TECHNICAL USER GUIDE MANUAL for the RETROFIT Engineered Worksheets January 2015 Independent Electricity System Operator 120 Adelaide St. West Suite 1600 Toronto, Ontario M5H 1T1 For inquiries, please send them to Table of Contents 1) INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2) DOCUMENT PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................4 DISCLAIMER .....................................................................................................................................................4 DOCUMENT LAYOUT ..........................................................................................................................................4 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................................5 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 THE RETROFIT ENGINEERED WORKSHEETS...........................................................................................................7 2.2 ENGINEERED WORKSHEET LAYOUT .......................................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Types of Cells............................................................................................................................................8 3) THE APPLICANT AND FACILITY INFORMATION TAB ....................................................................................... 9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 APPLICANT AND PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................9 FACILITY INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................9 FACILITY SCHEDULE .........................................................................................................................................10 BILLING DATA.................................................................................................................................................11 4) THE SYSTEM SCHEDULE TAB ........................................................................................................................ 12 5) THE SYSTEM DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS TAB .................................................................................................... 14 5.1 COMBINED COMMERCIAL LIGHTING ENGINEERED WORKSHEETS ..............................................................................14 5.1.1 Base Case and Retrofit Lighting System .................................................................................................15 5.1.2 Base Case and Retrofit Power Input.......................................................................................................17 5.2 LIGHTING CONTROLS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET ....................................................................................................18 5.2.1 Lighting Controls Overview ....................................................................................................................18 5.2.2 Lighting System Operating Schedule .....................................................................................................18 5.2.3 Space Information ..................................................................................................................................19 5.2.4 Lighting Information ..............................................................................................................................19 5.2.5 Daylighting Information .........................................................................................................................19 5.3 COMPRESSED AIR ENGINEERED WORKSHEET ........................................................................................................20 5.3.1 Compressed Air Systems Overview ........................................................................................................21 5.3.2 Start Here Tab ........................................................................................................................................22 Compressor Inventory .........................................................................................................................................24 Pipe Pressure and Volume Tests .........................................................................................................................26 5.3.3 Measure 1 – Reduce Air Leakage ...........................................................................................................28 5.3.4 Measure 2 – Reduce Discharge Pressure ...............................................................................................30 5.3.5 Measure 3 – Energy Efficient Dryer........................................................................................................31 5.3.6 Measure 4 – Zero Loss Drains Tab .........................................................................................................33 5.3.7 Summary of Measures, Energy Impact, Project Economics & Incentives...............................................33 5.3.8 Summary of Underlying Calculation and Assumptions ..........................................................................34 5.4 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) COMPRESSED AIR ENGINEERED WORKSHEET ..............................................................36 Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 1 of 75 5.4.1 Backgrounder - VSD and Fixed Speed Air Compressors .........................................................................36 5.4.2 Suitability of Use and Limitations ..........................................................................................................38 5.4.3 Typical Operating Pressure ....................................................................................................................39 5.4.4 Fixed Speed Compressor (CAGI Data Sheet Inputs) ................................................................................40 5.4.5 VSD Compressor (CAGI Data Sheet Inputs) ............................................................................................41 5.4.6 Typical Operating Profile .......................................................................................................................42 5.4.7 Short Explanation...................................................................................................................................43 5.4.8 Comments & Notes for Technical Reviewer to be Aware of ..................................................................43 5.5 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) ON FANS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET ..........................................................................43 5.5.1 Fan Overview .........................................................................................................................................43 5.5.2 Fan Curve and Operating Profile ............................................................................................................44 5.5.3 Fan and Motor Information ...................................................................................................................47 5.5.4 Fan and Motor Efficiency .......................................................................................................................48 5.6 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) ON PUMPS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET .......................................................................50 5.6.1 Pump Overview ......................................................................................................................................50 5.6.2 Pump Curve and Operating Profile ........................................................................................................50 5.6.3 Pump and Motor Information ................................................................................................................52 5.6.4 Pump and Motor Efficiency ....................................................................................................................53 5.7 UNITARY AIR CONDITIONING (A/C) ENGINEERED WORKSHEET ................................................................................54 5.7.1 Applicant and Space Information ..........................................................................................................55 5.7.2 Load Duration Curve ..............................................................................................................................56 5.7.3 System Operating Schedule – Cooling Season Only ...............................................................................57 5.7.4 Floor Area and Climate ..........................................................................................................................57 5.7.5 Existing AC Unit and Replacement Unit Cost .........................................................................................58 5.8 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN INFORMATION .........................................................................................................58 5.8.1 Economic Values ....................................................................................................................................58 5.8.2 6) Project Cost Breakdown .........................................................................................................................60 OUTPUTS TAB .............................................................................................................................................. 61 6.1 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES .....................................................................................................................61 6.1.1 Combined Commercial Lighting .............................................................................................................62 6.1.2 Lighting Controls ....................................................................................................................................62 6.1.3 Compressed Air ......................................................................................................................................69 6.1.4 Variable Speed Drive Compressed Air ....................................................................................................69 6.1.5 Variable Speed Drive on Fans.................................................................................................................70 6.1.6 Variable Speed Drive on Pumps .............................................................................................................72 6.1.7 Unitary A/C ............................................................................................................................................74 6.2 PROJECT ECONOMICS.......................................................................................................................................74 Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 2 of 75 6.3 QUALITY CONTROL (QC) AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR LDCS ..........................................................................................75 APPENDIX A –Examples of Completed Engineered Worksheets Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 3 of 75 1) INTRODUCTION 1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE This Technical User Guide Manual (the “Guide”) is has been developed to help Local Distribution Companies (LDCs), Applicants and their respective Representatives, Project Consultants and Project Evaluators complete the Engineered Worksheets (Microsoft Excel spreadsheets) that are part of the RETROFIT PROGRAM. The Guide describes how the Engineered Worksheets calculate the Participant Incentives. It is not related to any specific version of the Engineered Worksheets. 1.2 DISCLAIMER This Guide and its appendices are provided solely for informational purposes and based on information currently available to the Independent Electricity System Operator (“IESO”). The IESO expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any other use of the information in the Guide or any methods or equipment described. In particular, the information in the Guide is not meant to be relied on to determine or project actual electricity or cost savings, or to calculate progress towards conservation and demand management targets set by the Ontario Energy Board. The IESO does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any of the information contained in the Guide, including any third party information and information of the Department of Natural Resources Canada (“NRCan”), and undertakes no obligation to revise or update the Guide. Users of this Guide rely on the information contained therein at their own risk and remain responsible for seeking appropriate legal, technical or other professional advice with regard to their particular circumstances. The IESO and its respective officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and subcontractors assume no liability or responsibility whatsoever to any person for damages of whatever kind and nature, which may occur or be suffered as a result of the use of this Guide or reliance on the information therein. 1.3 DOCUMENT LAYOUT The Guide has six sections and one appendix: Section 1 - this section is an introduction. It describes the purpose and layout of the Guide. It also presents some key definitions used in the RETROFIT PROGRAM. Section 2 - this section presents a brief overview of the RETROFIT PROGRAM. It also provides a description of the Engineered Worksheets and their general layout. Section 3 - this section describes the steps involved in completing the Applicant and Facility Info tab of the worksheets, which includes the applicant and project contact information, the facility information, the facility schedule, and the billing data. Section 4 - this section describes how the operating hours of a measure are to be entered under the System Schedule tab, as well as how to account for statutory, civic or other holidays, lieu days, or scheduled shutdowns Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 4 of 75 Section 5 - this section discusses the various input data that is to be included on the System Design Assumptions tab in order to calculate Demand and Energy Savings for commercial lighting, compressed air systems, variable speed drives on fans, variable speed drives on pumps, and unitary air-conditioning systems. It also describes the energy and cost data used in calculating the total project cost. Section 6 - this section explains the Demand and Energy Savings calculated under the Outputs tab for each Engineered Worksheet. It also describes the economic benefits that could be derived from the project and provides quality control (QC) and diagnostics for the LDCs. Appendix A – this section provides examples of completed Engineered Worksheets and discusses how energy and demand savings are calculated using case scenarios. Phrases in italics refer to the different tabs of the Engineered Worksheets. Notes, where available, are also italicized to emphasize them. Words and phrases in Bold are specific terms used on the worksheets and are shown in bold in the Guide to help the user quickly find the related information on the worksheet. 1.4 DEFINITIONS The following RETROFIT PROGRAM defined terms may help the users of this Guide to better understand the Guide. “Demand Savings” means the estimated, determined or actual (as the context may require) reduction in electricity demand, expressed in kilowatts, obtained as a result of an Engineered Measure or a Custom Measure and as determined pursuant to an Engineered Worksheet or a Custom Worksheet. “Energy Savings” means the estimated, determined or actual (as the context may require) electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project, expressed in kilowatt hours, obtained as a result of an Engineered Measure or a Custom Measure and as determined pursuant to an Engineered Worksheet or a Custom Worksheet. “Engineered Measures” means Measures listed on an Engineered Worksheet and that involve the replacement of inefficient existing equipment with high efficiency equipment. “Engineered Worksheet” means a worksheet that provides calculations of Energy Savings and Demand Savings and Participant Incentives for associated Measures in the form provided from time to time. “Participant” means a non-residential Distribution Consumer who has (i) submitted an Application which was approved by the LDC; (ii) agreed to the terms and conditions in the Participant Agreement, and (iii) satisfied the Eligibility Criteria. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 5 of 75 2) OVERVIEW Under the RETROFIT PROGRAM substantial Participant Incentives are available for replacing existing equipment with high efficiency equipment and for installing new control systems that can improve the efficiency of businesses’ operational procedures and processes. The program offers three approaches to achieving energy and peak demand savings: a “Prescriptive” track, an “Engineered” track, and a “Custom” track. Under the Prescriptive track an Applicant can select high efficiency retrofit measures from a defined list that includes a corresponding per-unit incentive. Examples of the types of measures that are possible under this track are: the retrofit of inefficient equipment, such as lighting, motors, and unitary air conditioners (A/C), to more efficient equipment. If the proposed retrofit project involves upgrading existing equipment, the incentive amount that may be available depends on the type, efficiency, and quantity of the equipment to be installed. To be eligible for the Prescriptive track, the proposed retrofit measures have to match the requirements for the high efficiency measures on the Prescriptive Measures List. If, however, a particular measure does not appear on the Prescriptive Measures List, the Applicant might still be able to proceed using the Engineered track or Custom track. The Engineered track includes a number of preset calculation worksheets (the Engineered Worksheets) that estimate the reduction in peak demand and energy that might be available with the installation of more energy-efficient equipment or solutions. Based on the reductions possible in peak demand and energy, the worksheets are used in calculating the possible incentive. (Please note that on the Engineered Worksheets, the Applicant provides the base case assumptions used for calculating the possible energy and peak demand savings, whereas under the Prescriptive track, the base case assumptions are provided by the RETROFIT PROGRAM.) In addition, the Engineered track provides the potential for additional Participant Incentives for the installation of equipment and many consider it a more straight-forward process than the Custom track, with simplified calculations for estimation of energy and peak demand savings. The Custom track is a choice that might be suitable for installation of more complex or innovative solutions not covered under either the Prescriptive or Engineered track. Technology, equipment, and system improvements are evaluated on their peak demand and energy-performance. Participant Incentives can be paid after installation, once the savings have been measured and verified (for large projects), or once quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) requirements have been met for (small projects). Participant Incentives that may be available for Prescriptive projects are indicated on the Prescriptive worksheets, which set out the dollar amount per unit installed. For Engineered and Custom track projects, the Participant Incentives available are: $400/kW of Demand Savings or $0.05/kWh of Energy Savings for lighting measures (whichever is higher), to a maximum of 50% of the project costs that are directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Engineered Measure. More details are found in Section 5.6 – Project Cost Breakdown. $800/kW of Demand Savings or $0.10/kWh of Energy Savings for non-lighting measures (whichever is higher) including lighting controls, to a maximum of 50% of the project costs. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 6 of 75 2.1 THE RETROFIT ENGINEERED WORKSHEETS There are seven worksheets available under the Engineered track of the RETROFIT PROGRAM ( Combined Commercial Lighting Engineered Worksheet Lighting Controls Engineered Worksheet Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet Variable Speed Drive (VSD) on Fan Engineered Worksheet Variable Speed Drive (VSD) on Pump Engineered Worksheet Unitary A/C Engineered Worksheet These Engineered Worksheets are used to estimate the Demand Savings and Energy Savings for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentives that may be available as a result of implementing Conservation Demand Management (CDM) measures. The Engineered Worksheets are not meant to be, and should not be, used as design tools. 2.2 ENGINEERED WORKSHEET LAYOUT The Engineered Worksheets follow a similar layout, with an Introduction tab and the following four major tabs: Applicant and Facility Information System Schedule1 System Design Assumptions Outputs As well, most of the worksheets have either a Reference tab or a set of additional tabs containing relevant technical specifications. 1 For Unitary A/C Engineered Worksheet, the System Schedule is found on the System Design Assumptions tab. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 7 of 75 2.2.1 Types of Cells There are three types of cells used in the worksheets input cells, output cells, and optional cells: Input cells You can enter information in these cells in text or numerical format. Information entered into these cells is used in calculating potential Energy and Demand Savings, Participant Incentives, and the project economics. Output cells You cannot enter information into these cells. These cells show the calculated potential Energy and Demand Savings, Participant Incentives and project economics. In the various Commercial Lighting Engineered Worksheets they also show calculated potential lighting level output based on information you may provide in optional cells (see below). Optional cells On the various Commercial Lighting Engineered Worksheets you can enter numerical information in these cells. The cells are used in calculating the estimate of: a room’s cavity ratio, average illuminance in the workplane, estimated usable lumens per watt, and percent change in workplane illuminance. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 8 of 75 3) THE APPLICANT AND FACILITY INFORMATION TAB The Applicant and Facility Information tab collects relevant information about the Applicant, including their primary project contact details, facility information, facility schedule, and the facility’s electricity billing data. Once the Applicant and Facility Information tab has been completed, the Engineered Worksheet may be saved and used for multiple applications, changing only the information under the System Schedule and System Design Assumptions tabs. (Given the ability to save and re-use this information, to prevent accidentally overwriting it, it is recommended to save a separate master copy of the worksheet.) 3.1 APPLICANT AND PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION Note: If the Applicant has completed and submitted an Application for the RETROFIT PROGRAM using the online application process via the saveONenergy website (, then it is not necessary to complete the Applicant and Project Contact Information section. However, since the worksheet will be uploaded as supporting documentation for an application using the online application process, we recommend naming of the worksheet in a manner that is suitable for the RETROFIT PROGRAM. Contact details for the Applicant Representative or Primary Project Contact person are entered in the appropriate cells of the worksheet as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The Applicant Representative or Primary Contact person may need to be contacted for inquiries relating to the information provided on the worksheet or regarding the project. Figure 1 – Applicant Information Figure 2 Applicant Representative/Project Contact Information 3.2 FACILITY INFORMATION Facility information, such as the Building Name, Address, Building/Property Type and Gross Facility Floor Area in square feet, is entered in the appropriate cells as shown in Figure 3. This information is for the individual who may be tasked with doing pre- and post-project site visits. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 9 of 75 Figure 3 Facility Information The Applicant selects the building/property type from one of the 10 listed choices in the dropdown list: Office, Retail, Health Care, Multi-Residential, Warehouse, Agri-business, Hospitality, Educational, Industrial, and Other. Notes: 1) Select “Other” from the dropdown list if the building/property type is not one of specific types and then specify the building/property type in the cell next to the one that reads “If ‘Other’, indicate type”. 2) If the Building/Property Type has mixed uses, indicate the percentage of floor space allocated to each of the uses of the building (Figure 3, for example, shows a 30,000 sq. foot Health Care property in which 80% of the floor area is used for Health Care and 20% for Office). 3) Indicate the Type of Project being applied for by selecting from the drop downlist whether it is Planned Replacement, Unexpected Replacement, New Equipment for new process or Expansion of Operations, or Efficiency Upgrade. 3.3 FACILITY SCHEDULE The typical operating hours of the whole facility during weekdays, weekends, and holidays are entered in the Facility Schedule section, as shown in Figure 4. Note: This information refers to the overall facility schedule, not the operating hours of the equipment, which is entered separately under the System Schedule tab. Figure 4 Facility Schedule Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 10 of 75 3.4 BILLING DATA The monthly electricity consumption and peak demand for the last 12 months are entered in the Billing Data section. This information is used to discern the energy consumption pattern of the building. Electricity Consumption is a measure of how much electricity is consumed in kilowatt hours (kWh) for the building, while Peak Demand is a measure of the highest level of demand in kilowatts (kW) or kilovolt-amperes (kVA) as measured during the billing period.2 Data to be input on this section of the worksheet can usually be found on the facility’s hydro bill and should be entered in the appropriate cells as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 Billing Data Note: If the utility’s billing cycle covers two months, enter the monthly data under the month where the majority of the billing period occurs. For example, Electricity Consumption and Peak Demand data for a billing cycle of March 14 – April 13 would be entered under the month of March. Once the data is entered, the Engineered Worksheet will automatically compute the total electricity consumption and determine the maximum electricity consumption and peak demand over the 12 month period. 2 Independent Electricity System Operator, “A Guide to Electricity Charges for Business”, Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 11 of 75 4) THE SYSTEM SCHEDULE TAB The operating hours for the equipment or measure (for example, high bay lighting, variable speed drive, compressed air system) are entered in the System Schedule tab of the Engineered Worksheet using the 24 hour 7 day table as shown in Figure 6. If the equipment is scheduled to operate for a certain hour, enter “1” and if the equipment is not scheduled to operate for a certain hour, enter “0”. As shown in Figure 6, the cells within this table will change to purple when “1” is entered, indicating that the equipment is in operation. The information on this table is used to estimate the total annual operating hours for the equipment and serves as the basis for energy calculations. If the equipment operates for only part of an hour (for example, it starts working at 9:30 a.m.), it is recommended to show the full hour of operation. Figure 6 Zone Operating Hours for the Interior Lighting The total annual operating hours can be further adjusted by the number of days the equipment is not operational due to statutory, civic or other holidays, lieu days, or scheduled shutdowns. Under the System Schedule tab there is a chart showing 11 Ontario civic and statutory holidays. As can be seen in Figure 7, the holiday information is used to pre-populate the table located just to the left of the list of holidays. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 12 of 75 Figure 7 Adjustments Due to Holidays and Scheduled Shutdowns Note: The figures presented in the table to the left of the list of Ontario holidays can be further adjusted to reflect the actual operation schedule at the facility. For example, if the equipment at the facility is on during Canada Day but not operational for 3 days during the month of February, as shown in Figure 8, the user would reduce the pre-populated number in the cell for July by 1 day, and increase the pre-populated number in the cell for February by 3 days. Figure 8 – Pre-Populated versus Adjusted Days The Engineered Worksheet automatically computes the total annual operating hours for the equipment based on the weekdays, weekends, and holiday schedule entered by the Applicant. A summary of these operating hours are displayed as shown in Figure 9. In this summary table, the typical weekly number of operating hours for the equipment based on the schedule (excluding holidays) is also shown. Figure 9 Summary of Operating Hours for the Interior Lighting in a Specific Zone Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 13 of 75 5) THE SYSTEM DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS TAB The System Design Assumptions tab collects information on input assumptions (for example, wattages, operating pressure, pump curve, and so on) for the base case and retrofit systems, operating profiles, economic value assumptions, and project cost breakdown. Because the information collected under the System Design Assumptions tab is relevant to the particular worksheet, the different worksheets are discussed in the following subsections: 5.1 Combined Commercial Lighting Engineered Worksheets 5.2 Lighting Controls Engineered Worksheet 5.3 Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet 5.4 VSD Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet 5.5 VSD on Fans Engineered Worksheet 5.6 VSD on Pumps Engineered Worksheet 5.7 Unitary Air Conditioning (A/C) Engineered Worksheet Note: Applicants are encouraged to gather all relevant technical and economic input assumptions they will need before they begin filling in the System Design Assumptions tab of the worksheet. 5.1 COMBINED COMMERCIAL LIGHTING ENGINEERED WORKSHEETS There are various types of Commercial Lighting Engineered applications that can be submitted under the Combined Lighting Engineered Worksheet Commercial Interior Lighting; Commercial High Bay Lighting; and Commercial Directional Lighting. Commercial Exterior Lighting Commercial Specialized Lighting Commercial Architectural Lighting Note: The Combined Lighting Engineered Worksheet has a System Design Assumptions tab under which data is collected regarding the base case and the retrofit lighting systems, as well as zone information. Under this tab there are also cells that are highlighted in purple that are not mandatory but that may help the user assess the lighting levels of the base case and retrofit lighting systems. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 14 of 75 5.1.1 Base Case and Retrofit Lighting System Under the Base Case Lighting System and Retrofit Lighting System sections, the technical specifications for the existing (base case) and retrofit commercial lighting system, respectively, are entered. The required technical specifications can include: the Type of Fixture, Other Types of Fixtures, Lamp Type, Nominal Lamp Wattage, Number of Fixtures, Lamps per Fixture, and Input Wattage per Fixture. This information can be sourced from existing fixture/ballast or manufacturers’ cut sheets, as well as from information under the Reference tabs included in the Engineered Worksheet. This information should be entered for both the base case and retrofit lighting system. Figures 10 and 11 show examples of how this information might appear on a worksheet. Figure 10 – Base Case Lighting System Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 15 of 75 Figure 11 – Retrofit Lighting System The paragraphs that follow provide brief description of the rows in these charts. Type of Fixture The type of fixture can be selected from a dropdown list. Table 1 lists the different types of fixtures that can be selected in each of the Combined Lighting Engineered Worksheets. The configurations of each of these fixtures are located under the Commercial CU Tables tab. Other types of fixtures not included in the dropdown list can be entered in cells on the “Other Types of Fixture” row. Lamp Type This cell is used to identify the type, size, and rated wattage of the existing lamps. Examples include 4’ T8 (4 ft linear T8 fluorescent lamps), MH (metal halide), or PAR 38 for halogen or LED lamps. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 16 of 75 Nominal Lamp Wattage This is the wattage at which a lamp is designed to operate.3 It is the lamp wattage supplied by lamp manufacturers. Number of Fixtures and Lamps per Fixture These cells are used to indicate the number of fixtures and the number of lamps in a fixture that will be replaced in the specified zone. The worksheet can accommodate up to 20 different types of fixtures. (If there are more than 20 fixtures, fill out another worksheet.) 5.1.2 Base Case and Retrofit Power Input As shown in Figures 10 and 11, the Base Case Power Input and Retrofit Power Input sections are where the Input Watts per Fixture of the existing and retrofit commercial lighting system are entered. The Input Watts per Fixture may differ from the Nominal Lamp Wattage. Once the Input Watts per Fixture is entered, the Total Connected Lighting Power (kW) is automatically calculated by the Engineered Worksheet. Input Watts Per Fixture This is the total wattage required by both the ballast and the lamps in a luminaire or fixture that depends on the number of lamps, ballast type, and ballast factor. Reference input wattages are available under the relevant Reference tab or from manufacturers’ cut sheets. Table 1 – Types of Fixtures for the Commercial Lighting Engineered Worksheets (from the worksheet dropdown lists) Commercial Interior Lighting Commercial High Bay Lighting Commercial Directional Lighting Baffled Parabolic Recessed Troffer Clear Acrylic Open Halogen Flood Acrylic Lens Troffer Clear Acrylic Enclosed Incandescent Acrylic Wrap Spun Aluminum Reflector Compact Fluorescent Indirect Basket Linear Fluorescent LED Bulb 3 Test Procedures Regarding Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 17 of 75 The information in the cells in the remaining rows of the Base Case and Retrofit tables are optional for the user to enter data. Whether these cells are populated does not affect the computation of the Energy and Demand Savings. However, providing information in these optional cells will help determine lighting level metrics, such as the average illuminance in the workplace and usable lumens per watt, which are shown on the Base Case Light Output tables on the worksheets. It also determines the percentage change (increase or decrease) in workplace illuminance due to the lighting retrofit. The lighting level results from using the optional cells are meant to guide users on the impact of the lighting retrofit. The light level results are not meant to be used as design tools. 5.2 LIGHTING CONTROLS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET 5.2.1 Lighting Controls Overview The energy performance of lighting controls is defined by the lighting installed, the control type, amount of daylight present, and by the users behaviour. The savings a particular lighting control achieves is dependent on how often the light can be turned off (or dimmed) which is in-turn defined by the movement pattern (e.g. occupancy) through the space. 5.2.2 Lighting System Operating Schedule The operating hours for the lighting system in the facility are entered in the Lighting System Operating Schedule section of the Engineered Worksheet using the 24 hour 7 day table as shown in Figure 12. If there is only one operating schedule for the whole year, enter the schedule only under Season 1. If there is more than one operating schedule for the year (e.g. different On Time and Off Time for the cooling months) as in the case of some schools, enter the schedule under Season 2 and Season 3. To ensure that the number of operating hours is properly inputted, when entering dates and time it is important to always use the drop down menus. Figure 12 - Lighting System Operating Schedule The number of holidays in the facility’s calendar year is also inputted and considered in the computation of the annual operating hours. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 18 of 75 5.2.3 Space Information In the Space Information section, information about the applicable space type and room dimensions is entered as shown in Figure 13. The Engineered Worksheet can be used for the following space type: private office, open office, classroom, conference/meeting room, warehouse, cafeteria, gymnasium, changeroom/restroom and storage room. The area of the space is automatically calculated. Figure 13 - Space Information 5.2.4 Lighting Information To appropriately define the lighting system that is being operated, the user is required to describe the lighting fixtures (e.g. no. of lamps, fixture type) that are to be controlled within the space. For each fixture, the total input watts and the number of fixtures within the space are entered. This defines the base power consumption for the lighting control. The user is also asked to provide the percentage that the lamps may be dimmed to. Some lighting types such as high intensity discharge (HID) lamps may only be dimmed to a percentage of their initial output rather than allowing the controller to completely turn them off. This defines a percentage of the power which is not controlled via the lighting controls. Figure 14 - Lighting Information 5.2.5 Daylighting Information If daylight sensors are installed, more information is necessary and entered into the Daylighting Information section as shown on Figure 15. The user is asked to select the type of daylight control (on/off, stepped dimming, fully modulating dimming). With on/off control, the daylight sensor turns the light off when there is adequate daylight (OFF/100%). Stepped dimming control dims the light to track Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 19 of 75 the available natural light via a series of output levels (e.g., OFF/30%/60%/100%). Fully modulating dimming dims the light proportionally to the level of natural light available (OFF to 100%). Figure 15 - Lighting Information Information about the amount of daylight available in the space is also provided through an exterior window to wall ratio and an estimation of the window tint. The window to wall ratio represents the area of the windows over the exterior wall surface area. For example: a window to wall ratio of 40 indicates that 40% of the wall area is window with the remaining 60% as wall. Window tint is viewed from the building exterior. Clear windows offer almost no obstruction to viewing the interior. Light tints offer more obstruction and are often green in colour. Dark tints are reflective and often blue, bronze, or gray. The window tints correspond to different levels of window visible transmittance as listed below the representative photographs shown in the worksheet. Clear, light and dart tint correspond to visible transmittance of 0.8, 0.6 and 0.4, respectively. 5.3 COMPRESSED AIR ENGINEERED WORKSHEET The Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet uses information entered by the Applicant to evaluate the base case and the energy efficient case for a series of potential improvements to a compressed air system. It is expected that the user will have a good understanding about compressed air system components, and the “cause and effect” relationship between potential equipment and operational changes and corresponding energy consumption. The System Design Assumptions tab for the Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet is divided into seven (7) tabs. Two (2) tabs, namely Compressor Inventory and Pipe Volume & Pressure Test collects Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 20 of 75 information on the existing air compressors and their main distribution pipes and receiver tanks, respectively. A Summary tab has been added to provide a summary on the measures, energy impact, project economics and incentives. The last four (4) tabs collect information on the base case and the energy efficient case for a series of potential improvements to a compressed air system, such as: Measure 1 - Reducing leaks Measure 2 - Reduce pressure Measure 3 - Using an energy efficient refrigerant air dryer (cycling, non-cycling and desiccant) Measure 4 - Using zero loss air drains The Engineered Worksheet contains two (2) additional tabs, namely, a Navigation tab and a Start Here tab. The Navigation tab provides information on the different tabs of the worksheet and explains how to navigate the different tabs. The Start Here tab is an important tab and users are instructed to study this carefully. 5.3.1 Compressed Air Systems Overview To provide context, a brief description of compressed air systems is useful. Compressed air systems are comprised of several major sub-systems and many sub-components and, consequently, the energy efficiency results from multiple measures are not necessarily additive. Major sub-systems include: the compressor, prime mover, controls, treatment equipment and accessories, and the distribution system. The compressor is the mechanical device that takes in ambient air and increases its pressure. The prime mover powers the compressor. Controls serve to regulate the amount of compressed air being produced. Treatment equipment removes contaminants from the compressed air and accessories keep the system operating properly. Distribution systems are analogous to wiring in the electrical world they transport compressed air to where it is needed. Compressed air storage can also serve to improve system performance and efficiency. When analyzing a compressed air system, it is useful to start by sketching a block diagram. Note the number and location of each air compressor and their designated names (for example, maintenance shop compressor) along with each compressor’s make and model, motor size (horsepower), estimated motor age, motor speed, whether it is a standard or premium efficiency motor, and motor designation (ODP or TEFC). Record details about other auxiliary equipment, especially: 1) air dryers (refrigerated, desiccant, or none), and 2) wet and dry air receivers – note the nameplate capacity or estimate the approximate volume (cubic feet) for each receiver. Trace the entire length of the air compressor distribution piping, noting the pipe diameter (in inches) for the main header and the overall length (in feet) of the distribution piping system. Engineering judgment will likely be needed to convert smaller diameter or smaller length pipes to equivalent main header dimensions. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 21 of 75 5.3.2 Start Here Tab The Start Here tab contains a checklist of scenarios to determine if the project qualifies to use the Engineered Worksheet as well as a list of information or data to have on hand when completing it. The pre-qualifying checklist includes the following scenarios: The largest individual air compressor in the system is not more than 350 HP. There are no more than five (5) fixed speed positive displacement (rotary screw or piston) compressors in the system. The typical system operating air pressure is between 70 to 150 psig. There are no variable speed air compressors under evaluation (Note: for a VSD compressor, use the IESO's VSD Compressed Air Worksheet) There is at least 1 hour available when the compressor(s) can be operated to perform the Pressure Decay Test (Refer to Guide for details) The compressor(s) are all connected to the same distribution system, which operate at a common discharge pressure. This compressed air system is used for general plant air or building controls. This application does not involve retrofitting an existing compressor motor with a premium efficiency motor (Note: for motor changes, use the IESO's prescriptive application for motors) If applying for incentive to reduce air leaks, Applicant must agree to implement an air leak management program for a minimum period acceptable to the IESO. If applying for incentive to reduce air discharge pressure, Applicant must agree to implement an air leak management program for a minimum period acceptable to the IESO. This worksheet is designed for MS Excel 2007. User acknowledges that it may not be fully compatible with earlier or later versions of MS Excel. At the end of the list of scenarios, the user selects either "Yes" or "No". By selecting "Yes", the user is certifying that all of the above-stated requirements and pre-qualifications are met. By selecting "No", the user is certifying that one or more of the above-stated requirements and pre-qualifications is not met and that the Engineered Worksheet should not be used. If the applicant user still wants to apply for incentives, the RETROFIT PROGRAM's Custom Track can be explored. Figure 16 shows the checklist of different pre-qualification scenarios. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 22 of 75 Figure 16 - List of Pre-Qualifiers for the Use of the Engineered Worksheet At the Start Here tab, it is important to indicate the compressed air efficiency measures that the users are applying for as shown in Figure 17. This triggers the estimation of the savings in the respective measure tabs of the worksheet. If a "No" is selected, savings will appear as zero. Figure 17 - Indicate Intention to Apply At the bottom part of the Start Here tab, a list of information and compressed air data needed to complete the Engineered Worksheet is provided. See Figure 18 for this list of information and data. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 23 of 75 Figure 18 - Information Required Before Completing the Worksheet Compressor Inventory The Engineered Worksheet relies on information provided by the Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI) for air compressors. CAGI is an independent organization with membership from major air compressor and refrigerant dryer vendors and other stakeholders from the compressed air community. It has developed standard data sheets completed by manufacturers of rotary compressors from 25 - 200 hp, and standalone refrigerated compressed air dryers from 200 - 1000 scfm4. Participation is voluntary and is open to all equipment manufacturers, whether they are a CAGI member or not. The use of CAGI Data Sheets has been incorporated into the Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet calculation process as it provides an open, transparent and industry-accepted method to evaluate different compressors and/or refrigerant dryers. For more detailed information about CAGI and its Data Sheets, refer to section 5.4.1. The Compressor Inventory tab collects information on the existing air compressors using the CAGI Data Sheets and typical operating parameters as well as information on the cost of power which will be used in the economic analysis of the project. The first section of the Compressor Inventory tab as shown in Figure 19 asks for the blended cost of power ($/kWh) and the estimated monthly peak demand unit cost ($/kW) which can be obtained from 4 In practice, some manufacturers publish for equipment sizes larger or smaller than the CAGI limits. The Engineered Worksheet can evaluate individual rotary screw compressors up to 350 hp and refrigerant dryers up to 2000 scfm. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 24 of 75 the utility bill. The compressed air system operating hours per year is automatically estimated from the System Schedule tab. Figure 19 - Annual Operating Hours and Unit Cost of Power The Air Compressors section requires data from the CAGI Data Sheets and from typical operating data of the compressors as shown in Figure 20. Up to five air compressors can be included in the engineered worksheet. Use the AC#1 column to input data on the largest compressor. Continue using the columns to the right for the next largest compressor and so on. Figure 20- Air Compressors Input Data As shown in Figure 20 above, the required data from the CAGI Data Sheets are indicated in box numbers. For example, the Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure in actual cubic feet per min (acfm) can be found in Box No. 3 from the CAGI Data Sheet for the selected compressor. In addition, the user is required to provide an estimate of the Typical Percent of Full Load Operating Point (F.L.) and Typical Operating Pressure for each compressor and to provide an explanation in the space provided in the worksheet about the methods used as the basis to estimate these two parameters. This explanation will be used by the Technical Reviewer. Not providing an explanation will cause the worksheet to make the energy savings and incentive amounts zero. If there are more than one compressor, the input parameters will either be summed up or averaged as indicated in the last column in green of the Air Compressors section. The Operating Flow will automatically be estimated for each compressor using the following equation: Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 25 of 75 Operating Flow (cfm) = Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure (acfm) x Typical Percent of Full Load Operating Point (%) 100 The Power Demand (kW) and Annual Energy Consumption (kWh) for Air Compressors at Typical Operating Level are summation of the power demand and annual energy consumption at typical operating level of each compressor as shown in the following equations: Power Demand at Typical Operating Level (kW) = Power Demand at Operating Flow (kW) Pressure Adjustment Factor x Power demand at operating flow (kW) is extrapolated using a linear relationship between air flow and input power of the compressor. The CAGI Data Sheets provide the rated capacity at full load operating pressure for the air flow and the total package input power at both zero flow and at the rated capacity air flow. The Pressure Adjustment Factor assumes a 0.5% increase or decrease in power demand depending on the difference between the full load operating pressure and the typical operating pressure. The annual energy consumption at typical operating level for each compressor is estimated as follows: Energy Consumption of Compressor at Operating Level (kWh) = Power Demand at Typical Operating Level (kW) x Annual Operating Hours (hrs) The annual energy cost of compressors is estimated by applying the blended cost of power to the total annual energy consumption of compressors. Pipe Pressure and Volume Tests It is assumed that the user of the engineered worksheet is familiar with the practical and safety aspects of conducting a pressure decay test to estimate air leaks. Air leaks are estimated using the air distribution volume which is in turn estimated using dimensional data for pipes and storage tanks in conjunction with pressure decay testing. Air leaks are determined through pressure decay tests. The purpose of such tests is to determine the approximate amount of leakage. The best time to perform such tests is during a non-production period, such as over a weekend. During a non-production period the compressed air system is permitted to pressurize until the compressor begins modulating. Under normal circumstances, only one air compressor (typically the largest) needs to operate. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 26 of 75 Pressure decay tests are conducted as follows: The (higher) initial pressure is measured when the compressor is unloaded and the (lower) final pressure is when the compressor loads. The time for the pressure to decay from high to low can be considered equivalent to the time between loading and unloading. Using a stopwatch, the observer measures the time interval between compressor loading and unloading, in seconds. Simultaneously, the load and unload discharge pressure, as shown on the air compressor pressure gauge or system pressure gauge, is noted. The time is expressed in seconds (for example, 4 minutes and 20 seconds = 260 seconds). The Pipe Pressure and Volume Test tab consists of two sections, namely, the System Volume of Main Distribution Pipes and Receiver Tanks section and the Pressure Decay Test section. The first section requires the user to include data about the distribution pipes having the two largest pipe diameter dimensions as shown in Figure 21. If there is only one pipe and no receiver tanks, only the largest diameter distribution pipe dimensions should to be entered. Use technical judgment to adjust for equivalent pipe diameter and length if there are more than two sizes of distribution pipes or for complex air distribution configurations. Up to five different dimensioned receiver tanks can be entered as well as the number of similar tanks for some situations. Figure 21 - System Volume of Main Distribution Pipes and Receiver Tanks The engineered worksheet automatically calculates the approximate internal volume of the air header supply and receiver storage tanks based on the given diameters and lengths provided by the user. On the Pressure Decay Test section, the average of five (5) pressure decay tests is used to estimate the air leakage as shown in Figure 22. The starting and ending pressures in psig recorded during the testing and time for the pressure decay in seconds are entered. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 27 of 75 Figure 22 - Pressure Decay Test The engineered worksheet will reject some incorrect entries. For example, if the ending pressure is higher than the starting pressure, or if the starting pressure is higher than the capability of the compressor. If there are less than three values entered for a particular test result, a warning message will appear at the bottom of the pressure decay test field. 5.3.3 Measure 1 – Reduce Air Leakage Leaks can be a significant source of wasted energy in an industrial compressed air system, sometimes representing 20-30% losses of a compressor’s output. They can also contribute to other operating losses. Leaks typically cause a drop in system pressure, which can mean air tools function less efficiently, adversely affecting production. Finally, leaks can contribute to the addition of unnecessary compressors or compressor capacity. Reducing air leakage can not only improve the operating performance of the compressor, it can also reduce energy consumption. The 1 Reduce Leaks tab requires the following inputs to estimate the annual energy savings and energy costs as shown in Figure 23: First, the user must toggle the response from "No" to "Yes" regarding commitment to implement a sustained air leakage management program. It is to be noted that leaving the default “No” response will result in zero energy savings and zero potential incentive. Second, the user must enter a target percent for maximum allowable air leaks. Most industrial facilities consider 10% air leakage to be a reasonable amount. Third, the user must enter economic parameters about the cost to repair and maintain that air leaks at the targeted amount. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 28 of 75 Figure 23 - Reduce Air Leaks and Non-Productive Compressed Air Use The annual energy savings attributed to reducing air leaks is estimated from the difference of the Estimated Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Losses as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow and the Percent Target for Maximum Allowable Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Use. The Estimated Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Losses as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow is calculated as the percentage of the Estimated Leakage and Non-Productive Air Losses (at 100% Compressor Flow Output) to the total operating flow. The following equations are used to calculate the values in green in the 1 Reduce Leaks tab: Estimated Leakage at 100% Compressor = Flow Output (cfm) 1.25 x Total Volume of Piping and Receivers (ft3) Estimated Air Leaks as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow (%) Estimated Annual Energy Losses through Air Leaks (kWh) Estimated Air Leaks at Target Leak Level (cfm) = = = x Starting Ending Pressure - Pressure (psig) (psig) Decay Time (min) x 14.7 psig Estimated Leakage at 100% Compressor Flow Output (cfm) x x 60 sec/min 100 Total Operating Flow (cfm) Annual Energy Consumption for Air Compressors at Typical Operating Level (kWh) x Estimated Air Leaks as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow (%) Estimated Leakage at 100% Target Allowable x Compressor Flow Output (cfm) Leaks (%) Estimated Air Leaks as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow (%) Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 29 of 75 Required Reduction in Air Leaks to Meet Target (cfm) Annual Energy Savings (kWh) = = Estimated Air Leaks (%) Annual Demand Savings (kW) Estimated Leakage at 100% Compressor Flow Output (cfm) - Target Allowable Leaks (%) = x - Estimated Air Leaks at Target Leak Level (cfm) Annual Energy Consumption for Air Compressors at Typical Operating Level (kWh) Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Annual Operating Hours (hours) Since there exists some uncertainty on energy savings from air leaks, a “permanence factor” is applied to the energy and demand savings. The annual cost of air leaks as well as annual cost savings are automatically calculated by the engineered worksheet. 5.3.4 Measure 2 – Reduce Discharge Pressure As a rule of thumb, when air compressor discharge pressure is reduced by 2 pounds per square inch gauge (psig), this generally results in compressed air energy savings equivalent to 1% of the total compressor output. During a site visit, it is prudent to ask plant personnel if the overall plant air pressure can be reduced without impacting plant and equipment operation and if so, what a reasonable air pressure target value might be. The 2 Reduce Pressure tab requires the following inputs to estimate the annual energy savings and energy costs as shown in Figure 23: First, the user must toggle the response from "No" to "Yes" regarding commitment to implement a sustained system pressure reduction management program. It is to be noted that leaving the default “No” response will result in zero energy savings and zero potential incentive. Second, the user must enter a target average air discharge pressure. Third, the user must enter economic parameters about the cost to maintain target average air discharge pressure. The annual energy savings attributed to reducing discharge pressure is estimated based on the difference of the average existing typical operating pressure of the compressor and the targeted lower discharge pressure as shown below. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 30 of 75 Annual Energy Savings (kWh) = Average normal operating discharge pressure (psig) - Target pressure (psig) x Annual Energy Consumption of Compressors (kWh) - Annual Energy Savings from Reduced Leaks (kWh) x 0.005 Demand savings is estimated as follows: Annual Demand Savings (kW) = Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Annual Operating Hours (hours) Similar to Measure 1, there exists some uncertainty on energy savings from reducing discharge pressure and hence, a “permanence factor” is applied to the energy and demand savings. 5.3.5 Measure 3 – Energy Efficient Dryer In most manufacturing facilities, dryers are used to control moisture in the compressed air system. A potential energy saving opportunity is to use a dryer that has a dew point (degree of moisture removal) that is appropriate for how dry the air is required to be for the process. (The lower the dew point, the more energy is used.) For example, a refrigerated dryer can often be used instead of a desiccant dryer for general plant use. A desiccant dryer, on the other hand, is only required if the air needs to have a very low dew point, for example in a pneumatic control system. For desiccant dyers, the engineered worksheet assumes a power consumption of 2.5 kW per 100 scfm. The 3 Air Dryer tab has four sections, the confirmatory section, the existing and the proposed air dryers section, a dryer technical summary and the economics section. If the explanation for the flow and pressure estimation methods was provided in the Compressor Inventory tab, an “OK” message will appear. If the explanation was not provided, a warning message will appear instead and all of the dryer energy calculations will default to zero. The confirmatory section asks the user if the required dew point is to be above 32°F (0°C) as shown in Figure 24. If the response is YES, then the project is eligible to convert from a desiccant dryer to a refrigerant dryer or from a refrigerant dryer to a more efficient refrigerant dryer. If the required moisture dew point is less than 32°F, then a desiccant dryer should be used and refrigerant dryers should not be considered. Figure 24 - Confirmatory Section for Required Dew Point Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 31 of 75 In the next section, up to five (5) existing and five (5) new dryers can be included in the worksheet. The user must allocate a portion of the total air flow for Dryer#1 as shown in Figure 25. This quantity may be based on actual measurements or good judgment. Figure 25 - Existing and Proposed Air Dryers If it is determined that the required dew point is above 32°F and the existing dryer is a desiccant dryer, the user may omit completing the remaining columns in the Existing Dryer panel and to only complete the Proposed Dryer panel to the right. However, if the existing dryer is a refrigerant dryer then the user should continue completing both the Existing and the Proposed Dryer panels. The subsequent calculation for the power requirement of the Existing and the Proposed Dryer is based on the allocated air flow for the dryer and information from the CAGI data sheets for both full flow and 10% flow conditions assuming a linear relationship between flow and power. Any untreated air quantity will be shown at the bottom of the panel. It is to be noted that there may be an overall mismatch between total compressor capacity and total dryer capacity and hence, the user must make the choice for the appropriate dryer size and configuration. The process is repeated for the next dryers until the untreated amount air turns zero. For situations where a CAGI data sheet is not available the user may use data points from similar air dryer from the same manufacturer. Alternatively an estimation for the CAGI missing data points subject to providing a separate and detailed explanation for the project reviewer be provided. For easy reference, a Dryer Technical Summary has been provided after the Existing and Proposed Dryers section as shown in Figure 26. There will also be some guidance notes appearing after the summary section. At the last section where eligible costs are entered, the overall energy and demand savings are shown. In some situations, depending on the dryer selection and configuration, there can be a net increase (rather than decrease) with the energy consumption of the dryers. The engineered worksheet will convert negative savings numbers to zero. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 32 of 75 Figure 26 - Existing and Proposed Air Dryers 5.3.6 Measure 4 – Zero Loss Drains Tab For the 4 Zero Loss Air Drains tab, the user will indicate the total number of wet drains, and the existing number of zero loss air drains as shown in Figure 27. The engineered worksheet will then calculate the eligible number of drains that may be converted. The user will then enter the desired number of drains together with the cost per drain and the engineered worksheet will compute for the capital cost using some prescriptive input assumptions. The user may also enter other installation and miscellaneous implementation cost. Figure 27 - Use of Zero Loss Condensate Drains 5.3.7 Summary of Measures, Energy Impact, Project Economics & Incentives After all necessary information has been entered; the Engineered Worksheet will calculate the Estimated Energy Savings (Permanent and Non-Permanent) from the difference between the Estimated Base Case and Estimated Net New Annual Energy Consumption. It will then compute the Estimated Base Case Peak Demand and Estimated Proposed Case Peak Demand (while operating) by dividing the Annual Energy Consumption by the annual operating hours for both the base case and proposed case. Estimated Demand Reduction, in turn, is calculated by getting the difference between the base and proposed case. It shows how much energy is expected to be saved in Figure 28. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 33 of 75 Figure 28 – Annual Savings and Economics 5.3.8 Summary of Underlying Calculation and Assumptions The following equations are used to calculate the Base Case Energy and net CDM5 Case Energy consumption in kWh. Base Case Energy: Total Compressor Output (cfm) n = Motor Rated Power (bhp) x n=1 Compressor Efficiency Factor (cfm/hp) x % Loading of Compressor where n represents the number of compressors included in the Retrofit Application Total Energy Consumption of Compressors (kWh) Energy Consumption of Dryer (kWh) = = Total Compressor Output (cfm) Average Compressor Efficiency Factor (cfm/hp) Total Compressor Output (cfm) x 0.746 kW/hp x Energy Factor (kWh per 100 cfm) x x Annual Operating Hours (hrs) Annual Operating Hours (hrs) The total energy consumption for the base case is: Total Energy Consumption (kWhb) = Total Energy Consumption of Compressors (kWh) + Energy Consumption of Dryer (kWh) The base case peak demand is: 5 Conservation and Demand Management Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 34 of 75 Total Peak Demand (kWb) = Total Energy Consumption (kWhb) Annual Operating Hours (hrs) Net CDM Case Energy: Measure 1 – Reduce Air Leakage Air leaks at target leak level (cfm) Amount of air leaks to be reduced (cfm) Annual Energy Savings (kWh) = = = % target allowable leak level Air Leaks at 100% Compressor Output (cfm) Amount of air leaks to be reduced (cfm) Average Compressor Efficiency Factor (cfm/hp) Total Compressor Output (cfm) x x Air leaks at target leak level (cfm) - 0.746 kW/hp x Annual Operating Hours (hrs) If the facility has a maintenance program that ensures that leaks are monitored, the Annual Energy Savings is discounted by 50%. Otherwise, it is discounted by 25%. Measure 2 – Reduce Discharge Pressure Annual Energy Savings (kWh) = Average normal operating discharge pressure (psig) - New discharge pressure (psig) x Total Compressor Output (kWh) 2 psig x 100 Similar to Measure 1, if the facility has a maintenance program that ensures that a reduced setpoint is maintained, the Annual Energy Savings is discounted by 50%. Otherwise, it is discounted by 25%. Measure 3 – Use Appropriate Air Dryer Desiccant Dryer uses 2.5 kW per scfm. For a cycling or non-cycling dryer, data is used from the CAGI Data Sheets: Measure 4 – Use Premium Efficiency Motor The underlying energy savings calculation assumes that the drain uses 85 cfm while open, operates at 100 psig, and costs $0.25 per 1,000 cfm of compressed air. This underlying value is multiplied by the Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 35 of 75 number of cycles per hour and then multiplied by the annual operating hours for the compressed air system. 5.4 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) COMPRESSED AIR ENGINEERED WORKSHEET 5.4.1 Backgrounder - VSD and Fixed Speed Air Compressors There are two general categories of industrial air compressors: Positive displacement - includes rotary screw and piston Dynamic – includes centrifugal Except for a handful of very large manufacturing facilities which use dynamic compressors, the majority of industrial facilities employ positive displacement air compressors. The common way to vary compressor capacity is by controlling inlet or discharge valves. This in turn restricts the output of the compressor as it continues to run at full speed. Most positive displacement air compressors become less energy efficient as air demand is reduced. In extreme cases, up to 65% of the rated electrical power is still used even when there is no demand for air. For positive displacement compressors, a more energy efficient solution can be achieved by varying the motor speed. Using this method the power consumption decreases as demand for air reduces. Many manufacturing facilities can gain financial and energy performance benefits from installing variable speed (VSD) compressors. The main advantages of variable speed drives are: Improved efficiency over fixed speed machines part load conditions under 75%. Improved discharge pressure control Eliminating high inrush currents by using soft starting VSD controls thereby extending the life of the motor In air systems where multiple compressors are used, the controls can be set so that one or more fixed speed compressors are operating at full load (usually optimal performance) and the balance of the air is made by the VSD compressor. Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI) Data Sheets The Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI) serves as the unbiased authority on technical, educational, promotional, and other matters that affect the compressed air industry. CAGI has developed standard energy performance data sheet formats for: Fixed speed air compressors Variable speed drive air compressors Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 36 of 75 The CAGI data sheets are only suitable for air compressors with nominal sizes ranging from 25 to 200 hp and for discharge pressure ratings from 100 to 150 psig. Participating manufacturers can test their air compressors for energy performance and publish the results using the CAGI format. It should be noted that the CAGI testing is voluntary in nature. Moreover, the reported results are not validated by CAGI, but are subject to spot checks. Using the CAGI performance sheets for the VSD Air Compressor Engineered Worksheet provides an open and transparent method to compare the energy performance a Fixed Speed and a corresponding VSD compressor. Participating compressor vendors have published CAGI specification sheets as follows: Manufacturer Web Link Atlas Copco,100,500 BOGE CompAir FS Curtis Gardner Denver Ingersoll Rand Kaeser Quincy Sullair (Weblinks validated October 2013) CAGI Fixed Speed Compressor Data Sheet The standard format for the CAGI fixed speed compressor performance sheet uses the format as shown in Figure 29. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 37 of 75 Figure 29 - Fixed Speed Air Compressor CAGI Datasheet 5.4.2 Suitability of Use and Limitations The VSD Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet may not be suitable for some situations. Before commencing, carefully review the following Validation Statements. If ALL statements are true for the situation under consideration, then the VSD Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet tool may be used. If one or more of the Validation statements shown below is not true, then follow the corresponding suggested step. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 38 of 75 Check 5.4.3 Validation Statement The intended air compressor system only has ONE compressor? The Fixed Speed and VSD compressors are positive displacement machines? The Fixed Speed and VSD compressors are 25 to 200 HP in size? The Fixed Speed and VSD compressors have maximum capacity of 2,000 acfm? The Intended compressor Operating Discharge pressure is from 70-150 psig? There is a CAGI data sheet available for both the Fixed Speed, and the VSD Compressor under consideration? The VSD Compressor is expected to operate less than 100% of rated capacity for the vast majority of the time? The turndown mode for the VSD compressor is always expected to be more 40% of the rated capacity? Steps to Take if Validation Statement is NOT True If there is more than one compressor and NO VSD compressors, consider using the IESO Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet If the compressed air system will have more than one compressor, and will include a VSD compressor, follow the IESO’s “Custom” track for project evaluation If the compressor is “Dynamic”, follow the IESO’s “Custom” track for evaluation If the compressors are outside the 25-200 HP capacity follow the IESO’s “Custom” track for project evaluation If the compressors are outside the 0-2,000 acfm capacity follow the IESO’s “Custom” track for project evaluation If the intended operating discharge pressure is outside the 70-150 psig range, follow the IESO’s “Custom” track for project evaluation If no CAGI sheet is published by the vendor, use the CAGI sheet for a similar compressor and provide an explanation in the “Notes for Reviewer” section of the VSD Compressor Worksheet. If the vendor does not participate in the CAGI specifications follow the follow the IESO’s “Custom” track for project evaluation If the VSD Compressor operates at or near 100% of capacity for the majority of the time, chances are that the more energy efficiency option would be a Fixed Speed compressor. The VSD Compressor calculator tool may be used and will provide an indication of the VSD or Fixed Speed compressor is the more suitable option Although VSD compressors have good turndown ratios, in the majority of cases they should not be operated at less than 40% rated capacity. If the system in question, is expected to be operated at less than 40% of rated capacity, even for part of the time, use the “Custom” track for project evaluation Typical Operating Pressure The System Design Assumptions tab requests information on the fixed speed compressor and the VSD compressor together with information about typical operating patterns, intended operating pressure and cost factors. Initially, the Engineered Worksheet asks for the Intended Compressor Operating Discharge Pressure (psig) for the compressed air system as shown in Figure 30. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 39 of 75 Figure 30 - Typical Operating Pressure 5.4.4 Fixed Speed Compressor (CAGI Data Sheet Inputs) Only some data from the fixed speed compressor data sheet is required for the energy calculations. The number corresponding to the CAGI data field is shown in the left column. Using the CAGI data sheet, enter information such as the manufacturer (Note: Use the drop down menu), the model number, rated capacity, full load operating pressure, and total package input power at zero flow and at rate flow. Figure 31 shows an example of information entered in the worksheet from the CAGI data sheet. Figure 31 - Fixed Speed Compressor (CAGI Data Sheet Inputs) If the Manufacturer is not listed in the dropdown list, select “Other” and then provide a note in the “Comments & Notes for Technical Reviewer to be Aware of” field. The worksheet will provide a warning if the flow to power ratio seems to be outside a reasonable amount (4 to 6 scfm per kW). If it falls outside the range, the user is suggested to double check the values entered to ensure that they correspond with the CAGI data sheet. The worksheet will also provide an alert if the full load operating pressure is insufficient to meet the required intended operating pressure. Immediately to the right of the data entry section, the worksheet will display a Power Demand (kW) versus Flow (acfm) performance curve for the fixed speed compressor based on the zero and maximum flow (known) points. The performance curve is based on a linear equation y = mx + b, where: y • = m = b = Power Demand (kW) Maximum Flow Power Demand – Minimum Flow Power Demand Maximum Flow – Zero Flow Power Demand (kW) at Zero Flow Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 40 of 75 5.4.5 VSD Compressor (CAGI Data Sheet Inputs) Only some data from the VSD compressor data sheet is required for the energy calculations. The number corresponding to the data field is shown in the left column. Using the CAGI data sheet, enter information such as the manufacturer (Note: Use the drop down menu), model number, rated operating pressure, input power and capacity values and the total power at zero flow capacity as shown in Figure 32. Figure 32 - VSD Compressor (CAGI Data Sheet Inputs) If the Manufacturer is not listed in the dropdown list, select “Other” and then provide a note in the “Comments & Notes for Technical Reviewer to be Aware of” field. The CAGI VSD Compressor data sheet generally has about 5 pairs of values of input power (kW) and capacity (acfm) but could have up to eight field pairs. Use Point 1 to show the maximum input power (kW) and corresponding capacity (acfm). Use Point 2 to show the second highest, Point 3 the third highest and so on. IMPORTANT NOTE: If there are no more values to enter (typically at Point 6, 7 or 8), enter the total package input power at zero flow power values in the next available vacant field (e.g. Point 6 or 7 or 8). The corresponding flow value will be zero. Enter the total package input power at zero flow again in the next vacant field (e.g. Point 7 or 8) also showing zero flow, and again in Point 8 if still vacant. Show the total package input power at zero flow one final time in the field with the namesake field. If the compressor’s pressure is lower than the intended operating pressure a warning message will show up. At the right side of the data entry, a graph of power demand (kW) versus flow (acfm) appears. The worksheet uses regression to determine the equation of a line that fits the data. The equation is in the form of y = ax2 + bx + c where: Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 41 of 75 y • = Power demand (kW) x • = Flow (acfm) = Coefficients determined by the worksheet a, b, c 2 The R , or Coefficient of Determination, value is shown in the graph in Figure 29. R2 can have a value between -1 and +1, and it indicates how well the equation of the curve actually matches the data points. The closer the R2 value is to 1, the better is the fit. Tip: A good equation should have an R2 value of more than 0.95. If your R2 value is less than 0.95 recheck the data entry, and if still less than 0.95, use the IESO “Custom” track for the evaluation. 5.4.6 Typical Operating Profile To complete the estimation of savings, a typical operating profile needs to be inputted. An operating profile is a representation of the anticipated air flow variation and is usually measured by data-logging or performing a field test of the compressor system. Flows are allocated into 11 bins which include 10 bins in increments of 10% from 0 to 99.9% and one bin at 100% of flow as shown in Figure 33. The user is required to provide a short explanation regarding how the compressor profile was determined. Figure 33 - Typical Operating Profile The expected flow profile histogram appears immediately to the right of the data entry panel. The worksheet does not permit entry of flow ranges less than 40% of maximum flow as it is generally a symptom of over sizing a fixed speed or VSD compressor. The worksheet will automatically estimate the design basis maximum flow (acfm) shown as a green cell in the top left portion of the section. If the fixed speed compressor and VSD compressor have different maximum flow rates, the lesser of the two will be used for an “apples” to “apples” comparison. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 42 of 75 5.4.7 Short Explanation At the bottom of the Typical Operating Profile section, a box is provided for a short explanation regarding the method used for estimating the flow profile as shown in Figure 34. It is mandatory to provide a short explanation since if this field is left blank, the energy savings will default to zero. Figure 34 - Short Explanation 5.4.8 Comments & Notes for Technical Reviewer to be Aware of The Comments & Notes for Technical Reviewer to be Aware section is optional. It can be used to note any important information about the application, including if a substitute CAGI data sheet was used. If the capacity of the VSD compressor is 10% or more than the capacity of the Fixed Speed compressor, the following message will display: Figure 35 - Comments & Notes for Technical Reviewer to be Aware of 5.5 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) ON FANS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET 5.5.1 Fan Overview Conservative engineering practices often result in the specification, purchase, and installation of fans that exceed process requirements. Engineers often decide to include a margin of safety in sizing fans to compensate for uncertainties in the design process, including anticipated future expansions in system capacity and potential fouling effects. Variable speed drive (VSD) control for centrifugal fans can, in many situations, offer a more energy efficient solution when compared to alternative methods, such as throttling, bypassing, and on-off control. Fans provide the means to move a gaseous fluid through a system of ductwork. They are widely classified into two major categories according to the direction of the airflow through the impeller, either centrifugal or axial. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 43 of 75 Centrifugal fans these force the gas to move in a rotational manner with respect to the fan housing. The centrifugal forces created produce the pressure to move the fluid stream through the system of ductwork. Axial fans these do not create centrifugal forces but impart a velocity that is created as the gas passes over the blades of an impeller. A few percentage points of efficiency improvement can save significant energy over the life of the fan. The five most common ways of controlling a fan include: outlet dampers; inlet dampers; inlet guide vanes; on – off control; and variable speed drive control. As a general observation, optimization of a centrifugal fan, with a large horsepower motor and a continuous operating pattern with variable load, results in the greatest energy savings opportunities for a VSD application. In many situations, energy savings can be achieved by making changes to the fan’s hydraulic systems (for example, ducts). Some other measures include: right sizing equipment; trimming impellers; changing pulley ratios; installing two speed or multispeed motors; and removing system friction or pressure drop losses. It is assumed that these alternative possibilities have been evaluated and ruled out before turning to a variable speed drive (VSD) application. Before completing the VSD on Fans Engineered Worksheet, it is highly recommended that the Applicant or Applicant Representative be familiar with the following: Methods to undertake field measurements of power, flow, and pressure for fan systems within the facility; Technical principles related to how centrifugal fans function, including the rotational speed and power consumption relationship for centrifugal drives (affinity laws); and Fan operational limitations for a specific application including, but not limited to, factors such as: vibration and noise, resonance, pipe/duct fatigue, pipe erosion, mechanical limitations, and zones of instability. 5.5.2 Fan Curve and Operating Profile A key purpose of fan data gathering is to determine the system performance curve and to establish, or verify, specific operating points for the load duty curve. To ensure reliable analysis, information about flow, speed, pressure, temperature, brake horsepower, and other parameters should be obtained. In reality, there are situations where not all this information is readily available. However, with a reasonable understanding of system operation, and by using existing records and information from operators together with good judgment, it is possible to approximate the operating points and to establish a relatively accurate fan load condition. The system resistance curve can be estimated when system effect factors are taken into account. These factors include individual system resistances brought about by the physical configuration or layout of the equipment and associated pipes or ducts. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 44 of 75 As with any measurements, the accuracy of energy efficiency analysis depends on the source, accuracy, and reliability of the data inputs. Common sources for information include: design data from fan curves, observations and estimates from plant operations personnel, equipment nameplate data, operating records, temporary metering, and temperature of the gas being moved. Determining what data is the most valuable can be a matter of experience and applying sound technical judgment. One also needs to consider whether a fan’s fluctuating output could be brought about by changes in batch operation, alterations or variations in material being processed, and seasonality or weather impacts. The System Design Assumptions tab collects information on the base case and the efficient case for a series of potential improvements to the fan system. Note: Fans and fan systems are comprised of different components and configurations and the energy efficiency results for multiple measures may not be additive. As noted, before completing the worksheet, it is important to gather all the necessary information and have it readily available. The following information is needed: Fan Design Flow (CFM) – this is the design (100%) flow, in cubic feet per minute, that the fan has been designed for. % Flow this indicates the percentage of full flow in which the system is being operated. (That is, 0-10% indicates operation between 0% of full flow and 10% of full flow. This range is called a flow bin.). Design Head (Inch Water Gauge) – is the corresponding pressure lift developed by the fan at a given flow rate in inches water column; it is usually determined from the as-built Fan Curve provided by the fan supplier. Corresponding Fan Efficiency (%) – this is the fan efficiency indicated on the Fan Curve for a particular flow and head; if efficiencies are shown as families of curves, and an operating point falls between two curves, the average may be used. Operating Profile (%) the user should enter the percentage of time during which the system operates in the specified flow regimes; this information is obtained from field measurements at the site (for example, a fan can range in operation from 40% to 100%, with the most common operating point occurring in the 80% – 90% flow bin); operating points should be adjusted such that the sum of the numbers shown in the Operating Profile % is equal to 100%. The worksheet will display “YES” when the 100% criterion is met. The Fan Curve box on the right hand side of the worksheet will automatically display a curve when the Fan Design Flow and the Design Head for each percent Flow are filled-in. Notes: 1) The user should enter the flow and efficiency values for the midpoint of the bin range. For example, for the 90%-100% bin, one would enter the design head corresponding to 95% flow. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 45 of 75 2) The Fan Curve also produces a polynomial curve fit along with an R2 value for a regression model. When entering data from a hard-to-read Fan Curve, minor adjustments (upwards or downwards) can be done to the design head to get the R2 value to be as close as possible to 1.0. See Figure 36 for an example of a Fan Curve that resulted from the information input on the left. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 46 of 75 Figure 36 – Fan Curve and Operating Profile Important note: 5.5.3 Some fans will not function properly in certain flow and pressure zones. For example, operating at a certain point may result in mechanical resonance or instability. It is critical to use good engineering judgment in conjunction with the manufacturer’s performance curve, conditional assessment, and actual field measurements before deciding on recommendations and retrofit designs. Fan and Motor Information In the Fan and Motor Information section of the System Design Assumptions tab,information about the motor speed and horsepower, gas temperature and density, design head and static head, and make and manufacturer of the fan and motor, with the corresponding estimated age, is collected. This information is described below: Motor Rated Speed (rpm) this is the manufacturer’s rated speed (full-load), which can be found on a motor’s nameplate. Motor Rated Power (hp) – this is the nameplate rating for the motor. Gas Temperature (F) this is the temperature of the gas flowing through the fan. As hotter gases are less dense, the worksheet makes adjustments for fan performance based on gas temperature. The default value is 68F. Density of Gas (lbs/ft3) by definition, air is assigned a density of 0.075.If the gas being transported is not air, revise the density value accordingly. Design Head (Inch Water Gauge) from the Fan Curve, enter the Design Head corresponding to the system design flow point. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 47 of 75 Static Head (Inch Water Gauge) this is the pressure differential caused by height differences, or pressure differences, between vessels. In addition to overcoming friction, the fan must also overcome static head in order to transfer fluid from one point to another. It is important to include this information because the fan affinity laws (power requirement is proportional to the cube of the speed) may need to be adjusted for the presence of static head. Note, however, that the vast majority of fan applications do not have a significant static head component. Fan Make and Model enter this information for the motor and the fan, along with the Approximate Ages (years). The Fan Operating Profile box on the right of the Fan and Motor Information table will automatically display the Operating Profile (graph) when the Fan and Motor Information is entered. Figure 37 shows an example of this. Figure 37 – Fan and Motor Information 5.5.4 Fan and Motor Efficiency Information on fan and motor efficiencies is needed to estimate the Energy Savings (see Figure 38). Motor efficiency at full load can be obtained from the motor manufacturer, or estimated from generic values published by NRCan or the US Department of Energy, or by looking up the value in the freely available CanMOST database.6 The Fan Efficiency at Damper Fully Open value is obtained from the Fan Curve at the Fan Design Flow point. 6 Available for download free of charge from the Department of Natural Resources Canada – Office of Energy Efficiency Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 48 of 75 Figure 38 – Fan and Motor Efficiency Information The following other motor efficiency correction factors, expressed as decimal fractions, also should be input: Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for Lower Loads – this accounts for part loading of the motor, typically ranging from 80- 95%. Default value is 0.96. VSD Efficiency Factor (When Operating > 40% Load) – this accounts for part loading of the variable speed drive, typically ranging from 90-98%. This factor can be obtained from the VSD supplier. Default value is 0.95 Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for VSD Operation – this accounts for the interactive effects between the motor and the variable speed drive when part loading with values typically ranging from 80- 95%. Default value is 0.82. Belt/Coupling Efficiency Factor – this accounts for the transmission efficiency between the motor and fan. Default value is 0.96. Note: Sometimes these factors are difficult to obtain. If the information is not available, pick a reasonable value from the ranges indicated above. Note that the worksheet will only use the efficiency correction factors when the flow is more than 60% of design. Various diminishing factors are applied in place of the values entered by the user when the flows are less than 60%. When the Fan and Motor Efficiency information is entered, a graph representing the Conventional & VSD Energy by Operating Point will automatically display. Figure 35 shows an example of this graph. The green bars indicate the expected energy consumption with the conventional system (that is, throttle) and the blue bars indicate the energy using a VSD. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 49 of 75 5.6 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) ON PUMPS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET 5.6.1 Pump Overview Similar to fan applications, variable speed drive (VSD) control for centrifugal pumps can, in many situations, offer a more energy efficient solution when compared to alternative methods, such as throttling, bypassing, and on-off control. A centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic pump that uses a rotating impeller to create flow by the addition of energy to a fluid. Centrifugal pumps are commonly used to move liquids through piping. The fluid enters the pump impeller along, or near, the rotating axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward into a diffuser or volute chamber (casing), from where it exits into the downstream piping. Centrifugal pumps are generally divided into three general categories: 1) Radial Flow Pumps the fluid enters the pump impeller along its axis, is accelerated by the impeller and exits outward perpendicular to the shaft (radially). 2) Axial Flow Pumps the fluid enters in a direction that is parallel to the rotating shaft and discharged with minimal friction and no change in direction. 3) Mixed Flow Pumps these pumps are a combination of radial and axial flow pumps; the fluid is accelerated with a push from the axial direction of the impeller and discharged diagonally somewhere between 0–90 degrees from the axial direction. Before completing the VSD on Pumps Engineered Worksheet, it is highly recommended that the Applicant or Applicant Representative be familiar with the following: Methods to undertake field measurements of power, flow, and pressure for pump systems within the facility; Technical principles related to how centrifugal pumps work, including the rotational speed and power consumption relationship for centrifugal drives; and Pump operational limitations for a specific application including, but not limited to, factors such as: vibration and noise, resonance, pipe/duct fatigue, pipe erosion, mechanical limitations, and zones of instability. 