1 Graph theoretical algorithms for index reduction for charge/flux oriented Modified Nodal Analysis Simone Bächle, Falk Ebert Abstract— The numerical simulation of very large scale integrated circuits is an important tool in the development of new industrial circuits. A problem in circuit simulation is that the model equations lead to differential algebraic equations (DAEs), that may have an index larger than one, i.e., they may contain so-called hidden constraints. The increased index has numerous disadvantages for the numerical treatment of circuit DAEs. The determination of the hidden constraints can be done by investigating the circuit topology. Until now, this information has only been used for the consistent initialization of the circuit equations. A recent suggestion has been to reduce the index of the circuit DAE in order to improve its numerical behaviour. This paper will describes graph theoretical methods that lead to constraints in a favorable formulation. Furthermore, the index reduction via minimal extension will be performed for circuit DAEs, using these constraints. IMULATION of electrical circuits is a commonly used tool to test new electrical circuits prior to producing an actual prototype. Especially in chip design it is important to be able to have a quick and reliable method for simulating the behaviour of a circuit. But the respective circuits tend to contain millions of elements, thus making simulation difficult, just because of the sheer size of the problem. The main methods for the simulation of circuits are the Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA), the charge-/flux-oriented MNA (MNA c/f) and the Sparse Tableau Approach (STA), cf. [1]. Kirchhoff’s Laws and branch constitutive relations (BCR) are set up to form a system of equations describing the important properties of the circuit, e.g., voltages and currents. As this system contains differential relations as well as algebraic ones, it is a ’Differential-Algebraic-Equation’ (DAE). A well known problem of DAEs is that besides obvious algebraic relations, they may contain so-called hidden constraints that are revealed only by differentiating certain equations or parts thereof. The number of differentiations is closely related to a concept called the ’index’ of a DAE, cf. [2]–[4]. There exist many different concepts to assign an index to a DAE, like the tractability index, see [3], and the strangeness index [4], which have been shown to be strongly related for linear time-varying systems of t-index ≤ 3 (or s-index ≤ 2), cf. [5]. In the course of this paper, the differential index (d-index) [2] will be used. The hidden constraints in the case of the MNA and the MNA c/f have been determined, see [6], and in [7] it has been shown, how they can be obtained without algebraic transformations of the circuit equations by only using information contained in S Manuscript created January 23, 2006. Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin, MA 4-5 Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany, email: baechle@math.tu-berlin.de Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin, MA 3-3 Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany, email: ebert@math.tu-berlin.de Supported by the DFG Research Center M ATHEON ”Mathematics for key technologies” in Berlin. the topology of the circuit. The information obtained in this way until now has mainly been used to determine consistent initial values. Recently, a concept called minimal extension, see [8], has been suggested to include the hidden constraints into the process of integration, see [9]. The DAE obtained in this way is of d-index 1, while typically large scale systems are of index 2. For DAEs of d-index higher than 1, the numerical solution leads to difficulties, i.e., they are usually more costly to solve, while accuracy might suffer as well. The algorithms proposed here are based on the results of the topological index analysis. As the topological structures leading to a d-higher index are in general not unique, we will use the additional freedom to determine the arising hidden constraints in a ’favorable’ way. This aims at determining equations that can be incorporated into the circuit DAE without additional expensive algebraic transformations. This approach has several advantages. First, the involved algebraic transformations are mainly permutations that do not incur roundoff errors. Second, the