Using Inductive Loads with VT System Version 1.0 2011-06-15 Application Note AN-IND-1-015 Author(s) Restrictions Abstract Jan Großmann Public Document This application note describes, what has to be considered when connecting inductive loads to the VT System. Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................1 Behavior of inductive loads..............................................................................................................................1 Impact of inductive loads to the VT System.....................................................................................................1 Protection mechanism for inductive loads .......................................................................................................2 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................3 Contacts...........................................................................................................................................................3 1.0 Overview One feature of the VT1004 is – besides using the internal electronic load – also to connect an external original load. For connecting external loads, especially inductive loads, some issues have to be considered. 2.0 Behavior of inductive loads In opposition to resistive loads, inductive and capacitive loads have no straight proportional behavior between current and voltage. This behavior gives inductive and capacitive loads the ability to store energy. In case of an inductive load the current flowing through causes a magnetic field. By switching off this load the current flow will be interrupted and the magnetic field collapses immediately. The inductive load tries to hold the switched off voltage and creates a self-induction voltage with a reversed polarity. This resulting voltage peak can easily be ten to twenty times higher than the applied voltage. Expressed in a formula the voltage over an inductive load behaves in the following way: u (t ) L di(t ) dt For this reason the big current change from maximum to zero within a small time during switching off an inductive load leads to the high voltage. It can also be seen the straight proportional influence of the inductive load dimension itself. 3.0 Impact of inductive loads to the VT System When using external inductive loads with the VT1004 as seen in a simple example in Figure 1, these voltage peaks can cause a malfunction of the VT1004 and in worst case the VT1004 can be damaged. The voltage peaks can thereby occur by switching an inductive load using PWM and also by static switching of the internal relay for the original load. 1 Copyright © 2011 - Vector Informatik GmbH Contact Information: or +49-711-80 670-0 Using Inductive Loads with VT System When opening the original load relay connected to an inductive load, the voltage peak can generate an electric arc between the contacts which might destroy the relay or reduce its life cycle. So it is strongly recommended to switch off the applied voltage from the ECU first before opening the relay to remove the original load. The voltage transients by switching inductive loads are causing also interferences which might be coupled to wires and tracks and will be therefore distributed within the whole system and will influence its behaviour. ECU DC VT1004 Switch Original Load Ch1 Ext. Load R Ch2 L Figure 1: Simplified VT1004 application with a pulse width modulated inductive load 4.0 Protection mechanism for inductive loads To protect the VT1004, the high voltage peaks have to be suppressed by offering the inductive load the possibility to keep up the current flow after switching off. Therefore additional parts are needed which are discharging the peak voltage without influencing the original function of the application circuit. It is therefore recommended to place at least a diode in parallel to the inductive load. This diode, called freewheeling diode, is placed in reverse direction to the applied voltage and will limit the voltage peak to its threshold voltage. Because of its small threshold voltage the diode has nearly no resistance where the energy can dissipated and so it behaves nearly as short-circuit. Therefore it takes time until the energy of the inductive load is completely discharged. To speed this up a resistor or a Z-diode has to be placed in series to the free-wheeling diode. In the easiest case general purpose diodes or Z-diodes can be used. For special cases suppressor diodes are recommended, which behave similar to the Z-diode but have a more rectangular characteristic especially at higher currents. 2 Application Note AN-IND-1-015 Using Inductive Loads with VT System Diodes are for DC use only and might be destroyed if the wrong polarity is applied to. For polarity independent applications bipolar suppressor diodes, voltage dependent resistors or RC-circuits have to be used. A voltage dependent resistor has also a threshold voltage and is able to absorb high energies. The dimensioning of a RC-circuit is depending on the applied voltage and current. Compared to diode and voltage dependent resistor this circuit has no threshold voltage and will damp voltage peaks immediately. Therefore the RC-circuit is very suitable for AC applications. If using Z-diodes, suppressor diodes or a voltage dependent resistor, the threshold voltage depends on the application but should not exceed the allowed input range of the VT1004 which is -32.7 V … 32.7 V. For example in case of combining a diode with a Z-diode the voltage peak will be limited to U lim. U batt . U D U Z . U batt . Applied Voltage UD Forward voltage of diode UZ Reverse voltage of Z-diode An overview over the various protection circuits is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Protection of high voltage peaks 5.0 Conclusion By switching inductive loads high voltage peaks can occur. To protect the VT1004 from these voltage peaks there are various possibilities according to the case of application. The basic protection is to use diodes to discharge the peak voltages. For DC use special care has to taken for the right polarity of the used diodes. Switching off the VT1004 internal relay for original load should be done without applied voltage when an inductive load is connected to. 6.0 Contacts Germany and all countries not named below: France, Belgium, Luxemburg: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland: Vector Informatik GmbH Ingersheimer Str. 24 Vector France SAS 168 Boulevard Camélinat VecScan AB Theres Svenssons Gata 9 3 Application Note AN-IND-1-015 Using Inductive Loads with VT System 70499 Stuttgart GERMANY Phone: +49 711-80670-0 Fax: +49 711-80670-111 E-mail: 92240 Malakoff FRANCE Phone: +33 1 42 31 40 00 Fax: +33 1 42 31 40 09 E-mail: 41755 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46 31 764 76 00 Fax: +46 31 764 76 19 E-mail: United Kingdom, Ireland: China: India: Vector GB Ltd. 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