gown Of Toranci, Actine CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 3/28/2006 CERT. DATE CERT. NO. 2006-070 BUILDING PERMIT NO. 2004-341 DATE ISSUED 8/30/2004 ROAD LOCATION 65 SIMPLICITY WAY MAP 1 LOT A-12 8 SUB LOT BUILDING OWNER RICHARD J. SPEAR MAILING ADDRESS 24 FIELD VIEW DRIVE, NEw GLOUCESTER, MAINE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 28' X36' TWO STORY COLONIAL ON A FULL BASEMENT WITH AN ATTACHED 2-BAY GARAGE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND THE FOLLOWING OCCUPANCY THERE OF IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION TYPE: OCCuPANcY NumBER: UsE: V-B SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 6 OCCUPANCIES PERMANENT TEMPORARY NOT APPLICABLE BASEMENT X FIRST FLOOR X SECOND FLOOR X THIRD FLOOR GARAGE X OTHER (SPECIFY) INSPECTION APPROVALS YES STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL INTERNAL PLUMBING SEPTIC SYSTEM ELECTRICAL FIRE DEPT. No MANUFACTURED NOT REQUIRED INSPECTOR X X X X MANUFACTURED INSPECTION TAG NOS. SPECIAL CONDITIONS I. DISH WASHER, WHEN INSTALLED, SHALL BE ON ITS OWN DRAIN TRAP WITH AN AIR BREAK DEVICE IN LINE. 2. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE COMPLETED BY JUNE 30, 2006. OP' 1/ ARTHUR C. DUNLAP CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFIC 0—own of Torancf Code Enforcement Office 1231 Maine Street - PO Box 38 Poland, Maine 04274-0038 Tel: (207) 998-4601 BUILDING PERMIT 1 Lot # Simplicity Way Map # Road Location: 8 Sublot # A-12 Permit # Expiration DATE 2004-341 August 30, 2006 Tel. # Richard J. Spear Land Owner 24 Field View Drive, New Gloucester, Maine Mailing Address: Tel. # Applicant/Contractor: Richard J. Spear 24 Field View Drive, New Gloucester, Maine Mailing Address: Project Description: Build a 28' x 36' two-story dwelling on a full basement. Also a 24' x 24' one-story garage with a 10' x 18' entryway attached to to the house and garage. Also a 12' x 14' deck on the southerly side of the dwelling. Also a 10' x 6' covered porch in front of entryway. Permit Rates Floor Space (Sq Ft) 1,188 $ 0.077 /Sq Ft 1,188 $ 0.150 /Sq Ft First 37 Ac 1,008 $ 0.150 /Sq Ft Second 1 Attc $ 0.077 /Sq Ft 5-B 0.097 /Sq Ft 576 Garage 3 0.086 /Sq Ft Carport 2 $ 0.080 /Sq Ft Pool yes 168 $ 0.077 /Sq Ft Deck yes 60 $ 0.077 /Sq Ft oil FHW Patio/Porch $ 0.086 /Sq Ft Shed no Barn no $ 0.086 /Sq Ft 4,188 Total Sq Ft I understand that this permit is valid only for the use specified above. Any changes must be approved by the permitting authority. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and STATE that the above information is correct, and AGREE to comply with ALL Municipal Ordinances and State Laws regulating activities covered by this permit. Est. Value Lot Size Buildings Type Const. Bedrooms Stories Electricity Plumbing Heating Fireplace Woodstove $ 207,775 Basement f+f4/ Applicant's gna ure 926-6137 04260 926-6137 04260 Location Village - 1 No No District Shoreland Flood Zone Commercial No REQUIRED SETBACKS 50 FEET FROM EDGE OF RIGHT OF WAY 40 FEET FROM SIDE AND REAR LINES FEES: Application Building Permit Septic Permit Interior Plumbing Electrical Road Entry Demolition TOTAL 25.00 494.00 100.00 25.00 644.00 I Date This permit is approved on the basis of information provided by the applicant regarding his ownership and boundary locations. The applicant has the burden of ensuring that he has legal right to use the property and that he is measuring required setbacks from the legal boundary lines of the lot. The approval of this permit in no way relieves the applicant of this burden. Nor does this permit approval constitute a resolution in favor of the applicant of any issues regarding the property boundaries, ownership, or similar title issues. 