 Sqm (iii) Kavadiguda Hyderabad 30000 Sqm 5. E - Governance Transparency in (a) Implementation of Web based Project Management and Management through computerisation. Monitoring System in CPWD. (b) Implementation of E-. tendering System in CPWD Chapter 9 Training of personnel in progress. 2967 people given training upto 31.12.2010. Group A-230,Group B&C- 710, workmen-600 Sponsored Inland-406, foreign-1 AEE (C/E)-20. Work in progress and likely to be completed by 31/03/2011. The progress of GPRA works upto 31/12/2010 are as under:(a) 300 Qtrs at Aliganj- 97% (b) 44 Qtrs at Chandigarh- 60% (c ) 2 Qtrs at Sunehari Bagh- 100%. Work in progress and likely to be completed meters by 31/03/2011. The progress of GPOA works upto 31/12/2010 are as under:- (i) GPOA at INA- 83% (ii)GPOA at Port Blair- 100% Completed. (iii ) GPOA at Kavadiguda - 79% 100% Web based project management system has been launched and implementation has been largely achieved through out the CPWD. 100% 100% 97 ANNEXURE-9.V City-wise and Type-wise details of General Pool Residential Accommodation Sl. Zone No. Name of work City / Location Number of Quarters I II III IV V Total No. of Qrs. VI and Above Hostel Completed During the year 2010-11 1. NDZ-I C/o Type VIII New Delhi Bungalows at Sunheri bagh New Delhi.( Type VIII) 2 To be Completed During the year 2010-11 2. NDZ-III C/o T-II 300 No. qrs. at Aliganj, New Delhi New Delhi 3. NZ-I C/o GPRA Qtrs at Sector 38, Chandigarh Chandigarh Total 300 - 300 - - - 300 41 3 44 41 3 348 ANNEXURE-9.V A City-wise and Type-wise details of General Pool Office Accommodation Sl. No. Zone Name of Work Station Total plinth Area under the work (sqm) Plinth Area completed up to Dec’10 5861 Sq.m. 5861 Sq.m. Completed During the Year 2010-11 1 SZ I C/o. GPOA at Port Blair. Port Blair To be Completed During the Year 2010-11 2. NDZ-IV GPO Complex at INA, New Delhi. 3. S. Zone.II 4. NDZ-IV 98 New Delhi 51000 51000 C/o Addtitional GPOA at Kavadiguda, Secunderabad Hyderabad i/c Elect. Works and Central AC Plant 30368 30368 GPO Complex at INA, New Delhi. 51000 51000 New Delhi Chapter 9 ANNEXURE-9.VI List of works costing Rs. 5 crore and above commenced during the year 2010-11 (Period 1.04.2010 to 31.12.2010) (` in Lakh) Sl.No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Date of Amount A/A & E/S 1. Work at Central Vista and adjoining area prior to Commencement of Commonwealth Games New Delhi NDZ 1 1615.00 16.06.10 2. Dharamshala for Dr. RML Hospital at Mandir Marg, New Delhi i/c electrical wiring New Delhi NDZ-II 615.00 25.09.09 3. ‘B’ type school building for kendriya vidyalaya at sector P-3 Plot No. HS-18 at Greater NOIDA (UP) SH: main school building 9 nos residential qtrs. Compound wall with gate including W/S and S/I and development works. Greater NOIDA 803.85 01.05.07 4. ICADR Building At Vasant Kunj. New Delhi NDZ-IV 1504.98 23.03.09 5. Police Station and Qrs. Building at Dilshad Garden. New Delhi NDZ-IV 701.06 11.01.07 6. Redevelopment Plan of the area around Anarkali Food Plaza at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi (PHASE -I). New Delhi NDZ-IV 1175.14 25.05.10 7. Re-Development Plan of the area around Anarkali Food Plaza at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi (PHASE -II) New Delhi NDZ-IV 1175.14 25.05.10 8. 2 Nos. PUF Gym at SPG Complex at Dwarka, New Delhi Dwarka NDZ-IV 706.60 31.03.09 Gurgaon NDZ-IV 9. CGHS dispensary at Sector-5, Gurgaon Haryana NDZ-IV 562.61 18.05.10 10. Extension to Parliament House Annexure, New Delhi New Delhi PLP 26185 01.05.09 11. Advanced Trauma Centre at PGIMER Sector-12, Chandigarh (Phase-II) SH:- Providing Medical gas pipe line system with various services. Chandigarh NZ-I 1016.00 20.11.08 12. Boundary wall of the main campus of IIT at Birla Farm Ropar (Punjab). Bhanu NZ-I 733.79 7.01.10 13. Training Block (Millenium Building) at BTC, ITBP, Distt. Panchkula i/c internal electrical installation. Bhanu NZ-I 737.46 28.01.10 14. 250 boys Single Seater Hostel at SLIET Longowal Longowal NZ- 1 1070.00 22.02.10 15. 100 bedded women hostel for SAI, at STC, BADAL Badal NZ-1 6082.00 13.04.10 16. Office building Central Excise Divisional building at Patiala Patiala NZ-1 564.00 21.04.20 17. T-II/160 NOS FAMILY QTRS FOR CRPF AT GROUP CENTRE LETHPORA SRINAGAR (J&K) Lethpora NZ-I 2250.51 3.11.09 18. Provision of RCC Boundary Wall, Construction of Watch Towers Amritsar And Associated Wroks At Ifbsu, Airforce, Rajasansi, Amritsar . NZ-I 1470.34 08.01.10 19. A-O School building and 09 units staff quarters sentary post canteen Cycle/ Scooter shed i/c development works for K.V. Keylong Distt. Lahaul and Spiti (H.P.). Lahual & Spiti NZ-I 797.87 9.02.09 20. Academic block No. I for IISER at Mohali (Pb.) i/c Internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal elect. Installations. Mohali NZ-I 4321.00 19.01.09 21. Guest House building for IISER at Mohali i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal elect. Installations. Mohali NZ-I 2035.72 30.03.10 22. 28 Nos. non faculty Auxilliary staff housing at IISER Mohali i/c Internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal elect. Installations Mohali NZ-I 691.78 31.12.09 Chapter 9 99 Sl.No. Location Zone A/A & E/S Date of Amount A/A & E/S 23. Boundary wall for BSF Campus at Labana Jaipur including main gate, guard room, santry post & ATM etc. Jaipur NZ-III 576.85 07.11.09 24. ICED for CAG at Kant Kalwar area, Jaipur.(SH: Boundary wall with Gate House.) Jaipur NZ-III 8741.45 06.08.10 25. A-Type school, Staff Qtrs, Boundary wall for Kendriya Vidyalaya at Karauli (Raj). Package-IV : A-Type school, staff qtrs., boundary wall at Karauli (Raj.) Karauli NZ-III 539.50 19.07.10 26. 152 Nos. residential qtrs. for BSF BN. HQ, BSF campus at Dabla-II, under SHQ BSF, Jaisalmer (South). sh: t-v/01, t-iv/ 03, t-iii/22 & t-ii/126 nos. qtrs. at Dabla-II, BSF, Jaisalmer. Jaisalmer NZ-III 1867.67 26.08.09 27. Permanent campus of IISER, Kolkata at Haringhata, Kalyani, Haringhata, EZ1 West Bengal.SH: lecture theatre & lab. complex i/c. internal w/s Kalyani & s/i, drainage and internal electrical installations. 2258.1 20.01.09 28. 740 seated boys hostel at NIT, Durgapur. Durgapur EZ1 2689.94 01.04.08 29. cwcm/bh/2008/2) regional office building for cwc and office of gfcc, Patna Patna EZ II 850 09.05.08 30. crpf/bh/2009/3) construction of boundary wall /main gate & sentry post rtc CRPF Rajgir Rajgir EZ II 853.42 04.05.09 31. Office building & Guest House for Jamshedpur Jamshedpur EZ II 1863.63 12.08.09 32. Renovation work at IILM, Kanke, Ranchi Ranchi EZ II 669.64 03.03.10 33. Gymkhana and allied facilities (Bank, Post Office, BSNL Exchange etc.) building for NIFFT, Ranchi Ranchi EZ II 896.31 03.02.10 34. Construction of EDC Block (G+3) for I.S.M., Dhanbad. Dhanbad EZ II 988.00 02.02.09 35. Construction of B-Type School Building and staff Qtrs. (8 Nos type-II, 12 Nos, Type-III, 1 No., Type-IV with Cycle/ Scooter shed, 2 Nos Sentry post. Cycle Shed for 200 students and boundary wall with gate) for Kendriya Vidyalaya. Dhanbad EZ II 1341.31 06.05.09 36. Construction of Police Line at Koderma, Jharkhand gents barrack-2 Nos, Ladies Barrack-1 No. Gents dining hall - 1 No. & Ladies Dining hall-1 No. i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation and drainage. Koderma EZ II 3448.00 05.09.09 37. Construction of Police line at Koderma Reserve office, MT Block, Koderma Magazine and Service Plaza for JAP at Koderma i/c internal water supply and sanitary installation and drainage at Koderma. EZ II 3448.00 05.09.09 38. Construction of Police line at Giridih Reserve office, MT Block, Magazine and Service Plaza for JAP at Giridih i/c internal water supply and sanitary installation and drainage at Giridih Giridih EZ II 3448.00 05.09.09 39. Construction of Police Line at Giridih, Jharkhand gents barrack-2 Nos, Ladies Barrack-1 No. Gents dining hall - 1 No. & Ladies Dining hall-1 No. i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation and drainage. Giridih EZ II 3448.00 05.09.09 40. Construction of Lecture Hall complex (G+3) for ISM at Dhanbad. Dhanbad EZ II 1953.00 06.04.09 41. Construction of Student Activity Centre (G+3) for ISM at Dhanbad (Package-I) EZ II 3326.00 21.08.09 42. Office Building for DAG at Purit Bhubaneswar EZ II 617.00 100 Name of Work 16.03.09 Chapter 9 Sl.No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Date of Amount A/A & E/S 43. Campus of Indian Institute of Handloom Technology at Baragarh, Orissa Baragarh EZ II 3609.00 28.11.08 44. Office Building for CPWD at Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar EZ II 569.94 15.04.10 45. Construction of 03 nos. 180 Men Barrack at GC, CRPF, Khatkhati, Assam. GC, CPRF, NEZ Khatkhati, Assam 2298.31 17.12.09 46. Construction of Hostel, Staff quarters, Guest House, Canteen at Tool Room & Training Centre, Amingaon, Guwahati (SH: Construction of 12 Nos. Type-II quarters, 1 No. Type-V (Duplex) quarters and Girls hostel quarters including internal sanitary & water supply installations). Guwahati 1159.26 07.06.10 NEZ Building for Post Cocoon Technology Research (PCTRC) for CSB at Khanapara, Guwahati Guwahati, NEZ Assam 518.50 14.12.09 48. JNV at Niangbari Dist. : Ri-bhoi (Meghalaya) (SH: 1 boys along with 4 Nos. warden residence) Niangbari, NEZ Meghalaya 1009.54 07.08.09 49. CRPF/AS/2009/18) 50 BEDDED Composite Hospital For GC, CRPF AT Dayapur, Silchar Dayapur, Silchar, Assam NEZ 1759.95 16.09.09 50. Regional Centre building for IGNOU at Shillong i/c W/S, S/I, Shillong, NEZ development & electrical installation. Meghalaya 1065.16 04.02.10 51. New Hostel building for Regional Training Institute at lachatelatte Complex, Shillong i/c W/S, S/I, development & electrical installation. 559.14 04.09.09 NEZ 689.56 Meghalaya 15.09.09 Shillong, NEZ Meghalaya 52. One No. 120 Men Barrack with cook house i/c development of Shillong, site for SHQ BSF at Umpling, Shillong, Meghalaya i/c W/S, S/I, development, drainage & internal electrical installation. 53. Vertical extension of the Institute Building for NIFT at Gandhinagar Gandhinagar WZ-I 574.53 15.12.09 54. 1 No. 240 men barrack for CRPF at Bilaspur (CG) Bilaspur CZ 637.34 23.11.09 55. Building for Institute of Biotechnology for Guru Ghasidas Viswavidyalaya at Bilaspur Bilaspur CZ 509.93 30.08.10 56. Block I & II of Golden Jublee Boys Hostel (512 boys each) at MANIT campus Bhopal i/c W/S, S/I drainage and internal electrical Installation Bhopal CZ 6130.00 18.11.09 57. Dinning Hall and Kitchen mess for PDPM IITD&M Campus at Jabalpur, i/c W/S, S/I & Drainage and Elelctrical wiring. Jabalpur CZ 628.00 24.11.09 58. Office Building and 29 Nos. Staff qrs. (Ty-II 12 No., Ty-III 12 Nos. Ty-IV 4 Nos, Ty-V 01) for CBI at Jabalpur i/c W/S, S/I drainage & internal electrical installation fans. Jabalpur CZ 705.00 24.06.08 59. 3 Nos. 240 Men Barracks for CRPF at Gwalior (M.P.) including Gwalior Water Supply, Sanitary Installation, Drainage and Internal Electrical Wiring. CZ 1966.86 25.09.09 60. GO’s Mess Suites for G.C, CTC-IV, CRPF, Gwalior (M.P.) including internal electrical installation. Gwalior CZ 545.85 09.04.09 61. Of Primary Block for Vanavani School at IIT Madras, Chennai, SH:Building portion including internal water supply, sanitary installations, drainage. Chennai SZ-I 1036.07 08.09.10 Chapter 9 101 Sl.No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Date of Amount A/A & E/S 62. Construction of Additional building for National Test House at Taramani, Chennai. SH: Syperstructure, building portion including water supply, sanitary installation and drainage. Chennai SZ-I 630.53 14.10.09 63. Administrative building for Indian maritime University, Uthandi, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu. Chennai SZ-I 1405.58 10.08.10 64. Annexe building for additional facilities at the IHMCT & AN, Taramani, Chennai. Chennai SZ-I 543.41 08.02.10 65. Proposed PG Centre for Pondicherry University, Karaikal Puducherry/ SZ-I Karaikal 1387.14 19.01.10 66. A Type School Building and 9 Nos. quarters for Kendriya Vidyalaya at Dindugal. Dindugal SZ-I 914.92 29.07.09 67. 9 Nos. Quarters for Kendriya Vidyalaya at Nagercoil including development works. Nagercoil SZ-I 914.92 09.03.09 68. Training lab for Chemical and Biological emergenies & library hall to existing admn.block office at CTC-2, CRPF, CBE. CBE SZ-I 532.54 11.06.10 69. 1. Mens club with canteen 2.Store block3.Grain godown 4.12 Mahila SOS mess 5.M.T. Garrage for 105 BN, RAF, CBE. CBE SZ-I 787.3 21.06.10 70. 2 Nos. 120 men barracks with dining and kitchen hall for BSF at Thekkalore, Coimbatore CBE SZ-I 884.69 25.02.09 71. New Office Block for Income Tax Department at Salem. SH: Building portion i/c Electrical installations Salem SZ-I 815.29 15.07.09 72. 200 Nos PG Students Hostel for NIT at Trichy. (For Women) Trichy SZ-I 1006.00 73. 24 Nos. Professors qtrs and 24 No. Non Teaching Staff Quarters for NIT at Trichy. Trichy SZ-I 1157.99 01.02.10 74. Science Block for NIT at Trichy. Trichy SZ-I 1714.41 25.01.10 75. Building for Central University at Thiruvarur, Tamilnadu (Phase-I) Thiruvarur SZ-I 11444.98 18.11.09 76. GSI Training Institute building complex at Bandlaguda, Hyderabad. Hyderabad SZ II SH: Guest house, Officers Hostel, Staff Hostel & Dining Block. SW: VIP Guest 1 & 2 including internal water supply sanitary installation drainage & Electrical conduits & switch boxes. 521.00 22.08.08 77. Construction of Vertical Extension of 1st floor of Polytechnic Gachibowli, SZ II Building at MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Hyderabad 582.00 12.12.09 78. Girls Hostel including IWS & SI and Electrical conduits and switch boxes for National Institute of Fashion Technology, Madhapur, Hyderabad (NIFT) Madhapur, SZ II Hyderabad 612.00 30.03.09 79. Holiday home at Tirupati Tirupati SZ II 1064.40 16.4.10 80. 2nd floor over Civil Engineering block for ANU College of Engineering and Technology at Guntur. Guntur SZ II 526.25 3.6.10 81. Additional housing for CISF and Barracks for Homeguards at Ukkunagaram at Vizag . ( Load bearing Structure ) Visakhapatnam SZ II 3185.00 16.02.10 82. 32 Nos. staff qtrs. for Assistant and above 32 Nos. staff quarters for class IV employees for MGU. Kottayam SZIII 1174.19 05.10.09 83. A type school building 17 Nos. staff quarters for KV. Idduki SZIII 1315.16 23.11.09 84. B-type school building for Kendriya Vidyalaya. Hubli SZIII 1035.81 16.04.10 IBBZ 13165.00 24.04.08 85. Construction of ITBP Road from Dombang to Chhubakha to Dombang Gorala in the state of Sikkim. SH: of road from Dombang to to Chhubakha: Earth works, drainage & protection works, culverts, Sub-base & Base course works, Bituminous surfacing works, Bridges and other appurtenant structures (46 Kms Approx.). 102 Chhubakha Chapter 9 ANNEXURE-9.VI A List of works costing Rs.5 crore and above to be commenced during the year 2010-11 (Period 1/01/2011 to 31/03/2011) (Rs in Lakh) Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S A/A & E/S Amount Date 1. Upgradation of the infrastructure/facilities of National Institute of Training for Standardization (NITS), NOIDA. Noida NITS NDZ-IV 650.67 11.03.10 2. Covering of Nallah flowing through Ansari Nagar Campus of AIIMS Ph-II AIIMS AIIMS NDZ-IV 2486 13.7.10 3. Replacement of old feeder cables from sub-station to basement and various other direct feeding point at Parliament House, New Delhi. Parliament House LSS PLP 920.87 11/07 4. Residential Quarter Type - IV /24 No. and 12 No. type V qtr at SLIET Longowal Longowal SLIET NZ-1 1693.00 23.12.09 5. Development of Visitor’s Gallery at Retreat Point Hussainiwala Ferozepur BSF NZ-1 622.00 29.09.10 6. Admn. Block sand model hall for Ftr Hq. BSF campus, Paloura at Jammu Paloura BSF NZ-1 730.78 14.05.09 7. 2 NO 240 MEN BARRACK (F/S ) INCLUDING KITCHEN AND DINING HALL AT GC CRPF CAMPUS LETHPORA ( J&K) Lethpora CRPF NZ-1 1943.71 22.10.09 8. 60 NOS VARIOUS TYPE FAMILY QTRS. ( T-II/22 NOS, TK-IC/24 NOS, T-V/12 NOS AND T-VI/2 NOS ) AT GROUND CENTRE, CRPF SRINAGAR ( J&K) Srinagar CRPF NZ-1 1632.62 11.12.09 9. Office building for wireless monitoring station vill. Chohak Hoshiarpur road, Jalandhar Jalandhar Communication NZ-1 554.00 24.12.09 10. Earth filling in low lying area at IISER Mohali (Pb.) Mohali IISER NZ-I 1799.14 26.11.10 11. ICED for CAG at Kant Kalwar area, Jaipur. (SH: Academic block, Hospital Block, Sports block, Support facility, services block & Residential Block Air Tunnel i/c development work & internal electrical installation) Package-I (Civil Work) Jaipur AG NZ-III 8741.45 06.08.10 12. Construction of Central University of Rajasthan at Ajmer Bandra Sindri, Ajmer. SH: Boy’s Hostel for 192 boys, water tank and electric sub station. BSF NZ-III 670.00 03.08.10 13. Construction of Central University of Rajasthan at Bandra Sindri, Ajmer. SH: Scholars Hostel to be used as Academic Block. Ajmer BSF NZ-III 686.00 03.08.10 14. Construction of Central University of Rajasthan at Bandra Sindri, Ajmer. SH: SH: Girls Hostel for 192 Girls Ajmer BSF NZ-III 680.00 03.08.10 15. Construction of Central University of Rajasthan at Bandra Sindri, Ajmer. SH: SH: Academic Block. Ajmer BSF NZ-III 640.00 03.08.10 16. A-I Type School Building for KV at Dungarpur. Dungarpur KV NZ-III 967.00 23.04.10 17. Zoological Survey of India, Patna Patna ZSOI EZ II 952.78 07.01.09 18. 2 nos 405 Men barrack at RTC, CRPF, RAJGIR, BIHAR Rajgir CRPF EZ II 2406.59 22.12.09 Chapter 9 103 Sl. No. Location Client Zone A/A & E/S Amount A/A & E/S Date 19. Construction of 269 nos various types of Family Qrts (T-II-227 nos,T III-27 nos,T-IV-14 nos and T-V no) for 205 Cobra BN at Barachatti,Gaya Barachatti Gaya CRPF EZ II 3231.18 13.04.10 20. Construction of 3 nos 240 men barracks for 205 Cobra bn at Barachatti Gaya Barachatti Gaya CRPF EZ II 2132.35 13.04.10 21. Type-ii-269 nos., type-iii-45 nos., type-iv-6 nos., type-v-2 nos. for 12th bn. hqrs ssb at Bagha i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation & electrical installation Bagha SSB EZ II 3831.20 20.08.09 22. Type-ii-267 nos. & type-iii-21 nos. for ssb at Narkatiaganj i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation & electrical installation. Narkatiaganj SSB EZ II 3184.90 06.02.09 23. Construction of 10 bedded hospital at 27th battalion hq, Narkatiaganj (bihar). Narkatiaganj SSB EZ II 534.49 19.04.10 24. 10 bedded hospital at 12th battalion hq, Bagha, Valmikinagar, bihar Bagha SSB EZ II 540.39 21.05.10 25. 53 nos. type-ii quarters at sector head quarter for ssb, muzaffarpur. ( Bihar ) Muzaffarpur SSB EZ II 671.68 05.04.10 26. 269 Nos. various type of family qtrs. (T-II-27 Nos., T-III-27 Nos., T-IV-14 Nos. & T-V-1 No) for 209 Cobra Bn. at Khunti at Fudi Khunti (Jharkhand). Khunti CRPF EZ II 3011.37 13.04.10 27. 3 Nos. 240 number barrack for 209 Cobra Bn. at Khunti at Fudi Khunti (Jharkhand). Khunti CRPF EZ II 1987.29 26.04.10 28. 210 bedded hostel & 15 bedded married residential flat i/c sanitary installation water supply & drainage for CIP, Kanke, Ranchi Ranchi CIP EZ II 1617.25 10.05.10 29. 3 Nos 240 men barrack at 203 Cobra Bn. at Barhi, Hazaribagh Barhi CRPF EZ II 2001.3 05.05.10 30. 269 Nos various type of family Qtrs. (Type-II-22, Type-III-27 Nos Type-IV 14 Nos, Type-V-1 No for 203 CoBRA Bn. at Barhi, Hazaribagh Barhi CRPF EZ II 3033.35 13.04.10 31. Construction of Academic Complex Block (G+6) for ISM at Dhanbad. Dhanbad ISM EZ II 9342.00 29.12.08 32. Central Library at ISMU, Dhanbad. Dhanbad ISM EZ II 6082.69 06.04.09 33. 269 Nos. various types of family quarters ( Type – II-227, Type – III – 27, Type – IV-14 & Type –V-1) for 202 CoBRA Bn. at Sunabeda. Dist: Koraput (Orissa) i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal electrical installation. Sunabeda CRPF EZ II 3121.26 03.06.10 34. 3 nos. 240 Men Barrack for 202 SAF CoBRA Bn. at Sunabeda. Dist: Koraput (Orissa) i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal electrical installation. Sunabeda CRPF EZ II 2059.80 09.03.10 35. Renovation of 7(seven) nos. Barracks at GC, CRPF, Bhubaneswar. SH: Renovation of Toilet Blocks, Water proofing treatment, Dining hall & Kitchen blocks. Upgradation of Amenities in Dormitories & Replacement of Damaged doors and windows, fixing of mosquito proof doors and windows & shutters Bhubaneswar CRPF EZ II 673.66 28.06.10 104 Name of Work Chapter 9 Sl. No. Location Client Zone A/A & E/S A/A & E/S Amount Date 36. Transit Accommodation for SO,s & OR’s at Bn HQ, Dimapur under SHQ BSF under FTR HQ BSF M&C Dimapur BSF NEZ 805.77 17.02.10 37. Construction of Building for Regional and Divisional office of CGWB at Betkuchi, Guwahati. SH: Administrative Building including Internal Water Supply & Sanitary Installation, Drainage and internal electrical installations. Guwahati CGWB NEZ 1430.79 19.11.09 38. 48 T/III Resdl. Qtrs. For 10th Bn., ITBP at Kimin, Arunachal Pradesh. Kimin ITBP NEZ 756.04 06.04.10 39. MT Garrange and Workshop for 9th Bn. ITBP at Lohitpur (AP) Lohitpur ITBP NEZ 754.22 18.08.10 40. High Level Jetty at Pandu, Guwahati on National Waterway No.2(SH:Bank protection and laying of boulders apron in G.I. crates Guwahati IWAI NEZ 3342.00 14.01.09 41. Construction of Office cum Laboratory building at National Test House (NER) Guwahati Guwahati NTR NEZ 661.07 09.10.09 42. Construction of temporary sheds/ barracks for 5TH BN NDRF at Sudaumbre, Pune Sudumbre Chakkan Pune NDRF WZ-II 807.04 20.09.10 43. Construction of 3 nos 240 Men barrack for 206 SAF (COBRA) BN. at Chitapur, Bhandara. Chitapur, Bhandara. CRPF WZ-II 1596.90 01.06.10 44. Construction of 269 nos. Family Qtrs. for 206 SAF (COBRA) BN. AT Chitapur, Bhandara. Chitapur, Bhandara CRPF WZ-II 2524.00 29.10.10 45. Upgradation of NFSC at Nagpur Nagpur NFSC WZ-II 14237.00 08.06.10 46. New Test track at CFMT&TI Budhni(MP) Budhni CFMT&TI CZ 535.00 5.11.09 47. 50 Bedded Hospital for CG, CRPF, Bhopal i/c internal electricall installation and fans. Bhopal CRPF CZ 1281.41 19.03.10 48. School building (A type) and staff qrs. For K.V No. 3 at Sagar SH: School bldg i/c W/S, S/I drainage, internal electrical installation and fans. Sagar Dr. Harisingh Gour University CZ 674.18 25.03.08 49. Block III of golden Jubilee boys hostel (512 boys cain) at MANIT campus Bhopal i/c Internal W/S, S/I, Drainage and Electrical Instulation. Bhopal MANIT CZ 3071.00 25.08.10 50. Office Cum Residential Quarters for Income Tax Department at Jhansi (U.P.) Jhansi I.T. CZ 953.08 10.06.09 51. Boys hostel building for CIFNET. Cochin M/o SZIII Agriculture 776.86 30.06.09 52. Administrative-cum-academic building for Indian Maritime University Campus, Wellington Island. Cochin IMU SZIII 1617.70 30.03.10 53. Main building for college of Engineering for MG University, Muttom, Thodupuzha. Kottayam University SZIII 825.69 21.06.10 54. Building for school of medical education MG University, Manimalakunnu, Koothatukula. Kottayam University SZIII 769.22 21.06.10 55. New office building for IT Dept. Alleppey ITD SZIII 680.32 02.08.10 Chapter 9 Name of work 105 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S A/A & E/S Amount Date 56. Study material godown and class rooms for Regional Centre, IGNOU, Kaloor, Phase - II. SH: Superstructure - additional five storeys. Cochin University SZIII 500.57 12.08.10 57. Establishment of permanent infrastructure and administrative set-up for CMLRE. Kochi CMLRE SZIII 3750.00 17.08.10 58. New boat house, maintenance yards & Floating Jetties at Punnamad. Alleppey SAI SZIII 513.00 13.09.10 59. Building for student amenity centre in CUSAT, Thrikkor Campus. Cochin University SZIII 883.83 13.10.10 60. 72 staff quarters for Customs and Central Excise Dept., Bikkarnakatta. Mangalore CCE SZIII 1165.08 15.10.10 61. Animal quarantine certification at Soldevanahalli. Bangalore ICAR SZIII 1029.42 18.11.10 62. IWT terminal in NW.3. at Mullakal. Alleppey IWT SZIII 903.62 29.11.10 63. Office-cum-laboratory building for Plant Quarantine Station, UAS Campus, Hebbal. Bangalore M/o AG SZIII 572.76 10.12.10 64. ITBP Road from Giagang to Kerang in the state of Sikkim. SH: Earth works, drainage & protection works and culverts, Sub-base & Base course works, Bituminous surfacing works and other appurtenant structures (26 km approx). Giagang to Kerang MHA ITBP IBBZ 3554.00 24.04.08 65. ITBP Road from Thangu to Muguthang in the state of Sikkim. SH: Earth work, drainage & protection works, culverts, Sub-base & Base course works, Bituminous surfacing works and other appurtenant structures (31 Kms approx). Thangu MHA to ITBP Muguthang IBBZ 6361.00 24.04.08 66. Road & fencing along Indo-Bangladesh Border in Malda district of West Bengal Sector from BP No. 218/1-S to 219/6-R (length-3.90 km). SH: Earth work, culvert, WBM, Premix Carpeting & Fencing work Ch. 2550 M to Ch. 4150 M = 1600 M. Malda MHA IBBZ 3079.00 23.09.09 67. Road & fencing along Indo-Bangladesh Border in Malda district of West Bengal Sector from BP No. 218/1-S to 219/6-R (length-3.90 km). SH: Earth work, culvert, WBM, Premix Carpeting & Fencing work Ch. 250 M to Ch. 550 M and Ch 750 M to 2350 M = 1900 M. Malda MHA IBBZ 3079.00 23.09.09 106 Chapter 9 ANNEXURE 9. VII List of work costing Rs. 5 crore and above completed during the year 2010-11 (Period 1.4.10 to 31.12.10) (Rs in Lakh) Sl. No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S 1. National Institute for Mentally Handicapped (Modal Special Education Centre) at Sector- 40, Noida. Sector- 40, Noida NDZ-IV 1033.01 25.11.04 2. Redevelopment plan of the area around Anarkali Food Plaza at Pragati Maidan, new delhi (Phase -I). Pragati Maidan NDZ-IV 1175.14 25.05.10 3. Re-Development Plan of the area around Anarkali food plaza at pragati maidan, new delhi (phase -ii) Pragati Maidan NDZ-IV 1175.14 25.05.10 4. Air-Conditioning of hall no. 18 at pragati maidan, new delhi (civil components). sh: repalcing existing glazed portion with aluminium frame and hertimatically sealed double glass glazing and aluminium composite panel. Pragati Maidan NDZ-IV 505.81 29.08.08 5. ADMN./TRG. Block of Academy/GC/DIG, office . at Gurgaon Kadarpur NDZ-IV 2462.36 02.03.09 6. Semi Permanent Structure on 5 acre of land alloted to NSG Near IGI Airport, New Delhi (SH: Civil work) Mahipalpur NDZ-IV 704.00 22.04.09 7. Residential accommodation for Income Tax Department at Sector-20, Panchkula (Haryana). Panchkula NZ-I 1457.00 3.3.04 8. Three seater hostel at SLIET longowal Longowal NZ-1 785.00 16.1.09 9. Development of CIBS campus at Leh. LEH. NZ-1 844.25 18.03.02 10. Construction of New Boys Hostel VI for NIT, hamirpur including internal electrical installations, water supply sanitary installations, drainage and development of site. Hamirpur (H.P.) NZ-I 1592.00 13.12.06 11. Auditorium for National Institute of Ayurveda at Jaipur. Jaipur NZ-III 717.65 30.03.10 12. 2 Nos. 180 Men barracks for CISF at RTC, Anantpur, Behror, Distt. Alwar, (Balance work). Alwar NZ-III 837.08 18.02.09 13. Boundary wall at CRPF, GC-II Campus, Ajmer. Ajmer NZ-III 919.10 29.06.09 14. 122 Nos. Staff Qtrs. At CIP. Kanke SH:Building portion (Type-IV & T-V), Garrage & servants qtrs. Ranchi EZ-II 1636.00 09.12.04 15. Construction of 24 Nos Type-V Qtrs. For ISM at Dhanbad Package-I Dhanbad EZ-II 1,226.00 01.09.08 16. 