Chapter 15 Electric Forces and Electric Fields Problem Solutions 15.1 FR Since these are like charges (both positive), the force is F6 and F3 . 15.2 Particle A exerts a force tow ard the right on particle B. By N ew ton’ s third law , particle B w ill then exert a force tow ard the left back on particle A . The ratio of the final m agnitud e of the force to the original m agnitud e of the force is F6 8.99 109 3.00 10 F3 6 8.99 109 FR 6.00 10 N m2 C2 9 C 5.00 10 0.300 m 9 C 2 so N 3.00 10 N m2 C2 F6 2 9 C 5.00 10 0.100 m F3 2 1.38 10 5 2 9 C 1.35 10 5 N N The final vector force that B exerts on A is 1.57 N directed to the left . 1 2 CH APTER 15 15.3 (a) When the balls are an equilibrium d istance apart, the tension in the string equals the m agnitud e of the repulsive electric force betw een the balls. Thus, ke q 2q F r2 8.99 109 F2 or 2.16 10 7 2.50 N r 2 q2 2.50 N 2 ke 6.00 10 N m2 C2 9 C 2.00 10 0.707 m 9 C 2 N (b) The charges ind uce opposite charges in the bulkhead s, but the ind uced charge in the bulkhead near ball B is greater, d ue to B’ s greater charge. Therefore, the system N m2 8.99 10 C2 9 F3 15.4 6.00 10 9 C 3.00 10 0.707 m (a) The tw o ions are both singly charged F ke q1 q2 r 2 q 9 C 3.24 10 2 N 1e , one positive and one negative. Thus, 8.99 109 N m2 C2 1.60 10 ke e 2 r2 7 0.50 10 9 m 2 19 C 2 9.2 10 10 N Since these are unlike charges, the force is attractive . (b) 15.5 (a) No. The electric force d epend s only on the m agnitud es of the tw o charges and the d istance betw een them . 8.99 109 N m2 C2 2.00 10 F1 0.500 m 6 C 4.00 10 6 C 2 (b) The m ass of an alpha particle is F1 0.288 N , w here u 1.66 10 m ass unit. The acceleration of either alpha particle is then a F m 36.8 N 4.002 6 1.66 10 27 kg 5.54 1027 m s 2 27 kg is the unified Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.6 The attractive force betw een the charged end s tend s to com press the m olecule. Its m agnitud e is F ke 1e 2 N m2 8.99 10 C2 9 r2 19 1.60 10 2.17 10 6 C m 2 4.89 10 2 17 N. The com pression of the “ spring” is Fy F2 sin 60.0 so the spring constant is F 15.7 0.436 N , 0.503 N sin 60.0 Fx2 Fy2 0.0365 N 2 0.436 N 2 0.438 N 1.00 g of hyd rogen contains Avogad ro’ s num ber of atom s, each containing one proton and one electron. Thus, each charge has m agnitud e Fy 0.436 N tan 1 tan 1 85.2 . The d istance separating these charges is Fx 0.0365 N 85.2 below F x-axis , w here RE is Earth’ s rad ius. Thus, ke N A e 2 RE 2 2 N m2 8.99 109 C2 6.02 1023 1.60 10 6 4 6.38 10 m 19 2 2 C 5.12 105 N 3 4 CH APTER 15 15.8 Refer to the sketch at the right. The m agnitud es of the ind ivid ual forces are: 50.0 cm x 2 q2 q1 x 2 and 50.0 cm x x 5.80 nC 3.00 nC 1.39 x The com ponents of the resultant force on charge q are Fx F1 and F3 cos 45 Fy F1 2 1.50cos 45 ke F3 sin 45 q2 a2 3.06ke 2 1.50sin 45 ke The m agnitud e of the resultant force is 50.0 cm 20.9 cm 29.1 cm to the left of the q2 a2 q2 a2 3.06ke q2 a2 5.80 nC charge. and it is d irected at Fe . 15.9 (a) The spherically sym m etric charge d istributions behave as if all charge w as located at the centers of the spheres. Therefore, the m agnitud e of the Fy 0 T cos5.0 mg force is T mg cos5.0 (b) When the spheres are connected by a cond ucting w ire, the net charge qnet q1 q2 6.0 10 9 C w ill d ivid e equally betw een the tw o id entical spheres. Thus, the force is now F or ke qnet 2 r2 ke q2 2 L sin5.0 2 2 N m2 8.99 10 C2 9 mg tan5.0 6.0 10 9 4 0.30 m C 2 2 Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.10 The forces are as show n in the sketch at the right. F1 F2 F3 ke q1q2 r122 ke q1 q3 2 13 r ke q2 q3 r232 8.99 109 N m2 C2 6.00 10 6 3.00 10-2 m N m2 C2 6.00 10 N m2 8.99 10 C2 1.50 10 8.99 109 9 The net force on the 6 C charge is F6 C 1.50 10 6 C 2.00 10 89.9 N 6 C 2 C 2.00 10 2.00 10-2 m F1 F2 C 2 5.00 10-2 m 6 6 6 C 2 46.7 N (to the left) The net force on the 1.5 C charge is F1.5 F1 F3 157 N (to the right) The net force on the F2 F3 111 N (to the left) 2 C charge is F 2 43.2 N 67.4 N 5 6 CH APTER 15 15.11 In the sketch at the right, FR is the resultant of the forces F6 and F3 that are exerted on the charge at the origin by the 6.00 nC and the –3.00 nC charges respectively. F6 3.00 10 F3 N m2 C2 8.99 109 6 15.12 FR N m2 C2 8.99 109 F6 5 1.38 10 9 C 5.00 10 0.300 m 9 C 9 C 2 N The resultant is FR or 6.00 10 2 3.00 10 9 C 5.00 10 0.100 m F3 2 1.38 10 N at 77.5 below 5 1.35 10 2 tan N at 1 F3 F6 5 N 77.5 x axis Consid er the arrangem ent of charges show n in the sketch