30-Aug-04 DATE PERMIT ISSUED BY: Code Enforcement Offic ALL STRUCTURES MUST MEET AT LEAST TH 2000 BOCA STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION Construction Must be Substantially Started Within Six Months Of Being Issued Or Permit Becomes Void. Mobile Homes Must Be Anchored to Slab or Foundation With Proper Number of Tie Downs Bill Willett N 404 Subject: Location: Richard Spear Simplicity Drive - M - 1, Start: End: Wed 3/22/2006 2:00 PM Wed 3/22/2006 3:00 PM Recurrence: (none) 1. n. Final Inspection & Street Number 1 CEO Office Tel: 207-998-4604 Main Office Tel: 207-998-4601 @Own of Torand Code (Enforcement Office 1231 Aaine Street, T.O. (Box 38 Totand, Xaine 04274-0038 Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Richard Spear 24 Field View Drive New Gloucester, Maine 04060-3655 Tax Map Lot Location: Map 1 Lot 8 Sub-lot A-12 Additional Information: New Address: 65 Simplicity Way Poland, Maine 04274 IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS AS YOUR MAILING ADDRESS, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE POLAND POST OFFICE ON 965 MAINE STREET (Route 26). The Town of Poland has a Street Naming and Numbering Ordinance. All businesses and residences in the Town of Poland need a street number assigned to them. This form is to let you know the new street number and address for the building located at the location indicated above. The Ordinance requires that each property owner display a street number on their principal building. The following are the guidelines and rules for displaying the street number on your buildings: 1. Number will be in block form and not script. 2. Numbers must be at least four inches high. 3. Numbers are to be located near the front door of the building. 4. Numbers will be on a contrasting background to make them easy to read. 5. Numbers must be easily seen from the road. 6. Buildings more than 100 feet from the road or are not visible from the road need to install a post at the driveway entrance to the building with the street number on it. The numbers need to follow guidelines 1, 2, 4, & 5, above and be at least four feet above the ground but no more than eight feet above the ground. 7. Inform the Town Tax Assessor of the mailing address you will use. Art Dunlap, Code Enforcement Officer Dili Willett Subject: Location: Richard Spear - SSWD Inspection Simplicity Way, Map - 1, Lot - 8A, Sub - 12 Start: End: Wed 7/6/2005 3:00 PM Wed 7/6/2005 4:00 PM Recurrence: (none) 1. Stopped by to ask for inspection; 2. Paced and verify bed dementions 20' X 45'; 3. Paced Side lines to bed and septic tank from house; 4. Pipe and Bed calculations: a) ERP 00 b) Laser -25" c) Pipes -53" d) Stick -28" or 2' - 4" 5. Approved work. ERP 00 Laser -25" Bottom-64" Stick -39" or 3' - 3"; I 40.3 SUBSURFACE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM APPUCATION MOM - ATTACH MI SPACE SEWN 44 WIDOW POL iioioi $1i 30 7-ao L.P.I.# ' , Local Plumbing Inspec or Sature if TOWN COPY :3076 uaee Permit !esti d: °1 6- Double Fee FEE Charged - IY -13 I rnto) DIMON MOW Z76 aeons per day SABO Olt AG 1.10bIs MA Welling WIN 0 2. Table 601.2 OTOWballies) SHOW OtaiLATIONS — for dhow SWIM — 3 6edko-cwL/c7D 3. Won 503.0 (=Ty roodises) ATTACH WATERT/MIR DATA I wally est on that the proposed a site evabudion an Ilk property and state Mattis data reported sre accurate and (date) I 011oopieted t Ftules (113-1W CMR 241). Is in compilance wit the State cA Maine Subsurface Wastewater Mean ?