resulting DAE is of d-index 1 and thus better suited for numerical integration. Moreover, the resulting constraints can be incorporated into the original DAE in a way that preserves the special structures of the DAE. The paper is organized as follows. In Section I a brief introduction to circuit modeling will be given. Necessary graph theoretical notions will be defined. Section II will deal with the concept of index reduction by minimal extension. Algorithms will be presented to determine hidden constraints from the circuit topology. It will be proved that the constraints determined in this way can effectively be used to reduce the index of the circuit DAE. In Section III, the properties of the new algorithms will be demonstrated using two examples. I. M ODELING OF A CIRCUIT A. Description of the circuit topology The behaviour of an electrical circuit is defined by the elements which it contains and the way in which the elements are connected with each other. This relation of the elements can best be described in terms of graph theory. Thus, some basic definitions concerning the description of general graphs will be given here. These concepts will be linked to the description of the topology of a circuit. Definition 1.1 (Oriented graph): An oriented graph G is a pair (N, B), where N = {n1 . . . nN } is a finite set and B a binary relation on N. The elements nk , k = 1, . . . N of N are called nodes. The elements bk1 ,k2 = < nk1 , nk2 >, k1 , k2 ∈ {1, . . . N } of B are called branches. We also denote G as G(N, B). 2 Definition 1.2 (Subgraph): Consider a connected graph e = G( e N, e B) e of G is a graph G = G(N, B). A subgraph G e e such that N ⊆ N and B ⊆ B. Circuits can be interpreted as oriented graphs when the elements are considered as the branches. The orientation of a branch is given by the direction of the branch current. The nodes are placed at the ends of the branches. Consider the branch bk1 ,k2 = < nk1 , nk2 >. The branch is incident with the nodes nk1 and nk2 . bk1 ,k2 leaves node nk1 and enters node nk2 . Definition 1.3 (Incidence matrix): Consider an oriented graph G and let the branches be numbered arbitrarily, e.g. B = {b1 , . . . , bB }. The incidence matrix A ∈ RN ×B of G is given by 1 akl = −1 0 and it is well if branch l leaves node k, if branch l enters node k, if branch l is not incident with node k, known that rank A = N − 1. [10] If the incidence matrix of a circuit is formed considering all branches of the circuit and all its nodes except a reference node, this results in a reduced incidence matrix which has full row rank. In the following section, we will only consider this reduced incidence matrix and denote it by A. Even though the incidence matrix is the most common way to describe the topology of a circuit, it is not the only one. In view of section II, two more possibilities to represent a graph in terms of matrices are presented. But at first, we need some more definitions. Definition 1.4 (Path, simple path, connected graph): A path of length p between two nodes nj1 , njp+1 of a graph G is a sequence of nodes nj1 , . . . , njp+1 such that for every two consecutive nodes njk 6= njk+1 , k = 1, . . . , p in this sequence either bjk ,jk+1 ∈ B or bjk+1 ,jk ∈ B. If in addition, njk 6= njl , k, l ∈ {1, . . . , jp }, then the path is simple. G is connected if for every pair of nodes there exists a path between them. If a graph G is not connected, it consists of at least two separate subgraphs. These subgraphs are connected graphs and are usually called components of G. Definition 1.5 (Loop, cutset): Let G be an oriented graph. A loop is a simple path such that nk1 = nkp+1 . A cutset is a set Bc of branches of G such that the graph Gc that results when the branches in Bc are deleted from G has one more component then G, but adding any branch in Bc to Gc would result in a graph with the same number of components as G. Apart from the incidence matrix, there are two possibilities to represent a graph as a matrix which are of interest in this paper. One is based on the relations between loops and the branches that form them. The other one is based on cutsets and the branches that form these cutsets. Definition 1.6 (Loop matrix): Let G be an oriented graph. Consider all loops m1 , . . . , mM in G. Choose one branch in each loop to define the orientation of the loops. The loop f ∈ RM ×B is given by matrix M 1 if branch l belongs to loop