White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules


White Pages® Online

Cross Reference

Advertising Rules

White Pages


Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules are to be used as an appendix to the core

White Pages® Entry Policy & Rules and White Pages® Online Advertising Rules.

Only Rules that are supplementary to the White Pages® Entry Policy & Rules and White Pages® Online

Advertising Rules have been included.

Where any of the following are in conflict with White Pages® Entry Policy & Rules, these supplementary

Rules shall take precedence.

Issued: March 2014

Produced by

Headings, Rules & Standards

Locked Bag 2910

Melbourne VIC 3001

Phone: (03) 8653 5000

Fax: (03) 8653 3834

® & ™ Registered trade mark and trade mark of Sensis Pty Ltd (ABN 30 007 423 912). ©

Sensis Pty Ltd

White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules




2. Document Purpose


3.1 Entry Criteria



Entry Constraints

Product Overview

3.4. Product Description


4.1 Finding Name

4.2 Reference Name

4.3 Referencing to the Same Directory

4.4 Referencing to Other Directories

4.5 Other Product Features & issues


5.1 Alternative Trading Names

5.2 Acronyms

5.3 Common spelling errors

5.4 Phonetic spelling of business name

5.5 Phonetic Spelling with numeric characters

5.6 Department Names or Brands

7.0 Standards & Sensitive Words























White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

1. Introduction

The White Pages® Online Cross Reference product enables business and government customers to direct online users to the customers main listing information through hyperlinked references in the White Pages® Online site.

The White Pages® Online Cross Reference product and White Pages® Online search engine provides a shift in the nature, purpose and application of the Cross Reference product in comparison to the manner in which the print Cross Reference has been used in the past.

White Pages® Online functionality has changed from a static/non interactive cross reference rendered from the White Pages® print directory, now to allow click through Hyperlinked Cross

Reference directly linking users to business & government correct details and finding name.

The product consists of a White Pages® print directory Cross Reference, and the White Pages®

Online Cross Reference listings.

Once a customer purchases the initial White Pages® Cross Reference product (appearance

Print/Online) they may choose to purchase additional White Pages® Online Cross Reference which appears only in the White Pages® Online site.

2. Document Purpose

The purpose of this document is to outline and communicate the product rules associated with the

White Pages® Online Cross Reference Product & the associated White Pages® Online Cross

Reference Product.

This document specifies the Advertising Rules and Entry Policy applying to the White Pages®

Online Cross Reference product with the following objectives;

To preserve the quality and integrity of directories for the benefit of the user,

To allow national uniformity in the content and presentation of directories, and

To provide customers with consistent, equal and fair treatment.

Note: for detailed product and technical information on White Pages® Online Cross References and White Pages® Online products please refer to the relevant product specifications.


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

3.0 White Pages® Online Cross Reference Product

3.1 Entry Criteria

1. To be eligible to purchase and retain a White Pages® Online Cross Reference, a customer must have at least one business or government listing appearing in the White Pages® print directory system.

2. Customer is also required to have White Pages® Cross Reference product which includes promotion of the initial cross reference details in both the White Pages® print directory and

White Pages® Online site .

NOTE : For the purposes of this document, “listing” is taken to mean any telephone service published (fixed line or mobile) or loaded to be published in the White Pages® core system, which has a finding name attached and at least the suburb appearing.

3. The listing can only appear in the same State as the Cross Reference product.

4. Customers are not required to purchase a White Pages® Online Enhanced Listing (WPOEL) product to purchase the White Pages® Online Cross Reference product.

5. A Customer must have the legal right to use the cross reference Finding Name

( Ref “Product Rules” section page 7 for full details)

6. The Customer must be the owner of the listing to which they are linking.

7. A White Pages® Online Cross Reference must be linked to at least one of the following listing types:

a business/residential listing (split code O),

a business listing (Split code B),

a government listing (including Government, State Government, State Govt Capital City,

Commonwealth Govt, Commonwealth Govt Cap City),

an emergency listing (Split code E),

a State government listing, and/ or

a Local Government listing

NOTE: An Hyperlinked Cross Reference may not be linked to a residential listing

(split code R)

3.2 Entry Constraints

Business listings must contain;

A registered business, company or trading name that the customer has the legal right to use, address* and telephone number.

*Note: Refer to White Pages® Entry Policy & Rules, Suppressed Address Policy for suppressed address criteria.

