STANDARDS BASED GRADING It’s Possible! Chapman High School National Blue Ribbon School (2013) Solution Tree Model PLC School (2015) Chapman, KS Kevin Suther, Principal and Terrell Bell Award Winner (2013) Collette Erickson, 37 year English Teacher Kate Thornton, Assistant Principal Tell us why Standards Based Grading is not possible in your school or classroom? ONLY worry about WHAT you CAN CHANGE! Parent Schedule MTSS Interventions Student Activities Retes ting Compliance How many home visits are done each evening to help reinforce learning through homework? Who is the expert? MINDSET CHANGE The student is LAZY or IRRESPONSIBLE so they should not be allowed to reassess! Reassessment is WATERING down the curriculum! Why would I give a student the higher score on a reassessment? When do I move on in my curriculum because I have so much to cover? Parent Teacher Conference Quotes in the Past Teacher: “Your student would have a better grade if they would just turn in their homework.” Parent: “I was was terrible at math when I was in high school. No wonder my son/daughter is struggling.” Irish HUB Academic Lunch Academic Lunch From the NHS Student Perspective Standards Based Grading At CHS *Advanced Math Teacher- Fall 2014 *Entire Math Department- Spring 2015 *Sophomore English Teacher- Spring 2015 *Entire English Department- Fall 2015 *Science and Social Science- Fall 2015 English Final Grade Summative Assessments= 90% of Final Grade Formative Assessments= 0% of Final Grade Career Readiness Skills= 5% of Final Grade Accelerated Reader= 5% of Final Grade Formative Assessment Practice of Each Standard ● Individual, partner, and group activities ● Exit Tickets/Bell Work ● Socrative Quizzes ● Quick Writes ● Socratic Circle/Discussions (Graded with an S, S-, U, or U-) Summative Assessments Assessment of Standard Mastery ● Socrative Quizzes ● Socratic Circles ● Unit Quizzes ● Writing Assignments Glimpse at the Standards SBG Points Explained 10= Perfect, Continuous Correct Usage 9= Almost Perfect 8= Understands Concept 7= Shows Limited Understanding 6= Little Understanding- Needs Improvement 5= Insufficient Effort 0=No Attempt or Academic Dishonesty Keeping Data Essential Standards-Pacing Guide Math Pacing Guide Chart Science Learning Targets The Gradebook View English Gradebook Science Gradebook English Gradebook Science Standards Based Grading Rubric Math Rubric Social Studies Rubric Standards Based Grading Rubric ● Calibrate Rubrics during PLC Time ● Create shared rubrics for Summative Assessments ● If a student does not master the content what then? Back to the original question... Tell us why Standards Based Grading is not possible in your school or classroom? We will help answer your questions! To Take Home…. Dispelling the misconceptions: How to explain SBG to your stakeholders: From the top: Contact Information Kevin Suther - Kate Thornton- Collette Erickson -