A Comparative Analysis of FLC and ANFIS Controller for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive Erdal Kılıç Hasan Rıza Özçalık Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Kahramanmaras, Turkey ekilic@ksu.edu.tr Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Kahramanmaras, Turkey ozcalik@yahoo.com Şaban Yılmaz Sami Şit Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Kahramanmaras, Turkey sabanyilmaz1@hotmail.com Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Kahramanmaras, Turkey samisit@hotmail.com Abstract— This paper presents an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based speed control for indirect field oriented controlled induction motor drive. The obtaining of maximum torque and efficiency in the motor necessitates a successful nonlinear speed control method due to the non-linear structure of the system. In this work, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and ANFIS controller has been developed for speed control of induction motors. Parameters of ANFIS are tuned with on-line direct self-tuning method. The performance of proposed controllers has been examined in different working conditions. Simulation studies shows robustness and suitability of drive for high performance drive applications. by the vector control system [8-10]. The vector control method uses the dynamic mathematical model of induction motor and allows independent control of flux and torque. With this method induction motor can be controlled like a separately excited dc machine [11-13]. The field oriented control which is the first vector control method of induction motor drive is widely used in high performance drive system [14-16]. The controller used in high performance control structure is required to be resistant to parameter changes and disturbance input. It is very difficult to resolve these problems with the conventional fixed-parameter controllers. Therefore, studies in recent years have shifted to the robust and non-linear controller design [5-7, 17]. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have gained a wide attention in control applications. It is the ability of the artificial neural networks to model nonlinear systems that can be the most readily exploited in the synthesis of non-linear controllers. The learning and adapting capability of neural networks makes them ideal for control purposes. An ANN can be successfully applied even if the motor which is to be controlled and the load parameters are unknown [18-20]. Fuzzy logic has been successfully used in numerous fields such as control systems engineering, power engineering, industrial automation and optimization. FLC has proven effective for complex, non-linear and imprecisely defined processes for which standard model based control techniques are impractical or impossible [21-23]. Fuzzy systems and neural networks are both very popular techniques that have seen increasing interest in recent years. ANFIS, developed in the early 90s by Jang, combines the concepts of fuzzy logic and neural networks to form a hybrid intelligent system that enhances the ability to automatically learn and adapt [24-26]. Keywords— adaptive neuro-fuzzy control; fuzzy logic control; vector control; induction motor, self-tuning. I. INTRODUCTION Induction motors have been used as the workhorse of industrial and residential motor applications because of the low maintenance, high robustness, simple construction and high efficiency. For general purpose applications, induction motors have mainly been deployed in constant-speed motor drives. However, in recent years the induction motor drives have been able to be used in variable speed applications with the rapid development of electronic devices and converter technology. Many researchers have focused on developing algorithms for effective control of high performance induction motor drives. In recent studies, the benefits of using intelligence-based methods have been clearly demonstrated to increase the performance of induction motor drives [1-7]. For electrical drives high dynamic performance is mandatory so as to respond to the changes in command speed and torques. These requirements of ac drives can be fulfilled 978-1-4763-7239-8/15/$31.00 ' 2015 IEEE 102 Rotor flux position is given by: In this study, the efficient control algorithm has been developed in order to induction motor speed control using FLC and ANFIS. The control algorithm for induction motor drive has been implemented by using MATLAB software. The indirect field oriented control technique which is the widespread used in high performance induction motor drives has been preferred. The