guide for employees people policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Contents Policy Purpose of the policy 3 Employee’s responsibilities 3 Manager’s responsibilities 4 Trade union representative’s role 4 Definitions Substance 6 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 6 Managing Performance and Disciplinary Matters 6 Smokefree exemptions 6 Process 7 Additional guidance and support 8 2 People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Policy Purpose of the policy Employee’s responsibilities The council aims to actively promote wellbeing and good health of its employees and has a zero tolerance to alcohol and substance abuse particularly regarding its quality of service provided to the community, safety in the work-place and the impact on other colleagues. It also supports employees to maintain good health through providing health information and support to quit smoking. It promotes a smoke-free work environment in-line with recent guidance and legislation. ●● To check whether any drug(s) you are taking as prescribed by a medical practitioner or otherwise may affect your performance, conduct and/ or attendance. If you are unsure, seek medical advice from your GP or Occupational Health for advice on fitness for work or inform your manager, who can support you with reasonable adjustments where necessary. ●● To be responsible for your own safety and the safety of others at work. You must be able to carry out your work competently and with due regard for the safety of members of the public, your colleagues and yourself. ●● To attend work without being adversely affected by alcohol or other substances. This policy provides a framework for employees to seek support and where appropriate, treatment, for an alcohol or substance misuse problem. It also provides a framework for managers to support an employee in addressing such a problem and where required, to appropriately manage any unsatisfactory conduct, performance or attendance where alcohol or substance abuse is a contributing factor. All council employees are responsible for delivering a high quality of service to the community, which depends upon timely attendance and effective performance at work. This may be compromised if alcohol or substances have been misused or consumed. The council is required to provide safe places and safe systems of work. It also requires employees to be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. All employees must be able to carry out their work competently and with due regard for the safety of members of the public, their colleagues and themselves. This policy applies to all employees of the council, including contractors, agency/casual workers. The smoke free provisions are extended to members of the public where they are on council premises. ●● To seek support from your GP, Occupational Health, the Employee Assistance Programme or other health professional if your work performance, conduct, attendance or the council’s reputation is adversely affected by your alcohol consumption or substance use. ●● Where your work performance or the council’s reputation is adversely affected by your alcohol consumption or substance use and you do not seek or accept support, you may be liable for action under the Supporting Attendance, Improving Performance, or Disciplinary policy, as appropriate. ●● If you are suspected or convicted of criminal activity related to a controlled substance, or of behaviour whether in or out of work, relating to abuse of alcohol or a controlled substance (and/or where your behaviour adversely affects relationships with other employees or with contacts that you make while doing your job, or the council’s reputation and/or public confidence) the Code of Conduct for Employees will apply and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 3 People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Manager’s responsibilities ●● If you have concerns about the health and safety of the public or colleagues due to the alcohol or substance use of another colleague, it is your responsibility to inform your line manager or a senior manager in the strictest confidence so that they can take steps to address the situation. (If the care of vulnerable people or responsibility for assets is at stake, you may consider using the Whistleblowing policy, in which case you must also inform your line manager or a senior manager.) ●● The council has a duty of care for its employees and line managers are responsible for ensuring this by the application of this policy. ●● Managers should, with support from the Health and Safety team, identify jobs which are subject to a zero tolerance policy for the consumption of alcohol or other substances prior to attending work, and notify the employee (and trade unions) where their job is concerned. Such conditions must be recorded by the manager in a risk register. ●● To remain smoke free during your contractual working hours. The council will support you to be smoke free through allowing you time to attend stop smoking support sessions and provide access to any new work based initiatives that support smokers to quit. ●● In the event that a manager becomes aware or suspects an employee is under the influence of alcohol at work they must take steps to protect the employee, colleagues and/or members of the public by preventing the employee from continuing working in an unfit state. Assistance should be sought from HR, H&S and a trade union representative if available. ●● You can request a temporary dispensation from your Service Manager if there are regulatory reasons that prevent you leaving the premises to have an unpaid smoking break. ●● To not use an electronic cigarette in an attempt ●● In the event that an employee is suspended from to quit smoking whilst inside any building or enclosed space as their safety with the ignition device and vapour is still unknown. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), are due to regulate these products by 2016. Alternative nicotine containing products are available for use whilst at work. work as a result of suspected intoxication a full investigation will need to take place. ●● To bring this policy to your attention (and where appropriate also bring it to the attention of visitors, contractors, agency/casual staff, volunteers and other members of the public). ●● To familiarise themselves with the policy, its ●● You have the right to ask a service user that provisions, and requirements and the sources of support available for dealing with alcohol or substance misuse, or smoking. the area to be worked in is kept free from tobacco smoke for at least 1 hour prior to your attendance, if you are required to work where second-hand smoke is likely to be present. ●● To have a conversation with you when a problem linked to alcohol or substance misuse affecting your work is identified to determine what support is appropriate. ●● To keep all council work vehicles smoke free, i.e. free from cigarette smoking and use of e-cigarettes. If you are using your own vehicle to transport colleagues or service users, you are not permitted to smoke. ●● To support you with a referral to Occupational Health and allow time off to attend appointments as appropriate as well as providing support to improving your performance. ●● To seek advice from Occupational Health on how to support you with overcoming any problem with alcohol or substances and direct you to the various resources available to address your problem. 