at the right. The d istance r is r 2 0.500 m 0.500 m 2 0.707 m The forces exerted on the 6.00 nC charge are F2 N m2 8.99 10 C2 9 2.16 10 and F3 7 9 C 2.00 10 0.707 m 9 C 9 C 2 N N m2 8.99 10 C2 9 6.00 10 6.00 10 9 C 3.00 10 0.707 m 2 3.24 10 7 N Electric Forces and Electric Fields Thus, Fx F2 F3 cos45.0 and Fy F2 F3 sin 45.0 3.81 10 7 7.63 10 N 8 N The resultant force on the 6.00 nC charge is then or 15.13 2 FR Fx FR 3.89 10 2 Fy 7 3.89 10 7 tan N at 1 Fy Fx 11.3 N at 11.3 below +x axis Please see the sketch at the righ t. F1 8.99 109 N m2 C2 2.00 10 0.500 m or F2 F1 6 C 6 C 7.00 10 6 C 0.288 N 0.500 m F2 C 4.00 10 2 8.99 109 N m2 C2 2.00 10 or 6 2 0.503 N The com ponents of the resultant force acting on the 2.00 C charge are: Fx and Fy F1 F2 cos60.0 0.288 N F2 sin 60.0 0.503 N cos60.0 0.503 N sin 60.0 3.65 10 2 N 0.436 N The m agnitud e and d irection of this resultant force are F at Fx2 tan 1 Fy2 Fy Fx 0.0365 N tan 1 2 0.436 N 0.0365 N 0.436 N 2 0.438 N 85.2 or 85.2 below x-axis 7 8 CH APTER 15 15.14 If the forces exerted on the positive third charge by the tw o negative charges are to be in opposite d irections as they m ust, the third charge m ust be located on the line betw een the tw o negative charges as show n at the right. If the tw o forces are to ad d to zero, their m agnitud es m ust be equal. These m agnitud es are q q q2 q3 F1 ke 1 2 3 and F2 ke 2 x 50.0 cm x w here q1 5.80 nC . 3.00 nC and q2 50.0 cm x Equating and canceling com m on factors gives q2 2 q1 x2 or 50.0 cm x x 5.80 nC 3.00 nC 1.39 x giving 2.39 x 50.0 cm and Thus, the third charged should be located 20.9 cm to the right of the 50.0 cm 20.9 cm 29.1 cm to the left of the 15.15 x 20.9 cm 3.00 nC charge or 5.80 nC charge. Consid er the free-bod y d iagram of one of the spheres given at the right. H ere, T is the tension in the string and Fe is the repulsive electrical force exerted by the other sphere. Fy 0 T cos5.0 Fx 0 Fe mg cos5.0 mg , or T T sin5.0 mg tan5.0 At equilibrium , the d istance separating the tw o spheres is r Thus, Fe q ke q2 mg tan5.0 becom es 2 2 L sin5.0 2 L sin 5.0 2 L sin5.0 . mg tan5.0 and yield s mg tan 5.0 ke 2 0.300 m sin 5.0 0.20 10 3 kg 9.80 m s 2 tan 5.0 8.99 109 N m 2 C2 7.2 nC Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.16 In the sketch at the right, rBC tan and (a) FAC x (b) FAC y 3.00 m 4.00 m 1 2 5.00 m 36.9 0 FAC qA qC ke 2 rAC FBC 2 8.99 10 N m C y qB qC 9 r 4 C 1.00 10 x (e) FBC y (f) FR x FAC x FBC x (g) FR y FAC y FBC y FBC cos 21.6 N cos 36.9 FBC sin and 2 x C 2 6.00 10 2 4 4 FR tan 2 1 FR y FR x 2 tan 24.3 N at 44.5° above the 21.6 N 13.0 N 17.0 N 17.0 N 1 C 17.3 N 30.0 13.0 N 17.3 N y 2 4 17.3 N 21.6 N sin 36.9 0 17.3 N 30.0 N C 1.00 10 5.00 m FBC FR 2 8.99 10 N m C 2 BC (d ) or F R 3.00 10 2 3.00 m ke (h) FR 15.17 3.00 m 9 FAC (c) 2 4.00 m 17.0 N 17.3 N 2 24.3 N 44.5° x-direction In ord er for the object to “ float” in the electric field , the electric force exerted on the object by the field m ust be d irected upw ard and have a m agnitud e equal to the w eight of the object. Thus, Fe qE mg , and the m agnitud e of the electric field m ust be E mg q 3.80 g 9.80 m s2 18 10 6 C 1 kg 103 g 2.07 103 N C 9 10 CH APTER 15 The electric force on a negatively charged object is in the d irection opposite to that of the electric field . Since the electric force m ust be d irected upw ard , the electric field m ust be directed downward. 15.18 (a) Taking to the right as positive, the resultant electric field at point P is given by ER E1 E3 ke q1 2 1 E2 ke q3 r This gives ER (b) F qER or F r22 r 8.99 109 or ER k e q2 2 3 N m2 C2 6.00 10 6 0.020 0 m C 2 2.00 10 6 0.030 0 m 2.00 107 N C 2.00 107 N C to the right 2.00 10 6 C 2.00 107 N C 40.0 N to the left 40.0 N C 2 1.50 10 6 0.010 0 m C 2 Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.19 11 We shall treat the concentrations as point charges. Then, the resultant field consists of tw o contributions, one d ue to each concentration. The contribution d ue to the positive ch arge at 3 000 m altitud e is E ke q r N m2 C2 8.99 109 2 40.0 C 1000 m 3.60 105 N C 2 downward The contribution d ue to the negative charge at 1 000 m altitud e is E ke q r N m2 C2 8.99 109 2 40.0 C 1000 m 3.60 105 N C 2 downward The resultant field is then E E 15.20 (a) The m agnitud e of the force on the electron is F a (b) v v0 15.21 7.20 105 N C downward E F me at 1.60 10 eE me 19 C 300 N C 9.11 10 31 5.27 1013 m s2 kg 5.27 1013 m s2 1.00 10 0 q E eE , and the acceleration is 8 s 5.27 105 m s N ote that at the point m id w ay betw een the tw o charges ( x 2.00 m, y 0 ), the field contribution E1 (d ue to the negative charge at the origin) and the contribution E 2 (d ue to the positive charge at x 4.00 m ) are both in the negative x-d irection. The m agnitud e of the resultant field at this poin t is therefore Enet E1 Thus, Enet E2 ke q1 2 1 r q2 r22 8.99 109 N m2 C2 27.0 N C in the negative x-direction . 