800 Boys Hostel at ISM at Dhanbad SH: Living 2 block i/c water supply, sanitary installation and drainage(Package-I) Dhanbad EZ-II 2,429.00 01.09.07 17. Annexe building for Petroleum Engineering Department at ISM Dhanbad EZ-II 912.52 16.06.08 18. Non Resdl. Building for DM Bn. for NDRF at Mundali. SH: 4 nos. 180 Men Barrack i/c W/S, Swerage & Drainage Bhubaneswar EZ-II 1772.29 18.05.09 19. 284 nos. family qrts for GC, CRPF, Khatkhati, Assam Khatkhati NEZ 1873.00 27.11.01 20. Combined building for Admn./ Q.G./Store Block and tradesmen shop for GC, CRPF, ADARNI TEA ESTATE, AGARTALA. Adarni Tea Estate, Agartala NEZ 2044.22 03.03.08 Chapter 9 107 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S 21. IHM at Hengrabari, Guwahati (Assam) (SH: 2nd and 3rd floor of additional hostel block, additional floor 3rd( floor) in block-I right and block -III of Admn block i/c IWS & SI. Guwahati NEZ 719.00 29.01.08 22. Regional Office & Staff Qtrs. for M/o Environment & Forest at Shillong, Meghalaya. Shillong NEZ 984.32 24.07.07 23. RTI & Hostel for CAG Mumbai WZ-I 4580.00 14.09.07 24. GPRA 88 Nos. Type-IV Quarters at Sector-III, Kane Nagar, Antop Hill. Mumbai WZ-I 1195.65 29.12.05 25. GPRA 88 Nos. Type-IV Quarters at Sector-V, Kane Nagar, Antop Hill. Mumbai WZ-I 1202.88 01.12.04 26. JNV Vejalpur, Panchmahal (Phase-A). SH: School building, Kitchen, Dining block, Boys & Girls Dormitory, Warden quarters, Principal residence, 4 Nos. Type-I, 4 Nos. Type-II, 8 Nos. Type-III, Development works, i/c W/S, S/I, Drainage & Internal Electric installation. Panchmahal WZ-I 690.13 14.06.07 27. 80 Nos. Residential Quarters for Income Tax Department at Vejalpur Ahmedabad WZ-I 1419.04 16.09.04 28. 100 Nos. Residential Accommodation for BSF at Dantiwada. Dantiwada WZ-I 640.75 11.08.06 29. Construction of 359 nos. family quarters for CRPF at Talegaon, Pune. TALEGAON WZ II 1784.32 13.09.04 30. 15 Nos T-IV, 5 Nos T-V & 1 No. T-VI Qtrs for AG at Zero Point Raipur. Raipur CZ 1987.00 24.01.05 31. JNV at Uriyakala Distt.- Kawardha. Kawardha CZ 1035.20 24.7.07 32. JNV at Karap Distt.- Kankar. Kankar CZ 852.22 23.01.07 33. JNV at Ozhar Distt. Barwani (M.P) (Phase-A) Ozhar (Barwani) CZ 1226.00 24.11.08 34. Construction of Additional floors III, IV, V over existing academic block annexe for NIFT, Taramani, Chennai. SH:- Building portion, sanitary installations, water supply and drainage Chennai SZ-I 580.36 20.04.09 35. Office building for Commissionerate of Customs Airport at Chennai Aircargo Complex at Chennai. SH:Balance works. Chennai SZ-I 729.91 13.09.09 36. Additional Facilities for K.V IIT Madras. SH: . Building portion Chennai SZ-I 892.13 09.04.09 37. Captain Srinivasa Moorthy Drug Research Institute for Ayurveda at Arumbakkam, Chennai. SH Building Portion. Chennai SZ-I 773.92 24.03.08 38. Hostel Block with 44 double bedded rooms for RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur. Sriperubudur SZ-I 650.07 04.08.08 39. GPOA at Port Blair. Port Blair SZ-I 1225.21 31.01.08 40. 40 Nos. Lecturers Quarters and Garrages at NIT, Trichy. SH:Building portion including internal WS, SI and Drainage. Trichy SZ-I 525.32 20.04.07 41. 36 Nos. Lecturers Quarters at NIT, Trichy. SH: Building portion including internal WS, SI & Drainage. SZ-I 828.29 29.10.08 108 Chapter 9 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S 42. Ladies Hostel and Dining Area for M.G.University at Nalgonda, AP. Nalgonda SZ II 728.00 31.03.09 43. Polytechnic Institute building for MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad Hyderabad SZ II 633.72 18.12.08 44. Boys Hostel for Polytechnic at MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad Hyderabad SZ II 648.33 20.11.08 45. Construction of Vertical Extension of 1st floor of Polytechnic Building at MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Hyderabad SZ II 582.00 12.12.09 46. Office building for Passport office at Marripalem, Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam SZ II 1156.14 12.05.08 47. 100 bedded hostel for SAI. B’lore SZIII 725.00 27.10.08 48. School bldg. for KV. Kalpeta SZIII 590.97 11.01.05 49. Reverberation chamber at ISITE, ISAC campus for NAL, Marathahalli. B’lore SZIII 856.13 23.03.09 50. A Type School Building and 9 Nos. Qtrs. for KV No. 2, Ekkur. M’lore SZIII 910.13 28.03.08 51. Ph-III fencing along IBB between BP No. 309/MP to 319/2S in Dakshin Dinajpur Dist. of West Bengal Sector [Length: 26.00 kms] Dakshin Dinajpur IBBZ 2183.66 13.10.06 52. Border fencing under Ph-II along IBB in Murshidabad District of WB Sector from BP No. 34/1-S to 44/ 5-S. SH: fencing with patrol track from BP 41/9S to 41/5S (Near) (L- 3.152 Km.) & extra widening (0.90 mtr) to existing cement concrete Patrol Track from BP 34/ 1S to 41/9s (L-4.190 km) Murshidabad IBBZ 1632.00 11.12.03 53. Border fencing under Ph-II along IBB in 24 Pgs(N) District of West Bengal Sector from BP No. 17-1/57-R to 17-1/67-R (1.328 km) 24-Parganas (N) IBBZ 2145.16 20.01.04 Chapter 9 109 ANNEXURE 9.VII A List of work costing ` 5 crore and above to be completed during the year 2010-11(Period 1.1.11 to 31.03.11) (` in Lakh) Sl. No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S 1. Work at Central Vistaa and adjoining area prior to commencement of CWG New Delhi NDZ-1 1615.00 16.06.10 2. Modernization of Sena Bhawan ( SH: External Civil Work) New Delhi NDZ-II 4635.00 14.01.08 3. Head quarter Building and Training Institute for NVS at NOIDA (UP) Noida NDZ-IV 1491.00 02.02.07 4. NCOF building at Ghaziabad SH: buiding Administrative building hostel building, Auditorium building, Green House, Net House, ESS and Generator room, Garace block, compost storage, vermi compost shed, compost pit. BGS Azolia pit and residential quarters. Ghaziabad NDZ-IV 1371.92 16.01.05 5. Kendriya Vidhyalaya at SPG Complex Dwarka, New Delhi. Dwarka NDZ-IV 575.03 13.10.02 6. GPRA for CGE at Sector-38 A & B Chandigarh (Phase-I) SH:- Type-V/41 Qtrs. + 5 Parking, T-VI/3 Qtrs. + 1 Parking i/c water supply, sanitary installations, development works & internal electrical installations. Chandigarh NZ-I 1421.74 16.5.08 7. Kendriya Vidyalaya at Karnal (SH: ‘A’ Type school building T-II/4, T-III/4 Nos., T-IV/1 No. cycle/scooter shed, electrical sub-station building and development works including providing electrical installation & fans. Karnal NZ-I 674.26 22.02.08 8. 200 bedded hostel at SAI, Sonepat Sonepat NZ-I 944.72 20.02.08 9. Admn. Block at NIT Kurukshetra. Kurukshetra NZ-I 659.06 24.07.08 10. Residential and Non Residential Building For CWC At Bantalab Jammu. BANTALAB NZ-1 613.00 31.03.09 11. UPGRADATION OF AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUPERSPECIALITY BLOCK FOR GOVT. MEDICAL COLLEGE JAMMU UNDER PMSSY. JAMMU NZ-1 5800.00 05.04.07 12. SSS-NIRE PROJECT AT KAPURTHALA ROAD, DISTT. KAPURTHALA. KAPURTHALA NZ-1 1989.00 25.02.08 13. 126 NOS. TYPE-II/ T/S QTRS. AT CRPF(GC), JALANDHAR. JALAN-. DHAR NZ-1 1157.46 05.06.09 14. J&K NZ-I 594.72 06.10.08 School building and staff quarters at K.V. Hiranagar (J&K). 15. 2 Nos. Hostel block for IISER at Mohali Mohali NZ-I 1924.21 17.06.09 16. Residential Accommodation for IISER, Mohali. SH: Director Residence and 8 Nos. duplex Mohali NZ-I 2487.50 26.05.09 17. Boundary wall for BSF Campus at Labana Jaipur including main gate, guard room, santry post & ATM etc. Jaipur NZ-III 576.85 07.11.09 18. Boundary wall with Gate House for ICED CAG at Kant Kalwar Jaipur. Jaipur NZ-III 8741.45 06.08.10 110 Chapter 9 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S 19. Non-Residential building for CISF RTC Anantpur Distt. Alwar (SH: Admn. Block). Behror NZ-III 2407.77 01.05.09 20. 118 Nos. Residential quarters at RTC for CISF, Anantpur, Behror Distt. Alwar. Behror NZ-III 1130.17 18.03.09 21. A-I Type school building with 9 Nos. Staff Qtrs. For KV BSF Pokaran Jaisalmer NZ-III 835.32 27.03.09 22. HOSPITAL BUILDING AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT OLD CAMPUS AT GE BLOCK FOR NIH AT SALT LAKE, KOLKATA SALT LAKE EZ1 729.53 09.03.06 23. Office Building for Income tax Deptt. at Dhanbad Dhanbad EZ-II 723.36 28.08.06 24. 144 Nos Type-IV (4 storeyed) for ISMU at Dhanbad (30 Nos Dwelling unit and 2 Nos parking unit) i/c water supply and Sanitary installation and drainage, Package-III Dhanbad EZ-II 2443.92 11.06.08 25. 144 Nos Type-IV (4 storeyed) for ISMU at Dhanbad (30 Nos Dwelling unit and 2 Nos parking unit) i/c water supply and Sanitary installation and drainage, Package-IV Dhanbad EZ-II 2443.92 11.06.08 26. 144 Nos Type-IV (4 storeyed) for ISMU at Dhanbad (24 Nos Dwelling unit and 2 Nos parking unit) i/c water supply and Sanitary installation and drainage, Package-V Dhanbad EZ-II 2443.92 11.06.08 27. Construction of 60 room (120 girls hostel ) at I.S.M., Dhanbad. Dhanbad EZ-II 543.00 16.06.08 28. 144 Nos Type-IV (4 storeyed) for ISMU at Dhanbad (3 Nos Dwelling unit and 2 Nos parking unit) i/c water supply and Sanitary installation and drainage Dhanbad EZ-II 847.96 16.06.08 29. IITTM at Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar EZII 1154.00 30.04.06 30. Construction JNV at Navarangpur Phase A Nabarangpur EZII 627.65 05.01.07 31. Construction JNV at Jajpur Phase A Jajpur EZII 738.19 24.07.07 32. Renovation works to Toshali Plaza Block No. A1 & A2 for IIT at Satyanagar for Hostel Accommodation of IIT Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar EZII 606.47 05.02.10 33. JNV at Phek, Nagaland ( Phase-I) Zuketsa, Phek, Nagaland NEZ 766.85 03.04.05 34. 6 nos T-I, 48 nos T-II, 36 nos T-III, 12 nos T-IV for AG staff qtrs at Kohima, Nagaland Kohima, Nagaland NEZ 935.50 04.07.03 35. Building for Post Cocoon Technology Research (PCTRC) for CSB at Khanapara, Guwahati Guwahati, Assam NEZ 518.5 14.12.09 36. 36 Nos. Type-II and 12 Nos. Type-II qtrs. at 25th Bn. ITBP Tezu (AP) Tezu, Aru. Pradesh NEZ 785.72 04.02.09 37. High Level at Pandu, Guwahati on National Waterway No. -02. Guwahati, Assam NEZ 3342.00 14.01.09 38. Boundary wall with 02 Nos. Main Gates, 13 Nos. Watch Towers, 22 Sentry Post & 04 Nos. Guard Room at CIAT School for GC, CRPF Dayapur, Silchar, Assam. Dayapur, Silchar, Assam NEZ 994.79 12.05.09 39. Office cum Residential Complex for NERPC at . Shillong Shillong, Meghalaya NEZ 1089.06 28.01.08 40. Admn. Block for NERIE at Umsaw, Ribhoi Distt., . Meghalaya. Umiam, Umsaw, Meghalaya NEZ 751.72 13.05.05 Chapter 9 111 Sl. No. Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S Umiam, Umsaw, Meghalaya NEZ 562.07 13.05.05 42. School Building for JNV at Mawphlang, East Khasi Hills Distt., Meghalaya. Mawphlang, Meghalaya NEZ 738.63 08.06.05 43. 4 Nos. 48 Bedded (D/S) (1 boys & 3 girls) dormitories with 2 nos. Warden Residence each for JNV at Nongstoin, West Khasi Hills Distt., Meghalaya. Nongstoin, Meghalaya NEZ 512.00 02.11.09 44. Multi Purpose Indoor Hall for SAG, NEHU, Shillong. Shillong, Meghalaya NEZ 855.00 15.09.09 45. Construction of Office Building for IDBI Bank at Bandra Kurla Complex. Mumbai WZ-I 18130.00 26.07.08 46. Office Building for Income Tax Department at Ambawadi. Ahmedabad WZ-I 2243.66 18.10.04 47. Building for JNV Saputara. Dang WZ-I 548.81 15.02.05 48. JNV at Vadnagar. (Phase-A). Mehesana WZ-I 656.28 18.10.05 49. 12 Nos. Residential Quarter for Income Tax Department at Surat. Surat WZ-I 689.58 28.07.08 50. Construction of 140 nos. residential quarters for income tax at, Seminary Hills, Nagpur. NAGPUR WZ-II 1380.22 15.06.04 51. 11 Nos T-I, 30 Nos T-II & 60 Nos. T-III Qtrs for AG at Zero Point Raipur. Raipur CZ 1987.00 24.01.05 52. Office Building for AG at Zero Point Raipur. Raipur CZ 6253.00 09.10.09 53. Girls hostel at MANiT Campus i/c W/S, S/I & drainage internal electrical installation & fans i/c Telephone power wiring. Bhopal CZ 2589.00 04.05.09 54. 501 no. residential Qrts. For GC, CRPF at Neemuch. Neemuch CZ 4179.49 3.08 55. ABV IIITM works at Gwalior (Priority II Works) Gwalior CZ 2205.56 2.07 56. Renovation of RINL (Visakhapatnam) steel plant stock yard at sathangadu chennai. SH:- Civil works of pavment, culverts, main gate and weight bridge. Chennai SZ-I 565.63 15.07.09 57. Construction of Second floor over new Academic Block and boys hostel for IHMCT at Taramani, Chennai. SH:- Building Portion including internal Sanitary installation, water supply and Drainage Chennai SZ-I 545.17 06.03.08 58. “B” Type School building and 9 Nos quarters for Kendriya Vidyalaya at TiruparanKundram, Madurai. Tiruparankundaram SZ-I 932.28 20.02.08 59. Boys & Girls Hostel for Sports Authority of India, SAG Centre at Mayiladuthurai. SH:Building portion including internal WS, SI and Drainage. Mayiladuthurai SZ-I 585.43 03.02.09 60. 3 Nos. Boys Hostel(Block VII to IX) for 334 students capacity each and 1 No. Girls Hostel for 328 capacity for NIT at Trichy. SH: Building portion including internal WS, SI and Drainage. NIT SZ-I 4131.86 08.06.08 61. Construction of Academic block & Auditorium (Phase -I) for Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management at CBE. SH:Building portion including internel water supply, sanitary installations and drainage. CBE SZ-I 1264.82 24.12.08 41. 112 Name of Work NERIE at Umsaw, Ribhoi Distt., Meghalaya (SH: Principal Residence, Hostel, 12-T-I, 12-T-II, 12-T-III, 16-T-IV & 5-T-V Qtrs.) Chapter 9 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Zone A/A & E/S Amount Date of A/A & E/S 62. Gents Hostel Block and Dining area for MGU at Nalgonda, AP. Nalgonda SZ-II 1088.00 02.08.09 63. Academic block (science) for MGU at Nalgonda, AP Nalgonda SZ-II 1400.00 02.08.09 64. Academic block (for social science, Commerce and Management) for MGU at Nalgonda, AP Nalgonda SZ-II 1384.00 02.08.09 65. Training block for NCCBM at Hyd. Hyderabad SZ-II 734.00 30.09.09 66. School of Education and training centre at MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad Gachibowli, Hyderabad SZ-II 698.21 20.09.08 67. School of Languages, linguistics and Indology for MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad Gachibowli, Hyderabad SZ-II 732.10 5.9.08 68. Bangladesh fencing under Ph-III along IBB in Nadia District of WB Sector from BP No. 96/7-S to 107/MP (Length 15.55 Km) Nadia IBBZ 1052.34 20.04.07 69. Fencing under Ph-II along IBB in Coochbehar district of WB sector from BP No. 860/7-S to 865/7S (L- 5.59 km). SH: Remaining Fencing work from BP 862 to 863/6S (L= 815Mtr.) Cooch Behar IBBZ 5358.87 26.06.03 70. IBB road and fencing in Jalpaiguri District of WB Sector from BP No. 772/MP to 774/2-S (Length-5.752 Km) SH: Earthwork, WBM, Premix carpeting Cross drainage work, CC pavement works and fencing work. Jalpaiguri IBBZ 2403.53 19.10.05 71. IBB road and fencing in Jalpaiguri District of WB Sector from BP No. 766/23-S to 767/23S (Length-3.00 Km) SH: Earthwork, WBM, Premix carpeting Cross drainage work, CC pavement & fencing work. Jalpaiguri IBBZ 2403.53 19.10.05 72. IBB road and fencing in Jalpaiguri District of WB Sector from BP No. 764/29-S to 765/7S from river Panga to Jamuna (Length-2.035 Km) SH: Earthwork, WBM, Premix carpeting Cross drainage work, CC pavement & fencing work. Jalpaiguri IBBZ 2403.53 19.10.05 73. IBB road and fencing in Jalpaiguri District of WB Sector from BP No. 767/23-S to 769/MP (Length-2.90 Km) SH: Earthwork, WBM, Premix carpeting Cross drainage work, CC pavement & fencing work. Jalpaiguri IBBZ 2403.53 19.10.05 74. Border fencing under Ph-II along IBB in Murshidabad District of WB Sector from BP No. 34/1-S to 44/2-S. SH: Fencing with road from BP No. 41/5S (Near) to 45/6S (Near) [L=2.771Km] Murshidabad IBBZ 1632.00 11.12.03 75. Border fencing under Ph-II along IBB in Murshidabad District of WB Sector from BP No. 34/1-S to 44/2-S. SH: Fencing with road from BP No. 45/6S to 44/2S(Near) [L=3.026Km.) Murshidabad IBBZ 1632.00 11.12.03 76. Border fencing under Ph-II along IBB in Murshidabad District of WB Sector.SH: fencing and widening of existing IBB Road between BP No. 61/2S(Harudanga) to 65/11S (Kharpara)[L=4.40Km.] Murshidabad IBBZ 508.00 16.03.09 Chapter 9 113 ANNEXURE-9. VIII New Sanctions Received During 2010-11(Works Costing more than Rs. 5.00 Crore) (` in crore) Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S Amount A/A & E/S date 1. Work at Central Vista and adjoining area prior to Commencement of Commonwealth Games New Delhi MOUD NDZ 1 1615.00 16.06.10 2. MS flats (LS at Bungalow no. 1,3,5,7,9 at B.D. Marg, New Delhi) New Delhi MOUD NDZ 1 6379.75 12.10.10 3. Covering of Nallah flowing through Ansari Nagar Campus of AIIMS Ph-II AIIMS AIIMS NDZ-IV 2486.00 13.7.10 4. Redevelopment Plan of the area around Anarkali Food Plaza at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi (Phase -I) Pragati Maidan ITPO NDZ-IV 1175.14 25.02.10 5. CGHS dispensary at Sector-5, Gurgaon Haryana Gurgaon CGHS NDZ-IV 562.61 18.05.10 6. Development of Visitor’s Gallery at Retreat Point Hussainiwala Ferozepur BSF NZ-1 622.00 29.09.10 7. 250 boys Single Seater Hostel at SLIET Longowal Longowal SLIET NZ- 1 1070.00 22.02.10 8. 100 bedded women hostel for SAI, at STC, BADAL Badal NIS NZ-1 608.17 13.04.10 9. Residential Quarter Type - IV /24 no. and 12 no. type V qtr at SLIET Longowal Longowal SLIET NZ-1 1693.00 23.12.09 10. Office building Central Excise Divisional building at Patiala Patiala CENTRAL EXCISE NZ-1 564.13 21.04.10 11. Provision of RCC Boundary Wall, Construction of Watch Towers And Associated Wroks At Ifbsu, Airforce, Rajasansi, Amritsar . Rajasansi AIRFORCE NZ-1 1470.34 01.08.10 12. Building for Deptt. of Electronic and Communication ( G+2) at NIT Jalandhar Jalandhar NIT NZ-1 1068.00 08.10.10 13. National Institute of Paramedical Sciences/ (NIPS) at Sector-12, Chandigarh Chandigarh PGIMER NZ-1 1859 22.02.10 14. 2 Nos. hostel block No. 6 & 8 for IISER at Mohali i/c Internal electric installation. Mohali Mohali NZ-1 3136.62 03.09.10 15. Expansion of Nehru Hospital PGIMER, Chandigarh. Chandigarh PGIMER NZ-1 9297.00 22.02.10 16. ICED for CAG at Kant Kalwar area, Jaipur. (SH: Academic block, Hospital Block, Sports block, Support facility, services block & Residential Block Air Tunnel i/c development work & internal Electrical installation) Package-I (Civil Work) Jaipur CAG NZ-III 8741.45 06.08.10 17. Visiting Officers Hostel at Sector-2, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur. Jaipur MOUD NZ-III 922.95 16.04.10 18. Central University of Rajasthan, Bandra Sindri, Near Kishangarh, Distt. Ajmer. Ajmer Central University of Rajasthan NZ-III 5272.68 03.08.10 114 Chapter 9 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S Amount A/A & E/S date 19. Office Building for Bihar State Food and Civil Supply Corporation Ltd., Patna Patna FCOI EZ II 1473.67 30.07.10 20. Institute of Hotel Management, Bodh Gaya Bodh Gaya IIHM EZ II 1171.95 08.04.10 21. Office Building And Resdl Qtrs For Income Tax Dept At Muzaffarpur, Bihar Muzaffarpur ITD EZ II 2162.22 05.03.10 22. Construction of 269 Nos Various Types of Family Qrts (T II-227 NOS,T III-27 NOS, T IV-14 NOS AND T V-1NO) for 205 Cobra Bn at Barachatti,Gaya Brachatti Gaya CRPF EZ II 3231.18 13.04.10 23. 3 NOS 240 Men Barracks For 205 Cobra Bn At Barachatti Gaya Brachatti Gaya CRPF EZ II 2132.35 13.04.10 24. 10 Bedded Hospital at 27TH Battalion HQ, Narkatiaganj (BIHAR). Narkatiaganj SSB EZ II 534.49 19.04.10 25. 10 Bedded Hospital at 12TH Battalion Hq, Bagha, Valmikinagar, Bihar Bagha SSB EZ II 540.39 21.05.10 26. 53 NOS. TYPE-II quarters at sector head quarter for SSB, Muzaffarpur. ( Bihar ) Muzaffarpur SSB EZ II 671.68 05.04.10 27. 269 Nos. various type of family qtrs. (T-II-27 Nos., T-III-27 Nos., T-IV-14 Nos. & T-V-1 No) for 209 Cobra Bn. at Khunti at Fudi Khunti (Jharkhand). Khunti CRPF EZ II 3011.37 13.04.10 28. 3 Nos. 240 number barrack for 209 Cobra Bn. at Khunti at Fudi Khunti (Jharkhand). Khunti CRPF EZ II 1987.29 26.04.10 29. 210 bedded hostel & 15 bedded married residential flat i/c sanitary installation water supply & drainage for CIP, Kanke, Ranchi Ranchi CIP EZ II 1617.25 10.05.10 30. 3 Nos 240 men barrack 203 COBRA Bn. at Barhi, Hazaribagh Barhi CRPF EZ II 2001.30 05.05.10 31. 269 Nos various type of family Qtrs. (Type-II-22, Type-III-27 Nos Type-IV 14 Nos, Type-V-1 No for 203 COBRA Bn. at Barhi, Hazaribagh Barhi CRPF EZ II 3033.35 13.04.10 32. Income Tax Building & MSTI at Puri Puri Income Tax EZ II 1108.99 25.10.10 33. Girls Hostel for Central University of Orissa Koraput Central University of Orissa EZ II 1648.39 18.12.10 34. Boys’ Hostel for Central University of Orissa Koraput Central University of Orissa EZ II 1648.39 18.12.10 35. Guest House for Central University of Orissa Koraput Central University of Orissa EZ II 924.29 18.12.10 36. 269 Nos. various types of Family quarters ( Type – II-227, Type – III – 27, Type – IV-14 & Type –V-1) for 202 COBRA Bn. at Sunabeda. Dist: Koraput (Orissa) i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal electrical installation. Sunabeda CRPF EZ II 2059.82 03.06.10 Chapter 9 115 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S Amount A/A & E/S date 37. 3 nos. 240 Men Barrack for 202 SAF COBRA Bn. at Sunabeda. Dist: Koraput (Orissa) i/c internal water supply, sanitary installation, drainage & internal electrical installation. Sunabeda CRPF EZ II 3121.28 03.06.10 38. Office Building for CPWD at Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar CPWD EZ II 593.00 15.04.10 39. 48 T/III Resdl. Qtrs. For 10th Bn., ITBP at Kimin, Arunachal Pradesh. Kimin, Arunachal Pradesh ITBP NEZ 756.04 06.04.10 40. MT Garrange and Workshop for 9th Bn. ITBP at Lohitpur (AP) Lohitpur, Arunachal Pradesh ITBP NEZ 754.22 18.08.10 41. Type-I School building ( three storeyed) for KV, Diphu, Assam Diphu, Assam Kendriya Vidyalaya NEZ 1642.96 16.04.10 42. Vocational Rehabiliation Centre of Handicapped(VRC) Complex at Guwahati (Assam) Guwahati, Assam M/o Labour NEZ & Employment (DGE&T) 1040.12 28.09.10 43. Transit Accommodation at RTI Campus, . Shillong Meghalaya RTI NEZ 636.80 15.12.10 44. Administrative cum Accommodation building at RTI Campous, Shillong. Meghalaya RTI NEZ 914.87 15.12.10 45. Construction of Office Building for Income Tax Department at Vejalpur. Ahmedabad M/oFinance WZ-I 7600.00 27.4.10 46. Upgradation of NFSC at Nagpur Nagpur NFSC WZ-II 14237.00 08.06.10 47. Construction of A-1 type School Building and 9 units of staff qtrs. for Kendriya Vidyalaya at Dhule (Maharashtra). Dhule KV WZ-II 734.31 8.11.10 48. Construction of 3 nos. 240 Men Barrack For 206 SAF (COBRA) BN. at Chitapur, Bhandara. Chitapur, Bhandara CRPF WZ-II 1596.90 01.06.10 49. Construction of 269 Nos. Family Qtrs. for 206 SAF (COBRA) Bn. at Chitapur, Bhandara. Chitapur, Bhandara CRPF WZ-II 2524.00 29.10.10 50. Construction of Auditorium for NCAOR, Goa. Goa NCAOR WZ-II 981.33 28.06.10 51. School Building and Staff Quarters, Boundary Wall etc. for K.V. at Kanker (CG) Kanker KV CZ 676.59 16.04.10 52. Boundary wall for GGUV at Bilaspur Bilaspur Central University CZ 1007.20 31.12.10 53. Block III of Golden Jublee Boys Hostel (512 boys each) at MANIT campus Bhopal i/c Internal W/S, S/I drainage and electrical Installation Bhopal MANIT CZ 3071.00 25.08.10 54. Narmada Residency III (60 Nos Flat for PDPM IITD&M at Jabalpur Jabalpur IIITD & M CZ 2096.10 30.03.10 55. Narmada Residency II (50 Nos Flat for PDPM IITD&M at Jabalpur Jabalpur IIITD & M CZ 1514.61 30.03.10 56. Visitors Hostel for PDPM IITD&M at Jabalpur Jabalpur IIITD & M CZ 1123.27 17.08.10 116 Chapter 9 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S Amount A/A & E/S date 57. Triple seated Hall of Residence- 4, Hostel block for PDPM IITD&M at Jabalpur Jabalpur IIITD & M CZ 2213.07 17.08.10 58. Administrative building for Indian maritime University, Uthandi, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu. Chennai IMU SZ-I 1405.58 10.08.10 59. Construction of Office building & staff quarters for NCB at AmbatturChennai Chennai NCB SZ-I 1059.13 05.07.10 60. Construction of New Mandakini boys block (2Nos) in IIT Madras campus. Chennai IIT SZ-I 4958.10 26.08.10 61. Construction of New Sharavathi Grils hostel block in IIT Madras Campus. Chennai IIT SZ-I 3398.65 26.08.10 62. Construction of IPD Block and Expension of OPD Block in National Institute of Siddha at Tambaram, Chennai. Chennai SIDD SZ-I 1838.74 21.10.10 63. Office building and staff quarters for the staff of Central Excise Division and 5 Ranges at Rajmundhry. Rajmundry Central Excise SZ II 1025.83 12.08.10 64. Rail over Bridge (ROB)/ Flyiver within Steel Plant Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam VSP SZ II 1190.00 8.09.10 65. Auction platform including Office building, Auction hall with connecting corridor, loading and unloading platform for Tobacco Board and bulk services at Gopalapuram, W G Dist. Gopalapuram Tobacco Board SZ II 1012.95 6.12.10 66. Store block at GC, CRPF, Hyderabad Hyderabad CRPF SZ II 24398.00 02.12.10 67. Compound wall with maingate, laying of security path, 10 Nos. Watch towers, Elect.provisions and at Southern Regional Centre of NSG at Ibrahimpatnam, RR Dist. Hyderabad Hyderabad NSG SZ II 1775.00 30.11.10 68. B-type school building for Kendriya . Vidyalaya Hubli KVS SZIII 1035.81 16.04.10 69. Main building for college of Engineering for MG University, Muttom, Thodupuzha. Kottayam University SZIII 825.69 21.06.10 70. Building for school of medical education MG University, Manimalakunnu, Koothatukula. Kottayam University SZIII 769.22 21.06.10 71. New office building for IT Dept. Alleppey ITD SZIII 680.32 02.08.10 72. Study material godown and class rooms for Regional Centre, IGNOU, Kaloor, Phase - II. SH: Superstructure - additional five storeys. Cochin University SZIII 500.57 12.08.10 73. Establishment of permanent infrastructure and administrative set-up for CMLRE. Kochi CMLRE SZIII 3750.00 17.08.10 74. New boat house, maintenance yards & Floating Jetties at Punnamad. Alleppey SAI SZIII 513.00 13.09.10 Bangalore BSF SZIII 751.20 17.09.10 75. Providing internal roads, culverts, strom water drains, compound lighting DG set and transformer etc., for 82 Bn, BSF, Karahalli, Bangalore. Chapter 9 117 Sl. No. Name of Work Location Client Zone A/A & E/S Amount A/A & E/S date 76. Building for student amenity centre in CUSAT, Thrikkor Campus. Cochin University SZIII 883.83 13.10.10 77. 72 staff quarters for Customs and Central Excise Dept., Bikkarnakatta. Mangalore CCE SZIII 1165.08 15.10.10 78. Animal quarantine certification at Soldevanahalli. Bangalore ICAR SZIII 1029.42 18.11.10 79. IWT terminal in NW.3. at Mullakal. Alleppey IWT SZIII 903.62 29.11.10 80. Office-cum-laboratory building for Plant Quarantine Station, UAS Campus, Hebbal. Bangalore M/o AG SZIII 572.76 10.12.10 81. Tantative land cost for 110 BOPs allotted to CPWD along IBB in West Bengal Sector. West Bengal MHA IBBZ 2200.00 16.11.10 118 Chapter 9 ANNEXURE 9.IX Performance of Vigilance Unit in Terms of Action Taken on Complaints, Investigation of Cases and Disciplinary Proceedings Initiated During 2010-11 Sl.No. Stages Actual progress/ Achievement upto 31.12.10 1 Closed being anonymous/pseudonymus. 