k and is oriented in the same way, m e kl = −1 if branch l belongs to loop k and is oriented in the opposite way, 0 if branch l does not belong to loop k. Definition 1.7 (Cutset matrix): Let G be an oriented graph. Consider all cutsets s1 , . . . , sS . Choose one branch in each cutset to define the orientation of the cutsets. The cutset matrix e ∈ RS×B is then given by S 1 if branch l belongs to cutset k and is oriented in the same way, sekl = −1 if branch l belongs to cutset k and is oriented in the opposite way, 0 if branch l does not belong to cutset k. f and S e defined in Definitions 1.6 and 1.7 in The matrices M general do not have full rank. So, it is interesting to identify those sets of loops and cutsets that yield full rank matrices. Definition 1.8 (Tree, forest): Consider a connected graph G = G(N, B). A tree T = T(NT , BT ) of G is a subgraph with NT = N which is connected but does not contain any loops. If G is not connected and consists of F components, then the trees T1 , . . . , TF of the components of G form a forest T = T(NT , BT ). In this case, NT and BT are given by NT = NT1 ∪ · · · ∪ NTF , BT = BT1 ∪ · · · ∪ BTF . The branches e b1 , . . . , e bBt of T are referred to as tree branches. Those branches b b1 , . . . , b bBc of G that are not contained in T are called connecting branches. Lemma 1.1: Let G be a connected graph and T a tree of G. Then 1) every connecting branch closes a unique loop that consists of that connecting branch and tree branches only. These loops are called independent loops. 2) every tree branch defines a unique cutset that consists of that tree branch and connecting branches only. These cutsets are called independent cutsets. Every loop and cutset can be combined by the independent loops or cutsets that are defined by the tree T. Proof: Cf. [11]. It can be shown that Lemma 1.1 is also valid for graphs which are not connected [11]. Definition 1.9 (Reduced loop matrix): Let G be an oriented graph and T a tree of G. Consider the independent loops that are defined by T. Let the loops be oriented the same way as the connecting branches that define them. The coefficients mkl of the reduced loop matrix M ∈ RB↔ ×B are then defined in analogy to Definition 1.6. Definition 1.10 (Reduced cutset matrix): Let G be an oriented graph and T a tree of G. Consider the independent cutsets that are defined by T. Let the cutsets be oriented 3 the same way as the tree branches that define them. The coefficients skl of the reduced cutset matrix S ∈ RBt ×B are then defined in analogy to Definition 1.7. Lemma 1.2: Let G be a graph and T a tree of G. The matrices M and S as defined in Definitions 1.6 and 1.7 have full rank. Moreover, if the branches of G are ordered such that B = {b b1 , . . . , b bBc , e b1 , . . . , e bBt } then M = S = [ IB G ] , c T −G IBt , where Ik denotes the k × k identity matrix and G ∈ RBc ×Bt . Proof: Cf. [10], [11]. B. The circuit equations We will consider circuits with general nonlinear capacitances, resistances, inductances and voltage and current sources that satisfy the restrictions given in [12]. We will shortly present the charge and flux oriented modified nodal analysis as modeling method. For a more detailed introduction to circuit modeling methods see [10]. Consider a circuit. Its topology is completely described by its reduced incidence matrix A. Let i be the vector of all branch currents, v the vector of all branch voltages and e the vector of node potentials in the circuit. These terms are related by Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL). The KCL states that the sum of all currents that enter a node is equal to zero, or for the whole circuit, Ai = 0. (1) The KVL on the other hand states that the sum of the voltages over branches that form a loop in the circuit is equal to zero. This translates into a relation between the branch voltages and the node potentials of the circuit v = AT e. (2) We now split the circuit into its capacitive, resistive and inductive subgraphs and into those subgraphs that are defined by voltage and current sources. For these subgraphs, we define the vectors of branch currents i∗ , branch voltages v∗ and the incidence matrix A∗ , ∗ ∈ {C, R, L, V, I} for the capacitive, resistive and inductive part and the parts that are defined by voltage and current sources. Combining the branch constitutive relations for resistances, capacitances and inductances with (1) and (2) and the functions that describe the voltage and current sources iI = is (AT e, d q, iL , iV , t) =: is (∗, t) dt (3) d q, iL , iV , t) =: vs (∗, t), dt (4) and vV = vs (AT e, yields the following system AC d q + AR g(ATR e, t) + AL iL dt + AV iV + AI is (∗, t) d ATL e − Φ dt ATV e − vs (∗, t) q − qC (ATC e, t) = 0, (5a) = 0, (5b) = 0, = 0, (5c) (5d) Φ − φL (iL , t) = 0. (5e) Here, q is the vector of charges of the capacitances and Φ is the vector of magnetic fluxes in the inductances of the circuit. The last two equations (5d) and (5e) are the charge and flux conservation laws for capacitances and inductances. The procedure outlined above is the charge and flux oriented modified nodal analysis (MNA c/f). It yields a mixed system of differential and algebraic equations (DAE). C. Index and topology The numerical integration of general DAEs f (ẋ, x, t) = 0, ∂ f singular ∂ ẋ (6) may be a difficult task. Due to the coupling of differential and algebraic equations, even the choice of an initial value x0 can be a challenge, since it will have to fulfill the given algebraic constraints. What makes matters worse is the observation that even though x0 fulfills these constraints, it may happen that there is nevertheless no solution for (6) with initial value x0 . Apart from this fact, other numerical problems like instabilities or reduction of the order of the chosen integration method may occur. To classify DAEs and give some measure of the difficulty of their numerical treatment, several index concepts have been introduced, for example the differentiation index of Campbell and Gear [13], the strangeness index of Kunkel and Mehrmann [14] or the tractability index of Griepentrog and März [3]. Here, we will use the differentiation index (d-index). Roughly speaking, the d-index of (6) is the minimum number of times that all or part of (6) must be differentiated with respect to t in order to determine ẋ as a continuous function of x and t [13]. If the d-index of (6) is greater than 1, there are additional algebraic constraints which are not explicitly given in (6) but can be derived by differentiation and algebraic transformations of (6) [3], [14]–[16]. Consider a circuit that fulfills the restrictions listed in [12]. The d-index of the DAE (5) that arise from this circuit is linked to its topology. Thus in this case, we may speak of the d-index of the circuit. To state the relation between the topology and the d-index of a circuit, we give the following definitions. Definition 1.11: Consider the oriented graph G of a circuit. 1) An LI-cutset is a cutset consisting of inductances or both inductances and current sources. 2) A CV-loop is a loop consisting of both capacitances and voltage sources. 4 Note, that there are no loops that only contain voltage sources and no cutsets that only consist of current sources, as these are excluded by the restrictions in [12]. Theorem 1.3: Consider a circuit with circuit equations as in (5). Let the controlled sources of the circuit fulfill the conditions in [12]. 1) If the circuit does neither contain CV-loops nor LIcutsets, then the d-index of the DAE (5) is equal to 1. 2) If the circuit contains CV-loops, LI-cutsets or both CVloops and LI-cutsets, then the d-index is equal to 2. Proof: Cf. [7]. It is possible to compute the additional algebraic constraints of (5) with help of the topology of the circuit, as we will show in the next section. II. I NDEX REDUCTION BY MINIMAL EXTENSION A. Constraints arising form CV-loops Consider a RC network, i.e. a circuit that neither contains inductances nor current sources. If the MNA c/f is used to model the circuit, then this leads to the following DAE AC d q + AR g(ATR e, t) + AV iV = 0, dt d ATV e − vs (AT e, q, iV , t) = 0, dt q − qC (ATC e, t) = 0. (7a) (7b) (7c) If the sources fulfill the conditions given in [12] and the circuit contains CV-loops, then (7) has d-index 2. This, in turn, means that there are some additional constraints that are not explicitly given in (7). 1) Find a CV-loop in the given network graph. If no loop is found, then end. 2) Write the equation resulting from the sum of the derivatives of the characteristic equations of the voltage sources contained in the CVloop, taking into account the orientation of the loop and the reference direction of the considered branches. For instance, if the voltage sources v1 , . . . , vk form a part of the CV-loop and we define 1, if the orientation of the loop coincides with that of vi , αi = −1, else then the equation we write in this step is k X i=1 αi „ « d “ T ” d AV e − vs,i (∗, t) = 0 . i dt dt 3) Form a new network graph by deleting the branch of one voltage source that forms a part of the loop, leaving the nodes unchanged. 