5.00 10 2.00 m 9 C 2 7.00 10 2.00 m 9 C 2 27.0 N C 12 CH APTER 15 15.22 The force an electric field exerts on a positive change is in the d irection of the field . Since this force m ust serve as a retard ing force and bring the proton to rest, th e force and hence the field m ust be in the direction opposite to the proton 's velocity . The w ork-energy theorem , Wnet qE 15.23 1.60 10 or 19 a F m qE mp (b) t v a 1.20 106 m s 6.12 1010 m s 2 (a) (c) x v 2f v02 2a 1 m p v 2f 2 (d ) KE f 15.24 x 0 KEi KEi , gives the m agnitud e of the field as KE f KEi q x E C 640 N C -27 1.673 10 kg 1.96 10 1.20 106 m s 2 5 0 2 6.12 1010 m s 2 1 1.673 10 2 27 s 3.25 10 -19 1.60 10 15 J 1.63 104 N C C 1.25 m 6.12 1010 m s2 19.6 s 11.8 m kg 1.20 106 m s 2 1.20 10 15 J (a) Please refer to the solution of Problem 15.13 earlier in this chapter. There it is show n that the resultant electric force experienced by the 2.00 C located at the origin is F 0.438 N at 85.2° below the x-axis . Since the electric field at a location is d efined as the force per unit charge experienced by a test charge placed in that location, the electric field at the origin in the charge configuration of Figure P15.13 is E F q0 0.438 N at 2.00 10-6 C 85.2° 2.19 105 N C at 85.2° below x-axis (b) The electric force experienced by the charge at the origin is d irectly proportional to the m agnitud e of that charge. Thus, d oubling the m agnitud e of this charge w ould double the magnitude of the electric force. H ow ever, the electric field is the force per unit charge and the field would be unchanged if the charge was doubled. This is easily seen in the calculation of part (a) above. Doubling the m agnitud e of the charge at the origin w ould d ouble both the num erator and the d enom inator of the ratio F q0 , but the value of the ratio (i.e., the electric field ) w ould be unchanged . Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.25 13 The alpha particle (w ith a charge 2e and m ass of 6.63 10 27 kg ) w ill experience a constant electric force in the y-direction (the d irection of the electric field ) once it enters the tube. This force gives the alpha particle a constant acceleration w ith com ponents ax 0 and qEy Fe m ay 3.20 10 m 19 C 4.50 10 6.64 10 27 4 NC 2.17 104 m s2 kg The particle w ill strike the tube w all w hen its vertical d isplacem ent is y 0.500 cm , 0 , the elapsed tim e w hen this occurs is 2 and from y v0 y t ayt 2 w ith v0 y 2 t 2 y 0.500 10 4 2 m 2.17 10 m s 2 ay 6.79 10 4 s During this tim e, the d istance the alpha particle travels parallel to the axis of the tube is 1 2 ax t 2 x v0 x t 15.26 1 250 m s 6.79 10 4 s 0 0.849 m If the resultant field is to be zero, the contributions of the tw o charges m ust be equal in m agnitud e and m ust have opposite d irections. This is only possible at a point on the line betw een the tw o negative charges. Assum e the point of interest is located on the y-axis at 4.0 m y 6.0 m . Then, for equal m agnitud es, 0 or E Solving for y gives Qinside 0 E 4 4 8.85 10 EA E 4 r 2 0 Er 2 12 spherically symmetric C2 N m2 575 N C 0.230 m 2 3.38 10 9 C 3.38 nC , or 14 CH APTER 15 15.27 If the resultant field is zero, the contributions from the tw o charges m ust be in opposite d irections and also have equal m agnitud es. Choose the line connecting the charges as the x-axis, w ith the origin at the –2.5 C charge. Then, the tw o contributions w ill have opposite d irections only in the regions net positive charge and . For the m agnitud es to be equal, the point m ust be nearer the sm aller charge. Thus, the point of zero resultant field is on the x-axis at x 0 . 