3.887.5275.220 Issue 1 IT - 2014 Smart HART® Differential Pressure Transmitters series LD357B Installation and Maintenance Instructions The PED Directive 97/23/EC is repealed and replaced by the new PED Directive 2014/68/EU with effect from 19 July 2016. The ATEX Directive 94/9/EC is repealed and replaced by the new ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU with effect from 20 April 2016. 1. Safety information 2. General product information 3.Installation 4. Configuration 5. Spare parts E X P E R T I S E S O L U T I O N S S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y © Copyright 2014 2 3.887.5275.220 ATTENZIONE Lavorare in sicurezza con apparecchiature in ghisa e vapore Working safely with cast iron products on steam Informazioni di sicurezza supplementari - Additional Informations for safety Lavorare in sicurezza con prodotti in ghisa per linee vapore I prodotti di ghisa sono comunemente presenti in molti sistemi a vapore. Se installati correttamente, in accordo alle migliori pratiche ingegneristiche, sono dispositivi totalmente sicuri. Tuttavia la ghisa, a causa delle sue proprietà meccaniche, è meno malleabile di altri materiali come la ghisa sferoidale o l’acciaio al carbonio. Di seguito sono indicate le migliori pratiche ingegneristiche necessarie per evitare i colpi d'ariete e garantire condizioni di lavoro sicure sui sistemi a vapore. Movimentazione in sicurezza La ghisa è un materiale fragile: in caso di caduta accidentale il prodotto in ghisa non è più utilizzabile. Per informazioni più dettagliate consultare il manuale d'istruzioni del prodotto. Rimuovere la targhetta prima di effettuare la messa in servizio. Working safely with cast iron products on steam Cast iron products are commonly found on steam and condensate systems. If installed correctly using good steam engineering practices, it is perfectly safe. However, because of its mechanical properties, it is less forgiving compared to other materials such as SG iron or carbon steel. The following are the good engineering practices required to prevent waterhammer and ensure safe working conditions on a steam system. Safe Handling Cast Iron is a brittle material. If the product is dropped during installation and there is any risk of damage the product should not be used unless it is fully inspected and pressure tested by the manufacturer. Please remove label before commissioning Prevenzione dai colpi d’ariete - Prevention of water hammer Scarico condensa nelle linee vapore - Steam trapping on steam mains: Intervalli di 30÷50 m. intervals Penden za - Gra Vapore Steam dient 1:1 00 Gruppo di scarico Trap set Condensa - Condasate Penden za - Gra dient 1:1 Gruppo di scarico Trap set Condensa - Condasate Esempi di esecuzioni corrette ( ) ed errate ( Steam Mains - Do's and Dont's: Flusso Flow Vapore Steam 00 Flusso Flow Vapore Steam Gruppo di scarico Trap set Condensa - Condasate ) sulle linee vapore: Prevenzione delle sollecitazioni di trazione Prevention of tensile stressing Evitare il disallineamento delle tubazioni - Pipe misalignment: Installazione dei prodotti o loro rimontaggio post-manutenzione: Installing products or re-assembling after maintenance: Evitare l’eccessivo serraggio. Utilizzare le coppie di serraggio raccomandate. Do not over tighten. Use correct torque figures. Per garantire l’uniformità del carico e dell'allineamento, i bulloni delle flange devono essere serrati in modo graduale e in sequenza, come indicato in figura. Flange bolts should be gradually tightened across diameters to ensure even load and alignment. Dilatazioni termiche - Thermal expansion: Gli esempi mostrano l’uso corretto dei compensatori di dilatzione. Si consiglia di richiedere una consulenza specialistica ai tecnici dell’azienda che produce i compensatori di dilatazione. Examples showing the use of expansion bellows. It is highly recommended that expert advise is sought from the bellows manufacturer. Guide Guides Movimento assiale Axial movement Distanza breve Short distance Punto di fissaggio Fixing point Movimento assiale Axial movement Guide Guides Guide Guides Tiranti limitatori Limit rods Distanza media Medium distance Piccolo movimento laterale Small lateral movement Ampio movimento laterale Large lateral movement Punto di fissaggio Fixing point Tiranti limitatori Limit rods Guide Guides Piccolo movimento laterale Small lateral movement Ampio movimento laterale Large lateral movement 1. Safety information Safe operation of these products can only be guaranteed if they are properly installed, commissioned, used and maintained by qualified personnel (see Section 1.11 on this document) in compliance with the operating instructions. General installation and safety instructions for pipeline and plant construction, as well as the proper use of tools and safety equipment must also be complied with. 1.1 Intended use The trasmitters object of the present instructions comply with the directive ATEX 94/9/CE and are characterized by the following motodhds of protection: II 1G Ex ia IIC T6 They are suitable for installation in Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2. For connections and installation refer to this manual. 