5.6.2 Pump Curve and Operating Profile The System Design Assumptions tab collects information on the base case and the efficient case for a series of potential improvements to the pump system. Note: It is important to recognize that pumps are comprised of different components and configurations and the energy efficiency results for multiple measures may not be additive. As noted, before completing the worksheet, it is important to gather all the necessary information and have it readily available. The following information is needed: Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 50 of 75 Pump Design Flow (GPM) – this is the design (100%) flow in U.S. gallons per minute that the pump has been designed for. % Flowthis indicates the percentage of full flow in which the system is being operated. (That is, 0-10% indicates operation between 0% of full flow and 10% of full flow. This range is called a flow bin.) Pump Head (ft) – this is the corresponding height of liquid column developed by the pump at a given flow rate; it is usually read from the Pump Curve. Corresponding Pump Efficiency (%) – this is the pump efficiency indicated by the Pump Curve for a particular flow and head; if efficiencies are shown as families of curves and an operating point falls between two curves, the average may be used. Operating Profile (%) the user must enter the percentage of time during which the system operates in the specified flow regimes; this is obtained from field measurements at the site (for example, a pump can range in operation from 40% to 100%, with the most common operating point occurring in the 80% – 90% flow bin); operating points should be adjusted such that the sum of the numbers shown in the Operating Profile % is equal to 100%.The worksheet will display “YES” when the 100% criterion is met. The Pump Curve box shown on the right hand side of the worksheet will automatically display a curve when the Pump Design Flow and the Pump Head for each percent Flow are filled-in. Figure 39 shows the Pump Curve corresponding to the information filled in on the left. Notes: 1) The user should enter the flow and efficiency values for the midpoint of the bin range. For example, for the 90%-100% bin, one would enter the design head corresponding to 95% flow. 2) The Pump Curve also produces a polynomial curve fit along with an R2 value for a regression model. When entering data from a hard-to-read Pump Curve, minor adjustments (upwards or downwards) can be done to the design head to get the R2 value to be as close as possible to 1.0. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 51 of 75 Figure 39 – Pump Curve and Operating Profile Important note: 5.6.3 Some pumps will not function properly in certain flow and pressure zones. For example, operating at a certain point may result in mechanical resonance or instability. Before deciding on recommendations and retrofit designs it is critical to use good engineering judgment and to take into account the manufacturer’s performance curve, conditional assessment, and actual field measurements before deciding on recommendations and retrofit designs. Pump and Motor Information In this section of the System Design Assumptions tab, information about the motor speed and horsepower is entered. In addition, enter the fluid temperature and specific gravity. For pumps, the default specific gravity for water is 1.00. Enter the pump head or design head that would correspond to the Pump Design Flow previously entered. The static head for a pump should also be entered. It is important to include this information because the pump affinity laws (power draw is proportional to the cube of the speed) may need to be adjusted for the presence of static head. The information that should be entered is: Motor Rated Speed (rpm) this is the manufacturer’s rated speed (full-load), which can be found on the motor’s nameplate. Motor Rated Power (hp) – this is the nameplate rating for the motor. Fluid Temperature (F) this is the temperature of the fluid that is being pumped. As hotter liquids are less dense, based on fluid temperature, the worksheet makes adjustments for pump performance. Specific Gravity by definition, water is assigned a specific gravity of 1. If the liquid being pumped is not water, revise the specific gravity value accordingly. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 52 of 75 Design Head (Inch Water Gauge) using the Pump Curve, enter the Pump Head (ft) corresponding to the Pump Design Flow point. Note that the Design Head corresponds to the point on the Pump Curve for the design flow (that is, the flow point shown in the input cell for “Pump Design Flow in US Gallons per Minute”). Static Head (Inch Water Gauge) this is the pressure differential caused by height differences, or pressure differences between vessels, and is unique to the specific layout of each individual facility. Static Head cannot be read from a Pump Curve, however, an indication of Static Head considerations may be available from the original system design documentation. In addition to overcoming friction, the pump must also overcome Static Head in order to transfer fluid from one point to another. Pump Make and Model numbers enter this information for the motor and the fan along with the Approximate Ages (years). The Flow Duration Profile box to the right of the Pump and Motor Information table will automatically display the Fan Duration Profile (graph) when the Pump and Motor Information is entered. Figure 40 shows an example of this. Figure 40 – Pump and Motor Information 5.6.4 Pump and Motor Efficiency Information on pump and motor efficiencies is needed to estimate the Energy Savings (see Figure 41). Motor efficiency at full load can be obtained from the motor manufacturer, or estimated from generic values published by NRCan or the US Department of Energy, or by looking up the value in the freely available CanMOST database7. Next, the pump efficiency value (obtained from the Pump Curve) at the Pump Design Flow point is entered. 7 Available for download free of charge from the Department of Natural Resources Canada – Office of Energy Efficiency Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 53 of 75 Figure 41 – Pump and Motor Efficiency Information The following other motor efficiency correction factors, expressed as decimal fractions, are also input: Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for Lower Loads – this accounts for part loading of the motor, typically ranging from 80% 95%. Default value is 0.96. VSD Efficiency Factor (When Operating > 40% Load) – this accounts for part loading of the variable speed drive, typically ranging from 90%98%. This factor can be obtained from the VSD manufacturer. Default value is 0.95 Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for VSD Operation – this accounts for the interactive effects between the motor and the variable speed drive when part loading, with values typically ranging from 80% 95%. Default value is 0.82. Note: Sometimes these factors are difficult to obtain. If this information is not available, pick a reasonable value from the ranges indicated above. Note that the worksheet will use the efficiency correction factors when the flow is more than 60% of design. Various diminishing factors are applied in place of the values entered by the user when the flows are less than 60%. In the box to the right of the Pump and Motor Efficiency information, the Conventional & VSD Energy by Operating Point graph will automatically display when the Pump and Motor Efficiency information is entered. The blue bars indicate the expected energy consumption with the conventional system (that is, throttle) and the red bars indicate the energy using a VSD. 5.7 UNITARY AIR CONDITIONING (A/C) ENGINEERED WORKSHEET The energy performance of unitary roof-top and ductless split A/C systems is largely defined by their energy efficiency ratio (EER). How much energy is saved over the course of a year for a high efficiency unitary system is determined by the annual cooling delivered by the system and the EER rating. This Engineered Worksheet calculates the savings associated with retrofitting an existing inefficient unitary A/C with an energy efficient unit, as well as the impacts of a change in unit capacity. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 54 of 75 5.7.1 Applicant and Space Information In the Applicant and Space Information section, information about the unitary A/C project description, worksheet description, worksheet number, total number of worksheets, account number and facility description is entered. Figure 42 shows a sample of this section filled in for a hypothetical Restaurant. Lastly, a reference facility should be selected from the dropdown list. Figure 42 – Reference Facility There are 8 reference facilities listed in the dropdown list: Office, Big Box Retail, Strip Mall Retail, Ice Pad Arenas (excluding Pad cooling), Community Centre, Food Retail, Hotel and Restaurant. These reference facilities were developed using a database of whole building energy models developed over 15 years. These models were created using EE4 software, a software developed by NRCan as a compliance checking tool for the Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB) and NRCan’s own validation. Table 2 shows the assumed characteristics for the various reference facilities. Table 2 – Archetype Data for the Reference Facilities REFERENCE FACILITY Big Box Retail Strip Mall Retail Office Community Centre Ice Pad Arenas Store with 1-6 Roof Top Units 10,485 YEAR COMPLETED 2008 Store with 1-15 Roof Top Units 13,166 2008 Stripmall 1 with 11 units (pet store, restaurants – subs, pizza, pita, hair salon) 3,500 2008 Stripmall 2 with 8 units 2,500 2008 4,500 2008 AREA (m2) DESCRIPTION Stripmall 3 with 6 units in Bldg. A and 7 units in Bldg. B (grocery, pharmacy, clinic, dentist, salon, coffee shop) 1-2 units each serving one floor of office Systems 2,3,8,9 are Roof Top Units. Other zones are Variable Air Volume 5 units (units serving ice pad areas are not included) 2,000 (2 floors of office space) 2,500 served by RTUs out of 7,300 m2 total building 10,250 (building area) 2005 2008 2008 In 2014, three reference facilities, namely, food retail, hotel and restaurant, were added to the engineered worksheet. The following describes the assumptions used in generating the energy models for these reference facilities: Food Retail Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 55 of 75 Two food retail models were used to generate the cooling load profiles for this building type. Focus was placed on only the systems which serve the sales areas of the buildings. The models that were used to generate these curves did not initially have open refrigerated/freezer casework loads included. These aspects were incorporated into the model based on average loads found in grocery stores based on information obtained from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Council8. The table below summarizes the loads added to each model. Table 3- Loads Added to the Food Retail Models. Case Type Island Single Ice Cream Island Single Deck Meat Multi-Deck Dairy/Deli Capacity Btu/h/ft 740 770 1500 Length/Area ft/1000 ft2 0.972 4.508 7.859 Sensible Heat 0.853 0.639 0.759 Temp (F) -13.0 28.5 41.0 Auxiliary (kW) 3.0 1.9 22.0 Grocery Store 1 is assumed to have a total area of 2,333 m² (25,112 ft²) with the following assumed spaces: 81% Sales (served by a single roof top unit); 2% Produce/Preparation (served by a unit heater); 13% Receiving (served by a unit heater); and 4% Office (served by a single roof top unit). Grocery Store 2 is assumed to have a total area of 4,527 m² (48,729 ft²) with the following breakdown of spaces: 72% Sales (served by 5 single roof top units); 26% Stock/Preparation (served by a unit heater); and 2% Office (served by a single roof top unit). Hotel The amenity and public spaces in the hotel were the focus of this building type. The analysis of this building type was done by extracting the amenity spaces in the building and assigning single-zone unitary systems to each of the applicable zones. The total area of the amenity/common spaces is assumed to be 6,164 m² (66,330 ft²) equipped with 20 unitary systems. The space is assumed to consist of 21% Meeting Rooms; 32% Ballroom; 27% Lobby; 7% Amenity; 3% Fitness; 2% Storage; and 8% Office. Restaurant The Restaurant/Dining building type assumed that the make-up air for the kitchen and washroom exhaust is served by air supplied to the dining spaces. The total area of the space is assumed to be 537 m² (5,780 ft²) equipped with one unitary system and consists of 70% Dining, 20% Kitchen and 10% Washroom. 5.7.2 Load Duration Curve Once the reference facility has been selected, the Engineered Worksheet produces a default Load Duration Curve based on the chosen reference facility. The Load Duration Curve indicates the percentage of time the unit operates at each partial load. This load duration information is also presented in format on the right hand side of the table. 8 Leach, M., Hale, E., Hirsch, A., & Torcellini, P. (2009, September). Grocery Store 50% Energy Savings Technical Support Document . Technical Repor tNREL/TP-550-46101. Golden, Colorado, United States of America: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 56 of 75 Note: The Load Duration Curve method is only accurate when the system operation schedule entered corresponds to the times when cooling is typically needed within the building (generally 9am 5pm from June to September for the archetype load duration curves). Significant deviation from this period may result in significant overestimation of energy consumption. 5.7.3 System Operating Schedule – Cooling Season Only Since the Unitary A/C Engineered Worksheet is for air conditioning, the system operating schedule that is entered is for the cooling season only. Up to three (3) periods during the cooling season can be entered. To ensure that the number of operating hours is properly entered, when entering dates and time it is important to always use the drop down menus. An example is shown in Figure 43. Figure 43 – System Operating Schedule – Cooling Season Only Using a schedule that includes many hours when the A/C unit would be off introduces significant error into the calculation method. The unitary A/C Engineered Worksheet assumes that the unitary A/C operates during the cooling season only. If there is only one operating schedule for the cooling season, enter the schedule only under Season 1. If there is more than one operating schedule for the cooling season (e.g. different On Time and Off Time for the cooling months) as in the case of some schools, enter the schedule under Season 2 and Season 3. 5.7.4 Floor Area and Climate The floor area served by the A/C unit in square meters is entered next, as shown in Figure 44. The amount of cooling per square area is compared with the ASHRAE cooling check loads. Figure 44 – Floor Area and Climate Another important input for the Unitary A/C Engineered Worksheet is the selection of the climate region. This selection determines which set of weather data is used within the calculations. The weather Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 57 of 75 data comes from the files used by the software EE4 by NRCan and contains an hourly wet and dry bulb temperature that is used in the analysis. There are 4 climate regions to choose from in the dropdown list: Southern Ontario - West (e.g. Windsor), Southern Ontario (e.g. Toronto), Eastern Ontario (e.g. Ottawa), and Northern Ontario (e.g. Sault Ste Marie). 5.7.5 Existing AC Unit and Replacement Unit Cost In addition to providing the manufacturer, series, and model of the existing and replacement A/C units, the user is asked to provide the unit capacity (Btu/hr) and the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) for both the existing and retrofit (replacement) A/C units. The user can add up to 3 A/C unitary systems which are differentiated by capacity and EER. Drop down menus allow the user to select the quantity of each system (up to 20 each). The quantity of the existing system is assumed to equal the quantity of the replacement system. Figure 45 shows an example of this information filled in. Figure 45 – Existing and Replacement Units 5.8 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN INFORMATION All Engineered Worksheets require the user to enter data on economic values and project costs under the System Design Assumptions tab. Inputting the Project Cost Breakdown information allows for calculation of Total Eligible Costs for the Project. 5.8.1 Economic Values The last section under the System Design Assumptions tab requires information on Economic Values and Project Cost Breakdown. This information is needed to describe the economics of the project as indicated under the Outputs tab. Economic Values inputs include the Blended Cost of Power ($/kWh) and an Estimated Monthly Demand ($/kW). These values may be obtained from utility bills. Figure 46 provides an example of the Economic Values and Project Cost Breakdown sections filled in. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 58 of 75 Figure 46 – Economic Values and Project Cost Breakdown Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 59 of 75 5.8.2 Project Cost Breakdown The Project Cost Breakdown relates to the following information related to the procurement and implementation of the eligible equipment or measure: Actual total costs of the equipment purchased (not including spare parts) Actual total costs charged by suppliers of labour for the installation of the equipment Total costs to dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Total costs of inspections of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations Note: the Project Cost Breakdown information for the Commercial Lighting Engineered Worksheets does not make use of the Zone Multiplier but, instead, should reflect the actual eligible project costs of all the retrofit lighting fixtures included in the Worksheet. For example, a retrofit lighting project required the submission of two Commercial Interior Lighting Worksheets for a single zone. The first worksheet contained a total of 120 retrofit lighting fixtures while the second worksheet contained a total of 60 retrofit lighting fixtures. The Project Cost Breakdown that must be reflected in the first worksheet must correspond to the total costs of the 120 fixtures. Likewise, the Project Cost Breakdown for the second worksheet must correspond to the total costs of the 60 fixtures. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 60 of 75 6) OUTPUTS TAB The Outputs tabs on the Engineered Worksheets present the Project Engineering Estimates, the Project Economics, and the LDC Quality Control (QC) and Diagnostics for the retrofit project. 6.1 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES The Project Engineering Estimates box highlights the Maximum and Average Summer and Winter Peak Demand in kW and the Annual Electricity Consumption in kWh for both the base and retrofit case. It also presents the Average to Maximum Ratio peak demand for both summer and winter. The RETROFIT PROGRAM recognizes the summer peak as the basis for its Demand Savings. Figure 47 shows an example of this information. Figure 47 – Project Engineering Estimates The Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) is the Total Connected Load for the base and retrofit system occurring during the summer on-peak period (June 1 – Sept. 30) between 11 am and 5 pm on business days. Likewise, the Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) is the Total Connected Load for the base and retrofit system occurring during the winter on-peak period (Dec. 1 – March 31) between 7 am and 11 am and 5 pm and 8 pm on business days. The Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) is the amount of electricity consumed in kWh divided by the available number of hours (assumed to be 510 hours) during the summer on-peak period. Likewise, the Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) is the amount of electricity consumed in kWh divided by the available number of hours (assumed to be 588 hours) during the winter on-peak period. The Average to Maximum Ratio is calculated by dividing the Average Peak Demand by the Maximum Peak Period Demand. This ratio provides information on the degree of coincidence of the average peak demand to the total connected load or maximum peak demand of both the base and retrofit system given the system schedule. The Annual Energy Consumption (kWh) is the amount of electricity consumed for the year based on the equipment schedule, including adjustments for statutory, civic or other holidays, as entered in the System Schedule tab. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 61 of 75 In the following sections, the algorithm or methodology for calculating the maximum summer peak and winter peak period demand (kW) and energy (kWh) savings is discussed for the various types of measures. 6.1.1 Combined Commercial Lighting The Maximum Summer Peak and Winter Peak Period Demand Savings for all three Commercial Engineered Lighting Worksheets are calculated using the following equation: Maximum Peak Period Demand Savings (kW) = Total Connected Lighting Load per Zone (Base) - Total Connected Lighting Load per Zone (Retrofit) In normal cases, the Maximum Summer Peak and Winter Peak Period Demand savings will be equal. There will be situations when either the Maximum Summer Peak or Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand Savings will be zero. This happens when there is no operation during the hours within the summer or winter peak period. The Annual Energy Consumption (kWh) is the sum of all electricity consumed for the year based on the operating schedule, including adjustments for statutory, civic or other holidays as entered in the System Schedule tab. 6.1.2 Lighting Controls The calculation for the lighting control savings are performed on an hourly basis. This enables the worksheet to accurately account for the user’s schedule as entered. As the percentage of savings that each control type should result in is known, these fractions are applied to the fixture power in each hour as a multiplier. Occupancy/Vacancy Sensor Savings The savings that result from the implementation of occupancy/vacancy sensors is dependent on the space type and on the specific patterns of use. As occupancy sensors turn the lighting on when occupants enter the space, the savings are dependent on the amount of time that occupants spend in the space. Human behavior is also a factor. If the space occupants are already diligent about turning the lights off as they leave, installation of occupancy sensors will result in very low savings. As both the percentage of time spent in the space and user behavior are extremely difficult to quantify, calculations of the savings of installing sensors in a specific space is not realistic. The best way to provide accurate estimates of savings from occupancy sensors is to use established values determined through research. This enables accurate results with simple user inputs. A review of existing studies was conducted to determine the rate of savings of occupancy sensors within different spaces. These results were reviewed, tabulated and averaged to select the values savings rates used in the worksheet. The values used in the calculations are summarized in the table below. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 62 of 75 Figure 48 - Percentage Savings of Occupancy Sensors for Different Space Type Space Type Private Office Open Office Classroom Conference/Meeting Room Warehouse Cafeteria Gymnasium Changeroom/Restroom Storage Room % Savings 35% 25% 30% 40% 60% 30% 30% 50% 55% Vacancy sensors operate similarly to occupancy sensors with the difference that the user must always turn on the light. Vacancy sensors save additional energy as they influence user behavior towards having the lights off. It is assumed that vacancy sensor savings is two percent greater than the associated occupancy sensor. This value was selected based on engineering judgement and can be adjusted if more accurate information becomes available. Daylight Sensor Savings The performance of daylight sensors is defined by the amount of outdoor light entering a space and the level of control that the sensor has over the lighting. Daylight sensors are of three general types: on/off, stepped dimming, and fully modulating dimming. The amount of light entering the space is a function of the size of the windows within a space, the orientation of the windows, the visible light transmittance of windows, and the time of day. These variables were explored through parametric simulations to determine the impact on the savings generated by the installation of daylight sensors. The parametric study was performed using eQuest modelling software developed by the State of California to provide a freeware building simulation tool for energy efficiency analysis. This software is capable of calculating and comparing between different types of daylight sensor and utilizes a diffuse lighting calculation to determine daylighting levels and the resulting electric lighting control responses. The parametric modeling runs were designed to evaluate the impact of each building input independently. Building orientation was not evaluated as this is a difficult parameter for the user to enter as buildings have windows on multiple faces and at non-cardinal directions. Modeling runs were performed on a square space with equal window area on all building faces. Initial investigative runs provided the ranges of the variables to be evaluated. All three types of daylight controls were evaluated. Time of day was evaluated for each of the time of use bins (excluding off-peak hours as these occur at night). This seemed appropriate as this corresponds to the output of the tool. Window visible transmittance was evaluated at 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 to provide for a range of glazing types. Window to wall ratios of 20, 40 and 60 were explored, as preliminary results showed little additional benefit from 60 to 100. Following the parametric runs, the data was analysed. As both the window to wall ratio and the window visible transmittance impact the amount of light entering the space, these variables were multiplied for ease of analysis. Trend lines were then fitted to plots of the data relating to Tvis x Window to Wall ratio to percentage savings. See Figure 49 below for an example of three (3) trend lines corresponding to the Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 63 of 75 three (3) types of daylight sensors for the shoulder season mid peak period. There were 15 empirical equations (3 control types x 5 time of use periods) that were derived from the eQuest parametric runs to calculate the savings at any time of the year. Table 4 shows the coefficients of the trend lines. Figure 49 - Saving curve for the shoulder season mid-peak period Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 64 of 75 Figure 50 - Saving curve for the summer season mid-peak period Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 65 of 75 Figure 51 - Saving curve for the summer season peak period Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 66 of 75 Figure 52 - Saving curve for the winter season peak period Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 67 of 75 Figure 53 - Saving curve for the winter season mid-peak period Table 4 - Coefficients for Developed Trend Lines Weather Bin Daylight Sensor Type x 6 x x x x x 0 0 -2.2E-07 3.55E-05 -0.00212 0.058727 1.72E-10 -8.4E-09 -1.4E-06 0.000147 -0.00541 0.0931 -6E-10 1.24E-07 -1E-05 0.000439 -0.01011 0.124218 On/off 9.26E-10 -1.6E-07 9.87E-06 -0.00029 0.003431 0.006636 Stepped dimming 4.47E-10 -6.5E-08 3.3E-06 -5.2E-05 -0.00087 0.040425 Fully modulating dimming 1.6E-12 1.41E-08 -2.2E-06 0.000137 -0.00411 0.064292 0 1.03E-08 -1.8E-06 0.00012 -0.00409 0.074684 Stepped dimming -4.64E-10 9.93E-08 -8.4E-06 0.000366 -0.00867 0.110821 Fully modulating dimming -9.9E-10 1.93E-07 -1.5E-05 0.00059 -0.01242 0.136622 On/off Winter Mid Peak Winter Peak Stepped dimming Fully modulating dimming On/off Shoulder Mid Peak 5 4 Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 3 2 1 Page 68 of 75 Weather Bin Summer Mid Peak Summer Peak 6.1.3 Daylight Sensor Type 6 5 4 3 2 1 x x x x x x On/off 1.13E-10 -8.5E-09 -5E-07 7.75E-05 -0.00345 0.072519 Stepped dimming -5.58E-10 1.14E-07 -9.4E-06 0.000396 -0.00917 0.115305 Fully modulating dimming -1.03E-09 1.98E-07 -1.5E-05 0.00059 -0.01242 0.137772 On/off -1.09E-09 2.2E-07 -1.8E-05 0.000746 -0.01692 0.200126 Stepped dimming -2.65E-09 4.85E-07 -3.5E-05 0.001295 -0.02529 0.249974 Fully modulating dimming -3.19E-09 5.77E-07 -4.1E-05 0.00149 -0.0283 0.268002 Compressed Air The calculation of the Annual Energy Savings and Annual Demand Savings for implemented measures under the Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet is discussed in Section 5.3.8. 6.1.4 Variable Speed Drive Compressed Air Power demand for the fixed speed and VSD compressed air are estimated based on the generated linear and polynomial equation, respectively. This calculation is done for each of the 11 bins representing different percentage flows. For each of the 11 bin, power demand for the fixed speed compressor is assumed to follow a straightline relationship with the flow and is represented by the equation y = mx + b where: y x = = m = b = Power demand (kW) for a given flow Given flow (acfm) Total Package Input @ Rated Capacity and Full Load Operating Pressure – Total Package Input Power @ Zero Flow Rated Capacity @ Full Load Operating Pressure Total Package Input Power @ Zero Flow The total power demand for the fixed speed compressor is then averaged according to the given operating profile. Likewise, for the VSD compressor, power demand is assumed to have a polynomial relationship with the flow and represented by y = ax2 + bx + c as discussed in Section 5.4.5. Power demand is calculated for each of the 11 bin and the total power demand is then averaged according to the given operating profile. Power demand for both fixed speed and VSD compressor is adjusted depending on the intended compressor operating pressure. This power adjustment correction factor is used to normalize the expected power to the intended operating discharge pressure conditions so that an equitable Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 69 of 75 comparison can be made between the fixed speed and VSD compressor options. It is assumed that the power requirements for both the fixed speed and VSD compressor are reduced by 0.5% for each 1 psig reduction in discharge pressure. Demand (kW) savings is calculated as follows: Demand Savings (kW) Power Demand of Fixed Speed Compressor = - Power Demand of VSD Compressor Energy savings takes into account the lesser of the Fixed Speed Compressor Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure value (acfm) and the VSD Compressor Rated Capacity at Full Load (acfm). It is calculated by multiplying the demand savings (kW) by the Annual Operating Hours. Energy Savings (kWh) 6.1.5 = Demand Savings (kW) x Annual Operating Hours (H) Variable Speed Drive on Fans Savings calculations for Variable Speed Drive on Fans start with the calculation of the Annual Energy Savings (kWh), which is the difference between the annual energy consumption (kWh) of the conventional fan system (base) and the fan system with the VSD (retrofit). This calculation is done for each of the 10 bins representing 10 different percentage flows. For each bin in the conventional fan system, the fan horsepower (FHP) is calculated using the following equation: FHPb where: FHPb Qb = = = Qb x P x fan x 6356 P = = fan = Fan horsepower (hp) Average air flow rate for bin range in cubic foot per minute (CFM) Design head for the bin range in inches of water (“WG) Density ratio of the gas to air in lbs/ft3; air is assumed to have a density of 0.075 lbs/ft3 Fan efficiency at flow rate (decimal) 6356 = Conversion constant The conventional fan system energy consumption (kWh) for each bin is calculated using the following equation: kWhb = FHPbx 0.746 x H motor x belt/coupling Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 70 of 75 where: kWhb FHPb H = = = belt/coupling = Energy consumption in the bin range Fan horsepower (hp) calculated for the bin range Number of operating hours in the bin range; this is calculated by getting the percentage hours for the bin range as dictated by the Operating Profile Motor full load efficiency (decimal) x Motor efficiency correction factor (decimal) Belt/Coupling efficiency factor (decimal) motor = 0.746 Conversion constant from horsepower to kilowatt = The total annual energy consumption for the base case is the sum of all the energy consumption in the 10 bins. For Variable Speed Drive on Fans, the annual energy consumption in kWh is calculated the same way as for the Conventional Fan System except that there is an additional definition for total head and efficiencies. = Ps + (Pd – Ps) ( Q / Qd ) 2 P where: P = Ps = Pd Q = = Qd = System head for the bin range in inches of water (“WG) Static head for the fan system in inches of water (“WG); Design head (at X) in inches of water (“WG) Average air flow rate for bin range in cubic foot per minute (CFM) Fan design flow rate in cubic foot per minute (CFM) FHPr where: FHPr Qr = = P = = fan 6356 = = Qr x P x fan x 6356 Fan horsepower (hp) Average air flow rate for bin range in cubic foot per minute (CFM) System head for the bin range in inches of water (“WG) Density ratio of the gas to air in lbs/ft3; air is assumed to have a density of 0.075 lbs/ft3 Fan efficiency at damper fully open Conversion constant kWhr = where: kWhr FHPr = = = FHPr x 0.746 x H motor x VSD x belt/coupling Energy consumption in the bin range Fan horsepower (hp) calculated for the bin range Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 71 of 75 H = belt/coupling = Number of operating hours in the bin range; this is calculated by getting the percentage hours for the bin range as dictated by the Operating Profile Motor full load efficiency (decimal) x Motor efficiency correction factor for VSD operation (decimal) VSD efficiency factor (when operating with greater than 40% load) Belt/Coupling efficiency factor (decimal) motor = VSD = 0.746 Conversion constant from horsepower to kilowatt = The maximum summer and winter peak period demand (kW) savings are calculated by dividing the Annual Energy Savings (kWh) by the total annual hours of operation. 