All listings must;

Comply with all relevant Federal and State Laws.

Be true and not misleading.

Not make unverifiable claims.

Not disparage competitors or competing products and/or services.

Meet the standards specified in these rules.

Reflect current standards of good taste,

Conform to the current rules document, which supersedes previous issues.


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

The onus is on the customer to ensure finding names do not breach rights the rights of others or obligation under any statute or regulation.

Subject to compliance with these entry policies and rules, the final acceptance of

White Pages® Online Cross Reference product rests with the White Pages® Online Product


The White Pages® Online Cross Reference Product cannot make use of an acronym, misspelling, alternative trading names, phonetically spelt name or replacing numerals for letters in finding names where it forms another business’ company or trading name or where it may in any way breach any State or Federal legislation &/or third party rights. Onus rests with the customer.

The use of acronyms, the replacement of numerals for letters (unless this falls into phonetic spelling of a name) and alternative trading names require the business to have the legal right to use the name, (eg registered business name, company or individual trading name.)

Products & Brand Names – businesses must have the legal right to use any brand name used within their White Pages® listing or advertisement.

3.3 Product Overview

White Pages® Online Cross Reference enables businesses to list (subject to these advertising rules) under multiple versions of the business core finding name directing customers to their main contact information. The business reference name is hyperlinked, allowing the user to access the core contact information more easily.

NOTE: The White Pages® Online Cross Reference product which is rendered from the print directory is also hyperlinked to the customers correct contact information.

Alternative Trading Name

Common Misspelling

Changed name

Best Florist

( See Gerties Flowers ) Blooming Florist

Gertys Flowers

( See Gerties Flowers )

( Now Gerties Flowers )

Gerties Flowers

Head Office 500 Customer Rd,


03 9999 9999

03 9999 9998


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

3.4. Product Description

The White Pages® Online Cross Reference product consists of a cross reference listing in the

White Pages® print directory (refer to the White Pages® Entry Policy & Rules) and the White

Pages® Online Cross Reference as specified below.

Customers are required to have first purchased a White Pages® Cross Reference in the White

Pages® print directory to allow the purchase of a White Pages® Online Cross Reference directing

White Pages® Online users to their correct business information..

Customer’s initial White Pages® Cross Reference entry appears within the relevant White Pages® print directory and within the White Pages® Online product.

In it’s simplest form, the White Pages® Online Cross Reference product with Hyperlink is comprised of:




A Finding Name

(The component is matched to the search criteria entered by a user)



: Reference Name text

The text directs users through a click through hyperlink to the alternative finding name.

Reference text also includes a directional prefix, in the example below the word “see” has been used.

Alternative Trading Name

( See Sample Associates )


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

4.0 Product Rules

4.1 Finding Name

1. The finding name in the White Pages® Online Cross Reference must not contravene any

State or Federal legislation, copyright or trademark laws or any statute, regulation, law or third part rights whatsoever.

2. The use of generic terminology (ie. Analysts) as a White Pages® Online Cross Reference,

Finding Name is not permitted. Any matching to a Yellow Pages® Heading structure will not be permitted unless a business can provide written proof that they have registered that trading name.

3. Acceptance of terminology and Cross Reference Finding names is determined on a case by case basis in certain situations. The final acceptance of White Pages® Online Cross

Reference listings is made by the White Pages® Online Product Manager in conjunction with the Policies, Rules & Standards group and Legal and Regulatory department as required.

4. The use of Brand Names (eg. Pure Milk) as a White Pages® Online Cross Reference,

Finding Name is not permitted unless the customer has the approved and legal right to use that Brand Name.

5. Listing names must be related to the finding name

The Finding Name must refer to a business listing that is related to that business in at least one of the following ways:.

Rules for related names:

(Refer-section 5 for Further Guidelines)

Alternative Trading names,


Common spelling errors,

Phonetic spelling of business name,

Replacing alpha characters with numeric characters within the business name,

Department names, such as Licences (See VicStreets) (general rule of thumb is that this name would appear as a CAPTN or descriptor in the parent caption.

(Refer to 3.2 –Entry Constraints)

6. The finding name under which the White Pages® Online Cross Reference is listed must comply with Sensis standards, especially as regards sensitive words, ( Refer : White Pages®

Entry Policy & Rules, Standards and Sensitive words section).