1.2 Access Ensure safe access and if necessary a safe working platform (suitably guarded) before attempting to work on the product. Arrange suitable lifting gear if required. 1.3 Lighting Ensure adequate lighting, particularly where detailed or intricate work is required. 1.4 Hazardous liquids or gases in the pipeline Consider what is in the pipeline or what may have been in the pipeline at some previous time. Consider: flammable materials, substances hazardous to health, extremes of temperature. 1.5 Hazardous environment around the product Consider: explosion risk areas, lack of oxygen (e.g. tanks, pits), dangerous gases, extremes of temperature, hot surfaces, fire hazard (e.g. during welding), excessive noise, moving machinery. 1.6 The system Consider the effect on the complete system of the work proposed. Will any proposed action (e.g. closing isolation valves, electrical isolation) put any other part of the system or any personnel at risk? Dangers might include isolation of vents or protective devices or the rendering ineffective of controls or alarms. Ensure isolation valves are turned on and off in a gradual way to avoid system shocks. 1.7 Pressure systems Ensure that any pressure is isolated and safely vented to atmospheric pressure. Consider double isolation (double block and bleed) and the locking or labelling of closed valves. Do not assume that the system has depressurised even when the pressure gauge indicates zero. 1.8 Temperature Allow time for temperature to normalise after isolation to avoid danger of burns. 1.9 Tools and consumables Before starting work ensure that you have suitable tools and/or consumables available. Use only genuine Spirax Sarco replacement parts. 3.887.5275.220 3 1.10 Protective clothing Consider whether you and/or others in the vicinity require any protective clothing to protect against the hazards of, for example, chemicals, high /low temperature, radiation, noise, falling objects, and dangers to eyes and face. 1.11 Permits to work All work must be carried out or be supervised by a suitably competent person. Installation and operating personnel should be trained in the correct use of the product according to the Installation and Maintenance Instructions. Where a formal ‘permit to work’ system is in force it must be complied with. Where there is no such system, it is recommended that a responsible person should know what work is going on and, where necessary, arrange to have an assistant whose primary responsibility is safety. Post ‘warning notices’ if necessary. 1.12 Electrical work Before starting work study the wiring diagram and wiring instructions and note any special requirements. Consider particulary: mains supply voltage and phase, local mains isolation, fuse requirements, earthing, special cables, cable entries / cable glands, electrical screening . 1.13Commissioning Ater installation or maintenance ensure that the system is fully fuctioning. Carry out test on many alarms or protective devices. 1.14Disposal Unwanted equipment should be disposed of in a safe manner. 1.15 Returning products Customers and stockists are reminded that under EC Health, Safety and Environment Law, when returning products to Spirax Sarco they must provide information on any hazards and the precautions to be taken due to contamination residues or mechanical damage which may present a health, safety or environmental risk. This information must be provided in writing including Health and Safety data sheets relating to any substances identified as hazardous or potentially hazardous. 4 3.887.5275.220 2. General product information Main dimension and sensor's reference Cod. Nom. Range (mbar) Span min/max (mbar) Range Limits min/max (mbar) B 0/18 0,125/18 -18/+18 C 0/50 0,3125/50 -50/+50 D 0/350 22/350 -350/+350 E 0/1000 63/1000 -1000/+1000 F 0/2500 156/2500 -2500/+2500 G 0/5000 313/5000 -5000/+5000 H 0/10000 625/10000 -10000/+10000 M20x1,5 3.887.5275.220 5 Product Sheet Overview LD357B series SMART differential pressure transmitters are microprocessor-based instruments that combine the analog signal advantages (4-20mA) together with the flexibility of digital communication using HART® protocol. They can be remotely configured by a universal hand held terminal (HHT) or by a PC with a dedicated interface and Spirax Sarco software. Moreover, it is possible to locally configure the instruments (zero and span) by means of 2 pushbuttons and to display the data on the wide LCD display. The LD357B transmitters measure differential pressure with spans from 1,125 to 10000 mbar with a static pressure up to 100 bar. The pressure measuring element is a piezoresistive sensor. It is possible to choose a variety of sensors to satisfy all process conditions. The Spirax Sarco measuring cell contains the sensor and transmits pressure to the electronics. Thermal drift is compensated using the temperature signal generated by a PTC thermistor integrated in the sensor itself. Based on these readings the microprocessor generates the 4-20mA analog output .two wires system and displays the pressure measurement on the LCD. Some of the main characteristics of this microprocessor-based transmitter, are: - Wide rangeability. - Automatic temperature compensation. - Digital communication using HART® protocol. Functional data With reference to the following, please note these definitions: Nominal range: (referred to the sensor mounted in the instrument) the measured pressure range for which the sensor has been designed. Defined as a minimum and maximum value. Nominal span: the interval between the minimum and maximum values of the sensor nominal range. The span is a single number. Measuring range: the minimum and maximum range values for which the transmitter is to be calibrated. Measuring span: the interval between minimum and maximum values of the measuring range. Input scale initial value or zero input: minimum pressure value within in the measuring range. Input full scale value: maximum pressure value within in the measuring range. Transmitter parameters The parameters that are available for display and setting are: Measuring span: possibility to change from 6,25% to 100% of the nominal span. Zero adjustment: digital calibration ± 15%. Linearity adjustment: 8 points within the nominal range. Low/upper range values: they can be set within the nominal range provided that the span greater than minimum span. Damping: digitally adjustable from 0 to 15 sec. (minimum response time ~ 0,1 sec.). Reverse output: automatically obtained via software. Transfer function: linear/square root via software. Self test: in case of malfunction the analog output is forced to the fail-safe state of 3,8mA or 23,2mA. Measuring units: 14 different pressure units or % of the measuring span, selectable via software. Physical characteristics Power supply: 12,5 - 30 Vdc with no load. Output signal: Analog 4-20 mA, 2 wires. Digital using HART® Settling time: 120ms (at 27°C). Nominal range 18-50 mbar: Max static pressure: 50bar. Overpressure limits: 50bar on either side. 6 3.887.5275.220 Nominal range 350-10000 mbar: Max static pressure: 100bar. Overpressure limits: 100bar on either side. Process chambers volume: 2 cm3 approx. Displacement: 0,2 cm3 at span max. Pressure source Indicator Test gauge Power supply Bench Calibration Set-up Ambient Conditions Temperature Process fluid: -60 ÷ +85°C Housing: -40 ÷ +85°C Handling and storage: -40 ÷ +90°C Relative Humidity: 0 a 100% R.H. LCD display reading: -10 ÷ +70°C Performances Unless otherwise stated the performance specifications refer to ambient temperature = 20°C and nominal span. Unless otherwise stated, all errors are shown as a percentage of nominal span. Accuracy rating: guaranteed within the following limits: Resolution: ± 0,01%. Accuracy: ± 0,1% including non linearity, repeatability and hysteresis errors. Dead band: negligible. Influence of Operating conditions Thermal drift: it is referred to -10 ÷ +65°C range. Zero: ± 0,1%/10°K. Span: ± 0,1%/+10°K at nominal range. Static pressure effect Nominal range 18-50 mbar: Zero: ± 0,4% / 10bar. Span: 0,4% / 10bar. Nominal range 350-10000 mbar: Zero: ± 0,2% / 10bar. Span: 0,2% / 10bar. Zero: on either side ± 1% at 100bar. Power supply effect: Negligible between 12,5 and 30 Vdc. Over range effect Nominal range 18-50 mbar: Zero: on either side ± 1% at 50bar. Nominal range 350-10000mbar: Zero: on either side ± 1% at 100bar. Power supply effect: Negligible between 12,5 and 30 Vdc. 3.887.5275.220 7 Physical specifications Process wetted parts: Diaphragm in AISI 316 L/Hastelloy C - process chambers, adapters, drain and vent plugs AISI 316 - gaskets PTFE + Viton + bolts carbon steel / AISI 304. Housing: die cast aluminium alloy AL UNI 3571 finished with epoxy resin (RAL 5010). Filling fluid: silicone oil. Nameplate: stainless steel, fixed on housing. Bracket for 2" pipe mounting: zinc coated carbon steel. Calibration Standard: at nominal range, direct action. Optional: at the conditions specified with the order. Environmental protection: the transmitter is dust and sand tight and protected against sea waves effects as defined by IEC IP 66. Suitable for tropical climate operation as defined in DIN 50.015. Process connections: ¼” NPT F on process chambers, ½” NPT F on the adapters. Electrical connections: two entries on electronic housing, M20 x 1,5 and cable gland PG 13,5 for 7 to 12mm diameter cable. Terminal board: 2 terminals for signal wiring up to 1,5 mm2 (14 AWG). Connection for ground and cable shield. Mounting position: any position. Net weight: 5 kg. approx. Explosion Protection Equipment and protection system ATEX 94/9/CE Intrinsically safety Ex ia IIC T6 with Tamb -40 °C ÷ +60°C Ex ia IIC T5 with Tamb -40 °C ÷ +75°C Group II class 1G suitable for zone 0,1,2 - EN60079-10. Electromagnetic Compatibility Conforms to the standard CEI EN 61326-1 (1997) in accordance with 89/336/EEC and following modifications. 