66 2 Closed after preliminary investigation 129 3 Taken up for detailed investigation 35 1 IRs finalized 30 2 Sent to MoUD 26 3 Draft put up for approval 3 4 Closed in Vigilance Unit after detailed investigation 5 5 Closed in Vigilance Unit after preliminary investigation 8 6 Major penalty charge sheet issued 17 7 Minor penalty charge sheet issued 4 8 Caution memo issued 14 1 Inquiry conducted & PO brief presented 16 2 Comments on CO’s representation of IO’s report 9 3 Comments on representation of CO (Rule 14 & 16) 21 4 Final orders issued by DG(W) 8 5 Final orders issued by MoUD 9 6 Appeal cases finalized 2 7 Review cases finalized 2 8 Counter statement prepared in CAT/Court Cases 24 9 10 Chapter 9 Vigilance Clearance Certificate (VCC) issued for Gazetted Officers 3500 Vigilance Clearance Certificate (VCC) issued for Non-Gazetted Officers 4204 119 10 DIRECTORATE OF PRINTING The Directorate of Printing is an Attached Office of the Ministry of Urban Development. As per the Allocation of Business Rules, the Directorate is the Government Printer for executing printing works for all Ministries/Departments of Government of India including forms for Civil and Defence Departments. It is also responsible for the stocking and distribution of various forms for Ministries/ Departments, as per their requirements. This Directorate also renders advice from time to time to various State Governments and Central Government Ministries/ Departments on technical matters relating to printing and allied subject in printing technology as well. 10.1 It has under its administrative control a total of 18 Units i.e. 13 Government of India Presses, 3 Text Books Presses, an Outside Printing Branch and one Forms Store for exclusively fulfilling the demand for various standard forms for the Ministries/Departments of the Central Government. 10.2 The Directorate is developing a Production-cum-Training Centre at Shimla Press Complex and requisite machineries and equipments have been procured. 10.3 The Printing Jobs being executed by the Directorate include a range of requirements of various Ministries /Departments of Government of India and Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha such as Bulletin Codes,Manuals, Reports, Publicity Materials, and Scientific Publications etc. which are being undertaken within the stipulated time period. The specific demands of Departments for printing jobs in multicolour are also being met. Organizational Structure 10.4 The Directorate of Printing is headed by the Director of Printing who is the administrative and technical Head of the Department. There are 18 field units under the Directorate of Printing as under :— 1. Government of India Press, Minto Road, New Delhi. 2. Government of India Press, Santragachi, Howrah, West Bengal. 3. Government of India Press, Nashik, Maharashtra. 4. Government of India Press, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. 5. Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, Delhi. 6. Government of India Press, Faridabad, Haryana. 7. Government of India Press, Nilokheri, Haryana. 8. Government of India Press, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. 9. Government of India Press, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. 120 Chapter 10 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Government of India Press, Temple Street, Kolkata, West Bengal. Government of India Press, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Government of India Press, Koratty, Kerala. Government of India Press, Gangtok, Sikkim. Government of India Text Book Press, Chandigarh. Government of India Text Book Press, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Government of India Text Book Press, Mysore, Karnataka. Outside Printing Branch, Kolkata, West Bengal. Government of India Forms Store, Kolkata, West Bengal. Productivity Linked Bonus for Government of India Press Employees. 10.5 All Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and Group ‘C’&’D’ employees of Govt. of India Presses and Branches were paid Productivity Linked Bonus for 14 days for the year 2009-2010. Restructuring/Modernization of Government of India Presses 10.6 The Government of India has approved on 16.8.2002 the modernization of Government of India Presses. The Process of modernization of 12 Government of India Presses has been completed. Machines available in the market have been procured and installed. Restructuring/ Redeployment of the staff is under process and likely to be completed shortly. Trade Apprenticeship Scheme 10.7 The Government of India Presses are classified as Industries and hence fall under the purview of Factories Act, 1948. In accordance to the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961, Apprenticeship training under various trades is being imparted in the Presses. The estimated expenditure for the current year 2010-11 will be `37 Lakhs. About 300 apprentices are expected to be trained during the year 2011-12 in various trades such as Offset Machine man, Camera man, Artist Retoucher, Binder etc. in the Presses and `0.65 crore has been projected for the stipend to the Apprentices engaged in the Presses for the year 2011-2012. 10.8 The details of Apprentices trained/are being trained in the Presses during the last five years are as follows:— Sl. No. Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. of Apprentices Trained/ are being Trained in the Presses 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 356 360 286 300 280 Total Expenditure (` In Crore) 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.32 #0.26 # Expenditure upto November, 2010 Chapter 10 121 Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005 10.9 Under the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Directorate has followed the principles of transparency and proactive disclosures of information. As prescribed under Section 4 of the RTI Act, necessary information pertaining to Directorate have been put on the website i.e. All applications received in the Department are replied as per provision of RTI Act. 10.10 During 2010-11(till December, 2010) a total of 53 RTI applications were processed under the Right to Information Act, 2005. Public Grievances Cell 10.11 The Public Grievance Cell is under the overall control of Shri P.K. Kailasa Babu, Additional Director(A) who is the Nodal Officer for Public Grievance. His contact address is:— Room No.105 ‘B’ Wing, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011 Telephone No. 23062475 (office) 10.12 Besides, the Manager/Head of each Government of India Press is in-charge of the grievance redressal machinery at the unit/press level. [Shri Saugata Roy, Hon’ble Minister of State for Urban Development observing the printing works at Government of India Press, Minto Road, New Delhi] 122 Chapter 10 11 DIRECTORATE OF ESTATES The Directorate of Estates is mainly responsible for administration of the following: (a) Administration of Government Estates (Residential/Office Accommodation) in 8 cities viz. Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Shimla, Chandigarh, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Nagpur apart from Delhi. Besides these places, General Pool Residential accommodation is also available at other stations viz. Agra, Port Blair, Hyderabad, Imphal, Kohima, Bhopal, Kanpur, Bangalore, Lucknow, Kochi, Shillong, Indore, Agartala, Allahabad, Jaipur, Rajkot, Dehradun, Mysore, Bikaner, Guwahati, Varanasi, Thiruvananthapuram, Gangtok, Pune, Jodhpur, Goa and Srinagar. The CPWD offices located in these areas are handling administration of these residential/ office accommodations. (b) Administration of Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act, 1952. (c) Administration of Public Premises Eviction (PPE) Act, 1971. (d) The control and administration of Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Guest. (e) Administration of Markets/Shops in Government Colonies in Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Mumbai and Nagpur. (f) Allotment of Accommodation in Vigyan Bhavan and Vigyan Bhavan Annexe. (g) Realization of Licence fee from all allottees. Residential Accommodation: 11.1 The total housing stock in Delhi is 63262 in Delhi, and 33066 in other Regional Stations. However, this stock is grossly inadequate, as may be seen from the Demand and availability of General Pool Residential Accommodation in Delhi and other Regional Stations is given in the Annexure-11.I and Annexure-11.II. Determining of Eligibility: 11.2 Consequent upon acceptance of the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission regarding eligibility for housing etc., on the basis of Grade Pay the entitlements of the Central Government employees for allotment of General Pool Residential accommodation have been revised. The revised Norms based on Pay/ Grade Pay have been notified in the Govt. Gazette Notification No. GSR- 20 dated 10/2/2009. It is available on this Directorate’s the website Simplification of Allotment Procedure: 11.3 The Allotment Rules have been amended and provision has been made for submission of application on first appointment / transfer to a station, by the last day of the month and the Chapter 11 123 same is included in the waiting list for the subsequent month. As regards allotment of accommodation in change, a provision has been made for vacation of the previous accommodation within 15 days instead of 8 days. Separate Tenure Pool for Services Officers: 11.4 A separate Tenure pool has been created for allotment of accommodation to the NonAll India Services Officers, who are on Central Deputation. During the year 2010, 13 Type- 5A (D-II) Flats were allotted, out of which only 9 flats were accepted by the concerned officers. Discretionary Allotment: 11.5 Discretionary allotment to serving Govt. employees is permitted on medical and functional grounds. Two Committees have been constituted which shall consider discretionary allotments and make recommendations in each case. Fixed period allotments are also to Freedom Fighter, Artists, Social workers, Private Persons and Organisations etc. with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Accommodation (CCA). Reservation in Allotment: 11.6 Reservations in allotment are done for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe employees, to the extent of 10% of vacancies in Type -I and II and 5% of vacancies in Type-III and IV respectively. The allotment is made to SC and ST employees in the ratio of 2:1. Office Accommodation: 11.7 The position of office accommodation, in terms of indicated demand by various eligible offices and availability is as under:— Station Demand (In square Feet) Availability (In square Feet) Shortage (In square Feet) Delhi 107.30 Lakh 83.61 Lakh 23.69 Lakh Markets/ Shops: 11.8 There were 47 markets in the control of Directorate of Estates. In pursuance of decision of the Govt., 45 markets have been transferred to the local civic bodies i.e. MCD & NDMC. Records have also been transferred. Two markets – INA Mohan Singh Market and INA Subzi Market, are not to be transferred. This is because re-development of INA Market Complex is being considered by the Ministry. Conferences Facilities at Vigyan Bhavan and Vigyan Bhavan Annexe: 11.9 Vigyan Bhavan was constructed in 1956. This building forms the main Centre for International conferences and other meetings arranged by the Ministries and Departments of Government of India, Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies and Private Organizations. The Directorate of Estates is the custodian of Vigyan Bhavan since 2.12.1993. During 1.1.2010 to 31.12.2010, 150 conferences were organized in Vigyan Bhavan by the Government organizations and 52 conferences were organized by the PSUs/ Autonomous bodies and 124 Chapter 11 Private Parties. In addition, 100 conferences/functions were organized by Government organizations, PSUs, autonomous bodies and private parties in Vigyan Bhavan Annexe. 11.10 During 1.1.2010 till 31.12.2010, 302 conferences were held in Vigyan Bhavan and Vigyan Bhavan Annexe and license-fee of Rs. 2.33 crore was realized. Guest Accommodation at Vithal Bhai Patel (V.P.) House: 11.11 In General Pool there are 45 Suites in V. P. House. These have been allotted to Parliamentary Political Parties for official residence, for office, Central Government Health Services(CGHS) Dispensary, Institute of Parliamentary Studies and Union Ministers for their office/residential purposes as additional accommodations. Holiday Homes and Touring Officers’ Hostels: 11.12 Holiday Home and Touring Officers’ Hostel are functioning at various stations. Facility for online applying of Application Form for Booking of Room in respect of Holiday Home and Touring Officers Hostel has been made operational through Directorate of Estates website and details of terms and conditions of booking of room in holiday homes and touring officers’ hostel and other helpful information have been made available on the website of Directorate of Estates. A list of Holiday Homes/ Touring Officers/ Guest House The details of hostel accommodation available in Delhi and various other Regional Stations are as follows:— (a) List of Holiday Homes under Ministry of Urban Development 1. Agra, 2. Amarkantak, 3. Goa, 4. Kanyakumari, 5. Mysore, 6. Mussorrie, Nainital, 8. Ooty, 9. Shimla, 10. Udaipur and 11. Delhi. 7. (b) List of Touring Officers’ Hostels/ Guest Houses of Ministry of Urban Development S.No. Name S.No. Name S.No. Name S.No. Name 1. Agra 13. Gangtok 25. Kozhikode (Calicut) 37. Shillong 2. Ajmer 14. Guwahati 26. Kullu 38. Siliguri 3. Allahabad 15. Gwalior 27. Lucknow 39. Udaipur 4. Bareilly 16. Goa 28. Madhopur 40. Varanasi 5. Banglore 17. Hyderabad 29. Madurai 41. Vijayawada 6. Bhopal 18. Indore 30. Mt. Abu 42. Udhampur 7. Chennai 19. Jaisalmer 31. Mumbai 8. Chandigarh 20. Jaipur 32. Nagpur 9. Cochin 21. Mussorrie 33. Nasik 10. Dehradun 22. Jammu 34. Neemuch Chapter 11 125 11. Delhi 23. Jodhpur 35. Pune 12. Gandhinagar 24. Kolkata 36. Thiruvananthapuram Subletting- Inspection: 11.13 During the period 1-1-2010 to 31-12-2010 a total number of 2361 houses were inspected from subletting angle and subletting suspected in 1127 cases and cancellations were made in 250 cases by the competent authority after hearing the cases. Penalty for Subletting: 11.14 The provisions of Allotment Rules have been made more stringent to deal with the menace of subletting, the allottee shall be debarred for allotment for the remaining period of his service. The allottee shall also be charged damages (market rent). Disciplinary proceedings for major penalty shall also be initiated against the allottee under the relevant Rules by the concerned Department / Ministry. Administration of The Public Premises Eviction (Act), 1971: 11.15 During the year 2010 (from 1.1.2010 to 31.12.2010), 915 eviction cases were filed by the Directorate of Estates against unauthorized occupants before the Estate Officers under the provision of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized occupants) Act, 1971. 624 cases were disposed of by way of eviction/ vacation of premises. Information Facilitation Centre: 11.16 An Information Facilitation Centre (IFC) has been functioning in the Directorate of Estates with effect from 14.07.97. The IFC serves as the front office for the government officers and the public who personally visit the Directorate. The IFC accepts various applications from the government servants, issues acknowledgement slips and thereafter enters the data on computer. The vacancy reports received from CPWD are also entered here. The IFC also provides all information related to the General Pool Accommodation. On an average, 200 visitors are served by the IFC everyday. Government Accommodation Management System (GAMS): 11.17 126 The status of GAMS is given below: (i) With the implementation of Government Accommodation Management System (GAMS) in the Directorate of Estates in 2003 and subsequently in its five regional Estates offices at Chennai, Kolkata, Nagpur, Ghaziabad& Faridabad, the entire process of registrations for allotment of all kinds, acceptances, retentions, regularizations, cancellations, subletting enquiries, etc. related to residential Govt. accommodation have been computerized. As a result, the entire process of activities related to these aspects have became extremely fast, efficient and transparent. (ii) Data Entry in respect of Mumbai, Chandigarh and Shimla, in preparation of implementation of GAMS based operations is almost complete. In Mumbai allotment in Higher Types are being made through GAMS. For Lower Type, Waiting Lists are generated through GAMS from December 2009. Chandigarh and Shimla offices are scheduled to start GAMS based allotment by March 2011. Chapter 11 (iii) Online Licence Fee Collection and Monitoring System implemented successfully in 2007, has been introduced in more offices of the DDOs in various Ministries/Departments in Delhi, in addition to the Regional Offices in Chennai and Kolkata. (iv) Since the computerized operations through GAMS have commenced from the Estates Offices in Chennai, Kolkata, Nagpur, Faridabad Ghaziabad. The website provides the same facilities to applicants of these cities as well. When the remaining Regional Offices implement computerized operations, similar facilities would become available to the applicants of these cities also. (v) Subsequent to the integration of database on housing stock controlled by the Directorate of Estates as available in GAMS with that of the cpwdsewa, the portal of CPWD, vacation reports being received online from the Service Centres of CPWD are available in the GAMS also on real-time basis. (vi) The website of the Directorate of Estates (,has been improved so as to disseminate the latest information to the public relating to the following subjects:— a. House allotment and related information like, (i) particulars of occupants of govt. accommodation as well as waitlisted applicants (ii) Type -wise waiting lists, (iii) List of eligible officers, (iv)Housing (v) Vacancy position, (vi)Allotments, (vii) License fee structure, etc. b. It provides facility for:— • Downloading and taking printouts of allotment letters as well as various forms used in the Directorate for house allotment related matters. • On line filling up of application forms (DE-II Forms) for allotment of Govt. accommodation. • Registering online complaints by the Public regarding Subletting case is available in the website of DOE, which could be monitored through GAMS by the subletting section. • Online booking of holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels of the Directorate located in different cities. Introduction of Automated System of Allotment (ASA): 11.18 With a view to introduce complete transparency, speedy allotment, higher occupancy of houses and to enable the applicant to get houses of their choice, the Directorate of Estates has introduced the Automated System of Allotment in the following types of accommodations from May 2010:— i. Type 6A (CII) - ii. Type 5B (DI) iii. Type 5A (DII) & Type 4 Special Chapter 11 From May 2010 - - From June 2010 From July 2010 127 iv. Hostel Type Accommodations - From December 2010 v. Type 4 - From January 2011 11.19 Automated System of Allotment is scheduled to be introduced in Type III and Type II w.e.f. February and April, 2011 respectively. Public Grievances Redressal System: 11.20 Directorate of Estates has been following the guidelines issued by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances from time to time to make the grievance Redressal mechanism effective. Director of Estates-ll has been nominated as the Public Grievances Officer for the above purpose. All officers of the Directorate are available daily on working days except on Friday, to the visitors for attending to their grievances. Whenever there is a complaint the same is attended to immediately. The grievances are acknowledged immediately and settled expeditiously. 11.21 The Public Grievance Officer is available daily for attending to the grievances of the staff from10AM to 5PM. 11.22 For scanning the newspapers and picking up grievances and for taking action for their time bound disposal, AD (Vigilance) has been nominated by the Directorate. Further all the officers of Gazetted rank are provided with the facility of supply of Newspapers and all of them examine regularly the grievances columns in the newspapers to pick up grievances pertaining to this Directorate. As and when any grievance appears in the newspapers, it is brought to the notice of the concerned higher officer and prompt action is taken for its redressal. All officers have been instructed to acknowledge and redress the same at the earliest and within the stipulated period of six weeks and a maximum of three months and in exceptional cases where redressal is not possible with in the above period, to send an interim reply to the applicant. 11.23 The following important measures have been introduced to effectively deal with the grievance redressal mechanism in the Directorate of Estates:— (1) In order to make the working of the Directorate more transparent, a suggestion-cumcomplaint box has been installed in the Facilitation Centre of the Directorate. Immediate/ appropriate action is taken on such suggestions/complaints. (2) Housing Stock of Govt. accommodation has been made available for general public by the Directorate on its website at Computerization of rent accounts of all the allottees has already been undertaken to facilitate settlement of final dues and issue of No Dues Certificates. (3) Introduction of internet based Public Grievances Redressal and Monitoring System (PGRAMS) in the Estate Office is being developed by NIC and likely to become available shortly. (4) In order to resolve the staff grievances in the Directorate of Estates, Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) has been set up under the chairmanship of Director of Estates. The periodicity 128 Chapter 11 of meeting is quarterly. Staff grievances are taken up by JCM, who in turn take up the same with Directorate of Estates. Any staff grievance can also be given directly to the Director of Estates who in turn tries to redress the same without delay. Right to Information Act, 2005: 11.24 A separate Cell has been opened under the Right To Information Act,2005 in the Directorate of Estates which has started functioning w.e.f. October,2005. In pursuance to the provisions of the Act, an Information Booklet has been published. In addition this, the Directorate of Estates has also brought out a Compendium of Allotment Rules and Handbook on Allotment Rules. With the publication of the Handbook of the Directorate of Estates in pursuance of Section 4 of the Right to Information Act, 2005, there will be greater and far more effective access to information with complete transparency. Official Language: 11.25 Continuous efforts are being made by Directorate of Estates for progressive use of Hindi in day to day official work. To monitor the progressive use of Hindi in the official work of Directorate of Estates, meetings of Official Language Implementation Committee were organized in each quarter. Under the Rule 8(4) of Official Language Rules ,1976 all sections in the Directorate of Estates have been specified to do maximum possible work in Hindi. The officials of the Directorate were sponsored for Typing and Stenography Training on regular basis. Facility has also been provided for Hindi Typing on Computers. The Hindi “Prayog Protsahan Maas” was organized in the Directorate from 1st to 30th Setembrer, 2010 during which a large number of officials participated in the competitions such as Hindi Essay writing, Hindi Typing, English-Hindi Translation, Hindi dictation & Hindi Vyavahar(Hindi Noting drafting). To facilitate the work in official language, Hindi Workshops for the staff were conducted in every quarter & dictionaries were also distributed among trainees. Chapter 11 129 ANNEXURE-11. I The Demand and availability of General Pool residential accommodation (Type wise) in Delhi as on 31.12.2010 130 Type Housing Stock Applicants waiting for allotment Occupied I 16696 357 14526 II 23408 7702 22335 III 11746 4868 11251 IV 5332 3294 5027 IVSpl 792 2444 783 5A 1432 2324 1342 5B 867 2179 844 6A 404 926 386 6B 157 207 130 VII 194 174 140 VIII 145 167 109 Hostel Units 2023 740 1881 TOTAL 63196 25382 58754 Chapter 11 ANNEXURE -11. II Demand and Availability of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in Regional Stations as on 31.12.2010 Stations Mumbai Kolkata Chennai Shimla Chandigarh Faridabad Ghaziabad Nagpur Indore Lucknow Hyderabad Cochin Bangalore Shillong Agartala Imphal Kohima Kanpur Allahabad Bhopal Thiruvananthapuram Dehradun Mysore Gangtok Jaipur Varanasi Guwahati Agra Port Blair Srinagar Pune Jodhpur Chapter 11 Demand Availability % Of Satisfaction 10118 4901 3531 1359 2242 1201 779 1492 300 1170 776 224 1502 122 180 83 95 Nil 693 191 222 361 136 143 512 96 27 80 261 93 176 Nil 8201 6593 2671 1239 2427 1850 820 1913 402 1137 924 244 1485 90 142 80 64 1029 890 166 238 89 136 106 547 198 12 124 219 250 280 328 81 100 76 91 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 100 98 73 78 96 67 159 100 87 100 25 100 74 100 100 44 100 84 100 100 100 131 ANNEXURE- 11.III Demand and Availability of General Pool Office Accommodation(GPOA) at Various Stations As on 31.12.2010 Stations Vijaywada 42,050 Availability (Sq. Ft.) 35,368 Kolkata 20,74,653 13,79,402 Mumbai 16,26,328 8,66,811 Chennai 8,91,551 6,77,185 Shimla 1,82,556 1,79,356 Chandigarh 1,86,064 1,10,032 Nagpur 3,86,075 3,35,058 Faridabad 1,81,962 1,81,962 Ghaziabad 1,20,330 1,20,330 Bangalore 12,07,412 2,79,175 17,975 (Sq.Mtr) 7,975 (Sq.Mtr) Hyderabad 7,77,706 2,96,530 Agra 28,763.95 36,920.53 Lucknow 2,17,367 1,30,474 Bhopal 1,89,240 43,040 Indore 2,64,564 1,93,551 Cochin 1,26,619 97,819 Thiruvananthapuram Jaipur 132 Demand (Sq. Ft.) 4,587.85 (Sqm.) 5,495.64 (Sqm.) Pune 21,280 15,910 Barreily 9239.00 9,685 Calicut 23,326 23,326 Port Blair 26,351 30397 Chapter 11 ANNEXURE- 11. IV Government Hostels in New Delhi Name of the Hostel No. of Units Curzon Road Hostel 478 Minto Road Hostel (old) 96 Tagore Road Hostel (old) 96 Pragati Vihar Hostel 792 Asia House Hostel 131 Minto Road Hostel (new) 184 R. K. Puram 105 Aliganj 06 HUDCO Place Extn. 319 Accommodation for Casual Visitors Twenty one single suites (without kitchen) and 10 double suites (renovated) in F Block at Curzon Road Hostel are set apart for the use of Government officers coming to Delhi on official tour and guests of allottees of Curzon Road Hostel. These suites are allotted to for temporary stay normally not exceeding 10 days by charging the prescribed licence fee. The Central Government Officers Guest House at Kidwai Nagar(West) has 20 rooms to accommodate 40 people. This is allotted on daily basis to officers and their guests on tour or on leave on payment of license fee. Chapter 11 133 12 LAND AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Land and Development Office (L&DO), an attached office of the Ministry of Urban Development, is responsible for administration of about 60,526 leases of the Central Government in Delhi. These include 57,389 Residential, 1597 Commercial, 1430 Institutional and 110 Industrial Properties, out of which 30,474 properties have been converted into freehold. The following items of work are being handled by the Land & Development Office: (i) Maintenance of records of all properties and lands placed under its charge. (ii) Allotment of land to various Government/Semi-Government Department and various political, social, charitable, educational and religious institutions under the directions of the Government of India. (iii) Administration and management of various leases granted by the Land & Development Office, Notified Area Committee, Central Public Works Department and Regional Settlement Commissioner, New Delhi etc. in accordance with the terms of lease deeds and orders/ instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time. (iv) Removal of squatters on Government land and recovery of damages from them under the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971 in respect of land under its control. (v) Conversion of lease hold residential/commercial properties into free hold & execution of Conveyance Deeds. Lease Administration 12.1 The Land & Development Office is dealing with the following types of cases in respect of the leased properties under lease terms: (i) Grant of Sale Permission. (ii) Grant of Mortgage Permission. (iii) Grant of gift Permission. (iv) Substitution of title. (v) Mutation of title. (vi) Inspection of Leased Properties. (vii) Follow up action on violation of lease terms. (viii) Leasehold to Freehold of Residential/Commercial properties. 134 Chapter 12 Conversion from Lease hold to freehold 12.2 The scheme for conversion of built up residential properties from lease hold to free hold has been extended to industrial, commercial and mixed land use premises. The details of applications for conversion of lease hold properties into free hold during the period of report received and disposed of are as under:— (i) Number of application (brought forward) - (ii) Number of applications received 677 - 742 (iii) Number of applications processed/settled - 428 (iv) No. of cases pending as on 31-12-10 - 991 (v) Total amount received along with application for conversion from lease hold to free hold (1.04.10 to 31.12.2010) (vi) Amount refunded (1.04.2010 to 31.12.2010) Net amount (v) – (vi) Rs. 1,59,29,31,361 Rs. 4,19,16,105 Rs. 1,55,10,15,256 12.3 The details of other cases handled by Land & Development Office in each category during the year 2010 ( During the period from 1.04.2010 to 31-12-2010) are given below:— (i) Sale Permissions granted (ii) Mutations of title carried out NIL 31 (iii) Substitutions of title carried out 223 (iv) Mortgage Permissions granted 3 (v) Conversion from lease hold into freehold executed 307 Lease Deeds Executed 12.4 The details of lease deeds executed by L&DO are as follows: (i) Pending cases brought forward from previous year for execution of lease deed. 10 (ii) Number of cases received during the year for execution of lease deed. 20 (iii) Number of cases in which lease deeds executed. 10 (iv) Number of allotments issued (including 5 temporary allotment) 13 12.5 The pendency in respect of execution of lease deed is mainly due to non-submission of documents/payments by the allottees. Chapter 12 135 Procedure for Allotment of Land 12.6 In order to streamline the procedure for allotment of land to various Institutions including Non-Governmental Organizations, a Screening Committee was constituted for screening the application/requests received for allotment of land by the Land & Development Office. The Screening Committee was re-constituted on the basis of recommendations of the Yogesh Chandra Committee and revised guidelines were issued with a view to ensure more transparency in the matter of all future allotments of land. Now all proposals for allotment of land are considered by the Committee. Re-Development of Netaji Nagar 12.7 In order to address the shortage of General Pool Residential Accommodation in respect of Type-6, Type-7 and Type-8 categories, a proposal was initiated for re-development of approximately 123 acres of land of Netaji Nagar (Part) and Moti Bagh (East) through the National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC). NBCC would be allotted some land out of the project area for the commercial exploitation to generate funds to meet the cost of the re-development project and no budgetary support would be provided. This would enable construction of 492 General Pool houses comprising 14 Type-VIII Bunglows, 102 Type-VII Bungalows and 376 Type-VI houses in multi-storied Apartments. The CPWD has handed over first phase of land to L&DO on 30.6.2006 and second phase of land on 13.11.2006. The same have further been handed over to NBCC. The cost estimates of the project submitted by NBCC have been vetted by CPWD, and a project cost of Rs. 433.67 crore and completion schedule of the project of 36 months w.e.f. 31-10-2007 has been sanctioned. NBCC has handed over 82 houses of type-VII, 500 EWS houses and 99 NDMC quarters while construction of type-VI and type-VIII is at various stages of completion. 12.8 The proposal for re-development of Dev Nagar under General Pool Residential Accommodation on the plot measuring 156595 sq. mtr. is under consideration. The proposal is to construct 450 Type-II, 784 Type-III, 184 Type-IV and 1 Transit Hostel. 12.9 Re-development of Rouse Avenue is also under consideration. Revenue Receipts 12.10 L&DO earns revenue by way of premium for allotment of land, unearned increase at the time of grant of sale permission, damages/misuse charges for the breaches committed by the lessees, ground rent, revised ground rent and charges for change of use and conversion charges. 12.11 The total revenue received by L&DO during the period i.e. 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 is as under: Sl.No. Revenue Realized Amount (Approx.) 1. (i) Revenue received under the Head -0059 from 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 Rs. 113.6 Crore (ii) Projection for 01.01.2011 to 31.3.2011 2. (i) Revenue received under the Head-0216 for 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 (ii) Projection for 01.01.2011 to 31.3.2011 136 Rs. 32.5 Crore Rs. 36.19 Crore Rs. 7.5 Crore Chapter 12 3. Number of conversion application received from 1.4.10 to 31.12.10 405 No. 4. (i) Revenue received from 1.4.10 to 31.12.10 (with conversion application) Rs. 9.48 Crore (ii) Projection for 01.01.2011 to 31.3.2011 115 No. (iii) Projection of Revenue from conversion from 01.01.2011 to 31.3.2011 Rs. 2.95 Crore 5. (i) Amount Refunded from 01.04.2010 to 31.12.10 Total revenue received from 01.04.2010 to 31.12.2010 [1(i) + 2(i) + 4(i)] Rs. 4.19 Crore Rs. 159.29 Crore File and Layout Plan Inventory System 12.12 L&DO has undertaken an exercise to prepare list of files, in order to ensure their easy retrieval. The updated data is centrally available for records. Computerization ( Scanning & Indexing) of layout plans of area under the office has also been completed. Modernization Process 12.13 As part of the efforts to make the L&DO a model office by improving the work environment and optimum utilization of spaces, the office has been modernized with the financial assistance of the Department of Administrative Reforms to the tune of Rs. 1.07 crore. The work undertaken by CPWD has been completed. Court Cases 12.14 A total of 64 court cases were received during 1.04.2010 till 31.12.10. Out of 694 Court cases handled in the year, 11 cases were attended in Hon’ble Supreme Court, 354 cases in Hon’ble High Court and 329 cases in Lower Court. Out of 694 court cases 90 court cases were disposed of including 2 in Hon’ble Supreme Court, 61 in Hon’ble High Court and 27 in Lower Court. A total of 604 court cases are pending in the different courts. This includes 9 cases in Hon’ble Supreme Court, 293 in Hon’ble High Courts and 302 in Lower Courts. The Land and Development Office has ESO court to hear cases filed by the office under Public Premises (Unauthorised Occupation) Eviction Act 1971. A total of 302 cases were heard by the ESO court during 2010, out of which 22 cases were finally disposed off. Computerization 12.15 The lease administration functions of the L&DO, namely, conversion from leasehold to freehold, substitution/mutation of title, granting of Sale/Mortgage/Gift Permission and payments/ refunds have been computerized. The entire processing of applications, from the time of receipt till the final approval/rejection letter is issued, is done through the computerized system developed by the National Information Centre (NIC). Status of all the applications is provided on the website and this has facilitated speedy processing and transparency in transactions. This has not only resulted in placement of substantial information in public domain but also facilitated in effective Management Information System (MIS) to monitor the performance of the office. Chapter 12 137 12.16 Additional modules for computerization of inspection reports and issuance of breach notices have also been completed. This will ensure maintenance of proper records relating to inspection/ issue of breach notices and demand notices. The above effort is a move towards providing greater transparency, accountability and proper maintenance of the records of transactions. These e-governance solutions are being implemented to make Land & Development Office more userfriendly and oriented towards the public in general. 12.17 The L&DO website has been revamped to provide online status of various applications to the users. It also provides downloadable forms for the general public, office orders on various policy matters, land rates from 1966 to the present, list of institutional allotments from 1930’s and other information which is relevant for the public. Information and Facilitation Centre 12.18 An Information and Facilitation Centre is operational in Land & Development Office. Procedures have been prescribed in detail for dealing with various types of cases relating to mutation, substitution, sale permission, etc. of leased properties. The Information Facilitation Centre is fully functional and provides all necessary guidance to the lessees. All prescribed forms except the application form for conversion from leasehold into freehold are supplied free of cost to the lessees. 12.19 The lessees/applicants can ascertain the status of their applications through the Touch Screen Kiosk installed at the Information and Facilitation Centre or through the website of L&DO. Citizens’ Charter 12.20 A ‘ Citizen’s Charter for Lessees’ has been adopted. This Charter is a commitment of the Land & Development Office to its lessees in administration of Nazul leases and Rehabilitation leases of lands in Delhi in the matter of sale/transfer/mutation/substitution/mortgage and free hold permissions. One of the commitments is that applications of conversion/mutation etc. will be disposed of within a period of 3 months from the date of receipt, if the information and other papers submitted by the lessees are in order. With a view to provide optimal satisfaction to the lessees the processing of various applications have been computerized and the real time status of the applications can be ascertained from the Website and the touch Screen Kiosk at the Information Facilitation Centre. Redressal of Grievance 12.21 For redressing the grievances of lessees, all lessees are free to meet the Public Relation Officer and other Officers including the Land & Development Office, with or without prior appointment from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all working Wednesdays. All the public grievances cases were addressed on priority. Right to Information Act, 2005 12.22 The provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005 have been implemented in L&DO within the stipulated time. As prescribed under Section 4 of the RTI Act, necessary information pertaining to Land & Development Office have been put on the website and a Compendium containing the information has also been compiled and made available for sale at Information and 138 Chapter 12 Facilitation Centre. Six Officers of the Land & Development Office have been designated as Central Public Information Officers. Further, fourteen officials have been designated as Central Assistant Public Information Officers for receipt of applications under RTI Act. Prompt action is taken on the applications received by various Central Public Information Officers/ Assistant Public Information Officers. 12.23 During 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 a total of 1168 RTI applications, 127 Ist Appeals & 18 IInd appeals were processed under the Right to Information Act 2005. Official Language 12.24 L&DO continued its efforts to promote the use of Hindi in day-to-day official work. With a view to strengthen the position and to identify certain areas, which require focused attention, extensive Rajbhasha inspection of all sections specified under Rule 8 (4) of the Official Language Rules, 1976 to do the maximum possible work in Hindi. As part of celebration of Hindi Divas and Hindi month during September, various competitions were conducted. In order to improve the knowledge of officials in doing the work in Hindi four Workshop were arranged. Chapter 12 139 13 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ORGANIZATION The Town and Country Planning Organisation (TCPO), a subordinate office, is a technical wing of the Ministry of Urban Development on matters concerning urban and regional planning, development policies, research, monitoring and appraisal of Central Government schemes, etc. It assists and advises inter alia both the Ministry of Urban Development and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation on matters referred to it, the State Governments, Local Bodies and Development Authorities on matters pertaining to urbanization, town planning, urban transport, metropolitan planning, human settlements, urban and regional information system and training. Chief Planner, TCPO is a Member of the Delhi Development Authority, Technical Committee of DDA, NCR Planning Board and Project Monitoring and Sanctioning Committee of NCRPB. TCPO is a nodal agency for monitoring centrally sponsored schemes of Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) as part of JNNURM, National Urban Information System (NUIS) Scheme and Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme of Satellite Towns around Seven Mega Cities. 13.1 During the year 2010, TCPO was involved in the appraisal and monitoring of important schemes of the Government of India like Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT), National Urban Information System (NUIS) Scheme and looked after the residual work of erstwhile Integrated Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (IDSMT) which has been subsumed in UIDSSMT since 2005-06 and Scheme on Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme of Satellite Towns Around Seven Mega Cities. 13.2 Technical inputs were provided on various issues related with (illustrative list): ¾ Land use planning for rural areas – Model Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law 1996. ¾ Examination of “The Constitution (One Hundred and Twelfth Amendment) Bill, 2009.” ¾ Problems faced by Pune Municipal Corporation in the implementation of the Green Development Plan. ¾ State Agrarian Relations and Unfinished Task in Land Reforms. ¾ Preparation of Development Plan for Bhopal. ¾ The Delhi Urban Mass Transit Authority Bill, 2010. ¾ Draft Land Titling Bill, 2010 for UTs without legislature. ¾ Detailed Project Report on Information Technology Investment Region on Bangaluru, Bangalore International Airport Ltd. (BIAL) Corridor, proposal from Government of Karnataka. 140 Chapter 13 ¾ National Rural Housing and Habitat Policy, 2008. ¾ The Maharashtra Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning (Amendment) Bill, 2010. ¾ Puducherry Town and Country Planning Act, 1969. ¾ Draft Policy on Outward Investment for Technology Assets Acquisition. ¾ Town Planning Parameters for Urban Poor prepared by SPA, New Delhi. ¾ Development of Chennai Outer Ring Road Phase – II project concept report. ¾ Setting up Regional Planning and Development Authority for Chandigarh Region on NCR Pattern. ¾ Draft Rules on the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (amendment and validation) Act, 2010. ¾ UNESCAP Resolution on ‘Pacific Urban Agenda’ sponsored by Fiji. ¾ Draft report on research project titled “Alternative Approaches to Master Plan” submitted by SPA, New Delhi. ¾ Rajasthan Township Policy – 2010. ¾ The Investment Plan for preparing Madhya Pradesh Urban Environmental Improvement Project (Phase-II) draft aide memoire. ¾ National Policy for Data Sharing and Accessibility. ¾ Infrastructure Investment Strategy and Capital Investment for Secondary town of Zunheboto of Nagaland State. ¾ Minimum Standards for Sanitation and Hygiene in Disaster Relief and Minimum Standards for Provision of Shelter and Management of Relief Camp prepared by NDMA. ¾ Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) ¾ Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015 – Report on Progress and Challenges in the implementation of disaster risk reduction and recovery action at the national level. ¾ 6th Session of India – Oman Joint Commission meeting held at Muscat during 4 – 6 September, 2010. ¾ SAARC Disaster Management. ¾ ADB Consultation Mission – Sustainable Water Supply Project for Nagpur City Rapid Transport in Pimpri – Chinchwad City and Bangalore Metro Rail Project – Confirmation of Aide Memoire. ¾ Preparation/formulation of Planning Guidelines to support preparation of slum free city plan; handholding and capacity building for preparation of ‘Slum free City Plans’ of cities, Slum Development Plan and its sustainability. ¾ The Arunachal Pradesh District Planning Committees Bill, 2010. ¾ Structural/Institutional arrangements to make urban planning work and the reporting relationship between ULBs, Development Authorities and MPC / DPC. Chapter 13 141 ¾ Comments prepared on the Reports received from Shahajanabad Redevelopment Corporation. ¾ Various issues on Foreign Direct Investment in townships, housing, built-up infrastructure and construction development projects. ¾ Revised Memorandum of Agreement alongwith checklist of Reform of Vasai-Virar town under the UIDSSMT Scheme. 13.3 Reports/Studies ¾ Preliminary work on Master Plan of Shirdi – 2031. ¾ Draft Report of Integrated Development Plan of Itanagar, 2021. ¾ Draft ‘Result Framework Document’ (RFD) of TCPO. ¾ Draft Report on “Streamlining the Procedure for Clearances of Building Projects”. ¾ An action plan for Development of National Sustainable Habitat Parameters. ¾ Draft Model Heritage Regulations. ¾ Status Report of the UIDSSMT Scheme for the year 2009-10. ¾ The Use of Census Data 2010. ¾ Information regarding industrial and new towns in India. ¾ Updated the information regarding ULBs and Status of Master Plans in India. ¾ Information regarding Demographic and Socio-Economic Indicators 2001 in respect of Rajasthan. 13.4 Papers/Notes Prepared ¾ Note on “Empowering ULBs to function as Single Point Source for According Sanctions”. ¾ Note on “Management of Urban Flooding”. 13.5 Presentations ¾ Website of the organization launched by the Secretary(UD) on 30th August, 2010. 13.6 Meetings/Workshops organized ¾ Organised Consultative Meeting to review the progress of NUIS Scheme in TCPO on 14/09/2010. ¾ Organized two Brainstorming sessions with Urban Development Departments, State Town and Country Planning Departments and Schools of Planning at Guwahati and Auroville. ¾ Organized three workshops on Use of Hindi in the organization during the year. 142 Chapter 13 14 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA STATIONERY OFFICE AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICATION A. Government of India Stationery Office(GISO) More than 150 years old Government of India Stationery Office [(Head-quarter at 3, Church Lane, Kolkata-700 001) and its 3 Regional Stationery Depots ( at Mumbai, Chennai & New Delhi)] is a Subordinate Office under the Ministry of the Urban Development. 14.1 The Stationery Office is responsible for arranging supply of all its stock-line stationery items to all Authorized Indenters belonging to all Central Government. Ministries/Departments/Offices spreading throughout India including some Central Government, Undertaking Organisations. The Controller of Stationery is not only responsible in timely supplying of stationery stores to the indentors against their respective Annual Indents but also to ensure the consumption of stationery stores in most economical way including local purchases etc. being incurred by them due to non-availability of supply or otherwise from this organization. GISO also provides technical assistance to the Government organizations with regard to paper of all kinds and other stationery stores. Functions 14.2 The functions are as follows 1. To procure stock-line stationery stores to ensure supplies to its indenters on time with quality conforming to the relevant BIS/GISO Specification at competitive rates. 2. To increase the turnover of the organization. 3. To recover the payments against stationery supplies made to the Paying Indenters. 4. Efficient Management of Testing Laboratories. 5. To store the stationery stores at Headquarters Kolkata and its Regional Stationery Depots (RSD) scientifically. Organizational structure 14.3 The Government of India Stationery Office is headed by the Controller of Stationery stationed at its Head Office at Kolkata. There are three Regional Stationary Depots under the Controller. The Regional Stationery Depots located at New Delhi, Mumbai & Chennai is headed by the Asstt. Controller, Stationery under the supervision of the Dy. Controller, Stationery(Admn) head of the Office. 14.4 Govt. of India Stationery Office, Kolkata and its three Regional Stationery Depots cater to the needs of nearly 14.437 Nos. Indenters for stationery stores, different types of papers and paper made articles procured through open tenders. On the basis of the demand of stationery items received from the Indenters, a proposal is sent to the Ministry for allocation of Budget Grant. Based Chapter 14 143 on the fund made available under the Sub-head ‘Materials & Supplies’, stock line stationery stores are being procured through Open General Tender as also by operating of the DGS&D’s Rate Contracts for the available stock-line stationery items. 14.5 The Inspection Wing is headed by Deputy Controller, Inspection in this Department. This Department is well equipped with testing facilities. The spare capacity(more or less 8%) will be utilized commercially to generate revenue w.e.f. the next financial year onwards. Supply of stationery store is made to the Authorised Indenters of this office including its RSDs against their respective Annual Indents with quality conforming to the relevant BIS/GISO Specification. The Inspection Wing of this office is responsible to assure the quality of stores to be procured against contract finalized by the office and for DGS&D’s supplies, quality of stores are assured by the Quality Assurance(QA) of DGS&D. Contracts for the financial year 2010-11 14.6 A sum of ` 8 crore have been allocated in the BE under the Sub-head ‘Materials & Supplies’ towards procurement of stock-line stationery items including papers. The details of the procurement activities are as under:— (i) Carry forwarded amount : ` 3.30 Crore(approx). (ii) Contracts finalized as on 20-12-2010 : ` 4.49 Crore(approx) mostly covered under Running Contracts with fixed Quantity 100 + 25% (iii) Expenditure incurred upto November, : ` 4.00 Crore(approx) 2010 14.7 It is expected that the full allocated fund will be utilized within the financial year and the supplies against the contracts for the current financial year have started. Recovery of outstanding dues 14.8 The total outstanding dues from the Paying Indenters up-to March, 2010 is ` 52.92 Crores commencing from the year 1980 onwards. All possible steps were initiated to recover the accumulated dues from the Paying Indenters- mainly from the Ministry of Defence(Total dues to the tune of ` 37.52 crore) who have now approached the Ministry of Urban Development to get the outstanding dues waived. The matter regarding getting outstanding dues settled is being taken up in all earnestness with the defaulting indenters including Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of Surface Transport, Ministry of Communications, Department of Post and Telegraph etc. B. Department of Publication 14.9 Department of Publication is a service Department with staff strength of 274 headed by the Controller of Publications as Head of the Department. It now possesses the largest depository of Government of India books consisting of 91565 titles approximately and holds the copyright of these publications. The total number of titles being handled as on 31.12.2010 is about 91565 of the value of approximately 24 crore of rupees. 14.10 The Department has 1,150 sales Agents throughout the country including the state capitals. It also has its own Sales Depots in Mumbai, Kolkata and in New Delhi. The Department is also earning revenues through advertisements published in Indian Trade Journal and Gazette of India. 144 Chapter 14 Organizational Structure 14.11 The Department of Publication is a subordinate office functioning under the Ministry of Urban Development. The Department is headed by the Controller of Publications. The main Office of the Controller of Publication is at Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. It has Sale Depots at Kitab Mahal, Baba Kharag Singh Marg, New Delhi, Government of India Book Depot, 8 K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata and Sale Counter at New CGO Complex, New Marine Lines, Mumbai, at Main Office, Civil Lines, Delhi and at Delhi High Court, New Delhi. 