4) Return to 1, considering the new network graph. ALGORITHM I C OMPUTATION OF THE HIDDEN CONSTRAINTS ARISING FORM CV- LOOPS ( C . F. [12]) In [12], the hidden constraints are computed by Algorithm I. The coefficients αi that are computed by the algorithm are related to the coefficients of a loop matrix. To show this connection, the definition of the αi is changed to include all voltage sources in the circuit and all the loops that are determined by the algorithm. Thus, let v1 , . . . , vNV be the voltage sources and let m1 , . . . , mM CV be those CV-loops Algorithm I detects. Let the CV-loops be oriented in an arbitrary way. Then, define for each loop mj , j = 1, . . . , M CV and each voltage source vk , k = 1, . . . , NV 1, if v belongs to m and k j is oriented in the same way as mj , αjk = −1, if vk belongs to mj and is oriented in the opposite way as mj . 0, if vk does not belong to mj . In addition, the capacitances that are part of the considered CV-loops are taken into account by defining 1, if c belongs to m and k j is oriented in the same way as mj , α ejk = −1, if ck belongs to mj and is oriented in the opposite way as mj . 0, if ck does not belong to mj , where c1 , . . . , cNC are the capacitances of the circuit. Hence, with MV := [αjk ] ∈ RM CV ×NV , the hidden constraints the algorithm computes can be rewritten as 0= d MV (vV − vs (∗, t)) , dt (8) or alternatively as 0 = MV d ATV e − vs (∗, t) , dt (9) if the facts that vV = ATV e and that MV does not depend on t are taken into account. Note that MV has full row rank T and that it is equivalent to the matrix QV −C from [12]. If (9) together with the derivative of the charge conservation law (7c) is added to the DAE (7) and new variables are added as proposed in [8], then the d-index of(7) is reduced from 2 to 1. The matrix MCV := MC MV ∈ RM CV ×(NC +NV ) with MC := (e αjk ) ∈ RM CV ×NC is part of the reduced loop matrix MCV the subgraph GCV which is defined as follows. Definition 2.1 (CV-subgraph): A CV-subgraph is a connected subgraph of the network that consists only of both capacitive branches and branches with voltage sources and nodes incident with these branches. GCV denotes the union of all CV-subgraphs. 1) Initialize TCV with the branches of voltage sources in GCV . 2) For all capacitances c1 , . . . , cBG of GCV do CV a) Check, if ck closes a loop. i) If ck does not close a loop, add it to TCV . ii) If ck closes a CV-loop, identify the branches that form this loop and save them along with k. F IND ALGORITHM II CV- LOOPS THE INDEPENDENT Algorithm II builds a tree TCV in GCV and determines a set of independent loops. If the coefficients of the reduced loop matrix MCV of GCV that is associated to the tree TCV are 5 defined analogously to the coefficients αjk and α ejk of MCV , then MCV = [MC MV ] . (10) Note that MV does not need to have full row rank in this case. However, MC has full row rank due to the fact that loops of voltage sources have been excluded in the conditions in [12]. From Lemma 1.1 it follows that the CV-loops detected by Algorithm I can be obtained as linear combinations of the independent loops determined by Algorithm II. Hence the equations in (8) are linear combinations of the equations d T d MV AV e − vs (∗, t) = 0. (11) dt dt If (11) instead of (9) together with the derivative of the charge conservation law (7c) is added to the DAE (7) and new variables are introduce as described in [8], then this still lowers the d-index of (7). Now, (11) is reformulated such that the hidden constraints can be incorporated in a way that preserves the special structure of the DAE (7). Due to KVL, MC vC + MV vV = 0 holds and with vV = ATV e, equation (11) may be rewritten as d d MC vC + MV vs (∗, t) = 0. (12) dt dt Since MCV is a reduced loop matrix of GCV and because of Lemma 1.2, there exists a permutation of the capacitive branches and the branches of voltage sources such that bC v v V,ind vC = v . (13) e C , vV = vV,contr vC bC is the vector of branch voltages across those caHere, v pacitive branches that close the independent CV-loops that eC is the vector of branch voltages