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

4.2 Reference Name

1. The Reference Name must be a registered business or trading name currently appearing on the White Pages® Online site.

2. The Reference Name may not exceed 100 characters (including reference name prefix)

3. The directional prefix of the reference name must comply with the following format:


(See also….), or


4. The Reference Name must be enclosed by round brackets of the form ( ).

5. No other text other than the Business Name to which the listing is being referred may be included, with the exception of the mandatory direction text

4.3 Referencing to the Same Directory

1. The White Pages® Online Cross Reference may be used to direct users to a listing in the same directory area.

For Example: the Finding Name is scoped to appear in a “Capital City” search, but the Reference Text points to a listing appearing in an “Other Areas” search in the same directory area is acceptable.

4.4 Referencing to Other Directories

1. The White Pages® Online Cross Reference may be used to direct users to a listing within the same State search, but a different directory.

For Example: the Finding Name is scoped to appear in a “Capital City” search, but the Reference Text points to a listing appearing in an “Other Areas” search

2. The White Pages® Online Cross Reference can NOT be used to direct users to a listing appearing within a different state search.

For Example: the Finding Name is scoped to appear in a Sydney search, but the Reference Text points to a listing appearing in the Melbourne directory.

3. Referencing is limited to listings appearing in White Pages® Online .

NOTE: As per the White Pages® Entry Policy & rules, Reference names and Cross Reference names must be either Registered Business, Company or Trading names or other names that the organisation has the legal right to use. The onus of proof rests with the organisation. All registered business names must comply with the ‘Business/Company Names’ rules.

4.5 Other Product Features & issues

The following features may not be attached/linked to an White Pages® Online Cross Reference:

1. A map link,

2. White Pages® Online Enhanced Listing (WPOEL), or

3. Enhancements such as bold or colour

NOTE : A White Pages® Online Cross Reference appearance is not dependent on the timing of the

White Pages® print directory distribution dates and may appear prior to the relevant print directory/directories being published. The White Pages® Online component of the Cross

Reference within the White Pages® Online site will be available through the regular site update from the White Pages® core system.


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

5.0 Rules for Related Names

5.1 Alternative Trading Names


Trading Names



Business is listed in the White Pages® core system as South Yarra Plumbing. Also known as Bob’s Plumbing Service.

Opportunity to list under the alternative trading name and direct users to the “Main” listing where contact information can be located.

Appearance on White Pages® Online :

Bob’s Plumbing Services

( See South Yarra Plumbing )

Provided the customer has the approved and legal right to use the alternative trading name, it may be listed.

5.2 Acronyms




Government organisation is listed in White Pages® Online Database as Department of

Education, Training and Youth Affairs. A large number of White Pages® Online users search for them under DETYA (acronym). Opportunity found for the customer to list the name under DETYA

Appearance on White Pages® Online :


( See Education, Training and Youth Affairs )

Acronym must be exact – ie: can not make use of a word, which is not an exact use of letters forming business name.

ie. “DETYA” for “Department of Training and Youth Affairs” would be accepted but

“Motel” for “Mobile Telephones” would be rejected.

Use of Acronyms- The replacement of numerals for letters (unless this falls into phonetic spelling of a name), and alternative trading names, require the business to approved and legal right to use the name, (e.g. registered business name, company or individual trading name.)


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

5.3 Common spelling errors

Common spelling errors


Example :

A business is listed in White Pages® core system as QANTIS TRANSPORT.

From reviewing White Pages® Online log files, we can provide information that x amount of searches are performed on White Pages® Online (over any given period) for QUANTIS TRASPORT and there is a strong possibility that these users are searching for their business which is listed as QANTIS TRANSPORT.

Opportunity for QANTIS TRANSPORT to list their business name under the misspelling to educate users, reinforce their brand and improve the ease with which customers can access the contact information they require.

Appearance on White Pages® Online :

QUANTIS Transport

( See QANTIS Transport )

The use of misspellings as alternative listing names is limited to following :

1. Standard spelling errors, including but not limited to: i before e and vice versa, a before e and vice versa, o in place of u and vice versa, s in place of c and vice versa, k in place of c and vice versa, and z in place of s and vice versa

2. Phonetic misspellings where there is no change phonetically in the name

(This is addressed under the rules eg. Shae vs Shay “Ae” sound and “Ay” sound but spelt differently).

NOTE: This is also addressed under Section 5.4

3. Finding Names split by syllables eg. “Price Warehouse Discounts” listed as

“Price Ware House Discounts”.

Finding Names connected (where actually more than one word) For Example:

Nationbuilders listed as Nation Builders

4. Jargon

Example: PC Advice Australia,

(see Personal Computer Advice Australia) .

5. Colloquialisms

Example: Barbies Australia,

(see Barbeques Australia)

The alternative spelling must be close enough to the original business listing

(which must be appropriately registered) so as to be reasonably considered to be a misspelling of that word. Where the word is changed to such an extent that more letters change than remain the same, or where the meaning of the word changes, these will be disallowed.


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

5.4 Phonetic spelling of business name

Phonetic spelling of business name



A business is listed in the White Pages® core system as Kwik Koffee. From reviewing White Pages® Online log files, Sensis may choose to provide information that ‘x’ amount of searches are performed on White Pages® OnlineOnline over any given period, for QuickCoffee, KwikCoffy and Kwik Coffy. There is a strong possibility that users are searching for the business listed as Kwik Koffee.

Opportunity for Kwik Koffee to list their business name under the misspelling to educate users, reinforce their brand and improve the ease with which customers can access the contact information they require

Appearance on White Pages® Online :

QuickCoffee ( See Kwik Koffee )

Note: It is difficult to distinguish between a Misspelling and a Phonetic spelling of a business name in practice.

5.5 Phonetic Spelling with numeric characters

Phonetic spelling of business name



A business is listed in the White Pages® core system as Twenty First Century

Computers. From reviewing White Pages® Online log files, Sensis may choose to provide information that ‘x’ amount of searches are performed on White Pages®

Online , over any given period for 21 st

Century Computers. There is a possibility that users are searching for the business listed as Twenty First Century Computers.

Opportunity for Twenty First Century Computers to list their business name under the misspelling to educate users, reinforce their brand and improve the ease with which customers can access the contact information they require

Appearance on White Pages® Online :

21 st

Century Computers

( See Twenty First Century Computers )

Use of alpha to replace numerics must take the form of the manner in which the name is spoken eg. “Twenty First Century Computers” cannot be listed as “Twenty

One Century Computers”

For Cross References using phonetic spelling, these names must not change the understanding of the finding name or how it is spoken.

The Phonetic spelling must be close enough to the original business listing (which must be appropriately registered) so as to be reasonably considered to be a phonetic spelling of that word. Where the word is changed to such an extent that more letters change than remain the same, or where the meaning of the word changes, these will be disallowed.


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

5.6 Department Names or Brands


Names or




A business or government department is listed in the White Pages® core system as

VICStreets. From reviewing White Pages® Online log files, we can provide information that ‘x’ amount of searches are performed on White Pages® Online

(over any given period) for Licence Enquiries. There is a strong possibility that these users are searching for information that is available under the sub heading “Licence

Enquiries” which forms part of the VIC Streets listing.

Opportunity for VICStreets to list under the name “Licence Enquiries” and direct users to their main listing.

Appearance on White Pages® Online :

Licence Enquiries ( See VICStreets )

Listing must have a subheading within their listing (CAPTN) which matches the alternative finding name.

A generic term finding name may not match a Yellow Pages® Heading or Fast Find

Index™ heading .

Example of an unacceptable reference:


(See Australian Hotel Chain)


White Pages® Online Cross Reference Advertising Rules

7.0 Standards & Sensitive Words

Sensis® products, including White Pages® & Yellow Pages® directory products have attained a reputation for credibility and publisher’s integrity.

Consistent application of the Sensis standards which is essential in maintaining the ethics of other

Sensis® products.

W hite Pages® Online advertising and listings submitted by businesses providing products and services of a sensitive nature ie Adult Industry, including Escort Agencies, Escort Services, Novelty

Message Services (strippers etc), must be carefully examined prior to acceptance. Names, pictorial representations or statements used in advertising copy matter must not be in conflict with

Sensis standards.

NOTE: W hite Pages® Online advertising and listings promoting sensitive businesses (as outlined above) are required to be assessed by the Policies Rules & Standards department to assess whether the content of the customers advertising adheres to the Sensis Standards criteria and advertising rules.

If consultants are unsure about the validity of an entry, they should contact the Policies, Rules &

Standards department for clarification.