0 Requiring equal m agnitud es gives 2.5 C d2 E Qnet Q 2Q 0 0 Q 6.0 C 2 1.0 m d Thus, E Qnet 0 Q Q 0 0 Solving for d yield s d 1.8 m , 15.28 or 1.8 m to the left of the 2.5 C charge The altitud e of the triangle is h 0.500 m sin60.0 0.433 m and the m agnitud es of the field s d ue to each of the charges are E1 ke q1 h2 8.99 109 N m 2 C2 3.00 10 0.433 m 9 C 2 144 N C E and EA E3 1.80 104 N C 5.50 m 2.00 m 1.98 105 N m2 C ke q3 8.99 109 N m2 C2 5.00 10 9 C r32 0.250 m 2 719 N C 0 or Electric Forces and Electric Fields Thus, r a and Ey E1 144 N C giving ER Ex 2 2 Ey 1.88 103 N C and 1 tan Ex tan 1 0.0769 4.40 ER 1.88 103 N C at 4.40° below the +x axis H ence 15.29 Ey From the sym m etry of the charge d istribution, stud ents should recognize that the resultant electric field at the center is ER 0 If one d oes not recognize this intuitively, consid er: E1 E2 E3 , so ER r a and Ey Thus, 15.30 E1 y ER E2 y Ex2 E y2 E3 ke q r 2 ke q sin 30 r 2 sin 30 ke q r2 0 0 The m agnitud e of q2 is three tim es the m agnitud e of q1 because 3 tim es as m any lines em erge from q2 as enter q1 . (a) Then, (b) q2 q1 q2 q2 3 q1 13 0 because lines em erge from it, and E 8.99 109 N m2 C2 1.50 m 2.00 10 2 9 C because lines term inate on it. 15 16 CH APTER 15 15.31 N ote in the sketches at the right that electric field lines originate on positive charges and term inate on negative charges. The d ensity of lines is tw ice as great for the 2q charge in (b) as it is for the 1q charge in (a). 15.32 Rough sketches for these charge configurations are show n below . 15.33 (a) The sketch for (a) is show n at the right. N ote that four tim es as m any lines should leave q1 as em erge from q2 although, for clarity, this is not show n in this sketch. (b) The field pattern looks the sam e here as that show n for (a) w ith the exception that the arrow s are reversed on the field lines. 15.34 (a) In the sketch for (a) at the right, note that there are no lines insid e the sphere. On the outsid e of the sphere, the field lines are uniform ly spaced and rad ially outw ard . Electric Forces and Electric Fields 17 (b) In the sketch for (b) above, note that the lines are perpend icular to the surface at the points w here they em erge. They should also be sym m etrical about the sym m etry axes of the cube. The field is zero insid e the cube. 15.35 (a) r 2.50 m b net charge on each surface of the sphere. Qinside 4 0 r2 (b) The negative charge low ered into the sphere repels E and leaves ke Qinside surface, r2 5 C on the inside surface of the sphere. (c) The negative charge low ered insid e the sphere neutralizes the inner surface, leaving zero charge on the inside . This leaves 5 C on the outside surface of the sphere. (d ) When the object is rem oved , the sphere is left w ith and 15.36 E 5.00 C on the outside surface 0. (a) The d om e is a closed cond ucting surface. Therefore, the electric field is Qinside Qinner Qcenter 0 everyw here insid e it. surface At the surface and outsid e of this spherically sym m etric charge d istribution, the field is as if all the charge w ere concentrated at the center of the sphere. (b) At the surface, E ke q R2 8.99 109 N m2 C2 2.0 10 1.0 m (c) Outsid e the spherical d om e, E E 4.0 m 15.37 C 2 ke q . Thus, at r r2 8.99 109 N m2 C2 2.0 10 2 4 4 C 1.8 106 N C 4.0 m , 1.1 105 N C For a uniform ly charged sphere, the field is strongest at the surface. Thus, sheet or sheet 2 , 18 CH APTER 15 15.38 If the w eight of the d rop is balanced by the electric force, then z 0 or the m ass of the d rop m ust be Ez 2 Fe 0 2 ma 0 and the rad ius of the d rop is 0 z 2.00 cm 2 Ez (a) 2 2 But, E z 15.39 0 0 0 2 1.67 10 0 27 kg 1.52 1012 m s2 2.54 10 15 N in the d irection of the acceleration, or rad ially outw ard . (b) The d irection of the field is the d irection of the force on a positive charge (such as the proton). Thus, the field is d irected z 2.00 cm The m agnitud e of the field is E 15.40 Fe q 2.54 10 1.60 10 19 N C 1.59 104 N C 2 The flux through an area is E z , w here is the angle betw een the 2 0 0 d irection of the field E and the line perpend icular to the area A . (a) z 0 (b) In this case, Ez 15.41 15 Ez ,lower Ez ,upper 2 The area of the rectangular plane is Ez 0 0 Ez ,lower 2 Ez ,upper and 0 z 2.00 cm 0 2 0 0 3 2 (a) When the plane is parallel to the yz plane, z 2.00 cm , and the flux is Ez Ez ,lower Ez ,upper 2 0 0 2 0 . 