--(4) 3 zoloq Date /UP 3 SUBSURFAN WASTSIDAThit DISPOSAL SYS= APPUCATION Skeet, Road, SUbdivlidon Town, City, Plentalion 7 4-ow'SIMs PLAN 5kti1A,k-Scale I" Department of Human Services Dhtleion of Health Englneerktg (207) 2874872 Fa= (201) 2037-3165 Ownees Name I** n CAN( CO ft. or u Shown srrs LOCATION PLAN Make Atka imcacomeaded) (map AM , v SOIL DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION (Location of Observation Holes Shown Above) 1:3 Teat Pit 0 Boring Obsetvatiam Hole Observation Hole —al 0 Ng Test Pit DBcIhlZ Depth of Organic Horizon Above Mineral Soli " Depth ofOtganie Hodson Above Mineral Soil Moiling Cassistoney Woe Tad= • Color Ji • . Talon 0 11. IMW MI= 111•n• 11n0 ,-,10 10 . = W.W.MO ^ 120 A eo = .5) (mati k 0-0/\ 11WnPW 130 30 wO. ••n•••n••• ^ 40 ^ 40 7 ^ NEM 50 WO. SailOsaifiadsa c- Psellis Cold= Sap z- rails or a_d1 fifigariMatar VI= talge CjlitOsok f 881 150 Sal Chsdaratial Slope —Tro Pzii ?Ai Date — rifts I Onord War I I Itsiddiss Leer Pub" [ 1 D“rodc • [ Ph Dece Psge 2 of 3 1111E-201) Rev. 8101 Depadmet of Human Sendces Division of Health Engineedng SUBSURFACE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM APPLICATION War. 1%k 1,1 Ez/4-ai4 .4)1- R-'4f4A-4 . Secm,- ) 2- SUBSUBFACE WASTIMATICR DISPOSAL FLAN Note: Materials and installation shall be in accordance with Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules dated 10/02 as amended. NtLIEQUIREBEINIS DR& ofF111 (0Page) DLO otIPIE(Dowedope) Up Finbiliedesie Medias Top etniftlielian Pipe cePteFietety Device Bottom °ram ped Axes ,LOAM S SEIID SCALE: y Seale DISPOSAL AREA CROSS SEClION Batiseatal Waded 2" HAY OR EQUAL ' 4" 01A. (TYR) 12" MN 3/4"-21/2" DIA, STONE 20'-0" 5'-0" 5' - 0" • al" 9AL i•it. 3' SHOULDER (TYP) 5! -0" "%Mk TWW1. 261` Co AC74,-(5 (4)L-( ? Ste Evalodor Simms It 0 EaSseace Ekratlote 1r-12",CLEAN FILL 51 -0" 1"— ELEVATION REPERENCII poen,. (r? Leetdon isDeeenotioa: ELEVATICINS t pon 287-3185 Ownefs Name Street, Road, Subdviaion Toam, City, (31entalion J. (207) 2574872 Floc 73 SE # Date Page 3 of 3 MM-200 Rev. NI Bill Willett Subject: Location: Richard Spear - SSWDInspection Simplicity Way, Map - 1, Lot - 8A, Sub - 12 Start: End: Wed 7/6/2005 3:00 PM Wed 7/6/2005 4:00 PM Recurrence: (none) 1. Stopped by to ask for inspection; 6K-K 5,-3 cd(1 ee —set 6,-cl-DA —64'1 s'e stl(tiR 1 PLUMBING APPLICATION 40 1/ ad A-IL- Department of Human Sciences Division of Health Engineering ROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNERS NAME Last: RM1T IT5RIN 311. 6 L.P.i.# First: Mailing Address of Owner/Applicant (If Different) Owner/Applicant Statement Caution: Inspection Required I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any falsification is reason for the Local Plumbing Inspectors to deny a Permit. I have inspected the installation authorized above and found it to be in compliance with the Maine Plumbing Rules. 4 41 Signature of OWner/Applicant C;1*Date Local Plumbing Inspector Signature Date Approved PERMIT INFORMATION This Application is for Type of Structure To Be Served: 1. X, NEW PLUMBING 1. ig-SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 2. 0 RELOCATED PLUMBING 2. LI MODULAR OR MOBILE HOME 3. 0 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING 4. El OTHER — SPECIFY Plumbing To Be Installed By: 1. la Number HOOK-UP: to public sewer in those cases where the connection is not regulated and inspected by the local Sanitary District. OR HOOK-UP: to an existing subsurface wastewater disposal system. PIPING RELOCATION: of sanitary lines, drains, and piping without new fixtures. OR TRANSFER FEE [$6.00] Column 2 Type of Fixture LICENSE # jL (7,31 Number Column 1 Type of Fixture Hosebibb / Sillcock Bathtub (and Shower) Floor Drain Shower (Separate) Urinal Sink Drinking Fountain Wash Basin Indirect Waste Water Closet (Toilet) Water Treatment Softener, Filter, etc. Clothes Washer Grease / Oil Separator Dish Washer Dental Cuspidor Garbage Disposal Bidet Laundry Tub Other. Water Heater Fixtures (Subtotal) Column 2 SEE PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE FOR CALCULATING FEE Page 1 of 1 HHE-211 Rev. 6;94 PUBLIC UTILITY EMPLOYEE 111 PROPERTY OWNER 4. Li 5. Hook-Up & Piping Relocation Maximum of 1 Hook-Up MASTER PLUMBER 2. 