14.12 In addition to the Book Depot/Sale Counters, the publications are sold through 824 agents i.e.641 S&R Agents ( 563 Employment Exchanges, 58 Small Scale Industries and 20 Govt. Extension Counters), Agents. Objective 14.13 The objectives of the Department of Publication are as follows:z To provide prompt and timely services to the indenters/customers. z To increase the sales and efficient distribution work. z To ensure realization of dues from Ministries/departments. z Allocation of Symbol Numbers to concerned Government of India Presses for printing of Government Publications efficiently. z To increase the revenue from sale of publications and publishing of Tender Notices for Consolidated Fund of India. Main Activities 14.14 The Department has the following main activities: z Stocking, sale and distribution of Government publications and periodicals brought out by all the Departments / Ministries of the Government of India. z Printing, Advertising, Sales promotional activities and Cataloguing of publications and periodicals. z Securing advertisements for insertion in Government Publications and periodicals. z Stocking and distribution of Defence Publications. z Managing a network of private agencies, sale and returns and running Department’s own sales Depots/counters. Status and Achievements 14.15 During 2010, the Department achieved the following: (i) The total number of titles being handled as on 31.12.2010 was about 91565 of the value of about ` 24 crore. (ii) Number of Periodical Handled.- The total number of periodicals dealt as on 31.12.2010 was 15 and the 1019 periodical subscribers and 213 subscribers of Gazette of India (all Parts). Chapter 14 145 (iii) During the period from 01.04.2010 to 31.12.2010 publications of the value of ` 275.84 Lakh were sold/distributed. The total sales for the year is expected to be in the range ` 350.84 Lakh. (iv) The Department of Publication secured advertisements valuing ` 973 Lakh for inserting in Govt. publications during the period from 01.04.2010 to 31.12.2010. Total value is expected to be in the range of ` 14.6 Lakh during the current financial year. (v) Total Recoveries from Advertisement procured and credit sale is expected to be around of ` 6.07 Crore and Advertisement Bill ` 3.46 Crore up to 31.12.2010. (vi) The Number of publications released from 01.04.2010 to 31.12.2010 are 126. Modernisation Programme 14.16 The Department of Publication has its own website and for providing vital information to the general public and its valued customers. On the website continuous efforts are being made to upload all the Gazette Notifications for information and use by the concerned individuals as part of eGovernance program. 14.17 Most of the works at this Department are being done with the help of computers. And as a initiative of this program, now salary and bills are being generated by the program being designed and developed by National Informatics Centre, New Delhi. All these measures adopted by this Department would enhance the speed of the work and reduce the waiting of our valued customers. 14.18 The data of stock of books/periodicals of the Department of Publications is available at the website. An eGazette Cell has been recently constituted, and when all gazette notifications get upload, it would facilitate downloading any of the uploaded Gazette Notifications from the dedicated website. 146 Chapter 14 15 PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKING The Ministry of Urban Development has one Public Sector Undertaking under its administrative control, viz the National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited. National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited(NBCC) 15.1 NBCC incorporated in November, 1960 as a Public Sector Undertaking under the aegis of Ministry of Urban Development completed its Golden 50 Years on 15th November, 2010. NBCC, a Schedule “A” and ISO-9001 company has grown to be among the large Public Sector Enterprises amongst the Construction Industry. Its core competency lies in execution of Civil Engineering Projects, rendering of Project Management Consultancy Services and Development of Real Estate Projects. Its activities are spread all over the country and abroad. NBCC is diversified into almost all fields of construction industry including highly specialized works like power plants, chimneys and cooling towers, sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants, water supply pipe line net works, runways and roads, hospitals, bridges & flyovers, mass housing projects, institutional building and marine structures, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) projects and executing projects under JNNURM, Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)and Solid Waste Management. 15.2 NBCC since its inception has grown consistently and put up a performance which has enabled it to pay maiden dividend to the Government of India of ` 3.00 crore in the year 2006-07, ` 56.00 crore for the year 2007-08, ` 32.00 crore for the year 2008-2009 and ` 23.00 crore for the year 2009-2010. 15.3 NBCC is a MoU signing company. As per MoU parameters, its performance is slated to be rated as “Excellent” for the year 2009-2010 by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) keeping with the consistent track record since 2003-2004. NBCC was selected amongst “Top Ten CPSUs” for the year 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-07 for MoU Excellence Award by DPE. 15.4 While NBCC had bagged the “SCOPE Meritorious Award for Corporate Social Responsibility & Responsiveness” for the year 2007-2008, The CMD of NBCC won “SCOPE Award” Gold Trophy in the “Individual Category” for the year 2008-09. 15.5 NBCC has been awarded the outstanding Concrete Structure of Uttrakhand for the year 2010 for the construction of Lecture Hall Complex at IIT, Roorkee. The Award has been conferred by the Indian Concrete Institute on 15th October, 2010. 15.6 In order to enhance its portfolio in India & abroad, the Corporation is committed to further enhance its initiatives in the field of Joint Ventures with reputed Indian & Foreign companies. The Joint Venture/ Memorandum of Understanding is with:— Chapter 15 147 • Joint Venture with M/s Mahavir Manuman Group for construction of Residential Houses at Khekra Phase-I & Phase-II in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh. • Joint Venture with M/s Ahinsha Builders Pvt. Ltd. & M/s BCC Builders Pvt. Ltd. for Residential Houses at Khekra Phase-III. • Joint Venture with Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) for commercial building. • MoU with Ministry of New & Renewable Energy for construction of Energy Efficient Building. • MoU with Sutlaj Jal Valley Nigam for construction of Corporate Office Complex. • MoU with National Textile Corporation (NTC) for construction of Indian Textile Plaza at Ahmedabad. Performance of NBCC 15.7 Performance of NBCC in terms of MoU and general financial parameters are given below: (a) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Performance of NBCC with reference to target laid down in the MoU for the year 2009-2010 is as under:— (` In Crore) Description Targets Achievements Order Book as on 31.03.2010 5400.00 7485.62 Turnover 1950.00 2981.98 143.11 182.59 92.34 116.50 Gross Margin Net Profit after tax (b) Achievement during 2010-2011 (up to 31.12.2010) (` In Crore) Description Target (2010-11) Order Book 5400.00 8146.00 Turnover 2540.00 2285.00 150.00 121.00 92.34 77.00 Gross Margin Net Profit 148 Achievement during the year 2010-11 (up to 31.12.2010) (Prov.) Chapter 15 The turnover achievement trend for the last few years is given as under: Order Book 15.8 NBCC as on 31.12.2010 is executing projects valuing ` 8215 crore which are at different stages of completion. The Order Book Position of the Corporation is quite comfortable. 15.9 The major projects secured during 2010-11 (up to 31.12.2010) are as under:— Sl. No. Name of Work Clients Value (Rs in Crore) 1 Cooling Towers at Vindhyachal (2X500 MW) NTPC 94.19 2 Cooling Towers at Rihand (2X500 MW) NTPC 86.26 3 ESIC RO Jaipur ESIC 13.89 4 6 MLD STP Narnaul (Haryana) Haryana Govt. 8.94 5 5 MLD STP, Charkhi Dadri (Haryana) Haryana Govt. 7.80 6 10 MLD SP, Ambala Sadar (Haryana) Haryana Govt. 22.90 7 Family Quarters & Men Barracks at Greater Noida Central Industrial 67.14 Security Force (CISF) 8 Technical Block, IIT, Roorkee IIT, Roorkee 26.19 9 Multistory Staff Accommodation, IIT, Roorkee IIT, Roorkee 17.77 10 ESIC Dispensary at Maninagar, Ahmedabad ESIC 16.63 11 36 MLD STP Bahadurgarh(Haryana) Haryana Govt. 29.78 12 250 Family Quarters, SAF, Chhattisgarh Central Industrial Security Force 24.23 13 ESIC, KK Nagar, Chennai ESIC Chapter 15 370.39 149 Sl. No. Name of Work Clients 14 Admn. Block etc., Mussouri Indo Tibet Border Police 10.05 15 120 Rooms for Sr. Officers Mess for National Police Academy at Hyderabad MHA 23.16 16 Quarters for Sashastra Seema Bal at Nanpara (UP) Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 70.76 17 Quarters for Sashastra Seema Bal at Bhinga (UP) Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 50.74 18 Town Hall at Sabroom, Tripura Min. of Urban Development 14.00 19 Auditorium Complex at Rabindra Bhawan, Agartala, Tripura. Min. of Urban Development 23.00 20 Residential Complex at Khekra, UP NBCC-Hanuman Group 130.00 21 Commercial Complex at Okhla, New Delhi (Real Estate Project) NBCC Ltd. 100.00 22 Commercial & Residential Complex at Patna (Bihar) (Real Estate Project) NBCC Ltd. 65.00 23 Corporate Office Complex at Shimla (HP) Sutlaj Jal Valley Nigam 350.00 24 Hostels for National Academy of Direct Taxes at Nagpur Ministry of Commerce 24.00 25 Training Centre for Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau, Kolkata Ministry of Home Affairs 27.53 26 Campus Development for BCPL, Kanpur (UP) Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 11.78 27 Development works landscaping of Lison Centre at TT School, 20 Subramanian Bharti Marg, New Delhi. Intelligence Bureau (Min. of Home Affairs) 28 Const. of Distribution Pipe Lines for Noth Zone, Agartala (under JNNURM Scheme) Govt. of Tripura 29.29 29 Parking opp.and adjacent to Rikman Hotel, Tura Min. of Urban Development 18.00 30 Shopping Complex for vendors at Nazing Bazar, Tura (Meghalaya) Min. of Urban Deveopment 22.50 31 Town Hall , Udaipur (South Tripura) Min. of Urban Deveopment 22.00 150 Value (Rs in Crore) 7.30 Chapter 15 Sl. No. Name of Work Clients 32 National Press Center, New Delhi 33 Advanced Training Centre & Mess Building at NADT, Nagpur Min. of Information & Broadcasting Income Tax Deptt. 34 Admn. Block & Hostel Building at Gurgaon (Haryana) Min. of New & Renewable Energy 50.00 35 Construction of CRPF Complex at various places 53.58 36 Addl. Work of ESI Model Hospital, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad-Ph-II Special Repair/Renovation of Distt. Hospital at Panchkula, Karnal & Panipat Ministry of Home Affairs ESIC Govt. of Haryana 32.34 37 Value (Rs in Crore) 60.00 100.93 30.22 38 50 Bedded ESIC Hospital at Bhiwadi-Ph.II (Rajasthan) ESIC 11.79 39 Passport Office, Surat Ministry of External Affairs 11.00 40 Drainage work at Ranir Baza, Tripura (West) UIDSSMT(MoUD) 12.17 41 42 Renovation of Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), Maldives Indo Maldives Eco Friendly Building at Maldives Ministry of External Affairs Ministry of External Affairs 15.00 70.00 43 Office Building at Gurgaon for Income Tax Ministry of Finance 10.00 44 Construction of NIT, Durgapur NIT Durgapur 35.00 45 Various Buildings for Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna University (HNBU), Srinagar, Uttarakhand Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna University 48.00 46 Dev. Scheme at Lunglei, Mizoram MoHUPA 13.68 47 Integrated Housing & Slum Development Project IHSDP (MoHUPA) for the Town of Williamnagar Distt. West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 10.35 15.10 The Business Development trend for the last five years is given as under:— Chapter 15 151 Real Estate 15.11 NBCC with a background of 50 years in building construction has taken up Real Estate Projects on commercial basis. Real Estate is a major thrust area for the Corporation for generation of revenue. The following real estate projects are at various stages of implementation:• NBCC VIBGYOR Towers, Kolkata :— “NBCC VIBGYOR Towers” a Real Estate Residential Project comprising well designed two, three & four bed rooms 794 apartments in stilt + 14 storied towers NBCC Vibgyor Towers is planned on 10 acres of land in Action Area I of New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata. Towers ‘A’ , ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ consisting of 448 Nos. Apartments have already been handed over. Balance Towers ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, & ‘H’ comprising of 346 Nos. Apartments are in advance stage of completion and are likely to be handed over to the allotters shortly in April-May, 2011 in phases. • Land at Ghitorni, New Delhi :— As per the direction of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi the lease deed of land measuring 32.46 acres is to be executed in favour of NBCC by GNCTD. The matter is pending with the Hon’ble Chief Minister of GNCTD. • Indian Textile Plaza, Ahmedabad :— NBCC has signed an MoU with National Textile Corporation (NTC) for construction of Indian Textile Plaza at Ahmedabad. NBCC has appointed M/s. Shipra Estates as an Associate to finance, develop and market the project. The land has been registered in favour of NBCC. A portion of land is still under the control of employees of NTC or their nominees. As a result of this, the project could not commence. All efforts are being made to evacuate the encroachers through court as well as out of court settlement. After vacating the land, project would commence. • Valley View Apartment at Kochi:— Multi storey 308 flats of different categories for which drawings have been approved on the land measuring 3.1813 acres of land shall be sold by NBCC in the market • Re-development of Kidwai Nagar (East), New Delhi:— Site Survey and Contouring work is in progress. Offer for appointment of consultant is in progress. The completion period of the project is 5 years. • NBCC Centre at Plot No.2, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi:— The total plot area is 36500 sqm. comprising of three level basements for parking and G+8 stories structures with retail shopping at Ground, 2nd floor and office space from 3rd to 8th floor. In addition, there is provision for services and about 396 car parking facilities have been generated in the overall planning. The project has recently started and excavation work is in progress. • Mango Lane, Kolkata :— The land measuring 2543.44 sqm. was allotted by L&DO at total premium of ` 103 lac. The Associate (namely Mackentosh Burn) for financing and construction of the project has been finalized through open tender. Work is in progress. • KMRCL Project:— This commercial project is to be developed on the land of KMRCL in joint venture (upfront and space sharing basis). Drawings have been submitted to Kolkata Municipal Corporation for their approval. 152 Chapter 15 • Commercial Complex at Cuttack:— Block ‘A’ (a commercial complex) building has been completed. NBCC has taken over its share of built-up space in the complex. • Jackson Gate, Agartala (Tripura):— NBCC & Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) have jointly developed 2680 sqm plot at Jackson Gate, Agartala. The building is complete in all respects. AMC & NBCC have decided to exercise the option to sell all the spaces viz. office, commercial and hotel as separate lots on out right sale on perpetual lease basis. The sale shall be launched shortly. • NBCC Tower, Patna:— About 1.30 acres of land has been obtained from Bihar Rajya Awas Board (BRAB) for development of Real Estate project i.e. Residentialcum-Shopping Complex at Sector-7, Bahadurpur, Patna. The project comprises of two blocks i.e. Block-I & Block-II. Block-I is to be used for residential and commercial purposes and Block-II is for residential purpose only consisting of 98 flats. The project is expected to be completed by March, 2013. • Regency Tower, Patna :— A residential complex namely Regency Tower in Patna is under planning stage on 2.622 acres of land parcel. Total about 170 units would be constructed on this land on receipt of approval of drawings. The project is likely to be launched in March, 2011. • Project at NBCCTown (Ph-I), Khekra, U.P. NBCC is developing a Group Housing Residential Project named as ‘NBCC Town’ in Joint Venture with M/s Mahavir Hanuman Group, consisting of various types of apartments like Lotus (G+3), Lilly(G+3), Tulip(G+3) and Marigold (S+7) & (S+8) on plot area of about 16.28 Acres on Delhi-Saharanpur Highway, Khekra, Baghpat. The total number of units planned is 1316. NBCC has received very good response from the public and Phase – I is completely sold out. The project will be completed by August, 2012. • NBCC Town (Phase – II):— NBCC is developing a Group Housing Residential Project named ‘NBCC Town” (Phase-II) located at Village Masoori, Baghpat on plot area of 29 acres in Joint Venture with M/s Mahavir Hanuman Group consisting 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK higsh rise apartments consisting of 1912 units. • NBCC Town (Phase – III):— The agreement to develop 7.00 acres of land at Khekra in Joint Venture with M/s Ahinsha Builders Pvt. Ltd. & M/s BCC Builders Pvt. Ltd. has been signed and drawings have been submitted for approval. • Group Housing Project, Gurgaon:— NBCC has invited expression of interest from Govt./PSU Employees. NBCC received about 21,000 applications. NBCC has purchased 11.312 acres of land in Sector-89. Drawings for 492 units plus EWS units have been submitted for approval. The project is likely to be launched shortly. • Sector 37D, Gurgaon:— Land measuring 18.031 acres has been registered in the name of NBCC. Drawings for 824 Nos. unit have been submitted for approval. The project is likely to be launched by May, 2011. Chapter 15 153 ISO Certification : 15.12 ISO 9001 Certification has been awarded to NBCC for its Project Management and Consultancy Divisions. The Corporate Mission enshrines building a high degree of customer satisfaction and providing services conforming to ISO 9001:2008 series. License for quality management system issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards is valid up to 29.03.2011. Safety Management : 15.13 NBCC is fully committed to ensure safe working conditions at all work sites. A full fledged and dedicated “Safety Management Cell” is operational at the Corporate Office to spread the awareness of “Safety” in all spheres of activity. The statutory requirement for ensuring safe working conditions at the construction sites is being propagated to all NBCC Officials. 15.14 On 3rd January, 2011 Corporate Safety Policy was launched. The safety policy & guidelines are as under: Corporate Safety Policy: 15.15 National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited (NBCC) is committed to: • Safety of its employees and the people associated with its construction activities at site. • Pursue safety efforts in a concerted and consistent manner at the work sites. • Establishing measurable safety goals, provide resources to make them work and demand accountability fore safety performance. Guiding Principles : • All accidents can and must be prevented. • Each employee is responsible and accountable for maintaining safety standards. • Imparting training to create safety consciousness and to work safely to be the key emphasis of safety programmes. • Safety to be constantly reviewed and enhanced through participative safety committees and other means. • Comprehensive audit of safety performance to be conducted at regular intervals. • All work practices and procedures shall be in consonance with statutory rules and regulations of safety and the best industry practice. • Using environment friendly methods and practices at the worksites and to encourage afforestation in the region to enhance awareness towards environment protection. 15.16 On this momentous occasion “Safety Posters” were released which have been displayed at vantage points at sites/units & offices and also provided to our esteemed clients. Lectures & 154 Chapter 15 Presentations on “Safety” were organized which were attended by all Zonal Heads and Heads of Strategic Business Groups & Regional Business Groups. Strategic Thrust Areas : 15.17 In tune with the changing times, NBCC has been diversifying its activities from time to time and its thrust areas are Real Estate Projects, Power Projects, Project Management Consultancy Services Jobs, Environmental Engineering Plants using “UASB” Technology, Tall Stacks & Cooling Towers using Slip-Form Technology, Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) Contracts, Solid Waste Management and Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The sector wise workload held as on 31.12.2010 is indicated in the figure given below:— Major Ongoing Projects 15.18 Some of the major ongoing projects of NBCC are the following: (i) NIFTEM Works, Haryana: Ministry of Food processing Industries has entrusted the construction of National Institute of Food Technology and Entrepreneurship Management (NIFTEM) at Kundli, (Haryana) to NBCC through an MOU signed on 31.12.2007. This project is based on a theme developed by the Cornell University, USA and the project value on completion may be around Rs 186 crore. Currently, work is going on in phases. The scope of work in Phase–I includes Construction of Institutional Buildings i.e. Academic, Administration, Library, Seminar, Laboratory, Cafeteria, Pilot Plant and Guest House including internal services, HVAC Works, Interior works and furnishing and external development work. At present, nearly Rs 90 crores work is completed. Partial Finishing and external facade of the buildings in Phase- I is in progress for inauguration by January 2011, so that first session of NIFTEM can begin in the year 2011. The buildings like Residential/Hostel Buildings and adjoining external development area, IT works and Laboratory Equipment will be taken up in second phase. Chapter 15 155 (ii) Redevelopment of New Moti Bagh, New Delhi : NBCC has been selected as implementing agency for re-development of New Moti Bagh. Through open auction 3 acres of land has been sold for Rs. 611.00 Crore on behalf of Ministry of Urban Development for financing the project. Thus huge Government housing complex consisting of Type VIII, VII & VI houses including Sewerage Treatment Plant, Horticulture, Solar Panels, Swimming Pool & Community Hall & shopping Complex will come up at no cost to the Government of India. Out of 102 quarters of Type VII 29 nos. quarters have already been handed over to Ministry of Urban Development and more than 50 Nos. are occupied. 22 nos. quarters are getting ready for handing over by March 2011. Ten towers of comprising of 376 Nos. of Type VI flats will be completed by March, 2011. Out of 14 bungalows of Type VIII, two of bungalows are complete, and rest will be completed by March, 2011. (iii) CBI HQ Building, CGO Complex, New Delhi: The construction of massive CBI HQ building (11 storied) under Green Building Concept which was entrusted to NBCC in February 2008 is nearing completion. The project value on completion will be around ` 182 crores. The building having all modern facilities will house the offices of Director (CBI), Additional Director (CBI) and other senior officers and staff of CBI. The building is energy efficient and aesthetically designed with all internal and external services, centrally air-conditioned with Building Management system (BMS) which will take care of the entire security of this landmark building in CGO Complex. STP will also be installed for zero waste water disposals. (iv) Durgapur Chimney Work: NBCC is Constructing 275 M High Twin Steel Flue Chimney T.P.S, Unit 1 & 2 (2x500) with foundation and Installation & commissioning of Stack Elevator, Electrical works with Aviation Lighting System at Durgapur (West Bengal) for M/s BHEL. The project valuing ` 32.25 crore was started in April, 2008. The civil work of Chimney is complete except internal painting, fixing of doors and other some miscellaneous activities. Structural steel internal platform beams, chequered plate floor panels and steel flue liner unit 1 & 2 are complete except erection of some staircase, floor panels and liner restraints which is in progress. The erection of stack elevator and electrical work is in progress. Completed Projects: 15.19 The following Projects were completed in recent years: (i) IIT, Roorkee: NBCC had taken up the construction of Lecture Block, Bio-Technology Block, Boys and Girls Hostel etc. for an estimated cost of around 96 crores for the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee during the year 2008-09, which has been recently completed and handed over. The Staff Accommodation for the teaching faculty (Rs 45 crores) is also in progress in the Campus and will be completed within April 11. The buildings are energy efficient & there is provision for solar water heating system in the Hostels in addition to stand alone photos Voltaic Street lighting, with automatic dusk to dawn operation. 156 Chapter 15 (ii) ESIC Hospital & Staff Quarters at Gurgaon: NBCC has recently completed the construction of 100 bedded ESIC Hospital and staff quarters (20 nos) valuing around Rs 60 crore. The building was inaugurated by Hon’ble Union Minister (Labour & Employment)20.05.2010. this hospital is locted in Sector-9A, Gurgaon at about 3.5 Km away from Railway station as well as city Bus stand. Human Resource Development: 15.20 Human Resource Development continued to be accorded high priority with emphasis on improving skill, competence and knowledge through regular training and in-house/outside faculty professional development programme. A total of 753 training man-days, covering 644 man-days under in-house training programme and 109 man-days under external training programme were achieved during the year. 93 workshops/seminars/lectures and programmes were conducted through in-house and external agencies on different subjects to train the officials. 15.21 The information regarding training needs is derived from Performance Appraisal Instrument as also by consulting the Functional Operation Heads. Based on the training need analysis, in-house and external training programme were organized in order to keep abreast the managers of latest techniques in the field of human resources. Consultative and Participative Management style has been implemented for achieving the corporate goals. 15.22 Periodically, discussions were held between the Management and representatives of various Trade Unions on issues relating to general welfare of the staff and workers. 