8 3.887.5275.220 Standard specifications The electronic transmitters Series LD357B are described in Products Sheet 7E.173-E. In these data sheets information can be found on: Functional Data - Operating Conditions - Performances - Operating Influences - Physical Specifications - Certificates - Codification - Dimensions. Overview LD35X series transmitters measure relative, absolute, differential pressure and level In ranges from 18 mbar up to 10 bar. The pressure measuring element is a piezoresistive sensor. It Is possible to choose between sensors to satisfy the process conditions. The Spirax Sarco's Measuring Cell generates a signal corresponding to the actual pressure and is completed with a PTC thermistor which also transmits the temperature of the measuring cell to the electronic system. On the basis of these two values and of the configurated parameters the microprocessor based electronics (Fig. 1) generates a standard output signal (4 to 20 mA, Iwo wires system) and displays the measurement on the LCD. Moreover LD35X transmitters contain (depending on Hw and SW release) a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) Control algorithm that allows to use the 4 to 20 The functional block diaphragm of the transmitter is shown in the figure below Fig. 1 - Block Diagram 3.887.5275.220 9 3. Installation 3.1 Instrument Identification Instrument data can be found on the nameplate fixed to the top of transmitter housing. The Serial Number that must be quoted at the occurrence of specific requests to the manufacturer. Fig. 2 shows both sides of the housing with covers removed. Front: Electronic Module Nut Back Fig. 2 - LD357 Series top work Fig. 3 - Mounting 3.2 Transmitter mounting The transmitters are installed by a st.st. bracket for wall mounting or for stand pipe 2". - Check whether instrument’s operating conditions are within the limits as reported in the technical specifications sheets and/or label. -Make sure that the operating conditions are compatible with the specification given to the manufacturer. - Never install standard instrument under the sun or in any other location which could cause direct overheating through radiation. - For measurement in the presence of particularly hot liquids (e.g. steam) install the instrument on a siphon (as in the case of manometers) or make sure that the instrument is supplied with a suitable seal. -For viscous liquids or those containing solid particles in suspension make sure that the connection to the process is a suitable one in order to avoid clogs. -Pressure transmitters are calibrated upright with sensors turned down (unless otherwise specified). Any different position introduces a variation of output zero value. Maximum variation (offset) is equivalent to 20mmH2O in pressure. A mounting bracket is supplied for series LD357B to fix the instrument horizontally or vertically to a DN 50 (2 inch) pipe. Refer to dimensional drawing for details. The position of the housing has no effect on the instrument operation. In particular, before shipping the instrument is locked (Fig. 3). To obtain a good orientation of the case it is necessary to unscrew the stop nut placed under the case. Turn the case in the new position and screw the nut again. 3.3 Electrical connection Under the rear cap are placed the terminals reporting the electric polarity (+/-). Insert the power supply cable in to the housing through one of the two M20 x 1,5 openings. Device is protected from accidental inversion of polarity. For a better use is recommended a twisted pair cable (22 AWG min). Avoid placing instrument near devices powered in AC or Switching. Connect ground-tap of the instrument to the local common earth (PE). For shielded cables, earth the shield at the power supply ground only. 10 Warning: impedance of the cables defines the possible maximum length for digital communication. It's recommended using cable with a low impedance. The maximum length of the point to point connection, with a load of 250 ohm and single twisted cable 22 AWG-207 pF/m it's about 1000 meters. The maximum connection length for the analog signal only is limited by the loads (connected