111 OIL BURNERMAN 3. 0 MFG'D. HOUSING DEALEI9/MECHANIC Town of Toland, Xcline Code Enforcement Office 1231 Maine Street - PO Box 38 Poland. Maine 04274-0038 Tel: (207) 998-4601 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Map # Road Location: Lot # S SuMat e - Application Building Permit # A 42 Application DATE:10 1z5 I 04 itoy Applicant / Land Owner 'R IC ita,r4 ecor Mailing Address: 2 Li, rfek Electrical Cont. C e A eVectric License Number 03 b Mailing Address: Dia 4-/ yvn 361 \Zcc a00 - 3 1 ) Tel. # 24 - 13 7 Iouceciw Tel. # r.2_- ) 3)) "OM...X. I'VC LI () Project Description: s in (e Fool 1-601e, to INSTALLATION DETAILS Item Outside Lighting & Signs Item Service Entrances Temporary Overhead, permanent Underground, permanent Remote & Sub Panels Qty Amount Rate/ ea i Transformers Vaults Tranformers Underground J-box Motor devices Sewer pump Well pump Furnace system Motors <= 3 HP Motors > 3HP Generator Transfer Sw /1,41 rau A S Service d 1 $ $ - $ $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ 20.00 20.00 30.00 8.00 Amount Lighted Signs Parking Lot/Street Lamp Posts Non Entryway $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Alarm Systems $ - $ 4.00 7 4/ 6 $ $ - $ $ 30 $ - $ I $ - $ $ - $ 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 8.00 8.00 Fixture Boxes 4.00 Smoke & CO Detectors Recptacles Switches 4.00 Permanent lighting 4.00 Range/ Oven 4.00 Dryers 4.00 Water Heaters 6.00 Other 8.00 26 f - $ $ $ SUB TOTAL $ 71 APPLICATION FEE $ Minimum Charge $20.00 I understand that this permit application is valid only for the use specified above. Any changes must be approved by the permitting Authority. ITotal Amount Due DATE Applicants signature DATE APPLICATION REVIEWED BY: Code Enforcement Officer 130 10.00 $ 1l -36 I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct, and AGREE to comply with tate Laws regulating activities El all Municipal rdina cover b this Electrical Inspector, Larry Cloutier - Tel: 998-2165 All wiring must meet the current National Electrical Codes Rate/ea 0 $ $ $ Electrical Permit ETowil of (Poralla Code Enforcement Office 1231 Maine Street - PO Box 38 Poland. Maine 04274-0038 Tel: (207) 998-4601 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Map # Road Location: Land Owner Mailing Address: Electrical Cont. License Number Mailing Address: Project Description: 1 Lot # 8 Sublot # A-12 Simplicity Way 2004-341 Permit # Expiration DATE 25-Oct-06 Tel. # Richard J. Spear 24 Field View Drive, New Gloucester, Maine Tel. # C&A Electric 17036 264 Falmouth Road, Windham, Maine 926-6137 04260 892-1077 Wire new house Item Application Service Entrances Temporary Permanent Remote Panels Qty Amount 1 $ 10.00 1 $ FEES DETAILS Item Outside Lighting & Signs Lighted Signs Parking Lot/Street Lamp Posts Non Entryway 30.00 Transformers Vaults 0 - 25 KVA 26 - 200 KVA Over 200KVA Motors & Generators Sewer Pump Water Pump Furnace System Motors <= 3 hp Motors >3hp Generator hook up Amount Qty Alarm Systems 1 1 $ $ Fixture Boxes Smoke & CO Alarms Receptacles Light Switches Permanent lighting Range/ovens Dryers Water Heater Other 4.00 4.00 2.10 13.80 9.00 7.80 0.30 0.30 7 46 30 26 1 1 56.30 TOTAL Amount Minimum Charge $20.00 I understand that this permit is valid only for the use specified above. Any changes must be approved by the permit-fing authority. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and STATE that the above information is correct, and AGREE to comply with ALL Municipal Ordinances and State Laws regulating activities covered by this permit. $ Due DATE OC) 56.00 2T Applicants si a ure DATE PERMIT ISSUED BY: 25-Oct-04 Code Enforcernent I ier Contact Electrcal Inspector, Larry Cloutie or rough in and final inspections - Tel: 627 - 7036 All wiring must meet the current National Electrical odes Page 1 Poland BP Application Town of Tofancf, gkaine Cock (Enforcement Office PO Box 38, Poland, Maine 04274-0038 Tel: 207-998-4604 Residential Building /Use Application Date Application Received: LOT BASIC INFORMATION: ,v Map # i Lot # 0 Sub # Road Location Lot Size 2, 07 Acres or Sq. Ft. Year lot created: 2 / Land Owner(s): Rtcitc,S Spear- 4 I( 3 /7/ Permit # 2- A - 1 2. S i 4,Tio Act 0 Mobile Site # fj LO-zr Road Frontage: ttt9e3 2 Q03 (If unknown, give best guess with +/- after date) tet 1)(e-,-- b /ivt Mail Address: a( Town/State/Zip Ak.0 6/ouc-Ailei5 f4 747 Ft. Estimated Value of Construction $ Work Phone: Tio - 07a) Home Phone: ci Z6 - 6 /3 7 Ce_Ct) (round to nearest $100) APPLICANT Applicant is: X Landowner Contractor Renter Iffollowing not the information: landowner, submit a letter of permission to construct or contract to buy from the landowner, along withBuyer the Name(s): Company Mail Address: Work Phone: Town/State/Zip Alternate Phone: LOT USE: Zoning District: (), Current Use of Lot: 1 i 1fe Flood Zone District: klo- c V. c LA 1--- a copy of any deed or subdivision restrictions (use extra sheet of paper i f necessary): g oldie Submit Proposed Construction or Use of Lot Rev 2002.10.28 Page 1 of 4 A 44 1404--Q__ Poland BP Application EXISTING LOT CONDITIONS / Grounds Undeveloped lot Yes No (If Yes, go to next Page) Not applicable Yes No If no, supply information of well installer. Not applicable No Yes Subsurface Wastewater System If yes, submit a copy of a SSWS permit, or drawings showing location. If no, submit 3 copies of a SSWS application. No Yes Existing Road Entry If no, submit road entry permit signed by proper authority. No Yes If yes, will there be any changes If yes, submit road entry permit signed by proper authority No Yes Structures to be removed If yes, submit information about the structure to be removed and how any debris will be disposed. Lawns and other grounds improvements Sq. Ft. or Acres Size of lawns Sq. Ft. or Acres Size of fields Sq. Ft. or Acres Other open areas Sq. Ft. or Acres Filled wetlands Well Main Structure Ground Foot Print Total Floor Space Road Frontage Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Distance to Great Pond Distance to Stream Distance to Wetlands Sq. Ft. (include drip edge of eaves.) Sq. Ft. (exterior dimensions) Ft. Ft. Ft. Not applicable (over 250') Ft. Not applicable (over 250') Ft. Not applicable (over 250') Ft. Number of Bedrooms Electric Oil Gas Heating system FHA FHW Type of Heat Distribution Wood stove Alternative Heating Frost Walls Full Basement Foundation Volts Amps Size of Electrical Service Entrance Accessory Structures Total Number of Structures Total Ground Foot Print Total Floor Space Closest Road Setback Closest Side Setback Closest Rear Setback Distance to Great Pond Distance to Streams Distance to Wetlands Rev 2002.10.28 Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Page 2 of 4 None Other Radiant Fireplace Piers Slab Phase(s) Not applicable (over 250') Not applicable (over 250') Not applicable (over 250') Poland BP Application PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Grounds—New Development: (Submit Lot Plan) Forest Opening Sq. Ft. Driveway Sq. Ft. Lawns Sq. Ft. Open Space Sq. Ft. TOTAL Sq. Ft. • Well Installer A.Acte. P4Q,,e SSWS Installer 'cl/t,,4 Ft. Number of Bedrooms Main Heating System* c..) n Alternate Heating Foundation Type** fa/ re CUl CirAe Pools Above Ground In Ground Patio/deck area Pool house Rev 2002.10.28 Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Will new construction meet standard setback requirements? %./. Yes No If no, submit information to substantiate reasons to allow closer setbacks. CO? **Indicate Full walls, frost walls, slab, Heating System Foundation Type Heating System Foundation Type Basement Area: (Submit drawing) Unfmished IPS