0 Electric Forces and Electric Fields 19 (b) When the plane is parallel to the x-axis, 35.0 mC and Fe (c) 15.42 Q2 ke 2 r 9 2 8.99 10 N m C 35.0 10 2 3 C 3.10 102 m 2 2 115 N 115 N (a) Gauss’ s law states that the electric flux through any closed surface equals the net charge enclosed d ivid ed by 0 . We choose to consid er a closed surface in the form of a sphere, centered on the center of the charged sphere and having a rad ius infinitesim ally larger than that of the charged sphere. The electric field then has a uniform m agnitud e and is perpend icular to our surface at all points on that surface. The flux through the chosen closed surface is therefore E EA E 4 r 2 , and Gauss’ s law gives Qinside 0 E 4 4 0 8.85 10 Er 2 12 C2 N m2 575 N C 0.230 m 2 3.38 10 9 C 3.38 nC (b) Since the electric field d isplays spherical sym m etry, you can conclud e that the charge d istribution generating that field is spherically symmetric . Also, since the electric field lines are d irected outw ard aw ay from the sphere, the sphere m ust contain a net positive charge . 15.43 From Gauss’ s law , the electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the net charge enclosed d ivid ed by 0 . Thus, the flux through each surface (w ith a positive flux com ing outw ard from the enclosed interior and a negative flux going inw ard tow ard that interior) is 15.44 For S1 : E Qnet 0 Q 2Q For S 2 : E Qnet 0 Q Q For S 3 : E Qnet 0 2Q Q Q For S 4 : E Qnet 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 2Q 0 0 The electric field has constant m agnitud e and is everyw here perp end icular to the bottom of the car. Thus, the electric flux through the bottom of the car is E EA 1.80 104 N C 5.50 m 2.00 m 1.98 105 N m2 C 20 CH APTER 15 15.45 We choose a spherical Gaussian surface, concentric w ith the charged spherical shell and of rad ius r. Then, EA cos E 4 r 2 cos0 4 r 2 E . (a) For r a (that is, outsid e the shell), the total charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface is Q q q 0 . Thus, Gauss’ s law gives 4 r 2 E 0, or E 0 . (b) Insid e the shell, r a , and the enclosed charge is Q Therefore, from Gauss’ s law , 4 r 2 E q , or E 0 The field for r 15.46 a is E q. q 4 0 r 2 ke q r2 ke q directed radially outward . r2 (a) The surface of the cube is a closed surface w hich surround s a total charge of Q 1.70 102 C . Thus, by Gauss’ s law , the electric flux through the w hole surface of the cube is Qinside E 0 1.70 10 4 C 8.85 10-12 C2 N m 2 1.92 107 N m 2 C (b) Since the charge is located at the center of the cube, the six faces of the cube are sym m etrically positioned around the location of the charge. Thus, one -sixth of the flux passes through each of the faces, or E face 6 1.92 107 N m 2 C 6 3.20 106 N m 2 C (c) The answ er to part (b) w ould change because the charge could now be at d ifferent d istances from each face of the cube, but the answ er to part (a) w ould be unchanged because the flux through the entire closed surface d epend s only on the total charge insid e the surface. 15.47 N ote that w ith the point charge 2.00 nC positioned at the center of the spherical shell, w e have com plete spherical sym m etry in this situation. Thus, w e can expect the d istribution of charge on the shell, as w ell as the electric field s both insid e and outsid e of the shell, to also be spherically sym m etric. Electric Forces and Electric Fields 21 (a) We choose a spherical Gaussian surface, centered on the center of the cond ucting shell, w ith rad ius r 1.50 m a as show n at the right. Gauss’ s law gives E EA Qinside E 4 r2 or E 0 so E Qinside 4 0 r2 8.99 109 N m2 C2 1.50 m and E 7.99 N C ke Qcenter r2 2.00 10 9 C 2 The negative sign m eans that the field is radial inward . (b) All points at r 2.20 m are in the range a r b , and hence are located w ithin the cond ucting m aterial m aking up the shell. Und er cond itions of electrostatic equilibrium , the field is E 0 at all points insid e a cond ucting m aterial. (c) If the rad ius of our Gaussian surface is r 2.50 m b , Gauss’ s law (w ith total Qinside ke Qinside spherical sym m etry) lead s to E just as in part (a). H ow ever, 2 4 0r r2 now Qinside Qshell Qcenter 3.00 nC 2.00 nC 1.00 nC . Thus, w e have E 8.99 109 N m2 C2 2.50 m 1.00 10 9 C 2 1.44 N C w ith the positive sign telling us that the field is radial outward at this location. (d ) Und er cond itions of electrostatic equilibrium , all excess charge on a cond uctor resid es entirely on its surface. Thus, the sum of the charge on the inner surface of the shell and that on the outer surface of the shell is Qshell 3.00 nC . To see how m uch of this is on the inner surface, consid er our Gaussian surface to have a rad ius r that is infinitesim ally larger than a. Then, all points on the Gaussian surface lie w ithin the cond ucting m aterial, m eaning that E 0 at all points and the total flux through the surface is E 0 . Gauss’ s law then states that Qinside Qinner Qcenter 0 , or surface Qinner Qcenter 