June 26, 1951 2 5, 5 oo 5.. 3 4 A. P. B`ENTLEY OVER-PRESSURE PROTECTIVE DEVICE Filed June 19, 1950 ¿_rv ß 0 / J/:4J//Á M ,mnu/QZ.. a uwmnuim i ß/éw M ß _ r4 .J ` _ 'n4..Lu.)4 f/ nm / /\\Vf Zc4 :44 . n au/Í. _ly.M_ w3. a.. 7?7 0aL _ a f. b. . I‘nveh’?or: Arthu‘r“ E? Bentley’ His Attorney. 2,558,534 Patented June 26, 1951 UNiTEDsTATEs PATENT OFFICE 2,558,534 . OVER-PRESSURE PRÓTECTIVE DEVICE Arthur P. Bentley, Scotia, N. Y., assignor to Gen eral Electric Company, a corporation of New York Application June 19, 1950, Serial- No. 169,020 3 Claims. (Cl. 'I3-389) . l This invention relates to 'an over-pressure protective device and, in particular, to a- protec tive device for a diiîerential gauge of the type used to measure the flow of an expansible fluid through a conduit. By conduit is meant any conductor which is 2 differential gauge from a pressure source to be measured. . It is a stil further object of this invention to provide a new and improved over-pressure pro tective device that is simple in construction and automatic in operation. Further objects and advantages of this inven tion will become apparent and the invention will direct its flow. The flow may be caused by a be more clearly understood from the following pressure differential produced by the resistance description referring to the accompanying draw 10 of a heat exchanger, an orifice in an obstruction ing, and the features of noveltywhich charac plate, or the like. The pressure differential pro terize this invention will be pointed out with duced by such a resistance can be correlated particularity in the claims annexed to and with the rate of flow through the conduit; con forming a part of this specification. sequently, it is important to be able to measure Briefly, this invention comprises a device the pressure differential. responsive to a predetermined 'pressure dif A differential pressure gauge is a convenient fential between two points or on opposite sides apparatus for making such measurement. By of some obstruction or resistance within a conduit differential gauge is meant an instrument re to activate valves that cut on’ the supply of com sponsive to diñerence in pressures on opposite 20 pressible fluid to a differential gauge whereby adapted to constrain a compressible ñuid and sides of a resistance. The pressure differential is indicative of the flow across that resistance and, in addition, the pressure differential indi - cates the value ofthe resistance offered. This pressure differential can be transmitted to a ' meter for a direct reading of the differential pressure. In diiîerential gauges of the type described, frequently one of the operative elements is a delicate bellows4 that expands and contracts in the gauge is temporarily isolated from the con duit; the compressible fluid within the diñer ential gauge is balanced to equalize the pressure acting on the differential gauge; and finally when the differential pressure in the conduit again recedes below the predetermined limit, the gauge is automatically reconnected to the con duit. , In the drawing, »the single figure is a simple schematic drawing of the operating elements of 30 response to the pressure diñerential on its op this invention. ` posite sides. Because of its delicate sensitivity, Referring to the drawing, a conduit l is shown however, a high unbalanced pressure will rup having an obstruction 2 defining a central orifice ture the material of the bellows. Such a high or opening 3. The obstruction 2 separates the unbalanced pressure can be a result of the ex conduit into a compartment 5 which is the high plosion that takes place within the expansible pressure compartment and a compartment 5a iluid or it can be caused by an obstruction that which is the low pressure compartment. The blocks the passage of fluid through the conduit. difference in pressure between the two com It should be pointed out at this time that while partments is caused by the resistance> to the a bellows operated differential meter has been flow of compressible ñuid oñ`ered by oriñce 3. 40 and will be referred to, such a reference has been An over-pressure protective device 6 comprises selected merely to illustrate more clarly the a pair of axially juxtapositioned cylinder blocks operation of. this invention, and it is not intended ‘i and 1a which are spaced apart by a flexible to .be a limitation of its scope, which-is broad diaphragm 8 and removably interconnected by a enough to operate on many types of differential 45 plurality of bolts 9. meters. I .Cylinder blocks 'l and 'la each provide a It is an object of this invention to provide a cylinder l0 and il, respectively, which, in turn, device which will protect a differential meter are separated by the flexible diaphragm 8. against an excessive differential pressure. As will be hereinaftery described, cylinder I0 It is a further object of this- invention to pro is further subdivided into three cylindrical com 50 vide a new and improved over-pressure protective partments Illa, Illb, and Illc, while cylinder Il device for a differential gauge. is subdivided into three cylindrical compart ments Ila. IIb, and llc. TheI cylindrical compartment ißb is provided tective device that operates in response to com with a piston I3 which is axially