Algorithm II detects. v across capacitive branches that belong to TCV . The vector vC denotes the vector of branch voltages across capacitive branches that do not belong to GCV . The vector vV,ind denotes the voltages across independent voltage sources and vV,contr the voltages across controlled voltage sources. Since controlled voltage sources are not allowed in CV-loops (cf. [7]) and due to Lemma 1.2, the reduced loop matrix MCV with respect to all capacitive branches and all branches of voltage sources has the form MCV = [ IMCV GCe OC MV,ind OV,contr ] , (14) where MCV is the number of independent loops in GCV . Thus, with (13) and (14) equation (12) can be transformed into d d d bC + GCe v eC + MV,ind vs,ind (t) = 0. v (15) dt dt dt Assuming now that the capacitive charges depend only on the voltages across the respective capacitive branch, it is possible to write qbC (b vC ) b q vC ) =: q q = qC (vC , t) =: qeC (e (16) e. q C (vC ) q Remark 2.1: This is a minor restriction since for most nonlinear capacitances the charges only depend on the voltages at the incident nodes. b and q e are equal to The derivatives of the capacitive charges q the capacitive currents biC and eiC and given by ∂ d biC = d q b vC ) d vC , (17a) b = qbC (b vC ) vC =: C(b dt ∂v dt dt d d ∂ eiC = d q e e = qeC (e vC ) vC =: C(e vC ) vC . (17b) dt ∂v dt dt b vC ) and C(e e vC ) are assumed to be Since the Jacobians C(b positive definite, the respective inverses exist (cf. [12]). Thus, (17) can be used to express the derivatives of the voltages bC and v eC in terms of the currents biC and eiC , respectively. v b vC ) To obtain this expression, (12) is first multiplied with C(b which yields biC = C(b b vC ) d vC dt d d b eC + MV,ind vs,ind (t) . = −C(b vC ) GCe v dt dt d d e −1 (e eC = C e finally leads to v vC )eiC and eiC = dt q dt d biC = biC (b e, t) eC , q (18) vC , v dt d d e −1 (e b vC ) G e C e + MV,ind vs,ind (t) . vC ) q = −C(b C dt dt Using Hence, the currents through those capacitances in GCV that close the CV-loops, that have been found by using Algorithm II, are determined by the derivatives of the functions of the voltage sources in GCV and the currents through the capacitances in TCV . If the incidence matrix AC is partitioned according to the partitioning of q, (18) can be inserted into the DAE (7) directly. The DAE that is obtained in this way now takes the form d eC d q e + AR g(ATR e, t) + AV iV AC q + A dt dt b CbiC (A b T e, A e T e, d q e, t) = 0, (19a) +A C C dt ATV e − vs (∗, t) = 0, (19b) b TC e) = 0, (19c) b − qbC (A q e T e) = 0, (19d) e − qeC (A q C T q − q C (AC e) = 0. (19e) bC and v eC do not occur as unknows Since the branch voltages v b T e and A e T e, respectively in (7), they have been replaced by A C C to yield (19). B. Constraints arising from LI-cutsets A situation similar to the one described in Section II-A occurs in a RL network, i.e. a circuit that does contain neither capacitances nor voltage sources. The flux oriented MNA yields the DAE AR g(ATR e, t) + AL iL + AI is (∗, t) = 0, d ATL e − Φ = 0, dt Φ − φL (iL , t) = 0. (20a) (20b) (20c) 6 If the controlled current sources fulfill the conditions given in [12], then the d-index of (20) is equal to 2, if and only if the circuit contains LI-cutsets. Again, there exist hidden constraints that are caused by the LI-cutsets. According to [12], these constraints can be computed by Algorithm III. 1) Find an LI-cutset. If one is found, then pick out an arbitrary inductance of this cutset. Note that we can always find such an inductance because cutsets of current sources only are forbidden. If no cutset is found, then end. 2) Write a new equation resulting by differentiation of the cutset equation arising from 1. For instance, if the current sources i1 , . . . , ikI and the inductances l1 , . . . , lkL form a part of the LI-cutset and we define 1, if the orientation of the cutset coincides with that of ij , αj = −1, otherwise, 1, if the orientation of the cutset coincides with that of lj , α ej = −1, otherwise, If (21) together with the derivative of the flux conservation law (20c) is added to (20) and new variables are introduced to this extended system as proposed in [8], the d-index of (20) is reduced from 2 to 1. 1) Consider a graph that is derived from the network graph by removing all current sources and inductances. The components of this graph are the nodes of a new graph GLI . Assume that GLI has at least two different nodes. The branches of GLI are defined by the current sources and inductances of the circuit. 