2.00 nC 2.00 nC surface The charge on the outer surface m ust be Qouter Qshell Qinner 3.00 nC 2.00 nC surface surface 1.00 nC 22 CH APTER 15 15.48 Please review Exam ple 15.8 in your textbook. There it is show n that the electric field d ue to a noncond ucting plane sheet of charge parallel to the xy-plane has a constant m agnitud e given by Ez sheet 2 0 , w here sheet is the uniform charge per unit area on the sheet. This field is everyw here perpend icular to the xy-plane, is d irected aw ay from the sheet if it has a positive charge d ensity, and is d irected tow ard the sheet if it has a negative charge d ensity. In this problem , w e have tw o plane sheets of charge, both parallel to the xy-plane and separated by a d istance of 2.00 cm . The upper sheet has charge d ensity sheet 2 , w hile the low er sheet has sheet . Taking upw ard as the positive z-d irection, the field s d ue to each of the sheets in the three regions of interest are: Low er sheet (at z =0) Upper sheet (at z =2.00 cm) Electric Field Electric Field Region z 0 0 z 2.00 cm z 2.00 cm Ez 2 Ez 2 Ez 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 Ez 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Ez 2 0 2 Ez 2 0 When both plane sheets of charge are present, the resultant electric field in each region is the vector sum of the field s d ue to the ind ivid ual sheets for that region. (a) For z 0 : (b) For 0 z 2.00 cm : (c) For z 2.00 cm : Ez Ez Ez Ez ,lower Ez ,lower Ez ,lower Ez ,upper Ez ,upper Ez ,upper 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 2 Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.49 23 The rad ius of each sphere is sm all in com parison to the d istance to the nearest neighboring charge (the other sphere). Thus, w e shall assum e tha t the charge is uniform ly d istributed over the surface of each sphere and , in its interaction w ith the other charge, treat it as though it w ere a point charge. In this m od el, w e then have tw o id entical point charges, of m agnitud e 35.0 mC , separated by a total d istance of 310 m (the length of the cord plus the rad ius of each sphere). Each of these charges repels the other w ith a force of m agnitud e Fe Q2 ke 2 r 9 2 8.99 10 N m C 35.0 10 2 3 C 3.10 102 m 2 2 115 N Thus, to counterbalance this repulsion and hold each sphere in equilibrium , the cord m ust have a tension of 115 N so it w ill exert a 115 N on that sphere, d irected tow ard the other sphere. 15.50 (a) As show n in Exam ple 15.8 in the textbook, the electric field d ue to a noncond ucting plane sheet of charge has a constant m agnitud e of E is the 2 0 , w here uniform charge per unit area on the sheet. The d irection of the field at all locations is perpend icular to the plane sheet and d irected aw ay from t he sheet if is 2 positive, and tow ard the sheet if is negative. Thus, if 5.20 C m , the m agnitud e of the electric field at all d istances greater than zero from the plane (includ ing the d istance of 8.70 cm ) is E 5.20 10 2 0 2 8.85 10 12 6 C m2 2 C N m 2 2.94 105 N C (b) The field d oes not vary w ith d istance as long as the d istance is sm all com pared w ith the d im ensions of the plate. 24 CH APTER 15 15.51 The three contributions to the resultant electric field at the point of interest are show n in the sketch at the right. The m agnitud e of the resultant field is ER ER 15.52 E1 E2 ke q1 E3 ke q3 ke q2 2 1 2 2 r ke 2 3 r r N m2 C2 ER 8.99 109 ER 24 N C , or ER q1 q2 q3 2 1 2 2 r32 r 4.0 10 2.5 m 9 C 2 r 5.0 10 9 2.0 m C 3.0 10 2 1.2 m 9 C 2 24 N C in the +x direction Consid er the free-bod y d iagram show n at the right. Since Fe Fy 0 T cos Fx 0 Fe T sin mg cos mg tan qE , w e have qE mg tan , or q q mg or T mg tan E 2.00 10 3 kg 9.80 m s 2 tan15.0 1.00 103 N C 5.25 10 6 C 5.25 C Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.53 (a) At a point on the x-axis, the contributions by the tw o charges to the resultant field have equal m agnitud es ke q given by E1 E2 . r2 The com ponents of the resultant field are Ey E1 y and Since ER ke q sin r2 E2 y Ex cos r2 E1x br r2 ke 2q b a2 b2 ke q cos r2 E2 x b r3 32 ke q sin r2 b a 2 b2 32 0 ke q cos r2 ke 2q r2 , the resultant field is in the +x direction cos 25 26 CH APTER 15 (b) N ote that the result of part (a) m ay be w ritten as ER ke Q b a 2 b 2 32 w here Q 2q is the total charge in the charge d istribution generating t he field . In the case of a uniform ly charged circular ring, consid er the ring to consist of a very large num ber of pairs of charges uniform ly spaced around the ring. Each pair consists of tw o id entical charges located d iam etrically opposite each other on the ring. The total charge of pair num ber i is Qi . At a point on the axis of the ring, this pair of charges generates an electric field contribution that is parallel to the axis and kebQi has m agnitud e Ei . 