slidable therein, pressible ñuids to automatically disengage a 55 It is a still further object of this invention to provide a new and improved over-pressure pro 2,558,584 , 3 » and cylindrical compartment I Ibis provided withv a second piston I4 which is axially slidable there in. The two pistons, in turn, are rigidly-inter connected by an axial rod I5 which causes the pistons to move one with the other. _ Diaphragm 8, which divides cylinder blocks 1 and 1a, is generally circular and provided with an axial opening through which rod I5 is passed. Diaphragm 8, which in a preferred embodiment is made of neoprene or other impregnated mate rial, is secured to rod I5 substantially midwayalong its length, either by cement, or by a ring (not shown). Piston I3 is provided with a threaded bore I8 and a threaded ferrule I1 that is provided with a central axial passageway I8, while piston I4 is provided with a threaded bore I9 and a threaded ferrule 20 that is provided with a central axial In similar` fashion, a conduit 43 connects the low pressure side 5a of conduit I to over-pressure device 6. A bore 44 conducts the compressible fluid through the cylinder block 1, while a bore 45 registers with bore 44 and conducts the fluid through the skirt of piston I8 into compartment Ilib. A bore 46 connects compartment I 0c with a conduit 41 that connects over-pressure device 8 with the compartment 28 of meter 28. This con ' duit 41 allows the compressible fluid from com partment IIIc to pass into the meter compartment 28 and act in opposition to the pressure within compartment 28. A cap 48 threadedly engages the internal threaded end 48a of shell 1 and a plug 43 thread edly engages a threaded recess 48a in the upper end of cap 48. Plug 49 and cap 48 define a valve chamber 50. passageway 2l. In accordance with this struc A valve 5I is positioned in valve chamber 50 ture, piston I3 divides cylinder I0 into compart 20 and has a valve stem 52 that passes through cap ments IIlb and IIlc which are interconnected by 48 into compartment Illc. Valve stem 52 is posi passageway I8, while piston I4 divides cylinder II into compartments IIb and IIc which are interconnected by passageway 2 I. tioned to be actuated by piston I3 to be raised to expose a bore 53 provided in cap 48 that inter connects valve 5II with bore 46. Cap 48 is further ‘ In order to guide the axial movement of rod 25 provided with an opening 54 `that threadedly I5, a web 22 is provided in cylinder block 1 and a web 23 is provided in lower cylinder block 1a. Web 22 separates compartment IIIb from com partment Illa, while web 23 separates compart engages a conduit 55 that interconnects conduit 42 and valve chamber 50. With this structure, when valve 5I is raised by piston I3, the compressible fluid in conduit 42 ment IIb from compartment IIa. Web ‘22 is pro 30 can pass through conduit 55 into valve chamber vided with a passageway 24 that provides com 50, thence past valve 5I into bore 53 to bore 48 munication between compartment IIIa and com and conduit 41 to balance the pressure in conduits partment IUb, while web 23 is provided with a 42 and 41. passageway 25 that provides communication -' A spring 55 is interpositioned between plug 45 between compartment IIa and compartment IIb. 35 and valve 52 to maintain it closed over bore 53. With this structure, the steady state pressure ' Spring 56 is a light spring that serves the sole in compartment Illa is always equal to that of purpose of keeping the valve closed. A second compartment Illb, while the steady state pressure spring 51 is calibrated and defines the operating in compartment IIa is always equal to that of differential at which the over-pressure device will \ compartment I Ib. Furthermore, in a steady state 40 function. Spring 51 is positioned between cap 48 condition, the pressure in compartment I0c is equal to that of compartments I0b and Illa, and the pressure in compartment IIa is equal to that in compartments I Ic and 'I Ib, since the compart and piston I3 to prevent piston I3 from opening valve 52 until the force exerted by spring 51 is 5 of conduit I to over-pressure device 8. A bore ment IIIb to act on the lower surface of a piston offset by pressure on pistons I3 or I4 after an explosion or by diaphragm 8 if a high differential ments on each side of diaphragm 8 are all inter is slowly built up. The »pistons I3 or I4 do not connected. actuate the valve when the high differential is A meter 26 is shown as comprising a cylindrical slowly built up because of the interconnecting shell or housing 21 deñning a, compartment 28, passageways heretofore described. which is subdivided by an expansible bellows 30 Since cap 48 is threadedly engaged with shell to provide a compartment 29. The diiîerence in 50 1, the spring 51 is readily removable to be inter pressure between compartment 28 and compart changed with one having a different spring con ment 29 causes bellows 30 to expand or- contract, stant. This structure permits the differential depending upon the direction of the pressure rating of the over-pressure protective device to be changed. y differential. A rod 3I is connected to and sup ported by the free end of bellows 30. Rod 3| In operation, this new and improved over extends through the upper portion 32 of