Energy Toolkit How to guide Dashboard Helping our customers. We’re on it. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Selecting the site 3 Basic usage 4 Configuring the Dashboard pages 4.1 Using general settings 4.1.1 Cache 4.1.2 Restore default values 4.1.3 Automatic transition 4.1.4 Delay 4.2 Page settings 4.3 Adding and editing pages 4.3.1 Page name 4.3.2 Template 4.3.3 Order 4.3.4 Active 4.3.5 Panels 4.3.6 Colour 4.3.7 Icon 5 Dashboard panels 5.1 Editing and creating panels 6 Panel types and usage 6.1 Welcome panel 6.2 Weather panel 6.3 Tips panel 6.4 Twitter panel 6.5 Chart panel 6.6 Stacked chart panel 6.7 Summary panel 6.8 League table 6.9 Target reduction panel 6.10 Text panel 7 Advanced tag list 7.1 Electricity tags 8 Glossary 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 2 1 Introduction The Dashboard gives you quick, easy access to key aspects of your energy usage. You can configure it to show the elements you want, in a layout that suits your needs. The following elements can be displayed: • • • • • • • Current consumption Historic consumption Targeted energy usage Weather feed Usage conversions Twitter feed League tables You can also set the Dashboard to automatically cycle between this information in an unattended mode (eg for display purposes). 2 Selecting the site To access the Dashboard log on to Toolkit and select the ‘Dashboard’ link: Next, select a site under your portfolio. Navigate to the site you wish to view and press ‘Select’: To return to the main reporting suite click the E.ON logo at the top left of the page. Once you’ve logged in, you can change the site selection or logout by selecting the relevant option in the top right of the page: E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 3 3 Basic usage When you’ve selected your site, all the data beneath the site or business unit will be loaded into the Dashboard. The Dashboard will automatically show a range of pages and panels and you can either choose the default display (described below) or customise your display (see section four). Once selected, a banner at the top of the screen shows the current time, date and weather information. The default display has the following setup: • a b c d e Home page Welcome text panel Weather panel Site target reduction panel Energy tip panel Twitter feed panel • a b c d Live page Twitter feed panel Daily electricity consumption bar chart Daily gas consumption bar chart Energy tip panels • a b c d e Electricity page Annual (year to date) consumption bar chart Monthly consumption comparison bar chart Weekly consumption comparison bar chart Daily consumption comparison pie chart Yearly summary • a b c d e Gas page Annual (year to date) consumption bar chart Monthly consumption bar comparison bar chart Weekly consumption comparison chart Daily consumption comparison pie chart Yearly summary • a b c d e Conversion page Electricity Annual kg CO2 Gas Annual kg CO2 Electricity Annual Cost (£) Gas annual cost (£) Energy tip panels E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 4 You can view the pages by selecting the play button to enable automatic scrolling: Alternatively, use the relevant page tab at the bottom of the Dashboard. 4 Configuring the Dashboard pages You can also configure the Dashboard to suit your own needs. The configuration is held at company level so one configuration is saved and then applied to all sites. To access the configuration pages the first step is to first modify the URL in the browser so that it reads as follows: A cog icon will appear on the far right of the banner at the top of the Dashboard: Click and you’ll be presented with three more tabs in the banner; General, Pages and Panels: Any setting that you alter and save within these menus are will then be applied to any sites under your main top level company. 4.1 Using general settings The general setting page lets you specify different options for your Dashboard. Once you’ve made the changes you want click ‘Save and Exit’ at the bottom right: E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 5 4.1.1 Cache Selecting this clears the data from the application and forces it to reload from the server. 4.1.2 Restore default values Sets the Dashboard back to the default pages and panels. When you do this you’ll also lose any customer panels you’ve created. 4.1.3 Automatic transition This is the option to enable or disable automatic page cycling. 4.1.4. Delay This sets the time in seconds that each page is displayed for in automatic cycle mode. 4.2 Page settings A list of existing Dashboard pages can be seen in this section. You can ‘edit’, ‘delete’ and’ create’ new pages for display on the Dashboard: E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 6 4.3 Adding and editing pages Existing pages can be edited as described below. In addition new pages can be created and displayed or added to the automatic cycle. The options for editing a page or for adding a page are the same: 4.3.1 Page name With this option you can add or amend the page name which is displayed along the bottom of the Dashboard 4.3.2 Template Use this to select the quantity and layout of the panels. There’s a minimum of one panel (centre) for each page. You can remove the outer columns by putting a zero in them. 4.3.3 Order This is the page number when the Dashboard is in cycle mode. Please ensure that order numbers are not duplicated and that each page is given its own order number. 4.3.4 Active This lets you toggle the page to be displayed in the page cycle on or off without deleting it. E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 7 4.3.5 Panels With this you can select the panel(s) to appear in the template and choose from either the preconfigured panels or the ones you’ve created (see section four). 4.3.6 Colour This lets you select a primary and secondary colour for the tabs in the footer navigation. 4.3.7 Icon This option lets you select an icon to appear in the tab for the footer navigation. 5 Dashboard panels Energy Toolkit comes with default panels, but also gives you the option to create your own. The default panels can also all be tailored to your own requirements. 5.1 Editing and creating panels To add a new panel click the ‘+ Add New Panel’ link in the top right of the screen. To edit an existing panel click ‘edit’ next to the panel. Default panels cannot be deleted: E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 8 6 Panel types and usage There are ten panel types that you can configure. Four of these are default panels that can be edited and six are completely customisable: Default • • • • Welcome panel Weather panel Tips panel Twitter panel Creatable • • • • • • Chart panel Stacked chart panel Summary panel League table Target reduction panel Text panel Each panel can have a title, icon and colour specified for the header area of the panel and can be placed on any page and used as frequently as required. 6.1 Welcome panel The welcome panel displays text over an icon. 1 2 3 4 5 The title of the panel The colour of the panel background Header text for the panel shown in bold Text you can enter to be displayed in the welcome panel The icon chosen is displayed as the background for the welcome panel E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 9 6.2 Weather panel The weather panel allows for local or fixed weather to be displayed. 1 The title of the panel 2 The colour of the panel background 3 The icon to be displayed in the title bar of the panel 4 Select a valid postcode to lock the weather to a location 5Toggle between browser-based location or fixed – if fixed location is not selected browser based location will take precedence E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 10 6.3 Tips panel The tips panel can be used to add, edit or remove tips from the system. Title, text, colour and an icon can be specified for each tip. The system can store as may tips as required. When placed on a page, the tips panel shows a random tip each time the page loads. If multiple tips panels are added on one page, the same tip will not be displayed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The title of the panel The name or title of the individual tip The text to display relating to the tip The colour of the panel displaying the tip The icon in the tip panel Click this button once all relevant items have been selected to add the tip to the pre-set list Allows you to edit an existing tip by modifying the title and text as per point 2 and 3 above. The colour and icon cannot be edited. Click this to delete a tip 6.4 Twitter panel Displays tweets from a pre-set Twitter feed. The feed cannot be edited and is currently under development. E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 11 6.5 Chart panel The chart panel allows for a custom chart to be created for the data types held in the system. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The unique name for the panel – used to identify it in the panel list but not displayed The title of the panel The colour of the panel The icon displayed in the panel top bar The name shown at the top of the chart You can select one of three chart types column, line or pie for the current and previous data series You can select the colour of the current and previous series The data to be shown in the report as indicated by the tag selected (electricity or gas) Some tags have more than one unit to select. Choose the aggregation to apply to the data Select to show the information by a given breakdown eg this year by month Allows you to select the comparison period offset. For example if you picked this month, by day, in step 11 you could offset this by one year to get the same month last year as the comparison E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 12 6.6 Stacked chart panel The stacked chart allows for a stack bar chart to be produced using tags of the same data type. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The unique name for the panel – used to identify it in the panel list but not displayed The title of the panel The colour of the panel The icon displayed in the panel top bar The name shown at the top of the chart You can select one of three chart types - column, line or pie - for the current and previous data series Some tags have more than one unit to select. Choose the aggregation to apply to the data Select to show the information by a given breakdown eg this year by month Allows you to select the comparison period offset. For example if you picked this month, by day, in step 11 you could offset this by one year to get the same month last year as the comparison The user can give the selected tag a meaningful name eg day units , night units The stacked reports allows more detailed information to be represented and stacked against each other, so use of the advanced tags (see section 6) is recommended. The same data type is used for each tag eg kWh, kVA Select the colour of the newly created data item Click this to add the new tag to the list This list shows the tags in the stack chart, their colour and the data item they represent E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 13 6.7 Summary panel The summary panel shows a yearly summary of data for the requested tag, compared against the same period of the previous year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The unique name for the panel – used to identify it in the panel list but not displayed The title of the panel The colour of the panel The icon displayed in the panel top bar You can enter a target percentage to indicate if the current period is on target or not The data to be shown in the report as indicated by the tag selected (electricity or gas) Some tags have more than one unit to select Usually needs setting to ‘No’ – indicates if the data is used for generating rather than consuming E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 14 6.8 League table The league table lets you set up sites or companies to be compared and ranked against each other, based on the selected data items. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The unique name for the panel – used to identify it in the panel list but not displayed The title of the panel The colour of the panel The icon displayed in the panel top bar The name of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that the league table represents The unit type of the KPI The data to be shown in the report as indicated by the tag selected (electricity or gas) Some tags have more than one unit to select. Choose the aggregation to apply to the data Select to show the information by a given breakdown e.g. this year by month Allows you to select the comparison period offset. For example if you picked this month by day in step 10 you could offset this by one year to get the same month last year as the comparison You can navigate to the company or sites they wish to add to the league table. Once on the correct company or site click select to add. Repeat as many times as required Since the KPI is likely to be derived from the data in most cases, enter zero into ‘Last period KPI value’ and ‘This period KPI value’ Select the data items that you wish to display, since the KPI is not used do not select this. You can select which item to order by and whether it’s ascending or descending E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 15 6.9 Target reduction panel The target reduction panel displays a dial chart showing the target and actual reduction consumption as a percentage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The unique name for the panel – used to identify it in the panel list but not displayed The title of the panel The colour of the panel The icon displayed in the panel top bar The user can enter a target percentage to indicate if the current period is on target or not The data to be shown in the report as indicated by the tag selected (gas or electricity) Some tags have more than one unit to select Usually needs setting to ‘No’ – indicates if the data is used for generating rather than consuming E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 16 6.10 Text panel The text panel allows the user to create a panel with a title and a text area to be placed on the Dashboard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The unique name for the panel – used to identify it in the panel list but not displayed The title of the panel The colour of the panel The icon displayed in the panel top bar The display name for the text panel The text to be displayed 7 Advanced tag list There are two main tags in the system that give access to electricity and gas information on the Dashboard – Resource. Electricity and Resource.Gas. In addition to these there are other specific tags that relate to elements of either electricity data only. The primary use for these items is in the stacked chart. The following tables give the tag, description and unit for use in the Dashboard. 7.1 Electricity tags TAG DESCRIPTION UNIT ReadingType.Electricity.Meter.Night kWh night units kWh ReadingType.Electricity.Meter.Day kWh day units kWh ReadingType.Electricity.Meter.Daily. PowerFactor Power factor stored daily PF ReadingType.Electricity.Meter.Daily. LoadFactor Load factor stored daily LF E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 17 8 Glossary AMR Automatic Meter Reading ASC Agreed Supply Capacity CF Capacity Factor CO2 Carbon dioxide CV Calorific Value Day kWh (AI) consumption for 07:00 to 00:00 ECR End Corrected Reading EMR End Meter Reading GBP £p – conversion from kWh kGCO2 Carbon – conversion from kWh (AI) kV Kilovolt kVA Kilovolt Amperes – use for maximum demand reporting kVah Kilovolt Amperes hour kVArh (RE) Reactive power (reactive export) kVArh (RI) Reactive power (reactive import) kW Kilowatt – use for maximum demand reporting KWh Kilowatt hour kWh (AI) Kilowatt hour (active import) – use for consumption reporting kWh (AE) Kilowatt hour (active export) LF Load Factor MD Maximum Demand Night kWh (AI) consumption for 00:00 to 07:00 PF Power Factor SMR Start Meter Reading E.ON UK plc. Registered Office: Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry CV4 8LG Registered in England and Wales No. 2366970 Page 18