2) Remove from GLI all self-loops, i.e. branches that leave and enter the same node. 3) Construct a tree TLI of inductive branches in GLI . Denote the tree branches by elk1 , . . . ,elkS , kl ∈ {1, . . . , NL }. Each tree branch LI defines a cutset which is oriented in the same way as the tree branch. 4) Find the independent loops in GLI . If a connecting branch zk closes a loop that contains the tree branches bk1 , . . . bkj , then zk belongs to every cutset that is defined by bk1 , . . . bkj . If the orientation of the loop was defined by the orientation of zk , then zk will always be reversed to the orientation of the cutsets. then the equation obtained in this step reads kI X αj j=1 kL X d d is,j (∗, t) + α ej iL,j = 0. dt dt j=1 F IND 3) Delete the chosen inductance from the network contracting its incident nodes. 4) Return to 1, considering the new network graph. ALGORITHM III C OMPUTATION THE HIDDEN CONSTRAINTS ARISING FROM LI- CUTSETS ( CF. [12]) Again, the definitions of the coefficients αj and α ej are extended such that all inductances and current sources in the circuit are covered. Let the independent LI-cutsets s1 , . . . , sSLI , that Algorithm III has determined, be oriented in an arbitrary way and let the current sources of the circuit be denoted by i1 , . . . , iNI and the inductances by l1 , . . . , lNL . Then, the coefficients αjk for the current sources are defined by 1, if ik belongs to sj and is oriented in the same way as sj , αjk = −1, if ik belongs to sj and is oriented in the opposite way as sj , 0, if ik does not belong to sj , and SI := [αjk ] ∈ RSLI ×NI . Analogously, the coefficients α ejk for the inductances are defined by 1, if lk belongs to sj and is oriented in the same way as sj , α ejk = −1, if lk belongs to sj and is oriented in the opposite way as sj , 0, if lk does not belong to sj , and SL := [e αjk ] ∈ RSLI ×NL . The matrix SLI := [SI SL ] is part of a reduced cutset matrix of the circuit graph restricted to independent LI-cutsets. The hidden constraints can be rewritten as 0= d (SI is (∗, t) + SL iL ) . dt (21) ALGORITHM IV LI- CUTSETS THE INDEPENDENT It is possible to define the independent LI-cutsets in a more favorable way by using Algorithm IV. If this is done, then there exists a permutation of the inductive branch currents and the branch currents of current sources such that biL iI,ind iL = eiL , iI = . (22) iI,contr iL Here, biL is the vector of currents through those inductive branches that define the independent LI-cutsets that Algorithm IV detects. eiL is the vector of currents through inductive branches that do not belong to TCV but are part of LI-cutsets. vC denotes the vector of currents through inductive branches that do not belong to LI-cutsets. iI,ind denotes the vector of currents through independent current sources and iI,contr the vector of currents through controlled current sources. Since controlled current sources are not allowed in LI-cutsets (cf. [7]) and due to Lemma 1.2, the reduced cutset matrix SLI with respect to all inductive branches and all branches of current sources has the form SLI = [ ISLI GLe OL SI,ind OI,contr ] (23) and with (22), the hidden constraints (21) can be written as d d db iL + GLe eiL + SI,ind is,ind (t) = 0. dt dt dt (24) Assuming that the inductive fluxes only depend on the current through the respective inductance, (20c) can be split into b φbL (biL ) Φ e . Φ = φL (iL , t) =: φeL (eiL ) =: Φ (25) φC (iL ) Φ Remark 2.2: Again, this is only a minor restriction since for most nonlinear inductances the fluxes only depend on the respective branch currents. 7 bL and v eL are given by The inductive branch voltages v db ∂ b b d b biL ) d iL , (26a) bL = − Φ = − φL (iL ) iL =: −L( v dt ∂i dt dt de ∂ e e d d e e eL = − Φ = − φL (iL ) iL =: −L(iL ) iL (26b) v dt ∂i dt dt b biL ) and L( e eiL ) are again assumed to be and the Jacobians L( positive definite. Hence, the relations (26) can be use in much the same way as the relations (17) to transform (24) into bL = vbL (biL , eiL , v eL , t) v (27) d b biL ) G e L e −1 (eiL )e = L( vL − SI,ind is,ind (t) . L dt If the incidence matrix AL is partitioned according to the e T e can be used eL = A partitioning of iL , then the relation v L eL in (27). The equation obtained in this way can to replace v now be