performance of the induction motor drive has been analyzed for variable speed and sudden load. θ s = ∫ ωs .dt Because of the multiplication terms of state variables, the induction motor model is the nonlinear state equations. The state variables are isd, isq, ψrd, ψrq and ωr. II. DYNAMIC MODEL OF INDUCTION MOTOR III. CONTROLLER DESIGN A dynamic model of the induction motor to be controlled must be known in order to understand, analyze and design vector controlled drives. It has been found that the dynamic model equations developed on a rotating reference frame is easier to describe the characteristics of induction motors. Differential equations in synchronously rotating d-q reference frame model can be arranged as follows in order to induction motor [27-30]. disd 1 = dt σ Ls ⎡ ⎤ Lm Rr Lm ⎢ − RE isd + σ Lsωsisq + 2 ψ rd + ωr ψ rq + Vsd ⎥ L L r r ⎣ ⎦ ⎤ Lm Lm Rr 1 ⎡ ψ rq + Vsq ⎥ ⎢ − RE isq − σ Lsωsisd − ωr ψ rd + dt σ Ls ⎣ Lr L 2r ⎦ dψ rd Rr Lm Rr = isd − ψ rd + (ωs − ωr )ψ rq dt Lr Lr disq = dψ rq (2) Fig. 1. Structure of fuzzy logic controller (3) (4) dωr 3 pLm B T = (isqψ rd − ψ rq isd ) − ωr − L dt 2 JLr J J (5) Rr Lm 2 L2r and σ =1− Lm 2 Ls Lr 2 A. Fuzzy Logic Controller Fuzzy systems are very useful in situations involving highly complex systems. A fuzzy logic controller has four main components as shown in Fig. 1, fuzzification, inference engine, rule base and defuzzification [31-32]. (1) RL R = r m isq − r ψ rq − (ωs − ωr )ψ rd dt Lr Lr RE = Rs + (10) Input and output variables are constituted by using 7 membership functions. They are NB (Negative Big), NM (Negative Medium), NS (Negative Small), Z (Zero), PS (Positive Small), PM (Positive Medium) and PB (Positive Big). Membership functions are selected as Gaussian shape as shown in Fig. 2. (6) where ωs and ωr are respectively, electrical synchronous stator and rotor speed, Vsd , Vsq, isd , isq , ψrd and ψrq are stator voltages, stator currents and rotor fluxes d-q components reference frame; Rs and Rr are stator and rotor resistances, Ls and Lr are stator and rotor main inductances, Lm is mutual inductance between stator and rotor, p is number of motor poles, J is system inertia, B is viscous friction coefficient, TL is load torque, RE is equivalent resistance, σ is leakage coefficient. The electromagnetic torque and electrical rotor speed that linked to shaft motor speed as given by: Fig. 2. Membership function for inputs and outputs variables. 3 pLm Te = (isqψ rd − ψ rqisd ) 2 Lr (7) ωr = p.Ω (8) The inputs of the FLC are the error signal (e) and the change of error (∆e). Input (e) is the error between the desired current id* (or iq* ) value and the actual plant current id (or iq). The motor slip frequency can be calculated from the reference values of the stator current components as follow: ωsl = ωs − ωr = * Lr isq Rr isd* (9) 103 e = id* , q − id , q (11) Δe = e(k ) − e(k − 1) (12) In FLC, a rule base is constructed to control the output variable. The fuzzy rules are given in Table 1. TABLE I. Output e Oi1 = μ Ai ( x) = FUZZY RULES 1 ⎡ x − ci ⎤ 1+ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ai ⎦ bi i=1,2,3 (15) i=1,2,3 (16) ∆e NB NB NB NM NB NS NB Z NB PS NM PM NS PB Z NM NB NB NB NM NS Z PS NS NB NB NM NS Z PS PM Z NB NM NS Z PS PM PB PS NM NS Z PS PM PB PB PM NS Z PS PM PB PB PB PB Z PS PM PB PB PB PB Oi1+ 2 = μ Bi ( y ) = 1 ⎡ y − ci + 2 ⎤ 1+ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ai + 2 ⎦ bi + 2 where, {ai, bi, ci} is the parameter set and A is the linguistic term. Bell-shaped membership function is selected for each node. Layer 2: This layer is rule inference layer. Every node in this layer is a fixed node labeled as ∏ which multiplies the incoming signals and sends the product out. Each node output corresponds to the firing strength of a fuzzy rule. B. Anfis Controller ANFIS, proposed by J.S.R. Jang [26, 33], is an intelligent technique and is proved to be efficient in problems like classification, modeling, and control of complex systems. ANFIS are realized by an appropriate combination of neural and fuzzy systems. The premise parameters and consequent parameters are tuned using back-propagation algorithm. The proposed neuro-fuzzy controller incorporates fuzzy logic algorithm with a five layer artificial neural network (ANN) structure as shown in Fig. 3. ANFIS architecture that has two inputs e and Δe and one output Vd (or Vq). Oi2 = wi = μ Ai ( x) μ Bi ( y ) i=1,2,3 (17) Layer 3: This layer is normalization layer. Every node in this layer is a circle node labeled N. The i-th node calculates the ratio of the rule’s firing strength to the sum of all rules’ firing strength. Oi3 = wi = wi ∑ wi i=1,2,3 (18) i Layer 4: This layer is consequent layer. All nodes are an adaptive mode with node function: Oi4 = wi f i = wi ( pi x + qi y + ri ) i=1,2,3 (19) where anfis is a normalized firing strength from layer 3, and {pi, qi, ri } is the parameter set of this node. Layer 5: This layer is output layer. The single node in this layer is a fixed node labeled ∑ that computes the overall output as the summation of all incoming signals: Oi5 = ∑ wi f i i=1,2,3 i (20) The parameters of ANFIS are updated using the back propagation error term as follow: Fig. 3. Structure of ANFIS controller for induction motor ∂E = k1.e + k2 .