15.23 Employees Development Centre (EDC), a training institute of NBCC is engaged in imparting training to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ category of workmen aimed at increasing the productivity, quality and adoption of safety measures at work- sites. The category wise human resource held as on 31.12.10 is indicated in the figure given below:— Total Manpower 2340 Information Technology: 15.24 NBCC is fully equipped with latest office automation facilities both at Corporate Office and Regional Offices across the country and has already implemented Local Area Network (LAN) Chapter 15 157 with secured security system. Architectural Design, Structural Design, Project Planning & Scheduling, HR/Payroll Management, Financial Accounting Management System (FAMS), Fixed Assets Management System, Visitors Management System (VMS) etc. have already been computerized in NBCC. 15.25 NBCC Dynamic website ‘’ (bilingual in English & Hindi) with web based secured E-mail facilities hosted on NIC Server is linked with the website of Ministry of Urban Development Website. The website provides the required information of NBCC viz. Financials, Projects, Tender Notices/ NITs, Vigilance, RTI, Corporate Social Responsibility, Welfare Schemes etc. Website is also linked with Government Tender Portal for detailed Tender Notifications/ PQ documents. i.e. General Terms & Conditions (GCC), Bill of Quantities (BoQ) as per the guidelines of CVC. 15.26 NBCC has also introduced e-payments to the contractors/ vendors as also e-auction in Real Estate Sector. E-Governance mechanism through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System has been implemented. NBCC is also planning to set up Wide Area Network (WAN) on priority. Right io Information Act, 2005 (RTI): 15.27 NBCC has set up necessary infrastructure to operationalize the Right to Information Act, 2005. NBCC has appointed Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) stationed at Corporate Office. Field operations of the Corporation are organized into Regional Business Group Head (RBG)/Strategic Business Group Head (SBG). Each RBG/SBG is functioning as the Public Information Officer for their respective Group. All the applications received in the Corporation for providing information are replied as per provision of the RTI Act. Welfare of SCs & STs/Other Backward Classes And Physically Challenged Persons : 15.28 A special cell to look after the welfare of SCs/STs, other backward classes and physically challenged persons is functioning in the Corporation under the control of General Manager (HRM). Shri S.K. Gambhir, General Manager has been appointed as the Liaison Officer of SC/ ST & Physically Challenged Persons and Shri A.K. Singh, Company Secretary/Senior General Manager has been appointed as Liaison Officer for Other Backward Classes (OBC). This cell ensures the compliance of instructions issued by the Government from time to time. The grievances of these employees are attended promptly. Rosters are also maintained in the Corporate Office. NBCC is following all the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time for filling up of vacancies of SC/ST/Other Backward Classes and Physically Challenged Persons. Member of SC/ST is also nominated in the Departmental Selection Committee. Government instructions regarding reservation, relaxations, concessions and benefits as provided under Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participations) Act, 1995 are being complied with. For the selection of minority community candidates, NBCC nominates one member from minority community irrespective of the category of the post, numbers of vacancies and whether minority community candidates have applied or not. 15.29 NBCC is regularly conducting training programmes for its employees on Reservation & Concession for OBC/SC/ST/PH & Ex-Servicemen. During the year 2010-11 NBCC conducted two such programmes which were attended by approx. 60 employees. 158 Chapter 15 15.30 The Regional Business Group (RBG) Heads headed by Executive Director/ Chief/ Senior/General Manager, & Strategic Business Groups (SBGs) headed by Senior General Manager/General Managers and all the Zones are working under these RBGs/SBGs. The Zonal In charges are functioning as Liaison Officers of their respective zone. Conservation of Energy: 15.31 While NBCC engaged in service sector, there is limited scope for energy conservation. Emphasis is being laid on employing techniques which result in conservation of energy, such as use of solar energy devices in buildings. At work place, emphasis is more on installation of energy efficient lights and using natural light to a maximum extent. Sewage Treatment Plants executed using UASB technology without any moving parts helps in conservation of electricity. Corporate Governance: 15.32 NBCC is engaged in implementing the best practices on Corporate Governance with philosophy based on transparency, disclosures and reporting which conforms fully with laws, regulation and guidelines. Objective is to create value for the stakeholders while being a responsible Corporate Citizen. In preparation of Annual Report, the Accounting Standards, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India have been followed. Project In charges and other functionaries in the Corporation are required to comply with provisions of the works manual. In view of the organization changes, Delegations of Powers have been suitably modified from time to time. Guidelines are also being issued by the Vigilance Division for proper execution of works at projects sites. On matters of strategic importance involving high stakes, the Sub-Committee of Directors with association of experts/consultants have been constituted. Corporate Social Responsibilities: 15.33 NBCC, as a responsible Public Sector Enterprise, acknowledges its Corporate Social responsibility and is also member of the Global Compact Society. Efforts put in by NBCC in this field have been recognized by the SCOPE and NBCC has won the “Corporate Social Responsibility & Responsiveness Award” for the year 2007-2008. Several initiatives in this direction have been taken for execution of works in remote and difficult areas & providing job avenues to the locals, rehabilitation/reconstruction of infrastructure works in areas devastated by natural calamities; border fencing works at Bangladesh & Pak borders for national security; and construction of water supply distribution system etc. It has been in forefront to assist the Government in undertaking the Rehabilitation works in the form of establishing Community Centers and Community Kitchens etc. NBCC is working in remote areas where other construction agencies do not venture for upliftment of socio economic status of the locals. In case of any disaster, NBCC is always ready to move in any affected part of the Country for providing rehabilitation services to the needy. 15.34 During the year 2010-11 NBCC has taken CSR initiative towards environment cleansing by sponsoring ‘Park & Ride Facility’ from 05.05.2010 in New Delhi which would enable the car owners to park their car at India Gate and ride in the comfort of AC Buses to reach their offices located on either sides of Rajpath. The initiative is expected to reduce the heavy traffic movement in the locality and de-pollute these important areas of the city. Chapter 15 159 15.35 Under CSR programme NBCC has also concreted internal roads for Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), NOIDA. The Management Committee of SPCA vide their letter dated 5th July, 2010 expressed heartfelt gratitude for the NBCC for this job. Vigilance Activities: 15.36 The Vigilance Division at Corporate Office is headed by Chief Vigilance Officer. Complaints received from within the Corporation, Members of public, Central Bureau of Investigation, Central Vigilance Commission, Clients and Ministry of Urban Development are investigated in Vigilance Division. After verification of complaints, where lapses/irregularities are noticed, the disciplinary proceedings are initiated against the delinquent employees. Further, with an ultimate aim of eradicating corruption in NBCC, a four pronged strategy is followed with an ultimate aim of eradicating corruption amongst the employees of the Corporation which has also been appropriately incorporated in the Annual Plan related to anti-corruption measures: • Preventive Vigilance • Detective Vigilance and Surveillance • Punitive Vigilance • Use of IT innovations to ensure transparency. (i) Preventive Vigilance : 15.37 The inspections of sensitive areas are carried out from time to time by the Vigilance Division either independently or along with the functionary of other streams/agencies such as Financial Audit and also with Chief Technical Examiner – CVC (CTE’s) representatives. (ii) Detective Vigilance : 15.38 On the basis of complaints from member of public, audit reports, inspections, the substandard work and unethical practices are checked to a great extent and steps are taken to avoid recurrence of such irregularities. (iii) Punitive Vigilance : 15.39 Where ever misconduct or corrupt practices are noticed on the basis of reports received from CTE of CVC and / or investigation concluded by the Vigilance Division, disciplinary proceedings are initiated against the delinquent officials and they are accordingly penalized. (iv) Use of IT innovations to ensure transparency : 15.40 In order to ensure transparency and also efficient Vigilance Administration, use of Information Technology Innovations are actively pursued. Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been done in various activities like Salary Processing, Bills Processing etc. The system of e-investment has been introduced by following the investment on short-term temporary surplus funds as per DPE guidelines. NBCC has introduced Bill Watch System and payments having the concept of Centralized Dak Receipt Desk. NBCC has adopted the procedure for registration of vendors for inviting PQ/EOI by hosting on website. All tenders are being called through website also and post tender details are also put on the website for greater transparency. 160 Chapter 15 15.41 System improvement in Vigilance Division has been initiated by introducing effective complaint handling system and complaint database in being maintained to effectively monitor their status resulting in reduction in their pendency. Changes have been introduced in the Vigilance Section of our NBCC Website. Direct access to CVC Circulars has been provided and addition of Vigilance News sub-section has been added to the same. (v) Vigilance Awareness Period: 15.42 Vigilance Awareness Week was observed in the Corporation from 25th October, 2010 to 1st November, 2010. The Vigilance Awareness Week started with Administration of Pledge to all the employees. On this occasion, a Souvenir named ‘SANKALP’ covering messages of the dignitaries, articles related for taking Preventive Vigilance measures in various activities, recent circulars of CVC etc. and posters on vigilance awareness were released by Shri R. Sri Kumar, Vigilance Commissioner, Shri S.B. Ghosh Dastidar, Retired Member (Traffic), Railway Board & CMD, NBCC. During the entire Vigilance Awareness Period, various presentations were made on various topics by the officials of NBCC/CVC/Outside experts. 15.43 Besides above, Essay Competition was also conducted on ‘Honest has a value, corrupt has a price’ in which large number of employees participated and the winners were given prizes. The overall theme of these activities was to emphasize the need of preventive vigilance among the employees of the Corporation. (vi) Integrity Pact : 15.44 The integrity pact is being implemented in the Corporation. The integrity pact and all other related terms and conditions have already been framed. Two Independent External Monitors (IEMs) namely Shri M.K. Sardana and Shri S.B. Ghosh Dastidar have been appointed with the approval of the Commission. Initially, all tenders above a threshold value of ` 50.00 crore will come in the ambit of Integrity Pact. Nodal Officer has been nominated to look after its proper implementation and for interaction with the IEMs on various issues and for conducting regular meetings in the Corporation. Progressive Use of Hindi: 15.45 The Corporation has been implementing the provisions of Official Language Act. Employees are encouraged to use Hindi in their daily working. During the year under report efforts continued in the Corporation towards progressive use of Hindi. During the year 2010-11, Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) quarterly meetings were held to review the progress of official language in the Corporation. 01 September, 2010 to 30 September, 2010 was observed as Hindi Encouragement Month in which various activities and competitions were conducted in which many employees took active part. Hindi Diwas was celebrated on 14th September, 2010. During the year, several workshops were held to promote the use of Hindi. Inspections were conducted by the Hindi Cell in the various Divisions at Regional Business Groups (RBG)/Strategic Business Groups (SBG)/Zonal Offices to oversee the extent of use of official language in day to day working. Further, progress of Official Language implementation was also reviewed in the quarterly General Manager’s Conference. Chapter 15 161 ANNEXURE-15.I Status of Works Awarded To NBCC Under JNNURM as on 31.12.2010 (` In Lakhs) Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Cumulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion TRIPURA 1 Construction of 256 DUs at Kunjaban, Agartala.1,673.00 31.12.2009 1606.77 Completed 2 Improvements of Roads & SWD at Belonia 4,311.33 25.02.2011 845 20% 3 Water Supply, Agartala-Phase-I 7,826.00 30.09.2011 587 8% 4 Improvements of Roads & SWD at Kailasahar. 1,511.00 06.05.2012 10 1% 5 Improvements of Roads & SWD at Kamalpur 777 05.05.2012 10 1% 6 Drain Work at Ranirbazar 1,217.00 12.02.2012 100 8% 7 Sewerage Scheme, Agartala. 10,221.00 Likely to start by end of Jan 2011. Integrated Housing and Slum Development 2,182.00 Project for the Town of Tura, District-West Garo Hills Integrated Housing and Slum Development Project for the Town of Tura, District-West Garo Hills 1,035.00 31.03.2011 107 5% 15.06.2011 5 0.5% Tenders are at award stage. Work is likely to start by end of Jan 2011. MEGHALAYA 8 9 J&K A Comprehensive Sewerage Scheme in Jammu 10 27 MLD Capacity Sewerage Treatment Plant 1,215.00 31.03.2011 817.05 67% 11 30 KM Trunk Line 1,849.96 31.03.2012 691.6 37% 12 90 KM Laterals & Raider Mains in Sector-1 8,009.34 31.03.2012 135.36 9% Sector -2 03.06.2012 49 Sector-3 31.03.2012 481.73 Sector-4 31.03.2012 30 Yet to be awarded — 0% 13 30400 House connections B Comprehensive Sewerage Scheme in Srinagar 14 60 MLD Capacity Sewerage Treatment Plant 2,880.00 31.10.2012 1,040.27 36% 15 36.60 KM Trunk Line 3,424.22 31.03.2012 1,204.49 35% 16 Laterals & Raider Mains in Sector 1 (39 KM) 1,820.00 31.03.2012 503 28% 708 31.03.2011 636.70 90% Sector-2 (22.6 KM) 162 1,475.51 Chapter 15 Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Sector-3 (35 KM) 1,743.79 31.03.2012 447 26% 48220 House connections 2,328.70 Yet to be awarded — 0% 10,383.00 31.03.2011 8,815.00 85% 17 Actual/ Cumulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion HARYANA 18 Laying & revamping of sewerage system at Old Faridabad 19 Drainage System at Old Faridabad 3,064.00 31.03.2011 1,290.00 42% 20 Solid Waste Management at Faridabad 7,654.00 31.03.2011 4,100.00 54% 21 Augmentation of Water Supply at Faridabad 49,348.00 31.12.2011 11,179.00 23% Chapter 15 163 ANNEXURE-15.II Status of Works Awarded to NBCC by Ministry of Urban Development as on 31.12.2010 (` In Lakhs) Sl. Name of Project No. (A) Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Likely date of Completion Cumulative T/O Achieved % Completion 1496.15 03.07.04 1448.65 Completed 186.00 25.12.03 178.46 Completed WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2001-02 MIZORAM 1 Construction of State Government Employees Housing Complex at Aizawl, Mizoram 2 Construction of All India Service Officers Transit Accomodation at Aizawl MEGHALAYA 3 Construction of Grade separator at Police Bazar, Shillong 1086.00 5.77 Fore-closed and transferred to State Govt. due to non-availability of land. 4 Construction of Parking cum Shopping Complex, Police Bazar, Shillong 753.05 30.09.03 677.51 Completed TRIPURA 5 Improvement of City Roads in Agartala 1305.61 25.10.04 1247.28 Completed 6 Improvement of Agartala Drainage System, Agartala 1311.37 31.05.04 1246.55 Completed 7 Solid Waste Management for Agartala City 761.82 30.04.04 731.94 Completed ARUNACHAL PRADESH 8 Residential & non Residential Buildings at Helipad Area, Itanagar 1421.56 30.11.04 1245.00 Completed 9 Infrastructure development works for Housing Complex at Itanagar 1492.93 30.04.07 1448.93 Completed SIKKIM 10 Development of Lall Bazar Shopping Complex at Gangtok (Phase I) 1447.22 24.05.04 1439.68 Completed 11 Development of Lall Bazar Shopping Complex at Gangtok Phase-II 154.08 24.05.04 147.04 Completed Total (A) 164 11415.79 9816.81 Chapter 15 Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Cumulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion (B) WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2002-03 MEGHALAYA 1 Construction of Parking lot for Heavy Vehicles at Bara Bazar, Shillong 1195.00 31.12.04 1165.69 Completed ASSAM 2 Integrated Development of Guwahati Municipal Corporation Roads/Bylanes, Assam 2426.54 30.12.04 2333.26 Completed 3 Storm Water Disposal Scheme for Noonmati Area of Guwahati 2468.59 31.01.06 2442.74 Completed 1236.90 31.07.09 1166.33 Completed 2492.95 12.01.07 2272.84 Completed 2094.25 31.03.05 1904.07 Completed MIZORAM 4 Construction of City Centre, Aizawl MANIPUR 5 Construction of Flyover at Imphal NAGALAND 6 Storm Water Drainage Scheme for Dimapur Total (B) 11914.23 11284.93 ( C) WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2003-04 MIZORAM 1 Construction of Administrative Training Institute at Aizawl 890.97 30.06.06 880.48 Completed 2 Construction of Bus Terminal at Aizawl 1836.55 28.02.07 1784.78 Completed 2479.58 30.06.10 2400.66 Completed 290.43 30.09.09 279.62 Completed 2238.31 21.11.09 367.55 Fore-closed & transferred to the State Govt. 6 Construction of Balance Portion of Kalapania Khal 1095.70 31.12.10 1087.30 Completed 7 Covering of Akhaura Drain in Central Zone, Agartala City 509.85 28.02.06 507.63 Completed MANIPUR 3 Construction of 100 bedded hospital at Thoubal, Manipur 4 Retaining wall on Thoubal river, Manipur ASSAM 5 Storm Water Drainage at Silapathar Dheemaji TRIPURA Total ( C ) Chapter 15 9341.39 7308.02 165 Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Cumulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion 3.03 Project transferred to State Government on the request of Chief Minister. 1217.62 0.66 -do- (D) WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2004-05 MANIPUR 1 Construction of Shopping Centre Block A at Thoubal, Manipur 2 Construction of Shopping Centre Block B at Thoubal, Manipur 3 Community Toilet Complex 176.75 0.00 -do- 4 LED based Traffic Signal 193.75 0.83 -do- 885.50 3.59 As per the request of State Govt., SFC has been held on 26.10.10 to transfer the project to them. The transfer formalities are in process. 2214.90 NAGALAND 5 Reconstruction of Super Market Complex at Kohima, Nagaland SIKKIM 6 Construction of Parking cum Shopping Complex at Balwakhani, Sikkim 1489.00 30.04.07 1433.96 Completed 7 Pedestrian Walkway along NH 31-A from White Hall to Ranipool, Gangtok 1248.41 31.03.07 1211.58 Completed MEGHALAYA 8 Construction of Electric Crematorium at Shillong 409.00 31.08.06 380.49 Completed 9 Construction of Bus/ LMV Parking cum Market Complex Opp. Anjalee Cinema at Shillong 1222.00 30.04.07 1192.18 Completed TRIPURA 10 Improvement of Agartala City Roads Ph. II 2317.07 30.04.07 2212.56 Completed 11 Construction of City Centre at Agartala 2126.91 30.06.08 2126.91 Completed Total (D) 166 13500.91 8565.79 Chapter 15 Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Comulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion (E) WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2005-06 ASSAM 1 Improvement of lanes & Byelanes of Guwahati Phase-II (Part-1) 2416.45 30.06.09 2255.20 Completed MIZORAM 2 Construction of Truck Terminus, Aizawl 2403.27 30.06.08 1625.99 Completed 3 Improvement of Roads in Aizawl 2399.09 28.02.09 1906.01 Completed 4 Government housing Phase II, Aizawl 2111.50 30.04.10 1890.84 Completed 2431.73 30.11.07 2395.24 Completed ARUNACHAL PRADESH 5 Development of Model Distt. Head Quarters at Yupia MANIPUR 6 City Convention Centre, Imphal, Manipur 2348.01 12.61 Project transferred to the State Govt. TRIPURA 7 Super market complex at Lichubagan, Agartala 1387.18 30.04.10 1130.02 Completed 8 Radhanagar Bus Station at Agartala 1071.22 31.08.09 1071.20 Completed 1011.62 15.03.09 999.75 Completed 2278.83 31.03.11 2197.10 MEGHALAYA 9 Bus/LMV Parking cum Market Complex at Mawlong-Hut Shillong,Meghalaya SIKKIM 10 Sports complex at Gangtok Total(E) (F) 19858.90 96% 15483.96 WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2006-07 TRIPURA 1 Market complex Kumarghat, Tripura 946.23 30.11.08 805.96 Completed. 2 Super market at Teliamura, West Tripura 701.85 30.06.08 623.99 Completed. 1700.70 21.11.09 329.34 Fore-closed & transferred to the State Govt. ASSAM 3 Storm water drainage Silcher Phase -I Assam Chapter 15 167 Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Comulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion SIKKIM 4 Multi level car parking-Cum shopping plaza at Namchi, Sikkim 2313.54 31.10.09 1949.65 Completed. 5 Distt. Library Cum museum at Namchi, Sikkim 1449.05 31.03.09 1253.72 Completed. 6 Parking plaza cum allied facility at Jorethang, Sikkim 2358.90 31.07.10 2033.01 Completed. Total (F) 9470.27 6995.67 (G) WORKS AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2007-08 MIZORAM 1 Improvement of City Roads in Kolasib,Mizoram2459.88 30.09.11 834.20 34% 2 Development Scheme for Champhai Town, Mizoram2362.52 29.12.12 685.48 29% 1956.31 31.03.11 1250.50 64% MEGHALAYA 3 Commercial Complex Cum Parking at Nongpah TRIPURA 4 Super Market & office Complex at Amarpur 1375.04 26.06.11 474.77 35% 5 Town Hall at Amarpur 1878.00 30.06.11 920.80 49% 6 Bus terminal & Shopping Centre-Cum-Marriage Hall at Kamalpur 2168.00 11.02.13 862.09 40% 7 Town Hall at Dharmnagar 1604.00 30.06.11 745.00 46% 8.20 Project transferred to the State Govt. ASSAM 8 Improvement of Bye lanes in Guwhati (Ph-II, Part-2) 2470.66 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 9 Infrastructure Development of Koloriang Town 2414.00 29.08.12 54.70 2% 1916.00 31.03.11 824.36 43% SIKKIM 10 Parking plaza cum allied Facilities at Ravangla, Sikkim Total (G) 20604.41 6660.10 (H) WORK AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2008-09 MEGHALAYA 1 168 Construction of parking lot opposite end and adjacent to Rikman Hotel, Tura, Meghalaya 1884.81 20.03.12 20.00 1% Chapter 15 Sl. Name of Project No. Sanctioned Cost Actual/ Cumulative Likely date T/O of Completion Achieved % Completion TRIPURA 2 Tripura development of Sabroom Town, 2279.42 26.03.13 469.00 21% 3651.23 04.08.13 46.80 1% 23.01.13 919.00 29% MIZORAM 3 Construction of Auditorium and Stadium Complex at Serchipp, Mizoram. SIKKIM 4 Construction of multi level car parking- cum-allied3192.16 facilities at Mangan, North Sikkim. TOTAL (H) (I) 11007.62 1454.80 WORK AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2009-10 TRIPURA 1 Town Hall at Udaipur 2267.64 31.12.12 100.00 4% MIZORAM 2 Development Scheme at Serchhip 2322.43 Work is being mobilised. 3 Convention Centre at Lunglei 1877.40 Tendering is in process and work is likely to start by the end of Jan. 2011. 481.44 Tendering is in process and work is likely to start by the end of Jan. 2011. MEGHALAYA 4 Parking at Akhongre Total (I) GRAND TOTAL Chapter 15 6948.91 100.00 114062.43 67670.08 169 ANNEXURE-15.III Solid Waste Management (SWM) being executed by NBCC for Ministry of Urban Development Status as on 31st December, 2010 (` In Lakhs) Sl. No. Name of Project Total Cost Date of completion Remarks 1 SWM, Sirsa (Haryana) 811.51 June, 2006 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 2 SWM, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) 1850.74 October, 2006 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 3 SWM, Pune (Maharashtra) 2554.00 June, 2010 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 4 SWM, Gwalior (MP) 1280.17 July, 2008 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 5 SWM, Adampur (Punjab) 212.68 January, 2008 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 6 SWM, Ambala (Haryana) 981.70 March, 2008 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 7 SWM, Dundigal (Andhra Pradesh) 215.24 December, 2007 Under Operation & Maintenance by Urban Local Body. 8 SWM Tejpur 750.19 March, 2011 In progress. 75% completed 170 Chapter 15 16 1. AUTONOMOUS AND STATUTORY BODIES DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) For matters relating to the development of Delhi according to plan and for matters ancillary thereto, the Delhi Development Act, 1957 was enacted and accordingly, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) was set up. The objects of the Authority are to promote and secure the development of Delhi according to plan and for that purpose, the Authority have the power of acquire, hold, manage and dispose of land and other property, to carry out building, engineering, mining and other operations, to execute works in connection with supply of water and electricity, disposal of sewage and other services and amenities and generally to do anything necessary or expedient for purposes of such development and for purposes incidental thereto. 16.1 The Master Plan for Delhi (MPD) with the perspective for the year 2021 was notified by the Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India vide SO 141-(E) dated 7.2.2002. Subsequent to that, several modifications in MPD-2021 were carried out. These modifications provide further relief to various sections of the society and have benefited inhabitants of special area, village abadi and unauthorized regularized colonies, industrial units, misused activities, small shops, NGOs, professionals etc. Role of DDA in Commonwealth Games – Delhi 2010 16.2 The Games Village was constructed by DDA on PPP mode providing Residential Accommodation for 8000 participants comprising 1168 apartments in 34 towers, Practice Venue, Fitness Centre, Swimming Pool, Wrestling, Weight Lifting and Athletic Track, Temporary structure for Dining Hall, kitchen, Transport mall, International Zone and Offices etc. Development of Competition Venues z Siri Fort Sports Complex - Badminton & Squash z Yamuna Sports Complex - Table Tennis & Archery(Preliminaries) Badminton, Squash, Tennis and Aquatics. Aquatics, Women’s Rhythmic Gymnastics, Lawn Bowls, Archery & Hockey. Badminton Provision of Training Venues z z Siri Fort Sports Complex Yamuna Sports Complex - z Saket Sports Complex - 16.3 In addition to above, some other facilities listed below were also provided: (i) Helipad (ii) Sewage & Water Treatment Plants (iii) Landscaping with nine (9) fountains & a large water body. Chapter 16 171 DDA- Unified Traffic & Transportation Infrastructure (Plg. & Engg.) Centre (UTTIPEC). 