32 2 a b2 The resultant electric field of the ring is the sum m ation of the contributions by all pairs of charges, or ER ke b Ei a w here Q ER 15.54 2 b kebQ Qi 2 32 a 2 b2 32 Qi is the total charge on the ring. keQb a2 b2 32 in the +x direction It is d esired that the electric field exert a retard ing force on the electrons, slow ing them d ow n and bringing them to rest. For the retard ing force to have m axim um effect, it should be anti-parallel to the d irection of the electrons m otion. Since the force an electric field exerts on negatively charged particles (such as electrons) is in the d irection opposite to the field , the electric field should be in the direction of the electron’s motion. The w ork a retard ing force of m agnitud e Fe m ove d istance d is W then gives eEd KE f Fe d cos180 KEi Fe d q E eE d oes on the electrons as they eEd . The w ork-energy theorem W 0 K and the m agnitud e of the electric field required to stop the electrons in d istance d is E K ed or E K ed KE Electric Forces and Electric Fields 15.55 27 (a) Without the electric field present, the ball com es to equilibrium w hen the upw ard force exerted on the ball by the spring equals the d ow nw ard gravitational force acting on it, or w hen kx mg . The d istance the ball stretches the spring before reaching the equilibrium position in this case is x 4.00 kg 9.80 m s2 mg k 845 N m 4.64 10 2 m 4.64 cm (b) With the electric field present, the positively charged ball experiences an upw ard electric force in ad d ition to the upw ard spring force and d ow nw ard gravitational force. When the ball com es to equilibrium , w ith the spring stretched a d istance x , the total upw ard force equals the m agnitud e of the d ow nw ard force, or qE kx mg . The d istance betw een the un stretched position and the new equilibrium position of the ball is x 15.56 4.00 kg 9.80 m s2 mg qE k 0.050 0 C 355 N C 845 N m 2.54 10 2 m 2.54 cm (a) The d ow nw ard electrical force acting on the ball is Fe qE 2.00 10 6 C 1.00 105 N C 0.200 N The total d ow nw ard force acting on the ball is then F Fe mg 0.200 N+ 1.00 10-3 kg 9.80 m s 2 0.210 N Thus, the ball w ill behave as if it w as in a m od ified gravitational field w here the effective free-fall acceleration is F m "g" 0.210 N 1.00 10-3 kg 210 m s 2 The period of the pend ulum w ill be T 2 L "g" 2 0.500 m 210 m s 2 0.307 s 28 CH APTER 15 (b) Yes . The force of gravity is a significant portion of the total d ow nw ard force acting on the ball. Without gravity, the effective acceleration w ould be Fe m "g" giving T 0.200 N 1.00 10-3 kg 0.500 m 200 m s 2 2 200 m s 2 0.314 s a 2.28% d ifference from the correct value w ith gravity includ ed . 15.57 The sketch at the right gives a free-bod y d iagram of the positively charged sphere. H ere, F1 ke q 2 r 2 is the attractive force exerted by the negatively charged sphere and F2 is exerted by the electric field . Fy Fx 0 0 T cos10 F2 mg cos10 mg or T F1 +T sin10 qE ke q or qE r2 2 mg tan10 At equilibrium , the d istance betw een the tw o spheres is r E ke q 4 L sin10 2 mg tan10 q 8.99 109 N m 2 C2 5.0 10 4 0.100 m sin10 8 C 2.0 10 2 or the need ed electric field strength is 15.58 2 L sin10 . Thus, 3 kg 9.80 m s 2 tan10 5.0 10 E 8 C 4.4 105 N C (a) At any point on the x-axis in the range 0 x 1.00 m , the contributions m ad e to the resultant electric field by the tw o charges are both in the positive x d irection. Thus, it is not possible for these contributions to cancel each other and yield a zero field . Electric Forces and Electric Fields 29 (b) Any point on the x-axis in the range x 0 is located closer to the larger m agnitud e charge q 5.00 C than the sm aller m agnitud e charge q 4.00 C . Thus, the contribution to the resultant electric field by the larger charge w ill alw ays have a greater m agnitud e than the contribution m ad e by the sm aller charge. It is not possible for these contributions to cancel to give a zero resultant field . (c) If a point is on the x-axis in the region x 1.00 m , the contributions m ad e by the tw o charges are in opposite d irections. Also, a point in this