Δe ∂O 5 Layer 1: This layer is fuzzification layer. Degrees of membership functions are calculated in this layer for each input variable. The input variables of ANFIS are chosen as the error (e) and the change of error (∆e) that given by Equation (11), (12). Every node i in this layer is an adaptive node with node function: x = e (t ) (13) y = Δe(t ) (14) (21) The input signals error (e) and the change of error (∆e) multiplied by the coefficients k1 and k2. α k +1 = α k − η ∂E ∂α k (22) where α is any of the parameters of ANFIS and η is learning rate. The error will be reduced next training iteration. 104 IV. SIMULATION The reference value of high speed is changed from 1000 rpm to 1400 rpm at time, t=0.5 sec and again from 1400 rpm to 800 rpm at time, t=1.5 sec. The motor has been started under no load and with sudden load (TL=19 Nm) at t=1.0 sec. Simulation results of speed reference at 1000 rpm in Fig.5, it is observed that the speed response has no overshot and rise time 0.1 sec with all controllers. The performance of controllers that is obtained by setting reference speed from 1000 rpm to 1400 rpm is shown in Table II. The system for vector control induction motor is simulated in MATLAB software. The performance of the proposed ANFIS based induction motor drive is investigated at different operating conditions. The block diagram of simulation system is shown in Fig. 4. TABLE II. PERFORMANCE OF CONTROLLERS FOR HIGH SPEED Performance Term Rise Time (sec) Overshoot (%) Settling Time (sec) Steady State Error (%) PI 0.050 0.0 0.075 0.0 FLC 0.045 0.0 0.067 0.0 ANFIS 0.035 0.0 0.055 0.0 The load torque of 19 Nm is applied at t=1.0 sec. The performance of controllers is shown in Table III for load. TABLE III. Performance Term Transient Deviation (rpm) Transient Response Time (sec) Fig. 4. Vector control of induction motor block diagram The controller outputs Vsd and Vsq are stator voltages d-q components reference frame. Rotor flux position (θ) is used for coordinate transformations. In this study the inverter DC link voltage Vdc set at 530 VDC and switching frequency set at 5 kHz. The parameters of induction motor are as follows: P=3 kW U=380 V I=6,7 A n=1430 rpm Rs=1,45Ω Rr =1,93 Ω p=2 Ls = 0,2 H M=19 Nm PERFORMANCE OF CONTROLLERS FOR SUDDEN LOAD PI 33 0.10 FLC 15 0.07 ANFIS 8 0.03 The reference value of low speed is changed from 100 rpm to -100 rpm at t=0.5 sec and again from -100 rpm to 100 rpm at time, t=1.0 sec. The motor has been run without load. Fig.6 is shown the low speed response of controllers. The performance of controllers is shown in Table IV. Lm=0,1878 H J=0,03 kg.m2 B=0,03Nm.s/rad In order to prove the superiority of the proposed ANFIS, a comparison is made with the response of FLC and PI speed controller based induction motor drive. PI, FLC and ANFIS methods are tested in order to variable high speed and low speed targets, under no load and with sudden load. Fig.5 is shown the high speed response of controllers. Fig. 6. Low speed response of PI, FLC and ANFIS TABLE IV. PERFORMANCE OF CONTROLLERS FOR LOW SPEED Performance Term Rise Time (sec) Overshoot (%) Settling Time (sec) Steady State Error (%) PI 0.038 1.2 0.05 0.15 FLC 0.035 0.5 0.04 0.1 ANFIS 0.035 0.6 0.04 0 It can be concluded that the ANFIS shows good dynamic performance during rise time, overshoot, variable speed references and sudden load. Considering the all operating conditions, ANFIS yielded better performance than PI controller and FLC due to its good learning and generalization capabilities. Fig. 5. High speed response of PI, FLC and ANFIS 105 V. CONCLUSIONS Prevalence of induction motors applications in industrial areas requires efficient control of these motors. In this study, high efficient control algorithms have been developed for vector control of induction motor. This paper presents a comparative performance study of induction motor drive with PI, FLC and ANFIS controller for speed control. These methods have been tested via MATLAB software. 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