16.4 During the period, the following schemes/guidelines were approved by the UTTIPEC: z MRTS connectivity and Multimodal integration - Checklist z Road Development Plan for 45 mtr. ROW approach road from Mehrauli Mahipalpur and Nelson Mandela Road towards DDA Mega Housing Scheme. z Widening of Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road from Andheria Mor to Delhi Haryana Border: Proposed Link Road connecting Mehrauli Mahipalpur Road and Mehrauli Gurgaon Road - NHAI. z Signalization at Dwarka Circle (NSG Rounder) and other interfacing issues Northern Access Road. z TOD Pilot Project for Group Housing Pocket around Karkardooma Metro Station. z Management, Streetscaping and Urban Place making plan for Karol Bagh Zone by MCD. z Transport Plan from IGI Airport to Common Wealth Games Village, 15 hostels, D-6 Vasant Kunj Flats. z Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy. z Outer Ring Road (ORR) RTR - PWD. z Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Road Map. z Detailed alignment plan for widening of Patparganj Road from ROB - 36 to NH-24. z Urban Street Renewal Projects in Shahjahanabad - S.P. Mukherji Marg - MCD. z Construction of Underpass connecting High Court and Underground Parking. z MRTS Connectivity - Project Vikas Marg (Anand Vihar Stn. - Karkari Mor - Yamuna Bank Station). Achievements of DDA 16.5 The achievements of DDA during the year 2010-2011 up to Dec’10 as under: DDA- Construction of Residential Buildings: 16.6 The brief details of houses in progress as on 1.1.2011, new houses started during 20102011, houses completed by DDA during the year 2010-11 till December, 2010 are given as under: Sl.No. Description HIG MIG LIG EWS/ JANTA TOTAL 3531 747 3277 8302 15857 1 Houses in progress as on 1.4.2010 2 New Houses targeted to be taken up during 2010-11 Nil Nil 18020 28610 46,630 3 New Houses taken up from Apr’10 to Dec’10 Nil Nil Nil 18600 18600 4 Houses targeted to be completed during 2010-11 1808 436 6172 Nil 8416 5 Houses completed from Apr’10 to Dec’10 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 6 Houses in progress as on 01.01.2011 3531 747 3277 26902 34457 172 Chapter 16 DDA- Development of Commercial Centres: 16.7 The position of various shopping/commercial complexes in progress as on 1.4.2010 and new complexes started and completed during the year 2010-11till December, 2010 is given as under: Sl.No. Description 1 2 3 DC 5 Commercial Centres in progress as on 1.4.2010 2 New Commercial complexes to be taken up in 2010-11 Nil New Commercial complexes taken up from Nil Apr’10 to Dec’10 Commercial Centres targetted to be completed 2 during 2010-11 Commercial Centres completed from Apr’10 to Dec’10Nil 6 Commercial Centres in progress as on 01.01.2011 4 2 CC LSC CSC TOTAL 5 2 Nil 2 2 Nil 1 4 Nil 10 8 Nil 5 3 5 15 Nil Nil Nil Nil 5 2 1 10 Note: D.C – District Centre, C.C – Community Centre, L.S.C – Local Shopping Centre, C.S.C – Convenient Shopping Centre DDA-Major Schemes for Development of Land: 16.8 DDA is relentlessly continuing its development activities and expanding the city limits as per Master Plan, by developing new Sub-Cities and creating the physical infrastructure such as roads, sewerage, drainage, water supply, power lines and recreational facilities etc. for such Urban Extensions vis a vis Dwarka, Narela, Rohini. DDA-Development/Maintenance of Horticulture Works 16.9 DDA’s emphasis has been to develop green areas which are lungs of the city. . DDA has conserved the natural features like River & Ridge and developed open spaces in the form of Regional Parks, District Parks, Green Belts, Neighbourhood Greens etc. to cater to the growing urban populace of this city with about 3800 small & big parks under its jurisdiction. DDA- Housing 16.10 The achievements during the period January, 2010 to December, 2010 are as under : z Upto-date all laid down procedures, circulars, policies, formats etc. uploaded on DDA’s website. z DDA Housing Scheme-2010 launched for allotment of approx. 16,000 flats of different categories from 25.11.2010 to 24.12.2010 which is the largest scheme ever launched. z Draft Policy regarding disposal of CWG-2010 flats framed and the matter under consideration by competent authority. z 4811 conversion cases from leasehold to freehold settled. z 776 cases of mutation finalized. DDA-EWS Housing projects 16.11 To uplift and provide healthy environment for the Economically Weaker Section (Slum Dwellers), sites were identified for 46,360 dwelling units out of which work has already been awarded for 18,600 dwelling units and remaining houses are likely to be taken up in the year 2011. Chapter 16 173 USE OF TREATED SEWAGE WATER 16.12 Use of treated sewage water for Horticulture works is being given utmost importance. By using treated sewage, tube wells in use are likely to be de-commissioned. DDA has already made schemes to utilize treated sewage water. RAIN WATER HARVESTING 16.13 Rain water harvesting is an easy and effective method of replenishing the ever depleting water table in order to ensure a reliable source of water in the near and distant future. The Rain Water Harvesting schemes are being implemented in various projects which have been completed / in progress / in planning. DDA- In-Situ Development of JJ Clusters 16.14 DDA shall undertake the in-situ development of 291 Jhuggi-Jhompri (JJ) Clusters identified comprising of approximately 90,000 jhuggies and in Ph-I 21 sites have been identified all over Delhi. The survey work at 12 sites is being carried out to identify the eligible jhuggies. The in-situ development work at Katputhili Colony near Patel Nagar has been awarded and bids were received for the site at Jailarwala Bagh. DDA- Budget Provisions 16.15 It deals with the compilation of Annual Budget of the Authority and release of funds to the Zonal CAU offices. Control over the expenditure on various heads/projects is monitored with reference to budgetary allocation. The details of funds released to various Departments during the year 2010-11 (up to December, 2010) are given below:(` in Lakhs) Sl. No. 1. 2. Particulars Funds released to CAUs/Store Divisions/Flyover Lot I & II:(a) Works including Stores (b) Flyovers (out of UDF) (c) CWG 2010 (d) Salary/Ex-gratia etc. Funds released to other departments :(i) DMRC (ii) MCD (iii) Airports Authority of India Total Amount 82339.53 1600.00 40830.00 37886.45 Nil Nil 3140.00 165795.98 DDA- Landscape 16.16 DDA has promoted the development of green belts, theme parks, urban-woodlands, green areas around monuments, Bio-diversity parks, etc. which are being designed in house by 174 Chapter 16 the Landscape Unit of DDA. This includes designing and policy decision related to Regional parks as per norms laid down in the Master Plan, designing of all the District Parks under the jurisdiction of DDA, along with Neighborhood parks, Play fields, Children Parks and other small parks in residential areas, special projects like Bio-diversity Parks, Golf Course, reclaiming sanitary landfill sites. Indraprashta Park, River Front Development, Aastha Kunj and Heritage projects like Tughlaqabad have also been taken up by the Landscape Unit. The concept of Water shed-development, Water harvesting and conservation of rainwater, recharging of underground water reservoir also adopted in the planning of the various greens. DDA- Sports 16.17 The Sports infrastructure developed by the DDA consist of : Sports Complexes - 13 (4 in South, 3 each in North, East & West) Mini Sports Complex - 1 (Munirka) Swimming Pools - 14 Fitness Centers in Sports Complex - 13 (including 1 ladies gym) Multigyms in green areas - 26 (including 1 ladies gym) Golf Courses - 2 (Lado Sarai & Bhalswa) Mini Golf Course - 1 (Siri Fort) Golf Driving Ranges - 3 (Siri Fort, Qutab & Bhalswa Golf Courses) 16.18 Over 20 sports disciplines are provided in each of the complexes. Sports Complexes are totally devoted to sports related activities to ensure maintenance of sports culture and Over 20 sports disciplines are provided in each of the complexes. Membership Status / Utilisation 16.19 The daily average utilization of the sports facilities is 14000 individuals. Besides, facilities are utilized by schools / colleges / institutions etc. for training or organizing sports events. DDA-Land Disposal 16.20 Disposal of Commercial plots: During the year one tender programmes has been conducted for sale of Commercial/hotel/multilevel parking plots. Total 14 plots were allotted earning revenue of ` 826.28 crores. During the month of March 2011, auction/tender programmes are scheduled to be held for disposal of commercial/residential/institutional plots. 16.21 Streamline system of conversion to free-hold, a policy for rationalization of levy of misuse charges finalized with the approval of the Authority. This policy has given a huge relief to applicants of conversion and a considerable number of pending cases could be sorted out. 16.22 Status of pending applications for conversion to free-hold has been provided on the website of DDA. 16.23 All important circulars of Land Disposal Department have been made available on the website of DDA. Chapter 16 175 16.24 A Lok Shivir was organized for finalization of pending conversion cases where about 300 cases were disposed. 16.25 Applications have been invited for allotment of built-up Commercial units for various reserve categories i.e. SC, ST, PH, Freedom-Fighter, LAC, Ex-Servicemen etc. About 35,000 applications have been received and a computerized draw will be held in the month of February/ March 2011. DDA- Land Management 16.26 From April 2010 to 31.12.2010 DDA has carried out 180 demolition operations and about 41.86 acres land was made free of encroachments. In this process 2741 structures of kucha, pucca and semi pucca nature were removed. 16.27 Major achievements of the year 2010-2011 (upto 31.12.2010) are given below: Sl.No. Functions 2010-2011 1. Land handed over to DDA by LAC 373.39 Acres 2. Demolition program fixed (Nos) 279 3. Demolition program carried out(Nos) 180 4. Structures removed (Nos.) 2741 5. Land reclaimed 41.86 Acres 6. Recovery of Damages RS.37,98,930/- 7. No. of damages cases decided 768 DDA- Building Building Permits: 16.28 The details on building permits is as follows : (i) During the period under report 1660 building permits were sanctioned. (ii) B-1 permits were issued – 59 (iii) NOC/CC were issued - 129 Revenues: 16.29 An amount of Rs. 6,85,15,182 was received from the Auction purchasers/allottees by way of building permits, compounding fees, peripheral charges and additional FAR charges. DDA- Training Department: 16.30 During the current year, the Training Institute successfully organised Training courses for all categories of DDA employees nominated to participate in the various courses, workshops, seminars, conferences etc., organised by the Training Institute in–House and External Training courses organised by other professional institutions/agencies. 176 Chapter 16 DDA- Right to Information(RTI) and Coordination 16.31 DDA has opened 14 separate counters for RTI in its offices where the forms/applications are received along with the fee. DDA has appointed five counselors who give assistance to the public to the queries regarding RTI. An application form has been designed for seeking information regarding RTI which is not mandatory and is free of cost. DDA also receives applications in plain paper through post, through electronic media etc. 16.32 Complete information regarding RTI, list of PIOs and Appellate Authorities, application form and miscellaneous information regarding RTI are available on DDA’s website. 16.33 From 12th October 2005 to 31st December 2010, DDA has received 57193 applications under the Act, out of which 55586 applications have been disposed of and 1607 are under process and which are less than 30 days. However there are 105 applications which are more than 30 days pending for reasons varying from want of documents, payment from the applicant and clarification from the applicant. DDA- Vigilance 16.34 The Vigilance Department is responsible for receipt and processing of complaints, conducting in depth investigation and framing charge sheets in consultation with the CVC. Vigilance Department also analyses the Inquiry Reports and gives its comments for consideration of the Disciplinary Authorities. Further, appeals, review petitions, suspensions, its review and regularization are also dealt by the Vigilance Deptt. (I) Disciplinary cases initiated during 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 Year No. of Charge Sheet issued Major Penalty Minor Penalty 2010-11 (1.4.10 to 31.12.2010) 36 30 6 (II) Disciplinary cases finalized during 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 Year No. of cases finalized Penalty Imposed Exonerated 2010-11 (1.4.10 to 31.12.2010) 178 126 52 Received during the year Disposed off Balance 706 766 2023 (III) General Complaints received and investigated. Year 2010-11 (1.4.10 to 31.12.2010) Opening GC 2083 (IV) Preliminary Enquiry registered and investigated. Year Opening PE Registered during Investigated the year Balance 2010-11 (1.4.10 to 31.12.2010) 493 38 446 Chapter 16 85 177 DDA WEBSITE 16.35 The DDA’s website is dynamic and bilingual (English and Hindi). This website contains pages for various departments of DDA like Housing, Land Disposal, Planning, Personnel, Sports and Environment etc. Information of public like guidelines and procedures for various activities of DDA, application forms for applying for Housing & Land Schemes in downloadable format, Public Notices and Tender Notices are appropriately are available in the web site. Results of allotment of properties - both plots and built up units through draw etc are also displayed on website soon after the draw of lots. Website is responsive to citizens’ need. Public can on 24 x 7 basis make queries related to their allotments in respect of Housing as well as Land properties by entering file no/ registration no for viewing registration details / priority status/allotment status / payments details. 2. NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION PLANNING BOARD (NCRPB) 16.36 The National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) was constituted under an Act of Parliament, namely the National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985. The key rationale for constituting a National Capital Region (NCR) in 1985 has been to develop the National Capital and its surrounding areas as a region of global excellence with Delhi-centric emphasis to disperse/ reduce pressure on the National Capital’s infrastructure. Substantial financial resources are required for translating the above vision of the NCR into actual reality on the ground and for this purpose the Board is mainly dependent upon the Central grants and grants from the GNCT of Delhi 16.37 National Capital Region comprises an area of 33,578 square kilometers and covers eight districts of Haryana, five districts of Uttar Pradesh (UP), one district of Rajasthan and the entire National Capital Territory of Delhi. The National Capital Region also has five Counter-magnet Areas outside the Region, namely, Hissar (Haryana), Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh), Kota (Rajasthan), Patiala (Punjab) and Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh). 16.38 During the year 2010-11, following important activities have been undertaken by the NCR Planning Board:— A. IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL PLAN-2021 FOR NCR 16.39 National Capital Region Planning Board has mandate for preparation of a Plan for the development of the National Capital Region (NCR) and for evolving harmonized policies for the control of land uses and development of infrastructure in NCR to avoid any haphazard development in the region. With active participation of the NCR constituent States of Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and NCT-Delhi and Central Ministries concerned Regional Plan-2021 for NCR was prepared by the Board, which came into effect on 17.09.2005. Preparation of Sub-Regional Plans under Regional Plan-2021 for NCR 16.40 The Board had prepared the Regional Plan-2021 and with the approval of NCR Planning Board in its 28th meeting held on 9.7.2005, it was duly notified on 17.9.2005. 16.41 Section 17(1) of the NCRPB Act, 1985 provides that each participating state shall prepare a Sub-regional Plan for the sub-region within that State and the Union Territory shall prepare a Subregional Plan for the Sub-region within the Union Territory. 178 Chapter 16 16.42 Preparation of Sub-Regional Plans by the participating states is in progress. Governments of Haryana, Rajasthan & U.P have appointed the Consultants for the preparation of Sub-Regional Plan for their Sub-regions. For Haryana Sub region the consultant has submitted the Draft Final Report. For Rajasthan Sub region the Inception Report has been approved and the consultant has submitted the base map. For U.P. Sub Region the Inception Report has been approved. Preparation of Functional Plans 16.43 The Board has prepared Functional Plans on Ground Water Recharge and Transportation. Study Groups were constituted for the preparation of Functional Plans on Drainage & Power and four meetings of each Study Group had taken place. Draft Functional Plan for Water has been prepared and will be placed in the next Planning Committee Meeting for consideration. The work on other Functional Plans is in progress. Master/Development Plans preparation 16.44 The Constituent States have been preparing the Master/Development Plans for various Urban Settlements in their respective Sub-regions. The Constituent States of NCR have prepared 28 Master/Development Plans and 31 are in various stages of preparation so far. During the year 2009-10, Board received the copies of draft Master/Development Plans for two towns from the Constituent States and examined the same. The comments of the Board were conveyed to the concerned Departments to incorporate the same. Constitution of the State Level Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary 16.45 The Board pursued with the NCR Constituent States to constitute State level Steering Committees under the chairmanship of respective Chief Secretaries for monitoring and effective implementation of Regional Plan-2021. Signing of Common Reciprocal Transport Agreements/Bi-lateral Agreements 16.46 Board pursued with its constituent States for signing of “Common Reciprocal Transport Agreement” for ‘Contract Carriage’ and ‘Stage & Goods Carriage’ for unrestricted/seamless travel in NCR to facilitate general public. The Common Reciprocal Transport Agreement related to Contract Carriage was signed on 14.10.2008 and has been notified by the constituent States of NCR which will help in the movement of Auto-rickshaws and Taxis within NCR without any additional passenger tax. As a result of this Agreement, the taxis have started plying between U.P., Delhi and Haryana without hindrance. Peripheral Expressway Around Delhi 16.47 Five National Highways, namely, NH-1, NH-2, NH-8, NH-10 & NH-24 converge onto the ring road in NCT Delhi and result in heavy congestion not only on the ring roads but also on roads in entire urban areas of Delhi. 16.48 In order to provide by-passes/linkages to all the above mentioned five National Highways outside Delhi, a Peripheral Expressway was proposed in the Regional Plan. The western half of this bypass road linking NH-1 at Kundli in the North to NH-2 at Faridabad in the South Chapter 16 179 via NH-10 & NH-8 outside the western periphery of Delhi has been designated as the Western Peripheral Expressway. The eastern half of this bypass road linking NH-1 at Kundli in the North to NH-2 at Faridabad in the South via NH-24 on the Eastern side of Delhi has been designated as the Eastern Peripheral Expressway. 16.49 The work of the Western Peripheral Expressway has been awarded to the concessionaire on 31.1.2006 for the concession period of 23 years and 9 months (including three years of construction period) by Government of Haryana. Total length of this Expressway is 135.65 km. 16.50 Detailed Project Report for the Eastern Peripheral Expressway has been prepared. Land acquisition is in progress. Target date for completion of this project is 21.7.2012. Delhi Meerut Expressway 16.51 The proposal to construct Delhi-Meerut Expressway as proposed in the Regional Plan2021 was pursued with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India. The said ministry has initiated action for its implementation. Consultant has been appointed to finalize the alignment. National Highways 16.52 In the National Capital Region, part of National Highway-1, 2, 8, 10, 24, 58, 71, 71-A & 91 forms the road network in addition to State Highways and other roads. Regional Plan2021 has proposed up-gradation of these National Highways. With the persuasion of the Board, action has been initiated by the Department of Road Transport, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways to further up-grade these highways to 6-lanes or more as per the provisions of Regional Plan-2021 for NCR. Study on Integrated Transportation Plan for NCR 16.53 The study on “Integrated Transportation Plan for National Capital Region” has been completed. This study has identified the major transport demand corridors (road as well as rail) to and from Delhi as well as within the NCR taking into consideration the proposed policies/programme of growth, changing socio-economic and travel characteristics and environmental issues. The findings of the study have been utilized to prepare the Functional Plan on Transport for NCR. Study on Water Supply and its Management in NCR 16.54 The study on Water Supply and its Management in NCR has been completed and a workshop was organized on 25.11.10. The study has identified several measures for water conservation, revival of lakes, recharge of ground water and adopting drip/sprinkler system etc. The Draft Functional Plan on Water has been prepared based on the findings and recommendations of the study, which will be placed before the Planning Committee for consideration. Study on Micro & Household Enterprises in NCR 16.55 The study on Micro & Household Enterprise in NCR has been awarded to Consultant. The findings of the study would focus on creation of livelihoods through promotion of clusters, provision of requisite infrastructure, etc. for micro and household enterprises not only in big cities, but also in small towns and other settlements in rest of NCR. 180 Chapter 16 Study on Educational Infrastructure in NCR 16.56 The study on Educational Infrastructure in NCR has been awarded to Consultant. The study would identify the gaps in quality, quantity and geographical distribution and suggest remedial measures for possible project formulation. Study on Economic Profile of NCR 16.57 The Study of Economic Profile of NCR was awarded to Consultant, with the objective of providing an accurate database of the trends of growth, providing an understanding of economy of NCR, identifying potential projects and providing inputs for review of Regional Plan - 2021. Study on Health Infrastructure in NCR 16.58 The study on Health Infrastructure in NCR has been awarded to Consultant. The study would focus on status of health infrastructure in NCR, identification of gaps and formulation of projects and interventions required etc. Extension of Metro Rail to NCR Towns 16.59 In order to provide the connectivity of Delhi Metro to CNCR towns, namely, Gurgaon, Faridabad & Bahadurgarh of Haryana Sub-region and Noida & Ghaziabad of U.P. Sub-region, the matter was proposed and pursued with the Delhi Metro and the proposals for providing Mass Commuter System to CNCR towns through extension of Delhi Metro to Faridabad has been approved; Delhi-Noida and Delhi-Gurgaon Corridors have been commissioned. New Rail Links in NCR 16.60 In order to improve the Rail connectivity in NCR, work is in progress for the following Rail corridors : a. New Railway Line connecting Rewari-Jhajjar-Rohtak b. New Railway Line connecting Sonepat-Gohana-Jind c. 4th rail line on Tugalakabad-Palwal d. 3rd & 4th rail line Sahibabad-Anand Vihar e. 5th & 6th line New Delhi-Tilak Bridge f. Mega Terminal at Holambi Kalan & Bijwasan g. Anand Vihar Terminal. Resource Mobilization for Development of the NCR 16.61 NCRPB gets budgetary support and has plans to access international funding and access to capital market. (a) Budgetary Support 16.62 During the year 2010-against a total budgetary allocation of ` 50 crore, ` 20.00 crores as contribution to the NCRPB Fund has been released. Chapter 16 181 (b) Extra budgetary resources and market borrowings 16.63 ADB has approved a loan of US $ 150 million to be released over a period of 5 years. Loan agreement is due to be signed during the current financial year. KfW (German Bilateral Corporation) has also agreed to provide a loan of Euro 100 million to be released over a period of 4 years for which loan agreement is due to be signed by the Board during the current financial year. 16.64 During the year 2010-11, NCRPB has also raised ` 500 crore from the domestic capital market through private placement of bonds of 10 years tenure with put/call option after 7 years. The Bonds are rated as ‘AAA’ with stable out of look by CRISIL and ‘LAAA’ by ICRA which is the highest rating provided by them. During 11th Plan so far, NCRPB has raised a total of ` 1100 crore from the market through bonds. (c) Project Financing by NCRPB 16.65 The National Capital Region Planning Board provides financial assistance to the participating States and their implementing agencies for infrastructure development in the form of loan upto 75% of estimated cost of project. During the current financial year 2010-11 (upto Nov. 2010) loan amounting to ` 218 crore for four new infrastructure projects with a total outlay of ` 410 crore has been sanctioned. A total loan of ` 517.69 crore upto Nov. 2010 has been disbursed for the new and on going projects. 3. DELHI URBAN ART COMMISSION (DUAC) 16.66 The Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC) was set up by an Act of Parliament with a view to advice the Central Govt. in the matter of preserving, developing and maintaining the aesthetic quality of urban and environmental design within Delhi and to provide advice and guidance to any local body in respect of any project of building operation or engineering operations or any development proposals which affects or is likely to affect the sky-line or the aesthetic quality of surroundings or any public amenity provided therein. The Act came into force with effect from May 1, 1974. 