region is closer to the sm aller m agnitud e charge than it is to the larger charge. Thus, th ere is a location in this region w here the contributions of these charges to the total field w ill have equal m agnitud es and cancel each other. (d ) When the contributions by the tw o charges cancel each other, their m agnitud es m ust be equal. That is, ke 5.00 C x ke 2 4.00 C x 1.00 m 2 x Thus, the resultant field is zero at 15.59 4 x 5 or x 1.00 m 1.00 m 1 45 9.47 m We assum e that the tw o spheres have equal charges, so the repulsive force that one exerts on the other has m agnitud e Fe ke q2 r 2 . From Figure P15.59 in the textbook, observe that the d istance separating the tw o spheres is r 3.0 cm 2 5.0 cm sin10 4.7 cm 0.047 m From the free-bod y d iagram of one sphere given above, observe that and Fy 0 T cos10 Fx 0 Fe mg or T T sin10 mg cos10 mg cos10° sin10 mg tan10 30 CH APTER 15 Thus, ke q2 r 2 or mg tan10 q giving q 8.0 10 15.60 2 0.015 kg 9.8 m s 2 0.047 m tan10 mgr 2 tan10 ke 8 8.99 109 N m2 C2 C or q ~ 10 7 C The charges on the spheres w ill be equal in m agnitud e and opposite in sign. From F ke q2 r 2 , this charge m ust be F r2 ke q 1.00 104 N 1.00 m 2 8.99 109 N m2 C2 1.05 10 3 C The num ber of electrons transferred is n q e 1.05 10 3 C 1.60 10 19 C 6.59 1015 The total num ber of electrons in 100-g of silver is N 47 electrons atom 6.02 1023 atoms mole 1 mole 100 g 107.87 g 2.62 1025 Thus, the fraction transferred is n N 15.61 6.59 1015 2.62 1025 2.51 10 10 (that is, 2.51 out of every 10 billion). Because of the spherical sym m etry of the charge d istribution, any electric field present w ill be rad ial in d irection. If a field d oes exist at d istance R from the center, it is the sam e as if the net charge located w ithin r R w ere concentrated as a point charge at the center of the inner sphere. Charge located at r R d oes not contribute to the field at r R . (a) At r 1.00 cm , E 0 since static electric field s cannot exist w ithin cond ucting m aterials. Electric Forces and Electric Fields (b) The net charge located at r 3.00 cm is Q 8.00 C . Thus, at r 3.00 cm , E ke Q r2 8.99 109 N m 2 C 2 8.00 10 3.00 10 (c) At r 4.50 cm , E 2 m 6 C 2 7.99 107 N C outward 0 since this is located w ithin cond ucting m aterials. (d ) The net charge located at r 7.00 cm is Q 4.00 C . Thus, at r 7.00 cm, E ke Q r2 8.99 109 N m 2 C 2 4.00 10 7.00 10 2 m 2 6 C 7.34 106 N C outward 31 32 CH APTER 15 15.62 Consid er the free-bod y d iagram of the rightm ost charge given below . and But, 0 T cos Fx 0 Fe =T sin ke q 2 r12 Fe Thus, If Fy 15.63 ke q 2 r22 5ke q 2 4 L2 sin 2 or T mg cos ke q 2 mg tan sin mg tan ke q 2 2 L sin mg cos or q 2 2L sin 5ke q 2 4L2 sin 2 4L2 mg sin 2 tan 5ke 45 , m 0.10 kg, and L 0.300 m then 4 0.300 m q or mg 2 0.10 kg 9.80 m s 2 sin 2 45 tan 45 5 8.99 109 N m 2 C2 q 2.0 10 6 C 2.0 C (a) When an electron (negative charge) m oves d istance electric field , the w ork d one on it is W Fe x cos eE x cos180 From the w ork-energy theorem Wnet eE x KEi , or E KEi e x eE KE f x KEi w ith KE f 1.60 10 1.60 10 19 x in the d irection of an 17 J C 0.100 m 0 , w e have 1.00 103 N C Electric Forces and Electric Fields 33 (b) The m agnitud e of the retard ing force acting on the electron is Fe eE , and N ew ton’ s second law gives the acceleration as a Fe m eE m . Thus, the tim e required to bring the electron to rest is t v v0 a 0 2 KEi m 2m KEi eE m eE or 2 9.11 10 t 1.60 10 19 31 kg 1.60 10 17 J 3.37 10 3 C 1.00 10 N C 8 s 33.7 ns (c) After bringing the electron to rest, the electric force continues to act on it causing the electron to accelerate in the direction opposite to the field at a rate of a 15.64 eE m 1.60 10 19 C 1.00 103 N C 9.11 10-31 kg 1.76 1014 m s2 (a) The acceleration of the protons is d ow nw ard (in the d irection of the field ) and ay Fe m 1.60 10 eE m 19 C 720 N C 1.67 10 27 kg 6.90 1010 m s2 The tim e of flight for the proton is tw ice the tim e required to reach the peak of the arc, or t 2t peak 2 v0 y 2v0 sin ay ay The horizontal d istance traveled in this tim e is R v0 x t v0 cos 2v0 sin v02 sin 2 ay ay 34 CH APTER 15 Thus, if R 1.27 10 3 m , w e m ust have 6.90 1010 m s 2 1.27 10 ay R sin 2 2 0 v giving 2 9 550 m s 73.9 or 2 180 73.9 3 m 0.961 2 106.1° . H ence, 37.0 or 53.0° (b) The tim e of flight for each possible angle of projection is: For 37.0 : t 2v0 sin 2 9 550 m s sin37.0 ay 6.90 1010 m s2 For 53.0 : t 2v0 sin 2 9 550 m s sin53.0 ay 10 6.90 10 ms 2 1.66 10 7 s 2.21 10 7 s