Icylin pressure device operates and functions as fol drical housing 21 and is supported by a packing lows. Expansible fluid, such as gas, air, or the nut 33. Rod 3| is pivotally connected to a meter like, from the high pressure side 5 of conduit I needle 34 which pivots about a fulcrum 35,. A - passes through conduit 38 and bores 39. and 48 to point 36 on needle 34 indicates on a scale 31 the 60 compartment IIc to act on the bottom surface ~pressure diiîerential 4between compartments 29 of piston I4. The expansible fluid from the low and 28 in response to the movement of bellows 30. pressure portion 5a of conduit I' passes through A conduit 38 connects the high pressure side conduit 43 and and bores 44 and 45 to compart 39 through cylinder block 1a registers with a bore 65 I3. The expansible fluid from-compartment IIc 40 through the skirt of piston I4 to allow the passes through bore 2| in ferrule 25 to the upper compressible iluîd to pass from the high pressure surface of piston I4 into compartment IIb and side 5 of conduit I to compartment I Ic on the through bore 25 to compartment IIa to act bottom of piston I4. A bore 4I in cylinder block on one side of diaphragm I2. 'I'he expansible 1a connects compartment IIb above piston I4 70 ñuid from compartment IIIb passes through bore with conduit 42 that connects the over-pressure 24 to compartment Ilia to act on the other side device 8 with the housing 21 of meter 25. Con of diaphragm I2. Under these conditions, the duit 42 conducts the compressible fluid from com pressure from the low side 5a of conduit I, plus partment IIb to compartment 29 within the bel the pressure of the interchangeable spring 51, lows 30. ' 75 acts in one vdirection on rod I5 and diaphragm 2,558,584 8, while the expansible fluid from the high pres sure compartment 5 in conduit I acts in the other direction on rod I5 and diaphragm 8. Under nor mal operating conditions for any selected spring 6 ing a cylinder block having two axially aligned cylinders, a flexible diaphragm separating said cylinders, a separate piston movably mounted in each ot' said cylinders, a rod rigidly interconnect- ì ing said pistons secured to said diaphragm, con duit means- connecting corresponding sides of ous supply of expansible fluid acts on either side said pistons one to each side of said press-ure of the bellows 30 in meter 26. The pressure bal differential source, conduit means connecting ance between compartments 28 and 29 on either said cylinders to the pressure gauge, said pistons side of the bellows influences the direction of l0 moving in response to a predetermined pressure needle 34 and its reading on scale 31. differential to close said conduit means connect If an explosion occurs, for example, in the high ing said cylinders to the gauge. pressure compartment 5 of conduit I, then high 2. An over-pressure protective device for auto pressure fluid passes through conduit 38 to the matically disconnecting a differential gauge from lower surface of piston I4 to force piston I4 and a differential pressure source at a predetermined rod I5 up; thus, piston I4 closes over bore 4I value of differential pressure and for automati and piston I3 closes over bore 46. This shuts ofî cally re-connecting the differential gauge to the the supply of expansible fluid to meter 26 and, source when the differential pressure decreases thus, protects it from the high differential pres to a value less than said predetermined value, sure that might exist because of the explosion in-the high pressure compartment. In addition, 20 comprising a circumferential wall defining an axially extending cylinder to house a first piston as rod I5 and pistons I4 and I3 are moved up, and a second piston, each slidable in said cylin valve stem 52 is actuated to raise valve 5I and der, a rod rigidly interconnecting said pistons, a interconnect conduits 41 and 55. With the pas ~flexible diaphragm secured to said rod transverse sage of fluid from the high pressure conduits 42 and 55 into valve chamber 50 and through it into 25 to the axis of said continuous wall to divide said cylinder into two axially juxtapositioned com conduit 41, the pressure in compartments 28 and partments, conduit means for conducting an 29 of meter 26 is equalized to relieve any strain 51, a steady state condition exists and a continu elastic fluid from the high pressure side of said differential source to one side of said ñrst piston, passes through orifice 3 in conduit I to reduce the 30' conduit means for conducting an elastic fluid high unbalanced pressure between compartments from the low pressure side of said difîertial source 5 and 5a in conduit I, the pressure from com to the corresponding side of said second piston, partment 5a of conduit I acting on one side of each of said pistons having a steady state position diaphragm 8, plus the pressure caused by spring and an actuated position, conduit means posi 51, will offset the .pressure from the high pres tioned in said wall above the steady state position sure compartment 5 acting on the opposite'side of each of said pistons to connect said over-pres of diaphragm 8, whereupon piston I3 and pis sure device to said differential gauge, said pistons ton I4 connected by rod I5 will move down to being actuated in response to a sudden prede expose bores 44 and 4I, respectively. This move termined pressure differential to close said con ment connects meter 26 to conduit I and the dif -III duit means positioned above said piston steady on bellows 30. As soon as enough of the compressible fluid ferential pressure is again recorded. With this structure, it is obvious that the over-pressure protective device is an automatic instrument state position to prevent rupturing of said dif ferential gauge. 