16.67 Proposals are referred to the Commission by the local bodies for advice and the same are duly considered in regular meetings of the Commission. While two meetings in each month with a gap of not more than 20 days in between two meetings is mandatory the Commission on an average held 20 meetings during April-December’10 period. The decisions taken are conveyed to the local bodies for further necessary action. During the period from 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 total 173 proposals were received out of which 118 were considered by the Commission. Out of these 56 proposals were approved and observations given in case of 47 proposals after due scrutiny of the proposal by the Commission in its meetings. Remaining proposals were deferred due to insufficient information. Keeping in view the past trend it is anticipated that another 39 proposals complete in all respects in terms of documents and materials required by the Commission would be considered during the period Jan-March’11 and all these proposals would be considered by the Commission on first come first serve basis. The Commission rendered valuable advice on the proposals received from time to time keeping in view its mandate as stipulated in the DUAC Act. 16.68 The Master Plan of Delhi 2021 acknowledges the fact that the City which is growing at an unprecedented pace needs to be able to integrate its elegant past as well as the modern developments 182 Chapter 16 in an organic whole. The Commission which has been entrusted with the role of inter-alia preservation and maintaining the environment faced a big challenge in balancing development and preservation. Special care was taken in respect of proposals which had monuments, heritage structures and large number of trees on the site. Detailed discussions were held and site visits made to ensure that in terms of the laws pertaining to preservation of heritage structures due care is being taken for preventing damages to such buildings and their view is not impaired. Each mega project brought before the Commission was examined in the light of its impact on the existing green cover and on the surrounding areas. For this purpose the Commission has made it mandatory for submission of a site survey plan with every proposal containing details in respect of contours of land, location of trees, their girth, species and other natural features present at site. By modifying the layout, design etc. without compromising on the functional aspects, the Commission has been able to save large number of existing trees at the site which were initially intended to be cut. 16.69 The Commission continued to promote the policy of the Government for energy conservation. While discouraging use of curtain glass it recommended changes in design for creating energy efficient buildings which would depend more on natural means of lighting and ventilation rather than using artificial means for this purpose. 16.70 Considering the Commonwealth Games period as an opportunity to showcase Delhi’s rich contemporary culture and heritage to the visitors to the City, the Commission planned an exhibition at important locations of the city on the theme “Delhinama”. The exhibition was based on extensive research work done by various consultants over a period of one year. The exhibition portrayed Delhi’s progress from Paleolithic time to Master Plan-2021 through its changing character in respect of specific aspects like economics, anthropology, ecology, politics contemporary Delhi. The exhibition was very popular and well received. Encouraged by this response the Commission is planning to bring out a book which shall be a compilation of articles by experts on various subjects concerning Delhi as well as visuals procured as a part of its research work. 16.71 The Citizen’s Charter of DUAC is available on its website It contains information as required to be displayed in terms of the Right to Information Act. As per the guidelines issued by the Government to implement good governance model in Government organizations, a selfassessment was carried out by the Commission. The proposal was accepted by the Ministry of Urban Development. The results of the self-assessment are being included in the Commission’s annual report which is tabled before the Parliament. 16.72 DUAC is a non-commercial, non-earning body which functions in public interest free of cost. The Commission does not have any revenue generation of its own. The grants received from the Government during the year (upto December 2010) is ` 197.57 lakhs. After taking into account the amount of ` 0.43 lakhs carried over from the previous financial year the total funds available to the Commission upto December 2010 was ` 198 lakhs. Against this, the expenditure during the period April-December 2010 is ` 179.16 lakhs (provisional). 4. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF URBAN AFFAIRS (NIUA) 16.73 National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) was set up in 1976 as an autonomous organization, registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 for carrying out research in urban development and administration and for collecting, processing, storing and dissemination of Chapter 16 183 information regarding urban local bodies with regard to their functioning, management, finance, development programmes and personnel training. 16.74 This Ministry gives grant-in-aid (Non-plan) to the Institute to meet establishment and general maintenance expenditure including salary and allowances of core staff. During the year (BE) 201011, this Ministry sanctioned a Non-Plan grant-in-aid of ` 300.00 lakh for NIUA. 16.75 During the period April-December 2010, the Institute has undertaken (ongoing) activities relating to Implementation of JNNURM Reform Measures in Selected States and Cities; Peer Experience and Reflective Learning (PEARL); Activities and Technical Advisory Group (TAG); High Powered Empowered Committee; MIS Support to JNNURM; National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP) Coordination Cell etc. 6 research studies/projects some have been undertaken. Besides, NIUA has organized 10 workshops/seminars, etc on various subjects relating on Strengthening Peer Learning Networks in the Indian Urban Sector - PEARL Programme under JNNURM; Municipal Governance, Urban Infrastructure and Civic Services; Heritage Cities Group; “Developing Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Infrastructure – A Handbook”; “Communication Support for National Urban Sanitation Policy” etc. 16.76 NIUA has also published journals/newsletters, Urban India – Bi-annual journal; Urban File – Bi-annual bibliography on urban affairs; Urban Finance – Newsletter (under FIRE-D programme) – Quarterly; Urban News – Monthly compilation of newspaper clippings on searchable CD-ROM database; and PEARL Update – A JNNURM Initiative. The website of the Institute can be accessed at 5. RAJGHAT SAMADHI COMMITTEE 16.77 Rajghat Samadhi Committee, created by an Act of Parliament called the “Rajghat Samadhi Act, 1951” and “Rajghat Samadhi (Amendment) Act, 1958” is an autonomous body, entrusted with the following responsibilities: • administer the affairs of the Samadhi and keep the Samadhi in proper order and in a state of good repair; • organize and regulate periodical functions at the Samadhi; • do such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the efficient administration of the affairs of the Samadhi. Composition of the Committee 16.78 During 2010-2011, the Committee was headed by the Hon’ble Minister of Urban Development, Government of India, as Chairman, and following were the members of the Committee: 16.79 Dr. ( Smt.) Kapila Vatsyayan, M.P. ( Rajya Sabha); Sh. Sandeep Dikshit, M.P. ( Lok Sabha); Dr. Kirit Premji Bhai Solanki, M.P. (Lok Sabha); Shri Rajmohan Gandhi; Shri. Deepak Nayyar, Ex-Vice-Chancellor; Mayor of Delhi; Shri. B. G. Verghese, Senior Journalist; Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban Development; Chief Secretary, Govt. of the NCT of Delhi. Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Culture. 184 Chapter 16 Repair and maintenance 16.80 The repair and maintenance of the garden and parks, electric installations and pumps and other structures were entrusted to CPWD’s Horticulture, Electrical and Civil Engineering Divisions. Functions 16.81 As in previous years, special functions were held on 2nd October and 30th January to observe the birth and death anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi. On these two occasions, All-Religion prayer, photo exhibition, sale of Gandhian literature and mass spinning programmes were held. 16.82 On 15th August, the Prime minister visited the Samadhi and paid floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, on the occasion of Independence Day. 16.83 Apart from these annual functions, All-religion prayer and spinning programmes continued to be held regularly every Friday evening throughout the year. Visitors 16.84 Gandhi Samadhi continued to attract large number of tourists and other visitors every day. A very large number of school children also visited Gandhi Samadhi as part of their outdoor activity and excursion. 16.85 During the year under report, a large number of high dignitaries visited the Samadhi to pay homage to Gandhiji. H. E. Mr. Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland: H. E. Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States of America: H.E. Mr. Armando Emilio Guebuza, President of the Republic of Mozambique: H.E. Mr. J. A. Michel. President Seychelles: H.E. Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan: H.E. Dr. Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa: H.E. Mr. David Cameron, Prime Minister of United Kingdom: H. E. Ngwazi Prof. Bingu Wa Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi: H. E. Mr. Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of China: 16.86 The distinguished guests offered floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and signed the Visitor’s Book. They were presented with a set of books of Gandhiji, a bust of Bapu and scroll containing the “Seven social Sins” at the time of their visit to the Samadhi. Grant-in-Aid 16.87 The Grant–in-Aid sanctioned by the Ministry of Urban Development (Govt. of India) during the Year 2010-11 was ` 3,50,79,000 (Three Crore Fifty Lakh Seventy Nine Thousand ) only. Accounts and Audit 16.88 All expenditure incurred on maintenance and upkeep, establishment, holding of functions, etc. and some of the work projects, were met out of the grant-in-aid received from the Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India. 16.89 The accounts for grant received and expenditure incurred are maintained by the Rajghat Samadhi Committee office and are subjected to annual audit by the Principal Director of Audit Economic and Service Ministries, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi. Chapter 16 185 APPENDICES 187 OSD(UT) Admn.—Administration – Administration 2. –Coord.—Coordination Coordination 3. Chief CCA—Chief of Accounts ControllerController of Accounts 4.– Chief CVO—Chief VigilanceVigilance Officer Officer 5.VO DCVO—Deputy Chief Vigilance – Deputy Chief Vigilance Officer Officer 6.Delhi DD—Delhi Division Division 7.Delhi DL—Delhi & Lands & Lands 8.Director D—Director 9.Deputy DS—Deputy SecretarySecretary CPWD and NBCC Dir(W) Dir(Admn.) Adm-I , II, III & IV, ce DS(MRTS) Urban Transport Dir(UT) Urban Transport Urban Transport VO f Estates, CPWD, C & Vigilance UD) & CVO JS (UD) Dir(UD) JS (M) Mission Director (JnNURM) Jwaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 10. DFA – Deputy Financial Adviser 11. FA –Financial Adviser 12. Fin.– Finance 13. HBA – House Building Advance 14. IT – Information Technology 15. LSG – Local Self Government 16. MRTS – Mass Rapid Transit System 17. NCR – National Capital Region 18. NURM – National Urban Renewal Mission Dir (NURM-II) Dir (NURM-II) Dir(NURM-I) Dir (UCU & P&S) Water Supply & Sanitation, Urban Planning, WHO Fellowship, Local Self Urban Mapping and Government and NIUA Urban Environment, and TCPO Dir(LSG) UD, PHE, Adm , LSG, TCPO, NIUA, Official Language, Printing, Stationery & Publication, Secretary (UD) Minister of State for Urban Development Minister for Urban Development Budget Matters Dir(Budget I) Dir(Fin) Internal Finance Control, Accounts Matters Annual Plan, FRBM, etc. Dir(Budget II) Budget & Accounts CCA Internal Finance Control, Policy Matters relating to HBA. JS & FA Budget & Accounts Matters, ECO.ADVISER HBA Matters DS/DFA Parliament Coordination JCM, PG & PIC Dir (Coord) Parliament, Coord. Public Grievances JCM & PIC 19. OSD(MRTS) – Officer on Special Duty (Mass Rapid Transit System) 20. OL – Official Language 21. PSP - Printing, Stationery & Publication, 22. PHE – Public Health Engineering 23. UT – Urban Transport 24. UD – Urban Development 25. UCU– Urban Ceiling Unit 26. W - Works 27. WS – Water Supply & Sanitation Delhi Divn., Delhi Rent Control Act, Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, Delhi Real Estate Regulation Bill Dir(DD) Delhi Divn., L&DO, NCRPB, DUAC, Delhi Rent Control Act, Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, Delhi Real Estate Regulation Bill, JS (DL) APPENDIX-I APPENDIX-II Subjects Allocated to the Ministry of Urban Development 1. Properties of the Union, whether lands or buildings with the following exceptions:— (i) Those belonging to the Ministry of Defence (Raksha Mantralaya) the Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) and the Department of Atomic Energy (Paramanu Oorja Vibhag) and the Department of Space (Antariksh Vibhag). (ii) Buildings or lands, the construction or acquisition of which has been financed otherwise than from the Civil Works Budget; and (iii) Buildings or lands, the control of which has at the time of construction or acquisition or subsequently been permanently made over to other Ministries and Departments. 2. All Government Civil Works and Buildings including those of Union territories excluding Roads and excluding works executed by or buildings belonging to the Ministry of Railways (Rail Matralaya), Department of Posts (Dak Vibhag), Department of Telecommunications (Doorsanchar Vibhag) Department of Atomic Energy (Paramanu Oorja Vibhag) and the Department of Space (Antariksh Vibhag). 3. Horticulture operations. 4. Central Public Works Organisation. 5. Administration of Government estates including Government Hostels under the control of the Ministry. Location or dispersal of offices in or from the metropolitan cities. 6. Allotment of accommodation in Vigyan Bhawan. 7. Administration of four Rehabilitation Markets viz. Sarojini Nagar Market, Shankar Market, Pleasure Garden Market and Kamla Market. 8. Issue of lease or conveyance deeds in respect of Government built properties in Delhi and New Delhi under the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation ) Act, 1954 (44 of 1954) and conversion of lease deeds, allotment of additional strips of land and correctional areas adjoining such properties 9. Stationery and Printing for the Government of India including official publications. 10. Planning and Coordination of Urban Transport Systems, with technical planning and road based systems being subject to items 22 and 23 under the Ministry of Surface Transport (Jal-Bhootal Pariwahan Mantralay) and technical planning of rail based systems being subjects to items 1 and 2 under the Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya), Railway Board (Rail Board). 188 11. Fixing of maximum and minimum rates and fares for rail based urban transport system other than those funded by the Indian Railway. 12. Tramways including elevated high speed trams within municipal limits or any other contiguous zone. 13. Town and Country Planning, matter relating to the Planning and Development of Metropolitan Areas, International Cooperation and Technical assistance in this field. 14. Schemes of large scale acquisition, development and disposal of land in Delhi. 15. Delhi Development Authority. 16. Master Plan of Delhi, Coordination of work in respect of the Master Plan and Slum Clearance in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. 17. Erection of memorials in honour of freedom fighters. 18. Development of Government colonies. 19. Local Government, that is to say, the constitution and powers of the Municipal Corporations (excluding the Municipal Corporation of Delhi), Municipalities (excluding the New Delhi Municipal Committee) other Local Self-government Administrations excluding Panchayati Raj Institutions. 20. The Delhi Water Supply and sewage Disposal Undertaking of the Muncipal Corporation of Delhi. 21. Water supply(subject to overall national perspective of water planning and coordination assigned to the Ministry of Water Resources), sewage, drainage and sanitation relating to urban areas and linkages from allocated water resources. International cooperation and technical assistance in this field. 22. The Central Council of Local Self-government. 23. Allotment of Government land in Delhi. 24. Administration of Rajghat Samadhi Committee. 25. All matters relating to Planning and Development of the National Capital Region and administration of the National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985 (2 of 1985). 26. Matters relating to the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH). 27. Matters of the Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) relating to Urban Infrastructure. 28. Administration of the Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act, 1952 (30 of 1952). 29. Administration of Delhi Hotels (Control of Accommodation) Act, 1949 (24 of 1949) 30. The Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 40 of 1971). 189 31. Administration of Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957). 32. The Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 (59 of 1958). 33. The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 (33 of 1976). 34. Delhi Urban Art Commission, the Delhi Urban Art Commission Act, 1973 (1 of 1973). 190 APPENDIX-III (Vide Chapter 2, para 1) Attached and Subordinate Offices, Public Sector Undertakings and Statutory & Autonomous Bodies Ministry of Urban Development Attached Offices 1. 2. 3. 4. Central Public Works Department Directorate of Printing Directorate of Estates Land and Development Office Subordinate Offices 1. 2. 3. Govt. of India Stationery Office Department of Publication Town and Country Planning Organisation Public Sector Undertaking 1. National Buildings Construction Corporation Ltd. Statutory & Autonomous Bodies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Delhi Development Authority Delhi Urban Art Commission National Capital Region Planning Board Rajghat Samadhi Committee National Institute of Urban Affairs 191 APPENDIX-IV ( Vide Chapter 2 para I - 7) Statement Showing Staff Strength as on 31.12.2011 Sl. No. 1 Name of Group-A Gazetted Group-B Group-B Gazetted Group-C NonGazetted Group-D Work Charged Total Staff 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. Secretariat (including Attached and Subordinate Offices) 1. M/o Urban Development (Sectt.) 80* 61* 120* 186* 7* 2 C.P.W.D 3 Directorate of Printing 4 - 454 1202 3058 3745 5714 3499 37 61 46 3734 557 - 4435 Directorate of Estates 8 55 92 257 158 - 570 5 Land and Development Office 8 10 01 115 28 6 Controller of Stationery 3 7 4 278 256 - 548 7 Controller of Publication 1 2 1 151 119 - 274 8 Town and Country Planning Organization 23 1 39 46 1 - 110 9 Principal Accounts Office 6 108 - 395 60 - 569 195 - - 2340 18072 35290 162 B. Public Sector Undertaking 1. NBCC Ltd. 789 78 1278 * This figure includes staff working in M/O Urban Development and M/O Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation and Co-terminus staff posted with Ministers [(i.e. UDM &MOS(UD)] 192 APPENDIX-V ( Vide Chapter 2 para VII) Position regarding employment of Ex-Servicemen during 2010 in the Ministry, its Attached and Subordinate office and Public Sector Undertaking Group Number of Vacancies reserved Number of Vacancies filled Number of Ex-servicemen appointed against unreserved vacancies. Ministry and its attached/subordinate office C 18 NIL NIL D 15 NIL NIL A NIL NIL NIL B NIL NIL NIL C 08 NIL NIL D NIL NIL NIL Public Sector Undertaking 193 194 12929 528 Group D (Excluding Safai Karamcharis) Group D (Safai Karamcharis) 38061 16157 Group C Total 7102 Group B 9592 493 3795 3818 1183 303 3 2 1345 SCs 2457 12 831 1039 503 72 4 STs 1202 2 477 663 33 27 5 OBCs Number of Employees Total Group A Group 225 1 42 155 16 11 6 Total 11 - 1 101 - - 7 SCs 25 - - 23 1 1 8 STs 56 - 5 41 6 4 9 OBCs By Direct Recruitment 891 - 5 527 225 134 10 Total - 2 155 47 31 11 SCs By promotion 56 - 1 44 5 6 12 STs 31 - 2 6 17 6 13 Total - 1 2 3 - 14 SCs 63 - - - 3 - 15 STs By Other Methods Number of appointments made during the previous calendar year Statement showing the Representation of SCs, STs and OBCs during the year 2010 in the Ministry of Urban Development including its Attached/ Subordinate offices APPENDIX-VI ( Vde Chapter 2 para VII) 195 1265 13 195 2340 Group C other than Sweeper Group C (Sweepers) Group D Total 78 Group B 401 33 13 170 17 168 3 2 789 SCs Total Nos. of employees 46 03 - 18 01 24 4 STs (as on 01.01.2011) 98 05 - 64 04 25 5 OBCs Representation of Scs/STs/OBCs Group A Group 51 - - 6 3 42 6 Total 08 - - - - 8 7 SCs 03 - - 1 - 2 8 STs 07 - - 2 1 4 9 OBCs By Direct Recruitment 109 2 - 28 5 74 10 Total 22 1 - 5 3 13 11 SCs By other 1 - - 1 - - 12 STs - - - - - - 13 Total - - - - - - 14 SCs - - - - - - 15 STs By Promotions Number of appointments made during the calendar year 2010 Statement showing the Representation of SCs, STs and OBCs during the year 2010 in the National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited APPENDIX-VII ( Vide Chapter 2, Para VIII) 196 8 36 Group D 13457 Total Note 27 Group C 16157 20 4 16 - - 4 143 32 111 - - 5 OH 20 2 18 - - 6 VH 9 3 6 - - 7 HH No. of Vacancies reserved 20 5 15 - - 8 OH 51 0 50 - 1 9 Total - - - - - 10 VH 1 - 1 - - 11 HH No. of Appointment Made Direct Recruitment 1 - 1 - - 12 OH - - - - - 13 VH 1 - 1 - - 14 HH 7 1 6 - - 15 128 5 118 4 1 16 Total 2 - 2 - - 17 1 - 1 - - 18 4 - 4 - - 19 VH HH OH No. of Appointment Made Promotion OH No. of Vacancies reserved (i) VH stands for Visually Handicapped (persons suffering from blindness or low vision) (ii) HH stands for Hearing Handicapped (persons suffering from hearing impairment) (iii) OH Stands for Orthopedically Handicapped (persons suffering from locomotor disability or cerebral palsy) 38061 1 7102 Group B - 3 VH HH 1345 2 Total Number of Employees Group A 1 Group Statement showing the Representation of the persons with disabilities during the year 2010 in the Ministry of Urban Development including its Attached/Subordinate offices APPENDIX-VIII ( Vide Chapter 2 para VII) 197 789 78 1278 195 2340 Group B Group C Group D Total 2 Total 5 - 4 - 1 3 - - - - - 4 VH HH 21 - 08 - 13 5 OH Number of Employees Group A 1 Group - - - - - 6 VH 1 - 1 - - 7 HH - - - - - 8 OH No. of Vacancies reserved 51 - 6 3 42 9 Total Direct Recruitment - - - - - 10 VH - - - - - 11 HH 1 - 1 - - 12 OH No. of Appointment Made - - - - - 13 VH 1 - 1 - - 14 HH - - - - - 15 OH No. of Vacancies reserved 109 2 28 5 74 16 Total - - - - - 17 - - - - - 18 3 - 2 1 19 VH HH OH No. of Appointment Made Promotion Statement showing the Representation of the persons with disabilities during the year 2010 in the National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited APPENDIX-IX ( Vide Chapter 2, Para VIII) APPENDIX- X Department-Wise Details of outstanding Inspection Reports/Audit Objections as on 3/2010 in respect of Ministry of Urban Development and its Attached/Subordinate Offices. Sl.No. Office/Departments Inspection Reports Audit Objections/Paras (No.) 1. Main Ministry 7 64 2. C.P.W.D. 243 1609 3. Directorate of Estates 7 97 4. Land & Development Office 3 55 5. Town & Country Planning Organization 3 7 6. Department of Publication 1 4 7. Directorate of Printing 3 17 8. Government of India Stationery Office 3 25 270 1878 Total 198 APPENDIX -XI Statement Showing The Pendency Position of Audit Paras of C&AG Reports upto 12/2010 Name of the Ministry/Department: Urban Development Details of the Paras/PAC reports on which ATNs are pending. ATNs have been submitted to Audit for vetting by Ministry Sl. No. Year No. of ATNS not sent by the Ministry even for the first time. 1 1991 1 2 2 1992 1 1 3 1993 4 1994 5 2005 1 6 2006 1 7 2008 1 8 2009 3 1 No. of ATNS sent but returned with observations and Audit awaiting their resumbimission by the Ministry. No. of ATNS which have been finally vetted by Audit by have not been sumitted by the Ministry to PAC. 1 1 2 1 2 199 APPENDIX –XII Summary of Important C&AG Observations Ministry of Urban Development DDA provide a bail out package to the developer of the residential complex at commonwealth games village even though the PPP agreement did not provide for any financial assistance. As per package, it purchased 333 apartments at a higher cost ignoring the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee of the DDA, which resulted in avoidable expenditure of ` 89.24 crore. DDA also allowed the Developer to construct excess floor area of 4,40,301 sq.ft. without recovering proportionate fee of ` 65.23 crore. Award of work by DDA for laying peripheral sewer lines without proper survey of site resulted in blocking of ` 2.080 crore. Injudicious decision of DDA to reject the tender for work relating to construction of command tank and pump house at `6.23 crore in the firs call and award of work in the second call at ` 8.34 crore resulted inordinate delay in completion of work and avoidable extra expenditure of ` 2.11 crore. Rejection of the tender in first call by DDA in contravention of provisions of Central Public Works Department Works Manual resulted in avoidable expenditure of ` 1.16 crore. Commencement of the work by DDA without ensuring the availability of clear site resulted in foreclosure of contract and blocking of funds of ` 68.47 lakh. (Para no 9.1,9.2,9.3,9.4 & 9.6) Land and Development Organisation Non-recovery of rent in respect of premises allotted at market rates to non-entitled categories: Audit scrutiny of recovery of rent by the Directorate of Estate(DoE) in respect of office accommodation in Delhi allotted at market rates of licence fees to persons and entities falling in the non-entitled categories revealed serious mismanagement. On being pointed out by audit, DoE recovered outstanding dues of revised market rates of license fee amounting to ` 1.60 crore from 10 allottees but ` 3.23 crore or outstanding dues in respect of 16 allottees was yet to be recovered. DoE recovered ` 0.83 crore of outstanding dues between May and September 2008 from the Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organization(CGEWHO) which was allotted office accommodation purely on temporary basis at Market rates of license fee, 200 subject to the approval of the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation(CCA). The government did not agree to the allotment, but CGEWHO was yet to vacate the premises, and dues on account of license fee from February 2008 onwards continued to accumulate as April 2009. DoE did not follow up on its decision of November 2005 by intitating either recovery of rent at market rates or eviction proceedings for vacation of accommodation occupied by Kendriya Bhandar. Rent dues for the period from November 2005 to March 2010 amounting to ` 4.53 crore, was yet to be recovered as of March 2010. (Report No. 9 of 2010-11) 201