devices and cable) present in the current loop. 3.887.5275.220 To obtain output signal of 4-20 mA, you have to determine the minimum supply voltage as a function of the load relation: see below figure. From the following formula you can achieve the right minimum value of supply voltage: Vcc = 0.023xR + 12.5 The power supply source to assure a minimum current value of 24 mA. Where: R = output load.. Warning: for the digital communication to function properly, a minimum 250Ω load must be present in the loop. Load (OHM) Not Operative Area Digital Communication and 4-20 mA 4-20 mA Only Power supply (V) Fig. 4 - Power supply/load Power Supply Intrinsic Safety Barrier Indicator Controller or Recorder Fig. 5 - Transmitter wiring 3.887.5275.220 11 3.3.1 Point to point connection Make connection as shown in Fig.6 Power supply Fig. 6 - Point to point connection RL=250 OHM min. Connection to the Master for digital communication is possible at points A-B or B-C. 3.3.2 Multidrop connection (Digital signal only) Make connection as shown in Fig.7 Connection to the Master for digital communication is possible at points A-B or B-C. in the Fig. 7 Power supply Fig. 7 - Multidrop connection Note: At maximum 15 transmitters could be connected in parallel on the same line. Warning: pay attention that for a right working of the digital communication a minimum load of 250 ohm is necessary. Warning: When more transmitters are connected on the same line the current standing on the resistor (250-ohm) is equal to 4mA x N of connected instruments. This could cause a high electric potential. Be sure power supply is sufficient. 3.4 Safety instructions 3.4.1General Instruments of the LD35X series are Transmitters of differential pressure and level. They are devices with solid state electronics whose operation is based on piezoresitive sensors. They measure pressures of liquids, gas and vapors with nominal ranges from 22 mbar up to 401 bar and transmit an current output signal 4-20 mA proportional to the measured pressure. They can also be used to measure level in open or closed tanks or for measures of flow measuring the differential pressure on a calibrated orifice. 12 3.887.5275.220 3.4.2 Premise (Intrinsically safety) The series LD35X are used for measures of flow measuring the differential pressure on a calibrated orifice, this series are manufactured only for the employment in areas with presence of potentially explosive atmospheres. The transmitters object of the present instructions are characterized by the following methods of protection: Ex ia II C T6 with T amb -20 + +40°C Ex ia II C T5 with T amb -20 + +55°C Ex ia II C T4 with T amb -20 + +80°C* The indications contained in the present safety instructions must be observed together with the instructions brought in the operator manual. * Note: for use with T amb.> 60°C please see the table "Electrical parameters related to Intrinsic Safety" at par. 3.4.3 Installation Fitness of the transmitter for the installation area In case of use in areas with danger of explosion, it must be verified that the identified type of transmitter fits for the classification of the zone and for the presence of flammable substances in the plant. The safety essential requisite against the risk of explosion in the classified areas are fixed from the European Directives 94/9/CE of March 23 rd 1994 (as far as it concerns the apparatus) and 1999/92/CE of December 16 th 1999 (as far as it concerns the plant). Intrinsically safety data definitions II 1G Ex ia IIC T6, T5, T4 Transmitter for surface plants with presence of gas or vapors, Group II, category 1, fit for zone 0 and with redundancy for zone 1 and 2 Intrinsically Safe transmitter, category "ia" Group IIC apparatus, fit for substances (gas) of group IIC Temperature Class of the transmitter (maximum temperature) Conformity mark to European Directives applicable to the apparatus Conformity marking to 94/9/CE Directive and technical rules CESI YY ATEX NNN 0722 T. amb Ui, li, Pi, Ci, Li Name of the laboratory that released the EC type-examination certificate; YY=Year; NNN=certificate number Identifying Number of the notified body (CESI) that assess the quality system of the manufacturer Ambient minimum and maximum temperature Maximum Input parameters of the apparatus (related to intrinsic safety) Note: a) - the transmitters for the group IIC also fit for gas groups IIB and IIA; b) - the transmitters with class of temperature T6 also fit for all the substances with higher class of temperature (T5, T4, T3, T2, T1); c) - the transmitters with class of temperature T5 also fit for all the substances with higher class of temperature (T4, T3, T2, T1); d) - the transmitters with class of temperature T4 also fit for all the substances with higher class of temperature (T3, T2, T1); e) - the choice of the associated apparatus must be made on the base of the maximum input parameters of the transmitter. 