Carbon Cycle Lesson Plans Week 5 Week of March 2-6 2014 Monday (2) Snow Day Tuesday (3) Snow Day Wednesday (4) Snow Day Thursday (5) Learning Target: I can explain the role of plants in the carbon cycle. Students will begin class by reviewing the Giant Sequoia Probe and the class results of the probe from the previous class. Students will then readdress the overlying question: Where Does the Wood Come from (when trees grow)? Groups must discuss the questions and summarize their thinking in order to share with the class. Allow groups of students to share their thinking with the class. Ask the rest of the class if they agree or disagree with the group thoughts. At the end of class, have students readdress the Giant Sequoia Probe (once again using the sticky notes). Collect data. Show the Teacher Ed Video: Where Do Trees Come From? Allow students to make changes to the Giant Sequoia Probe in their science journals. Formative Assessment: Where Does the Wood Come From When Trees Grow Probe, Giant Sequoia Probe Media/Technology: SAPS Powerpoint, Teacher Ed Video, Possibly the video, Lessons From Thin Air. Special Needs Strategies: Small group work Gifted Strategies: Students scoring proficient on the Pre-Test will work on an independent study project involving student choice and the following website: Friday (6) Learning Target: I can describe a plant’s role in the carbon cycle. Students will begin class by completing a bell work exercise that reviews the biological short cycle. After discussing the bell work, students will receive a handout (SAPS Activity Two: The Story of Photosynthesis) in which they will read and respond to a few questions about photosynthesis. Discuss the questions. Next, students will complete the interactive: Illuminating Photosynthesis (use iPads with Photon if available), otherwise go through the interactive on the SMART Board. Students will summarize (in their journals) the meaning of the photosynthesis poem (Interactive 3) once they have gone through all three interactives. To close the lesson, students will take a short clicker quiz that will check student understanding about the role of plants in the carbon cycle. Formative Assessment: Bell Work over Short Cycle, Summary of Interactive, formative quiz over “Where Does Wood Come From”. Special Needs Strategies – Writer’s Frame for Illuminating Photosynthesis Media/Technology: Gifted Strategies: Gifted Strategies: Students scoring proficient on the Pre-Test will work on an independent study project involving student choice and the following website: