' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-47 Advanced Operational Amplifiers _ × õ > ¦ »Á כ É þ Ù Kyungpook National University & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design % $ OPA2-1 Advanced Current Mirrors and Opamps ❏ Two-stage opamps in many commercial ICs ❏ Modern opamps gaining in popularity ❏ Advanced current mirrors ❏ Folded-cascode opamps ❏ Current-mirror opamps ❏ Fully-differential opamps: better noise rejection ❏ Current-feedback opamps: large gain-bandwidth product & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design Wide-Swing Cascode Current Mirrors $ OPA2-2 ❏ Output-impedance degradation by short-channel effects ❏ Ro enhancement by cascoding: limits signal swing ❏ Q4 lowers VDS of Q3 to match to VDS of Q2 : Io = Ii ❏ Q2 and Q3 biased at the edge of the active region. ❏ Effective gate-source voltages for IB = Ii = Io = ID3 Veff = Veff2 = Veff3 = Veff5 = (n + 1)Veff , & s 2ID3 µn Cox (W/L) Veff1 = Veff4 = nVeff VG1 = VG4 = VG5 ≡ Veff5 + Vtn = (n + 1)Veff + Vtn Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design ❏ A wide-swing cascode current mirror with two-transistor % $ OPA2-3 diode-connected circuit (whose input resistance ≃ 1/gm ) IB Ii Io = Ii W n2 L W (n + 1)2 L Q5 Q4 Q1 W L Q3 & Vo ≥ 0.4 V Q2 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-4 ❏ Minimum allowable output voltage for n = 1 VDS2 = VDS3 = VG5 − VGS1 = VG5 − (Veff1 + Vtn ) = Veff ∴ Vo ≥ Veff1 + VDS2 = (n + 1)Veff = 2Veff ≃ 0.4 ∼ 0.5 V ❏ To ensure that all transistors are in the active region VDS4 = VG3 − VDS3 = (Veff + Vtn ) − Veff = Vtn > Veff4 = nVeff ∴ Vtn > nVeff ≃ 0.2 ∼ 0.25 V ❏ Take (W/L)5 smaller to bias Q2 and Q3 with slightly larger VDS than the minimum ← no sharp boundary between linear and active regions, body effect of Q1 and Q4 (VSB > 0, Vt1 ↑, VGS1 ↑, VDS2 ↓) VDS2 ≃ Veff + (0.1 ∼ 0.15) V ❏ L2 = 2.5λ and L1 = 4λ (twice Lmin ) to reduce short-channel effects (VDS2 < VDS1 ) and maximize the pole frequency (ωp2 ∝ 1/L, 1/L2 ) & % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-5 Wide-Swing Constant-gm Bias Circuit ❏ Minimizes most of second-order imperfections caused by the finite-output impedance without greatly restricting signal swings. ❏ n-channel wide-swing cascode current mirror: Q1 − Q5 ❏ p-channel wide-swing cascode current mirror: Q6 − Q10 ❏ Cascode bias circuit: Q11 − Q14 ❏ Start-up circuit: Q15 − Q18 ❏ This bias circuit for stabilized gm s allows the performance of realized opamps to be accurately predicted using moderately simple equations. ❏ This constant-gm bias circuit had been realized and verified for a 0.8-µm CMOS technology, and is very important in analog design. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-6 ❏ A wide-swing constant-gm bias circuit: small W/L for Q18 Q7 Q11 Q8 Vbp Q6 Q12 Q10 Q18 Q9 Vcp Q16 Q15 Q1 Vcn Q4 Q5 Q2 RB & ' Q3 Q13 Q17 Vbn Q14 5 kΩ % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-7 Enhanced Output-Impedance Mirrors ❏ Cascode current mirror with regulated cascode transistor to increase output resistance Ro → gain boosting ❏ Basic idea is to use a negative feedback amplifier to keep VDS of Q2 as stable as possible → Io is less sensitive to the output signal. Ro = [gm1 rds1 (1 + A) + 1] rds2 + rds1 ≃ gm1 rds1 rds2 (1 + A) ❏ Practical limitation of Ro by a parasitic conductance between the drain of Q1 and its substrate due to short-channel effects ← substrate current by impact ionization ❏ Reduced enhancement for bipolar transistors due to the base current ❏ Need for local compensation capacitors to prevent ringing and substantial increase of settling time for large signal transients & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-8 ❏ An enhanced output-impedance current mirror Ro Ii VB + A − Q1 −Avds2 + − + vgs1 gm1 vgs1 rds1 − Q3 Q2 rds2 ❏ Circuit equations for regulated cascode current mirror: Ro = vt /it vgs1 = −Avds2 − vds2 = −(1 + A)vds2 = −(1 + A)rds2 it it = gm1 vgs1 + (vt − rds2 it )/rds1 vt = (rds1 + rds2 )it − gm1 rds1 vgs1 = [rds1 + rds2 + (1 + A)gm1 rds1 rds2 ]it & ' Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design Säckinger Realization of Enhanced Ro Mirrors % $ OPA2-9 ❏ The feedback amplifier is realized by CS amplifiers: A ≃ gm3 rds3 /2 Ro = (gm1 rds1 )rds2 “g m3 rds3 2 ” = gm1 gm3 rds1 rds2 rds3 2 ❏ The signal swing is significantly reduced due to the feedback amplifier. VDS5 ≡ VDS2 = VGS3 = Veff3 + Vtn ≫ Veff2 Ii IB2 IB1 Q4 Q1 Q6 Q5 & Io Q3 Q2 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-10 Wide-Swing Current Mirror with Enhanced Ro ❏ Diode-connected transistors Q4 and Q8 are used as dc level shifters. ❏ All transistors are biased with the same current density and the same Veff except for Q3 and Q7 : Veff = Ii = 7IB , p 2ID /µn Cox (W/L) Veff3 = Veff7 = 2Veff VDS2 = VG3 − VGS4 = (2Veff + Vtn ) − (Veff + Vtn ) = Veff ❏ Power dissipation of this mirror with the shown W/L values would be almost doubled over that of a classical cascode mirror. ❏ Power dissipation can be reduced at the expense of speed by biasing the enhancement circuitry (Q3 , Q4 , Q7 , Q8 ) at lower current density. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / % $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-11 ❏ A wide-swing current mirror with enhanced output impedance Ii 7IB 4IB IB IB 4IB Io Q5 70 Q1 Q7 10 Q8 10 Q4 10 Q3 10 Q6 Q2 80 & 70 80 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-12 ❏ A modified version of wide-swing enhanced output-impedance mirror: slightly mismatching, but less area, instability, and power dissipation Ii IB 4IB Io = Ii Bias circuit Vcn Q5 70 Q1 Q4 10 70 Q3 10 Q7 Q6 Q2 70 & ' 10 70 % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-13 Folded-Cascode Opamp ❏ Modern CMOS opamps are designed to drive only capacitive loads. ❏ No voltage buffer → higher speed and larger signal swing. ❏ Only a single high-impedance node at the output of an opamp. ❏ The admittance at all other node is on the order of gm . ❏ The speed of the opamp is maximized by having all internal node of low impedance → reduced voltage signals and large current signals → P P current-mode opamps (ωH ≃ 1/ τi = 1/ Rio Ci ). ❏ The compensation is usually achieved by the load capacitance: larger CL , more stable but slower. ❏ These opamps = operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-14 ❏ Q1 , Q2 = differential transistors ❏ Q5 , Q6 = cascode transistors + dc level shifters ❏ A single stage with a high gain of 3000 due to the high output resistance by cascoding ❏ Q7 ∼ Q10 = Wilson, cascode, or wide-swing current mirror ❏ Q12 , Q13 = clamp transistors: to increase the slew rate and recover quickly from slewing as clamping the drain voltages of Q1 and Q2 ❏ Dominant pole compensation by CL or an additional capacitor ❏ Lead compensation by a resistor placed in series with CL ❏ Bias current of cascode transistors is derived by a current subtraction → IB1 , IB2 from the same bias circuit using replication principle & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-15 ❏ A folded-cascode operational amplifier with clamp transistors Q12 Q11 % Q13 Q3 Q4 IB1 Q5 Q14 Vi+ Q1 Q2 Q15 IB2 Q16 & Q17 Q6 Vo Vi− Q7 VB Q9 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University Q8 CL Q10 % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-16 Small Signal Analysis ❏ Two signal paths have slightly different transfer functions due to poles and zeros caused by the current mirror. For an nMOS mirror, a pole-zero doublet occurs at frequencies greater than ωta and can be ignored. ❏ Ignoring HF poles and zeros (ωp2 ≫ ωta ) and assuming that gm5 and gm6 are much larger than gds3 and gds4 , the transfer function is given by « „ gm1 Ro gm rd2 gm rd2 Vo ≃ gm1 ZL (s) = Ro = ∼ AV = Vi 1 + sRo CL 3 2 ❏ The unity-gain frequency of the opamp ωta gm1 = ≃ CL p 2ID1 µn Cox (W/L)1 CL ❏ Maximizing gm1 maximizes the unity-gain bandwidth ωta for the given load capacitance CL (dominant pole). & % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-17 ❏ gm1 is maximized by using wide nMOST and larger bias current than that of cascode and mirror MOSTs of the output node → maximizes 2 Ro and dc gain, better thermal noise performance (vn2 = 4kT ) 3gm ❏ A practical upper limit on the ratio of ID1 to ID5 might be around 4 due to biasing by current subtraction. ❏ Lead compensation by a resistor RC : chosen to place a zero at 1.2ωta AV = gm1 (1 + sRC CL ) gm1 ≃ 1/Ro + 1/(RC + 1/sCL ) sCL ❏ The second poles are primarily due to the time constants introduced by the resistances and parasitic capacitances at the sources of the 1 p-channel cascode transistors: Cs6 , Rs6 = (1 + RL /rds6 ) gm6 & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-18 Slew Rate ❏ A large differential input voltage → Q1 to be turned on hard, Q2 to be turned off → ID4 will be directed through Q6 into CL . SR = ID4 CL ❏ Since designing IB2 > ID3 , both Q1 and the current source IB2 will go into the triode region: ID3 = ID1 = ID17 . ❏ The source and drain voltage of Q1 approaches VSS to decrease IB2 . ❏ When coming out of slewing, the source and drain voltage of Q1 must slew back to a voltage close to VDD . ❏ This additional slewing time greatly increases the transient times and the distortion for switched-capacitor applications. & % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-19 ❏ Clamp transistors Q12 , Q13 are turned off during normal operation. ❏ Their main purpose is to clamp the drain voltages of Q1 or Q2 so they don’t change as much during slewing. ❏ A second effect dynamically increases the bias currents of Q3 and Q4 during slewing. ❏ Q12 conducts with the current coming from Q11 . ❏ The current increase in Q11 causes the currents in Q3 and Q4 to also increase until the sum of the currents Q3 and Q12 is equal to IB2 . ❏ The increase in bias current of Q4 results in an increase of the maximum current available for charging CL . & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-20 Current-Mirror Opamp ❏ Another popular opamp for driving on-chip capacitive loads ❏ All nodes are low impedance except for the output node. ❏ A reasonable overall gain can be achieved by using good current mirrors with high output impedance. ❏ Approximate transfer function for current gain K AV = Vo Kgm1 Ro = Kgm1 ZL (s) = Vi 1 + sRo CL ❏ Unity-gain frequency ωta & K Kgm1 ≃ = CL p 2ID1 µn Cox (W/L)1 CL % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-21 ❏ A current-mirror opamp with wide-swing cascode current mirrors: ID12 = KID11 = KID1 = KIB /2 Q5 Q6 Q7 VB2 Q8 VB2 Q3 Q4 Q9 Q10 Vo VB1 Vi+ Q1 Q2 Vi− Q11 Q12 CL IB & Q13 Q14 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-22 ❏ Total current is known for a given power-supply voltages and PD . It = (3 + K)ID1 = PD /(VDD − VSS ) ❏ For larger values of K, the opamp transconductance Gm ≡ Kgm1 is larger, ωta is also larger if not limited by high-frequency poles, and the dc gain A0 is larger for fixed It . p 2It µn Cox (W/L)1 Kgm1 Gm K ωta = ≡ = √ CL CL CL 3+K p 2 2KID1 µp Cox K(W/L)1 gm10 rds10 VA2 Ro ≃ = 2 2 (KID1 )2 p 2µp Cox (W/L)1 VA2 = 2 K(ID1 )3/2 √ (3 + K) µn µp Cox (W/L)1 VA2 A0 = Kgm1 Ro = It & % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-23 ❏ A practical upper limit on K might be around five. ❏ The important nodes to determine the nondominant poles are the drain of Q1 primarily, and the drains of Q2 and Q9 secondly. ❏ For given It , increasing K (ID1 ↓, W8 ↑) increases the time constant of these nodes. → The second pole moves to lower frequencies. ❏ For high speed operation, K might be taken as small as one. K = 2 might be a reasonable compromize for general purpose. ❏ Slew rate of the current-mirror opamp SR = KIB CL ❏ For K = 4, 4/5 of the total bias current will be available for charging or discharging CL during slewing ← 4IB /(IB + 0 + 0 + 4IB ). & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-24 ❏ This result gives a current-mirror opamp superior slew rates even when compared to a folded-cascode opamp with clamp transistors. ❏ No large voltage transients due to low impedance nodes. ❏ For the larger bandwidth and slew rate, the current-mirror opamp is usually preferred over a folded-cascode opamp. ❏ However, CMO will suffer from larger thermal noise (smaller gm ) because input transistors are biased at a lower proportion of It . ❏ Example 6.3: analysis for transistor sizes given in Table 6.2 (1) K = 2, ID1 = It /(3 + K) = (PD /5)/5 = 80 µA p (2) gm1 = 2ID1 µn Cox (W/L)1 = 1.7 mA/V (3) fta = Kgm1 /2πCL = 54 MHz (4) SR = KIB /CL = K2ID1 /CL = 32 V/µs & % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-25 Linear Settling Time ❏ Time constant for linear settling time: affected by both the feedback factor β and the effective load capacitance CL , 0.1% ts = 7τ τ= 1 ω3dB = 1 , βωta ωta = gm1 gm1 Kgm1 , , CC CL CL ❏ Feedback factor by return ratio analysis: CC = compensation capacitance, Cp = input capacitance of opamp (parasitic + switch) β= 1/s(C1 + Cp ) C2 = 1/s(C1 + Cp ) + 1/sC2 C1 + C2 + Cp ❏ Effective load capacitance: Ci = input capacitance of the next stage CL = Ci + CC + & C2 (C1 + Cp ) C1 + C2 + Cp Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-26 Fully Differential Opamps ❏ Balanced circuits: symmetric and differential inputs and outputs ❏ Rejection of common-mode noise from the substrate and switches ❏ But can not reject a differential noise by voltage-dependent nonlinearities that cause more noise to feed into one signal path than the other. ❏ One drawback is that a common-mode feedback circuit must be added. ❏ The design of a good CMFB circuit is not trivial: the speed performance comparable to the differential path, the limitation of continuous-time CMFB circuits on maximum allowable signal, the glitch injection and increase of load capacitance for switched-capacitor CMFB circuits. ❏ Slew-rate reduction due to fixed-bias currents in output current mirror ❏ Regardless of limitations, differential designs are becoming more popular. & ' Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design % $ OPA2-27 Fully Differential Folded-Cascode Opamp ❏ Cascode current sources: Q7 and Q8 , Q9 and Q10 ❏ The CMFB circuit will detect the average of two output signals. ❏ The negative slew rate is limited by the bias currents of Q9 or Q10 . ❏ Clamp transistors Q11 , Q12 to minimize transient voltage changes. ❏ Drain nodes of the input devices will be responsible for the second pole → each signal path consists of only this and output nodes. ❏ The complementary topology with nMOS as cascode transistor is often a reasonable choice for high-speed designs. But the dc gain would become smaller due to the input transistors of pMOS. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-28 ❏ A fully differential folded-cascode opamp VB1 Q11 Q3 Q12 Q4 Q5 Vi+ Q1 Q2 VB2 Q6 Vi− Q7 Q8 VB3 VB4 & ' Q13 + Vo − CMFB circuit Q9 Q10 % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-29 Fully Differential Current-Mirror Opamp ❏ Topology selection: whether the dc gain or bandwidth is more important, whether CL or second pole is limiting the bandwidth. ❏ nMOS input transistors: larger dc gain, lower thermal noise. ❏ pMOS input transistors: larger bandwidth, lower 1/f noise. ❏ For a general-purpose fully differential opamp: large pMOS input transistors, a current gain of K = 2, and wide-swing enhanced output-impedance cascode mirrors and current sources. ❏ The negative slew rate is limited by the bias currents of Q13 or Q14 . ❏ It is possible to modify the designs to improve slew rate at the expense of small-signal performances using additional circuitry. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-30 ❏ A fully differential current-mirror opamp Q5 Q6 Q7 VB2 VB2 Q3 Vi+ Q4 Q1 Q8 Q2 Q9 Q10 Vi− Q11 VB1 Q12 CMFB circuit + Vo − IB Q13 & ' Q14 % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-31 Alternative Fully Differential Opamps ❏ A fully differential current-mirror opamp with bidirectional output drive: four current mirrors having two outputs for sourcing and sinking. For a large differential input, the current going into Vo+ will be KIB , and the current being sinked from Vo− will also be KIB due to other mirror. ❏ A class AB fully differential current-mirror opamp: low power, two differential pairs connected in parallel, a differential pair Q3 , Q4 , a level shifter (Q1 : source follower, Q2 : diode), small IB (class AB). For a large differential input voltage, the pair Q3 , Q4 turns off, while the current through the pair Q7 , Q8 increases dynamically due to a lowered gate voltage of Q7 → a very large slew-rate performance, but a major problem for low supply voltage due to VCM ≥ 2VGS + Veff = 2Vt + 3Veff ❏ Level shifters → noise increase, lowering second poles by parasitics & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-32 ❏ A fully differential current-mirror opamp with bidirectional output drive: the CMFB circuit is not shown. K:1 1:K 1:1 1:1 Vi+ Q1 Q2 Vi− Vo+ Vo− IB K:1 & 1:K % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design ❏ A class AB fully differential opamp: the CMFB circuit is not shown. K:1 1:K Q1 Q5 Vi+ Q8 Q4 Q6 Vo− Q3 Q7 IB K:1 & Vi− Q2 Vo+ $ OPA2-33 IB 1:K Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design ❏ A fully differential opamp composed of two single ouput opamps vi − Avi + + − vo vi + Single output + + Avi − vo − Differential output + vi − $ OPA2-34 − + − Avi + + − + + + − vo vi vo − Balanced differential output & − − − + % Implementation Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-35 ❏ A fully differential opamp having rail-to-rail ICMR: ∆Gm < 15% I2 I3 M2 Vbp I3 Q9 Q10 Q6 VB1 Vi− Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Vo− Vi+ VB2 Q5 M1 & Vo+ I1 Q7 Q8 Vbn I4 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University I4 % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-36 Common-Mode Feedback Circuits ❏ The CMFB circuitry is often the most difficult part of the opamp to design → two approaches (continuous time, switched capacitor) ❏ Continuous-time approach: limitation on signal swing, dependence of CM voltage VCM on signal due to finite CMRR, circuit nonlinearity, and device mismatch → unstability of common-mode loop ❏ For input differential signal Vd , ID1 = ID3 and ID2 = ID4 assuming VCM ≡ (Vo+ + Vo− )/2 = 0, CMRR = ∞ (ID depends only on Vd ) ID5 = ID2 + ID3 = (IB /2 + ∆I) + (IB /2 − ∆I) = IB Thus ID5 will not change even when large differential signal voltages are present. If VC is used to control the bias voltages of the output stage, the bias currents in the output stage will be independent of whether the input differential signal is present or not. & % ' $ Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-37 ❏ A continuous-time CMFB circuit: VCM = 0, VC = control voltage Vo+ Q1 IB IB Q2 Q3 Q4 Vo− VC Q5 Q6 & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-38 ❏ If a positive CM voltage is present, this voltage will cause both ID2 and ID3 to increase, which causes VC to increase. This voltage will increase the current of nMOS current sources at the output stage, which will cause the CM voltage to decrease and return to zero. ❏ A modified CMFB circuit having twice the common-mode gain and 0.01% linearity. If a positive common-mode voltage is present, the drain current of Q5 will be IB + 4∆I instead of IB + 2∆I. ❏ A alternative continuous-time CMFB circuit: less signal swing due to dc level shift, more difficult to compensate owing to additional nodes. ❏ The phase margin and step response of the common-mode loop should be verified by simulation for unstability by CM signals. ❏ Designing continuous-time CMFB circuits that are both linear and operate with low supply voltage is an area of continuing research. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design Vo+ Q1 IB Q2 Q3 Q4 $ OPA2-39 ❏ A modified CMFB circuit having twice the common-mode gain IB % Vo− IB VC Q5 Q7 Q6 & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-40 ❏ A continuous-time CMFB circuit with accurate output balancing: VCM = VBAL , linear detection of VCM by two identical resistors VGS1 = VGS2 Vo+ Q1 IB Vref Q3 VC & ' 20 kΩ 20 kΩ 1.5 pF 1.5 pF Vo− IB VA Q4 Q5 Q2 VA = VCM − VGS1 Vref = VBAL − VGS1 VBAL = 0, Vo+ = −Vo− Q6 % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-41 A Switched-Capacitor CMFB Circuit ❏ Use for larger output signal swing and linear detection of VCM ❏ Capacitors CC generate the average VCM of the output voltages. ❏ This circuit acts like a simple RC low-pass filter having a dc input signal VB : in steady state vC = VCM + VB , CS = (0.1 − 0.25)CC VR φ1 vo+ φ2 vo− φ2 φ1 − − − − v1 + CS v 2 + CC v 3 + CC v 4 + VR VB CS M1 & vC Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-42 Analysis of Switched-Capacitor CMFB Circuit ❏ Analysis by conservation of charge: q(φ1 ) = q(φ2 ) ❏ Phase φ1 : v1′ = v4′ = VB − VR , ′ ′ ′ = vo+ + v2′ = vo− + v3′ vC ❏ Phase φ2 : short (v1 = v2 , v3 = v4 ), steady state (v2′ = v2 , v3′ = v3 ) CS v1′ + CC v2′ + CC v3′ + CS v4′ = CS v1 + CC v2 + CC v3 + CS v4 2CS (VB − VR ) + CC (v2 + v3 ) = (CC + CS )(v2 + v3 ) v2 + v3 = 2(VB − VR ), vC = vo+ + v2 , vC = vo− + v3 vo+ + vo− + VB − VR → VCM + VB − VR 2 ′ ′ vo+ + vo− ′ + VB − VR → VCM + VB − VR ∴ vC = 2 ∴ vC = & ' % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-43 Current-Feedback Opamps ❏ Popular recently in high gain and high speed applications using complementary bipolar technology → CMOS technology ❏ Feedback gain can be changed without significantly affecting loop gain → a single compensation capacitor can be used irrespective of gain. ❏ The input signal vi is applied to a high-impedance input, while a feedback current if connects to a low-impedance node vn . ❏ The voltage vn is equal to the input signal vi due to the class-AB unity-gain buffer of Q1 , Q2 , and two diodes for biasing. ❏ Because Ro is very large, a small feedback current if results in a large output voltage vo → if ≃ 0 for a finite output voltage. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / $ Analog Integrated Circuit Design OPA2-44 ❏ A current-feedback opamp: vi ≃ vn , if ≃ 0 IR − if /2 if 1:1 IR 1 Q1 CC Ro if vn vi vo R2 R1 Q2 IR & 1:1 % IR + if /2 Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-45 ❏ Voltage gain: if ≃ 0, vi ≃ vn = vo R1 /(R1 + R2 ) vo R1 + R2 R2 = =1+ vi R1 R1 ❏ Loop gain: breaking the loop and injecting a test signal vt at the top of R2 (if = vt /R2 for vi = 0) → loop gain is independent of R1 if vo 1 Ro /R2 −1 vo =− =− = Aβ ≡ − vt vi =0 vt if R2 sCC + 1/Ro 1 + sRo CC ❏ Unity-gain frequency of the loop gain Aβ: ωt ≃ 1/R2 CC ❏ Transfer function: if = (vo − vi )/R2 − vi /R1 , vo = −if (Ro k CC ) if = & −vi (R1 + R2 ) , R1 R2 + R1 Ro /(1 + sRo CC ) Af (s) = vo = −if Ro 1 + sRo CC if vo (R1 + R2 )Ro 1 vo = = vi vi if (R2 + Ro )R1 1 + sCC (R2 k Ro ) Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University % ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-46 ❏ Bandwidth: Ro ≃ gm ro2 /4 ≫ R2 Af (s) ≃ R1 + R2 1 , R1 1 + sR2 CC ∴ ω3dB = 1 = ωt R2 CC ❏ The various closed-loop gains can be realized by changing R1 without affecting the unity-gain frequency or the closed-loop stability. ❏ This independence of gain on stability does not occur for voltage- feedback amplifiers: Af (s) ≃ 1/β(1 + s/βωta ), ωt = βgm /CC ❏ Limitations: R1 ≫ 1/(gm1 + gm2 ), use of a purely resistive feedback network, but difficult to compensate if reactive components are used in the feedback network, noiser for Darlington-pair input stage. ❏ Regardless of these limitations, CFOs exhibit excellent high-frequency characteristics and are quite popular in many video and telecommunications applications. & % Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University ' ♣ IsLab | & 9 r h Û ¼% 7 ½ ¨z ´ Ä » @ © / Analog Integrated Circuit Design $ OPA2-47 Homework & Project ❏ Problems: 6.1, 6.2, 6.7, 6.10, 6.24. ❏ Design a fully-differential CMOS operational amplifier for the following specifications. Performances Specifications Performances Specifications Power supply ±2.5 V Input CMR ±1 V CL 0.5 pF Output swing ±1 V DC gain 60 dB Settling time 15 ns The design objective is minimizing the power dissipation. Explain why you chose your architecture over alternatives. Draw a circuit schematic with all device sizes. Include the design procedure and the calculation of design parameters. Provide simulation results for verification. & Integrated Systems Lab, Kyungpook National University %