4 People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Trade union representative’s role ●● To be alert to the suspected warning signs of alcohol misuse and, if necessary, seek advice and support from Occupational Health or an appropriate specialist support group, and must ensure that appropriate opportunity and support to seek help is given to you. ●● Provide support and advice to members. ●● Work with managers, HR Advisors and staff to ensure the policy is adhered to. ●● To assure you that if you disclose an alcohol misuse problem, you know that your decision to do so is valued and that the information you supply will be treated in strict confidence, and you will be treated fairly. ●● To report to the police, either directly or via Internal Audit, instances of suspected drug misuse or where they have reasonable knowledge of the possession of, supply of or other criminal activity around controlled substances taking place on the premises for which they have responsibility ●● The manager is responsible for the application of this policy in their work area. 5 People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Definitions Where your performance, conduct and/or attendance is affected by your misuse of drugs or alcohol, you may present such misuse as mitigating evidence within any disciplinary or other formal investigative process into your behaviour. Substance ●● Medication which may affect an individual’s performance, conduct and/or attendance. ●● A controlled substance where possession, supply, or other activity involving the substance may be a criminal act (eg cannabis). ●● Managers will consider such mitigation, including consideration of whether you have accepted support and complied with any arrangements for a programme of support. A substance which may not fall into either of the categories above but which may adversely affect an individual’s performance, conduct and/or attendance (eg solvents). Where you do not acknowledge the existence of an apparent problem or withhold relevant information, the manager will assess the case on the basis of the other available information in making a decision. Note: a substance may fall into more than one of the categories above (eg morphine). Refer to Occupational Health for further guidance. Management may decide to adjourn an investigation or hearing so that you can attend a programme of support. This will require your (or your proxy’s) express agreement. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 states that a person commits an offence if, being the occupier or concerned in the management of any premises, they knowingly permit or suffer any of the following activities to take place on those premises: Smoking is not permitted on council premises and allegations of a breach of this rule may lead to disciplinary action being taken against the offender. Smokefree exemptions ●● Being in possession of a classified substance ●● Being in possession with intent to supply Employees living in residential accommodation related to their employment with the council are exempt from this policy whilst in their own personal living space, but are expected to comply with it when occupying communal areas that are shared by other residents. The council supports the ‘Smokefree Homes’ campaign that encourages all residents in Bristol to maintain a smoke free home in order to protect children and older people from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. ●● Supplying or offering to supply a controlled substance ●● Allowing premises you occupy to be used unlawfully for the purposes of producing or supplying controlled substances Managing performance and disciplinary matters Possession, supply of or other criminal involvement with controlled substances by you will be considered in relation to the council’s Disciplinary policy. 6 People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Process - Employees requesting support 1 You can ask your manager to refer you to Occupational Health for support and/or access to specialist treatment/support. 2 Managers have a responsibility once they are made aware of the problem, to ensure that an offer of a referral for support is made in appropriate cases and that attempts are made to address work-related issues such as poor performance. 3 In exceptional circumstances, you may attend an occupational health appointment without referral from a manager however you will need a referral from a trade union representative or HR. They will ensure that the manager is notified in confidence that you are attending Occupational Health. 4 The council, through Occupational Health, can arrange for the provision of a programme of support, which may include confidential counselling and assistance. 5 If you accept a programme of support, you will have any necessary time off for this purpose. It will be treated as sickness absence and you will receive the normal pay and benefits for sickness absence. Certification, as for sickness absence, will be needed from you. Your attendance at a programme of support will be monitored. 6 If you do not reasonably sustain commitment to any arrangement made for a programme of support, such as attending for counselling, the council is not obliged to continue to support such an arrangement or to offer further opportunity or support whether or not formal procedures are being applied. 7 People Policies Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy Employee Guide Additional guidance and support This policy provides you with an overview of the purpose of the policy and the roles and responsibilities of those for whom it is intended. It also provides guidance in the Process section on the application of the policy. There are other documents which provide more detail and helpful guidance that should be read in conjunction with the policy and these are listed below. Additional guidance Employee Assistance Programme Telephone number 0800 840 6844 Smokefree guidance Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service (ROADS) Associated policies Alcohol and Substance misuse policy – Manager Guide 8 Author and owner: Human Resources Contact: 0117 35 21400 Date adopted: 03 November 2014 The audience of this document is made aware that a physical copy may not be the latest available version. The latest version, which supersedes all previous versions, is available on The Source. Those to whom this policy applies are responsible for familiarising themselves periodically with the latest version and for complying with policy requirements at all times. History of most recent policy changes – must be completed Version Date V.1.00 24 July 2014 Change Re-formatted policy 9 Design by Bristol Design, Bristol City Council. (BD5833-1)