6.1.6 Variable Speed Drive on Pumps Savings calculations for Variable Speed Drive on Pumps are similar to the savings algorithm for the fans. It starts with the calculation of the Annual Energy Savings (kWh), which is the difference between the annual energy consumption (kWh) of the conventional pump system (base) and the pump system with the VSD (retrofit). This calculation is done for each of the 10 bins representing 10 different percentage flows. For each bin in the conventional pump system, the pump horsepower (PHP) is calculated using the following equation: PHPb = Qb x P x pump x 3958 where: PHPb Qb = = P pump = = = Pump horsepower (hp) Average flow rate for bin range in U.S. gallons per minute (USGPM) Pump head for the bin range in feet Specific gravity of the fluid; assume 1.0 for water Pump efficiency at flow rate (decimal) 3958 = Conversion constant The conventional pump system energy consumption (kWh) for each bin is calculated using the following equation: kWhb = where: kWhb PHPb H = = = PHPb x 0.746 x H motor Energy consumption in the bin range Pump horsepower (hp) calculated for the bin range Number of operating hours in the bin range; this is calculated by getting the percentage hours for the bin range as dictated by the Operating Profile Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 72 of 75 motor = 0.746 = Motor full load efficiency (decimal) x Motor efficiency correction factor (decimal) Conversion constant from horsepower to kilowatt For Variable Speed Drive on Pumps, the annual energy consumption in kWh is calculated the same way as the Conventional Pump System except that there is an additional definition for total head and efficiencies. = Ps + (Pd – Ps) ( Q / Qd ) 2 P where: P Ps Pd Q = = = = Qd = System head for the bin range in feet Static head for the pump system in feet Design head (at X) in feet Average flow rate for bin range in US gallons per minute (USGPM) Pump design flow rate in US gallons per minute (USGPM) PHPr where: PHPr Qr = = P pump 3958 = = = = = Qr x P x pump x 3958 Pump horsepower (hp) Average flow rate for bin range in US gallons per minute (USGPM) Pump head for the bin range in feet Specific gravity of the fluid; assume 1.0 for water Pump efficiency at design flow rate (decimal) Conversion constant kWhr = where: kWhr PHP H = = = motor = VSD = 0.746 = PHP x 0.746 x H motor x VSD Energy consumption in the bin range Pump horsepower (hp) calculated for the bin range Number of operating hours in the bin range; this is calculated by getting the percentage hours for the bin range as dictated by the Operating Profile Motor full load efficiency (decimal) x Motor efficiency correction factor for VSD operation (decimal) VSD efficiency factor (when operating with greater than 40% load) Conversion constant from horsepower to kilowatt The maximum summer and winter peak period demand (kW) savings are calculated by dividing the Annual Energy Savings (kWh) by the total annual hours of operation. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 73 of 75 6.1.7 Unitary A/C The energy performance of the Unitary A/C is determined by calculating the energy consumption of both the existing (base case) and retrofit (design case) units for each hour that the equipment operates during the year. First, peak (rated) power (watts) is calculated by dividing the capacity (Btu/hr) by the energy efficiency ratio (EER). This amount is then converted to kilowatts. Power consumption at part load is calculated using a methodology published by NRCan for use in a building modeling software called EE49. This methodology is based on percentage unit output, wet bulb, and dry bulb temperatures and it yields the percentage (%) of peak power consumed at part load. This calculation is done for each hour of the year that operation is scheduled. These hourly power consumption (kW) results are then simply summed to give the energy consumption (kWh) over the desired period. 6.2 PROJECT ECONOMICS The Project Economics section summarizes the estimated total annual savings in $/year based on the cost information entered by the user. It also generates the amount of Participant Incentives that are calculated based on the greater of $ 400.00/kW of Demand Savings or $ 0.05/kWh of Energy Savings for lighting projects and the greater of $ 800.00/kW of Demand Savings or $ 0.10/kWh for non-lighting up to a maximum of 50% of the total eligible costs for the project. There are two highlighted cells (dark green) on the Outputs page that show the Demand Savings and Energy Savings. The values in these two cells need to be entered in the saveONenergy RETROFIT PROGRAM Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings. The Project Economics section also automatically calculates the simple payback period with, and without, the calculated incentive amount based on the total eligible project costs ($), the estimated total annual savings ($/year) and the estimated Participant Incentive amount. Figure 54 shows an example of a completed Project Economics section. 9 NRCan, 1999. Performance Compliance for Buildings, Appendix A. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 74 of 75 Figure 54 – Project Economics 6.3 QUALITY CONTROL (QC) AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR LDCS The LDC Quality Control (QC) and Diagnostics section shows validations that can be used to help identify whether the Energy and Demand Savings calculated are realistic with respect to the facility consumption and maximum demand. To ensure the accuracy of the results, it is important that the billing data found on the Applicant and Facility Info tab be completed. Figure 55 shows an example of the LDC CQ & Diagnostics section filled in. Figure 55 – LDC QC & Diagnostics Included in this section is an analysis of how the average to maximum ratio compares to an average to maximum threshold level identified by the LDC. Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets JANUARY 2015 Page 75 of 75 APPENDIX A Examples of Completed Engineered Worksheets RETROFIT COMBINED COMMERCIAL LIGHTING ENGINEERED WORKSHEET A building in Toronto plans to retrofit its existing lighting system with more efficient lighting fixtures. The facility’s lighting schedule is from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. They are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and during the regular statutory holidays. In addition, the facility has 2 days off in the months of June and August. Existing Lighting System: x x 20-1000W metal halide fixtures; input wattage = 1150 W/fixture; 150 acrylic lens troffer fixtures containing two lamps of 34W 4’T12; input wattage = 68W/fixture; Proposed Lighting System: x x 25 LED high bay 3-lamp fixtures with a nominal wattage of 150 W per lamp; input wattage = 450W/fixture; mean lamp lumens = 42,300 90 acrylic lens troffer fixtures containing two lamps of 28W 4’T8; input wattage = 48W/fixture; Calculation of Demand Savings (kW): Base Case Power Input Retrofit Power Input Total Retrofit Power Input (kW) Maximum Peak Period Demand Savings (kW) = Total Connected Lighting (Base) 15.840 - Total Connected Lighting (Retrofit) APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 1 of 66 Maximum Peak Period Demand Savings (kW) = Maximum Peak Period Demand Savings (kW) = 33.2 kW - 15.570 kW 17.63 kW or 17.6 kW Calculation of Energy Savings (kWh): Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) Maximum Peak Period Demand Savings (kW) = x Annual Operating Hours The annual operating hours is located under the System Schedule tab. Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) = Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) = 17.63 kW x 2695 hours 47,513 kWh Calculation of Total Project Costs ($): Project Cost Breakdown Total costs of the equipment purchased (not including spare parts) Total costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Total costs to dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Total costs of inspections of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT Amount $ 22,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $29,000.00 Calculation of Incentives ($): Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($400/kW of Demand Savings): Participant Incentive = = 17.6 kW x $400/kW $ 7,040.00 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.05/kW of Energy Savings) Participant Incentive = = 47513 kWh x $ 0.05/kWh $ 2,376.00 Maximum Allowable Participant Incentive (50% of Total Eligible Costs for the Project) = $4,8960.00 Therefore, Participant Incentive is $7,040.00 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 2 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Commercial Combined Lighting Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 OPERATING INFORMATION Using the 24 hour 7 day table below, enter "1" if the equipment is scheduled to operate and "0" if the equipment is not scheduled to operate. Times during operation will illuminate purple. These numbers are used in energy calculations, therefore if the time falls within the hour (i.e. 7:30), use your best estimate to choose the appropriate time. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 0:00-0:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:00-1:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:00-3:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:00-5:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00-6:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:00-7:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8:00-8:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 9:00-9:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10:00-10:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 11:00-11:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 12:00-12:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1:00-1:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2:00-2:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 3:00-3:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 4:00-4:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 5:00-5:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 6:00-6:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7:00-7:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8:00-8:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9:00-9:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:00-10:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11:00-11:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hour of Day Adjust the number of weekdays (Mon-Fri) by month that the equipment is not operating due to statutory holidays, lieu days or scheduled shutdowns. The numbers pre-populated in the table represent the default statutory holidays, per the table on the right. Ontario Statutory, Civic and Other Holidays January 1 February 1 New Years Day January 1 March 0 Family Day 3rd Monday in February April 2 Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday May 1 Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday June 2 Victoria Day Monday before May 25 July 1 Canada Day July 1 August 3 Civic Holiday 1st Monday in August September 1 Labour Day 1st Monday in September October 1 Thanksgiving Day 2nd Monday in October November 0 Christmas Day December 25 December 2 Boxing Day December 26 TOTAL: 15 55 This is the typical weekly number of operating hours for the equipment based on the schedule above (excluding holidays) 2695 This is the annual number of operating hours for the equipment based typical weekly and holiday schedule entered A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. Combined Lighting Worksheet System Schedule Tab 3 of 5 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 3 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Commercial Combined Lighting Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 BASE CASE LIGHTING SYSTEM Specify the existing application for the commercial lighting system (e.g. interior, high bay, etc) in the inputs below. Reference values for lamp and ballasts power can be found on the "Commercial Ballast Tables". For assistance with any of the fields, please click on the appropriate row heading, which will display a pop-up comment Fixtures Lighting Application Type of Fixture Other Types of Fixture Lamp Type Manufacturer/Model Number Nominal Lamp Wattage (W) Lamps Per Fixture Number of Fixtures Input Watts Per Fixture (W) Total Connected Lighting Power (kW) 1 HighBay Other Metal Halide Fixtures 20 - 1000W metal halide fixtures XYZ 1000 1 20 1150 23.000 2 Interior Acrylic Lens Troffer 34W 4T12 XYZ 34 2 150 68 10.200 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Connected Lighting Power Per Zone (kW) A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Combined Lighting Worksheet System Design Assumptions Used under sublicence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. 33.200 Tab 4 of 5 Page 4 of 66 RETROFIT LIGHTING SYSTEM Specify the retrofit application for the commercial lighting system (e.g. interior, high bay, etc) in the inputs below. Reference values for lamp and ballasts power can be found on the "Commercial Ballast Tables". For assistance with any of the fields', please click on the appropriate row heading, which will display a pop-up comment All technologies must meet applicable Code, standard and regulatory requirements including, but not limited to, CSA/cUL. It is the Applicant's responsibility to ensure that the technology is suitable (properly sized, etc.) to its intended application and to confirm that light levels of the energy efficient design meet the minimum regulatory requirements and the suggested levels for the proposed use of the space. All products must be legal for sale in Canada. For Applications submitted after October 1, 2012, LED lamps and luminaires must meet at least one of the following Measurement Approval criteria: The product is approved and listed on the Energy Star Qualified Commercial Lighting List for bulbs 1 or fixtures2 or the product is approved and listed on the Design Lights Consortium List (DLC)3. 1 Energy Star®-Bulbs Energy Star®-Light Fixtures 3 Design Lights Consortium As may be updated from time to time by their respective organizations. Other Types of Fixtures Lamp Type Manufacturer/Model Number Lighting Application Type of Fixture Fixture/Manufacturer/M odel Number 25 LED high bay 3-lamp LED 1 HighBay ABC fixture 2 2 Interior Acrylic Lens Troffer 28W 4T8 ABC Nominal Lamp Wattage (W) Lamps Per Fixture Number of Fixtures Input Watts per Fixture (W) Total Connected Lighting Power (kW) 150 3 25 450 11.250 28 2 90 48 4.320 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Connected Lighting Power Per Zone (kW) 15.570 ECONOMIC VALUES $0.10 Blended Cost of Power ($/kWh) A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. $6.00 Combined Lighting Worksheet System Design Assumptions Used under sublicence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. Estimated Monthly Demand ($/kW) Tab 4 of 5 Page 5 of 66 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable covering all measures in this worksheet. Please note that a zone multiplier does not apply here. $22,000.00 Total costs of the equipment purchased (not including spare parts) $7,000.00 Total costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Total costs to dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Total costs of inspections of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $29,000.00 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: (i) any costs that are not third party costs or that are internal costs of the Participant, including costs of the Participant’s labour, service, administration or overhead; (ii) financing costs of the Participant; (iii) related insurance costs of the Participant; (iv) costs associated with post-installation maintenance or service contracts; (v) costs of spare parts, spare equipment or other inventories; (vi) purchase or lease of tools for installation of equipment; (vii) HST; and (viii) a portion of the costs of Eligible Measures that have been or will be received from financial incentives generally funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers in the Province of Ontario (other than funding principally directed to Social Housing Providers if, combined with the Participant Incentive, such funding does not exceed the actual cost of the Project) or rebates from manufacturers or wholesalers or other supply chain participants. Note: Capitalized terms above are as defined in the Participant Agreement A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Combined Lighting Worksheet System Design Assumptions Used under sublicence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. Tab 4 of 5 Page 6 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Commercial Combined Lighting Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the Energy Savings and Demand Savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 33.2 15.6 17.6 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 30.5 14.3 16.2 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 92% 92% 92% Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 33.2 15.6 17.6 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 22.6 10.6 12.0 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 68% 68% 68% Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) 89,474 41,961 47,513 PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information, entered by the user, along with incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.10 Assumed Demand Rate ($/kW) $ 6.00 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ 4,751 Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ 1,165 Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 5,916 1 Demand Savings (kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings 17.6 2 Energy Savings (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 47,513 Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 29,000 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($400/kW of Demand Savings) $ 7,040 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.05/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 2,376 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount3,4: $ 7,040 Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) 4.9 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) 3.7 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the savings calculated are realistic, with respect to the facility consumption Peak kW Savings - Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand 13.5% Facility Total kWh Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand 12.3% Max Summer kW 131 Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand 13.4% Max Winter kW 132 Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand 9.1% Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption 1.1% LDC Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 50% Actual Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 92% Average to Maximum Ratio exceeds Average to Maximum Threshold Level: YES 4,187,654 CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount for this Engineering Worksheet is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap. A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. Combined Lighting Worksheet Outputs Tab 5 of 5 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 7 of 66 RETROFIT LIGHTING CONTROLS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET A 20-floor Office Building is installing occupancy sensors for 230 lighting fixtures consisting of two (2) T8 fluorescent lamps with a total input wattage of 51W in their meeting rooms. In addition, for meeting rooms with big windows, they will be installing a combined daylighting and occupancy sensor for 200 lighting fixtures consisting of two (2) T8 fluorescent lamps with a total input wattage of 51W. The facility operates its lighting system from 6:00 am to 10:00 p.m. Monday to Friday except holidays. Existing Lighting System: x x 230 fixtures (2-lamp 28W T8 linear fluorescents) 200 fixtures (2-lamp 28W T8 linear fluorescents) Proposed Lighting Control System: x x Occupancy Sensor for 230 fixtures dimmable to 40% Combined daylighting and occupancy sensor for 200 fixtures dimmable to 40% Daylighting Information: x x x Daylight control type - On/off Space window to wall ratio - 40 Window tint - light Calculation of Demand Savings (kW): Demand savings (kW) are derived from savings from the installation of the occupancy sensors and the combined daylighting and occupancy sensors. Demand Savings (kW) from the Occupancy Sensors For each hour of the year and for each type of lighting control, the base case and efficiency case wattages are calculated. Base Case (kWb) = Wattage per fixture (kW) x No. of Fixtures = 51 W / 1000 W/kW x 230 = 11.73 kW The efficiency case wattage is calculated by summing up the controlled or reduced wattage due to the lighting control and the fixed uncontrolled wattage. Controlled Wattage (kWce) = Base Case (kWb) x (1 - % Dimmable) x (1 - % Savings) = 11.73 kW x (1 - 0.40) x (1 - 0.4) APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 8 of 66 = Uncontrolled Wattage (kWue) Efficiency Case (kWe) Demand Savings (kW) 4.22 kW = Base Case (kWb) x % Dimmable) = 11.73 kW x 0.40 = 4.69 kW = Controlled Wattage (kWce) + Uncontrolled Wattage (kWue) = 4.22 + 4.69 = 8.91 kW = Base Case (kWb) - Efficiency Case (kWe) = 11.73 - 8.91 = 2.82 kW Demand Savings (kW) from the Combined Daylighting and Occupancy Sensors Similarly, for each hour of the year and for each type of lighting control, the base case and efficiency case wattages are calculated. Base Case (kWb) = Wattage per fixture (kW) x No. of Fixtures = 51 W / 1000 W/kW x 200 = 10.2 kW Since the lighting control includes daylighting, the efficiency case is calculated for each hour using daylight sensor savings derived from the parametric runs using eQuest for the on/off type. For this example, the efficiency case for the summer peak period is shown. Solving for the percentage daylight sensor savings during the summer peak period, Tvis x Window-to-Wall Ratio (x) % Savings (y) = 0.6 x 40 = 24 = -1.09E-09x6 + 2.2E-07x5 - 1.8E-05x4 + 0.000746x3 - 0.01692x2 + 0.200126x = -1.09E-09(24)6 + 2.2E-07(24)5 - 1.8E-05(24)4 + 0.000746(24)3 - 0.01692(24)2 + 0.200126(24) = 0.983 Controlled Wattage (kWce) = Base Case (kWb) x (1 - % Dimmable) x (1 - % Savings from Combined Daylighting and Occupancy) x (1 - % Savings from Occupancy Sensor) = 10.2 kW x (1 - .40) x (1 - 0.984) x (1 - 0.40) APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 9 of 66 = Uncontrolled Wattage (kWue) Efficiency Case (kWe) Demand Savings (kW) 0.059 kW = Base Case (kWb) x % Dimmable) = 10.2 kW x 0.40 = 4.08 kW = Controlled Wattage (kWce) + Uncontrolled Wattage (kWue) = 0.059 + 4.08 = 4.14 kW = Base Case (kWb) - Efficiency Case (kWe) = 10.2 - 4.14 = 6.06 kW Total Demand Savings (kW) = Demand Savings from Occupancy Sensor + Demand Savings from Combined Daylighting and Occupancy Sensor = 2.8 kW + 6.1 kW = 8.9 kW Calculation of Energy Savings (kWh): The base case and retrofit case energy consumption (kWh) are obtained by summing up all the demand (kW) for each hour for the whole 8760 hours. Base case energy consumption is 87,369 kWh while the retrofit case energy consumption is 57,987 kWh. Energy savings, therefore, is 29,382 kWh. Calculation of Total Project Costs ($): It is assumed that the total project costs amount to $ 12,000.00 broken down as follows: Lighting Control Cost Labour Cost Total: $ 15,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 17,000.00 Calculation of Incentives ($): Incentives are calculated based on $400/kW and $0.05/kWh. Based on this, the calculated Participant Incentive based on demand savings is $3,560.00 and $1,469 based on energy savings. 50% Project Cost is $8,500.00. Therefore, Participant Incentive is $3,560. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 10 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Lighting Controls Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 LIGHTING SYSTEM OPERATING SCHEDULE From: To: Average Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Season 1 January December On Time 6:00 AM 6:00 AM 6:00 AM 6:00 AM 6:00 AM Annual Holidays (#days) Annual Operating Hours Season 2 1 31 Off time 9:59 PM 9:59 PM 9:59 PM 9:59 PM 9:59 PM < < < < < < < From: To: Average Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday On Time Season 3 Off time < < < < < < < From: To: Average Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday On Time Off time < < < < < < < 11 3984 SPACE INFORMATION Select the applicable space type: Room Length (feet) 10 Room Width (feet) 15 Conference/Meeting Room Room area (sq. ft.) 150 LIGHTING INFORMATION Enter the space lighting design. Use one row for each fixture type or to indicate different control of the same fixture. Only enter daylight control for fixtures within 15 feet of the building perimeter. For example, the fixtures close to the building perimeter may have daylight sensor, while fixtures further from the perimeter are controled via occupancy sensors. Type of Fixture & Lamp Lamps Number of Input Watts Per Dimmable to: fixtures Fixture (W) (%) (#) 51 51 2 lamp T8 Fluorescents 2 lamp T8 Fluorescents 40% 40% 230 200 Lighting Control Type Occupancy sensor Daylight & Occupancy sensor Fixtures with daylight control must be within 15 ft of the building perimeter DAYLIGHTING INFORMATION Select the applicable daylight control type:1 Space Window to Wall Ratio: Select Window Tint: On/off 40 Light Window Tint Examples: Clear (Tvis = 0.8) 1 Light (Tvis = 0.6) Dark (Tvis = 0.4) Notes: On/off - The daylight sensor turns the light off when there is adequate daylight. (OFF/100%) Stepped dimming - The daylight sensor dims the light to track the available natural light via a series of output levels. (ie, OFF/30%/60%/100%) Fully modulating dimming - The daylight sensor dims the light proportionally to the level of natural light available. (OFF to 100%) A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 11 of 66 Page 1 of 2 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Lighting Controls Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 ECONOMIC VALUES $ 0.10 Blended Cost of Power ($/kWh) $ 6.00 Estimated Monthly Demand ($/kW) PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable covering all measures in this worksheet. $ $ 15,000.00 Total costs of the equipment purchased (not including spare parts) 2,000.00 Total costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Total costs to dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Total costs of inspections of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ 17,000.00 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: (i) any costs that are not third party costs or that are internal costs of the Participant, including costs of the Participant’s labour, service, administration or overhead; (ii) financing costs of the Participant; (iii) related insurance costs of the Participant; (iv) costs associated with post-installation maintenance or service contracts; (v) costs of spare parts, spare equipment or other inventories; (vi) purchase or lease of tools for installation of equipment; (vii) HST; and (viii) a portion of the costs of Eligible Measures that have been or will be received from financial incentives generally funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers in the Province of Ontario (other than funding principally directed to Social Housing Providers if, combined with the Participant Incentive, such funding does not exceed the actual cost of the Project) or rebates from manufacturers or wholesalers or other supply chain participants. Note: Capitalized terms above are as defined in the Participant Agreement A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 12 of 66 Page 2 of 2 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Lighting Controls Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the Energy Savings and Demand Savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 21.9 13.1 8.9 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 21.9 13.1 8.9 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 100% 100% 100% Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 21.9 15.4 6.5 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 21.9 15.4 6.5 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 100% 100% 100% Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) 87,369 57,987 29,382 PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information, entered by the user, along with incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.10 Assumed Demand Rate ($/kW) $ 6.00 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ 2,938 Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ 639 Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 3,577 Demand Savings1(kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 8.9 Energy Savings2 (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 29,382 NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 17,000 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($400/kW of Demand Savings) $ 3,560 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.05/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 1,469 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount3,4: $ 3,560 Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) 4.8 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) 3.8 A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 13 of 66 Page 1 of 2 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Lighting Controls Engineered Worksheet - May 12, 2014 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the savings calculated are realistic, with respect to the facility consumption Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand - Facility Total kWh Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand - Max Summer kW - Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand - Max Winter kW - Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand - Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption - LDC Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 50% Actual Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 100% Average to Maximum Ratio exceeds Average to Maximum Threshold Level: YES - CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive, with a Maximum Allowable Participant Incentive at 50% of Total Eligible Costs for the Project. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap. A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 14 of 66 Page 2 of 2 RETROFIT COMPRESSED AIR ENGINEERED WORKSHEET A company has a compressed air system consisting of five (5) compressors operating from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The facility is closed on Sundays and certain holidays. The existing compressor and motor information are as follows: Existing Compressed Air System A.C.#1 Compressor Designated Name Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1) A.C.