3.887.5275.220 13 Additional Warnings for installation For the correct installation refer to the chapter operator manual and to sketches brought there. The process connection must be realized in such a way that guarantees the hold at the maximum working pressure and temperature. Do not overcome the maximum pressure and temperatures indicated in the technical data sheet of the selected model. When the device is connected to the process it can be submitted to high pressures and temperatures. To avoid accidents subsequent to sudden discharge of pressure and/or to contact with dangerous or flammable fluids it is necessary to take the maximum attention when the device is taken off, heated or repaired, verifying that it is isolated from the process and is not submitted to pressure and/or temperature. R (Ohm) 1070 837 600 170 Exi Exi + HART® Non Exi Exi 12 30 35 V supply (Vcc) Operative area Electrical connections (Intrinsically safety) For the electrical connections please follow the instructions brought in the operator manuals taking care that for the use in classified areas it is necessary to foresee the use of associated apparatuses ( e.g. safety barriers), certified according to the standard EN 50020, with output electrical characteristics compatible with the maximum input parameters (brought on the plate) of the certified transmitter. The evaluation of the system constituted by the associated apparatus, the transmitter and the cables of connection must be done by experienced personnel only and must match the requisite of the standard EN 50039 relative to the intrinsically safe systems. For the correct installation it is necessary to follow the safety instructions of the selected associated apparatus. Electrical parameters related to Intrinsic Safety Parameter Maximum input voltage Ui Maximum input current Ii Maximum input power Pi Maximum internal capacitance Ci Maximum internal inductance Li For T amb < 60°C 30 V 100 mA 0,75 W 10 nF 0H For T amb < 80°C 25,2 V 100 mA 0,62 W 10 nF 0H 3.4.4 Control and Maintenance The verifications and the maintenances of the transmitters must be done according to the criterions of the standard EN60079-17. 3.4.5 Instrument Service In case of malfunction or damage it is advised to contact Spirax Sarco service department. 14 3.887.5275.220 3.5 Piping for Flow Measurements 1) Fig. 8 shows some of the installations recommended by ISO 2186 Standards. Refer to this Standard for more informations. 2) Normal mounting position for the transmitter is below the pressure connections. Filling connectors should be mounted as close as possible to the transmitter and equidistant from it (diameter not less than 10 mm), at the same level, to have equal heads on the transmitter. 3) The descending pipes can be filled with condensate vapors of the process fluid or with suitable inert liquid to prevent direct contact with the transmitter. 4) When the lines are not liquid filled, drain plugs should be mounted in the lowest possible position. 5) The transmitter should be mounted above the process con¬nections only when in service with dry and clean gas flow with¬out seal liquid. 6) When the connections are located on a vertical process line, the flow should be upward. 7) Transmitters with a very small displacement, like the ones here described, can be mounted without condensing pots. 8) Pressure connections on model LD357B are marked with "H" ("+") and "L" ("-"); the higher pressure will be applied to "+" side. 9) Always check carefully all manifolds, reducers if any, vents and drain plugs for leaks. Vapour and compressibile fluid 3 way manfold Vertical pipes Liquid (Clean and cold) Vertical pipes 3 way manfold Gas (Clean and dry) 3 way manfold Vertical pipes Fig. 8 - Piping for flow meters 3.887.5275.220 15 3.6 Pressure measurement The transmitters LD357B may be used for pressure and, in the lower ranges, also for level measurements in tanks. In Fig.9 the simplest mounting, direct on piping, is illustrated. Warning: the diaphragm seal must be always covered by the liquid. Liquid Vent Pressure Measurement Vent Gas Fig. 9 16 3.887.5275.220 4.1Operations 4. Configuration The transmitter shows the status and the measure on the dot matrix LCD (see fig.10). The span is from -99999 to 999999. The input signal to the transmitter can be related to the output signal in the following ways: - Direct mode = 4÷20mA output - Reverse mode = 20÷4mA output The direct mode is obtained by setting the lower range point with the lowest value of the range (e.g. 0bar o 0m3/h) and by setting the upper range point with the highest value (e.g. 5bar o 1000m3/h). The reverse mode is obtained by setting the lower range point with the highest value of the range (e.g. 5bar o 1000m3/h) and by setting the upper range point with the lowest value (e.g. 0bar o 0m3/h). To display the temperature values of the sensor (not in flow meters mode) and of the electronic board push the following keys during transmitter operation: = sensor temperature (differential pressure); = electronic board temperature. The unit of measure (°C) is defined in the entry TEMP UNIT in the keyboard menu (follows). In the volumetric flowmeter the pressing of button display the differential pressure. 4.2. Display and Keyboard Measure display (6 digits) Bargraph / % span Measuring unit Menu entering Choice Bargraph / % span Sensor T display Elect. board T display LCD Display and keyboard Fig. 10 - Display and keyboard 3.887.5275.220 17 4.3 Keyboard configuration The electronic transmitters have some configuration functions available via keyboard and LCD display, provided with the instruments themselves. Press the [MENU] button to enter the password entering dialog; the default password is 0000. Confirm by [OK] to enter the configuration menu. The password is in 4 digits format and spans from 0000 to 9999. If you can’t remember or find the password you set, please contact our service department. When the display is in numerical entering mode, the cursor will blink. To move the cursor press the button; to raise the value of the digit press the button. Confirm with [OK]. Use the and buttons to show the sequence of the available functions and press [OK] to confirm the selected function. The display will allow to choose from the different functions described in the table below. Press the [OK] button to confirm; use instead the [MENU] button to cancel the modifications and to go back to the standard display. Function Zero setting Full span setting Measuring unit selection 18 Display name Use Choice span LRV Measure linked to the zero and to the 4mA output. The measuring unit is shown in the lower right corner of the display Between the sensor limits URV Measure linked to the full span and to the 20mA output. The measuring unit is shown in the lower right corner of the display Between the sensor limits PV UNIT (disabled in volumetric flow meters mode) Measuring unit selection from the available ones. Press or to scroll. Pressure: bar, mbar, Pa, KPa, MPa, mmH2O, mH2O, cmH2O, Kg/cm2, mmHg, psi, Torr, inHg, Atm, ftH2O, g/cm2, inH2O Level: m, in, cm, mm Density specific gravity, g/cm3, kg/m3, g/l 3.887.5275.220 Keyboard Configuration Function Display name Use Choice span Configuration of PV CONFIG PV Selecting of the display mode associated with primary variable. 1 - PRESS. = pressure Transfer function XFR FUNC (disabled in volumetric flow meters mode) Selecting of current output in linear or square root mode. LIN = linear SQRT = volumetric flowmeter Fluid density GM available in volumetric flow meters mode) Insert the fluid density in Kg/m3 measure unit. >0 [Kg/m3] Fault configuration ALARM TYPE Fault condition analog output selection. NONE = no action 21.5mA 3.85mA LAST = last read value Damping setting DAMP VALUE Insert the signal averaging time constant. 0÷60s OFFSET The transmitter links the actual reference input to the zero display measure. The transmitter will then show 0 at display after the confirmation by [OK]. - SET LRV At button pushing the transmitter will automatically link the 4mA output to the actual reference input. - Zero re-setting 4mA output automatic setting (zero) 3.887.5275.220 2 - FLOW = flow meter 19 Keyboard Configuration Function 20mA output automatic setting (span) Automatic zero elevation Display name Use SET URV At button pushing the transmitter will automatically link the 20mA output to the actual reference input. At the button pushing the transmitter performs the zero elevation, in manner SET ZEROEL to put to zero the actual measure. The elevation is applied to the whole span. Choice span - LOOP TEST It is possible to fix the analog output of the transmitter to a required mA value. 3,85÷21,5 mA Analog output calibration CAL 4-20mA The transmitter fixes the output to 4mA and asks by display to check the value (OK? YES/NO). Choose NO if the output is incorrect and insert the value read on an external amperometer. Do it again until necessary. The same procedure for 20mA follows. - Hart® polling address ADDRESS Hart® polling address modification. 0÷15 INFO The polling address, the lower sensor limit (LSL), the upper sensor limit (USL) and the firmware revision are shown. - Analog output test Transmitter information 20 3.887.5275.220 Keyboard Configuration Function Display name Use Choice span Password setting PASSWORD Allows to insert a new password for the transmitter. To be used with care. 0000÷9999 Expert Command: Manual zero elevation ZERO ELEV. (disabled in volumetric flow meters mode) Manual zero elevation insertion. 