Sq. Ft. Finished Sq. Ft. Garage Sq. Ft. First Floor Area: (Submit drawing) Main structure 1 FS' Sq. Ft. Decks Sq. Ft. Porches CO Sq. Ft. 574 Garage Sq. Ft. Sheds Sq. Ft. Second Floor Area: (Submit drawing) Main Structure Sq. Ft. Balcony Sq. Ft. Storage area Sq. Ft. Attic or higher floor areas: (Submit drawing) Main Structure Sq. Ft. Over Garage Sq. Ft. *Indicate oil, gas, wood and FlIW, FHA, RADiant piers, etc. and Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sheds / Gazebos / Barns (Submit drawing) Basement Sq. Ft. Main Floor Sq. Ft. Second Floor Sq. Ft. Loft Sq. Ft. Main Structure (Submit Lot Plan) Lot width at bldg. location Detached Accessory Structures Garages / Carports (Submit drawing) Main Floor ' Second Floor Attached shed Is new project within 250 feet of a pond, stream, or wetland?, Yes %, No Total Building Floor Area 2/ / citc• Sq. Ft. type of material Page 3 of 4 Poland BP Application DISCLOSURE: (READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING) I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information in this document is to the best of my knowledge correct and accurate. I agree to comply with all the Town of Poland's ordinances and the State of Maine's statutes regulating the activities sought in this application as well as any permit(s) approved for this application. I understand that all construction of structures shall conform to the BOCA Building Codes of 1978, or later edition, and the NFPA-101 Life Safety Codes of 1997. I understand that any permit(s) approved is/are valid for only the use(s) as specified in the application(s). The permitting authority must approve any change(s) made to the use(s) sought in this application. Any permit(s) issued for this application is/are approved on the basis of truthful information provided by the applicant(s) listed in this document, and as allowed by the ordinances of the town. I understand that it is my responsibility to assure that the lot description herein accurately describes its ownership, its boundary lines, and the setback measurements from the legal boundary lines. I understand that I have the burden of proof as to the legal right to use the property, and approval of this application in no way relieves me of this burden. Any permit approval issued does not constitute a resolution in favor of myself or the landowner in any matters regarding the property boundaries, ownership, or similar titles. I understand that if I fail to comply with the aforementioned statements, a "STOP WORK" order may be issued for which I will immediately halt any use(s) that are approved for this application. This failure may also require that I return the property to its natural state or as closely thereto before the use(s) were approved. I understand that a Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance shall be required prior to the start of any use or occupancy associated with this application unless a signed written waiver is issued with the permit. Fines and penalties may be issued if use or occupancy is started prior to the issuance of the certificate. I understand that the issued permit becomes invalid if: construction or use has not commenced within six (6) months; construction is suspended for more than six (6) months and no notice for just cause is submitted prior to the end of the six (6) months; or it is found that false statements have been furnished in this application. I understand that all state and federal permits are the responsibility of the applicant. Pi 0/ Of' D te Applicant ignature 04/ This application received first review by the Code Enforcement Office on Date This application is: /// Approved Disapproved Incomplete Referred to the Planning Board Re —al-arrfelf4lea-ap1,rovg! /2/mad A/0-0-el ctrynriA Code Eiforcement Officer ' Rev 2002.10.28 ."--d Date Page 4 of 4