#2 Main Unit Please select Model (CAGI Box 2) Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 3) Full Load Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 4) Maximum Full Flow Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 5) Drive Motor Nominal Rating (CAGI Box 6) Total Package Input Power at Zero Flow (CAGI Box 10) Total Package Input Power at Rated Capacity and Full Load Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 11) Typical Percent of Full Load Operating Point (F.L.) * Typical Operating Pressure for this Compressor * Operating Flow Paint Line Please select R110I-A110 R551-A110 751 361 1,112 acfm (Total) 100 100 100.0 psig (Average) 110 110 110.0 psig (Average) 150 75 225 HP (Total) 36.8 20.0 56.8 kW (Total) 129.9 65.8 97.9 kW (Average) 90.0% 70.0% 80.0% 108.0 107.0 107.5 675.9 252.7 $ Percent Full Load psig (Average) 928.6 cfm 179.3 kW 815,975 kWh 89,757 dollars Proposed Energy Efficiency Measures: The company is implementing the four measures included in the Compressed Air Engineered Worksheet, namely: Measure 1 – Reduce Air Leaks Measure 2 - Reduce Operating Pressure Measure 3 - Use Efficient Air Dryers Measure 4 – Use Zero Loss Air Drains Calculation of Energy Savings (kWh) for each Measure: APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 15 of 66 Measure 1 – Reduce Air Leakage Information needed: Target for Maximum Allowable Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Use = 15.0 % Dimensions of Air receiver tanks Receiver Tank Diameter (feet) No. of Similar Receivers (#) Receiver Tank Height (feet) Air Receiver(s) - Type 1 1.0 5.0 Air Receiver(s) - Type 2 2.5 8.0 3 1 Dimensions of Distribution Pipes Outside Pipe Diameter (inches) Pipe Length (feet) 4.0 600 2.5 300 Largest Diameter Distribution Pipe (Diameter and Length) Second Largest Diameter Distribution Pipe (Diameter and Length) Pressure Decay Test Results Initial Pressure (psig) 105.0 Final Pressure (psig) 70.0 Time for Decay (Seconds) 125 2 106.0 68.0 120 3 102.5 60.0 105 4 106.4 70.0 130 5 104.5 71.0 115 Average 104.9 67.8 119 Test Number 1 Volume of Air Receiver Tanks Example for AC #1: Tank Volume 3 (ft ) = Outside Cylinder Diameter x 2 3.14 ft x Cylinder Height (ft) x Quantity on Site x 5.00 x 3.00 4 2 1.00 x = 3.14 4 = 11.78 ft 3 Repeating the same calculation for AC #2 will yield a volume of 39.25 ft3. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 16 of 66 Volume of Largest Distribution Pipes Example for AC #1: 2 Pipe Volume 3 (ft ) = 2 Outside Pipe Diameter (inch ) x 3.14 4 x 2 4.00 x = 52.33 ft Pipe Length (ft) x 600 3.14 = 4 x 144 x 144 3 Repeating the same calculation for second distribution pipe will yield a volume of 10.22 ft3. Total Volume of Air Receiver Tanks and Largest Distribution Pipes Total Volume of Piping and 3 Receivers (ft ) 3 3 3 3 = AC #1 Tank (ft ) + AC #2 Tank (ft ) + AC #1 Pipe (ft ) + AC #2 Pipe (ft ) = 11.78 + 39.25 + 52.33 + 10.22 = 113.58 ft 3 Estimated Leakage and Non-Productive Air Losses (at 100% Compressor Flow Output) Estimated Leakage at 100% Compressor Flow Output (cfm) = 1.25 x Total Volume of Piping and Receivers 3 (ft ) = 1.25 x 113.58 = 181 cfm x x Ending Pressure (psig) Decay Time (min) x 14.7 psig x 60 sec/min (104.9 – 67.8) / (119 x 14.7) x 60 Starting Pressure (psig) - Operating Flow Example for AC #1: Operating Flow (cfm) = Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure (acfm) = 751 x 90% = 675.9 cfm x Typical Percent of Full Load Operating Point (%) Repeating the same calculation for AC #2 will yield an operating flow of 675.9 cfm. Estimated Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Losses as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 17 of 66 Estimated Air Leaks as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow (%) = Estimated Leakage at 100% Compressor Flow Output (cfm) Total Operating Flow (cfm) = ( 181) / (675.9 + 252.7) x 100 = 19.4 % x 100 Slope of Compressor Performance Line Example with AC #1 Slope = Total Package Input Power at Total Package Input Power at Zero Rated Capacity (kW) Flow (kW) Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure (acfm) = (129.9 - 76.8) / 751 = 0.1240 Expected Power at Operating Flow and Design Pressure Example with AC #1 Expected Power = Total Package Input Power at Zero Flow (kW) = 36.8 + 0.1240 x 675.9 = 120.59 kW + Slope x Operating Flow (kW) Expected Power at Operating Flow and Actual Operating Pressure Example for AC #1: Power Demand at Typical Operating Level (kW) = 1 - Full Load Operating Pressure (acfm) - Typical Operating Pressure for Compressor (psig) = [ 1 - ( 100.0 - 108.0 ) x 0.05 ] x 120.59 = 125.41 kW x 0.05 x Power Demand at Operating Flow (kW) Estimated annual kWh consumption per Air Compressor Example for AC #1: Energy Consumption of Compressor at Operating Level (kWh) = Power Demand at Typical Operating Level (kW) = 125.41 x 4551 = 570,757 kWh x Annual Operating Hours (hrs) APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 18 of 66 Estimated total annual kWh consumption Annual Energy = AC#1 Energy Consumption Consumption for Air of Compressor at Compressors at Typical Operating Level (kWh) Operating Level (kWh) = 570,757 + 245,217 = Annual Energy Savings (kWh) = + AC#2 Energy Consumption of Compressor at Operating Level (kWh) 815,975 kWh Estimated Air Leaks (%) - Target Allowable Leaks (%) = (19.4% - 15.0%) x 815,975 = 36,270 kWh Annual Energy Consumption for Air Compressors at Typical Operating Level (kWh) x A maintenance program is in place to ensure leaks are maintained. Hence, the annual energy savings by repairing air leaks is discounted by 50%. Annual energy savings therefore is 18,135 kWh. Estimated Annual Demand Savings from Reducing Air Leaks Annual Demand Savings (kW) = Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Annual Operating Hours (hours) = 36,270 4551 = 8.0 kW A maintenance program is in place to ensure leaks are maintained. Hence, the annual demands savings by repairing air leaks is discounted by 50%. Annual demands savings therefore is 4.0 kW. Measure 2 – Reduce Discharge Pressure Information needed: Baseline calculations (see Measure 1 calculations) Target for Average Air Discharge Pressure = 98 psig Annual kWh Savings Annual kWh Savings = Average normal operating discharge pressure (psig) - Target pressure (psig) x Annual Energy Consumption of Compressors (kWh) - Annual Energy Savings from Reduced Leaks (kWh) 2 psig x 100 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 19 of 66 Annual kWh Savings = 107.5 Annual kWh Savings = 37,036 kWh - 98.0 x 815,975 – 36,270 2 psig x 100 Annual kW Savings Annual kW Savings (kW) Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Annual Operating Hours (hours) = = 37,036 4551 = 8.1 kW Similar to Measure 1, if the facility has a maintenance program that ensures that a reduced set point is maintained, the Annual Energy Savings is discounted by 50%. Otherwise, it is discounted by 25%. In this example the annual kW and kWh savings are discounted by 50%, resulting in savings of 4.1 kW and 18,518 kWh. Measure 3 – Use Appropriate Dryer Information needed: Type of dryer currently employed = refrigerant or desiccant dryers Amount of flow allocated to each Dryer = 500 cfm and 200 cfm Tested flows for each of the dryer at 100% and 10% output Each Dryer’s Total Input Power Base Case Dryer 1 Power (Refrigerant Example) Base Case Dryer 1 Power (kW) Dryer Input Power at 10% Flow of Existing Dryer (kW) = = = 7.2 + Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #1 (cfm) + 500 - 131 - Tested 10% Flow (CAGI Box 6 for Refrigerant Dryers) (cfm) x 7.4 981 x Dryer Input Power at 100% Flow of Existing Dryer (kW) Tested Existing Flow at 100% (cfm) - - - Dryer Input Power at 10% Flow of Existing Dryer (kW) Tested Existing Flow at 10% (cfm) 7.2 131 7.29 kW APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 20 of 66 A similar calculation is applied to generate a value for the power consumed by the Proposed Case Dryers. Repeating the calculation for Proposed Case Dryer 1 and 2 would yield the values 3.0 kW and 2.1 kW respectively. Base Case Dryer 2 Power (Desiccant Example) Base Case Dryer 2 Power (kW) Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #2 (cfm) 100 = = 200 / 100 x 2.5 = 5 kW x 2.5 (kW/cfm) Base Case Total Dryer Power Base Case Total Dryer Power (kW) = = Base Case Dryer 1 Power (kW) 7.29 + 5.00 = 12.29 kW + Base Case Dryer 2 Power (kW) Repeating a similar calculation for the Proposed Case Total Dryer Power (kW) yields 5.10 kW. Annual kW Demand Savings Annual kW Demand Savings (kW) = Base Case Total Dryer Power (kW) = 12.29 - 5.10 = 7.2 kW - Proposed Case Dryer (kW) Base Case Dryer Energy Consumption (kWh) Base Case Dryer Energy Consumption (kWh) = Base Case Total Dryer Demand (kW) = 12.29 x 4551 = 55,932 kWh x Annual Operating Hours (hours) Repeating a similar calculation for the Proposed Case Dryer Energy Consumption (kWh) yields 23.210 kWh. Annual kWh Energy Savings Annual kWh Energy Savings (kWh) = Base Case Dryer (kWh) - Proposed Case Dryer (kWh) APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 21 of 66 = 55,932 - 23,210 = 32,722 kWh Measure 4 – Zero Loss Drain Information needed: Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Compressed Air System Operating Hours per Year = 4551 Blended Cost of Power = $0.11/kWh Seeking Incentive for this quantity of Zero Loss Drains = 3 Average drain blowdown time between cycles = 15 seconds Average time between blowdown cycles = 2 minutes Average drain blowdown time between cycles (s) x = 15 x = 19,781 kWh = Compressed Air System Operating Hours per Year (hr) Average time between blowdown cycle (min) x 4551 / 2 x 0.02125 x Seeking Incentive for this quantity of Zero Loss Drains Blended Cost of Power ($/kWh) 0.02125 X 3 / 0.11 Annual kW Savings Annual kW Savings (kW) = Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Compressed Air System Operating Hours per Year (hr) = 19,781 4551 = 4.3 kW Total Annual Energy Savings Total Annual Energy Savings (kWh) = Annual Energy Savings from Measure 1 (kWh) = 18,135 = 89,156 kWh + Annual Energy Savings from Measure 2 (kWh) + 18,518 + Annual Energy Savings from Measure 3 (kWh) + Annual Energy Savings from Measure 4 (kWh) + 32,722 + 19,781 A similar calculation is applied to Total Annual Demand Savings, which yields a value of 19.6 kW. Calculation of Total Project Costs ($): APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 22 of 66 Total Project Costs ($) are calculated from the summation of the total eligible project costs of each measure shown in the individual measures tab. Total Project Costs ($) = Total Eligible Project Cost for Measure 1 ($) + Total Eligible Project Cost for Measure 2 ($) + Total Eligible Project Cost for Measure 3 ($) + Total Eligible Project Cost for Measure 4 ($) = 1,547 + 1,593 + 27,000 + 1,825 = $ 31,965 Calculation of Incentives ($): In calculating the Participant Incentives, $800/kW and $0.10 incentive rates are used for compressed air measures. Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings): Participant Incentive = 19.6 kW = $ 15,672.00 x $ 800/kW Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kW of Energy Savings) Participant Incentive = 89,156 kWh = $ 8,915.58 x $ 0.10/kWh Participant Incentive based on kW savings $ (15,672.00) is greater than the Participant Incentive based on kWh savings ($8,915.58). Therefore, $15,672.00 is selected. A cap is placed on the Participant Incentives as 50% of the total eligible project costs. 50% of the total eligible project costs in this scenario is $15,982.50. As this value is higher than Participant Incentives selected, no change is required. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 23 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step OPERATING INFORMATION Using the 24 hour 7 day table below, enter "1" if the equipment is scheduled to operate and "0" if the equipment is not scheduled to operate. Times during operation will illuminate purple. These numbers are used in energy calculations therefore if the time falls within the hour (i.e. 7:30) use your best estimate to choose the appropriate time. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 0:00-0:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:00-1:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:00-3:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:00-5:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00-6:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7:00-7:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8:00-8:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 9:00-9:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10:00-10:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 11:00-11:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 12:00-12:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:00-1:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2:00-2:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3:00-3:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4:00-4:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 5:00-5:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 6:00-6:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7:00-7:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8:00-8:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 9:00-9:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10:00-10:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 11:00-11:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hour of Day Adjust the number of weekdays (Monday-Friday) by month that the equipment is not operating due to statutory, civic or other holidays, lieu days or scheduled shutdowns. The numbers pre-populated in the table represent the default statutory, civic or other holidays, per the table on the right. Ontario Statutory, Civic or Other Holidays January 1 February 1 New Years Day January 1 March 0 Family Day 3rd Monday in February April 2 Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday May 1 Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday June 0 Victoria Day Monday before May 25 July 1 Canada Day July 1 August 1 Civic Holiday 1st Monday in August September 1 Labour Day 1st Monday in September October 1 Thanksgiving Day 2nd Monday in October November 0 Christmas Day December 25 December 2 Boxing Day December 26 TOTAL: 11 91 This is the typical weekly number of operating hours for the equipment based on the schedule above (excluding holidays) 4551 This is the annual number of operating hours for the equipment based typical weekly and holiday schedule entered A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Compressed Air Worksheet System Schedule Tab 3 of 11 Page 24 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step ANNUAL OPERATING HOURS AND UNIT COST OF POWER Compressed Air System Operating Hours per Year Blended Cost of Power Estimated Monthly Peak Demand Unit Cost 4,551 Hours 0.1100 $/kWh 5.50 $/kW $ $ AIR COMPRESSORS Compressor Designated Name Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1) Model (CAGI Box 2) A.C.#1 Main Unit A.C.#2 Paint Line Please select Please select A.C.#3 A.C.#4 A.C.#5 Please select Please select Please select R110I-A110 R551-A110 751 361 Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 3) 100 100 Full Load Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 4) Maximum Full Flow Operating Pressure (CAGI Box 5) 110 110 150 75 Drive Motor Nominal Rating (CAGI Box 6) 36.8 20.0 Total Package g Input p Power at Zero Flowp(CAGI y Box 10) p g 129.9 65.8 Pressure (CAGI Box 11) Typical Percent of Full Load Operating Point (F.L.) * 90.0% 70.0% Typical Operating Pressure for this Compressor * 108.0 107.0 Operating Flow 675.9 252.7 Power Demand for Air Compressors at Typical Operating Level (See below for Warning Message) Annual Energy Consumption for Air Compressors at Typical Operating Level Annual Energy Cost for Air Compressors $ 1,112 100 110.0 225 56.8 97.9 80.0% 107.5 928.6 179.3 815,975 89,757 acfm (Total) psig (Average) psig (Average) HP (Total) kW (Total) kW (Average) Percent Full Load psig (Average) acfm kW kWh dollars Please provide an explanation below about methods used to determine the Typical Percent of Full Load Operating Point and Typical Operating Pressure Values. Based on operating logs. OK A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Compressed Air Worksheet Compressor Inventory Tab 4 of 11 Page 25 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step SYSTEM VOLUME OF MAIN DISTRIBUTION PIPES AND RECEIVER TANKS For Step 1 of the air leakage estimate, enter dimensions of the main distribution pipes and air receiver tanks. Outside Pipe Diameter (inches) Largest Diameter Distribution Pipe (Diameter and Length) Second Largest Diameter Distribution Pipe (Diameter and Length) Air Receiver(s) - Type 1 Air Receiver(s) - Type 2 Air Receiver(s) - Type 3 Air Receiver(s) - Type 4 Air Receiver(s) - Type 5 Pipe Length (feet) 4.0 2.5 600 300 Receiver Tank Diameter (feet) Receiver Tank Height (feet) Volume Units 52.3 ft3 10.2 ft3 No. of Similar Receivers (#) 1.0 5.0 3 2.5 8.0 1 Total Volume of Receivers and Large Pipes Volume Units 11.8 39.3 114 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 PRESSURE DECAY TEST For Step 2 of the air leakage estimate, enter the results of five (5) pressure decay tests below. The highest possible pressure for the decay test (based on the 110.0 compressors) is: Starting Ending Pressure Time for Decay Pressure (psig) (psig) Test (seconds) Test Results #1 Test Results #2 Test Results #3 Test Results #4 Test Results #5 Test Average 105.0 106.0 102.5 106.4 104.5 104.9 70.0 68.0 60.0 70.0 71.0 67.8 125 120 105 130 115 119 A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Compressed Air Worksheet Pipe Volume & Pressure Test Tab 5 of 11 Page 26 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step MEASURE #1 - REDUCE AIR LEAKS AND NON-PRODUCTIVE COMPRESSED AIR USE Please review the "Start Here" tab to determine if the project qualifies to use this Worksheet as well as the information or data to have on hand when completing the Worksheet. Demand and energy savings will default to zero if no explanation is provided for Compressor Loading (Cell A23) and/or Operating Pressure (Cell A24) found under the Compressor Inventory tab. Intention to Reduce Air Leaks (as selected on 'Start Here' Tab)? Commitment to repair and maintain Targeted Allowable Air Leaks for Stipulated period if applying for incentive? Estimated Leakage and Non-Productive Air Losses (at 100% Compressor Flow Output) Estimated Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Losses as Percentage of Normal Compressor Flow Target for Maximum Allowable Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Use (10% or less is best practice) Estimated Annual Energy Losses through Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Usage Estimated Annual Cost of Air Leaks and Non-Productive Air Usage Estimated Air Leaks at Target Leak Level Required Reduction in Air Leaks to Meet Target Estimated Annual Energy Savings from Reducing Air Leaks to Targeted Amount Estimated Annual Demand Savings from Reducing Air Leaks Yes Yes 181 19.4% 15.0% 158,667 17,453 139 41 36,270 8.0 From "Start Here" Tab cfm percent percent kWh dollars cfm cfm kWh kW MEASURE #1 - COST, ESTIMATED INCENTIVE AND PAYBACK Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable. Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed $ 1,000.00 dollars Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers $ Actual costs of dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment $ Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT $ 500.00 dollars dollars 47.00 dollars 1,547.00 dollars Permanence Factor for Measure Adjusted Energy Savings for this Measure 50% percent 18,135 kWh Adjusted Demand Savings for this Measure Estimated Annual Cost Savings (based on Adjusted Energy Savings) $ A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. V 5.0 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 3.98 kW 1,995 dollars Compressed Air Worksheet 1 Reduce Leaks Tab 6 of 11 Page 27 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step MEASURE #2 - REDUCE COMPRESSOR SYSTEM DISCHARGE PRESSURE IF VIABLE Please review the "Start Here" tab to determine if the project qualifies to use this Worksheet as well as the information or data to have on hand when completing the Worksheet. Demand and energy savings will default to zero if no explanation is provided for Compressor Loading (Cell A23) and/or Operating Pressure (Cell A24) found under the Compressor Inventory tab. Intention to Reduce System Discharge Pressure (as selected on 'Start Here' Tab)? Commitment to operate at Target Discharge Pressure for stipulated period if applying for incentive? Typical Average Existing Air Discharge Pressure Target for Average Air Discharge Pressure Estimated Annual Energy Savings from Reducing Air Pressure to Targeted Amount Yes From "Start Here" Tab Yes 107.5 psig 98.0 psig 37,036 kWh MEASURE #2 - COST, ESTIMATED INCENTIVE AND PAYBACK Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable. Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed $ 1,000.00 dollars Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers $ 500.00 dollars Actual costs of dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment $ Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ 60.00 dollars 33.00 dollars TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT $ Permanence Factor for Measure Adjusted Energy Savings for this Measure Adjusted Demand Savings for this Measure Estimated Annual Cost Savings (based on Adjusted Energy Savings) $ 1,593.00 dollars 50% percent 18,518 kWh 4.1 kW 2,037 dollars A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of theIndependent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Compressed Air Worksheet 2 Reduce Pressure Tab 7 of 11 Page 28 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step MEASURE #3 - USE ENERGY EFFICIENT AIR DRYER(S) Please review the "Start Here" tab to determine if the project qualifies to use this Worksheet as well as the information or data to have on hand when completing the Worksheet. Demand and energy savings will default to zero if no explanation is provided for Compressor Loading (Cell A23) and/or Operating Pressure (Cell A24) found under the Compressor Inventory tab. Intention to install at least one energy efficient air dryer? Yes Is the required dewpoint to be ABOVE 32°F (or 0°C)? Yes Total Compressed Air Operating Flow (scfm) 929 From "Start Here" Tab Eligible to convert from Desiccant to Refrigerant OR from Refrigerant to more efficient Refrigerant Dryer EXISTING AND PROPOSED AIR DRYERS Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #1 (cfm) Existing Dryer #1 Type (Refrigerant or Desiccant) Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1 for Refrigerant Dryers) Model Number (CAGI Box 3 for Refrigerant Dryers) Cycling /Non-Cycling (CAGI Box 4 for Refrigerant Dryers) Tested Flow (CAGI Box 6 for Refrigerant Dryers) Outlet Pressure Dewpoint (CAGI Box 7 for Refrigerant Dryers) Pressure Drop (CAGI Box 8 for Refrigerant Dryers) Total Dryer Input Power (CAGI Box 9 for Refrigerant Dryers) Power Requirement for Dryer Amount of Untreated Air for Remaining Dryer(s) Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #2 (cfm) Existing Dryer #2 Type (Refrigerant or Desiccant) Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1 for Refrigerant Dryers) Model Number (CAGI Box 3 for Refrigerant Dryers) Cycling /Non-Cycling (CAGI Box 4 for Refrigerant Dryers) Tested Flow (CAGI Box 6 for Refrigerant Dryers) Outlet Pressure Dewpoint (CAGI Box 7 for Refrigerant Dryers) Pressure Drop (CAGI Box 8 for Refrigerant Dryers) Total Dryer Input Power (CAGI Box 9 for Refrigerant Dryers) Power Requirement for Dryer Amount of Untreated Air for Remaining Dryer(s) Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #3 (cfm) Existing Dryer #3 Type (Refrigerant or Desiccant) Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1 for Refrigerant Dryers) Model Number (CAGI Box 3 for Refrigerant Dryers) Cycling /Non-Cycling (CAGI Box 4 for Refrigerant Dryers) 500 Refrigerant Fill Up Existing and Proposed Dryer Sections Existing Dryer #1 Proposed Dryer Ingersoll Rand Ingersoll Rand D1700INA400 NVC1000W400 Please select Cycling Refrigerant Full Flow 981 39 2.5 7.4 429 Full Flow 1014 39 2.5 5.73 7.3 cfm 10% Flow 160 39 0.33 1.2 3.0 Units cfm psig psig kW kW 200 Desiccant Fill Up Proposed Dryer Section but not Existing Dryer Section Existing Dryer #2 Proposed Dryer #2 Zeks Zeks 500NCEA400 200HSGA400 Please select Cycling Refrigerant Full Flow 500 39 3 3.7 229 10% Flow 50 39 0.1 3.6 Full Flow 200 39 1.6 2.1 5.0 cfm 10% Flow 20 39 0.1 0.54 2.1 Units cfm psig psig kW kW 0 Please select Fill Up Existing and Proposed Dryer Sections Existing Dryer #3 Proposed Dryer #3 Please select Please select Please select Full Flow Tested Flow (CAGI Box 6 for Refrigerant Dryers) Outlet Pressure Dewpoint (CAGI Box 7 for Refrigerant Dryers) Pressure Drop (CAGI Box 8 for Refrigerant Dryers) Total Dryer Input Power (CAGI Box 9 for Refrigerant Dryers) Power Requirement for Dryer Amount of Untreated Air for Remaining Dryer(s) 10% Flow 131 39 0.33 7.2 229 10% Flow 0.0 cfm Please select Full Flow 10% Flow 0.0 A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Units cfm psig psig kW kW Compressed Air Worksheet 3 Air Dryer Tab 8 of 11 Page 29 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #4 (cfm) Existing Dryer #4 Type (Refrigerant or Desiccant) 0 Please select Fill Up Existing and Proposed Dryer Sections Existing Dryer #4 Proposed Dryer #4 Please select Please select Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1 for Refrigerant Dryers) Model Number (CAGI Box 3 for Refrigerant Dryers) Cycling /Non-Cycling (CAGI Box 4 for Refrigerant Dryers) Please select Full Flow Tested Flow (CAGI Box 6 for Refrigerant Dryers) Outlet Pressure Dewpoint (CAGI Box 7 for Refrigerant Dryers) Pressure Drop (CAGI Box 8 for Refrigerant Dryers) Total Dryer Input Power (CAGI Box 9 for Refrigerant Dryers) Power Requirement for Dryer Amount of Untreated Air for Remaining Dryer(s) Amount of Flow Allocated to Dryer #5 (cfm) Existing Dryer #5 Type (Refrigerant or Desiccant) 229 Please select 10% Flow Full Flow 0.0 cfm 10% Flow Units cfm psig psig kW kW 0.0 0 Please select Fill Up Existing and Proposed Dryer Sections Existing Dryer #5 Proposed Dryer #5 Please select Please select Manufacturer (CAGI Box 1 for Refrigerant Dryers) Model Number (CAGI Box 3 for Refrigerant Dryers) Cycling /Non-Cycling (CAGI Box 4 for Refrigerant Dryers) Please select Full Flow Tested Flow (CAGI Box 6 for Refrigerant Dryers) Outlet Pressure Dewpoint (CAGI Box 7 for Refrigerant Dryers) Pressure Drop (CAGI Box 8 for Refrigerant Dryers) Total Dryer Input Power (CAGI Box 9 for Refrigerant Dryers) Power Requirement for Dryer Residual Amount of Untreated Air 229 Please select 10% Flow Full Flow 0.0 cfm 10% Flow Units cfm psig psig kW kW 0.0 DRYER TECHNICAL SUMMARY Dryer Summary Dryer #1 Existing Dryer Type Base Case (kW) Proposed Case (kW) Refrigerant 7.3 3.0 New Dryer Type Cycling Refrigerant Allocated Flow Untreated Air 500 429 200 229 Dryer #2 Desiccant 5.0 2.1 Cycling Refrigerant Dryer #3 - - - - - 229 Dryer #4 - - - - - 229 Dryer #5 - - - - - 229 Totals - 12.3 5.1 - 700 229 Notes: Dryer capacity or allocated amounts may be insufficient to treat air produced by compressors MEASURE #3 - COST, ESTIMATED INCENTIVE AND PAYBACK Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable. Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Actual costs of dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT Permanence Factor for Measure Adjusted Energy Savings for this Measure Adjusted Demand Savings for this Measure Estimated Annual Cost Savings (based on Adjusted Energy Savings) $ $ $ $ $ $ 22,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 27,000.00 100% 32,722 7.2 3,599 A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 dollars dollars dollars dollars dollars percent kWh kW dollars Compressed Air Worksheet 3 Air Dryer Tab 8 of 11 Page 30 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page Next Step MEASURE #4 - USE ZERO LOSS CONDENSATE DRAINS Please review the "Start Here" tab to determine if the project qualifies to use this Worksheet as well as the information or data to have on hand when completing the Worksheet. Demand and energy savings will default to zero if no explanation is provided for Compressor Loading (Cell A23) and/or Operating Pressure (Cell A24) found under the Compressor Inventory tab. Intention to Install Zero Air Loss Drains? Total Quantity of ALL Drains upstream of Dryers including those used for Dryers Total Quantity of Existing Zero Loss Air Dryers in Above Quantity Eligible Quantity of Zero Loss Air Drains Seeking Incentive for this quantity of Zero Loss Drains Average drain blowdown time between cycles Average time between blowdown cycles Estimated per Unit Cost for Zero Loss Drains $ Yes 6 3 3 3 15 2 250.00 From "Start Here" Tab Quantity Quantity Quantity seconds minutes MEASURE #4 - COST, ESTIMATED INCENTIVE AND PAYBACK Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable. Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Actual costs of dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT $ $ $ $ $ Permanence Factor for Measure Adjusted Energy Savings for this Measure Adjusted Demand Savings for this Measure Estimated Annual Cost Savings (based on Adjusted Energy Savings) $ 750.00 1,000.00 50.00 25.00 1,825.00 100% 19,781 4.3 2,176 dollars dollars dollars dollars dollars percent kWh kW dollars A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Compressed Air Worksheet 4 Zero Loss Drains Tab 9 of 11 Page 31 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 Navigation Page SUMMARY OF MEASURES, ENERGY IMPACT, PROJECT ECONOMICS & INCENTIVES MEASURE #1 - REDUCE AIR LEAKS AND NON-PRODUCTIVE COMPRESSED AIR USE Intention to Implement Intention to Sustain Leak Management Program Estimated Air Leaks Estimated Air Leaks (Based on Typical Flow) Target for Maximum Air Leaks (set by Applicant) Air Leaks if Leak Reduction Target is Met Yes Yes 180.6 19.4% 15.0% 139.3 scfm percent percent scfm MEASURE #2 - REDUCE COMPRESSOR SYSTEM DISCHARGE PRESSURE IF VIABLE Intention to Implement Intention to Sustain Pressure Reduction Program Typical Average Existing Air Discharge Pressure Target New Discharge Pressure (set by Applicant) Yes Yes 107.5 psig 98.0 psig MEASURE #3 - USE ENERGY EFFICIENT AIR DRYER(S) Intention to Implement Is the Required Dewpoint to be ABOVE 32°F (or 0°C)? Existing Air Dryers Yes Yes Manufacturer Model Cycling or Non-Cycling Dryer #1 Dryer #2 Dryer #3 Dryer #4 Dryer #5 Proposed Air Dryers Ingersoll Rand Zeks Please select Please select Please select Manufacturer D1700INA400 500NCEA400 Model Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Cycling or Non-Cycling Dryer #1 Dryer #2 Dryer #3 Dryer #4 Dryer #5 Ingersoll Rand Zeks Please select Please select Please select NVC1000W400 200HSGA400 - Cycling Refrigerant Cycling Refrigerant - MEASURE #4 - USE ZERO LOSS CONDENSATE DRAINS Intention to Implement Number of Eligible Drains Number of new Zero Loss Drains Yes 3 3 ENERGY IMPACT, PROJECT ECONOMICS AND INCENTIVE SUMMARY Measure #2 Measure #4Measure #3Reduce Zero Loss Efficient Dryers Pressure Drains 36,270 37,036 32,722 19,781 8.0 8.1 7.2 4.3 1,547 $ 1,593 $ 27,000 $ 1,825 $ 50% 50% 100% 100% 18,135 18,518 32,722 19,781 4.0 4.1 7.2 4.3 1,995 $ 2,037 $ 3,599 $ 2,176 $ Measure #1 Reduce Leaks Gross kWh Savings Gross kW Reduction TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT Permanence Factor for Measure Adjusted Energy Savings for this Measure Adjusted Demand Savings for this Measure Estimated Annual Cost Savings (based on Adjusted Energy Savings) $ $ Estimated Base Case Annual Energy Consumption Estimated Base Case Peak Demand while Operating Efficient Case Annual Energy Consumption Estimated Efficient Case Peak Demand while Operating Percent Energy Savings Identified Units Totals 125,809 kWh 27.6 kW 31,965 dollars percent 89,156 kWh 19.6 kW 9,807 dollars 871,907 191.6 782,751 172.0 10.2% kWh kW kWh kW Percent CAUTIONARY MESSAGES Based on operating logs. Eligible to convert from Desiccant to Refrigerant OR from Refrigerant to more efficient Refrigerant Dryer Dryer capacity or allocated amounts may be insufficient to treat air produced by compressors Ratio of drain blowdown time to cycle time between blowdowns is not typical CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable. For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: (i) any costs that are not third party costs or that are internal costs of the Participant, including costs of the Participant’s labour, service, administration or overhead; (ii) financing costs of the Participant; (iii) related insurance costs of the Participant; (iv) costs associated with post-installation maintenance or service contracts; (v) costs of spare parts, spare equipment or other inventories; (vi) purchase or lease of tools for installation of equipment; (vii) HST; and (viii) a portion of the costs of Eligible Measures that have been or will be received from financial incentives generally funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers in the Province of Ontario (other than funding principally directed to Social Housing Providers if, combined with the Participant Incentive, such funding does not exceed the actual cost of the Project) or rebates from manufacturers or wholesalers or other supply chain participants. Note: Capitalized terms above are as defined in the Participant Agreement Compressed Air Worksheet A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Summary Used under sublicence. OM Tab 10 of 11 Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 32 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - September 12, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 191.6 172.0 19.6 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 184.8 184.8 0.0 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 96% 107% N/A Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 191.6 172.0 19.6 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 182.5 163.8 18.7 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 95% 95% 95% Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) 871,907 782,751 89,156 PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information entered by the user along with calculated Participant Incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized. If the motor option is selected, the Participant Incentive is based on the Prescriptive Motor Eligible Measures Worksheet. In this scenario, the Demand Savings and Energy Savings are backed out of the calculated Participant Incentive and the prescriptive amount is entered. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.110 Assumed Demand Rate ($/kW) $ 5.50 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ 9,807 Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ - Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 9,807 Demand Savings1(kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 19.6 Energy Savings2 (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 89,156 NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 31,965 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings) $ 15,680 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 8,916 $ 15,680 3,4 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount : Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) 3.3 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) 1.7 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the savings calculated are realistic with respect to the facility consumption. Peak kW Savings - Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand 9.5% Facility Total kWh Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand 0.0% Max Summer kW 1,741,050 206 Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand 10.0% Max Winter kW 195 Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand 9.6% Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption 5.1% LDC Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 50% Actual Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 96% Average to Maximum Ratio exceeds Average to Maximum Threshold Level4: YES CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount for this Engineering Worksheet is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive. As indicated above, if the motor option is selected, the Participant Incentive is based on the Prescriptive Motor Eligible Measures Worksheet. In this scenario, the Demand Savings and Energy Savings are backed out of the calculated Participant Incentive and the prescriptive amount is entered. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap. Compressed Air Worksheet A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Outputs Used under sublicence. OM Tab 11 of 11 Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 33 of 66 RETROFIT VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) COMPRESSED AIR WORKSHEET A facility is installing a new VSD air compressor to replace the existing fixed speed air compressor with intended compressor discharge pressure of 100 psig. The CAGI data sheets for the existing and new compressors are shown below. The operating hours of the air compressor is from 7 AM to 10 PM on weekday and 1 PM to 6 PM on weekends with 11 days of holidays annually. Existing Fixed Speed Air Compressor is Kaeser Model # DSD 150, the efficiency performance of the compressor is captured on a CAGI data sheet available from the manufacturer. Proposed VSD Air Compressor is Kaeser Model # SFC 90S, the efficiency performance of the compressor is captured on a CAGI data sheet available from the manufacturer and shown below. On the Design and Assumption Tab, enter the intended compressor operating Discharge Pressure in psig. Using the fixed speed air compressor CAGI Data Sheet shown below, enter information in Box # 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 & 11. Once all information is entered, a graph is generated on the side showing power and flow relationship of (y = mx + b) y = 0.131x + 29.7 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 34 of 66 Using the VSD Compressor CAGI Data Sheet, enter information shown in Box # 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 & 11. Once all information is entered, a 2nd degree polynomial equation is generated (y = ax2 + bx + c) y = 1.01E-05x2 + 0.1897x + 0.2369 and graphically shown on the side. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 35 of 66 Enter a typical operationg profile that sums up to 100%. For example as shown below, 56% of the time, the air compressor operates between 40 to 49.9% of maximum flow. It is MANDATORY to provide a short note describing or explaining how the flow profile was determined. If this field is left blank, the energy savings will automatically default to 0. Calculation of Energy and demand savings: Refer to the following tables for the computation of the energy and demand savings: APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 36 of 66 For example at 40 to 49.9% Flow Bin Profile, demand for fixed power is y = 0.131x + 29.7 = 0.131 (218) + 29.7 = 58.26 x 56% = 32.59 kW Demand for Variable speed power is y = 1.01E-05x2 + 0.1897x + 0.2369 = 1.01E-05 (218)2 + 0.1897x + 0.2369 = 42.03 x 56% = 23.59 kW The sum of demand is adjusted by the pressure difference between rated pressure and actual operating pressure expressed in psig as per following table. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 37 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - VSD Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - May 12, 2014 OPERATING INFORMATION Using the 24 hour 7 day table below, enter "1" if the equipment is scheduled to operate and "0" if the equipment is not scheduled to operate. Times during operation will illuminate purple. These numbers are used in energy calculations therefore if the time falls within the hour (i.e. 7:30) use your best estimate to choose the appropriate time. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 0:00-0:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:00-1:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:00-3:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:00-5:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00-6:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:00-7:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8:00-8:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 9:00-9:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10:00-10:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 11:00-11:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 12:00-12:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1:00-1:59 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2:00-2:59 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3:00-3:59 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4:00-4:59 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5:00-5:59 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6:00-6:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7:00-7:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8:00-8:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 9:00-9:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10:00-10:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11:00-11:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hour of Day Adjust the number of weekdays (Monday-Friday) by month that the equipment is not operating due to statutory, civic or other holidays, lieu days or scheduled shutdowns. The numbers prepopulated in the table represent the default statutory, civic or other holidays, per the table on the right. Ontario Holidays January 1 February 1 New Years Day January 1 March 0 Family Day 3rd Monday in February April 2 Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday May 1 Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday June 0 Victoria Day Monday before May 25 July 1 Canada Day July 1 August 1 Civic Holiday 1st Monday in August September 1 Labour Day 1st Monday in September October 1 Thanksgiving Day 2nd Monday in October November 0 Christmas Day December 25 December 2 Boxing Day December 26 TOTAL: 11 85 This is the typical weekly number of operating hours for the equipment based on the schedule above (excluding holidays) 4260 This is the annual number of operating hours for the equipment based typical weekly and holiday schedule entered A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. V 5.0 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 VSD Compressed Air Worksheet System Schedule Tab 5 of 5 Page 38 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - VSD Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - May 12, 2014 TYPICAL OPERATING PRESSURE 100 Intended Compressor Operating Discharge Pressure (psig) FIXED SPEED COMPRESSOR (CAGI DATA SHEET INPUTS) Description Value 140 Manufacturer 2 Model 3 Rated Capacity at Full Load Operating Pressure: 671 acfm 4 Full Load Operating Pressure 115 psig 10 Total Package Input Power at Zero Flow Total Package Input Power at Rated Capacity and Full Load Operating Pressure 29.7 kW 117.5 kW 11 Fixed Speed Compressor Units Kaeser 1 DSD 150 Power Demand (kW) CAGI Data Sheet Field # 120 100 80 60 40 20 - - 5.7 Full Load Flow:Power ratio seems OK (4-6 acfm/kW) 200 400 Flow (acfm) 600 800 Rated Pressure of Fixed Speed Compressor seems OK for Operating Pressure Requirements. VSD COMPRESSOR (CAGI DATA SHEET INPUTS) Description Data Input 1 Manufacturer 2 Model Number 3 Rated Operating Pressure (psig) 8 Input Power and Capacity Kaeser 120 Input Power (kW) Capacity (acfm) Point 1 (Max) 95.5 484.0 Point 2 81.4 424.0 Point 3 55.6 293.0 Point 4 40.0 207.0 Point 5 24.7 118.0 Point 6 0.0 0.0 Point 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Point 8 Total Package Input Power at Zero Flow 9 VSD Compressor SFC 90S 125 Power Demand (kW) CAGI Data Sheet Field # y = 1E-05x2 + 0.1897x + 0.2369 R² = 0.9993 100 80 60 40 20 - 100 200 300 400 Flow (acfm) 500 600 Rated Pressure of VSD Compressor seems OK for Operating Pressure Requirements. TYPICAL OPERATING PROFILE 484 Design Basis Maximum Flow (acfm) Bin Midpoint Flow (acfm) Rated Flow Bin Profile (based on Smaller Compressor) Percent of Time in This Flow Range 0 0% 0% 24 0-9.9% 0% 73 10-19.9% 0% 121 20-29.9% 0% 169 30-39.9% 0% 218 40-49.9% 56% 266 50-59.9% 24% 315 60-69.9% 8% 363 70-79.9% 0% 411 80-89.9% 5% 460 90-99.9% 484 100% 1% Total 100% Expected Flow Profile 60% Percent of Time 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 6% Percent of Full Rated Flow OK, Total =100% SHORT EXPLANATION Provide short explanation regarding method used for flow profile estimate. Note this calculator does not accept VSD Compressor flows less than 40% of fully rated capacity. Test Case VSD and Fixed Speed Compressors are within 10% Capacity COMMENTS & NOTES FOR TECHNICAL REVIEWER TO BE AWARE OF Test Case A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. V 5.0 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 VSD Compressed Air Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 5 of 5 Page 39 of 66 ECONOMIC VALUES Value Units Description 0.25 $/kWh Blended Cost of Power based on Actual Billing Data $ $ Show Non Electrical Annual Savings as Positive (Show Costs as a Negative Number) PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN FOR FIXED SPEED AND VSD COMPRESSOR Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs below as applicable. $ 44,500 Actual costs of the VSD Compressor purchased and installed $ 32,550 Actual costs of an equivalent Fixed Speed Compressor purchased and installed $ - Actual costs to dispose or decommission the replaced equipment $ - Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ 11,950 Incremental Cost of VSD Compressor vs. Fixed Speed Compressor if Project is Implemented $ 44,500 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT ANNUAL SAVINGS AND ECONOMICS Value Description Units 253,166 kWh Estimated Fixed Speed Compressor Annual Energy Consumption 190,373 kWh Estimated VSD Compressor Annual Energy Consumption if Project is Implemented 62,793 kWh Estimated Annual Energy Savings (Permanent and Non-Permanent) if Project is Implemented 59.4 kW Estimated Fixed Speed Compressor Peak Demand while Operating kW Estimated VSD Compressor Peak Demand while Operating if Project is Implemented kW Estimated Demand Reduction (while operating) if Project is Implemented 44.7 14.7 25% % % Energy Savings $ 15,698 $ Annual Electrical Savings if Project is Implemented ($) $ 15,698 $ Annual Total Savings if VSD Project is Implemented $ 44,500 $ Total Project Cost for VSD Compressor ($) $ 11,950 $ Incremental Capital Cost for Improvements if Project is Implemented ($) $ 2.8 Years Simple Payback for Incremental Cost Before Incentive (years) 11,760 $ Years Potential Incentive Amount ($) Simple Payback for Incremental Cost After Incentive (years) 2.1 CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: (i) any costs that are not third party costs or that are internal costs of the Participant, including costs of the Participant’s labour, service, administration or overhead; (ii) financing costs of the Participant; (iii) related insurance costs of the Participant; (iv) costs associated with post-installation maintenance or service contracts; (v) costs of spare parts, spare equipment or other inventories; (vi) purchase or lease of tools for installation of equipment; (vii) HST; and (viii) a portion of the costs of Eligible Measures that have been or will be received from financial incentives generally funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers in the Province of Ontario (other than funding principally directed to Social Housing Providers if, combined with the Participant Incentive, such funding does not exceed the actual cost of the Project) or rebates from manufacturers or wholesalers or other supply chain participants. Note: Capitalized terms above are as defined in the Participant Agreement A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. V 5.0 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 VSD Compressed Air Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 5 of 5 Page 40 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - VSD Compressed Air Engineering Worksheet - May 12, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 59.4 44.7 14.7 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 57.3 43.1 14.2 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 96% 96% 96% Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 59.4 44.7 14.7 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 56.6 42.6 14.0 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 95% 95% 95% Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) 253,166 190,373 62,793 PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information entered by the user along with calculated Participant Incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized. If the motor option is selected, the Participant Incentive is based on the Prescriptive Motor Eligible Measures Worksheet. In this scenario, the Demand Savings and Energy Savings are backed out of the calculated Participant Incentive and the prescriptive amount is entered. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.250 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ 15,698 Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ - Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 15,698 Demand Savings1(kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings 14.7 2 Energy Savings (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 62,793 Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 44,500 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings) $ 11,760 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 6,279 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount3,4: $ 11,760 Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) 2.8 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) 2.1 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the savings calculated are realistic with respect to the facility consumption. Peak kW Savings - Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand 0.0% Facility Total kWh - Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand 0.0% Max Summer kW - Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand 0.0% Max Winter kW - Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand 0.0% Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption 0.0% LDC Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 50% Actual Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 96% 4 Average to Maximum Ratio exceeds Average to Maximum Threshold Level : YES CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive, with a Maximum Allowable Participant Incentive at 50% of Total Eligible Costs for the Project. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap. A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of theIndependent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 VSD Compressed Air Worksheet Outputs Tab 5 of 5 Page 41 of 66 RETROFIT VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) ON FANS ENGINEERED WORKSHEET A company has decided to install a VSD on its 50,000 cfm fan. The fan’s operating hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The facility is closed on Sundays and holidays. The existing fan and motor information are as follows: FAN AND MOTOR INFORMATION Units Description 890 rpm Motor Rated Speed 200 BHP Motor Rated Power 68 °F 0.075 lb/ft3 Gas Temperature Density of Gas (use 0.075 lb/ft3 for air at 68F) 19.5 "WG Design Head (at X) 0.0 "WG Static Head ABC-123 n/a Motor Make and Model XYZ-999 n/a Fan Make and Model 10 years Approximate age of Motor 10 years Approximate age of Fan The design head and fan efficiency for different percent flow as read from the performance curve of the fan, as well as the operating profile are entered on the following table: 0-10% Design Head ("WG) 18.0 Corresponding Fan Efficiency (%) 20 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 18.4 18.8 19.3 19.6 19.9 20.1 20 20 20 30 40 50 10 25 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% Design 20.1 20.0 19.5 19.5 60 70 80 87 30 20 15 100 %Flow Operating Profile (%) The fan curve and the operating profile as generated by the Engineered Worksheet are shown on the next page. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 42 of 66 Fan Curve Total Head (inches) 20.5 20.0 19.5 y = -2E-09x2 + 0.0001x + 17.499 R² = 0.9721 19.0 18.5 18.0 17.5 - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 Fan Flow (CFM) Fan Operating Profile Operating Profile (%) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% Percent Flow FAN AND MOTOR EFFICIENCY Units Description 93.0 % Motor Full Load Efficiency 86.7 % Fan Efficiency at Damper Fully Open 0.96 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for Lower Loads 0.95 fraction VSD Efficiency Factor (When Operating > 40% Load) 0.82 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for VSD Operation 0.96 fraction Belt/Coupling Efficiency Factor APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 43 of 66 Calculation of Energy Savings (kWh): For each % flow in the conventional fan system, the fan horsepower (FHP) is calculated using the following equation: Fan Horsepower (FHPb) Qb x P x U Kfan x 6356 = For 50-60% flow, consider Qb = 50,000 cfm x 0.55 = 27,500 cfm; P = 19.9”WG; U = 0.075 lbs/ft3; and Kfan = 0.40 Fan Horsepower (FHPb) = 27,500 x 19.9 x 1.0 0.40 x 6356 = 215.25 hp The conventional fan system energy consumption (kWh) for each bin is calculated using the following equation: Conventional Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) = FHPb x 0.746 x H (Kmotor x Kbelt/coupling) / 100 The annual operating hours is located under the System Schedule tab. For the above equation, H represents the operating hours for each % flow. For 50-60%, H = 4620 hours x 0.10 = 462 hours. Conventional Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) = = 215.25 x 0.746 x 462 (0.93 x 0.96 x 0.96) / 100 86,556 kWh Conventional Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) for each Flow %Flow Flow (cfm) 2,500 Design Head ("WG) 18.0 Fan Efficiency (%) 20 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% Operating Profile (%) 7,500 18.4 20 108.56 Hours Fan HP kWh 35.40 12,500 18.8 20 184.86 30-40% 17,500 19.3 20 265.69 40-50% 22,500 19.6 30 231.28 50-60% 27,500 19.9 40 10 462 215.25 86,556 50 25 60-70% 32,500 20.1 1,155 205.55 206,643 70-80% 37,500 20.1 60 30 1,386 197.65 231,209 80-90% 42,500 20.0 70 20 924 191.05 148,990 90-100% 47,500 693 182.16 106,546 Total: 779,945 Design 19.5 80 15 19.5 87 100 The total annual energy consumption for the base case sums up all the energy consumption in the 10 bins. For this particular example, total annual energy consumption is 779,945 kWh. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 44 of 66 Likewise, for the Variable Speed Drive on Fans option, the annual energy consumption in kWh is calculated the same way as the Conventional Fan System except that there is an additional definition for total head and efficiencies. P = Ps + (Pd – Ps) ( Q / Qd ) 2 For the 50-60% flow, static head Ps = 0; design head for Pd = 19.5 in H2O; Q = 27,500 cfm; Qd = 50,000 cfm P = 0 + (19.5 – 0) ( 27,500 / 50,000 ) P = 5.90 in H2O 2 Calculate the fan horsepower for the VSD option: Fan Horsepower (FHPr) Qr x P x U Kfan x 6356 = For 50-60% flow, consider Qr = 50,000 cfm x 0.55 = 27,500 cfm; P = 5.9”WG; U = 0.075 lbs/ft3; and Kfan = 0.867 Fan Horsepower (FHPr) = 27,500 x 5.9 x 1.0 0.867 x 6356 = 29.44 hp The energy consumption (kWh) for each bin for the VSD option is calculated using the following equation: VSD Option Annual Energy Consumption (kWhr) FHPr x 0.746 x H = Kmotor x KVSD x Kbelt/coupling 29.44 x 0.746 x 462 = (0.93 x 0.82) x 0.95 x 0.96 = 14,587 kWh The total annual energy consumption for the VSD option sums up all the energy consumption in the 10 bins. For this particular example, total annual energy consumption is 406,201 kWh. See table on the next page. Getting the difference between the conventional and the VSD option, annual savings is calculated to be 373,743 kWh. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 45 of 66 VSD Option Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) for each Flow %Flow Flow (cfm) System Head 0.05 0.44 1.22 2.39 3.95 5.90 0-10% 2,500 10-20% 7,500 20-30% 12,500 30-40% 17,500 40-50% 22,500 50-60% 27,500 60-70% 32,500 70-80% 37,500 80-90% 8.24 10.97 14.09 17.60 42,500 90-100% Operating Profile (%) 47,500 Design Hours Fan HP kWh 10 462 0.02 0.60 2.76 7.59 16.12 29.44 14,587 71,969 25 1,155 30 1,386 20 924 15 693 48.59 74.64 108.66 151.70 Total: 60,196 110,968 107,691 112,759 406,201 146,447 120,242 41,300 (6,213) 373,743 100 Savings Calculation of Demand Savings (kW): The maximum summer and winter peak period demand (kW) savings are calculated by dividing the annual energy savings (kWh) by the total annual hours of operation. Demand Savings (kW) Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Annual Operating Hours (hrs) = = 373,743 kWh /4620 hrs = 80.9 kW Calculation of Total Project Costs ($): It is assumed that the total project costs amount to $ 141,500.00 broken down as follows: Variable speed drive cost Labour to install VSD $ 125,000.00 $ 16,500.00 Total: $ 141,500.00 Calculation of Incentives ($): Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings): Participant Incentive = 80.9 kW x = $ 64,720.00 $800/kW APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 46 of 66 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kW of Energy Savings) Participant Incentive = 373,743 kWh = $ 37,374.00 x $ 0.10/kWh APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 47 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program- Variable Speed Drive on Fan Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 OPERATING INFORMATION Using the 24 hour 7 day table below, enter "1" if the equipment is scheduled to operate and "0" if the equipment is not scheduled to operate. Times during operation will illuminate green. These numbers are used in energy calculations, therefore if the time falls within the hour (i.e. 7:30), use your best estimate to choose the appropriate time. Hour of Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 0:00-0:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:00-1:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:00-3:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:00-5:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00-6:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7:00-7:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 8:00-8:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 9:00-9:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 10:00-10:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 11:00-11:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 12:00-12:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:00-1:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2:00-2:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3:00-3:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4:00-4:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 5:00-5:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6:00-6:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7:00-7:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8:00-8:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 9:00-9:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10:00-10:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11:00-11:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjust the number of weekdays (Mon-Fri) by month that the equipment is not operating due to statutory holidays, lieu days or scheduled shutdowns. The numbers pre-populated in the table represent the default statutory holidays, per the table on the right. Ontario Statutory Holidays January 1 February 1 New Years Day January 1 March 0 Family Day 3rd Monday in February April 2 Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday May 1 Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday June 0 Victoria Day Monday before May 25 July 1 Canada Day July 1 August 1 Civic Holiday 1st Monday in August September 1 Labour Day 1st Monday in September October 1 Thanksgiving Day 2nd Monday in October November 0 Christmas Day December 25 December 2 Boxing Day December 26 TOTAL: 11 92 This is the typical weekly number of operating hours for the equipment based on the schedule above (excluding holidays) 4620 This is the annual number of operating hours for the equipment based typical weekly and holiday schedule entered A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Fan System VSD Worksheet System Schedule Tab 3 of 5 Page 48 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program- Variable Speed Drive on Fan Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 FAN CURVE AND OPERATING PROFILE 50,000 Enter the Fan Design Flow in Cubic Feet per Minute Using the table below, enter fan curve data (head and efficiency), and fan flow duration. Tip: Keep an eye on the graphs to the right to aid with visualizing the fan characteristics. 