inserted into (20). The new system has the form b LbiL + A e LeiL + AL iL + AI is (∗, t) = 0, AR g(AT e, t) + A d d d vC = vC2 + vs (t). dt 1 dt dt d d d d With iC1 = qC1 = 2vC1 vC1 and iC2 = qC2 = vC2 dt dt dt dt this is rewritten as d qC + 2 cos(t) . (29) iC1 = 2vC1 dt 2 = 0, To insert (29) into (28), vC1 is replaced by e1 . This leads to the DAE (30). d qC2 + 2 cos(t) + e1 + is (iV , t) + iV ,(30a) 0 = 2e1 dt d 0 = qC2 − iV , (30b) dt 0 = e1 − e2 − 2 sin(t), (30c) 2 (30d) 0 = qC1 − e1 , 0 = qC2 − e2 . (30e) = 0, The analytical solution to (28) and (30) is given by (31). R b T e − vbL (biL , eiL , A e T e, t) A L L de T e AL e − Φ dt d T AL e − Φ dt b − φbL (biL ) Φ e − φeL (eiL ) Φ The CV-loop yields the constraint qC1 (t) qC2 (t) e1 (t) e2 (t) iV (t) = 0, = 0, = 0, Φ − φL (iL ) = 0. III. N UMERICAL EXAMPLE The simple circuit shown in Figure 1 is taken from [17]. 2 It contains a nonlinear capacitance C1 with qC1 = vC and a 1 current controlled current source with is (iV , t) = −2−sin(t)+ (2 sin(t) + 3)iV . The capacitance C2 is a linear capacitance given by qC2 = vC2 = e2 and the independent voltage source is given by vs (t) = 2 sin(t). = = = = = (2 + sin(t))2 , 2 − sin(t), 2 + sin(t), 2 − sin(t), − cos(t). (31a) (31b) (31c) (31d) (31e) −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 iv −6 10 2 1 −7 10 −8 10 C2 is(iv) C1 Fig. 2. Fig. 1. source Circuit with nonlinear capacitance and current controlled current System (28) describes the corresponding charge oriented MNA equations. Due to the CV-loop which consists of both the capacitances and the voltage source, (28) has d-index 2. d 0 = qC + e1 + is (iV , t) + iV , (28a) dt 1 d 0 = qC − iV , (28b) dt 2 0 = e1 − e2 − 2 sin(t), (28c) (28d) 0 = qC1 − e21 , 0 = qC2 − e2 . (28e) 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [sec] R1 Relative error for d-index 1 (dashed) and d-index 2 (solid) in e1 Both (28) and (30) were integrated using DASPK3.1 [18] with absolute and relative tolerances of 10−3 . Figures 2, 3 and 4 show the errors in e1 , e2 and the index 2 variable iV . Figure 5 shows the development of the step sizes for both formulations during the numerical integration. DASPK was able to solve the DAE for all components to the desired accuracy for both the d-index 2 formulation (28) and the d-index 1 formulation (30). To do so, however, DASPK needed 353 steps to integrate (28), but only 91 steps for (30). IV. S UMMARY We have adapted existing graph theoretical algorithms to find those configurations in circuits which give rise to hidden constraints in the circuit’s DAE. The algorithms have been 8 2 0.25 0 0.2 10 10 step size −2 10 0.15 0.1 −4 10 0.05 −6 10 0 0 −8 10 0 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 10 time [sec] 10 time [sec] Fig. 5. Fig. 3. Step sizes for d-index 1 (dashed) and d-index 2 (solid) Relative error for d-index 1 (dashed) and d-index 2 (solid) in e2 2 10 0 10 −2 10 −4 10 −6 10 −8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [sec] Fig. 4. Relative error for d-index 1 (dashed) and d-index 2 (solid) in iV devised to produce constraints favorable for the use in index reduction. The main advantage of these algorithms is that they eliminate the need for expensive algebraic transformations. All computation needed for the index reduction method can be done in fast integer arithmetic. The topological analysis necessary for the presented index reduction method needs to be performed only once prior to the actual numerical intergration of the circuit equations. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank Caren Tischendorf and Volker Mehrmann for their help with circuits and the corresponding DAEs. Also, Matthias Bollhöfer for encouragement and Ekkehard Köhler for his help with graph theory. Last but not least, we want to thank Achim Basermann and Ingo Naumann from CCRLE for most fruitful discussions. R EFERENCES [1] M. Günther and U. Feldmann, “CAD-based electric-circuit modeling in industry. I. Mathematical structure and index of network equations,” Surv. Math. Ind., vol. 8, pp. 97–129, 1999. [2] C. W. Gear, “Differential-algebraic equation index transformation,” SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput., vol. 9, no. 1, 1988. [3] E. Griepentrog and R. März, Differential-Algebraic Equations and Their Numerical Treatment, ser. Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik. 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