Montgomery County High School

Pendleton County High School
Technology Education
Course: Foundations of Technology
Instructor: Rebekka Bess
Year: 2013-2014
Credit: 1
Grade(s): 9-10
Prerequisite: none
Teacher Contact ..
Phone: 859-654-3355 x7303
Planning: 2nd Period (9:00-9:50)
Twitter: @MrsBessTech
Course Description .
All technological devices operate from the application of basic concepts and processes. Students in this
course will learn these concepts as they design products and engineer solutions to problems. They will
also learn that technology is fundamental to human existence. They will begin to understand the
impacts and issues created by the development and use of technology. Connections between
technological devices and concepts in mathematics and science are explored.
Required Materials .
Pen or pencil
School internet account
Flash drive (recommended, but not
Grading .
The chart to the right breaks down the percentage value of
% Value
the various class assignments. A description for each
Bell ringers/Exit Slips
assignment category is listed below.
 Bell ringers and Exit Slips: Students are responsible
In Class Assignments
for daily bell ringers and exit slips. Bell ringers are
to be completed online during the first five minutes of class, and exit slips will be given during
the last five minutes of class. Both items will be checked daily.
 Tests/Quizzes/Assessments: Initially, all students will take the quiz as a class. After receiving
their score, students will have an opportunity to retake the quiz. Students will need to schedule
a time with Mrs. Bess to retake the quiz. Retake must be completed within five school days
after the initial grade is received. The higher of the two scores will be recorded.
Major assessments can include exams, as well as some group and individual projects.
Students will be made aware of how group and individual projects will be assessed when the
project is assigned. With tests, students will be given an opportunity to complete a “wrong
answer analysis” to make up half of the missed credit.
 In Class Assignments: All assignments that do not count as journal entries, quizzes, or tests will
fall under this category. This includes most assignments completed during class, as well as
Class Participation .
Prompt attendance in class is a priority. All students are encouraged to participate in class through
individual and group assignments. All students are expected to show responsibility and respect during
their participation in class.
Tutoring .
At least once per week, I am available to stay after from 3:00pm-4:00pm for any student wishing to
catch up on class work. A list of dates I am available to stay will be posted weekly. Sign up for the date
you wish to stay, or request a day to stay after.
Classroom Expectations and Procedures .
Start of class:
When you come to class, log in to your assigned computer and begin working on the journal entry
for the day. There may be times when you computer is not on, so it is important that you take care
of this as soon as you come to class.
 A student is considered tardy if they are not in their seat ready to work when the bell rings.
 You will be given a verbal warning for the first tardy, a parent/guardian will be contacted
upon the 2nd tardy, and a referral will be written for every 3rd tardy.
 Tardy counts start over every quarter.
Absence/makeup policy:
 Upon returning from an absence, you will be permitted to make up work missed during
 For every day of absence, you will receive one day to complete make-up work.
 It is the student’s responsibility to ask for missing work from Mrs. Bess.
 Regarding suspension absences, students will be permitted to complete missed class work
assignments while suspended and receive up to 75% credit for that work.
Computer Lab:
 Completion of daily assignments is your first priority.
 No open food or drink container around the computers.
 Leave your area clean at the end of class.
 Do not remove cords from the computer.
 Bring pencil and paper every day.
Personal space: Please be respectful of the personal space of your fellow students. This includes:
 keeping your hands to yourself
 avoiding rough-housing behaviors
 being considerate of the work that other students are trying to do.
 only being concerned with the computer you are assigned to.
Cell phones, tablets, and all other personal devices: Students may not use cell phone/personal
devices without teacher consent. (PS - There is a clock in the room and on the computer
screen for time.) A cellphone or tablet device can only be used as a reference tool when it is
stated by the teacher for an assignment, the student has received Digital Citizenship
training, have a signed BYOD paper on file and has received a sticker on their school ID. The
student must also have their school ID out and on their table if using their device for this
Restroom passes:
 I allow three passes per student per quarter.
 I will record each use in the notebook on my desk.
 Per school policy, I will not excuse students to the restroom during the first and last ten
minutes of class, nor will I excuse you when instruction is occurring. (Group or individual
work time would be the most appropriate time to ask.)
 Bring your agenda to class in order to use a restroom pass.
Course Outline .
 Description: Students will demonstrate understanding of mechanical principles through
designing and building devices with LEGOs.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, design/problem solving exercises, quizzes
 Unit Assessment: Multiple choice/scenario exam
 Time: 5 weeks
 Description: Students will use Adobe Photoshop Elements to edit photographic images.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, daily photo-editing exercises, quizzes
 Unit Assessment: Multiple choice/scenario exam; student-choice photography mini-projects
 Time: 5 weeks
 Description: Students will develop an understanding of how cameras work, photographic
composition, and digital media.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, daily photography exercises, quizzes
 Unit Assessment Multiple choice/scenario exam; student-choice photography mini-projects
 Time: 4 weeks
 Description: Students will investigate the skills needed to search, apply, and interview for a
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, daily career skill exercises, quizzes
 Unit Assessment Multiple choice/scenario exam; mock interview video
 Time: 4 weeks
 Description: Students will use Google Sketchup software to communicate designs and ideas.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, daily CAD exercises
 Unit Assessment: Multiple choice/scenario exam (will also include one CAD problem)
 Time: 5 weeks
 Description: Students will use their understanding of bridges and forces to design, build, and
test a bridge.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, daily bridge exercises, quizzes
 Unit Assessment: Multiple choice/scenario exam; constructed toothpick bridge (with a
 Time: 4 weeks
UNIT 7: AVIATION (March 7 – April 10)
 Description: Students will investigate aviation principles, and will design, build, and fly a
rubber band-powered airplane.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, daily bridge exercises, quizzes
 Unit Assessment: Multiple choice/scenario exam; completed rubber band-powered airplane
 Time: 5 weeks
UNIT 8: COMPUTER ANIMATION (April 11 – May 15)
 Description: Students will build and animate a 3D character.
 Formative Assessment: Bell ringers, exit slips, PowerPoint animation, A Simple Walk
animation tutorial
 Unit Assessment: Multiple choice/scenario exam; original 15-second animated sequence
 Time: 4 weeks
Note: Syllabus subject to change at teacher’s discretion.