0-10% 18.0 20 10-20% 18.4 20 20-30% 18.8 20 30-40% 19.3 20 40-50% 19.6 30 50-60% 19.9 40 Operating Profile (%) Fan Curve 20.5 20.0 10 Total Head (inches) Corresponding Fan Efficiency (%) Design Head ("WG) %Flow 19.5 y = -2E-09x2 + 0.0001x + 17.499 R² = 0.9721 19.0 18.5 60-70% 20.1 50 25 18.0 70-80% 20.1 60 30 17.5 80-90% 20.0 70 20 90-100% 19.5 80 15 Design 19.5 87 100 - 10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 40,000 Fan Flow (CFM) OK FAN AND MOTOR INFORMATION Fan Operating Profile This information can typically be found on the motor and fan specification sheets, or can 35 be obtained by contacting the manufacturer(s) rpm Motor Rated Speed 200 BHP Motor Rated Power 68 °F 0.075 lb/ft3 Gas Temperature Density of Gas (use 0.075 lb/ft3 for air at 68F) 19.5 "WG Design Head (at X) 0.0 "WG Static Head ABC-123 n/a Motor Make and Model XYZ-999 n/a Fan Make and Model 10 years Approximate age of Motor 10 years Approximate age of Fan 30 Operating Profile (%) Description Units 890 25 20 15 10 5 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% Percent Flow FAN AND MOTOR EFFICIENCY 86.7 % Motor Full Load Efficiency % Fan Efficiency at Damper Fully Open 0.96 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for Lower Loads 0.95 fraction VSD Efficiency Factor (When Operating > 40% Load) 0.82 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for VSD Operation 0.96 fraction Belt/Coupling Efficiency Factor ECONOMIC VALUES Description Units $ 0.1100 $ 6.00 $ - $/kWh Blended Cost of Power $/kW Estimated Monthly Peak Demand Unit Cost $ Non Electrical Annual Savings (Cost is -ve) Annual Energy Consumption (kWh) 93.0 Conventional & VSD Energy by Operating Point Description Units 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Operating Point Conventional A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 VSD Case Fan System VSD Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 4 of 5 Page 49 of 66 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs as applicable $ $ 125,000 Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed 16,500 Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Actual costs of dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ 141,500 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: (i) any costs that are not third party costs or that are internal costs of the Participant, including costs of the Participant’s labour, service, administration or overhead; (ii) financing costs of the Participant; (iii) related insurance costs of the Participant; (iv) costs associated with post-installation maintenance or service contracts; (v) costs of spare parts, spare equipment or other inventories; (vi) purchase or lease of tools for installation of equipment; (vii) HST; and (viii) a portion of the costs of Eligible Measures that have been or will be received from financial incentives generally funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers in the Province of Ontario (other than funding principally directed to Social Housing Providers if, combined with the Participant Incentive, such funding does not exceed the actual cost of the Project) or rebates from manufacturers or wholesalers or other supply chain participants. Note: Capitalized terms above are as defined in the Participant Agreement A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Fan System VSD Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 4 of 5 Page 50 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program- Variable Speed Drive on Fan Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the Energy Savings and Demand Savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 168.8 87.9 80.9 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 162.9 84.8 78.0 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Average to Maximum Ratio (%) Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 168.8 87.9 80.9 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 160.8 83.7 77.0 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) 1.0 1.0 1.0 779,945 406,201 373,743 Average to Maximum Ratio (%) Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information, entered by the user, along with calculated Participant Incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.110 Assumed Demand Rate ($/kW) $ 6.00 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ 41,112 Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ - Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 41,112 Demand Savings1(kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings 80.9 2 Energy Savings (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 373,743 Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 141,500 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings) $ 64,720 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 37,374 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount3,4: $ 64,720 Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) $ 3 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) $ 2 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the calculated Energy Savings and Demand Savings are realistic, with respect to the facility consumption. Peak kW Savings - Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand 12.3% Facility Total kWh 37,188,244 Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand 11.8% Max Summer kW 660 Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand 12.4% Max Winter kW 650 Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand 11.9% Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption 1.0% LDC Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 50% Actual Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 96% Average to Maximum Ratio exceeds Average to Maximum Threshold Level: YES CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount for this Engineering Worksheet is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap. A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Fan System VSD Worksheet Outputs Tab 5 of 5 Page 51 of 66 RETROFIT Variable Speed Drive (VSD) on Pump Engineered Worksheet A company has decided to install a VSD on its 1,100 gpm pump. The fan’s operating hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The facility is closed on Sundays and holidays. The existing pump and motor information are as follows: FAN AND MOTOR INFORMATION Units Description 1750 rpm Motor Rated Speed 75 BHP Motor Rated Power Fluid Temperature 65 °F 1.00 S.G. 190.0 ft Design Head (at X) Static Head Specific Gravity of Fluid (Water =1.00) 20.0 ft ABC-123 n/a Motor Make & Model XYZ-999 n/a Pump Make and Model 5 years Approximate age of Motor 3 years Approximate Age of Pump The pump head and pump efficiency for different percent flow as read from the performance curve of the pump, as well as the operating profile are entered on the following table: %Flow 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% Design 235.0 230.0 Corresponding Pump Efficiency (%) 20.0 20.0 223.0 223.0 220.0 215.0 210.0 207.0 35.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 72.0 74.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 25.0 203.0 195.0 190 76.0 78.0 80 25.0 15.0 100 Pump Head (ft) Operating Profile (%) The pump curve and the operating profile as generated by the Engineered Worksheet are shown on the next page. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 52 of 66 Pump Curve (Points from Manufacturer) 250.0 Pump Head (feet) 200.0 150.0 y = -7E-06x2 - 0.0292x + 235.03 R² = 0.984 100.0 50.0 - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Pump Flow (USGPM) Flow Duration Profile Operating Profile (%) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0-10% 20-30% 40-50% 60-70% 80-90% Percent Flow PUMP AND MOTOR EFFICIENCY Units Description 95.4 % Motor Full Load Efficiency 80.0 % Pump Efficiency (at X) 0.95 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for Lower Loads 0.95 fraction VSD Efficiency Factor (When Operating > 40% Load) 0.82 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for VSD Operation APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 53 of 66 Calculation of Energy Savings (kWh): For each % flow in the conventional pump system, the pump horsepower (PHP) is calculated using the following equation: Pump Horsepower (PHPb) Qb x P x J Kpump x 3958 = For 50-60% flow, consider Qb = 1,100 gpm x 0.55 = 605 gpm; P = 215 ft; J = 1.0; and Kpump = 0.70 Pump Horsepower (PHPb) = 605 x 215 x 1.0 0.70 x 3958 = 46.95 hp The conventional pump system energy consumption (kWh) for each bin is calculated using the following equation: Conventional Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) PHPb x 0.746 x H (Kmotor) = The annual operating hours is located under the System Schedule tab. For the above equation, H represents the operating hours for each % flow. For 50-60%, H = 2861 hours x 0.10 = 286 hours. Conventional Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) = = 46.95 x 0.746 x 286.1 (0.954 x 0.95) 11,056.6 kWh Conventional Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) for each Flow %Flow Flow (GPM) Design Head (ft) Pump Efficiency (%) 0-10% 55 235.0 10-20% 165 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% Pump HP kWh 20.0 16.33 - 230.0 20.0 47.94 - 275 223.0 35.0 44.27 - 385 223.0 50.0 43.38 - 495 220.0 60.0 5.0 143 45.86 5,699 50-60% 605 215.0 70.0 10.0 286 46.95 11,056 60-70% 715 210.0 72.0 20.0 572 52.69 24,816 70-80% 825 207.0 74.0 25.0 715 58.31 32,940 80-90% 935 203.0 76.0 25.0 715 63.10 35,648 90-100% 1,045 195.0 78.0 15.0 429 190 80 100 Design Operating Profile (%) Hours 66.01 22,374 Total: 132,534 The total annual energy consumption for the base case sums up all the energy consumption in the 10 bins. For this particular example, total annual energy consumption is 132,534 kWh. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 54 of 66 Likewise, for the Variable Speed Drive on Pump option, the annual energy consumption in kWh is calculated the same way as the Conventional Pump System except that there is an additional definition for total head and efficiencies. P = Ps + (Pd – Ps) ( Q / Qd ) 2 For the 50-60% flow, static head Ps = 20 ft; design head for Pd = 190 ft; Q = 605 gpm; Qd = 1100 gpm P = 20 + (190 – 20) ( 605 / 1100 ) P = 71.43 ft 2 Calculate the fan horsepower for the VSD option: Pump Horsepower (PHPr) Qr x P x J Kpump x 3958 = For 50-60% flow, consider Qr = 1,100 gpm x 0.55 = 605 gpm; P = 71.43 ft; J = 1.0; and Kpump = 0.80 Pump Horsepower (PHPr) = 605 x 71.43 x 1.0 0.8 x 3958 = 13.65 hp The energy consumption (kWh) for each bin for the VSD option is calculated using the following equation: VSD Option Annual Energy Consumption (kWhr) PHPr x 0.746 x H = Kmotor x KVSD 13.65 x 0.746 x 286 = (0.954 x 0.82) x 0.95 = 3,919 kWh The total annual energy consumption for the VSD option sums up all the energy consumption in the 10 bins. For this particular example, total annual energy consumption is 93,617 kWh. See table on the next page. Getting the difference between the conventional and the VSD option, annual savings is calculated to be 38,917 kWh. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 55 of 66 VSD Option Annual Energy Consumption (kWhb) for each Flow %Flow Flow (gpm) System Head Operating Profile (%) Hours Pump HP kWh Savings 0-10% 55 20.43 0.35 - - 10-20% 165 23.83 1.24 - - 20-30% 275 30.63 2.66 - - 30-40% 385 40.83 4.96 - - 40-50% 495 54.43 5.0 143 8.51 1,222 4,478 50-60% 605 71.43 10.0 286 13.65 3,919 7,137 60-70% 715 91.83 20.0 572 20.73 11,910 12,906 70-80% 825 115.63 25.0 715 30.13 21,630 11,311 80-90% 935 142.83 25.0 715 42.17 30,280 5,367 90-100% 1,045 173.43 15.0 429 Design 100 57.24 24,656 (2,282) Total: 93,617 38,917 Calculation of Demand Savings (kW): The maximum summer and winter peak period demand (kW) savings are calculated by dividing the annual energy savings (kWh) by the total annual hours of operation. Demand Savings (kW) Annual Energy Savings (kWh) Annual Operating Hours (hrs) = = 38,917 /2861 hrs = 13.6 kW Calculation of Total Project Costs ($): It is assumed that the total project costs amount to $ 30,800.00 broken down as follows: Variable speed drive cost Labour to install VSD $ 23,200.00 $ 7,600.00 Total: $ 30,800.00 Calculation of Incentives ($): Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings): Participant Incentive = 13.6 kW x = $ 10,880.00 $800/kW Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kW of Energy Savings) Participant Incentive = 38,917 kWh = $ 3,892.00 x $ 0.10/kWh APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 56 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Variable Speed Drive on Pump Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 OPERATING INFORMATION Using the 24 hour 7 day table below, enter "1" if the equipment is scheduled to operate and "0" if the equipment is not scheduled to operate. Times during operation will illuminate purple. These numbers are used in energy calculations, therefore if the time falls within the hour (i.e. 7:30), use your best estimate to choose the appropriate time. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 0:00-0:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:00-1:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:00-3:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:00-5:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00-6:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:00-7:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8:00-8:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9:00-9:59 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:00-10:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 11:00-11:59 am 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 12:00-12:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:00-1:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2:00-2:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3:00-3:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4:00-4:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 5:00-5:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 6:00-6:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7:00-7:59 pm 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8:00-8:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9:00-9:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:00-10:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11:00-11:59 pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hour of Day Adjust the number of weekdays (Mon-Fri) by month that the equipment is not operating due to statutory holidays, lieu days or scheduled shutdowns. The numbers pre-populated in the table represent the default statutory holidays, per the table on the right. Ontario Statutory Holidays January 1 February 1 New Years Day January 1 March 0 Family Day 3rd Monday in February April 2 Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday May 1 Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday June 0 Victoria Day Monday before May 25 July 1 Canada Day July 1 August 1 Civic Holiday 1st Monday in August September 1 Labour Day 1st Monday in September October 1 Thanksgiving Day 2nd Monday in October November 0 Christmas Day December 25 December 2 Boxing Day December 26 TOTAL: 11 57 This is the typical weekly number of operating hours for the equipment based on the schedule above (excluding holidays) 2861 This is the annual number of operating hours for the equipment based typical weekly and holiday schedule entered A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Pump System VSD Worksheet System Schedule Tab 3 of 5 Page 57 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Variable Speed Drive on Pump Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 PUMP CURVE AND OPERATING PROFILE 1,100 Enter Pump Design Flow in US Gallons per Minute Using the table below, enter pump curve data (head and efficiency), and pump flow duration. Tip: Keep an eye on the graphs to the right to aid with visualizing the pump characteristics. %Flow Pump Head (ft) Corresponding Pump Efficiency (%) 20.0 230.0 20.0 20-30% 223.0 35.0 30-40% 223.0 50.0 40-50% 220.0 60.0 5.0 50-60% 215.0 70.0 10.0 60-70% 210.0 72.0 20.0 70-80% 207.0 74.0 25.0 80-90% 203.0 76.0 25.0 195.0 190.0 78.0 Pump Head (feet) 235.0 90-100% 250.0 200.0 0-10% 10-20% Design Pump Curve (Points from Manufacturer) Operating Profile (%) 150.0 y = -7E-06x2 - 0.0292x + 235.03 R² = 0.984 100.0 50.0 - 200 400 15.0 80 600 800 1,000 1,200 Pump Flow (USGPM) 100 Operating Profile sum equals 100%: YES PUMP AND MOTOR INFORMATION Flow Duration Profile This information can typically be found on the motor and pump specification sheets, or 30 Description Units 1750 rpm Motor Rated Speed 75 BHP Motor Rated Power 65 °F 1.00 S.G. 190.0 ft Design Head (at X) ft Static Head 20.0 Fluid Temperature Specific Gravity of Fluid (Water =1.00) Operating Profile (%) can be obtained by contacting the manufacturer(s) 25 20 15 10 5 ABC-123 alphanumeric Motor Make & Model XYZ-999 alphanumeric Pump Make and Model - 5 years Approximate age of Motor 3 years Approximate Age of Pump 0-10% Percent Flow PUMP AND MOTOR EFFICIENCY % Motor Full Load Efficiency 80.0 % Pump Efficiency (at X) 0.95 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for Lower Loads 0.95 fraction VSD Efficiency Factor (When Operating > 40% Load) 0.82 fraction Motor Efficiency Correction Factor for VSD Operation ECONOMIC VALUES Description Units $ 0.11 $/kWh Blended Cost of Power $ 5.50 $/kW Estimated Monthly Peak Demand Unit Cost 40,000 Annual Energy Consumption (kWh) 95.4 $ Conventional & VSD Energy by Operating Point Description Units 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Operating Point Non Electrical Annual Savings (Cost is negative) Conventional A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 VSD Case Pump System VSD Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 4 of 5 Page 58 of 66 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN Costs which are eligible to be included in determining applicable Participant Incentives must be directly related to the procurement and implementation of the Eligible Measures and are limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs as applicable. $ $ 23,200 Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed 7,600 Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Actual costs of dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Actual costs of inspection of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ 30,800 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: (i) any costs that are not third party costs or that are internal costs of the Participant, including costs of the Participant’s labour, service, administration or overhead; (ii) financing costs of the Participant; (iii) related insurance costs of the Participant; (iv) costs associated with post-installation maintenance or service contracts; (v) costs of spare parts, spare equipment or other inventories; (vi) purchase or lease of tools for installation of equipment; (vii) HST; and (viii) a portion of the costs of Eligible Measures that have been or will be received from financial incentives generally funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers in the Province of Ontario (other than funding principally directed to Social Housing Providers if, combined with the Participant Incentive, such funding does not exceed the actual cost of the Project) or rebates from manufacturers or wholesalers or other supply chain participants. Note: Capitalized terms above are as defined in the Participant Agreement A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Pump System VSD Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 4 of 5 Page 59 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Variable Speed Drive on Pump Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the Energy Savings and Demand Savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 46.3 32.7 13.6 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 44.7 31.6 13.1 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 96% 96% 96% Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 46.3 32.7 13.6 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 25.2 17.8 7.4 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 54% 54% 54% 132,534 93,617 38,917 Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information entered by the user along with calculated Participant Incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized below. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.110 Assumed Demand Rate ($/kW) $ 5.50 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ 4,281 Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ - Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 4,281 Demand Savings1(kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings 13.6 2 Energy Savings (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 38,917 Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 30,800 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings) $ 10,880 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 3,892 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount3,4: $ 10,880 Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) 7.2 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) 4.7 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the savings calculated are realistic, with respect to the facility consumption. Peak kW Savings - Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand 0.0% Facility Total kWh Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand 0.0% Max Summer kW - Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand 0.0% Max Winter kW - Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand 0.0% Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption 0.0% LDC Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 50% Actual Average to Maximum Threshold Level (%) 96% Average to Maximum Ratio exceeds Average to Maximum Threshold Level: YES CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount for this Engineering Worksheet is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap. Pump System VSD Worksheet A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Outputs Used under sublicence. OM Tab 5 of 5 Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 60 of 66 RETROFIT UNITARY AIR-CONDITIONING (A/C) ENGINEERED WORKSHEET A community centre in Ottawa is installing an energy efficient rooftop unit to retrofit its existing unit serving 400 m2 of space. The facility operates from 10:00 am to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Existing Unitary A/C System (Quantity of 2): x x Capacity – 72,000 Btu/h EER – 8.9 Proposed Unitary A/C System (Quantity of 2): x x Capacity – 72,000 Btu/h EER – 12.0 Calculation of Demand Savings (kW): The energy performance of the Unitary A/C is determined by calculating the energy consumption of both the existing (base case) and retrofit (design case) units for each hour that the equipment operates during the year. First, peak (rated) power (in watts) is calculated by dividing the capacity (Btu/hr) by the energy efficiency ratio (EER). This is then converted to kilowatts. Rated kWb = Capacity (Btu/h) EER (Btu/Wh) x 1000 = 72,000 / (8.9 x 1000) = 8.09 kW Rated kWr = Capacity (Btu/h) EER (Btu/Wh) x 1000 = 72,000 / (12.0 x 1000) = 6.0 kW Power consumption at part load is calculated via a methodology published by NRCan for use in a building modeling software called EE4. This methodology is based on percentage unit output, wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures and yields the % of peak power consumed at part load. This calculation is performed for each hour of the year that operation is scheduled. For this example, a community centre is selected and will assume a part load for the whole 8760 hours represented by the graph below. For calculation purposes, we will show how power consumption at part load is estimated using NRCan’s methodology. We will assume a weekday in July from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 61 of 66 Unit Output 1 177 353 529 705 881 1057 1233 1409 1585 1761 1937 2113 2289 2465 2641 2817 2993 3169 3345 3521 3697 3873 4049 4225 4401 4577 4753 4929 5105 5281 5457 5633 5809 5985 6161 6337 6513 6689 6865 7041 7217 7393 7569 7745 7921 8097 8273 8449 8625 Hour Data Input Requirements Time 11:00 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm % Unit Output 0.01250 0.03075 0.04600 0.13325 0.05625 0.13950 Dry Bulb Temperature 73.22 73.76 75.20 74.84 75.74 75.74 Wet Bulb Temperature 59.62 58.90 58.96 57.98 58.99 57.73 For each hour, the base consumption and retrofit consumptions will be calculated using NRCan’s methodology. Cooling Capacity Adjustment Curve = 0.8740302 + (-0.0011416 x twb) + (0.0001711 x twb2) + (-0.0029570 x todb) + (0.0000102 x todb2) + (-0.0000592 x twb x todb) CAP_FT Adjustment to Rated Efficiency due to Environmental Variables = -1.0639310 + (0.0306584 x twb) + (-0.0001269 x twb2) + (0.0154213 x todb) + (0.0000497 x todb2) + (-0.0002096 x twb x todb) EIR_FT Part Load Ratio PLR = Qoperating Qavailable (twb, todb) APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 62 of 66 Qoperating = % Unit Output x Capacity Qavailable (twb, todb) = CAP_FT x Qrated Adjustment to Rated Efficiency due to Changes in Coil Load = 0.2012301 + (-0.0312175 x PLR) + (1.9504979 x PLR2) + (-1.1205105 x PLR3) EIR_FPLR Calculated Values Time 11:00 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CAP_FT EIR_FT PLRb PLRr EIR_FPLRb EIR_FPLRr 0.9939 0.9806 0.9743 0.9620 0.9721 0.9541 0.7935 0.7989 0.8140 0.8100 0.8197 0.8197 0.0126 0.0314 0.0472 0.1385 0.0579 0.1462 0.0126 0.0314 0.0472 0.1385 0.0579 0.1462 0.2011 0.2021 0.2040 0.2314 0.2057 0.2349 0.2011 0.2021 0.2040 0.2314 0.2057 0.2349 To compute for the base and retrofit demand (kW) for each hour, we use Demand (kW)b = Rated kWb x CAP_FT x EIR_FT x EIR_FPLRb Demand (kW)r = Rated kWr x CAP_FT x EIR_FT x EIR_FPLRr Time Base Case kW Efficiency Case kW Savings 11:00 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm 1.2833 1.2810 1.3088 1.4584 1.3262 1.4859 0.9518 0.9501 0.9707 1.0817 0.9836 1.1020 0.3315 0.3309 0.3381 0.3768 0.3426 0.3839 Demand (kW) savings is automatically obtained by the engineered worksheet by getting the difference of the maximum kW occurring during the summer peak window (11:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm), Mondays to Fridays from June 01 to September 30 for both the base and retrofit case. Max Demand (kW)b = Existing AC Unit Type 1 x Quantity Type 1 + Existing AC Unit Type 2 x Quantity Type 2 + Existing AC Unit Type 3 x Quantity Type 3 = 6.7026 kW x 2 + 0 kW x 0 + 0 kW x 0 = 13.4 kW Max Demand (kW)r = Retrofit AC Unit Type 1 x Quantity Type 1 + Retrofit AC Unit Type 2 x Quantity Type 2 + Retrofit AC Unit Type 3 x Quantity Type 3 APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 63 of 66 = 4.9710 kW x 2 + 0 kW x 0 + 0 kW x 0 = 9.9 kW For this particular example, base case maximum demand is 13.4 kW while the retrofit case maximum demand is 9.9 kW. Getting their difference, the demand (kW) savings is 3.5 kW (13.4 kW – 9.9 kW). Calculation of Energy Savings (kWh): The base case and retrofit case energy consumption (kWh) are obtained by summing up all the demand (kW) for each hour for the whole 8760 hours. Base case energy consumption is 6,051 kWh while the retrofit case energy consumption is 4,488 kWh. Energy savings, therefore, is 1,563 kWh (6,051 kWh 4,488 kWh) Calculation of Total Project Costs ($): It is assumed that the total project costs amount to $ 12,000.00 broken down as follows: Variable speed drive cost Labour to install VSD $ 10,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Total: $ 12,000.00 Calculation of Incentives ($): Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings): Participant Incentive = = 3.5 kW x $800/kW $ 2,800.00 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kWh of Energy Savings) Participant Incentive = = 1,563 kWh $ 156.00 x $ 0.10/kWh Maximum Allowable Participant Incentive (50% of Total Eligible Costs for the Project) Participant Incentive = = $ 12,000.00 $ 6,000.00 x 50% The Participant Incentive is the greater value between the calculated incentive based on kW and kWh savings, subject to a maximum 50% of total eligible costs for the project. Therefore, the total incentive for this project is $2,800. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Page 64 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Unitary A/C Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 Applicant and Space Information Company Name: Project Description: Calculator Description: Calculator Sheet Number: Total Number of Calculator Sheets: Account Number: Select Reference Facility: Facility Description: Community Centre Load Duration Curve % Time 9% 9% 22% 31% 20% 8% 2% 0% 0% 0% Default 15% 14% 12% 14% 14% 15% 10% 4% 1% 0% % Time % Load 0 - 10% 10 - 20% 20 - 30% 30 - 40% 40 - 50% 50 - 60% 60 - 70% 70 - 80% 80 - 90% 90 - 100% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% % Capacity 100% System Operating Schedule - Cooling Season Only From: To: Average Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Season 1 January December On Time 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Annual Holidays (#days) Annual Operating Hours Season 2 1 31 Off time 8:59 PM 8:59 PM 8:59 PM 8:59 PM 8:59 PM 4:59 PM 4:59 PM From: To: Average Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Season 3 On Time Off time From: To: Average Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday On Time Off time 9 3506 Floor Area Floor Area Served By AC Unit (m2): 400 Climate Select the region which best represents the climate at the building location: Eastern Ontario - (eg Ottawa) Existing AC Units Unit Type 1 Manufacturer / Series / Model: Capacity (BTU/h): Quantity 2 EER: 72,000 8.9 Unit Type 2 Manufacturer / Series / Model: Capacity (BTU/h): Quantity EER: Unit Type 3 Manufacturer / Series / Model: Capacity (BTU/h): 12,000 BTU/h = 1 Ton Database of equipment with EER ratings: Quantity EER: Replacement AC Units Unit Type 1 (Replaces Existing Unit Type 1) Manufacturer / Series / Model: Capacity (BTU/h): EER: 72,000 Unit Type 2 (Replaces Existing Unit Type 2) Manufacturer / Series / Model: Capacity (BTU/h): 12.00 EER: Unit Type 3 (Replaces Existing Unit Type 3) Manufacturer / Series / Model: Capacity (BTU/h): 12,000 BTU/h = 1 Ton Database of equipment with EER ratings: EER: Economic Values $ 0.10 Blended Cost of Power ($/kWh) g g pp p limited to the following list. Please enter the Eligible Costs as applicable. $ Project Costs Breakdown y 6.00 p Estimated Monthly Demand ($/kW) p 10,000.00 Actual costs of the equipment purchased and installed 2,000.00 Actual costs of labour for the installation of the equipment by suppliers Actual costs to dispose of or decommission the replaced equipment Actual costs of inspections of the Project as may be required pursuant to Laws and Regulations $ 12,000.00 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR THE PROJECT For certainty, costs which are not eligible to be included in Eligible Costs include: g $ $ A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Unitary A/C Worksheet System Design Assumptions Tab 3 of 4 Page 65 of 66 Version 5.0 - Retrofit Program - Unitary A/C Engineering Worksheet - December 5, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEERING ESTIMATES This section highlights the demand and energy consumption for the Base Case and Energy Efficient Case. From this data, the Energy Savings and Demand Savings associated with implementing the energy efficient option are calculated. Base Case Measure Energy Efficient Case Measure Savings Summary Maximum Summer Peak Period Demand (kW) 13.4 9.9 3.5 (Occurs During Summer On-Peak Period) Average Summer Peak Demand (kW) 5.1 3.8 1.3 (Summer On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 38% 38% 38% Maximum Winter Peak Period Demand (kW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Occurs During Winter On-Peak Period) Average Winter Peak Demand (kW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Winter On-Peak Energy/On-Peak Hours) Average to Maximum Ratio (%) 0% 0% 0% Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) 6,051 4,488 1,563 PROJECT ECONOMICS Based on cost information, entered by the user, along with incentive amounts, the project economics are summarized. Assumed Blended Electricity Rate ($/kWh): $ 0.100 Assumed Demand Rate ($/kW) $ 6.00 156 Estimated Annual Energy Savings ($/year): $ Other Savings (Cost) ($/year): $ 21 Estimated Total Annual Savings ($/year): $ 177 Demand Savings1(kW) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 3.5 Energy Savings2 (kWh) for the purpose of calculating the Participant Incentive 1,563 NOTE : These values go to the saveONenergy RETROFIT Program Application under the Site and Project Details of the Engineered Approach - Demand (kW) and Energy (kWh) Savings Total Eligible Costs for the Project($): $ 12,000 Calculated kW Participant Incentive ($800/kW of Demand Savings) $ 2,800 Calculated kWh Participant Incentive ($0.10/kWh of Energy Savings) $ 156 Maximum Allowable Participant Incentive (50% of Total Eligible Costs for the Project) $ 6,000 Estimated Participant Incentive Amount3: $ 2,800 Simple Payback (without Participant Incentive) 67.8 Simple Payback (with Participant Incentive) 51.9 LDC QC & DIAGNOSTICS This section displays some checks that can be used to identify if the savings calculated are realistic, with respect to the facility consumption Peak kW Savings - Percent of Facility Summer Peak Demand 0.4% Facility Total kWh Average kW Savings - Percent of Summer Peak Demand 0.1% Max Summer kW 3,576,034 960 Percent of Facility Winter Peak Demand 0.0% Max Winter kW 446 Average Savings - Percent of Winter Peak Demand 0.0% Percent of Facility Total Annual Electricity Consumption 0.0% CONDITIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Note 1: Demand Savings (kW) are the maximum reduction in electricity demand between the Base Case and the Energy Efficient Case occurring in the same hour between 11 am to 5 pm on business days, June 1 through September 30. For Measures that are weather dependent, Demand Savings shall be considered as occurring at peak design load conditions. Note 2: Energy Savings (kWh) are those electricity savings achieved over the course of the first year after the completion of a Project. Note 3: Estimated Participant Incentive Amount is calculated as the maximum of Calculated kW Participant Incentive and Calculated kWh Participant Incentive, with a Maximum Allowable Participant Incentive at 50% of Total Eligible Costs for the Project. Note 4: The Participant Incentive Amount indicated in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Incentive Amounts, if there are any. Likewise, the Project Cost in this Engineering Worksheet is added up to the Prescriptive and Custom Project Costs, if there are any, summing it up to the Total Project Cost which would, in turn, serve as the basis for the 50% Project Cost Cap A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OM Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. APPENDIX A - Technical User Guide Manual for the Retrofit Engineered Worksheets - JAN 2015 Unitary A/C Worksheet Outputs Tab 4 of 4 Page 66 of 66 Independent Electricity System Operator 120 Adelaide St. West Suite 1600 Toronto, Ontario M5H 1T1 For inquiries regarding this User Guide Manual, please send them to