6 digits, including "–" sign and decimal point Expert Command: Gain setting SG VALUE Manual inverse gain insertion (specific gravity) 0,1÷10 Factory setting restore RESTORE Select and confirm using buttons and [OK]. - 3.887.5275.220 21 4.4 Remote operations via HART® protocol The electronic transmitters totally comply with the HART® protocol specification Revision 6.0, so they include remote process variable interrogation, parameter setting and diagnostics. The device is a 4÷20mA 2-wire transmitter, with FSK communication. It is possible to read via HART® the following variables: PV: transmitter main measure; SV: % of the span; TV: analog output; In volumetric flowmeter configuration: TV: differential pressure QV: transmitter temperature. Please refer to Fig. 12 for the Hart® modem connection on transmitter’s 4÷20 mA loop. In Fig. 11 the multidrop connection type is shown. Hand-held configuration (HHT) HART server USB, RS232, ... HART modem 15 HART transmitters R = 250÷550 Ohm Vcc = 24 Vdc No 4÷20 mA loop Fig. 11 - HART® connection multidrop 22 3.887.5275.220 Hand-held configuration (HHT) HART server USB, RS232, ... HART modem R = 250÷550 Ohm Vcc = 24 Vdc 4÷20 mA loop HART transmitters on polling address 0 Fig. 12 - HART® connection loop 4÷20 mA 4.4.1Maintenance Transmitters do not require a maintenance on periodical basis. Periodically check the general transmitter status, the possible presence of rust or damage on the case or on the measuring diaphragm and the presence of clogging in the process connection. 3.887.5275.220 23 4.5Troubleshooting Please refer to the following pages scheme for troubleshooting. In any case contact our service department for help. Condition Potential source Solution Supply Check the supply voltage to be 12Vdc<Vsupply<40Vdc. Polarity Check the transmitter connection polarity. Electrical load Check that the load is less than the maximum allowed. Process Accurately verify the compatibility between the process and the connection type. Sensor drift Apply zero input conditions to the transmitter and use the OFFSET command. EMC interference Accurately verify the possible presence of electromagnetic interference on the supply line. Check the PE connection. Wrong span limits Use the LRV and URV commando (or SET LRV and SET URV) to correct the output. Uncalibrated analog output Use the LOOP TEST command to verify the analog output calibration. If it is not correct, use the CAL4-20mA command to calibrate the output. Uncorrect HART® settings Use the ADDRESS command to verify that the polling address is set to 0. Transmitter in fault mode Check if the output isn’t out of the allowed span or check the presence of a failure (e1, e2, … on display). Wrong fault settings Check the settings using the ALARM TYPE command. Unstable measure Measuring disturbs Set an input average using the DAMP VALUE command (i.e. 10 seconds). Impossible to access the menu Wrong / forgotten password Contact us for help. The transmitter doesn’t turn on Measure is uncorrect Erratic analog output Analog output <4mA o >20mA 24 3.887.5275.220 5. Spare parts Together with the request of spare parts it is required to indicate Serial Number of the instrument to control that the correct component will be delivered. Available spare parts are (with its own code and mounting quantity in parenthesis). Fig. 13 - Housing Fig. 14 - Differential pressure element Housing (Fig. 13) (1) Measuring element (see next figures); (2) Plug ½ NPT for housing; (3) Terminal board; (4) Electronic module; (5) Microcontroller; (6) Name plate; (7) Cable gland (2 pcs); (8) Cover gasket; (9) Forward cover with window; (10)Display frontal protection; (11) Rear cover. Primary Element (Fig. 14) (1) Measuring element. (30) Body (31) Flanged connection (2 pcs) (32) Gasket (2 pcs) (33)Gasket (2 pcs) (34) Ring "OR"; (2 pcs) (35) Screw M10X80; (4 pcs) (36) Screw 7/16X20; (4 pcs) (37) Nut M10; (4 pcs) 3.887.5275.220 25 26 3.887.5275.220 REPAIR Please contact our nearest Branch Office or Agent or directly Spirax-Sarco S.r.l. - Ufficio resi Via per Cinisello, 18 - 20834 Nova Milanese (MB) - Tel.: +39 0362 49 171 - Fax: +39 0362 49 17 307 LOSS OF GUARANTEE Total or partial disregard of above instructions involves loss of any right to guarantee. 3.887.5275.220 27 RIPARAZIONI In caso di necessità, prendere contatto con la nostra Filiale o Agenzia più vicina, o direttamente con la Spirax-Sarco Via per Cinisello, 18 - 20834 Nova Milanese (MB) - Tel.: 0362 49 17.1 - Fax: 0362 49 17 307 PERDITA DI GARANZIA L'accertata inosservanza parziale o totale delle presenti norme comporta la perdita di ogni diritto relativo alla garanzia. Spirax-Sarco S.r.l. - Via per Cinisello, 18 - 20834 Nova Milanese (MB) - Tel.: 0362 49 17.1 - Fax: 0362 49 17 307 3.887.5275.220 Issue 1 IT 2014.07