3. An over-pressure protective device for auto matically disconnecting a differential gauge from that responds to any differential pressure be yond the preset differential determined by spring 51. Speciñcally, if the differential pressure de termined by spring 51 is exceeded, the over-pres- _ a differential pressuresource at a predetermined 'value of differential pressure and for auto sure protective device automatically disconnects meter 26 from conduit I; then, when the dif matically re-connecting the differential gauge to the source when the differential pressure de creases to a value less than said predetermined ferential again recedes below the predetermined 50 value, comprising a hollow cylinder block defin limit, the over-pressure device automatically re connects meter 26 to conduit I. It is to be noted that whether the high pres sure differential is caused by either an explosion or whether the high differential is slowly built up, the over-pressure protective device still func tions to shut off the supply of the expansible fluid to the meter. Obviously, the use of such an over-pressure protective device saves much time and effort and expense, since it protects sensitive 60 ing a central cylinder, a first piston and a second piston each slidable in said cylinder and each having an actuated and a steady state position, a rod rigidly interconnecting said pistons, a flex ible diaphragm secured to said rod transverse to the axis of said cylinder to separate said cyl inder into two axially juxtapositioned com partments, a hollow cap positioned at the end of one of said compartments, a valve including a valve rod positioned in said cap with said valve rod extending therethrough into one of said pressures` \ Modifications of this invention will occur to axial compartments to be actuated by the move those skilled in the art and it is desired to be ment of the first of said pistons, a plug in said understood, therefore, that this invention is not cap at the end opposite said valve to define with to be limited to the particular embodiment dis said cap a valve chamber, a first spring posi closed, but is intended to cover all modifications tioned between said valve and said plug to main which are within the spirit and scope of this in tain said spring in a closed position, a calibrated vention. spring positioned between the end of said cap What I claim as new and desire to secure by 70 and the first of said pistons to surround said Letters Patent of the United States is: valve rod, conduit means for conducting 1. An over-pressure protective device for auto elastic fluid from the high pressure side of said matically disconnecting a pressure gauge from differential source to one side of the second of a source of differential pressure at a predeter said pistons, a bore extending through said sec mined value of differential pressure compris differential instruments from high unbalanced 7 ond piston to connect said iirst side of said sec ond piston to said diaphragm, conduit means for conducting an elastic iluid from the low pressure ‘ sideof said diiierential source to a correspond ing side of said iirst piston'and to the other side of said diaphragm, conduit means positioned' above the steady state position of ‘each of said pistons to connect said over-pressure devices to said diiïerential gauge, conduit means connect ing said conduit positioned above said steady state position of said second piston to said valve s a l _. v built-up> predetermined pressnn differential te vmovesaicipistonstcitlieiractuatedlpositiamtoA close said conduits positioned above said piston steady state position to isolate» _said diilerentisl. . gauge from said'dißerentialpreesure source, said " pistons automatically returning -rw their~ steady state position when said dißerential pressure re cedes below said predetermined level to auto matically re-connect said diiiereniial gauze to said diiierential pressure source.' ' ARTHUR P. my.' housing, said pistons automatically responding to a sudden predetermined pressure dinerential summons crrsn to close said conduits positioned above said pis The renewing references are of ton steady state positions to isolate said diiîer 15 ille of this patent: . record m the ential gauge from said differential pressure source and to actuate said valve rod to intercon nect said conduits connecting said _differential gauge to said over-pressure protective device to balance the pressure in said conduits and to re lieve any stress on said differential gauge, said diaphragm automatically responding to a slowly Number UNITED STATE PATENTS Name Date 2,345,464 2,374,523 2,402,171 De Giers ........ -_ Mar. 28, 1944Beecher .......... -_ Apr. 24, 1945 Lutes et ai. ______ _- June 18. 1946 ‘ 2,470,288 Childs ........... -_ May 17, 1949